Newspaper Page Text
3S Page Foar. THE LEHI SUN, LEHI, UTAH Thursday'Novcmbt1 B 1 OPPOSE AMENDING I LEAGUE COVENANT jjffi VALFOUR OECLARE8 IT 18 TOO IK EARLY TO ATTEMPT . 1 1 8UCH A STEP. IKlj touth American Delegates Are of the WM Opinion That Any Amendment Rjjlj Should Await Propositions Ex Iji'iW pected From United States. jEff Genera. There will bo no nmend- ffl merits to the covenant of the tongue W 8 of nutlonH ut thin session of Uie ns- H fl acmbly if tho decision of committee h No. 1 that of general organization w I which has been considering amend- NE went, Ib approved In full session. HI Arthur J. Iiulfour, chnlrmnn of the 3K committee, suggested to tho commJttco Wm eii November 23, thnt It wns too early Km to draw conclusions ns to tho working tHf of the league or to form an idea as to how tho covenant may bo Improved. Hj Ho proposed that the committee rec- H ommcndod Uie appointment of a spe- ffi clal commltteo to consider amendments M and report to tho next meeting of tho H assembly. B The Scandinavian delegates on the Hjj committee. Instated upon consideration IMB Immediately of amendments they pro- K posed, but they wero outvoted. The in South American dologntes accepted Mr. HS Balfour's recommendation tho mora HJ readily becauso thoy nre of tho opinion H that any nmendmont of tho covenant K should await propositions that are ex- IHj pected from tho United States after H President-elect Ilardlng's consultations 0 on the subject. Thoy doclared It would Hi bo entirely out of order to revise the HI covenant In tho absenco of one of HI tho most Important nations of the H world. BAKER REVOKE8 PERMIT. H Drastic Step Taken In Dispute With Hj Telegraph Company. Hj Washington. Secretary Raker an Hj nouueed Tuesday that ho had revoked H IlcrmlftAlon granted the Western Union Hi Telegronli company last May to lay HJ certain cnblea at Iilscnyno bay, Miami, H Kin. The permit was Issued by tho Hj district engineer nt Jacksonville, Fin., H snd Mr. linker directed ltd withdrawal n by telegraph. Uj Mr. linker mndo no explanation of Dl his action. Ho merely authorized, Hj through hlH secretary, tho statement Hj that tho permit hail been recalled. Tho HJ annpunccmant followed, however, the Hj statement in New York by Nowcomb HJ Carlton president of tho Western JH Union company, that his company hnd TH not only rights granted by act of con- U gress, but specific permission of the iu war department to do certain cabin iH work In tho vicinity of Mlumt with K which "the navy department hns for jHj months arbitrarily Interfered" nt the HT request of the state department. H PLAN FOR BETTER TIMES. H National Move to Encourage Employ- Hj' ment la Outlined. Hj' St. Lols.r-A national inovo to pre- H. vent business stagnntlou nnd encour- t ago eniQloymcnt bos been lnunched Hj liy local merchnntH nnd manufacturers, Melville Wilkinson, president of tho HF Associated Ilctallors of St. Louis, nn- H', nouned Tuesday. Tho plan wns suggestod by David HL May, bend of several largo department Hf stores. , Mr. Wilkinson snld ho would Hi appoint n commltteo to enlist tho co- H operation of business men throughout Hi tho country. H t Mr. May explained thnt tho plan was H to keep factories oporatlng by rotftllrrs H making linmcdlnto purcliases for B , spring trade. I HARDINQ QIVEN WELCOME. H ,' Seaplanes and Submarines Greet Pree- H , Ident-elect at Chrlstobal. H ' Colon. With submarines and sen- v planes Joining In tho welcomo, I'rosi. m dent-elect Harding and his party en- H turcd tho canal zono on November. 23 m at Chrlstobal. Governor Harding of H ., tlio cnnul roru, nccompiinlcd by a dls- mr tlngulshcdi party,, welcomed tho vis- n , Mors. U , Tho steamship I'nrlisnilna, carrying 11 ; Iho president-elect, arrived1 In Chrlsto- Hj bat harbor at 3 o'clock- In tho morning m " and docked an hour tutor. Knrly In II tho forenoon Senator Harding came 18 ; ashore and rodo to his- hotel through IS flug-bedecked streets. Cheering crowds n turned out to welcomo him. M ; Poet Starts Hunger Strike, I Hiivann. Hornclo Itlnnco Fombonn, H held prisoner by tho American mill- I tary authorities In San Domingo, hns ' started a hungor strike, according to I I wortl received here. Kombona Is h H newspaper man and has gained con- alderablu fatno as n poet. ij Six Men Are Cremated. Jtisper, Ala. Six men wore burned to donth In a fire nt tho Parish mlno H of tho Itnltwny Fuel company, nine Eh miles south of hero, following n pis rat explosion- In tho mine. Ton others j were Injured, six of them seriously. IBM. L'eyaweo.ami Lloyd George to Confer. Mjjj l'nrls.