OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 14, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1902-05-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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p 7 7L
r L CAZ9SL CAZ9 7224 Y
SL S y j RANDLEAU per r r 106 pound poun d New T York YorkTABLISHED YCr T THE H E t S SALTLJhI4iERALD X t T > t fic lKl < E I I E R A L D 1 Forecast WEATHER WEA THER for TODAY TODAYForecast TQDAVt Salt Lake LakeSALT L ke keS 4
Badies of the t e Victims of the St Pierre Disaster DisasterRabbed Dis8Slter Dis8SlterR
Rabbed R bb6d bdOffender OSfenite ffender Arrested ArrestedSOT
SOT q if 1 M liftwit yw3tgs wR M Who WhoWa Was WaontheIatd on the theIItcated llKcated Ship Rorarma RorarmaDisposing Ror ima imaDipoing ma maDispooinr
Disposing of the Dead
ORT pg FRAZCC8 l1tA Martinique MartiniqueL KaItI KaItIy
F01ll F L my y The northern section ofI ofthejtDd of oCthe
I the thejtDd Mind to depopulated defoPulate41i 4pOpuat Pr Prtoa Pro Proocg
i toa ocg at needed here Immediately Immediatelyto
t to x ie 1801 w V shipload ploaCl of lime J1zeI is also alsol oed
I l ed fcd tt St t Pierre for sanitary pur purTh purI
I o Th T stench ilte there from the dead deadioBtt dndII deadbdiIs
I ioBtt bdiIs II > rpowermg M Mont nt hIM Ptea8 hIMI hIMII
II a8 3 rtlll ttI1 1Il < JpU pttof smoke and Ore at t a ait aIt
1 it JaIl It iioui iOU aot i at night Dl ht The French FrenchFort lIrencllcruller Frsncb1rr
cruller S hd h t here andtM aui tie city of ofFort a afort
Fort Fort de d rraixe r Iwe Is I QUiet QUietit quietIt
it waa teii here hfr yesterday Jf tcr from fromthe fromtJwo fmint
the t Brit Britth inland I and of f E oninlco > that tbat101t JO JOwrivon 00 00vtror
wrivon 101t th t tht tit St Firr iisaster 1 had hadimrhed badIftIhfd hadthd
imrhed thd t r < rf in > n ranoes ranoesMany ianoPhany anofsMany
Many irange I rangt and lncniprehenslble lncniprehenslblehwtanfM Inc ffi Il1prelleDSib1eftIItan nprebestbte nprebestbtehlJtancS
hwtanfM ftIItan 8 irJ I r recounted Dr f St Pierre PierreTb
Tb char rj i mains f of H i woman with witha
a yilk ilk hirlkerchlef ba har r kfrchltf unturned untlJ rntd and in inwrfwt IDprrflft inrft
wrfwt prrflft rft it lition itiOfl held to hr lips have havebron baveIJrPn haven
bron n foul there The crisped bodies bodiesrf bodl bodll
rf young YOUR KiriK itIi rl have hav ben found but buttfcelr tmtmflr buter
tfcelr er tOf ho were unhurt Every praise praiseIt praiseIIlflvfn prateegiven
It IIlflvfn given mt nltd l States ttee Consul meul Ayme AymeH Aymehas
H Sf has ha wi 101 K I Indefatigably Indeftlp bly to succor succorthe succorlb
the tll iurvivtrs urViV He has bound the Umbel UmbelI
1 Of wound wnund1 i and has worked without withoutilwp witboutp withoutilp
ilwp p and without food He is t now nowtinrouHhly nowt1roulhly nowruhly
tinrouHhly ruhly rxhu x haunted t Forty person personttwued penontrued personsscued
ttwued trued from the city 1t1 are re now in hoe hospitals boeJjtals hoepal ¬
pal here hereIn htlfIn herein
In addition to the specie > already alreadylUNd se serarfd socred
lUNd Jewels eI < to the value > of MIMM MIMMfr 1IN 1INmoO 1ISSWSftns
fr moO Dm were rpscued from the Bank e eIt dIt C Cft
It Pierre PiP ye yesterday yesterdayThe tprday tprdayThe
The Italian tonxul ofillul at Barbadoes Ba rbadoett rbadoettJOfftd has hasiwmtred baaTrn I
iwmtred Trn pred th body of his hi daughter daughterwho
who 110 w was a vfrKin vhitng In St Pierre at t the thetlmaef thetJmtf thetinast
tlmaef the disufffr disufffrttory dilIl1tprStory
Story of the Disaster DisasterMargaret Dialter31t DisasterMarsret
Margaret Stokes the 9yearold 9yearoldlaughter tyearol4l1lbter yearo1ddaughter
laughter of the th late Clement Ci lnfnt Stoke of ofYork ofw ofNw
Nw w York who with her mother a abrother akothtr abmther
brother aged 4 t aDd a sifter aged 3 S was wason
011 UM illfiif > d British steamer tfam r floral Roralla
ma la to th hospital here > The child childK childnot btidnot
K not expited exJM tld to live Her nurse nurseilara DaneIara nursertars
ilara King KID tells tflI the following story of ofr o obi
bi r uperienCl
the ISys TB 11 she he wan in her state room roomvh roomthfll comavim
vh vim n the tfI steward of f the Roraima Roraimanlled RDrakBarand Boralmrsfled
rand out t her Look at a t Mont ft ftkf JIt8Iff Psbe
kf 8M Bk v < nt on deck and saw w a ama Vast Vastman Mt MtIIIUI
man ma of Murk cloud coming down do trass trassthe tNlilt fr frtIe
the volcaiK The steward It wrd ordered her herto
to TCtara to h the saloon loon saying ylnl 14 UromIq J Jrwniaf s she
rwniaf rwniafXlH romIqx
XlH he Kh KI1t then rushed to the theSlIt aafdOB aafdOBShe ISON ISONys
She m ys she experienced 4 a feeltns of ofluffncatton 01IUfratlon atsulneatlon
luffncatton which hleb was wastoUowed followed by In Int IIItIW Int1s
t tIW ne Best t The afterpart of the Bo Bortima tonlma Rerains
rains broke out in ft flames Ben Ben Benvon BenD Benprnt
von D the carpenter of the Roralma who whota
ta DOW DO In a hospital h pltal here severely severelymeet
tamed meet twisted Miss MI Kin King and Mar Margaret MarIIftt Margust ¬
gust Stoke to escape e ape With the help helpsq
of < rf Mr Scott the first mate of the Be Benin RoIma Botitus ¬
titus nin Ima he constructed COIIt < tructed a raft with life lifeprtterrert lifeJI liftpreTerL
prtterrert JI Upon this thl Miss JlU King and andgaret
Margaret garet were pIaIMWIIIIf placed placedWhile piseedWhile
While this wan being In done Margarets Margaretslittle J rpretll rpretlllltt
little lltt brother died Mate Scott brought broughtth
th t child water at great personal penon I dan dsnrr danSe i
rr Se bat It was unavailing unavaLlIn Shortly
after 1ft the death of the th little boy Mrs Mntokea
Stoke tokea raconnhed hfod Margaret and nd Miss
King Kin eventually entuaJ1 got away on the raft raftami raftInd raftand
and were picked up by the steamer steamerrofts
XIT Knront rofts Mate Scott also ai escaped Miss MI
Klnf X 111I did not sustain serious Injury Inju
Sh Ihf l covered the fare fa of Margaret with withv
Jlr v 4rm If but still the child was fatally
burned bumedMack
Hack Column of Smoke SmokeThe SaaokThf moksrhf
The rhf mited States 8ta tfl government lMDt tug
Potomac which hltb came to Martinique
from San ila Juan Porto Rico cruised
Ilton < the t coast of this thl Island kla yesterday
Rtf MTno l1loon She h encountered tered an Inky
w Nark rk column of smoke which made It
r rre1sary r wrr r for her to go 0 five miles ml out
her h r course rotI rotIWordlll
w Wordlll rds fall to describe the present
tuition at 8t Pierre A anal de der
larhmt of French troops Ie making <
ffrt orta to Int Inter r the dead altbou although < h the
JolrnflMnt jflvPrnyy IWftIUI to be strikingly un
U7 ll1rnfd r M as I to what I done
d > In this th
dlTCtofl wtion ction
J h t4 IItolun The looting loot of the th rains rainsFnc ral
Frt 111141 WhIle coming mln to
Dto i France th the
Potomac picked pIk
a tw up upon
MTnulnln Onllnllll ftT flve cotor colored d men n and <
on fn
White h hlt
te man who
jIid t pockets pock ts were werePotomac
With coin and Jewelry the latter
tdf1ltly ity stripped from the
It hdlad hdladI ded dedUtfflhIflt lagers 01
I PIItfnunl UtfflhIflt fl B JIIcoMDlek
nllnd Thnde1 r of thl t be PotOlDa
arrested these
nn n and
turnfd them over to tile Om
aMfr of the French cnaIIIer IJ1achet
IT r
tlrnUCbt punlabment TIle Tb > Potomac also
a ton t n of supplies to
nQUI r qu Martl
11 l IIqr IIqrA fnilltlq il < tlnr ln paft rt of ofTg1 eodftah
Tg1 I1lrtrn A fmi hfr here J Is IIIUDIDent mlnent The TheJPulated
JPulated JPulatedin ° Pu3sted Itrllon serti of the island ncI II 4e do
BUliDtle BueIn
1h hfte Is IlUpeJaW
JItopI f th the city clt
have essemhlsii essemhlsiivC Wed
in r th tlf rK thur L
vC ehUtltes hea c and tile cathedral
n lft i Pedal dal cla wnices 8f nIftI
or the St are bring bei held heldnVZTn
thru Nrre deacl au beau
Thf s1n Ini c daylight yllbt
lnltPd ntt
d states tq Potomac win
t1 11101 h hrp rp tod toy for U the IsIu of o at I
Whft hrre
1 in 1 If tGndltlOlll are N
rflt nVZTn nt 1I1I1Ifo all In ft I la 8oufrtMe Soutrl re on at t Vta Vtaam
