OCR Interpretation

Salt Lake evening Democrat. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1885-1887, August 19, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058117/1885-08-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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j I
i I it
I < fA
3kdt ldtt woaat t
at the Salt Lake City Postofflce I
Aiuuvn CLOSE
Eastern 800 pm 730 nm
California and West 1100 am 425 pm
Montana and North 800 pm 730 anr
D tILG East 500 pm 10Z0 am
Z I Ogden utah 1100 nm 7am
f Ogden Utah 800 pm 455pm
I Park City 800 pm 730 am I
Tooelc County 400 pm 720 am
AHa Utah 1020 am f 30 om
Aln Uah
BiiiRham Utah 400 pm C50ara
I tiulhern Utah C50pm 2 am
The abpvo is standard mountain time
1 JOHN T LYNCH Postmaster I
Salt Lake City Utah March 221885
Silver Quotations 1
I f Corrected daLy by Well Fargo o Co1
1 Silver New York 10 1 I
Silver London 18
tend New York per lOOlbs 2
Fine flats t Fine llaih
J I I We will show tomorrow morning Aug
ust 15th Fall and Winter Styles of You
I mans Celebrated Hats 1 colorsthe I
i lightest finest and most fashionable I
i hats worn the leader of fashion in New
York States and same in all cities in the United I I
Nonuc WOOD Co j I
< lhe Exclusive Hatters Sole Agents i
f 4
Patti and Gerslor will in all probability
I I visit Salt Lake this next season
I The Knights of St Dennis will give their
elect social in Sheldons Hal this evening
Secretary Thomas has today issued a cer
5 tificate of incorporation to the Idaho Land
and Cattle Company I
McCornick Co today received Crescent
ora 2500 and one car of Hauauer bullion
J 2450 total value 4950
Josh Billings lectured in Ogden last night
on The Probabilities of Life His lectur
ing tour in Utah is now ended
I Yesterday McCornick Co received Hick
o ory ore valued at 205480 Croedmoro ore
i 39240 Osceola ore 44379 total value
j 289099
There exists a bad gas excavation north of
tho Eighth ward square which has been left
open to the inconvenience of parties driving
since last February
Eliza goes to the pen and liar alleged hus
band has his liberty on 1030 bonds Good
text for the Dcserct Nws on The Protec
tion Wo Furnish Our Women
Tako Leviberg c Co are today placing
their cherry furniture and modem tailoring
fixtures in the now establishment 108 south
Main street The place will open by the 1st
Yesterday the Salt Lake Nationals went to
Calders Farm and defeated a picked nine
from Draper Cottonwood and Milk Cretk
Eleven innings wore payed with a score of
16 to 17
Donations of cold victuals and castoff
clothing will be thankfully received by the
Herald for the next thirty days or until
their poor mouth circulars can bring
some help to the bankrupt institution
Gilmers Grand Spscticular Combination
is heading weatwira Tue Devils Auction
t and vIira aro in their repertorie Sol
Smith Russell and A Iton Nobles are also
on the track of the fJ tnh sun Silt Lake
may catch them al
I The highest temperature of the month of
July was on tho 14th when the signal office
gave it as a trifle over OJ degrees On last
Sunday tho mercury in tho same place was
over 103 showing that August leads July by
n lap of 10 degrees
Tho sentence of Eliza Shaffer commenced
at 1 oclock today find she will released
from the at that time tomorrow
frm pen ft tme pro
vided payment of the 25 bo made l the
fine be not paid Eliza will have to stay in
the bench palace thirty days longer
Tho Territorial Canvassing Board appoint
ed to canvass the returns of the recent elec
tion have completed tho count in thirteen
counties The work will be finished by to
morrow afternoon it is expected Summit
count voio will be cunvusacl tomorrow at
Ifl r OnnV n in
n n
Podestraius having occasion to I traverse
Brighton street sidewalk from the Eagle Gate
to C street complain of the loose rocks
scattered along the walk and tho weeds and
grass overgrowing the cross streets A little
attention to this popular thoroughfare by
tho city would prove a public blessing
The medical authority of the Salt Lake
Herald reports the diphtheria in tho city as
being mild cases As 40 per cent of these
socalled mild cases die perhaps tho
truthful Herald can explain Or has the
narrowheaded reporter of that sheet got I
chronic desire to make an ass of himself
Several now cases of diphtheria are re
ported in the lower wards and no diminu
tion in the number of cases maj bo looked
for till the hot weather subsides I is stun
ored that the City Council will appoint some
competent nuisance inspector about next
fall but nobody places much reliance upon
the report
Tho Chicago Milwaukee it St Paul Rail
way has issued I new and handsome card
board folder setting forth in an attractive
manner the many advantages of the great
system Their gentlemanly representative
Mr Alex Mitchell is politely furnishing
