But Few Shares Were Sold As
The Mining Congress An Awaken
ing to the Importance of the En
terprise Leading Citizens Con
tributing Liberally Sacramento
Buoyant GeyserMarion Tour
Aces and Galena Steadily Pushing
Upward Prospects at Dugway
Good Ore Prom the Gold and Silver
ver Carbonate Mine A Voice Prom
Klondike A Ponner Park City
Miner IsMeeting With Succes
Copper River No Good Klondike
Reports Are Exaggerated and
Often Untrue The Morgan of
Hardscrabble the Homestake
Silver and Lead Mining Notes
and Personals i
The sale of delinquent Northern Light
stock on account of the recent assess
ment of 10 cents a share which wa
held at the office of the company yes I
terday afternoon was well attended
and the 2250 shares that were delin I
quent were purchased by Messrs E L
Sleets E H Airis and C E Hudson I
the price paid being 21 cents a share
Hch was the top price bid on the lloor
of the exchange in the morningfor this
This sale of delinquent stock has been I
looked forward to by many who were
of the opinion that when i took place I
they would have an opportunity of
t picking the shares up cheap and that
any antbunt of ar would be offered It I
caused considerable surprise therefore
when it was learned that the assess
ment had been so closely paid in and
that the insignificant amount of only
a little over 2000 shares Remained to
be disposed of to the highest bidder
and of this only enough was sold to
ray the assessment and costs
As a matter of fact the way that
this assessment heavy as It was has
been paid in speaks volumes for the
stock more than columns of newspaper
talk and shows only too plainly how
highly the stockholders of the company
esteem the property and the confidence
they have in its ultimate outcome
I was owing to unforeseen circum
stances that the company was obliged
to levy the assessment the payment of
which has just been completed but
taking the history of the property since
its incorporation the men who express
ed faith in th mine at the start are
still loyal to their first statements and I
are just as confident as ever that it will I
line up in time a one of the regular
dividend payers of the state and most I
o the original Incorporators and heavy
stockholders are just as positive today
that the mine isall right as they were
two years ago and they confidently
expect that in the course of the next
six months i will begin the distribution
of velvet
Bad management has been alleged
against the company and I is doubt
less true that it has been remiss in I
some instances but the fact remains
that the first slump in the stock was
brought about through the instrumen
tality of scalpers and the circulation I
of detrimental reports against the
property some of which were unquali
fiedly false and then the collapse was
a natural consequence but there is
reason to believe that in time to come
the Northern Light will make a mint
of money for its shareholders
In the history of mining it would be
a seven days ownder i everything
came about precisely a planned It
would be a surprise in mining circles j
i a ledge was cut exactly according to
calculations it a mill wa ready t < I
start according to contract time ana
successfully at the first and yet there
are those who
for unlookedfor contingencies for ac
cidents for breakdowns and ifor a hun
dred ther hindrances and delays which
are nearly always the accompaniment
of mining enterprises which are being
put through on a large scale and i is
this class of people who are largely re
sponsible for the continued decline in
North > n Light after the scalper had
used his powerful lever in giving I its
downward impetus
As i is there are mining men of
years of experience who will stake
their lives almost that the Northern
Light Is one of the biggest mines in
the west and the fact that i has pro
duced its millions in the past should
give some weight to their statements
and assertions
At th present time everything is in
readiness at the mine and mill for what
is believed will be a long and success
ful run as soon a the pipe line is
thawed out and it is thought that it
will be but a few days bforc this is
111 omplished The mill is in shape so
that it can handle over 100 tons of ore
daily The binsare full of good milling
rrlneral the mine shows an immense
amount of ore in sight and the system
of reduction has been brought to such
a state of perfection that there is seem
ingly no doubt but that as soon a the
vater Is released and the plant is start
f ed up a cleanup will be made within
ou days that will be a surprise to even
K the most sanguine stockholder or of
ficer o f the company
Tntil then and until the company
has had a chance to show what it can
d > under favorable circumstances and
tilth the mine and mill in working or
0 J r the public at large should with
held judgment and give this enterprise
a fair showing remembering that it
t rh several years before the Mercur
roved itself to be a success and that
r arly every successful mining enter
prise ir > the west has had an exper
I ff similar to that which the North
ern Light ha just come through only
p sslbly worsE
GeyserMarion Pour Aces and Galena
Steadily Pushing Forward
The volume of business transacted In
the pit of the stock exchange yester
day vas not large but there was an
excellent tone to the market and the
