OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 11, 1902, Image 19

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1902-05-11/ed-1/seq-19/

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2 2s 2rRJ
Tl SALT LAI E s J E E 4J I4 MAY Y 11 1 1902 1902The 190 190Y 1902GOOD
= 4 J l < >
1 1f
f r
By Walt WaltMcDougall WaltMcDougall3s McDougdl r
1 1Tl1e
The TheFate Fate f fWickeei W ke 51 < Old Qiiae i 2 3s ho Bewitched Little Ada Hoyt HoytJtJ1i
JtJ1i ii
t f THEY teach mtHotter mgt t iS rr at 3wltdwot yam yamcbcol j jIICbGOI
n cbcol yo you wit w be larva heeed ofGilesI of atca atcathe Otoee Otoeethe
IF I the Siren sae QhsMtrsaa aatrtls Who Whowitched wMwitched fah be bewitched >
witched all of tile tilewho as aswho s trot tenor tenorwho
who paMed her MM by stoatog aweird a agocM ae1rd
weird e1rd and tempti temptilie tempting aoL aoLthe
lie dreW them JOG may r IV = k Ie Ielef tgher
her jand land aDd feared tk tIIeaI tIIeaIturned m atter11h atter11hturned
turned them late bogs tIIOUIIIt tIIOUIIItpeopl aIthOU > ilffae ilffaepeople
people think lat wu IF a aabd refer retaree j jIIIC8
IIIC8 ee to the WF Mr geaita aM aMaut aid ti timouat
mouat aut of food tMr lit a mists bat I Isue Iguer
sue the men wfce mede tq A die diee mettle mettleka6 airstpetr
ka6 tpetr all about K I and od she d realty realtytk reaU7sum elsa + sM sMtheta
tk sum n all right rightnut J1Ptbe rightthe
be lived at a IM la Ute Iv iktat iktatpsi
pAIL psi nut wben sestet 10 10liant hjiele b3bdSd p e dejd most aoaaserL mostifcrs j
ifcrs aserL giants with wttIJtyrs MM ere M hesolM slaee slaeecat eas eastad
tad tttyre M we welt M pretty preUTe1IPI nymphs nymphseupldf aad aadcupids
cupids roamed all U over the country UT UT10U and amidyou andyou
you couldnt throw a stone ta tbe tIIewithout U wedawithout weeds weedswithout
without hearing a atuDZlJ soimwlc soimwlcfunny tier assae assaefunny
funny creature t eature of ft tM kind ktodtad kindPefbsis C CJWta
JWta Pefbsis the herpttt were tIM tIMan4 tstsk t tand
tad probably mart often abet at attel by tarn tarnten henkrs
ten tel M they were halfbttd halfweoMi halfweoMiandnot JuIIf JuIIfr1d hatfw n nand
and andnot DOt pleasant to look at at aO U IMr IMrJ11e ey eyBade y ypale
Bade their th ir neat on the seashore eC eCjtfrlc etAJrlc ofAfrtoa
jtfrlc and laid their eggs te the sas 4 4110M aMldIose d ddose
dose Iose to tbe sea and somitlmss th the thebore wlatestore w j
bore would be attve with youog gcr1 o mg berptea haepleecryhtg berpteacrying
crying cr1 for their mommas I seppagj a aharpy ItJaarpy aharpys
harpy egg todar womld be worth wortkot JHW JHWdreds h NI NIBreda
dreds of dollar to an egg tE ooBeoter eoIIeetertlaae ee keer as asth asthere
th there re J Sa none to at xlrtonM but Nt aB tsar tsarau tbeaune tIteJUDe
JUDe au l am glad lad that they aft exttoet exttoetbecaoaa uttNtlIeCUM extltsetbecame
became they were terribly owl birds for foreaeU MeutI letbeeeta
eutI eaeU whichever they were cad a aaclllfe a We wasnot was wasnot W8JIlOt
not secure anywhere whoa they wow wowtog wenabout Sy SyInc >
tog about aboutThe aboutTIM aboutThe
The satyr and gocgoao seem not to havebin haVe havftMen haVeMen
Men ao troublooono and nobody o41die minded mindedibe
die nymph nympJa8 at t all aU willie it was w good podaek took tookto ei eito
to meet a cupid But the dreedfel rims rimsc1tor stratsttoeWM Y1 Y1Cltoe
Cltoe < ttoeWM was feared and avotdd avolo a a as raw moue a aMtlble all srpoulble I IfO a
fO Ilble Mtlble When It became known the bat At abbehad Atsad De1a
sad moved to a certain totond aUJho aUJhoitilon all a ata11oJl thep
itilon p Lorl kept away hoe K It toot somotlmin somotlminUM u uIJae
thorn clooo cloooN4 cIoHk ceooenough
UM > contrary winds wt da Wow
her fatal J JIOltg TI TIJOIII
enough k to Ua aborea to bear
JOIII D4 then MI tb y aeeaued ID to tofeelat t II IIHI6It
HI6It N4 the ip eIL Pali U Tbor Th leaded JIb non io iolk faa tI tIaDd
a dram aDd ws3k w right to Mr AltarWt After eJ eJUIIt
lk UIIt t nobody over nont seed of titom tMIathe o as aln alnable ahe ahesad
sad u the Iud att after r abe Wt It It was waselwya ItaU
elwya aU alive with pip It 18 1 4dte li b bthat 1 1aIIie
able that tboy rsr TO O tko tb poor AotaAom AotaAomHie dhsdadntIera II IIwbo
ntIera wbo had Jo8t tWr ahap tot a asac t1Ie t1 f
sac sacs s Ie IeThc
Thc InclMWIed j c ed Vine VineAc e eA a eta a et ettIIDe
Ac A time pnoMd passed4a on to f ttapIe4 f aot matlyettat matlyettatbid ntow ntowMM
MM bid el chord bfbe b notooo + taus Ore I e IMOMM only onlythe al ala 1 1I
I JMIDOI7JeOp1e M to IMHeM bdt ve that thatthe III IIItM