tourists with all tho information possible of
the famous line
Judge Zano this morning decided tho
Eliza Shaffer habeas corpus case and denied
the writ Ho sustained the decision of Com
missioner McKaj upon every point in re
spect to the power of Commissioners to pun
ish for contempt Miss Shafer now goes to
the penitentiary to servo out the sentence
imposed upon her by the Commissioner
One old man one old horse and one old
cart completes the stock in trade of the Salt
Lake scavenger business The city is at
present exerting superhuman efforts in
throwing tho foul muck out of the water
sees on Main and First South streets where
i accumulates to the disgust of a few per
sons oan remove much faster i than a the little old outfit
J O Wilson and a party of six go to Bos
ton tomorrow via the D I G
The wife of Major Bush of the Sixth In
fantry goes to New York by the Denver
Rio Grande tomorrow
A party of exoursi mists numbering about
twenty cnuio in fron liforma today and
arestpping nt the Clift House
Dr tV 0 Stiuiart of this oity left by tho
littlbfcitmt vonte for Cleveland Ohio yes
terdtiy to be absenf about ten days
Henry Colin the Main street merchant
Ieave3for Nev York Gity tomorrow by the
eccnio firm route bn business connected with the
Use Syrup of Prunes
For Constipation Price 75 cts per bottle
For sale ut all Druggists
Excursion to tho Lake
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
School will huv an excursion to the
Lake ou Friday August 21st 18S5
Trains will leave Salt Lake 1 840 a in
110 p m and 510 p in Tickets 50 I I
cent Children under 10 years 25 cents j
rickets for sale at Kaybouldp anti Par
tom Cos Book Stores
TIIK Famous Cigar is known by con J
1 noiaseurs to bo the best in the city
I AM authorized nnd requested to pur
chase one hundred copies of the De cret 1
VaaarBftho issues opfulv Oth and 7th
1885 wLWill pay liberal price for them 1
atairiy oIllcQ room 12 Commeroo Build
4j f7GlW Second South street
f IDrJcnl Celery p j
J er Iron restores Itost Vitality c 1k
The Great AntiChinese Mass Meeting
at the Junction Town Last
A Declaration by the Speakers to
Drive Out tbe Chinese By
Free Speech Free Epithets and Talk
of a Free CountryAnd Still
John Stays There
Correspondence DEMOCRAT
There probably was never before so
orderly so exciting and profane a meet
ing as that held in the open air last night
to discuss the Chinese question A brass
band began to march and play through
the streets just before dark This was
the signal for an immense crowd to gath
er a crowd that had been considerably
aroused by 1 what had recently been aid
on the streets and published in the local
paper on this important question Every
body was expectant and anxious to
hear what would be said by Judge Heed
the recent legal addition to Ogden
The meeting was held on Main Street
opposite the Coop in front of a big ad
vertising board The street electric
light furnished plenty of illumination for
the occasion The assemblage was made
up of all classes
Except the Chinesethey were absent
and proved by their absence their indiff
erence and ingratitude for the sudden in
terest their Ogden friends have taken
in them Not short of 2000 people turn
ed out many young ladies on horseback
being present
There were three speeches made from
the platform and any number interup
tions from the crowd Two of the speak
ers were very profane and the other was
In making a synopsis of the speeches
the many Bible words the speakers adorn
ed their remarks with are left out they
are so commonly used on the street that
they would profit nothing to the DEEOCRAT
readers if included in this report but
would most likely shock the reverence of
those who hold the name of God in respect
Judge Heed was introduced and after
well warming up to his subject continued
We have plenty of strong and healthy
girls here to do our washing Train them
to work
I is far better to learn a girl to work
than allow her t be wailed on from head
to foot by a Chinaman Our vegetable
producers are unable to compete with
the Chinese gardeners The Chinese oan
live cheaper work harder and conse
quently sell for a lower price than the
whites They own no property therefore
pay no taxes In no way do they build
up the country but instead take all they
make back to the Flowery Kingdom
They do not become citizens and can
neither be educated nor civilized they
wont assimilate with the white man
and we dont want them to I you want
to take them to your bosom you can but
I wont The Chinese must go and I
give it as my legal opinion and make no
charge for it that the washee house
nuisance could be ahated Drive them
out legally i you can j by force if you
The next speaker was Robert Wilson
called up by l the vociferous crowd He
wanted to get rid of the Mongolian On I
