OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, August 19, 1894, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1894-08-19/ed-1/seq-8/

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Ff 7
J r Al < t > fqFIj 7 > = = < f r v
v < I1 1 F r > <
r When trade winds blow a mighty
z gale
And the Ship of Commerce bowls
You may reef your jib haul in your
And scud beneath bare poles
U But when the Summer Calm has
i come
You will i you are wise
Fut on all saillose not an hour
Jump in and advertise
Register nt once
Refirister twice for there are two
eparuie and distinct registrations
One list for the regular county
nxul territorial election anil
Another list for the election for
aiemlierH of tlc Constitutional Con
The Reprint rat ion Closes Monday
September 3 1SJM
If you have voted before see that
your name remains on the revised
list and taUe the new oath and
have it put on the new list
If yon have never voted before
take two oaths and see that your
name appears on two lists
Millie Cook Keyser of this city and
Mr W H Wyher were united in mar
riage at San Francisco on Aug 16
In the matter of the estate of Chris
topher Merkley Judge Blair yesterday
took under advisement petitions for let
ters of administration
There are messages at the Western
Union Telegraph ollice for John Mar
tins J J Ostrander G H Champ Miss
Grace W Bailey and Charles Burkhalter
The mental condition of Rose Baughn
was inquired into yesterday and the wo
man was declared insane Sloe will be
placed in the asylum at Provo
The Mill Creek Democrats will hold a
rally at the ward house on Wednesday
evening at 730 oclock Among the
speakers will be Hon P L Williams and
Benj Lloyd of this city
The deed for the sale of the old Mc
Kimmins stables bought by David Keith
and James Ivers of Park City was re
corded at the county recorders office
yesterday thus closing the transaction
Yesterdays clearings were SIGSSol as
compared with 79030 for the same dav
of last year The clearings for the week
footed up to Sl01u7S2 as compared with
J53S143 for the same week of last year
I seems that F A Olsen complied with
the requirements of the new dentistry
a wand filed his certificate at the office
of tho county clerk on July 6 hence he
preceded Drs Cannan and Green by six
At 6 a m yesterday the thermometer I
registered 6 at noon 7 and at 6 p m
79 the maximum temperature being S2
and the minimum 61 Observer Sallsburvs
forecast for today is Fair weather ex
cept light showers in eastern Utah I
The roof of the west side of the Rapid
Transit power house was ignited last
right by a spark from the stack Hose
WLS handy and the blae was put out be
fore it had done any lama < e The West
Side lire department made the run but
was not needed
An inquest was held at Farmington
yesterday over the body of Cyrus Drake
who died on Friday from the effects of
I dose of carbolic acid Richard White
William Wright and C E France were
sworn as jurors and they found that the
poison was taken with suicidal intent
At the meeting of the Laboringrnens
association last evening President Rawl
4 Ings presided and 84 members rpsponded
to roll call The followIng new members
were received W L George V M
Hill W F Grav J Swan C G Mat
thews and Pert Finn Another meeting
will be held next Saturday evening
A party composed of Messrs James
McGregor M M Cole Il Herkimer of
Indiana Frank Y Taylor L G Hard
W I Price J D Clive George W Snow
P W Madsen and others left Park City
yesterday for a toi r of the Uintahs
Martin Garn is the guide and govern
ment permits to travel in the Indian
country were secured
The two companies of troops from the
I fort h hco have been stationed along
the line of the Southern Pacific were re
leased on Friday and returned yesterday
morning The cars on the Salt Lake City
Jstg 1lf i
lailroad conveyed the soldiers and their
arms from the Union Pacific depot to
the post This leaves but one company
l cf the Sixteenth out in the field that at
New Castle Colorado
Frank Wilson a tough youth from
t Texas was arrested last night charged
with assaulting J B Love with a deadly
weapon Wilson was creating a disturb
ance in front of the Salvation army bar
rack on Third South street when Love
interfered and tried to persuade him to
uCFtt but only with the result that Wil
son struck him over the head with a
gun knocked him down and belabored
him with his fists Officer Leavitt was
soon on the scene and took Wilson into
custody not however without a good
deal of difficulty as he fought and kicked
until overcome bv the superior strength
of the oflicer The hearing Is set for 2
p m on Monday in the police court
The Jefferson Drum corps held a drill
and parade meeting at their armory last
evening The bys will hp put tlnnifjh
their paces on 11w fife and bugle bv Pro
fessor Eroch Ford and they will be
quite proficient by the time the campaign
opens in earnest The corps will give 3
ball soon and the following committee will
complete tho arrangements W C Hall
R J Oswnld Charles Gust ive on Henry
Walquist Frank Penroe The organiza
