OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, August 15, 1899, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1899-08-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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I 0 =
National Camplgn Outlook Favor
able to Democrats
IN 96
Views of C B Pah Who Is Con
nected Wit the National Com
mitteIiois Democrts Are
AU For SiverSeond lrecinct I
Club Organized I
C B Pash of Chicago Is stopping for
a day or two in Sal Lake City en
lOUt to Montana Mr Path is with
the Democratic national committee and
speaks In a very sanguine manner of
the onditon of the party In the mId
dies west and especially In llnoi He
fr state that party lines are closely
drawn In that state and that the few
Democrats who left the regular Dem
ocratic organization In 1896 have re
turned to the part or have gone over
t the lepublcans He adds that
while the Republicans In Illinois are
Iatering themselves with the hope
that the dIvisIon in the Democratic
part is such that no compromise will
br made the real tact Is that there Is
not any division among the Democrats
so far as the principles of the part
are concerned Both factions In the
tate of Illinois are In favor of free
silver and that they are getting to
ether on a basis on which the party
wi be united there Is little question
while the Republicans have not only
on their hands difcules In common
with the balance of the country but
ae a certain prominent ehteman
on their hands who is at present 10
rnor of the state and who will not al
low the newspaper trust headed by H
H Kohlsaat to run the state while he
js governor
The meeting of the Democratic na
tional committee at Chicago two weeks
ago developed the fact that there was
a virtual unanimity of opinion regard
lag Ue issues of 100 A ote taken
by the commlteereulted in an over
whelming majority favorable to the re
affirmation of the Issue deNared In the
1896 platform and I was conceded that
these would agaIn be the Issues in 1900
with few additions presumably In
cluding a very strong antexpansIn
plank and one voicing more forcibly
the antitrust feelhg in this country
Raising Campaign Fund
Congratulations were Indulged In re
1 garding the great work accomplished
by the was and means committee
which is a subcommittee of the Demo
crat national committee In their et
fort to accumulate a fund for the sup
port of the princIples declared for in
J900 This committee comm ncel work
Ol 1 lS8 to raise a fund of OOOOOO
Contributions are coming In rapidly
from all sections of the country md I
more especially the east which prm
Ises that the fund for 1900 will be In
sIze commensurate with the Issues of
that year
I is a well known fact 11 PaSJ
says that the declaration of free silver
In 1896 was somewhat In advance fvcr of I
and entirely unexpected by the rank
and file of the part and that there
was no time left In which to raise suf
1kIent funds from the people to plOp
erly present their cause at the polls I
but In the struggle for 1tOO It is pols I
1y different as two years previous to
the election will have been devoteJ to
the rleetion of fun I
Jecton S to meet the er
Jenses of the campaign and the Dem
oratk parr with the deIaration for
tretrsllvet and a oleareut declaration
against trusts wIth a ivlll enter the
amp with funds sufficient for all k
itmat expenses and with he pen
1es vote behind them I is hot only
rrobable but wel nigh certain that
the election will go for the Democratic
part ominee with William J Bryan as its
Partisanship of Rpublca Member
of Womens Cub
Thc spirit of amity and sisterly love
does not seem to
prevail to
preal any very
marked extent among the women of the
feminIne Republican club At least this
is the impreSiol that has been con
vEd te the women of the Democratic
cub by some of the mot promIntnt
among the Reublcn ladles promInet
Some little time ago the Democrtjc
orsazaton through the courtesy of
the Vomans club arranged tG make
arrmgo tc
Hs temporary home in thl club room of
the city and county building This
rOOTl Is use by the club women with
the permisIo of the cIty fathers and
they in turn extended the hospitality
to the hospitalty
Democratic women
All this came about quite
The ladies came abut quie naturally
ladie had determined not to fur
nish a permanent home for the time
being and tme
bing a busIness arngemet was
entered intobetwein the women of the 1
LV vli < uuzauol lero the jani
tor service thp only expense Incurred
should be divided
Eelthlng seemed
well until news of the stme
the club
women reached the ears of
Mrs Annie 1 BrIe and other equal
1 y staunch Republicans and members
of thE Tomans club
Ve will not stand I they chorused
The Democratic women cannot hold
their meetings in our club room
And the outcome of the difficulty Is
o difculy
uncertain The Yomms club Is not In
session and will not be until Septem
ber The Democratic ladles will be per
mited to hold one more meeting In
peace because said 1r J Fewson
Smith Yesterday the jantors service
J5 paid for th1 months in advance
Irs Smith who made the arrange
Jnent for the use of the room with arrnge Mrs
Emily l S Richards vice t president Ir of
the Womans club sid that she was
not surprised that the Republican Wa wo
men had expressed theIr disapproval of
the acton of the club I had been told
I before that the
bfore Democrats would never
C be allowed to occupy that room but 1
saw no reason for the statement Consequently
sequent when we were In need of a
place to meet nee a
we applied to the proper
athortes and were give the per
mission we desired I am so Srry that
there should be any bad feeling In the
Republican womens rank over the
mater because 1 am sure that the
same courtesy would be extended to
them J they 1ed for 11
Organization Effected By Active
Young Democrats Lat Night
The leading spirits of the Democratic
SoIal club of the Second
Soda precinct met
for the purpose of organization in Jus
tice Morris Sommers office last even
nS 1r Sommer was made dIiirmaii
of the meeting and MIss Gertrude J
