OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 11, 1902, Image 18

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1902-05-11/ed-1/seq-18/

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C WB KW v tlfifftlfl JJJ JJJTHE
T 1k tem ij r rThe Om OmThe
The Story of
o oA
an anPromoter A American erican TIkJ n Po Poan ce I I
Promoter ll ll 1 llf llUIt ns0 ns0an o
Will Levlngtwt Comfort In Kaaass Ka City eft eftStar
StarJ StarJUnripened Star StarUnripened J JUnripened
Unripened mai manhood hood journeying from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the fields to the town is a marrelouayet marvelous marvelousyet maneloYft
yet a precarious undertaking Young YoungLuther YOUD YOUDLuther YoungLuther < <
Luther went ent to Vittemburg and from fromthere fromthere fromthere
there foundered Rome with his en enlightenment enjghtenment enlightenment ¬
lightenment young Burna went to toDumfries toDumtrietl toDumfries
Dumfries and dissipated his genius cenluayoung geniusyoung geniusyoung
young Whittington went to London and andbecame andbtcme andbecame
became lord mayor young Garfield Garfleldwent Garfteldwent Garfieldwent
went to Cleveland and was brought broughtthere broucbtthen broughtthere
there again for burial Ward and andVanles andWanlu andWanleas
Vanles both 19 journeyed from their theirfarms theirfarms theirfarms
farms to the metropolis of their state stateand ltateand stateand
and here is the story storyThe storyThe storyThe
The two had high hopes but little littlecapital Uttleapltll littlecapita
capital PO they walked most of the theoo theton
ton oo miles and one night they waftedfor waited waitedfor waitedfor
for the dawn da wn and watched meanwhile meanwhilewith meanwhUewith meanwhilewith
with sleepless eyes the lights of th thcity the thecity thecity
city An early spring morning mornlngeYery mornlngeYerybody every everybody ¬
body knows the moment when robins robinssparrows roblD4sparro1 robinsparrows
sparrows and milk wagons control the theactivity tbeaCtivtteuch thear
ar activity aCtivtteuch such was the advent of Ward Wardand Wardand Wardand
and Winless Wan g These two saw w for the thefirst thefirst thefirst
first time how nature looks when collared col collared cellared ¬
lared and creased and cravated A Acity Acity Acity
city is nothing more than manhandled manhandledoutdoors manhandledoutdoors manhandledoutdoors
outdoors outdoorsDuring outdoorsDurin outdoorsDuring
During Durin the thirtyeight years which whichcovered wbiebovered whichcovered
covered the united live Ives of Ward and andXVanless andVanleu andWanlesa
XVanless a forest background and In Interlytng IntlrlYlftl Intrrlying
terlytng fields had been their world worldwhite worldhite worldwhite
white hite fields in winter green and gold goldIn goldIn goldIn
In summer Ward had tolled earnestly earnestlycontentedly earnestlycont earnestlycontentedly
contentedly cont ntedJj on his fathers farm just justout ju moatout t tout
out of Three Pines Wanless on the thefarm thefarm thefarm
farm adjacent had tolled to 11M erratically erraticallydreamily erraticallydreamily erraticallydreamily
dreamily His hand had been at th thplow the theplow theplow
plow while his hl mind and heart were ere in inthe inthe inthe
the midst of the metropolis its schemed schemedand schemeand schemesand
and commerce and history Three Pines Pinescalled Pinescalled Pinescalled
called the pair chums but the esti estimate estimate U Umate ¬
mate was incorrect Ward was the theslave theIave theslave
slave Iave and Wanlesa the master This Thiscondition ThIBcondtUon Thiscondition
condition of affairs was W one of the last lastIng lastIng t tIng
Ing and mysterious arrangements of ofbabyhood ofbabybood ofbabyhood
babyhood babyhoodWards babyboodWards babyhoodWards
Wards mental structure was of the theBlow theslow theow
Blow ow endurl enduring kind the mentality of ofWanless orWan ofWanleaa
Wanless Wan was meteoric Th The former formerbowed formerbo9lf4 formerbowed
bowed his compact Intelligence InteJlIg ee before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the passing brilliance of the unfixed unftxedptar unfixedIItar unfixedstar
star The dreamer was a tall slender slenderyoung slenderoung slenderyoung
young oung man m with gray eye closely closelycropped closelycroppett closelycropped
cropped red brown hair and an straight straightsharply straighthrply straightshardy
sharply cut features the plodding ploddingWard ploddiagWard ploddingWard
Ward is merely a lay figure and his hisappearance hi hiappearance hisappearance
appearance may be imagined In a aword aWord aword
word the material chances of these two twoboys twoboys twoboys
boys may be estimated The outlook of ofWard ofWard ofWard
Ward pointed N Dted toward sucqess in life lifethe Ufethe lifethe
