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pSigerican rk Cimeti i I IBvoKrXyix. ;' " - American itifcit, utAm. tubday, December wim numbeb14 HI IK ' - -.7V,W ft M pANDIFE ggW v r r r Hr A lerere shook- te tag cera m' sjatttr earlyidaniiar ramg ta V go death of both Mr. aid Mrs. Jeha Hf iftygue. residents, of tuV'Cltyfor H- eC yaark gK.n1ri McTagao Vas around town gm ' fstidayVn sjjsrsatly normal health Ml aMM kilMkrwt to the hem Kffsls MatanuWMatjrilk. About LV' (1:10 a. m. he sot up In bed and Hi. sisclag hfs hand over bia heart com K plataed ol"ai'la aad'a mo H Mat later, (ell back .on hla ..pillow f addled. Hla wlto isHsedlately H jawed her bob aad a phyalckn.-TTte H;' tea' reached the residence first and H tu building a. (Ire when tho doctor H; amo, Mrs. McTague opened tho Hi door (or he doctor and learning on his H arm walked Into" the bed room to where her husband Jay. jf H' minutes she aank, downTy, the bed I' and expired almost fa? cfeel wjthta' ' about 80 minutes aWwriUhlnd's H 4WBma f . Heart trouatV'HmuBed Mr. ' Mc H Tague's deatfe'.'Taad the sudden shock I .Mrs. McTagae's,' although she had ' feen suffering from lcakago o the I heart (or some time, says Dr. Noyce, H the attending physician. Mr. McTague was 76 ysara of age I and waa born In Ireland. He came I to New York when but a child, later H coming west, aad making his home ' principally la Montana and Utah. He fl has made American Fork bis home I (or about II years. He' did teaming work la the eanyo. aad hla Jovial fl diipoakiea woa him many Mends. Mrs. Martha MeTague wan barn in Borland AprH 13, lsee, being paat 71 years of age. She .name to Utah when but n little girl wKa her par- enU,,who nettled la gprlagvllle. She was married there to a Mr. Dowdle, and had two seas, one of whom, Henry bowislo of Wnsalagtoa, wr- Tires bar. Mr. Dowdle visited his I mother hare for several months hut wmter.f iPour grande'hlldrM by the sfcv'JJ!??T,lTl- & iasV H Tague and they are survived by one ton, Earl o( this city. H Double (uneral services will bo I held 8unday at noon In the tabornaclo Interment will be made In tho Spring- Title cemetery. H n I NEW GYM AT I ALPINE COMPLETED H The new gymnasium at Alpine was H completed last week, and tho (Irst H dance waa held Thursday night o( but week, although the official op- aning will not be held until Thurs H -day, January 4th. H Thee ontract for tho gymnasium H was let threo months ago to Chip- H man Merc Co. and tho erection of tho structure has been under the personal direction of Mr. John Hun I tor. It is mado at Pleasant Orove brick with a dark rodded joint, glv H Ing tho appearanco of prossed brick. Tho root Is supported by four steel trusses. Th0 auditorium Is entirely H finished and equipped with movable bonchos. Tho building is 100 (cot by 7 fcot and equipped with an 18 foot stage. Tho (loqr Is of (lne maplo. P. W. Wright did tho brick work, It. E. Ilaxtor tho eloctrical work and H Axel Dloomqulst tho painting. The total cost of tho building was $14,000 and tho local firm Is to bo compll- mented upon tho splendid mannor in which tho contract was fulfilled.' Tho Prank M. Allen Company, con- tractlng engineers, writing the Chip- man Merc. Co. Dec 26, says: "Wo wish at this time to thank you most slncoroly for your co-oper- allon with us throughout the entire Job, and wo especially wish to thank you for the great assistance you ren- dorcd ub In many ways In taking caro of tho Job at the tlmo of our uufortunato accident with the steel trusses. Co-oporntlon such as yours lends a great Incentive to tho sub- contractor to (ullflll his contrnct to tho best of his ability, nnd wo trust that wo may havo th0 plonsuro of H wfWng with you on your future con H tracts," o- l M wMr" nnd Mr8, Amos wE8taff left Wednesday morning for Oconn Tark, m Calir, whero they will spont tho win m tcr months, rolu-.)r ,0mo In tlin spring. WOMAN ARRESTED HOME SEARCHED MAN JAILED A wonwn from Salt Lakt, who eame here with her husband to spend the Christmas holidays with' relatives, became hilariously drank Sunday evening, and her conduct) became so disorderly that she waa taken tnU custody by Night Offlcors' Duncan about 7 p. m. and held there until 11 o'clock the next day, when, a (lne of $60 was imposed by Justice Hun ter nnd tho woman was released up onpayment