a trip to California I
I I might look hard to compel them to go
but they are sucking the lifeblood of our
Caucasian race Force may be necessary
but we can drive them out atid live with
in the law Scientific men had made the
discovery that the Chinese were the most
degraded of the races After making
free with his hs and tackling several
words too much for his
linpuistical pow
ers the speaker gave way and
by the urgent request of the ciowd
Stepped up and addressed the people I
was soon evident that the General had
formed some different ideas to the previ
ous speakers and perhaps 1 majority of
the crowd The Hag says come into our
sanctuary and be partakers of our institu
tions our peace and prosperity As an
American citizen he had been taught to
believe that all people had a right to
come to this country 1 you prohibit
one class you can prohibit another What
would you say if steps were taken to
prohibit the Irishman or the Dane or the
Mormon from coming to this country I
Under the laws the Chinese can come
here and under treaty with the govern
ment they do come and you cant drive
them out Not many years ago every i
body said the negro must go Where is
the negro today There are probably
100 Chinese in Weber county In Lend
rule 500 white men are banded together
to drive out six Chinamen He would
see himself damned before he would
stand up with 500 American Citizens
against 100 Chinese
At this point the General began draw
ing a parallel as to how it would work if
the Mormons or the Gentiles would un
dertake to drive out those in the minority
because they act or believe differently
from those who predominated in num
I bers Most of the crowd being Mormons
and not correctly understanding com
parison on account of the great confusion
that reigned began
shouting and calling
out in such 1 ridiculous manner that the
chairman was obliged to call them to
order and requested the speaker to con
fine himself to the questionChinese
labor General Kimball thinking he had
been choked off in giving utterance to his
sentiments and that an effort was mull
through the ignorance of the crowd not
understanding his parallel to stifle free
speech surveyed the crowd with one
glance and cried aloud We have a
rifcht to free speech and
There are not enough men in Utah to
make me hld the tongue God has given
me Some yap in the crowd again in
terrupted Dry up commanded the
General and the yap was heard from no
more Congress promulgates the law
and not the Knights of Labor I you
will stick to your work you will accom
j i plish what you want Ninetynine men i
I out of even hundred engaged in this
fight against the Chinese dont pay any I
taxes Day labor is as honorable as
Knight labor I dont want to be in the
crowd that fires the Chinamen Here i
some one in the crowd whistled Whistle j I
as you may you are a damn coward
AVhatever you do fellow citizens act in
accordance with the law and asking the i
blessing of God to rest upon his country I j
men the old war horse stepped down i
Who again spoke for fifteen minutes He
was astonished that an old man and a j
good lawer should take the stand that
his legal friend had By the eternal j
gods the Chinese shant stay here I
will be in the front when they are driven I
out Voice Youll be in the rear
HeedYoure a liar bV Gd Ill b J
at the front i
When Heed sat down again the chair I
man in a few wellchosen words and in
a gentlemanly way tried to pour oil on the
troubled waters and then adjourned the
After the meeting the DEMOCRAT report I
er hastened to the Chinese quarters
where everything was found quiet The
Chinamen were sitting around outside I
or gambling or ironing on the inside of
their shirts as unconcernedly as i no in I
dignation was ever expressed against i
them f MitoZiP
OGDEN August 19th i
The Business Transacted at Last
Nlfflits Session
The City Council met in regular session I
last night and after amending the I
minutes of the previous meeting they II i
were adopted
Peter Corbett asked permission to ue j
a portion of the street and sidewalk in
front of his promises while erecting a I
building Granted i
The publishers of Crofutts Salt Lake II
GUy Directory petitioned the Council to
purchase a dozen books for the use of
members They were reduced in price to
2 each in order to bring about the sale
Referred to Committee on Claims
I Retail liquor licenses were granted to
Don C Tufts Condie West and Law
I rence Son
The Committee on Police recom
mended that the last report of Justice
Speirp Police Judge be approved and
filed Adopted
The committee having in hand the
petition of P P Pratt Jr asking for 1
damages to his buggy from unavoidably
driving into a dangerous hole in the street
was denied The committee thought it
everybodys lookout in driving about the
streets and if they drove into a hole the