the enekantreoi JIM aovor el oatoied cited at an anaoi altsad JIi JIiu4
sad WM only o a tata fait tote tat but M < you wit witsea wiHtM 81 81aM
tM she be JaM only Be h Mr r ebetpe he sad aadww sadtwo tti ttiIM
ww lUll dU at ht old oldYeu tiiekaYu DrtotaL DrtotaLTeu
1 1e
Teu wooHnt think oho ooiiM horn trot Mve4atoetwUehl 1h trotoat et
oat K e pap s far VS 81 81Ri oIiMtadtlnt
IiMtadtlnt IiMtadtlntih1 Ri RicUd
ih1 d cUd and until U tllllt II s iad iadlaw w wIIU1e
law Jme Hort sad JiIIII motet Adacleat d8 01 01I
cleat atoetwUehl wb u I sat gotog to toll you no nobody 1110 1110I Mbody
body know that there we wu wuII onoh a shaaanor shuaeru shaaanoruCbxe
II uCbxe CItet oa earth earthJtouny earthJhsmy WI WIJiaIQ
Jtouny wee w about abo twelve or thirteen tYxtaayeah thirteenyears 01 01oid
years sol id when the this oU juafc shop homed homeddown buestddoxa III IIIIe
down He WU at tIM Wattitw AM of OOUHM sad aadKoMaeA eHwMeMC sadwMebei
KoMaeA tsM MSMhaokie I ItM kle shanoy iHom to tota tt tttbs
tM ta Fe netted + tad with geeat tatonot She fteafter daf Mrattic dafafter
after the fire aa all e el the bee MpamaPIr weace was russ wssmagmg russmatlag
magmg around among the mta e pl tIe1IIe p eWn eWnout Rg Rgout 11J 11Jollt
out frthTtfl ptooes of lion from the theaabM theamber
Ie Ie1Iluewtr
amber te keep at as reotmdera 1 Jtaaesy toead toeadt
t auoirtrabapod 1Iluewtr TOBoal ware Bomethrag sNUetbi > tile Mbethe tiletile tkethe
the alabaster vases Y on the mantel at home homett homeIt w wIt
It ws naa coveted with obareoai and dtet tMetMitt b lot lotht t tIt U Uit
It was the boot tbtag ho Ow ctMN 0ht tor asoaveafr a aoeveoir alOa A
oeveoir lOa that aaae nnpheay bdy bed found UBd and he hetook hetIot hetook
took It home aoIae1IIMN whore ho oteaned tt 1 1COYeNd and andooiored tUa tUaCovand
ooiored that It was made of brosM andwas and andvraa aa4u
was u aU covered vered with wtth1IDJIt funny letters let except exceptin e4 e4III
in one place where there was modeled modeledU
1M U toed of a beautiful woman womanIt WOIMILIt WOmn L Lit
It hatf a stopper that was raetened t cIUCh toe toeucjttly toetlghUy
ucjttly UCh to remove easttyaad so ho knockeditQ knocked knockedoff d dIt
itQ It off with a batohet Tho ancient vs vase was wasalttoet WMlDoct wasalmost
almost empty but at the tb bottom there was wasittil wassu cI cIIUd o
su IUd 1 a s sort t of pieta ttaatomettod that IId iii TTW aut1 aut1Uke SZt7lute V VW
lute W ipruoe grim Jimmy thought t the vase vasemust voamust
must 1IIt have come CO from some om de drag + sg storeand store storetod 1ItDIaIoD4
and b be felt like tasting tIM staff at its Itobottom itsbottom d dbottom
bottom but as has mother mot had often oftenus oftenwarned 01 01waned
waned him Mt to put strange tiling M MIda III IIIhis
us Mouth be coveted cev ed the vooe Si aid thoaaUt thoaaUtmore a ano ano
no > mere about tt ttThe It Itthe itThe
The old veMet w veer e ee atowag Hr g + iy r abaped abape4lad v vth w
lad 10 o aruttc IIIIt 111I a other It Km b bUIe
m th UIe atrtar table ter mile to adaUve and anda andand 1 1a
a few days cia ktsr 11111 Ada Ad AMbag 1aWarK 1aWarKtlne 1M
IioGe in the tb room tooktt took It down aaat ra raaoved N till
moved the cov cover 1M l bs poked her 1aM bead la laand 1M
and M felt about and ot eouree got bar An Anui tinpas w
pas ui covered co with tile t i otrango + e fctilttn fctilttnAda I Iatuo
atuo atuoAda
Ada Beow Becre e ft Lamb LwabShe
She promptly boYd It all oft tor fe fetMy fear 141MW 141MIt W
It would get on her drr few she warn a
tidy 1 Uuie Ie thing It tooted very r iiI nloo i and cadelse andau JI JIsome
else au some nat more JDON for abe forgot heraothps her herttother1 III
ttother1 caution M toes M oho foojnd
bow food u t wen All pf a eusM mdflon t aM
Wt a funny thrill and looking down dOwaw oaw oawit II
UM it she hc WM 11 aU u covered with a crinkly crinklyUs
bite rrooi 001 and that at elm DO longer And b1
IIrt tits a Us but tiro tirothat thoee of a lamb gibe WM Ie Iewtull1 >
iwrulif frtchtenod but te anothor minute III r rhht
Ww forgot to be D afraid for oho had tamed
into a lace lt lamb She Sb atttoped about the thei tL at atUrlor
Urlor Ii a said hr bea wttheet1Iy wttMat
1Iy i > y thought that h t oho bird 1 1wUi rrm bwsh atut a I
tut wUi 1 and jut then her aaothor ataef > luer ran to toS1
Ooodneas crador ebe grill Wbs
lea that t Jamb Into a y JIIIUIIII1 JIIIUIIII1t JIIIUIIII1looked pa r
t rids ridsta r looked at hr 11M aM aMSbe a athe
S1 the called for torlill Jbioy J Jf fete toM lab was waaarouad
lill semis
ih f around like everything everythingu aM sadrueL