of same. Out of respect for womankind we withold tho name. Wo (eel that the real guilty party is not the one who drinks tho death-dealing stuff sold in this locality, nnd throughout tho state, but tl)0.b66tlecger8, who for tho profit of Tow dimes, sell to young or old, whlto or black, sane or Inannso. The city officers raided tho home of Mrs. Mary E. Huggard Kelster on the corner where tho State road turns west, Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock, but found only about a half gallon of elder which was taken. No nrrcstg wero made, tho case being taken under Investigation. For some tlmo past ihoro has been complaints of bootlegging In that neighborhood, that even cows have been seen drunk after eating refuse in that locality. Charged with resitting arrest, strlcking an officer and intoxication, Tony Hamblln waa arrested at Bing ham lost Saturday and taken to Vr. vo, and Tuesday waa gtvoa "7 in the county Jail, la ilka oonrt of Judge Tucker atProri. iTao yoaa man pled guilty to thee Jura of. hv- pine a week ago loot Thursday atgtt while the offleer wan attesaptlag to separate Mm and'athera who wero engaged In a ,gM. ,8amsa ts an JMsnVRVWaWaWWawVf MMaTSV'aasnmt BijBaaj other young fellows from here at tened the dance at the new Alpine gym, and Indulged In too much boot log poison. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR ; MRS. ROWLEY SUNDAY i Sunday noon in tho First ward- chapel, the funeral services for ' Mrs. Amelia Rowley were held with Dp. Jas. T. Gardner in charge. A quartette, consisting of Mrs. .Jennie ' Dlblor, Mrs. Myrl McQrew, John H. Davis and Clarence Grant sang for the opening musical number "Beauti ful Islo", which ( was followed by proyor by Morris Madsen. nMy Fa thor KnowB" was aung, Mrs. Jennie Digler singing tho boIo part and the, quartetto In chorus accompaniment. The speakors, Dp. Earl S. Green wood, Pros. James H. Clarke, Jos. B, Forbes, John H. Davis, and Dp. Gard ner all spoko in highest terms of Mrs. Ilowlcy, paying tribute to the( glory of hor' Mothorhood and testi fying to her faithfulness In church, work. Interspersing tho speakers woro two musical numbors, the first a duet "When Th0 Mists Havo Cleared Away" by Mr. and Mrs. Edmund. Hanson, and tho other tho song J "Call Mo", sung by tho llttlo girls of Mrs. Rowloy's Primary class. The quartetto sang "Shall Wo Meet" as. tho closing song and N. H. Helselt' pronounced the benediction. Tho casket and stand woro banked with beautiful floral pieces. Interment took place In the local cemotory, where James M. Grant dedicated the grave - Land Awards Upheld An award of 30 acres In Utah coun ty to tho estate of William E. Kelly, deceased, was upheld in the .supremo court Saturday. This action was brought befpre Judge Ellas Hansen ,of tho Fourth district court of Utah county on tho grounds that tho land was not recorded jnj the name of Thomas S. Kelly lurid Emily Kelly, claimants until ntfer tho death of the decodent. Tho i Issues woro found In favor of tho estate and this Judgo mrnf is affirmed In tho supremo j court. i CITY COUNCIL REGUDil MONTHLY SESSM The city council eenreaed ta ular sestloa Saturday evening loot with all members proatat; A oesa munlcatloa wan road.' front 'partly vil Robinson la reference to tao Btalsisl case which will eoaao at ia'dW Dan trlct Court la January. ,?$? A communication wan" reod' froof the Utah Power & Ugat Co. eutUataC the terms of Its franchise wlih' Am erican Fork City. The CKy has al lotted to It 12? kilowatt houra of nor vlce In connection with public bnHo ings. Tho Company stated K would bo ncrcssary to hold strictly; to tMo amount, but suggested that If otriet oconomy were practiced the amonat would be sufficient for the ilghtfcng of public buildings, such as the oHf hall. Tho council hopes alto to got from this amount, enough to light tho public library. Tba qaeetleauoi using the amount of light allotted to the cily to the best advantage, -won left with the electric light eoamM tee. A statement waa road from ate Utah Power & Light Co. specifying the amount of lamps need for tho year ending June 1022, and nil nail a special discount of t-of.ll oa asjK chasesfor the year. A communication waa read front tho Utah Bill-posting Co. stating thai two big lithographed posters, oao a Nativity poster and tho other a Bar Scout poster had been posted la oar City by the company for asatsal community uplift. The KeeoHor was instructed to write a letter, of appreciation to tha oomaaay la ao half of the oky. ,x'i , A communication waa road triaa the WeaterV Rubber fMloa .;;a4 oaaivfr'tao WaUreua 9tH aeaatoj that tha' C. laveotUpato ip.aofaS pnrehaetng tire' enahaVaatiOsi mk Men the matter WM-rtoarri toc.a Ore oomaUttea. ,2 la the matter otMnToaUtwUefLftaf Improved tire ' equipeaeat, the Jmm committee waa granted,' addtoMJW time: t. .ottoV".'