OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, April 30, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1901-04-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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= 5
q GII tchcneicji rts Many Manyi1ied
i1ied i1iedBBI1I
1 1d
London ndanU AXUf 3fLord 7c ord Ktchrtor to toport e epoTt
port to Ch t1je V wj jpfflce li rom Bretorfo BretorfoKitchener preiorftunder
under dMt ot pr1cCns oIov oIovKc1ieper
Kitchener fluftttns scouts scoutsGranXWJ uhdr uhdrGrwttsII
GranXWJ hava surprised and nd atiptured atipturedVat ii mred mredut
Vat ttaWtUrgs ager ut Kli Klinorth KUpcfzLm KUpcfzLmnorth
north of BItel fetizU J Jlng Seyen Boers vereMfld vere vereklHed
klHed and tblrtyHcvon taken prisoners prisonersKlght prHqnor1iIght
Klght thtfusand rounds of animunStiqn animuntiqjind 1 1nU
nU all tfte tlli wngns WHg flS car carL oxen hovsfe Qt Qtnd I Iand
and nd HTOlfu were captured Our only onlycajaualty onlycajia1ty
cajaualty was one sVounded sVoundedThe roundei1The
The flithec dthe columns reports sixty sixtythrae sixtythree
three klllW fiftyeight jaken taken prisoner prisonerflftyaevan prisonerttttsevrn
flftyaevan surrendered and one Qulck Qulcknrer tuLckfirer
nrer eaptured eepturedAn y
Another An er dlsptch from Lord Kitch Kitchener Kltthener ¬
ener dated PretorJakAPrtt 2Q Svs Svsaenkcu sns snsc3eneral3lood
c3eneral3lood hi hinka1
aenkcu aenkcuroent nka1 republic govern governzuent
roent dofixfinerils and a large number numberof
of b bank MiTc notes noteByng f fTByng
TByng has hafh4 had a a hard fighthvth fighthvthBpertf uightWfthBQerH
Bpertf on the Basutoland border south aQUtfiof southof
of Wepener and Hilled flvo flvoIn fiVOGraft
Graft In adQUlon to th captures capturesreported ctUroarported
reported got 386tK > rounds of small smallarms mnll mnllarms
arms ammunition At Lvdcoburg Lvdcoburgtwenty Lydeiiburgtwenty
twenty Boers nave surrehderea surrehdereaBXCIOSBMBNT surrehilereaBXCIPENT
BXCIOSBMBNT AT JT BERMUDA BERMUDABalievedkBritUhrIntendto BEItDAievedBrxttsltInterids
BalievedkBritUhrIntendto ievedBrxttsltInterids to Send Boer BoerHamilton Bort
t 2risoThrs Thore ThoreItamlltiIn
Hamilton Beriibida Bermutift Thursday T1UrIay April Aprh2Thre
25 2Thre Th9Be Is U con conider8li1o iderable excitement excitementat
at preaent in Bermuda over thejexpect thejexpectod the xIeCt xIeCted
od advei of X600 Boor prisoners The TherBritish TheI3rItkh
British government has leased Dar Darrells Darr1s
rells Island one xjf tKe t11 largest lelards lelardsin iBIardIn
in In th the toind and vlthln a quarter quaterot quaterota OC OCa
a mile of Warwick shore for one onyea1 onyea1with yeaf yeafvlth
with the option of relinquishing it it on ona ona
a ntonthT notice Tuckers island lias liasa190 hnaIO
a190 bj bEI1I Inspected btu hU tip to April 24i 21 21o
210 o dertnlte settlement has been made madein ade adeIn
in vigard to It itThe T Treticent
The army oflldaI3 are as ujua1 xer xerreticent
reticent reticenttown but a the jbflrnthS In Intown
town hav b been < tn aoundod xsjpTCtheli xsjpTCtheliability tptte1r tptte1rabIlity
ability to construct Several Vhtfndrod Vhtfndrodynta h fliItd fliItdyarlz
ynta ot Iron fence very strong close closehigh tfloehlit
high andwith and WAth spike polfttsand a ait teeplans tee thep1sn
plans which one Or two litfyfr linvc seen n are alfcBald aresaid
Bald tw Uu tie the outline of oneof oneo the isl island 1starzdii ¬
and arzdii iri iriaa wtY little uoubt 1 ntertainOd ntertainOdU
aa U to the object in 4ev fe by th6 th o orflt4flL VT VTrnifi
rnifi rflt4flL At It Is claitned that haiHui haiHuiisland bn t1 t1islehd
island not beenwanted betn wtjtted for the Jpris Jprisut prIsifl1
ifl1 but ut for tne several totoftjajd totoftjajdtk hixn13dtIrItisla
tIrItisla Jaborey who are gotn gotnbuild
build t1 nec ssg brhI to cdVbIt cdVbItike
tk ike tl dbc1 Mj Mjciaired ara with the mum Iaudflnqj IaudflnqjMe
Me I4nc1n would hox bednp bednpLUtFd
ciaired about And th the ncgotiotione Qi QiDr4 jr jrDsrrale
Dsrrale Dr4 Island would have be bdiatIe bdiatIeby riJnatle riJnatleby
by th piv l witjiurltle whe wheia sns e etrytIiIa v verytjilai
erytjilai trytIiIa 1 b 1eIU < sh sr done by ant qt qtllclate o o11C1ft141
llclate i x xBenrtudane
c i it1erniUdanEareflOt
Benrtudane t1erniUdanEareflOt are not feeling vry ry cny cnyfortable em emfotable
fortable over the jnatter matterT1ii The IIVapu IIVaputheir IttL
1 still gagroped b the cO1ore gl glmnt
mnt tile First West lndiuns and andtheir
their behavior r ho habeen Ojeeh by no moans moansCalculated moahs moahstSIU18td
Calculated to hwjlre the confldence Ti Tithe ifr ifrtbe
the people tbey ar supposed to guard guardIt
It is hoped that a very strong force forceof forceof
of European ssoidlers wilt be sent with withthe withthe
the Boer or matters it fe L feared may mayto zua zuaber
to ber a uncomfortable as they were re recentlj receIt4
centlj ceIt4 at 53t Helena HelenaInipatie fletenaBBITAINS
InipatieKerv Inipatie Because o4h BQc2Wa1 BQc2Wa1Draggfn
Draggfn A1cn A1cnYork r
Kerv York Aprtl 29 GreatBrttffJn is isdicsatialled i idIstIsMd
dicsatialled because the war in South SouthAlWctCfStU onth onthAtcilU
AlWctCfStU flrB dvlli1along along says the TrU TrLhueVa > s suafl
uafl ueVa 4ada Ja ml > a cortiedtH eorueiqondezit > ndedt puring puringln purinthjgPt
thjgPt we3p the moemW1t 4fr 4frWeep
Weep thqzthrn ipnsat ipnsatbii
bii ln prafercS6 and nd a good d ma matt mattBoeraiil y ybe
Boeraiil be b + en n captured but the fin finmore fni1rI1On
1rI1On prevnulM that th totida In9Iud In9Iudmore
more old me meof njein bty2 left on fttrms fttrmsthan
than bonft fldM4sbn and at he herate
rate or cmpturt a awt1k
wt1k cifl take rCIong tInk tR g4tJd g4tJdo
of o 15000 Boors wuo Are tre auU believed believedb
b be undwv undaLMnic arms > JN 1 j jiome > f fartnv
iome jp1e trgucftbat 1h Brttis Brttisatmy
artnv is eveik ee novrneta rong enoug enougfor nouh nouhfe
for fe the task in hand ifciinwhtlq itt ittcrltlAT MlBrierok
Brierok Hflieo ari y reform I Icon
con IeinnILtil neIy ectry OOnputer OOnputerci
crltlAT ci It 1 It 16 gnei enSht lly admitted admittedtil that the therenlisr
renlisr atm be strengthej strengthejS
S uiiijerIt4I utll utllthe
til the service rvlce IB IBCaj it 1ier3asud1 S
5 g gBoors
Boors Blew Up BilacL BilacLA
A Caj cAie e Town Ailril 39if 39ifcarrying 2tA tty ttyizrylng
carrying Cecil I Ifl nc ai aidone eo eodoHe
done was ligh jQid jQidpaired td Jp
paired v vDuring
Ir1 Ir1turing
During theproce the s sa f fsorre
sorre rhw hClhTat CbI 1rLcnis1fe 1rLcnis1fe1garzleg
1garzleg f3qciot 1dUi3 1dUi3T
T 3cItthintuer ntr1y ntr1yLwcaM1tlk
LwcaM1tlk i2shefttdeath 1jLe 1jLeflfV
flfV th 4Thy toss hoipltal4fl a aratter
ratter erloseond Ltioi spferlng qtif qtifa
a a f mature of in thtthic cubic afcgh Ui bipelc jft cfffth cfffthpelvtetoid
pelvtetoid pelc id nevetraLintBrnT1 InjOtaes that thatare nat nate
are ffittA Pj 5 S Stoto
toto tbe t Icl Icldz
dz as whhaltend whhaltended
ed patLet4 hewjoi
boj pafd h t1t ttb liIfIT liIfITw1
w1 e th old old ones JOd Jfl < toeih en TCna TCnaBiHTovitJ cPoi cPoiftM
ftM BiHTovitJ wa was aislsnri a8Ah tlI to toyot tht thtw
w Jor Ioweringthl ondcruaLeg ondcruaLegcC
cC 30n into tbjr WJt a acmtpe
cmtpe DuIt th I2Ss vf 1oetn
0 of ti dUei fla 1tY1n 1tY1nW
W yot ot bet bCtOOfl oen the bolleurft yond th tht Lhcj Lhcjand
t and t slp ilpof bf the iJrian inpinne inpinneh pinned pinnedt
h betn them nut foitunat1F4r foitunat1F4rlin
lin he ws ouly artia1ly
whl undoubtet1 have bfl ifit ifittoh
toh t M pup VU The A11U < UJU njured njuredeu > CU 11IU1I fffHrUK fffHrUKuniphBcious
eu ftdm hh perlioua poition 1n rin rininuncioU
uniphBcious uniphBciousphebeA inuncioU condition < wat watpie4
phebeA on the nightik nIghttrain train tfknil brought broughtt
t te tjtig city about midrtjsht m1 3ught last night nightJAifaKns
1 JAifaKns as taken immealacay ia ohe ohecfhopIta1 the Hdly
cfhopIta1 Jl hoepital and J Dr > r Scott wag wa callejj callejjhim cafl1 cafl1to
