GO GOOID D TQRIES FOR CH ClliLDRENBW1tMDog1I ClliLDRENBW1tMDog1ILittle LDREN BrVailt M Doug a sa lf lfc lfLittle r
Little Howard MegargeeFinds Megargee Finds the Strange Land Where here All Queer Qu erMames Names Originate
Creatures i iof of Most Astonishing AstonishingA5 AstonishingAspect
Aspect A5 ct RePfesentedBidd1 iand iandHofackers Cind CindHofackers
Hofackers andH and Hodigns a
AST week as you will remember rememberU
U the story stopped lea leaving Y1n the thePriDceJ thePrlnce
PriDceJ 3 Alice In the strange strangelana stranged
d lana where all the cWJ f folks folkswere lka lkawere
were children She very verTD1tJch verymuch
much startled When Howard Iegargee Iegargeew ega
w 35 s so eu euddspV 4elr wbbkedaflaJ whlsked stray from ir m her heride heraide
aide ide just alter an l1e wlllhed wlss d ttt lie with his histrick hi hitkk
trick father the mallldUlo let 111 I mOo mOonltllt monent
nltllt I she reaJI reafaed d what bad upt bippened bippenedhc eMd eMdhe
he was fTi frightened btenetl too for a moment momentbJ momenthtr
htr bJ when she EEeught t upt that she be held the theook theook
ook ofM of Magic In her hand with the theWaiqf thet
t ithirgspell Waiqf 1I printed print d ift pIai pa eUU8 she sbec
c oeludM that pvi perla9 a s It wa for tu tu1c3t thel
1c3t l ct She knew that she had only onl to rel le leat
l at th tha magic words t to be able ble to have havear imvea
ar a y wish grated ted and She detetmised eten llled llledr1I1n to toran
ran for a while hlle In the village of old oldhildren oldt
t hildren to see if she could DOt help then tbe1ht thenter
t ter S1 did wear awful to He alt thane ok oldPeople okjfOple
People piaY1nlrthUdiah piayin ehfldish games It cUd net netcm netstem
stem cm right rightSome
Some of them were just like bad boys boysat boysat
at schoolte381ng othErs putting burrs 1n 1nt inthe
t the h girls hair breaking windows throw thrownf throwingteees
ingteees nf Ifto e at testa sad ieieg aU sorts of ofJT ofit
JT cn > n trick which of course one exrects ex exlt
lt rects > cts b8lll be bore te do but certainly Dot DotJd notid
Jd men with gray beards a toot long 10111nd longlnd
lnd nd to think of a whole village afraidt afraid
to t J g about II the dark made her blah blahtel blushFcr
tel them UI81ILSlE themS
S SlE ae walked about the village until MOn MOntcaIIt neonwatcbwtt
watcbwtt tcaIIt tMIII At their play and then t1aenAI thensloe
sloe AI SlIt darn under a tree to rat A A1f Awoman
1f woman < man wtthleaaant wUNt s > flent t ha came and sat satdown satdown
down beSide lair and said saidMy amidMy
My dolly fa quite sick ck What shall I Igive Igive
give her herI
I C de net mew repued Allies 1 i am amtoo III IIItoo
too old to remember what I gave my mydolly mydoily
dolly when I played with her hert
t had thought of codUver on said saidthe saidthe
the old woman woman Butbe That she doe make such suchit
it L face over taa taaSM that thatS1c
SM Hears of a Wilen WffchWhat Wilenbat
What bat is the matter with her uk uk1he asked askedthe
the Prince PrincessI
1 think she is s bewttc hewltchai 1 am si most mostsure aotsure
sure the old witch up seeder hu doss doaellol1let dosssomething
llol1let something 10 say 1Iari dariing replied the thewoman tbewoman
woman bugdBg MI doll closely CIoMI7Is
Is there as old witch about hen hena hereasked
a asked > iked Alee AleeOb AtlasOh
Ob eeapsheiy DIdJIt yon know that tllatline thatsne
line lived 1 tr1 < r Use h hilt I near the wood woodI
I thought e evobody knew maw that tlaatWill thatWill
Will you ou show ow me her house asked askedne askedtee
tee ne Princess PrtOCeMNo
No Indeed not L That q I will DOt CO COUAr
UAr 1 ear It not for t the rids world Bat Ill 111poht Illpoint
point it out to you ou from a aft dJstaaoe dJstaaoeThey distaneeThey
They say that aU she ba has to do Is to look looklit looket
lit dos Q1 and aatlUaat that ftea you 1 Its awful to tohl tothink
think hl Mat 11 is It 8Ot aotP aotPI
1 dont belie believe In witches repliedAlIVf replied repliedAl
Al AlIVf Hand I think that abe is a about ut as asreI asreal
real a as the Bugaboos you were all so soa soaPrai4f
aPrai4f a ra4 C 1 will ill CO and take a look at atber ather
her berThe
The old WOInan got ot Up and went to the tbetop thetop
top of a Utde hm1fllth hilt with the Princess ud udpointed andpointed
pointed to a house 01 0 the top 0 another anotlMrhlU anotherhill