Grow secretary After a general dIs
cusIon MorrIs Sommer was elected
president of the club Miss Gertrude J
Grow secretary S E Hamer treas
urer and the vIce presidency was left
An executive committee of seven was
deded upon V B Leele J C
Lamhert Thomas V Green and David
S Truman were chosen Tree ladles
wi b < chosen later
Thomas W Green Albert J Sear
George G Smith Mis Grow jnd B F
ohnson were chosen a committee to
prepare a constitution and bylaws for
the club A committee of seven on
amusements was agreed upon C A
Carlqulst and Byron Vet were elected
and the ommlte will be completed
at the lext meIn
The reldent was instructed to Ee
c Tom Barnacle for the next
regular cub meeting which will be
I llld at that place Wenesd evening
Aug 2
An excursion Is one of the enterprises
tat the cub will undertake In te near
future The young men at the head
of the movement are earnest and en
thusiasic and prose fo make their
Influence felt In politics
Senator Rwli Settles Scrap Be
tween Republican Factions
Thursday last The Herald stated that
Web Greene was In danger and might
not be appointed supervisor of the cen
sus for Uth Mr Greene has just been
officially notified by Commissioner Mer
riam that lie cannot be appointed to the
I position Senator Joseph L Rwlns Is i
largely responsible for this act of Mr
Driven to desperation no doubt by
the charges and countercharges of the
warring Hanna factions over the mat
tar the commissioner finally turned to
Senator Ba has for reliable tnforma
Rwlns ilforma
I Uon In response to this requet Son
ator Rwlns Informed Mr Merriam I
that Web Greene would not be a sat
Isfacory officer and upon that infor
mation he wa set side
The Hanna patronage broker explain
this humiliating circumstance by
pointing to the fact that while their
part has numerous tails in Utah It has
no weldefned head no court of last
resort as i would have i there were a
Iepublcan senator or congressman
All factions had been whipped into
line for Greene finally but two late
Merriam In disgust with their bicker
Ing and backQlinS turned them all
down a the best solution of a dis
graceful fight over a little office
Xow the state central committee pro
poses to assert its authority and dam
onstrte that It Is the only channel
through which blessings should fow
from the fountain at Washington to the
hung patriots In Utah This com
mittee has not fixed upon a man for
the place Dennis C Ekhnor A H
Parsons md Iont Fisher are under con
sideration There will be other In
eluding some from out of town
D E Vaughn Explains t Commis
sioners Why He Cant Take Care
of His Mother
At yesterdays meeting of the board
of county commissioners Treasurer
Lynch ted his financial statement for
July I shows the count t be In
goo shape so far a cash Is I concerned
I gave these figures
I Balance July 69
Receipts 1476 33
I 02
Disburemet 13281 83
Balance Aug 19
D E Vaughn who had ben notified
by the oard to tae care of his mother
sent In the following communication
To Mr David C Dunbar County
Clarke this city
Dear SirI tae my pen and Ink to
testf what 11 O P Olsen cad Is truth
about me and my famley afore on con
deon we are in wih Una an trouble
with my wie and mother Ann Vaughn
In a small house no begar an a chlkln
coup 11 Olsen See me red a later I I
and I give it to hem he is my bos for
yea I I
D E VAUGHN thlslt
Accompanying Vaughns note was a
letter from Olsen who explained that
Vaughn wag unable to take care of his
mother The woman he wrote was
party insane and liable to do herself
some ham I was principally for this
ran that Vaughn asked the commis
sioners to admIt her to t1e infirmary
Both file letters l were ordered received and
lv H Lawrence reigned as register
of election distrIct Xo 23 In the Sec
ond precinct The reslgnaion was ac
Flfono tax payers who use the
Mill Creek canon road as ted that two
Steep his near the mouth of the cn
n bo graded or a new piece of road
built On hi takers motion John B
Tag road supervisor was authorize
to expend not to exceed flOO In making
the desired improvement
S A Castro and eleven others asked
by petition for a county road to begin
at a point near the southwest corner of
section 26 township 2 south range 2
west and runnIng along the south side
of section 26 east to the Redwood road
The petition went to the committee on
roads and bridge
A communication was received from
Colonel 3t M Kaighn department
commander of the G A R asking
financial support for the movement
toward securing the national G A R
encampment for Sal Lake net year
The clerk was directed t notify Cob
ne Kaighn that while the board could
make no appropriation for this purpose
its Individual m ber would be glad
I to assist In any way possible
New Company Has a Strength of
For Enlisted MenOld Un
forms Condemned By Major Lund
Company C had Its final muster In
last night at the armor when eleven
men of company D were transferred to I I
the new company making a total mem
bershlp of forty enlisted men and three
mfcers An election for second lieu
tenant was also held there being three
candidates Carl Carensen Alien Burt
and Harry Solhan all former members
of D company After two ballots had
been taken SoUan withdrew and the
third ballot resulted In the election of
Carl Carstensen who has already
served three years In company D hav
Ing enlisted July 30 1894 He was pro
muted to sergeant major of the First
regiment Nay I 1896 wlich position he
held with honor until his discharge
Aug 1 1897 Having reenlisted the I
tolonIm day he served with company
D unti his business called him from
the state and he was again discharged
In 1898 He Is a prime favorite among
the member or the guttrd
An inspection was conducted by Ma
jor H M H Lund of companies A B
and D last night for the purpose of In
spectng and condemning nil the worn
out uniforms now In the hands of the
above companies and ninetenths were
found to be unfit for service Requisi
tions will be forwarded tomorrow for
lons wi
company Bs uniforms ccmpan A
having already had Its reulslton fie