to ittrI him v > t S
Aacly this morning the patfenthad patfenthadrecrjVeifaa pajntftadr6ciiiia
recrjVeifaa oonsclousness a and ndrveur 5eg rest restIng restlag
lag as easily as poaible poaibleIN
S I IGebtg9e
Gebtg9e D Perkins ithdjz frcm frcmTova
Jbxra Gubernatorial Gube itf fta1 Contest ContestPer ContePtC15ty
C15ty Ta trfls 29 ceorge fl flPerklnsha2
Per Perteat Perklnsha2 tlidran rrbni tizo c cfor
teat for the lot lotntctortal 1oa flerjpbkan guber gubernetorlah
ntctortal horinaU horinaUhki nontnaOn Th nunincl nunincll3l
hki l3l withdrawal lie said saidtEdwln soLIdidw1l1 >
tEdwln H Cpngerviippn Conger ttpon ftlffreturn ftlffreturnnotUnitoB hI iptu i itothe
tothe United Stater htIng ieratecI ieratecIbasefranc
basefranc that h tWefrtlie tWefrtliefr
fr notUnitoB n 7I1rittoU of t1if RepJtblcr Towa Towafoif iqwa iqwafotnor
foif fotnor oy rnor I fl ihey 8hoUJdJp ithoId ickra < jaa3eH6 jaa3eH6tenQfer to totoritlet
tenQfer the nomInation lo tc liimjf Hth Hthdravxmy
dravxmy drwv my name from further cotisffiiera cotisffiieration tmtThratiOn
tion In connection xvlthth J ofnj ofnjJn offi offiS offiWatth
Watth P1eisGuU P1eisGuUJo
S Jn poileey Icliee court yepterOaj yepterOajyoi A Az1g
yoi iff iffU Jt who xxrij
U WI > i in J Jb City Orrek
b 1 it t th Judge nWiut nWiuttki
tki gq rvay rvayLsc
Lsc t the city J ial oy lrore
5 1
AL5 c
ma S
Cdit1nucd ft on Page 1 1S 1sought
ought Jontrance builhe bui the sates we weclosed wet wetclosed
closed Laughter We could not notoptw notone
optw one them ttnd Lnd you would not Ap Applausgj AprIau
plausgj rIau > And ao o wedeparted we departed to seek seekanotherhost seektiiotlier
anotherhost tiiotlier bost fr it not ot more hospitable hospitableless hospitableless
less forjnidable than the one that thathappy thatiwoLhisAre
iwoLhisAre Laughter It5 It5happy a
happy time tI c Jfor fori on to visitIJynchbUrg visitIJynchbUrgj
j ow tnV war ovdr no exchange of ofifreoUngs ofIrcoUnkI
ifreoUngs With snot and shell as then thenbut thouiUt
but v4th the friendly welcome of all alltli alltli1ople
tli tli1ople < yvpeople which vliithabl tyj > iftesrttfe respect respectand
and reghrd and good will whtah sub subsht5 ub ubsiwtS
siwtS between all sections of din com comnonCountry corn5tlon
5tlon nonCountry nonCountrygest Oimtry
Roank 4prll OThe bI bIgest
gest anUalsot anti ilso the noisiest demonstra demonstration demonstratinil ¬
tion of the day ccourrad at Roanoke RoanokeThdusitnds floanbiceFhdujznc1a
Thdusitnds of people were at the sttf sttftlori statiort
tlori jnti ani two txobands bands greeted the U presl presld
d dt n Lijthflal JthVTaail to tho Chief There ThereYerc rheroWerC
WerC Yerc more American flags In evidence evidencehero evidencelere
hero than at any other stopping place plaqeThe placeThe
The president responded to the calls callsfor callsfor
for A speech with the following re remarksi reIiark
marksi Iiark I Ix J JI
I ni informed and IdtSnot I d not wonder wonderat wonderat
at Itiithat tthat your committee which was wasto wasto
to Gxtsjfd a Wbl Vfelcome ome tbRoanbke to Itoantike has hasbeen ha habeen
been ioStin thfsgrea termed raTd bat there therecan therecan
can bfe ijio rio AVarmer drmr or more gympathetic gympatheticwelcomevthan syinpatheticvelcome
welcomevthan velcome than greets me from the theHearts thelieats
Hearts or o your people I congratulate congratulateypu eongratulateyou
you > andl and r congrfitulate myself upon uponthe uponthe
the Kloridus cotmiyy voun ry in in Tvw wlio oiv Ave live liveand liveand
and that onc0inor < ahd f6jnQVervfe are aredevoted tredovoted
devoted to the same cause and nndto to the thes theane
s < ane aj e flag I congratultfe theolUzqna theolUzqnaof
of thlscltj Upon Its its rnarelouB growth growthahd groWtlatd
ahd progress Twenty years ago you you200Gb youna
na est I am toIcl thali
thIscornmunity You have mort than than2OOCij
200Gb novftand nowc and I i think fnk If aiijensus ac nbs was wasta ar artakgt
ta takgt kfitL todliy you would have a much muchall muchrtlr
rtlr nuinbeathan Chat1 preat np npplause
plause j jI
I congratulate you thelefOze upon uponyor
yor Progress aa well as yoUr prosper prosperrlSft
rlSft We neverhad so much todO in inall
all our fflstovy as vfc haVe now Ap CAp1ilaus <
filause e never had so onucn muci4 bust bustn bustnijq
n nijq ss at home ji6r so much abroad We Wenevpr Wenevr
nevpr nevr made s o r muchf muchand iHd nevorsold nevi sold so somuch somuch
much as we sellihlsr sell hi xear Greatnap Greatnapproductive GreatappLause
5 S5 S5We
We are epan4ingophlarkeLM Our OurProductive
productive capacityhas taiacit bus become so soffreat sogreat
great that we arenrft 6hly hiy able to sup suprly ¬
ply th6 th home markets but tyt yerequire yerequirett requlre requlreg
tt forelgn niarXet matket foxgu quz BUr nurJSlltMp lui > and ando nd ndo
o we jffrlTSeeRing tne tTiopeI bpetdoo 4ooi In the
Orient for the products of Ajtnerican Ajtnericansoil merlcansoil
soil and American labor What we wewant wetaflt
want to do now is to C be prudent imour imourprosperity in our ourprosperity
prosperity 8ave7hIlewfr save vtt1le 1e oarv oaz antt be beStrong bestrong
Strong If th the stornUfrhould corne come4n rihd rihdthoy d dthoy
thoy do now and < then Vhateveri1zohut VhateVer VhateVeroome
oome i1zohut let us be fprtju rtjftelty iby tIi liepjac liepjactlce prac practici
tlce of economy white we are nil 01 so sowell
Will employed ATfplause ATfplauseJWe AplauseW
JWe W Hife tYe not only expanding exlanclin oinr oinrmurkels oinmtrkets
murkels but we ar are ex exl1andIng ahdinffbur ahdinffburterritory our ourterittory
territory CGSUes Jes Of Good The pol p01Icy
Icy of th the Unjted Un1te States has ahmy ahmyfGrtat
boeb to keep w1t it ortgliiaifrstarcol ortgliiaifrstarcolwith
with and hold all It Thinorably es esGtat
fGrtat applause We refused to di divide divlde ¬
vide our original possessions ahdVSvevill ahdVSve di15vewill
will be th the last to uescrt our neNrpos neNrposPBlSCAtrTIONS uev 1503 1503seso1s
seso1s LoEftppfausl LoEftppfauslPRECAuTIONS
5 io RESthEI
5 Wythevllle Va a April 29 29The The preslr preslroueh
bpt and his pnrty wifl koep in close closetoikl
oueh VriOi Wtishingtohthroughout Wtshington thrOughotit the th tht5iip
f21p tf tiCttIIforula ctuijtonila and eVeV eez rdjblllfj r1i1tf has
been be arrariged to transact such busi bisIness ¬
ness as 1t nqcfessary from the train
The railroad officials In charge of the
train ari anVthe < tne various divisions over overwhich ovrwhich
which aupasKed took every precauti preceutlonto in into
to guard against fat ppssibility of a anprishap aziizhap
nprishap of any charaetar ThculrMtfig ThculrMtfigroadpassenger
itelies and bridges were atLrQflI atLrQflId
d just t3fii the thea
a gisflsttton erytffiui n
t3je t3jeroadptssnger
roadpassenger as wel welvestern weIlja felht s
5idOtraOkCd and ouen tbe Norfoik
vestern railroad today a pilot train tnrinriWrJlhead trainrajahead
riWrJlhead rajahead of f the Residential sqieciah
All theiftrainf crewf on the sidetracks
lined up and nd uncoSrer as the qhmf qhmfanagistrafe ehibf2iiagIsJxptewent
anagistrafe 2iiagIsJxptewent went by j t tAlI
AlI s JI the members of dhe party enjdyed
the tit first day of their trip and the pres ppsidfnt ¬
ident expfessed his gratification over
fht lu reception he had received Mrs Mrs1McKlnley
McKlnley who was riot feeling nprticu nprticuht
y Ijwljn the traIi sUr jdbe jdbeSantbetter
Santbetter as the dcttprotrrsf1 itUl
tonigt ht said kl Slit hO had enjyedlt zfllvery zfllverytur
much S
jomorrpw th traIn 1lt mak brief
tltOpFf lt fluntsliIe lie tur and Tqs Tqscumbrla Tqseuinbrla
cumbrla Ala artd Corinth CorlnthttPmphb Miss
MPnrphls where the party wljllremain wljllremainuntit wiHremafnunit
unit midnight will be brea1ied reaOhed at 430
pTO pTOley ptnf
f Gts ItOushtglteceptlon ItOushtglteceptlont
t lorrfttby11 renn Ap il 30The 30ThezTecit1
zTecit1 1 Zbtring 1esIdeiit M eRlit
