Newspaper Page Text
fjmgricanjork Citizen 1 VOLUME 1 AMERICAN POIIK CItIzkIhATPIIIUY, FKIIUt'AHY 14 "i MM 1 Outlook for Prosperity , . stockmen, Merchants audi Jj'ffirt AH I'OOK Forward to a $ M,nJo,l Vcar Hi Their Scleral Lines. l w..r Interviewing tho lending cltl- - A!'of American Fork, we feel justl- 1' ft In Sing tl.c people of this f .mVonc of the most prosporous locality onto. o win uot be "Whine I "tho nature of a boom, "fjSfjS Pl"l". B"11"' 00d ,lvcrnB0 ''lirSs of nil prosperity la the -' .,mr It has been ninny years Binco 1 Sh 'n'sluru """.Bottcn Into tho I Si u to Micro now. It bus nlso boon I nt jenrs bIiico there was so fbundant a supply of snow in the . , imintalns for tho summer's use, so M St taken all In all tho outlook for mod crops could not bo better. Farm a,m olcts still maintain their high nrices anil beef and milch cows never rc to high. The sugur beet exports are predicting two more tons of beets r acre than were grown last year because of the favorable outlook. nil American Fork will bo tho tormlnuB iilS for the Intcrurban railroad for two or ?; '.1, montliB, which should help wme, and when It gets In complcto operation the new road should add a M good lolumo of business for our local merchants. The usual number of now homes Till bq erected this year, which will I lire employment to tho local me. mS chanlci. " The Intcrurban should also mnko It profitable to go Into truck' gardening m la this locality. Thero Is no better place on earth for growing celory than tie lands south of town. Last year ,lm one man In Ilouiitlful took ?1,G00 . .m worth of garden truck from two acres MB of land. Thero are many acres of land here that could bo made to dup l Ilcate this record. m The sheep men hnvo marketed their wool for a good price and lambs will probably bring a record prlco the S' coming summer. The knowing ours who aro posted r I on the can) on possibilities predict I that American Fork Is duo for a great J boom. Certain It Is that should two f or thrco good producing mines be opened up the town, would take on a business Impetus that It has never experienced bvfoie. Just such a con- dlilon Is entirely within tho proba bilities. When tho deep snow drove lar! the miners out really llvo proportleB or- were on the shipping list and my one of them liable to dovelop'into a big proposition. John Clcghorn wns developing a nice hunch of oro on the I Yankee, the Wild Uros. strike In the Dutchman Is of bucIi a character as to giro great promise, tho Pacific last Tuesday made its twenty-first shlp raent of $to rock and may any time develop Into a mlno of big propor tions, tho Johnson Bros, in tho Silver iDlpper linve some good oro to"tuko 'i?.,.hc Bl)rl"B( WndleyBroa. lu the Old Wyoming aro backing a good f. from a promising lead and II. W. Owens in tho North Stnr mlno has wty tons Backed ready for shipment. Besides these properties work wjll commeiico soon as spring opens on toe following: Hay State, Mary Ellen, Smuggler, Sunday, Utah Centennial, American Volunteer, OBbornc, tho 811 r Hat and many others. Any of those mentioned ns being In tho ship ping list may develop into big mine. ti,V",yma,c.1" ll,clr Present condition wy will give n lot of men employ ment in tho workings or hnullng tho ore to the railroad. In tho others a Iffi! m.1y b, "corded at any time JWch will add them to tho shipping Jken "!! .'" nll the vorago cltl I , "8 "?thl"B ,0 fenr trom tho com- . I S STAv' U, C"trnry "much t0 FbtbI n I WANTS POULTRY I AND FRESH ECrGS I TKrk!' f Ul C,t,Mn Araer,cnn - Here's a market at your door for Poultry anil fresh eggs at tho best m market price. Tho following letter "Plains Iteoir: I acW'.T" . 0ur U1"'"B cur di,nrl J turine ni,'!'r,onc,lR difficulty In so ry a mi 'r Li:.i,;,,t B,1,',ly or Bod Poul M g can n 0g?8 for "80 0H th0 dln "I to, Ur Ilno' u ,8 our desl" I We h! n,80, co,mndloB from tho you e,i l "l01,g our llno' "nd lf I JtorS ,.C0ll8,8tcllUr d0 B0 l BllouId I hTat.n yo11'' t-alllng this matter to I hem .. "0" our rmtvre, having Rr m,m,!,,cut0 whl1 . 