hill not far away8he away awaySbe
Sbe lives there she said and I think thinkCI
CI e E at he row but 1 would ould slot tOt go gorear Q Qfar
rear far if I we you youBice ou oulice
lice went at once to the house andltnrc and aoouHked
ltnrc uHked ked 011 the door It Wi I s opened by a aman awoman
woman man who certainty did sot look like the t1M1itu thePictures
1itu Pictures s of a Witch at aU She 8D smiled when whenISh whenshe
ISh she law AUte lJk and Hid hood sprains mIDI mIDIj
j am glad y a 1 have come 1 have been beenxpectinc beenXpecting
+ xpectinc yt all the morning after I Iila Iheard
ila heard hoW Jvu and the young lad reuW reuWlIle reuh reuhthe
the Bugatohe BUp ofi wt night n1cbtThey nightThey
They totf me that you nQ wen a Witch Witchid witchaid
aid id the Prl PeVets f ard 1 cane to t see seewbat seewhat
what you ou really 1l7 were WCreOf wereOf
Of coarse 1 am not a wlch i b at when whenThose whenthose
Those old children down in U tin play playJag vii viila8c
Jag on once get an 1D their bs bslml4 k n nrttusihie
lml4 rttusihie dbe to et It aCtm rt aain Tbe They got gotnotion goti
i notion that 1 a am a witch because beca I It Ir
r t lay 11 It 1 da day as they do but atted at att
t ted > d t tu my ty work workn
t nai n l ycr work crk InQlircd Alie AlieL
a ac
L c 7
c < <
I nIIIW hesv + e ebawe fit eth thaw t sit 1 1prepare Iprepare
prepare tusk food sad lid pet lOt It Ia their theirhouaea theirhouses
houses keep their aetba In repair clean deenup cleanup
up after them and do all tile t1llDga that thata tt t ta
a parent does for her ebildsu cIaIId i Tb They 7 cant auitdo cantdo
do the eimpbrat pl tIdaC fir tM tbduusatveo tselv I Imugt Imust
must atatd atte I a alL aIIAJIce alLAlice
Alice I laughed Sh W I sit Jllte tine lid wv wvman wewan
man w1lo Uved Iv III i bush You eu have 58 58nany senany
nany children that you n cJocat know 1 Iow what wbatto whatto
to de said she sheI sheIudeep
I Iudeep I am am the same alpiot Some SometJlbes SomeUme
tJlbes I feel lib 4GhIIk exactly All 8M did 411dgive didgive
give them some broth wKboUtany without any brad bradand breadand
and spank theIR a11 soundly and andput put them themto
to bet betWDI bedRill
Rill yon ten me hew It happened that thatall thatall
all these oW people became me like 80 many mllnycl11ldfta manychildren
children 1 asked Alice 1oe That IIJ she sheadded sheadded
added if It t8nt Isnt a secret secretI 1 1I
I will gladly tell you 010 and 1 think tIIInklt tIIInkltought it itought
ought to be printed in the papers 81 a abook abook
book as a warning to aU grownups not notto notto
to play too rises AU UIeIe peopIaODCIt peopIaODCItlied peoplemacslived
lied in town and nd Weft ordinary common commonsense COIamonsenae
sense folks bat die th beaIDe Infatuated Infatuatedwith
with the gaase oC golf alf aDd spent an the thespare then thenspare
spare time to the neglect of everything everyUdngelM
elM playing St it Then T they laarndd Ieam cI another aaothercame anothergame
came called piUCpo pngpoa1L s which was wasplayed wasplayed
played indoor aa4 theY simply went wentcrazy W nt nteraay
crazy over It 110 that every boor tour except 8Xeeptthe exceptthe
the hoop IlleJatlq peat h oltep P were devoted to tothis tothis
this sport They watt without their meals Jnealsbecaulle mealsbecause
because they needed all their cIInInt room roomtables roomtables
tables to play piqpoll UJ upon OR and they theycould theycould
could think 01 Docking el else elsevobgdy e eNobftd1courtfd
Nobftd1courtfd vobgdy courted Jead ead hooks got mar married married
ried or workednotb1n workednothing was done De but butpingpoq butping
ping pingpoq gong playing bum dawn until near nearly nearly
ly 1It1dat81at They would light aDd quar quarrel quarrel
rel over tile stare all names and D4 sulk sulkbut sulkbut
but un they poN untO finally they theyepn
began epn to play oa day Then the asia mlRI asiafeter
feter I er went and tallied to them far al although although
though he play played J pinggong Jllrponc too he hedie bedrew
die drew the Jbteat Ilse at Sunday playing But they theyowdnt theywouidnt
owdnt lllten to bps and be went away awaysad awaysad
sad at heart and took a church In aa another anotherplace tIIer tIIerplace
place ThenI1M Then jirt when they thought tllDq1att thoughtthey
t they MJ were nil dfttt tile wiant Jirpe JirpeHoward YesargeeHowards
