1 7 iir < 1
t a
r p
2 i
paradoxground most intense enthusiasm
was displayed The 600 odd soldiers of
tneTKetttfetlLseni up cheer for cheer
threw their caps into the air ahd danced
for joy at tjip prospects of being off
I Two thousand spectators joined in the
demonstration making the camp ground
rIng Up to the time of departure i was
noticeable that but f = w officers were on
parade hEY remained at headquarters
with last moment their tamilies bidding and adieu friends to the
What It Contemplates Respecting the
National Guard
Washington April 19The war de
partment bill to for
bi provide temporarily
ily increasing the military establish
ment in time of war was sent today to
Chairman Hull of the house military
affairs committee and Senator Hawley
chairman of a similar committee in the
The measure was prepared under the
supervision of Assistant Secretary
Sleikeljohn after a careful study of the
bes interests of the service After
transmitting the bill to congress a re
quest is made for favorable considera
tion and in view of the exigencies of
the situation speedy action is expect
ed In time of war the army is to
consist of two branches the regular
and the volunteer army the latter to
be maintained only during the exist
ence of war or while war is imminent
and is to be raised and organized only I
after congress authorizes it All en
listments for the volunteer army are
to be for three years unless sooner ter
minated All the regimental and com
pany officers of the volunteer army are
to be appointed by the president upon
the recommendations of the governors
of the state in which their respective
organizations are raised
Concerning the national guard it is
provided that when the members of any
company or regiment of the organized
militia shall enlist in the volunteer
army in a body a such company or
regiment the regimental and company
officers in service with the militia or
ganization thus enlisting may be ap
pointed by the president subject to an
examination as to fitness and capacity
to be officers of corresponding grades
in the same organization when I is re
volunteer ceived in army the senate as a part of the
Troops in time of war whether be
longing to the regular or volunteer
array are to be organized into divisions
of three brigades each brigade to he I
composed of three or more regiments
and when three or more divisions are
assembled in the same army the pres
ident is to organize them into army
corps each corps to consist of not more
than three divisions The president is
to appoint in the volunteer army not
exceeding one major general for each
organized army corps and division and
one brigadier general for each brigade
to be selected from the regular or vol
unteer army or the militia
Infantry Artillery Cavalry Be
gan the March Yesterday
Washington April 19The three
branches of the regular arms infan
try cavalry and artillery began its
movement toward the mobilizing points
in the south from all parts of the Unit
ed States today The four points to
which the army moves are Chicka
mauga battlefield Tampa New Or
leans and Mobile As soon a reaching
these places they will go into camp
Adjutant generals of the department
have preceded the troops and made all II
necessary arrangements for their com I
fort and convenience The troops carry I
30 days rations and a number of
rounds of ammunition
Telegrams received at the war de I
partment today indicate that a large
proportion of the army will be on its
way south before nightfall In a few I
cases where detachments of troops
were temporarily a considerable dis
tance from their posts in order to
reach which several days marching
will be required there will be som de
lay in getting started south
Orders Were issued from the war de
partment today placing the light bat
teries of artillery on a strictly war
footing Telegrams were sent to the
commanding officers of these batteries
in all parts of the country directing
them to increase each battery from
four to six guns and to increase the
horses for each gun from four to six
Relations of Regulars and Militia
Are Most Cordial
Washington April 19The attention
of Adjutant General Corbin of the
army having been called to certain
publications stating that illfeelins ex
isted between the regular army and the
rational guard of the several states
he stated that so far as he could ascertain
certain or was advised only the most
cordial relations existed and every effort
relatons ever
fort to retain these relations was be
ing fostered and put forth by officers
in the war department The war de
partment he said recognizes the fact
that the national guard is largely com
posed of excellent material and within
the limitations of the law every effort
would be made to secure this fine ma I
terial for any active service that the
government may have for those troops
outside of the regular army Numer
ous inquiries and applications have
been made for the appointment of com
mand officers for volunteers
I is quite definitely determined that
the war department will only deal with
the governors of states and when the
regiments are offered fo muster these
regiments will be mustered as I
rfgiment wi bp a appoint
ed by the governors f
