i i I
r I io
the population having flownto Quincy Qulncyand Quincyapd Qulnc3tnpd
and the Muffs blutfson on the t Missouri side sidefrom sldefrom zldefrom
from which they watch the complete completedestruction completedestruction completedestrucUon
destruction FabJus river fifteen miles milesabove milesaboveRannlbal milesabove
above aboveRannlbal Hannibal is high and furnishing furnishinga
a a route for the Mississippi to flunk and andrevenje andreverJe andrevere
revere the levees as the Fox river riverdoes riverdoes riverdoes
does forty miles up the Mississippi MississippiThis MissisSIppIThis MlsslsslpplThis
This flanking movement makes even eventhe eventhe eventhe
the highest Missouri levees ineffective ineffectiveAround lnetrectheAround ineffectiveAround
Around La Motte otte Saverton Busch sta station stationClemen etation ¬
tion tionClemen Clemens Ashburn north of Han Hannibal Hannibal HannibaI ¬
nibal there Is more wheat than at atother atother atother
other places and all In the shock Is Ismostly Ismostly Ismostly
mostly washed away The chief crop cropthere cropthere cropthere
there Is corn however and there Is Isthe Isthe isthe
the same ruin as at other places placesIn
In the vicinity of Quincy and Hanni Hannibal Hannibal Banalbat ¬
bal there Is unnecessary loss on ac account account account ¬
count of the peculiar conditions of the theflood theflood thehood
flood A smaller flood began to sub subside subside subside ¬
side when warnings from the Keokuk Keokukweather Keokukweath Keokukweather
weather weath r bureau were received and un unheeded unhEfeded anheeded
heeded as a being after aft r the fact when whenactually wbenactuany whenactually
actually It was before a new extraor extraordinary extraordlnary extraordinary ¬
dinary fact factThe factThe factThe
The crest of the Mississippi rise prob probably probably probably ¬
ably will pass hero tomorrow Great Greatdamage Greatdamago Greatdamage
damage has already been done but tho thoworst thoworst theworst
worst Is probably over overNEW overNEW overNEW
Lives Lost and anTh Much Property De Destroyed Destroyed Dcstroyed ¬
stroyed stroyedBlnghamton stroyedBinghamton stroyedBinghamton
Binghamton N Y July 20 OThe 20Theheavy OTheh The Theheavty
heavy h a y rains prevailing in this section sectionfor sectionor sectionfor
for or the past few days reached a cli climax cUmax climax ¬
max last night when three separate separatecloudbursts separateI separatecloudbursts
I cloudbursts occurred within the th < t limits limitsof limitsI limitsof
I of Broome county and several In sur surrounding s surroundhig r rroundlnr ¬
rounding territory to the northward northwardbreaking northwardbreaking northwardbreaking
breaking mill dams washing out rail railroad railroad railroad ¬
road tracks and highway bridges and anddoing anddoing anddoing
doing other damage besides delaying delayingtrains delayingtrains delayingtrains
trains Four persons are dead and andtwo andtwo andtwo
two are seriously injured The loss lossto lossto lossto
to property will reach 200000 The Thedead Thedead Thedead
dead deadJames deadJames deadJames
James Cook and wife drowned at atAfton atAiton atAfton
Afton Ghenango county the 6 6monthsold 6monthsold 6monthsold
monthsold child of Mr and Mrs MrsCook MrsCook 1rs 1rsCook
Cook and Michael J Ryan of this city citykilled citykUIed citykilled
killed in washout washoutThe washoutThe washoutThe
The seriously injured are areEngineer areEnrlne areEngineer
Engineer r Edward Farran and Fire Fireman Fireman Fireman ¬
man Willis E Marsh of this city cityNew cityNew cityNew
New York Town Damaged DamagedFarmer DamagedFarmer DamagedFarmer
Farmer N Y July 20 20The The most mostdisastrous mosldisastrous mostdisastrous
disastrous flood that has visited this thisportion thisportion thisportion
portion of Seneca county occurred this thisevening thisevening thisevening
evening The rain commenced last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night but the heavy downpour came camebetween camebetween camebetween
between 2 and 330 this afternoon afternoonwashing afternoonwashing afternoonwashing
washing everything In n the path of o the thetorrent tbetorrent thetorrent
torrent it created Wheat in the theshock theshock theshock
shock hay on the ground once cocked cockedup cockedup cockedup
up gardens roads and In some places placesbridges placesbrId placesbridnee
bridges brId es were washed out At the Le
high highValley Valley depot on level ground the theballasting theballasting thebailasting
ballasting was washed from under the thetrack thetrack thetrack
track in several places The damage damageto
to the town of Covert will amount to tothousands tothousands tothousands
thousands of o dollars dollarsGowanda doUarsGowanda dollarsOowanda
Gowanda Submerged SubmergedGowanda SubmergedGowanda SubmergedGowanda
Gowanda N Y July 20 20A A disas disastrous disastrous disastrous ¬
trous flood did great damage to this thisvillage thiSv1Ilage thisvillage
village and surrounding country to today today today ¬
day The creeks went over their theirbanks Uielrbanks tleirbanks
banks and the streets were soon like likerivers likerIvers likerIvers
rivers A dam in Thatchers brook brookgave brookgac brookgave
gave way and the rush of water car carried carded carned ¬
ned away sidewalks fruit trees and andsmall andsmall andsmall
small outhouses Bridges were were badly badlydamaged badlydamaged bgdlyflamagod
damaged and several houses were weremoved weremoved weremoved
moved from their foundation The TheErie TheErie TheErie
Erie tracks were washed out No Notrains Notrains Notrains
trains have passed since early this thismorning thismorning thismorning
Downpour at Dunkirk DunkirkDunkirk DunkirkDunkirk DunkirkDunklrk
Dunkirk N Y July 20 ONorthern 20NorthernChautauqua ONorthernChautauqua Northern NorthernChautauqua
Chautauqua county today suffered sufferedheavy sufferedhaa sufferedheavy
heavy haa y loss from floods The down downpour downpour downpour ¬
pour was terrific The damage to tocrops toorops tocrops
crops is immense and railroads are areheavy areheavy areheavy
heavy losers from washouts On the theDunkirk theDunkirk theDunkirk
Dunkirk Allegheny Valley PiUs Pittsburg Plttsburg PiUsburg
burg near LUlydale the water leveled leveleda
a banked roadbed road ed 200 feet long and andforty andforty ande
e forty tort feet cet high The train due in Dun Dunklrkat Dunklrk Dunkirkat
klrkat klrk at 7 70 orclock clock Is blocked between betweenForestville betweenForftStvlUe betweenForestvilie
Forestville and Smith Mills by a awashout awashout awashout
washout The Chautauqua division of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Pennsylvania between Brockton Brocktonand Brocktonand Brocktonand
and Mayville was washed out outDamage outDamage outDamage
Damage at Springvale SpringvaleSpringvale SpringvaleSpringvale SpringvaleSprthgvale
Springvale N Y July 20 20hny 20hnybildge8 203fttflybridges Many Manybridges
bridges were swept away and 100 feet feetof feetot feetof
of the Buffalo Rochester Pittsburg Pittsburgtracks Plttsburgtracks Pittsburgtracks
tracks were washed out by the flood floodtoday floodtoday floodtoday
