I 1 1 < 10
Baseball Baseballr asCbaI1MAOEAN
Rio io Grandes and Pocat Pocat Jocatllos JocatllosTake Jos JosikME Josra1e
Take Gal Game e Eaeli EaeliLARGE r rt rLARGE
4 4Wrangle
Wrangle Over the Umpire Threaten Threatened 1ireat 1ireated
ed at aeOne One Time to Cause Cau2epub1e Cau2epub1eBut Trouble TroubleBut rpub1JBut
But Everything Was Finally F Thi n 1ly Set Settled Settied et ettIed ¬
tIed Harmoniously EarmoniouslyQood Good ood c Chance Chanceto hanceto
to Howl Given Rooters HootersVarious RootersI RootersVariou8 RootersF
Various brands of the national nationaL game gamewere gameWere gamewere
were dished up to the local lovers luversbaeelai1 jf fitbasetall < jfbaseball
baseball at Walkers field yesterday ye yetrdayand yetrdayandthere t rday and andthere nd ndthere
there was wa something in each of the tvo tvogames tvogames vo vogames
games played to appeal to the taste tasteof tasteofevery tate7Ofevery of ofevery
every enthusiastic rooter present presentA
A total of 2160 160 people availed avalledthem avalledthemselvtCs them themselves themelves ¬
selves of the holiday and took in the thetwo t thetwo e etwo
two sessions S8iOfl8 of the baseball solons solons1inc1 solons1inc1whfJe uid indwhile uidwhile
while neither nt > ithel game was played in Inparticularly a aparticularly aparticularly
particularly championshiplike cllarnplon l1JplIke manner manneron
on the whole there was very little that thatwas tJtatwas thatwas
was tiresome and the principal cause causefor C1Lusefor caisefor
for regret Is that the home team did didnot dlanot didnot
F not win both b t1t yames yamesAn pm gamn 8 I
An n even break br however was much
better than some of oCtJ1e ofth the raoa nto ijun iaitLan iaitLanrooters 1t9n Jan Janrooters 1 1rooters
rooters had hoped for or considering the thecrippled tbecrippled tijecrippled
crippled condition of the team teamand and af after 8 8ter ater ¬
ter all it is the lack of knowledge know ledge rf ofthe <
the whys and wherefores wheref res that makte malt m l lthe
the pastime so popular popularSixteen popularSlxfeen popularSixteen
Sixteen hundred people many of ofthem ofthem ofthem
them members of the fair sex witness witnessed ¬
ed the battle in the afternoon and while
there was a marked absence of h 11
head and team work so apparent app rent in intle intlemornlEg the themorning tl1emornhIg
morning game the additional stick atckwork stickwork atekwork
work fully compensated com enSRted for the short ¬
coming and gave aye the rociers a a chance chanceto
to exercise exer i8e their characteristic propen propensities propenSf propenSities ¬
sities Sf ties
Wrangle Over Umpire UmpireThe UmpireThe UmpireThe
The matinee was scheduled for 330 330and 330and 330and
and as 4 oclock ocl k drew near ne r and a knet knetof knetof knetof
of players were seen talking excitedly excitedlynear excItedlynear
near the west fence It looked as if ifthere Ifthere ifthere
there might be a squally time before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the fall of the curtain curtainThe curtalnThe curtainThe
The trouble was caused by the resig resignation resignation resignation ¬
nation of Umpire Griffin which was wassent wassent wassent
sent In a few days ago The PoeateHo PoeateHomen Pociellomen
men claimed that Griffin should be de debarred debarred dobarred ¬
barred from officiating in the game ig ignoring ISnoring Ignorng ¬
noring the fact that he had umpired the themorning thenlolnlng flieniorning
morning game claiming that he h was wasno w wasno i8 i8no
no longer a member of the league staff staffGriffin staffGrIffin stagGriffin
Griffin was apparently the least inter interested Interested interested ¬
ested man on the grounds and the thereason thereason thereason
reason became clear later laterThe laterThe laterThe
The pilots of the two teams corilfnued corilfnuedthe
the argument pro and con the Rios Riosclaiming IUosclahning Riceclaiming
claiming that as Griffins resignation resignationhad resign lon lonhad
had not yet beenaccepted he was still stilla
a member of the staff but the Pokies Pokieswould Pokieswould Pokieswould
would not see it that way and things thingswere thhttsvere thingsvere
vere looking warm when the much muchabused muchabustd muchP
P abused subject of debate innocently innocentlyapproached Innocentlyapproached innocentlyapproached
approached the crowd and displayed a aletter aletter aletter
letter from President Hart of f the theleague tlleleague theleague
league requesting him to withdraw his hisresignation hisresignation hisresignation
resignation and as an act of kindness kindnessto klndn klndnto klndnessj
to officiate at the two games In this thiscity thl thlcity thiscity
city yesterday yesterdayThat yesterdayThat yesterdayThat
That settled it and andthe the game began begana
a few minutes before 4 4The < I oclock oclockThe 0 < 10ck 10ckThe
The Game In Detail DetailRand DetailRand DetailRand
Rand of the Pocatello team was wa the thefirst te tefrt thefirst
frt first man up He was wa presented prented with h a afree afree afree
free ticket tcket to first frst and stole second secondscoring snd sndsoring secondscoring
scoring soring on Gambles out to McFarland McFarlandSiddon McFarlad McFarladSiddon McFarlandSiddon
Siddon also filedout fie flied out to the third base baseman be beman baseman ¬
man and Arenson Aren n sent snt a long one to tocenter tocenter tocenter
center but could culd only get one bag bagHaynes b bagHaypes
Haynes Haye hit hi a little ltte out to Pendergraft Pendergraftand Pendergft
and Arenson Aensn Was wa a retired rtr at second secondFor scond scondFor secondFor
For the Rios RI0 Hopkins Hopkin drew drw a I free freebase freebae freebase
base bae and advanced avanc a bag ba on Martins Martinsflyout MartiIB Marthisflyout
flyout 1 out to Arenson Arensn Donovan Ionoya hit to to Sid Slddon Siddon Id Iddon
don sending sendig Hopiins home und nd reach reaching rah rahing reaching ¬
ing third himself bhnalf on Shannons Shanons two twobagger twob twobagger
bagger b ger to left left Hughey also als lse walked walke and andRisley andRisley andRisley
Risley batted bate s little ltte one to Siddon SiddonScare Sddon SddonSeare SiddonSeare
Seare ended the inning by flying fying out outto ot otto outto
to Rand RandIn RandIn
In the te second Klaiber was wa worked workedaround worke workedaround
around arund the bases bas on a short single singe toDonovan to toDonovan toDonovan
Donovan by hits hit by Ryan and Kuran Kuranbut Kunnbut ICuranbut
but was WR retired retrd at the plate plat an Eu Eubanks ln u ubanks i
banks drew drfw three strikes retiring rtrbtg theside the theside I Iside
side McFarland MFarlad filed fed out 1 I Ran Ran1 l and andPendergraft andPendergft andPendergraft
Pendergraft Pendergft got gt his base on a RaD contfebtft contfebtfttion cW comb1 comb1tion
tion of strikes atrke and a wild wid throw thrw Hop Hopkins Ho up upI ¬
J I kins was w unable to beat out a bunt buntand bnt buntj
j and Rand Martin Martn was wa thrown out Siddon to toRand toRand toRand
Visitors Visitor Loosen Loen Up UpThe UpThe UpThe
The visitors visiors loosened up 1P a notch In Inthe Inth inthe
the th sixth Haynes Hayes started with a base baseon baseon
on alls 018 and Kleiber Kleibr beat bat a slow slow one oneto oq on onto
to first 118t Haynes going to third Ryan Ryanstruck Ry Ryanetnick
struck stk out and Kuran advanced advancd Klei Kleiber Kleiber Kidher ¬
ber a point with wih a hit hi to Donovan DonovanHaynes DonovanHayneg DonovanHaynes
Haynes attempted atemptd to soo seoe < but was re retired retted retited ¬
tired tted at the plate Kubanks f sent one oneto oneto oneto
to right and advanced dvanCed on a free pass passto pasto a
to Rand but the pleasure pleaure was wa ended endedby endedby endedby
by Gamble sending snding r fly fyto to loft left Risley Risleyand Risl Risleyand y yad
and ad Scare Sear each drew dreY a pass pac for the lo locals 10cls iocals ¬
cals cls and McFarlane and Pendergraft Pendergraftbeat Pendergft Pendergftbeat
beat out short ones to the infield infeld but butRisley butRisle butRisley
Risley Risle was caught by one and retired retiredat rrtlled rrtlledat
at the > finish fnih Hopkins struck str ck out ant amiMartin antMartn anlMartin
Martin Martn was W8 retired retred Eubanks to toHaynes toHaye toFr
Haynes HaynesGambles Haye Iiaynesp
p Gambles Gablea liner lner to center In the eighth
f was wa followed folOed fhiv d by a similar lmlar imilarne one mebYSld by Sid Siddon Siddon I Idon
don to t left ana an anti they th y both scored on onArenSons onArenSonstwbagger
ArenSons ArenSonstwbagger ennSf twobagger tWOJ gg ar to left left The lat latter latter latter
ter soared sore on Haynes Hayne long one to right rightbut I Ibut j jbut
but the next three men men went out in or ordsr ordr I
dsr dsrThe dOl I
The locals locls were easily ean disposed of in inthis Inthis
this inning Pendergraft Pendergaft going g out on ona ona ona I
a little ltte one to Siddon Hopkins got gotaround I Iround I Iaround
around as far as a second on a single singleand singleand singleand
and a stblen slt n base basebut but Martin Martn and Don Donovan Donovan Donovan ¬
ovan retired retrd in order orderThe orderTe orderThe
The Te ninth began with a single by Eu Eubanks Eubnks Eubanks ¬
banks bnks Rand struck out and Gamble Gamblesent Gamplesnt Gamblesent
sent snt one to right sendln Eubanks Eubankshome Eubankshome Eubankshome