the quiet honors of good citizenship citizenshipthe
the modest wealth which the years win winfor winfor winfor
for a hard working intelligent farmer farmeror
or merchant On the contrary Wan Wanless WanIt Wanless
less It 8 seemed destined to achieve a co colossal colosaaJ colossal ¬
lossal failure ta11urea a failure like Blames Elaineswho Blainesho Blameswho
who ho wanted the presidency and re received received received ¬
ceived a mortal disappointment a fall failure falltire ¬
ure like Napoleons who wanted the theworld tbeorld theK I
K world orld and got a rock in the midst of ofthe ofthe
the sea seaWard lie lieWard seaWard
Ward strange tran to say 7 was more for fortunate fortunate fortunate ¬
tunate In obtaining a position He was wasinstalled wasinstalled wasinstalled
installed as elevator boy la the large largeand larareand largeand
and honorable wholesale dry goods firm firmof firmof firmof
of Broad Wells Wel d Co Wanless walked walkedthe walkedthe walkedthe
the streets his pride killing him by byinches byinchts byinches
inches not because he was as responsible responsiblefor
for three extra holes per day in Wards Wardsmeal Wardsmeal Wardsmeal
meal ticket but because use Ward had ob obtained obtained obtamed ¬
tained a position before him At last lastan Jutan lastan
an agent for a certain brand of ency encyclopedias encyclopedlas ¬
clopedias came to the rescue and a said saJdto MJdto saidto
to Waatess WaatessYour WaR WaRYout WnniessTour
Your clothes clotJI are off color and you youlook youlook youlook
look hungry but you may have thevital the thevital 1 1vItal
vital spark Ill give you 10 for f r every everyset everyset I
set you sell and you wont ont keep me medigging medlggt medigging
digging dlggt for eagles at that What kills kUlabook killsbook
book agents nt8 isjust II is Just this Theyre not notdeep notdeep notdeep
deep in the beginning innlng or theyd be at atsomething ataomethlng atsomething
something else elseWaaless elseWaalsss I IWaal
Waaless Waal s paled The agent plunged plungedon
They rig up a little superficial yarn yarnand yarnand yarnand
and give to everybody alike aUkeone one that thatwould thatouJd thatwould
would ouJd take with one man in a thou thousand thouand thousand ¬
sand If they ever strike that man manhes manhe8 manhes
hes either ther broke or closed to litera literature literature literature ¬
ture Youve got to be deep and andnatural andnatural andnaturwtl
natural and know your prey pre When Whenyou Whenyou Whenyou
you find a weakness youve got to jab jabthere jabthere jabthere
there and uppercut there and swing swingthere IwlngthereUn swingtheretill
there thereUn till its it Jelly Jellytben then get out your yourorder yourorder yourorder
order blanks One of our men took poi poison poison poison ¬
son day before yesterday ye terda He had a alittle aUttle alittle
little cuticlespiel that he shoved out outon outon outon
on all occasions and he couldnt find finda ftndtwin
a twin soul soulThese 8Ou1Tbeae soulThese
These words burned into the brain brainof brainof brainof
of Wanless WaD He left the office offt e as II one n in ina Ina ina
a trance tra All that day da learning from fromdoor fromdoor fromdoor
door to door he built his story and andperfected andperfecte4 andperfected
perfected it At night he was too tired tiredto tiredto tiredto
to sleep so he planned digressions and andsupplements anclsupplements andsupplements
supplements and constructed revised revisedversions revl revisedversions ed edven
ven versions o for the variety of cases The Thefailure TbefaIJure Thefailures
failure of the day returned to him himwith blmwith himwith
with their faces and mannerisms and aadhe andbe ad adhe
he thdncht th ucht of what hat he would do doM7 and andsay andsay
say if he had another chance at these thesefailures the thesefailures e etallur
failures tallur So days passed on He wished wishedthe wt wisedthe he4 he4the
the city clt was larger and learned with a athrill athrill athrill
thrill that he had a gift of expression expressionHe
He studied as no book agent ever everstudied everetudie everstudied
studied < < before and became formidable formidableOne formidableOne ormidablOne
One morning he entered a house hou e at atS15 atSIS atSIS
SIS and lid staggered out at 1119 11 with an anorder anorder anorder
order and a partial payment He bad badstrained badstrained badstrained
strained every fiber in his brain and andhe andht andhe
he was ready to shout from joy 30 and andfaint andfaint andfaint
faint from fatigue fatigueWith fatigueWltli fatigueWith
With his first HO 18 he bought a hat hathoes hatlhoes batahoes
hoes collars cufiC cuffand nd continued to toventilate toventnate toventilate
ventilate Wards meal ticket The Thefourth Thefourth Thefourth
