OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, February 06, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1899-02-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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the 14th nst That I al ta can be
suppled tj O = eniJ OTIS la the way cf
reiniorcnnifitjt oc < rci ii5 to General
Corbn i the soldiers nrc Jo be of seVv
ice tt tars kmpalsn fo of course
will foUowia rapidly as they can be
gotten ready if j General Otis needs them
in any future operations he may plan
but as already stated i is believed
this particular crisis will have passed
before they can be transported the
great distance ian the United States
to Manila ThtSfc troops with thoeo
now in ba represent the cream of the
American army according to General
Corpln I Is true that only about 3000
o General Otis soldiers are regulars
but his volunteer soldiers have been un
der thorough discipline and training for
months some as much as eight months
and many participated in the engage
ments attending thi capture of Manila
and a practicollyas good as the reg
No one here knows tho real strength
of the insurgents opposed to General
Otis The accounts of their number are
conlllcting and none of thorn comes
from reliable sources Still the best be
lief of the authorities at the war depart
e te
ment is that they number about 30000
men but they are not comparable to
the American forces in personnel disci
pline or quality of arms I is known
that they have some Mausers some
Remingtons and a variety of other fire
arms and It Is suspected they have
been quite plentifully supplied with
ammunition from outside sources
Taken as a whole this armament is de
idedly inferior to that of the American
troops Then with inexperienced of
ficers in many cases even the colonels
of regiments being not more than 21
> ears o age and their lack of knowl
edge of tactics they are at a great dis
advantage Their strong point is their
knowledge of the country and a certain
fanatical bravery in onslaught that
would be formidable to a volunteer
for e not well trained to stand fire
Like the Cubans they rely too much
on 1 swordlike weapon corresponding
to the machete a weapon of little value
against longrange rIle Altogether
th war department officials have not
the < = I ghtest doubt of General Otis abil
ity to hold hispnsitlon Indefinitely and
the only cause for apprehension is the
lear hat by taking to the interior of
the rountry practically impassible for
Anrvlean troops In the approaching
rainy season a prolonged Indianfight
ing style of campaign may follow
Besides his soldiers General Otis has
at his back In Manila bay command
ing the city a veritable Rock of Gibral
tar in Deweys fleet With the vessels
he now has and those about to join him
Dewejy will have twentyone ships of
various types Of fullfledged warships
lIe has nine as follows The flagship
Olympia Boston Baltimore Charles
ton Concord Monadnock Monterey
Petrel and Buffalo He has also three
armed supply ships which are just as
effective a a warship almost in attacking
tacking troops outside of fortifications
and in maintaining the blockade They
are the Culgoa the Nanshan and the
Zafiro The vessels on the way to join
Dewey are the gunboat Helena now at
Colombo the Costine at Gibraltar the
Princeton due at Port Said Tuesday
the Bennington the Brutus and York
Town probably at Guam on their way
to Manila the battleship Oregon and
the water boat IriE at Honolulu
The Solace Is about to start
lce any mo
ment from Norfolk for Manila This
leaves out of account the army trans
ports under Otis command which
could be made of great service
The fleet cannot operate against
troops in the Interior but undoubtedly
Dewey will immediately draw a tight
cordon of blockading vessels around the
isalnd of Luzon and make a special
effort absolutely I to cut of the insur
gents from the supplies and ammuni
tion which they must have to carry on
One ot the first steps of the admin
istration upon hearing of the out
brk at Manila was to give attention
to the presence In Washington of
Agoncillo the accredited representative
here of the Philippine insurgents They
would not say whether or not any steps
had been taken looking to his expul
ion from the United States or to his
arrest but his status i can be stated
has already been the subject of a care
ful strdy The officials have been
stldy ofclals been loth
to disturb him first because they did
not core to martyrize him unnecessar
ily and secondly I because they did
not care to expose themselves to the
criticism that they were interfering
improperly with the supply of infor
mation and arguments respecting the
Philippine question while the treaty
was pending before the senate I is =
possible however that their patience
pssible paterce
is now exhausted believing a they I
do that he has in some fashion been I
connected with this outbreak and that j
they may be aroused to the point of
action I was said at the state de
partment plainly that Agoncillo
goncio was
either a traitor or a spy I the Philip
pines are regarded as American terri
tory then he is the representative and
active agent of an insurrection against i
the United States and as such is a j j I
traitor It the Philippines are still in
nominal Spanish possession then a a
state of muustill technically exists he i
can b regardfiil only as a spy At the
very least his presence is highly oh i
noiiH = and there is said to be ample 1
cllt oitv for his expulsion by presi i j
Jeirn or1er i
I > uuats toolt a lively interest in j
the ias realizing that tne govern 1 i
inwit of the United States will call
urn n T 1m very early to see to i that 1
no > i of any sort Is rendered to the j I
Filil > n < s and that 110 filibustering ex j
JKQ ni shall leave tftoir soil with mu i
mti a ij war < rr supplie for the in <
sing L s Special precautions will be i
ask J tu be taken at Sirgport and j I
HojitfKing prirtclpal points of the j
a 11 tack to prevent the dispatch I
of x sels tarrying seret cargoes in i
ad f thf sviurgeatg j It is believed
that te interests of other nations in j