home Slfldon Sdon followed folowed with wil a a twobag twobagger twobagler ¬
ger ler er giporing ot1ng Gamble GaJble and came cme home homehimself homehlmelfon homehtiuselfon
himself hlmelfon htiuselfon on Hayries Hay1 Hayn s double Arenson Arensonwent Aensn Aensnwent Arensonwent
strikes strikesThe went tike trikasThe out at tt first frt and andKeiber Kleiber retired retre on onstrikes ontike ontrikas
The Rios Rlo w wlre wre re too hear near the te knockout knockoutblow knockoutblo knockoutblow
blow blo to t retaliate rett inthis in this inning and andHughey andIu andi5ughy
Hughey Iu h Y vent out on one to left left Shan Shannon Sha ShanflOfl ¬
non non gained gnedJ1rt galnedftmt first but the game was wasclinched wasclincled
clinched cUncqedbya by a double do ble play when Risley Risleygent Risleyenta RisleyienVagrounder
gent ienVagrounder enta a gound sprounder r to second seond retiring retring both bothman bth bthmn bothmen
man mn The Dh score scorePOCATELLOS lore lorePOCATLLOS scorePOCATEiLOS
Rand 8 I b 6 1 17 I 7 S 0
Gamble Gable Gagjblecf c f 6 2 2 0 0 0 0Shklen 0Sidden
Shklen 3 b 6 i 3 0 6 1 1Arnn 1Arenson
Arenaon Arnn 1 I f 6 6Haynes 2 3 3 0 0
Haynes Hane Hayneelb 1 b 6 i iKleiber 0 6 6 0
Kleiber I s s 6 6ftyaji 2 3 0 4 1 1Ii
ftyaji lYt r f f 5 i iKuran 0 2 l 0 0 0
Kuran Kurn c 6 f L LBtabanks 0 2 4 2 0 0Ebk 0Eubiuiks
Btabanks Ebk p 5 i 1 1totals 2 1 2 0 0IoUIs61 02 0RIO
totals IoUIs61 61 11 1 20 2 21 28 28RIO 2
RIO GRADES GR DES 4B A AB B R R H H PO A A E EHopkins EHopkin EHopkins I
Hopkins Hopkin f S 1 2 0 0 i iKartln 0 0tn
Kartln t5tIfla tn a S s 5 0 0 1 1 0 0Donovan 0Donva 0Donovan1f
Donovan Donva Donovan1f 1 1 f 5 0 3 4 2 0 0Snon 0Shannon
Shannon Snon 1 b 5 P 14 1 4 2 2 1 1Hufchey 1It 1Huhey
Hufchey It bej r f 5 0 02 0 2 0 0RIsiey 0Risiey T TRisiey
Risiey p 50 6 0 1 2 1 1 iSeare 1Se 1Searec
Seare Se Searec c 4 0 2 6 2 1 1McF 1McFavlsne
McFankUlfe McF an 3 bt b 4 0 2 2 2 2 2Pen 2Penderrfttt
PenUersraU Pen e t 2 b 4 0 1 0 31 31Totals 3 1 1ro 12
Totals ro V4J 2 15 1 10 i 13 13Score S SSr 3 3Score
Score Sr b7 Innings nnln5 j
1 i2345G7S9 i2345G7S9oeatelk 2 23 3 4 5 G 7 S Socatelk 8f
Poell ocatelk 10 1 0 0 00013331 00 0 = 01 13 3 3 3311 3311RjoGrafld4s 311 311RJoGrmaOus
RJoGrmaOus 1 000001 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 002 002Baae O 0 0 2 2Baae
ROGk 7l
Baae B efrv balte 1sOff Off Risley 4 off of Eu Eubanks Eubu Enbanks ¬
banks bu 2 d1lIOf Twobaae hits hitShannon hhtaShannon Shannon Dono Donoran DonoTan Donovan
ran Tan Ryan and ad Haynes Hane Struck out outBy By
Rle1 Risley 6 f by Eubanks Eubnnl 5 Time of game
2 hours hur Umpire UmpGriMe UmpGriMeTBE Griffin GriffinTHE Grfn GrfnTH gme
How the Bunts Junts and Hits His Were Made Madeat Madea Nadeat
at a the First Matinee MatineeThe Matineehe MatineeThe
The he fetvites festivities feStivities of the te morning frame framewere Aame Aamewere gamewere
were delayed del ed bv the tardiness of on onMr one onAMr oneMr
Mr Scare Sare who mistook mistok misto k the day for a aSabbath aSabbath
Sabbath and remained in bed till ti the I
i t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ r 4
4 + r
i 4 4i
+ f if j 01 01fL
+ + + i fL eJa N abe F i iabe f ft T TI
+ T
I I + + + + + + + + i I Ik IcZr + + + + + +
+ +
k +
t t
+ 7 7t 7IA +
+ +
+ +
t + cZr cZre cZroDerwrr + +
+ +
e +
IA oDerwrr oDerwrrN +
N r 1 1 i 1 +
+ U
+ +
+ +
+ c +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + 4444444I44 + +
I last Jat lastpeal peal p of the church bells bels had died diedaway diedaway diedaway
away awayIt awayIt
I It was wa close cose to 11 oclock when time timewas tme tmewa timewas
was wa finally na1y called clcd and from the way
the Pocatello Potlo knights started strted doing
business busne it i looked loked as a if one Inning
would wold b be sufficient sufcient to settle all al ques ¬
tions tons regarding regrding the score score four runs be ¬
ing placed on the winning side of the
ledger leger by the first frst five fye men up The
Rice Rlo failed to t score in their half but butsecured butscured butsecured
secured scured one in the second secondThese sec secondThese nd ndTes
These Tes odds remained unchanged till ti
the third when by a combination combinaton of ofI
I brilliant brllant plays and remarkable team teamwork teamwork teamwork
work the local curve cure solvers put five fiveruns fve fvers fiveruns
runs rs to their credit < redit From then ten on both bothsides bothsIdes bothsides
sides took a turn at leading the result
being in doubt until ull the visitors visioJ had hadplayed hadylaye hadplayed
played ylaye their half h lf of the ninth inning
the th score sre at that time tme standing 10 to 9
in favor fvorot favorof of theZion the Zion champions
The score scoreRIO 8 scoreRIO 1
Hopkins HOPkns e 5 O 8 4 0 0
I Martto MaU Mtrthzafss s J L f a I s 5 0 1 2 2 2 2I
jMcFarJane 2 b 5
I lIcFadlne 1 2 8 1 0
I Shanen1 Shannon 1 b 5 22 2 2 8 0 0 0r
r Rtaleyv Rl l 3 b 52 5 2 1 3 3ughey o oI
Hugheyr Hugey ughey X r f L I f f 5 2 2 55 1 1
I Donovan IP n 1 1 f r f 5 f 0 2 1 0 0 0C
S Sart C 4 2 3 5 0 0 0I
I Pendqrgraft Pen4gt p PTotls 4 I 4 1 l o oTotal 0Totl
Total Totls 43 01 10 21 2S 2 L 3
gaud RandSb 3 b C 2 S 2 2 1
Gamble Gb 1 1 f S 3 5 6 0 o I
SWdon SMOf SlddonZb Sb b 5 1 1 3 3 1
Arenaen Ae Areif I 1 f f 5 0 0 1 1 0 0SftfP
SftfP 1aY EIaynes1b 1 b 5 1 4 7 7 0
Kleiber tJeler a s 5 0 1 0 4 1
Ryan RJ Ryanrf r f 5 f I 1 3 0 1 1
Kuran Kur Kuranc c 5 0 1 6 0 0
Lulls LIU Ltili p s 1 1 2 2Totl 1 i iTotals 1 0 0Tot
Totals Totl Tot 47 9 21 26 6 19 4
Score Sor Scoreby by b inning tga 1 2 3 4 i G 7 8 9
Rio Gre GIRSd Gramtes s 0 1 5 0 2 1 01 0 1 M l
Pocatelkv oatell 9 0 1 2 0 l 0 Cr l 1 9 9itBac
itBac B Ees on n ballsOff bllOf Pendergraft 2 off
Lilhs Lii S s L Twobase TW OI8 hits hitRyn hitsRyan Pedergrft Ryan Shannon of
Peagergraft Hughey Threabase
pe t Hugey Threobse hits hit
Rteley Iley Hughey ghey Struck out outBy By Ponder Penderrraft Pende Pondergft
rraft tt 5 by y Lulls Liis 6 6 Time of game game1 12S
U Umolre Urnrerlffln UrnrerlfflnI UrnrerlfflnODENS r Grlfiln GrlfilnOGDENS rlmnO gme1
Defeat the t e Short ShQrtLinersin Lineraiin Two Con Contests Contest Contests ¬
tests testsSpecial test testsSpecial
Special Splal to The Herald HeraldOgden HeraldOgden Heraldi
i Ogden May 30 aOgdens 30Ogdens Ogdens hit for two twothree twothe twothree t
three the and four base ble while whie the visitors visitorsgenerally visItorsgen1y visItorsgenerally
generally gen1y made me only singles This fact factexplains factexplans factexplains I
explains explans why the Short Lines met with witha withduble
a double duble defeat at the thehands hands of the theOgdens th thOgden theOgdens
Ogdens today tay The Te morning game gme was wasa was1Tatro wasa
a Waterloo 1Tatro wherein the home crowd crowdpiled crowdle crowdplied
piled le u = sixteen sixten rnns against five fve of offehe ofte ofthe
the te railroaders railroadersThe rlh raiirbadersThe ter
The Te fielding felding of the th Ogdens Ogens was wa pretty prettynearly prettynearly prettynearlyirfect
nearly nearlyirfect ilferfect rfet at this game me only two twoerrors tworrs twoerrors
errors rrs being made Gimlin Glmln led the bat batting bat batting ¬
ting tng for the Ogdens hitting httng for two twohome twohome twohome
home runs a threebagger throbagger and two twosingles twoBn twosingles
singles singlesHansford Bn singlesHansford i1 e
Hansford pitched gcod god steady game gameand gameaud gamead
and but eight hits his were made off of him himCasey himCay himCasey
Casey Cay fresh frh Crom rom Denver Dpnver made a spec spectacular spectacular spectacular ¬
tacular stop at a critical critcal time timeKidder tme tmeKidder timeKidder
Kidder pitched Uche tJ the morning game gme gamebut i ibut
but nine errors in the field feld one for each eachman eth ethrn ettchman
man rn except extept Waller VaIer who had twoy h two itels itelstae tells tellsthe tellstb
the tae tb story of the defeat of the morning
The Tnf record rEnr follows followsOGDEN folows folowsOGDEN followsOGDEN
Casey Casy Csey2h 2b 2 b 6 6 3 2 4 0
Clerk Clark3b 3 b 6 3 1 1 2 1 i iGimlin
Gimlin Gmln c f 6 4 5 3 0 OJ Q
Greenwell Greelwel 1 b J 5 2 2 3 12 1 4 0 I
McGregor McGregr 1 1 f 6 1 J 3 0 0
Plake Plakf Plakess g s 5 2 2 1 5 1
Bluth BIuthrf r ttt f 5 0 2 1 0 0 0
Henry HHen c 4 fi0 fi0Totals O 1 3 2 0 0 0
Hanrord an ord p 2 2 1 2 0 0Tots 0Totals
Totals Tots AS 19 20 27 2 1 1SHORT 13 2
WaIler Waler 3 b 4 c1 1 1 1 4 2 2TaYlor 2Taylor
Taylor L f fo 5 2 2 0 0 1 1Asbury 1Asbur 1Asbury
Asbury Asbur c c f > 1 0 0 0 0 1
Margetts largett1 1 b 4 l L 3 14 0 0 1
Barnes 2 b i 4 JD o 04 Q 4 3 1 1Cain 1Cin 1Cain
Cain Cin s s 4Vo 4 0 0 1 41 41rlsss 4 1
GIi3 rlsss TV r f rf4W0 4O 4 Q ft t 0 1 0 1 1Berkeley 1Berkeley 1Berkeley
Berkeley c 4 0 1 3 2 1 1Kidder 1Kidder
Kidder p O 1 0 1 0 0I 0TotJs 0Totals
I Totals TotJs 3 35 5 S 8 2 24 14 9 9Bases 9Bases
Bases Bae on balls bnlsQf ballsOff Off Hansford lrsford 2 off of Kid ¬
der 1 1 Struck Strok out outB By Hansford 3 by
Kidder 2 Hit by b pitcher pItcherPlake Plake Dou Double DoubleplaysPlakeC Donble ¬
ble bleplaysPlakeC playa IIaysPIakeCasoyGreenwoll PlakeCaseyGreenwell eGreenwel Home Homernslmln HomerunsGixniin
runs rnslmln runsGixniin Gimlin 2 Threebase hits hltslmUn hitsGimlinPln1e Gimlin
1 PlaHe PlaJe Taylor Ta lor Twobase hit hlGreenweI hitGreenwell Greenwell GreenwellTime
Firt First on errorsShort errorsShort Dine 2 Qgden L LTrme 1 1Time