fourth week he sold three sets and andpurchased aadpurebued andpurchased
purchased himself a handsome hand ome suit of ofoJothlng ofaloth1q ofclothing
clothing Ward tea hours a day at hit hitelevator AI AIetevator hiselevator
elevator without the grace of a knight knighterrant knighterrant knighterrant
errant but ut with the love of a brother brotherstill broUlerstilJ brotherstill
still cared for the Incidental ex expensessuch expenses expensessuch nee neesuch
such as bed and board And now Wan Wanless Wanlea Wanlees
less began to save money moneyA
A year elapsed elap ecL Well glance at the thepair thepair thepair
pair on a spring Sunday morning morningTraces mornlRlTrac morningTmees
Traces Trac of the farm boy and Three Pines Finesstill Pinesun PinessU
still sU un l lingered in th the manner and upon uponthe upontbe uponthe
the person per on of Ward but Wanlees was wasstudiously wasstudloUllly wasstudiously
studiously of the city cltyfln n immaculately immaculatelydressed ImmaeuJatelydreeHd immaculatelydressed
dressed young man with with a fresh fre h com complexion complexioa cornplexion ¬
plexion and clear eyes of stony gray grayeye gr7flY grayeyes
eye flY eyes that could be quite fascinating fascinatingwhen fa fascinatingwhen ctnaU g gwbeD
when the mind so willed but in the thepresence thepre8eDee thepresence
presence of Ward the mind of Wan Wanless Waaleas Wanless
less was elsewhere elsewhereI
I wish I were back in Three Pines Pinesthis PI PIthia Plndsthis
this morning Ward said longingly longinglyThat JongiDgIJThat longinglyThat
That complacent bigoted b oted eternally eternallyfoolish eteraalbfoolish eternallyfoolish
foolish burg Wanless sneered sneeredNitroglycerine sneeredNitroglycerine sneeredNitroglycerine
Nitroglycerine couldnt blow me back backthere backtheft backthere
there thereTm theftrm thererm
rm going to church wont you come comealong comeal comealong
al along Ward pleaded pleadedEvery p4edery pleadedEvery
Every ery Sunday for a year 881 this ques question qU question 6 6UOft ¬
tion had been n asked and Ward had hadgone hadgone hadgone
gone atone to church chUJl On this thJ morningWailes morninWaaJea morn morningWanless ¬
ingWanless glanced glaD peculiarly at the theother theother theother
other aad replied that he w would uld go goalong SOalong goalong
along Ward was 11 OY overjoyed overjoyedAt toecL toecLAt
At this period the plodder was earn earning es > m ming raIn
ing In < < S12 13 a week w k and saving nag Si S BreadWells Bread BreadWells Bru d dWell
Wells I Co had boosted boo ted him from the theelevator thelevator theetevatar
elevator and placed him bII in en ODe of the thedepartments u udtpartmenta thedepar
departments depar traenta Warne Wanlese was wa averaging averagingW aTergtngweek
W 60 a week and saving MS Ii A weed to toexplain to8Xp11Q toexplain
explain this success The book agent agenthad agentbad agenthad
had fared Indifferently IndJ < < etIT until l hs + fs mind mindseized mindiR mindseized
seized iR the plan to work public school schoolteachers schoolteachersyoung eh ol olteachenY01l
teachenY01l teachersyoung teachers young g hopeful unmarried unmarriedwomen unmarriedWOlften unmarriedwomen
women en salary Wanless was wa young youn younbaDd80me
handsome and compelling < < With Consummate con consummate CODte ¬
summate te delicacy he appealed to the thevanity thevanity thevanity
vanity of these ladle J dlf and pointed out outthe outthe outthe
the great values > in an educational educationalH way
He H was w richly dressed d he was impartially Impar Impartially ImpartiaUy ¬
tially eharmed by b each and every per personality perooallty persenility ¬
senility among the army of teachers teachershe
h he railed he called again againand and got or orders ordent orders ¬
ders and payments paymentsAt pQmeatAt
At the church on this particular particularmorning partfMilarmornins particularmorning
morning money was being raised nJ ed to
build an addition Ward am was mortified mortifiedthat moiUftedthat moi tI led ledthat
that his companions first visit should shouldprove shouldprove ould ouldprove
prove so unfortunate but Waaiees Waaieeswas Wa8lewas Watdesawas
was not disappointed His fertile brain braindid braindid braindid
did not shut down en Sundays When WhenWards WhenWards
Wards gentle soul was prevailed upon I
2 worth wortha a widows mite indeed indeedWan indeedWanlees Wan Wanless Wanlea
less arose aro e and In a modest way sub subscribed aubcrIbed subscribed ¬
scribed 926 E6 That was 1rUIII ajpeodinvest ajpeodinvestment s o4 4 invest investment JDv JDvment ¬
mentHe ment mentHe I IHe
He became a regular attendant atteftdanteoon atteftdanteoonbepa attendantsoonbegan soon soonbegan
began to stay for th theebB the childrens ren seeaton see session MIIslon ¬
sion in a few months to was victori victoriously Yicaorloully victoriously ¬
