H 1 ' lH 1 JVmgrjgagj4rk Citizen I V0XVm AMERICAN FORK, UTAH, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1021 . NUMBER 10 I rl IF NOT SUPPORTED M SUGAR FACTORY V WUL GLUSE DOWN H The beet contracting question In H (bis locality In claiming tlio attention ,H 0f (armors and townsmen to u grcat- H er extent than at any time in the H past. Tho qucsXlon tuts bocomo so H serious as to make It posslblo that H the local sugar factory will be closed H (his pennon, business men and ot- H (loialfl are told. M Every one Is ulways ready to work IH at an industry like the sugar plant IB and naturally tlio samo pooplo wish' IH tu keep such an industry when they IH already havo it. , lH Some ot tho farmers of Lcbl und "fiH American Fork socm to be .nrgulng jjH tho question ot supporting tho local lB factory vs. tho Co-operutlvo Sugar Co. H known us tho l'loncor Sugar company m or the Sprlugvlllo plant. Thoso at H the head of tho Utah-Idaho Sugur Co. H have predicted that unless tho farm- H ers hereabout take moro intorcat In H xurporllnc tho local fectory, that it H -hIU pt tUely romaln closed during H the coming winter Benson. Should this IH recur, If will mean (lint atout M 140,600, which was paid each' your to H American Fork laborers for wages, H will go clsowliero. B According to Mr. John Juckllu, lo- H cal representative of tho sugar com M pany, about halt of tho farmers here M had Blgncd up tho Utah-Idaho con- M tract. He states that his company's iB contract Js us good u contract in ev- H cry nay as thoso of outsldo factor- H ies, and that tho fnrmors who ship H their beets out, will not havo tho op- H portuulty to secure tho pulp nnd m manure It is estimated, according j to Mr. Jacklln, thai over G00 londs H ot manuro alono were haulod from H the fuctory grounds during tho 1919- 1 1920 season, frco ot charge to tho B .farmers. This-fs.vhlueilritfll.OO i' 'm load, nnd would amount to over $13,- H COO that was given to tho farmers. The condition seems to bo worse In J l-rhl than hero and yet, Mr. Jacklln reports tho conditions In this locality I Icing far from satisfactory. J Thero Is ono fact that cannot bo M Rotten away from, nnd that 1b If any J local Industry hiring local lnbor Is B closed each and every ono of us loses moro or less. This should bo con M sldcrcd by farmers, laborers and busl 1 ness people on any Issue atrccting tho B town. J Mr Jncklln stntcs that tho plant- j ing 1ms commenced In earnest In J American Fork nnd vicinity, mid that , it. most canes tho ground Is In excel- lent condition, which, with plenty of water in tho hills, ought to proclitic bumper crops for tho furmorn this '"i Hccurhiir tho big hjkscIuI Chaplin production, "TIIK KID." for next Friday and Saturday, at the Kcalort The I nlrc, Mniiugcr F. M. White Mates Its u money-back guar I'liUcd picture, mid under n Mailing contract cannot be ""'Wit In any theatre for less limn n certain minimum price 'J the producers. Compare our prices on this Picture with Salt Lake, Ogdou nnd ProTo. Seo biff ad in this issue. Matlwo Saturday only, 8s 15 FARM LABOR PRICE SCHEDULEARRANGED Salt Uko City, Utah, April H The cost of hired labor for produc HiK 8"gar beets In Utah (his year will range from $21.50 to $3150 per acre depending on tlio tonnage, ac cording to n schedule? (hat has been recommended to the growers by (ho labor committee of (ho Utah Stnto Farm Bureau. Tho schedule for spring work, according to (ho decis ion of (ho committee, will bo $11 per acre. Tho rccommcdatlons rbr pull ing, topping and loading bets In. volvo a sliding sculo based on (on nago ranging from Jlo'.Go per ncro for ton-ton beets to $20.50 per ncro for twenty-ton beets. I Tho committee also recommended to tho fanners of (ho state tho fol lowing