Time of game gme 210 210 Umpire Hestmark Hestmarkin I IIn
In the afternoon afernoon Gimlin Gimln pitched for forthe 1 1the
the Ordens O denand and was waf ft freely freelysi six of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the eight hits hit being made t de in one inning im ng
It I was a good go swift swtftgame game and the theoutcome theoutcome theoutcome
outcome uncertain till tl the tl end The Th bat batting i
ting tng of the Ogdens carried carled the day in intheir intheir
their favor favorThe favorThe I
The pfternoon gam wes 5 said to be bete bethe
the te fastes fte fastest game gmeeyer ever played in the thestate theI thestt thestate I
state stt consuming CO consurnln lt > only l one hour and andtpn andten
te ten mtfs tnt The wjinjmary Summar I9lmmary follows folows I ISHORT
Wailer Valer 3 3tJ rb b 5 > jl 1 2 0 1 0
Kimmerer Klmerer 1 f 4ti 4 1 1 0 0 0
Asbury Abur Asburyef c c f 5 1 1 15 1 5 0 1
White Whie 2 b t 5 vj 1 0 3 3
Margetts Margett 1 b 4 1 1 10 0 0 0Taylor
Banes Barnes r1 a oo 0 0 4 1 0 0
Taylor p 4 t 2 0 4 1
Berkeley c 4 u O O u 4 1 0
Cain s s i 3 J 01 01nrTS o i 2 0 0Tots 0Tottis
Tots Tottis m nrTS 6f2 irk 34 11 5
Casey Casy 2 h 1 4 l 1 1 D i > 4 2 1
ClarkSU Clark I 8 2 0 1 5 1
Gimlin Gimln p J 5 1 1 03 0 3 1
Greenwell Greenwel 1 b 5 52 2 3 9 0 0
McGregor lcGI r 1 f S 1 1 20 2 0 0
Plake Plake s p 4 41 1 A 1 2 23 2 3 1
Bluth r f f 4 21 2 1 30 3 0 0
Henry c 4 0 0Golrhardt 16 1 6 l l lGeirhardt 1Gerhardt
Geirhardt Gerhardt c c f 4 V0 0 tl 1 0 Q 0 0Totals 0 0O 010
Totals O 36 10 i 10 10 i7 14 5 5
Score S ore by Innings inningsShortLlne
12 1 2 3 i 4 6 7 S 9
Shdrt ShortLlne Lirte 0 0 50 10 i 0 00 O 0 0 6 6Hlt
Hits Hlt v m Q 060 0 G 0 00 t 01 0 1 1 8
Ogden Olen 2 0 0 5 1 1 J D l 0 10
Hits R1t l 0 Of 1 2 2 0 0 10 10L 10t
t I Ist
L st half ha of ninth inning not played playelB playedBases
Bases B on balls blsOf ballsOff Off Taylor T ylor 3 off of Kid Kidder Kidder Kiddor
der 1 Struck S ruck out outB outBy By = TYlor Taylor 2 by l Gun Gm ¬
Un 5 5 Hit Hi by pitcher pncherlGmmerr pitcherKimmerer < Kimmerer Barnes BarnesLeft BnrnE
Fint FIrst on erorsShort errorsSliort Line 3 Ogden gden 3 3Left
Left on bases ba bas f short Short Line 5 Ogden G
Double plays PlakeCaseyGreenwell PlakeCaseyGreenwellTaylorBerkeleyMargetts
Taylo TaYloBerkele TaylorBerkeleyMargetts BerkeleyMargetts Margets Three boso bosohits bae basnhItsValler
hits hltTValer hItsValler Waller Gfeenwell GteenwtCI Plake Twobase Twobasehit TwobasehltMcGrfgor TwobasehItMeGrego
hit hltMcGrfgor hItMeGrego McGregor Time of game 118 Dm tImplre i
plre Hestmark Hetm rk Atendanc Attendance 1000 10 1000Loganitesbefeat
Loganites Loganitesbefeat Defeat Collegians CollegiansSpecial Colegians ColegiansSpeqhl CollegiansSpehI II IILoganites
Special Speqhl to The Herald HeraldLogan He HeraldLogan ald aldLogan
Logan May 30 30T11 30Tie The Logan Logn baseball baseballteam bas baseballteam bal
team defeated the nine Jine representing rpresentng the theSalt theSalt theSalt
Salt Lake Business s college bol oll e by Y a score scoreof scoreof scoreof
of 15 to 11 1 wihonelnnlng with oneInning le to spare spareThe spareThe spareThe
The Salt Lakes wet were unable to t find findKeelers fnd fndKeelers findKeelers
Keelers delivery delver making the greater greaterpart geater geaterpart greaterpart
part of their runs on onerrors errors by their theiropponents theiropponents theiropponents
opponents in fielding feldin Logan earned eared 7 7runs 7runs i I Irns
runs rns to their opponents oPJonept3 3 Romney omney was washit j
hit hard har in the third inning when 9 9runs
runs were piled p ed up bythe locals localsThe localsThe localsThe I
The score by innings i nlng s follows fOIOS j
1234567S9 1234567S9Logan 1 2 3 4 5 7 S 9 9Logan 9Logan
Logan 0 4 4 9 Q 0 2 0 0 015 015Salt 15SaltLake1 15 15Salt
Salt SaltLake1 Lake 13102004 1 3 1 0 2 t Ii 04 0 4 0 0U1 0U1Errprs 11 11Errors
Errors on both sides side were too plenti plentiful Ilent plentiful ¬
ful to record recor J A Langton umpired umpiredthe oUI
the gameand game and about500 about 50 500wtnessed Witnessed it itST it itSr ItST
Two Games Won by WesternersBos WesternersBoston WesternersBostons Westerners Bos Bostons ¬
tons ton Win W Two TwoV TwoTodayls TWQTpday TwoTodays
Todayls Tpday V S Games GamesCincinnati GamesCincinnati I
Cincinnati Cincnnat at Boston B sop
St St Louis Loui at Brooklyn BrooklynPittsburg BroOklynPittburg BrooklynPittsburg
Pittburg Pittsburg at New York YorkChicago YorkChicgo YorkChicago
Chicago Chicgo at Philadelphia PhiladelphiaSt Phi PhiIedelpiaSt delpbla delpblaSt
St St i < Louis Luis gj P 5 j Brooklyn Bro oklyn y 1 1Brooklyn 1 1Brooklyn
Brooklyn Alky M ly y 30 3t 30St St Louis outplayed outplayedBrooklyn outplnYe outplayedBrooklyn
Brookyn Brooklyn in this mornings morringsgame game Han HanIon Hanlon HanIon
Ion tried trechls hislefthanded his lefhanded lefthanded pitcher Nops Nopswho Nopswho Nopswho
who was ws liberal liberl withhis witi lt his bases on bans bansTImelj bals balsTmcl batisTimely
5000 50 Timely Tmcl Score hitting hIttn throughout throughout Attendance Atendance i
SL St St Louis u 5 5Brooklyn 9 ° 1 1Brooklyn 1Brooklyn j
Brooklyn t 4 1 1Batteries 7 2 2BaterieRobinson 2BatteriesRobinson
Batteries BaterieRobinson BatteriesRobinson Robinson and andHughey Hughey Far Farrel j j I IreLI
rell rel and aD Nope Nop NopeUmpireHurst i I IUmpire
Umpire UmpireHurst UmpireHurstSt UmpireHurst Hurst HurstSt <
St Louis Imi 10 10i 1OBrook1yn js Brooklyn rooky6 6 6Brooklyn 6Brooklyh
Brooklyn May ilay 30rBases ses on tialls ouIs t inrl inrlthree intlthree
three hlt bit hita gave gve SL St JB Louis a aled lead 61 r six sixruns sixruns sixruns
runs at the start strt today and sent Ken Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy ¬
nedy to the th bench The Brooklyns made madea
a 8 big effort efort effortto to o win w n knocking knolklng Jones Jone out of ofthe otthe ofthe
the oox hut bt Young Y ng sthpj stowed st pped > ed them effect effectually efet efetqaly effectj effectjia1ly ¬
ually qaly n white whIt T ICitson Kiton wa wis touched up in Inlvely inlively
lvely lively fasbon towar the end ld > Attend AttendSt Atend Attendance
ance 11000 Score
10 R 1 IL E ESt EI EISt I
St St Louis 10 10 5 5Brooklyn 5Brooklyn i
Brooklyn J 6 S 2 2Batteries 2BatteieDJone 2BatteriesDJnnes
Batteries BatteieDJone BatteriesDJnnes D Jones Young and Criger CrigerKennedy CrigerKennedy CrlgerKennedy
Kennedy Kltsoji KltQn and nd J arrell arrellUmDire arrenUmlreHurst arre1lUmpireHurst
UmDire UmlreHurst UmlreHurstPitsburg UmpireHurst UmpireHurstPittsburg Hurst HurstPittsburg
Pittsburg Pitsburg T 7Iev igew1 eW York 6 6New 6New
New York May 30 3PI 30Pittsburg Plttsburg SbUrg won this thismornings thismornings thismornings
mornings mornings game gme through tlrough tlmqly tmfly batting battng
in ance the 3000 30 sixth slxthad and Score seventhinnings soyen > lfinnlng Attend Attendance Atend Atendance Attenaance ¬
R R RHE RHEPittsburg H E EPittsburg EPitburg
Pittsburg Pitburg y 11 1 iiNew 5 5New
New York 6 S 3BatteriesBowermap 2 2Batteries 2HaterlCBowerm
Batteries HaterlCBowerm BatteriesBowermap Bowerman and nd Hawley Hawle ZIm Zimmer Zimnier
mer and Waddell WaddehlUmpireSwartwood VaddcI f
Umpire Umplrewartwood UmplrewartwoodNew UmpireSwartwood UmpireSwartwoodNew Swartwood
New York 6 Pittsburg Pitsburg 1 1New 1 1New
New York May lIay 30 ahe 0he The New Yorks Yorksturned Yorksturned
turned tured tables tble on o the the Pittsburgs Ptttburg this thisater atter atternoon I Inoon
noon throughclever baserunning ba ertnlng and or orrors e orrors r rror
rors ror of the Pittsburg Pittburg Infield Infel The field fieldIng fold foldIng fiding
Ing of Davis and HIckroan HlcKl n was as a feature featurej featureAttendanee
Attendance Atendano IftOOO 100 Score I IR
New NewYork York S 65 65Pittsburg 6 6PItsbur aPlttsburg
Pittsburg PItsbur vsf 1 5 5 5Baterle 5Batter1esCarrlcf
Batteries Baterle Batter1esCarrlcf Qarrick rrlcK and Boweran Bowerman Phil Phi Phili1jpi
llppi lppi and OConner OConnerUmpireSwartwood OConnerUmpireSwartwood
Umpire UmpireSwartwood UmpireSwartwoodBoston UmpireSwartwood UmpireSwartwoodi UmpireSwartwoodBoston Swartwood
Boston 8 Cincinnati Cicinati 4 4Boston 4Botn 4Boston
Boston Botn May 30 3lneen 3UDin Dlneen en was very vuiy b ef effective effective ¬
fective fetve at critical crtcl times tm s in this mornings morningsgame morningsgii1e e
game gme while vhl Scott was wasbnter batter at n10rnlngs n10rnlngsgme will after afterthe afer afert afterflhth
the t fifth Freemans FrelnabrlUant Freemansbrliiiant brllliant capture of ofSmiths ofSmihs ofSmiths
Smiths Smihs loof lon drive d lvo in thQ ninth w wg v s a afeature afeture afeature
feature feture The game gme was marred by b a agreat agret agreat
great gret deal del of Kicking by b players on bcth bcthteams bUhtemsScDr bthteams
teams temsScDr Score ScoreBoston
I B H E ECincinnat BCIncinnaU
Cincinnat CIncinnaU 4 10 2 2Boston 2Boston
Boston n 8 16 0 0BatteriesCark
BaterIeCJark BatteriesCark ahd tnd Dlneen Peltz and andcott
Scott cott cottUmpireEmetic
UmpirEmsUe UmpirEmsUeBoston UmpireEmeticBoston
Boston Boston 7 7C 7Ciiinnati Cincinnatij Dcnn1ti 3 3Boston 3Bostn 2Boston
Boston Bostn May 30 3ln 30In In the afternoon afernoon game gametoday gametod gametoday
today tod y both bth teams tems scored the samp sam number numberof nU1ber nU1berof
of hits hit but Boston sor4 managed PaU ged to tomake make hers herswhen herswhen herswhen
