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AmericatLFork Citizen I Kll'MK Xl AMKUK'AN FOKK CITIZEN SATVIIDAY, AI'llll. 1, inn " ' - ffljBf B- -L - ' ' ' NUMBER 61 'MlUE Jj0 Good Citizen i Has Passed Away B&L ,,, Vim One Of 11.0 Kflntrr .Miners l America Fdrk Ciinjoii. L Trim KWP"" i,RHl" V,B,UI our K Mrly Wednesday mornljig ana KLd one of our old nnd prominent K.,John Cbndwlck, nlmoat C2 K nf ate. Tlio cause wns dropsy B?i torn on Sept. 18, 1852. In B2$! Lancashire. England. When KJhhewiw employed In the L. D. KSuferpool in 1869 he, with IS tl-rer brothers, William, K ,nd Thomn, and two sisters, Kbclh flnd All"'. emigrated to Utah MaW resided In this city over fcm married Jan. 13. 1881, to K ,q.r31i J. WIlllnniB, to whom wns K ilx children, four of whom are B? Hring Krnest, Hcrt, Florence K Clifford. Uesldcs his family ho Km one brother, James, of Idaho, Biro sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mur tof Heber City nnd Mrs. Allco T. K of this city. Khn Chndwlck was a most cxeel 7 lodustrlous and companionable Kind had a largo clrclo of truo Kii, who deeplv mourn his pnss JK iwsy. Kt wis one of (lie pioneers In the KW Industry of American Fork KTon.and his advice and wise coun- w ere Bought even to the time of death. Probably no other living Kent was moro thoroughly posted ih? merits of all the active and In jV properties or Amorlcnn Fork H Slhrr Ukc districts. Hefore tho be a mining tlio old Wnsatch L which Inter was incorporated as vrtutch ,lnMR0 Mlnll,B company, b Hon. James C blinnnu and Edward Kn. the latter also deceased, an the Hdpsl utocklmldcrs. This mine has Wed considerable high-grade dtllrcrorc and Is regarded aa hav- one of the strongest ore bearing ms In Silver Lake district. Ad- ihn North Star and Milkmaid, h of which have been largo shlp- k li reputed to bavo mado money hilng on tlio Live Ynnkco mine Mi ideas on (lie complex formn- of this great old producer will tablr be found to bo of great value tie present leasers. He was also riljr Interested In tho Hidden MtifV, known as the Trcnsuro Con fclid Gold and Silver Mining com r, upon which lio accomplished Vwlw development, and It Is be Wlhlt nns his choice of all the kfttei on Miller Hilt. It joins the MlUcr mine, the producer,,. of B-snd hr has often told friends apected In discover the lost ex-' Hea of tho Miller oro bodies In this W1 H' early death Is another K''0 ,no wonderful resources of twin mining districts of Amorlcnn k Canyon , meral scrvlroH were lielil In the t Ward chapel yesterday nrtcr o, IIIhop James I. Gardner pro-Bib I Beautify Our Fair City Won I'rcnnrliig far Aniiiinl Clean. I'P In), April loth. fdncaday, April 1C, In annual n-Up Dny" Everybody Bhould V ,ner premises made neat and a on or Morn that day. Fences 'red, MilowalkH cleaned up, cor- cleaned llioroughly and miinuro W ay, nnd any nnd all rubbish c ,,urm'd or made up Into n pile ronrenlont ,,nrCi whorc tho K(.. wagon can load and haul away cy dumping ground. BaY!",!' "f nur f,,lr c'l' BllOUlll K " ',:,lu' """rest in the clean E!,"1'.;'!) I'"st year consld- ' ornble roinment wiib heard. Ken '. '"", flom ,,,(, llde, of B fmmW,,,,',,M,npnilt, of American B.nT "' "'""dpolnt of clennll i T,K,'nrral "PPearancc. There I0n'n. for Impiovcmcnt, so let Bui' 'lo ll,c,r l,,,rt "wnl Btiln . '"i1"' of 0,,r fltlzciiH who , 'or!'j,H "" uppealel to es Bill, .m (,nl,,Ullo'i f several B W"" "", wii lmvo been Biiilw ,."