prices (o bo paid for general farm lubor: General farm work, slnglo hand, 37& cents per hour, without board; slnglo hand and team J5.00 per 8-hour day; and each ad ditional horso, $1 per 8-hour day. In all Instances labor prices recom mended arc maximum. o STAKE UNION PRIEST HOOD MEETING Tho Alpine Stake Union Priesthood mooting was hold In the Stako Tabor npclo Inst Sunday with President A. J Kvnus fh charge. Tho congrega tion, led by l'ror. Kinest l'nsman, sang tho hymn commencing, "Karth With Her Ten Tliousund Hours." The Invocation was by Ulshop Andrew F. Geld ot thohl Fourth Ward. Several notices were given out, one of which was (lint owing to tho .'wo days quarterly stake conference In the S(nke Tabernacle the last day of tlilsmqutbnnd 4Uicu,fjrst1,dftyqf May. fcipt Tiiy will boieid on the 24th of tho present month. Sister Mori Goodwin, lately return ed from tlio Tennessee and Floilda mission fiolds, gave a ten minute talk on her labors and experiences thero. Mendel D. Thorno of Pleasant Grovo occupied the samo length of time ex plaining matters ns ho found them In tho Northern States Mission. Klder M. A. Morton of Salt Lake spoko on the subject of Religion class work, emphasizing Its need and im portance. Mr. Morton is a very ener getic emphatic and fascinating talk er nnd hold tho meeting spellbound for half an hour. Priesthood meeting convened in the basement nt 2:40. After tho us ual preliminaries a number of young men woro voted upon ns lit to bo or dained Riders. President S. I.. Chap man spoke nt somo length explaining " cortnln changes that tho leading authorities ot the church had recommended should be made in matters that formerly had been mls undorstood and needed correcting. After explaining what they wore ho h'eped Hint tho Saints and tho priest hood would tnko notice and put tho si-mo Into practice In their church labors and ministrations among the Saints Ho nlso ndvlacd tho settle mont of disputes that may arise con cerning property rights to bo nd adjustod, If nt all posslblo by tho courtB of tho church rather than by c.vli district courts, thus saving money ns well as grudges against ono another. After singing "Pralso God From Whom All Dlesslngs Flow." tho ben illctlon was pronounced by Ulshop Josoph It. Stores ot American Fork Second Ward. i. ' JUDGE GREENWOOD MARRBYESTERDAY Word comcH from Salt Lake that Judgo Joshua Greenwood, formerly of this city .and a member of tho Public Utilities Commission, and Mrs. Hassol Jensen, who Is a teacher In theEmer son school in Salt Uiko, wcro mar ried at ten o'clock Friday morning In tho Salt Uiko Temple. They left at oro o'clock for Southern California on a honeymoon trip. Thoy will bo gono about three wooks. Judgo Groonwood was born and rnlsod In Amorican Fork. Tho bride Is tho wdow of tho late Jacob Jcnson and for sovoral years has Ueon Iden titled with tho schools of Salt Lake After their honoymoon they will make their homo In Salt Lake. FORBES DAY CELEBRATION JEW HELD Forbes' day, porhnps tho biggest CAont of tho season, is being held Fri day ns wo go to press. Mnny of his old students havo come homo to pay honor to their old trlehd and school teacher, Joseph IJ. Forbes. Many oth ers who Wcro umiblo to attend have Milt In letters ot regret and in most cases eticiosed a substantial amount to be Included In tho purso to bo pre sented to 1-of. Forbes. The program of tho day as plannoJ by the committee In clmrgu Is ns fol lows: Hrtso ball ganio between, tho high school team and the town tpnin nt 2 p. in. In tho City park. Automobile parado on Main street at 4 p. m. with floats for Prof. Forbes and his first and Inst students. Immediately after the parado an Arbor day treo plant ing will bo held nt tho tnbernnclo grounds when