Howard father went there to attend attendto
to some me iwdaao but Andlog that eYer eYerbod every everybody
bod body WU so wrappeiI up ta pIag pIagtbat pthgpong pthgpongthat
that they U4 no tIlDe to attend attendthing to say saything
thing e eta 1M lOt tend Dt sad aid aidI
I came here to give C you a he public publiclibrary publlcUbrary <
library with ten aIIIIDD Mob which I Iam Iam
am totntr tOt to call The TaMRo 1M LI1 Li Library
brary where you could take eat ut all the thebooks thebooks
books you OU wante4 at a cat oCe of only 1Y tea t8ftcents teacents
cents each aeIL hat I see that t Nat are tee teelIilly toesilly
silly aDd childish to aqueealete the gift sKtIn giftInstead
In Instead iead of that Ill pat a apeD spec you 1Guo youso
so o that you 014 will forever naaaJa as chlt chlt4ren chtidren
4ren pia playing d zdUY uI7 gases from morn mornng mornIng
Ing ng until night IdcbLSo nightSo
So that Ia how It happened Bleause Beesasethe Bleausethe
the old woman was the OII only ODe In Ute thetown Utetown
town who ho dJdnt play JIIIqpoDS the ar argkian
1 gkian Qan placed all the otbe otbees Is her care careI e eI
I have a good mud ml to jut J8Iea J8Ieathen release releasethem
then all from the spell a said d thePz1n thePz1nceu thePrltrose
rose thoughtfully thougbtfullYVIQ thoughtfullyWhy
Why can you 01 40 that asked the theold theold
old weIIIIU1 In urprM 4 I honght taou t themagician the themagician
magician alone could do such a t tY thengt thengtYee
Yee Y I c could < MIN It I winked I ant IB onlywondering only onlywoDderinc
wondering whether It Is for the beet Per Perha Perhap
ha hap t they would be sorry to haTe to De begrownup DegrWI1UP
grownup folks once mono but It does doese Me MeI
I e > tem ena a shame to see them all 80 cbtId1ah cbtId1ahI
I think you would do better If y yeu left lefttlea lefttheta
theta abase tr now they ate t too ooW d te go goback goback
back and M begin In agala iII sad besides It Itmicht Itmight
might do no oood geod They might keep right rtgtrtOil
Oil playing 1 games mN aid there would 1te no nobod nobody
body to tvrake t e care of them for certainly certainlyI taJnq taJnqJ
J wont ont look out for a lot c of quarrelSome quarrelSomeI
I Popie p I ten you ou that It Its aU gilt I1IJItt
t Lo care of Ch children dren but creaks old oldgrownups oldgrownups
grownups are too much for me meSo meSo
So AlIce derided that she would Jean Jeanthem leavethem
them just as tW were ere and s sae aid good goodbye 004 004be
be to the 11011100 ttltch itch She sat Gown Gownundtr downunder
under the tree O ones more and opened the tbemagk themagic
magic bookIt book bookIt
It opened 3t tits page where fJI the wish mshme wishLbg
me ape j was primed dire he 1 read mend
2 2if
if 4
1 4 OM OP = PI PIiR PIIII0a1rv
b rtFteei ZJ lied cJ tebdt > At lmne In SAsDt SAsDta S61t S61tn
n ttc a with herfiitlter llltitJ1oUlbtJI8pi llltitJ1oUlbtJI8piHIIted bthIhg ep epposed
posed at aiL At After ci a lAw w JDOI1ICQts JDOI1ICQtsdB1ns momentadarln
dB1ns darln which she W waited tt4MI exp expecting ednc tD be beUIt beaeelf
aeelf ae UIt u a ant eery A1fQ as Bif IBgW5 IBgW5ardhsdtbee6 i iard
ard ardhsdtbee6 1i ttbeeb slHl she drew a lung IOI t breaU1an breaU1anB brsh ° antt anttsand
sand B N
N1gue 1gue Iguese e USIIOuse its so see TM spell I think UdkmR4 thinkmalt
malt be sttOke s oktn ItS a sae saelaa n nrheJi
rheJi laa she remembered beredtbat that Howannaad Howannaadsaid Howard had hadsaid
said it INIekwaI backward and instantly sigs triadout triad ertedout
She smiled as she aid the words lCtt lCttthey fair fairthey i
they sounded 90 funny much fulllller tbaR tbaRthey ban banthey
they had when she heard Howard say saythan 7 7tum
than to chant her tots a lid aJIII as asshe asshe
she thought of Howard she sighed aDd andwithout aDdwithout
without thinking said sakiD8ftr saidDear
Dear me I Wishle wish be w wme re here now nowSlie nowShe
She started and almost 00 jumped out of ofber ofher
her skin as s she aw him standing With a aJllRII ameit
JllRII on his face fate r1ghtat t at her side nea Tkeaelie neas1ie
s1ie Sprang up p and kibsed k Md hi hiOlt hint hintOh
Olt 1 am 90 glad she cried criedhatI Where Wherehave
have you been It was mean of you to Ay Ayaway f fawy
away aDd leave me You must never do doIt deIt
It again againIts ptnIts
Its 11Ieky pert wt wished hetI f4 fair r me said saidHoward w wHoward
