P 1 I f 0 t f I A Welcome visitor 1 t i J You Bet Some News I The Salt Lake Herald goes Into the j J I homes of Utah It Is Utahs great 1 By reading other papers Ton get V i home paper The merchants trade I THE SALT LAKE HERALD all the news If yoir read The I j = comes = from the homes i 1 Herald J j WENTYEIGHTHYEAB J YEAR = = SALT LAKE CITY UTAH THURSDAY MARCH 24 1898 23TOEBEB 116 TWO ISSUfS INVOKING WAR Two Problems Impatient of Solution and tie Crisis Is But a Few Days Off I FIRST COMES INDEMNITY FOR MAINE CRIME This Will Be the Burden of Mondays Message Next Will Be Intervention In Humanitys Name Not the Least Significant of the Events of the Day Is the Desire of the I President to Learn the Opinions of Democratic Leaders On the Crisis Coekrell and Turpie Were at the White House Yesterday Senate Inclined to Be Conservative and Await the Action of the President Case of the MaineIs the First of Its Kind In Naval History If It Fails to Fix Responsibility Interpretation of Sicards REmark About Peculiar Report We hington March 23The feeling j I wes universal throughout official cir1 I clcs tOday that the culmination of the Spanish crisis was near at hand With I the report of the Maine court of in j i quiry only a little while off with the I WMe House the center of long and I earnest conferences between the presi dent and the party leaders of congress I and vith exceptional activity towards cm 1eney preparations in the war and I ray departments there was abund I anc of evidence that definite results I regarding the Maine disaster and the C I1n 1 position In general were about to b reached Among the presidents callers were Senators Cockrell Turpie and Foraker General Daniel Sickles former United Stutcs minister to Madrid and Representative ft fl M1 aift I sentative William i Alden Smith of Mich gan who has recently returned from a trip to Cuba The call of I > f Srs Cockroll and Turpie was re fad d as particularly significant as they are representative Democrats in I Ult II > lUlU UItU V U LU of Senator Gorman yesterday It was generally understood that in the pres ent emergency the president desires patriotic unity without reference to party IN HAND TONIGHT Secretaries Long and Alger also con fcrr > d with the president during the thy Sei rotary Long later said that the Msune report would reach Wash Irgton tomorrow night If however it dd not come before S oclock Thursday ex enine Mr Long said he probably would rot receive it until Frday morn ing xheti it woud be laid before the rr s eit immediately The secretary did rot think the president would give th document any consideration at r I Hto hour It was more probable he thi urh if Lieutenant Marlx arrived at a 1t hour that he would take the re pcrt to a hotel for the night EXCLUSIVE MAINE SUBJECT There has been no change in the plan of ending the rcnort to congress cany nnt > enk probably Monday accom raicd by a massage from the presi c nt It is definitely settled however th t the message and the papers ac rrpanying it will relate exclusively to th Maine disaster ltv ill not take up th fearful condition of affairs in Cuba as shown by the reports of United Stats consun these bring reserved for Ubsnquent action and a later message to C 0 ngrcfs ON HUMANE GROUNDS The prevailing impression among the Republican leaders of the house Is i that th president will intervene in Cuba on humnjiP grounds but it is positively stated by one of them who is close to th president that the intervention will not c > me until after the report of the 1 ard of inquiry Into the Maine disas ter goes to congress The to questions will be treated FeiaratiIy said he today and the message relative to Cuba wil ba sent to c > ngr < is soon after the report of the Mi ire question WAIVE MAINE QUESTION The Cuban message as forecasted by a j r mmert ptMican will waive the question of the Main dsaster and put aside that awful ocrvrrence will Ill in cf ct a declaration to Spain that the pivsnt methrds of warfare In Cuba lTIut erase It will r suit in rt iv n tjl1 > in case Spain demurs Ths mes sage ilh be ace pparled by the re ports of the rorsuls in Cuba t ITS EFFECT Mr Dolhver Rep la says that in trvtntion on humane grounds will I plat our action upon a moral level that j I Auuci command the broad sympathy j I c1 f the world We could afford he says j in vcixo I all question as to the Maine if the board does not fix the responsibil ity for the disaster on Spain in order to make the grcaer issue A promi nent member of the house who has been several