today Another layer of mud covers coversthe coversthe coversthe
the crops which were badly damaged damagedtwo dam ed edtwo
two weeks ago and will probably com completely completoly completoly ¬
pletoly destroy them themMohawk themMohawk themNohawk
Mohawk Over Its Banks BanksUtlca BanksUtica BanksUtica
Utica N Y July 20 QHeavy Heavy rain rainduring raino rainduring
o during the past fortyeight hours has hasagain hasagain hasagain
again overflowed the Mohawk river riverand riverand riverJ
and the lowland It Is believed the theoats theoats theoats
oats hay lla and corn crops will be very verysmall verysmaIl verysmall
small smallADMIRAL smaIlADMIRAL smallADMIRAL
Says English Are a Wellbalanced WellbalancedRace
Now York July 20 ORear Rear Admiral John JohnC
C Watson who went abroad to attend attendth9 attendUi attendtho
th9 Ui coronation of King Edward returned returnedtoday roturnedtoday returnedtoday
today on the steamship St Louis He Hewas Hevas Hewas
was accompanied cCoP11 > anlcd by his son on and Com Commander Commander Cornmander ¬
mander W v S Cowles whom he took tookwith tooltwith tookwith
with him as junior and senior aides rc rcspoctlvelv rcBJ respectivebr
spoctlvelv spoctlvelvSirs BJ > QOllveb QOllvebMrs
Mrs Cowlos Cowl os also was of the party The Theadmiral Theadmiral Theadmiral
admiral was struck with the calm way wayin wayin wayin
in which the English people took the news newsof newSof newsof
of the kings Illness and added that be hethought bethought bethought
thought they were a well balanced race raceI
I was disappointed at not meeting the thenavy tbenavy thenavy
navy officers of Great Britain he said saidbut saidbut saidbut
but they were so taken up with busi business buslnes busiflees ¬
ness in connection with the illness of the theking theking theking
king that t at they th y had no time for anything anythingelse anythlnJelse anythingelse
else Special Ambassador Whitelat Reid Reidtold Reidtold ReidS
S told me Just before I left that he would wouldreturn wouldretlm wouldreturn
return In July 1ul Ambassador Choates Choatesppeoch Cboatesrpeoch Choatesspeech
speech at the Fourth of July dinner In InLondon InLondon inLondon
London showed I think admirable taste tasteTheodore tasteTheodore tasteTheodore
Theodore Richard Grenwell said he was wasmuch wasci wasmuch
much pleased at being chosen to eWa eWaJood make makethe tnakethe
ci fd tO
the toast wishing hl President Roosevelt os his hisRood hisgood
Rood health Lord Grenfell asked me to toIntroduce tol tointroduce
Introduce l him to General Wheeler who whowas whowac whowas
was present at the dinner which I did didand didHnd
7 and It afterwards developed that an uncle uncleof uncleof uncleof
of Lord GrenfellB was a on the generals general8staff generalsstaff enerallfstart
staff during dUrns the clyil war warDISEASE Wlr WlrDISEASE 5 5DISEASE
Seattle Satle Wash Ya July 20 ODrlven Driven in insane Insae insane ¬
sane sae by bY worrying worInr over er the ravages rvages of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the dread diaddlsease disease consumption consmpton Sam Samuel Samuel Samuci ¬
uel H Lake Lke a miner mine shot shot and Tcllled Tcllledhis killedhis led ledhi
his hi brotherinlaw David Daf Thomas Thomasmortally Tom TommortaUy Thom Thommortally
mortally wounded his sister Mrs Irs Mary MaryJ Mar
J Thomas Thoma and then blew out his own ownbrains ownbrain ownbrains
brains brain last night at the Fredonia lodg lodging lodgIng lodging ¬
ing house hous When Ven Policeman Polceman Stewart Stewartarrivedon St Stewartarrivedon wart wartarrvedon
arrivedon the scene he found the wo woman woman woman ¬
man huddled huddle in a corner crner of a a bed room roomhardly rom romhard roomhardly
hardly hard I able a le to speak her husband ly lying lyIng lylag ¬
ing on his face close cose to t the bed and andthe andthe andthe
the body boy of the murderer mufercr and suicide suicideblocking sul suicideblocking lde ldeblocIng
blocking blocIng the te passageway pna ay leading tp tpthe tl
Fire Sweeps Them to Ground Gound in i PewMinutes Pew Fewute PewJiinutes
Minutes MinutesDallas JiinutesDallas ute 0 0Dalas
Dallas Dalas Tex T July Jul 20 OFlre Fire that thatbroke th2t th2tbroke thatbroke
broke out at 3 oclock ocock this thi morning morningat morlnr morlnrat
at the exposition esiton groundsat grundt East t Dal Dallas Dallas Dallas ¬
las destroyed destroo the main exposition expositionbuilding co expositionbuiiding lton ltonbuldlng
building buldlng one of the largest structures structuresin stuctures stucturesIn
in the country in thirty thlr minutes time timetogether tme tmetogether timetogether
together with wih the th hall bl annex annex which whichseated whlh whlhseae whiobseated
seated seae 6000 600 the poultry pult building buUdng and andthe andthe andc
c the private prate buildings bundlng of the J I Case CasePlow CasePlo CasePlow
Plow Plo company compy the Southern Souther Rock Isl Island IslInd Id Idand ¬
and Ind Plow PJo company cmpan and the te Parlin ParlinOrendorff ParlinOrendorif
Orendorff Orendor company Loss Ls estimated etimat
150000 150 The exposition expsiton buildings buUd1r con contained contlnedmany coni conitamed ¬
tamed tlnedmany many thousands thousand of dollars dollarsworth dollarsworth
worth of property rprt that tbt was a to have havebeen haeben havebeen
been ben used ued in the fair and exposition esiton to tobe tobe tobe
be be held Sn n October Otober and November No embr The Theexposition Te TeCslon Theexposition
exposition Cslon officials ofclals place lac their los lose at atttOOOOO atUOOOO atc100000
ttOOOOO UOOOO with 30000 OO insurance aurce
Lehigh Valley Valey Accidentjn Ac i ntj Out Outskirts Outskirts Outskirts ¬
skirts of Rochester RochesterCAR RochesterCAR RochesterI RochesterCAR
T T OCHESTBR TER X N Y July 20Two 20Twofaf 20TwoI Two TwoLehlh
ROCHE I faf Lehlgb Valley trains running at a ahigh ahigh ahigh
high rate rte of speed spL > d C1de ollided neadon neadonIn
In the te outskirts of the city cit this evenIng eveninsAn eeln evenIngtn
An engine nlne and one passenger pas coacn in one oneof onQor oneof
of the trains was wa thrown ser from the track trackdown trackdown trackdown
down an embankment and into the Erie Eriecanal Enecanal Eriecanal
canal feeder feder and was completely compleeJY wrecked wreckedThe wreckeoThe Tckea
The other engine was demolished demoUshe but re remained re remained remained ¬
mained on the track tck One person peron a fire fireman fre freman tireman ¬
man was killed and twenty others other were weremore weremore weremore
wa kUe tWWt
more or less seriously serously hurt two perhops perhopsfatally perhapsfatly perhopsfatally
fatally fatly
Xilled XilledPeter Xle Kl1ledPeter
Peter W Putnam l ta aged 36 3 of Rochester Rochesterfireman Rochesterfremln Rochesterfireman
fireman fremln westbound train trainInjured trin trinIjued trainInjured
Injured InjuredEmma Ijued IjuedEmma InjuredEmma
Emma J Bailey Baicy Rochester Rocheter Injured In Internally Internlb internally ¬
ternally ternlb recovery doubtful doubtfulMrs d doubtfuliIrs ubtul ubtulMr
Mrs Mr J G LongfeUdw w Rochester badly badlyInjured badbInjure badlyinjured