Howard tor font Jt was the only way I could eouldhaft couldhave
haft 8M bee beer wt without tout the book AJt fa Iathsrs faUters
Uters oelelm eelebratsd ell t ticks eka failed dill aM aMUaoupt andwe
we thought we had surely lost you We Wewere Wewere
were just trying some old HIDdoo 1 1tatlODS bas bastaibss
tatlODS wises 1 wall RddeIal7 plck picked up upaM upand
aM toes I kRpav that 1 you mint u t have made madea de dea
a wlek wlekW41 wt k kOW
OW W41 ell I aM glut 1 did replied the thePr thePrincess
Pr Princess a e NoW we sat WIt be very veryCui sere sereful
Cui DOt to make IUI hay more UIIle unless 8 we d ddde de deride
ride what It its to be beforehand aDd ales aleswe al It Itwe
we Must never be e separated again for torwe forwe
we ma may sot be die to to1bad hind each o o9Uy other as aseasily
easily easilylty 9Uy 9UyX7
X7 tatIIer told JIM that We are In InDOI a anoel
noel DOI t Weadezful III place JUbt t near 1Mn III IIIa isa
a strange land which 1aJeb 1M AId iI the thewhere place placewhere
where asses CIeiMe from troIaWhere fromlVkere
Where aemea come from tro a WbIIt do do01I toyou
you 01I asesa r asked tile Princess PrtDCe8S4CJatiter PrincessFather
Father sqe that all the names notour DOt DOtour
our test names like Howard Sa SaJ llamas llamasJobs
J Jobs bl1fNI yeti understand but our OtIrlike suraarapes suraarapeslike
like MegsrgeeJesse Megarpe J or SDCIaIr for IB IBAnt taatance
atance all eeae Ant from animals alma or ornew orU4
U4 no new newOh where whereOh
Oh yes saW Miss 7 yea mean n nlike ntimee ntimeeUk
like Uk Welt Far Cranes BIN Drake Crow Crowor CroworPigeon
or orPigeon orPigeonYes PtpoD PtpoDY
Y Yes 5 ud others too seek as one
WM4 wtk s e tbetr e t Arch r k it anti M MftrtJi so soforth
forth ftrtJi N fa aayy A fat at near r here is isthe Isthe
the very ti ticame J I I8IH
came from m a te tethingss ie 6 1 a athIgs
thIgs still live from whbk maR got theft tlMlPmes thefthq
mes mesbt
bt how nice cried AHoe la delightWe delight delightWe
We Welmust lmust D1I8t and the placed and e4I801pe 4jt ofthere
there iYY My last name Is + JtptaB41 JtptaB4111ft
11ft lUte 10 He what th thtitgdasib i d 1l frem fremAadTtlJiKem R RAsd1d
° Asd1d AadTtlJiKem aveh fled a Feat 8fllvMepr 8fllvMeprgee live Megar Megargee
gee mini fi1 Ih wgud JTd U t theqe 8r really r1IYtn1fl reallyyi
yi c i ine
ne tn1fl in rn of course lI That hat hatuurrnit Is Istiter
uurrnit titer iu t homething ailed that thatSIItdAIlee tharatria
SIItdAIlee atria Alice r Ijo hope the Plantqenet Plantqenetw Plantagenetwentt
wentt w pratn ovt qU ta 8 he 1IOIDent4I emi orrid hairy hairyMing 117 117tltngi
Ming Wi4 i4 ip a aOhlytbdl f fOIi
Ohlytbdl OIi Jh L l4 b1 101M some sort rt of a ftoWIr I Itjjgtqt I1Jpta6
tjjgtqt 1Jpta6 f 1I0ward It Itrt seasde seasdesort
sort rt oUke o like a punt you see seeWell e eWell
Well Jets start right DOW and hunt huntfor hUDtfor
for the place Perhaps t the e old woman WOIIULnthey womanthey
they sell 111 aWitch wRch caD tell UII where It ta ta1IM7 IaThey
They ttent eftt to the wft witchs hs house an3asked ani aniak
ak asked her If she knew of any place filled filledwJt1I fliedwbth
wJt1I ru QUear attilsals attilsalsWhy JB8Is JB8IsWhr
Why 0f t opurse ti rH I do she answered answeredIts answeredIts
Its over the tlt mountains yonder and andIDU andyell
yell IDU eta 1 go 8 straight down the read until untilgeto untilytu
ytu get there 1 was gathell gathering g pregnje pregnjeseeps ptngo ic icH
H seeps S for t tue children one day and when whenI
I stood on the top of the mountain I RW sawdozens RWdoz8nIJ
dozens of funny beasts the like of which whteht1Q whichCY
t1Q CY eYes had Jt never ver beheld before 1 1dMpt Iat
dMpt at atu ther6l tons I aIIIiIUre YOu aQ stydears aQtlJlusbuthurrf
dears tlJlusbuthurrf bet hurrJed ct away as rUt as my myoM m y
oM legs eould earI earILong carry ate ateLong
Long Hill to Climb ClimhThe ClimbThey
The They scarcely waited to thank her but butrail buteau
rail the road toward the mountains JDOuntalntM mountainsbeet
beet tM afternoon was well advanced advaaeedW4Rted advancedsad
sad thuY wasted to lee all they could be berk bedirk
> dirk rk It toOk them mor more than an anto anlieatr
lieatr to elb climb lt to Ute to of the bUlB and andthea andthat
that they t eJ beheld a wonderful aright M Mfar Asfar
far as they could see UN plain was wascowwed wassevered