ley and Jfartjin jinry n their trip 14 the thePa Pa Paftlflc
ftlflc 1 < coast passed here on the Southern SoutherniSay
ritlkyay iSay at X 1 oclock this CTafesday CTafesdayjight
niiFnIng Lrty 4OOG pers4rns VCre a
th sfattnn at Brietol earlier in the
jight 11t > tind gave the president arnus arnusrfeceptlon a rotis rotisiflr0ceptioh
iflr0ceptioh rfeceptlon Frealdent SIcTOnn ifly y ad ¬
dressed dressed the assemblage briefly brieflyIK0IANS brieflyINLiiANSPRO1STL1
I I IWrlilta
tyclUtaK Wrlilta Xttn1 nr April 29GhtefWhite
Ire of the Otoe IndiansAinrOkla IndiansAinrOklahoma indiansinOkIahorna
homa appealed to the yriHeQ nItod States Statesotn StaLitso1Ihrr
otn o1Ihrr < tpn < at Gu Guthrl thrift today to protect hipeople hi libpeopl
people frpjn topi jfehe the deiiioralizlnjr Influence Influenceof In tluence tluenceof
of tvhlikj peddlers in n his reservation reservationTwpMenArrested re0rvat1onS re0rvat1onTp
TwpMenArrested Tp en Arrested in in KanstisCi KanstisCifor Xansas City Cityior <
for Killing Xihhln ColoradoMlrfer ColoradoMlrferAClaVtrell Colorado M3xfer M3xferICamas
ICamas City Mo Apr1 2Dr 3 3A
AClaVtrell A Oitill Toyfirs 70 yetrs old 4ud nd hte hL sn snw Sn SnW
W l p > GartrelL were arrestM oaaV to11nya4d oaaVpending
a4d are held itt police h1eitdiuurterit h1eitdiuurterit1uritng
pending t tof an iflVtiguUon ot the rntlzljer rntlzljerof
of D A Donovan a Colorado mnterj mnterjwhose
whose body nfe been foundin found In atul atulberry Mulberry
berry rreek between Amorot aftti itht1i itht1ihart lvl lvlHart
Hart Mo V 7
l onegarf left 1 ° ft Victor lctor Colo lo fpi S Kan Kansar Kansat
sat City ity March 16 having 58QO In Inthis Inthis
this city eityhe hevbought bought a ateam tcam ofTforsss ofTforsssand of hOrSiOjt hOrSiOjtanti
and a wagon and started to drive to toOklahoma toOklahoma
Oklahoma With DoneKon 5hen iien he heout hebought
bought the oum and when he drove droveout
out o o1 tovn were the two Gartrells GartrellstiheDpJice Gartrellsthe
tiheDpJice the ppllce eay ay On March 28 Dr Gar Gattrell Gartroll
troll appeared at the horse market and andMe andnshed
nshed that a man be sent tb N1hsQ
Me to Brfns back the team and wi wiDonegart wnt wntflT
flT Hesald he had liought thdin trOI trOIDbnegat
Donegart v vXri S S5Ai
Xri feniiHb e jf cf > fi tile market va sent sentto sehtto
to JJlhart Ihart tvh where < jrene lie Obtanld tfroteain tfroteainand tie team teamn1
and n1 drove back to Kansas j2uy The Thepolice Thepollee
police here had been advised of the thepecaliattffeatures thepenlIarfeattires
pecaliattffeatures of the caee Detec Detecwhlfth teteetives
tives searclnd the wagon Ip It they
found a bloo pillow L blanket upor uporshilh
whlfth Wez rere spots of blood and Done Donegans Do Dogazfs
gans pocketbook In which were papers papersbelonging papersbci
belonging bci nglug tti the mlnervThe rn1ner The team teap aridwtfgbiv arid a4dWnbn
wtfgbiv were YereBofd sold by the horse dealer dealerand 1alerand
and Dr GaftreU demanded d tHe prtJ prtJceMD pro proceedn
ceMD ceMDTdday = a aTddal
Tdday the bod body of Ddnegan Don gnn gnnIn xvijajpped xvijajppedIn
In i8 5iJ r cjpth IQth was found In the th deep1 deep1waters de dewaters
waters of Mulberry creek between NI NIhart NIhurt
hart arid Amoret The hbdy had been befcnJn beenin
Jn the water twdof two or thre week V but butxas butwas
was fellj identified Tffec T11 Gartrells Gartrellswere Gartrellswere
were arrested tonight W S F FIufittenccB v vl
l Agef Influences PttrdoI1L1flC11n jPordoji jPordojiLincoln >
Lincoln Neb April 29 29Goyezpr 29GoyezprDietrich 0pvegnor 0pvegnorDietrich
Dietrich today granted rranted a cQiidltldnol cQiidltldnolparddhtq c nditlonal nditlonalpard
parddhtq pard n to Henry 1en Bolln olin sentenced live fivtyears liveyeare
years a6 46 to nineteen years Inthe Inthepeal in the thepenitentiary
peal penitentiary ten Uary uponconVctlQn upon convi tfQn ofhaying ofhayingascity o1 laylng laylngas
ascity as city treasurer o of Pmahaflonib Omaha erpI rzled rzledhis
310040 of city uncIL
lug old and his heaAih is Hnrtaicfii 1redffIig1nthie
1nthie Liff u1 ii s1gnd the pL1eiior pL1eiiorhis
his pardon
r2 V
rE JExjierts rts Have Nearly Finished FiniHecJ3VZUJk FinishedtheberndcIe
theberndcIe Oan
3VZUJk V 4 4ti
In loss than thirtysix hours from the thetime thetime
time The Serbia lierztid reaches jnost inot of Jtjr Jtjrareaders lts ltsLrcaders
areaders tills mqnnlngv unlessall unIes ciii signs signsTfiUl s1gnsiall
TfiUl iall the tabernacle tab3rnucIeorgan organ will vh11 haVe fell fellthe feltthd
the last touch of the contractors hand handand hMidand
and periled peJ d forth the first tones of its itsnew ts tsP00W
P00W new life lif When the experts walked out outf1je i ittfiffiieInstrument
ttfiffiieInstrument f1je 1nrunient late last iiight MiHengreland Mi Mrk10ige1and
Hengreland surveyed the big pipes from fromtjie fromxterIor
tjie fexferJor xterIor and heaved a sigh of re relief re11eV ¬
lief liefTha Tha Tiiad3 ts done thank goodness Justa Justacptrple Justacouple
couple of touches no now and anSI a final tun tunIn tunin
In If we doriTl have this Instrument Instrumentin
in pgrfect sihape 1tapby Wednesday at sun sundown sunlown ¬
down ltTvitf 1twilibe Tje liecaus hcttusQ tjt accident accidentjrKt aeLidentAndwhqn
Andwhqn jrKt T he said 11 it > hu didnt JJI i look lookinucb nlf nlfiFor
inucb v orried orried4nUie
iFor 4nUie Uie past jfetvr few hays the KiniibaH KiniibaHarranging KInlbalIput
put 1n their time timearranging
arranging the mammoth pi6k pIl rtatjvc rtatjvctoNthe flativeto5tlie
toNthe organ fau butwMeliliave wtttoh have noti nQt until untilnow untilrOady
now been xeadjrflorReplacing rOady for replacing A tenote1 tenote1lot u1i le leS
S lot of trptifble has been encountered encounteredbringing encounteredlrlnging
bringing the old pipes up to the stand standard f fard
ard At O1 the hew and fuddllns with a amonstah arnontah
monstah thaVspes f onlytwo feet up upahdf upWahdr
Wahdr ahdf saye the genial Hedgrejauo Is IsIn h hIn
In no mannah Lfl h easy CJ5 perfohmance perfohmanceBut
But n6vthe InsttumentjiJfcJuSt as much muchin muchIn
in placeas p1ice a before It wasturned ws turned turnedto dyer dyerto
to th Kimball company At Aboutrall > oufcaU that thatremains thatremafns
remains to bejdone is th thC tuning LVnin which whichis
is In rtSelf a great task but btfe one 7 vhieh vhiehcan > hich hichcan
can Easily be afecpmpUsfced today and andtomorrow upd1 upd1tomorrow
tomorrow tomorrowOrganist Sst SstOrgamist >
Organist McOIeillan With chiSatiterv chiSatitervistic chpietr chpietrIstie
istic enthusiasm arid a r good dearot dea1 l IpW
South SouthMcXlOstCr McAlfester I JE T > Aril 29 29Afl 29Aflexiioslon > T Art Artexplosion
explosion oi gas occurred in the mine mineof mIneof
of the McAlester Coal compatfyT at Al Alderson Aldesson
derson this morning mornIn by tvhlchiflve men menlost mejilost
lost jlhelr their livdS seven Scfl wen s r Injured and andanother andarithr
another is reported reportedtnfSs1Iif reportedtnfSs1IifS missing V i iKilled
S Killed KilledEmanuel KihledS KihledEmanuel
S Emanuel Taylor colored coloredS coloredWiley
Wiley Ciark and brother ColorFd ColorFdAndrew
Andrew Perebi t 1 1DoniinEfo
r onirilco > 4v VesoluJm solum solumThoIujured i X XTheEirjuredr S
TheEirjuredr Vf VfU
U JId Andrew colored colored1 burned burnedPatt burnedPat
Pat Woods burned not seriously seriouslyPaul seriouslyPaul
Paul Sotak burned seriously seriouslyMose seriouslyMose
Mose Garret colored armbroken armbrokenI arm broken brokenA
I A man who lives live with Joe Petrovitch Petrovitchond Petrovitchand
and a a man WhO livesixvrlth George Dart DariIng Darttng
Ing were were burned the latter serlouslyx serlouslyxJoe seriousiyJoe
Joe Petrpviteh Is i missing Ir Lrwa wag not noti notkn9wn
i known at the lime the reporter visit visitj visitCd
j Qd the minfe whether he was killed or orhadcbme0ut orliLti
hadcbme0ut liLti come out and g0hfe home Two Twoothers Twoothers
