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I ITHJ I veX1oatb HERALD veckla day in the la thoroonth the week year I THE SALT LAKE > BALD I Iio between and Democratic Ocean aly tee sevea Colorado Pac paper day I I I >
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A Bridge Goes Down With 150
Men on It
Thrilling Stories Told By Some of the
Wives ami CHiUlren the Workmen
Driven Frantic With Grief Could
Only Stand on the Shore Weep
ing and Tearing Their Hair in
Their Augniab Over the Probable
Fate of Those Near and Dear to
Them The Victims
Louisville Dec 15At a few minutes
r past 10 oclock this morning the false
work and that part of the middle span
of the Louisville and Jeffersonville
fridge in place gave way
and with all the workmen was pre
cipitated 110 feet Into the water below
There was but a moments warning
and those who escaped going down with
the mass of iron and timber started for
the piers after the first trembling that
indicated the giving way of the false
Thp accident was a horrible one and
is the last of a long list of catastnn
phes that have marked the construc
tion of the bridge
The foreman In beginning work noticed
begnning ork
ticed that during the night the trav
eler which had been put in place last
night had been worked loose by the I
wind The order to draw it back into
place was given and the men and the
engines started The wind was high at
the time and the gentle sway of the
false work gradually forced the trav
eler off the piles on which I was rest
ing When the end slipped the whole
work trembled and the men realizing
the danger started for the piers
A luck would have it the central
bent a the first to give way and the
men on this went down t be covered
by a mass of iron and timber to the
other which fell almost immediately
currying with them the othe work
men who failed to reach the piers
The north bent or the one attached to
the Indiana pier did not fall for fifteen
minutes after the other parts went
doAs near as can be ascertained there
were 151 men on the bridge when the
alarm was given by the engineer in I
charge of the work Of this number
several succeeded In reaching the piers
Of those who went down some were
covered by a mass of timber from be
neath which it will be days before
their bodies are recovered
The first crash when the center bent
gave way was at 1025 and it was
then that the great number of fatali
ties occurred
A few minutes later the bent on
which there was but little of the bridge
proper gave way on the Indiana side
In this gve believed but one unknown
man was killed He was caught by a
rope and dragged beneath the water
The crash attracted the attention of
those on shore and many turned their
eyes away a they saw the men
struggling In mid air in their mad ef
forts to climb out of danger
Sickening Scenes from the Shore
When the mass of material struck
the water all were concealed for an
instant by the spray thrown high into
the air
As the water subsided here and there
could be seen men struggling desper
ately to climb up on timbers that I
thrust their ends above the water A
few succeeded In clinging to the pieces
in safety and were quickly rescued by
the boats put ojt from the shores
Others struggled desperately and were
carried off by the current to sink al
most a rescue was at hand A few
minutes after the accident the news
was sent to all parts of the city
Women Wild with Grief
Rear the bridge lived the wives and
children of many of the workmen
These were soon on the river bank
Many were wild with grief and rushed
frantically ab ut wringing their
bonds and tearing their hair
To who < e dor must be laid the re
sponsibility will never be known prob
ably Doubtless It was only one of
those unforeseen accidents that occur
in sptte of all precautionary measures
General opinion ascribes the cause
of the disaster to stiff wind
disaste a stf that had
been sweeping the river n 1 day It
bore with great force on the ponder
ous framwork which necessarily be
came loosened from the constant strain
and swayIng of the heavy timbers I
A great numi 1 of people before the
t first soan felL could see the great
traveller rising eight feet above the
piers swaying and quivering in the
wird in what appeared to be a most
alarming manner to those on shore
The motion however was hardly noti
ceable to the workmen and they had no
Idea of the deadly peril until the great
mass of wood and Iron beg n to sink
and the awful cracking and crashing
of timbers smote upon their ears
Thrilling Experience of a Victim
George W Brown one of the fore
men In charge of eight men had a re
markable and thrilling experience
When the crash came nine men made
a dash for the Kentucky side of the
bridge Before they reached safety the
span fell and the workmen were pre
cipitated into the river below Brown
displayed remarkable presence of mind
He held his breath during the fall
and remembers going to the bottom
of the river The debris was piled