j j a < ful state of things in the east
v U i use them to exercise special vigI j
iai 1 1 in this respect a matter of much
i nn si f 40 I
ii Unre m view of the great num
ber ad extent of the Philippine Is
lanus irliout the of
Jas receipt r arms
< iS iTi umtion from the outside the
insurpeats will be badly handicapped
The United States by refusing t rec
< gnze Agoncillo In any way is in a
str < Ig pcsifion diplomatically and do
doubt is expressed as to all European
nations maintaining a most correct at
tituii in < l refusing In
ttu v ll any manner to
ac wldge that Agunialdo and his
foil > v os have any status warranting
their Cognition in any manner
Mfiiirs of the diplomatic corps said
the jutbreak mad two things quite
clear nairely that no foreign power
csutd f I would Intervene or exert anv
influence in the Philippines and second
tha Kucign governments would now
recognize in this overt act of the Fill
ring that the United States was jus
tified in ustng strong repressive meas I
ures So long a the Filipinos remained
in a pave attitude of resistance i
vas pointed out there might be some
justucation for foreign sympathy with
than but 1 this advanced to an a
give attitude and the killing Q Am
orlcar srldiersy this official expressed
the ViHef that foreign governments
ouli take the view always taken un
der tuch circumstances that an on
slautH leadIng t the killing of the
citlzcS IT soldiers of a country called
for the most summary redress The
idea that the Filipinos could hope for
recognition from any foreign power
was dismissed
I 1 said that the present force of
foixijin alps at or near Manila are
two Prltish one German and one
Fient h These could be quickly aug
mentfl ho vpver from the large squad
ion v h 1 the several powers main j
tail ir As nr waters but the officials
hen > a r Tijrrhend there will b < > anv i
occi > r > fir extending protection to
for gn sHents the only use tv hlch j
thcfi yessels could be put
I Its Supporters Now Confident
of Success
t f
Opponents of Treaty Hold Admin
istration Forces Responsible
Expansionists Say Delay In Ratify
lug the Treaty Was the Caue
Senator Rawlins Says Spain
Might Be Held Responsible For
Violation of the Treaty Majority
of the Senators Favor Suppression
of the Insurrection
Washington Feb Whatever may
be the result of the vote which is to be
taken In the senate tomorrow on the
ratification of the peace treaty with
Spain the subject of the relations of
this country to the Philippine islands
undoubtedly will be the uppermost
topic in the senate during the week
The hostile demonstration of the
I Filipino forces under Aguinaldo rend
ers this result inevitable This occur
I rence has had tne effect of intensify
ing the feeling In the senate which had
I grown out of the controversy over the
treaty and which was almost at fever
heat On this account it will be very
difficult for the senate to take up other
I subjects
For the present all interest centers
in the outcome of the vote on the
treaty This vote will morkthe close
of one of the most memorable contests
I that ever occurred in the senate and
there is profound and widespread in
terest in the outcome The vote is set
for 3 oclock and the balloting will be
gin promptly at that hour
The first vote will be on amendments
Of these the only important one yet
offered is by Mr Vest placing the
Philippines on the same basis n Cuba
The vote will then be taken upon the
treaty itself
A favorable vote on the part of two
thirds of the members of the senate Is
necessary to secure ratification Hence
with a full membership of the senate
sixty votes will be necessary to secure
a favorable result There are now
seven senators absent from the city
Of these five namely Messrs Proctor
Stewart Cannon Wilson and Wetmore
are favorable to the treaty and Messrs
White and Turpie are opposed to it
Senator Stewart is expected to arrive
in time to cast his vote and If this ex
t pectation should be realized there will
be only six absentees and dlt would be
I very convenient to arrange for pairs
as two senators in the affirmative will
necessarily be paired against one in
the negative On this basis the total
vote of the senate would be eightyfive
and fiftysix would be necessary to
ratify The friends of the treaty are
counting very confidently on securing
these votes When the senate ad
journed Saturday they lacked only
two votes of having the necessary num
ber and the general opinion among the
advocates of the treaty is that the
hostilities in Manila will have the ef
fect of bringing a sufficient number to
insure a favorable result They say
there are half a dozen senators who
are not so completely committed
against the treaty as to prevent their
coming to the affirmative side
I The opponents of the treaty do not
concede their defeat but some of them
privately confess uneasiness over the
result as the effect of the Manila en
I gagement Every ballot as It is cat
will be scrutinized with the utmost in
terest and very close tab will be kept
by many senators on the progress of
the vote I it should become appar
ent that the treaty is to be defeated
some friend of It will cast his vote ill
the negative for the purpose of moving
a reconsideration and this motion for
a reconsideration will be made immpdl
ately after the negative result is
known Whether however the treaty
should be postponed for an extra ses
sion will depend upon subsequent de
The proceedings In connection with
the vote will be entirely in executive
session but if the unanimous agree
ment is observed the first two hours o
the days session will be open to the
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts a
member of the committee on foreign
relations saidi
On the proposition presented I am
1 i favor of standing by Dewey and
Otis as against Aguinaldo Our
status In the Philippines is that under
the protocol we are possession of
the city bay and harbor Manlla We
are acting under a truce with Spain
Those people aho have attacked the I
United States forces are in the eye of
international law still subjects df
interatoral stI subject tf
Spain and would be until the treaty