times in consultation with the president recently and who posses pe 0 aft muoh urofltcial Information of I the cause of the Maine disaster prob i ably as the president does says that j hllo the report of the board will not j fix the responsibility for the explosion f Wlcee fll I It viil be startling in its nature Tho information at the capitol is that I I already 20000000 of the 50000000 ap I propriated for the national defense has II I been expended or contracts entered into I for its expenditure I QUIETING THE RADICALS I It is known that a great deal of work has been done about the senate today I by senators who are known as con s > s Requests have been made that the senate await the action of the I Picsdent and that no further attempts j d f I he matte to intensify the strained sit j uaton It was asserted by Senator El lms that a great deal of progress had been made and that on both sides of the chamber a great deal more conserva tism hd iron found than was supposed to have existed I PASS WITHOUT PRECEDENT I The remark attributed to Admiral Si I card at Key West yesterday to the f fleet that the case of the Maine was I perhaps the most peculiar in history of modern times is Interpreted here as clea rlY indicating that the direct re I sporsJbllUy for the explosion cannot be pluid I During the progress of the inr icstigation the law officers of the gov ernment have been giving the legal side of the case their close attention and the statement is made that the cas of he Maine is indeed most peculiar The records it is said do not show that ever before in the intercourse of nations i has a vessel of one power been de i stroyed in the waters of another with out the cause of the disaster and re sponsibility not being known beyond dispute by any other nation If the court of inquiry has found as it gener ally believed that the responsibility for the loss of the Maine cannot be definite ly located the fact will present a new feature to the long list of otherwise similar disasters I MASLX ON HIS WAY Denies Making Any Warlike Expres sion to Reporters Jacksonville Fla March 23 Lieu tenant Commander Marix bearing to Washington the findings of the Maine court of Inquiry reached this city at 74j tonight and left at S p m via the Florida Central Peninsula and will reach Washington at 925 p m Thursday night The railroad wires have carried the message down the line fo him to use all dispatch This prac I tically makes a special of the Marix I titln and without accident Washing ton will be reached on the dot i I Lieutenant I Commander Marix was I accompanied by the following officers of the Maine Lieutenant Hood Lieuten I an Jungen Assistant Passed Engineer IF C Bowers Naval Cadet A BronI son and Carpenter George Helms Upon I arrival here the party went at once to I thE Pullman car that was waiting for them and in 15 minutes were hurrying to Washington as rapidly as steam l toUld take them I During the short time of the stay in this city an Associated Press reporter I showed Lieutenant Commander Marix I a dispatch from Miami that ap peared in the afternoon papers I in which he was quoted as I saying It looks like war it cer f tainly does He exclaimed It is utterly false I I have said nothing of the kind I dont talk about this matter I AH efforts to get him in any way to make an expression of opinion were futile Other members of the party were eqqally noncommittal I ruring the transfer of the train to the other Lieutenant Commander Marix was clseiy guarded by the members of his party He I walked between two of his friends carrying a dispatch box covered with black cloth Behind him the officers of his party walked closely They walked rapidly and did not stop to speak to anyone until they were 1 safely in the car KALWE WILL BE ABANDONED I I Its Complete Destruction By Dyna i j i mite Contemplated j Washington March 23The navy I department has arranged for the prac tical withdrawal of all its naval of j ficers at Havana and the abandonment i of the wreck of the illfated Maine Captain C D Sigsbee Lieutenant Com i mander Kichard Wainwright Surgeon i L G Henneberger Paymaster Ray Chaplain John H Chidwick Chief En gineer Charles P Howell and Naval Cadets J A Holden and W T Cluver i ous who have been in Havana with the wreck will return very soon Secretary Long said today that Cap tain Sigsbee would come to Washing ton HS soon as convenient but as yet nothing had been done in regard to his future duty It might be necessary for Lieutenant Commander Wainwright I who is ir special charge