above him but he managed to crawl
from under He is an expert swimmer
but discovered his left arm was brok
en in three places He managed how
ever to grasp a floating piece of tim
ber tth his right arm and floated
down the river until rescued He says
while clinging to the timber two
cingng te men
came up near him and after struggling
an Instant sank out of sight He saw
several struggling men In the waters
who sank out of sight before help
reached them
James Trent the painter who resides
in this city was on the span twenty
feet from the pier nearest the Ken
tucky shore when he heard a peculiar
crunching fcoise With Ernest Miller
Robert Woolford Charles Pope and a
workman named Carter they all ran
for their lives towards the pier and
all succeeded Jn reaching a safe foot
hold on the masonry when the pan
went down with s fearful crash Trent
and companions slid down the rope
0 to the river surface where they were
I taken into a sldft Treat asserts the
t I
= i 0
collapse was preceded by two distinct
shocks which gave the workmen warn
ing but too late t allow many to es
Harry Lee a workman jumped out
from the bridge into the water and
when rescued WM found to have es
caped with a broken leg
The East End Improvement company
has been acting as limited agent in the
construction of the bridge under reor
ganization last March when the prop
I erty was disposed of to a syndicate
I controlled by three roads generally be
lieved to be the Big Four Chesapeake
Ohio and the B S W
I For the purpose of completing the
bridge and providing suitable terminal
facilities a bond issue of 500000 was
Authorized 1000000 of which a to
held in reserve This gave new life
to the enterprise and the work of com
pleting the structure has been going
on rapidly since
The span that gave way was the last
bat one needed to complete the struc
ture The accident was seen by the
lookout on duty at the life saving sta
tion and two boats were at once mann
ed and rowed as quickly as possible
to the lescue Before they got there
however many boats were at work
The life savers found they were unable
to do much as they could not get
where the victims were imprisoned
Shortly after their arrival the trestle
work attached to the north pier of the
fatal span fell carrying one man down
with i The life savers rescued him
and took him to shore
Work of the Wind
That the structure was e
than safe never occurred either to the
engineers In charge of the work or the
workmen Every precaution had been
employed to insure the stability of the
frame work and the only thing lack
ing was the failure to take into consid I
eration the action of the wind To the
great traveler alluded to is directly
attributable the falling of the
atributble falng span
The constant action of the wind bore
i from its resting place on the last
pier but one on the Jeffersonville side
The displacement was discovered and
the work of putting it back in place
was begun but too late The center
of the great span began to sink before
the work was accomplished The wind
had done its work and the heavy en
gines near the pier went crashing down
to the water carrying with them a
mass of humanity mixed in horrible
confusion with the timbers and iron
The partial span of the last one did
not fall until twenty minutes after the
first had gone down but it was the di
rect result of the falling of the first
The great strain occasioned by the
sundering and rending of the bridge
naturally communicated itself to a un
finished span and it took its plunge
like the first into the water but being
mostly of frame work did not sink
but floated slowly down the river
There was said to be four men on i
when i fell and one was undoubted
ly killed The traveler on this span
floated down several hundred yards
and then grounded Heavy timbers
were splintered like matches showing
the terrific force of the fall Iron gir
ders weighing many tons were twist
ed like one might twist a piece of wire
I into every conceivable shape and lay
I with the timbers huge pieces of iron
and lumber in an inextricable mass
The span would have been complet
ed by this afternoon and after the
traveler had been fastened to the
I pier there would have been no danger
I ofthe wind current breaking i down
A pile driver was sent to the scene
and the wor of clearing the wreckage
and searching for the dead under the
debris at once commenced
Dead and Injured
The revised list or the dead Injured II
and missing is as follows I
DeadL G Garlock Buffalo
John Courtney
P Burns
C Murphy
C F Cook
Missing F Holderer
A Sodden t
J Cregan
M Solan
Frank Simmons Jeffersonville
G H Hinkle Dauphin Pa
J Holden
J L Wilson
Pat Kelly
J T Owens
F Sheridan
J Allen
P F Moore
George Lilly
R L Berflng Virginia
H Bliss
Injured Meyer Lexington Ky
left leg l badly fractured Harry Lee
New Albany slightly injured H D
Pugh E Hlldebrand three ribs frac
tured internally injured will probably
die G W Brown Irvington Ky arm
broken in three places C Tharp an