is ratified They have violated the
truce and are our public enemies and
should b treated a such It was
known a week ago that Agoncillo the
representative of Aguinaldo in Wash
ingto was ready to pack up and po
away giving up every thing but the I
action of thoe who have opposed the
treaty and the assurances ho has re I
ceived from stone onereauTe od in his
remaining and the encouragement I
which the Filipinos hayereceived from
the United States hasoio doubt led to
the attack upon the American forqes
Senator Gorman of Maryland who is
the lender and organizer of the opposi
tion t the treaty in the senate said
aa to the effect the conflict at Manila
would have upon the treaty
I will have no effect whatever
What has occurred is the rfcsult of what
has been predicted by the opponents
of the treaty alljhe time The oppon I
ents of the treaty said that trouble I
would come if we handled those people
without gloves and undertook to force I
ourselves upon the without their con
sent This battle can have no effect
upon the opponents of the treaty in anyway I I
Senator Pettigrew We could have no
possible difficulty with the people of the
Philippines if we had given to them the
honest assurance that we did not propose
pose to overthrow their nfl estb
llshed liberties Instead we made a
treaty with Spain by which the coun
try was ceded to us and we began at
once to occupy it with troops and send
reinforcements which wa sufficient to
cause alarm The dispatch of several
thousand more regulars lately of course
created much apprehension on the part
of the people of the Philippine republic
We should do now what we should have
done in the first place state to the peo I
ple of those Islands our good Intentions
and say to them Establish your repub
lic and wo will not allow other nations
to interfere Give us your bond to re
imburse us for our expense In securing
you your liberty we welcomE you to the
family of the republics of the world
The course of the administration on
the contrary has been one of criminal
aggression and apparent bad faith
There can be no question in the minds
of any one who has read the instruc
tions to the peace commissioners that
th presidents purpose always was to
make a permanent claim to the island
of Luzon To turn upon a ally in this
way is certainly the greatest interna
tional crime of the century I believe
the treaty should be amended at once
s as to give assurance to these people
O our g ge faith and thus Jake lljem
our friends even under these trying
circumstances We should even now
withdraw our military forces and allow
them to establish a military govern
ment of their own
Senator Pettigrenv said that in his
opinion the fighting would not delay a
vote on the treaty The opponents of
the treaty he said had counted thirty
three votes a opposed to ratification
but had lost one of them and he could
not say whether the latest news would
cause any other changes
Senator Elkins who has been very
active in favor of the treaty expressed
the opinion tonight that enough votes
would be found to ratify it This morn
ing he said he did not see where they
were to come from but he has had In
formation since Indicating that one or
two wavering senators would find in
the conllict which had occurred at Ma
nila an excuse to vote for the treaty
Senator Elkins said that the position of
Aguinaldo was perhaps logical with I
the treaty unratified as Spain had got
ten out and the United States did not
take possession so Aguinaldo says r
am here and will take possession The
senator added that the only thing to do
was to ratify the treaty S as to definitely
nitely fix the status of the Philippine
Senator Hale one of the Republican
opponents of the treaty in the senate
could not be seen I
Senator Martin of Virginia who is
one of the opponents of the treaty
said The news from Manila will not
have any effect on the treaty No man
will change his mind on this account
It cannot affect the status in the senate
I Senator Teller who has from the
first been a staunch supporter of the
treaty said Our army is in Manila
by right of conquest and under the
laws of war We are justified in main
taining our position there against all
who may attack us I have been un
easy in regard to the situation ever
since I saw that Aguinaldo had been
authorized by his socalled congress to
declare war upon the United States
There was never any danger of the
United States making an attack upon
the Filipinos but there has been dan
ger from the outset that they not
knowing the conditions here and la
boring under excitement would make
an assault upon our forces But un
der the circumstances the government
has been powerless to do anything to
prevent the present serious combina
I tion of affairs in Manila Under the
laws of nations the Philippine people
are citizens of Spain and of course
there is nothing to do but fight them
until they surrender and bring them
to a sense of their position I is
impossible for our government to with
draw I it has not troops enough to
subdue the Insurgents we must send
enough The occurrence H not pre
vent our doing Justice by the Filipinos
I in the end but it certainly postpones
the establishment of a government
I there for the present
I think i most unfortunate that
the peace treaty was not ratified the
first week after It came to the sen
ate I dont suppose that the Islanders
have read the speeches which have
been made in the senate predicting
the wicked things this government
would do in case of the ratification of
I the treaty but I have no doubt the
I delay has had the effect of causing
the opinion among the natives that our
I government would be embarrassed by
1 the sentiment of the American people
and that this condition of affairs has
I ten to complicate matters I think
it very much to be regretted that the
attack on the treaty has assumed a
political aspect
Senator Frye a member of the peace I
commission and a supporter of the
treaty said The condition is what
11 have been predicting every day since
I the discussion of the treaty began The i I
i I absurd compliments that have been
heaped upon Aguinaldo and the delay