ously guiding an obstreperous class cla of ofyoungsters oCyounpte1lJ ofyoungsters
youngsters Finally ha became super superintendent superintendent superintendent ¬
intendent of the Sunday school At Atthe Atthe Atthe
the end of his first year In n this capac capacity c capacity pu puIty ¬
ity he wa wu presented with a 8 costly costlygold coetJyBOld costlygold
gold watch inscribed ln crl ed To ro the super superintendent superintendent uperIntendent ¬
intendent From the Affectionate Members Mem Members Memben ¬
bers of the Sunday School On that thatfirst thatfit thatfirst
first Sunday Wanless Vanl had reasoned reasonedthat reaeonedthat reasonedthat
that the school teachers could not last lastforever la lastforever t tforever
forever so he began to clear new acre acreage acreace acreage ¬
age ageThe
The encyclopedias having served servedtheir servedtheir e18dtheir
their purposes purpo e were summarily dropped drop dropped dropped ¬
ped He was now 23 3po 3possessed possessed se88ed be between between between ¬
tween 8068 i and 7000 and none none of the thebad thebad thebad
bad habit which harm physically and andcost andeost andcost
cost much He also poe possessed e ed ideas IdeasIn IdeasInthis ideasinthis in inthis
this case th the ideas were Father Times Timesnotes TImesnetes Timesnotes
notes for a million mill 1011 He bought a small smalltract smalluaet smalltract
tract and obtained options on a large largetract largetract largetract
tract of land adjoining in an outlying outingportion outlyingportion ouU lng lngportion
portion of the city a portion logically logicallyadapted logicallyadapted logicallyadapted
adapted for refuse Thousands of dol dollars dollars dollars
lars had been spent by the city to tc for fortify torUfy forUfy ¬
Ufy itself It elt against this waste for the thereason therea thereason
reason rea oll that invisible towers of malaria malariaascended malariaaseendecl malariaamended
ascended from it Upon UP ft heavy helL vy bond bondpaper bondpaper bondpaper
paper with convincing statements il illuminated illuminated 11luminated ¬
luminated Initiate and beautifully col colored eolored colored ¬
ored plats Wanle reclaimed this foul foulmarsh foulmanth foulmarsh
marsh marshThen manthThen marshThen
Then largely observed yet without withoutostentation withoutostentation wltbouto
ostentation o he gave JIM lot to the church churchfor churchfor churchfor
for foreign missions and began a series se series series ¬
ries of Thursday evening eve inc talks to toyoung toyoung toyoung
young men He was now the thearclt arch and andth andthe andthe
th the idol of the church sought after and andtalked andtJkecl andtalked
talked about There were sore hearts heartsamong heartsamoac heartsamong
among the city teachers not because becauseof
of the still maturing payments on the thesets theeu thenets
sets eu but because of the compelling compellingzeal
zeal of the t statesman and the shock of ofits otIta ofits
its sudden stoppage simultaneously simultaneouslywith simuitaneou ly I I1th
with the order And there were eager eagerhearts eagerhearts eagerhearts
hearts among the godly young women womenof womenor womenof
of the church No handsome young youngpastor youngpator youngpastor
pastor ever wrought such heart beats beatsMothers beatsMotbera beatsMothers
Mothers made him a shining example examplefor examplefor
for their sons fathers patted him on onthe onthe onthe
the back the daughters and sisters sistershere slterhere slatershere
here was the pathos pathoseyes eyes of night and andsmiles andsmlletl andsmiles
smiles of morning eyes of azure and andhearts andheArts andhearts
hearts of midday mlddaythese these were the offer offerings otCerings offerings ¬
ings of the daughters and sisters Here HereI Heretoo Heretoo
I too Wanless was master something to toeach
II IIeach
I each nothing to all allj allAt I IAt
j At the proper moment he inserted big bigads bigads I Iads
ads in the religious papers and began beganto I
j to cut the more ripened edges of the thecrop thecrop I
crop Like the convict who has tun tunneled tunneied ¬
neled with infinite patience for years yearshe yearshe yearshe
he emerged at lastinto last Into open air but buthe buthe buthe
he still tin had to get t away awayThe awayThe i
The industry and intelligence of ofWard ofWard I IWard
Ward had borne fruit He was nowhead now nowhead
head of one of the departments depart aents at atBroad atBroad atBroad I
Broad Wells a Co Ward was among amongthe amongUte amongthe
the first to put his little alt in the theWanfett theWanless I IWaoIe
Wanfett subdivision IIUbdvJ Io A A young widow widowwith widowwith I
with a suffering heart and UOi D06 insur insurance Insurance Insurance ¬