probably Injured Injure Internally internaly die dieJ die dieJ severe se1 r contusions cntusion will willprobably willprobably ll llprobblv
J G Longfellow Longfe1ow Rochester badly badlyWrenched bad badanched badlyvreuched
Wrenched anched shoulders shoulder bands and arms Irs cut cutwill ct ctwi cutwill
will wi recover recoverGladys recoerGlads recoverGladys
Gladys Vogen 9 years year old Rochester Rochesterscalp RocbCter RocbCterslp Rochesterscalp
slp scalp wound woundRobert woundb woundRobert
Robert Wathews ews Lima NY N Y shoulder shoulderbadly shoulderbadlY o l
badly b bruised bruisedByron 0 0Byron
Byron G Vary Var Lima wrist badly badl cut cutFred cutFred
Fred McVittie McVlte Rochester Rocheter face cut bad badly badly badly ¬
ly and seriously serously bruised bruisedCharles bruisedCbarl bruisedCharles
Charles Cbarl 8 Hoffmann Rochester Roheste furrier furrierartery furrierarter furrierartery
artery of wrist cut cut and bruised serious seriousL
arter wrst
L A Baum AVashingtoh shoulder shoulderarms shoulderarms shoulderarms
arms A and legs badly bruised probable in internal Interal Internal ¬
ternal teral Injuries serious seriousCharles serIous seriousCharles
Charles Chales N Barnard Barard Rochester Rocheter bad badcuts badcut badcuts
cuts serious seriousMrs seriousMrs
cut Mrs serous serousMrs Minnie S Tyler Tler Rochester shoul shoulder fboul fboulder houlder ¬
der badly Injured inured internal Intcmalinjurle injuries feared fearedSidney fearedSldne fearedSidney
Sidney Sldne G Tyler husband huband of Mrs M Tyler Tylerseverely Tylerseerel Tylerseverely
severely seerel bruised bruise not dancrerous dancrerousMrs danterous danterouslrs daneerpusMrs
Mrs lrs Hondorf Rochester hurt about abouthead abouthead abouthead
head and shoulder not serious seriousMr senousMr seriousAir
Mr Zorn Rochester cut on face not notserious notserious notserious
serious seriousMrs seriousMrs seriousMrs
Mrs Zorn Z r Rochester Rocheter both legs leg hurt at atkneo atkee atknee
knee serious seriousMr seriousMr
kee Mr Mercer New York City Ciy badly badlybruised badY badYbruised badlYbruised
bruised bruisedMrs bruisedlrs bruisedIirs
Mrs lrs Mercer New York City cuts and
bruises bruisesCharles brise bruisesCharles
Charles Charle Daniels Daniel Rochester engineer cnner In Incoming incomins incoming ¬
coming comins train trin perhaps perhps internally interaly injured injuredCharles Inured InuredCharles injuredCharles
Charles Schutte Schute Rochester Rocheter baggage baggagemaster bagge baggemater baggagemaster
master mater incoming tralnjserious tralnjseriousFrank train s serious seriousFrajk rlous rlousFk
Frank De La Vergne Rochester con conductor conductor conductor ¬
ductor Fk scalp slp L wound Verge mind badly baly affected affectedBanning afected afecteduning affectedRunning
Banning uning at Full FlS Speed SpeedThe eed eedTbe eedThe
The incoming train trin which consisted consistedof cnsisted cnsistedor
of a combination combinaton smoker and baggage car carand carand carand
and two day coaches coahes was wa due in this thiscity tblsciy thiscity
city ciy at 630 6 oclock ocock but was a few minutes minuteslate minuteslate minuteslate
late The outgoing train trn consisting consistng of a acombination acombinaton acombination
combination combinaton smoker and baggage car and andone andone andone
one day coach cach loft loC promptly prompty on time tme at
630 6 oclock The two trains trins came to together toether together ¬
gether ether with wih terrific terrfic force on a straight straightline str ht htUne
line of track onehalf onehal mile mIe south of ofClarissa otClarisa ofClarissa
Clarissa Clarisa street bridge bridg near Hope Hop hos hospital hospltal hoepital ¬
pital Just before the crash crh came the thecrew thecrew thecrew
crew of each ech engine wit with the excentlon excentlonof eceDUon eceDUonof
of Fireman Putnam Punm of the Incoming train trainjumped trin trinjumpd trainjumped
jumped and escaped escped with slight injuries injuriesPutnam jiurcs jiurcsPutnam injuriesPutnam
Putnam was WI caught in the wreckage of ofhis ofbi ofhis
his bi engine and ad horribly horibly mangled death deathresulting deathresultng deathresulting
resulting engne instantly instantlyOn insnty insntyOn
On the east side of the track trck at the thescene thescene thescene
scene of the wreck weck Is the Erie canal canalfeeder cnl cnlfeeder canalfeeder
feeder while on the west side Is the theGencsee theGenesce theGenesee
Gencsee river rver The force torc of the collision collisionwas clsion clsionwas collisionwas
was so great that both engines rebounded reboundedfifty reboundedffy reboundedfifty
fifty ffy feet feet The engine engnes of tho Incoming Incomingtrain Incming incomingtrain I Itrain
train was thrown throw to the west on its t side sideand aideand
and ad reduced to scrap srp iron The combina combination combinaton comblnation ¬ I
tion smoker and baggage baggge car cr following followingjumped foUowint followingjumped
jumped t ton by A lheed lheedet the et engine the J track t turned r OcJhn to nn OcJhnert the on east ert ertt tfo its t cltA side lde and on slipped slippedby J f fell fellwith > 11 11with f
with a crash csh intothe int thQ canal anal feeder feedervThe feederThe eeder eederThe
wih The day dy coach cch following rolowlng < the combina combination combIn cornblnatlon ¬
tion car also jumped to the eastward caitwar and andburled andburled andburled
burled ton Its It forward end In the feeder The Theremaining Theremaining Tbpremaining
remaining coach of the incoming Incoming train trainremained ti tiremained trainremained
remained on the road bed bedCar bedCar
0 0From
Car in f the te Watr WaterFrom Water WaterFrom
From the combination combinaton car and day daycoach daycoacb daycoach
coach whih which went Into the feeder feeer all of ofthe oftho ofthe
the Injured were taken tken The uninjured unlniurcdpassengers uninjurd uninjurdpasengr uninjuredpassengers
passengers Immediately Immeditely rushed to the therescue therescue therescue
rescue pasengr but they were WCrc handicapped handcapped by the theinrush theInru theinrush
inrush Inru h of water which 1n the thebtefest thebtefestspacl briefest briefestspace briefestspace
space had almost filled fUed the cars car Most Mostof Mostof Mostof
of spacl the injured bruised bruisd and bleeding and andcrying andcring andcrying
crying piteously for assistance assitnce were found foundfloating foundfoatng foundfloating
floating about In the water inside of the thei thewrecked thewrecked
i foatng wrecked cars car With Vlh much difficulty diffculy they theywere theywero theywere
were pulled puled through tho windows of the theoverturned theovertured theoverturned
overturned overtured car or dragged through thrugh holes holesin holeIn holesIn
in the coach caused by b the wreck wreck It I Is Ismiraculous isul ismiraculous
miraculous that many were e not drowned drownedIt t
ul It Is cb believed f e that arar all were safely l rl landed landedThe landedThe r I IThe
The engine of the southbound train trainwas traInwas trainwas
was thrown to the west west and lies les on its itsside Is Isside itsside