kle badly sprained Oswego N y G
E Sheehan flesh wound Greenup Ky
A T Hal badly bruised East Ten
nessee S Parks three ribs broken
and sprained ankle Scotland T Gal
loway South Pittsburg Pa fractured
leg E Sheriff Chica fatally injured
E Hobin fatally injured W A
Sharpe Louisville left arm A
hurt internally
IllLuck Pursues Them
The Louisville and Jeffersonville
Bridge company ha had a series of
disasters financial and otherwise I
was originally projected in 1879 and
failure overtook it in its very incipien
cy In 1888 it was revived under
i wa a new
i charter and ground was broken in
October 1889 Two caisson accidents
tOJk place during the building of the
I piers The first was caused by the
cupidity of a sub contractor who en
I gaged himself as an expert when he
was without experience The air es
I caped from the caisson and the water
I rushed in drowning fourteen men
The second caisson accident resulted
from the foolhardiness of the foreman
I in the management of the structure
and caused the death of seven men
Today was the third big accident in
the chain Several minor ones have
occurred between times
The enterprise was overtaken by a
very serious financial disaster early In
its career as a result of the Baring
failure in 1S90 which by reason of the
depressing effect in the money centers
preventing the floating of 1000000
bonds arrangements for which had
all but been consummated
This reverse was a blow from which
the enterprise never recovered In the
hands of the originators and promo
ters Jacob E Kreiger the leading
spirit broke himself and the Masonic
bank of this city in rthering the project
ject and finally sank himself in an un
timely grave under a load of ills re
sulting from multiplied disasters
caused by the bridge
The enterprise languished several
times and at one time it looked like
had it would
those who projected reap
nothing but loss However in March
last they succeeding in disposing of
the property to a syndicate under terms
considered very advantageous
ILe estimated by engineers of the
Phoenix Bridge company that the loss
to the bridge will be at least 100000
The Third Spnn Goes
Third span of the bridge collapsed
at 820 tonight So far as is known no
one was injured This will be an addi
tional loss of about 75000 to the Bridge
company This span had been complet
ed but the collapse of the fourth span
today It is supposed loosened and dis
placed itTEJf
JEIalfa3miton Fire In New York
New Torlc Dec 5ire broke out
iI the furniture and upholstering seven
Continued on Page 2
l C
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Republicans Try to Throttle the
Arizona Admission Act
Republicans Seem to be Afraid of
Western Senators
Hepburn of Iowa Shows Almost Su
preme Ignorance of tIle Great
West Bowers Draws a Graphic
Picture of the Fertile Valleys of
Arizona and Says in Five Years
Her Population Will Increase
Washington Dec 15The course of
events in the House today resembled
the halcyon days of Reed in Congress
when legislation was rushed through
at a galloping speed
The bill for the admission of Arizona
was put through under whip and spur
and the bill for the admission of New
Mexico was well under way when a
wrangle over what was to be done with
Oklahoma Intervened and the debate
lasted until the adjournment
The bulk of the eastern opposition
to the admission of the territories as
expressed by Bingham of Philadel
phia is predicated on the theory that
while the eastern states rich in wealth
and strong in population would be
able to hold their ow in the House
where the basis of representation was
on population the influence of the
great states of the Union would be
overbalanced by the greatly increased
state representation in the Senate
Hepburn of Iowa raised an objec
tion to the clause in the Arizona bill
giving four sections in every range a
total of 73000000 acres
Smith of Arizona Interrupted de
clared that Arizona would get just what
Iowa got
This Hepburn denied Even if it
had Iowa had 2000000 inhabitants
To the suggestion that people would
leave Iowa to go to Arizona Hepburn
simply moved his hand contemptu
The idea that people would go from
Iowa out to that arid country Is pre
posterous said he I went out there
once and never saw a green thing
unless he added it wore breeches
Bowers of California in a heated
reply drew a graphic picture of the
valleys of Arizona more fertile he
declared than the plains of the Nile
In five years he predicted the popula
tion of Arizona would be increased
over fourfold
Very few amendments were adppted
One increasing the grant of lands to
state institutions one hundred thous
and acres each to the insane asylum
penitentiary deaf and dumb asylum
and 50000 acres to the hospital for
disabled miners was adopted
Motions to consolidate the judicial
districts of Utah and Arizona and r
duce the salary of federal judges were
The Republicans generally did not
refrain from voting on the final pas
sage of the bill although many < voted
against it