> am of f fun e eruption Pt < May 10 A Atw
wIde t1f1II aDd mUd halt a sells
as a
th1 th
en fI Itlns Str0 issuing fro from the voice
tCti I tnlhl 5 tw Iftbn xh In diameter dlaiu t ter fell
ptti lta n 88 At K KIDPtOa rrto the thef thelta
t Inchl the island land the ashes were
11 df Seven veD hundred dead
ItimEed r reprt rtfc2 ftund Sunday MQ U U It Ja JatI
tI Ih that 4t the lb total number of
W 11
t n lnCBl t reaches t 205 9
ct t n r f the K
hl tI4t1 1 haf hav Je atat estates on the
I I s been burned to aches aDd
IIbtuak1 btuak1 IUtbntkau Teporte4 P that two twothere
II th Mrtlrrd there It be bef be
f have i luhmarlne cab cables III St Yha
a 1es The n broba bcok by tile tileor distuib vmI
prgn r
or g t nt volcanic enap
mcnt II
tb the lint Mace 1IU
T Hunt lIt of For Porte to Rico has hasemil
emil lacjftr Ayme the United States Statesj Statee StatesaI
aI j aMdelolpe owpe e who is now here herehe hereIN herewhat
what dIIc he could render er Gov Govotter GovGfter GovwMfu
wMfu > otter JIM iu bees communi communic cammunictS4
c ctS4 to 4o te e gevwramtfiit Rt which will willPert wUlIt willaIetI1
aIetI1 aIetI1Port It ItPort
Port De JTraaee FseMay May 11 lIItls ILIt It te es esthueto eat sot
t thueto tttt t the leul number of
deaths oa s Ik 1M islaM of St Vincent Vincentfrom VIMcenttft Viacentfrom
from tft > m the jsMesdite enpUon ptJoa reached resciedooo
z ZOOO ooo Dtsot l4istt sf the TkAhw are saM to toaROS
be CaHb MCaac MCaacA HIIMA
Asks Piopis ptaS PeapIsifaZsadMray ta Saski Maaey J and SupXartbdtt Sup Supw
w XartbdttWt Martinique MartiniqueWMkisea
WMhiatOtt Wt Kay 1T1Ie l Th war and andnavy adnavy andnavy
navy departments hue b v decided deddedto to dl dlvMe cItId dlVMs
VMs Id the work of relief between them themi
i so as to give s the navy full charge of ofthe ofthe oft
the t he general subject IIU ec f aneport transportation transportationand anportat1onand on onand
and entrust to UM war department tb tbaccuBoalatlon tM tMaceulad theaccuseelatlea
accuBoalatlon of the supplies Of the theiKtle thelitle theihtle
iKtle fleet of naval colliers which was wasplaced waal wasWaced
placed l at attbe the disposal of the relief reliefworkers reliefworke reliefworkers
workers worke the Leotrida which Is I BOW BOWdlscharginc BOWdl8Cbar nowIleetiargiug
dlscharginc dl8Cbar her carve csr of coal eo at t Pert PertRoyal PertRoraJ PertRoyal
Royal he Me hess seswied aelict d for se dispatch dl to toMartlalq toMuUalq toMartinique
Martinique e sad a esjoUattons Uknnv have gone goneforward goneforward goneforward
forward to load her with supplies es and andget adget andget
get her under way M seen as possible possibleTh po IbleTbe
Th Tbe oxeetttrm eftU oomtntttee of f the Red RedCross RedCIOIII RedCross
Cross met at the stat urte sjepartment tment to today 0 0day today ¬
day There were weret prssent prsea t OenenU John JohnM JoAnK
M Wilson a vtof kt presMsat WUttam H HIf a a1f1e1
If 1f1e1 ichMU Jfn John A Legaui Miss Ml Ma Mabel iliabel ¬
bel Bowauut 80 Mrs n Warner W rDer Miss Clara ClaraSarah ClaraNIl ClaraBerak
Sarah NIl Ipenoer jinctr aDd ad Secretary Briggs BriggsMiss
Miss MI clara Barton the president pre ldent ldentDOW Is Isnow 10now
now en ro rout t for St Petersburg as a adelegate acleleptAI adelegate
delegate to the Red Cross C convention conventionthere conventionthere i
there thereAfter t thereAfter
After conferences with Secretary Hay Hayaa4 Haya4
aa4 a4 Secretary 17 Hoot ot a delegation went wentto wentto wentto
to the White JI House and nd conferred conf rred with
President Roosevelt with the result resultthat reaulttlaM resultIbM
that the following followl appeal to the public publicwas publicwas I ItoataIR
was Issued ss e4 tonight by Vice President I
The rni aattonal tIoaaI American Red Cross Crossappejifc
appejifc to the people of the United UnitedStaw UnItedStt
Stats Stt to aesrt money and an supplies in inM InaNer
aNer M af the Ui sofferers at t Martinique and and3e and5euJtU1leled
5euJtU1leled 3e itnparalleled calamity calamityi calamityaH
MW aH i no no wards of eloquence eIoqu nce to crones aroueethe cronesth rouee roueeu
the th active aid sad sympathy of our ourlttt oyrWeiJttretQr ourzk
WeiJttretQr dk nu tovset tovsetk3t
lttt and nd ge generously y Money MeDeyaoU MeDeyaoU8A anfi anfiee nU
e ee eaa be seat to Cernelius Bliss Blissef BitlISt
ef t ew York ok City or money mo ey may be besent 1tet
sent t direct to W J Flather the treas treasurer treasurer ¬
urer of the Amerkan National Rid RtdCroM RidreM RodCroes
CroM reM association u at Riggs bank bankWashington bankWIgton
Washington All such contribution contributionwhether contrlbut1owbether
whether In money mG e or supplies Intended Intendedfor Intendedfor
for the Bed Cross should be so marked markedSigned markedBiped markedSigned
First Flr Vice President American Na National Nattoita1 ¬
Village at f Le Carbet Oar et Not in the theZone theZene theZone
Zone Zonefort Zenert ZoneYort I
fort do France raDee Island of Martinique MartiniqueMar MartIniqueMay
Mar 11 It 1 via Paris PanA8 As a result of the themesfruret tbeta1teD themeres
mesfruret taken by the authorities ac access acPhne access ¬
cess toSt Pierre is now easier e ler The Therutt TherutM Therutg
rutt of tit the town have ceased smoking smokt C
Twv thofnani nI corpses have been found foundIn foundIn
In a carbonlaed condition It Is learned learnedthat Jearuedthat learnedthat
that the theraln rain of lire ceased at a dte dtei dtta distanes
i tanee ta of 1st yards from the village of ofLe otL ofL i
Le L Cwbet CwbetTaut arbetTglk beL beLT
Taut T with survivors aunrtTorsoC of the disaster disastercoaflrms dtaaterecMftnn dIsastercoaflrms
coaflrms sutteiiients tB as to the awful awfulstkktemaftss awfulsuddenuesa wful wful118C11Jea
stkktemaftss 118C11Jea of the catastrophe It te tethought 18t Istheit
thought t th4 th8 aa enormous quantity of ofgaa ofI ofgas
gas I was we Hheratod ed producing the at atroqplMrle atuk atm4Idc
roqplMrle m4Idc uk pressure which overwhelmed overwhelmedeverything OftrwhelmedfWlfthlac
everything tfMore oru It It The gases ab absorbed abeIIOrINd absorbed ¬
sorbed by the bodies of the victims victimscaused victimsCae victimscaued
caused them to bars and the are com cominf comIn
leg In afterward tterWa carbonised them This Thiswas T1I1swu Thiswas
was foBowed tollow hjr a rain of stones which whichenveloped WhichenveIoed
enveloped the town but there was not notas notIII notas
as he bees saM III any now of Ian hivaAsjritiwr lavaAtdsear
Asjritiwr at the village VIII of Morne MorneR lorneTtIn MorneReuge
R Reuge age seven TtIn kilometers distant from fromSt fromRe
St Ptarre s 0w w at t the moment of the thedisaster tbedtut thedIsaster
disaster eont Imtdnou point OR Mont MontPetoe MontHe ont ontPoise
Poise He aays he had the impression impressionof IJRpreIIIoftolbtt
of olbtt Din being violently drawn toward the thevolcsaM thevo1es
volcsaM vo1es by a powerful current of air airThen airIDCRIfttam airThen
Then Ike tk monatam ntaIn opened according accordingto
to the t 4wortption of the gardener aaditaiifr tUtd4Ioee and andsung
sung toriuidoes 4Ioee of are re at St Pierre PtenreOMS PlenefIOJIm PierremOMg
Two Million Prance Are Taken From Fromth Fromthe Promtbs
th the tbsFSlt Rains RainsFwt RainFrance
Fwt do Prance May U aMoney Money In Inft Invat
ft t at 1 Pierre re amounting to 20WOOO 20WOOOMa 001
t beeta Ma brought safely here h The TbetNUaI7 Thsel
el flfc treasury of It Pierre te tem hiIn IsIsnisS
i1 IsnisS In M layer er ef lava from six to to4se toThe tosIst
sIst 4se desp The path of the Yolcan YOIeaMpt volcaisewhich <
which h swept pt ewer r St Pierre PIerreeat Pierre05M to toout
05M out to a strange manner The Theof ThevIcb
vIcb of f the shore where re vessels an anctjotei ancb D Dept
ctjotei cb tM swept by b a whirlwind of ofvotoaiuc ofwbkb
votoaiuc lea which ripped tore and andIn andhslted ofL L
hslted 1 smythtos In lt Its path but left JeltfftT leftfw
fftT trseis c f cfuders ders behind On th the theotue tsother
other otue haul the fort the center nter and ad adof adSt j