side a complete wreck on the therher river bank bankNo bankNo bankNo
No one was wa injured on the southbound southboundtrain soutbboundtr41p southboundtrain
train except Conductor Frank Frnk De La LaVergne LaVergne
Vergne who has hs an ugly scalp wound woundLater woundLterI woundLaterIt
Later LaterIt It Is s now admitted adited by the crew crewof crewoC crewof
of LterI the incoming Incming train trin that they thc had ha re received received ¬
ceived celted orders order to meet the outgoing train trainat trin trinat trainat
at Mount IO Hope siding which is a short shortdistance shortdistance shortdistance
distance nt south of the scene sceneof of the wreckThey wreck wreckThey
They say that having having habitually met the theoutgoing theoutgoing theoutgoing
outgoing The train at Rochester Rocheste the order to tomeet tomeet tomeet
meet It I at Mount Hope siding sidln was for forgotten forgotten ¬
gotten until too late
New England Launch Luch Is I Sighted at atSea atSea atSea
Sea SeaNew Sea SeaNew SeaNew
New York July 20 20The The Abiel Abbot AbbotLow A AbbotLow bot botL
L Low the thirtyeightfoot thlrtyelghffoot launch In Inwhich Inwhich inwhich
which Captain Cptain Henry Henr Newman a New NewEngland NewEngland NewEngland
England boatman accompanied by his his16yearold Ills1Gyearold his16yearold
16yearold 1Gyearold son sailed gled from frm College CollegePoihi Co1ege Co1egePolr CollegePoint
Point Polr L I on July 9 on a voyage voyageto
to t Falmouth England was reported reportedhaving reportedhavlnr reportedhaving
having been spoken by two vessels vesselswhich vesel vesselswhich
which reached this thi port today todayCaptain todayCaptin todayCaptain
Captain Captin Ivan of the French bark barkTourville barkTourie barkTourville
Tourville Tourie from Nantes Nante reports repors having havingsighted having havingsighted
sighted the craft on July 13 In latitude 1attude
4033 403 degrees deges north and longitude longiude 6132 6132degrees 6132derees 6132degrees
degrees derees west but it i was so far away awaythat awa awathat awaythat
that he could not communicate communicte with withits wih wihIt withits
its It occupants occupantsThe
The American line lne steamship steamhIp St StLouis StLouis StLouis
Louis from Southampton Southaptn and Cher Cherbourg Cherbourg Cherbourg ¬
bourg bourg also also reported having sighted sIghte the theLow thcLow theLow
Low The little ltte boat exchanged exchange colors colorswith color colorswith
with wit the big blr liner lner on July 18 in lati latitude 1at latitude ¬ I
tude 4134 U3 degrees north longitude longiude 5535 5535degrees t53 533 533degrees
degrees d grees west The two occupants occupantsseemed occupantssemed occupantsseemed
seemed semed to be in the the best bst of spirits spirts and andwaved andwaed andwaved
waved their caps cp to o the officers ofcers and andpassengers andpasengers andpassengers
passengers pasengers of the St Louis LouisCaptain LuIs LuIsCaptain LouIsCaptain
Captain Newman expected epete to reach reachEngland reachEngland reachEngland
England in less than thirty days In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the nine days das she se had been ben to sea se when whensighted whensighted whensighted
sighted by the St St Louis she had hadcov hadcovered coy covered coyered
ered approximately a distance of 875 875miles 8 575milesalmost
miles mUesalmost milesalmost almost 100 miles mUesper per day dayat dayatwhich dayatwhich at atwhich
which rate rte she should reach rech her des destination destnaton destination ¬
tination tnaton if no mishaps befall befal herein herlna herlnamonths a amonths amonths
months time timeBATHER timeBATHER
tme tmeBATHER
Seaside Ore Ore July 20 Oharles Charles Stahl Stahla Sthl Sthla
a a carpenter crenter was wao swept out to sea se and anddrowned ad addrowed anddrowned
drowned drowed at noon today toda in full ful view Iev of ofseveral ofseerl ofseveral
several seerl hundred bathers bther and spectators spectatorswho specttr spectdtorswho
who thronged the te beach bac Nach Grant Grantwell Grantwel Grantwell
well wel known kown as a a 1 powerful swimmer swimmerhad swimmerhad swimmerbad
had had gone out through thrngh the surf surt and andxras andwa andwas
was wa about abut a a quarter of a a mile mHo from the thechore theshore theshore
shore Stahl Stl was tempted beyond byond the theline theln theline
line ln of safety sfety by the te sight of Grant Grantand Grnt Grntnnd Grantand
and followed folowed him hl out oU4 After rer a quarter quarterof qure quarrof
of an a hour both Grant Grnt and nd Stahl Sthl started startedIn Btrtd BtrtdIn
In In Grant finally reached rached a point in the thebreakers te tebrker thebreakers
breakers brker where wher he could cud touch bottom bottomThen bottomTen bottomThen
Then Ten be heard a a call cal from frmSt StahT l whowas who whowas ho howas
was still tiIl about but 100 feet out out Grant frnt rant at atonce atonce atonce
once returned rtured to Stahl and tried tie to aid aidhim aidhim aidhim
him to toge get in i but b t it i Ws vas no use useNever ue ueXevcl useNever
Never Xevcl mind said sd Stahl Sthl and nd Grant Grantthen Grantthen Grantthen
then set out to save sve himself himslf Stahl Sthl kept kepthimself keptblms kepthimself
himself blms If on the surface fulce for perhaps prhap a aquarter aquarer aquarter
quarter quarer of an a hour hou and then ten vas s seen seenno sen senno seenno
no more moreMeanwhile moreMeanhle moreMeanwhile
Meanwhile Meanhle Grant Grnt had reachedthe reachedthebcach reche re chtd the thebc thebeach
beach bc and told the th story try of his blt bltIn part partIng partin
Ing In with 1th Stahl Sthl and the carpenters crnters cer certain cerlain r rtn ¬
lain death
tn deat
Continued Cntnued from trm Page Pa e L LThis LThis 1 1ThIs
This but gives gle an idea of the mans mansgenerosity mansgenerst mansgenerosity
generosity generst He was wa plucky pluc He would wouldfight wouIfight woul l lfight
fight anything on earth but was wa a aman n aman
man of perfect Integrity Interl I believe Ueve he henever heneyer henever
never was WQ guilty guUy of a a crocked croked act actHis actHis actHis
His telegraph telegrph associates ascltes say they theyonly theyonly theyonly
only knew him to be exultant exlant in any apybusiness anybusiness py pybusine
business busine transaction trnsacton on one occasion occasionHe occsIon occsIonHe occasIonHedecided
He Hedecided decided to uriload5000000 unload 00 of Postal Postalstock Postl Postlstock Postalstock
stock and to put it I on the Paris mar market market market ¬
ket for one hour It I went out under underhis underhis underhis
his signature and in thirty minutes minutesabout minutesabout minutesabout
about live times tmes the amount was wa sub subscribed subsrlbe subseribed ¬
scribed srlbe When they cabled cbled him to that thateffect thateffect
effect effeCt he smiled smied To know kow that Paris Pariswanted Pariswanted Pariswanted 1
wanted only his word that tht the stock stockwas stok stockwas
was good god pleased him himMackay himMackay
Mackay akH started strted without wihout a cent and andtoday andtody andtoday