The motion was carried 185 to 61
and the bill for the admission of Ari
zona passed
They are Malting Themselves tie
Laughing Stock of Utah
Washington Dec 15The bill for
the admission of Utah will probably
be oposed In the Senate by its old an
tagonist the Ladies Home Missionary
society which is seeking a oppor
tunity to be heard by the Senate com
mittee on territories
The members of this society take ex
ception to the statements which have
been made very freely by the advo
cates of the bill that polygamy Is dead
in Utah and say they have positive
information that the contrary is the
cae They have obtained this infor
mation from the missionaries scattered
throughout that territory The infor
mation is to the effect that the prac
tice is not carried on as openly as for
merly but in places from the
towns and centers of habitation there
Is little or no abatement in the custom
They also say that In the towns and
cities there is a covert observation of
the old doctrine and that everywhere
among the Mormon people there is a
feeling In favor of polygamy just as
strong a in the p lmlest days of Mor a
monism and that where this feeling is
suppressed at all it is only done be
cause of fear of the federal authorities
The ladies argue that if the territory
should be admitted as a state tetor ad
authority removed the Mormons would
control the state organisation and it
would be a short time only before
polygamy would again be openly taught
and practiced as one of the tenets of
the Mormon people
The society embraces large member
ship in the Presbyterian Congrega
tional and Methodist churches
Reason Why tIle Government
Should Own I Are Urged
Washington Dec 15The House
committee on interstate and foreign
commerce alter listening to arguments
by Senators Morgan of Alabama and
Prye of Maine reported favorably the
joint resolution of Representative Doo
little of Washington for the appoint
ment of ajoint commission consisting
of three senators and six members to
investigate the present status of the
Nicaragua canal project
Senator Morgan recited at length the
past history of the enterprise and its
struggle to obtain is
strggle governments
obtin rec
ognition He thought the time had
come when we should decide whether
the United States would aid the pro
jector or abandon it altogether He
declared that the world is determined
t < have the canal and if the United
States would not build it some other
nation would He pointed out the ad
vantages of the control of the canal
by the United States and earnestly
hoped the resolution would be adopted
Senator Frye also spoke warmly In
favor or the resolution and stated
that the government which controls
the Nicaragua canal would also con
trol the Hawaiian islands and that it
would be useless for this country to
annex those islands unless the control
of he canal was assured
TIle CauenR OH the Tariff Bill
Washington Dec Chairman Hoi
man of the Democratic hairmiz said
this afternoon that it was probable
Jthe caucus on the tariff bill would not 1
be held until a ter the holiday recess
Many members are going out of town
and there would not be a full attend
reassembling In Janu
ance until the reassemblng I
ary General Wheeler has secured ad
call ditional names to the request for the
Mrs Porters Fnnernl
Washington Dee 5The funeral of
Mrs Porter wife of the late Admiral
Porter took place today The inter
ment was by the side of her husband
at Arlington The pallbearers were
Senator Chandler Representative Bou
telle Admirals Jouett Almy Upshur
and Stevens Commodores Walker and
Ramsay and Major Nicholson of the
Marine corps
Lively Times in the Reichstag Over
Berlin Dec 15The reichstag today
adopted the Spanish Roumanian and
Servian treaties and defeated the mo
tion of Herr Janitz that they should
remain in operation for a year only
Count Herbert Bismarcks speech
vising the dissolution of parliament
and an appeal to the voters was re
ceived with cheers and hisses
Herr Richter called him the Weak
ling of the Bismarck dynasty and
Pascher dubbed him Don Quixote
The relchstag adjourned to Jan 4
Count Solms Sonnenwalde German
ambassador to Italy ha resigned ow
ing to private reasons
I is reported that Herr Von Rado
wiz German ambassador to Madrid
will succeed Count Sols Sonnenwalde
Great Damage Doneito the City of
New York Dec 1The Heralds
Buenos Ayres Dec 15 special The
Heralds corresponden at Rio sends
word that on the night of Dec 10 the
city was thrown into by a storm of
shot and shell which lasted fifty min
utes The missles came from the rifles
and rapid firing guns on Cobras Island
and fell all over the city but especial
ly in Carioca Pavadrila and Traves
streets and on other points where the
theatres are situated The play houses
were just being emptied of throngs
of patrons and the effect was tremen
dous Scared women fled shrieking
for shelter This was the result of the
attack made from the shore upon the
island by Peixotos troops to which