of St Pierre are buried buriedlayer buriedusdos
iaader I aIeII t layer Ia of cinders dad which whichjrthtoc whichcosed hleb hlebc
cosed c 1 eresytblug jrthtoc 1IIec beneath it It ItD1XEfS ItDIXIS
F Fair Poeb rtgr Thousand nations on the Be Belief neHef ReIhf ¬
lief Ship ShipWmhlinrUw SAJpWabJactoa ShipwaIugtou
WmhlinrUw May 1 laso So comprebcii comprebciisrvtty COIUpce COIUpcewere comprheusv1y
srvtty laid were the plans of tin war wardjtpmi waryaterdaJ wardepsTtse
djtpmi depsTtse tma t yesterday even eve betore the thePMSS thet thePS5U58
PMSS C ef the joint resoJutioo pmvid pmvidtakf pNvidbe pravidisg
takf for the relief of the volcano suffer sufferSTJK sufferra deStIaat
STJK ra that there tit waa really very little re remJ8f relOr rep
mJ8f p Mr DM officials o to do today todayTs tod todTIle todayThe
Ts TIle plans of the U commissary depart departMMt cJepartatter
5100 MMt made after careful comM COII8kIeraloll COII8kIeralollof ra4km ra4kmef I Iof
of the MUM asAdIeItchss 4taMitches from UM An AnCoaMtaae AnqIlse
CoaMtaae qIlse on 5 pace S f
NORRltlTOwN Pa May ItThe nvwenee of mind of Miss Katie KatieI + 4ived
HOflderio5 d
04 + 4 0tI ohkea oh IIOD ived thirty tbJ men ns entnter 111 ht the quarries at Went W WestMi + 4she I
11 110tI Mi M Ii from death or Injury 17 9 +
4 4 Jobj JobjIi rom rendo DdeIllOn r resides a shirt dl4suos from the quarry aDd as she + i I
4 hll1n hll1nrom The te wIDdn she saw aw that the NOt sf thepowdar taepone maejaalne mne was wmsrii wasuntil + I
until untilIfh Ifh IIIfn rii It t work in the were
4 P1 r quarry were not aware ware of their danger daft8erhl +
wti hl thp th 1 n to ih I h > quarry tOO nd warned them not a second too soon sooni soonMiss +
+ PI t tthp 11 1I i d Miss Henderson Hende were leeingthere fteeiD there was a terrible ex exs exIIW cxthpr +
IIW Q thpr Ir 4t III 1 1aM < s filled with splinters stones and dirt which showered showeredvhih Ihowe IhoweI +
4 I 1flthp Ihf +
4 aM 7 < vhih exploded f xplod there were ert thirty thirt kegs of powder powderHinitn wclcr wclcrPa +
Pa Ple Hinitn alllt Nothing hut a hole in the ground marks the th 4 4stood
+ t t t tt ttr + > < S r house stood +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
r ci o j
11 4 MAD RACffORi PACt fORlftWi fORlftWiGenra 1tO 1tOG
Genrai G 06ral Land Land Office Has Decided to Adopt the Lottery fttaty PI But fo foAllowaJush toAllow o oAllow
AllowaJush Allow aRushFor a Rush For the Prizes Priz6sStandrod1s Standrods Declaiatjdji DeclaiatjdjiSaid Declanab1Saidto DectaiatijiSaidto <
Said Saidto to Have Postponed the Opening
CSpeeial to The Herald HeraldjASHINGTON HeraldIlASHINGlON
jASHINGTON May y 1 aThe The gen genyy genV
yy V l eral era land office o tcs ha has decided to toopen toopen toopen
open the bulk of the Fort Hall HaUIndian HUI
Indian reservation re Idaho Id under the old oldman oldn1 oldrush
I n1 man system The opening as an announced announced anflounced ¬
nounced some some time ag agq In The Herald Heraldtakes Heraldtak Heraldtakes
tak takes place June 17 Lands of ofUlIII thte raer raerV reNrueR roervstlen
ueR V UOR have recently been surveyed surveyedand ltJrTeyedaWd surveyedad
and ad classified It was w ws estimated that thatabout thatabout thatabout
about MVOM OIl acres are agricultural or orgrasing orsraaJac orgrazing
grazing lands which will be entered enteredtinder entereduDder enteredunder
tinder homestead lumber stone and andmineral anderal andmineral
mineral eral laws and all of these lands landswill laad8wilt landswill
will be for the persons rIOqs who are first firstm firstIn
m 111 the rush There are about 00M4 00M4acre eo1Otau SO0 SO0acres
acre au within the fivemile limit of Po Pocatello Pocatello Pocatollo
catello which are to be sold at public publicauction pUblicauction publicauction
auction and will sat be opened up
daring the scramble All entries of oflands ofJands oflands
lands on the Fort Ban reservation will willbe willbe willbe
be made at the Blackfoot land office officeTh omceTIM officerh
Th TIM president has IssUed ed the procla proclamation proclamatJoa proclaintlon ¬
mation opening o DIDC to settlement the reser reservation reelvatlon reservatlon ¬
vatlon AU of the land within ithtn seven sevenmites Bevenmil sevenmiles
mites mil of Pocatello will be mid at pub public puhlie publie ¬
lie auction a at noon on July 17 at a aminimum aminimum I Iminimum
minimum of 10 per acre cre and all the I
ITTSBTJBG PA PA May ay B 12A A care careful careful careful ¬
PITTSBURG P ful and systematic a search for the thedead thedi8 thedead
dead and injured In thaSheraden thaSheradenhorror theSh8n1denhorror
horror of yesterday reveals rave us tnl tonight ht htnet a alist
list of tweatythee dead and and1 If8 2 in injured IIIjund ¬
jured jui ed The complete list of the injured injuredmay Injuredmay Injuredmay
may never be known as many were wereable wereable wereable
able to get away without making
known their identity A conservative conservativeestimate conservativeHtimate conservativeestimate
estimate by those e familiar f mUlar with the thesituation thesltuaUon
situation s places the number more or
less l ees seriously hurt at not less than 300 306This
This list will likely be added to dur during durIng ¬
ing I ng the night as a number Jlum er of the vic victims victims vicitus ¬
tims t at the hospitals are reported by
the th physicians to be in such serious seriouscondition seriouscondltJen seriouscondition
condition that it will be a a miracle if ifthey 1 1they
they survive surviveThere I
There are ar scores1 1ICOt uco S of pgdpfc dtla In Shera Sheradenwho hera heraeir ¬ i iden
den d denwho eir who should be In inthe 1 the e hosnUafe hospltal but butor I Ifor
for f or want of room they arebeing are arebein elng cared caredfor c r d I
for f or by friends Some of oftl1I tnls U is class are arealsaexpeeted arelsoexpected re realsoexpecte4
alsaexpeeted a to die dieThe dieThe dieThe
The scenes in and around Sheraden Sheradentoday Sheradentoday
today t were were pitiful in the extreme extremPrac extremPractlcaUy Prac Practically Preeicdlly ¬
tically t every house in the thevlllage village had hadone hadone
one o ne or more injured inmate and in inmany inmany Inmany
many homes mourning families were weregathered weregatbered wereathered
gathered g about the cjjarVed Ced Ur04 and Dd distort distorted dl t6rt t6rted ¬
ed e d remains of loved ones who were vie victims vieth vietime ¬
time th of the terrible calamity
Many children were caught ca 1ght by the theflames theflames theames
flames fl ames yesterday and as a result the theBREAK theBREAK
BREAK INTO OIL WELL WELLThieves WEllThievesSteal WELLThieves
Thieves ThievesSteal Steal Several Gallons of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the fluid FluidFor For Sampling SamplingPurposes SamplingPurposes
Purposes PurposesSfeeefal PurposesllstecMt Purposesi8ecJal
Sfeeefal te The Herald HeraUOBvanstmt H Heraldvanstost o oJDvanstolt
Bvanstmt Wyo May 12 lJAt At a late latehour JateIHNr latehour
hour Sunday night unknown n parties partiesmade partieflmade partiesmade
made a raid on the entftosure around aroundthe aroundthe aroundhe
the t well of the Union Pacific Railroad Railroadcompany Ranr RanreoIDpaay Railroadcompany
company at Spring Valley wrenched wrenchedthe wrencbedthe wrenchedthe
the cap off the casing and purloined purloinedsome purloinedome
some 80111 s fifty or sixty gallons of oil oilThe oUThe oilThe
The object of the raid was not to tosteal tosteal tosteal
steal the oil but for the purpose of ofascertaining ofucertinlng ofascertaIning
ascertaining the quality and quantity quantityof
of the product and incidentally to toeure se secure socure ¬
cure evidence that the land Is more morevaluable morevaluable morevaluable
valuable for mineral than agricultural agriculturalpurposes agriculturalpurpoeN agriculturalpurposes
purposes for use in the contest case casefiled CAseftied casefiled
filed against t the companys claim dalmThe claimThe claimThe
The company has established bed a sort sortof sortof
of a a dead line It around the well since sincethe 81ncethe sincethe I