tion will meet again for practice it the
armory at 730 tomorrow evening when
Malor Levy will classify the members
and Instruct them in the manual drill
The corps Is still short a few lifers and
buglers and applicants should be present
tomorrow evening
Abstracts furnished titles Insured and
B per cent paid on deposits by Utah
Title Insurance and Trust Co 160 Main
Notice to the Piihllc
Mons and Madame Portier desire
to announce that they have severed
their connection with the Paris Steam
c Laundry and can now be found at
the Home Steam and Hand Laundry
34 South West Temple street and as
sure their friends and patrons that
they are now prepared to do all kinds
of laundry work promptly and first
class in every particular
Attend the auction sale of potted
plants at 207 State street Tuesday Aug
i ust 21 at 260 p m
See Union Pacific special excursion
advertisement on pag 1 ot this is
Some Interesting Figures Gath
ered by Treasurer Whitehead
Fort Duchcsnc and Salt Lake to Be
Connected Uy Telephone Ont
NtandinET County Warrants
County Valuations Talk With
Banker AVhitmore State Bank
Officers Elected
Upon the 8th day of March 1S93 this
territory will be in debt exclusive of
her bond issues a cool 100000 and one
year later this deficit will have reached
the sum of 150000 Had the governor not
vetoed the bounty measures of the last
legislature 00000 more could have been
added to this amount This extremely
undesirable condition of affairs is due
solely to the acts of the late but not
lamented Republican legislature and is
the result of the refusal of the Republican
can members to reconsider their action
the and
on appropriation bills special
general and make an investigation of
the financial condition of the territory
for the purpose of meeting the impend
ing crisis
Territorial Treasurer Whitehead has
been doing some figuring of late and yes
terday gave a Herald reporter the result
of his investigations I
The corrected assessment of Salt Lake
county by the county board of equaliza
tion for 3894 is 5431G2010 as against 49
167011 for 3S93 being a reduction of 168
per cent said 11 Whitehead Figur
ing the same percentage of reduction for
the entire territory which was assessed
in 1S93 at llo114S42 will give I total I
reduction of 1932929345 or a total as
sessed valuation of 9577554854 say in
round numbers 96000000 The territorial
tax for 1S943S95 will be 2 mills giving a
revenue of 384000 Added to this will
be other receipts estimated at SSOOO
which makes a total of 392000 The compensations
920 I
pensations rebates etc for 189495 will
not be less than 32000 leaving a total
amount for 189495 of 360000 The appro I
priation acts of the last legislature carry
a total of 516000 leaving a deficit for
March 8 1896 of 150000 This is ex
clusive of all contingent expenses that
may arise through certain acts of the
legislature On account of the great
amount of immediate payment appropria
tions the amount of the excess of the
expenditures over the revenues will be
100000 on March 1894
Some Tone Given By the Recent
Good Sales
Real estate men insist upon it that now
the bottom has been reached that a mar
ket has at last been established and that
hereafter property that has merit can be
disposed of if people will be willing to
take low prices urtil the general condi
tions are more settled and a higher range
of prices prevail generally
A good many homes have been sold
during the past few weeks to people who
have taken their money from mining dis
tricts or from the surrounding states
The great educational advantages of
Salt Lake are at last being realized and
appreciated and families from adjoining
communities are beginning to come in
Xot many vacant houses can be found
now and some new building can be ex
I pected in the residence districts
The proposed opening of the Indian
reservation is bringing many inquiries
now from a distance The sale of Main
street property only a few days ago to
Park City mining men shows the faith
the mining men have in Salt Lake as
the metropolis of the great interior re
gionI is only a question of a little time
when lots of people who have been in
tending to buy homes will begin to real
ize that they had better be looking
around in time and a good many sales
of homes may be expected during the
next few months
People who expect to speculate a little
when the proper time arrives had better
keep a close watch of the situation and
not pass by all the snaps that are going
a begging these days One of these days
everybody will want to buy and then the
real estate holders will not be walking
the floor The other fellows will take a
turn at that exercise then
Fort Duclichiic and Salt Lake to Be
Salt Lake City and Fort Duchesne are
to be connected by a telephone line at
once provided the people of the dis
trict to be mostly benefited give the en
terprise the necessary support This was
the decision of the executive officers of
the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com
pany reached yesterday For some time