others Were temporarily over Overcpme cpme by bylire
lire damp but soon recoer recovered d after be beIlng belng
Ilng brought out outJKISEJl outKAIS11J
Beflijj Ji Aril ril 29 29Emperor Emperor Wijliam Wijliamrecently William Williameeentiy
recently gay < otiders for a long list of ofne ofnewspaferuto
ne newspaferuto > papersto 6 lie laTidibfoce hftdl fore hint flaljy
Inteadof clippings cllppingsas as heretofore Be Besides ¬
sides ijeriisipg leriig monevthan moi than two tw o scofe sc io
German paper ha glances at tvvlS tvvlSFrehcft t tFrench
French Journals two English one oneAmerican opeAmerican
American and three Austrian AustrianThis AustrianTiis
This change In his habits he Is said saidto ald aldto
to have had in contemplation for some sonsetinie
Imcf tiniePLANNED i v f f i iI f
T DeiWu en er April S9S A Speclal tfo the He HepHbltcUn Re Repbikeafroin
pHbltcUn pbikeafroin from Santa Fe rr r says it It IttVf11oped
dqvoloped today at the hearing of atilium Vjl Vjlllanx
llanx ilium Vilson charged with 1cIi turnlshlngf turnlshlngfconvict turu1s1iIn turu1s1iInonv1ct
convict George Stevenson with the re revolver1 rrvolrCrused ¬
volver1 volrCrused Used by him in the recent Attempt Attempted attemT attemTc
ed c d delivery le1iver at the peniteaHory that the thoi thelhln
i lhln > Um jvas ras to secure ti the e release of TonSanx Ton ToirheCLlium
heCLlium who tVILS CeuJ laSt Lr1tl Lr1tlapil
apil Itropiho BflI Csrtr 0 0hiti
hiti Sanx aug Wilson confetfeed his guilt and andald anda1d
ald CferV Cires < s SIster offered him 450h 0 jto jtosmuggle tosmuggle
smuggle the pistolinto PIStOL Ifl to tne prisdn prIstncir prIstncirThe f
The plans 1ans were so carefully hrid4thnt hrid4thntwould hildiLliathi
hi for the bravoryltzid good marksmkn marksmknshIp
shIp of tile irisorr ofIh als Blnck 3aef 3aefn
n seore of other dteipbrate cluirdcttrs cluirdcttrswould
would have egnjried th t1a4r r liberty libertynight lIheztySS
S 5 4 4CIIEF
ChtcagQ April 391ay i 1lCrrisoii toj tojbight
night bent senfto to the city Councilfor oui1cIl for con conI eonrriat1oi
rriat1oi tli iidmo o Captain Frank FrankONt41
I OJN ONt41 fl as chief of f police tp auacoed auacoednietvwlth uucoedhlor
hlor Joseph KIplcv resIg1 sd Thaname Thanamemet
nietvwlth met with much favor anttwaa AnVwa confirmed confirmedjwU coat Irmd Irmdsi5iti5iOut
jwU si5iti5iOut OutoflpoSltlonv oiipositton oiiposittonctptiin
Captain ONeil3has been a Tttembef of oftKe hftle
tKe jjollco poike lorce orcefor or many yearsatid has hasair hasIn
air In excellent xcol1entricOrd xcol1entricOrdS xcol1entricOrdis3rjs record v 4 4istari
istari is3rjs s yAti NA1SWQRK NA1SWQRKDemand s vyQjBKt vyQjBKtDemand
Demand Matde Upon Police qf Kansa Kansay XanZaCity
y City to Enforce EnforeKansai aw 1 1Ivansas
Ivansas City April 23 29Mrs iIrs Nations Nationsvisit Xationsvisit
visit to Kansas City two weeks agoyand agoyanda ogoandbrn1iOged
brn1iOged llLrl1 trttmeht at the nhI nhIPt
Pt the pollee 1a boin4 friilf friilfiugtoday
iugtoday oTtNXJ representatWesof pOILi pOILichurnhe
churnhe a awl d temperance ooietles deWd deWdUWon 1eido4to
o4to potttion UWon Governor oernur Dockery to rc rcHIT ie iemova
mova Iqice cornmlulpiIers Vti and
Gregory tTnlws they sifojI agree tc4en tc4enforce
force thaSnntljly cIosIn ia egainsI sa sal000Lt
l000Lt S S
A > HITcommittee committee was appointed to > demand demandp lomrultipfth
p pfth tfiB corrinrfwslohets that the th saJoone tie tieclosed I Ilosed
closed losed arid unless theji the apt poonifrtly the thethufch thiChurch
Church people purpose to sdciire petitions petitionsmao petiUpnsiflgzid
iflgzid by at ieust lfCOOJ people 4unfrt 4unfrtIng
Ing of the staito bXecutiv t1ithu re rerngvc
mao the local cornmfaeipncrs froai ot otBe otIICtL
No Ioney Wl1l Be BePa1d Paid tot 1Piit 1PiitPetd Pat PatOmjcrfia
Petd Body BodyOmaha
Omjcrfia Omaha Neb ADrj ArilflrThe f The body pt ptPag of ofPat
Pat row owts is not in as much aeinarid aeinaridas Uemuiidnh
as tt vas as before bfore the acquiUa ofJJimes ofJJimesCaHahtin of Jafles JaflesCallaluui
CaHahtin Five thousaftfl dlira wilj wiljnb wiflno
nb no iohger be1 paid by thecUy the city of Omaha OmahafoTSsgrowep Othahabody
foTSsgrowep body dead or orailve orailvecb alive aliveA
A cb its getfemi committee meeting to toThe todCy
dCy the cdhncllaen authorIzed Iie Iiechief
chief of police to cvrthdruw this aitl aitlTue
The reward ofl t2n6oa 2i0 offered offireI S hs Hjte Hjtecity the thecity
city for th the arrest andcanyic axidconvlctioa ton of the Hiethree1 thethre
three1 thre kidnaper of Eddie Cucuihy was wasallowed wzisallowed
allowed to stand Eight thousand dbl dbllars dellaraIi
lars laraIi Is the price the city Will Ill pay rn fpt fq the theconviction L1econviction
conviction of one of the ccimiriajsv A Aprio A Aprio
prio of ltOOO is put cut qu Qhehea o ofttoo ofttoooftlie 7rftu 7rftuof >
of oftlie th conspirators and ari three Will viU bring bringteie brtngthe
teie the captors 2fiOOQ 2fiOOQElection 21O0QElection >
Election in Indian Territory TenritpryOlaremont TerritoryClaremont
Claremont 7 1 T April 29 iLItporLs iLItporLstiam lleportts lleporttsfrom
from over aheterritory the t1tov Indicate th the teltfc teltfcOon
Oon today resulted in tIm defeat defeaiythe defeaiytheCherokee oCytlje oCytljeCherokee
Cherokee treaty thU he VQte Qo against rat ratification ratLflcatidu ¬
ification anparentlyi tteltiK ng heavily in in the themajority th thmajority
majority Dejlriite figXire ssfll nuilnot nuilnottatimble aot be Ob ObTimes
tatimble befoiniorrow befoiniorrowS
S S SMinncaIlolis
MinncaIlolis tpril 2Aspednl tn the theTimes
Times rffim Vancouver B C C cays caysunknown aysv AS ASunknown
unknown thre thretmasted rinasted schooner hiispftpn hiispftpnwreclEed mis b Tn Tnwreckei1
wreclEed pff Queen Oharloite Isianfls Jfs Jfsdrowned 1 1Is
Is iup0stsI the entire reW btS been beendrowned
drowned as IS two bodies bodiesliave have been w washed washedaithere i iConvict
S St
t 5 5S 5aonvict
S Convict ilokes His Esckpe EsckpeV
V Vncoyyerf B C April S ibEobert ibEobertCiCno B
CiCno a convict bNew W qTn1ni4ter qTn1ni4terpeifltentiary
peifltentiary nndn a 1year asrtenciI asrtenciItarincon41Inrisin
tarincon41Inrisin esctped4hispiornIng esctped4hispiornIngand
and is still at large His crime w 1IIe 1IIesetiting
setiting onIire of a Irotel laG tPFor1tt tPFor1ttI
for the Instrument has scarcely left the thetaberhac thetabernace
taberhac while the finishing up u has hasbeeh haSbeen
been in progress He sustained sutained a se sever severo
ver vero < Nshockf yiesterday afternoon when whenabsentrinhidedly whenabsentxntndedly
absentrinhidedly he ran over the keys keysonly keysonly
only tpencounter to encounter some heartrending heartrendingdhords heartrendingdliordi
dhords the result cjf the old pipes hay havingbeen hayIng
ingbeen Ing 1jefladied daed before they were tuned tunedMr tunedMr
Mr McClellun hopes to prevail upon uponDr uponDr
Dr George H Walter the eminent eminentWashington eminentVashlngton
Washington DG D C organist to give a arecital arecital
recital at the end pf this week and an the theSalt theSalt
Salt Lake public wishes most heartily heartilythafhg heartilythat
thafhg that hc willbe successful in his ef effort effort
fort DrvWaKer br 1FttLcr arrived here from the theeastSunday theeast
eastSunday east Sunday to make study studydf f the thetabernacle thetbernacle
tabernacle organ about whIch he says sayshehas sayshe
hehas he has hegrd great things While the thedoctor thedoctor
doctor has not yet heard the Instrument Instrumentunder instrumentunder
under circumstances at all favorable favorableHe
He was trying its action and a few of ofItstone
Itstone 1155 tone qualities yesterday when not notpreoccupied notIreoecuflie1
preoccupied on the Interior Hisopln Hisoplntlon His opln oplnlon
lon which is nerhaps the the most valu valuable valuable ¬
able yet rendered is is summed up in inthese inthese
these fewAvords tow wordi The people of this thisstate thisstie