-r-PremlOr I.eyguus, It wns tin,- IV Bounced Tuesday, 1ms decided to he- Hi fin his conference with Premier Lloyd 9bHIH George of Great Drltaln over tho HJHHJ Greek and other situations earlier than PjHHJY t first Intendeds 'JHHHH HHHbW. .-jB9SffiILi!.ii!?'Jaslu: ITS AT COERCION TO nlDAiENIANS MEMBER8 OF THE LEAGUE OF NATION8 PLAN TO PUT END TO H08TILITIE8. Possibility of American Aid for the Armenians Touched Upon In Oebato by the Assembly of the League of Nations. Gcuovn. A resolution presented by M. Vlvlnnl, Inviting the council of the league of nations to confer with tho various powers with the vlow of con stituting a forco sufficient to put nn end to hostilities In Armenia, which wns Joined to Lord Robert Cecil's reso lution along the nmo lines, wns adopt ed by the assembly of tho league Mon day afternoon. Tho possibility of American aid for tho Armenians was touched upon In debate Monday by the assembly of the lcaguo of nations on resolutions de manding Intervention by tho league In Armenia. Supporting Lord Robert Cecil's de mnnd thnt tho assembly appoint a com mltteo to examine Into means for ond Ing tho hostilities between the Turkish nationalists and the Armenians, M. Spalekjovltch of the Serbian delega tion rocnllcd that tho United States senate at one time had approved the use of tho American fleet to succor the Armenians, It was recalled horo In this connection that Senator Harding was the senator who rnportod the resolution, A. J. Balfour of Great Britain, speaking on the resolution, said that If tho United States had been willing to tnko the mandate for Armenia, Bhe had the men, money and spirit to mnko her nn Ideal mandatory. The lcaguo has been unable to accomplish any thing with rcgnrd to the Armenian sit uation, Mr. Balfour admitted, because tho condition of Armenia, he argued, was not such as tho league was or ganized to deal with. Mr. Balfour satd an appeal must ho sent to tho forty-one states of the lcaguo for n united effort to savo Ar menia. Rene Vlvlnnl of France, following Mr. Balfour, said nil wero agreed that compaHHlou would no louger ufflco for Armcnln. "It Is not tho fault of France If tho lenguo today Is disarmed In tho fuce of tho situation In Armcnln," Raid M. Vlvlnnl. VIrtunlly tho entlro assembly applauded this statement. It wns noted, however, thnt tho British delegation did not applaud. "If thq conference hnd listened to France," continued M. Vlvlnnl, "wo would huvo had an International staff and an International forco to denl with this situation." Nine Burned to Death. Quebec. Flro which caused tho deaths of nine persons In a I'ndono farm houso Monday night, was caused by tho explosion, of n kerosene lump, which was being filled. Fight Duel With Hose. Two members of tho French volun teer flro brigade fought n duel with flro recently nt Shanghai. They used tiio high pressuro hoso at a dls tmiro of 20 fent. H. M. HYNDMAN H. M. Hyndmnn, leader of the Trade Union of Great Britain and chairman of tho British Socialist Prty. Turks Demand Treaty Revision. Constantinople. Tho defeat of the Venlr.elos government In the recent eloctton In Grooco hns resulted In tho Turks formulating demnnds which are equivalent to n requost for n revision of tho treaty of Sevres. I. W. W. Referendum. Chicago, A referendum is being conducted by the Industrial VYorkers of the World to determine whoihrr that organization sh,;: in.iorno. tli program nf the th r,l Inern it'onilo formula' ! at M s ., . M r , lino I IJI The Turkey's Revenge j REIGN OF TERROR BEGUNJN DUBLIN CIVILIANS AND 80LDIER8 8HOT DOWN IN CLASH BETWEEN WARRING FACTIONS. Small Bodies of Men Enter Homes