size of a cellar instead of driving
around it they alone were responsi
ble This matter of leaving culverts
open and deep holes exposed in the mid
dle of the principal streets should be at
tended to and not ignored On the corner
of Main and Fourth South streets is a
hole in the road about one foot square
and quite deep into which a horse is
liable to step and break a leg at any time
and for which the city would be held re
sponsible Just such dangerous places
exist all over the main part of town and
yet no heed is given to the matter
The Police Committee reported the
accordingly City Marshals adopted report correct and it was
The Marshal presented a large expense
account for the month of July expnse I
was approved and 53530 appropriated
to cover the deficiency I
The bill of William Silver amounting
to 177 for castings for the city gravel
cars was allowed
r W Fox City Surveyor presented a
bill of 46 for various sureys last April
which was acknowledged and an appropriation
priation to pay the same was made
Alderman Waddell made a petition in
behal of the Seventh ward school trus
tees asking the privilege to lay a water
pipe through John Cunningtons lot to
the school building adjoining Granted
The Council adjourned for one week
Hunting the Body of a Murdered Man
Owen Long Under Sheriff of Custer
county Idaho arrived from the North
last evening He has been engaged in
company with J B Wood Esq of
Challis in searching for the body of Wil
lam Edwards who was murdered in
Oregon or Washington Territory somo
months ago The suspected murderers
have been arrested hut the difficulty of
I advantage finding the body has been greatly to their
I Mr Edwards went to Oregon and
Washington Territory from Challis
Idaho to purchase some stock but sud
denly disappeared and was last seen in
company with the men now under arrest
Ho had considerable money on his per
I son at the time and it is presumed that
he was murdered for his money Mr
I Long may remain here a few days 11
I going north to resume his search I
j Complications at the Minnie Moore
Last Thursday evening a 5000 pound
Jot of Minnie Moore ore on the dump at
the mine was attached and Captain
Watson put in charge as keeper for
Phelan Hayes Yesterday Mr Venard
foreman of the Minnie Moore a teamster
and another employewent to load the ore
to haul it away Captain Watson refused
to permit it Mr Venard attempted to
take some Captain Watson thereupon
drew his revolver and ordered the men
away Superintendent Palmer who was
in Bellevuo being informed of the facts
by telephone caused the arrest of Deputy
Sheriff Watson on a charge of drawing
and exhibiting deadly weapon Cap
tain Watson mm allowed to go on his
personal recoguiance and this morning
was discharged He thereupon caused
the arrest of Mr Venard on a charge
of resisting an officer Wood River
Times 14th
Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron
cures Debility and Loss of Appetite
SMOKE the Celebrated Famous Cigar
manufactured by Sam Levy
A Booths Extra Select Oysters
At Smiths S east First South St
i Referee Saloon
i BUrn Ball Headquarters The cele
brated Salt lake City Brewery Beer on
tap Finest brands of liquors and cigar
COKDIE WgbT Proprietors
How to Consult Dr Foote Sr by Mail
Dr Foote Senior author of t Plain
I Home Talk I Medical Common Sense
I etc etc would say to those who would
I like to consult him by mail that they can
I have a list of questions and a circular of
gratuitous advice addressing Box 414
Salt Lake City The doctor has arranged
I to have such information supplied in this
way to save time Receiving such printed
matter the correspondent can describe
his or her case fully and direct it to the
I doctor in New York Dr Foote is i
successfully treating all forms of chronic
diseases a specialty to which
I spcialy he has de
i voted thirty years of study and practice
i Evidences of his
j success can also be had
j by addressing Box 414 as above but all
j letters l of consultation and orders for
j I remedies should be addressed to Dr E
B Foote Sr 120 Lexington Avenue
New York City N Y Consultation free
I An advertisement of Dr Foote Sr fe I
another place deserves attention i f
Salt Lake City Brewing Company
President VicePresident
We are now prepared to receive orders j
BEER Special inducements given to pur
chasers of carload lots gven
Having given our careful attention to
the selection of the finest material for the
manufacture of beer after
manufacure the Budweiser i i
process we are in a situation to place be
fore the public an article superior to any I
superor ay
hitherto offered in this market I
Orders by telephone promptly attended i
to JAron MoniTsc Sec Tw as
Judge Zane Rules That Commissioner
McKay Has the Power to
Contemptuous Witnesses Who Refuse