severed with all aorta of queer anlmal8 anlmal88JId anlesatsaid
aid plants aa enUre entirely different from any anytJt1 anyIbing
tJt1 Ibing w we have In our own land landT ladT1lRse
T T1lRse wen the animals from whom theadd the them
add grease m were taken animals so strange strancetbAto strangethatone
tbAto thatone lie hNJIl1 lly could wonder at the odd edeIthtIr oddItr
Itr of their Jiunec at aiL lIeatberedb lIeatbered
b with spiral rat Jess things with 1008 1008teiIt zeoaheeds
teiIt heeds aged whales bodies f flike foams foamseildyl
eildyl like elephant CAlli camels or cows cows1MIt cowsparkaK
parkaK but all inlaid with RIOtherof RIOtherofrl asothct of ofpearl
pearl rl 1k with hair III IMItten18 lJke Uk our ourf ourrags
f rags Iga wall paper others that were wereIUe4 werefed
fed air aDd that had to hold 011 to toto tothe
the grass to keep from bet being blows away awaytMldedewn away1dMe
1dMe tMldedewn by the breeze otberde otIen otIenof
de of basketwork or matting JDattincpedJl one oneshaped
shaped pedJl lfttse bottles aDd leg round roandre roundsatpere
satpere re trlaaptar ud conical anigta a a
dPr ddgarebs II ed ee dews horses with long bod bodJI bodlea
lea JI Uke daeiebunds Mlltds orfi8ttseshatM orfi8ttseshatMItaet or sabsogeshapedI
I Itaet feet It wo would kl aeis i 8Iy ly be peHI peselto
10 1Tie e t9lftWfou1d tllrould not t be bef befeaad
f feaad 1ID000t the phixber t ber of beasts feed feedIn feedIng
In Ing In tae tRe meadows ot1hIs land 1andOh landOh
Oh I w wlh 1 had a osmeral camera exclaimed exclaimedHoward exe tmed tmedowa
Howard owa ae t gazed upoq 1S > OI this wO M1er sderfd
fd spot aid 1 In tnnUy B b lze found ono onom eecIn
In m his hand bandAs handAll
All they deseettded oded the mountain side all alltke allthe
the an1 animals were ether f feeding edlng or lying lytagIn lyingIn
In the stand ef the gigantic paroxysm paroxysmtrees paroxysmtrees
trees and Done of them seemed to be beaware beaware
aware of t their approa approatib h But when the thetwo thetwo
two reached thl I JeTe g e ttd a cry came camefrom camefrom
from one ut 4is Jtr aearppt fl creatures an aneaonaoua anenormous
enormous tIIIlw tlda Wise e ae seemed med all eyes aDd aDdtJaa andthis
this aA u Ute Ghers era sprang up aDd stared staredwUdly staredwildly
wildly at the children They were thevery the theery
very ery first human beings who had entered enteredthe enteredthe
the land for ages and ages and of course coursethe coursethe
the sight of them 81 alarmed rmed the more timid timidof timidof
of the am1 er 8lrolttlli the more feredone fe ferocious
redone rociousSome redoneSome
Some oC them tied d at once Into the cane caneIta canebakes
bakes Ita along the It atieam am others flew ew Into Intothe intothe
the air and twaaobed bed in the distance before be before
fore Howard could take their pictureswhile pictures pictureswillie
willie man many steed at hay y aDd just glared glaredso
so 0 A4trGely that A1lees courage almost almostfailed almostfailed
failed her but th the thought of the wish wishIng wishIngspell
Ing Ingspell pell sustained her and made her herbrave belbrave
brave braveHoward
braveHowardwho Howard Howardwho Who novel knew what fear fearwas feBrwalked
was walked right up to tM very fiercest fiercestQd fiercestlooking
looking gre Qd d looked them In their theireea theireyes
eyes and nd In a few rROm moments ts they began begant
to t tremble tIMIt they hung their beads ltbadsand beadsndanaJ17
and ndanaJ17 Atmlly tu they aU hassled down before beforehbs ore oreDd
hbs and Dd thus be showed the wonderful wondertulOwet wonderfulpower
power Owet of tile 1IUntaft eye All animals It ItIs itIs
Is said will give way before a mans gaze gazeI
1 haft never triM It it but I han often Gttenhe oftenheaadkthat
heaadkthat he 4tltat evln a flea bn will back down If Ifnunt ifa
a man loom madly my at him and If yeu yeushould U Ushould
should melt ± Y floe some time 1 would wouldadYWe wouldadvise
advise you to U7 It ItWell ItWell
Well u soog as they aey began 11 to tremble tramllieand trembleand
and shriek rt1ak from the tw two expo explorers era a avoice avoice
voice came hostraome io ae one of the group JIoupllUIow groupsaying
saying sayings
s llUIow know whet they ate They are miNI menthats miNIthats
thats aiL 1 dont t think they will harm harmus
118 118All All the aula all s began ga to whisper to tosether together