past negotiations have been on looking
to the construction of the line but not
before this time could the company see
its way clear to make the improvement
which means the construction and equip
ment of 100 miles of system The con
struction of the line would mean much
to the people of the eastern section of
the territory as it would give them direct
ti f YtJ ea Mlmtg
rect telephone communication with this
city and indirect connection with all of
the other principal cities in the territory
Hon Abram Hatch is giving the enter
prise his special attention and is deter
mined that the line shall be built I Is
very probable that actual operations on
the system will commence at once
The Tintic extension of the Mercur
Tintic system is to be completed without
delay This work was to have been done i
several months ago but the delay in the
delivery of poles caused the abandon
ment of the project until within the past
week or two Now however the poles
have arrived In this city and the com
pany has determined to push the con
struction at once There are 1000 poles
to distribute along the route of the line
which leaves the Fairfield switch on the
Union Pacific and runs south across
Cedar valley to a point almost directly
opposite Homansville and thence over the
range to that town on the way to Eu
reka I will require about thirty days
to complete the work of construction
Amount of Outstanding Warrants to
Yesterday i
There are now outstanding county war I
I rants to the amount of 290000 all of i
i which are registered and drawing inter
est at the rate of 8 per cent This is the I
result of the repeated reiusal on the part
I of the citizens of the county of Salt Lake I
to allow an issuance of bonds With the I
IthIJ si ttr
withdrawal of the last cent of cash from
I the treasury of the county the county
court decided to make the warrants is
sued thereafter interestbearing at the
rate of S per cent and the people are
paying 3 per cent more interest than they
would have done upon a bond issue
One great factor in the increase of the
floating debt has been the construction
of the joint city and county building
which has cost to date 70048694 one
half of which the county pays Even
with the receipt of this years taxes
the outstanding warrants can not all be
called in
County Treasurer Lynn yesterday de
cided to advance the number of regis
tered warrants which may be presented
for payment and on Monday he will re
port to the county court that he is pre
pared to cancel all warrants up to No
2600 which is an advance of fiftysix
numbers and will mean the payment of
Dilatory Method of Certain Count
Clerks May Cause Tronhle
But eighteen out of the twentyseven
county clerks of the territory have sent
in their reports of the total assessed
valuation of property In their respective
counties to the territorial board of equal
ization and unless the other nine have
reported by Monday morning they are
more than likely to have some undesir
able experiences The board does not
propose to be delayed on account of the
laxity of the clerks and will enforce the
provisions of the revenue la I vs of the
territory which provide that all reports
shall be In by the 15th of August of each
year On Monday morning the aral
meeting of the board will convene in
this city and President Sowles has re
ceived assurances from all of the mem
bers except Mr Lund of St George
that they will be present I is hardly
likely that the southern member can get
here in time as he is out on some spec
ial business which will not permit of
neglect un
Crop Conditions in Nebraska and
Kansas Not So Gloomy
George C Whitmore banker and gen
eral business man of Nephl has just re
turned from Kansas City where he went
with a large shipment of cattle for mar
ket The gentleman reached the east
just at the time the growers of Kansas
and Nebraska were rushing their cat
tle to market and in consequence found
prices demoralized and holders taking
anything they could get Fortunately for
him Mr Whitmore was not forced to
sell at this time and instead put his cat
tle out to pasture and will await the
better markets which he feels sure are
but the question of a few months
While In the middle east the gentleman
investigated the reports which have been
sent out regarding the failure of crops in
Kansas and Nebraska and while he found
the situation very depressing in several
sections of both states it is very evident
that exaggerations have been indulged
in for a purpose Except in the burned
districts which are but a comparatively I
small part of the corn growing country
the crops will be fair although not as
heavy as usual There will be plenty
however to feed a large number of cattle
and Mr Whitmore is of the opinion that
buyers will again be hot on the trail
within the next month or two Good
prime western beef and fair feeders are
even now finding ready sale at prices
which pay for the shipment but it is
the rough classes of cattle which are
being sacrificed From the burned dis
tricts of Nebraska and Kansas the grow