!' ,uW, '"""m" r H" t ;1"1 ''spoclally lo our ehll K'tl! mi ,,1"" ,,,n "W Swwt r- I""'BI "Is will mnki It Bfrffi.'',' ?p " ou'" widows i I , lri,ol,.tn thc" ' Pi" Kjnakliig fenco repairs, etc llio ork of keeping the preinlHert In clean condition should not stop with ho passing of olenn-up day, but con tinue throughout the y,.nr, and all woods kept down and rubbish bo not allowed to accumulate In the vnrds Our health record In this city h ncll nboyr i the nverage. Lot us work for ", h1.. hBhp" iivernge in our health statistics by helping keep our cltv clean, Individually and collectively ' : o Live Stock Show Ghcs Promise of Helng a Illg )aj for (lie Slorknien r ' "inner I'lnsslfi. ' J. Tho American Fork Live Stock Show, which is to be held In this city on April 14, gives promise of being a big dny for the stockmen and farm ers In the north end of the county. Tho classification list has been com pleted and Is published below. Mnn entries have been mndo and all who have good stock are urged to enter them. Ribbons will bo awarded for first, second nnd third places In each clnss, and for the grand cbnmplons. It Is desired that all who have stock to enter will notify hoiuo member of tho committee as booh as possible. No entry fee Is charged, and free hay and shelter will bo furnished to nil out of town exhibitors. Arrangements are beliiK made to have several attractions, Including a good baseball gamo, at the park In the afternoon. The committeo extends a cordial Invitation to every one to spend tho day In American Fork. CLASSIFICATION LIST. Classification list, American Folk Uvo Slock Show, April f4, 1'JM: Draft llnrp.. Separata classes will be formed for Belgian, Shire or I'crchcrou. St-iillon, Rf'ind Uiuiuploii t'er all breeds, .line, ui'-iii! champion ovei all breeds Ilooe or mri'e, 4 years old or over, In u,r bU'il llorso or mate, 3 years old and under 4, In each breed. Ilors- or marc, - years old and under 'J, In o;rl' breed, llorso or mate 1 year old and under , in each bn'rd. Stallio'i, niy ago, In eacli bred. Hcsl team In any breed in harness. Light Horn's. Sopnrato classes will bo formed for Hamlltoulaus and Coach breeds. Stal lion, grand champion over all light breeds. Ileal single horse turnout, any breed. Hcst double horse turnout, any breed. Host tandem turnout, any breed. Ileal saddlo horse, any breed. Mare or horse, 3 years old or over, in eheli breed. Maro or horse, 'i years old and under 3, in eacli breed. Maro or horse, 1 year old and under 1!, in each breed. Stallion, any age. lucaeh Hired: """ "T ' V ' ' ' llecf Cuttle Separate classes will bo formed for Hcrefords and Shorthorns. Hull, grand chnmpion, over all breeds. Cow, grand champion, over nil breeds. Hull, 3 years old or over, In each breed. Hull, 'i years old and under 3, In each breed. Hull, 1 year old and tinder -', In each breed. Cow, 3 years old and over, in each breed. Cow, 'i years old and un der 3, In each breed. Cow, 1 year old nnd under ', In ench breed, Dairy Cnttlo. Separate classes will bo formed for Holstein nnd Jersey breeds. Hull, grand champion, over all breeds. Cow, grand chnmpion, over all breeds. Cow, reserve champion, over all breeds. Hull, I year old or oer, In each breed. Hull, under 1 year, In ench breed. Cow, mature cow In eacli breed. Heifer, after tlrsl calf, in each breed. Heifer, ovor 1-' months, not culved, in each breed. Heifer, under 12 months, in each breed. (Jersey and HolBteln bulls must be pure-bred nnd cows and heifers muni bo 'three-quarters pure-bred or better to entitle them to enter In their re spective classes.) Hogs. Separate claBKes will ho formed for HorkshinM, Huron Jerseys, Poland Chinas nnd O. I. C. hogs. Hoar, grand chnmpion over all breeds. Sow,, grand "hainploii over nil breeds. Hoar, over i year, In eacli breed. Hoar, under 1 year, in eacli breed. Sow, over 1 yenr, in eacli breed. Sow, under 1 year. In each brood. Harrow, any age, in each breed. Sow and litter, in each breed. Sheep. Separate cliiBbes will bo formed for CotswoldB and Itaniboiilels, Huck, over I year, in each breed. Huck, un der I year, in each breed. P.we, over 1 year, in each breed. Hwo, under I year, In each breed. millions will be iiwaideil for Ural Bccoud and third places in each sop unite class, The Holgian Horse Association or Ametlcau Fork tilTcm $8 In service to tho winner or the llrsl p lace In the vcarliug; two-year old and three-yenr-old