or Decline to Answer
Eliza Still Refuses is Arrested and is
Taken to the Palace on
the Bench
Judge Zane rendered the decision in
the Eliza Schaffer habeas corpus case this
morning and denied the writ The
Commissioners decision was
Respecting his power to commit for con
tempt and instead of Commissioner Me
Kay being lowered a notch as predicted
by the presuming Yens his decision
throughout is confirmed by the higher
Judge Zane stated fn the commence
ment of his decision that the question
was relative to the power of a Commis
sioner to punish for contempt of court in I
preliminary examinations in reference to
answers to proper questions He said
the law specially defined the powers of
Commissioners as they exist today
Many references were read7 and the
United States Statues on such authority
were read showing conclusively that
Under Territorial laws
Judge Zane defined the term usual
mode of process which covers all the
acts of trial and holdit to mean the mode
of procedure and not mere form and
cited many opinions of different courts in
sustaining the view The Commissioner
has power to summon witnesses and
compel attendance by attachment when
necessary which is under the usual mode
of process
The decision embraced numerous ref
erences and opinions and was closed by
Judge Zane saying I am of the opin
ion that a commissioner has the same
power to punish for contempt of court as
is possessed by committing magistrates
under Territorial laws
The demurrer was sustained
Was immediately sent by Marshal Ire
landand Eliza Schaffer was taken at once
to the Penitentiary to
serve twentyfour
hours imprisonment and fine or
imprsonment pay a fne o
I 2501 continue in durance until the law
is complied with
The Olden Kni < rlits of Labor Issue
a Manifesto and Give Sonic
Reasons Why John ITlust
A mass meeting of several hundred I
citizens of Ogden was held last evening
and the right of the Chinese to stay in
that town discussed A manifesto from
the committee of the Knights of Labor
definitely settles what course that organ I
ization will pursue and below we present
some extracts
I Are our own people to be thrown out
of employment in order to support a race
of people that we know are nonpro
ducers taking everything from thoconn
try and returning nothing Do we ever
hear of them buying anything except
be from a matter of policy in order to
get a hundred fold back again Is their
labor productive of any good Do they
improve or associate with any ont that
would tend to elevate them in the social
community Have they ever been known
to invent anything To this day in
China no one ever heard of their having
built an engine printing press or getting
a patent for anything else that would tend
to develop the resources of their country
They can ropy but not invent Is this
the class of people that we desire to have
come here and override and drive out our
hard working laboring class who by the
sweat of their brow have labored hard for
many yearn in the endeavor to build up
this great Republic many of whom to
day are out of employment through the
employment of cheap Chinese labor
Shall we stand this any longer No
Where would the Central Pacific Railroad
be today if they had employed the la
borers of the country The road would
have been thronged with the homes of
the industrious laborer mechanic and
artisan and we would have seen beauti
ful villages and towns teeming with life
and giving vigor to the whole country
whereas we now find the homes of the
poor ignorant Chinese content to work
for a mere pittance obtaining their sup
plies from the mother country and sup
extent of whose ambition is to run a
wasnhouse or an opium dena most
noble ambition
5 C I
Are we to sacrifice our wives sons and I I
daughters and ourselves that a few per II
sons may prosper at our expense Shall I
we the laboring class succumb to this
imposition and tee our families destitute
No most emphatically no Let the
voice of the people proclaim it from the
West to the East in thundering tones that
shall reecho and reverberate through the
mountains and stir up the hearts of the
people until with one accord the Chinese
are compelled t once again Reek thr
countr from whence they came never I
more to cast a blight upon the fair shield
of our country and upon its hopes and
aspirations Let us again see what the
Chinese have done to benefifcour financial
resources Do they bring any money
with them Do they support our bank
ers invest theirmoney inreal estate buy
cattle raise grain build mills make
flour or do they do anything that is con
ducive to or tending toimprovo the wealth
of a nation
naton I
This state of affairs must come to a
close because Chinese labor with all its
cheapness cannot compete with native
American pluck and energy The are
slaves in their own country and slaves in