ance was called upon When WhehWantelflJj WhehWantelflJjdeparted Wanleisdeparted Wanteft Wanteftdeparted
departed the wMlo widow had dried her eye eyeand ey eyand eyesand
and was happy hap 7 la th the thought of a agrand agrand agrand
grand investment and a lifelong competency com competency competency ¬
petency from Wantees real estate estateWith estateWith Itate ItateWith
With these the e gains he put a smile on oncertain OftCtrtaln oncertain
certain corners of the subdivision and andadded andadded andl andladded
added a few dreams in regard to its itsfuture itsfuture itsfuture
future Then be went after the biggamethe big biggame biggamethe
game gamethe the stanch churchman and andand anrlfinancial am amfinancial
financial pillars He worked cut night niIJhland nightand
and day da the advertisements worked workedhis workedhlB workedhis
his past and his presence preH ce worked workedthose workedthose workedthose
those with Itb money already alread in worked workedthe workedthe workedthe
the mothers and the daughters worked workedTo workedTo workedTo
To Wanless a babe In arms was an anopportunity anopportunity anopportunity
opportunity The tiny fists ft Ui which he hefilled hefilled hefilled
filled with confections conCec on returned to him himin himIn himin
in dollars of the realm relma thousand thousandfold thoulllUldfold thousandfold
fold Block after block On the bond bondpaper bondpaper bondpaper
paper subdivision was marked with the thered thered thered
red stamp tam Sold The church owned ownedthreequarters ownedthreequarters ownedthreequarters
threequarters of the Wanless aubdiviston subdi subdivision subdlvl ¬
vision vl lOlL The remaining onefourth onefourthabed was wasseized wasseined
seized by the members of other otherchurches otherohurclte otherchurches
churches churchesInto ohurclteInto churchesInto
Into the smaller BD1 Jler towns Wanless jour journeyed journeyed journeyed ¬
neyed to visit the chief men in a re religious religlous religions ¬
ligious and financial way He would wouldgrip wouldgrl wouldgrip
grip grl the palm of such a citizen smile smileinto smileinto smileInto
into his eyes ey call him brother mod modestly modestly modestly ¬
estly show the gold watch and the be beloved beloved beloved ¬
loved inscription and say Your name namemy namemy namemy
my dear sir Is a household word in the thefamilies thefamilt thefamilies
families familt of our church He would also alsoput al alsoput o oput
put more red on the bondpaper subdi subdivision subdivJ8Ion subdivision ¬
vision and preceded by b his advertise advertisements advertisemente e emenU ¬
menU start for new communities communitiesLong communitiesLong ooaemunltiesLong
Long ago the book agent age t had said saidYouve saidYouve saidYouve
Youve got to be deep and natural and andknow andknow ad adkno
know kno your prey Wantoee anless had not notforgotten notforarotten notforgotten
forgotten He also directed his can cannonade cannonade cannonade ¬
nonade toward the weak spot and 10 10pltibl sopitiably o opitiably
pitiably often In man and Del woman did didhe didhe didhe
he find the weak spot potvaalt potvaaltTh vanity
The Th whole subdivision was w sold and andbefore andbefore andbefore
before Wanless transferred his business businessfrom 1MI8IMMfrom businessfrom
from the church to the downtown por portion portion portion ¬
tion of the th city he did two important importantthings Importantthlnp importantthings
things First he gave the church aurch 1000 1000for 1000for 1000for
for a big window to be known as the theelders theelders theelders
elders gratefully suggested su as II TheWanleas The TheWanless TheWanlea
Wanless Window Here was the deep deepsecret deepsecret deepsecret
secret of the mans man vanity Secondly
be married Miss Marlon Harvey a asweet asweet asweet
sweet and beautiful young OUD woman womanwhom womanwhom womanwhom
whom the plodder Ward had gently gentlyand gentland gentlyand
and hopefully hO fUUy courted for five years yearsThere yea yeaThere yearsThere
There was no blow between the two twomen twomenonl twomenonly
men menonl menonly only silence Iece which was was the more moredeadly moredeadly moredeadly
deadly in Wards case The plodder ploddercould ploddforrould ploddercould
could have happily given his right rI ht arm armor armor armor
or his future hopes hopesbut but not the woman womanhe womanhe womanhe
he loved lovedto to Wanlees who might have havehad haehad havehad
had any woman for the asking
In the year which followed Wanless Wanlessfloated
floated cement and telephone stock stO < k
floated It 190 high that the keels eelll were werewarped werewarped werewarped
warped and his dream of a million was wasrealised wasrealized wasrealised
realised Then started in the reaction reactionThe reaeUonThe reactionThe
The Wanless subdivision slumped back