Old and West Virginia Will Consoli
date Their Troops
Charleston W Va April lThe
following telegrams passed between
Governors Atkinson and Tyler today
Charleston W Va April 19
Governor J Hoge Tyler Richmond
Va I suggest if possible to accom
plish it that the volunteers of the two
Virginias be consolidated into a bri
gade and that we ask the president to
appoint Fitzhugh Lee a the brigade
Richmond Va April 19
Hon W G Atkinson Governor of
Vest Virginia The sentiment express
ed in your telegram appreciated Vir
ginia would be glad tounite her forces
with her sister state and surely none
more suitable to command could be
found than Fitzhugh Lee
Now Almost Certain This Regiment
Will Move Friday
Special to The Herald
Boise Ida April 19Company A Six
tenth Infantry will leave Boise Friday
joining the remainder of the regiment
from Fort Sherman and regimen
t lampa Junction I
s Associated Press
p Fort Sherman Ida April 19The Six
F teenth infantry has been packing for
three days and are waiting for orders to
r move south but for some unknown
reason tho order has not come Two
companies of the regiment which have
been stationed at Fort Spokane arrived in
k r Spokane City today and have gone into
camp there waiting for the regiment to
move down to that place
McXinley Hear From th Rough
Riders of Arizona
Phoenix Ariz April Governor Mc
Cord is deeply Interested in the form
lion of Colonel Brodies regiment of
Arizonarough riders He has telegraphed
fi to the president as follows I beg you
remember that Arizona was the hrst
to offer to the government f regiment of I
cavalry recruited from the cowboys of
the southwest The regiment can be
ready for muster in te days and will be t
an ihonor to tit rritory and to the na
tion Plcase give mh authority to raise
such a regiment tside of nur Quota of
volunteers to be called for I
Two Troops Seventh Cavalry to
Occupy That Post
Washington April 19The movement of
I troops on Fridays orders will necessitate
transfers among western stations for
various puruoscs One troop of the
Eighth cavalry will proceed from Fort
I Meade to Fort Robinson two troops of
the Seventh cavalry will leave Fort Bay
ard N I for Fort Duchebne one com
pany of the Fifteenth infantry will go
from Fort Bayard to Fort Logan Colo
and a detachment of SO men from Fort
Grant will co to Fort Sill for duty with
point the Apache Indian prisoners at that
Departure Marred by Accident
I Detroit Mich April 19The departure
of the First battalion of the Nineteenth
infantry from Fort Vane for Mobile this
evening was marked by a serious acci
dent During the firing of fl salute in
honor of the departing troops by those
left in charge of the fort Private Eng
man has his right arm nearly blown off
by the premature explosion of a cannon
and Sergeant John AV Anniss who was I
In charge of the miring party had his
right hand severely injured Engmans
arm was amputated
Governor Pingree and a throng of peo
ple witnessed tho start and great en
thusiasm was manifested
Troops Left For Logan
Denver April lThe two troops of
the Second cavalry stationed at Fort
Logan l f for Chickamauga over the
Atchison Topeka Santa Fe railroad
at 2 oclock this afternoon The train
is a mixed one of 17 cars carrying an
the men horses and luggage of the two
troops The infantrymen who remain
at the post until tomorrow afternoon
cheered their departing comrades
The Seventh regiment infantry will
parade in this city before taking trains
for New Orleans tomorrow afternoon
Merriam I Command
San Francisco April 19 Brigadier
General Henry C Merriam in command
of the department of the Columbia
with headquarters at Vancouver
Wash arrived here today He will tomorrow
wi I
morrow assume command of the de
partment of California succeeding Gen
eral Shafter who will leave for New
Orleans on Thursday
Fort Russell Troops
Omaha April 19The troops from
Fort D A Russell Wyoming will
start for New Orleans Wednesday
The Burlington road will handle
these and the route will be through
Cheyenne Lincoln and St Louis
Go As Volunteers
Butte Mont April 190n account
of the question raised as to the status
of the militia in case of war and the
prospects that they would be held at
home to repel invasion the services of
I the Montana National Guard hae been
j I tendered the government in the ca
I pacity of volunteers
I Demonstration at Columbus
Columbus 0 April 19The Seventeenth
regiment United States army composed
of 528 officers and enlisted men left
Columbus for Tampa Fla at 526 p m
The wildest enthusiasm prevailed and
American and Cuban flags were displayed
on every hand
Coppers May G Too
San Francisco April 19The police
commissioners of this city have adopted
a resolution declaring that in case of
war police officers who enlist will not
lose their places which will be filled dur
ing their absence by men whose appoint
ment shall be merely temporary
I I These Left St Louis
St Louis April lThe six troops
of the Third cavalry and the six troops I
I of the Eleventh infantry left Jefferson
barracks tonightfor Chickamauga park
and Mobile respectively Fiftyfour
1 taken thousand rounds of ammunition were
Will Be Called On for Troops in Due
Special to The IJerald