this j slaves to the opium pipe and slaves
to themselves a race that for centuries
has never allowed a white man to pene
rate into their country to examine its
resources But with the characteristic
generosity of the true American people
we opened our gates without thinking of
he ultimate result and invited them to
come here not at the time thinking of the
evil effect which would come with them
little dreaming that in after years
they would have such an effect upon
the moral tone of any efect community
in which they should locate communit
has now come the fruit is ripe and
should be gathered together and sent
back to the country from whence it came i
to live die and rot on the soil that cmc gave I
it birth Therefore let us awake to a i
sense of our duty let us expel the vile
leper the thorn in ou side the tumor
which is preying upon our country and I
sapping the life blood from our indus
tries injuring our families ruining our
casting blemishes on our fair i
daughters and making us feel a though
a blot was beingcast this
wr upon creat Re
public Arise brother laborers l JPut your i
shoulders to the wheel and with united I
1I <
action from the East to the West let the i 1
good work go on until we have wiped out
this evil and keep up the work until the
last Chinaman places his foot upon the
vessel that bears him toward the setting
sun Then and not till then will the
laboring man feel that his actions and
his work are appreciated and he can rest
assured that he will meet with the hearty
sympathy of all those whose aim is to
employ good honest straightforward and
intelligent labor labor that will meet
with its permanent reward both in this
world and hereafter And our children
will rise up and bless us for having
eradicated this stain from our nation
Clerk Who Starts Out
A Clotliusr 10
As a Financier and Winds p
in Jail
A little difficulty arose on the Wasatch
corner between 8 and 9 oclock this morn
ing in which S Benjamin assailed his
former employer f II Lipman and in
for his
turn received a sound trouncing
alleged scurrilous remarks The facts
are set forth in the following account
Benjamin had been in the employ of
I lI I Lipman some time ago but owing
to his unreliable manner of doing busi
ness was discharged After leaving
Benjanvil went East and represented I
himself as connected with the firm and
on several occasions as being Mr Lipman
himself Through his misrepresentations
he obtained rides on the railroads and
borrowed numerous sums of money in the
name of the firm saying that he had run
a little Hsllr and would send the
money on his return to Salt Lake He
also collected bills due the firm and re
ceipted for them as if he had the author
ity He sold goods and collected money
oil them and did not deliver the goods to
the parties In this manner he victim
ized people in the East and West A few
months ago these bills started to come in
to Mr Lipman who in turn informed the
parties that the man Benjamin was a
fraud and had not been in his employ for
some months To further bring about i
his ends Benjamin sent telegrams to Lip
man from different places stating that he
would leave for a certain place at such a
time and though Mr Lipman was some
what mystified to receive telegrams post
ing him on Benjamins movements he
did not suspect at the time that it was
done solely to mae Benjamins place
seem more important to those whom he
was working
The following is 1 sample of the letters
received by Mr Lipman in regard to the
transactions of Benjamin
SAN FBANCISOO March 12th 1885
I Mr 3f H Lipman Salt Lake City
I DEAR SmA party by the name ofS Ben
jam claiming to be a representative of
you called on us a few days ago and
after selecting six pair white blankets and
six buggy robes he borrowed 2 from us
and departed He stated that he would re
I turn the money next day and at the same
time select some more goods
We have not seen Benjamin since and we
would kindly thank you to let us know
whether his representations are correct or
This statement of Benjamins was false
as Mr Lipman says he was not in his
employ nor representing the firm at that
time A great many similar cases were
perpetrated by him In Spokane Falls
he used the name of Mr Henry Wagener
and in pvery conceivable manner ob
tained money for which he will be prose
cuted Mr Lipman asks all parties hold
ing claims against Benjamin where
money was procured under false pre
tences to send in the amounts and he
will endeavor to have him prosecuted to
the full extent of the lav
A couple of weeks ago Benjamin re
turned to this city and publicly stated I
that he would pay up all he owed in a I
short time He also went to Mr Lipman
and stated that he was broke and wanted
some help and would pay everything as
soon as he could procure work With