the raid and it Is understood that a aguard aguard aguard
guard has been placed on duty du there to toprotect toprotect I Iprotect
protect the property propertyCitIzens i iCitizens j ICtttzeDa
Citizens of Evanston Ewa ton and more as ospenally j jpecially
pecially pet IUy those interested in the local 081 oil oilfields 011eJds oilfields I
fields are in high feather as a result resultof tilt tiltof i iof
of the raid Heretofore people have havebeen havebeeD I Ibeen
been in doubt as a to the character of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the oil and quantity In the Union Pa Pacific Palie Paclfic ¬
cific lie well It had been reported that thatall thataU thatall
all signs 81 s of oil bad disappeared but butthe butthe butthe
the raiders rald rs found that the well not notonly notonly notonly
only contained oil but that the product productwas productwas productwas
was flowing over the casing in a steady steadystream steadystre steadystream
stream streamThe stre streamThe m mThe
The discovery at the Union Pacific Pacificwell Paetftcwell Pacificwell
well will have the effect of stimulating
interest in the local holds and those thosewho thosewho e ewho I
who have been skeptical are now more morethan morethan I
than satisfied It will result in more moredevelopment 1R01edevelopmellt moredevelopment 1
development for operators are now nowconfident
confident that the oil is there and nonI all allthat allI U Uthat I I
that te necessary te to sink the tie drills drillsand drillsand drilleand I
and tap the oil basin basinMONEY bulnMONEY
+ Valparaie Chile May Xa U 11The 11TheGerman The 4 4 4German
+ German steamer Sakkarah Cap 4 9 9taht
+ tain Ptenins has become a total totalIou 4 4loss
+ loss at Huamblin Wand off the theeoaat 4 4
4 4 coast of Chile The fate te of the theaad 4 4 4crew
+ crew and passengers te not known kRoWBThe 4 9 9The
+ The cargo of the vessel included 4 4
+ LMOM 1100 in gold specie which was wasbeIng 4 4 4belag
+ being remitted by the Chilean CWleaagfJment CMiean4government 4
+ government The Sakkarah left eftlIeN 4 4here 9 9here
+ here April M for Hamburg 4 4
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Airship Competition at Worlds Pair Paira Pa L La
a Feature FeatureSt
St Louis May IS DA A tong distance dItIle8a1r dItIle8a1rship air airship airship I
ship flight from St Louis to Washington Washingtonwfll W on onwfli I Iwill
will b 1M one of the feature fe of the aerial I Itournament j jtournament
tournament at Ute th Worlds fair This Thisfact I Ifact
fact was made pttfettc p blIc toflght lAt as a part partof partof I I
of th the programme wfatcp wblc has been ar arranged arI ¬ I I
ranged by the connttttee e The prize will I
be awarded to the airship which makes t
the first lundm landing naarent a fIxed fb point in Ii
the natton capttaTT capIta TWe test t Is I included
within the list Ii t of subsMlary lIu subsMIaryevents ldlary events cov coveiwl CO COtIPfI covcid
eiwl by b the dl approprlati prlUQ I < B rtf 50000 O IO Th ThKrand Thp Thpranrl Tbgrand < >
grand ranrl prlie of JWfl000 tldO9 will 11 be contested ccnts ntl < l I j
for ovrr a figure S course urae not less Iss < than i i
ton mIles nor more than t1I a fifteen miles ad
In leth letho
i 1I rest of the land will 11 oaiswao ew open opento 0n 0nto ft
I I to settlement sd ad entrjriflu 5stIJ TI nba B s sJuly c
i July 17 next The 3i oMMsc o ljt iU iUDearly 1I1V5I1S 1I1V5I1Snearly i0v 4kf 4kfnearly
nearly 4 410 45005 000 acres edd ede IfrUie t b Use g p gbV gbVscement V
I ernment by the Shoshona S onQ aid at Baniiock BaniiockIndians bauiockIndians oek oekI
Indians IndiansSenator 1lIdiananator IndiansSenator
I Senator nator Dubois Duh ls Mated slatedhas fg that it itopeDlDr Ithas
has been ascertained aacertaiaeAtbopening thaj IA dsM In Inopening
opening the Fort Hfcll tJbeen r rbeen r4rvUeq has
been caused ed bf rfiweafi rfiweafito rtPMB rs1wsesdtuep ma matie e eto
to the toterlor 01dep dpa ints Jep0IsUOt 6me 6meCommitteemaji NAenaI NAenaIComntltteemaa 1 1Commltteemaa
Committeemaji Staad Staadwithin h1a Jaflds Jafldswfthh ds dswlthlll
within five miles 01 of oftahted oi I I un untamet 541x1taiiied
tahted valuable wuaQn1 mineralnot mineral Ain u fl b absuid absuidDot uid uidDot
Dot be opened tft tftorous U1NWt plittlil ltit f ell elltors Soilators
tors a DUheis ad H ILt4I1betJied rfthi i ed vig viguous lgo lgooroUI
orous protests and i irepresentation Ienll nO positlveb ltheJ ltheJthat
that tla tic land in qU88t101 do not cop
tal tale mineral Oh the stntJt fini 0 of this thisrepreseftttlolt thisrepresentation
representation the def eit t wont Vot bit fartwith bitwltb bitwith
with the plan of open openln openlSenator F FSenator j jSmator <
Senator Dubois DUb s saysjpa sayI5 u ulfbft4tnatf ulfbft4tnatfthat unftirWnatethat rMinaie rMinaiethat
that the law governing gDern the Unrluhtil1f ejadniu oDdnlpitdoes
does not provide for wNlMteccbn wNlMteccbnthe f43cotectIsn teeMo ef efthe efthe
the rni rights ef those wka whee C Jpre e been liv living livIng livtog ¬
ing on reservation n for P stfs He Headvocates Jteadvocate Headvocates
advocates the cre creatUke tWK ea f a public sen sentiment seethuent ¬
timent for the protectiftt of these set setretain
tiers IiIO that they mq be BoWed t treta1n ti tiretaIn
retain their holdings 11n unmolested
Victims of the Pittsburg Pitts burg Disaster Include at Leastu LeastuFrom LeaSt LeatOPnson LeatOPnsonFrom O j Person PersonFrom
From Almost Every House in the Vicinity of the theOfficials Y YOfficials fd ii iiOfficials
Officials Fear Another AnotherExplosion Explosion
two t wo public school buildings tblay were werealmost werealDM werealmost c
almost t deserted desertedThe deeertedThe desertedThe
The officials of the PaniBUHJ Pan read readfeu I
fesjr f ear a worse w rse explosiotr tlwih tlthe the throe threewbtck thr e t
which wrought so much djutfage yes yesterday ye yetetday yetetdal
terday t A danger line hai ha been n Made Madeist made7l
ist 5 0 yards on all side of 4ke ae e burning burniagwreckage burningwreck burniniwreckage
wreckage wreck and the railroad r1lroa police are arekeeping arekeeping
keeping the curious crowd crowdck back backA ck ckA
A few feet below belo the bacnlng buq ng wreck wreckage wreckage wreckage I
age lies the big thirtyelxfnch main of ofthe ofthe 1 1the
the Philadelphia company Which hieh comes comestrom
from f rom the gas fields In thesouthwest thesouthwestern th the southwetU southwetUern ¬
ern e m portion of the state 1aJd and whleh whlehsupplies whlehsupplies whieliupplies
supplies s the McKees rooks and atd d lower lowerAllegheny lowerAllegheny towelAllegheny
Allegheny districts with natural 1uraI ural gas gasIt gast
It I t is feared that the concu concuwfon rOoktf n was so sogreat et etgreat 0 0great
great yesterday ye rday that 10 ofte of the theJoints thejelnts thtInts
Joints Ints or even the pipe pipecase Ig Ighave ighaye
have bees damag d magd tdm s scase I Iase
case c the r > gaX which Is i under er great greatpressure tat tatprMUre
pressure will soon force its way waythrough waythrough wa r
through t and another terrIfic explosion explosionwill eX losl n nwll1 I
will follow follow4bout fonowbout
4bout bout twenty twent cars are piled up U be bej
j tween t the Sheraden station 8t tion and Gerks GerksRun G rks rksRun 5 1 I
Run In the Sheraden yards This is 1sstilt it c i
i still s till a mass of flame In this therarare therarareall therirareaU t
all kinds of merchandise Little head h d dway
way to being made to extinguish the thefire thetire
fire owing to the fact that the entire entirewreckage entireW1eCka i
wreckage W1eCka is saturated with naPb1tand naribiltiand natfhlha natfhlhaand L
and kerosene keroeeneand and every now and fbau fbaua bell bellfreAh bwa
a fresh volume of flamo shoots oU oUfrom o ofrom ottifrom
from the smouldering ruins ruinsTROOPS ruinsTROOPS
Chaffee Cables Report of rrRrog rrRrogress Prog Progress Progress ¬
ress to the War De Department Department Department ¬ i
partment partmentWachtngtea partmentWD partmentWamlilngtau
Wachtngtea WD May ttGeneral Choice C e