Gamas island batteries were not slow
in responding The houses on the wa
ter front were much damaged by the
leaden shower but the number of
casualties Is unknown It is stated the
attacking force of Peixotos men suffer
ed heavy losses as did also the island
garrison but accurate figures could
not be procured
The usual firing between the forts I
and Nictheroy is not allowed to flag
The Worlds special from Buenos
Ayres of the 15th says Terrific bom
barding is reported in the harbor of
Rio De Janeiro today Many persons
were killed
France Does Not Propose to Be
Longer Trifled Withv
Paris Dec 15he chamber depu
ties has adopted the explosives bill and
the associations bill both antlanarcfi
ist Tneasuresiibyr s pins majorities
Avezi socialist deputy protested
against what he classed as a throt
tling discussion and other socialist
deputies denounced the alleged indecent
haste with which the measures were
pushed through
FlandlR defended the projects as be
ing a new defense for menaced so
Goblet proposed to send the associa
tion bill to the committee but this was
rejected by a vote o 406 to 132 and
the bill was adopted by a vote of 464
to 20
They Admit Their Guilt and Are
Sent to Jill
Leipsic Dec 15At the trial of De
g ng and Delgay the alleged French
spies the prisoners confessed they in
tended to forward the results of their
sketches of the German fortifications
to the French government The pub
lic prosecutor said In view of the pres
ent extensive espionage on the part of
French officers which rendered a large
sum of money spent upon German de
fenses useless he must ask a sentence
of four and five years respectively
This was the sentence imposed
The Haml > rougli Mystery
Edinburgh Dec 15At the Monson
trial today the managers of the Lon
don Liverpool and Globe Insurance
company at Glasgow and Leeds and
of the Scottish Providlent Insurance
company testified that Monson tried to
effect a heavy Insurance on the life of
Hambrough but it was refused be
cause Monson could not show any in
surable interest in the young man
Evidenda was also adduced showing
that in 1892 Monson was bankrupt
with assets of 125 and debts of 2000
Vaillant Was Jlrihed
Paris Dec 15 Liberte states Vail
lant has confessed he was given a
hundred francs by welltodo anarchists
in order to make a big coup Vaillant
is quoted a adding that he used this
money to purchase explosives etc
with which he made the bomb and con
cealed the latter In a flannel waist
belt Still according to Liberte Vail
lant intended to harangue the deputies
after the explosion but was choked
with smoke
The Liceo Outrage
Barcelona Dec 15 Anarchist Jos
eph Codina was arrested and brought
here from Perpignan on the day fol
lowing the dynamite bomb outrage in
the LIceo theatre I is now definitely
stated that he was the author of that
disaster In all 143 anarchists are im
prisoned here A number will be trans
ported on the cruiser Nayarre The
captain has sealed orders regarding
their destination
The Italian Ministry
Rome Dee 15The official list of
the new ministry Is as follows Crispi
premier and minister of the interior
Baron Blank foreign affairs Sonnino
finance and treasury ad interim
Saracco public works Calenda jus
tice General Macconi war Admiral
Morrin marine Baccelli education
Rose1 husbandry Ferrario posts and
A Bomb in n Church
London Dee 15A bomb loaded
with powder and shot and with a
lighted match attached was found in
the church at Aelzen Hanover
THoclcuilc the Hurbor
Buenos Ayres Dec 15State rebel
war ships now completely blockade
Rio and Santos A number of failures
of merchants San Paulo have oc
Railroad Collision In Russia
LondqnrjPec 15 > JViE reported that
fourteen were killed and thirty wound
ed Jn a railroad collisidrin6ar Soznovka
R ssia
t a
c I
The Treasures Found on a Col
ored Boy in Chicago
Host Valuable Darkey Since the An
v t Days
Damaging Evidence Introduced In
the Trial of the Portland Smug
glers A Double Hanging In
Maine Another Piece of Hemp
Stretched in Missouri The MyM
terlous Siiuonil in the Cronin
Case The Pendersrast Trial Other
Crimes and Criminals
Chicago Dec 15Flve thousand dol
lars worth of jewelry and diamond
rings were found in the possession of
a colored boy arrested this morning
He said his name was Frank Easton
and he confessed to a successful bur
glary committed in San Francisco a
few weeks ago The detectives saw
Easton standing in front of a pawn
shop acting in a peculiar manner The
officers took him to the station and
found diamonds and watches that a
millionaire might be proud of Easton
made a full confession of how he came
into possession of the valuables
He said
About three weeks ago he met an
other colored man In San Francisco
The latter planned the burglary and
a mans house on Sutter street was se
lected I did not care to take part in
the burglary but was threatened with
death unless I did so On the night of
the burglary I attempted to back out
but my accomplice made me get
through the window at the point of a