I in ratifying the treaty t have had the I
effect of encouraging him to make an
I I attack before reinforcements from the I
I United States could arrive at Manila
j I the treaty had been promptly ratl i I
l1e it Is my opinion that the Philip 1
i pine islands would have been as quiet
i and peaceful today as are the Uliitrd
1 States I had fully expected that the
rejection o the treaty wuul be fol
lowul by an ntta ii upon 0111 fices in i i
Manila and it has cone nly a few I
days in advance of the time I ex i
i pected As for our status In the Phil
ippines we are in Manila and Manila
bay by virtue of the protocol and un i
1 dEl wellestablished principles of In I
j ternational law We have a perfect i
j right to defend Manila and ourselves
if attacked I said last night in Phila
I ef f i i j hP J
I delphla tnt I expected just such news
las I we htiv received and It has come
j even In advance of the time I counted
I j I Senator llaulns wncse vote has hrsn
i counted ais umavoiabie to tae treaty I
I but who has been rcjadeJ as doubtful
j said Our status nt the Philippines I j
I as I understand it is this lbs inhabit
ants of the islancs still owe allegiance
i to the Spanish kingdom but our croups
j are in temporary military occupancy of i
j Manila under the tenas of the protocol
I they have attacked the United Statcu
I forces they have done so In violation
o the protocol or armistice between I
Spain and the United States fcc which
if It were worth while we might hold I
Spain responsible in some way which I
do not undertake to suggest The at
tack indicates that the natives are net
friendly to the United States and that
if we undertook to retain control there
we shall for a time have the same dif
ficulties which Spain has encountered
If we owe the iatives any obligation at
the present time they do not seem to
appreciate our method of discharging
it The affair emphasizes the import
ance of our being rid of the responsi
bility thrown upon us as soon as we
can possibly dispose of it
Senator Lindsay who will vote for
the treaty says To my knowledge it
would have been better if there had
heen an earlier disposition of the treaty
by the senate for I think a collision
would have been prevented by ratify
lag the treaty We have never ac
I knowledged the independence of the
I Filipino government and the United
I I Stains forces are lawfully at Manila
Of course wa will defend ourselves
from attack no mat r whence it
comes I is difficult to say what ef I
fect the trouble at Manila may have
upon the senates action with respect
to the treaty Senators on both sides
of the question of ratification may be
rendered the more determined by the
occurrence In law until the treaty
shall have been ratified the Filipinos
are Spaniards and particularly in the
present circumstances are our ene
Senator Harris who had been gener
al regarded as In the doubtful list in
the vote on the treaty said I an
nounced several days ago that I ex
pected to vote for the treaty and I
only regiot that the vote could not
have been secured before the battle at
Manila occurred as I think such action
would have had a tendency to pacify
the natives and keep them quiet The
Filipinos are a people of peculiar temperament
perament and they would have been
impressed by prompt action on the part
of the senate Of course there Is noth
ing to do now In Manila but to stand
our ground and take the beet care of
our forces here that Is possible
Senator Cullom a member of the
committee on foreign relations ant a
supporter of the treaty said The
fighting at Manila Is a very serious affair
fair and I am sorry that it occurred
but I am gratified that our army was
able to more than hold its own There
is only one thing to do and that 1 to
stand our ground and I Tnorer troops
j She Battje at Manila
Treaty Will Be Ratified
AntiExpansion Petition
Storm I Colorado
Colors fourth Presented t the Twenty
At the Unitarian Church
Dr Paden On the Sins of David
Campaign of 1900
Town of Snowstorm
State lew
Utahs Next Senator
The Sight For Utah Senatorship
Legislatures Fourth Week
The Cold Wave
are needed the government ought to
send them promptly Until the treaty
is ratified we are technically at war
with Spain and our army was sent to
the Philippines aa one means of con
quering Spain Probably the attack
was made by Aguinaldo and his follow
ers in the hope of Influencing the sen
ate of the United States to defeat the
treaty I ought to be regarded by
every patriotic American as a reason
why the treaty should be ratified with
out a days delay In my judgment
the Insurgents have been Induced to
makfrthis attack for the purpose of in
fluencing public opinion in the United
StatesShi favor of the withdrawal of
our army from the islands But It
s ms ti me that I must have an ex
actly opposite effect
I have not now and have not had
much patience with the course pursued
by the opposition to the treaty because
I believed it would bring forth just
what has occurred The I h ought to
the ratification
have the effect of securing ratllca
tion of the treaty and I hope it will
Senator Morgan a member of the
committee on foreign relations and a
supporter of the treaty from its intro
I duction Into the senate said
I have known for several days that
it was the opinion of the best Informed
I men in Washingto that Agulnaldos
agent Agoncillo had cabled to his
principal Informing him that a vote will
I be taken on the treaty on Monday at
the same time advising him to precipi
tate hostilities previous to the time set
for the ballot I have not been at liberty
ty to mention this fact to my colleagues
In the senate because it came to me in
a way that made it a secret confidence
The attack upon our forces is there
j i i fore no disappointment t me
I A strong impulse has undoubtedly
i been given to this moement by the
j 1 earnest insistence of some leading men
j I and leading newspapers that the treaty
I with San was a violation of the con
I stitution of the United States From
the first intrusion into the subject
I he demanded for Aguinaldo that the
alleged Philippine government should
be admitted to participate in making
