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Willie Jonesmith finds Fi a Land full of rh fteWeirdest the Weird Weirdest stBeasts Beasts That Ever Drew a Breath
I t 1 1 I
l SMITH was the son of the theoetabratad therated
oetabratad olbrat rated d animal t tamer finer Jone Jeaeam1th Jonesmith J JsUa
smith of whom you may have haveroad ha18read haveread
readwill read roadWillie readWIIIIe
Willie never tamed anything larger than thaaa thanwhite
a white mouse and he did not t know thatho that thatbe Uaatbe
be bad Inherited any 88 of hie fathers abil ability abl11t abilItr ¬
ity to subdue animate AI but really he pos posnoagad 101Iaolll8tb1ug p0 p0ad
noagad ad sometblng which Ms parent never DeTerad
had and that was the hypnotic eye ey which wblehwill whichwl
wl aantroi troI by Its steady glare the most
fereetoue beasts beastsSvan HutskeII boastsIllya
Svan nneJias atak s can not raatet the bypooUeesr hypnotic hypnoticera
era esr blot juet we ve right ae up and let theM thamseivejf thesaelvey
HAv seivejf fee bandied like so much rape by
81M e e who w poaweeaes OIHHefI1t It Hf Hte eyes were very
large sod so prominent that all the other
bow callad eaR Mm upo Popeyed yed Willie for forthey forthey
they didnt know that they were hypnotic hypaaotlc5e
He Aid hot know the reason why his htewMIe hI8will hiswhite
white will mice sod dogs and cats always alwaysccemai alwayssoaed
ccemai MIMIlIO so ready to obey Mm but as be hewrn bewas
wrn was always whistling or playing pI Jtg upcu a
haxMO lah iosba ea be thought that it was the theMMte theNash
MMte Nash that affected these animate aDlIJMI while
It WM really his wonderful w ttdsrfMI eye that dMHe dM
t It it
ItRe itHawn He Hawn was mightily rabam aehamad d of his pop
eye fJ7 JLaaaure you just aa some 110 red ¬
headed boys are n of their hair and there thereI
I < for t rera + p ha hint t go around much with other
beya bat roamed alone in the weeds with
Ms bI W 4gHe WHft g gHe
He had otaevery one vary bad habit sad onewhich one onewhich
which cIJ many y other boys have In thte thtecountry t hhle hhleaaatrr
country This was the awful and peral peraln porn pornus >
GIDa < n us habit of robWnr birds neets I
know af notMng U which J cooaWar CODIIId ate more 18
fatal ta a boys proper bringing brl PDc up than
then for It makes slaw antel and heartless hanrtteMdreadfully IMartleHwen heartlessas
as wen as murea m his clothes rep most t
dreadfully when he happena to break a
lot of ac eqt a in the front af his shirt shirtwaist shirtwaist
waist for you have to put them there therevthen there11M
1 vthen hen you ahmb down you know knowA
A boy who bogies begt life Ut by robbing rebbki neata neatawill naertewill
will and endb by robbing a bank or a bufld
tog and loan aaaoetotlon and Willies Williesoften
father often talked to him very earnestly
in I regard ta this
evil haUt but he soon soonai soonSs
> 1JeIwet ai et Ma admonition MOlaltlo Ha B couldnt Me a
birds neat without Instantly ottrnMng up
to It and robbing tt It and soon Ma father
began to be very sad and melancholy
for ha saw what w Me son was coming to
If he saratoted saratotedHe y letMl letMlHe
He Had Hs loffrowfaff IRflIYJ I J ro 1i 1J6 Melancholia MelancholiaDr
Dr MaCawan wax enllad Jn when WIt
Mr 3oaa Jonasmtth 1 ssdUt bean to be so walan walanchollc
chollc that he couldnt eat Me meal and
he looked at the oU mans tongue felt
his pulse and took Ma tajajiuature 1s peetur ture aftscwhich after anwbleb
which be MId
HJir jar J JotNgtptp you have 1M as bad a ease
af f ta iJltmtwJta rawte malanaholte UIIIIMaII ae I av ever Mw w
in my praatfae 7a Y Yes meat sot back to tonntaMltrntatag
aatlntl nntaMltrntatag tralalag to relieve your bad jaindcheer mindcaer
cheer un P er r there UIe WIlt ha traoMa You Touneed Younssd
need dtventaR uv of name kind and that ta tamate 1
u best for nee as yon an tnd tAt tAtSA s apj
mate and take pleasure in their natlas aatI aatI4o
HJIf Mo 4o replied Mr Joneamlth sadly as
he turned over 0 m lie bed and lighted hte htepipe
pipe Animate I lalg da not anus na any ny
more ore Xvery err aataaal te nat stale and ua unprofitable uapiot ¬
profitable piot table 1C I could get hold atJleW of some aos
new and atraaaw beast
that nobody ever everaaw 8ftw ver versaw
saw w before or knew anytMn all7w about I Imight Imight
might take some Jntaraat Jn them but I
know an than te to b h known flout t an
our common creatures t1t aad there would
ao longer be any funk fan an tamlntr Mans MansWay ct ctor
pars or elephants elephantsWhy balJt balJtWh7
Way not try a aeawaT r naked Dr
McGowan 1 I aaderataad 1I1IdeMt thin aaat t be
tamed at all allNonaenser allNoDaeJ1lle allNoasenee
Nonaenser saM WW tether sit
ttng up Thats a foolteh tradition tradHlea that
I have frequently shown to he fate tass en enelr ¬
tirely elr aa I have tamed a tejua af f the thewildest tawWildest
wildest t Mara nobrss to draw a aairlng rlyda s my
elf a lf Lots of people have bawWbat aaaa thorn thornWhats
What this new aataaal aD that bee Joet
been discovered T asked ked the Doctor DoctorWhats Doctorwua1I DoctorWWs
Whats tile matter Mer with retting one of
them r
you mean tile Okapi I suppose re replied repd ¬
plied pd sd the animal tamer ta Thats a cross crossbetween CIotI8een
between een the giraffe 1ra1re and the quagga I
Imagine h aad after ail it would ould Oe l > an aneasy aneasy aneasy
easy matter IDaU to tame one I think too easy
for a man of 1DY y reputation reputationWall reputaUoftWell reputationWell
Well Wall you most do something and ad right rightoff
off or youll be a wreck I assure ure you youaid yousaid
said aid Dr MoGewan adding add aa he b went wentaway wentaW7 wentaway
away Ton might bt get t a easeful 111 of lively livelymonkey UyeAyJDOnk livelymonkeys
monkey JDOnk just to keep your hand in inWUlte InWWie n nWillie
Willie hoped It that his father would take takethe takethe takethe