of the wrecked I vessel to remain there a short time longer or at least when It is finally willed that the wreck cannot be raised and that there is no prospect of the recovery of any other portions of the ship or its equipment It might be n ccssalj also for one of the naval cadets to remain but this is not re garded as probable Although not finally settled It is mos than probable that the Fern will also return to the United States as soon as it is determined that nothing more is to be gained by her presence at Ha ana In the event of the abandonment of the wreck it is more than likely I that the navy department will arrange for its complete destruction ly the use of dynamite or torpedoes In its pres ent condition it is a dangerous ob struction to navigation and It is not believed that any opposition will be of fered to the removal S1 c Drowned In the Port Neuf Special to The Herald Pocatello Ida March 23 Victor the 5rycarold son of M Kubiak was drowned in the Port Neuf river this af ternoon With other children he was trying to catch drift wood when he fell in Life was extinct before assist ance arrived Bill For Famine Appropriation Washington March 23An amend ment to the sundry civil bill is pend ing before the senate committee on ap propriations appropriating 250000 to furnish supplies to the destitute people of Cuba It is said the amendment will probably he adopted rI Dynamite Struck By Lightning Pittsburg Pa March 23A Chron icle Telegraph Lowellville special says a dynamite magazine at Hillsville ex ploded this morning wrecking the building and causing a panic It Is supposed the magazine was struck by lightning It Is reported that a man named Welch his wife and six chil dren were killed PEACE IF HONORABLE I Joint Resolution Offered By Senator I Bacon of Georgia THE MAINE RELIEF BILL PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BUT UN OSTENTATIOUSLY s Owing to the Importance of the Ba con Resolution Its Consideration Was Deferred Until TodayIn the House Thorpe Was Given Eppes Seat By Strict Party Vote Washington March Anticipated discussion of the Cuban question drew an unusually large crowd of spectators to the galleries of the senate today The galleries were packed and long lines of people swayed through the cor ridors vainly seeking admission Even senator at the capitol was in his seat Mr Tillman of South Carolina an nounced that he would next Tuesday at 3 pm ask the senate to consider the resolutions upon the death of his colleague the late Senator Earle JOINT RESOLUTION Mr Bacon of Georgia presented the following resolution That the government and people of the United States while avowing that at all times and to the uttermost limit they will maintain their national honor and protect their material interests and while they will count no cost of blood or treasure which may be necessary for the accomplishment of this high re solve nevertheless declare that it is their desire to live at peace with all the nations and peoples of the earth That supremely confident in the loy alty and patriotic devotion of the peo ple of every class and of every section of the country strong In more than I 70000000 of people resolute brave and ready for any personal sacrifice the I honor and safety of their governmeit may require of them and rich In the possession of material resources prac I tically without limit the United States revertheless desires and intend in the I present threatening situation earnestly I to use every practIcable end honorable means to preserve peace so far as the slit I same may ho consistent with the honor of the nation and with their duty to themselves and others DEPRECATING WAR That while unswerving in their pur pose to fully protect the honor and the property of the nation as well as the persons of its citizens and while de termined upon the performance of their duty to humanity and to a neighboring paople struggling for liberty the Unit ed States desiring peace and deprecat I ing war will in good faith endeavor to accomplish those ends consistently with national honor through peaceful agencies and without unnecessary re sort to war and boodshed Mr Bacon said that owing to the im portance of the resolution he would not ask for its immediate lonsideration but would permit it to he upon the table until tomorrow MAINE RELIEF BILL Very quietly and with no attempt to produce effect the bill providing for the relief of the survivors of the Maine disaster was presented to the senate for consideration Mr Hale of Maine chairman of the naval