I the treaty down to his memorial to the
senate on January 30 Agoncillo has insisted
sisted that the government he repre
I sents or pretends to represent is sover
eign and independent and that the
j i United States has no jurisdiction over
I it without the consent of the Filipinos
i This Is the only Issue he has presented
j I as the representative of Aguinaldo His
i demand has been for a recognition of I
1 independence or nothing and that we
i should give this recognition or fight
1 I On the part of Aguinaldo who is
doubtless supported by other foreign
influences this outbreak against our
I army In Manila Is a crime due entirely
to yersonal ambition He must be
lieve although I 10 not agree with him
I that he has secured and will secure
material support for his course in the
United States This misconception of
his has Involved us in unnecessary I
I bloodshed and in a war which if i is
not cliei ked at once will spread into
Cuba and Porto Rico It is therefore
In my opinion the duty as I hope It
will he the Indignant demand that the
United States government should bring j
all of Its power to heal at once to con
Ince these people that they owe obedi
ence to the law of nations and to show
them that their ingratitude to this
country from which they have received
nothing but lindriess and forbearance
Is u crime that must be answered for
Discharged Men Tied Up By the
Snow Blockade
Special to The Herald
Price ta Fob lAbout twentyfive
dischaiged troopers Irom the Ninth cav
alry at Fort Duehcune arc here waiting
for the snoW blockade in Colorado to be
opened before they run buy tickets to
their destinations As many more will
b3 In by stage tomorrow and it is prob
able they will be unable to get out before
Tuesday as the railroad comrany will
no serf Ocketb furthei east than Grand
Junction until i is certain the eastern
connections are clear I
Jackboii Itiihey 1 a private of troop I
Ninth cavalry was badly frozen in com
inK in from Fort Duchesnu today by
e He was discharged a few days
attn and is on hit way gr Macon Ga i
whtre he enlbted The weather here is
the coldest in many yearn mil it Is feared I
other soldiers who are on the way here
will suffer an they arc not used to the I
colilW J Ridd traveling passenger agent
e I
for the 11 G W is here helping the
local assent to route the Hscharued sol
diers from the Ninth cavalry and inci
dentally to see that thE stage connec
tions are adequate for the accommoda
tion of travel that Is soon expected to
stat In 1 for the Vernal and Blue moun
tain gold fields
Attempt to Lynch a Murderer at
Augusta Ga Feb 5Iuch excite
ment prevailed here today as the re
sult of the killing last night in a saloon
row of Dennis OConnell of the Fif
teenth Minnesota by Brown Hadley a
barkeeper Many of OConnells com
rades wore revenge and after the po
lice had arrested Hadley planned to
take him from the officers
Shortly after breakfast about a hun
dred of the Minnesota boys who had
no ball cartridges for their riles stole
pick axes from the regimental company
store and breaking open the ammuni
tion cases each took about fifty rounds
of ammunition
The news soon reached the ears of
General S S Sumner commander of
the first division of the second army
corps and he ordered out the Third
cavalry the Tenth Ohio and the
ThirtyIifth Michigan regiments The
men were deployed as skirmishers and
the woods in the vicinity I of the camp
were scoured The entire lot fully
armed were finally rounded up and
put under guard General Sumner or
dered all passes confiscated and placed
the ringleaders in irons The military
authorities refuse to make known the
names of the men under arrest Had
icy wa taken outside of Atlanta for
safe keeping
Cold II the Northwest
Portland Ore Feb 5The cold wea
ther of the past few days over the entire
Pacific northwest still continues Reports
from eastern Oregon and eastern Wash
ington show that the thermometer ranged
from 10 to 2 degrees below zero
West of the Cascade mountains the
thermometer reached 10 above zero For
the third time this winter the Columbia
river above the mouth of the Willamette I
Is closed to navigation on account of Ice
Tho Ice was still running In the channel
this evening but it wUl probably trceze
solid before morning I
r 1
To Cure a Cold In One Day
take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets
AlL druggists refund the money if It
fallsttb cure 25c The genuine has 1
E Q on eah tablet
Continued from page 10
Sunday and were soon pressing back
the insurgents in every direction
maintaining steadily their advanced
positions and captured the villages of
San Juan del Monte Santa Ana Son
Pedro Mocati Santa Mesa and
The splendid police system
pUc f prevented
a general outbreak in the city though
several soldiers were attacked by na
tives In the streets Lieutenant
Charles Hogan and Sergeant Walla
were shot by three natives the former
being seriously wounded and the latter
slightly Lieutenant Colonel Colton
was attacked by a native with a sword
while riding in a carriage to the front
He killed his salient with his
kie slat wIh re
A sharpshooter wjthin the American
lines shot and killed a sergeant while
he was sitting at a window of the
second reserve hospital Colonel Will
lam C Smith died of apoplexy Many
of the insurgents were driven into the
Paslg river and drowned Several
I hundred were taken prisoners
Fighting Line Covered a Distance of
Fourteen Miles
Washington Feb 5Adjutant Gen
eral Corbin expressed the opinion that
practically all of the troops now in the
Philippines were engaged In Saturdays
conflict He believed the men were
stretched out in a line that extended
probably fourteen miles to the north
east and south of the city Confronting
them were the insurgents posts and
strongholds Caloocan is about five
miles north of Manila and a short dis
tance inland apparently something
more than a mile Malabon is about
two miles to the northwest of Caloocan
and on the water front I was from
this place that the cruiser Charleston
and the gunboat Concord opened fire
on the Filipinos at Caloocan Paco one
of the villages where the California