cIiisbcb or tho Helglau breed of horses. I City Fathers Hold Important Meeting Slher Hand 2ef .cw Uniform--I'm lug Warrant ( lie Made legal Prizes for Hoys' and (Jlrls' Club Kcrilmn Lane Trouble Still Uh-Mlllrd-AssoHRd Valuation 0er iflirnvmu-Hiirditcr (id. Sprinkling Contract. A long and Impoilant meeting of the city council was held laat Satur day evening, many Important Hinders being transacted. Chicago nnd 1'rovo representatives of a street grader concern w'cro pres ent nnd made an effort to get tho city to purchase a machine for grading the streets. The city does not Bccm to be in tho mnrkcl just now, and tho matter was turned down. The Silver Hand representatives asked for help in tlio purchnBo of now uniforms. The boys apparently have a good standing with tho city, for $100 wns appropriated. They will obtain the necessnry balance from popular subscriptions. Joseph linker was present and com plained that tho city had built Its now cement sldownlks on his property. Tho committee on streets will Inves tigate. Mr. McHrldo complained of tho now railroad having filled up his water section. This complaint wns referred to the samo committeo. Tho matter of making tho paving warrants legal was taken up. It ap pears that Ilydalch & McGurrcn of Sail lako City wanted $500 to nttend to the legal end of tho matter. Judge S. It. Thurman offorcd lo do tho work and guarantee It for $100, so tho firm of Thurman & Son wns nwarded tho contract. Tlio borso show committeo was granted tho freo uso of-tho city park for their coming stock exhibition. William Unxter nnd four others asked for and were granted an exten. slon of tho water mnlna to their resi dences. The Orem railroad asked for and wns granted tho privilege of erecting a sanitary drinking fountain in front of their Btntlon. The city electrician aBkcd for a raise of salary, but his request was politely refused. Tho committeo having in chnrgo tho formation nnd conducting of boys' and girls' club contests asked for' financial help. They wero mndo an appropriation of $25, which will bo used Tor prizes. The board of health was Instructed to take stops toward Improving tho sanitary condition .of several public JlUllulllRSv....-'' ' -- Tho recommendation of the commit tee on electric lights Hint a street light bo placed near tho homo of Mrs. Mary A. Holey was adopted. Tho Kershaw lnne langlo has not been Bcttled. The committeo ou streets wns Instructed to offer Mr. Kershaw the price back that ho paid for the strip or land. A letter front County 'Assessor I. A. Smoot said that tho assessed valua tion of tho property within the Amer ican Fprk City limits was $032,189, This doea not include certain corpor ate property, such as railroads, tele phone and power lines, which tiro ns sessed by the state board of equaliza tion. The bids for operating th" sprink ling wagon were opened, showing the following llgures: Owen Dean, 32!ii cents per hour: W. II. Gardner, 31. cents, anil William Hush, 31' cents Gardner was awarded tho contract. The only bid received for the use of certain city property advertised was one for $30 from Peter Heck for the use or the Cannon property. The committee on water works waa Instructed to place n fence around lip Intake, of the city water supply. SU.MAY IIVEMNH MIXI'IM!. The meeting will be hold Sunday evening In the First Ward meeting house, commencing at 7 o'clock, uu der tho auspices of the M. I. A. The following Unster program will lie given: Rending Mrs. M. II. Ingersoll. Tn Ik ou tho Resurrection James M Grant. Ladles' Quartette--Flist Ward. .11 IX IN (J XOTIIS. Charles l. I latins came down from the Major Uviuih Saturday, wheic he has been doing some Impoilant de velopment work. iit , Chariot, Karl was in town Wediics day.