when meitwere mel were on bases base baseiapd and nd so won eas ¬
fly The The4ltolcling fieldlng of both club
Iy ThefehUng was wa ex excellent e cxcellent ¬
cellent celent Attendants tOldant SjQffi SljO qo Score Scorerfi ScdreR
rfi 4 R ILHE H E
Boston Bostn es < > 79 7 9 1
Cincinnati Clncnnnt 4 39 3 9 0
and Batteriee BftterieLewis BstterieLewis Wood Lewis and an Sullivan Sulvan Phillips Phillipsand Philps Philpsand Phillipsand
Umpire UmpireEmsle UmpireEmslep UmplreEmshie UmplreEmshiePhiladelphia5 Eraslie ErasliePhiladelphia
Philadelphia p adelPhia 5 5 Chicago hcago 2 2Philadelphia 2Phiaehla 2Philadeljhia
Philadelphia Phiaehla May Ma 30 30There There was noth nothing noth1mg ¬
ing noteworthy notworth in this 11 mornings morlngs game
between betwen Chicago Gpicgo and Philadelphia Phi delphla gme Both Bothteams Bothtem Bothteams
teams tem played rather rther carelessly crelessly and Phil Philadelphia Phi Philadeiphia
adelphia adelphln won by good batting battng Donohue Donohuepitched Donohuepiched Donohuepitched
pitched piched a steady steay gamS gthUo ganivh1le > fwhHa Griffith Grifth was
hit hi when hits were rie needed < Jded Attendance ttondanc
1 14Mi 471 Score Y
Chicago 2 8 4
Philadelphia Phiadelphia J ji K 5 12 1 3
Umpire UmpireDa UmpireDaPhiad UmpiroODay UmpiroODayPhiladelphia ODay ODayPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Phiad lpha 13 3 ChIcago Chf ago 3 3Philadelphia 3Phiadeliblfi 3Philadelphia
Philadelphia Phiadeliblfi May SOr 3alahang 30Caliahans Callahans curves curvesWA cures cureswere curveswere
WA were inefect ineective MAAy fl ve rA nginst against or of T3U11o Phiadelphlas Philadelphias 1 1 11 11heavy
heavy hltieriln hlterf hitterti In the afternoon aferoon game and andthe andthe andthe
the home home teirm t made1 mtE enough runs In the thefirst thefrst thefirst
first frst Inning Innlng1 to o win Chicago plaved a aragged argge aragged
ragged rgge game in tIe the field feld and Bernhard Bernhardkept Bernhardkept Bernhardkept
kept the gQ hits hit scattered scat scatt red Attendance 18
531 6 Score
R RHE RHEChicago H HChlC S SChicago
Chicago ChlC o 4 Il 3 3 Ii 11 flPhilailelphin 5 5
Philadelphia PJlafelphlu 13 16 1 lnBaUerlee 1atterleCaIJhan 1BatterIeenllghan
nBaUerlee BatterIeenllghan atterleCaIJhan Callahan and Donohue Bern Bernhard Ber Bernba4
hard haJd and Meffarland MeffarlandUmpire Mcarland McarlandPpIreDly MearlandIJmp1reODay
Umpire IJmp1reODay PpIreDly PpIreDlyoe ODay 4 4Disabled
4 oe oeDisabled 4 4Disabled
Disabled DisabledPhiladelphiaBulietln Disabled Disabledhladelphtauietnf DisabledPhlladelpliltkBuUetinj
< PhiladelphiaBulietln PhiladelphiaBulietlnThe hladelphtauietnf hladelphtauietnfThe
The ReporterI I hear your company
broke up Didnt the ghost walk wakThe walkThe walThe
The Comedian ComeianNo ComedianNo No Jfc ttcouldnt couldnt It I was wasso wa wasso
so badly crippled lIpj > led by b the the maager manager who whodisappeared whodsappeaed whodisappeared
disappeared dsappeaed with Vth the t e funds J
c b urf J Jq
q I i iGOOD
Motor Tandem Ta dem Too Speedy For Miss MissRemson Mss Msslemsonockey fissB
Remson lemsonockey B nisonJockey Tockey Evans is i jned FjnedOther 1 1A jnedOther jnedOther
Other Sporting Sporig News NewsA
A great geat day was enjoyed by bY the th 2000 2000or 2000or
or more 10 lovers erSot of horse racing ra ing who whoattended
attended the opening meeting meetng at cal C I
ders Park Racing Rac Racing ng association associaton track trackyesterday
yesterday afternoon The programme programmewas progrjimmo progrjimmowas mo
was carried carrledoutto out to the apparent progt nt satis satisfaction saUsfacton satisfaction
faction facton of all the fairness and 4nd bust
nesslike neslke methods pursued purued by the thejudges th thjudges thejudges
judges Messrs James Moore Thomas
Harris and Hal W WBrowl Brown the t e fatter ater ateras
as starter startr being boin particularly partculary com commendable cornmendable
mendableThe mendableThe mendable
The pool box did a very ver poor poor busi busines
ness nes the sporting sportng fraternity confining confning confningth confiningtheir
their th < ir wagers almost exclusively exclusively tQ per personal personal personal ¬
sonal bets bet On the fiveeighths fveeghths dash dashpools da dapools dashpools
pools to the thl amount of about 5X75 15 175 were weresold wereslda weresolda
sold slda solda a larger sum than was recorded recordedon record d don
on any other events eyenband and the specula speculators speculators speculators ¬
tors failed faied to get action acton on that on onaccount onaccount onaccount
account of all al bets bet on the event event being beingdeclared beIngdecared beingdeclared
declared decared off offThe offThe offThe
The best kind of order was was main maintained maintained malatamed
tained and ad Charley Lang distinguished dJstngishel dJstngishelhimself dstlnguishedhimself
himself in keeping the stretch stretcl clear clearof
of the crowd
All Al heat races Were sandwiched and andkeen
keen interest was was taken in the half halfmie halfmile
mile mie race between Iver Lawson and J JM JM JI
I M Chapman on qxi a motor tandem tandemagainst tandemagainst tandemagainst
against Miss Remson the fleet feet running runningmare rnnin rnninmae runningmare
mare handled by Mayor Thompson Thompsonlast
last season seaon
An event not notdown down on the ard but butwhich butwhich
caught the great geat crowd crOvd was ws the theexhibition theexhibition
exhibition exhibiton halfmlle halfmiern run which Joseph JosephSilver JosephSlver JosephSilver
Silver Slver made with wih his automobile automobie With Witha Wih Wiha
a heavy man on the seat with wih him he hecovered hecovered hecovered
covered the distance in 106 1061A and nd was wasgreeted w wgeted va vagreeted
greeted geted with wih appreciative apIJreclatve applause applauseThe e erhe
rhe match race rac for 260 a side be between betweea
tween R R McKensies Tombstone To bst Ie and andJ
J B B Keysers Jupiter mile flle heats heatsthree
three in five fve was wa won by the former in inthre
three thre straight stright heats heat the betting bettng being beingal beingat
at about even money on first frst heat and andat andat andat
at two to one after that it i being easy easyto
to see that Tombstone was the speedier speedieranimal speedieranimal speedieranimal
animal animal
The second scond event was the tle 330 trot trotand
and pace best three in five fve with wih Tom TomMcCoys TomiIcCoys
McCoys American Fleet Julia Jula A and andAdlade andAdlade andAdlade
Adlade Complete e as s contestants Julia JuliaA JUl a aA
A A sold 8ld a favorite favorie in the poolsLirat pools ut nogreat no nogreat nogreat
great amount of money changed changec hands handsIt handsI
It I proved the most stubbornlyfought stubbornlyfoughtrace I
race rce of the day the whole five fe heats heatsbeing heatsbeing I
being necessary necesar to determine the win winner winncr ¬
nero Julia Jula A took the first frst heat in in23P4
231 2311 23P4 with wih Fleet only a length be behind behind behind ¬
hind In the next heat the nervy nery little littleanimal ltte ltteanimal littleanimal
animal broke before making the last lat latturn lastturn
turn for the stretch and went back to tothird tothird tothird
third place Fleet winning handily handly in
229 2291 2294 Julia Jula A A won the third in i 230 230but 2 23014 23014but 30 30but
but after that it was wa impossible for forher forher forher
her to go the mile without a break and andFleet andFleet andFleet
Fleet took the fourth and fifth ffth heats heatsin heatsin heatsin
in the splendid time of 226 2261 22614 and ad 226 226The 22 226The
The fiveeighths fveeighths dash dah for a a 100 purse pursebetween pursebetween pursebetween
between Murray Mura RHeys RIeys Gold Bug BugSam BugSam ug I
Sam Clarks Lymille and Tom McCoys McCoysBen McCoeBen
Lymle MCCoYs MCCoYsBen
Ben Bolt Bol created creted all al kinds of excite excitement excte exctement excitemeat ¬
meat ment as a considerable considerale money was v up upon upon upon
on the tIe event eye nt both in j and out of the thepool thepool thepool
pool box The horses were slow in inmaking inmaking Inmaking
making their appearance apd 3pd the thejudges thejUdge thejudges
judges jUdge fined fned the riders of Ben Bolt Bol and andLymille and andLymUe andLymille
Lymille LymUe 2 each and Gold Bugs rider
5 for tardiness tadIness Contrary to all al ex expectations expectatons cxpectations ¬
pectations pectatons the horses got away on a aquite aquite aquite
quite even start after one or two twobreaks twobreaks twobreaks
breaks and came flying fying down the theStretch thestretch
Stretch ftretch at a a clip clpwhich which madethe maet eoc eocCu oc occupants occupants ¬ I
cupants Cu p ts of the grand gran grauIdtand dS stand tandrlsen rise in their theirseats theirseats
seats seat and shout shoutWhen shoutWhen M MWhen
When they came ome under under the wire Gold GoldBug GoldBug GoldBug I
Bug was a full ful open op n length in the lead leaddf leadOf I
Of Ben Bolt Bol with wih Lymille Lymie two or three threelengths
lengths behind After Afer the start and andjust andjust 1
just before the grand gand stand was wasreached wa wasreached
reached it was wa seen that the jockey j jockeyon ckey j
on Gold Bug who was nearly a I length lengthin I I
in advance of the pole horse Ben Bolt Boltwascrowding I Iwasjcrqwding Iwas
avance Bolt