Boise Ida April ID Governor Steunen
berg has received the following acknowl
edgment of his tender to the government
of a regiment from this gnemment
Washington nl C April 19
Governor Frank bgiApri
Your telegram of 18th tendering a
regIment is received Senator Shouo has
also just come in with your telegram to
I him and made the same application As
soon as a plan lor calling out troops is
I provided you will be notified Many
thanks for your tender of services
I Signed R A ALGER
I Secretary of War
I Cadets Want to Fight
Special to The Herald
Boise Ida April 19Tha battalion of
cadets of the University of Idaho have
tendered their services to Governor
Steunenbers1 in case of war
Woman Acquitted By Women
Special to The Herald
Boise Ida April 19lr George L
Smith arrested at Wclser fOr assaulting
lr William Abshire with her fists was
tried today before a jury composed ex
clusively of women and acquitted
Hector L Lane
Louisville Ky April lA special
to the Times from Nashville says
Hector D Lane formerly commis
I sioner of agriculture of Alabama and
president of the American Cotton
Growers association died at his home
in Athens Ala today from the ef
fect of a stroke of paralysis
I George Parsons Lathrop I
New York April 19 George Parsons
Lathrop died today at Roosevelt hos II
pital after a brief illness
Mr Lathrop was born in Honolulu
August 23 ISoi He was only 24 when
the chair of assistant editor of the At
lantic Monthly was offered to him He
filled i for two years He turned from
that magazine to the work of editing
a Boston Sunday newspaper He mar
ried Rose Hawthorne daughter of the
great novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mrs McAfee Authoress
Washington April 19Mrs Julius
McAfee a daughter of the late Gen
eral Humphrey arsh aIr of Kentucky
died here very suddenly today of heart
disease r McAfee was a au
thoress of some note
Gold is quoted at Madrid at 5
The Whitwiclc colliery in Leicestershire
Eng is on fire I is believed that 41 lives
have been lost lves
Some Spaniards in Havana say The
Yankees will not take Havana but if they
should they will only find ruins I the3
The United States military attache at
Vienna Lieutenant J L Chamberlain and
the United States military attache at St
Petersburg Lieutenant George L Ander
son have been called home
According to the statement of M B
Hall of Snokane a Klondiker l ar
rived on the steamer Utopia from Skag
nay his party of four men hrousht out
gold dust and tsamounting to 200000
According to statements made by Span
iards tho insurgents recently captured
in Havana province a sergeant of volun
teers whom they killed and most ter
ribly mutilated cutting out his tongue
eyes and other parts of his body
I is reported that the dribund or triple
alliance composed of Germany Austria
and Italy acting upon the suggestion of
Italy has proposed to the powers a nlc
bcsclte under which the population of
Cuba should be allowed to vote for the
form of Government under which they
shall l etovcnmet I
This End of the Big Buildiiis Busy
In the Work of Mars
Indignation Expressed Over Extor
tionate Prices Asked for Craft
Wanted by Uncle Sam Million
Dollars Already Spent for Trans
porting Troops
Washington April 19 Military and
naval preparations continued today
with unabated vigor Seven fleet steam
yachts suitable for navigation in Cuban
waters were procured and several bids
for steam colliers were made Arrange
ments are making to utilize a number
of the powerful converted smooth bore
guns survivors of the late war as
armament for the auxiliary cruisers
Many agents for shipowners were at
the navy department today offering
to sell crafts to the government but
the prices are said to be excessive and I
no purchases were made
The important event in the war dE
partment was the decision to enlist
only national guardsmen under the first
call for which will be
cal troops wi very
gratifying to the militiamen Some
idea of the cost of transporting troops
may be formed from the fact that it
was necessary to allot 1000000 today
to defray the expenses of the move
ment already ordered Reports from
all over the country this morning indi
cated that the movements were going
on with the most gratifying celerity A
picturesque condition of warlike con
dition was presented right in Washing
ton by the departure for the south of
the Sixth cavalry and Secretary Alger
busied a he was with official tasks I
managed to make time to get to the
station to see them off An allotment
of funds for a balloon service shows
that the par department does not pro
pose to ignore any of the latest scien
tific aids to warfare
Secretar Alger made several allot
ments from the emergency fund One
million dollars was given for the quar
termasters department only to meet
extraordinary expenses in the transpor
tation of troops and munitions of war
15000 for war balloons and 60000 for
perfecting the army telegraphic ser
vice General Greeley the chief sig
nal officer is a staunch advocate of the
use of balloons at the various ports of
the country and in regular field service
A great deal of indignation has been i
expressed by naval officers over the
cold blooded attempts of persons own