and Washington regiments made a
splendid showing Is a suburb a mile
from Manila From military maps it
appears to be a welllaldout town
with streets after the American plan
and is to the southeast of Manila just
near the Paslg river Malate from
Palg rver
which the monitor Monadnock opened
fire Is about two miles south of the
capital Manila along the coast of the bay of
Washington Authorities Decide Upon
An Aggressive Campaign
Chicago Feb 5A special to the
TimesHerald from Washington says
Instructions will be sent to Major Gen
eral Otis tomorrow directing him to
follow up his victory over the insur
gents and to crush the power of
Aguinaldo In the Philippines
I This was the decision reached at an
important cjlbinet meeting held In the
White House tonight attended by the
president Secretaries Hay and Alger
I and General Grlggs and Adjutant Gen
eral CorbIn I was further decided
now that Aguinaldo has thrown down
the gauntlet that hello shall be taken
and the islands of the archipelago oc
cupied as rapidly and to the extent
that General Otis forces will permit
Filipinos at Washington Describe the
Location of Outposts
Washington Feb 5The members of
the Filipino Junta who are in the city
were shown the Associated Press report
port from Manila tonight and readily
gave a description of the location of
the places where the fighting occurred
Dr Juan Luna a member of the junta
said that the points named in the
dispatch lie to the north and east of
Manila and that the insurgent army I
at that place is small A much larger j
force he says is encamped to the south
of the city In the direction of Malate i
The American outposts are the ones i
formerly occupied by the Spaniards on i
the outskirts of the city chile those I
held by the insurgents are about a
mile away to the north and east The j I
distance between Colcacan and Pace I
the e e points of the fighting ac
six miles Coloacon Is the most I
northerly of the insurgent outposts
This is the town spoken of in the
Manila dispatch as having been bom
barded by the Charleston and Con
cord Dr Luna claimed that i was
impossible for the American shells to I
have done any damage there as the
place is protected from the bay by a I
range of his Furthermore the I
American ships he said I could I not I I
take up a position close to the shore
owing to Shallow water in that I
vicInity I
BalikBalik where the insurgents i
had two Held pieces lies to the east of
Coloacan and much nearer to the
AmerIca lines being close to Panda
can and Paco These two small towns
are a very short distance from Tondo
the American outpost and almost di
rectly west of Santa Mesa A iey are on
a road running westward from Manila
The positions which the Americans
held at the beginning of the fight Dr
Luna claims were formerly occupied
by the Filipinos At the siege of
Manila he says the natives drove the I
Spaniards from these positions and
tool possession of them but finally i
gave them up at the request of Gen 1
eral Otis falling back about a mile I
where they established new defences I
Some of these were captured by the
l ignh
Americans yesterday I
Conflicting Statements Concerning
Plaits of Filipino Leaders
London Feb 5A representative of
the Associated Press saw the represen
tative in London of Aguinaldo this
evening He did not express surprise
at the news from the Philippine
Islands but declared than the Filipinos
at Manila were suspicious of the atti
tude of the United States and had
formed the opinion that It was better
to fight before the Americans were re
The representative added that
Mablni the head of the Filipino
cabinet and his colleagues were con
vinced that if the Americans were
beaten now public opinion in the
United States would Insist upon the
maintenance of Filipinos independ
ence Washington Feb 5Dr Juan Luna
a member of the Filipino junta here
in an Interview with a Associated
Press representative tonight
credited the statement emcrating from
Agulnaldos London representative He
said he had received a cablegram from
Aguinaldo last night stating that he
was awaiting the action of the United
States senate on the treaty of peace
arid that the Filipinos would make no
move until action had been ten The
message he said was dated Malolos
the capital of the socalled Filipino re
General Merritt Describes the Nature
of Their Method of Fighting
New York Feb 5 Major General Mer
ritt when interviewed regarding the Ma
nila engagement said he thought there
is absolutely no cause for apprehension
by the Americans as he considers the
American troops perfectly able to cope
with the enemy
The Insurgents said General Merrltt
have the habit of attacking their ene
mies at night I was so when I was
there You will see they will try it again
tonight I think there is no uso in tem
porizing with them The Filipinos are
apt to i t3tar a temporizing policy
Indicates fear
Major Merrltt was asked hoW large he
thought the Filipino army is and hees
timated when he was there that they had
from O to 15CCO men He arrived at
this estimate he explained by counting
tho rifles Tho Insurgents he said fight
in a rather peculiar way A man for ex
ample stays In a trench for fortyeight
hours and then I relieved by another
man who uses the same gun It Is there
fore quite probable that tho Filipinos are
much greater In number than the rUles
which he counted
General Merrltt spoke of the excellent
troops that a In Manila and its suburbs
He referred particularly t the First Min
nesota commanded by General Reeve
I and tho Colorado regiment Commanded
by General Hale a graduate of West
Point and who has a superb stat of of
ficers and also of the California regi
I nificent ment which men he said is made up of mag
Filipino Agent Seeks Refuge On
Canadian Sail
New York Feb 5A dispatch to the
Herald from Albany N Y says Agon
cio representative of the Filipino
junta in this country passed through
that city tonight en route for Can
According to information received by
the correspondent of the Herald the
United States government has no In
tention of arresting AgoncIHo and will
allow him to proceed across the Cana