the clever doctors advice and get mon monkeya monk monkeys
keys k an be was fond of them but no aoMr noMr noIfr
Mr Jaaecmlth was w too despondent to toeven toWeft towen
even think of monkey for the eauaa of
hu sadness was Willie bad habit and andmonkeys u4lIJonkeys andmonkeys
monkeys wouldnt cure that thatNow thatNow
Now 01 it te oftenttaw oftent the curious fact
that even bad things will work toward towardgood towardgood towardgood
good and so Willies Wmle bird nesting led
finally t nail to Us own cur as 8 w well H as his fate fateers faUIand fathet
et ers A and nd th the doctor said that MJ JB 1oa
smiths mlth dreadful melancholy Dtela hoJy would wouklhave wouklhaveooe have havecome haveome
come c on in some form anyway even If
the boy had been bee perfection for all it itneeded itwaa itseeded
needed was an excuse to attack him He Hewas Hewu liewas
was so blue that Willie didnt like to tostay toMay tostay
stay around the house and look at till htemournful tillJaoumful hismournful
mournful face so he went to the woods woodsfor woodtor woodsfor
for relief There he soon saw a flickers flickersneat JUck JUckDt Akket Akketneat
neat high up in a tall pine tree and in Innute a aminute aminute
minute nute he forgot all Ills premises pre and andwas aadellmbhlr andwas
was climbing after it itHe It ItUe itlie
He soon reached it and put the eggs eggswhich eggswhich
which It had contained into ato his shirt front frontand ant antsad
and began Hto to t descend f but tot thin thinaharppatatad t a aaharp
aharppatatad aharp pohatedlr branch + aneh of the tfee oaugbt oagjat1ft
la laic troaeen and held Mm so IS ad that he heeoatd beeoetid
eoatd net get away He struggled far ferlong a
long time until his strength was gone DOReI
When WhenTiey WhenTlIey WhenThey
They Saw Sawthe Sawthe
the theFishing theFishing 4 4Fishing
Fishing FishingSmack FishingSma FishingSmack
Smack SmackWillies Sma SmackWillies k kWillies
Willies WilliesStrange WilliesStrange WilliesStrange
Strange StrangeAnimals StrangeAnimals StrangeAnimals
Animals AnimalsAll AnimalsAll AnimalsAll
All Gave GaveHowls GaveHowls GaveHowls
Howls Howlsof
I of Glee
and titan ha aHH JaIlilJr down down1laull wn until ha alawwt alawwthad aitahoatsad
had a nib of blood to Isle head Of Ofonaraa athe Ofsores
sores ha would soon have bay tied there thereand UIenafter thereand
and after an an some people ten me that thatit thatIt thatIt
it would save n served rTed Mat Just right bat batIt IHItIt bestIt
It happened ha that a baOoontet t tthat was selling sellingthat ssdnngthat
that way and he came sa close to the thetrat theu thetrso
u trat that he managed ed to catch tell Willie and andlift aDd11ft andleft
lift hint aa be swept post Willie wax wasallnoet waxalmost
almost aaeonadoiM but revived in the theeaid thecoI4 thecold
cold air a above the dead where the bal hallooo balloon balJoea ¬
loon soon arrived arrivedTha ant antlM artiveTbs
Tbs baHooalat 11o pure M v IsMt hte h a pod tajklag tajklagaaut tlJllrlaeto
to about at wok as e piC e Mt as 1 4s 4sJIM rds rdsnest
JIM robbing aad Wi Wflpe p afeated Mai that thatha thabe twithe
ha would woul o it aa ao more He H had a afI goad eoson goadhot
son 1 can tell 7 yea hot boyHire r be hawas bewe bewas
was a trine glad of it after it was over overtor ov ovIt ovgrinr
tor it gave n him h a chance to sail ilIA In a bal balloon MIIoea halloos ¬
loon and very few bays ever ever have ba that tbatnil la laall 1aaU
all their lives lIv By and by because beca af etWillies afWillies cWftUo
Willies extra weight the balloon 1Ioon begun beeaato
to stok k a as the gas escaped e a good OdIIOOn d deal dealaad 1 1sad
sad soon they were quite near 1 the groundMr ground groundXr BrOIl BrOIlXr
Xr Aeronaut said that the boy would
hsv have to get oat because he had a lone b bioebrmey a
joanttr tc meals and It would be Imp imaosstMe I IIIW
able IIW to do It with two in the car careoaatry carI
1 I cant get out here a this strqge mraagocoeitry
eoaatry said WHIM I dont know dM firsway tileW7
W7 boaw and a I have no money tea pay
JDY > hv farrfhr
Cast help It It said Mr Afttaaavt Aegea t I I
didnt want to tab you but I hated to
leave yen at that tree Its absolutely a aneceesar
necessary for you to get oat out no matter t K
you 01 dont know the country The land wa
are now pesfltagiever ewer te Prehistoric lreW terScZooIo terScZooIoand Zoolo
gia and Its It a poor place to dump p you out out
but if 1 dont we will both have to
get out outand out outand
and probably be devoured d hjr the awful a
animate that Inhabit It It Now you will
admit that it would be far better 1Mt that t one
be eaten instead of two especially as s you
are only a boy and a robber of soda
nests nest as well I
cant aJCard to take any aD
chances here hereOf hereOf hereOf
Of oourae Willie realtaed that there was
no ae o e in both getting out ta sack a deso ¬
late and fiercelooking land but still be
didnt want to be the one to go While be
was trying to make some excuse to gait
time t e the t e baUaonlat just heaved Mm lit over
and he fell telthout about ten feet on a soft softgapot pOt
lp wax the bsn aaUeoa Ieoa te an Instant at and
eoea was a mare speck in the blue above
wine V sat t there gazing moiirnfailly m after atferIt afterit
it tats II k aJaappeafed ppeei among the whiteeloltds white wbJfcedotMta w weIotId
dotMta and men he began to ery for hesaw he hesaw lieSlLW
saw that he was la a tend where no man ID1nhIuJ manheel
bad ever been and where there were DO notrop DOtrolley ntrcllNe
trolley trop ley ears to cvme along and take him himswiftly himswiftly
swiftly home homeHe 110 110felt homeZlte
He felt like a shipwrecked sailor on a
desert island I and of course the very ery
trot thte thing be thought af was wuttHHl food All
be had was seven dickers eggs aad they
were pretty far gone toward hatching as
lie soon found He had some matches Jn 11
his pocket and a knife and thats mere