into a bew of sewerage and shot its itstowers itstow itstowers
towers tow of malaria to high heaves veR and andIn andIn andin
In the Church of the Beautiful Win ¬
dow doubts grew gre into mutterings and andrautterins andmutteringe andmutterings
mutterings felt again to despair The
feeling of the church people finally finallyreached ftnall7reached finallyreached
reached the tllebfUt heart trd the city and the theclay theday
day came wheaxWHtffej wJlei wheCl i > ir pa Crated a mil million Million mllion ¬
lion now would te to been unable to tosell toBelt toaril
sell Standard O OHattjck OU isack at 19 He de determined determlne deternttned ¬
termined termlne t to Hve Itf4Ia ttt New York Before 1 efere
departing dep rUnc befeB he aaa 8 eldty impelled to toseek to1eek toseek
seek WardIn Ward WardIn WardIn
In the pathetic and fragmentary nar narrative narrative narrative ¬
rative of the lay figure Ward one oneworthy onewort1ly oneworthy
worthy thing stands out boldlY When
Wanless Wan called cl to say 7 goodby before
leaving for New Yortc Yo Ward huskily
told him to keep oa going until he hereached berea hereacbed
reached rea bed hell or words or to that effect
Then Ward a lonely sadfeced sd young
man resumed his toil of building anew
I Hugo Neiroraath a genius genl for ma manipulation manipulation manipulation ¬
nipulation a faddist fad t for abstruc abstrucmathematical ab abstrucu abstrucumathematkal tru trumatbemaUcaJ <
mathematical problems a Belgian by b
birth who had outgrown his h1 native
tend a notorious plunger spendthrift 8pendthrtttprOmot spendthriftpromoter
promoter l and danger da dangerwas rwas was debating in
his ponderous mind how he might best bestapproach bestalPl08ch bestapproach
approach a certain young westerner
Meanwhile he was covering vast sheets sheetsof
of heavy paper with the finest clearest
figures ftgJresa a work of art to look upon
He crumpled a big page and tossed it itupon ItupOn itupon
upon the floor among other works of ofart 01artal ofarta
art artal al inscrutable
His fountain
pen penrained penrained penrained
rained more figures gura It was this way
that Neirotaath Neli shath planned plann4dhls his sEOpounds 830 830pounds 1 1pouDcia
pounds huddled forward upon the rose rosewood rosewood ¬ I
wood desk his massive mu tve hairy head headwithin headwithin I Iwltbln
within six inches of the paper his sub subcolIIICiou subconscious j
conscious mind salving intricate and andunavaUing I Iunavalling j
unavailing problems of calculus his hisactive hisactive i iactive
active mental ntal energy Just now grap grappling grappling grappling ¬
pling with the measurements of Wan
less His was one of those remarkable
brains which do two things at once onceeach onceeach i ieach
each result I8I Blt being better for the occu occupation j
pation of the other At length Nleromath Nlero j
math pocketed his pen n and raised his
head That was a face you would re remember I Imember Imembera
member membera a brown expansive and mul multiwrinkled multiwrinkled ¬
tiwrinkled forehead black sparks for foreyes fereyes foreyes I
eyes enveloped in the expanded glands glandsWhich glandsWhich glandsWhich
Which come from overrich food and anddrink anddlink anddrink
drink and lead to gout and apoplexy
The rest was heavy black beard tinged tingedwith tingedwith tingedwith
with gray grayThjs grayThJs grayTlds
Thjs was one of New Yoks human humanwonders humanwonder humanwonders60
wonders wonders60 60 years of age unmarried unmarriedwithout unmarriedwithout
without kin yet he spent 70000 a year yearand yearand
and the amount was as necessary to tohis tohis tohis
his as bread is to the laborer Decades Dec Decades Decldes ¬
ades had made mad it so Moreover he heWorked heworked heworked
Worked as few men worked Two or orthree orthree orthree
three mornings morJ DS later young Wanless Wanlesswho Wanlesswho Wanlesswho
who now looked older than his years yearsbut yearsbut yearsbut
but who had happily augmented his hisfortune histortune hisfortune
fortune in the big iIJ city cit was accosted accostedby
by Hugo Neiromath The TJ > f latter began beganVe MganVe beganVe
Ve have vatched ea ear odder a long lon lontlmeye
time tlmeye yes I rant ant to meet you better bettercall bettercall I
call mlt me upon By B the vay ay
He thrust a card into the young youngmans youngmans youngmans
mans hand Uleromath also al o dropped droppedin
in a word of Information Informa tJon that proved provedImmensely provedimmen provedimmenselyy
Immensely immen elyvaJuable valuable for Wanless upon
learning something of Importance of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the name affixed to the card acted actedupon actedupon actedupon
upon the fugitive bit of information informationand
and cleaned c antcl up so to apeak The Thenext Thenext Thenext