ers are rushing their cattle to market
and the supply has not been exhausted
They are taking anything which is of
fered for the failure of the sales means
that the cattle will have to be moved
to the southern states for feed Naturally
ally enough the farmers are feeling blue
but they will more than likely be upon
the market for the purchase of new cat
tle next spring
Elected Its Executive Officers
The new board of directors of the State I
Bank of Utah met in session yesterday I
for the first time since the election on
the 15th for the purpose of electing ex
ecutive officers and transacting any other
business which rright be presented As
a result of the election the old officers
will serve another year They are Heber
J Grant president William B Preston
vicepresident Heber I Wells cashier
Takiiis Another Step
Those who are in a position to know
stated yesterday that the order of sale
of the securities of the JarvlsConklin
Mortgage Trust company now in the
hands of receivers just made In New
York was but another step in the plan
of reorganization The new company
will drop the mortgage part of business
and enter the lists for bond purchases
and other investments I is said that
early in September the company will be
ready for new business Its capital stock
is to be 2500000
Will Hold Sheep Until October
I G Reese one of the heaviest Utah
sheepmen whose flocks range in the win
ter in western Wyoming is in from
Piedmont where he has been making his
headquarters for some time The herd
owners of that district hive decided to
hold on to their sheep until October re
ports Mr Reese rather than sacrifice
them on the demoralized markets of the
east The indications are that with the
fall will come better prices
See Union Pacific special excursion
I advertisement sue on page 1 of this is
The Revival
The bottom seems to have been
reached in real estate values The air
is filled with the sentiment that pro
perty will never be bought cheaper than
I now The best evidence of this is found
in the fact that for the last two weeks
there has been decided improvement in
the real estate market The market is
opening just right opening moderately
as it should yet increasing daily as it
should but every day i is getting a
little stronger every day a few more
longheaded people venture to buy and
you will see that it wont be long until
it will commence to roll along with all
the power and strength of a wave from
midocean In this connection it is
proper to remark that there isnt any
thing in Salt Lake city or out of i for
that matter in the real estate line as
good as Popperton place You can get
a large amount of land up there for the
same money it will cost you to get a
little bit down towards the centre and
down towards the centre you wont
have any view or any certainty about
surroundings whereas in Popperton
the view is of wondrous beauty and as
we dont permit the construction of
poor houses you will have good neigh
bors who will take as much pride in
their homes as you do in yours
See Union Pacific special excursion
advertisement on page 1 of this is
The Best Jewelry for the Least
Sells i
To Join In thc Populist celebration
of Statehood at Garfield on Tuesday
Ausrust mst Music speaking dune
lug hathiiipr etc Come and enjoy
your > elf
Notice to Hay Buyers
The city hay market situated on
i Second East between Third > and Fourth
South will be opened on Monday Aug
ust 20 for business under
new manage
ment Give us a call J PAXMAN
A Denver Case
Donald Fletcher of Denver owned
Capital hill in Denver
Capital hill was one of those too far
out additions I had no water no
transit and no houses it was just a
barren square of sage brush land but
you could see from it the whole of the
Snowy Range from Cheyenne to
Donald Fletcher said it was destined
to be Denvers great residence portion
Denver people said Donald Fletcher
was a fool that it was too far out to
ever amount to anything
But Donald Fletcher built a street
car line had the water extended and II
graded the streets and then gave i out
cold that houses costing less than a
fixed amount say 5000 would not be
permitted on Capital hill
Then everybody knew he was a fool and
said so and the too far out people
laughed the laughed and said Now
there is nerve for you nerve and gall
People would point to Donald Fletcher
as a towering illustration of stupidity
but Donald Fletcher kept right on
turning the crank he filled the news
papers with Capital hill he did more
advertising than all the rest of Denver
and byandby little by little he
lte lte com
menced to get through their hides and
then a few venturesome spirits went up
there and bought somE lots They
bui and told other people other peo
ple bought and built and told other
peoDle then some more people bought
and built and told other people and at
last they were dancing attendance on
Donald Fletcher and Denvers 400
climbed over each other in their at
tempts to get there Then everybody
said it was not Donald Fletcher who
was a foolthat it was the too far