affairs committee reported the bill favorably and asked that It be placed at once upon its passage The bill was read and without de bate was unanimously passed without amendment Then in accordance with notice given yesterday Mr Gallinger of New Hamp I shire was recognized for a speech upon the condition of affairs in Cuba Mr Gallinger has recently returned I from the island He received the most careful and thoughtful attention of I every person within the sound of his voice > SALIVATING SALOON LICENSES After a brief discussion of the bill by Mr Carter Mr Perkins of California offered a long amendment to the meas 1 ure providing for the placing of a license upon almost every kind of busi ness and for the taxing and regula tion of the liquor traffic The tax on I a wholesale iquor establishment is fixed at J200P per year upon a bar room or saloon in any town of more I than 1500 inhabitants 1500 a year and upon any retail liquor saloon in cpm munities of less than 1500 inhabitants 1COO per year Mr Hansbrough of North Dakota said I the Perkins amendment meant simply that the government would take part in I the liquor business of the district and he did not believe it was right or that I the people of this country would ap prove of such a step He offered an amerdment to the pending bill to be ccnsidered as a substitute for that pro pcsed by Mr Perkins The amendment prcvides that no liquor shall be im ported manufactured or sold in Alaska and that any violation of this provision should be considered as a misdemeanor I punishable by fine and Imprisonment I Mr Perkins in reply to Mr Hans broughsaid that nobody would go fur ther 1 than he in advancing I the cause of leinperance but he maintained that the national law was absolutely a dead letter in Alaskan He believed the adop tion of his amendment and the enforce mentof its provisions would practically prohibit the liquor business within the district The senate went into executive ses sion and at 4 pm adjourned IX THE HOUSE R T Thorpe was today given th scat from the Fourth Virginia district Sidney P Eppes who obtained the cer tificate of election was unseated by a strict party vote Mr Thorpe was given the seat by a vote of 151 to 130 The Republicans without a break voted for Thorpe and the Democrats and Populists with the exception of Mr Howard of Alabama a Populist voted for Mr Eppes Mr Thorpe contested the seat of Mr Kelley in the last congress and was seated The Republican majority in the house which was 52 When the house convened last summer is now 54 Mr Rhea Kentucky and Mr Hay of Virginia spoke in Mr Eppes favor and Mr Thorpe addressed the house in his own behalf At S oclock the house adjourned Mr Carter of Montana then called up th3 bill making further provision for a civil government for Alaska and re I sumed his speech begun > yesterday upon the measure i DECISION AGAINST NAGLE His Guardian Not Responsible For Losses Through Loans Special to The Herald f Cheyenne Wyo March 23In the dis trict court here today a decision was ren I dered against George H Nagle who re cently inherited an estate wprth tSOOOOO I and refused to acjsst tljWfinaX report of I his guardian W A Rftblns lIe alleged I j that loans aggregating JMOOGOrnadQ with estate funds by Robins are not adeuqato ly secured and were made negligently I and without proper authority of the court The court accepts the report rul I ing that Robins actions were made In I good faith and that hE is not responsible I for ensuing losses the case will be ap I pealed j = m ii District Court at Blackf f t I Special to The Herald Blackfoot Ida March 23In tho dis I trict court the arguments were finished yesterday and the judge has tliowcase stl under advi < > mert in the case of Bn ham county against Treasurer W A I Woodin The case of Bingham county Vf G G Wright et al was dismissed The Bark of Idaho Falls obtained Judgment tftl ment against Eizabeth Wheeler I jt iii 1 for the sum of JG40 and costs and deed of foreclosure was signed The case of the state vs Samuel IJorrings was dismissed without prejudice after a Jury had beeii enraapened and ore wItness examined I UTE 1A1ILEMMA t Reservation Will Be Thrown Open One Week FromToday UNLESS CONGRESS ACTS WILL CAUSE CONFUSION AS AL LOTMENTS ARE INCOMPLETE Only Solution of the Difficulty Is to Postpone Opening a Joint Ben olution Congressman King Thinks An Extension of Sixty Days Is Sufficient Special to The Herald Washington March 23 Under exist ing law the agricultural lands of the lncompahgre reservation will be