0. V. nouu.'"l',ni,,,,81aur' nBent' 8,llt Laku any , fi ' ,;"ko Ciy lt ""y have I the b, 1CU for 8ul- Wo ro paying Crrl'T1'01 1,rlco ",,d want the M aucnitni. tK ?..u vory Mmly for yur M lcm," ' "tls mnttor, I hm; V lours truy, J H. MANDBRFIL'LD. M MM'tHiVS mit'l'IIHAY. M by'1tlilo0,l1,Ji!,y WUB. Kornlly observed V ThuriSav ,lno"8. ll0UH08 ot tl10 city C1 i.yfiC,l0B,,,B' n,,d by tl10 CBtl 30 ,. l,Bn,mi,'r gradeB closed thine ?,n ','" l ,e Bcl,ooIs wro closed. 'o trarh,, cach0 chance to attend held t 'e,8, coviitloii, which whb SAN l'lIDHQ , i,osi:.s ll?U w i ' ' 1 VMtl " y Moaai'B- Gregory R. M Italiioa, ,' ,u,1"L,y" for tho San Pedro I e"lcaii i',b" ,,a.ujr' c"luo d0 o Am- It by ti ... J7 a caB0 n,l' hki'IubI H oni,V ii i,H"8oiii. through his fr tin. vi. "''k' whoroln ho asked lai"l' s fcofu,l,r,nlr"roi,p "9nd ot paswiiK,, Vm' k,llod l,y defendant's "luuin, -an. ,n 0I' .APr . 1'Jia. and m ""'b coats. Thu cubo wub tried before Justice Hunter. Tho following jurors were empan noled: Charles Logle, William WaJ stuff, Laton CaBady, Hoy Thou n Bonfl, T. P. Corbett, J. H. Seeley lT Ari?,nd W,lllnm Koblnson. After deliberating on the fucts for jjome time the Jury rendered Judgment i,l4nr.0,t3MCosTs,.,8lclo,, l?5"2 As usual, tho railroad .company will appeal tho case to tho district court. FON CHIWIAJi CASK OHIIKHKl) IIEI9ISTATGD Tho supremo court rendered a de cision Monday ordering Judgo A U Morgan of tho Fourth District Court to rclnstnto the appeal of Fon Chin man, who was convicted of a misde meanor in tho justice court and sen tenced to pay a flno of $299 and serve sixty days nl Jnll. Chlpman had nppoalcd to tho dis trict court from tho Justlco court, but tho district court dismissed tho ap peal on motion of tho county attor ney, who denied over having been sorved with u notice of appeal. Chlpmnn then applied to tho su premo court for a writ of mandate, forcing tho district court to hear the appeal. Rovlowlng this application, tho supremo court finds thnt tho dis missal was wholly unauthorized, and orders thnt tho casq be reinstated and heard on Its merits. The case will now hnvo to bo tried lu the district court.. A GOOD LAUGHABLE SHOW Knuto Knutson company, which hold forth at tho Opera House last Monday night, was greeted with a full house. Tho music was flno and much appreciated. Tho show was Interest ing and laughablo throughout and was up to their advertising schedule. All got their money's worth and wore well satisfied with tho evening's en tertainment. " DISTIilCT COURT. Florence O. Hendrlcksen of Amer ican Fork has boon granted n divorce from Honry O. Hendrlcksen by dcfnult on tho ground of failure to provide. Tho maiden nnmo of plaintiff, Flor ence Green, was restored. The par tics wcro married April 10, 1913, at Salt Lnko City. Samuel Huggard of American Fork was cited to appear Monday, Feb. 10, to show cause why ho should not be adjudged guilty or contempt for fail ure to pay alimony ns directed by decree of court, Nov. 16, 1912, vb. Samuel Huggard. it is claimed there Is duo plaintiff $329.10. - - Mill He Located at Spring Creek. According to tho best advices ob tainable, tho Federal Fish Hatchery for tho Statu or Utah 1b going to be located at no other point than on .Spring Qroek, five miles south of,Pro vo and one mile north of Springville. Tho government has gone over the situation very carefully and nlthough thoy havo uot yet dcflnately announc ed tho placo of their choice, it is con ceded by all who aro acquainted with conditions that thero Is no o Hi re placo In tho stato that can oven begin to coino up to Spring Creek either for water, facilities tor handling tho fish and for their distributing through tho state, or for getting natural food for tho fish. I'rovo PoBt. l-'ISH FOIt THE NEEDY. Flftcon tons of tlsh from Utah Lako for tho distribution among tho poor ot Salt Lako City and county, have boon donated to the Salt Lako county commissioners by tho stato fish and gamo department. Tho fish Includ ing, suckers, .carp, chub and catfish, wero