today tody his estate could be b figured fgurd at atnot atnot atnot
not less than 50000000 50000000About 50000 50000About 50000000About
About twelve years year ago lg0 a clerk cerk in inthe Inthe inthe
the bank advanced adrnced TO z much on wheat wheatthat wheatthat wheatthat
that It looked as a though the firm firmwould fr flrmwould
would be smashed sahe Mackay Mack was a InParis in inParis inParis
Paris at about abut that time tme to to see his biswife hl hiswife
wife wIe When hecalled le caUed on their Paris Pariscorrespondent Pariscorspndent Pariscorrespondent
correspondent corspndent he learned that their theiraccount theiraccount theiraccount
account was overdrawn ovcrdrwn 600000 6OO 3
000000 00000 Mackay rushed ruhed out and sold soldsome 80ldsome soldsome
some bonds bond and paid pid the overdraft overdraftthen oerdrat overdraftthen
then started for home When he hereached 11erache lIereached
reached rache San Francisco Frnclc he didnt know knowwhether knowwhether knowwhether
whether he was W < worth a dollar dolar or not notHis not notHis
His wheat was wa scattered scatered from Liver Llverpool Liverpool Liverpool
> pool to Puget sound Before Beore its It com completion cm cmpleton cornpletion
pletion pleton that deal cost cst him and Flood Flood12O00000
12000000 0000 it I killed kled Flood Flod but Mackay Mackaybore Mackaybore tackY tackYobore
obore bore it i logically logicaly almost cheerfully cleerCuUy and andwas andwas andwas
was glad he wasnt broke brokei brokeI
i It I was about twentyfive twentyfve years ear ago agothat agothat
that I heard Mackay Macky say sy in answer to toa toa
a question queston by exCongressman exConressmn Raggett Raggettthat DaJ Daggettthat ett
that he was wa worth wort 15000000 5000 but had hadhe hadhe hadhe
he thought twentyfive twentyfve years yers left lef to towork toork tovork
work ork in It I was wa a remarkably remarkbly close closeguess closeges closeguess
guess guessMr Mr Mackay lackay was married maried to the thewidow thewidoW thewidow
widow widoW of Dr Bryan Bran of San Francisco Franciscoand Franciscoand Franciscoand
and it was a real love match She was wasoriginally wasoriginally
originally originaly Miss Huntington Huntngton His heart heartwas hart hartwa heartwas
was wa broken some time tme ago ago when his hisoldest hisoldest hisoldest
oldest son was wa killedINTENSE killed killedINTENSE kle kleINTENSE
Henri Labouchere the famous editor editorof
of Truth Lbuchere London Lndon once said Id o ot John W WMackay WMackay WMackay
Mackay There Is lathe the only rich man manI mn mnI
I ever met that I would want to meet meetif meeti
if i he were not a rich man manThis manThis manThis
This tribute trhute to Mr Mackay acky was re recalled recled recalled ¬
called cled last lat night by a Salt Laker Lker who whohas whohas whohas
has been ben Mr Mackays llackays personal friend friendfor trend trendfor friendfor
for more mor than forty years year John W WMackay WMackay V Vacky
Mackay acky was one ana of the greatest geatest men I Iever Iever Iever
ever knew he continued contnued and I am amdeeply a amdeeply
deeply grieved over his death Mr MrMackay MrMack MrMackay
Mackay Mack came to Virginia City Nev in inthe Inthe inthe
the early dOe 6s to work as a common commonminer commonminer commonminer
miner He was a a man of few words wordsbut wor wordsbut
but he liked lked to bear others talk tlk and I Ihave Ihave Ihave
have known him to sit It for hours at a atime atme atime
time tme listening lstening to the conversation conversationabout conversaton conversatonabout conversationabout
about hm and enjoying it I although althoughtaking although althoughtaking althoughtaking
taking but little lte part himself himselfLong hlm6cl himselfLong
Long before Mr 11 Mackay Mcky acquired acquiredgreat acquiredgreat acquiredgreat
great wealth welh he had budded bulded something somethingfor
for himself more enduring enduring than wealth wealthcharacter wealh wealhhacter wealthcharacter
character hacter It I was wa a proverb In Vir Virginia VII Virginia ¬
ginia City Ciy that whenever wbeneverMackay Mackay ackay said saida Jald Jalda
a thing was so it wan ww so 10 and that thatended tlt tltended thatended
ended it His word was Wa accepted ceptd with without wih wihout without ¬
out the slightest slghtest question queston on any sub subjectr sub subjct
jectr Orte Ole thing thlngthat that was WA most no noticeable n ntlceable noticeable
ticeable about Mr Mackay Macky was a as his in intense intense ¬
tense Americanism Amercnism He was WW a a patriot patriotof patot patotor
of the most thorough typeHe type typeHe typelie
He used to tell a story stor on himself himselfthat himselfthat himselfthat
that illustrates Iutrates this trait tmt On one of ofhis ofhis ofhis
his periodical perodical trips to t Europe Eurpe he helearned helearned helearned
learned that a band contest was to t be beheld beheld
held in some music center Vienna per perhaps perhaps perhaps ¬
haps Mr lr Mackay Macky was very vcr fond of ofmusic or ofmusic
music and a good Judge of it I too to He Hewas Hewas Hewas
was very ver proud of the American bands bandsand bnd handsand
and always insisted that they were the thebest thebest thebest
best in i the world worldSo worldSo worldSo
So when he learned leared that tht no Ameri American Americn Amencan ¬
can cn band was wazentered entered < In IJ this competi competition compet competition ¬
tion ton he promptly proIpty cabled cbled to t Gilmore Gilmorethen Gimore Gimorethen Gilmaorethen
then the te greatest director in this coun country countr country ¬
try tr offering oternr to pay pa all expenses expnses of the thetrip thetrip thetrip
trip to Europe if Gilmore would
Eurpe i Gimore agree agreeto agee ageeto
to compete Gilmore GImore cabled cbled an af affirmative affrmatve affirmative ¬
firmative frmatve reply and when the time timecame tme tmecame timecame
came around he was wa on hand with wih his hisfamous hisfamous hisfamous
famous musical musica organization organizationGreatly orranlzton orranlztonGrety organizationGreatly
Greatly Grety to Mr 1Ir Mackays Iackys delight delght he hewon hewon hewon
won the first prize Everywhere EverywhereMackay Ever EverywhereMackay here hereMackay
Mackay went that tht night he boasted boastedabout bast boastedabout d dabout
about the American band He carried carriedan cried criedan
an American Amercn flag with wih him and waved wavedit
it triumphantly triumphanty Finally Finaly an English Englishman Englsh Englshman Englishman ¬
man called caled him to one side sideOh sideOh sideOh
Oh I say sy Mr r Mackay llack said he if ifI IfI ifI
I were you ou I wouldnt talk so much muchabout muchabout muchabout
about my American band bandMr bandr bandMr
Mr r Mackay Indignantly Indiganty inquired
STRIKE OF 25000 25000New
New York Garment Makers Quit QuitWork QuitWorkSeven QuitWorkSeven
Work WorkSeven Seven Unions UnionsAre UnionsAre UnionsAre
Are Affected AffectedXew Afe tedi tediNew
New York July uly 20 20Twentyfive 20Twentyfivethousand OTwenttve OTwenttvethouand Twentyfive Twentyfivethousand