e fraid It wssI IIII8et die bnIII bnIIIiIt
t rueL r u Rhea tier Jiouay J JIIII8et Jl nay case me he baw rarr the UNan tb old ejMysss
iIt ysss isi g on he xh floor leerng Mow Jtouny had hadadng
n rJdn adng ng theoo thet
tale of rata and u urr
rr Itn Ada had hadmem been a tho
now only a aL
r Treat me at t before u
he J aped ed at m to the thot
L J t > lun that the KK cIIIIIIto had been Meaner
c 41 y 8 a into a Uo latak h A 4Mea hey wbo wboJgln bad hodn
ner read tbeae ItItortM tItortM mart 1INIIId DOt 1Ia 1Iak have
Jgln ut it It I
k Vp w INk when be bel h
1 n ° th the 9iUv vaoo v vu and saw rawstud that much ID ID111th mitremtnrr
l stud t ff
was go goae 1M boaame bsca certain certainl
mtnrr 111th tiier r although 1U ai
dreadfully alarmed alarmedAfter
1 a l e
abo arllved ant at tile came COD CODll
< a After afteipt r
l ll ipt t eutr with fir lIrit
it waa as an awful awtla1hIM
a bias Y Pln o tol to
Atlpt hIM and t they
about abouthated abouti
1 lie eY didnt t kDo know
what t 410
i hated hatrdknow t ad yet 7etods
ends advice from th thr tbeJr tbeJrr eir
for fo r
th7 ildat
r t want toUtS to toamlly
hat such tiliad a Udeg ted happens ha Dined te IatoPh 1s11Y
tam amlly 11Y for t Of tho
thus wore
toPh toPhOf great sod sodAUa aoc ett1rL cis cislira
lira t 1st
Holt 4
= t bA d area tMitaslah
PciDce in inHiS IRH
HiS H Swift Swiftid S vlYt vlYtamobi
amobi le leUJireto leto
UJireto UJiretoid to toof
id of the theQiildren theCAildren theCFia
Qiildren QiildrenSiren CAildrenHelped CFia dren drenHelped
Helped Helpedf
7 11 f lVJ ean eanD 11 11st
1t I st tJ J JI
I dful fur furSiren
A A A ft f A Y <
It It tor oho WM to have Ita a party Oat Oaty 11
y xtat i Itt Md dtdmt t waat It bI Weattng Weattngn ttag r rtJMa
< 1petalrs n tolrg Mr orthonthoooBl tJMa tM people wo weald ld ldWhere II
Where te that tooAr and oonfaee V
very v rym musk muskAo eh ehaway 0
10 they got a aloe box for Ma aDd 11
away went with it to the train and they theyparted UsYrte4
parted rte4 for fo e th tho e country Jimmy took tookvaee k k1Ue
rare along in his trunk tra k for f fear oar Some sonwth
th the ether ehUdrea of whom there the were wereArtoon
in the Hoyt tartly might taste tastealoe tasteaIMI
aloe and he changed Into Bo 1IOIItethl8g thinK thinKhe
jteee where th they y went waa high hig up uptho
tho Uacrogora MounUlM lounta far away awayany
any lID other house e and where even the theman t tmaa
man or book agatsearns agenUeame ts only once oaeetwin t
twin a year Thoro Ate oou oou4 gambol gambolwt JI
wt em the grew sraw to herhe her hearts heartsand rte
and nothing oo oo W harm her herorn 11 11Ill
rem aora orn Ill until nt11 night gat nho Ms rea arovnd arovndttog
ttog eontontodly as happy k aa any anyyon
yon over saw w and never gave ga a athat athat
that oho M yomomBBKiA lIeMI1 that she had hadwbe ad1NHIft
wbe < ben R a girl girlho girlBNW girliMe
iMe ho grow Jar larger and large owry week weekBoon weekwould
Boon abb ho would haft Mea a ubSP hoo I IpeM IM4
peM had ah she not got at the fatal vaea vaeaC vuef
C f jr knocked It off the table kicked kicked4M
4M tid and Muck stuck her nooa nosS In 1 afar aftSKh
h one lb licked it dry just ae Jtomy Jtomyi TtllHByJDM
i Into the room Ho uttered a wild wUdot wildfit
ot horror which altered to a eep eepft
ft aa ho saw w her change before hJa hJaoyeo
oyeo from a DIce clean lamb tote a aa
a huge red oow with Ions horns hornandMdoyo berM1M hornsA
ndMdoyo ndMdoyoA 1M
A Cow in the House0e House
0e fwtft t was the ohango oM that it almoet almoetJinuay allMethut
Jimmy bat attar awhile he sat
4 ue up his mIM that it ud
t be heiBod yet he blamed btawolf for forwlag f <
the vaee about Still I dont think thinkyen
yen eeaM have ouapect suopectod d that a lamb lambraid
do Mioh a thing and I imagine that thatare thatwu
are wan a good deal of girl strl1eft left to I her herI berI
I do not blame Mm at alL If she had hada h ha
a a oat oat a dog or oven a nowe he heght
ght have feared aome such remit b bat t tit
it WM it WM extremely unllker te teMT
roM thane WM a aWe big red cow ow Ia the thewe tMthe
we and the test thtog te do ww to toTO teMIl
TO her eatetde and pit her to the bam bamtor
betide that M pet tM raps Ia a
tor he didnt want her to get at it itand Itand
and peinap perhaps become an ftaJr elophant elophantaiNojator
M aiNojator He was quite tkMt ukt1al kful kfulH
H had torned Md o Mt t M it had far he hewhy
1 an all more t tItaa hea I etas why whyktojtonotaaiu WItyJIIaMI14
should happna to be a cow instead ot ottalluUl ofiiygtopoWauo
ktojtonotaaiu talluUl or a oealton oealtoni eaUoLWMt