by Quartermaster Gilbert Owing to
the lateness of the hour company C did
not get Its uniforms and equipments as
avtclpated but will draw today
Colonel Ritchie will issue orders to
day for the final disorganization of D
when the remaining
ompan thlrteeq
Den wI be transferred to ompanyB
and what was once the rack company
of the guard will be no more
+ + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + +
4 The Leading Medium Priced Hotel +
+ + + + + + + + + + + 4 4 + + + + + +
4 t i
+ J v
Uahs Star Singers Hold An En
thusiastc Meeting
Prof Stephens Offers Some Original
Suggestions Concernng the La
dies DressesEstmate Upon the
lossibl Revenues From the Tour
Have Not Heard FromMr Hgbee
An eager and enthusiastic meeting of
some hundred odd i Jers ot the tab
ernacle choir who will this fall under
the man3gement of Frank D Higbee
I tour the United States was held lat
i C ening at choir hal on Richards
street Of the large number present
most ur whom were ladles few did not I
show elation and Intense Interest when I
Professor Evan Stephens their leader
spoke of the tour and the Emoean
tour which he declared was dependent
upon the success of this season
The fact that Mr Higbee the imprea
Higbe Impre
carlo of the season has not ben heard
from since leaving here did nut dampen
the ardor of the professor nor his pu
pus To those who have ben selected
out of the many singers at the taber
nacle this trip has become I dream of
things Unseen anti yet to be realized
The professor and his choir have the
utmost confidence In the stability and
the manage t of Mr Higbee
Details of the Tip
The Professor talked long and In
much detail concerning the trip He
explained many things required by the
contract with 11 Higbe and thc nec
Cssztries of the trip Probably the most
Important decslon of the choirfor a
vote on the subject was takenwas the
determination to divide equal the
profits of the tour Professor Stephens
spoke In glowing terms of the vast I
sus that might be realized
TaKig as a basis the ofer made
from Kansas CI50owe ought to
do very wel In the possIble seventy
live concerts The 2000 offer from
New York for twelve concerts is simply
an indication of what we can do Those
who make the offer would not think of
It unless they believed that they would
take 11 3000 at each of these concerts i
Thus I may be teen what we can do
when working on the percentage ar
I think the Kanas City ofer of
1500 for one concert may be taken as
a basis I we give s entfe con
certs In the six weeks that we are on
the 555 road each member will ear
Divsion of Profits
There had ben some feeling about I
the divIsion of profits of the tour
among members of the choir Some
singers are more valuable than others I
The sopranos and tenors naturally felt
that they were of more consequence I
than common baritones second bassos
altos and contraltos They didnt ex
press this feeling possibly because
they being stars were In the small
minority Nevertheless It is saId to
The easiest and probably the way
lit which we will have the most justice
Is to divide the profits equally said
the professor I think that It should
be done In the interest ot harmony I
would be a very difficult task to under
take to say just how much more one I
voice is worth than another There
would be dissatisfaction nO mater
what arrngement was made Now all
who are in favor ofan equal division
eua dllslon
wi please arise
There was almost a unanimity of
sentiment Almost ever person arose
Some of the ladies held back and a few
of the gent men who were sated on
an opposite side of the hal But see
Ing the overwhelming sentiment most
of them cot un s that I was not nap
essary to take the nay vote n
There was some discussion of the
dress to be worn by the choir members
and a decision on that Important point
was also reached The gentlemen of
the choir will wear severe black cut
away suits on the trip while the ladies
wf be arraed In white Thus the
contrast will be perfect The ladles did
not decide the point as to what ma
terial should be used In their dresses
nor just how they should be made
The Professors Idea
1 think that the ladles can make a
white dress which will slip over their
traveling costume said the professor
who does not look like an expert upon
feminine finery This wi avoid
chances of catching cold and will make
It possible to prepare for concerts In a
hurry as We shall have to do some
tu nes
A good many of the young women
gasped at this masculine suggestion
Well 1 guess not said one af them
whose figure gives perfection a close
race I dont want to look like a sack
ot hour
I was announced by the leader that
Mr Higbee would take only 135 mem
bers and an orchestra of fifteen making
In all 150 Choir practice will he held
commencing during the first week In
September on every Monday and pos
sibly Friday evening
With a halfhours choral practice
adjourned of the Hosanna Anthem the meeting I
adjournedHOThL I
I Is seldon that a newspaper man avails
himself of the golden opportunIty to ac
quire wealth but this J C Evans a
former resident of New Yhatcom Wash
has done not In th newspaper business
however Mr Evans accompanied by his
wife Is now on his return to Honolulu I
after taking a pleasure tour through the
stateS At the Keyon last evnlnJ Mr
Evans talked entertainingly of conditions
In the hawaiian Islands after expressing
his pleasure with scenes and experiences
In Salt Lake City
As to the bulness and IndustrIal out
look In the Island Mr Evans considers
It most promising Many Americans lke
Mr Evans went to Honolulu a few
months ago ml all are In the swim 01
prosperity In the visitors estimation it I
the best place on earth to live Salt l Lake
second choice
The chief industry on the islands II
sugar raisin and the possibilities In this
line are aimost boundless observed Mr
Evans Cane growing Ims even hete
than coffee culture and thousands or
acres of cot e lands are elnt convertd
into sugar plantations ew plantations
I backed by local 1 and Pacific coast capital