dian line
Agoncillo says that he has been un
able to communicate with Aguinaldo
owing to the strict censorship exer
rcised by the United States authorities
and thinks that it Is his duty under the
circumstances to place himself beyond
its jurisdiction so that he will be able
to communicate with his home people
He says he knows nothing of a battle
having taken place and thinks it pos
sible that no such event has taken
place although he adds that Itis pos
i sible that something of the kind has
occurred He condemns the action of
the United States government in refusing
fusing him permission to communicate
with his home government He says
I he is not going to Canada for the pur
pose of avoiding arrest He seems ac
1 cording to the correspondent of the
r Herald to be nervous and anxious to
place himself beyond the confines of
i this country a soon a possible
I Washington Feb 5There is considerable
i siderable mystery regarding the
i i whereabouts of Agoncillo the American
can representative of the Filipinos He
is credited by his fellow members of
the junta with being In Baltimore
making a social call accompanied by
Captain Morti Burges art officer In the
Filipino army Dr Luna and other
members of the junta insist that he will
return tonight or tomorrow morning
They laughed at a report which had
spread during the day that he had run
I On the other hand i Is known that
the secret service officers have Agon
cillo under surveillance wherever he
may be A story which seems to come
I from a quarter that should be credited
states that Agoncillo left at 1130
oclock last night for New York
The other members of the junta
Sixto Lopez the secretary Juan Luna
I and Jose Losadamare are In the city
They evinced great interest In the news
of the fighting around Manila and
I claimed that the reports from ther
showee that the outbreak was precipi
tated by the Americans
Came t Offer Fiendship and Was
Turned Away
i New York Feb GA dispatch to tho
Herald from Troy says In an Interview
here tonight Agoncillo said concerning
I the fighting at Manila
There may have been an exchange of
shots by accident I did not advise sach
a thing I came on a mission of peace I
came L offer the United States even
possible commercial advantage We wfcut
to be friendly with the United States We
are willing to pay the 20000000 to Spain
and also pay all the expenses of Deweys
I fleet at lala All we want I to be m
dependent and to have the friendship of
I i the United States We are not paupers
j j dom We are I people and we love our free
j domAre your people willing to accept any
I I thing short of independence
I will not say They want to be free
1 and I gt the same as this cniii
I What will they do if the treaty Is rat
I iiied and the United States assumes soy
1 ereignty
1 do not know If the Americans it
I i tempt to conquer the Philippines ars will
1 I take them at least ten years and e on
I then It would not b conquered in heart
They will never be conquered They will
be constantly rising to gain their independence
It is too bad concluded the Filipino
I came to your country to offer you the
friendship of my people to give you our
I trade and pay you all the expenses of ob
taining our freedom for us from Spain
In return you refuse to even listt 10 I
me If you had been only willing to lis
I ten to what I had to olfer ail of this
trouble could and would have been avoid
ed I am sorry
Agoncillo repeated that he would return
to the United States as soon as he learned
reliable news about the events of Satur
day In the Philippine
The impression that his manner gave
was that he is a very badly frightened
Spanish Government Proposes to j
Treat With the Filipinos
Madrid Feb 5It is announced that
arrangements for the repatriation of
the Spanish troops in the Philippine
islands are being made at New York
and San Francisco The American
government it Is added bears the ex
pense of repatriation which is to be
carried out by the Spanish TransAt
lantic Steamship company The Span
ish government through the French
embassy at AVashlngton has sent a
communication to the government of i
the United States saying that in view
of the nonsuccess of the Americans to i
obtain the release of the Spanish pris
oners the Spanish government itself
has taken steps to obtain their release i
But as this will necessitate a certain
expense the government of Spain re
calls the fact that the stipulations of
the treaty of Paris oblige the Ameri
cans to obtain the liberation of the
General Rica commanding the Span
ish troops in the Philippines cables
that Aguinaldo offers to release the
Spanish prisoners on the payment of
J5000CO and the handing over to him
of the cannon rules and 3000000 car
tridges belonging to the Spaniards
The government here replied that It
could not accept this transaction as it
would be equivalent to indirect protec
tion of the insurgents which would be
a breach of the Spanish engagements
with the United States Aguinaldo it
appears still retains the civil prison
ers and the monks
Rios Advises His Government of An
American Defeat
Madrid Feb 5 Intense excitement
was caused here by the receipt this
evening of the following official dis
patch from General Rios the Spanish
commander In the Philippines
The insurgents have violently at
tacked and captured almost the whole
of the exterior American line The
Americans offered a vigorous defense
at the exterior barriers using their
artillery as well as the squadron
The warships destroyed and burned
Calocan Pace and several towns in the
neighborhood Both sides suffered ma
terially Very sharp firing continues
The Spanish troops have been confined
to quarters but a sergeant has been
wounded by a stray bullet RIOS
Presbyterian Stormraiser Opens Tip
at Washington
Special to The Herald
Washington D C Feb 5The Rev
William R Campbell of Salt Lake City
is hero and has brought his antiRoberts
propaganda with him He claims that
he will be able to prevent Roberts from
taking his seat In congress Mr Camp
bell began his campaign tonight at the
Eastern Presbyterian church Hahad a
fair audience and went over much or