i wont to the barn very quietly far so soae Me Mec
ae much c a cow now as else bed hodt
t a iamb before WO She moMd oh es air ly lyhewed
hewed her cod M If oho had always alwaysuoed aIft3to
uoed to that Bert of thing aDd JImmy 3mmytew
th atperbaps a cow would aver all alltreUWe
tew trouble than a iamb because oho ohostay aMat tabsi4
i4 stay in one place and not go noatog noatogi C
i the nouoo 00 botue He kept her in a nice nicevery tI tIt
t pasture back of the barD aDd ribs tJ tJYerr
very happy all day long while wllUeIeb1q ho hoflohlng
flohlng in the river nearby nearbynow IMarb nearby711me II
now pad and the cummer war w well wenwhen to
when wb one 0 day a aCUM batcher named namedL
L cane along that way buying coma oowawhen
when MD be saw Ada he waa wanted her tor torWM t1
wu fat and nice Be waited at the thew p puntil
w until Jimmy arrived and sited him himmuch tJ tJucIa
> lrr much ucIa he wanted for herJhrmq her herJtouny tJ tJJIIIaM
Jtouny told him that she wasnt t for sate sateit D
Mr Baum WM w determined to have her herpoeaible 0 0bIe
poeaible bIe and anally the boy with tears tearshia tearsbii
hia eye told the botcher the whote whoteTjr eMr
Tjr Mr Baunt WM awed at the tileto tale talenohed Ole
il naiad to me aee the vase Whoa Jimmy Jimmytt J
It the batcher teller erdahned Why Whya e ea
a limit vMer Ho H enmlMd H t F
a grad of Princeton College CoIIand and a aGnek
1 Greek M m eaatty Iy M > BngUah euah and then tb a ae
transiatoa truelat the letters carved on the a aase aaae
ase He said se the wontan whose head was a an al
the t aide of It WM Circa and the words wordwe t Ii
them tteeeCIRCZ t tCURCK tJ tJCIRCE
CURCK taett AMPHORA that was a r rlad
of vaoeWn v veaooO TOUCH OUCHIT IT MOT tOTlIINDER 0T h hl
HOSED I a aGoer al alGeef aGoal
Goer cried or Jimmy thats a long ogOM one oneThat
does It meaar nr b bat hiZt blt
at meaDS ehanged e late aemetaiag tIdDg re t tlied
the educated butcher Thats what 4 4tree cree
tree ree the ancient enchantress used to do t tpeople
people By B Gearget be added btapt jet a ass mafwished aa aaJ
wished J hed tone I wonder weed If it Itat eagk > be a aMBibie
that rids te really her kerw herGuees r rGitees t tUG
UG Gitees e It Must t be amid aM Jli Jliorked tt 11
that way anybew h4n II IIr IIw
0 g gc gt
need aa ye QU or 1 would have ve been beeneejee t
eejee that thin WM really the original originalrcos 11
rcos vase v and that it had atfll con conaed u uJIOIDe
aed some ot her magic ma e balsam ba after all alleeceaturtes anceatUJtes
eeceaturtes OeaturteaI 11 11I
I suppose ta raid ald d Mr XrJtaum r Raum that that It Itis C Clain
is lain at the bottom of the sea perhaps perhapsr perha f
r agar and been drawa up in I the net of ofmo I
mo flaharmon aid sold 4 to a collector of
ties or been dug up from fro deep in inearth i
earth beneath u Oracle O ruins 111I by some somevman
vman Just think of it lasting all allyears
years Why next we will diacover discoverCirce g
Circe herself Is alive and doing built busrI s sI
I wotaler wonder w what it would do to your youriw Ii
iw I mean your lllMelif ateter U she ab h < ate at any anyif iI +
if ifI iIII
I wont give It a chance said Jimmy g glIe CI1
The I1 battier cIMr went away awa quite aa much muchfamed mucbever
famed M ever and a little vexed bo bouse b ¬ t tJI
use JI Jimmy wo wouMnt ddnt soil him the vase vasee
e wanted to decipher r an Of the worde c
J cJ
Indistinct as well ae oo very ancient s si si sinot
i not to be found f9uM in any 11 Greek diction v vy
y so that he had not been able to road fa fai
i that was carved uap up JM I t > hronae par a ace act
ce Jte e prpmiBodte proml promlred to toll tnaobo nobo r about j jstory Fstory
story atoryhehad he 1J bad heard h8f1nJltut hut middle said J e would WJ wd h hiturn hturn
turn wheft w when ea he had more tIMe and a mar if jj jjt IICOQIA
t OOB14 dlseever f ftoJR roja th U words on the e t tise
wh whether h r there miss anrthl otblag g said saidtout 81
a ijaroedy for the magic balsam batemI 91 o oI
I will gamine amine my old old GreektOOka Greek books bookspromised >
promised before he heweat went W8K away and f fy
y to find out what I Baa about such g glarms
and spells spell Perhaps it you ou should ii iijod
her on ambrosia t t would cure her herJimmy a aJimmy aJIm
JIm Jimmy my W wdnd 3b n red wh e heeonid heeonidgods ltq get uti azi 8
Wh v th redraw food dt i
gods godj1n in n ancien ancient t tUwdgsy hwr te Wa Wasqaoy
Uwdgsy Y book 1Id a a35 < l lth agsa sqaoy hours hoursif hog + a athe I Ideaor
th the wideavor deaor te < e if t it was a iYb t
Yb t
same pre
seeraj aeer aeerd f which had been lost But ho hoFM t taa