trees will bo planted In honor of Prof. Forbes and Kdward Southwlck. tho father of tho anti-cl-garclto bill. At 7 p. in. a program, to which tho f,ciirul public Is Invited will bo glv on In the tnbernaclo at which music, h,)p(.hes, testimonials and responses will bo given. Mis. Annlo C. lllndley will present Prof. Forbes u beautiful bnquet ot flowers representing tho number of years ho bus taught. After tho program tho day's entor taliiinent will wind up with a ball In (he Apollo where all tlio proceeds will be placed Into a purso and will be presented to Prof. Forbes. It Is ex pected (hat approximately $1000 will be raised. o I CANYON JSSCUTS. j 'Th, -Paclllc mlncrsicuino down, on j sklls Tuesday and returned 'to tho I mlno Wednesday, (raveling nt night to tako advautago of (ho frozen I crust. They report tho depth of snow as G feet at Pacific Mine, 3 j feet at Kd. Mines' cabin and two feet at South Fork, with a rapid I bottling, and think In two weeks a road can bo easily broken to tho Smoker. I Carl Forlln and George Adams weio visitors to this city Tuesday to ( learn tho road conditions In tho can- yon ptcparatory to going up to tho Live Yankee. They stated ttat work will begin at tho earliest date on tho American Leasing Company property In Mary Ellen Gulch. George Hemphill was an American Fork visitor recently in a big bluo touring car and It Is therefoio ex pected that work will begin soon on (he Hay S(n(o. Hay S(a(o s(ock has shown n wonderful ndvanco on tho Salt Lalto Stoek Exchange, a part of which Is attrlbu(cd to tho company owning somo dcslrublo lenses In tho oil regions In closo proximity to tho Ohio Oil Company's woll. t Soveral of our mining oporntors havo received a beautiful and compre hensive booklet Issued by tho Pitts burg Silver Mining Co. of Now York. This was prepared with tho object of Interesting capital in tho stock of tho now corporation, but it Is under stood that ono of tho tew first proofs caught tho oyo of a wealthy Investor who purchased tho entlro capital Issue and thero Is, therefore, no stock offered to tho public. It Is also stated that work on tho mlno will start as booh as tho roads will permit hnullng up supplies, At n tlmo of depression, long-head-od and far sighted capitalists prepare fur better markets, end the PlttsburR Is an Instanco of whore the mlno will probably undorgo development now, to bo roady as a large shipper when mnrkot conditions Improvo and tho motals nro In active demand. Sunday Night Meetings The meeting last Sunday evonlng vns given undor tho nusplccs ot tho Missionary committee and was well attonded. Musical numbers wcro giv en by Elva Chlpman nnd Florenco Friday. Th'o speakors, members of the homo missionary corps, woro Lenard Haag, James Pulley and I. L. Pratt. The meeting next, Sunday night will bo undor tho ausplcos of tho mis sionary committee. A splendid pro gram bus been arranged. ; BIGlORCE VVQRK , ON CREEK BED Noar y 200 men and about 30 teams turnojljout Wednesday morning to aid In printing (ho crook bed for (h'o high 'tMn, which Is expected this scnsoiilTho work was Mono In three scctloKJi with u commlttoo of threo ovorfcicli section. Hrueh'. logs und trees Wcro cut mid drugged Into tho curvfisVof the crock bed. so as to mnkqf 3 tho courso ot tho stream stratgjjjor. All tho,bridgcs Tilong tho stream; have boon reinforced and !'oaH underneath, so ns to pre Vonl3Xrr ucln,? wnlicd away should tho-r4fcr become forceful enough' to do It. .M ready there Is a consldor nblQldrgo stream of wator and tho sprlifjjmiaw hiiB not really coinmenc- Manipubllc-silrllod citizens, lo-fTolhtt-K'lth tho high school boys, asslslc In the work of preparation. AlP, (he work was donated, ns was tho lrfs and other materials used. It Is ljnw