than some shipwrecked men have to start starta
a desert island life upon He get up aDd aadwalked aDdwalked andwalked
walked toward a high hill upon which whichgrew whlohHe whichgrew
grew some strange palms and when he hereached hereached
reached the hill he found that they the bore
fruit like large dates upon which he e made madea
a hearty meal and then gathered a greatquantity great GNatqUty
quantity for the future Then he walked walkedon
on oq but night came without his seeing
any living thing whatever in this desolate
land He climbed upon the top of ama amUll amUllor amseof a aof
of rock when he could see no longer and
lay down to sleep sf In the night he heardawful heard heardawful heardawtlll
awful cries the wild squeals and grunts gruntsand gruntsaMrta gruntsand
and aMrta snorts of unknown animals all about
him hi in the Intense darkness and some ¬
times U he saw dory eyes near him but butnothing butBoUItag butnotbtsg
nothing mole molested t9d Mm He didnt get et to tosleep tosleep
sleep until near morning and when whenawoke he heawoke heawoke
awoke the sun was high up above the
horizon He ate a few of the dates as he hecalled hecaUed hecalled
called them and ad took a drink from a
brook that ran past the the reoks Than he hewent hewent hewent
went on la search of a house or men for
he could not believe that there were no nomen nomea nomen
men in all this t land
Land of Alcienf Beasts Beaslslow BeastsNow
Now this was the one country tillsPrehistoric this thisPrehistoric Is IsPrehler1e
Prehistoric Zoalagia in which all the sal animate aaltbat salmats ¬
mate that ever existed still survived the theawful theawful theawful
awful floods earthquakes tires and other
disasters that have destroyed all such suchenormous SIIehenorauHIS eachenormous
enormous and strangelyshaped 8traRgelysha creatures creatureseverywhere er creatureseverywhere atttrNeverrwhere
everywhere else in the world Ages Agesand ASesand Agesand
and ages ag age millions and rallHens rallHensof
of years 7 ago the whole earth was just justalive JustaHve justalive
alive with ueh such monsters both in the theair thetile theair
air the water and on land things thJtl S that thatwouldnt thatWMcint thatwouldnt
wouldnt worry at all over tackling a arhtneeeroa arllbleoem anIsSeeetos
rhtneeeroa or devouring devourJ g the biggest biggestelephant blgnetWpllNat biggestelephant
elephant yOU ever ever heard of of animals with withthe withtho
the U most tremendous teeth with scales scalesas scalesas
as hard as stone or skin as thick as
catty feet long B horns ten
feat f t long eyes as big as dinnerplates dinnerplatesand
and with names longer bigger and harder
than anything else The Ornlthorynohua Ornlthorynohuawould
would be nowhere alongside of some of
these th ae creatures for their names alone alonewere alonewere alonewere
were tremendous There was the Titano
therium Oiganteus the Calathumplurao Cal tbumPiumo
Mtte the Homogeneostscoiusue Homo et1eoM colusU8 the Tri Tripodoequatlptis Tripodoequatipes
podoequatlptis and Frotoplasmlxoaskum Frotoplasmlxoaskumand Pr tGplumlJXO Skum SkumaM
and hundreds hundr besides
each as well
pro provided provided proykled ¬
vided with teeth claws and hide as theother the theother theother
other and each hating to see see another on
the earth so you may easily se see how
they finally got rid of each other I sup ¬
pose that they UMJwre ware so jHbUsyBgntfng se busy lighting that
they all u finally 17 starred star t t ttnleatbat to death at any
into they disappeared at last and ai nowwe now stowwe
we find their bones deep deeprentho in tfc t 6 Dearth Dearthaad sariand
and set them WIt In I I ranseoms ni eseush sei with wlihlabels wlihlabelsOft labels labelsan labelsonUrea
onUrea an them ttMiRUtat that nobody dy can understand
Only OM m PrehietorJ rek4flt rja 1 1 Zeelogte somehow
then bad all l aaan apaned aad theraif theraifanybody there UIC8 Jt Jtanybody if ifanybody
anybody had dared to go they could have havetaken haveto ve vet
taken to sit picture pIctu of them and a d w waeoutd we could havelearned have havelearned Ve Velraed
learned Jam how they looked and alld ate and andtattrht aDdt andluIht
tattrht t ttm h ft a maratag until lIm night g bolt bl t no nobody nobody nobody ¬
body knew how to set there This Thisthe was wasthe wetsthe
the place where WUlle W1l1 found himself hlmeelfand hlmedaDd himselfand
and theee were the creatures crear that had hadbeen had1IeeD hadbeen
been making such awful noises all night nightlong n nightlong bt
long 10 He went a long way before he saw sawany sawany w wJQ
any of them but then he saw w a herd of ofhairy otJaaIry ofhairy
hairy elephants eating grass twenty feet feetMfh set sethigh
high He HedeckIM I e decided to go around areuu < and avoid avojdthem avoidthem
e them as s ne knew fhatlwil4 bat yiW elephants are aredangecoua aredaDpc aredangeaoua
dangecoua betas bitt as he wa waut < paean PUIIII close closehealde closeIte closebeside
beside a dark forest another awful beast beastcame beaste beastcame
came e galloping along alo g wheesnig whee3 wheea hg ng tike an anautomobile anaatoIftobjle anaetoteobile
automobile and he Instantly aUy climbed a atree atAe atree
tree He scuttled up the tree faster than thanhe thanhe
he had ever done before and o only ly stopped stoppedwhen steppedwilen stoppedwhen
when he found HIt at the top The Theanimal TJMaalJRal Tb Tbanimal
animal rushed on without noticing MM lsiriand MMaad III IIIad
and be looked about him and a saw some something sometJ something ¬
thing very strange strangeThere strangeTIMre strangeThere
There at the very top of this Immense Immensetree Immensetne
tree was w a sort of round thing made of ofnuvbaked otu ofsunbaked
sunbaked u kecl clay fist like an n enormous enormoushornets enonoushoflMh enormoushornets
hornets neat D t and as as big as a trailer carwith car earwtta carW1t1a