sales that were registered were made
at higher quotations than the closing
figures of the previous call
Four Aces was the first security to
find a buyer and a block of 500 shares
was snapped up at 7 cents the stock
In board lots being hel dat 9 Geyser
Mai ion also disclosed strong upward
tendencies and wa In demand at 10
sales being recorded at this figure
more benlg wanted at the close at this
prIce without drawing out any more
of tile stock Galena had also made
gains over niiht and sold at an ad
f vance over previous quotations Horn
1 Silver touched 130 in the bidding with
no sellers in the pit Mammoth was
inactive and not overly strons while
no change in Morcur was observable
Northern Light eyhWted considerable
Pi taation and yet the stock was
string and recorded advances in the
bidding one bid of 21 cents being post
ed but this was Inter on withdrawn to
20V As pr dictee5 in yesterdays Issj <
of The Herald Sacramento experienced
a reaction and checkn Its tl nar >
Uncy advanced to 42Vs cents in the
I bidding Q and at the close the stock was
very strong
The unlisted stocks were neglected
a certain extent anddid not figure in
the dealings of the hour Swansea and
South Swansea were quiet while Dexter
ter touched the dollar mark again In
the bidding Chloride Point was firm
In the holdings and was practically un
changed in ten quotations <
follows The transactions of the day were as
500 Four Aces at 7 cents
500 GeyserMarion at 0
100 Galena at G2 cents
100 Sacramento at 411 cents
200 Sacramento at 42Y cents
100 Sacramento at 424 cents
I lows The closing quotations were a fol
f fr
Anchor < I 50 1
Ajax 31 I 4
BulhonBeckf 575 j C50
ll J i
CentennitUEureka r 1 2250 I 2600
Daly j I 60 I j 50
Daly I West k 1400 600
Dalton Lark 1 01 1
Eagle I C2i4 04
East Golden Gate I I I 02
Four Aces i d 09
I GeyserMarion I 105 t 1074
Gal na j 6 63 ii
Herschel 1 07
I Horn Silver 130 I
I Mammoth I 210 I 2171
Mercur I S40 j I 850
Northern Light 20i 22w
Overland I 55 I 65
I Ontario 307
Sacramento 4P4 42w
g t
Sunshine 20 40 r
Silver King 1675 j I 2000
Utah I 54 I 57
I E I > t
S f
I r
l r H
South Swansea TIJ 120 j 122V
Swansea r 4 i j 203 212
Chloride Point 1 64 I 67
Dexter 100 I 123
Little Pittsburg 02 02A
Emerald 03
Dalton 006 1 01
Opehongo 07
Grand Central i 150 200
Buckeye f 01I 1 03
Alice 1 S3 I
Dividend Paying and Invest
ment Mining Stocks
TEL 505 15 W 2d So St
Good Ore From the Gold and Silver
Carbonate Mine
Mercur March 22J A Ferbrache
returned from Dugway a few days ago
bringing with him a hundred pounds of
ore as a sample from the Gold and Silver
ver Carbonate claim The shaft on the
property is about 55 feet deep and for
some distance the ground has been
highly mineralized The vein has been
followed from the surface and the rich
streak has been growing larger until
i is now about two feet thick and
carries rich carbonates Should the
samples > prove to be as rich a i is
believed to be shipments will commence
at tmce as there are several tons of
the same class of ore on the dump
and 500 pounds can be taken out daily
On the Calumet which is the ad
joining claim gold bearing carbonate I
has been found and the owners are prepared
pared to do some extensive development
there this summer
The Beckhurst Bros are shipping
some good ore and considerable work
is being done on the Buckhorn and the
Diedrick claims
Everyone in the district is feeling
hopeful about the future of the camp
and there are good reasons to believe
that the railroad will reach there this
season As depth is being reached rich
bodies of ore are being exposed which
must eventually place the Deep Creek
country in the front ranks of mineral j
F W Home of Salt Lake is survey I
ing in the west dip
A new road is being built from the
end of the railroad track to the Sacramento
ramento mill over which the material
for the extension will soon be hauled
The Telluride Power company is put
ting in the poles and stringing its
wires for lighting the town
E N Jenkins of Salt Lake was in
Mercur yesterday preparing for a resumption
sumption of work on the S N Moore
croon on the west dip
II I An Awakening to the Importance of
the Enterprise
The appeal of the finance committee
I of the International Mining congress is
I meeting with a response from mining
and business men that is most gratify
I ing as the larger the subscriptions
the greater will oe the success of the
convention and its results and from
all indications there will be such hearty
cooperation on the part of Salt Lake
citizens and Utah people financially
and otherwise that the congress will
be an affair such as will attract wide
spread attention and like a magnet
be the means of drawing to this inter
mountain thousands of investors cap
italists sEnd homeseekers
Already the fund has touched the
thousand dollar mark and over and
I the following letters show the spirit and
feeling of the leading business men of
Salt Lake towards the movement
I McCornick Co bankers
Salt Lake City Utah
March 21 1898
R Mackintosh Esq Chairman Finance
I Committee International Mining Con
Dear Slr1 am in receipt of your
circular under date of 18th inst In
reply I beg to state that I am in full
sympathy with the movement and real
ize the Importance of having the min
ing congress held here and to that end
I very cheerfully hand you my check
for 100 being the amount suggested in