thousand thouand east side garment rarent workers workerswent workerswent workerswent
went on strike stike today and it I Is predicted
15000 more will wi followThe follow f fdllovThe lov lovThe
The unions affected atec d are the Brother Brotherhood Brotherhod Brotherhood ¬
hood hod of Tailors Taiors the Vest Makers Makersunion Maker Makersunion
union the Trouser Trousr Makers aker union the theKnee theKnee theKnee
Knee Breeches Makers taker union the theChildrens theChidrens theChildrens
Childrens Chidrens Jacket Makers Maker union the theSailors theSaUor theSailors
Sailors SaUor Jacket Makers Iaer union and the theButtonhole te teButtonhole theButtonhole
Buttonhole Makers akers union unionThe unionThe unionThe
The Brotherhood Brotherlood of Tailors Taior demand a afiftysix affysix afiftysix
fiftysix ffysix hours working week last lastyears lastyears lastyears
years union scale sle a guarantee rarantee that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the contractors contrctors of middlemen will wi pay payunion payunion payunion
union wages wags and employ union men menand menand menand
and also WfO a guarantee garantee that in Ince case the themiddlemen themiddlemen themiddlemen
middlemen default they will wU get their theirwages theirwages theirwages
wages The employers are willing wilng to togrant tognt togrant
grant gnt the te flftysixhour ffysihour working week weekbut veekbut
but are a not willing wiing to make mak any pledges pledgesas pledgesa
as a to the payment of wages by the con contractors contractor contractors ¬
tractors tractor The Brotherhood Brotherhoo of Tailors Tailorsand TaUorsand Tailorsand
and the te unions that are on strike be belong belong belong ¬
long to the Garment Workers Trade TradeCouncil Tre TreCouncU TradeCouncIl
Council and the other union members memberswent membrs membrswent memberswent
went out In sympathy spat with wih the tailors tailorsThe tior tailorsThe
The delegate delert of the Gold Beaters BeatersUnion Beatersunion Beatersunion
Union to the Central Centrl Federated Federte union unionreported unIonreprted unionreported
reported reprted to that that body today that tat a ageneral aseneral ageneral
general strike of gold beaters baters to t enforce enforcea enforcea
a a demand for an Increase Incrae of wages wageswill wareswi wagesvlll
will wi go g into effect efect in this and several severalother seeralother severalother
other cities ctes tomorrow tomorrw The gold beat beaters bt bte beatera ¬
ers e intended to make the demand on onSept onSept onSept
Sept 1 but the te employers eployer hearing hearng of ofit ofIt ofit
it began bern to discharge dicharge men arbitrarily arbitrarilyThen arbitrrIy arbitrrIyThen arbitrarilyThen
Then It decided to strike at
I was deide t stike once onceThe one oneThe
The gold beaters baters it i is I said said will wi de demand demand domand ¬
mand 21 1 a week week At present prent the rates ratesare ratesare ratesare
are Irregular irreul and from 12 a week up upCBTJISE upf upCRUISE
f r rCUE
North Nort Sydney C B July 20 20The 20ThePeary The ThePeary
Peary Arctic Arctc steamer Windward Indwar from fromNew fromNew fromNew
New York July 14 1 arrived arrhe today toy She Shewill Shewil Shewill
will wil coal cal and proceed pr ee north tomorrow tomorrowbeing tomorw tomorwb tomorrowbeing
b being lng Joined joine here by Mrs r Peary and andher ad adher andhexdaughter
her her hexdaughter hexdaughterROOSEVELTS daughter daughterROOSEVELTS danghterROOSEVTS
Oyter Oyster Bay By N Y July Juy IPresidext IPresidextRoosevelt ft President PresidentRoosevelt Pridet PridetRs
Roosevelt Rs elt passed pase a quiet Sunday SundY at atSagamore atSarmor atSagamore
Sagamore Sarmor hill hI There were wer no callers callersThe callersThe
The Th president prsidet and his hlsta1Iy family attended attendedreligious atened atenedrlgo attendedreligious
religious rlgo services setlce In the morning morin at atChrist atChrt atChrist
Christ Chrt Episcopal EPlsCplchuch church of which whc Mrs MrsRoosevelt MrRoosevelt
Roosevelt Roosvelt is Isa a member membI
the reason TeaSn and nd the the Englishman Englshma toldhim toldhim told toldhim
him rye made a little ltte investigation investigationye Investgaton Investgatonye
ye know ko he said ald and I find fnd that the theonly theOply theonly
only American Amercn In your our blooming blomlnr band bandis
is the leader leaer and he was vs born in Ire Ireland Ireland Ireland ¬
land Mr Mackay enjoyed the joke on onhimself onhimlelr onhImself
himself himlelr as a much muCh as anybody anbdy although althoughit alhough alhoughIt
like 12000 12000to 12000to
it had cost him something smething lk n2OO n2OOto
to get Gilmore Gimore to Vienna Vienn and horns hornsagain hm hmarln homeagain
again againA
arln arlnlA
lA A very cr common commol misunderstanding inl misunderstandingabout undertndlng undertndlngbut j jabout
about but Mr tr Mackay Macky was wa that tht he was not notwell notwen notwell
well educated This is technically tchnicly true truebut truebut truebut
but really relu he was one of the best bet edu educated educte educated ¬
cated cte men I ever knew In his youth youthbe youthbe youthbe
be enjoyed only onl the advantages adantagel of a acommon a acommon
common school Bchol but he early acquired acquireda
a taste tte for good goo literature Jer tur Reading Rading al always always ¬
ways with wih discrimination dicrminaton he very er soon soonacquired soonacquired an
acquired aculred a vast alt variety of Information Informationon InCorat on onon
on practically prctcly every Ccr useful useul subject subjectMr sibjectMr Jbj ect
Mr r Mackay tacky has frequently trequenty visited visitedSalt visitedSalt isIed isIedSalt
Salt Lake Lke He was last wt here In 1893 1893when 19 1593when
when he stopped stpped over on his hi way to toNew t toNew
New York from California ClCorl to visit vilt lor lora lora fora
a day with wih old friends friendsPSODTJCT frends frendsnODUCT friendsP3ODUCT
Mr Mckay Mackay ackay Hade de First Fit Successes Succeses on onCoast on onCoast
Coast Coasti Coat CoastMr
i Mr Mackays llackays name naml namewas was a synonym synonymfor synonmtor synonymfor
for business buiness capacity cpadty and energy He Hewas HeWas liewas
was a man mn whose whos death d t will wU prove a aheart a aheart
heart blow to thousands tousands of o men In the thewest thewest thewest
west westJohn west westJohn
John W Mackay acky was wa born bor In Dublin Dubln
Ireland June 28 2 1S31 181 He came cme to
America America when a mere boy and ad located
In New York City Ciy Shortly Short after attr the theoutbreak th theoutbreak
outbreak of the California Cal Coria gold fever feveryoung feveryoung feveryoung
young Mackay Macay headed a party of about
twentyfive twentfve to go put there among
the number being beln James C Flood Flo and
William Wilam OBrien OBrien The two to latter 1ater set ¬
tied ted in San Francisco FrncIco In business buIne and
Mackay Macky went to the mines where he hewas hewas hewa
was wa employed for several seerl years year ob ¬
taining tining a practical prctcl knowledge of min mm ¬
ing Ing Within ten years he had already alreadymade alreay alreaymae alreadymade