FM DOC aftfe enough to look such tbtncs tit
property proD8dr and ct after atterawldJe awhile he gave p a tt up upnd upad
nd went back ba beck to Ma eating while wItUeLea Ada Adawnt
calmly up and down d wn her pa pasture as ascntentedly
at It she had never worn a areck arock
or or combed her hair before a harking loeklnsweal g b hlan
tJ tJlit
lit arilsy wait weal t by and sttU they theyoyt tt a ab1
aaatr 1Me b1 because u ear lira
oyt hsM fero gr to fIt of her davfhmi1 davfhmi1i a aonl7
i only a a cowam cowsRt oh she couldnt even dream dreamI p pf
I having bavi a oow oeyv in a one boner even en if ifhe tbe
be had ho parMitted pet ittled ttjed herself to think of ao aoaowleUfelng
her liar as her daughter Once
i a Urn fang white bU her sisters and brbtbere brbtbereow I
grtwn OR spoke of Ada pityingly aa aat a0one a
one katfovever lost loattor forever but they never yet thought tb thought
vwa virdha kerat ai aU I meat admit tut tkethey e eh
h hey n < sy y sometimes ICaeU sent her Meleys MeleysnpaHti Prepared Preparedow 11 11ow
ow food or Smikes Celebrated Cel rued Milk IB IBaaer II
aaer when v they read the adverttse adverttseacnts
acnts rut f HHoh things in the agriejdtmai agriejdtmaipen t tpen
pen but as a rule they completely compieWliIflJ Joe torK
K tk tha IflJ t yh aa had over been be a member of ofbe e
haughty agllty Hoyt Jt family familyGeoundheJU famJl7The familyThe
The i nwe reseoa of their agtot was
° i t a Prince rIIa of anldptni aJQ
GeoundheJU a very handsome Prince Princeeed
eed who f Had etwUed in America WtU WtUspoke
spoke Po III Bugitsh Its Ksk like a Newarker war in inown
ta Hi + M ail of the 3kia frte WOMB Just ca
eracy u uet Met uet
et Mtorarrs JdiL htbi bra Hoyt spent ill of of f kef time timeguring
how ll te t make him propose pro te one onet 0Dt
t her doxKhters 9JiJ sad and so po poarmiton poor AdaThe MIa WIIf
armiton eiajnpir eiajnpirTh rJIF rJIFTh
Th The J iPriheh ric t h hO bor vV et 81 i iBbil 1 e be n enjoyed enjoyedvenrfbaar eJUored8Qfbeqr
venrfbaar tegr gf ids stay stay tinennq not to be bearttcBhtrlyatlractad
arttcBhtrlyatlractad attracted II to any 0 of the theut girls gptiltut girlsut
ut preferred to go out Into the country count
hie automobile e for hours at a time to tee
e despair of girls gtr and parents alike alikeSoGoettmas likeSomed alikeSomettmea
SoGoettmas Somed he would be back In time timevited
a > a te a dinner to which he bad badYlltld tan
but lots of other
times ho
re reUaed r
awar Nt I4U lt night and hd be net neten
en a handsome JleJIdHiile reel real Prince be would wouldver
ver have been Irfrfted eet again I am sure suremettoioc
mettoioc ae he wwrfd take his beautiful sts stsr
r the Preteen with him on his ante anteobile eo
for she s too WM vjs viattinc titsg the town towngeneraHy
generaHy he went alone aloneI ttI
I almoetf almeetcorgot orgot te say that thatstes
stes went e1 home ome for f a ae
e sisters 81strs declared i1ecl that be ft
for he was new a raaa and t trhen tJ
they tM asked him te bay a drees Mit Mite at atJauglMd
e laughed and said that it wouldnt s suit U a afarmer afarm afarmer
farmer farm He was fully as handsome as the thetince 81
but they the oouWnt see it at all for
e was sunburnt and muscular aDd walkedke walked walk d a ake 8J 8Jke
ke a hunter So he was always very glad gladreturn Wi
return to the mountains and Ada who y ykowed Yi
how pleased she was to have him o ome 81
> back by loud moos of delightWelt delight B BWell bI bIWell
Well one day the Prince took his sister 8tet X Xr Ie
> r a ride and as luck would have It It the tJ tJasdlne
gave out just as they were pare paseig p pg pareg
ig g Jimmys cottage in the mountains hi hnjd hithe
njd they the came to a full stop The Prince p pot pI
ot out and went to the house The door a aras 1
open ana be entered but found no 9 9ne S1
at home as Jimmy was away awa fishing a abey al albey
bey had to wait however bow ever as they were weretany
miles from town and they sat down
downtJ tJ
played on the piano pia and a aPrince al
Prince read Macanlays History of oftend ofto ofaglsad
aglsad tend to pass the time away awayBy u uBy 11 11By
By and by the Princes went out and e eloeovered Cj
Ada feeding In the pasture JJ tUreand and andidy I
she wt Mar bar Ada A4Ia wing a k
for the first time ti in years went to toor toanct
and atatost frightened her hei to death deathir
like Itk all PrinoeoMe she e was mightily mightilyoM °
oM of cows The Prince heard JIIea beard her herR a 1 1ID
ID R and came eat t but he wasnt waaatfrald wasntfraid 11 11mid
mid and he went to the pretty cow co and andatted a1