out man There are three million dol
lars invested in homes on Capital hill
today lots there are worth 5100 a foot
and the name of Donald Fletcher can
be no more disassociated with the
history of Denver than can the name
of Columbus with the discovery of
Is there any parellel between Capital
hill and Popperton May not will not
Popperton have a similar history We
have some of the too far out people
in Salt Lake and we suppose you think
that Popperton has some of the fools
Perhaps you are right but lets not de
cide i now lets leave it to time
See Union Pacific special excursion
advertisement or page 1 of this is
Daynes Coalter have the latest
band and orchestral usic
r PI1U1ICiFIijjii11c
two More Interesting Suits Were
Commenced Yesterday
The Neder Cleland Receivership
Terminated Two More Executions
Issued on the Valuables Recover I
ed By the Police From the Bunco
Men AVasserman Discharged Lit I
igation Over a Barrel of Whisky
Hearing on motion for temporary alimony
mony in the divorce suit of Bella Fitz
gerald vs Michael Fitzgerald came up
before Judge Bartch By consent the
alimony was fixed at 30 a month pend
ing the final determination of the suit
10 to be paid in ten days 10 in twenty
days and 10 in thirty days Costs of
suit to be paid in sixty days
Mrs Fitzgerald is a delicate looking I
woman of petite figure about 30 years
of age She and her little ones were
present in court but the defendant
was not and his attorneY Fred Mc
Gurrin asked that the case go over
until 12 or 2 oclock as his client had
an engagement which he was obliged
to fill this morning
Attorney Pierce objected remarking
that the order setting the hearing for
10 oclock this morning was made ten I
days ago The plaintiff had three small t
children and nothing to live upon She
had not a dollar in the house She
even had to borrow her car fare to
come here now and informed him that
she had no credit anywhere
Attorney McGurrin stated however
that the defendant had kept his wife
supplied with meat and groceries and
had been supporting her right along
According to the other side there
seemed to be some doubt about this I
Judge Bartch said there was no
proper application before the court for
a continuance and therefore he de I
clined to grant it After considerable
crossfire between the attorneys the
matter was arranged as above I
The Nedcr Cleland Litigation i
George M Cleland vs Philip Neder I
This is the case in which the parties to
the suit who were formerly partners
as carriage manufacturers disagreed
and an accounting was asked for a re
ceiver having been appointed after a
protracted hearing
Motion vas now made by the defend c
ant for discharge of the receiver and
the exoneration of bondsmen to which
the plaintiff consented An order was
I entered accordingly also dismissing
I the suit and the receivers report was
I adopted
Short Orders
W S McCornick vs r A Vivian et
al stipulation decree modified in accordance with
Alma S Kendall vs James G Mc
Allister case reinstated in accordance
with remittiter for further proceedings
hearing set for Tuesday Aug 21 at 10
a m
E Griffiths vs A B Gilson hearing
on motion to dissolve attachment
moton atachment con
Herman Holschuh and William Con
nelly were admitted fo citizenship
Salt Lake Building Loan
BUitng asso
ciation vs John Green order made
modifying the decree so that the sher
iff will sell instead of the trustee
Mrs Susan Raynors Allegations in
Her Suit For Divorce
Susan Raynor has commenced di
vorce proceedings in the Third district
court against her husband James Ray
norThe t
The parties intermarried at Notting1 I
ham England April 25 1884 The com
plaint sets up that for the last year
or two the defendant has treated the
plaintf with extreme cruelty strik
ing and beating Her with great vio
lence and calling her vile and abusive
names also that le I
IJe stays away from
home at night and associates with oth
er women that the defendant has
been guilty of habitual drunkenness
and has neglected to provide plaintiff
with the common necessaries of life I i
and that on numerous occasions witiI
in the last year he has wasted his I
substance on another woman whose
name is unknown to the plaintiff
Wherefore plaintiff prays for a divorce
and alimony and that the defendant
be restrained from disposing of his
property pending the hearing of the
Mrs Grlesbach Seeks n Divorce
From George Gricslmcli I
Lizzie Griesbach is suing her hus
I band George Griesback for a divorce
in the Third district court I I
The complaint sets forth that the
parties intermarried at Fremont Neb
Oct 16 1887 that during the years 1891
1892 and 1893 the defendant without
cause or provocation struck and beat
the plaintiff in the face and otherwise
abused her so that it became impos
sible for plaintiff to longer live with
defendant and that in September 1893
she left him and the parties have not
lived together since that in September I I
1893 and on numerous other occasions
defendant wrongfully and without
cause accused the plaintiff with hav
ing committed adultery with one Gus