seined out of tho lake, loadod on freight cars and shipped Into Salt Lnko and distributed to the needy families or that city and county from tho car In tho railroad yards. Tho Salt Lako city commissioner agreeing to pay ono cent a pound to cover tho cost of catching and load ing tho flsli at tho lake, and as ar rangements wero mado with tho railroad company to haul tho fish to tho city free of chargo, this was the only expense that was attached to the donation. Tho tlsh wcro caught Tuesday and Wednesday. n ' HUSTLE, BOY, HUSTLE. Young man, don't stand on the street corner with your hands In your pockets awaiting a snap? Tho chanc es aro uluuty-iiiuo to u hundred thnt It will novor turn up. Thoro nro too many follows lu tho same pursuit, and If tho snap passes down tho lino to you lt will bo because lt Is lu disguise. Don't always bo on tho look out for a soft thing, for the longer you look tho harder you will ta'l when you havo nu nttack ot horso bciibo. Tho rellow who Is continually Becking a snap will collldo with tho butt end of. adversity just as suro as tho blue birds will como In tho spring. He wl'l buck up against It with a physi cal emphnslB that, calculated to bring hlui to his senses, but oftlmo too late to catch tho train' or opportunities that has been passing and ropnBsIng before him for yenrs, o I do tho vory best I know how tho ery best I can; ami I mean to keep doing bo until tho oud. If the end brings mo out all right, what Is said against mo won't amount to any thing. H tho ond brings mo out wrong, toil angels swearing I wns right would mnko no difference. Abraham Lincoln. no careful to keep the ids out of tho minds of your chll i you are to Koop them out of y- n. Hut remember something w thoro. If you don't plant t. i good grain tho tafos will ta, in splto or you. Keep n libit good clean books, and by all u. jicun your horao paper before tb , ; , , M Two Missionaries 'M Return From JipM ,;1 Lester Chlpman, Who Left In JHM 1010, and Leonard llnrrlngtaii.'W, Mho Left in October, 111,F lUtiirn Homo Tuesiliij. ,- ; v 4' Lester Ohlpmnu and Leonard Har rlngton returned .from mlssloifHCte Japan Tuesday evening. Mr. tinders? T. J. Chlpman went to San Francisco to meet tho boyB and returned .homo with them. Uoth young men nro look? Jng well and reeling tine and report, having greatly enjoyed their mission: Mr. Chlpmnn sailed on tho stcnmahlil Monteaglo trom Vancouver, U. C, Jtinjl 28, 1910, mid was Bovontcen days brf tho trip. Mr. Harrington sailed frc-nl Senttle, Wash., in October, 1911, on the? Japnnoso boat Inaba Mnru, and whb' Blxtoon days crossing tho ocean. TlH&y, landed at Yokohama and went direct to Tokyo, where tho mission headquar ters aro located. 4 M Mr. Chlpman spent a few days nl headquarters and then wns nsslgned to Morloka, n district 3C0 miles to tho north, whore ho labored ono year. Ho also labored a scar on tho Island ot Hokaldo, where tho snow rails flvo rcct deep In tho winter tlmo. Tho balauco of tho tlmo was spoilt in Tokyo. Mr. Harrington wns assigned to Kofu, whoro ho Inborcd all tho tlmo ho was on his mission. Tho boys tnlk entertainingly or their experiences- nnd of tho strango cus toms of tho people While- tho male population is rapidly adopting the American form of dross, tho ladles still cling to their komonns. Most of the women nnd tho men of tho lower clasB wear wooden Bhocs. In tho cities tho homes nro profusely decorated, while In tho country tho homcB uro exceed ingly plain, but their gardens aro most beautiful. Tho floors uro cov; ored with mats nnd pcoplo aro all re quired to rcmovo their shoes beforo ontcrlng. Tho country Is largely composed or rolling hills, though thero aro Humor ous smnll vnlloys where tho rice Is grown In nbundnncc. Thero arc thirteen Mormon oldors laboring in Japan at present, and there oro between fifty and sixty Jap ancBo converts, members of -'the church. In returning homo their "boat stopped nt Honolulu for.Bovornl hours, giving them nn opportunity to visit tho mission hendqunrtcrs and