thought that the crcok bod will livable lo hold wllhout much fur ther rajmlr, tho largo How ot water expect fel. "U io M. siLott Company Improving Homos Tho t. S. Lott Plumbing rind Heat Inc colnpany aro doing considerable woik this week In American Fork. J. L. Finnago Is having an automatic sprinkling system for tho watering of his lawn Installed. E. lversou has boon remodeling and installing u new ur.nttnry toilet and sink in his homo, and tlio homo of L. W. Gnlsford Is being modernized with sanitary ap NEW MANAGERS FOR BAStJALL TEAM Our baseball squad this year is going to tnko tho championship again, from all Indications, Workouts aro being held at tho City park nearly ev ery night. Mayor Walker, who so fnr has been mnnager uf the team, has found It Impossible for him to denote (he time needed, and has therefore resigned. This week, Mr. John Uorg, was se lected as manager with Frank Whlto, ns his assistant Tho Icaguo will not start until May 18th, however, sovoral preliminary games will bu played beforo that date. The first of these Is being played Friday, as wo go to press, with tho town team against tho high school team, , Power Plants Lay Off Men Th'o two fiower plants In American Fork Cutiyou and tho ono In Alplno canyon havo been recently closed dewn and eight men have necessarily lost their Jobs. Thu plants aro being taken nro of by a keeper at each one; but no electricity Is being gcuorutud from either ot them. Part of tho causo Is nttrlbutod to thu closing ot Dlughnm and Garfield and other min ing cumps, which tho Utah Powor & Light Co. litis been supplying elec tricity to. Tho power was oft In tho city horo for about ono half hour Tuesday and again for about the samo length of tlmo Wednesday uvcnlng, causing much Inconvenience, If you need a harness the American Fork Saddlery Co. ad Is worth $15 to you this week. Read It. CLEAN UP WORK 1 SHOWS GOOD RESULTS H Members of dm fire doparlmcnt and H others undor thu direction ot tho H slicct supervisor havo been (lushing H our main street this week, which now H presents a much' cleaner appearance. H This Is lu keeping with clean-up week H and Arbor Day Many out ot town H pcopio weie hero to celebrate Forbes H Day and tho city wanted our town to H present the best iosslbl? appearance. H Tho streets have been very dirty (or H somo tlmo and It In hoped (hat tho city H can employ this or somo other ct- H foctlvo means to keup thorn cloau in jH the future. Many homes have been H cleaned and lots raked up this week H which helps thu town lu health', sanl- H tntton nnd apjicarauco. ICt us kop H up tho good work. H Fixing Up the Public H s Camping Ground H During tho week tho City hns had H several trees cut from tho now camp- B lug ground, which will mnko a tlno plnco to pitch touts nnd make camp B fires. The water has ulso bean In- HJ stalled In the lot and other prepara- HJ tli ns made. The Rwnnds should bo HJ lu excellent condition for tho buiu- HJ mar tourists who may deslro to stay HJ . o M Leave your watches, clacks, etc, HJ at the Harness Shop and Martin, tho HJ Jowelor, will take caro of them for HJ you. 10-tf M i HJ Anoth'or shipment ot thoso beautiful HJ now fixtures, Just arrived at Uax- BJ J blouse Gleaning J I X 11116 -:1-: I j We have everything you need for House 1 I Cleaning 1 I Wall Paper - Curtains - Drapery I I Carpets - Rugs - Furniture 1 I l Vacuum Cleaners - Furniture Polish 1 I Cedar Mops I i E,pSn, of NEW DRESSES I j ONLY ONE OF A KIND j I I -:- Simply Beautiful -:- 11 SPRING COATS, Off 25 cS j j LADIES SUITS, Off 20 & I 1 Now Line Ladies 5 to 8 Mary Janes, 8 1-2 to 11 II I Pumps and Oxfords, Kiddies Slippers, Slippers - $2,45 I I VSlfiRUi Only - S1.5D "." jChipman's IsTplace iLifurjririifffff'fi"rffjf?frif?f,iw -' ' m