are springing up one after another 11
PRO Pr ty Is en cd 1 Il 1 d Some pLnta
tions produce ns much as thirteen tons
I of sugar to the acre worth 1St n ton and
I the cst of production Is i not over tni
Sugar shares at 10 par value sell on the
market for as high lS 0 and why not
for they pay from 10 to 1 per cent on the
investment Large plantations not small
ones are the money makers
Our neeus for greater railroad facilities
are coming and soon we will have a ter
ritorIal form of government granted by
congress remarked Ir Evans Fully
ninetenths of the natve or I might say
all outside or the royal family and their
circle or intimate friends are glad of the
annexation of the Islands by the United
States The natives are intelligent and
law abiding Some of thor have enasted
In the army and gone to the Philippines
eeor lb1 gm soldiers I The Chinese
are not troublesome but the TJpsC occas
ionaliy arc bothersomO
Mr and n Evans had a pleasant stir
prse yesterday at SaUalr In meeting n
Colorado volunteer J E llford by
name to whom with other sick soldiers
returning home they had shown kind at
tentions while the transport Seandln was
ago anchored Mr at Wiiiifotd Honolulu recognized a couple t Mr months and
1n Evans It once yesterday and the
greetings were mutul warm
The country west pf the Missouri
river owing to large crops and splendid
mining development Is In better shape
Make te food more delicious and who Vesome
I than It has been for a great many years
said I L Bevis of the AnheuserBusch
Brewing company of St Louis yesterday
at the Kenon I have the entire west
I ern country to look after establish new
I agencies and build up our trade ThC sales
of the AnheuserBusch company are
growing every day notwithstanding the
tremendous capital of the bI Ing trust
and the great energy directed by them
Our brewer had an opportunity to enter
the trust at a very profitable figure Mr
dOIPhUS Busch however Informed the
English capitalists that were engaged In
syndicating American breweries and other
propositions that whenever he tEl tired
or managing the Interests of his brewcl
I he would orgnize a cooperative scheme
and have the employees from the hum
i blest laborer up to the hOt paid m
cal subscribe for the brewer and con
i selves duct the operation of the lilt them
I I have found jenhere In the west
I a great deal or expansion In trade and I
believe that huslne In all hines for the
I next few years to come will bE conducted
on a profitable basis and 1 look for great
prosperity throughout the entire western
see lon of thIs country
E L Faison inspector of government
land surves Is at the Cullen from Wash
Ington accompanied by his wife
R C Brown a traveler from London
Is registered at the Kenyon
J R Mcintosh general solicitor of the
Postal Telegraph k Cable company g at
the Kenyon from RIchmond Ya
Dr W Russell Wherrit of Goldfel
1eb Is at the Knutsford Dr heritt
Is a brother of Postmaster Wherltt of
Park City
Several visitors from Denver CrIpple
Creel Leadvie and other Colorado
town arrived In Salt Lke yesterday and
many more are on the way taking adi I
vantage of the excursion rates to this
city Hotel accommodations wi be taxed
to their utmost before the end of the
week If half the Coloradoans come who
are expected
At the KenonE K Noes Boston
31 A Bremner H Coleman Chicago I I
F Long and wife Missoula Mont A
Hubbel Duluth C C Lsele San Fran
cisco J R McIntosh Richmond Va G
Iochstadter L Hamburger W S 1
his ChIcago J C Evans and wife Hono
lulu J later Cincinnati E C Murphy
Miss E Lewelen Cedar Yale Han J L
Burnham Lincoln Neb Larry Marvey
Mary Marvey Emma Marvey Arthur
Marvey Cripple Creek Mrs William Bai
ard Ella I fgre Butte Aide Hemmi I
Dorothy Ehrhorn Madeline Valentine I
11 lnJ
Chicago G hgor Russell Helper A J
Parker New York F A Uhland Denver
H M Strtevant New York J F Ham
mond New Sharon 11 W B Forsth
Chicago A W Colbur Denver 1 < P
Bacon Logan Miss 31 E Bacon Yal
them Mass G L Hutchins Bingham
Preston Palmer Iercur W J Shealy
Ogden N J Nagle and wife Master
1alle Austin Tex Mrs R S Rush
Mrs A E Spalding Leavenworth Nan I
R C Brown London Eng
At the KnutgforFrnk Zak Mrs W
O Staples and two children William T
Garrett San Francisco ii ei I r Otis
Omaha C D Jordan St Louis John G
White Cleveland Miss Juliet Pearson
Mrs Edith Hlsher Sam L Lurder New
York S V Iorrlson P 1 Murphy
Daniel E Parks Denver Dr V Russell
herrltt Goldteld Mrs C E BrelsfQrd
Irs E L Swaze and son Kansas City
Mrs S I Halet Aspen Colo J H
Woodward Birmingham Ala J J Dick
ey C E Yost A J Love E M Morse
man Omaha Theo N Vail Boston IoreI
D T Wilson Mrs A M Mann Miss
Alice Stalngs Mrs J J Ausley Amer
Icus Gu e V Burside Richard Cram
Prentice Crane T Z Lefebone Chicago
Edwin B Vorgtly and wife Pitsburg
At the CulenJ J Mahoney Omala
E L Falcon and wife Washington D t
Adolph Goodman Kansas Cityl P J W
Bailey 1leena Ella A Boland Butt
Bale A Anken Spokane rs C E Sul
livan Miss Sullivan Brigham City M
Ahern Charles F Chambers Mrs J S
Reef and child Leadvie James S Bots
ford and wife F S Ozier and wife Kan
sas City E St Clair Ophlr E T Rich
ardson and whet Ruby A Young Ogden
I R Woodward Bniham 1 X Dusen
berry Jacob Evans Prove W I Cox
and wife ROSllld S D Phillip Der
P V Cromie Manning Dr L W
French Charles E French Clara Frenqh
C W French A Goodkoontz Los An
I At the alkerrs C C Van Arslal I
Pendleton Ore r Annie Hawking
Toledo 0 James Simon T J Lobbe St
I Martiniile La James O Chance and
wife Master George G Chance Bran
Tex z 1 N Drake Louisville Nab G
H Knox Des Moines Miss Walters Cia I
cinnati John Harrington Butte A K
cnnatl Constantinople R A Thomp
son Kansas City John G Legel wife and
In son Charles City Ia E Hardt and wife
fon San Francisco J O White E R Iee
ton flingham C H Norris and wie
John Taylor andwire Buena Vista Cole i
George Patton Colorado Springs It T
I Ilynch William Jones Canyon City G I
I W Gill and wife Pueblo Mrs S A
tn Gi Denver W H Grebble Gunnt
I At the While llouseMiss A Greaves I
Illinois J J higgins Eureka T 1 I
Young Kansas Miss N Nelson Montana