atted her kindly whereupon she sh mooed mooednd
waved her long lODJtaU tail taliWhen g gWhen IIW1Mtn
When at last Jlgnayeare Jimmy J esme homo it WM f fark
and he h mode them flay stay all nigh b J Jtaring JI JIudng
the ev evening tag the Princess Palm as looked o ot
t him many ny times and realising resli rtng that he t tras tJthe
ras the beotlooktoa be young man ehe bed t tver tJ
seen she proceeded pnal 4 to taU In lov lows v vrtth
him 111 right away and the same thing thingid thllIrto
0 eeed id to Jimmy They all became aa e
tlWhicf tJ tJWhich
Which WhichBI
Was Found Foundin < 2 2Pawnshop hi al alIn
in In a
et etPawnshop
Pawnshop Pawnshopw PawnshopHeldan PawnshopHeld S SHeld w
Held Heldan an
0 0Enchanted 01 01Enchanted
Enchanted EnchantedPotion EnchantedtII j jPotion
tII tIIPotion
Potion That Thatti ThatTurned
ti tiTurned tJTurned
Turned TurnedY TurnedLittle a aLittle aLittle ° Y
Little LittleGirl Littlehi e eGirl
h hiOirllrtt
Girl Oirllrtt Into a aCow j ja jCow a
0Jt Jtu El 0 11
e eveataff that Jimmy told thaw th m the theory P
of how Ada had Men aeon changed Into Intoeow Intooew intooew
oew and it PrtDc8II Madeline
made the Frfnceos s sy sBItt
y p pBat sp
the Prmos rose up aDd was very h hgry hYea
gry Yea Ton say the butcher read the h hTrde
en the vase vasef said he He told toldthat bi
that it WM the verve of Circe the theantrese ac
antrese and I believe he Is right I Itorgotten a
torgotten most of the Greek that I Ited 11
ted at college 00 hut I hated Greek BO BOat J
at t I stttl hate Ctree CirceSuddenly CtreeSuddenly CIreeSuddellly
Suddenly he smote himself upon bIB htesad hiead
ud nd reclaimed Ah Circe made madeSB
SB of men I know where there dwells dwellsold
i old woman hideous and wrinkled e elooks 81
looks 100IaIJIU like a witch and the woods all I Itout h
her houee are full of pigs a aIll SI SIIU ElIll
Ill bet Its It ares Circe herMIt said Jimmy G GI 0 0am
I am sure of K tt said the Prince for f ftey tj
dont look like mere pigs They gaze gaze a ame a
me when I pass by as though they theyid theyUMl
souls and their eyes are soft and andwder t1
as they look at me me as If I were werebarrel wereburel
h h8eIIt
barrel of apples No ordinary pigs look lookaeAUmontal
aeAUmontal and I beHeve they are areieo
rl rlIt tIt
IX not women as welL weiLIt
It Is quite poseiMe JIOI bIe added the beau beaufulPrmeoss a atul
fulPrmeoss PrIecesiwiplna P wiping her lovely blue eyes t tte b
GesondheK a we aced to have many e eich S
witobep until they made a law t ttainat 11
them and shemay He may have been j jte 11
of them who baa come over here t there tJ ther
here her there en are no laws to interfere with fl flteir
well be that t thatroe
awful practices It may t ttree h hree
tree roe went to Geanndhelt la old times timesid tJmesa a
stayed there You know that wHohes wlt
re only to be bead in placer where the themple t1
believe in tfaom tfaomTomorrow tIMInlomonow theriTomorrw
I will there and
Tomorrow ge over f fok
IMo this maHer said the Prince
E BPrince EPrince IiPrince
Prince Rrxk Circe CirceOk J JOh
Oh do notl sated the Prineees She B B1H
do things to yea You will be t tlanged tJ
Into something dreadful and andhat andBat
j jHI
would I do No you shoH notI not notI
HI I must save y that peer GOwI eow I mean meanrl
rl said the Prince I cannot bear to tomk 0
> mk of her out ta that barn standing up
i a rack while we are easy CINI and com eerartaUe
in here I do not see how you youown a <
own brother could stand It eitherOh either eitherOh h hOb
Oh I got used to it after awhile said saidiy a
iy 7 but oven now It worries me
j jtimes F FtbnM
times espec espeeiaity ilY on mold MghtaIts Mghta al ht htU f fIts
Its U an outrage and a atianer r said t tPrince tl
Prince and I am going 801 te see if it itinot d
inot be remedied remediedWhat t tWba twt11you
Wba What wglY win wt11you yon m doT asked uk Jimmy Jimmymake JimmyI c cZ <
Z I will reel her out aH It It is throe I
make her ends this awful wrong wro er erI a
I writ hW her hrIf herIf MrIt
If she talks Greek to you how can yea yeauteiatand YIHIr
heir r Hwnirad We slateAial slater slaterAtes ter
Ates Aiur he cried I I never MY < thoogbt tliesgbt bt of oftmt e I
Oh why did I eat my Greek ls f ft tI
t colleger otiose otioseThis r rTbIe t tThis
This should teach no a to always P make makele c
of cpr OpportUl opportunities tIea for juet such oo ooistons tJ t
may arise in the life of any boy boyid II
he 1M may a7 have Ita use for any ntfla JttIIaVt oft of ofwwledgo I
he may have gained aIned at school schoolow 0
yon see if it had happened ba that the theitch t