state are truly blessed of God to have havesucnan havelnstruniedt
sucnan instrumerit ftt lit this grand old oldhuUdKbg oldbuiIding
huUdKbg That organ Is the end ofall ofallorsaiiTJulldlng ot zt11 zt11orii
orsaiiTJulldlng orii liullding knowledge that Exists Existst4day 4xistht
t4day t aay Sand man will jhavfr haXe tovrait for forhew forne
hew ne ingpiralion before le ie can canthing addanyr addanyr4Wng
thing to itx fYou You dpnf dcnft know jvOiat you youjKLvejltveretx yoW5rLOlcreThe
jKLvejltveretx 5rLOlcreThe The possibilities ot this in insCrumentarepeyphd iiittrument
sCrumentarepeyphd ttrument arebeyopd the the imagination imaginationweek imaginationDr
Dr Walter viiI rcmalnlieie ab0ulft ab0ulftweek
week most of Vyhich Hme ttmehe he lit spfend spfendthevtabtjrnaClelbstudy uipendt
t thevtabtjrnaClelbstudy iheta1rnanE to study the tIeoragn oragn
The Th explosion occurred occuri d about uboutqnarter a aoUttrtcr
oUttrtcr before 7 T this niprhlngat mprnlng at about aboXiittheentrybetween abouttheetry1between
theentrybetween shaft h ft 1 a and slope T Twh6h i iwhIch
whIch led Ip the same Came Jriine About 125 125time ioinca
inca were at wprk iii tieniinc atthi atthitime
time Jt Is ts not definitely known hovi hovithe howrthe
the gas ignited but It Ii seems probable probablethat probubkthat
that some of the men fifed a a shot that thatthe thhtthe
the shot firers had oveilbpkfid ovoilCoked The Thfesh TheshOt
sh shOt t flrers enter the ihjfnfe mfn In the thCeven thCevenlag eyen eyenfng
lag after the miners leave and fire all allCher allthesflo
Cher thesflo shots or blasts that the miners minersI minershqve
I hsjve prepared Sometimes shots are arehot axenot
hot well yel prepared and anatheshot theshot > fhfers fhfersrefuse 1Wersfefuse
refuse to fire fir them Occasionally iri irijjlvese in infhse
jjlvese fhse cases ± the he ifien ni n afterward fire the thehots thehotq
hots themselves although tfilsVlS tfilsVlSagainftlthe this 13 13itgalnult
againftlthe itgalnult the rules o of the the mine mineIt mineIt
It is I tfi0usht that was donp this thismorning thismorning
morning bylsbme ofthe men who whowere whowereafterwards ere ereafterwards
afterwards killed or lhjured5y injureby th the er erplosion exploslon
plosion 1The The dead were allasphyjclat allasphyjclatjpp nfl aIhwxIat aIhwxIateI
jpp eI Tne Tfle1explosion exploslon was not severe a aothers fl4s fl4shes
others hes vdrking in other parts of the themine themine
mine didnot did not hear It and the engineer engineerat enginenat
at the shaft mouth heard np n noise but butsawsome butSiZ
sawsome SiZ some jsmaikeaJrlSfel sinolce arTh No damage damageo wa wadohe
dohe o to the mine mineLETSON m1neLETSON
A a aBaker
Baker Git > V Ore April 29 2gDeputy Deputy
TTnited Stat tatc < 5 Marshal Rdberts of ofPortland
1 Portland arrived in this city today for forthe
the purpose of subpoenaing witnesses witnessesinline witnessesthe
inline the case of theUnlted the United States ns nslietson ssLetson
lietson Balllet on onan > an indictment in the theUnited
United States court for the southern southerndhtri utherndlstrict
dlstrict dhtri tof 6f Luwa owaat at Des 2kl6lnes Moines for thfe thfeunlaYfuiuse tli tliunlavruuse
unlaYfuiuse ofthe of the United States mails mailsconnection mailsfi
fi connection with the SaleoC sale of White WhiteSfn
Sfn Wn mining Btopks The White Swan
4 15 i a mine of ea1 ea1near eastern Oregon loCated loCatednear
near Baker Oity OityThe ity ityThe
The witnesses witlessestttlmmoned j unimoned today were wereJ
J T Donnelly cashier of the First Na National Nationalhank ¬
tional tionalhank tbank K tVFrwichV W renehekhter cashier of ofthe ofthe
the Citizens bank h tnk and Vf QiReVnoldg 0 5 Reynolds
former vsuperjiritendeltt sup ibitend iit Jof cjf the White WhiiI
I Swan mine m1n It it is rt pIfldra4dd nde Qdd tseveraj sever 4
other promlnenViCiUzeqa of eastern easternOregon easternOregon
Oregon are tb be summoned The wit witern witnesseiin
nesseiin et1ntrec1 to jtpPeau n ouut ouutat
at esines nry 14 14rr
rr 13aTliet is tlredefdndantin
tills casehiss bebi eryaciive lii east eastem
ern Oregon mining circles for spme spmetime
time H has also operated In Colo Colorado Cob Cobrado ¬
rado IdaiioicTJtalv California and Mex Mexico Merleo ¬
leo Hells also the owner pt of a daily dailypaper dailyPaper
paper published in thlSClty thlSCltyenF UiIscL UiIscLS
JACK TirE1tppErL TirE1tppErLS TirE1tppErLCfiTIBADt 14 S
CfiTIBADt CfiTIBADtLudgshaferj
Ludgshaferj Baden April 29The 29Thenutdrkus
nutdrkus 3ack the flIpper who his hisassLtiLd
assLtiLd undii1uUI te1i4ighteen yo yoCfl0tas
enF Cfl0tas a8 been ldncaught < aught here rdhand2d
by tfoo dtetectiXes attired awonlen awonlenA h hA
A dlspatch from Berlin March 2ff 2ffsald 21 21satchdhe
sald satchdhe he Bavarian poflSe poll had capturd capturdfen
the rnth vTib fr seteral ni6nths prcu
lotus luidbeeii tCrrorizfngIstihvig5hh
fen bya succession siic slon of outragessubn ourag shuoll as asjwere lf lfwere
jwere were bortmUfed In the Whltechapel Whltechapelthen
ltSttiCt Cit Ldnlonyearsag Tije mtti
then takeriJinlp Custody XvaS v ttbutcher ttbutchernamedDamlan it bnuther bnuthernamed
namedDamlan named tamiaflS hut hfe was subse subsequently afibaCquently ¬
quently Released Releasedot releasedL
Hard Battle for His Lice iCing iCingFpughtjttonieys
Fpughtjttonieys foDIfen foDIfenCambridge
Cambridge Mass April 29hiefidt 29hiefidtPoWce
PoWce Cfoes 5wse tfi first witneif witneifCaliupot4diy
Caliupot4diy to testy ln tbft tbftof
ot Cj4rieii hariesT II Eastman giarged argeet yrUb yrUbthe vLlbthe
the murder of JJichardJ Grogan jft jftHis Ji3His
His evidencerelaled OVidenceS related to tU tlkstatesiient tlkstatesiientmade stalement stalementi
made h1Bastintun after tli sliottin sliottinorrdahand
orrdahand tlbd not dlferanaferlai dlferanaferlailh
lh frohi i th tiut testlnfony blQtherH of Qtherit XvhQ XvhQphief 4iQ
hacibihen hxnmined oh this point pointChief
Chief Cldyes and Police inspfectoV InspictoMurjy
Murjy rurraj Identlnpd the bullet taken froftt frofttstifector 1 ifl
Giogans hod at the ftutoy Tr Trspbtor
stifector Murray Murra Under unde cross xartiina xartiinaHiJa xazqina xazqinatrdh
HiJa said hehad greatdlinTcirlty irt in fir flrhatl firjug
jug the Pistqtwhich Ez tman sIitf1ie sIitf1ie1hatI
1hatI hatl ire hi his ttaJJd when Uwentrtoff it went off ac accjdentally
cjdentally and shop shn Gro rogan an This Thisby PhfuiI
I stateme3t c rrobdrated the aim iriud iriudby
by Eastmnn that the cylinders cyIi ders pf the there he heretlv
re retlv dlvA wprfced with dimcUlty difflctiltyS
S The governmont called Mr Oliver Oliverthe
the stenpgrapher oftfie of the grand Jury as asa asawItrliii
a awItrliii witness to torezxtl read the testimony of East Ulastmau Eastman
man betbre that bodV The court de deer doCkfedltfiutb
Ckfedltfiutb tlbee1clerkO rnfora thegiiv thegiivrnmntrozn
er rnmntrozn mentiifrbm tha stehograpiid steio rafchItf jtico jticotohipetenti p
eeings befr Uu rancl juty taafl d dcdriipetenL
tohipetenti and the evidence ev1dncOtci warulfetl warulfetlOUt ruled ruledOUt
OUt 9 S Sihvo i > +
f fHwobr
Hwobr ihvo of tiie thetrfldertakers undertakers who wh were werepresent yerepresent
present at thetwcJ the tWd autopsies furtheit furtheitidehtifltd furLbicuzV
V idehtifltd tiie ie bullet Wfiiciiv wYutch was as pre preBeiited preted
Beiited ted In xj0jUftlas the ohej one taken from fromGrogjtn6 fromGroians
Grogjtn6 body bod the day afterthe shoot shoot1injrV
1 injrV injrVAt ing > S S5At
At this point the tiegnvprnrnent spyprjiinent called calledmaTT tlled tlledJohn
John GrOFoflaJMbther ot the dead deadmnirbut
maTT mnirbut but befdrghetook bcfhrdhe took the stjina the theattKney tileatthsn
attKney atthsn genera ge erftP told th the co ccurt urt that thatfifcdesired thath
fifcdesired h desJrci topjit in cVWenoeusom heeoesorneUiipg heeoesorneUiipgivhijth Uiins Uiinsvvhjcjhiicdurrcd