and Murder Victims In Bed or Whllo at Breakfast Ten Killed at Football Game. Dublin. This city became the scene Sunday of far-spread murder and re prisal. Not since tho first outbreak of tho vicious civil wnrfaro that has been shedding blood In Ireland have the nssassluntlons been so concerted or tho retaliation so swift ant) pro nounced. Not less thnn fourteen men nro known dead n tho attacks arranged simultaneously all over tho city Sun day morning. Tho method wns the same In ench ense, and all the men assassl anted wero officers or former officers, or otherwise In tho service of tho government. Shooting began ngaln In tho streets Just heforo midnight unit a number of persons nro reported klllod. The casualties In Croko park, whero a football gamo was In progress, nre officially given as ten killed and sixty flvo Injured, cloven seriously. Small bodies of men, numbering generally from six to eight, presented themselves at various houses, culled their victims out or entered nnd shot them In bed, whllo dressing or at breakfast. Tho districts In. which the murders wero committed nro In some Instances closo togother; others arc sepuratcd by miles; but all the as sassinations took plnco about the same hour, 0 o'clock In the morning. In tho afternoon nt Croke park six teen lorries filled with auxiliary po Hco moved nwlftly up and surrounded tho place. Accounts differ ns to what happened when, after mounting machine guns on heights nbovc, tho pollco broke through tho gates. Tho auxiliaries wero hooted and, according to eye witnesses, first fired Into the uir ana then Into the crowd. It Is declared from another sourco thnt tho Sinn Fein pickets first fired on too govern ment forces when they were seen i.p pronchlng and thnt tho flro was re turned. Within tho pnrk tho great assembly of 15,000 becamo panic-stricken. Sev ern! nre reported to huvo been trampled to deuth. GIANT EAGLE ATTACK8 CHILD Wyoming Family Battles With Huge Bird In Effort to Save Boy. Glerido, Wyo. It took tho combined efforts of tho Spnuldlng family to savo 8 year-old Walter Spauldlng from be ing carried away by a giant englo at their ranch near here. Tho hugo bird, with a spread of eight feet, attacked Walter In tho ranch yard. He grasped tho eagle by tho neck nnd serenmed for help, John Spauldlng, Wnlter'a 7-ycar-old brother, enmo to tho rescuo ond a third boy ran for help. Mrs. Spnuldlng bent off tho bird with a stick nnd tho englo nttneked her. She was saved when Mr. Spauldlng coma with a shot gun nnd dispatched tho bird. Tho two boys wero severely lacer ated by the euglo's claws. Central Americans End Dispute. Washington. Tho United Stntes was represented unofficially at tho meet ing of the presidents of Honduras nnd Nlcnragun and tho foreign minister of Costa Rica, at Amnpnla, Guatemala. Friday, when an agreement wns signed looking townrd a settlement of some Central Amorlcnn problems. Bread Prices Reduced. Chicago. Several Chicago bakeries on Snturdny reduced their prico of one-pound loaves of bread to 10 cents, and their twenty-four ounce loaf to 15 cents and 14 cents, n reduction of 2 to 3 cents. Constantino Is Awaiting Vote. Athens, Tho Greek people will voto November 23 on the question of tho return of ex-King Constantino to tho throne. The cabinet hns decided for 'a plebiscite on this question on the ' t'e tuu it'll. j COMMISSION RAISES RATES HRRIERS FIRST RULING RENDERED IN SERIE3 OF CASES INVOLVING JURISDICTION OF STATES. Orders the Railroads of New York to Establish Passenger and Baggage Rates on Interstate Traffic to Conform to Interstate Rate. Washington. In Its first decision on tho right of tho federal government Under tho transportation net to re qulro railroad rates within a statu to correspond to tho higher levels of Interstate tariffs, tho Interstate com merce commission on November 18 ordered tho railroads of New York to estubllsh passenger nnd bnggnge rates on Intrastate traffic conforming to advanced Interstate schedules. Sim ilar proceedings nro pending affecting moro than half the states In the union. By Its order of Inst August, the com mission