wasjcrqwding was jcrQwding in surh a Way y that thal tle tlelatr the thelatter thelattce
latter latr r hjid hd no chancy chapcQto to gain the peadThiwn pead peadThiswas ead eadThiswas
Thiswas Thiwn kept up upcIdr clear cl l round the th turn turnto tur turnto
to the back strejtch strec apd when the e race racewas racewas
was a nished Starter Starer Ijlrown rown announced announcedthatth anpouncedthattl apnouncedtliatthj tho I
thatth thattl tliatthj race rce hadbeen had been given to Ben BenBolt BenBol BenBolt
Bolt Bol who finished fnished second Shorty Ev Evbets Evans
ans wa was fned fined 25 for crowdinG crowdIng and aU aUbet allbets f
bets bet were declared off offThe of of I
The onemile onemie open professional bi bicycle blcyce hicycle
cycle cyce race rce with wih eight starters and I Ifour
four prizes ranging rnging from 25 2 down dOW n to
5 was wa won by Iver Lawson first frst J JM JM 1
M Chapman second Clem Turville TurvilleLilli Turvie Turviethird Turvillethird
third Lilli U CLliU and O J JJ E XUlllCl Emer Emery j f fOurth LUlii urth Lit The Thetime A11
time made was wa 223 2 2The 233The
The halfmile halfmie race between the motor motortandem motortandem motortandem
tandem team and Miss Romson Rason was wa a apretty apretty
pretty prety exhibition exhibiton and considerable considerablemoney considerablemoney on Iderable Iderablemoney
money changed hands on the result resul the thehorse t thehorse e ehorse
horse being the favorite A beautiful beautifulstart eautul eautulstart eautif UI UIstart
start was wa made and Miss Remson Remsonclung Remsonclung Remsonclung
clung to the noisy noIs machine without the theleast theleat theleast
least leat exhibition exhibiton of fear and though thoughshe thoughshe thoughshe
she was beaten beten by by2 2 seconds she sh
made the half mile mie in the best time timeshe tme
she ever did on the Calder track name namely name name5 namely ¬
ly 50 5 seconds The tandem record reclJ was
47 4 seconds 1
secondsSUtal Summary SummaryMatch SUtalMatch SummaryMatch
Match race trotting trottng three threcin in flyer flyerTombstone fre f1e I
Tombstone thre 1 1 1 1Jupiter 1Jupiter 1Jupiter
Jupiter I 2 2 2 2Time 2Time
Time rme 221Vi 221A 226 22 22614 225 2 P
330 33 trot and pace ace throe tree in fiver tve fIy I
American Americn Fleet H 2 121 12 1 2 11 11Julan 1 1Julian 1
Julian Julan A 13 1 3 1 22 22Adlade
Adlade Complete 3 2 3 Die
Time Time 231 231j4 311 229 22 2291k 230J4 23Q226i 226J4 225 225Fiveeighths 22 225Fiveeighths
Fiveeighths Fiveeig ts dash 1 1ColdBug
Gold ColdBug Bug 3VU 1 1Ben
Ben Bolt u 2 2Lymille 2Lymie 2Lymille
Lymille Lymie 3 3Timefl05 3Time 3Time
Timefl05 Time Time 105 0 Race Rac given toBen to Bqn ln Bolt on ona onafoul
a 8 afoul foul foul
Prince Prnce of Wales Captures Captues Derby DerbyStakes DerbyStakes DerbyStakes
Stakes at Epsom Meeting MeetingLondon M MeetingLondon etiIg etiIgLondon
London May lay 30 30At At the second second secoI days daysracing d diiysracing s sracing
racing of the Epsom summer meeting meetingtoday meetng meetngtoday meetingtoday
today the race for the Derby Derb stakes stakeswas stakeswas stakeswas
was won by the Prince Prnce of Wales al s Dia Diamond Diamond Diamend ¬
mond Jubilee JubileeThe JubileeThe ubiee ubieeThe
The conditions conditons of the race are as a fol follows follows follows ¬
lows The Derby stakes of 6000 over hovereigns sovereigns overeigs ¬
eigns eigs by subscription subscripton of 60 6qsovereigs 6qsovereigseach sovereigns sovereignseach sovereignseach
each half forfeit or five fe sovereigns sovereignsonly sover sovereignsonly lgs lgsonly
only If declared by the first frstluesday frstluesdayin Tuesday Tuesdayin
in January 1899 for 3yearoJds 3Y rQJds the thenominator thenominator thenominator
nominator of the winner to receive receIve 500 500sovereigns 500sovereigns 500sovereigns
sovereigns the owner of the second s cond 300 300sovereigns 300sovereigs 300sovereigns
sovereigns sovereigs and the owner of the t e third
200 sovereigns out of the stakes st es dis distance distance dietance ¬
tance about one mile mie and a half The Theentries Theentries Theentries
entries closed July 19 1899 There were
302 subscribers subscribersThe subscrIbersThe subscribersThe
The following foJowing was the result resul in de detail detai detail ¬
tail tai The Prince of f Wales Wale b c c Dia Diamond DIamond Diamond ¬
mond Jubilee Jubiee by St St Simons DUt ut of ofPerdita ofPerdita ofPerdita
Perdita II I H Jones wdn won The Duke Dukeof Duk Dukof Dukeof
of Portlands Portands b c Simon Dale by St StSimon StSimon StSimon
Simon out o1t of Ismay McAnnon llhAnpon sec second seeond ec econd ¬
ond James Jame R Keenes Disguise DISgise II I by byDomino byDomino byDomino
Domino out of Bonnie Gal Tod TodSloane Toc TodSloane
Sloane SJoae third thirdDiamond thirdDiamond thirdDiamond
Diamond Jubilees Jubiees time tm was 242 This Thisequals Thisequals ThIsequals
equals Persimmons time tme which Is the therecord te terecord therecord
record for the Derby DerbyThe DerbyThe DerbyThe
The introduction introducton of union jacks and andbanners andbanners andbanners
banners inscribed Johannesburg in Jnjoyful injoyful Injoyful
joyful recognition recogltlor of Lord L rdRobert Roberts en entry entry ¬
try into the gold reef citvy clt citl was wa a afea afeature fea feature feature ¬
ture of the sporting sportng holiday hol y today todayCalders todayF todayCaiders
F H if
Calders Caders Park Entries Entres EntresI Ent1iesThe I J v vThe
The second days racing racingat at Calders Calderspark Caldtrs Caldtrspark Calderspark
park will wi be run rn today One of the thefeatures the thefetures thefeatures
features fetures will wi be a race between Hal HalCorbett HalCorbett HalCorbett
Corbett and John Chapman Three Threeheats Threeneats Threeieats
heats ieats will wl be run the one onegettlg getting the thebest thebest thebest
best two out of three tree being be ng declared declaredthe
the winner The entries for the 3 3minute 3mInute 3minute
minute pace are Monte Boy Archie ArchieCyclone ArchIeCyclone ArchieCyclone
Cyclone Ben B m Hur Ora Or Cthose C thosepr those for the thethreeeighth thethreeeighth thethreeeighth
threeeighth mile mie miledash dash dah are areHYJen areHymen Hymen Red RedBird RedBird RedBird
Bird Jack Jack Miss 1Iss Remson Rems n for for the theseveneighth t tieseveneighth e eseveneighth
seveneighth mile mie dash Ben Be Bolt BoltLynville BoltLynvle BoltLynville I
run Lynville Lynvle un Gold Bug and Bernice BernIe will wi willrun
i JiC ThcIIafleGus ThcIIafleGusGOLF nan usi usiGOL
Nibleck and ad Brassy Brs BrassyDisciples Disciples Play at atCountry atCout atCount
Country Cout Count Club ClubAt Cub CubAt ClubAt
At At the Country Countr club cub yesterday the devo devotees devotet devotee ¬
tees tet tee of the te Scottish Scottsh national natonal game ge gameof of golf golfwere gol golfwere
were out in force to witness the rounds roundsfor roundstOr roundsfOr
for the qualifications qJalfcUons for the te medal meda The Thefollowing Thefolowing Thefollowing
following folowing players player qualified Qualfed in order
C SWilks S Wilks 56 R R H Channing 57 5 C CRlphardson CRl CRt
Rlphardson Rl hardson 58 5 S C Park 58 5 Fred Hale Hae
59 D S Murray Mur 59 and J W V Thompson
59 5 strokes stoke K C Park and Max lax Smith Smithtied Smih Smiht Smithtied
tied t with wih 62 6 strokes each to their credit creditAs credit creditAs
As A a consequence the two last named namedwill namedwl namedwill
will wl play playof off again a ln this afternoon afternoonThe aferoon aferoonThe afternoonThe
The others oters who went around the course coursebut coursebut coursebut
but failed fale to qualify qual were W S Prague Prage
72 2 W V C Shoup i3 < 3 E B B Wicks Wick 74 D DSprage DSprague j
Sprague Sprage 76 W H Officer Ofcer 86 and G f fPptna
Putnam Pptna 96 9 strokes strokesAllotment strokesAlotment strokesAllotment
Allotment Alotment for the match play of eigh eighteen eighten eighteen ¬
teen ten holes today at 4 p m will wi according ¬
ly be as I follows folows Haie vs Murray Murry Rich Richardson Richardson Richardon ¬
ardson vs Channng Wilks vs homp Thompson hompson
son and S C Park Park against either Tomp Tompson K K C
Park Park or Max Smlh according to the re result resui resuit ¬
suit sui of the tie te being played off of between betweenthe betweenthe
the last Int two players playersOn plnyers plnyersOn playersOn
On Saturday Satlrday the finals fnals will wi be played playedfour playedfour
four times Ume around the links linksDAY lnk lnkDAY linksDAY
Salt S t lake Devotees Devotes Deoteesof of John Bulls BullsGame Juls JulsGae BullsGame
Game Gae Disport Dispor Themselves ThemselvesThe
The Salt Sal Lake cricketers yesterday yesterdayindulged yesterdayIndulged yesterdayindulged
indulged in a i if game gme upon their new newground newgound newground
ground gound on Tenth South and West Tem Temple Temple TernpIe ¬
ple before a good attendance of spec spectators spectators spectators ¬
tators who endeavored to get on to the thefine thefne thefine
fine fne points point of the game gameThe gme gameThe
The match was wa in the nature of a apractce apractice j jpractice
practice practce game gme between sides picked icked on onth onthe j jthe
the th field feld The top scorers being Ried RiedRob RiedRobb i iRobb
Robb and Wilson Visonthe the latter later being beingbowled beIngbowled beingbowled