vvhjcjhiicdurrcd ivhijth ilcirred betwe betvepll aJ twjomen twjomenrfKrtxrftT tao men menhiIvOmhhr
hiIvOmhhr rfKrtxrftT li ttv iriqr r4M > t A th4 v shetn shetnS
S Th The Wltriessjithereforev vithess tlber for idld not testt
Vfy ty and the jury went ocft oCviivhile vhlle the thelawyers thetaWyers
lawyers Indulged InvJiaJi In half arf an 2hQurX 2hQurXarguineht hur hurargurnetit
arguineht 6n th tbeJUeStiOn question 6f bfth6 tho aSmls aSmlsslblM ailmissibillU
slblM sibillU of the evidenfiei sldizi Nuhierous Nnierou su sue supreine
preine cLflzt declsluns wre quoted anti antiiimorOw
iimorOw nQinirg the e court will > qn qnueI i en enrTowii
ueI itsle1sihn itsle1sihnIce
Ice jjj 4 S SownisThirne4
rTowii ownisThirne4 ownisThirne429The is Burnedi Burnedi40f
29The biislnessS biislnessSpottdnorWtlitomu
pottdnorWtlitomu thp countr s L LI
I 40f of mtu t5upiha ha Qqnti was as totally ± d de destrpy5dd15by
fat1p8g strpy5dd15by y flreaoday lire t dav Loss Ls JlpO iO00f OBT OBTinsurance
timtlraflCb insurance 50OQQ Sevetarpersohsare Sevetarpersohsareireii4ered 5eyeral persoh nre nrent1red
ireii4ered nt1red homeless hbmeies hbmeiesI i
I I ToCurc aColdiitOnd aColdiitOndIrakaxaUveDromojQu1nlne i
IrakaxaUveDromojQu1nlne Tabletsi TabletsiI25c
I25c i
S b bWalter
Walter < Ealdeian deian ttmtldyCafOf tnplb ee bf thp thpSalt he heSalt
Salt iLalceJ LalccStrci treefl Rllrpadv company companyvicinity eqmpP2 eqmpP2was
was tu victim of a bard holdup in the theVicinity
vicinity of the Warm Springs last night nightMr nightMr
Mr Calder had been to the Springs Springsifor Springsfer
ifor fer a bath And nd was returning to his hisborne hisborne
borne at 374 Kwtreet when the Holdup Holdupoccurred Ibidupued
occurred ued Foe exercise he started to towalk towalk
walk home and was as treading the lonely lonelyand lonelyand
and shadow dloxkened sidewalks about abouttwo abouttWO
two blocks south of the Springs tghen hen a aman atuna
man suddenly pddenIystoppod stopped out from fro i the theshadorw thethadow
shadorw of a tree and thrusting the thebusiness thebusiness
business nd of a big gun under his hisnose hisnose
nose ordered him him to throw up his hishands hishands
hands handsAs handsAs
As the holdup stepped put out Mr Calder Oalderwasln Calderwasin
wasln the act of looklng lookingat at his tatchwhich vatch vatchwhich
which pblntefl to the hour of 0 When Whenthe Whenthe
the ordertto order to elevate his hi hdnds came he hepromptly he hepromptly
promptly lifted then theni but held his hfswatch hiswatch
watch Sn his hand and kept ittthere ittthereconcealed itthereconcealed
concealed beneath his closed ringers lingersuntil
1 until the thug departed departedi de5artedThe
i The fpotpad according to tlief story storyi storyof
i of Mr Calder held the pistol underJhis underJhisI underhisnose
I nose with one ne hand and with the other otherleisurely otherleisurely
leisurely went through his packets packetsturning p9cketsturning
turning them wrong side out and ex examining exainining ¬
amining the te contehts After going goingthrough goln golnthrough
through Ms clothes thoroughly tlje tle rob robber robher ¬
her pocketed 60 0 cents which Jie had hadfound hadfound
found andy and lighting one of fourcigars fourcigarsvhicih four cigars cigarsWhidh
vhicih he h tobk toobcfrzn frohi Mr Calder he heplaced heplaced
placed it lii in higmouth and proceeded to toetva totake
take a quietsmole while he ordered orderedis
is victim to etva oV a move on him down downobeying clownthettredt
thettredt 1r Caldet heat no time in inobt31ng
obeying the xJommanor xJommanornot dotnniandHASARMROKEN
Se A Murr ycitlzen vhoiiejiime could couldnot
not bfe bq leiLcned sustained a severely severelydlstt severelydlshOcittd
dlstt dlshOcittd > catedarnl arm last bight in a 0 rupaway rupawayhear rUpawaynear
hear near the city cityThe cityIhe
The InjureA man and andsome some friends friendss friendsstarted
s started ar ed to the city ina in a wagon rand a afrightened asingle
single bugydnd ivlrIlb on the isay the thehorses
horses hlt4ed to wasn became becamefrightened
frightened They dashed by the buggy buggyand buggyand
and in passing oyertu overtuned ned it throwing throwingthe throwingtue
the occupanfKupon occupanre upop hegrdund The in instruck inlured
lured maii struck on hIs arm an anThe and andihrMv
ihrMv it out of joint jointThe
The runaway was soon stopped and andthe andthb
the Injured man was vas replaced in the thebuggy thebuggy
buggy and t takentO kenwto GbdbeHttts drug drugdWfe drugtAie
dWfe tAie where Dn Vltcher rejpHujed the theBroke thedisloentect
disloentect arjnandsent the patient on onkIsway
5 5a
Broke Bokefli is Arm ArmfanctDidnt andrDidiit See the theBall theBaflGzune
Ball BaflGzune Game GameThe
5 > The efforts di of art llyearoldr youth youthtoqeft youthto
toqeft to ilCC the Sunday game of baseball baseballlaflt baseballlast
last Sunday Sunda affielrnbon cost him a abroken ahrokfl
broken hrokfl arih arm The lad was V Lyle Hard Hardnear Hardmiinthe
miinthe s uiof Job Hardalaix svho lives livesgear
near Eighth SOuth and andSecl Setidpd ml West Weststreets Westtreets
streets n S J JWhen 5
When it < was ab6utHimefcr ab5uttini for the game gameto gameto
to begin Sunday aftJbrnoon Lyle and andsome andsome
some companions betpolf betddbthemselVes themselves to tothe tothe
the field arid began u a search for fo a aeon aeonvCnirnt con convenient ¬
venient peephole lii their search they theyspied theyspied
spied the inviting branbhes of a a tree treefhat treethat
that offered an excellent gratjd stand standand standand
and Immediately they began a scramble scramblefor craml1efor
for the choice branches In the push pushing pushtrig ¬
trig and pulling thkt attended the ef efforts offorta
forts to get a a good place Lyle was waspushed waspushed
pushed off a limb and fell ten or twelve twelvefeet twelvefeet
feet to the ground below He struck on onhfs onhfe
hfs right arm and fractured the bone boneThe boneThe
The bojrjfvvas picked up by some by bystanders bytknders ¬
standers and taken to his home where whereaphysician whereaphysician
aphysician was wa called to attend him hiimThe himThe
The Broken bone was soon set and andyesterday andyesterday
yesterday the lad was recovering reeoverLn as asnicely asnicely
nicely a5s n could beexpected beexpectedEight
5 5Eight
Eight Burned to Death DeathCannes Deathcannes
Cannes France April 29 29Fire Fire broke brokeout brokeout
out last night at the artillery camp in inthe Inthe
the vicinity of the village of St Jean JeanEight JeanBight
Eight men were burned to death and andAmnesty andS
S r rm1iety
Amnesty m1iety Extend ThctendetfiIngton Extendlriston
tfiIngton lriston April eit > It < is P Pwar tatd atIthe atIthewai
war wai department that Jhe he amnesty grant granted ¬
ed 01 by General 3 Marthur > la < xytnur < in n a L proclo proclofraaliortlseutd prociauitioztlsMitd
fraaliortlseutd totne tttieFtIiPind4 Filipino ilch ex extlK oxilred
ilred last ilutumr aTid was attended by bytint
tint FiUpInS coirimlssioin to Sifts 1 l will ill illbo
5 bo extendetj again by the Taft commls commls5slon coinmisslontO
5slon slontO > to about July Jnl 1 when It 1 is expected expectedthat expectedthat
that the civil government of the Philip Philippines PhIlippInes ¬
pines will be instituted institutedGeneral institutedGeneral
General Amnesty Proclaimed ProclaimedWashingtonAflffll ProclaitnedWtishingtop
WashingtonAflffll Wtishingtop letL 29 29l3qnor Senor ilya ibyathe5nflnlstiii ilyathe
the the5nflnlstiii minister Voin froinColoinb1ul ColomUfi tol to Wa Wah Wahlngton fir firIngtpn
Ingtpn has received a cablegram from fromJBogpfa fromiBogpfa
JBogpfa stating a > generaliamnesty has hasbden hasbdcn
bden proc1aimeAiand all al1Irisoners ttsoners or ordered ordered ¬
dered released marking the ehd of the therebellion thejebehhlon
rebellion jebehhlonDid rebellionJ
J Did > id Just ust as She he Was as Told ToldA
A 3 ChIcago American 5n irican iricanTho i iTHb