I your communication
A collection In our midst of several
thousand delegates selected from the
different states of the Union cannot fail
to inure to our benefit directly or in
difectly I trust that our citizens will
realize the significance of the proposed
convention and unite in making it a
credit and honor to our state
Yours respectfully
respectfullyW S MCORXICK
Salt Lake City March 21 1898
R Mackintosh Chairman City
Dear SlrYour letter of March 18
at hand We are very much pleased to
learn that the Intermountain mining
congress Is to meet here in July We
also appreciate the efforts of the dele
gates representing Utah in getting this
congress to meet In this city The Nel
denJudson Drug company is always
ready to do their shore toward further
Ing the interests of the state of Utah
go 1tt
or of the city of Ss Lake
Ve enclose you our check for 50
which you ask us to send and can
isFure you that we give it willingly
We hope that your highest expectations I
will be realized during the meeting of
the mining congress and that much
good may result from i
Again wishing you every success In
this movement
We remain yours truly
f Signed W A NELDEN
Home Fire Insurance Company of
Salt Lake City March 21 1898
Hon R Mackintosh Chairman Finance
Committee City
Dear Sir Answering your of the
IStri addressed to the Home Fire In
surance Company of Utah I take peas
I ure in enclosing herewith check for 25
Wishing you and your associates
abundant success in your efforts I remain
Yours sincerely
Signed H J GRANT
Salt Lake City March 2L
Richard Mackintosh Esq Chairman
Finance Committee Intermountain
Commite Interountn
Mining Congress Salt Lake City
Dear SlrYour letter of the 18th inst
requesting a subscription from me for I
the benefit of the international mining I
congress which Is to be held in our I
city next July has been duly received I
In reply to same wQuld say that i j
affords me pleasure to enclose you I
herewith my check for the sum of 100
for the purpose named and I trust that <
the convention will prove to be the i
great success you have reason to an
Signed A W MCUNE
Salt Lake City March 21 1898
Hon R Mackintosh Chairman Finance
Committee Intermountain Mining
Dear Sir Replying to your circular
letter of the 18th beg to enclose my
check for 25 toward the expense account
count of the proposed congress
I I can be of service to any of your
I committees please call upon me such
time as I can find I will gladly devote
to the pushing of our Interests
Yours very truly
The receipts so far are
Charles Read 25 00
White Mercantile company 25 00
Colonel E A Wall 25 00
CentennlnEurekalinlng com
pany 100 00
James Chipman state treas
urer 50 0
Callaway Hoock Francis 15 00
Mercur Gold Mining Milling
r Company 150 00
GeyserMarion Mining Mill
ing company ito 00
John Dern 100 00 i I
E H Airis 100 CO i
A W McCune 100 00
W S McCornick I 100 00 I I
EurekaHill Mining company 100 00 i
James W Neill 25 00
Home Fire Insurance company 2500
H IDinwoodey Furniture com
pany 25 00
XeldenJudson Drug company 50 00 I
I 1115 00 I
Klondike eport Are Exaggerated
and Often Untrue
Ogden March 22J E Tatman of
Cripple Creek stopped over in Ogden
yesterday 11 Tatman is returning
from the Klondike country but asserts I
that Cripple Creek is his home and
hereafter he ie stay in Colorado The I
gentleman left Seattle last June and j j I
went by way of Skaguay His pros
pecting a in the Copper Rover coun
try but his observations and his talks
I with men from all districts have given
him some decided views on the Klon
dike country
I The finds In that country he says are
exaggerated beyond all reason and he i
i I considers the transportation companies
responsible for most of the exaggeration
I Copper river which he prospected 1
and also a number of its tributaries he i
I pronounces a failure No fortunes have
been taken I
j ever from Copper river I
I He did not go to Dawson City but
says the reports of gold finds there are j
J overrated The paying claims are ali I
I located in that vicinity but the gold j I
lies in streaks As an Instance of how I
reports are made Mr Tatman said that
onthe boat on which he returned from i
I Skaguay to Seattle there wereabout CO
I prospectors discouraged and broke The
I reporters boarded the boat at Van
I couver and proceeded to Interview a
dozen or so Usually the man owing
the most would tell the biggest story
I Menjwho did not have 5 to their names
would claim to have 25000 or 35000
and consequently when the boat i
reached Seattle the papers had already
I related that there was 250000 aboard
when a a matter of fact there was no
I Klondike treasuer abroad This boat
was the Nayo
n 11
U < UHUt iL oKa
uay and along the trail Is something
awful The outfitters and hotel men
at Seattle are the ones who are malt
ing the money
I Mr Tatmans advice to parties con
templating a trip to Klondike is dont
A Pormer Park City Miner Is Meet
ing With Success
I Park City March 22 Thomas Nestor
formerly an Ontario drain tunnel man
but now in the Klondike country has
been heard from his letter having
been written in December He has a
claim on Sulphur creek and has built
a cabin He is sinking a shaft in the
cabin but has not yet reached bed
I rock 11 Nestor was offered 10000 for
j his claim but determined to gamble
on i himself and take the risk of re