these promises Mr Lipman took him to
Air Gebiiardt and secured a room for
him for a week and at the end of that I
time informed Mr Gebhardt that Benja
min had not tried to do anything and he
would have to look to him for the pay for
the room from that time formard
Mr Lipman went north on a business
trip and during his absence Benjamin
talked scandalously about him but upon
meeting him this morning denied having
said it but acknowledged having used
the language leterrecl to in regard to his
brother Lipman told Benjamin that he
could not mean anybody but him and
with that Benjamin called him a liar and
threw out his hand as i he meant to
strike him With this provocation Lip
man struck him Benjamin is now in
jail and will be held to answer to several I
charges of embezzlement and receiving
money under false pretenses What
he will prove in defence is not known and
prosecution we merely publish the allegations of the
Flue Placer and Quartz Claims
Around Sitka California Cap
italist Have a Good Thing I
Just at present the mines oi the coun
try especially the gold mines aro at
tracting more attention than anything
else For several years past placer min
ing along the Stikine river and about
Juneau and Sitka has been quite profit
able to the few engaged in i it Within
the last year or so however special in
terest has been excited in developing the
rich quartz lodes that occur in the neigh I
borio d of Sitka hut
borio more especially in
those of Douglas island near Juneau I
Here I found to my great surprise what
is said to be the largest quartz mill in the
world This will I know be news to
most of your readers as it was a revela
tion to me
The ireadwell mine which has been
quietly worked for some two
quiet or three
years now runs day and night 120
stamps and fortyeight concentrators
The amount of ore crushed daily
runs up to 360 tons The quartz
crushed assays from 8 to 20 per quar
and the sulphurets obtained from concen
rators will give from 80 to 150 The
edge which crops out from the surface
I I is over 400 feet in width and of surace unex
plored depth and length A horizontal
tunnel has been run into the side of the
hill where the ledge occurs to a distance
of 430 feet and
a vertical shaft has been
sunk to meet this tunnel These show
ore in sight sufficient t last the mill now
running for to
year come The ore is
low in grade it is true but it is milled so
cheaply that it pays handsome dividends
to the fortunate stockholders of the mine
The machinery is all run by water power I
obtained from the mountain streams near
by and it is estimated that the millim
dos ton not cost more than 1 or 150 milling per I
Only eight men are engaged in the
mill proper and I was told that six I
be sufficient woul
sufcient to do the work
Besides the stamps and concentrators
there are large revolving cylinders in I I
cylnders an
adjacent building for roasting the sull i
rasti g sul I
phurets and numerous large chlorination II t
dts for j
Yats eliminating the gold from the ore I
afer it is roasted In another building i J I
hard by are two or three large retorts
where the gold is separated from the mer
cury after which it is melted and cast
into large bars or bricks The steamer
which sails tomorrow carries to San
Francisco upwards tomorrow of 100000 in gold
bricks as the result of the past months
cleaning up Stock in the mine has
never been put on the market and cannot
be had except by paying many times its
face value The owners a few California
capitalists say they have Ua good thing
and are going to hold on to it
The claims adjoining the Treadwell
caims valuable and
mine are said to be equally
are only awaiting the advent of capital to
develop them From present indications
this prosperous mining camp bids fair to
become another Leadvilleor rather an
other Virginia Cityand that too at no
Virgnia The amount of ore known
to exist there appears to be practically
unlimited and from my own observations
I judge that it could be worked as cheap
hereif not more cheaplyas it can in
I gny other mine I ever visited Corres
pondence Denver News
FOR a good smoke try the Famous
Cigar for sale by Sam Levy
White House
For the best meals and rooms go to the
White house Everything firstclass and
low rates
Will Arrive ToNight
Fresh Oysters at Gallachers Restaurant
I By the plate or can 127 Main St
I 1878 Established 1878
Tos Baumgarten the Fashionable
Tailor will use only the latest London
and New York Fashions and Styles and
also the finest Imported and Domestic
Cloths I defy any house west of Chi
cago to compare with my tailor depart
ment Call and be convinced
Mrs Laphnms Customers
Will please take notice that on acconnt of
Vi sickness of Mrs Lapham Mr Lap
ham has sent East to engage a No1
Dressmaker Cutter and Fitter who will