THb Tho servant iorvant 5 gfrt girlwho who fOTlows foTbowsclirocti0rt foTbowsclirocti0rtexpitcitly < dlrectt < Jnji Jnjiexplicitly
explicitly has always JbeeniconsidBradJewel JbeeniconsidBrad bepncos1derqdajewel
Jewel Jjqt there are cme iTitvfs eVcn in inhfe 2naha
aha hfe mostValnaWe geins geinsvian gcmsrho
rho jewel in nuestien 4val a teandlpa teandlpavian
vian willing and vigorous but not oy oer oergttted ar arRlfted
Rlfted with intetHpen lntcliig n e When She ho first first1jarrived firsttrrived
jarrived trrived ax the scene she hr lied Dexter neCcr seena seen sedna
a refrigeratpr Lt before > eore After ihltiaulng ihltiaulngMOT lultiaLLghCr
MOT Into Its mysteries thg new ncs trttetress trttetressinstrutted bllttressInstrUcted
InstrUcted Tier never to leave in the ice icebox Icebox
box anything old or left over but to tokeep tokeqp
keep It pesfectlv clean and fre rrhi liy b bL by bythrowIng >
L 3 j aL v < t ra v vHftpt
throwIng awhy thid things every everyinning
Oil the tIny following this tiunibttres tiunibttresilappentid S
Hftpt ilappentid > ened tolodk tolodknoticed to look 4pC of the window had hadnoticed
noticed something peetUlarvIn the thcard thcardSumnrobirg tjard tjardflumnvoning
flumnvoning the nwiidf hc h aid aidSophia c cfiophta
Sophia what Is thatj that aid howaid how 1d It Itget It4get
4get get theivs theivsTho th ne S 5
The Sc Scandinavian ridlnayljin hvxned biim d With Jfitiftat Jfitiftather j0 t tliti
her liti own clev6rns oIevornshnntt ina In hr expedtai expectatiOn n of ofcor3Iarappro orcordial
cor3Iarappro cordial nplfroal il v S < v S SS STiiut A Ax
x TtiHl ls old leci ice rnaamV left frotnTwes frotnTwes4erdoj fronfjJes fronfjJes4erd3
4erdoj v I throw itaway It away lak you OtiJ5 toll Sbnme tollme
me ft v J i V VGrleasonSi >
GrleasonSi GleasonsSign Sign of Greatness reatnessv
5 v S New ew Kork IQ k Letter LetterA r rA
A A good storj jtbout bput Battlezls Gleason Gleasona GleasonrWas
rWas a ausrHjp dug UI tho th ether day saw the theIjrbm thetiiali
tiiali Ijrbm JLonff IsiSind City to a ii New NewWc NewYck
Yck Wc < orresponuent Its a a utory which whicho whlcliivmeome
ivmeome o vsomer cure to the cecmlIyOrs xm tydrs Suc SucHai uc ucceaw
ceaw Hai is a political leader It happened in in1E9C j jlhC
1E9C when he w was i out In Indlenapojis as asftVdelegato ni niI
I ftVdelegato adeleato to the national convention conventionwliSctt n nvllWh
wliSctt nominated EdJrnqr and nd Buckner BucknerThe BuckntirPh
The Thetho Ph ktcl accorntirthttions fn the Indlarki Indlarkii
i c15t7 vers not the ldrtest orthe best end endt
t by thetimetheuidvancegthira go rooms roomsthe
the ti t4n 3i was vas filled1 ttyoverflowlnc When Whenthe Whentile
the toaypr arrived ever evbxybo1ly bofly jisjted u5clced him hinitrhat himwhal
trhat he > was going to do to get It place pTacato >
I to sleep
I tDoTMieJaald tDo iew What j am 1 going to toAria todo
do Just atteh inb inbAnci
Aria they waiched him with the re result yestilt ¬
stilt that he had the laugh on the wnole1 wnole1crowd Whelocrowd
crowd of 5em eTp > He simply went to a hos hospital iio iiopltal ¬
pital Tiiced hii ed a private rcK room > m at 10 per perweek perwe1t5
week ana il lept ii there In the thgrent0st reat6st cornv cornvraWof coin coinflIrt
flIrt fQr two jlltyhts whilO itie other dele delegi4
gi4 tried to be imfnrtableln bafld bafldhexes
hexes lor whiCh thCy llad i3ltt at tie tierattoi
raWof from J10 1 to 5SO O a d day dayico y yllilngs
ico oie can teil n that5 tijaddy Glen Glentern
tern bait a greutman Its thesalltle thesalltlethings
things that how itV itVi itiWat
i Wat Tater r XlWed Xi XiNew XdkChattgne XdkChattgneNove
New York Post S SSpealctag
Spealctag of iliibomatl5s reminds me meremember methat
that Mrs J Iayes wbovasyou cebe cia remember rememberwas
was o stanch iQcHaare sirUSdwlth ttrnnsl WIth me mej mefor
j for an hour over the first dinner the prea preatstive pre preldont
ldont wastoiiv e theforeign reptefe reptefetUVes
tstive rtrbd to make her see that it itpart itwtnad
wtnad so nasacri11ee of prlnripbe on her herS
S part tosefc Wine ine ote the tabl tublo1pt ijsit ottlv ottlvtheiCivllVty onlvtlociv1hity
theiCivllVty we always show to guests by byulrt
5 recgntz1ng their ways of ltvfn itt home homeI
I ulrt afraid shet sh declared itfiyt h1t iieministers iie heI
I ministers will hive tdve to irittke1 make tip up ttelmthdsrlcbe ttel ttpiI
I mthdsrlcbe thadso lIe w laiblerwitlt wit1j water wattrA33d x xTI
A33d I 4hoeied bea d9adfull by an answatlug
swatlug Mrs hiaye I hnct raver raverkroyn
kroyn people to ls socuibt wtli vatcr vatcrtxcept
txcept in atth 5
Dld Mrs IUyts carry Iter polntV he heWanked
TI Wanked asked askedYes S
Yes lndeeaheretsporiae inde ti he respoddsl < lirAvlUia eitlia diy diychuckle drychuckle
chuckle Slie IIO htd hti tu tile dinnerC dinner as amWanted Jnhs Jnhswanted
wanted Jtaadthe it and tho ater lowfed like likechampagne likepagn
champagne pagn pagnS t tKing <
King Vtc V tciriix q a wi tn AUttior AUttiori 5 5Eing
S tChIcago Ti1blne Ti1blneRomeKtngVtcturBr
i Rotnei RomeKtngVtcturBr KmE HctarjtiEriimnviel mjuiuOl has just justcOnrpJetedthnr justcompietedthoi1rst
cOnrpJetedthnr f volume oluuue < > f his history historyoKftallanc6lns liiStgryorita1Ian
oKftallanc6lns orita1Ian c1ns and andmee nnefiarB Is utfbn V which whichhhlis i h hhe
he hhlis JiaSVbeeiv beeatpg9g gjtgiig far a Wng time timel iiheandit4tf
l The bfiokcOhta1na no tower than 12M0 12M0i1lLustration
i1lLustration andit4tf 41rd it4ti4 jninYSfi itImned < i it aIll aIll0uit
4 t i j vl i WttJlt >
0uit ifllOOi 1taite ithbhL0cL ibaut
t the end or Soptumbe
iifiuill PBll1kN1 PBll1kN1GOV
They Win Meet the ± bo Presidential PrestdentLa1Party
Party and Act 7 as Escort r coth 4 Through Throughthe fl SOb 4 gij gijthe
the State StateS i > i 2 2has
S t P j l i et s a
5 Ian A ill Govem I stun stunhas
has named namedji a committee of fifty cv cvrorcresentarvo
ji jistate
rorcresentarvo mnO mnOth
th pre1dent anti parts tItrQiigti the thestate
state The committee Is headed by ex exSenator exSenator
Senator Shoup who Is to have cHargtrot cHargtrotall dhlarge of ofitil
all arrangements arrangementsAmopg arrangotnentsAmong
Among the memhors are Senators Du Dufiols Duois
fiols ois and HeftreidinkepreSeniaUve I1ejtreId itopretent tve Glenn Glenndnd GbonIrdad
dad exHeprcifeeritattv6 Wilson H fe nott nottyet nouayet
yet known wh a frfO re the committee will wIltmeet willmeet
meet the presidents raln < The itmsraxy itmsraxyprovides iuxisraryprovides
provides jot aninvthrougii1 arun througl Idtdi li livtllo livtllonIght lnV lnVnight
night and it is likQly that life th 1Ii1Ib 1Ii1Ibdelegation hb hbdelegation
delegation wlH go into Montana so as to tocation toatiti
cation atiti tee party In daylight daylightCOITlITEBrE day11ghtC0UNTBBPEIITDBS
ut utj > j i S jf l r rTwo y yTwo
Two Supposed Members of JGang Are AreArrested AreArrested
Arrested at 3uttet iIttdi iIttdiButte i iButte
Butte Mont April 29 191wo Two of what IB IBsupposed issupposed
supposed to be a big gang of counfei counfeitettersiTvere countattoitcrui >
tettersiTvere toitcrui werearresed > farrested hgre bare t qdav and andIdentified andIdentified
Identified by several e eral pe peplo plor hn h whom wkomthey whomthey
they had passed bogus 510 i0 goldpieces goldpiecesThey 5ld piees pieesThey
They sot nd of quite a numharv ia iawuIlium a > V VvWlHiarn
vWlHiarn Dougherty pne viie 01 them vha vhalived hau haulived
lived hero hOTeHave r years acd is upOeed to tohave
Have 6nly 6nlywas tycert1y bic0nIe ooitneoted ooitneotedwIth
wIth tile gang Johit Mulilitn the othtsr othtsrbizt
bizt been here a muth shortuir utmeaiid utmeaiidii3
was ii3 a faro dmler nntlithe law caused causedLha causedto
Lha pames to close ertojam euii verj much OIL
der cover coverAsks >
Asks iska Secretary Long JTot Not to Assign AssignHintto Assignmnx
Hintto mnx to MareIsland MareIslandGTolorado a2e 3ld 3ldtloboracio
GTolorado Springs Colo Cob April iSr 9Cap 9CapLain Cap Captaln