bowled ere he could surmount the fatal fatalthirteen fatalthIrteen fatalthirteen
thirteen thIrteenFolowing thirteenFollowing j
Following Folowing is the score scoreMr scoreMr scoreMr
Mr Cocks Eleven ElevenWilson ElevenWison ElevenWilson
Wilson Wison b Collie Co1s 13 13Shaw 13Sha 13Shaw
Shaw Sha b Robb 2 2Cocks 2Cocks
Cocks b Robb 9 9Davis 9DavIs 9Davis
Davis c Bourne b b Robb 2 2Erickson 2Erickon 2Erickson
Erickson Erickon c and adb b Collis Co1s 0 0Sault 0Sault 0Sault
Sault b Robb 4 4Breckon 4Breckon 4Breckon
Breckon b Robb u 0 0Smith 0Smih oSmith
Smith Smih b Coils Cols 0 0Young 0young 0Young
Young young b Collie Cols CollieThorpe i v 5 5Thorpe 5horpe
Thorpe b Collie CoJis 1 1Morley 1Morley IMorley
Morley b Reed > 10 10Hayard ioHayward j
Hayward not ot out 7j 7 75hctras
Bxtras Etra 5 5Mr 5Total 5Total
Total 5
Mr lt Collis Colis Eleven ElevenCollis ElevenCoJis ElevenCollie
Collie CoJis b Cocks CocksRobb p 7 7Robb 7Robb
Robb c Davis D is b Shaw ShawSpaulding M MSpaulding 14 14Spaulding
Spaulding b Young YoungBuck 3 3Bt 3Buck
Buck Bt k b Thorpe Thore 8 8Bird 8Bird
Bird b Cocks CocksBourne Cock 7 7Bourne 7Bourne
Bourne c Buck b Thorpe Thorpe1Cole 2 2CQle 2Cole
Cole not out v vLilley 11 11Liey 1 1Liiley
Lilley Liey c Young b Cocks CocksBellamy 0 0Bellamy I
Bellamy Belamy b Shaw ShawMorris Sh8v 0 0Iorrls 0Morris
Morris b Thorpe ThorpeReid Thore 2 2ReId 2Reid
Reid run rn out outBrown 20 20Brovn 20Brown
Brown b Shaw Sha i iExtras
Extras Ext s sTotal 8 8Total
Total 77 77SHOOT
Salt Sat Lake Le Cracks Won by Score SC9re of
474 to 463 463The 463The 463The
The shoot between twelve representa representatives repreenta repreentatve representatives ¬
tives tve of the Salt Sal Lake Gun club and a aHJce aJle alike
like Jle number of Ogden cracks crck held in the theJunction theJunction
Junction J ncUor city ct yesterday yeteray resulted reulted in ina inavictory a avictory avictory I
victory for bait al Lake Salt Lakes Lkes score scorewas scorew scorewas
was w 474 while whie 463 46 4 was the best bet the Junc Juncvere Junctonie Junctionites
tonie tionites could taly tally The rhelndividual individual score scores scoreswere I
were as l follows followsSalt tolows tolowsSnit followsSalt
Salt Lake LakeJohn Lake Dead Lost I IJohn IJohn
John Sharp 46 4 4Henderson
Henderson HendersonNewcomb 36 3 If Jt JtNewcomb iiNewcomb 1
Newcomb NewcombLove 3 t Ib IbLove i iLove
Love LoveA 00 40 10 10A I
A A F Callison CallisonJohn Calson 3 13 13John 13John
John Sharp Shar jr jrJ j 1 j jJ
J F Sharp Shap 45 5 5Brdley
Bradley Brdley 4L 9 9Ienrotn 9genrotin 1
Uenrotlh UenrotlhSBrown Ienrotn 3 5 15 15SBrow 15S
SBrown SBrownCowan SBrow S Brown 41 41Gwa 9 9Cowan
Cowan CowanQalllsoh 35 t l lCalIon 15 15aIi1on
Gwa > r 3
Qalllsoh CalIon aIi1on h 47 47Total
j j
Total TotalOgden Tota TotalOgden 47 4 116 lG J
Ogden OgdenTwtford gden Dead D Lost Lo LostTwiford t I
Twiford TwtfordEnsign 36 14 14Ensign 14Dermody
Ensign EnsignDermody 41 9f 9 I ID f
Dermody D rmodr 47 4 4Brewer Si i iBrewer
Brewer BrewerM 42 g 3i I
M i > Browning B ownlng e 34 1 16 16Bure 10Burgess
Burgess BurgessBrowning Bure 41 4 U UI
E I Browning 34 a 1 16 16rrght 16rjght 91
Wright WrightEmmett rrght rjght 35 2 1 12 12Empiett
Emmett EmmettBecker Em et e 3 151 I1 ill illBepker I
Bepker BeckerBIjtelow 34 16j 16 16Bilow
ti tiBigelow
BIjtelow BIjtelowJ 40 101 10 10J 1 j
J Browning BrowningTotal Browing 41 4 9 9Total
Total 483 4 4A 1371 1371A
A ATr Tr return r match i i i V will > IH b be hot r on the h Salt SaltLake S SUake SaltLake
Lake clubs cubs grounds grns within ithln the next two twoor j
or three weeks weeksWhile wEeksWhie weeksWhile
While Whie in Ogden yesterday yesterda the Salt Sal Lake Lakefor Lakegunners Igunner
gunner gunners arrange arranged wih with the Ogden club clubfor
for the formation formaton of a state stttc sportsmens sportsmensassociation sportmens sportmensaociaton sportsmensassociation I
association aociaton and preliminaries prelminarie looking to tobig toa
a big three days tournament to take takeplace takeplace takeplace
place at Saltair Salalr some time tme in July are arenow arenow
now under consideration considerationJt considerton considertontis I
Jt tis Is the intention intenton to offer ofer at least 1000 1000in 1000in 0 I Iin
in added money for that occasion occsion and it itIs I itis I
Is expected that shooters from all al over overthe overthe
the country will wl be here to participate participateBICYCLE partcpate partcpatefytlng participateythn
Shocking Accident Accid nt at L A A W Meet Meetat Meetat Meetat
at WalthamWalham WalthamWaltham Waltham WalthamWaltham
Waltham Walham Mass 1ass May 1ay 30 30The The race racemeet racemeet racemeet
meet of the Massachusetts Masachusett division of ofthe oftheL ofthe
the theL L A W V at the Waltham bicycle bicycletrack bicycletrack bicycletrack
track today was marred by a shocking
accident Harry Harr EL E Miles Mies being killed kied killedand
and others hurt The accident oc ocurred ocnurred
tjurred in the second mile mie of the four fourJdrnered
Jdrnered international internatonal motor paced pacedrace pacedrate
race e the contestants contestant being be ing Everett Everet B BRyan BRyan
Ryan of Waltham Albert Champion Championof ChampionofParts ChampionofFaris
of ofParts Paris Archie McEachren of Toron Toronto ¬
to and William Wiiam P Stimson of Cam Cambridge Cambridge
bridge bridgein brdge brdgeIn
in the first frst lap of the second mile mileon mie mieon mileon
on the turn into the back stretch the thefour thefour thefour
four pacing machines were ere stretched stretchedacross stretchedacross stretchedacross
across the track Champion swerved swervedinto swervedinto swervedInto
into the grass and in avoiding him himHarry hhnHarr himHarry
Harry Harr E Miles Mies 26 years of age of ofLynn ofLynn ofLynn
Lynn and William Wiiam M MStaford Stafford 24of 24ofCambridge 241 24 of ofCambridge ofCambridge
Cambridge who were riding the Stin Stinson SUnon Stinspn
son on motor pacing tandem were forced forcedup forcedup forcedup
up up the track and and over a bank Both Bothmen Bothmen Bothmen
men were thrown Miles Mie striking head headfirst headfrst headfirst ¬
first frst on an electric electrc light lght pole receiving receivinga I Ia
a fractured skull skul The T Th top of hishead hisheadwas his hisheadwas head headwas
was crushed in and as ahe he was being beingremoved beingremoed beingremoved
removed to the training quarters his hisbrains hisbrains hisbrains
brains ran rar out upon the stretcher He Hedied Hedied Hedied
died a very few minutes after afer the acci accident acc accident ¬
dent dent Stafford Staford who was wa riding behind behindMiles behindies I IMiles
Miles ies was thrown bodily bodiy through the thepicket thepicket thepicket
picket fence his skull skul fractured his hisnose hisnose I Inose
nose broken and his false teeth forced forceddown forceddown forceddown
down his throat throat He was removed to tothe tothe tothe
the Waltham Walham hospital where his death deathIs
Is expected at any moment momentHITS momentc momentHITS momentHITS
Bill il in Mexican Mexcan Chamber of Deputies DeputiesArouses DeputiesArouses
Arouses Aouses Americans AmericansCity AmericansCiy AmericansCity
City Ciy of Mexico May 30 30There There Is a astrong astrong astrong
strong protest being made against aginst the theprovisions theproYisions theprovisions
provisions of a bill bi for the regulation regulationof reglaton reglatonof
of the exercise of the learned profes professions professions professlons ¬
sions engineering architecture etc etchere etchere etchere
here here The bill bi was presented preented in the theChamber theChamber theChamber
Chamber of deputies deputes by Senor Carrido Carridoand Carldo Carldond Carridoand
and nd aims to restrict the practice practce of any anyprofession anyDrofession
profession by men or women who do doriot donot donot
not possess diplomas from the Mexi Mexican Mexican Mexican ¬
can schools As the examinations examinationswould examinatons examinatonswQUld examinationswould
would have to be passed pased in Spanish Spanishfrequently SpanishfrequentJr Spanishfrequently
frequently frequentJr before boards of profession professional ¬
al l men dreading the rivalry rIvalr of foreign foreigners foreIgnr ¬
ers r there is a loud outcry against aganst It ItAmerican It Itt
t American erlcan doctors and engineers re regard regaFd I
gard gai the bill bi as a directed against them themselves themselves themselves ¬
selves but there tere are also here many manyGerman manyGerman I IGerm
German Germ n and English Englsh doctors doctor and engi engineers engineers ¬
neers some of them very ver successful successfuland successfuland successfuland eng
and the bill bi applies apples t tMistel to them tlem as a well wellMinstrel wel wehlMinstrel
Minstrel Mistel Wins His Hs Suit SuitSan Suit SuitSan
San Francisco May 30 30Honqlulu Honoluluad Honoluluadvices d dIoes dyices ¬
vices Ioes says Ernest Hogan the colored coloredminstrel coloredm1nstTel
minstrel won his suit sut against the Ca CanadianAustralian CanadianAustralan CanadianAustralian
nadianAustralian nadianAustralan Royal Mall Mal Steam Steamship Stearnship
ship company and secured 2250 dam damages damage damages ¬
ages age as a a result of being refused ac accpTnTnndaHans acprmn accpTnTnncit1Ofls
cpTnTnndaHans prmn tfQn on the steamer MIowera