with a round doorway in its side He Hecould Hecotdd Hecould
could w wsnamteed eld not imagine glDe what It t was but it Ita
snamteed a birds nt to him at once He
uiooght that it was entirely eat Urely rely tao large af afcoarse etcoane ofcourse
coarse for he couldnt imagine a bird big bigenough bigROUlk bigenough
enough ta build lid Rda a neat as that so heescludad he heeencladed heDeluded
eencladed Deluded that It must be the house af afsome erme ofsome
some me man who dwelt in tile tree to avoid avoidthe avoidthe
the will IUI animate He climbed cHDI along the theto
branches to it and looked isThere in inThere Q QTIler
There on Ute bottom of the great hut hutor hutor butor
or nest he saw w several white objects objectsabout objectsabout
about the ales of large barrels and It was wassome wuIOme wassome
some moments before ber re be realized that thatthey thatthey
they were actually eggs p Bggs as large targeas largethe
as the biggest barrels he had ever seen seense seen seenM seenat
se large Jar that th thmade at one of them would have havemade haveaft
made an omelette far a whole w ole hotel He Hesuddenly Hesuddenly
suddenly cic1eD17 also realized d that the bird that
laid them mast be b tremendous tremeode and might
be costing C01Id g atone at any minutelie minute minuteHe minuteHe
He began to climb down He had got getperhaps gotperhaps gotperhape
perhaps ten feet t t nearer to the ground groundwhen groundwben groundwhen
when he heard a pop po wide of the clay
nest and his earieeity Ity was se great gr t that
he couldnt resist the temptation to Lab eNmbun
uP again lid see what had nude m de the thepepping thepoppawg
pepping He X peeped P9 pedSUo IB Into to thenest the nest and
Hypnotizes and Brings BringsThem BringsThem Bringsem
Them em All Home Sav Saving Saving Saving ¬
ing the e Life l e of o His HisFather Hisrather is isFather
Father by byOiving Giving Him HimSomething HimSomething HimSomething
Something Something to o Do Dothere Dot o othere
t there e e Mitt half within an egg was a astrange aanaltge astrange
strange creator that looked mere like a agigantic aggaaUe agigantic
gigantic lizard than a bird its jaws wide wideepea wklelteR widespas
spas lteR far feed f aad astonishing utelll hlRe te relate relateor relateor
or to behold its mouth was Sled with withte withlor withlong
te long sharp rp teeth He slid down agate agateafter ag againafter J Jaftv
after after one look far it seemed ferocious ferodeusenough teroeleusgk ferociousenough
enough gk to attack Mm even if just hatched
Then be beard a distant screaming and3eekiag and
looking 1 okJ up saw in the air a eng way wayoff wayoff
off a a great batlike thing flying toward
him its long snaky tail reaching out outbehind outbehJad
behind far many yards It looked to him
like tb the pictures ef dragons in the fairy ¬
tale taleboeu books He was very much frightened frightenedof
of course for he saw at once o Ce that it itwas Itwas itwas
was the mother lard b r4 er beast returning g
to her neat neat and in inllIs his alarm he broke roke off offa oaa offa
a branch of the tree as long as his hiswith arm armwith armwJth
with which to defend himself tat he
knew that t t he could do nothing nOthing against aM t
sues a monster with a stick et wood He
tried to get to the ground before she shereached shertHiehed shereached
reached him thinking to hide among the tbereeks thereoks thereeks
reeks below but before he had descended de
three yards she was upon him This ani animal animal antmal ¬
mal was the awful Pteredaatyl the first firstot firstof firstof
of the flying animals animalsIt anlmaLIt
It was fifty feet long lon in the body with witha
a tall fully as long and It looked like a
lizard lJurdwttlaa with a snakes IK1 kes head aDd hats Mea a winga
It ate smaller animals and it was wasno wasso
no well equipped because it could fly andowim and andswim andewJm
swim as well as walk w k that it t was feared
by all the beasts As it plunged downupon down downupon downupon
upon Willie it uttered a loud scream aad aadopened aaaopened andopened
opened its great jaws to seize him la
his fright he plunged the stiek whichhappened which whlohJiappened whichhappened
happened to be sharp at each end Into latoouth IBtoIta Intoits
its mouth outh and by a wonderful chance Its
jaws came together togRth upon the stick and andeach an4each andeach
each sharp eadrstek 8B eadist ttek ek into the upper and andlower aBdlower andlower
lower jaw so that it could not close its itsmouth Itamouth itsmouth
mouth mouthIt mouthIt
It uttered loud squawks ef rage and andshook andsbeok andshook
shook its long snaky sn ky head la I the endeavor endeavorto
to dislodge dlsle ge the stick but every effort
drove the ends of the wood in Inde deeper r
Blood poured from its mouth m uth aad td itsred Its Itsred Itsred
red eye 8J 8 glared glaredIt laredIt
It struck at theboy th boywtth with its claws out
he he seeing g tbU tba Jt could not bite him re reeevered reNvered resevered
severed his presence presence uee of mind and slid ¬
log past the Pterodactyl he scrambled to tothe tothe tothe
the ground grou d He was looking about for a
hldieg hl lg ttce ce w whip the body of the im immensl 1mmend Itomeas
meas mend ld WrabeastteH iIIntbe beae t1eU felt to the ground gror ad with a
loud thud It wa waUl dead fprthe t r tbe stick hadgene had hadgena hadgene
gene late its brain as it tried to force to its
jaws j to together togetherWillie tOJ dthbr dthbrWirile tb r rWUUe
Willie rajoleedfto t a find > that be was safe ateJ safea
J a 1J y
best bwtbedidnt hdidnt t know for hew long for he hesaw hesaw besaw
saw several ether queer thing which whichwar whichw whichwars
war w wars earning u to > se see what bad made all allthe allue allthe
the fads note He ran into a small opening g gUte
la the reeks Hi the hope of avowing then thenas uas teesas
as they s seemed enMd as fierce as the Pterodac Ptetodeotyh Pterodactyl Pterodact7 ¬