sether an and < < even made ma remarks aloud alo1dMat aloudshout
shout Mat tilt vt vidtarae Reli andaltk08 and although k Howard Hewardcould Howardcould
could Rot not d detMgutdh what was beiRg beiRgAid betsgsaid
Aid as many or Users spoke a language languagehe
he could DOt under understand taDd M SOOn rode rodeout madeout
out that they watt selecting a commit committee comtslttee
tee to reeetYe re etve these aDd see what they tbeywanted theywanted
wanted there He satisfied tl ed kmse hlmeelf that thatUte thatthey
they Ute wouWa wouidutimrm harm theJ1 thetpbut but he e was att attready aflready
ready to whli wIII himself and Allee some S9DMwhere somewhere
where else If lea saw w the last danger ud uddUd andbe
be dUd 1W qa ii sit dawn on tile soft
t f 1
TIle JItOII05I1UDIIIut lOnQgRma teat week AneliCa4 can riven very were 1II ittrl r 8Ourt CoB CoBaeettcutCoIorado
aecl aeettcutCoIorado > < wt Colorado Hodson HJ oD and me De1 Derawate ware Toni Lams rahepgrysms today Dea tile = nmeil American oraerlcaaittrl of J
J Jr
graSS while the animals dspW a8 is iswho Ie Iewoo
woo would be on ther t e r tinwpttt t tB g gBy
B By and by Ute thing wttk wIt Ute Utewad ejse carull carullwaddling
wad waddling Un toward t wa tllps tvb1te tvb1teothers a deer deerothers
others stood out a little WewW atge > hi fast ffOatIt fastIt
It stopped about ten feet away aWa sadraised sad aII4raised
raised I its heed 1IP Its form wM wMthing assee asseething
thing like p a great t 81M shapeless sponge ud udUs sadits
Us heat was was fatefud ft to the end of oflong a along
long thin neck like a robber garden rdeD rdeDa base baseand
a and d Its two eudrmes ll r e eyes tvke If JInf JInfthat gd gdthat
that they almost covered IU head Joel juetlike Joellike
like a a dragon flys ay It JIttered a ught sUghlcough ughtG01Igh
cough n and 1d S said saidiStr 11 11strwe
iStr strwe we gre greet t yea altl sad WI you welCOliAe welCOliAeto
to our land If you will tell the commute commuteJust ttee tteejust
just what yo you dodberewe Hre W e411 Mr to tolet tolet
let you ou have It so 0 tJa that t you ou wilt waaie DO DOtime attime
time timeNow Now ace here said t Howard Howardas mac macas
as wen tell you 0t right at Ole Mart tat tatOU dealyou
you OU iteM be InM kurt hurry to getrId getrIdw get rid pf us usWe
w We dont Intend to harm any of you Ityou IC ICou
you ou are nice and polite but t we hay haymagiC a amagic
magiC spell by meansof means of which hick we can elanchange canchange
change you all lat Into aDrU anything l we pleees It Ityou ft ftyou
you are unpleasant and we will not best besttate JaeItate
tate tq use It either We pave souse OIM to tolearn tolearn
learn about 3 you aDd year r Jua land not JIOtmake le leretake
make trouble but we wt wish to be t tkludly treated treatedkindly
kindly or there win be a Idt of fanny tullll anI anlmale anImail
mail ml missing tng In a few minutes mlnumThe minutesThe
The members of the r reception esmnek esmnektee mtt mtttee
tee looked surprised and nd aoniewhaialarmed 80nteWhat 80nteWhatalarmed
alarmed at his words They w whispered togather to togt1ther
gather and thee the thing with the ere eresaid areasaid
said saidWe
We do notdlspute not dispute 7 your Ha Habut atateataat atateataatbut
but we would like very much to see you JeUdb younib
db much a etupt It you will QIIIIb kindlychange QIIIIbchange
change the HootalNta ever 0V < er GlIder tato tatosometlttng latosomething
something else win be H HWhy
w we aenvinoed aenvinoedSVhy eOD
Why change the tiling you can the theHoothan theHooiahan
Hoothan Why not let 1IMI turn you lato latoa to toa
a rock or a log yourself asked Howard HowardWell IowwardWell
Well because 1 am a member ofthe oftheoommlttec of the thecommittee
committee In the ftr first t plaeeaDd place and then M MC8 because
C8 cause 8e the HOOta ITolekan D Is a terribly dl8apee dl8apeeable disagtee
able creature always fighting and lid pa paleg k kIng
leg trouble So you WIll 1M doing geed geedas Md Mdas
as well as convincing UIJ UIJPoint usPoint
Point him BUt Aid 59W811L H Mid Midby IId IIdby
by the way what might be your earn otPnname earnname
name nameThe nameThe
The animal with the ey eyeg said with a aJe agiggle
giggle Je and a a 81m simper 1 a sa a aThere Eldiie EldiieThere
There are very few like US left ThIIJ ThIIJmal aid aidreal
mal here by mJ aide kIe la the BetIJy or orPlley orRiley