I alizing a bigger thing than the sum
The late Bishop Morris was engaged
I at different times In the construction of
furnaces in the mills here having built
i five Stetefeldt furnaces In the Ontario
i mill and one in the Marsac He also
j put in the mason work for the big
Cornish pump at Ontario o3
I Snow has been falling almost con
tinuously for a week and is now lying
I from three to five feet deep around the
mining properties up in the hills I will
swel the supply of water from snow
fall beyond what most people anticipated
The Morgan of Hardscrabble
Although meeting with Innumerable
discouragements and setbacks the
I Morgan Mining company of Hard
I scrabble has never lost hope and with
a determination and exhibition of clear
I grit that is commendable the officers
I of the company have continued on in
the eyed tenor of their way and The
I Herald is Informed that today the
company Is out of debt and that it is
the intention to continue to work and
I operate the property owned by the association
so iation until the same Is on a paying
basis one of the latest movements in
this direction being the letting of a
I contract for 50 feet of tunnel work on
a new ledge on the back end of the
I group the contract being let to John
Sterling and his associates
I The ledge mentioned above Is strong
and well defined and carries free mill
I ing quartz that assays 27 ounces silver
and S in gold to the ton and i is be
I lieved that with depth the metallic con
tents of the ore will materially Increase
I and that before the summer Is over this
portion of the property will be on a
I J 1ewh
paying basis < the machinery on
I the ground intended originally for the
leaching of ccrper ores but which was
I newr utilized can be remodeled and
usM in the reduction of the ore from
the discovery
I eg
The l ninos I of the company are locat
ed in Morgan county just over the di
vide at the head of City creek 11
the 17Ineralizatlon of that locality Is
such as to justify the expenditure of
considerable time and money In pios
I pecilng and the performance of devel
opment work
At the Homestake
On Monday of this week the new
Knowles dt ubleaction station pump
for the Homestake at Silver City was
installed at the 500foot station in the
mine and the works were started
This PUlP has a minimum lifting ca
pacity o 150 gallons per minute al
though the flow at the mine is onlv
about 50 gallons per minute
Work is progressing steadily In the
development oc the property and a
I crosscut is being run from the fOO
level to the west for the main icln
This crosscutis now In a distance of
55 feet the indications being that with
in 10 feet more I fine body of ore will
be encountered and SQ interesting is
the showing at the present time th t
anager Frank Harris is putting in
his whole time at the mine and lIe Is
confident that within a short time it
will join the ranks of steady pro
A Big Suit
Flagstaff Ariz March 22The at
torney general of the United States has
commissioned E E Ellinwood a spe
cial assistant United States district at
torney to assist in the trial of the case
of the United States vs the Copper
Queen Consolidated Mining company
This is a suit by the government to recover
cover 183000 from the Copper Queen
Mining company for alleged timber
trespass and is probably the most irri
portant case of this nature in the west
I has twice been tried with the re
each sult of trial a disagreement of the jury at
Silver and Lead
The sliver and lead quotations yester
day were a follows
Bar silver 55 cents
Lead brokers 350 exchange
S ° ° TiA x
Copper lake 118y casting 1100
Ore and Bullion
The ore and bullion receipts yester
day were as follows
McCornick Co ores 3950
T R Jones Co ores 13900 bul
lion 10200
Bamberger McMillan ores 3918
Mining Notes and Personals
W B Andrew of the Young America
East is back from Tuscarora Nev
The North Last Chance mill at Bing
ham is putting In two Wilfley concen
trating tables
Prof W II Tibbals one of the active
members of the stock exchange has been
called to Ohio to attend the sick bed of his
Sacramento and Four Aces were favor
ites on the curb yesterday afternoon the
former being wanted at 4 cents and the
latter at 8
The Uncle Sam pf Eureka marketed
nine carloads of ore yesterday that as
sayed 50 per cent lead and 3 ounces in
silver to the ton
Broker E G Woolley had the misfor
tune to lose the tip of the little linger on
the right hand yesterday by having it
caught in the vault door at his office
The Niagara Mining company operat
received settlement es
ing in Bingham settement yes
terday for a consignment of nine cars of
ore that carried the usual high grade in
The Lenora of Bingham was In the mar
ket yesterday with a 14ton lot of lead
carbonates which sold on controls show
inc 135 per cent lead and 1 ounces in
Hon A C Washington Hon P T
Farnsworth John Share and Frank W
Jennings of the Horn Silver directory are
at mine Frisco making an inspection of the
A lot of ore from the Joe Bowers IS
tons in all from near Diamond was sold
on the open market yesterday the lot
assaying 34 per cent lead and 4S ounces
in silver to the ton besides 6 cents in
The Extra Session company has let an
other contract for 100 feet of sinking in
the extension of the incline shaft in Its
Bingham property This shaft is now
down a distance of 130 feet and it is be