ing vessels or acting a their agents I
to extort from the government sums of
money largely in excess of the value of
their worth Some complaint is also I
made as to many kinds of military and
naval supplies although it is gratifying
to note that in a few exceptional cases
the tube malting and boiler making
firms and some ammunition and gun
making people every disposition has
been shown to give the government ihe
best terms in price and time of deliv
The navy department has arranged
to place some light armor on the fpur
vessels acquired from the Morgan line
the Prairie Yosemite Yankee and
Dixie The Carnegie company has un
dertaken to roll immediately light steel
plate one and a half inches thick Two
layers of this plate will be placed
around the boiler and engine rooms of
the boat making about 250 tons of ar
flier in each case This wi be suffic
ient at least to repel the lire of ma
chine guns and perhaps t keep out
the murderous sixpounder shells
The navy department has received
satisfactory information that the coal
kaded at Newport News upon the Brit
ish tramp steamer Hampstead is not
as was supposed intended for the Span
ish naval craft at the Cape Verde
Islands but is for a line of merchant
steamers so that apprehension from
that score has been removed
The department is still reaching out I
for vessels suitable for colliers and i
several cable mpssages were sent today I
to its agencies in Europe looking to j
the purchase of some of these vessels j I
I Applications are pouring into the war I I I
and navy departments for the imme
diate protection of supposedly exposed j I
points on the Atlantic and gulf sea j i
boards Some towns ask for the imme i
diate construction of batteries while I
others want warships stationed off the I j
shore A vast majority of these applications I
cations are from very small towns
The officials say I is manifestly im
possible to comply with these requests
and have no hesitation in declaring that
the apprehension among the people of I
these towns is entirely Groundless
They say that there would be no in
ducement for a Spanish naval force to I
attack unfortified small coast towns
Also i is said that the rules of civl
ized warfare require that no untorti
fled town shall be bombarded without
at least 21 hours notice the object of
this delay being to allow noncombat
ants to retire to a place of safety
Chicago Mans Invention Said to Be
the Devil On Wheels
Pittsburg April lA new explosive
shell the invention of George W Mc I
Millan a Chicagoan is being tested at
the works of the Carnegie Steel com
p n and the results may determine
the duration of an encounter with the
Spanish menofwar I Is claimed that
they are of 3 more dangerous nature to
the enemy than any other projpctil in
the navy department Within the iext
week they will be forwarded to the
Sandy Hook testing grounds where
they will be put through the govern
ments most rigid examination
Strong Impression That Spain Will
Surrender Cuba
New York April 19Just as soon as
the Spaniards aro driven from the
Island said Palma today thj Cubans
will call a new assembly to draft a con
stitution and elect a government Just
as is done In the United States I Spain
goes to war and I doubt very much she
will I think it will be a question of not
more than four or five weeks whn she
will be forced to Ignominously i relinquish
I her hold in Cuba
One Tongue One Sympathy
Sydney N S W April 19A hundred
colonists have offered their services to the
American consul George W Bell in the
event of war between the United States
and Spain I
Woodmen and Noninsurance
Rock Island Ills April 19The ex3cu
tlvo council of tho Modern Woodmen of
America In session here today decided
that any of Its 300000 members could
nn3 is 300 en
list In support of the government of the
United States in a war with Spain with
out invalidating their insurance
Lieutenant R DeCarranza of the Span
ish royal m vy attache of the Spanish
legation at Washington makes a pub
ashed rejoinder to charges that Spanish
officers were responsible for the destruc
tion of the Maine the rejoinder being
particularly directed to statements of
General Lee and Captain SIgsbee ot
Explanation of the Functions of
These LiliDutians
Advisability of Using Some of the
Old Converted Smoothbore Guns
For the Auxiliary Cruisers Si
ard to Act as Official Advisor of
Secretary of the Navy
Washington April 19Rear Admiral
Sicard reported at the nayy department
this1 morning and was Immediately as
signed a place at the desk in the office
of the secretary of the navy to act as
official adviser to the secretary
Nearly all naval officers on detached
or shore duty have put in applications
to be restored immediately to sea ser
There appears to be a mistaken im
pression in some quarters as to the
functions of the snCfllled mOSOUltO
fleet I is not designed for shore guard
nor yet for attack but as explained by
one of the naval strategists the pri
mary use of the vessels of this fleet
will be to protect the battleships and I
Ironclads from attacks by torpedo boats I
and destroyers I
The board of naval bureau officers is
considering the advisability of utilizing
some of the told converted smoothbore