Lain J B Coghlan caJLJed on the seoreiry seoreiryo
o of the navy John I D > Jjong Longhere rhere twfitK twfitKt teyfnd
t fnd hdrequested requecled that ne bdinot Assigned to tothe tothe
the Mark Island navy yad The caputia caputiais catMoue
is ue troubled vfiito wtI pleurisy and te I airraid airraidthe fraliI fraliIthq
the Jqyres a aiitLtutl U ud will be pc PtWjUtkitt 3ufll < iial iij iijl WbLi
bLi l ftaaith In Qne yeKir more he has tha thaalf tlioprlvllefo
prlvllefo uf rdtfrtrig ab a rear admiraL dn dnhalf
half halfsic alf pay
Sit reffary Long carte to t Colorado ColoradoSprings ColoradaSprings
Springs to vtett his daughter and nd w4U w4Uspend ii411spend
spend most wf tots tlino here with her J I
hliUjprobab4y > robRMy t ho > e Ticre for a week tso tsoI li lisahti
sahti I tifoBM then leave for CaHforn CaHfornI stirrzr5wheth
5wheth I will join the presidential party partyyord
iipa return tothis otty with mr pre4 pre4tIfitcanti
tIfitcanti shell 4 ptbnue with hun
Vhrh1out the remMndtr r hi rlp
yord comes from x ripple Creek tr It that thatVlb
Jyj presidential party win receive the thegjeajtest thegreatest
greatest ovation ever tendored a body bod of ofVJS ofviSitors
VJS viSitors rs to that city An apoprttsouvenir ppropjrtate ppropjrtatesouventtr
souvenir piado iado of Cripple Cceek gold wilt TrtltOB wiltlit
lit OB presented to co fh thi president presidentland presidentLand
land Case Decided DecidedSpecial DecidedSpeClub
Special loTb to Tbe Heritlfl Heritlfliwtertor Herit HeritWasbiington >
Wasbiington D C Apeft Tho ecre
tar f iwtertor has antrcned the de dee deottoir
ottoir 6 the e cwieral land otOce in th thto tbei
Eltnaer Harziiuig alnst At el elcasun
casun tqsui Lesrd Idko Uls
trt ahtoflt appicaj te 1neIb 1neIbtiVi
tiVi 1 in oxifrove sy tn t1 homeatead
emtry5 i biehit aUbjeot Herlnga crlngs prior priorEbbbed prlurrigi
rigi to enter tt ttOrIg1as2
OrIg1as2 peni4uns irttM reeldt ut n
IIah9 4 RRftnlth Baie Baieeorge
eorge iaoieter S SBobbed
> Ebbbed Ticket Office OfficeSpecial OfficeSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldRock Uerabdiflock
Rock Springs Wyo c gpe4j prtl A A rob ¬
bery Ws commttteid Here Iiefwr between n m m3et 0 0last
last night and 230 2 this mornb moridig Th ThtTi
tTi lnJen Jea Pacific ticket office ntttc WM j Rter iterei < j jogro
hroughe esst iRbow the 7draw 7drawgielottd
gielottd 4wru ogro was arrested on O sus susJBftes
i i1itgiles
JBftes 1itgiles at Eock Sprigs Sprigstgpfciai S Specla1
tgpfciai pecla1 to The HeraM HeraMRock HerakiRoc
Rock Roc rtn 4ngs r6 Wyo Ajpril April 39 3Aa A i eari eariKemmare eariiof
of EagIR bela or W with withiiti1Cermnrer
iiti1Cermnrer Kemmare KemmarellATES Wyth aee1n lath lathTis
Alaskar Transportation Oomponies OomponiesJ
J Contijitie CoiithiwsThelr Their Cutting CuttingVfeifetorfe i iS1cUldH
Vfeifetorfe B C LLrIt rit 29Ntham N < th rh pas pasEengear passenei
Eengear senei rales b have LVe taken fal tn the flbftfoeted flbftfoeteds deeted deetedttimbi
ttimbi hi Vanoottver I1 iteau5r iteau5rsHing
s sHing HlnK for Skgtvfe Skaj wr r ott cu Thuray Thavt will willh wilthaye
h haye yo A long iwasengar seiiger tet iiclw Ucket s being beingeeld blehigaeld
eeld toda today f for or 56 nrtt Ir aod a 5 seopiMMW seopiMMWIt sasonib sasonib1retgtit >
1retgtit raen rinaia pcacttcty Un Uncing
It wa was asnounc inounce4 < i today todayfare the Caa CaasJlan
sJlan Pacific railway th th paaenger paaengerfre
fare qf the companys bot to S Sfi Sigway Sigwayfrom
fi from m Senttlte and nd Vlctort 4 4l4rSt be belirt
l4rSt 0l 10 s soutK seeqed 5 The TheCais5Uait
Cais5Uait Paltle i411 neet Mn3t rery rerycdt
outK cdt it te i said alii They will willat anortrth anortrthlit
at the emma me rote a quot quotican qiseed by ti tiO Ataer AtaerSupreme Ametlean
lean linek flnoS
S Supreme Court A3 Adjqdrns AdjqdrnsWaAgngton jo iirns iirnsWfesWngton
WfesWngton April 28 2LAftar After M0ouace M0ouaceing S Simg
ing various optnlone and hearing A a num number numet ¬
ber et of mo motions bi today the United tates tatessuprtTna ttssulrtrme
suprtTna court fook an if aitjournueut djcarmn at until untilM untilM
M < mday tf the > 19th i3thprosno prt > sin Tb The tiie iiieatIn iiieatInthen Un Unthen
then mt be oy for f the BuiinuiMfiiiient BuiinuiMfiiiientj
j of > f opkdos
pooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooI81E6E18535O
cI S S S The fact that S350 and O Oprices 6
9 9S S 1 ii t T S4OO are the nicsi popuigr popuigrg
prices for jVIens Shoes ixL Salfe SalfeIiaTte
IiaTte is the r6aspn vre Ifia e de p pvoted
voted much attention to the P Piselectibn
g A I = J iselectibn of o these tbes two lines O OAnd 9 9S
L cf = =
S j And our success TOfch iththis this sea P Psons
0 I l la
a 5 I sons stock has been ardre indrea P Pihanf
a 5 > ihanf pleasing to us usior for every esver P Pisfied 9os
os S pair that is soldmeansasab
6 5 j S isfied customer customerQV customerOUR
9 5 This Tbisw jheW invention will be welcomed by nxiydne any o ne who Suffers Suffersvfraxh t
9 vfraxh fromsperspiring perspiring1 feet In appearance its the same as any other othershce o
9 slice The shape and style of leathers are the very latest latestThe
0 The balanceof balance > of our our S400 line consists of Vici Kid GlszedKld GlszedKldVelbiirx Glazed XId XIda >
a Velbiirx Velour Calf Calftnd and Zurah Calf in stylish shapes f i iWe 1T35O >
T35O T35O1A
1A We shovr fewest shapes itt Viet K Kid dand and BoxCfelf Box Ohif S ana i Black TTicii TTiciiKid 9 9KicL
Kid OxfordsU Oxfqxds S V VW 0
9 5 W Weve ve Shoesfor Shoes for men ais low asSlSO as St50 or tip to SOO Bo BoShoesfrom Boys
9 Shoesfrom Shoes front S125 to S250 S
61 63 and 65 Main Street StreetE
1 odo orooodoboooOoo oooooooooooobjooo oooooooooooobjoooLtocoln
rj Lincoln Sexual eual Pills restore natural strength nn nnei5i5 n nvlsor
ei5i5 rleeof vigor They do nat excite or stimulate They are re a aperfectly aJ
J I perfectly pure and certain nerve 1tood ood and every tablet tabletIs
i Is standarlzed to absolute uniformit uplforuiitr tjse them and andyou andk
k you will rejolsejzr reioI Ia strength aerra vigor and manly manlymagnetism nanlymagnetism
magnetism magnetismt J Jr S
t S r S Price 100 per boxrbuy of your druggist or sent bjr bymail bjrmall
mall on receipt of price tnplaliijvrapp tnplaliijvrappLINCOLN n plain wrapper
S Fort Wityn md mdMCoys
MCoys Coys Prescription Pharmacy 5th East < atxdSr and 3rd SqutiiTand Sduthand Van iinui iinuit iinuiIDrug Dykt DyktIiitig >
IDrug Store 280 South Main Salt Lake City Exclusive Agents
We install Elactric Plants lor Iso Isolated Isoated ¬
lated ated and andLong 1ion Disfcanieak Transmis Transmission
sion y yWe 2 2We
We handle han lie the Westinghouse Dy Dynamos Dynamos ¬
namos and JJIbtorsj Iotors thebest the best on the thomarlcet themarket
market marlcetElectrical S S5lctfpal
Electrical 5lctfpal supplies of all fcfarig lthtdaCorrespondence fcfarigSupply
Correspondence solirnted solirntedSail
Sail Eike EikeEkdrk
Ekdrk Supply Co
15 West Pirst South S Siee re reLak Salt SaltLaiteCity
Lak LaiteCity rfCity Selephone No t6 6
Can t an anS
S 7
f r rBuy
5 5 EV Buy BLa a pair palrfor lor your yourwheekaud wheqj and youl you1iIfoppro you1iIfopproS Sppre Sppreclafe
l clafe cIaCethI thlsVand and beslfies youvll you 3Iibe be able to icido icidoALL ridoS
S L9V S t ALL THE TIME Taeji too J erfer rwil1 iil be no norepair norepair
repair bills so youll bo money ahead by the theem thoLj
Lj em end qljthe of tl e yiean yieanVe year yearS
S Vearetalkingabout Vearetalkingaboutj Ve are talking about
j L punqture Pro of ofTire
TII OODYEAp OODYEApCO Tire as jSije1 jt jtpJoaV
WHEN MDOUBT TRY They rheynavcsocdthtcstoryean rheynavcsocdthtcstoryeanS Have stood the test Ofyeart OfyeartAAd
S TflflUt AAd have cored thousands ol olabases o oI
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or sale by F J HlUisfCo am Co Salt Lake City lltkh

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