lieved that thE bottom Is how In the foot
wall of the vein as the formation is min
erallzed and carries small values In cop
perH II Ryan and W G Nebeker have
returned from Chicago where they have
been on mining business their return be
inc hastened by the fact of Sam McIn
tyre having fed an application for the
pointmerit of a receiver for the Ajax
Mining company They are prepared to
make a redhot fight against the granting
of the application
The last lot of ore from the Golden
Eagle mne in Central district Hum
boldt county Nevada netted the com
pany M050 in the precious metals to the
ton I U understood that this property
is quite likely to underijp h change of
quie Ikel undeIP
ownership in the near future when a mill
ire be built for the treatment of the
large bodies of good milling ore blocked
out In its underground workings I was
but a short time ago that the mine was
examined by Sam Kcnyon and Scott Cris
mon In the interest of eastern capital
Statesman Boise Ida A C Fralick
will leave this morning with four miners
to begin work on the Golden Fleece and
Golden Star quartz mines near Placer
vllle This property is owned by K P
Plowman and was recently bonded to T
K Mulr and others of Portland who have
just shipped a tenstamp mill from that
city to be put In operation at the mines
considerable development worK nas oeen I
done on the property and a large quan
tity of highgrade ore has been taken out
The ledge averages from eight Inches to
four feet in width and the ore runs from
I JIM to iSO per ton in reId
I Thomas Hindman an oldtime pros
pector is in the city from White Pine
I I county Nevada where he has made sev
eral promising locations In speaking of
this section and what is going on there
I Mr Hindman states that the Siegel broth
ers of this city are working a force of
eight men In the operation of the Gold
I Crown In Shell Creek district while at
Cherry creek the North Mountain Is em
ploying quite a large force and Is get
ting ready to start up its mill Mr Hind
man will soon leave for Dugway dis
trict in the Deep Creek country where I
hp will do assessment work on properties
there in which he Is Interested
J i At the close of tlie call or listed stocks 1
I i on change yesterday morning Broker H
l S Josephs Introduced a resolution to the
I effect that the exchange subscribe the
l sum of 5 to the International Mining I
i congress fund and also that during the
i i session of the congress the delegates to j
the same be 1 given the privileges I of st i
floor also that the exchange recognizing J
I the importance to this city that the con
gress will be should cooperate In even
way to make the convention ah unquali
fled success The resolution was ably
I seconded by John Dern and on motion it
was declared to b the sense of the mem
bers of the exchange that the governing I i
board should donate the sum rV 50 to I I
I tho congress > j
SuperintendentLedgenvood of the Four I
Aces writes from Silver City that there
I is cotlnud Improvement In the mine as
development work progresses and that II
I in the bottom of the shaft the pay streak
I of steel galena ore has widened to ten
I inches while accompanying this high1 I
grade mineral there is a 14inch body of
iron pyrites which shows assay values I I
of from 10 to 20 per cent lead and 40
ounces in silver to the ton Near the sur
face this pyrltlc ore carried little or no
value and the fact that It is nTw be
dnnlnz to carry the precious metals Is
considered to be more encouraging than
that the body of steel galena has been
encountered as this Indicates without
doubt the existence of large bodies of
pay rock In the near vicinity
t =
Handbook of the Tariff
The understanding of the complicated
provisions of the new tariff has been
greatly simplified by the issuance of
this manual To digest the tariff law Is
no easy task but to digest the food
taken into the grstrlc receptacle is ren
dered easy by the use of that thorough
stomachic Hostelers Stomach Bit
ters I prevents and cures malarial
kidney and rheumatic trouble remedies
nervousness and Insomnia and removes
constipation and biliousness Appetite
as well as the ability satisfy it with
out subsequent abdominal disturb inca
is restored by this fine nomachic which
also accelerates convaleshence Per
sons in the decline of life and the in
fifm of every age and sex lrJ it oi ma
terial assistance
The Hawcs Engraving Co 72 West
Temple Street
We are now located at the above
number with a complete plant for
making half tone engravings zinc etch I
Ings and all kinds cf color blocks Write
us for samples and prices before plac
ing Cur ordeM
Enough for C Price 15c
I or 2 of Grays Laxative Pellets
taken at night will produce a healthy
action in the morning dispel colds
and prevent sickness
25c at Drug stores
Bythe Supreme Court In Howell vs
Union Pacific
Trial of Miss Edwards Proceeding
Very Slowly General John Lu
Taylor Out t Make a Record I
the Case Joseph Barrows Before
Judge Norrell a a Reform School
Candidate Miscellaneous Notes
In the case of Henry J Howell
against S H H Clark et al receivers
of the Union Pacific Railway company
appellants the supreme court yesterday
handed down ah opinion dismissing the
appeal for the reason that the appeal
was not filed within the time allowed
by the rules of the court in such cases
The plaintiff recovered Judgment in