It s Itcyfit J B Hedt St Louis I A I
Cashing Boston J MeMahoney lark
City O Nelson Grantsyle D L Bean
Tooele City A M Tenne and ivite
Colonla Diaz Max J I Stalnls Da
moml W Y Mens Chicago V Rum
band anti wife Prllc Ed Goldsmith
Leadvilbe J E Harrington Little Roc
Arlc Miss K Iubb Denver R Tre
gaski Bingham T W Fraser and wife
Park City J LYons Eureka W J Al
Ien Ciy D Smith Ilutch S Sad
ler Draper W Clawscn and wife Ian
nmg J U McDonald and WitCf 1IK CIty
Frank De Lmare nlnlham
At the YeyJ BGaloin and wife
I Miss Nellie Galoln Iunroe If G A
Duncan Sunshine F Hansted Los An
geles Miss Anna Elsworth W A Peter
son and wife Ogden D C Collier nail
wife Kansas City A B Harmon Chi
I cago Mrs N B Houser Philadelphia
At the Ianlou E Redmond antI
wife Butte Master C G Gill Atlantic
City N J G H Donal and wife Buf
falo Mrs laud Belmont Sah Francisco
John D Kellogg Pueblo Miss Dorothy
Waugh Mansfield 0 Mrs r 31 l
coin Miss Bertha Lincoln 1ss Harriet
Lincoln Miss Mattie Lincoln IV C Ham
bal and family Woodstock O
Real Estate Transfers
Mary A Reynolds to Prscia J
North et al northeast quarter or
northwest quarter section I town
ship 2 south range 1 east etc 200
I C Barrel to W G Patrick 10X2
rods northeast from 5 rods east
of southwest corer lot I block 9J
I D 1100
G B Langley i to Niagara Mining
Smelting company Land lark
lode etc West Mountain900
M g Cummings to 41 Thomon
stx2t rods southeast from north
west corner lot block 21 plat A 1
Aniietta A c rJnd at ab utt Al I
Thompson Six0 rods southeast
from northwest corner lot 5 block
Morla A J I
Stato of Utah to J A Wright 13
acres northwest quarter section 36
township 1 south range 1 Wet I I
On Ever Bottle
of Shiohs Consumption Cure Is this
uarantee All we ask or yoU Is to
use twothirds of the contents Of this i
bottle faithfully then If you can say
you are not benefited return the bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the price paid PrIce 2 cnts 50 cents
and 1
The Utah State Director
R L Polk Co of Sal Lake City
are about to Issue a State Gazetteer
and Business Directory for Utah The
work will he most complete cvcrlng
every point In the state with every
business and profession properly ar
ranged and classified Every husinHs
man should subscribe for It
Z C M 1 I shoe flctorJ excursion to
Lagoon Friday SLug IS
ROd race and baseball
Get Your Habits 01Elks Pdrpbe
day Salalr Aug 22
i t kt 0
The clock struck two Diehl made a
few pencil mark on Taysums bald
head and the gavel fell
I C J Samon you are charged with
beIng unlawfully drunk on the 12th day
of August guilty or not guilty said
I Diehl all In one breath
Well yerrner I guess I was a wee
bit deity In the nut and me rollers wuz
I a splnnln too 1 reckon You see It
was just this way 1 wuz comln down
I from Tlntc and took a leeUe too much
on the way downthats all
Your story sounds fishy Samoa
I when were you here before
Never here before but I wuz In the
city three weeks ago and kept sober
I said Mr Samoa wIth a proud mien
I Well you keep sober and Ill let you
go this time decreed his honor Re
member always the proverb He who
knows not a good thing keeps always
J sv Halpett larceny
I guess Im gui judge though Its
much against my will I was under the
influence of liquor when 1 took the
overcoat I was hanging by the bed
and 1 took II dont know whut
1 took i I guess Im one of them
kleptomaniac fellers
feler judge
I What kind of a overcoat was I
A calico one
I Your story doent wahneiher
does the overcoat Did you think the
overcoat was yours Do yOU wear nn i
I overcoat In the summer or aent you
i warm enough to pure your peregrin
ations ness without on t What Is your busi
I nessI keep a camping corral just across
from the count and city halyou
know that big brick building
I Xo Willie 1 dont believe your yarn
I Twenty dollars
I William Fell a Sunday drunk failed
to appear and the city barrel Is 5 rIch
er William fell by the waslde
James Hamilton were you drunk
on Sunday
Well 1 suppose so judge But let
me tel you mv story You see there
were three of us
Five dollars Jim
John Ness was nice IntoxIcated on
Sunday and left th usual sweet re
memhrancer 5 John wasnt there
to tel his story
Joe Williams took his place wih a
sardonic smile on his face and a red
cravat around his neck Joe made
quite a star appearance and brqke the
days record by pleading not guilty
He was charged with being drunk and
using abusive language Diehl was
taken by surprise at the plea and ask I
ed until tomorrow to subpoena wit
That ends the docket said the dap
py clerk A fire alarm bell rang and
judge clerk policeman reporters and
audience all chased out to the fire
William I Fell was arrested for the I
third time yesterday On Friday last I
he was found drunk with IOO In his I
possession on Saturday he was again i
found Intoxicated with 70 In his
pockets and yesterday he had only 60
cents when taken In custody He has
evidently been traveling the pace that
breaks He gave Officer Fltzmaurlc
quite a lively tussle at the Rio Grande
Western depot yesterday afternoon I I I
when arrested and It required the sect
Ices of Detective Sheets and Officer
Roberts to get him up town In the pa
trol wagon He wI face three charges
todaydrunkenness abusive language
and resisting an ofcer
Two boys about 1 ear of age were
arrested yesterday by Olcer GIespie
for stealing some curtain pulleys from
William Lngtons planln mill Orson
Thomas and George Walker were the
youthful offenders and they succeed
ed in getting a gunny sack half full of
the pulleys They admitted their guilt i
and were very penitent Chief Hilton I
gave them a strong lecture and warning I
not to do anything ot the kind again I
ana let them go The police state that I
any similar offenses in the future shall
not go unpunished iI i I
Charles Thomas was taken In charge
by Officer Knowlon at about 1015 last I
last evening with three quart bottles
of elegant whisk in his possession I
Vhen asked where he got them he said
i ht I
I didnt l steal them
How much did you pay for them
was asked