next day he dropped in upon Neiro Neiromath Nelromath Neiromath ¬
math and incidentally upon a suite of ofoffices ofomces ofoffices
offices the luxuriance of which sur surpassed aurpassed ¬
passed PlUl ed the most unruy dreams of the theman theman theman
man from Three Pines So far a point pointwas pointgained pointwas
was gained fpr the Belgian BelgianThe BelgianThe BelgianThe
The two were together for hours hoursWanless hoursWanleea hoursWanlesg
Wanless talking much and refusing re lng re refreshments r rfrellhments refreshments ¬
freshments tNelromath listening muchand t11uChand much muehand
and refreshing himself after the manner man manner manner ¬
ner of a giant The westerner departed departedexulting departpdexulting departedexulting
exulting fatigued as he had been after afterthe aftprtbe afterthe
the first sale of encyclopedias encY lopedlas but with witha
a renewed grip upon his ambition He
had made money In New York yet he hehad hebad hehad
had not t made his presence felt had
hardly been noticed in fact Wanlesa Wanlesanow WanleS6now Wanlessnow
now saw a way He would use the
drunken Dutchman and the latters
Immense Jmmen e resources and prolific ideas ideasStraightway IdeasStralghtwa ideasStralghtway
Straightway he went about it it perfect perfecting perfectIng perfectlag ¬
ing his hlBplans plans as the boy book agent agenthad
had done such a little while ago agoWhen agoWhen agoWhen
When eft to himself Hugo Nieromathmuttered NIeromath NIeromathmuttered Nleromathmuttered
muttered I am disappoint mlt he mlt mltmyself mltmyel mitmyself
myself I vould make me a partner out outof outof outof
of him and I find dat he is a voman vomanrobber vomanrobber vomanrobber
robber Never me mind I vill 111 take vat vathe vathe at athe
he has hasThe basThe hasThe
The moment was happy for the de determination determination ¬
termination of Neiromath master of ofpromoters ofpromoters ofpromoters
promoters San Houstonlo Petrollum Petrollumwas
was in the background backgroundSan San Houstonlo Houstonlowas
was the cannonade of Neiromath San SanHoustonio SanHoustoaio SanHoustonlo
Houstonio was mentioned and held
back for weeks weekstalked talked about and de delayed deed delayed ¬
layed ed Meanwhile Wanless Wanle s and his hispartner hfspartner hispartner
partner were doing things on the thestreet thestreet
street For three fearful wonderful wonderfulweeks wonderfulweeks wonderfulweeks
weeks the man from Three Pines made madeAmerican madeAmerican madeAmerican
American doHars in numbers that hyp hypnotised hypIIOtllIed hypnotised ¬
notised his soul Neiromath dictated dictatedand dictatedand dictatedand
and made expenses Then San Hous Houstonio Houstonlo Houstonio ¬
tonio was sprung and Neiromath Neiromathstayed Nflromathstayed Neiromathstaved
stayed out Following fast was the thegreat thegreat thegreat
great parody parodythe the Hula Copper affair affairWanless atrairWanleu affairWanlees
Wanless began be < < an to wriggle The Bel Belgian Belgian Belgian ¬
gian said saidVe aafdVe saidVe
Ve are involving Germanys minis minister minister minister ¬
ter to dese United Statas Statescu so O deeper deeperI
I am vit you youve ve will control controlWanless oontroJWanJe controlWanless
Wanless s rejecting faiiurS as impos impossible Imposible impossible ¬
sible obeyed the superior mind and ac acj acknowledged acknowledged
j knowledged it Jt a rare thing The mem memorable memorable ¬
orable Ten Days Reverses came cameWantem cameWanlee cameWanteeg
Wantem staked his last ast dollar and com compromised comprom compromised ¬
promised prom ted his future The T e last proved provedto
to be a criminal proceeding
He was arrested arrestedThis arrestedThis
This cJinwt d lee has as iSme merely a ply ybeen teen touched touchedcove touchedUpolt touchedupotvdlG I
Upolt upotvdlG 1 vdtbdlf wbh W bJU 1 be ber r tquit ulr Ed a to tocover
cove cover adequately utet7 the trgteiruatione trgteiruationeof b g I 4 tuationf tuationfof f
of that month Neitbrnath Neimnw Nel matlr t somewhat somewhatricher somewhatrfch somewhatricher
richer rfch r resumed the feflry firypen pen > > n and the thetolid I Istolid 1stolid
stolid calculus calculusad aad remotely remotel forgot his hispartner hispartner hispartner
partnerHie partner partnerHis partnerHis
His wife called upon Wanless dally
Though she lie believed ved in hIm with all allher allher allher
her loyal heart and had nerved herself herselffor herselftOI herselffor
for the momentary disgrace dlsJ race she was washorrlned washorrified
horrified by bYthe the startling change 1Ige which whicheach whicheach I
each day wrought in n her husband His Hiswas Higwas Hiswas
was a valfatrt soul ul to bear prosperity prosperityand prosperityand prosperityand
and he could labor tirelessly tireles y toward towardan towardan