revolver Once inside the house I ran
sacked almost every room in it I got
through the window to escape but my
accomplice was nowhere to be found
Having the jewelry and the precious
stones in my possession I immediately
left Chicago San Francisco coming directly to
An expert jeweler and diamond dealer
pronounced the property worth at least
5000 One ring with four diamonds is
alone worth 1000 Among the othei
valuables taken from Easton was a
womans gold watch and chain valued
at 3250 three opals 300 each two dia
mond studs 300 each pair of cuff but
tons made of 5 gold pieces two gold
nugget weighing ten and a half ounces
each a pair of moonstone earrings
pair of pearl studs plain gold band
ring four solid gold chains 20 other
pieces of jewelry and valuable stones
were found on him l of which Eas
ton said he got from a resIdence in San
The authorities at San Francisco
have been notified of Eastons arrest
Further Damaging Evidence Was
Elicited Yesterday
Portland Dec 15In the conspiracy
trial Blum testified that about March
1 last he paid Collector Lotan and
Special Agent Mulkey 3SOO Last July
Blum Lotan and others met and
agreed to try and handle the members
of the grand jury so as to prevent in
dictments When arrested in Septem
ber Blum told the United States dis
trict attorney that his associates had
abandoned him and left him in jail
expecting he would be sent to the pen
itentiary and they escape
The district attorney did not promise I
him any Immunity In return for his
evidence Blum then made a full con
fession and turned over the document
ary evidence
Crossexamination failed to shake
Blums testimony
J S McGregor special treasury
agent Identified Mulkeys handwriting
in letters written to Blum
W B Jackling engineer of the
steamer Wilmington corroborated
Blums testimony
A Russian Refugee Suicides in Lin
coln Park
Chicago Dec 15 Sigmund Massa
kowsky a Russians refugee committed
suicide in Lincoln park last night
John Wriesenski a man claiming to
bb an agent of a society that extends
aid to suffering Russians told a cor
oroner today that the suicide had been
an officer in the czars army but being
implicated in a political plot four
months ago he had been forced to flee
the country in disguise He hft his
family in Russia and fearing detec
tion and being without funds killed
himself to escape the terrible fate
which the agent said would come to
him should hb be captured He had
received information that he had been
sentenced to Siberian exile and that
measures had been taken to prevent
his wife and children from leaving
Russia to come to him This drove him
to despair and death
I Was Not Perjury
Boise Idaho Dec 15 Speciall The
celebrated land office case involving
Attorney J W Badger and S H Mc
Carty and Mrs Abbott came to a
sudden termination today United
States Judge Beatty quashing the in
dictment He held that the affidavit
filed by Mrs Abbott who impersonated
Mrs L C Wing at the instigation of
the attorneys was not required by the
law but was merely a department rul
ing therefore it was not perjury
though she swore to an absolute false
The Train Wt Not Ilobheit
St Louis Dec 15It is said at po
lice headquarters that a train robbery
took place ten miles east of here in
Illinois at an early hour this morning
and that two men were killed I is
impossible as yet to learn on what road
the robbery occurred I is believed
the robbery occurred on the Jackson
ville Southern
It is said the story originated with a
drunken negro who last night told the
conductor of the Mobile Ohio train
that his train would be robbed I was
Mysterious Simoiids
Chicago Dec 15The connection
of the mysterious J B SImonds
who rented a fat on Clark street with
the Cronin murder was the subject of
investigation by the prosecution in the
Coughlin trial today The defense
moved that the entire Simonds story
be excluded as SImonds had never
been indicted but the court allowed
the testimony showing the transaction
in renting and fitting up the fat
Two More Stretch Hemp
Prince Anne Me Dec 15 Arthur
Courtney and Henry Taylor negroes
were hanged here at noon for the mur
der last June of Captain Cooper the
owner of a small boat plying on Chesa
peake bay The murderers were among
the crew of the vtessel and the murder
was committed for robbery
The Prendergast Case
Chicago Dec 15In the Prendergast
murder trial today further evidence
was introduced to show that the pris
Harrison oner was insane when he killed Mayor
The Meyer Case
New York Dec i5In the Meyer
trial the prisoners counsel moved his
clients discharge on technical grounds
The motion was overruled and the arguments
guments on the testimony began
The World Better Off
Sedalia Mo Dec 15Dick Robin
son was hanged this morning for thfc
outrage and murder of Johanna Schell
man a servant girl and the killing of
her unborn babe on Oct 12
Ills Just exerts
Cando N D Dec 15Albert Barn
burger the murderer of his uncle
David S Kreider his wife and four