Riley 1 dont know how It Its IIINIUeIL Mr Mrlarge 7 7Iar
Iar large e red friend oa tIN left who sedtme
50 frl frightened htened Ie one of t the Baf8ek Baf8ekand Headkyrs Headkyrsand
and this oUter member ill the w WId WIdtamable dt aa aatamable
tamable SuIHvaa SuIHvaaWhat SulfvaaWhat
What are you OU callEd liowarcl liowarclthe aakd aakdthe
the warty animal animalI
1 am the FUziS t mos It rlllllld repliedproudly rlllllldproudly
proudly proudlyAll proudlyAll
All right JIItz attld aJd Bow Howard TOG TOGjtIt FosJust
Just change into a gdaes pig said lid alt altdown t tdown
down yonder while UM rapt oC die HI saltusk HImaJs
tusk talk to me meThe
The FlustmmoA wu a guIDe pig ID all alliaamnt asInstant
Instant and Eat down with the tea teals a roe renDing roefling
Ding down his face while all the others otherstrembled otIIentrembled
trembled for now they knew that thatwas IlownN IlownNwas
was a magician The BlddleIaIllllIQ BlddleIaIllllIQWKt Biddle humbly d dwhat
what lie wished Howard said lie J merely merelywanted Mftlywanted
wanted to He them and take soar photo photographs 0 0graph
graph and would do them no harm banalong as aslong
long as they were nleeand pleasant pleuaatTIle pleasantThe
TIle commtttee escorted UaeIr vitdtore n an anoee allotet
oee the region dad nd they AW AWTJte erprythksg erprythksgThe
The moet Interesting Intere tl however seen en tile tilertmarkable theremarkable
remarkable anima they the encomatered encoante Oft Oftaide onover
over < < aide lien they Ute salt the thebtoW8fD1 Klpdng Klpdngbrowsing
browsing > OR the rich turf a wfU wildleoksg wildleoksgereetare 00 00cr
cr ereetare lre sett ViUlI ViUlIteeth immense borne and sbirp sbirpteeth
teeth while near him stood a Aibboq ubon a aaad asad
sad and mournf1llred beast with a asmooth asmooth
smooth aids kIIt and a abort t bushy nah tat tatUttJe and anda
a little distance away the Hogan gad tile tilefl theFlntdgazr
fl Flntdgazr ntgan were fighting over their tIIeIrwith Ihd Ihdwith
with loud angry growls A whole hard MnIof hardof
of HenneseM Henne 78 wild ferocious eOclouswith aalmols aalmolswith
with danprouslooklnc claw clawaboat galloped gallopedabout
about threatening < < ev every beast them aDd aDdlongneek andlongnecked
longneek kgtmeutimd Gal1qberI Gal1qberIroared GsUaghersroared
roared on the hillside Two Dlnks and a aS aSnooks
S Snooks ooks were sneaking UP toward a little littJeereatare littlecreature
creature which the B Biddle cUe mid Id W8 called caDeda
a Griggs as thoUGh they were abOut to todeTour todevour
deTour him aId renal Acree Grdares Grdareswere
were only waiting for them to approach approachueerer approachnearer
nearer to spring upon thorn UatmThe thornThe
The Btddle said WIth a some me emottea emotteathat esotlesthat
that tile animals WeN CODMaDftJt CODMaDftJtfewer growing growingfewer
fewer because they wet wets always nt ntIng eatlag
lag each ot other er up Last year he Ie Aid Aidure saidthere
there were many there who bad vn vnJlt1te vanlobed
lobed completely Where whole loco of ofDooley ofDooleya
Dooley PeryalJl Bamaeps Ram Goeleta and andrileys andBaileys
Baileys rileys once covered the plain lOBe were wereto wereto
to be seen aDd soon he said there would wouldC
be DO animals left except the target III
tleatzlt 1b tile 8uU1vau Hooleba Hool ulai e u uI
1 tJdak said ad Alta that It Ita toll r ra
a pod tIIIIIc w change 18 most 0 of diem diemInnooeet thisinnocent
innocent pleats IIa I and smell uIaU uIaUthat a athat
that they will Mt entirely d dt damn damndont
dont t yon JOIIW yonWell
W Well a0aa oC them would III IIInted Istlted
nted replied the Biddle Of cva cvaJIbu1I crstaddai
taddai sued hmiaadve animals lI Mie a aCrawlers IiI IiICra
Cra Crawlers or the Worm Wormaera era or the thecan Otto Ottocan
can do no harm at t all but things l1U t tMclwens t tJicEweDII
JicEweDII or tile ItDk1ns ought oughteither oUlhteltIIer +
either marled or bolhtd tnt tntwIaJr enta entaWhy
Why I have climbed up into a a u to toevery 1 1 1every
every 1d night Iat to get t away way from a t tGbabe thuttgry
huttgry Gbabe that prowls IlOlII1d IlOlII1dJot around aroundlet
Jot of Hens and CaN Caseys that otJ nr cxt cxtout ltl ltl0IIt
out tdgita have even more than a asand ttt tttaad
sand smell at animals like trim Jlpc Jlpc0ttIr ktPecks
Pecks Otto A7re and Del ncbUk ncbUkcreatat aucbuhCCeatarea