did talk Greek the Prince ot oturse
> urse would have had no earthly show showall w
all and the whole thing would have havetllen ft
tbrounh < h at the start As It was wasw b
w talked German his own language languageWell lapguagewell p II IIWen
Well in the morning they tbe filled the theloUoe II
tank of the automobile aad the theince
ince went away leaving lyJ his sister with withimy I
imy They went fishing together to Nll but butin
in forgot all about the nab By the thete q
te they returned home ihat evening eveningsy peal
sy were wereeaaased engaged to be married marrIedtJte the th next nexteek IleXteeL le = t
eeL eekThey eeLThey
II IIenq
They were very happy They spent the theening
ening wondering how it had aB hap
i I < b bunm
and telling eaoa each other wbatth wba tU7 7 7a4
a4 beet to eat eat and the Prteee waares waaresrely was W85rei7 sea searob
rely rob y forgotten He didnt Bids t come > honwitet honwitetgat
gat and in the morning they beg ba aiJ aiJrry to toerry
erry rry Finally they both started otstja otstjaArch ot jIa
of him for of coarse they toewght toewghtIs t
Is had broken brok down agaI agaIways agalajas agalajasways
ways happens to these things whBO W whneifat IIIJ < far farivay
from repair shops shopsThey bopThey hopeThey
They strolled along the shady rnbadyere reeAaad reeAaadere red aaIen
ere so Intent on the color o ee eteaah < aoh etee ett Ht Htfee
that when the Princes awfcxnettta awfcxnetttaime
along they never hoaaflrtt aca 8IUlt auuiw wggiB wggiBy rC
t y nearly run over Tiier Tlseygetcbrandjts eMB andia andiaM
his hlsstory hlsstoryHe story storyHe 6toryHe
He had found the borne e et tha wS0B wS0Bitboat v
much trouble sunmSed bI fcyft
forest ior rest and be hetore dteex dteexafore
afore the door The wltoa came tae i iice at
very glad to see a man 88 asaba a Jfte Jfteat <
turned one Into a pig for stone sI weajak weajakbe
be Prince smiled at her ad ha hewae juaa 60 60uideome
and faecJnatteg fa that elbe af afost Ifot a
forgot that she was a witch Sha abejj abejjted + Rt
him to enter her honor anttbe eed bee OBI OBIat I4at
> at once onceHe onceHe ofCeHe
He pretended to have lost W J way wayete wayeteie
woods and asked her abort the roaiL roaiLte
te told him all abort them and then thaiked
him what had become of fits homer borslaou
ou see she had not sees him ajrfera ajrferaid a
she had sever I1 Vr mean aa atttoaehtta atttoaehttarfore a1t
so abet thought he had taken hie hiearses
out of the shafts and pot tr tdom tdomimewhere y
in the forest He red a ald sib a ald
ld her that be had ne nerer ur eseiLao eseiLaor eeeIL 80 tae
a creature and ahe gtglect gtglectr verpprau
> r she thought aha bad bias biasAfter h1mAfter himAfter
After awhile she offered him > food foodPrince oc 34Wt I
Prince was far too foxy to eat r nJOT nJOTr
r her cooking and toM her that te 3w 3wbad 7rAi3
bad his breakfast Bto et etime ached bI
and when she facad that he VjBsl VjBsle
e Prince of Gesundheit abe was sur sured atir ¬
ed and without thinking she saW Alta eJiafrom
from the same place so he knew that thata
a must be a witch of coarse Be ttt8 Butt ta tatended
to be very znaab In loVe tovoand >
and admired her eyes and tonff b bir
ir saying that only In GsattBdbe Gean2hit oooM oooMseen
seen such beauty until the witch 1ritcJ1t1 w wss a atJekled
> tJekled t1 that she wriggled wrl gled aft allserpentine over tims timsserpentine l lserpentine
serpentine dancer in a aide sbowafc show at A
r Oh 012 the Prince was a sly O iUff iUfflaoe
laoe I tell youTh you youThe yoaThe
Th The Swift Alto IJ IJThey RifThey g gThey
They paid each other Comp eo > toeos llantSII < < Of Ofae
ae time and then the Prices Prtaeeor aeer beiiEea beiiEeaor
or to take a lido with MIL ha n tie Ssaaa Ssaaaaated sa aa aanted
for aba be wanted to plea plewe o aim aafi am
9 jc him into eating setae ot her magic magicMd 5
She want upstairs and ad got her hood hooind
nd then took a e seat at in the autooaoteH autooaoteHThe asttasaobiisThe Wle WleThe
The Prinoe got in beside hot and HM HMtie
lever when Jibe aed saldi 1bvOM 1bvOMve Vy yea ywiave yeaave
ave ve forgotten fer otten the horses horreaPWe horsesWe hOllMlllrWe
We will go without them Y Mna 4e4etp 4 sipltt siplttWiled ha
aa the automobile darted off wdlhConvulsive wash washconvulsive w1 Ikconvulsive
convulsive jump that threw the Witt Wittackward 1 tbJaackwud witaekward
ackward and almost broke her back backhe be
he seremed and made a meveatejat JRV BB BBto rV
to grab Gte e reins as women e rfwars de doi
a oarriage when a man dxjves tat bttu u utore R