Hornyck and that in October 1893 the
defendant maliciously and unlawfully
prosecuted and caused the plaintiff to
be indicted by the grand jury for
adultery and that at the hearing of
said cause plaintiff was acquitted I
is alleged that the defendant has fail
ed to furnish plaintiff with anything
towards the support of herself and her
children and that the defendant is not
a proper or fit person to have the care
and custody of the children Where
fore plaintiff prays for a decree of di
vorce temporary and permanent alimony
mony and the custody of the chil
dren Willie aged 5 and Roy aged 3
Disturbing the Peac
Edward D Bolter yesterday swore to
a warrant in United States Commis
sioner McNallys court for the arrest
of Frank J Condre formerly one of
the proprietors of the European cafe
charging him with disturbing the
peace The hearing went over until
Monday and the defendant was allowed
to go on his own recognizance
Execution and Garnishee Issued
Against Dan Qtilnlaii
Two more suits were yesterday com
menced before Attorney C S Kinney
as referee for the purpose of having
more of the swag captured from the
shooting buncosteerers applied on
judgments against the parties on whom
it was found The first case was that
of H Altman Co vs Dan Quinlan
The plaintiff holds a judgment against
Quinlan for 500 and issued execution
and garnishee on Chief of Police Pratt
on the diamonds and wntches found on
Quinlan when he was arrested Attor
neys Stevens Smith appeared for
Altman and Attorney John II Zane
for Quinlan The other case was that
of the P H Zang Brewing company
vs Dan Quinlan execution issued on a
judgment for 51237 under similar cir
cumstances to the previous cause
After hearing the evidence the cases
were both continued until next Tues
Ordered to Turn Over the Shares
United States Commissioner J McNally
4 r
in the matter of the Parsons supple
mentary proceedings ordered that Mrs
Parsons and John T Axton turn over
the two shares of the Parsons News
Book Company given them without
consideration to be applied on the
judgment against C H Parsons in fa
vor of the Sheffield Manufacturing Co
Vassermaii Discharged
Mr Wasseman the old gentleman
who was arrested for alleged fraudu
lent attempt to beat his board bill of
2950 at the Walker house had a
hearing before United States Commis
sioner Pratt From the evidence ad
duced i was shown that Wasserman
was a very respectable man and had
no intention whatever of beating the
bill He was temporarily short of
funds but had goods and money in
Denver His honor came to the conclu
sion that the old mans intentions I
were all right and discharged him
Supplementary Proceedings
Justice Lochrie yesterday sat as ref
eree in supplementary proceedings in
the case of the Freed Furniture com
pany vs Meta Haight in which the
plaintiff held judgment for 429 against
the defendant Mrs Millie Dugan sis I
ter of the defendant was examined
but she denied owing the defendant
anything I
His honor took the case under ad I
visement and will file his findings of I
fact and conclusions of law in the
Third district court in a few days
Got Judgment For His Salary
In the suit of William Clark vs 11
Lochwitz in which the plaintiff sought I i
to recover S5S for salary United States j I
Commissioner McNally rendered judg
ment for the plaintiff for 5025 judg
torney Kroeger was for the plaintiff
and Sawyer Putnam for the defen
dant i
About a Barrel of IVUlislcy I
J F McCarron Co have brought
suit in United States Commissioner i I
McNallys court to recover from Sher
iff McQueen a barrel of whisky The
whisky was siezed at the Union Pacific
depot by the sheriff under an attach
ment against the proprietor of the Gai
ety saloon The plaintiff claims that
as the goods were shipped to the plain
tiff they became his property and were
not subject to attachment I
Gustave Kroeger is the attorney for
the plaintiff
Court Notes
Attorney Morris Sommer has been
retained to defend Captain Grow at
the trial for disobedience by court
I martial tomorrow
j Deputy United States Marshal Jan
ney returned from Deer Lodge Mont
yesterday bringing with him Richard
Ketchum and Tom Reed two escaped
convicts from the Utah penitentiary
See Union Pacific special excursion
sue advertisement on page 1 of this is
About Vonian
I 1 Did you ever notice that women no
matter how generous and just they are
cannot seem to help appearing to feel a
little hit of quiet pleasure at the
I thought that their new spring bonnet
is just a trifle gayer than the spring
bonnet in the next pew Well there is
no harm in that it is perfectly natural
just as natural as it is for both women
and men to like to put their homes on a
little higher ground than their neighbors
occupy We can supply you ground in
Popperton place from which you can
look down on the whole city I is only
about fifteen minutes by street car from
the centre the fare is only a nickel
and the line Is the best in the city
You can buy four times as much ground
there as you can down where you can