children was hanged here today
The Dispatch From Stevens to Blaine
Thurston Goes to Hawaii
Washington De 15There was
published this morning a dispatch ad
dressed by Minister Stevens from
Honolulu to Secretary Blaine dated
March 8 1892 in which Stevfens asks
for instructions in the event of a revo
httionfory movement This dispatch
was printed in the official Hawaiian
correspondence and is not new The
dispatch referred to an entirely differ
ent revolution from the one which has
been affected The revolution which
Stevens apprehended was threatened
by Robert Wilcox a half caste who
attempted to overthrow Kalakaua in
1889 and was prevented by the white
element in the Islands
Stevens Says They are All on File
Boston Dec ExMinister John
L Stevens made the following selfex
planatory statement today
Regarding the dispatch to Secre
tary Blaine signed by me and publish
ed by tble Associated Press yesterday
morning probably no answer was ever
received by me and probably none was
ever written Doubtless Blaine thought
standing instructions and usages of le
gation of which I then had chargh es
pecially Secretary Bayards dispatch
to Minister Merrill of July 2 1887 were
sufficent for my guidance thus throw
ing on the American representatives
at Honolulu the responsibility of deal
ing with the facts and emergencies as
to which they could judge more ac
curately than Washington officials All
official dispatches received by me dur
ing my residence in Honolulu are duly
numbered and are on file in the lega
tion at Honolulu I
Thurston Goes to Hawaii
San Francisco Dec 15 Among the I
passengers who left on the steamer
Alameda today for Honolulu were L
A Thurston Hawaiian minister to the
United States and J Mott Smith wife
and daughter Smith was succeeded
by Thurston when the provisional gov
ernment went Into power
More Resolutions Denouncing the
Cincinnati Dec 15The Ohio State
Grange patrons of husbandry in ses
sion at Sandusky and the Indiana
Grange at Seymour adopted caustic
resolutions against Secretary Morton
The Indiana Grange recommended the
withholdlng all reports until the
seretary retracts
Tekamah Neb Dec 15The State
Grange adopted resolutions denouncing
recommending the secretary of referendum agricultuite favoring Morton
the reenactment of the free coinage
aw of 1837 and reaffirming their
fealty to thte cause of woman suffrage
Four Bodies Already Taken From I
A Burned Building
San Francisco Cal Dec 15A Chi I
nese wash house was burned this
morning Two bodies have already
been taken from the ruins I is sup
posed that two more perished
The bodies of the two missing Chi
nese were found in the ruins making
in all four victims The theory is that
the fire started by a spark from an
opium pipe which one of the Chinese
was smoking and that the four who
burned were too far under the influ
ence of the drug to escape
S Professor Torrey
Boston Dec 16Prof Henry W
Torrey one of the oldest professors of
Harvard is dead aged 80
John L Porter
Norfolk Dee 15John L Porter
formerly chief naval constructor of the
confederate states navy and projector
and builder of the famous ironclad
Virginia Merrimac died at Ports
mouth last night aged 80
Earl of Beehive
London Dec 15The Earl of Bec
five is dead
The Olympia Up to RequIrements
Santa Barbara Dec 15The new
cruiser Olympia on a trial test did
not equal the expectations of the build
ers but made a record of 2167 for an
eightysix knot course thus exceeding
the requirements All conditions were
favorable and the machinery worked
A Famous Case Decided
Tucson Ariz Dec 15The famous
Nogales De Ellas land grant case
which has been on trial here for sev
eral days before the court of private
land claims has been decided The
court held that tha grant was a grant
by quantity amounting to an area of a
little more than seven and a half sidias
or about 32600 acres that this amount
had been entirelysatisfied within the
Mexican republic and that conse
quently the claimants had no cause of
action against the United States for
any lands lying north of the inter
national boundary line
Glove Contests Legalized
New Orleans Dec HThe jury in
the case of th state vs the Olympic
club haS returnedr verdict in favor
of the glove defendants contests thus In effect legalizing
C c
FRE siiiiii AS
The Possibilities of a New Political J
cl Party 1
I r 1
Depreciation of Silrer the Cause of 1
all the Troubles
7 j
A Effort Will Doubtless Be Blade 1
to Carry Congressional Elections j
led Fall Knislits of Labor 1
Fanners Alliance National
Grange antI Populists Will Prob
ably Come Together In a New
Party With Free Silver as the i
Only laaue
Washington Dec 15The confer
ence of the leading silver men of the
country to devise means for continuing
the fight for free silver was opened to i
day Among those present were Gen j
erals Weaver and Fields of Iowa
Stewart of Nevada Kalb of Alabama 1
Moreton Frewen a British authority J
on bimetalism and General Master
Workman Sovereign About fifty in all