creatat CCeatarea whO cant protect themtrsIt thtDJtf thtDJtfIt
It I certainly a sad state of t tremar1te4 ifZ ifZremarked
remarked Howard and I reap tL tLthat 1 1that
that Ill ban to change you allinw all into JOC JOCUIInc ixShins +
Shins UIIncThe eke ekeThe
The Bkldle as well aB the RUt b bto b4f b4fto
to protest against their bele being aiterfd aiterfdatlllag c casytldng
atlllag elM bat before HOWird HOWirdy 5 5say
say y anything a loud outcry aro aroaU aroall
aU sides The animals began to aca acaDd atrr5 atrr5and
and Dd flee la late t boles Howard wher r rc Ii Iithat athat
that the fiddle wu running a1 um umas L 1 j jht8
as his short legs Ie could carry him binIcd binIcdaround I I Iaf01M
un < e eliving rtl rtlftyln
around and aw Mvera several very
horrid c cc ccAlice f fAlice
ftyln living < < toward them uttering
Tt T Tlooked
Alice caught him by the arm
looked IO 1ted like peat winged drtrIJ drtrIJeov drafocovered °
eov covered w with Ia born scales and anda fa faa
roar c cThey 1 1T1aeJ
of IL
a month like tile opening
They were evidently enraged and a a ato 4 4W
b bvadd h hftcJeA
Irl who
W attack the lay and girl
r ra ra
ftcJeA their country but a as they we t
a acreature t tcreature
a long way 0 og < < Howard
n nand tiand
as it
creature called a Harriran
and asked It what the birds were wereThey ert ertTheJ
cried rid till Elf Elfpo EtSan
They are
ani tt ttthe ° I Ithe
po lItr1I struisting lillC to escape
the very wont things around unltlS here herewif ei eiSato r rbato
will surely devour ua all I
lift liteThe liftThe
Sato our ho holes Run for your
The Dragons Tm1artJ Tm1artJHJ qvarteJ qvarteJI
slid li4 steel cage CWoHowud S SIced
wish fo for
the themre theoaUke
Iced fie u be RW +
to swoop swooptad nrOOPNtJa
oaUke mre tIdDP w rtee about
a abIIIde >
were V Vmolde
both of them
tad uestatly that whf whfOorskys bt btOo
cap 110 Itron strong
bIIIde of a
as asbroke
Oorskys da dashed ed down at Jt theY theYk
Oo U Uart
1 1roaM ThcY
seeks cks
broke their k homy
IcmenJt IcmenJtaDd immerXaround
roaM art aM g IJIUIIcd their
aroundIs but of roar rfJlrleou1dDt roarsad
hoWled ta auger
aDd h hcouldnt
reach the children Hr Hraeveral 1tcw2several
ari ariIIMI
of n r rswing IT
several was HY HYlahDed ac acalauied
IIMI swing that the Princess re rean rt11 rt11theta
the awful twee nI
lahDed by
r rthat
5Aidlll 5Aidlllthat ide
mole Tb The su
theta an halo i ioat
otxt otxtinM otf
brought al j the
that fello arr the tliedeutated thedelighted
inM oat of their t retreat
but the 11cr 11crlair l1Hce 1 1UIp7
delighted 1Ihe wht be bepetted Iai IaipeDe4
UIp7 lair wIleD that rreG
c calso 1
petted that Boward i iau
Oran Oranmale
birdt b rd < r
gpgeaslve ve
also 180 Into
male lastantly au auThe
lastantlyDeAp malt maltAlice c
The BIddie BiddleAlice bqaD to
him to al r rHowanl
Alice interrupted am amdown m ae r rdown fHowes
Howanl the sun
down We w assist baten batenW1IJ hasten hastenr
W1IJ r a astked ed Howard HowardecaWIe HowardBecause
hI e 11 11pel r rnot
she be
< > t tdoDt tDail
pel Dail wID wadont DOt work after
to stay 1 In this thisAU r rAU
doDt want
e he hewe Fon Fonwe
AU riPt Aid Howard
we weLet ga gaLet ° r I pi piJIaJbe pMaybe >
home to my
Let us P II f fonly
t Y
Maybe 1M wad t like Ire rdonly rd rdp1aD
c < it iP
only a plaID American r rn Ile Iles =
11111 r rr
aDd be
p1aD s son
h f fLets
sid Howard d n
Ion r rrted
Lets Let wish for a wleier wleierred Riri > 1r
red right ole said Allr A Asin in inw1I1
sin be too late to objetPa obj4e eras erasthey
i ined
mrt mrtAfter
10 they called Jp rod rodn s
After that 1 < 1 1elves r a
ned e eIn eselves
elves tn t n IIoIDDOJia and p w
In n a twlnkllq TheKi The Hi u uhave K Knave e
have b s ituptes borne h0111esaid a alaid
brgrr brgrrlaud r rband c
said he cH didnt Dt mind hr 0 0wu
Whchr hcchcr tcc tccout
band with her µ r rknow
out or w wtlteif
tlteif wu won wornsnow
lIevrf lIevrfIt neV r rt
but they were
know snow r rwald
agai hI and so o tt treatd
It t work r rthere
wald like ord ordaar IaQ royal p pift w y ythe
to t tell l a aReally ift iftn
there the n he no more g r rI
theReally Really the 1IfI story w5 t
I I bad not sea tbo pktur pkturtook phturatook
BIMJe ud Ih the theI r rI
took of the >
end l taappened t tbappend
I I could not bee n bdleve
ba are fn fntures <
bappend but rrix rrixurea
1 to to10J
can canos +
than rot
tures urea 10
doubt tllr story storySALT
10J os SALT l1cDOtVY 1cl0