thrown open April 1 unless there is further legislation prior to that time As the making of allotments Is not completed this would necessarily cause i hl iut sn much confusion It does not seem prob able that the conference report on the i Indian appropriation bill can be dis posed of before the end of the month i The only other chance of averting the i many complications sure to arise from opening of the reservation before the I completion of allotments is the passage of a joint resolution extending the I time of opening six months This will be resorted in the house as soon as hope of agreement in conference is abandoned It can be forced through I by the speaker under special order and this course will be taken if necessary Representative King said this evening that he docs not believe it necessary to postpone the opening for so long a period He thinks 3Q or 60 days is quite Icng enough He has just received a letter from one of the commissioners stating that the allotment is practically Completed as very few Indians are willing to take lands on the Uncom p hgre reservation This commissioner thinks ten days extension quite enough tp grant A postofiice has been established at Muddy Converse county Wyo with Catherine M Peterson as postmaster = ATTENDED A SILVER MEETING I Complaint Against Shoups Candidate I I For Pocatello Postoffice I SyeClll to ins xieraiaj Pocatelfo March 23A protest was 1 today wired Senator Shoup against the appointment of A F Caldwell as post master at this place on the grounds that he had taken a prominent part in I n sliver convention last evening The protest is the outgrowth of the politi cal deal that last night prevented Coun cilman Horson from securing the re I nomination for that office CONVICTS CAPTURED All of the Idaho Escapes Now Behind the Bars Special to The Herald Boise Ida March 23 Harvey Cole and Pat Sullivan the two escaped con I Icts I were captured today the former at Reynolds creek Owyhee county and the latter at Payette Canyon county With these captured the last of the 33 I convicts who escaped a few days ago are again behind the prison walls I I Hoff Murder Trial Special to The Herald I San Francisco March 23The trial of j j Albert Hoff for the murder of Mrs j j Mary Clute was resumed this morning I with Dr John Gallagher upon the wit I ness stand but the testimony was of little Importance today and purely cumulative I I DRILLING AT DRY TORTUGAS I I 33j tPt5 Jre 7 s s w = U2 ssfsag gSTO 4 Ari r I 7 i9 tti w = 5 iMia I 4 t = IIeill INiv4 a hset i 5 = i Launches painted green arc sent wut to return as torpedo boats and make attacks on the big warships at Tor tugas The searchlights crc used in an cideavor to locate the torpedo boats The vigilance qf the ciww and the activity of the mcs directing the lshts almost invariably locate the enemy before he is near enough to damage the vessels lI U > < SEARCH FOR ALMY SURVIVORS But There Is Little Hope That Any Escaped With Life San Francisco March 23Th reve nue cutters Perry and Rush acting under instructions received by tele graph from Washington left port to day to search for the wreck of the Helen Almy Both the cutterstook on board a quantity of gun cotton and the wreck of the illfated bark will be blown up and scattered to the four winds as she is a menace to naviga tion While little hope is held out that any of the passengers or crew may have escaped with their lives the cutters will keep a sharpwatch while at sea for any survivors who may be drifting on wreckage Telegrams have been sent to various points along the coast instructing the lifesaving crews to patrol the beach In the vicinity of the stations but so far no news of u hope I ful character has been received by the g collector I of the port r I1rHE HERALD BULLETIN PAGE ONE Old Monitors Old Soldiers Uncompahgro Opening Peace If Honorable PAGE TWO Public Credit Bill Bad Belgian Blood PAGE THREE The Wildcat Mine Gallinger On Cuba The District Court PAGE FOUR Editorial PAGE FIVE Shriners In Session t In Railway Circles PAGE SIX State News Stock Prices Below Reason PAGE EIGHT Gov Hastings Visits Salt Lake Dr Mattie Cannon Returns I NONPARTISANS IN IDAHO No Democrats Nor Republicans at I Paris This Year Special to The Herald I Paris Ida March 23A mass meet I ing of the citizens of Paris was held last night in the First ward meeting house for the purpose of nominating a mayor clerk treasurer and police justice to be voted for on April 5 The meeting was very largely attended I very harmonious and strictly nonpar I I tisan