made mae and lost a a small smaltortune fortune In min ¬
ing and a dab about ut the year 1860 he left lef
California Calforni for Nevada where fortune fortuneagain forune foruneagain fortuneagain
again smiled smied on him and in 1872 18Z the
discovery dilcv r of the famous bonanza mines mineschanged mIneschanged mineschanged
changed the entire aspect aspct of his hl life lifeTo lfe
To this day the discovery dlsccr of these vast
deposits deposit of gold and silver IUver Is consid considered cnsld cnsldredone considcred ¬
ered redone one of the most remarkable Inci ¬
dents In the history of mining Mr Mralay
Mackay alay had ha already taken into part partnership prt prtnerhip partnership ¬
nership nerhip with vlh him his friends frends Flood Floodand Floo Floodand
and OBrien In 1864 and in 186S 186 James JamesG
G Fair Joined Joine the trio The first frst im important Importnt important ¬
portant portnt success which they made mde was Wa
during their control ontrl of at the celebrated celebrted
Hale Norcross mine which was as asearly asearly asearly
early as a 186667 1666 Obtaining Obtining through throughthis throushthis throughthis
this venture Increased capital capial they theyworked theyworke theyworked
worked worke on the Comstock Comtock lode Joe and at atlast atlast atlast
last opened up the Consolidated Cnsoldated Vir Virginia ¬
ginia Inla and andCaUfornla California mines mine Of the
bonanza bonanz mines air r Mackay aky owned two
fifths ffhs being double that of each of
his partners partner In 1S73 the te great silver silvervein slver slvervein slivervein
vein was wa opened opnt and from one mine minealone minealone minealone
alone Mr 1 Mtcckay Mk nr kay and Mr Fair who whowere wh whwere
were the practical prcUcal mining rlnln ninIn members of ofthe orthe ofthe
the firm took tok out 150000000 1500 in silver silverand siver siverad silverand
and ad gold During the te active acte yield Yl ld oC ot
these mines ml e Mr Mackay personally PronaJy su superintended IU IUperin superintended ¬
perintended perin tended them tem working In their
lower levels evel as a an ordinary miner minersharing mInersharng minersharing
sharing sharng the hardships hadships and privations privationswith privatons privatonswith privationswith
with his fellow felow workmen orkm n and endear ¬
ties himself blnset to them by his good god quail quailMr quU quailties
tes tesMr
Mr Mackay lIack married maIed the widow of ofDr atDr ofDi
Dr Bryant Brrat whom he met in California Californiaand Cauorla Californiaand
and who hSd hid oiuf o ofl child chil In 1885 1 this girl girlbecame girlbecame
grl grlbcae
became bcae Princess P Inc5s of Colonna Galatro GalatroHer Glatro GlatroHer GalatroHer
Her husband Don Fernando Fern ndo dl Colon Colonna ¬
na Prince Princ of Galatro made mae the ac acquaintance acquaintance acqualntance ¬
quaintance of the young woman woman while whileMr whileMrs
Mr Mrs Matkay 1ky wa was residing In Paris ParisMr ParisMr
Mr Mackay May had hl hadtwo two sons son one of whom whomis
is still stl living lving His business bulness ventures ventureshave ventureshavc ventureshave
have been numerous numeru In J878 188 with wih Mr MrFlood MrFlood
Flood and Mr Fair Mr Ir Mackay ltakay
founded the Bank of Nevada with wih its itsheadquarters itsheadquarters
headquarters in San Francisco Frncisc In 18S4 18S4In 1884In 1854in
In company with wih James James Gordon Grdon Ben Bennett Bennet Bennett ¬
nett net Mr Ir Mactay Ma y laid two cables cablesacross cablesacross bles blesacr
across acr the Atlantic AtIntcfrom from the UnitedStatCs United UnitedStaffs
Staffs to England and France 1rance These Thesecables Thesecble Thesecables
cables cble came cme under a system known knownas
as the Commercial Cable company al although although although ¬
though the private property propert of Mr MrI lIr lIrackY MrMackay
I Mackay ackY and Mr r Bennett Bennett In 1S85 1S8 Mr Mri MrMackay MrMackay
Mackay was offered the nomination
i offere nominaton as asUnited asUnited asUnited
United States senator seator from Nevada Nevadawith NevadawIth
with wih a certainty of his election eleton but bu buthis
this proposition propsiton was declined declinedMr declne declinedMr
Mr Ir Mackay ack was a a member memb r of the theRoman theRoman theRoman
Roman Catholic Catholc church churh to which he hehas hehas hehas
has been ben very ver generous out of his hi vast vastwealth vastwealh vastwealth
wealth wealh He was also liberal lberl In his do donations donatons donations ¬
nations natons to other oter charities charites Mr r Mackay Mackaywas Iacka Iackawas
was very ver reticent retcent in his manner but butj butcourteous butcourteous
j courteous and dignified and was wa much muchliked muchUked muchliked
liked and respected by those tose who knew knewhim knewhim knewhim
him best
President Mitchell Michel Makes Prep Preparations Preparationsto Preparationsto ¬
arations arationsto to Raise Funds FundsFor FundsFor FundsFor
For Men Out OutIndianapolis OutIndla OutIndianapolis
Indianapolis Indla poJs ind July 20 200nly 200nlyPresIdent 20OnlyPresIdent Only OnlyPresident
President PresIdent Mitchell nt he1 and one or two twomembers twomembers twomembers
members of the national natonal executive executiveboard executve executveboard executiveboard
board of the United Mine lIne Workers Workersremained Workersremained Workersremained
remained In town today The care of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the national natonal organization organizton now no will w1 be
to see to the collection Uecton of the de ¬
fense fund that Is to carry crr on the thestrike thestrIke thestrike
strike strIke Secretary Wilson financial flnacal
head hed of the union will w1 be In Chicago
this thi week week and will wl lose no time in inmaking inmaking inmaking
making provision Xj handle the sums
It I is believed beJeved that all the voluntary voluntarycontributions voluntr voluntarycontributions
contributions contributols from the various dis districts district dietnicts ¬
tricts trict and ad local organizations olanlzUons arous will wi be beturned beturned beturned
turned into his hands within wihin the next
ten days These Thee are estimated estmated at atabout atabut atabout
about abut 400000 4000 A part pr of the contri contributions contrlbuUons contnibutlons ¬
butions has already been ben turned In InOhio InOhIo inOhio
Ohio leaving a check ceck for 10000 1000 before beforetheir beforetheIr beforetheir
their delegation delegton left lef Indianapolis 1ndianapolg and
30000 500 from Illinois Ilnois is expected tomor tomorrow tomorrw tomorrow ¬
row rw A systematic sstematc plan pla will wi be adopt adopted adopted ¬
ed e for canvassing cnvasirr for outside outIde sub subscriptions sb subscriptions ¬
scriptions scrptions and it I is probable that ffn ffntral n ntral ntral
tral labor unions unfonl in all al big cities cites will willbe 1m 1mbe willbe
be asked to take tke charge of the task taskThe taskThe taskThe
The miners hope to raise Ise 250000 5OO a aweek aweek aweek
week from the public ublc contributions contributionsas contrbutons contrbutonsas
as that sum will wl be needed to bring br c