has mad the following cable raIn rej leHII repztt nf te tethe tthe t tthe
the war department of the progress SS ef flthE s f fthe
the neeettetkrae with the Dattos Datte6IR m vtl fft fftCanlla l
dno dnoManila dancoManila
Manila May U I 1 May ttBten 12 ea Hera Heraist 1 her herpast etB etBJs1
Js1 past ist three days 8 stud studrisatdter t studying ng sltuat10Jt with withTh witiI
Brigadier General c cThink George W Davil DavilThink I
Think Th two 1 battalions = should fd come 1r 1reIt If f = L Lcan tle r rcan
can be supplied Ganassl trial very difficult dUffcDIt dUff ¬
cult but another trial promises proml much nu Ii
better Think withdrawal from from lake lakewould lakewould 10k
would seriously ty jeo jeopardize safety weeks wwteerDattoc w
Dattoc would haVe given friendly rrienJ rrienJaI weeksI as assistance a I ¬
sistance aI but believe e that if we W remain remainthe r8m3 r8m3the cometthe II
the more powerful Dattoa ttoe will come comewhen la lawhen I a
when it Is apparent oar mission n is friend
ly From present Indication further r
hostilities Will net be necessary unless unlessprovoked uRI uRIprooked ucieu
provoked by byore Morse Sayan caused t m IJd mar ch chastonifhment r ratonlbnt
astonishment t was waaextremely extremely necassery necasserywholesome V
wholesome lessee which do net necessark think thinkwill thInwill k kwill k I
will have to be repented repentedSome
Some So Oattos very suspicious SU8 clOUIt aa 4 on o ft I
defensive The lake country eoun Is b beaqUft beaqUftend a tlful Utuland
and nore suitable rr for the th occuparlm oc of ofAmerlCMM e eAmerican I IAmerlea
American than any part of arcblpetago
Zlevatton soil climate perfect compar ¬
lag favorably with any valley af the theSENATORS theAliecb 0 I
Aliecb Alleaheniee nIes nIesSENATORS
+ Washington May 13 13DUdJtg 1Du During jag + 4
+ the testimony being given by b a aformer aformer + l
+ former soldier named Boafdman + + f
+ the soldier threw a can of ttan tift tiftRlmon thcnd d + f 4
+ f salmon and another of beef on the thetable thetable he + 4 4table
+ table saying sayingThats sayingThats tAg tAgThats + +
+ Thats some of the stuff they theygave + 4
4 gave us to eat I have MV Jessyse Jessysetor less us usa + V
4 for the army than I ever had h be be before 4 4 4fore
+ fore since the way wa they treated us usIII usintheislaad 4 +
+ ia intheislaad the islands IlIIaDdsAt 4 r
+ At the conclusion of the test teatlmany tt 4
4 mon many Senators Beveridge and andDIetrich 4
4 4 Dietrich Invited Boardman to toluncheon 4 I
+ luncheon with them at the senate senateretJtauraat 4 4restaurant I
+ restaurant Meanwhile they tbe had h lia4sent 4 i
+ sent t the army tinned goods to the tbechef 4
4 chef of the senate restaurant ask 4 rIiDK I Ileg > I
+ tear him to prepare Some > me dishes d has 4
4 4 for luncheon from It During Dtiaingp Slta he 4 tt t
+ repast Boardman unwittingly aie ai 4
4 the food he had pronounced ProDOUU < ttI unfit URAtto 4 r
4 to eat The senators also partook partookof partookAL 4
+ of the fare and 04 all pronounced pronou pronouncettvery it 4 a aVery AL >
+ very good podTo 4 4To
+ + + + podi + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + 7 7To
To Decide Yosfs Case CaseSpecial CaseSpecIal CasetSal
Special to The Herald HeraldWashington HeraldWublDgtoa HerdidWahlngtos
Washington May XII ttTh senate RILt IB IBexecutive
executive session today decided 10 tk taM to
action upon the nomination of Yfcst t for forrecermr ft r rrecefesr
recermr of the land office at t Qteor Or
dAtow City Ida at the nextexecutrix nextexecutrixsesstom next n ex exeossi P Psession
session Senators Dnbote anil as HoitfeM HoitfeMare Id Idare
are re making maId a vigorous fight o secure secut r
the rejection of tIN nomination norelnationKexican nominationII nominationKexican
o II IIMexican
Kexican Venterans Pension PensionSpecial PensfijnSped PensnSpecIal i
Special to The Herald HeraldWashington HeraldWallblaPDD i iWashington
Washington May 11 IITbe The eoamjttee to
today favorahfr reported Senator B DtIboII Dubel l ta
bill grantlngA H J McFadden
granting a aeosi Poni4Ma n nof
of C4 24 and Marcrtius H Martin a Vet Veteran re C Ceran ¬ t
eran of the Mexican war pension a 8 8II of f 1 t tMcConneH i
II IIMcConneil
McConneH and Thurston ThurstonrSnectel ThurstonrSec1a1 I IiSrectnI
rSnectel to The Herald2l Herald2lWa Heta HetaWalllntrtO 1 1Wahtngtoa
Wa WalllntrtO hinptoa l May Mayton ItExS lIExStfn
ton of Nebraska aDd nd exGov 1 1eU It
net eU of Uaho are organtdnsa a mtoter mtotercompany I
company with a capital stock of 510000551 1000 dbl
to operate mines in i New ew ilexico lI1 xex1t CQ CQd
d d
RUIN RUt N THE TH E EFrem MI 1 1Flfemen
Firemen Frem n May Walk Out and Let LetProperties LetI LetProperties
Properties Be Flooded FloodedTROUBLE Floodedt FloodedTROUBLE
TT AZEljTOK Pa May IS IIJThe The sit sitnation Itutton sitnation
I nation regarding the continue continuej oonUnuI
j tk Uon > n o the present pre ent total suepen suepension su euspen5f pen pent
t I sion 5f of work in the anthracite coal coalfield
field df d Pennsylvania fe a trifle trlfteclouded trifleclouded I Icloud
I clouded cloud d Umight UmightThe todhhtThe WalhLThe
The apparent overwhelming yctrVh lng sent sentm sentlmeet
m meet nt for a strike Which h wan In evi e1ence evience
I dence ence yesterday is not quite DO prom
inent now and d predictions were freely freelymade freelymade freelymade
made tonight that whatever the dele delegates delegates ddegates
gates in the convention tomorrow de determine determlne dotermlne ¬
termlne upon u On the winning side will willhave wllJban willhave
have only a bare bar majority
President Pl1ai eftt Mitchell f and iris his fellow oil officials ometuJs oills ¬
cials ls still maintain mt nt tt thftlr thelrslIezmce silence and andtrr andtt1o
trr tt1o > attempt that he4en isitenee eu made to toget togt
get their opinion of the situation has hasproved hasproved
proved futile The J liMlcations how however however
ever are that the thedetngtes delegates d tes favoring a astrike
strike are In a majority and will win wJntheir
their light in the convention It is
believed that the prostrike delegates delegatesIn
in the middle and lower regions are arenu
numerous nu n1erOU8 enough eft h to overcome the con
siderable antistrike sentiment in the theupper theupper
upper region 1e 1eThe regionThe i
The proposition of the stationary fire firemen fireInan ¬
men to go out with the miners if the
latter will endorse the firemens de demaude demantis
maude for a shorter workday work day without withouta
a reduction in wages has helped to toc tocomplicate
complicate c the situation The radical radicalstrike
strike advocates insist that the miners mlneraW
union should accept the proposition propositionwhich propoa1tlonwhleh
which would o1ld result in the suspension suspensionet
ef work by the engineers firemen and andpump
pump runners nn and thy cause the op operators
erators a large financial loss IM through throughthe
the flooding of the mine workings it
is isw held by b them that the mlneowners mlneownerswould mlneownerswould mlneownersould
would w ould eotteede the men something soIJetblngrather
rather than see ee the t e property ruined ruinedThe ruinedThe
The convention will meet at 1ft a m mtomorrow mtomorroand utmorroisand
i tomorrow tomorroand to and will conduct its business b businessehind ne
1 behind b bw closed doors President Mitchell Mitchellwill Mitchellill lttchellVIU
will w ill preside
i Government G Officials Close Their TheirOffices TheirOffices
Offices and Seek Safety Safetyin
in Flight Flightsay
w Wngtn M y 1Jta ae 0I 1tkr rstary of
f S1r fe t e eter
ter in 5
say 5 ay iff 1 a a nu m as 4S s follows 10 iThe The chars charsets
bers b ets have bean bee a closed by b a mob Much
firing fi ring ensued and one deputy was mor mortally mortally ¬
tally t wounded The Tb populace attacked i
the t he palace and the arsenal arse al last night
Several Sev S evfraI rai were killed kl1l d and wounded The
diplomatic d corps embarks the president pre presi > 5iaent 5iaentat eat I Iat
at a 13 I today The minister for foreign af ¬