what he has said at Salt Take and in
New York City
The Dszth Sentence The wretched
I prisoner who listens
to the reading of
I his death warrant is
I not more surely
doomed than
m who is threat
ened with dread
consumption and
fails to take the
right method to rc
oulse its aftacfc
The child that is
born with a shallow
narrow chest the
youth who daily
crouches over an
office desk the me
chanic who toils in
an atmosphere of
dust and the woman whose household
duties constantly restrict her to the close
heated atmosphere of her home all lire
under the blighting shadow of consump
tion There is but one sure protecton
against this wholesale murderer of men a
sound healthy body pure rich red blood
and Pierces clean Golden clear breathing organs Dr
Medical Discovery
makes a man hun
gry and really hun
gry men are tsually
healthy But that
isnt the whole bat r
tle you may fill a
stove with fuel and
if the grate is clog
ged with clinkers
and the chimney
with soot you will
have no fire The
Golden Medical
Discovery sees
hat fuel burns
bat the lifegiving
jlementa of the food
Ir absorbed into the Mod and tnt new
leallhy tissues are built up in the breath
jig organs I prevents consumpti 9 by
curing all the abnormal condition vcluh
f neglected lead up to consumption
Mrs Josie E Clart of Enterprise Shrv v c
f d i fe
Mo writes I had despaired of ever < <
veil I had been in bad health for wli y
Had aches all through me numb haK r
feet and everything I ate distressed me T
constipated was very nervous dept l
iesnondent I have taken six bottle of In
Pisfces Golden Mediisl Discovery and my
health i now good
Constipation disappears while you sleep
t i rnn tito Dr Pierre TV11 <
Inspector Breckinridge Hakes Im
portant Discoveries in Cuba
Havana Feb Inspector G
Brecklnridge has discovered anK r k
army rations issued to the desn
Havana hundreds of cases of spoic i
and It Is believed there are othtrs
how many only the inspection can J
mine The marks on the cases show C
cage July 1SSS They were ooue > i
Captain Oskaloosa M Smith of th s t
slstenco deiartrnc of Armour T4
McNeil Libby and were sent t i 1
Rico Yesterday some of the can w t
given to the destitute who refused t
the contents
Canadian Ministers New York
New York Feb 5The Canacli u > i
met held a session In this city ti i
I which official business of the I > m
was discussed Sir Wilfred Launer
mien presided and the entire m t
were present The council which Is i
first of a foreign power to be hell ir
city was made necessary by the as
1 from Canada of Premier Lauru r 1
others who are members of the join T
The premier said he was unable L t
anything pertaining to the meeting tL
Kockefort Demonstration
Algiers Feb 5The arri jl hun t
of if Henri Rothefort c < M r of ti I
transigeant from Margin s c ausc > 7 s
excitement Mobs of lit usi
antfDre > ftwites met him I r i e < r a
cheered or cursed him ac < i > r ing t
sjmp uii s There art si tl nA
between ihn rival tac > ic IIt the v
eventuall < us > perseJ v crtn c arm = is
arrestd israI of the ri idtr
A Comparison
i I see remarked good < > U1 Aunt fl
head iriKiiiR up frum l r it itSiiif
some scicnti man his rnrrd n r
if all n i asr was u of > I
and all tnt rIvers 01 t1 th
pour their iloods into tht nt l < i
would tar about 4eo i boti
ocean wouli e tIed up to i ire I
el and I pufss it voti 1 tab jc
the saint u igth of ti < rm a
1 I Almirr slui kes hi gu n
go out in ring in nmy > ol I
through e5tin day i rdj t
i him to it
I Fallen From Grace
i Judg
I Rufas who had r hh <
roost witi his father T n i h
specks pis losin his li u raam
sync Mr Srowdrop quitvn iV lat I
I I say ilu chile
Rufus K se las nignt vvn h s
fiat chicken he jes hide his i antn
der a bush datswuat i don
Spoiling a Full House
Judgv i
Nevada N dYea Mr lv artic
In a few little three or luir n iited t
where ever > feller wol four
Tourist ioud wait and uiaw t
Nevada Xil JIur TV i t do TI
waltin but we draw abui s > iu
we kin i our r ztis ir tts
through ray ar I a i 1 ti aloe
Squaring Himself
I Snowboum Snawley tin eleyi di
Ha it cone to die ilit j r in roiii
a saw on yi shoulder Uiokrf fer w > rK
Foxy leeny URJureJlj tr wru
peed I m lookln Len tooi i an <
makes folk Link I nid T K
I allus avoids yards w it v < i
an Wenever Im coric n on
job I ax so much Icr rae t ices na
one will hire me
A Business Enterprise
Little Ethel My slater May lov < s
very dearly ilr faofthcad
Mr Solthead delign 1Ah sn
child Here Is 10 cents for > > u Ntu
me dearie why do joi a tna i i
sister loves me
Little Ethel Why cause when I d
the same thing to Jlr iIlinkr and > r
DInker they each gave me i cents oo
About Lime
The husband ceases to talk shop WOcfl
his wife begins to talk shopping
After 3Iaeaulay >
J B Reynolds In New York Sun
Te great Carl Schurz of Gotham
By foreign gods he swore
That the land thyt had annexed him
Should annex nothing more
By foreign gods he swore It
And named a trysting day
And bade Ms messengers ride forth
East and west and south and aorta
To summon his array
Lo on the day appointed
There came a motley crew
Potatos henchman Pingree
The bounding Pettlgrew
The Vest that out of fashion
Godkin high priest of hate
Edward he of cashless feed
Ed whose oven Is all you need
From the Bay spectacled state
Then outspake brave Carl Schurztzius
This battle must begin
The people are against us
And we must tight like sin
In the senate pass the people will
May perhaps bo stopped by three
Now who will stand on either hand
And lllibuster with me
Outspake Pettlgrew the Dakotan
A talker brave was he
Lo I will stand on thy right hand
And waste good time with thee
Then outspake Vest the Missourtan
A spendthrift of words was he
Lo I will stand on thy left hand
And filibuster with thee
But here the parallel ondeth
Some things history does not repeat
The NarrowMinded regiment
Was swept from off its feet
Therell be no graven image
No statue set on high
No tales of the new Horatius
When winds round the chimney sigh
And the end of these poor creatures
Who got in the way of fate
Is like the cow who stsJcl on the tracts
And saw the train too late

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