White Wte Metal M tetalBepublicans ta Republicans Republc ns In I Two TwoCounties To ToCoutes TwoCounties
Counties Coutes For Fusion FusionSpecial Fsion FsionSpecial FusionSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldNampa Herld HerldNapa HeraldNarnpa
Nampa Napa Ida May 30 3The 30The The silver Re Republicans Repubiicans ¬
publicans pUblcans met exSenator Fred T Dubis Dubistonight Dubolstonight Dubols Dubolstonight
tonight to discuss the coming campaign campaignIn
In the state tte There is a Bryan Bran club in
Nampa Nampa embracing Democrats Democrat Populists Populistsand Populsts Populstsand
and silver 5iv i Republicans Rcpublcans and an there tere are ae
over seventy enrolled enroled silver siver Republicans
In Nampa Napa The silver Republicans RepubUcns are ar I
better organized orgnized and are stronger strnger In Can Canperfect Canyon
yon co county nty tan than ever before There Is Isperect isperfect I
perfect perect harmony harony and they will wU send sod a a full
delegation delegaton to the Pocatello PocteUo convention cnventon
favoring a complete and harmonious harmoniousunion harmenlousunion harmoniousunion
union of the silver siver forces force
Senator Dubois spoke only of a union unionof unionof
onl unin uninof
of the tIe forces in county and state urging
that a full ful delegation be sent to Poca Poc ¬
tello telloChairman telo teloChairan telloChairman
Chairman Chairan Barrett and exSenator exSenutor Du ¬
bois had a meeting meetng at Mountain Mountin Home Homewith Homewih Homewith
with wih the silver slver Republicans epublons this morning morningmore
and there w1 will be a delegUon delegation from El Elmore Elmore
more more county to the th slver silver Republican Republicanstate Republcan Republcanstate Republicanstate
state convention conventon favoring a f union of the thesilver thesiver thesilver
silver siver forces forc in the state and ad county countyRUN cunty cuntyUN countyLUN
Five Persons personsMore More or Less Lss Seriously SeriouslyHurt Serously SerouslyHur Seriouslyi
i Hurt HurtSpecial Hur KurtSpecial
Special Specia to The Herald HeraldEvanston Herd HerdEvanstonWyo HeraldEvanstoWyo
Evanston EvanstonWyo Wyo May 30 30A 30A A L John Johnson Johnson Johnson ¬
son and wife wlf of Ogden with witl their teir two twosmall twosmal twosmall
small smal children and Mrs Mr HIckman of ofthis ofthis ofthis
this city had started for the cemetery cemeter
in a carriage c rriage this morning and were werecrossing werecro3slng werecrossing
crossing the Union Pacific Pacfc tracks when whenan whenan whenan
an eastbound passenger paseger train ran into intothe intothe intothe
the carriage Mrs 1rs Hackman jumped jumpedwith jumpedwih jumpedwith
with wih one child chid and escaped with a few fewbruises fewbruises fewbruises
bruises Mrs Johnson was wa struck stuck by
the tJe engine engine and badly hurt as was wa the theseven theseven theseven
seven months old baby she carried in inher inher Inher
her arms ars Mr 1r Johnson was dragged drgd
cut by b the horses horse and his head hed was badly badlycut baly balycut badlycut
cutMrs Mrs Johnson was wa formerly formerly Miss Bel Belknap Belknap Belknap
knap of Ogden OgdenSHAFT OgdenSKAFT
Monument to Divine 1iv iviIi Unveied Unveiled by Or Organized Organized Organized ¬
ganized Labor LaborDenver LaborDenver LaborDenver
Denver May 30 30tV A monument to the thememory thememor thememory
memory memor of the late Rev Myron Reed Reedwas Ree Reedwas
was wa unveiled unveied in Fairmount Fairount cemetery
this thlsafternoo afternoon fernoQ > under the te auspices auspIce of the theorganised theorganied theorganized
organized organied labor of the city and in the thepresence thepresence thepresence
presence of a great geat throng of working workingpeople workingpeople workingpeopIe
people Addresses AQdreses were delivered delvered by
Friedman Rev William WiHam ORyan OUyaI and Rabbi
Lee Ie Will Wil Not Appeal AppealCheyenne Appeal AppealCheyenne
Cheyenne Wyo May 30 aOThe The at attorneys attoreys attorneys
torneys toreys for forRobert Robert E Lee Lee alias ala D DCurrie DCurDie DCarrie
Carrie sentenced to the state pent penltentar penttentlary I Itentiary
tentiary tentar for for ten years for train trin robbery robberystate robberys4te robberystate
state s4te this moring morning that the case will willnot wi willnot
not be appealed appealedCONTEST appealedCONTEST
Senior Senor Class of ofrngh High Hgh School Has Hs a aDebate aDebate aDebate
Debate DebateThe DebateThe DebateThe
The The senior class cl s of the Highschool Highschoolcovered High shool shoolcovered school schoolcovered
covered itself with glory last lat evening eveningwinning eveningwinning eveningWinning
winning both of the medals offered ofered by bythe bythe bythe
the sons and daughters daughter of the Ameri American American Amencan ¬
can Revolution Revoluton for or the two best ora orations or orations ¬
tions on subjects pretaining to the war warfor warfor warfor
for independence The contest contet was wa In Inthe inthe inthe
the nature of a competition competton between betweenthe betweel betweenthe
the senior and junior classes clase and tht thtseniors thtseniors theseniors
seniors came cme out with first frt honors honorsMark honorsMark honorsMark
Mark Brown and Bertha Bootes Boote were werethe werethe werethe
the successful contestants contestant and their theirorations theirortons theirorations
orations ortons were full ful of patriotic patriotc thought thoughtand thoughtand thoughtand
and feeling feelng Mr r Browns was wa on the theFarmer theFarmer
Farmer Heroes of the Revolution Revolutionand Revolutionand Revolutionand
and Miss 1Iss Bootes 100tes spoke most eloquently eloquentlyon
on the Heroines of the Revolution RevolutionThe Reolu RevoluionThe in inThe
The other orations oratons were all al excellent excelent excelentand excellentand
and the programme progrmme was wa instructive instructve and andentertaining sd sdentertaining andentertaining
entertaining They were as a follows followsOur folows folowsOur followsOur
Our Flag Miss Alice Alce Gilson Gison Our OurNaval OurNaval OurNaval
Naval Heroes Miss iss Marjorie MarorIe Steel Stel Stelman Steelman
man Three Great Statesmen Abner AbnerHowell AbnerRoweB AbnerHowell
Howell Our Heroes of the Sea SeaBurgess Se SeaBurgess
Burgess Young The Spirit Spiri of the theRevolution te teRevoluton theRevolution
Revolution Revoluton Harry Harr Fulton Fulon The First FirstBattle FirstBatte FirstBattle
Battle son Batte for Liberty Miss Myrtle yrte Han Hanson Hanson Hanson ¬
The contest was judged judgd by Professor Profeor ProfeorlarhaJ ProfessorMarshall
Marshall larhaJ Bishop Leonard and Mrs lr J JF JF JF
F Allen Alen It I was wa decided on the throe throepoints t threepoints e I Ipoints
points of thoughtfulness thoughtfulnes and philo philosophic PhiOI philosophic ¬
sophic insight of subject matter matterrhetorical mattr mattrrhetorcal matterrhetorical
rhetorical rhetorcal excellence exceJence and delivery The Themeeting Themeetng Themeeting
meeting meetng was wa presided over over by George GeorgeI
L Nye and the attendance was wa large largeCALLS large largeCALLS
1 C
StLouisPolice St Lous Louis Po Police ice Board Boad Determines Deternes to toKeep toKeep toKeep
Keep Order OrderSt
St Louis May 30 30Publc 30Public Public interest interes in inthe inthe inthe
the St Louis Transit company strike strikeveered strikeveered strikeveered
veered today to the special meeting meetng of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the police polee board board called caled for the purpose purposeof
of devising heroic measures meaures to bring bringorder I
order out of the strained condition of ofaffairs ofafairs ofaffairs
affairs afairs The board met during the af afternoon afteroon afternoon ¬
ternoon teroon and at once decided to t call callunon cn cnuJon callupon
upon uJon Sheriff Sherif Pohlman to summon a aposse aposse
posse comitatus cmitatus to assist in quelling quelng the thedisturbances thedisturbances thedisturbances
disturbances incident to the street stre t car carstrike carstrike carstrike
strike having failed faied in its efforts efort to se secure secure seebre ¬
cure cure 2500 extra policemen polcemen to preserve preservelaw preere preerelw preservelaw
law lw and order orderAfter orderAfer orderAfter
After Afer the meeting meetng President Hawes Hawesof Hawe
of the board said If I the first frst call cJ for
1000 men did not notproe prove effective efectve in the thenext thenext thenext
next few days the commissioners commissionerswould commissioner commissionernwould
would summon another 1000 100 and put putdown putdown putdown
down disorder in the city ciy from what whatever wha whatever ¬
ever source it i mi might ht come comef if it I took tookten tok tokten tookten
ten times tmes the number of men asked aked for forin forIn forIn
in the first frst cult callVUp c cultUp l
Up to 10 oclock tonight only one onename onename onename
name had been added to the te long cas casualty casulty casunity ¬
unity ulty list lst that th9t of Antn Anton Chalupsky Chalupskywho Chaupky Chaupkywho Chalupskywho
who was wa shot in the th legs leK by a police policeman plce plceman policeman ¬
man manChalupsky manChalupsk manChalupsky
Chalupsky and his wife were stand standing stnd stnding ¬ I Iing
ing at the th corner corner of Twelfth and Em Emmet Emmet Emmet ¬
met street during durng the progress proges of a asmallsized asmalsized asmallsized