- Ho Is preparing for operations on the old Clipper and Silver King In Silver Lake. I APOLLO HALL B Heno Vance, .Manager. I FRIDAY EVE,, APRIL 10, 1914 I KN.IOYAULK KVIONINU AND BIG DANCE by American Fork Firemen I A11 PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT FIRE DEPARTMENT fl AU Should .Help tho Boys Who Volunteer Tlioi.' Sol' vices in Times of Danger. I SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IKETS 50 CENTS ' " EXTRA LADY 16 CENTS WWMMpw"1 iwimiwiwiHw, nmnmmirmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi II HmK FREE SPECIAL PATTERN ,H ) Ami eth PllAL ,Rl?vniEw I d TO The "Minaret" Lady Doll g 'April 12th J& tips FRFF 11 ft fil v 8?r Wo will give ft pattern of thb ' HaB '''PlPtnviol Thrill .V) 1 1W vSS'A beautiful doll't dreta to every ffllBrl jf 1UlUlli lOll ,W M w.iSA ehUd that caUtftt our Pattern UltS Plffc)ln" W WHfftlfkfJ uPlHi Department, accompanied byan ; JBM B ... , AWttClll WliKx ITVVV adult, during the cotniag week. fll for cvory littles Kirl WJI l iim, ' Cet one for your little girl 'Hi 'Absolutely Free WM TJ'!, II . v I mn I J wl J M In addition to this free pat- i . HW I en, " hwt an extennve B I MAKE THE DOLL'S V V WJ l wtinencl -fll J EASTER DRESS ' vj L I PICTORIAL REVIEW III : M WM DOLLPAHERNS WE 1ASTER COMES r YM , . , 4I . H Qak in all atylea and abea at our jB APRIL 12TH 8UU8INHt3 W PatUrn CounUr. HH iA i 9 m y a nico stiit beforo go- 1 1B tj lnipman S ' inK to Conferenco and not 'IjH BIG RED STORE gholdupbylrtRliSaULako !I Vj American Fork, Utah. P,'iCt8 0onfonm, if ,.". tMniiiTTirf w c,m Kiv yu sucu n ills '! i J If II! I II ! 1 I ft IS jl gffood nssortmonl. Novolty 'Wm 'fP'- 1 IB II I 'I II It It !i H a f(Dress Goods and Boautlful . H8 j ' I 111: I IS Il4 If I I' 1 1 $ I (Trimminffs aro onr 1o"k ;'1H Mil 'l !f''l tfiliC' Hcjt Y&alSla I i lM Oomo in ad look our I WM it $ i II I f8Hs ' i h - )8toro over bef9ro Kolnff else I fH J WfS "NV !-AnS BARRETTft'and BEADS " '1 Services For Demont Hanson Kuiti'rnl scrvlccH for Demont Hun hoii, 'who died of limit trouble Inst Wctlncsdny In Dallnn, Tomib, worn lipid from tho Schond Wnrd niprtlni? liousu, Monday, nt 2 o'clock i. in. Ulsliop Joseph ' H. Storrs presided. Tlio upcnliiR prnyor wns offored by V. W. Huntor. Tho npcnkorH wcro I.. S. Harrington, Josoph D. Forbes nnd Clifford IU Young, who Hpoko In hlgh iHt tonus of tho deconspd and wordn of comfort to thoao left. Approprlntu iiiiihIciiI iiuiiihcrH were rondcrcd by mcinli'TH of tho ward choir, n solo, 'Cohh' Vo DIscotiBolnte," by Mrn. C. 15. Young; solo, "Hock of AgPB," by Itornli'o Crandall, and a duet, "Somo lline Wo'll UnderBtand," by llnrnlco C'rniidiill and Norma Vance. The benediction was pronounced by TIior, llroadbent. Tho Iioubo wnB filled with relatlvcn nnd flympnthlrliig friends The floral trlbutea were many and bountiful. i-Q... nn.nii of rns. iiax.naii siii:u.i:v hati: Mr llaniiali Shelley Unto died nt Idnlio, whero hIio linn tnnde her homo for many years. Sho wns one of Am orlcnn l'ork'o enrly settlcm tiho Ib Himlu'd by four brother and two HlslerH, Dure Hhelley, 8tcen Hhelloy, Sr, Jmepli Shelley nnd MrH Null llni rati of Amorlcnn Fork nnd Mrs Ann WngBtnff of Clinrlenlon nnd Ram Shelley of Ml Pleosnnt TALKING PICTURES AT OPERA HOUSE The lllchth IVonder of I lie World Supplied by Thomas A. IMImiii. A decldrdly pleaHlug and most mar clotiH entertainment will bo given nt the Opera House, Wednesday and ThuiBdny, April S and 9 Tnlklug pie linen l tho program ThnmiiH A. lidinoii wns tho (IihI to present moving pictures to tho world mid he h "'w demoiiHtrnted hla ntill Il to iiiakn thnflo Hiimo pictures talk, laugh and slug. It can sufoly bo Bald Hint inner be foro In tho hlBtory of tho motion nlc luro biiBluoBs has anything met with Hindi generouH upprobatlon nnd ap proval n tho IMIsoit talking plcturen Practically oery publication of any coiiHenuenco In tho "United Stnles Iiiih devoted columiiB to this wonderful arhlovement UxhniiHtlve mngnzlno nrtlcleB Unvo been written and the dully papers from coast to coaet hv given largo Bpnco and prominent