an increase but the evil day made a achild achUd achild
child of him wrecked him himMsrMn himXariln himMaridn
MsrMn he said one morning you youmust youmust youmust
must go to Ward He will stand for forthe forthe forthe
the bond bon I I Ishall shall die here hereNot hereNot hereNot
Not Ward Wardany VU ay man but Ward the thewoman thewoman thewoman
woman whispered whisperedHe d dHe
He is the only man in the world worldanswered worJdNIW worldanswered
answered NIW ed her husband husbandThe hus husband husbandThe nd ndThe
The credit man of Broad Wells Co Cowas Cowas 0 0was
was preparing to leave eaY for the north northern northern northern ¬
ern part of the state to adjust adju t a rather ratherserious rathersertoU8 ratherserious
serious matter for the firm when the thedoorman thedoorman thedoorman
doorman announced that a lady wished wishedto wishetto
to see him He arose aro e from his chair chairsuddenly chalr8Uddenl chairsuddenly
suddenly 8Uddenl and his better understanding understandingstifled understandingstlflecl understandingstifled
stifled the name Marion MarionHer MarlonHer MarionHer
Her face was white as chalk and andevery andevery andevery
every fiber of her womanhood revolted revoltedagainst revoltedalO8t revoltedagainst
against alO8t the humiliating errand yet yetshe yetbe yetshe
she be told her story storyI stor storI
I read re d that he was In jail the man mansaid man mansaid mansaid
I Ieery
said strangely I have thought of you youevery you youevery
every moment almost He ruined me meor mtor rueor
or I would have the amount of the thebond thebond thebond
bond now nowl now16000 now16000Ward 16000 16000Ward 800 800Ward
Ward saw sa w that the womans head headwas beadwas headwas
was bowed bowedI
I will rase the amount amountfor for you youhe youhe ou ouhe
he resumed hoarsely but if he should shouldjnmn shouldjum shouldjump
jump jum the bondHe bond bondHe bondlie
He would go alone said the thewoman thewoman thewoman
womanAnd woman womanAnd womanAnd
And she returned to New York with withan withan withan
an amount sufficient to set Wanless Waniessfree Wanlessf WanlessThe Wanlessfree
free f
The dreamer jumped his bond but he hewent hewent hewent
went alone and net among the outraged outragedmembers outragedmembers outragedmembers
members of certain church who
a were werepledging werepledging I IPIedcinK
pledging their future earnings In order i ithat Ithat Ithat
that a certain hateful window might berebuilt be berebuilt
rebuilt there was one man whose heart heartwas heartwas heartwas I
was glad because the dreamer had hadjumped hadjumped hadjumped
jumped his bond bondOur 1 1n 1I 1fee
Our fee returned If i we fall A Apromptly Any qne Q a asketch a sending sendln sendlnakcch
sketch and description of any invbton will atltpromptly I Ipromptly
promptly rec receive iTe our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same How to Cbtsiii CbU 1 a aPatent aPatent
i Patent Patent sent upon t request est Patents PatenbI ce tcftTcd red
throagfe thl Jth a ua advertised forsale for sale at our exjrf CSfdSh cpadsaPatents jt jtPitiBta
I Patents h a l taken oat throng g t tcg re social sociali aralalstiac
i I Arifec without withOl1tcharie charge in rim FAYZNT iLTENT EJICCSLD EJICCSLDea r COJU eoanEn >
I ea illustrated and widely Widt drcntetia d td journal journalCsasttHed journalsuJto journalpaaulted
CsasttHed suJto by b aarftetarera fo rtt1I ec a aknvestors aknvestors6eadtcerumplecop investors investorsBead i vcstors vcstorsIit1ple
Bead 6eadtcerumplecop Cor staple copjCREE biiE tE AadrcaaVICTOR Address AddressVICTOR j jv1CTOR
VICTOR J J EVANS CO COPtcatAtteracys COPatet1tAttlltnes COPatcntditoracys
PtcatAtteracys PtcatAtteracysIrsasBuiidlPfe Patet1tAttlltnesIU PatcntditoracystaasCnlidipg
IrsasBuiidlPfe IU JiJultlIP WASHINGTON WASUU TOrt Det o k kFor
For the am CUe of piles of any ktai O
that cannot be cured by byVERUS byVERUS byVERUS
I Hundreds of l prolonged hateful h ful Drag Drasrfine Dra DraI
fine iccal ng cases have av succumbed to the theI Mag
I leal effects of ofVERUS
No Ifs r One application relieves relleroawhen
when the box is con co are th the siloo silooCost DlloaCost nieaCoat
Cost C 5 but worth it itZX It itLOCAL
lOt a Y t6k 1c1da 1c1dai sC Idtei IdteiState
i R State if patented patentedBamniorB pcttIItCdTBEPATENTRECCED
t llW
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Bnhsniptton prire of the th e fossr P TElfI Bzboao sua suaraaumSamplcafrcc LK E Ea
a as raaumSamplcafrcc asattm Samples free J
I v freed furniture Carpet Co Ii
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And Andcocarts nd ndGuCarts
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freed furniture f r it re Carpet Co CoW
W i 8 to 40 o East Third South St

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