authorized In tho New York region an Increnso of 40 per cent In freight rates, 20 per cent In passenger rates, excess baggage charges and rates on milk and cream und also u surcharge of CO per cent on Pullman accommodations. Tho New York pub lic service commission granted the freight ndvnncc except milk, but de nted the other Increases within tho State, and the carriers appealed to tho Interstate commerce commission, j Tho federal body held that there I was a general obligation resting upon I It "to exercise control over Intrastate commerce so far as it uffects Inter state commerce." "The decisive fnctor," tho ruling said, "Is whether the rates under considera tion Injuriously nffect Interstate com merce." Congress directed that rates be al lowed which would yield an aggregate return of from 5 to 0 per cent on the vnluo' of tho railway properties, tho commission stated. President's Health Improving. Washington. President Wilson Is ngaln walking considerable, nnd tho fnct has raised tho possibility of his appearing befora congress next month and reading his messnge. It was stated positively, however, that such a dramatic spectaclo as his appearance In a wheel chair will not como to pass. DR. WOLFGANG KAPP Dr. Wolfgang Kapp, who made him self president of Germany for four daya last March, Is planning to visit tho United States In tho spring to lecture. Dr. Kapp Is now living In Sweden. Slight Drop In Living Cost. Washington. A decrenso of throe per cent in rotnll food prices In Oc tober throughout tho United Stntes was noted In statistics on the cost of twenty-two articles of food, mado public by tho department of labor. Married Men Continue Studies. Washington. Nowhero else In tho country nro tho schools nnd unlverst ties so filled with married men pursu Ing their courses of study In Jaw nnd medicine nnd arts nnd sclonco as In I ashlngton. WESTERN PACIFIC BUYS If GRANDE NEW OWNERS PAY $5,000,000 CASH AND A8SUME OBLI GATIONS OF $141,175,000. Road Is Sold on Fifteenth Annlver. sary to Satisfy Judgment of $36,- 400,000, the Sale Completely Wlp- Ing Out Stock of the D. & R. G. Denver. On the fifteenth nnnlver Bary of the organization of tho Denver & Rlu Grande Railroad company, No vember 20, nil tho property and hold ings of the organization were sold to three men representing tho Western Pacific Railroad corporation for ?5, 000,000. The purchasers also assumed obligations of tho Denver & Rio Grande, amounting to $141,175,000. Tho sale completely wipes out tho stock of tho Denver & Rio Grande, amounting to $87,775,070, according to John F. Bowie of New York, general counsel for tho Western Pacific and one of the three purchasers. Tho oth ers associated with him were John B. Murali and Ralph M. Arkush, both of New York. Tho road was sold to satisfy a Judg ment of f30,400,000 obtained by the Equitable Trust company of New York as trustee for holders of bonds Issued by tho Western Pacific Railroad com pany nnd guaranteed by tho Denver & Rio Grande. Tho sale Is subject to confirmation by the United States dis trict court. Following tho sale, Mr. Bowie an nounced thnt although the Western Pacific Railroad company corporation now owns both tho Western Pacific and Denver & Rio Grande railroads, the lines would bo operated separately. "Of course," said Mr. Bowlo In a statement, "there will naturally bo n tendency to favor tho Western Pacific on through business to nnd from the Pacific coast." The Rio Grande Western Railroad compnny, recently Incorporated In Delaware with a capital of $150,000, 000, will bo tho holding company for the road sold, Mr. Bowlo said, and an operating compnny, with n name simi lar to that held by tho old company, will be organized soon. Books of both tho operating and holding companies will be opened In New York January 1, at which tlmo officers of both companies will bo announced, Mr. Bowie said. Ho de clared It would bo tho policy of tho new owners to continue tho services of tho present officials and employees. Tiio headquarters of tho road will re main In Denver, he said. POLISH-RUSS PARLEY END8. Russia Charges That Poland Has