fairs f and the minister of war have taken takenrefuse takenrefuge
i refuse r at the American legation Flrmin Flrminwith
with w lth his hi army Is marching oa Port au
Prince P rince Great excitement prevail prevaUsREVIEW i iREVIEW
+ Washington May 13 13The The pres president +
+ ident has directed Secretary Root Rootto Rootto +
+ to confer upon the Cuban court of ofaJI1e + f fappeals
+ appeals aJI1e Js the right to review the thetestimony + f
f + testimony in the case of Estes G + f
+ Rathbone convicted of complicity + I
f + in the Cuban postal frauds with Ith Ithauthority + f
f authority to take additional evi + I
f + dence if it is so desired < e This au authOrlt anthority +
+ f thority thOrlt will be immediately con conferred conferred + f
+ ferred and it is presumed the +
+ f Jourt < will act at once onceAGAINST onceAGAINST +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Commissioner C Hermann ermanu Is Preparing Preparingan I Ian
an Adverse Report EeportSpecial port portSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldWashington HldWashington
Washington May 13 11Land Land Commis Commissioner Commissioner Commlsbner ¬
sioner a Hermann is preparing an ad adverse adverse ¬
verse v erse report on the bill recently referred referredto
to t o the interior department permit permitting permitting permiting ¬
ting t the leasing of vacant public lands landsin 1and8In
in I n Nebraska for grazing purposes ea He Heholds Hebolds
holds h the bill Is open o to the same ob objections ObjEctions obactions ¬
jections j raised by him hi against apJ t the Mil Millard XIIlard
lard and Bowersock bill fl He further furthercontends furtherCOIItend furthotoittends
contends c that the enactment of a leas leasing IeasIn ¬
ing I fl law 1 for Nebraska or any other otherstate otberfltate
state s would be regarded as discrimi discrimination dl crlmlnation ¬
nation n against the stockowners in inother Inother
other o states and will m eventually lead leadto leadte leadgeneral
to a general leasing law lawCommissioner lawComm18lloner
Commissioner Hermann is opposed to toaltY taI I j I
any a ny leasing law whatever and he will willreport w willOrt l lIJPOrt I
report V Ort adversely adve on the Lacey bill in introduced intWduced Inthduced ¬
troduced t recently recntlY8nd and which Is to be beconsidered beDsldert
considered c < d by the house public lands landscommittee landscommtttee I
committee c tomorrow Hermann says saysthere saysthere I
there is no demand for a leasing law lawsave I Ieave
save s from a few cattle barons that thathomesteaders I
homesteaders h do not want such a law lawSmall JawSmaJl 1awmall
Small S mall stockowners do not want It It and andthe andthe
the t he present conditions are mttefactory mttefactoryto eetietacto tlefactOryto
to t o all except monopolistic owners ownersAdvocates ownenAdvocata
Advocates of leasing legislation lei Jation say sa sathat r
that Commissioner Hermanns seal sealagainst sealagallISt sea seagainst
against a leasing 1ee1 te actuated by a per personal periIOnal peronal ¬
sonal s Interest t in that leasing legislation 1eg1alatl4tn legisla legielaUon ¬
tion Is not popular in his own state statewhere atatewkere statewhere
where an election te pending He te a acandidate aeJIdldate a aandIdate
candidate c for United States senator senatorBOOSBVBLT nator natort
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
t + BOOSBVBIiT COMING WEST WESTSpecial t tSpeoelal I ISpecIal
+ Special to The Herald HeraldWashington t tWashlnJtou I IWashington
+ Washington May IS 11PrNfdeat 11PrNfdeatROOIIe1t President + f fRoosevelt
4 Roosevelt is 8 planning to take takeJaw a amountain + I Ibunting
+ Jaw bunting trip In the BIJ Bl orB orBmountain Eornmountains +
+ mountain Wyomi Wyoming vv yoming as a af px pxg +
f of g his summer vacation Harry s s1ew s sof +
f JCew of f Indiana will accompany pa7 pa7the +
f 4 the president if arrangementsyX arraJI5e arrangchienlsferthe nen for forUte r + f
4 + the trip are re consummated conaummatecLI conaummatecLConfirmed consummatedConfirmed + f fConfirmed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Confirmed by the Senate SenateWashington SenateWashlqton SenateWashington
Washington May Ka is CanflrnMtteiM ILConflrmatisas by
the senate atc a A A Robethan receiver of ofpublic ofPMbile
public money OlleYS Biacfeloot Ida L I R
Thomas register r of the land office at
Btackfoot Ida Postmasters California
W J j Hill Salinas 8 S Inch Placer PlncervW r
vW ffIIe ise C G ChamberlaIn C1iaJ berIalD Pacific Grove GroveWilliam Om GrovetVIltIam
William Diagram Lincoln Arliona ArlaonaA A
J Hudson Clifton J J McCabe Bfebee Bfebeei BIebeeQuarrel BisbeeQuarrel
Quarrel About ut Sale of Islands IslandsCopenhagen IslandsC IslandsCopenhagen
Copenhagen C May y 13 13TIte Tfc Indicating Indicatingare
are that the conference committee of the theth t hI hIDafti heDanish
Dafti Danish h parliament which Is considering
th the Danish west Indies treaty Is now
hopelessly bop les deadlocked the opposition re ¬
fusing the utmost concessions which it itte ItIs ItIs
Is possible for tn tile ministry to offer offerSmall offfOrSmall offerSmall
Small Show Wrecked WreckedGarrlon WreckedGni WreckedGarrion
Garrlon Gni on Kent May IS nSorrl nSorrlRoweto llNnrrleRowet Norrl NorrlHowes
Howes dog and porn show sho train was waswrecked waswrecke4 waswrerked
wrecked near Gold Creek reek totter One Oneperson Oneperson Oneperson
person was killed and several badly in ¬
Ire IreSe
Senate Se S enate ate Make an Additional Appropriation Giving Givingthe Givingthe
the Total Amount Asked by the President PresidentPhilippine PresidentS Presidenthilippine I i h
S 1 1Philippine
r 1r
Philippine P Dollar the Cause of an Acrimonious Debate DebateNaval DebateNavalAppropriation Naval NavalAppropriation m mAppropriation
Appropriation Bill BillOullora i t tr tr
r 1
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + t
+ Washington 1 May y 13 Soon after the senate con convened Way Jro + ii t
+ Oullora from the commitee on foreign relations r81 tloWl reported a joint jointolution oint roe roeolution +
+ olution appropriating 500000 including the 5800000 already aheadyp ap 4 4propriated 4propriated
+ propriated to be expended under the direction of the president in such BUchmanner suchmanner + I
4 + manner as will most promptly and efficiently relieve the stricken Hricbapeople strickenpeople + 4people
+ people of the French West Indies and St Vincent The resolution r olutioDt + 4A
t 4 A was Vfas adopted a opt d without wft u comment clun n + i
11 T7ASHIGTON ASHINGTON May 18 lAn An addi additional addlfV ¬
WASHINGTON V fV V tional appropriation of J3WeoO J3WeoOwas 008800 008800wu 300900wan
was made by the senate today todayfor todayfor todayr
for fo r the strickenpeople stricken people of the Freaeh FreaehWest Freaiehest ehWest
West W est Indies in accordance with V the therecommendation therecommea
r recommendation recommea re tJon of the pre president Dt that thatSWOWO that6iOHO
SWOWO 1 90990 be appropriated a The agrioUl agricultural agrioUltural ¬
t tural tu rd appropriation aj roprlatJon bill was passed passedand passedand
a and an d thnn Mr Stewart of Nevada in insupporting InIMlpportJng
a supporting su the Philippine bill warned warnedthe wantedthe warnede
t the til e minority that no political gain gainwould gainould
would w ould accrue to them from their r at attack attack atck ¬
t tack ta ck on the army armyThe nn7The armyThe
The bill providing JK for the construe aonstructioa OODStruetlOR construeon
t tioa ti on of a union railway station in inWashington
t Washington W was under discussion diseaesiotnMr dlseu rilQnMr
Mr Tiliman Inquired of Mr Stewart Stewartwhy Stewartwhy Stewarthy
v why w hy it was intended to give the Philip Philippines Philippines Philipnes ¬
i pines pi nes the silver dollar proposed in the thebill thebUl thell
t bill bi ll to be coined coinedMr c coInedMr lned lnedMr
Mr Stewart said that from time 1 1memoral 1m 1mmemoral isaemoral
i memoral m the Mexican dollar had been beenused be beensed n nused