po bUIoiib to thla marvelotiB Invention Tlio talking pictures arc not limited In their subjects, iib nro tho panto mlmo plcturou, for tho volco and other Bounds nro as faithfully reproduced as tho action, Don't forgot to sco these tnlklug pictures nt the Opern Hoiibo next Wed nesday nnd Thursday. ITM.nY.PAHKIt nFtTIAI.S. Thursday, April 2, Miss Fori Pulley mill Mr. T. J. Parker of Kureka were married at.Provn. In tho evening n most elaborate reception was given them at tho home of the brldo'M par ents, to which tho most Immediate re latives nnd lutliiinto friends were In vited, The bride, u daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .lamcii II. Pulley, In n very pop ular young lady of this city, Mr Parker comes from one of Kurckn'a prominent families, Tho young couple bae a host of friends, who wish them n long and happy married life. Thoy will reside In Kureka, whero Mr, Parker Is employed COUNTlHCHOOLS. fjf fe At tho meeting of tho trustees and u1b principals of tho county schools, hold fflfl nt I'rovo, Saturday, with Suptorlnton- UH! dent J. Preston Crcor, It wns dccld- MB ed to hold this yonr's graduation oxer- Effllc clscfl ou tho following dates: IBIb Klghth gmdo oxcrclscn for tlio IWfl noutli end of tha county nt Spring- 9B UK, Mny 19, and for tho north cud fB of tho county nt Geneva, Mny 20. Tho ffli high school exercises for nil tho tM V county will bo held nt Spanish Fork, H Mny 2. It In expected thcro will bo M I over 400 elghtli grndo graduates nnd $fi I over 100 high school graduates. Hi 9 An address ou tho Juvcnllo court ' W Q law waa del he red beforo tho meeting IS I by J II, McKulght, county nttornoy imm of Juab county, In which violators of bB m tlio law mid luck of enforcement wcro ." clearly presented. Tho Importance of 'BPf tho law and of eo-opcrntlou on tho. BUI part of trusteeH, teachers and Juvcnllo ,4B court olllcers, with sjieclnl refcrouco ,,Wl to tho children attending tho public 'VMM schools, was earnestly presented. An tBfl Interesting dlKcusslon followed tho 'BB nddrcBB, Judge 1). T. I.owln of tho M Juvenllo court nnd Probation Officer " W II, F Kopor tnklng pnrt, ' IH I OPERA HOUSE J AMIMIICA.N IDIIK, ITAII. I.. S. IIAItltlMiTON, Mgr. jP T1IK IIOPSK WIIHHM VOU C.CT 'WBM YOl'H Fl' MONI-JY'S WOllTII. kBI 1 " mi Our program for next weU failed to arrive In tlmo to bo '. ffljl published, hut wo guarantee you It Is ft it extru good one and that " , ft all will bo well satisfied. , H IVrdueHilii) nnd TIiiiimIii). April 6h nud Dili Bu THE TALKING PICTURES t.M Will He Presented. ' H Thin Is something no one should iiiIbs, It Is expected to bo Hiu H biggest thing we have had In tho Opera Houbo for u long time. WM1 In making up their talking picture progrums, which will bo pre- Sn seuted at this house often, the distributors have provided subjects that H3 will cause the aiidleiico to rlook tho fact that they aro witnessing B a mechauleal production .'.iy theatrical stars lmvo already been ' B interested and will be six hedllno acts In vnudovlllo will also -''B be offered at frequent lutci h Seleetlous from the big llrondway 'iBB drnmntlo nnd operatic succesis will bo shown nud plat's that nro !Aj now produced by piomlnent tut is nnd uctrosses, In pniitnmlmo, will 'sEB be produced In the talking pliKiin with nil tho ronllnm of n gQiiultio fli stage production Notable men nud women of tho world aro Been H and heard as in life; sermons, dedications, political speeches and Uf. eonventloiis may be seen exactly ha they occurred and with ovcry iMIi sound and action reproduced There seems to bo no limitation In US tho future nnd ninny people huso predicted that with Hie advont of '!& Hi talking picture there would b fewer large companls traveling .-fiK on the roail and presenting shows u ono-nlglil stands, and fowor -rafl lecturerB nud campaign orators going about tnnklng speeches. JWK Don't fnll to see them "H " r3. M J- I