tyl t7 but although al IOP h be wa was very q qof Quick one oneof ensof ° °
of them tit saw w him and darted toward him himInstantly himIn himInstantly
In Instantly taaUy with a roar of hungry ragewill rage rageWillie rageWI1Ik
Willie will felt rather than saw that he wasaft was wasafter was1Itta
after aft Urn 111 and plunged ed wiMIr l into te the thedarkMeae thearQess thedark
dark darkMeae Less ef the cave < without Knowing Knowinghew kaoWtDgw knowinghew
hew w deep it was wa He fell some twenty twentyfeet 1We11tyf8et tWentYfeet
feet and landed won something soft andljtIry and andhairy
hairy ljtIry 1 that made Ms heart Jump into his htemeufe hisJMUtJa hismouth
mouth and caged him to quiver tnr WIth wfthtrtsM WIthfri2lltt withfright
fright He knew kD of course that b h had hadfall M4ILaU hadallele
fall allele fi upon n some wild animal with a furry furryMae furryl furryhide
Mae l e bat whether it was a bear wolf or orlien orlien orlien
lien h lie cotHdnt tell and he expected that thatthe thattile thatthe
the animal itself would immediately 1mDMci tely set settle IIMtie sottie ¬
tie U Ute question He began slipping down downfarther downfarther wa wafart
farther fart into the soft aarkneae and Jn a amoment amom amoment
moment found himself in some son of ofbag oCbag ofbag
bag and Dd then the 01 animal jumped up with withhim wttkhi withhim
him hi and h felt a violent rocking move raoveroeat JROYe1MII1 movement
roeat He struggled to free himself and andthan aDdtItp andthen
than saw daylight t again againWillie apiILWillieJonesmllns againWillie
Willie WillieJonesmllns Jonesmtths Strange Ride R e
He leaked JHk abaat and and saw that he was wasin wasIn as asIA
in a sort of pouch upon the belly ef atremendous a atremendous atroMendous
tremendous kangaroo or ancient Marsgal Mar Marsuplal XarIitLL
suplal IitLL He had fallen into the pouch as ashe ashe ashe
he darted into l the cave eave and a the alarmedXaplal alarmedafareupdal alarmed alarmedMarsupial
Marsupial was hopping across country CQaDt country 7 asfast as asfst astat
tat as as1t it oeuW and aj 4 shaking IteeK Itee U tIS > die dislodge dlslodes dielodge ¬
lodge Willie as ae it went He held fast fasthowever futhewevel fasthowever
however fr he saw that it was carrying carryinghm oalJbtght carryinghQi
hQi ht hm away from the other animate anima whichwere which whichwere whlckwere
were more mete dangerous ft1lg rOa8 by y far Soon 300 It Itstopped Itstopped itstopped
stopped and as if it had considered COltS that thatit thatIt thatIt
it was Impossible fmpoI Intp I1tIe to get rid of its unwel unwelcome UIIwelcoe nuwelcome ¬
come poet it began to nibble I bbIe at the tall tallgrays tallrj talie
rj e grays About t It It and then Willie climbed dbabedout dlmlHdout climbedout
out anff dropped to the ground groundTbe grnlldThe 6RsuedThe
The Marsupial glared at t MM a ratherlhercely rather ratherfiercely ratlterfttuctII7
fiercely and raised Its Immense bindfoot bindfootas bll Itoot Itootu
as if it meant taltt to strike but he looked it In lathe Inthe Inthe
the eye steadily hoping to intimidate It Itaad It Itud itand
and right tke there > je na discovered that fee pos paesasseil PMtl pose
e sasseil ike hypaoUc tl tic eye far the Mane Me MeJJ6iII Mazatip
p JJ6iII it M sic lack k at him for a few nat natmehbs iaoHMH memeill
HMH meill kaail and then dropped its eyes 81 It Itcouldnt ItIdnt Iteoilidnt
couldnt Idnt move a muscle but steed as If
petxtte This awprieed W1IM WIWt but 1M h 1MgaM
bed gained eewa eo sesrada and aDIIlte he tattohed the thegreat 1Mrt thegreat
great rt beast It qtriwered M bat did nat notmove natmove Ntmove
move and so he knew that be bad realty
hypnotised ysotta d it completely e He began to towMaUe toV
wMaUe V WHr far jar far f be knew that be could couldae
de ae It again a and woo 11 aerie
The great animal taw began < te tumble vte
lanty for White bgnaiaa hypaatustag itwag it itwas It
was placing it t wnjiar l er thatMiMMa ta t ao of o nw muatoas nwste IIMI IIMIatJ
ste toas ae he bad es oOan < deco a M his white vrhiUmiee whiteales
ales He saw that it was agitated and
knew k w the canes at CItU course leaf ha said
Kangaroo why aa yea tremble t I will
not hurt ot otuYOUkfU
yOU yauYou youYoukined
uYOUkfU You Youkined Kilted the Ptaraaaetyl Pter replied the
Marsupial a and d I dont t know what yau
will do to tome tomeI me meI H Hul
ul I didnt mean n to kill W1the t tb e Pterodactyl Pterodactylsaid
said Wlllta h he tame at t m at a Careely l e eeiy
that I aid tt in Klf4efenw JK14ete I win nat
harm you Y0t2hewever however It yeses ya do as I tan tanJfOM tellfOu tenyou
you youlie
JfOMHe He then got Jato the paveb of tile tilemal ani animal audssal ¬
mal and told MM to go Ui the top of a
Mil near by where he h could look around
The motion of the marsupial scads Willie
seasick in a few minutes and whoa wh they
reached re checl the httttop be was wa1Wl glad to get
out lit < and said that he wouldnt want any
more of that sort of traveling He could
see across a great plain which was 1ft cov ¬
ered with herd he of the meat aatomairtns
animals of Imraanae Im Mll8e size and nd all looking
a II If they wanted to light all the time
Some ware gray others brown and not a
few bright blue or crimson with polka
dots c1 ts or bands af yellow
They saw him hi
and came crowding toward hint At first
he thought of escape and glanced toward
the trees There he saw the baby Ptero ¬
dactyl looking down pitifully from tr its
clay neat for it was wa very hungry and
had so mother to provide food for it It
This thought came at ones to the tb boy
who after aCt r all had a k1 kind heart
He Hypnotizes AUiht AU the Animals AnimalsHe
He looked hard and
steadily at the ap apepreachJng
preaching animate and they an baited
uneasily and than stood transfixed tntJt8 xed in
their traeks Stay there until am I com come