tako an auto ride around tho Island. Sovcral days wero also spent In San Fran cisco. Doth young men upoko in high praise or the Citizen, which came to them regularly, and which was much appreciated. u A, fine baby: boy. arrived; at1. th'ttjhiliU ofiIr.anlMni.4vWIII''Chndwlck on Tuesday, It is alright to marry on the theory thnt two can llvo as cheap as one but tho ratio Is likely to fluctuate. Misses Rosclla and Mnblc Storrs spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Provo relatives. Mr. Oliver Touiicson ot Snlt Lake spent Monday visiting IiIb brothor-ln-laws, U. J. H. A. Phorson and Mr. Andres Pchrson ot Highland. K. J. It. A. Pchrson or Highland spent Lincoln's Hirthdny hero ing his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Honry Mackliu. Mr. and Mrs. Will Uodcll and Mr. Truss Hodoll of Herrlmnn wore guests of Mrs. Uodcll's mother, Mrs. Martha Chlpman, a fow days this week. A largo number or the Sunday school ofllcors and teachers, of our city went to Provo Sunday to attend Sunday school convention held there, Mr. R. II. Ueesloy or tho Hcesloy Marblo Works company or Provo was In American Fork on business Mon day. Tho management ot tho Orient Thoatro has culled ovory Feature Film Co. In tho state and has booked from those oxchauges for Its patrons all tho best four- llvo and six reel sub jects. Watch for announcements. li-lt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hlndluy on tortnlncd nt a party nt their homo Wednesday evening, which was en Joyed by twenty-llvo friends. A good lively tlmo was had lu dancing and playing games followed by delicious refreshments, A Salt Lako City woman Is suing for a dhorco says, that her husband's stenographer looked at him "long ingly, lovingly, sweotly nnd Inviting ly. Thoro would bo less divorces If wives would look ut their husbands In this manner. Milton Chlpmnn of this city, who Is nttcudiug school at tho lt. Y, U. of I'rovo, will succeed Clarence J. Woods or Provo as deputy county clork whou Mr, Woods leaves on his illusion to Qrent Britain in April. Tho many friends of Miss Lola Uartlctt ot Pleasant Cirovo and Mr. Dolus Adams of this city will bo pleased to hear ot tholr marrlugo, which will take placo at Kvnustou, Wyoming, today. A wedding recep tlou will bo given lu tholr honor tho homo ot tho groom's parents !' evening, to which the near relutl ' and some friends aro Invited. The young couple will mako their homo ut pilugvlllo ut present, whore Mr isms is employed, Fish ! Fish ! Fish l I I Catch a fish if you can, but before I I'll I doing so, call at Chipman's Hard- I jlj m ware Department and purchase a iH Fish License from "Joe or Earl." m l The Season opens February 15th, Ml P to Every one who has a License. "m I You cannot Fish unless you have i!H H Hooks, Lines, Reels, Flies, Bask- m. et, etc. We have just received a fine fj H m Shipment, can supply you needs at- very Hi I low prices. II I Hip Rubber Boots, Hunting Coats 1 1 1 1 Pocket Books for Carrying Hooks. I fffl i Hunting Caps I mk i3 -- , -jk-. 'I III ill , Everything in the Sporting Line at I m I Chipman's Big Red Store I I R&Su AmericanEprk'..,.,, .aijiiiSP. iBSBH Checkers jn flvo reels nt tho Orient Wednesday, Feb. 18. 14-lt Your ideuB of advertising may bo good, but worthless without printer's Ink. When your wife tells you sho show ed poor. Judgement In marrying you, accept her arguments quietly as a demonstration of your superior wis dom at a critical moment of pour lives. Show us a man who has never made a mlstako nnd wo will show jou a man who never made any thing else. Utah county has soverul of such fellows. Thu only honest nnd honorable way to stop u newspaper is to step into the ofllcu and pay up all arrearage, get a receipt and have your name off the list. To lire your paper buck marked "refused" when you ouo six mouths or a year, and novor go near tho ofllco Is not' only dlsreputablo but Buper lathe dishonest as well. The Trl-Stako Sunday School con vention held at Provo Sunday was at tended by nearly a thousand