I didnt steal them answered Thom I
as and lw was led away to the drunk
cell mutterIng the same strain
Tom Nolan an old man of 60 who
looks much older asked for lodging
for the night and was given them
A purse was found yesterday In front
of the White House I can be obtained
by identification at the police ofce I
Marion Carter reported to police
headquarter yesterday morning that
someone had broken Into his home at
83 East Seventh South street and had
taken therefrom an expensive kit of
carpenter fools that embraced planes
chisels and saws
Suit Against Colonel Callahan and
Sal Lake Dank
Colonel Emmett Callahan and the
National Bank of the Republic or this
city have just been made defendants
In a divorce suit In Butte Mont The
complaint Is made by lr Monica Frey
Callahan Mrs Callahan occupies a fine
house In Anaconda She says the col
onel Is trying to baster i over with
judgments One of these judgments
for 156350 Is held by the National
Bank of the Republic This judgment
It Is alleged was confessed here In Sal
Lake and Mrs Callahan In her com
plaint says I is false and fraudulent
that the bank never loaned the defend
ant the money claimed but that It had
entered Into collusion with Colonel Cal
lahan to defeat her In collecting tiny
judgement she may obtain against him
She further says that the colonel Is con
vertng all his property Into cash and
remaining out of the state for the pur
pose of defrauding and defeating her
All th charges In the original application
cation for divorce arc repeated r nil a
number of new ones arc added charg
Ing Colonel Callahan with cruelty
I threats and malicious slanderhis
treatment of his
I I Saves Chidren Lives
Whltes Cream Yermlfuge Insures
your child against one serious danger
I prompt rids It of worms It acts
thorough I but Is just as harmless as a
chidrens remedy should be Has been
sold for years and received the warmest
praise of grateful mothers everywhere
1 your child Is peevIsh restless If Its
breath Is bad i It picas Its nose or
start In its sleep suspOct the presence
of worms Health and rIght growth
cannot come until the trouble Is re
moved Cream Vermiuge cannot fail
Price 25 cents
Sold by Z C M I Drug Department
> i r
Church Officers Speak Stonly at
Heber Cit
Special Correspondence
Heber Aug HVe have come here In
the name of the Lord and for a special
purpose So spoke President Lorenzo
Snow at the first meting of conference
of this stake yesterday
The Sunday sChools I of the stake > met at
U ClUCK um lu =
1 aC1m UUUWi
was tle to overtlowlng Presidents Snow
and Smith talked very interestingly to the
children referrIng to the das or their
childhood and youth The speakers con
gratul ted the youth ot today on their
many advantages and possibiites The
school was dismissed at 1 oclock when
the conference proper began
At the forenoon service treslden Snow
was the oiily speaker He commenced by
telling the pople he and the other au
thorite had come and had come In the
name of the Lord and for a special par
pose The Lord has called us to b his
people He has not withdrawn his face
from 15 but we have sadly neglected one
of the most Important laws God ever
gave tQ men It Is or the highest Im
pOrtance we understand this mater Six
weeks or so ago a few of us went to St
George and the Lord manifested unto us
the necessity of an awakening up ot the
people or God
The Lord told the people In Jackson
county I they would observe the law of
consecration they would possess the land
It was a pure law It was a celestial law
But the people disobeyed the law or con
secration 1he PeoPle hugged to their
gold and silver as many do todai That
was the trouble with the people or Jack
son county He thEn real from the ith
section ot the Doctrine and Covenants
wherein the Lord told the Ileople the
blessings they should enjoy Ii they would
keep his laws and what should befall
them 1 I they dIsobeyed He also read
from the 115th sectIon or the Doctrine
lth secton
and Covenants showing how much the
Lord requIres of his people as a tithing
Bishop Preston keeps a record of all
who pay tithing or a part tithing and
we have been lookIng over that record
if you will go to the bishops otce you
I wi
can see the names of the people and the
amounts paid by each Individual When
the book are opened we would not like
to see our names there as not paying a
proper Sl tithing Observe this Important
Jaw that the land may become unto you
a land of Zion
A the afternoon session BIshop Pres
ton was the first speaker He congmtu
hated the people oC this vale on theIr
many Improvements saying This Is one
or the most beautIful valleys In the state I
a good place for Lterda SaInts to oc
cupy le word of the Lord has been deity
ered to the people from St George In the
south to Cache vale In the north and
now the word of the Lord comes to you
The Lord has blCsed us with life and In
telligence with homes with crops of
i grin etc wih Is capital stock and the
Lord demands 10 per cent Interest of us
Elder John Nicholson spoke brIer In
the same strain as did also Elder Le Rol
C Snow President Joseph F Smith was
the last speaker He read extensIvely
from the writIngs of the ancient proph
ets on the sUbject of tithing and among
other things said When the land be
comes a land of Zion unto you It wilt
yIeld I its strength the land will be
fruitful and you will be blessed The
pure In heart will not covet the 10 per
cent due the Lord as a tithing The
Lord has kept his word wIth modern
Israel as he kept his word wih ancient
Israel The people have Incurred a debt
unto the Lord yet the Lord will forgive
them if from this l time forth they keel
the commandments of the Lord
The meetIngs yesterday were the larg
est attended meetings ever held at any
atended mcetn
conference here Conference will recon
vene at 10 ocock this forenoon
Brigham Cit Man Discuses TOpiC
Stake Presidency
Special Correspondence
Brigham City Aug HAt the Brigham
City tabernacle yesterday C O Christen
sen who has just returned from a two
years mission In the southern states ad