guns for the auxiliary cruisers Work
ing day and night and using up the
raw material for the manufacture of I I
guns as rapidly as it can be produced
the naval ordnance bureau is unable I
to supply the enormous demand now
made upon it for guns of medium cal
iber This is the case notwithstanding
the fact that almost all available ord
nance of this character in foreign mar
kets I has been purchased A large part
of the guns that have been set apart
for the auxiliary navy have been ab
sorbed by the recently purchased or
gan line vessels and it is the intention
of the board to supply deficiencies in
the armament of the remaining vessels
by the use of the converted smooth
bores These guns are not really
smoothbores at all but are casuron I
I guns lined with a steel tube fully rifled
They are not however breechloaders
so they will be necessarily slow in ac
tion Their weight is eight tons and
all that would be necessary to fit them
to vessels of the St Paul and New York
class would be the laying of a leek
track and the fasteningof a couple of
heavy ring bolts for each gun They
fire a solid armorpiercing shot weigh
ing ISO pounds or a bursting shell with
ten pounds of powder weighing 156
pounds With an accurate range of
from two and a half to three miles
they would be effective weapons against
any unarmored ship I is the intention
of the navy department to replace them
upon the vessels by modern weapons
just as fast as the new guns can be
turned out
Two assignments to naval commands
were announced in the published or
ders today Commander J J Eaton
taking command of the Resolute late
ly the Yorktown and Lieutenant Com
mander R T Jasper now at the naval
academy taking command of the late
lighthouse tender Suwanee in place o
Commander J F Moser who goes te
the Albatross
j Ships Ready For Action No Shore
Leaves Granted
Fort Monroe Va April ID There was
nothing particularly to be done this morn
ing on board the flying squadron whan the
news came that definite action had been
taken by congresx on the Cuban question
tC tl
Everything was in perfect order at a late
hour yesterday
The Minneapolis which had some small I
defects in steering gear was reported per I
fect in 1 every way The tyIng squadron I
has a full complement of ammunition
and the Massachusetts by coaling this
morning makes the squadron complste
in that particular Each ship has more I
than Its extraordinary complement of
coal aboard and Is ready for a long
Gun practice was indulged In this morn
ing bythe squadron Captain Higginson
of the Massachusetts reported that his
men were unusually proficient at ins
guns and that he was greatly pleased
with their work Captain Jewell of the i i
Minneapolis reported this morning that
stories as to the disability of his ship I
were the merest nonsense It was in
splendid condition and would give good
account of itself The ships and men
of the squadron are ready for action and I
no shore leave were granted tqday
Remarkable enthusiasm was evinced
this afternoon by the 2000 men of the I
flying squadron when a barge bearing 1
the men horses and fighting apparatus I
of company F Fifth artillery left Fort j
Mcnroe for Norfolk on its way to
Chickamauga A cheer from the Fort I
Monroe wharf announced the departure
of the battery to the ships of the squad I
rcn and immediately permission being
given the men on all the ships swarm
ed into the forecastle rigging and rails
and began cheering As the barge
swung by each boat the men of the
navy gave three hearty cheers hats in
hand and the representatives of the
army returned it with a will
The Massachusetts finished coaling
this afternoon and the squadron is
ready for sea Under the direction of
the chief engineer of the squadron all
the shiDs have been provided with ex
tra parts for engines I
I Is generally expected by officers on I
the flying squadron that the number of
ships will he Increased within a week
if a move is not ordered within that
time The San Francisco and New Or
leans are the two cruisers which it Is
believed will come here or else join the
squadron later on I
A reception will be given tomorrow
night by the officers of the Brooklyn
in honor of Commodore and Mrs
Schloy Captain and Mrs Cook and
such of the officers of the squadron
whose wives are here A dinner on
board the Brooklyn will mark the event
Effect of the Congress News On Officers
cern and Men
Key West Fla April 19A high naval
officer saId discussing the situation today
Spain cannot surrender without at
least one fight She must make n show
of reslstence n order to appease her
people at home I suppose bh2 now will
be given 24 or 48 hours notice to get out
but personally I think five minutes is all
she should get and that the fleet should
be sent tQ Havana forthwith so that
tho Spanish troops may evacuate the
Island under our guns
The effects of the news from Washing
ton was soon nqticed on board the ships
lying 1 Inside the inner harbor
The officers began sending their personal
belongings ashore and the ships were
stripped remained of whatever superfious articles
All the work in progress is being rushed
to a finish but little or nothing remains
to be done which would delay the fleet