officers nnd teachers, tho roll call showing there wero present 1G7 from Alpine Stake, 1G1 from tho Nebo Stake nnd GC8 from tho Utah Stako. A number of friends and relatives ot Mrs. James H. Harratt met at her homo Friday artomoon in colobratlon or her birthday. A general good tlmo was had in social chat ami gamcB. During tho afternoon a delicious luncheon was sorved. ALPINE INTERESTING NOTES. Mrs. Henry Moyln and daughter, Mrs Ella Wllklus, nro visiting with friends lu Uounliful. Martin Hansen Is nursing an In jured hand, which necessitated the amputation or a part of ouo finger. Joseph Hnlr litis recovered from his lecuiit Injury sufflclouUy to mingle with his friends again. Mr Alfred Carlisle of Mill Creek Is ruucNving his acquaintance with rela tives and old-time friends. Sunday ovciilug at the ward sacra ment meeting Sister Myrtle Ilrowu. u recently returned missionary, gave an interesting account of her labors and exnerlcuces whllo away from home. ' Mr Hen Watklns of Salt Lako Clt) Ms hojournlug with his mother, Mrs. Frank Farquharson, convalescing from a recent sovcra attack of aB- thma. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McUaulel havo i -fa issued Invitations to n "shower" on their niece, Miss I'elvn Johnson, lu honor of her approaching marriage to Mr. llnlph Strong of Salt Lako City. Mr. II. Wiser or tho Alplno Asso ciated Players Is making propnrn Hons for another piny to be placed on the bonrds lu thu near future. Tho pcoplo aro anxiously awaiting another performance by this company, as they havo proven themselves by past ap pearances to bo a company of merit. ' Charles Hackett Is busy coaching thu Alpine Hasket Hall League pre paratory to their Initial performance this seaHon. Hewnro all )ou teams of prominence, lest tho above league may try to "Hack ett" your reputa tions to such an extent that you will he forced to conclude you haven't any. Messrs. Alma Greenwood ot Amer ican Fork, Kit T. Jones or Provo and Fred T. Hulsh or Payson wero Alplno visitors Monday on legal business. New Hubs. Following aro new subscribers at Alplno who joined tho family reading circle this .-week. There aro many others up thero who should Join, but Instead thoy annoy their neighbors by borrowing tho paper: P 'tt Thos, W. Brown James Smith ftf ' F. O, McDanlel Bert B. Dates U , . I Matilda C. Moylo Richard Heoloy O f I John F. Moylo. K8 Tho girl who thinks getting raarrlod jM would solve all ills has mado a poor, jlB diagnosis but thoro's no uso tolling . lHu her bo; sho wouldn't bollcvo you and 'Sjc she will learn her mlstako anyway. tiEsl Tho thing to do in thla town Is H to puBh ahead; to create work; llvo fflyiia and let llvo; hunt up tho bank and iKwl deposit your savings; keep your iMl I children In school; stand by tho EMS churches nnd ovory good agency for MEL tho uplifting of humanity all theso f- B 1 efforts will creato contentment and f n a help keep off tho blues. Wo ought f H, . n to bo a united people, and thon wo 5j ft Ij will mako a bettor city. Wo aro cltl- fill zous of tho bCBt little town thla sldo i Wfi or Now York City; in fact you wont Iffl rind nny bettor this sldo of hoavon. lUl Wo can mako It still better by lndu- 1 HU try and united action. Thla should bo Rl our work for 1314. Hwl Question J ?H hits been asked us several times: wN "How can you afford to glvo away that W IW beautiful $1110.00 Upton Parlor Grand Piano IJMt 0 as you advertise you will do 7" 0 flK Our Answer i w Wo prefer to sell KM) articles at a prollt of ten cents each, WK rather than III articles at a prollt or one dollar each. It meaiiB just 'Hi ninety in nre people patronizing our More. Tho only reason for our mm being lu business is in do business. This iucuub that wo must Mm bring tho people to our htnre. Low prices nnd good values will iHRv bring us ciihtoincrs always. Our giving away this piano is simply ',V r .'' to bring additional business to our Btore, nnd It Is doing it, ovory i MIj day. lt pays you and us. " 'MP slw! 1 WM. THORNTON i Druggist ' m 1 jJM