dresse the congregation 11 Christen
sen saId that as a general thing the peo
pie of the south are kind and hospitable
I During the time he has spent there he
labored In Tennessee and Georgia and had
I never ben maIreater but once He
stated that the two Mormon missionaries
I who were mobbed a few days agO as re
hated In the papers were two of his for
f I mer companions with whom he parted
only two days before they were attacked
on1 Christensen stated that In his opin
I Ion the present persecution of the Mor
mon missionaries In the south Is not 60
much the result of the agitation over the
seating of Congressman B H Roberts as
It Is the result or antagonIsm created by
certain sectional bigots who are appar
entby ectonal the success that Is at
tending the labors of the missionaries
tendl1 usual monthly lecture under the
auspices or the Mutual Improvement as
sociationS or this stake was delivered in
the tabernacle last night by John S Bing
ham Ills subject was The Priesthood
fl tianPpt Fnr Authority
The regular quarterly minference of Box
Elder stake which was to have been held
yesterday and Saturday has been post
ponetl to some time that will suit the con
venlence of Iresident Lorenzo Snow who
desires to be present It is expected the
conference wIll be held early in Septem
ber Considerable conjecture is being in
dulged in by some in regard to who will
be the next president for this stake
Juilging from former events It is thought
pr bable that one or both of the present
counselors will be retained on the
I grounds of having earned the posItion
while others think the younger men will
be appointed but quote the proverb Old
men for wisdom audi young men for war
The Brigham City brass band it is said
has decided to assist In welcoming the
We are expecting another Snow drift
here shortly It is said Lorenzo Snow jr
is disposing of his numerous holdings pre
parttory to bidding Brigham City good
Dye The news that the officers of the state
board of horticulture are taking steps to
prevent the ravages of frost in Utah or
chords next season by smudging was re
ceised here by fruit growers with much
satisfaction They express themselves as
being heartily in favor of cooperating in
endeavoring to prevent such great tinan
cml loss to the state by the wholesale
destruction tif fruit
There is a good supply of early peaches
but the shippers complain of the quality
of the early kinds rather than the quan
Citizens MacsHeeting Decides For
Electric Lights
Special Correspondence
Lehi Aug 12Last evening the citizens
of Leht mat In the tabernacle to discuss
the advisability of bonding the city for
the purpose of raising means that the
city might hold its HV0O of stock taken
by the Council in the Electric Light
Power company now organized in the
north end of Utalicounty The citizens
of Lehi American Fork and Pleasant
Grove corporatIons own each 16000 worth
of stock the total amount of stock of
the companY being iZO000
Mayor J S Willis called the meeting
to ordey and was chosen chairman uith
ii Davis
0 W ChIld as secretary
moved that It be the sense of the meet
inc that no lOuldS be given and that the
stock be held by Individuals aud not by
the city Senator A J Evans arose with
amendment that the city do bond and
with an an able speech sustained his amend
meat A number spoke
A vote was taken on the proposition
majority voted In favor of
and a great
bonding The question wili now be voted
by the taxpayers at the next alec
decIde it
tion whIch will finally
C Garff the orIginator of the company
was present and made remarks a the
Accusation AgainstAttorney Harry
Edwards In Suit at Provo
Special Correspondence
Provo Aug 14I E Freeman today
flIed a bill in equity to set aside a decree
in favor of John Lees This decree was
granted Mr Lees in 11117 and was for the
sum of IISID and costs of lSb0 As the
ground for his action Freeman alleges
that harry Edwards who was attorney
for Lees prepared false findings and ob
tamed the signature of the judge by
Whiskycrazed Woman Transferred
Frorn Provo Jall
Special Correspondence
Provo Aug 14Lucia Parenti the Ital
an woman brought here from Payson
Saturday night was today tried for her
sanity and com itted to the asylum Her
mental aberration was brought on by
liquor drinkIng When under its iniluenee
she became wild and was dangerous to
herself and infant child But even in her
sober moments she cared lIttle for the
child When asked who was the chlld
father she said that was hard to tell Dur
lag the examination she ackowiedged
that she had led a life of prostitution
From the time she was brought here she
has spent he time In singing wild songs
and yelling She has been iii this cotta
try in Nets York and San Francisco for
some fifteen years and comes from Santo
Jacinto Italy The examination was con
dueled by Drs Robieotr and Pike before
Judge Booth
Logan People Complain of tbb flail
road Company
Special Correspondence
Logan Aug 11People here are
dlcapointed over the action of therail
road company in regard to the rate fixed
for transportation to Salt Lake on the
occasion of the homecoming of the col
unteers There are a great many of the
relatives Und friends of Caches returning
soldiers that are desirous of vttuiesinK
the Salt Lake celebration but they had
figured on the railway compatly 1iuttlng
on an early train from here on tue 15th
so that the soldiers might be met at Og
den anti accompanied to the capital Also
that a special train would be run hack
that night liunatcda uoukt have goie
down had thIs been done but ineeul L
rate of t21b for the acuun trip hss be2n
established and persons will have to
heave here on the ISth anul return on the
20th A great many cannot aflord the
expense of so long a stay 001 msrt uuu
era who woulul ilke tt gt nosa CanJiOt
leave In the middle of harvest for three
days Mayor Antlersoui Is endeavoring to
have better arrangements made and will
likely this afternoon appoint a committs
to go to Salt Lake tomorrow and tak
over the matter with tse ratiroed otiueits