.! Amunicaaolwns'reaa'TIW the Indian Motorcycle Co. regarding tho repair of tho city's motorcycle, and' quoting prices oa both repair ot a certain part and a new part. The police committee waa authorized to mako the purchase of the now part. Necessary paint had been author ized and purchased for the repainting of the fire truck. The attention of the council was called to the tact that the painting had not been done and tho fire committee was request ed to see that the work waa taken in hand and completed. Monthly reports of the ctty offi cers were, read and accepted and ac companying bills allowed. The Recorder reported that Amos Wagstatt and wife had executed a quit claim deed for the portion ot the Wagstaff lane la their names. The Recorder was instructed to have same duly recorded. The Mayor and Councilman Dar ratt reported meeting with Jack Howes In roferenco to his noto hold by tho city, and stated that arrange ments had bpen mado to cancel note. .On motion, tho Mayor and Record er, woro authorized to ncgotlato loan ' sufficient to cover bills of tho month. On motion tho Mayor and Recorder 'wero also authorized to ronow tho promlssary noto held by the Robt. Proctor cstato for anothor year, mak ing payment ot Interest due thereon. I Attecntion of tto council was callsd to two or threo accidents which havo recently happened along Main street on account ot tho condition of the "pavement along tho Orem tracks. I Tho Recordor was Instructed to writo the Salt Lake & Utah R. R. Co. call ling nttontlon to these accidents, and stating that the city will hold them ' responsible for any accidents that may occur becauso of the unfit condi tion of the pavement On motion the following water transfers .wero ordered made: Myron Chlpman, Vi lot on Westfleld ditch to Herbort Street, Annie E. Hunter, 12 acres secondary right on Wag , satf ditch to Alva A. Greono. i Tho matter ot roleaslng tho chargo i, against Jack Armstrong for having i Intoxicating liquor In his possession t was taken under advisement until I the next regular meeting. On motion, $5 was . refunded to , Thos. Ivlns on city wntor rotes, Mr. t Ivlns having boon out of town part o( I tho year. Tlio attention of tho council wna ) called to tho had condition ot the Lroad south ot tho old cemetery, and HBIIjb j DANCE JO BE GIVEN 2wcdaesday night, January Srd, 'he ffinhmerclal Club will give one ot jsneir good old dances in the new gym Wk extend invitations to all, Pf he purpose of this donee la to Mi tunao to pay off n note which i&Sr incurred during the Chautauqua ffyeaf, ago last summer, and it la MKd that one of the blggeat crowds mj the seasoa will attend, and not fXty enjoy the evening's entertain Ant, but show tho Commercial Club lint they not only appreciate their Worts towards a better American sjkk, but are willing to assist the fnub to tree Itself from Indebtedness. During tho evening refreshments njjl be served tree and tho tickets ym only be COo with extra ladles ijf' awo east of the flour mill. On mo- K, the matter was referred to the I mpeot committee with power to act j IJVho matter of having the old east ( aaaool house boarded up was referred ; Ifjjtho public property committee for , fatten. Wjt was reported that people are ' awing trees from the old creek bed, wt had been placed there for pro- sjtton from high water. Oa motl- Wg the marshal ws instructed to JBlp a close watch and take action Malnst any party found guilty, In too of high water next spring, this Amrk would have to to dene ever MMat'tt the trees are taken out iRepert was also made,- thai one or Mm water fountains along Mam street fmt beta malletoaoly .tampered with. JMmnttor was loft with the wate fafct utlswindeatvto'jiako' the aeeossory Jljfao road saponrtsor wao''iatraet ;ttsthat iatterV-' T