were none eba only eo 88It 0rt ht at the tbeir
She was very much rattled and aaIood her herood I
ood got over her eves so she eemassed eemassedgala >
galaDo It ItDo <
Do not sore scream Cream my dear < oeM oeM4e
Prince PrinceWhen PrinceWhen PrinceWhen
When she heard her herrt ntae Ce u be atmeot atmeote5l n meet Iil I
out of tb the automobUs automo bits actor wsa so sotartled a fJ
tartled for aba had not tot it te him Mgihe S
he grew pale but the maettaa woete wao W88eeoK eo6i eo6iig L
along at such a terrifle speed tilt
couldnt speaHj she Gold evjigr grip
be side bar and gasp gaspAfter gaspAfter 7 7After
After awhile awh e he asked Sow fie m > P ti tike
ke this sort of driving drlvlngTLet p pLet
Let me get out cod walkS cbauc cbaucNot e a pe peNot ij F
Not until you tell me how te oteng otengow ohaagem
ow back Into a girl Bald be beNever beNever W
Never she said aadand and grtttod grtttle4Jet grittedThen bepKeofib bepKeofibThen L
Then he put on still more speed and tit ft ftIraoat r
took her breath away a After theY thejrad tj8
ad gone go about six railea he coked bar bargam hergain i L Lgain
gain to tell him the secret bat she eboak eboakor t1 t1bead
or bead in silence for she oouldat oouh t speak apeakaster II
and still faster they whtezed along akmgnd fJ
still abe refused to tell aim Tbee no noaraod Ii
the machine into the debfe and andarted f farted t
arted across dltohag like a bird dashed dashedtrough shed f
woods and bn bench htk9 b jfte a lox fez fezed g
ed by hounds Just Mooed hJMo batMgeev ev evtelegraph
telegraph tele raph poles and a tow M I iye eiaks ae1n ae1nhe b
he asked her again Bale aa a ghost ghostpat gi pct a
pat her helipr lips together and cheek hen haeThen Hz1he
Then with Inconceivable velocity tfe t r rsw E
toward a farm boom Sbe sew thai thailey
ley were going to strike it It and raised seisedie
ie Princes band Ill tell you ut t BB BBled she
but It was too late They < shot shottrough 1
the farm house HIM a OSJNWA OSJNWAtil i
til overturning the people sitting f it the theInner
table like so many ma y Btaeptos and andit
they went w t on the other aids is a atinkling aakltag
Gave Up Her Secret SecretWon SecretWeD SecretWeil
Won tell me quick said the Prteee PrlMe aa aae
e steered the automobile toward t wa a high mgb11L
Sbe looked at him M if she wets gc gcto go = 4i
to refuse again and then at the rooky rookyIII rookYTbiaJ
III Thinking of course co that he would wouldright
right through the Mil as a ho had the thoe
e she oh nodded and aid Stop her herk
k Ill tell you yo the t secret rertwell secretWell MCnLWell
Well what is it asked the Prince as a
quickly stopped the machine mrchlnaSbe machineShe cJ ne ne8bewok
She 8bewok took a long breath Give lve t tbe e cow ow a aatter °
filled 411 with em beaten teA up with withipriks k 1
ipriks exactly at midnight and she will willa
a maiden again but she will be aa old oldthe o
the cow not as young U when she was wasanged
Thank ank you raid the Prteee Mow I Iill
ill take you home again againThanks apIaTbanka againTbanka
Tbanka yourself sale abe but Td Tdther a
walk WI k One On trip ta this is enough enoughou
ou can do more wonderinl things Ulan fn jn j
n Let me out 01K and 1B 1 get home all allwn 11isbt allIght
isbt for 1 DO now 8M that we w are sear uq uqwn mywn
wn house houseShe boWMShe houseShe
She alighted and tIleD oho said saidTell aJdTell maidTell
Tell me how did yep 09 know my m name nameras
Circe CirceI Circer I II
I am a a wteard replied the Prince and aadlartr
lartr away like lightning lightningWell IIgbtftl IIgbtftlW8II lightningWell
Well they changed Ada Into Jnt a beantf beantfu
u ul girl < at midnight accorolag to Circes Circesinscription Ctrcearescrlption
and the Pfteee of course courseell
ell 11 instantly in love with her and de delated de ¬
that she must be his Princess PrincessAda PrIneAda tw twAda
Ada bad been making cows eye eye at him htmU
along and was wa quite ql te satisfied tided indeed indeedhey IDd Indeedbey
hey went Back to town and aH were weretarried
much to tbe mortification of ail ailie
other o ber gins < and the gnat chagrin of ofho a t I1
Hoyt famV 1am who didnt know It was wasda wasda
until it was all over Then they had hadlie
nerve to ask her to invite them to toesundhelt t1undbett
to spend the summer summerCirce eummelCirce summerCirce
Circe went home but Ole shock had hadecn
too much for her and in leas than a areek
reek JIbe he died of heartfailure tor sb sbad 8bc
never been able to get her breath breatack
after that awal ride UfieWAiC rSdeWAJJ r rWALT

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