Failed to Keep Pact Riga. Peace negotiations between soviet Russia and Poland were Inter rupted Sunday. Adolph Joffe, head of tho bolshevik delegation, told M. Dombskl, chief of the Polish representatives, that tho work of arranging for n permanent pence could not proceed until Poland loyally fulfilled her promlso to with draw troops to her borders. He added this declaration wus n result of action of Colonel Rlbnk, head of tho Polish section of the Joint military commis sion nt Minsk. BANKER KILLED AT CROSSING Engine Went Dead and Auto Is Struck by Train. Price, Utah. James Montgomery Whltmoro, president of tho First Na tional bank of this city, wus fatally Injured Sunday when nn enatboum! Denver & Rlu Ornndo passenger train struck his nutomohllo nt n crossing Just outsldo of tho city. Mr. Whlt moro wns coming from his fnrm to ohtnln supplies for tho men working there when the accident occurred. Ho wus alono In tho car. As the automobile drove upon the railroad track the englno apparently went dead ond heforo tho trnublo could bo corrected tho collision took plnco. i . Contest Waged for Coal Lands. Washington. Cnn tho United Stntes government, twenty years after patent ing conl lands to fraudulent entrymen, go Into court and secure tho cancella tion of thosu patents on tho plea thnt It has only recently discovered tho fraud? That Interesting question Ir now before the supremo court In tho case of the United Stntes of Amcrlen versus tho Dluinnnd Coal & Coko com pnny, and Involves tltlo to eighteen coal land entries near Cheyenne, Wyo. Panama Canal Revenues Grow. Washington. Tho Pnnnmn canal hns closed tho best year flnnnclnlly In Its six years of operation with nn ex cess of $2,387,500 In rovenuo over tho expense of operation ond miilntcnnnco. Park Guard Shot to Death. St. Louis. Charles J. Backer, n guurd In ono of tho city parks, wnH shot to death by Mrs. Mario Scott, when Backer and another gunrd hnlt ed nn nutomohllo occupied by Mrs. Scott nnd her husband. Hanson Fears Immigration. Now York. OIo Hnnson, former mayor of Seattle, returning after u two months' tour of England, France, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Den mark, sounded n warning of tho Im mediate perils of Immigration. I (tl. S. lluroiui of m..i. BJ Washington. D. C f0, w MM H? 13th, 1920 U ' rW"k !!,, liny nuil Kent, Hnv . , Hi Ir continues .H, ,"c.iSi,JtnH firm nnd unchanged i VlV" 'sHl Cincinnati because of llBht V '" bHl Bood tocnl demand ai "'' hHl prices docllncd $1 to Ij B , " CfcHJl current demand could not .5klcB croasod receipts, feast. i,. V"'HbHJ with supply exceed n"n,h'n'r,,ViH mnnd. Southern demand ?"'! llKht. Quotes No. t TlmoV1'' , 134. Cincinnati $J1 50, K.Z rSsBBBi No. 1 Alfalfa, Kansas cUrlji ?'" $31. No. 1 prairie, Chicago ,ii''1','Hl City 118.60. "'""l.kunHi Krultn and Vrffrtnbtr. . . Hi round white potatoes w.v..V.waHi 10 cents per 100 lound, t I'HI points, closing- $1 76fr2 Phi. TPH1 ket has been well suiipluav' HJ slow. Cnrlots off 20ss, ! '.'""jHI $1.80012. sacked. St Louli iSVHI but other mlddlo-westorn mirtJ.'J'Hl at $2.1GO$2.60. Shipment. ,B llKhter from leadliiK stats,. tfi.VKHl Nov. J?m,parod w,th 6-" wlek i!jB Apples steady at Western K.vt-HI shipping- points, A 2H Malawi.. lHI por barrel. Northwestern it , VHbI boxed Wlnesaps, steady urouM ,TBBb1 Kastorn Yorks and Ualdwlni .1 J"Hl dull mostly nt $M5 per bunt tHl ports of cold storage holtignHl November 1 showed a slight !", barreled stock, but an ImnortuiiHI creas. In the number of boiti i.aHI Stocks of barreled apple. In iiHb1 3.2SS.1GS compared with UOSlli rBBBB: vember 1st, 1919. nnd 2.B1M1I 7. ifHl Doxed appto holding Nox.mb.r i iHI 718,714 compared with UlliiiVjH year and 2.612.641 In 118. 