tiorcftwrt ! slaeet'and two knocks wast oa Hahi i seet bo properly cleaned oat l .who oouneir then adjourned. "jj i it , ' . a LIGHT MATCHES NEAR GASOLINE - CAUSES EXPLOSION George Adamson, aon ot Mrs. MairV Adamson, of this city waa severely burned about the face aad , cheat Xmas night nbou7:M when seme gasoline exploded.' The young man, together with Jay Condor, Sterling Dnrraat and Dave Noakes were stand ing In front ot the Adamson homei The boys had Just run the Ford car belonging to young Condor from the garage In the back lot to tho front of tho homo and discovered that there was ao gas. They walked, up to tha Cobblestone Service station and got some gas and Mr. Noakes was la the act ot pouring the Kas into the tank. Condor and Durrant woro stand ing a few feet away from him and Adamson still farther back. Durrant lit a match to assist Noakes, when the (lames shot out What Is very peculiar Is that Adamson was stand ing about tlve feet away, back of the other and was the one to catch the firo, while the others were sot burn ed. His face became eveloped In flam es and he started to run, while the others ran after him to extinguish the times, leaving the car which started to blaze. They caught him and an overcoat waa thrown around him, but aa his anna were up before his face this did ao good so they rolied him In tho snow, which though very painful, proved effective. A physician waa summoned and the wounds dressed. Though hla chest was severely burned, hla shirt was not even scorched. He is resting ai easy Moaa be expected. The oortaine and part ot the seal ot the oar wsm bam; out the eai otter wfao was aetnojnofed. - n . I New ottfHrtMBwVOmasW CapM worked orer ttate this Cnrietmes. roi at'loast a hair'aoaea of oarvtali 'young Indies are wearmc aow flav toad Hags. A J -c j ' , YOUNG MAN OF ' II BIHSjIAM JURIED HElf II c,u' S. Wright 16 year old sea H M of'Bp. aad Mrs. J. A. Wright of Bhs- H H ham, waa burled here Wednesday at-' B H ternoon. The youag man died aa H H day of pneumonia nt Bingham, aa4 jH M services were held' there Tuesday ai- BrB temoori"' after whlck the body wan HlH brought to Amerlcaa Fork.- i inaaVHoi Services were held In the First anansaal ward chapel Wednesday aftsrneeis Clgam with Bp. Jas. T. Gardner in charge. ' BiH A quartette', consisting ot Mrs. !aaVl nnlLnai mund Hansen, Mrs. Samuel P. Qraat, BH Clarence Grant and- James Martai HH sang1 for' theope'nlng'faumber "Soma HtsH time We'll Understand." Steve Dak-' :'"HH er ottered tho Invocation which wan Inaaaaal followed by another selection from Bsl the quartette"1 "Only A Little While.-' HH The first speaker was So'reh Rasmus gnnanH sen, President of the Jordan Stake,-' gnaLnn! followed by Mr. Mix, counselor to Bp. Hlaaaa Wright ot Bingham and C. B. Young. Bgn! Tho Masters sisters of Bingham sang'' Hfggl n duet, "The Lord Is My Shepherd,' H after which Preo. S. U Chlpmaa' HH The Masters Vetera sang another H duet "O .My Father", after wWeh ' Hl Pres. James Il.Clarke speke.-'rte""' igggH closing musical ' selection was' r , H Jamea Martin and Mrs. Edmund Haar H sen who sang "A Letter .From Honslt" The benediction was pronounce!' H by George Varney. Interment .toot H place la the local cemetery whero jH Mr. Woods of gprlngvllle dedicated BH the grave. ggggfl The deceased has been n rosKoai jH ot Bingham practically all his tyfV M ' tut has spent seroral snmmers kera' H with relatives. He to survived by M , his parents and ssTtral araora aioV ., M ,i i - ' nanananannnnnl ; sisters.. JThof, parents were formerly. M Amet4eenFefk reetdeats. . , ' bH e snre.ytmr Vote goto to the aa- 'H 1 anal meeting of she WMOtMtn gH r the ltatttl oal Co., Jan. f, lHrf : H ,yen eaa net go yourst,' soa4 ajr- M '.proxy. No raartlosal agsa.v A' J H k . ggggggl nnnni aaaaaaaaaaaal aaKaKaKaKSaVsloweoj I l Glean-up Sale 1 I 1 We are now in the midst of . I Stock Taking I Walt for the unloading of f I Thousands of Dollars 1 h of Odds and Ends, Short Lengths, j I All Kinds of Winter Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Knit Goods, Dry Goods, I and Notions Furniture, Stoves . I and Groceries. I I Will Announce Date Later I WAIT FOR SALE. J I I Clhipman s l Spe . 1 oif:o:s0!SOMor(Kj::Koo3:oKOKKozoxoMvKO!S ifaaBaanaaagaaal!ra.i?rr''l-y m- ?! g?.t i . Gmr4!SzAjB?tmmwQisli umgmtmajlgajjamiMm