smallsized smalsized demonstration nearby neaby and andPoliceman andPolceman andPoliceman
Policeman Polceman Hlnieles Hfneles told them to move moveon moveon moveon
on Chalupsky thought thotght he had a a right rightto rightto
to remain if he pleased and so in informed informed ¬
formed the officer ofcer A second secnd order was wasgiven wasgiven
given and when Chalupsky refused he hesays hesays hesays
says the officer ofcer used his baton on his hishead hi hishead
head headChalupsky headChalupsky headChalupaky
Chalupsky and his wife then assailed assailedthe aaied aaiedthe assailedthe
the officer ofce with wih a shower of brickbats brickbatsOne brickbatsOne brickbatsOne
One of them struck strclc Himeles Hlmele on the thearm
arm painfully painfuJy injuring injuring him Himeles Himelesdrew Himelesdrew
drew his revolver and fired fred twice twie at atChalupsky atChalupsk atChalupsky
Chalupsky Chalupsk wounding him in each ech leg legA
A terrific terric explosion supposed supposd to have havebeen havebeen
been caused by dynamite dynamie placedon the thetracks thetracks thetracks
tracks of the Union line lne at Fifteenth Fifteenthand Fifeenth Fifeenthand Fifteenthand
and Chambers streets street shook the build buildings buid buiding buildlngs ¬
ings ing and broke the glass gla In all the thewindows thewindows thewindows
windows in the neighborhood at 1240 1240this 1240thismornlng 1240this
this thismornlng thismornlngMany morning morningMany morningMany
Many persons pesons were thrown from fromtheir fromtheir fromtheir
their beds by the violent concussion concussionand concussionand concussionand
and all were awakened and more or less lessterrified lessterIfed lessterHfled
terrified terIfed As nearas n ara they could deter determine determine determine ¬
mine It had resulted resuled from dynamite dynamitewhich dynamitewhich dynamitewhiCh
which was exploded on the street steet car cartracks cartracks
tracks track The damage d maKe to the rails was wasnot wasnot
not marked marke the explosive apparently apparentlyhaving apparent apparentlyhaving
having spettt its is force orce in the air airOne airOne airOne
One Strike Stie is Off OffKansas Of OffKansas
Kansas Kansa City Ciy May 30 31Th 3GTh The strike of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Union street street railway raiway men in JCan JCansas Can Cansas an anQS
sas QS City has been declared off At a ameeting ameeting
meeting meetng of the strikers a committee committeewas commitee commiteewas
was appointed to wait upon President PresidentHolmes PresidentHolmes PresidentHolrns
Holmes of the Metropolitan Metropoltn company companyand comDay comDayand companyand
and offer Qrer ffer to t declare declar the strike off on oncondition oncondion onconditiori
condition condion that the the strikers be taken takenback takenback ken i iback
back back President Holmes 1olmes declined declned to toconsider toconsider toconsider
consider this proposition propositon and later laterthe laterthe laterthe
the strike was declared off of leaving the themen themen themen
men free to secure reinstatement Ion IonIndivIdual iponindividual rponIndividual
Individual application applicationCarnegie aDPUcnton aDPUcntonCaregie applicationCarnegie
Carnegie Caregie Worth Wor 200000000 200000000New
New York May ay 30 aOHenr 30Henry Henry W Lucy LucyM LucyMP
M MP P writing wring to the Tribune from fromLondon fromLondon fromLondon
London quotesa quotes a friend frend of Andrew AndrewCarnegie AndrewCarnege AndrewCarnegie
Carnegie Carnege as saying s8ying that the iron ironmaster Ir Irmater ironmaster ¬
master mater lately declared that his posses possessions pOsse possessipns ¬
sions sl ms readily redUy convertible convertble into hard hardcash hardcash hardcash
cash cash amount amOunt to 200000000 gOoOOOOO
fSOAP fSOAPFlakes c A
flakes the Hair grow Clearr Clearrthe Cle Clethe CIearEthe
the Complexion Softens Sofens and andwhitens andwhitens andwhitens
whitens the Hands Preserves Preservesand Preser Preserand Preservesand
and beautifies beutifies the skin of In Infants Infant Inflints ¬
flints fant and Children ChildrenAbtalutelT Chidren Chidrens ChildrenAbiolutely
s AbtalutelT Alluty pare delicately de1ctym delicatcymed1czte1 medicated inrMMnidy inrMMnidyofceetlTe nwplutiigiyeftecilve
ofceetlTe eeetn CUTICCKA CCJU Curicv pr 8otr U I not osjy the thecou thecoutho inert st 1lJ eaciona eacionaof
of tho kin > pariflenai and > dbe besutitlen > utiCenbattbe ialotO but t d lbs puwtsad ifeet raictest ifeete
est e t el toilet bull and ad b bsby by soapt soaptSold o p pSett Jta Jtap
= Sold cretyvhro Britbh depot e NivBEzrLmd NivBEzrLmdOTTW Nzwsazy Lesdon
p Pory OTTW n A n ep r I > t e V Pmnfc BMton TT h hf S A AllllTEi a aAAftJ1
llllTEi llllTEiOur f AAftJ1 AAftJ1Our
Our lee fe returned retured if we fail fai Any one oue sendiu sendiusketch sDdiu sDdiusketch seaw ii iisketch
sketch and description despton of any invention inventon will willpromptly wi c cpromptly 1
promptly prompty receive our opinion opinon free concening conceningthe cncnin conceain conceainthe
the patentability of sam How to Obtaiu
sm a aPteut < t tPatent LPatent
ptentbity Obaiu
Patent Pteut sent snt upon upn request ruet Patents Patet secured securedthrough sreJ sreJthrgh seu eI eIthrough
through thrgh us advertised adversed for sale sle at our expense expensePatents expensePatents
Patents Patent taken ten out through trgh us 1 receive re expns special specialnotice aCal aCalfotue speezafnotice
notice fotue without wit tchar charge in THE TI PATKKT PATKI RBORI RBORIan R ORl >
an illustrated iutrate and widely circulated crclte journal journalconsulted journa Jonrualconsulted
consulted cusle by Manufacturers Manufacur and Investors InvestorsSend Ilvr InvestorsSend
Send ior sample copy FREE Address AddressVICTOR AddrC AddressVICTOR
VICTOR J i EVANS CO COPatent COPtent COPatcntAttotneys
Patent Ptent PatcntAttotneys PatcntAttotneysEvans Attorneys AttorneysEvans toreys toreysEvans
i 240 20 S Main In St StNext StNext Str
r Next door dor north norh of ofWalker ofWalker ofi
i Walker House HouseGood Hou HouCood HouseCoodSetof
Good CoodSetof CoodSetofTeeth Set of ofTeeth ofTeeth
Teeth f for or SSOG SSOGCrown 80G 8O 8OCrown
Crown Bridge BridgeWork B BridgeWork rid g 0 0Work
Work a Specialty SpecialtyWhen Siaty SiatyDONT SpecialtyDOffi
When ordering goods gods from fm your yor Grocer Grocerto GrOCEr GrOCErto
to tell e1 him you want want Three Te Crown Crw Bak Baking BakIng Baking ¬
ing Powder for you get gt a full tul pound poundcan pund pundcan poundcan
can for 25 2 eta ct and the quality qualty is un unexcelled unexceled unexcelled ¬
excelled excelledThree exceled excelledThree
Three Crown Crwn Spices Spice and Extracts Extrcts are arealso area1so arealso
also fine fne Give them a trial trialHEWLETT trl trlHtWLET trialIThWLEU
6 m 112Triedman 112TriedmanNo ijedman ijedmanNo
No 145 14 Main Ma St Progress Progl Building BuildingComplete BuDdn BuDdnCompee Buihkn BuihknCompete
Complete stock of ofMENS ofMNS ofMENS
Compee so
Boys and Childrens Chdres Suits SuitsWe Suit SuitW
W We carry c only the most satisfactory satisfactorytroll Utor
troll l finished fnishe up to date and a testing Jtnl goods goodayiT Co CoAlT goodsSALTRE
Saltair SJair Beach Bch Regular Rela Time Tim Table Tablein TableIn TableIn
in effect efet Kay Ky 31 3 31Trains 1900 1900Trains 1
Leave Leve Trains Tran leave leve from fr R R G W Depot DepotLeave Dpt DptLeve DepotLeave Arrive
Salt Sat Lake Lke Salt Arve Lake Lke Lake1010am
1038 10 1010am a a m iio 11 p m
215 215pm 1 p m 445 o45 445pm 445pm41pm p m
416 41 41pm p p m 645 S4pm S4pm61pm p m mlll
611 lll 61pm p m S46 84 p m m7M
7M 71 p m 1046 104 104 p m mFARE mI mPABX
Salt Lake Ogden Railway
Sat Le Iway
Leave Lee Arrive Aive Leave Leve Arrive ArriveSalt Arve ArveSalt ArriveSalt
Salt Lake Lk ake Lagoon Lgn Lon Lagoon Salt Slt Lake Jak Lake700am
700 70 700am am LI 740 74 740am am 760 7 750am am 830 83 830am am amam
900 00 am 940 94 am am 10 1000 am 1040 1f am am amU0O
1100 1 am am 1140 14 am 1200 10 m 1240 j24 pm pm130pm
130 13 130pm pm 210 210pm lO pm 230 230pm 3 pm 300 30 3OOrm 3OOrm330pm m
330 330pm 3 pm 410 410pm 10 pm 430 43 430pm pm 510 510pm 510pm530pm pm
530pm 590 3 pm 810 10pin pm 630 63 630pm pm 710 IOpm pm
630 3 pm 710 pm 830 83 pm > 10 pm pm730pm pm7J0
730pm 7 7J0 pm 810 pm 1030 10 pm 1110 11 10 pm pmLast pmLt pmLast
Last Lt train leaves Lagoon Lgn Sundays at
930 pm pmROUND
ROUND ROlTT jm jmROlTT TRIP CENTS CETS Including lcudlng ad admission adminion admission ¬
mission to grounds groundsv gunds gundsJNO groundsJNO
v 4t t Aeent Asent Gen I Manager Managerare Managerare
are made as a custom made suits suitsshould suis suitsshould
should ShO ud he with the C correctness ecte of oftailormade oftiorade oftailorinade
tailormade tiorade in style stl and ad wwrtruction wwrtructionwith nstructionwith cton ctonwith
with linings liigs and ad trimmings tng the te very verybest ver verybest
best bestFit bestFt Fit Ft and finish fshguaratee flnishguaranteed guaranteed We have havethem havethe havethem
them the made to fit ft t the stout stut or slim slimman slm slmmn slimman
man mn as a well wel ae a the man man of regular regulardimensions rar rardemrons regulardimensions
dimensions demrons These Th e make m ke a very ver de desirable desable desirable ¬
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