Excursion rates from hre to Saltair are
never more than 101 and It is inexoic
able to people here thy the road houil
increase that rate tipon en occssion cf tIlls
Today Mayor Antlerron noised the live
young ladies who viii rep nt t tic a
th committee which tt iii precteat tl
medals to returning olelrs they a
3iiss Ruth Smith a sister of Veiunlaer
Roy Smith Miss Nora Eliason 31 ss Nura I
Egbert Miss Delia Torteson sac flea I
June Crockett
An syearold son of Mr harry Sum I
yard of this city fell and fractured his
arm yesterday I
John iostel a young man of Providerc
was thrown from a horse yesterday and
the animal falling upon him us suaalneti
a dislocated and fractured hip
Moroni Myers a boy living In Ves
yule yesterday set lire to a creall eac
of worthless hay In tOe fieius etow ttit
place The blaze was communitated to L
stack of hay containing about thirty toe
and this svtth about one ant onchalt
acres of grain in an enjoining Sale stas
completely destroyed
Citizens Outline Plan of Thsir En
Special Correspondence
Kaysvllbe Aug 11it has been decided
that the receiLion to the laysviile vol
unteers wilt be held on 3touduy next ihe
committees that have the matter In
charge met last evening and coinpeted
arrangements for the flzl 5 exercises lne
reception committee ucurge Swan jr
Mrs Ilyrum Stewart Muss asaggle Flint
Dr Vt i ingram and tienry Si 1OOU
will meet the 1aysviIle boss In Ogden
and go with theta to Salt LaKe and alter
the state celebration Iney will entertain
tho soldIers untii3loniay so that they
will reach iaysvllie at 1 1 m t fey Will
be met by the build ansi a cuelegation of
citizens at the Itlo urtnde uspot and
escorted to the meeting nujuse wnere at
2 oclock a llrogranline wilt tie rendered
in which all of tne local musical organiza
lions wilt take part Christopher Surton
Jr nas been 000sen to act us master oe
ceremonies and auaresses will be made by
ttayor John I M Barnes and a itt
Wlittesiiles the latter speasing ott Our
Immediately after the programme th
volunteers and theIr relatives and others
will be seated at a banquet in the Music
hall This hil be followed by a bull in
the evening No trouble will be spared to
make the event a memoranle one fht
Haysvhlie voluuiteers are Sergeant Joan
It Meredith and Corporal Johi It Wooi
say of Buttery A anti Furrier Wiuiiam M
Chawson who returned two weeks ago
Private WIlliam ujarllck a 1taysvilie
boy who serven as a regular Rfl Company
C Sixteenth infantry miring the Cuoen
campaign wilt also bo a guest of the day
Manti Matters
Special Correspondence
Manti Aug 11Lee Kenner Is hDnse
from his sheep herd sick rize doctor
says It is maiariai sickness
tesleraay Inc torth ward of Manti held
its conference Henry Parsons nrst eruri
selor to 1115001 it ulliam 1 Eeitl was re
leaseJ froni fls outies on account cc aid
age and increasing inhirmulies J iI
t otiskow tas orualnect In ins place anti
Jeorge It Cox was ortialnea second coon
selor All the autnorittes were presened
and sustained unanimously
in account of tIle wreck this side of
Castiiia on the Rio Oranee itescern the
north mall was not nemivered tilt S3J
p m instead of 1 p m on Sunday
Coalville Brifs
Special Correspondence
Coalville Aug 13Carl Allison G 1
Bullock John iawias and Bert Eldredge
returned today from their outing in toe
Bear river country
At the Latterclay Saints services in th
tabernacle today 5ider herbert rencece
recently returnee item a mission U tr
many Was llrst sIledilter flitier I
Penrose of Salt iice occupico tas r
mainuer ot the time The atenuanee ilas
large some coming teem neignborirg
toit nit
Bishops Sargent of ltoytsville John
Clark 01 Lpton Joseph ttright of nast
Coauvilie anti a g000 many members if
their respective nerds were in atlencianL
at the taoernteie services 10001
Court at Provo
Suteclul Corresordence
Provo Aug iLThe following busiii
was transacted by Judge Booth today
Estate of Sophia MeNtal dcci a
hearing of petition for ietlcs at adnul
hctration and contest set for today wv
lOslponeI to Aug E
Estate of Samuel siudd dti ascii te
cree of distribution granted
Papers in the appeal inca of William
Brocic vs Thomas 1 tilmmers were nim
today Plaintilt sued defendant in ta
justice court at Tucker for hte fur dam
age done his land by defentian S she I
and was awarded udgnient in ihe sum uc
111120 Married at Parmington
Special Correspondence
Farmington Aug iLMiss Susie Burk
of ilarrisville Webor county md Airoa
Rigby of Centervllle were married hart
County Recorder J C Jensen of S It
Lako was doIng business in Farmington
I LEfi PEllh1
> I
i tx <
t Pi
1 r
t I iflr
i T sltle b
oneTery btte
Joh Duncs Sn Agnt NcYor I
Your Liver
Will be roused to its natnrij della
and your biliousness beadneje aael
constipation b cured it you take
Hoods P1ls
Sold by all irugists 2 cents
To dose we offer a ni
lie of Bicycle Skirts in p ai
and checked materials very
strong and durable JO J rows
of stitching around bottom
strictly taiormade value
450 for
I c
By paying more than 25ct a pound
for Baking Powder when you c
buy THREE CROWN which is guar
anteed absolutely pure Lull weight
sixteen ounces to the pound and if
you do not like it your money will
be fairer cheerfully refunded Nothing
You grocer sells Three Crow at
folowin prices
Sozcan lOc
8 oz can 15c
12 oz can 20c
16 oz can 250
Avoid Iassithde
Body ran and Nerve Tonic
All Druggists Ac I Substitutes
I Portraits and enlnrsrircts sent postpaid
I arial Co i W lth St ew York
Crown Bridge Want a Spedat
DrJB eYsrJ J
j 240 S Main St
I Next Doer North ii
Walker House
k t I GoodSet of Teet
for O
Best Dining Car Senice
Chair Oars Free
jt 5 rec Y
cnltEs Spcrmaiorrbsa
lSltOSdRyL Vliiag unnatural tile
ORuRRe4 cbarg4 I r atJ thtlamsii
CR1 Re Itrl4RR 100 irniatlen or ulcera
rRRRU OadOR tton of Isucoug ms
nitEveMs CeuccitCe beams auastringent
caclssATio Sold by Druita
Co Si li cr 3 botes vn
C u reen S TPOUt
The Ro331 llasIalir G1IIBJcalg
CHEM1STSfl And all othie
jitinlvg hemle3
7t 100 Wli1aa t

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