JLOIIUCS was not reierreu to at j all and the nominations were made re i gardless of party affiliations or preju j dices J U Stuck received the nom i inatlon for mayor James Nye police I Justice Edward T Shepherd clerk and Helen P Croft treasurer I In the ward meetings the following were nominated for the city council First ward Arthur Budge and Joseph R Shepherd Second ward Walter Hoge and Thomas MInson Third ward A F Seegmiller and Wilford W Rich Fourth ford Chris Tuelber and Charles Innes It is expected this will be the only ticket in the field at the coming elec I tion I ONE TICKET AT POCATELLO I i I Silver Union Candidates Endorsed By Citizens Convention Special to Ths Herald Pocatello Ida March 3The citi I acne mass convention called for the I purpose of nominating a nonpartisan I ticket for the city campaign met to I night and endorsed the union silver I ticket nominated In convention last night from top to bottom This means I that there will be hut one ticket in the field this spring The endorsement of the mass convention Is an utter defeat i for the Kaslska element In Pocatello politics After their failure to caoture the silver convention they started in with the determination of dominating the mass meeting tonight but at noon today acknowledged their defeat by giving up the fight and accepting the inevitable and tonight join in the rati i fication of the silver union ticket i FUSION IN IDAHO I 1 I Populist State Convention Will Be I Held at Moscow I Special to The Herald I Boise Ida March 2The Populist I state central committee today issued i an address to the people in which they I favor unity on the silver question but I decline to take the responsibility of i acting for the Populist party leaving all fusion questions to the convention 1 I It Is understood Willis Sweet the silver i i Republican leader had an understand In with the Populists that the silver Republicans would bold their conven tion in Moscow if the Populists would do likewise The Populists have called j I their convention for that place and it has given rise to the rumor which seemed to have good foundation that I Set and some of the Populists are I I engineering a fusion deal 1 I LATTIHER MURDER ECHO I Austrian Govefnment Urged to As sume a Vigorous Attitude Vienna March 23In the lower j house of the diet today Dr Mayreder I i addressed an interpellation to Count i Von Thirn Hohenstein the president of i 1 the council of ministers asking what steps he proposed to take for getting I i j the AustroHungarian government to adopt a vigorous attitude respecting the acquittal of Sheriff Martin and the deputy sheriffs at Wilkesbarre Pa w ho were charged with shooting a i I number of striking miners Including I i AustroHungarian subjects at Latti mer on Sept 10 last The Strike Will Affect 50000 I Pittsburg March 23A general strike of river coal miners will be inaugurated on April 2 unless alt of the conditions of the Chicago agreement are con j formed with by that date or the oper j ators agree to pay the men upon a run of mine basis The strike will affect about 50000 men = I STENCH OF DEAD HEN Odors From Ruins of Butte Fire In dicate Bodies Underneath Butte Mont March 23The terrible odorarising from the ruins of the Hale I House confirms the opinion that some bodies will be found in the debris The I list of missing is now Martin Rooney Dan Sullivan and Frank Krlegbaum The search of the ruins will not be gin until the Insurance adjusters have examined the place and reported on the loss The Inquest begins tomorrow All the injured are reported as doing well OLD MmJlTORS 0 1 I OLD SOLmmS 1 I We Can Get Along With Such and Whip Spain TERROR AND PURITAN ORDERED TO KEY WEST Effort to Have Militia Called Out First In Event of Hostilities Bill Appropriating a Million to In crease Their Efficiency Will Short ly Be IntroducedNavy Depart ment Failing to Get Torpedo Boats Abroad Will Convert Our Own Craft Into Dangerous Cruis ers Old Monitors Being Put Tnt ShapeWar News Washington March 23The navy de > J parlment has purchased no further ships abroad and the negotiations are not proceeding in a manner to indicate success It was definitely determined today that the Chilean battleship Gen eral OHlggins could not be secured Commander Brownson is today in Paris after having inspected the Brazilian ships now building at La Slene While these might be secured they are a long way from completion and could be of little service at present What the de partment wants is ships whiclncan bo commissioned at once