down hey h said and climbed the tree to
the nest He only bad to look at the in ¬
fant Pterodactyl 1 to make it as quiet and
harmless as a lamb and then he tried to
Hf JUt t It in his arms He found at once that
it weighed nearly as much as a horse al already already alreedy ¬
ready and he motioned mo oed to a Pies Pleetoeaarns to a
which wb ch has a neck
forty feet long to coma eo eoto
to the tree and help him The Pteaiaaau Pteaiaaaun P PnHJ
n rue evidently thinking g time W de was PIng
to feed the baby Pterodactyl to Mm hh earn earngamboling callMgamHl1 camegamboling
gamboling 1g to him wriggling and wagging
his long tail with pleasure but t when the thalad theJad thelad
lad told him to UTt the baby down he hapulled hepuJletI hepulled
pulled a long face However ha obeyed DMreclall aa asall aaall
all hypnotized things must do and the
baby was lowered to the ground It 101 ¬
lowed raillahout yn1k ut le44ogt like 4 idegi AdJtegaV and AdJte andhegav Jw Jwgave
gaV it something to eat t at onea 8Oe and andsaVtd aBdS andseen
S seen Vtd Itt fit pr tfa JIO w doubt ubt for toethtce thous tb a were were aa aaothers AOothers noothers
others of Gtlts Its kind lei left to help ft ftThen It ItThel itTheo
Then WJlHe W llle addressed the animals gath gatherad gathered gathored
erad around saying sayingJ 5IIYJ
J havdf bay now osoovered W v vlttll rajl y Ytt2 su a all j aDd
that is soaethlng thlng of which you ought CHlf t to
bgsudfor b prow pwMnlfor tor if I had d not some here pea paopie penpie
pie would 1 still be thtkl
thinking that you were wereall wereaU werean
all extinct extI It is very Important that I
should know you all by your right riglttso names namesso nameso
so that I can describe you when I return returnhome ret1lmbome returnhome
home Just then a great t hairy mpnant mpnantbegan gophontbegan nt ntbegan
began to weep weepWhat weepWHt weepWhat
What te troubling you asked askedHes WUlla WUllaHes wmteHes k
Hes going to leave us cried the thepliant ele elePbaat eJeDlaaDt
pliant who was as woolly a as asheM1 asheM1the a a1M sheen Mid Midthe
the great tears ran down his trunkfell trunk and andfell aDdfeU
fell in puddles at t his feet Anhnalsfeel Animate will willfeel wtlIfeel
feel sad when hypnotised aa well as folks folksyou folksyou
you see Willie quieted UM elephantassdag elephant by byaaawrteg byhim
aaawrteg Mm that he would take tauwith takewith htejr htejrwith
with Mm ht when he be went war and them themthe th thUte eat
the enormous aaat ajttnpl 1 felt II HO good that ha hatriad betried
tried to efeiab e en the boys lap laphim nod andhim fane faneMm i
him which of course would we have dnle dnleWillis mttoheit mttoheitWflUc bed bed1IIIe
Willis 1IIIe at once so be dodged behindnktoreruua behind a aBtektaramm altlJtktorartllll
Btektaramm Ri nkto reruua reruuaa which te alert ae terse as asa ata
a house n sad d escaped the toad atteatloof attention attentionaf a
af t abe + he hairy one oneThan ODeTBe oneThen
Than be examined exan lned the crowd of strange strangecreatures straJlgaerMt1Ir811 strasgcreatures
creatures about a Mm Great deer or ellc ellcwith elk elkwith e ewith
with horse as wide apart aa the ueet theof bieanth bieanthaf
af a hence were there tortoises aa broad broadas broadas bra braas d
as a room Users with teeth as large largea Jar Jara a
a mans 8 hand bears as big aa our ale elephants alepbuts k kphaats ¬
phants wolves woh as large as horses Jtonetbe and aadtbe andthe
tbe moat amazing lot of queerly made man mantMnge
gage with the longest tails and necha necha1v necJIIIwlaJek nadewhich
which 1v wobbled and wallowed wallow about In an
ungainly 1MIIIon bat watch conic get getctY81 getover
aver tIM th ground 1IoU aa enickly aa anything anytlilngetoe alltb1AgelM anythinglet
elM let when they wished They told Mat Mattheh JdIatheir hinttheir
their names last they were so long Del aadjo andpo
jo bard he see 880ft forgot them and thatis that thatte thatIs
Is why I cannot give than to you al although althouP although ¬
though I Iasll wfcpese + peee you would forget them themjust thentjust itemjust
just as net Tint cant xameosber a alike samelike name namelike
like HtakfcUacnnipbyeus m1dchIt pheus more than a aminute aBllnate aminute
minute or two anyway They were aM aMvery aJterr altvery
very err interesting indeed and when he hean h4 h4an heylan
an their names and found out what theyate they theyate tIteate
ate he let them depart and began to look tookabout lookabout lookabout
about him to see if there was a way to toget toltemetre toget
get hemesfrem this t1tIIITIM ptaoa ptaoaThe pia piaThe
The XlD1IIIIk1 Manse Mars ial aI naked the Giant Oapes Oapessura 0IIpMsum Oppocsum
sum if he knew kDewof of a way and ad the Oaaee Ophoarum Oaaeesuni 0um
rum asked the Sloth and so they aU eonsrlted eon eonsuited ClODsuited
suited together until tile Dinosaur DlDOHWthat mitethat mite sakithat
that WflMe could ge to the seashore MU manymiles many manymiles y ymiles
miles away and swim ta the other part oi oithe 01tIM ofthe
the world wldsk wMe JdeII of scant they never nevervisited DeYervisited nevervisited
visited and knew w natfdng aba about t at aIL attTOWe aILWIlle an1yiHIs
TOWe found feu that at tie sea was sa tar tarthat aC aCthat t tthat
that he waajM nave great greatftDcaltJ greatftDcaltJtlq dificulty calty In sat satting setailag
ting there and he It decided to butt build a Wry
ck Now to those the Who think thai a
bicycle can only Onl be made of steel and rub ¬
ber it win be a surprise to hear that Wfl WBUe
He made one of bamboo but t this te ex exactly exaedy axact ¬
actly act > r what the ingenious boy did When Whanbe WMahe Whenhe
he bad completed it be looked about far farsomething ferOMeth farsomething
something OMeth touae to as Ore U for he had no norubber DOrll norpbbec
rubber rll and if he bad it he didnt know
how to make a tireHe tire tireHe tireHe