the district c9urt for 1000 damages al
leged to have been sustained by the
plaintiff in consequence of his having
been unlawfully ejected from a train
of the defendant company
Trial of Miss Edwards
There was quite a large attendance
in Judge Norrells division of the dis
trict court yesterday the people being
attracted to hear General John Lu
Taylor defend Miss Charlotte Edwards
who is on trial for grand larceny and
receiving stolen goods The general is
leading counsel for the defendant and
is assisted by Attorney Jesse Roote
while the state is represented by As
sistant County Attorney Putnam The
trial a begun on Monday and from
present appearances will consume most
of the week
Yesterday morning Mrs Free who
claims to own the stolen property took
the stand for crossexamination by
General Taylor and she remained there
nearly all the forenoon during which
counsel endeavored to break her origin
al testimony but with very little suc
cessFor the prosecution also were exam
ined W H Brooks Mrs Angeline
Simpson Alice BNesblt Annie Kolitz
V Nesbitt F B Black C M Ball Jo
seph Wheeler Emma Mahan Mrs G
Hanson and Theodore Gunderson Each
witness was crossexamined at length
I by General Taylor
The prosecution will probably be con
cluded today and it Is anticipated that
several days will be occupied by the
defense I is probably proving the
most slowly tried case on record
I Eighteen Months For Neuvenhisen I
W W Neuvenhisen who was found
guilty of burglary a few days ago was
brought up for sentence yesterday and
Judge Norrell ordered that he be sent
to the state prison for a term of 18
The other information against Neu
venhisen charging burglary also was
dismissed on motion of the county at
Reform School Candidate
Joseph Barrows a youth who is ex
pected to attend school was brought
up before Judge Norrell yesterday on a
charge of truancy and general incorrig
ibillty He had a hearing before Jus
tice Stewart a week ago and was sent
I to the district court with a view of his
beinrf committed to the reform school
Several witnesses were examined and
further 23 hearing continued until April
Miscellaneous Notes I
John Dubie yesterday entered an
tachment suit against J H Kilgore to
recover S20 on a promissory note and
21 for a suit of clothes and 20 attor
ney fees a total of 65 I Is alleged in
I the complaint that the defendant ha
left the state to the injury of his cred
I itors and is about to dispose of his I
property with intent to further defraud
Lorenz Dickert has made application
to be appointed administrator of the
estate of his late wife Anna Dickert
In order that he may prosecute a suit
against the Salt Lake City Street Rail
way company to recover damages
personal injuries alleged to have been
sustained by Mrs Dickert on account
of the negligence of the Street Railway
The furniture at the Youngs hotel
was sold at auction yesterday by Dep
uty Sheriff Montgomery under a chat
I tel mortgage held by the Utah National
I bank for 600 The property was bought
I in by the bank for the amount of the
I In Judge Cherrys court the case of
the Utah Optical company vs David
I Keith cnrt James Ivers was still on
hearing yesterday I will probably be
I concluded tomorrow or Friday
This Tells Where Health May Be
And that is more important than mak
ing money I your blood i impure
Hoods Sarsaparilla is the medicine fo
you I cures scrofula salt rheum
rheumatism catarrh and all other
diseases originating in or promoted by
i blood ana low state of the
impure blo stte sys
tem ¼
ternHoods 1
Hoods Pills are easy to take easy to
operate Cure indigestion headache
For Over Fit Years
Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup has
been used for children teething I
soothes the child softens the gums al
lays all pain cures wind colic and
is the best remedy for Diarrhoea
Twentyfive cents S r bottle I
Enough for 6 Price 15c
Via Rio Grande Western Railway
For the annual conference L D S
and womans conference L D S at
Salt Lake City April C to 9 Inclusive
the usual half rates and arrangements
have been put Into effect via the Rio
Grande Western railway
Tickets will be sold on following
dates From Ogden Park City Bing
ham Springville Silver City and in
termediate points from April 5 to 9
inclusive tickets limited to April 15
1898 From all other points April 4 to
8 Inclusive tickets limited to April
IS 1S9S except Grand Junction Fruita
and Cisco at which points tickets are
on sale only on April 5 limited to date
April of sale 18 on going trip with final limit
All grocers sell TI S Baking Pow
der at the following prices 5ounce
cans lOc Sounce cans 15c 1pound
cans 25c Every can guaranteed t
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded Why not give it a trial
Via Oregon Short Line Thurs
day 24th
Special train will leave Oregon Short
Line depot 400 p m and returning
will leave Logan after performance
Rate 250 round trip Tickets good re
turning Sunday 27th
Use Hewlett Bros Three Crown
Baking Powder Triple Flavoring Ex
tracts and pure ground spices For
sale by all grocers
Pew People Realize How Exhausting
The Tender Sentiment IsA Phy
sicians Good Advice
There Is no way by which people ex
haust themselves or kill themselves
so quickly as by exercising the affec
This striking remark was made by
one of the best physicians in America