for = moment
The Cuban colony here is in a high
state of elation All the morning groups
of excited patriots havo boon discussing
the possibilities whlla others have been
marching Cuba Hbre through the streets shouting
Our Asiatic Squadron
Hong Kong April 19The warships
of the United States squadron are
painting their hulls upper works
snidlcestacks etc b dark gray land
ing their spare gear and otherwise
preparing for active service The rev
enue cutter Hugh McCuIlough now be
longing tq the auxiliary fleet has ar
rived here from the United States
Spains Fleet at Cape Verde Anxious
To Meet Us
Kw York April ID Adispatch to the
Herald from St Vincent Cape Verde
Islands says
Should war bo declared the Spanish
fet consisting of the cruisers Cristobal
Colon and Infanta Maria Teresa the tor
pedo boats and torpedo boat destroysrs
Furor Terror Pluton Ariete Rayor and
Azor now anchored In this harbor will
leave at once for Cuba
On all the ships the utmost restlessness
prevails among officers and men because
of the uncertainty as to the time for
action No shore leave is being granted
to any men on the ships as it is expected
that word to move may coma at any
moment The cruisers VIzcaya and
Almlrantc Oquendo which sailed from
Porto Rico are expected to join the fleet
here by Wednjsday
AH the vessels here are now stripped for
action notice and ready to sailat a moments
G A LIBRE t Isi L A lAlt I
Gratitude to America On Every
Tongue Cuban Flag Floats Over
The Spanish Consulate
Key West April 19 Wherever the
eye turns tonight it is met by the col
ors of Cuba Libre Invariably the stars
and stripes float above the insurgent
ensign and here and there a new broom
surmounts all signifying that Spain
will be swept from the sea Throughout
the entire day the Vivas of patriotic
Cubans have sounded through the
town and there have been processions
of more or less dignjty in every part
This afternoon some 200 Cubans head
ed by a brass band marched through
the streets and halted in front of the
hotel After a serenade of American
national airs cheers were given for
President McKinley and the newspapers
of the United States Several promi
nent Cubans made addresses In Span
ish the burden of these being gratitude
to America and joy at the near
n prospect
of freedom for Cuba The procession
then marched to the cable office where
the following message was sent to
President McKinley
A thousand Cuban volunteers at Key
West offer services under United States
Unied HU
fin < r J S GOVIN Major
Active steps will be taken to form a
regiment Today has been a Cuban
holiday The schools have been closed
and the streets are crowded with ex
cited groups discussing the situation
For the first time the flag pole over
Spanish consulate was made to
bear the Cuban flag and when the ban I
ner was raised Cuba hbre rang out
frcm every throat A number of dem
onstrations are in progress tonight
Word for the movement of the fleet
on Havana and the transportation of
troops for Cuba transportaton
is expected at any mo
ment and when i comes it will find
no delay here All day the warships
have been making final preparations
for immediate action and few of the
officers have been ashore
New York April I9The junta dis
played the American and Cuban flags
side by side today in celebration of the
adoption by congress of the resolu
dependent tions declaring the island free and in
Springfield Rifles Set to Deputies
Near Sparta Ill
Springfield Ills April 19Governor
Tanner has ordered 20 50caIibre Spring
field rifles sent to Rosborough near
Sparta Randolph county and 1000
rounds of ammunition to be
ammuniton used in
quelling disturbances of rioting coal
Sheriff McFarland called on the gov
ernor this morning and explained the
situation He will return with rifles
to arm deputies
If the sheriff cannot maintain peace
state the governor troops says he will call out the
Shell From the Vesuvius Produces a
Startling Scene
Newport R 1 April 19The gunboat
Vesuvius successfully fired a loaded
shell from her guns in Narraganset bay
j today She was out all the morning I
and after throwing dummy projectiles
for line fire and distance adjustment
she closed in to the lower range of tin
measured mile course and discharged
her three guns in close succession The
first two were apparently dummy
shells but the third shot plowed along
some distance and then a great column
of water was thrown into the air which
opened umbrellalike before it de
scended The trial was pronounced
most successful
I 1 I
Prince Henry In Clover I
Shanghai April 19 Prince Henry of
Prussia today received the Chinese of
I ficials foreign consuls and a deputa
tion of Germans who presented him
I with some white jade and ancient gold
carvings 15 valuable porcelains and a
I iade sceptre the presents being worth
30000 taels in all
General Coppinger and staff reached
Mobile yesterday
Governor Buslinell ordered the Ohio
National Guard to he recruited to its
maximum strength S500 is
The United States cruiser Topeka
formerly the Diogenes has sailed for the
United Slates without waiting for the
United States torpedo boat Somers which
is being repaired at Falmouth Eng
The United States torpedo boat Eric