He finally IIT selected Hactd two Haopanakes and andafter andafter
after at he had hypnotized them he made madethem JUdet madethem
them take taketheir their tails hat m their Mouths and
he toed them e great to the wheate w It was a aoplanold asplendid
oplanold substitute tor rubber u hoer and he slid slidalong Ud Udalong
along teely All of OKI tiwsietmale animal aoaam aoaampanlad OMI aoaapoaled
panlad him and se weUmaae w wa WM hte
bicycle he Hatched < the seashore in three t feeII
days II without OtIt the least acaJdent fen a yen
The Rows RowsUpon RowsUpon RowsUpon
UponRows Upon UponRows UponRows
Rows of ofAwful ofAwful ofAwful
Awful AwfulHeads AwfulHeads AwfulHeads
Heads HeadsSticking HeadsSticking HeadsSticking
StickingOut Sticking StickingOut StickingOut
Out of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Water WaterMade WaterMade WaterMade
Made Madea
a Terrible T TerribleSight erribleSight
cant aaaatare snake wee hireMe hireMegaily He whtetltd whtetltdgaily wIIIKiedgaily
gaily aa be went and fitted all of themale the ani animate aaIMala ¬
mate wish glee Jar they had never heard heardmusic hearJDUlde hen henmusic <
music before and when they arrived at
the shore they wave t treatnre the h = I of a
reatnre a atur e ever eYerNoW een aeonNd eensea
Nd NoW w UN present
WM 1e aae up ah tile
sea He had no boat boat but he saw that the thewater
water was filled ftU with MIler strange atra
cr crea eat eatch ¬
tures tu tore splashing tad + diving sad chaalas ch iag
one 00 another about so he aaooted to them
to attract their attention nod ta a few h w
minute Mina they were wer crowding up to the thewaters
waters ee cis e ready to fight tile tileII animate a
there mmhlicl II hf The
water animate
wen wenevea WeNa wet u
seen more aiaaeue and a enormous e onao than cha the thethey tbearaun tIs tIsand i
land creatures If that were pensdbhs and
they c certainly rtslaty had larger month u urow and andmore
more rows af great t teeth tla Some were werecovered nil nilcovered
covered with enameled scales of aQ cot cotera G0len
era and hand baa aa s st steel eel so that it was waspoaedbk tan tetaaaihl
JMIMIWe aaaihl for another ther animal to site lilt liltat themat them
at all 11 or ewe to make a little dent ta
them but none of them could resist r ra lac
a moment Willte Willies brunette eve
He le had then all quiet in leas tints thaa the a
H takes tak to ell It It sitting tUng about or rather rathersprawling rat ratsprawlbtg litsprawling
sprawling about oa tbe hot sand ta 1RpbllJ 1ngaudy un ungainly ¬
gaudy attitude and wonderful to toSea beheld
Sea Some of then when their bead bead8tII8 wave wensthhs oa oathe
the sand stretched away out to sea utiOu na nayou natl natlyou tr
you canal ao longer see them but NIT
knew by the splashing Qf that jots of ofwas tall tallwas taRwas
was still out there Most of them leaked look
like Ilk ttKarda II Il ards but other there wen wireresembled that thatresembled UIreaembkd
resembled walrus with tau tauwbldl tailswhich beafdes beafdeswhich
which there were all sort of otfisbes ofbes immune immunefiabes e
Aawere Aa fiabes bes and then there were others that thatware tllate
ware rooted to the bottom on long longmade stalks stalkamade MaIkade
made de of Bme ac a shell 1 te made but they t tbad
had arms a or rather tea g fingers gen with withwhich wltIableb wit it ituhlch
which bleb they Uae seined their prey M it itand passed passedand edand
and these turned and twisted aa from frogwater paa1edthe the thewater Utewater
water like so many angry anakea k aaaaac aaaaacthe uaeacOM
the ether animate while eaormoo IIIA IIIAOMred abel saetteavered abelsavored I
savored craatmaa R nmrmnltng r t s aaalte calls callsbig ae a abig abig
big a as as bushel buM came creeping a afrom YII YIIfoa
from the depths to see what wa was wasbig hapaea hapaeatog happeaDg h leY a
tog above aboveAt aboveAt
At first the roaring of aN these t crea creatarw creaPfOdIgtoua crestestes
testes wa was prodteloa pce gious bat they theyaimed aoan aoancalmed aeo n ncabMd
calmed down and then the ManopteJ I hLantuplaltherm RTf taM taMthorn twu
thorn that Willie wished to CAN the thoat sea seaat a aat
at once There wa woos too tooamong oaaataraatloa oaaataraatloaamong oetuuUteaa
among them aa they had newer attewad allow
anybody to croat their water bat of
coarse they couldnt refuse After they
had ba eaaaaltod 1 together awhile wbO th they r d de de
ddad that the heat U thin to do sold lie b
to form a body of the th greater animals
together ao as a to float a lot of tat land landanimals Uodanimate
animate nI acroaao serer serero
ao o they all crowded
crowded does
up to GIlt otwanother GIltnother oneanother
another and made an Immense enae raft upon apwwMch
which wmie sent the others u and > 4 tbn
the raft moved off acme of tb the aM badanimals aManimate
animate antma were very much frightened and andssuelled a4 a4aqaalled
aqaalled horribly other eon tot Mt Mtso peasick
Jllck1ttIt sick bet litter a few days they aU rot rotBO gotso
so need to the motion that they the ran up II IIowst
and down owst and D4 caused mack trouble to
tb t live raft u Jot ef come eoa It was net notpleasant cores coresed
piaaaaat to have a lot of hornybootcreatures horayhoofet horayhoofetcraatares h rnJhoofet ed edtick
creatures galloping up and down tick
backs even if they were all U covered will wI
hard scales
When they came within sight of Suto sU4r Aanbcad
Hook they encountered a caking boat boatalmost aM aMaanaat cadlip
almost frightened the nahermen to d dash ttk
by their noise for the animate thought tt ttwaa ItWU I Iwas t
was some new waterbout beaat with trioci triociand wi wiand lip liptlaeee
and they wanted to greet it It One of UMM UMMnahermen tlaeeesight
nahermen told me it wa a terrible sight sightthe
to see Willie Jonesmith standing at th the thes1
bow tff hill Uvm theA
living raft with rows upon uponrow uponroWII upo uporows A