t used u sed as a standard in the Philippines PhilippinesThe
1 The T he pending bill simply provided the theFilipinos tIMFilipinos theilipInos
I Filipinos F with a stable currency of a akind akind aind
i kind k ind they had been bee accustomed to toMr 10Mr toMr
Mr Tiliman twitted Mr Stewart with witha withchange
a a change of his views on the silver silverquestion silverQuestion silveruestion
question q <
Replies to Tiliman TilimanThe TillmanThe TillutanThe
The Nevada senator warmly denied deniedthe demedthe deniede
t the th thw thn thb e imputation intimated that Mr Tin Tinroan Tillan
roan w an could not understand the argu argument rSUnent arguoint ¬
ment n oint he had made His views he said saidhad Midad saidad
had b ad not changed For the pre present nt at atleast at1taSt atast
ltca least lt ast the silver question was dead be because becaUe beuse ¬
cause ca cam use the enormous output of gold Id bad badmade badmade hadade
made m ade good times If the Philippines Philippineswere
wh were w ere a great manufacturing country countryhe
he h e said Sf d he should hesitate to give them themthe tkemtbe themt
the th thp e coinage provision inserted in the thepending tRepending theending t
pending p bill but in the circumstances circumstancesit
it was the proper thing to do doMr doMr deMr
itp Mr Lodge explained that the Philip Philippines PblUppine Philipt ¬
pines p ines committee in inserting the tree traeoateage treecoIage freeoinage t
oateage c provision in the bill had made madeaa
Z n change dw1ge1J Jfut3jBAesjrx standard standardo ard ardo art1fthe I
o f tth fthe the Islands fsl psV sMftrd rd wsrsU wsrsUver iWt8l1Y
ver Y er r the Mex4ca4ollar Rollar being bef g the e unit unitThe ualtThe unite
The Th e JstaAffa is1sa were weri1ln in great need of a asubsidiary asub a abch1lar
subsidiary sub su bch1lar fdfaQ coinage AH that was at attempted attemPted atmpted ¬
tempted te mpted by b the pending bill blllwas was to sub substitute subtttute mbstftute ¬
stitute s a dollar coined by this govern government government ¬
ment m ent for the Mexican dollar now in inuse 1nuse isse L
use u se The committee believed the pro proposed proposed ¬
posed p osed dollar would perform the same samegood samegood zamcood proI I
good g ood office for our own commerce as asthe asthe a ae
the th thH e Bombay dollar performed for Eng Engalt ¬
lish H alt commerce commerceConsideration commerceConsideration commerceConsideration
Consideration of the measure provid providing provldIng providug ¬
ing l ug for a union railway station in inWashington InWashington Ia L Lashington
Washington W was resumed and it will willbe willbe I Ie
be b e voted on tomorrow The action ef efthe efthebouse el elhe
the thebouse t he house on the conference report on onthe onthe or ore
the th e omnibus claims bill in declining dedUnln dedUnlnurther
further f to consider the Selfridge board boardfindings boardfindings i indings
findings fi and asking for another con conference conterence cenerence ¬
terence f erence on other items of the moos measure meuere ¬
ere n rc was discussed briefly but finally finallywent ftnallywent ftnall3ent moosr r
went w ent over without action actionHouse actionHouse actionottse
House ottse Objects to Amendmen11r Amendment AmendmentMr
Mr Cullom presented the conference conferencereport conferencereport i ieport
report r on the Cuban diplomatic and andconsular andconsul ant I Iconsular
consular r bill He explained that the thehouse thehouse thiouse
ha house h ouse conferees had agreed to the theamendment theamendment flumendment
amendment a making the salary of the theminister tkeDdniater flatinister
minister m ma to the republic of Cuba J12W8 J12W8a m ma 12001 i iyear
a year but that they would not agree agreeto t to
ty to t o the amendment providing 2M z a ayear ayear I Iear
year y ear for the ministers house rent or orfor orfor ot r ror
for f or that making provision > for addi additional addlUonal addional ¬
tional U onal consul The senate conferees confereestherefore i
therefore had yielded a qto to those two twoamendments twoamendments I Imendments
amendments a The report was agreed agreedto I Io IMr
to t o i
Mr Hoar inquired what w t title was wasgiven a
given g iven to the Cuban government in the C
MIL b ilL
The Republic of Cuba replied Mr Mrultom
Cullom CullomI C ultomI
I thought t wehadbeen we wehad had been told face facetiously facetously faceously ¬
tiously t remarked the e Massachusetts Massachusettssenator JluMc usett usettS a aenator
senator S s that when the t e American nag nagonce ftagoneelta fla flance
once oneelta o nce had been raised over a territory territor
it i t always wamld W kl sts Stag r put putThe putThe putThe
The senate at i ip p m w went nt into ex executive executive axcutive ¬
ecutive e Bessie seIHIoa ses and a few minutes inlnu inlnulater I Iater
later l adjourned adjournedWashington a4JourDjdWuhJnct d
Washington n May 12 laTbe The naval vat ap approprtattoa appropriatloA apropriation
proprtattoa p bill which provides for two twonew twonew tm a aew
new n ew battleships two armored cruisers cruisersand cruleer8and I Ind
and a nd two gunboat and carries a total totalof 1
of o f 77158 7708090 take tak
was up m th the house C Coday
today todayThe todyThe t odayThe
The senate bill making additional additionalappropriations acldltJo al alarproprttions 1 1pproprIations
appropriations a for the Martinique out outerers ¬
ferers f erers was referred to the appropria ¬
floes committee committeeAID committeeAID committeeAIDFOR
President Appoints Representatives Representativesto S Sto j
to Receive ceive Funds FundsWashington FundsWa8blngton FundsWaehlngton
Washington May 13 UThe The following followingwas toUowt g gWAS g gwas
was issued k from theWhite the White House this thisafternoon tbltJafternoon fbi a aafternoon
afternoon afternoonThe afternoonTlte afternoonThe
The president pre ldent hap appointed a com committee I ImUtes ¬
mUtes to receive funds for the relief reliefef relieft f fof
ef the sufferers from the recent reee t catas catastrophes eatatrophe COI1I1 I Itrophes ¬
trophes in Martinique and ad St Vincent VincentThe t tThe I IThe I
The gentlemen appointed from from each MCdty ear k kcity I Icity
city will be asked to collect aad re receive re recelve I Icelve ¬
celve the toads from their localities g
+ + + + + + + + t tnd
and a ap nd neighborhood as expeditiously as aspossible asossible 0
possible p and ReI forward them to Hon HonCornelias HonCornen HonCornell
Cornelias Cornell N Bliss treasurer of the i
New York committee which committee committeewill committeewill
will act as central distributing point pointor I
fa for f or the country The president directs directsall directsaU
all a ll the postmasters po throughout the thecountry theOSntry l 1 1COftntry
country C and requests riQu 8ts the presidents pretlld nts of ofall tk r rll
all a ll the national banks to act ct as agents agentsor
for f or the collection of contributions and ando
to t o forward the same at once to Mr Irl i
Bliss at t New York YorkThe YorkTh YorkThe
The Th postmasters are a rp also directed dlrect t to
to t o report to the postmaster potma ter general generalwithin len
within ten days any funds collected collectedon
on this account accountThe accountbe accountThe
The president appeals to the th public publico
to t o contribute generously for the relief reliefof reU reliefof f fof
of those upon this appalling appalU calamity
has fallen and asks that the contri ¬
butions be sent in as speedily s as pos possible poeslbe ¬
sible The gentlemen designated de on onthe onthe
the several committees are re requested
to act at once The following are the thecommittees thecommittees thecommittees
committees committeesNew committeesNew committeesNew
New York YorkBon Hon Cornelius N Bliss
treasurer Morris K Jessup Jes up John
ClotHe Jacob H Schfff William R
Corwine CorwineBoston CorwlneBoIIton CorwineBoston
Boston Augustus U UfltUIl Hemenway Dr
Henry S Prltchett Henry Lee Hig Higgineon Hggla Higginson
gineon on Philadelphia Charles Emory
Smith Provost Charles C Harrison