TERROR AND PURITAN Secretary Long determined today to order the double turreted monitors Puri tan and Terror to Key West whero they will reinforce the squadron in these waters He also determined to bring into service the eight single tur reted monitors at the League Island navy yard Philadelphia two of which will be sent to Boston two to New York and four held in reserve at Phila 1ht rho Pptn 1 r + i I the place of the battleships Massachu setts and Texas recently withdrawn from the squadron at Key West It I was stated at the navy department that this move was In accordance with a I programme previously agreed upon al i i though this programme has not been i announced heretofore The Puritan by many experts is regarded as the most formidable fighting machine in the navy OLD MONITORS Secretary LonKbad an extremely busy morning Mr Roosevelt and the various bureau chiefs were with the secretary for some time perfecting the plans for the speedy completion of the oli monitors The bureau of engineer ing can put in the three new boilers with little delay The ordnance bureau has little to do on the monitors owing to the good condition of their guns armament etc The quota of powder for their 15inch guns is already sacked and can be put aboard In a few hours Mr Long also saw a number of public men including Senators Proctor and Lodge REVENUE CUTTERS In addition to other preparations for possible trouble the navy department today took steps toward utilizing ten of the seagoing revenue cutters for use alone the Atlantic coast Captain Shoe maker chief of the revenue cutter ser vice ccnferred with Assistant Secretary Roosevelt durjng the day on the plans I for turning over these cutters to the I navy They will be first sent to Nor folk where additional guns will be mounted and then will proceed to Key West and become a part of the squad ron there Their main service however will be as naval pickets a fleet of these cutters being maintained outside the cruisers and battleships The revenue cutter service now has ready for instant and active service 124 line officers 7 I engineers 900 en listed men and 19 vessels of which 14 are on the Atlantic coast Two others are in course of construction and with rush orders can be ready for service within three or four weeks The Man ning the Gresham the Algonquin the Onandonga and the Winders are all new fast and efficient vessels and could go anywhere and perform any service that any vessel of their class can perform The Manning Is consid ered an ISknot boat All of them It is said could be quickly converted into torpedo boats or dynamite cruisers Whether this last move will be made is not yet definitely decided NEXT BEST THING Secretary Long said today that It had become evident that torpedo boats could not be bought abroad aid could not be < built soon enough in this coun try so that we might have to equip other craft with torpedoes The navy department opened bids today for extensive improvements at Dry Tortugas and Key West s formal transfer having been effected as re gards Tortugas which passes from the treasury to the war department These consist of two solid steel piers to be constructed at Dry Tortugas with two extensive coal sheds and an elaborate mechanical equipment for loading na val vessels with coal At Key West the improvements consist of a steel pier and two coal sheds with similar machinery for loading warships with coal The bids ranged from 1151000 for the entire work down to about 100000 The awards will be made within a day or two SICARD IS ILL There is a general impression at the navy department that It will become necessary shortly to relieve Rear Ad miral Sicard of the command of the North Atlantic squadron and grant him indefinite sick leave Secretary Long desires to have it understood that his action in ordering a medical board of survey for the examination of Admiral Sicard was based entirely upon the re port of that officer Commodore W S Schley chairman of the lighthouse board is regarded as most likely to succeed the admiral should he be re lieved If he does not succeed Admiral Si card it is generally understood in naval circles that he will be assigned to the command of one of the divisional fleets about to be organized on the home sta tion Other officers named as possible successors to Admiral Sicard are Ad miral Bunce commandant of the New York navy yard and Captain Samp son president of the Maine court of inquiry Sagasta Endorsed Blanco Madrid March 23SenQr Sagasta the premier is quoted in an interview asP j