row rows of awful head sticking aUcl nc up out of ofthe n nthe t
the water W 8 in front of Mm and all of tin ti +
bead uttering dreadful bowl of glee
The captain fainted and the mallmost mall al almost s1then ¬
most had heart disease when they tar tarrounded auTroulMkcl anrounded s1s s
rounded the lb boat but of course coo they did didao didDO dl dlno d
ao harm and soon passed on until untilcams the thentDa tbtrcame theca
came ca to shore Here they formed into IntoaDd Intoprocession theni t tproceatton
procession and marched away Into intocountry tfet tfetcountry tbIcountry tData
country leaving the marine animals animalsreturn anlmalJretUIll I Ireturn
return to Zootogta at their leisure leisureTbe JelBureThe leisureTb
The Tb commotion otfon created by Willies pro proceasion proeeMIOft p ta tase
cession will long be remembered in n New NewJecaey Ne NeJe pNet NeJersey
Jersey aad the other State throat throatwhich throlJllwldeh throngI
which It pared for the people who whoit whoIt ea eaIt I
it never forgot the the1 sight It wa a do domllan doJOIt se es esthe
miles long and took all 11 day to put pewgiven i igiven
given spot while the noise no made byamdmala by the tlwanimal theanlmaIa thed theo thebcud
anlmaIa animal tbe clanking of stony bidet bideiagataat bidet1trteUa hid hidagadwt d
agataat Meet bristles and the poundinc poundincof pounds poundsof o <
of bard hoofs upon the ground was wasfee heart heartfor heardfor bcudout
for a great t distance and brought broughtwgrbody out outeverybody ollteftI7Md7 outtL
everybody that had ear ean Hone rta rtaaway JIIIaWAY 11 11away
away dogs wart simply ply crazy and cttl cttlgalloped cattllpUoped cat catgalloped tL tLbeets <
galloped bellowing arrow croa the field In inwildest tin tinwildest tiltWIIcIHt
wildest alarm ae It wound calmly along alongthe aJ aloe aloetbe llC llCtile
the taraaika until at teat Willies wtuie8IPt Williesmuse beets htata beetsand
muse ta right sightHr rightMr 8IPtMrJMesmIiIcs
Mr MrJMesmIiIcs JoaesmMds Life is Saved wiH SnWhte
H lit went OR ahead so as Dot to 4lInI 4lInIthe lsiI lsiIhis
his mother sad catered the house boucecaarw houseeerae Of Ofue
caarw they had all given him up and aalMippoaed Iil
il Mippoaed ppo be bad been killed by falling out outof olltof o oof It
of some tall tree white stealing birdi birdineata blrd1JM bi binests rd e
nests and when be came in his hi mother motherjnat motbetjMt mothit r
jnat uttered utte onto yep and fainted taintedassn 8b 8bsoon 8he 8herecotaed e
soon recovered teeover dd however and then in intoM s stold b bWillie lie lieR liehie
toM Willie tint Ma father was very e17 la laand 1 1and loW loWand lier R
and not expected to live a day longer longerWlhte IO ler lerwtf11e r
Willie went apatata and poke to tofather UM UMfather h1Itatlter hieht
father soCUy soCUyXr MlltIMr aeWyMr
Mr Joneaattth opaaad Ida eyes eL It dldt11 dldt11seam dIdntto cilia ciliaII t
seam to aarprtae fllrptt Mn to see btt aQ1 8 on ° s for forthought forthought h hthouPt II
thought he was dreaaiinc dreaaiincfmther 4 4htbu
Father said Willie I have ha brought broughttame broucbtYetI broui brouiI ht htpId
YetI a few fair and 8RIutown Glmala to I
tame and yen = U get up and go o at it itTaa ItTY It ItOIIOL t
Taa TY time ban lag sine c goo ° by jj
Mr r Joneamlth waeri any aD OK ote could couaa couldIt call callspring Id IdOD
It a JWYr Or akaoWD animal oD oDJonu ODt
Jonas a B Joneamlth JoneamlthLook looaa1t1LotLeoIt ODca
Look oat of the window windowHte 5 ead itl nIU lUe lUeBk I t
His father lifted himself languidly Lnglidyhle upo upoMa upoa upoalie i ca
Ma elbow and looked oat The Tht1 a > hi hlJl tyOl tyOlopeaecI er r roaeaed er erthe
opened wide and be set t up staring aOJ a de tile thed thea
of wonderful and andboasts e lIrTDOai lIrTDOaibeau rno d
ion 10 long line r4 n
out at aid liSnalo aidalong a aalong a
beau diet uetc stretched feral wa
in numbers numLersgreater i iknew tar tarpeater t > v
along alo the winding road vca
hid hiddnUMd ca
count He n
greater than 1M could cabe
thins H I Iknew bt bttItIDC bet
truer dreamed of such a
knew aotniac tItIDC at aU U Uantaaate about the prthitoe prthitoeaaIma ptthi = 0 t + c cGN
mid d Gd GdwbiaS GNae
500 Than Thanwhat T be
antaaate aaIma alr you s ea
what Am I dreaming dreamtngrthat
a awide ae aecola e eNo
No sad his son proudly Y1
wide wake and Dd OuU have t to ° be to tl tral tralall cola colabet
Ill 1I 1Ian bet betas t tyou
home borneyou
all the thing rYe broaIIbt
the sty styflat HI HIthat as asone
you cant rash a 110 lka to ball
that my 1 baby r Pterodactyl Pterod et1l can III t
B Hds the sseartntt bIiIr70u lranby you enr enrUp nT a > I
Up Jumped Mr Jmtb tontd tontda fora c
cl clbe 1 one oneC1
aad d Into hi
a llutebol at anon Oace
be ems < Then be went out 2 2JCIPPtId
li liaver J1Jj J1Jjr C1 C1grt
he liehad
i III wo wonderwan a as
eye poPY JCIPPtId
gt gtboate grt grterith
Overhose aver r the menagerie i Ida on < m had bdbut r grte
hosethe theWell at I Ibut e
hose Well be weat t to work
but ae be had Jaaci no hypnotic eye eyemate thF th bIg I IJItla
mate were wereSo about t to eat him at atWlp1 fe 0 0WWIe
WWIe bad to jump bI and aye hIm himb
WIth WIthhila erithyoU
> So be w toOk hte son late partnersnv partnersnvhtat pertt cr h p
htat and i iweetdd if yw ywoakt rolJIb yoU yoUea
hint aid they tja r ballt t a
weetdd oakt JIb to tea the aabaate amsm ls wnte ntp m me mehave me1 me1Jetter ea eaxu
xu xueta II IIaAlJDtt
th tnz
Jetter and ru sad sea a ticket
Neer th ittadamid eta etahr O OaDd
f fee l
aAlJDtt adamid ult OU 1 what tM7 are etar
to t ° p1 p1with r
aDd maybe maybeult Willie will aDo allow 3ou OU
with his baby pb Peeradaeb1 Peeradaeb1Wd l but bt trig mghr mghrearetul hr hrIv
Ivtees 111 111J
hand near
earetul DOt to lid
yare tees taeoIta teesLt
J GUtb 01 7OUU bso It t you
have Ita the hypnotic eye
hnJaodcAVr WALT AVr XcDOP1 JcD ArI Lt +