Joseph G Darlington Clement A One Oriscom Ortecom
com John H Converse Baltimore <
James A Gary Washington Charles
C C Glover Pittsburg A J Logan H
C Frick Buffalo John G MilburnCarlton MnbornCarlton Milburn MithurnCanton
Carlton Sprague Cleveland Myron T 1
Herrick Samuel Sa 1net Mather Cincinnati
Jacob M Scfemidtepp Sc Briggs Brl p S Cun Cunningham Cnnnlngharn ¬ J
ningham Chicago J J Mitchell Mar Marvin Marvia ¬
via Hughitt Marshall Field Graeme rit
Stewart Milwaukee F G Bigelow BigelowCharles f v
Charles F Pfioter Pfi ter Fred Pabst t Min Minneapolis HlnlIe Mm ¬ i i ineapolta
lIe neapolis pou Thomas Lowrey J J Shev
fin St Paid Kenneth Clark Theodore TheodoreCfeunaeter fF
Cfeunaeter er Detroit Don M Dickin Dickinson Dickinson ¬ ji
son St Lou Louis Charles Parsons Pareo Adoi AfloiphttS AdoipintS J JpRUB
pintS Busch Robert S Bookings BookingsIrfHaevitfe Boo BookingvLsvlZIe f
IrfHaevitfe Thomas BuIUtt Atlanta AtlantaBobert AtlantaRobert tlanta tlantaRobert
Robert J Lowrey 10 Kansas u City u W B BClark BClerk J
Clark Charles Campbell Omaha John JohnC JohnC JohnC
C Wharton Victor B Caldwell Den Denver Denver Denvar ¬
ver David H Hoffatt San Francisco FranciscoGeorge FranciscoGeorge co coGeorge
George A Newhall A A S Sharbow SharbowRobert Sharbo1 SharbowRobert
Robert J Tobin Henry T Scott A A AWatkins L t
Watkins New Orleans Paul Capde Capdevilte apde apdevIle 1
vIle L L Lyons S T Walmsberg WalmsbereTO t tS i iTO
John Dillon Irish rationalist t Makes Makesa t ta
a Suggestion SuggestionLondon Sugge SuggestionLondon tion r ron
London on May IS 1IThe The ramticifent appro appropriation appropriation ¬ f
priation yesterday by the United States Statescongress 8tatlsCOftgre Statescongress 1
congress for the relief of the Martinique Martiniquesufferer MartIniQuesutfMeII5 Martiniquesufferers
sufferer President Prftdd nt Roosevelts message messagerecommending messagerecommending > tii
recommending 350000 OQM for that purpose purposethe pUpMethe 4
the action of the United States govern government gocernmeat ¬ l lmeat
meat In dispatching war vessels and food footsupplies foodsupplies f I Isupplies
supplies to Martinique ate ware drawn drawnattention tf t tattention
attention to In the house hou of aonunons to today ¬ fr t
day by John DIllon Irish natioBallst natIo allR who whoasked whoaaked whoasked
asked the government ferJHDeot leader A A J Bal Balfour BaI11 BaI11tor Batfour
four whether in view of the acton of ofth orthe ofUnited
th the United States and the fact that a aBritish l lBritish j jBrItIsh
British colony suffered so greatly Great GreatBritain GreatBritain GreatBritain =
Britain intended to adopt similar relief reliefmeasures reliefmea reliefmeasures
measures measuresHe mea measuresHe ur urHe
He was sure a vote in this connection connectionwould connectionwould connectIonwould <
would be carried unanimously
Mr Balfours reply was not calculated calculatedto cakuat cakuatto
to satisfy tIIIf public opinion He said the thematter thlmatter thematter >
matter had bees bee under the consideration considerationof
of the cabinet but he had no statement statementto
to make Mr Balfour had never heard heardof bearot heardof
of a vote of 9f such a character being sug suggested suggested euggaMed ¬
gested In the parliament parliamentOf
Of course everybody felt the extraor extraordinary extraorlUnary extracttilnary ¬
dinary gravity of the > situation and th thtremendous thO thOtremendous thtremendous
tremendous suffering caused Mlu ed by tae ap appalling aJpaUing atpalling ¬
palling calamity Every assistance that thatcould thatcould thatcould
could be given locally by the government governmentwould governmentIdd governmentwould
would Idd IddKr be given srlvenMr givenMr
Mr Dilkm gave notiee that he would wouldrecttr WOUldreebT wouldrecur
recur to the subject tomorrow His suggestions lug tuggetlois ¬ It ItCe
gestions Ce tioDS were wararyapplauded warmly applauded u4hd by the theNominations theUM thehouse
Ii J
Nominations Sent to Senate SenateWashington SenateWashington 1 1WuhlDCton
Washington May IS IThe The president presidenttoday pre ident identtoday j
today sent the t following nominations nominationsto jf
to the senate Consols Co Benjamin BenjaminJohnston BenjaminJohnston i
Johnston toD Iowa at Oeiba Oet Honduras HondurasSamuel HonduruSamuel HondurasSamuel
Samuel S Lyons New Jersey JfJ Y Kobe KobeJapan KobeJapen KobeJapan
Japan Alfred M Moe New Jersey JerseyTegucigalpa Jer ey f VTeguclgalpa
Tegucigalpa T clgalpa Honduras William Mar Martin MarUn MartIn ¬
tin New York Nankins China Henry HenryH H nry nryH
H Morgan Louisiana Lucerne Switz Switzerland Switzerland Swltzerland ¬
erland Consul generate ceD raJ8 Hugh Pit Pitcairn Pitcairn t tcairn
cairn Pennsylvania Hamburg Ger Germany Germany ¬ 1 1many
many Soren Ltatoe LJ toe Minnesota ota Rot Rotterdam Rotterdam Rotterdarn ¬
terdam Netherlands James H Wor Worman Worman Worman
man New York Munich Bavaria Sec Secretary eofetal Sacrotary ¬
fetal of legations and consul con u1 general generalGordon generalGordon generalGordon
Gordon Paddock New York at Seoul SeonlKorea SeoulKorea SeoulKorea
Korea Revenue cutter service nice first firstlieutenants fiNltlieutenants firstlieutenants
lieutenants to be captains Frank G GWadsworth GWadsworth GWadsworth
Wadsworth Massachusetts Walter S SHowland SHowland SRowland
Howland Massachusetts Kachu f tts j A P Banks BanksWisconsin BanksWl8eonsln BanksWisconsin
Wisconsin William Gushing New oNwYork NewYork NewYork
York Army Infantry captains to be bemajors bemajors bemajors
majors James B Goe Thirteenth ThirteenthHunter ThIrteenthHunter
Hunter Liggett Fifth First lieuten lieutenants Ueutenants lleutenants ¬
ants to be captains Henry M Dich DichnmJM DichSeventh Dichmuss
muss Seventh Heisted Ht d Dorsey DorseyFourth DorseyFourth DorseyFourth
Fourth Also Post Quartermaster Ser Sergeant Sergeut Sergeant ¬
geant I A A Campbell to be second lieu lieutenant Ueuteuat lintonant ¬
+ 4 T ViCTORIA TICTOBIA TiCTOR B C May U aA A bandof fifty Jift outlaws arm alftKllll with rifles rlft riflesV 8 8aDd + 4y
+ V y and bolos attacked are members of the Philippines constabulary constabularynatives +
T natives on the mate road between Buhurin and Barcelona in the theprovince theprovtnceofSorse +
+ province provtnceofSorse provtnceofSorseThe of ofThe SorssfjiB +
+ The tohnmacr tahuwretcbe8 wretches reports rta the Manila Times captured three of +
+ the constabulary tied them hand and foot gduged out their eyes with +
4 sharp wood w Od od sticks and nd then placing plaeiDgt them In the burning sand san with the tilesun thesun +
+ sun beating into their eyeless esr sockets commencing at thir feet cut them +
+ into small pieces with bolos adding every possible feature of barbaric +
4 torture except burning HnalnsTM burningThe +
+ Th TM other two members of the th constabulary escaped to Sorsogon Sorsos Sorsogonwhen n nwhen +
+ when nearly dead from an awful race of t tfn > n mil rnflPt thfy Thr tri triei vl j to conxey < 4 4some 4
a some idea of the fate of their Comrades When thi atta attvk k was wa first made madethe 4
+ the constabulary poured a hot fire iato the band bandSeveral bandSeveral +
+ Several were seen to fall and they were held in check for several severalminutes 4 4minutes
+ minutes but they soon realized alized that they had only onl one chance to ave aftheir 4 4their
+ their lives with such overwhelming numbers against them tbemthat that of flight +
+ Only two were equal to the emergency and they tbe escaped only by b leaving lean +
+ their arms and ammunition ammunitiont +
+ t A detachment of the constabulary left Sorsogon a iU soon as a th PIP m mnl mnlr ° n 4 4r
+ reached r there On reaching the s flrenf ene of thr attack at ack the only evid EYidnn evirlnisof nc s +
left of the struggle were small pieces of human ties heal and bone bc t4nii > iiit a a amute 4 4mute
+ mute record of the awful fate of their former companionslaarms 4
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + f ± + t ± ± ± + ± ± ±
i1ti t

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