son while patrolling about ten miles off
Sand Key in the gulf about Key of
collided with a station pilot boat Hero
Not much damage sustained to either
General Wade and his staff formerly in
command of the formerh
Dakotas arrived in Chicago yesterday
from St Paul on his way to Tampa
where lie will take command of the light I
artillerr and cavalry lght
A larger number of men will be left at
Fort Sheridan than at any other post In
the department of the lakes as the de
partment prison Is located there and at
present an unusual number of time
prisoners are in confinement tme
Major General Brooke
who will
laJor wi com
mand the forces at Chickamauca left
Chicago last nisht accompanied by his
staff Captain Richards Sixteenth in
I fanlrv First Lieutenant Dean Four
I teenth infantry Second Lieutenant Mc
I Kenna Fifteenth Infantry Colonel Sheri
dan assistant adjutant general and
Le tenant Colonel uartsuff deputy sur
geon general
The naval militia of the National Guard
of California Is preparing for service
Fifty thousand rounds of rifle cartridges
have been taken aboard the Marion and
stored in tho magazine The California
naval batalllon includes seven divisions
has 41 commissioned officers and 3SO petty
officers and enlisted men The vessels
assigned to the naval battalion on this
coast and now manned by them are the
Marion and the Pinta
Statement of the condition of the treas
ury shows Available cash Balance 219
531G43 god reserve S1762Sl73t
Representative Mahany has Introduced
a resolution directing the secretary of
state to inform the house of representa
tives If not incompatible with public in
terests what stops if any haye been
taken to protect the lives and property of
the 300 Americans left by Consul Brice at
Matanzas Cuba J
> I 1 > t k
SiXsX X2X3iXi > K
Is now offered to those who have pur
S fill them up as we have concluded
p close out
ERY at cost In crder to make room
forja mae
Will be here in a few days and will
include all grades of Glass Table Sets
I Tumblers Sauce Dishes etc etc in
S l the latest designs at such prices
as will suit the pockets of everybody
tt < 333
Wall Papers
Ingrains 5 T 30c Bolt
Ingrains i 20c
Golds 30c Double Roll
Golds I 25c g j
Golds 20c b 1
Golds 15c < < S
Other papers 15e
Other papers tOe > Y
Few Remnants Left at 5c Terms Positively Cash
Continued from Page 1
cept that they will return to Spain at
the earliest possible moment I would
I not be surprising if the minister and
his staf went by way of Canada in
stead of New York taking one of the
Atlantic liners from Halifax
The Spanish legation has been the
center of great activity throughout the
day The minister was up pract illy
all of last night retiring shortly after
daylight this morning after having
informed his government of the final
passage of the Cuban resolution He
was again at his desk by 9 a m
communicating with his government
and awaiting the next and final move
ment in making the resolutions effect
ive Although of sturdy physique the
minister showed signs of the intense
strain and anxiety put upon him dur
ing the last few days He saw a num
ber of friends mainly of the diplo
matic corps and to them expressed the
view that all hope of a peaceful settle
ment appeared to be at an end and
that Spain now left with the United
States the responsibility for war Be
ing convinced that all hope of peace
was over the ministers personal de
sires were that the remaining formal
ities might be dispatched a speedily
as possible He was rather surprised i
late in the day when told that the I
presidents signing of the resolutions
would be deferred until tomorrow
Early this morning the large metal I
sign bearing the words Office of the
Spanish legation was wrenched from
its place on the gate leading to the le
gation and carried off by vandals The I
minister made no complaint to the I
state department or to the police a he
has sought to minimize the petty dep
erdations against the legation although
I I mitted this was the most flagrant one com
Believed This Plan Will Supersede
Bombardment Idea
Key West Fin April iyJne naval
plan of action it is understood has I
been finally and definitely decided up
on I involves the blockadeof Cube
but not bombardment of Havana The
blockade will involve no engagements
it is expected except the accidental
encounters which are more or less
bound to occur
The senior naval officers of the squa
dron here believe that Spain is playing
a clever game in concentrating her
entire naval forces at a distance from
entre nava I
the scene of action
Proposition Now Awaiting Decision
at the Vatican
I London April 19The Rome dis
patches continue to talk of papal inter
vention The correspondent of the
Daily News says
The Vatican will decide tonight on
a proposition that Spain should cede
Cuba to the pope who would transfer
the island to the United States in the
same way a Austria in 1866 ceded
Venetia to France instead of Italy It
s hoped that in this way Spains ar
mour propre would be saved
Spaniards Leave Tampa
Jacksonville Fla April lThe
Plant line steamship Olivette sailed
from Tampa for Havana at 2 oclock r
this afternoon with 142 Spanish refu
gees on hoard These are a small pro