not see anything and it wont cost any
more money either We are at 6 and 7
Commercial block
I Phi Neder
Has purchased the interest of his part
ner George 1 Cleland in the carriage
business in this city The old part
nership affairs are now exclusively in
Mr Neders hands and he will be glad
to Set all his old friends and as many
new ones as require business in his
line at the old stand No 158 West
First South street
Wednesday August 22 in the date
of the low rate excursion to all
points over the Union Pacific See
the advertisement elsewhere In this
paper I
Money to Loan
Five hundred thousand dollars 8 per
cent must be loaned at once Conway
Donnellan rooms 26 to 29 Commer
cial block
Bncklens Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum
Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands
Chilblains Corns and all Skin Erup
tions and positively cures Piles or no
pay required I is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box For sale by Z
C M 1 drug department I i I
Salt Lake College I I
il open its first year in Hammond I j
Hall Salt Lake academy building
September 17 There will be an entirely I
new corps of professors and every I
effort will be made to have the work I I
and influence of the college earnestly
Christian as = cu as tnorougn ana
superior in te quality of its instruction I
AcademiC preparatory classes will be I
continued as heretofore and a Fresh i
man class will be organized Board and
rooms will be furnished at reasonable
rates For further information address
the president Rev Henry K Warren
Salt Lake city
Who Wants to Bet
When Salt Lake city has 100000 peo
ple and it will have that population be
fore the close of this century there
wont be a lot facing south or west in
Popperton place worth less than S50 a
foot We are not much on games of
chance or feats of skill The only thing
we can hit with an arrow is the side of
a house but when it comes to guessing
on real estate we have got a few dia
monds and gold watches and other
truck of that kind to bet on our judg
ment I there is any person in this
town who wants t demonsfra Cat we
are right he can buy Popperton place
lots of us at G and 7 Commercial block
or at our residence in Popperton place
any time of the day or night
For Letter Heads
JBill heads statements ball tickets
I and all ktrtds of job work send to The
Herald Quick work and reasonable
prices assurea
The Irovo Mills
have just turned out some elegant
styles at cassimeres for mens suits
Order a suit and keep money at home
36 Main Street
Daynes Coalter keep the latest vo
cal and Instrumental music including
I Peters Schubert Ditson editions
Commencing July 10 Garfield beach I
trains will run as follows
Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
Salt Lake Garfield Garfield Salt Lake
Sal am x855 am 1200 noon 1240 pm I
1020 am 1100 am x240 pm x400 pm
200 pm 240 pm 400 pm 440 pm
300 pm 340 pm 525 pm 605 pm
500 pm 540 pm 730 pm 810 pm
630 pm 710 pm M000 pm 1040 pm
xDaily except Sunday Daily exceut
Olsons orchestra in attendance every
afternoon and evening Boating bath
Ing and dancing Fare for round trip
50 cents City ticket office 201 Main
street D E BURLEY
Genl Agt Passgr Dept
You understand correctly The Rio
Grande Western and Colorado Midland
only charge 51650 from all points in
Utah to tne famous Glenwood Springs
and return Tickets good thirty days
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U S Govt Report
oVal Bakn r f
C 3 11
Leslies Popular Monthly i j
Frank Leslies Popular Monthly for
September is the first of the illustra
ted magazines to appear with a com i
prehensive paper upon The Presiden
cy of the Frenqh Republic illustrated
French Republc iustra
ted with admirable portraits of the II
new chief executive M CasimirPerier
the martyred president Carnot and
Madame Carnot scenes at the Elysee I
palace etc Other seasonable and pic
turesque articles in this number are
a complete account of the United
States lifesaving service by S H Fer
ris Sports of the Season by Ed
mond Picton A Mexican Visit by
Howard Paul Acadia and Bayou
Teche by Stoughton Cooley CoursS i
ing on the Prairies by Charles Moreau 1 j
Harger The City of Pekin by I I
Charles Denby jr On the Wing an 1
enitomological fantasy by Laura B
Lintner and the conclusion of Joseph
Beckers Reminiscences of a War Arj
This means just what
I l
1j I
Hammocks Lawn Chairs Lawn Rockers Lawn Settees Lunch
6 Baskets and Gasoline Stoves all go at cost prices I
I HDinwoodey Furniture Co i r
I 1
A Testimonial Concert to Alvin
Bceslej Music Notes
A grand testimonial concert will be
tendered to Mr Alvin A Beesley at
the Nineteenth ward hall on Monday j
the 7th inst under the auspices of I
the Sunday school Mr Beesley will
leave soon for missionary fields The
programme is as follows
Poem of LoveRomanceBrooks
Helds Military Band j
BalladO Happy Day Gotze
Master Charlie Pike t
Baritone SoloPast and Future De
Koven Mr H S Ensign
Reading Old Mother Goose Phelps
Miss Ruth Eldredge
Piano Solo Souvenir DAmerique j
Joseffy Mr H S Krause