8M:t,!Hl barreled apples 2,218 cars, conHI r,UV'jyLwVk end,nK floY.a&nHJ boxed 1,929 'cars, compar.d Nria H cars. lIHJ Danish type cabbage steidr iH $10 per ton bulk at western KiwnHsl shipping; points; consuming raitkittHBl per ton tower, cloalnir $15f til uHsl ments (83 cars, compared wltiuHl cars week ended Nov. 11, H Virginia sweet potatoes ilowulAl Battled. Bastern consuming evHsl losing 50c to $1.25 per bbl LuiSbI decline at New York which cltWrBHI $2itM2.25. Chicago steady, tltkHi Shipments (99 cam. compared viiisbH cars week ended November 11 hH ments from eastern shore YlrraiHI lighter. Hj Live Stork and Meats. PricUijH all classes of Chicago live stock iViHbI aubstantial declines for the w.t )Hs! oelpts liberal, those of cattl eitiftl Ing a new vreokly record. OooouHbI cattle ranged 75cO$176 per ltllHH lower, with much of the common rHI U.sllnlng considerably mors, EsHi ranged 90oO J1.75 lower than on Nt ber 12th, today's prices eitUlUtHI a new low level for the year to tHl A general decline of 75 cents pttsH pounds was scored by practleillrHs! classes of sheep and lambs. NorttHI 19th prlcos: Top hogs $12, Tfi'l steers $17, good beef steen tM $14.85, helfom J12.25, cows 10, tHH teors $10. 60, westerns $11 75,'d $16, fat lambs $12, feeding Iambi ::Hi ewes $5.25, H Under fairly liberal recehu iH slow demand, fresh moat prlcS cl Inert Jlflija pnr 100 pound. i-M tho week, beet being tho weaktitl-H tiro. Fresh pork h?ld ateady ton'aH lower. Mutton $1 lower, lamb irdHI generally J2 down. November H prices on good grade meats; bttflH 139; hoavy loins $2(9134. H drain. -The wheat market "tiiHI tie steadier during the first ThritHsl of the week but later dove ipetuHi nsa In sympathy with cor. dH December wheat closed on tns WB $1.72 1-8, tho lowest price In fourxH December corn appeared honvyttftH on the ICth and Chicago prices It&H continuously, closing on tho ltthittH low of 664o. There has seldom tH such a lack of demand for all rtuH American supplies of wheat ira.tllH milling demand also amall, owluH light demand for flour. Mill, art nH nlng about half capacity. KamucHi ensh corn declined more than Wc tHl three days and this hns had brH "ft upon Chicago markets. OKoH in Chicago selling at 8910c pren!H oyer December future, flmall rH of wheat at Chicago keep .pot tuH Prices at relatively high level, (i nnd 3 soft red winter 204) cH December future: No. 3 at 150!lcpH ?..?. NoVJ Bnd 2 hl winter IrH over December: No. 3 at 2)te pnrH !". pr week Chicago DtcnHJ wh.ea' lost 5 Ho. closing at fUllH ryirt December corn 8o at Cc H neapolls December wheat lost diwHJ li riu. wi11'?8 '' Kansas CltrkHj $I.62M; Winnipeg 6 at $1 84. H i.,LnJ.7I '' Hutter macJc.tbt-H lr holding Its own with increailni denry to groate. weakness, Vcrr'H tie storage buttjr being iiH at Uoston. At Now York DanlihtoH is being used when neoessary toiwrH :lnCiY Jrad: ThB demand Is moitljsH small lots to supply immediate t"H n. "nap t0 market inlH though undergrodes nro being diH most buyers are Interested onlr.nHJ M-WJI'V"R,U0B Closing price. ISkHJ YoIIcT.ftnd Philadelphia (SciClHJ en go and Boston (lc. Hj DEMOBILIZATION PROGRESS'S Adjutant General Reports ArmyB Reduced In Rapid Manner. H Washington. Final details of &Hj demobilization of America's 'tl!::H urnitcs uro given by Adjututit GmB Harris in liis annual reoprt to SfH tnry of Wur Daker, Just mada pi3H Tho adjutant general points oat (HJ In the year ending November 13, UHJ a total of a,12L,'.,;!:i officers aa4 cfl were returned to civilian lift ,M adds: H "Moro than 05,000 moro offlccrifB men wero discharged from the HJ during tho first twelvo weckftHl recent demobilization than WWH charged from the Union armr ds;jH tho entlro Civil war tleinoWlto-HJ period of ono and ono-hnlf ) Tho report shows thnt nt IbeW'HJ the last fiscal year, Juno 3 jflH strength of tho army was 15'45J'Mf cors and 181,8-18 enlisted men. AjVH closo of tho preceding f,sC1 iHVesi Juno SO, 1010, tho army wns com?1HI of 77,000 officers and 7W.N70 tats. officers' reservo corps last J'HH numbered G8J32. HJ Better Relations obicctljH Toklo. Iteprescntatlves of '"HH tlcal parties havo formed an "jjHtt tlonnl penco association with H Ject of endeavoring to nrrlvo '''!il tor undorstandlng with tt v ICU Stutes. liyl D'Annunilo Rejects Trtf- Jl London. flabrlolo d'Annunii MW n dispatch to tho London T,""".dllp Wllnn, told General Cnv,s1"'. ;'"llli dor of tho Italian forces H g Venotln, thnt ho would tint 'f1 IrHJ the treaty of Rapnllo. sVbbI