portion of a colony of 5000 located at
Tampa almost all of whom will re
main at Tampa Captain General Blan
co has guaranteed the safety of the
Olivette I
A dispatch to the London Daily Tele
graph from Assouan on the NIle says a
gunboat that has returned to Dalmla from
Shnd reports that it had an engagement
ment near EI Alab with fugitives from
I Mahmouds army killing 2uOand captur
ing 70 j >
John Hole a but
yesterday on a chars
license ordinance
J R Wallis who re
the Rich County Roun
It ing in the city for
leaves this morning fo
the expectation of pun
published at that pIn
of his wif3s health pro
the milder climate
I At todays meeting
of health i is expected I
and significant action
ward preventing any i
ton of infected caW
through Utah eastwar
board received inforn
prove the allegation
cattle are driven
drouth stricken dls
Nevada and after ha
required Inspection ar
cars for eastward shli
are in bad condition ire
plague and a large am1
ment out of the state i
acton of the Utah bo
probab1 be in the na
inspection ot the sir
rarantinne of the
not entitled 3 clean
cher was arrested
je of violating the
ecently disposed of
dUp has beejn vie
several days and
jr St George with
rchasln the Union
ce The condition 1
mpted him to seek
of the state board
that som posJUvu
will be taken to
further transporta
le from California
rd Yesterda the
nation tending to
that the diseased i
from i Californias j
Ys nl
stricts over Into
Lying L escaped the i j
e loaded onto the
pmenti The cattle I
om the Texas fever J i
I continuous move j
S also alleged The j
lard of health will I
ture of an expert
ate line mel thel
critters that arei
r bill of health
Dwyer Won Over McLeod In Wrest
ling MatchMarathon Race at
Boston Sporting1 Intelligence
St Paul Minn April 19Dan Mc
Leod the wellknown
welknown wrestler appear
ed in this city tonight in a contest with
M J Dwyer of St Paul and the latter wi
won McLeod is much heavier weigh
lag about 172 pounds to Dwyers 134
and the terms of the match were that
McLeod was to throw Dwyer three
times within an hour He
the first fall after a hard tussel last
ing 34L
minutes but
was unable to
score another fall so Dwyer was d
dared the winner
wonderful Trap Shooting
St Paul April Thirtyeight crack
amateurs are at Dupont < park near
this city participating in the most im
portant amateur trapshooting tourna
meat ever held in the west
William Sergeant the Missouri
j champion shot in every event and
carried off the honors in the first days
shooting with an average of 92 per
cent Graham of Kalamazoo Mich
was second with an average of 87 per
cent and Trfpp of Indianapolis third
with an average of S6
per cent Dr
Knowlton of New York made
a run
of 2o straight in the seventh event
The Tennessee Derby
Memphis Tenn April 19The Ten
nessee derby at a mile and an eighth
guaranteed value 5000 was
won to
day by John W Schorr Sons Fir
ester colt Lieber Karl The time was
lo Isaboy finished second with
Goodrich third
The largest attendance in the histfry
pf Montgomery park was on hand to
witness the derby race fully 15000 peo
pie being present The afternoon was
an ideal one for
racing The track
firstclass condition
Boston Marathon Race
Boston April 19The 25mile Mara
thon race was run today and the first
men to finish were Roy J McDonald
Cambridge gymnasium 234 H Gray
Fort George AC New Yorkj < 245
Boston April 19The result was a
walkover for the home team Score
Boston 14 New York 2 Attendance
St Louis April 19No game today
wet Grounds
Philadelphia April 19 Todays Phil J
adelphiaBrooklyn game was postpon
ed ori account of rain
Baltimore April 19The Baltimore
Washington game was postponed on
account of wet grounds
Texas Rangers Ordered to Concert
trate On the Frontier
Austin Tex April 19 Adjutant
General Mabrey this evening ordered
the Ranger forces to concentrate tin
southern and western frontier for the
purpose of repelling attacks from Mex
lean outlaws fear of which is justified
by reports from that end of the state
Captain McDonalds company will go to
Valentine and Captain Hughes will
take his men to Langley while the
companies commandcel by Captains
Rogers and Brooks will remain at Aliee
and Cotullo Orders were also issued
for the immediate recruiting ofach
company to double the present strea izth
At Monmouth III the Weir Plow com I
pany made an assignment
BRAKEFORD thp Seventeenth ward
this city April 19 1S9S of pneumonia
Maud Eliza daughter of John and
Eliza Drakeford born Feb 3 1X95
Funeral services will bo held Thursday
lit 12 noon from parents residence in the
rear of 44 North Second vest street
Friends are respectfully Invited
CLAAVSON April 19 1 93V of acute
Brlghts disease Rudger Elmo Cliwson
son of Rudgrer Clawson and Fiance
Dinwoodey aged 13 years and months
Notice of funeral hereafter
LARSEN In Salt Lake City April 19
1S9S Kristine Larsen in her 37th year
Funeral from the Norwegian Lutheran
church on Fourth East at 3 p m Thurs
day April 21
ABBOTT This morning at 223 Izott
Joseiha Barrel the beloved wife of
Charles H Abbott aged 37 years 1
tlonth and 25s days thedaughter of
Charles And Emma Barrell She leaves
four small children the youngest only
11 days old
Funeral notice to bo given later