He was a man who had studied deep
ly observed keenly and knew men and
said women thoroughly Continuing he
Sentiment is a grand a lovely
thing and the world cannot live with
out H but the exercise of the sentiments
ments invariably exhausts People may
not feel Hi but It is true nevertheless
A man or a woman wears out breaks
down and then wonders at the cause
There should be no occasion for won
der I have explalnetj the cause
I the men and women of the nine
teenth century do not feed the forces
that produce sentiments affections
feelings they are certain to break down
to become exhausted and to die be
fore their time Do not tell me these
things are theories for they are sol i
emn acts
You ask me what I would do he
continued I answer Begin to feed
these forces feed them constantly
feed them with the btst and most
scientific discovery you can secure I
you ask me what is the best I unhes
itatingly say it is that grand preparation
tion which has been so long before the
people and Is so popular Warners
Safe Cure I know that it possesses I
powers known to no other discovery
POtr dlscven1
and I know that thousands of men and
women cannot live without i today I
you will stop and think or ask your
friends you will see that what I say Is
correct and I believe be led to try it at
once if you have not already done so
The facts stated by the doctor and
the advice he gives are sound I is
absolutely true that many men and
women are enabled to live and enjoy
life entirely through the power which
this great remedy gives them and there
are thousands or others who need to
follow in the same path
o =
Relative t the Organization of Dis
trict Boards Division of the Sev
eral Counties Into Districts
The attention of the several boards of
county commissioners city councils and
town trustees throughout the state Is
being called by letter by Dr T B
Beatty secretary of the state board of
health to the requirements of the ie
vised statutes relative to organization
of district boards of health Secretary
Beatty requests early compliance with
the laws mandates and prompt report
ing to him The sections of the law
quoted and pertaining to the subject
are as foUowsr
Sec 1105 I shall b the duty of the
board of trustees or city council of
every incorporated town or city of the
state to establish by ordinance a board
of health for such town or city to con
sist of three or more persons one of
whom when practicable shall be a
physician a graduate of n regularly
chartered medical college who shall
he the executive officer of the
and be known as the health officer
Sec 1106 Each board of county
commissioners shall divide the county
outside of the limits of incorporated
cities and towns into sanitary districts
health officer for
and shall appoint a healh ofcer
each district who shall be when prac
ticable a physician Such district
health officer shall together with the
board of county commissioners consti I
tute the county board of health I
Our Proposed War Would Enable e
t Grab Philippines
New York March 22The Heralds
correspondent in London Interviewed
Sir Charles DUke as to the relations
between the United States and Spain
He thought that there was no doubt
that thought came the United States
would more than hold their own He
did not hink it possible Spain would at
tempt to block American ports Asked
as to the attitude of other countries incase
said Japan
case of war Sir Charles
is perhaps the only nation that might
be tempted to interfere She has not
found the opportunity for expansion in
China that she expected and a war be
tween the United States and Spain
might tempt her to grb the Philip
pines I regard it as improbable that
pineS regrd
England would in any way take part in
such a war officially but the sympa
I thies of England will all be with the
United States
I G a
Suspended An Irish Colonel For n St
Patricks Day Parade
Chicago March 22Colonel Marcos
Kavanaugh has been relieved of com
mand of the Seventh Illnois National
Guard by Governor Tanner for parad
ing his troops on St Patricks day
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Moriarity
has been placed in
Colonel Kavanaugh said today that
he had made application in regular
form for permission to parade to Gen
eral Wheeler of the First brigade
It has been the custom of the
Seventh regiment to parade on the
Irish national holiday whenever there
was a public celebration said he
The precedent was well established
and the preliminaries were observed I
The order from Springfield relieving
Colonel Kavanaugh from command of
the Seventh regiment also placed him
under arrest I
Gladstone Pale But Walks Fir I
Bournemouth March 22Mr Glad
stone started for Hawarden today in a j
royal salon carriage He walked firmly II
from his carriage to the train but was
pale The old gentleman was greeted j
with frequent cries of God bless you I
Upon entering the train Gladstone said i I
in a clear voice God bless you all
and this place and the land you love i I j
The distinguished traveler was loudly i I
cheered as the train departed I
Pour Womens Narow Escape
Chicago March 22The sixstory
building occupied by the Monroe Cater
ing company and the Building Trades
club was burned today Four women
employees of the catering company
I who were on the top story asleep bare
ly escaped with their lives Five per