be here about September 1st when he
will be prepared to execute all orders en
trusted to him
Arhogasts Celebrated Boston Ice
The finest in the Territory supplied to
families church socials and picnics in
and low
any quantity Prompt delivery
est prices At 48 EFks Sp street
Pioneer Candy Factory
Established in 1871 I am now pre
pared to furnish all orders at wholesale
and retail for my celebrated caramels and
pure home made candies Orders from
the country solicited Geo Arbogast 48
E First South street
JohnTaylor SonNo 43 and 45 Second
South Street have just received a choice
lot of Spring and Summer Woolenswhich
they offer to make up in firstclass style
at greatly reduced rates
Protect You Family
I is the duty of every man rich or
poor who has created a home to make
some provisions against the inevitable
for those who are dependent upon him
and this most desirable result can be ob
tained by procuring a policy the Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York
the oldest active company in America and
the largest life insurance company in the
world Rates etc furnished by Louis
Hyams Agent 55 Main street Hooper
Eldridge Block Salt Lake City
C Xa o T 10 IK G
Gents Furnishings
An Immense Stock
In all Departments
The Latest Novelties
Constantly arriving
Geuts Spring Style Hats
Hosiery and Fancy Shirts
THE CREAM of Best Designs Just arrived by
by Express
y > <
Of every desirable width aud quality
Newest Styles I Cheaper C Than Ever I
Of Latest European importation
opeal importaton constantly
riving constaty ar
I 14tE ETS
I i
ri r
rI I i
The Largest Stockin Utah I I
Orders most car fuUy fliled J I
I Absolutely Pure
I This powder never varies A marvel of purity
strength and wholesomeness Morn economlcai
Otll > AH kind and cannot be enll J
than the ordinary In
competition with the multitude of low tet
short weight alum phosphate Powders 101d
only in cans ROYAL WING Po DEr CO 10
Wall street New York
Dr FOOTE Senior
B I w 5
Of 120 Lexington Avenue New York
Hereby cautions the public NOT to
Employ or Communicate ivith n
man styling himself Dr Foot Jr
without making dae inquiry
This man came to Salt Lake City representing
himself as the ton of Dr E B OOTE ot New
York the well known specialist a abundant
proved by affidavita As rumors came into Salt
Lake City from Dakota and Montana from an
expose made there he changed hIs babe and
represented expo1e himself a the son of a more noted
specialist in New York City than I > rEB
FOOTE the well known author Mr JOHN F
TROW of the well known Trows Directory
New York City forty years in the director
business ExGovernor FRANK FoLLEKof Utah
and the Hon ABRAM WAKESIAN or many yean
Postmaster in New York City also Surveyor
the Port gave their affidavits that there are no
I other doctors in New York by the name of FOOT
or FOOTE excepting Dr E B FOOTE the author
of Medical Common Sense etc and his two
lions Dr E B FOOTE Jr and Dr HUBERT T
FOOTE The genuine Dr FOOTE Jr will here
after always employ the initials E B in desiR
nating his name Heretofore he h5 been
known not only at home but wherever his pub
lications have been circulated by the name of
Dr FOOTT Jr Greater care will be taken here
after in view of the fact that an unprincipled
person has assumed to profit by hfa and his
fathers reputation
Those desiring further and more detailed in
formation in respect to this matter will receive
it by addressing Box 414 Salt Lake City rah
Persons having information of advantage to
plaintiffs will kindly communicate the same to
J W Ivey with Sutherland o McBride Salt
Those desiring to consult Dr FOOTE profea
sionally or to order remedies should address
120 Lcxiiijrton Ave Ifevr York
Consultation Free in person or by letter
ii ir75IoGi
148 PlaIn Street Salt JLakc City
You can find the largest assortment of
Gold Silver Watches
And everything needed in that line I
7or37 Xncvvoiit
eS Pri OC8
Sacred Heari Academy
Ocuoec Toy
embracing all THOROUGl
and al branches of a solid and
eral accomplished vocal and education Languages gen
free of
Boys up to the
age of twelve received
In a separate building years
School Will Open September 1st 1085I 5
Half fare tickets can be procured for pupil
For terms and full
ful particulars address The
8iste of the
ev Holy
Ogden Utah
Salt Lake City Utah
Classes for Boarders sumed and day pupils will be ro
The course of study embraces
the branchca
of a thorough 11 branches
and accomplished education
Being included in the
English course form no
extra charge
vill be building addition to the Academy
steam ready for September The low pressure
apparatus will be in basement of same
department boy boar s reCGlTed in a lpsrate
Halfare tickets oa be b
pupil tckets procured for thaW
Catalogue address
gue ress as above

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