Soprano Solo Queen of the Earth
PinsutiViolin obligate Mr Weihe
Mrs Claribel Ridges Pike
Violin Solo Hungarian AirsErnst
I Mr W E Weihe
IA Hunting Scene Descriptive
Bucalossi Helds Military Band
Contralto SoloAve Maria
MascheronlMiss Viola Pratt
Violin Obligato Mr Weihe Piano
Mr Krouse Organ Mr Beesley
The Mill in the Forest Eilenberg1
Neapolitan Quintette Club
Hunting Song from Robin Hood De
KovenHarmony Glee Club
Mezzo Soprano SoloThe Separation
RossiniMrs Agnes OlsonThomas
Vocal QuartetteRigoletteVerdi
Mrs Lizzie ThomasEdward Miss
Viola Pratt Mr George D Pyper Mr
Horace Ensign
Mr H S Krause accompanist
Music Notes
The chief event in music circles was
the concert reception at the taberna
cle on Tuesday evening Despite a
series of unfortunate mishaps it was
a success The ladies in whose honor
it was given received deserved api
plause i
The Verdi club made its first public
appearance at Saltair Thursday when
it gave Spring Time a composition
by Evan Stephens the Bridal Cho
rus from Rose Maixden Alpine
Echo and Laughing Chorus from
the Cantata Joseph in excellent style
The club will sing again at Saltair on
the occasion of the Foresters excur
Mr Joseph Daynes jr will go to
the mountains today for a short vaca
W C Clive has composed a cylo
phone solo which will be played at the
theatre by Del Beesley in the near fu
Mr J S Donelson late of Portland
Or has opened a studio at Coalter
Snelgroves music store He teaches
guitar and banjo playing
A False Impression
The impression seems to prevail that
our operations are confined to the sale
of Popperton place This is wrong we
sell real estate in every portion of the
city and always have customers for
property in different localities Colburn
Skinner 6 and 7 Commercial block
I I you want potted plants buy them
at auction Tuesday August 21 at 207
I State street at 230 p m
I Auct Ion
On Thursday August 23rd at 10 a
in sharp at store No 117 South Wet
I Temple street we will commence the
sale of the largest lot of really fine
I goods offered this season Twelve bed
room sets highly finished in oak and
I I walnut elegant upholstered parlor fur
I niture genuine leather lounge and
sofa five Windsor folding beds in oak
fve I
and maple rich draperies genuine
I bronzes wilton moquet and Brussels
carpets fine rugs sideboards beautiful
inlaid parlor desk artistic etchings
I and two large oil paintings by
Lambourne onyx table brass
frome bronze clock rich elec
tric light fixtures fine porcelain
lined bath tub one very handsome
bedroom set of three pieces in birds I
eye maple folding bed wardrobe and I
dresser with heavy plate mirrors etc I
etc Sale from 10 to 1230 and from 2
to 4 p Jm Sale to continue until all
goods are sold The public Is invited
to call and inspect the goods any day
prior to the sale
I E lI ONION Auctioneer
See Union Pacific special i excursion I
advertisement on page 1 of this is
Wednesday Ausiist 22 is the date
of the low rate excursion to all
points over the Union Pacific See I
the advertisement elsewhere in thin
In effect 1015 a m July 5 1894
Salt Lake Leave Salt Lake
Leave Daily Saltair Arrive Daily
1015 a m 1200 noon 1230 p m
Z15p m 430 p m 500 p m
410 p m 620 p m 650 p m
530 p m 800 p m 830 p m
710 p m 1000 p m 1030p m
Daily except Wednesday Leave
beach Wednesday at 1 p nu
Saltair is firstclass in every particu
lar Bathing Boating Dancing First
class accommodations for families
Free hammocks for mothers and little j
ones Round trip 50 < x
I tist dealing with the fall of Rich
1 mond and including a pathetic histor I
ic picture of General Lees return home
after the surrender Appomattox f
Schock and Prince the two long dis
tance world champion bicyclists are In it
the city stopping at the Cullen hotel
II They are matched for a fifty mile chaeT
lenge race at Calders August 19
I against three fast horses which will I
I be relayed every mile
I I Schock holds a record of 1600 miles I
in 142 hours while Prince Is the worlds
I champion from 50 to 1042 miles
Both gentlemen ride Fowler wheels
and in a conversation with Mr Price
he states that on his Fowler racer he
i made a quarter mile unpaced worlds
road record of 30 25 seconds
They speak in the highest terms of
the Fowler machine and having moun
ted nearly every make of wheel in Eu
rope and America they are in a good
1 position to judge
Voters I
The fall campaign is now 1
on The people will put u
good men for office and We I
will all be happy as far as
that is concerned It I may be
i different though at 1
Home j
r M
If I you dont come in and
buy for your household dur
ing the fall and winter one of
i our nice Stoves and Ranges
and other kitchen and dining
room furnishings
Sal Lake llarthvare r
i 42 = 44 West Second South
Sixteen times Seven arc hOW
One hundred and twelve WHAT
Why one hundred and twelve
Columns in the Sunday Herald and
there are twice as many good rea
l soils why you should subscribe fti c
Have YOUR forms
At The Facilities
HERALD 1 New and
Office CO i
tiI I

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