sons were burned or otherwise injured
I during the fire but no one seriously
The tqal lotss Is 30000 I
Millions Given Away
I is certainly gratifying to the pub I
lic to know of one concern in the land
v ho are sot afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering The proprie
tors of Dr Kings New Discovery for
Consumption Coughs and Colds have
given away over ten million trial bottles
of this great medicine and nave the
satisfaction of knowing i has absolute
ly cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma Bronchitis Hoarseness and all
diseases of the throat chest ad lungs
are surely cured by It Call on Z C
M I druggist and get a trial bottle
free Regular size SOc and 1 Every
bottle guaranteed or price refunded
Enough for 6 Price 15c
Suggestion That Tress Be Transplant
ed I the Canyon and That It Be
Made Into a Pak
The following communication wa
presented to the city council last night
and referred to the committee on pub
lic grounds
To the Honorable the Mayor and
Members of the City Council Sat
Lake City Utah
Gentlemen The Utah Forestry association
sociation at its last regular
sociaton is las rlar meeting
held March 19 1S9S In this city de
cided to bring to the attention of your
honorable body the following
honorble sugges
tions suge
City Creek canyon ca with but lit
tie trouble or expense be materially
improved and beautified by transplant
ing a number oftrees that we think
can be spared from Liberty park of
which there are a considerable number
of hardwood trees of various kinds es
pecially ash and also some evergreens
We would suggest that so many of
these trees as can be spared be trans
planted In City Creek n
Ye would also suggest that there be
a cleaning up and trimming out of the
groves and trees in certain parts of
the carsvon
We would also suggest that on Ar
bor day next the good people of this
city be Invited to go up City Creek can
yon bringing with them such trees
and shrubs as they can obtain and un
der the supervision of your honorable
body plant th same
In this connection we desire to say
to your honorable body that Mr Rich
ard Kletting a member of our society
has given the above subject consider
able thought and prepared maps and
plans showing how the canyon can be
improved and beautified and ultimately
made into one of the finest parks in the
world These maps as well as Mr
Klettings assistance are at your ser
Hoping and believing that your hon
orable body will find the suggestions
ripe and feasible we beg to remain
Special Committee Utah Forestry
Yet It Cures the Worst Cases of Dys
pepsia and Indigestion
Dr Jennison who has made a life
study of stomach troubles says All
forms of Indigestion really amount to
the same thing that is failure to com
pletely digest the food eaten no mat
ter whether the trouble is acid dys
pepsia or sour stomach belching of
wind nervous dyspepsia or loss of flesh
and appetite a person will not have
any of them if the stomach can be In
duced by any natural harmless way to
thoroughly digest what Is eaten and
this can be done by a simple remedy
which I have tested in hundreds of
aggravated cases with complete suc
cess The remedy is a combination of
fruit and vegetable essences pure asep
tic pepsin and golden seal put up in
the form of pleasant tasting tablets and
sold by druggists under the name of
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets One or two
of these tablets should be taken after
meals and allowed to dissolve in the
mouth and mingling with the food In
the stomach digests it completely be
fore it has time to ferment decay and
On actual experiment one grain of
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
three thousand grains of meat eggs
and similar wholesome foods
It is safe to say if this wholesome
remedy was better known by people
generally It would be a national bless
ing as we are a nation of dyspeptics
and ninetenths of all diseases owe their
origin to Imperfect digestion and nutri
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are not a
secret patent medicine but a fiftycent
package will do more real good for a
weak stomach than fifty dollars worth
of patent medicines and a person has
the satisfaction of knowing just what
he is putting Into his stomach which
he does not know when widely ad
vertised patent medicines are used
All druggists sell Stuarts Dyspepsia
Tablets full sized packages SOcts
A little book on cause and cure of
stomach ti rubles mailed free by ad
dressing the Stuart Co Marshall Mich
via Rio Grande Western Railway
On Saturday March 26 the Rta
Grande Western runs a special excur
sion to Provo at 545 p m Fare for
the round trip 125 Special returns
in time to connect with street cars
Public is cordially invited
I u S is a good strong and reliaBle
Bang Powder and i sold by a
grocers at 25c a pound
Most torturing and disfiguring of itching
burning scaly skin and scalp humors i in
stantly relieved by a warm bath with Curs
c S a single application CCl
oiitment the great skin cure and a nil dose
of CCTICIBA KESOLVe greatest of blood
purifiers and humor cures when all else fis
= 0
J nM hroo ioot the vorlt Forrra 0 n ATO Carv
CORP lps Pwtoa How to Car Salt ElMom t
FJLLMG HAlf CatbCencrzSogz
We Represent Strongest Companies
We Give Best Protection
We Hake Prompt Settlements
52 West Second South
TELEPHONE 230 Two Rings