were present representing the bone and
sinew of the silver movement
General Weaver says the conference 1
will probably last several days and be
a very thorough canvass of the situa
tion The conference is being held with
closed doors j
The possibilities of a new political
party with free silver coinage poltcal
sole plank of the platform was among 4
the developments at todays secret ses
sion of the silver leaders The day
was devoted to expressions of opinion
of representatives from different states
They were uniformly to the effect that
the working people and farmers were
dissatisfied with the course of Congress J
in repealing the purchase clause of the
Sherman act
Senators Jones and Stewart Master J
Workman Sovereign of the Knights of
Labor and National Lecturer White
head were among the speakers of the
During the address of Senator Jones
an Interesting colloquy occurred be
tween him and Master Workman Sov
ereign The latter suggested that when
the labor ranks had assisted toward
securing free silver there should be
a reciprocity by which the silver lead
ers would assist in
asit securing labor
forms securng
Jones contended that all labor ques
tions were merged In the money ques
all tion and its solution would settle them
Sovereign and the Senator at last
met on common ground in agreeing
that the silver question be made the
paramount Isue of all labor and te
trial organizations
Frequent references made during the
speeches today of the necessity of or
ganizing a silver party made up of
the elements heretofore gathered under
the standards of the Populists Na
tional Grange Knights of Labor Far
mers Alliance etc
The tendency of the conference Is
towards this new conerece The
probability Is the first effort of the
united forces will be exerted to carry
the congressional elections next faU
n is undecided whether this will be
done by nominating independent silver
candidates for Congress or by endors
ing such candidates of the old parties
who have shown by their records they
favor silver I Is the belief of those 1
attending the conference that a na
tional silver ticket will be put in the
field as a result of the present meet
ing and the hope to achieve victories
in the congressional elections
Senator Jones said at the close of the
conference that this new national
party was among the strong probabili
ties of the meeting
The Verdict Contrary to the Judges
Instructions j
Butte Dec 15A suit of consider
able importance to that class of mining
men who lease property was decided
by a jury in the district court here this
morning but the verdict was con
trary to the instructions lot Judge
defendant Speer being rendered In favor of the
The material Instruction w in ef
fect that a lease of the character a
issue created a community of interest
and that the rights of the lessor were
to be equally protected with
those of the lessee and that the equity
terms of the lease as relating to the
mine could not be subordinated to the
personal advantage of the lessee to en
hance the profits of an Individual en
terprise such as the smelter
The case was that of James A Mur
ray a wealthy mine owner against
F Augustus Heinze who branched out
in the mining and smblting business
here about two years ago About a
year ago Murray leased the Estella
mine a property rich In copper and sil
ver the stipulations of the agreement
thing that Murray should receive 50
per cent of the net product of the mine
with copper at five cents per pound
and 90 per cent of the silver based on
the market value Heinze was to per
form certain work in and about the
mine and Murray was t pay him 1 a
ton for concentrating the ore
Heinze worked the property seven
months during which time he extract
ed 112000 worth of ore but by concen
trating the waste ore together suc
ceeded In bringing Murray out in debt
to him two months out of the seven
and giving him only a small margin
during the other five months Heinz
had a years lease on the property but
when Murray discovered the kind of a
deal he was getting he brought suit to
annul the lease served an injunction
to prevent Heinze from doing further
work in the mine and followed both
with another suit for 55000 damages
The latter Is yet to be levied The suit
to annul the lease lasted seventeen
days and was stubbornly fought by
both sides from beginning to the finish
C S Batterman of Colorado was
among the expert witnesses for the
defense Heinze has worked several
leases in the district the owners claim
in the same manner as he has the Mur
ray lease I
Slosson Badly Outplayed
New York Dec 15The fifth game
In the balk line billiard tournament
was between Schaefer and Slosson
This latter was badly outplayed at every
stage and Schaefer won by a score of
600 to 394 Averages Schaefer 3551J
Slosson 23 317 High runs Schaefer
203 Slosson 123
Carlla Must Go
Washington Dec 15The secretary
of the interior has ordered cthe re
moval of John C Carlin register ot
the land office at Prescott Arizona