the sum um up to 500000 500000In 50000 50000I 500000In
In I a statement issued today toda Presi President President President ¬
dent Mitchell ltche1 estimates stmate that contribu
Ions from districts distrct sUbdisricts and andlocal andlocal andlocal
local organizaions organizlons for defraying derr lng strike strikeexpenses stike stikeexpes strikeexpenses
expenses expes will wil amount to 400000 0000 and andestimates andestmaus andestlmatqs
estimates estmaus the th weekly assessments assesments from fromthe trm trmthetwentfour fromthe
the thetwentfour twentyfour districts of the coun country cun cuntr country ¬
try tr at 244000 210 of which 7000 0 Is ex expected expected cxpected ¬
pected from Colorado miners miner The Thetotal Te Tetotl Thetotal
total totl number of anthracite anthrcie strikers striker In Inthe inthe inthe
the Pennsylvania PennsyIania field are estimated estimatedat estmated I
< at t 150000 100 and the total tota number of de dependents dependents ¬ I
pendents pndents In that tt field feld is placed lace at 750 5 I
000 0 The number numbr of strikers bitumi bituminous blumt bituminous ¬
nous In the West Wet Virginia fields feld is isestimated Isestmated isestimated i
estimated estmated at t 25000 OO with wih 75000 0 de dependents dependents ¬
pendents pendentsZAJTZTBAHS pndents pendentsZANZIBARS
Zanzibar Znbar lEast rat Africa Arc July JU1 20 20S 20Soy Sey
yid id Aeei has been bn proclaimed praialmed sultan sultn of ofZanzibar ofZanzibar f fZzibar i
Zanzibar Zzibar in succession sucssIon to t Hamoud Bin
Mahomed Mahome Bin Said who Who died die Friday Fridaymorning Fridaymorng Fridaymorning
morning morng from fm paralysis paralysisMr prlsl I
Mr 1 r Rodgers ROge the te present prime prme min minister ¬
ister tsterh has oeen ben appointed appinted to serve snc as asregent asregent 1
regent regnt tamed tehImaort until untl his majority tile t e sultan sultn shall shl have he at attained attamed ¬ J I
Incensed Incens d Negro Make Attack AttackThat AttackThat tack tackThat
That Results Resuls in m His Own OwnDeath OwnDeath OwnDeathThrilling
Death DeathThrilling Thrilling Thrilng Escape EscapePueblo EscapePueblo EscapePueblo
Pueblo Colo July July 20 OA A special speial from fromlorence fm
to the Chieftain ChiefaIn says W H HVhite HVhie HWhite
White Vhie a negro nego miner employed employe by the theC theC
C 7 F I Co in their mines at Chand Cbander Chandler Chandler
ler er was fatally shot by Ed Bakewell Bakewella Bakewel
a a guard guar at fatly the mineduring mine 0 during durlng a a riot late latelast latelat latelast
lat last night night About Abut midnight a mob of ofnegroes ofnegs ofnegroes
negroes negs gathered gtherd and compelled cmpeled Bake Bakewell Bakewel Bakewell
well wel to nee fie for his hi life lfe into the te woods woodswhere wos woswhere voodswhere
where he was overtaken overtken apd a d besieged besiegedYesterday beieg besiegedYesterday
Yesterday Yetrday was wa payday pda at the mines minesand minesand minesand
and following ololn the usual uual custom cutom the thecredit te tecrdit thecredit
credit crdit due at the te company store stor was wasdeducted wasdeducte Wasdeducted
deducted deducte This Thi infuriated Infurate some of the thenegroe te tenege thenegroes
negroes nege who became bcame Intoxicated Intxicated bran brandishing brn brndlehlns brandishing ¬
dishing weapons weapn and terrorizing terorizing the theguards te tegards theguards
guards gards White Whie and his companions companionscame companionscme companionscaifie
came cme caifie upon Bakewell Bakewel and Devine and andWhite and andWhie andWhite
White Whie pulled pule his sun n on Batfewelt Ba ewel The Thelatter Thelatter Thelatter
latter ordered him to lower it and andupon andupon andupon
upon the refusal rsal shot him the ball ballentering bal ballentering
entering entriS the stomach stomn and penetrating penetratingthe
the intestines intestinesThe Inttnes IntestinesThe
The negroes negrts claimed clmed that that Bakewell Bakewellhad Bewel Bakewellhad
had shot White in the te back back and and gath gathering gth gtherIng gathering ¬
ering a crowd chased chaed Bakewell Bakewel out of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the town twn Sheriff Shert Simon of Canon CanonCity CanonCIty CanonCity
City who was sent ent for arrived this thismorning thismoring thismorning
morning moring and finding fndlnr Bakewell kewen be besieged b besieged ¬
sieged sltged on a a hill hi by the negroes hustled hustledhim hute hustledhim
him Into a buggy bug and drove off of The Theblacks TheblaCQ Theblacks
blacks pursued purued him firing frlnrover over 100 100shots 10 100shots
shots ahotsat at the officer ofcr none of which took tookeffect tookefect tookeffect
effect effectThe efect effectThe
The minesare mlne mines are heavily heaviy guarded rrded to tonight tonight tonight ¬
night and no further frther trouble Is ex expected e cxpected ¬
pected pectedRIOT pectedRIOT
COMES TO QUIET END ENDXeavenworth ENDJeavenworth ENDIeavenworth
Xeavenworth Jeavenworth Kan Kn Ban1 July 20 20The OTe The In Incipient IncIpIent Inciplent ¬
cipient riot rot started late last lat night by byseveral byseveral byseveral
several hundred soldiers sldier from Fort FortLeavenworth FortLavenwort FqrtLeavenworth
Leavenworth who demolished the thehouse thehouse
Lavenwort demollhed te tehouse
house of a a negro nero in the low quarterhere quarter quarterhere uarter uarterhere
here tolowlnv following the stabbing stbbing of A A I ILouckce ILuckes L LLouckes
Louckce Luckes a a a cavalryman cavalrman by an inmate inmateof Inmte Inmteof
of the place ple ended ned shortly shorty after aftr mid midnight md mdnight midnight ¬
night and today toay all al was quiet A Acompany Acompany Acompany
company of the te Fourth 1 cavalry cvalr arrived arrivedat aived aivedat
at 2 a a m and an rounded up the soldiers soldierswho soldierswho
who had hd no noL I voluntarily voluntriy returned to tothe tothe tothe
the post pot Today Toay Liouckes Luckes was wa reported reportedto reportedt
to t have a a chance of recovery reover Groups Groupsof
of soldiers soldier continue contnue to t discuss the trou trouble troube trouble ¬
ble and there were threats threat to finish finishup fnIsh fnIshup finIshup
up tonight the work of last night but butit butIt butit
it is I believed bleved no n further trouble t > ble will willoccur wi winoccur
occur unless unles LouckcH Luckef dies The gen general generl genera ¬
eral erl era sentiment sentment is with the soldiers and andthere andthere andthere
there is mild mil talk tlk of ot organizing orgnlznr a avigilance avIgiance avigilance
vigilance vIgiance committee commitee to t drive drve out the thetough thetough thetough
tough characters cbracten and thugs unless the thepolice theponce thepolice
police take tk decisive action acton in that di direction direclon directios ¬
rection rectionTRACYS reclon reclonTRACYS
St st Paul Bins 1Inn July 20 20Harry 20HarryTracy5 Harry HarryTracy
Tracy the fugitive tusive Oregon bandit ac according according according ¬
cording to a report reprt received from fromGrand fromGrnd fromGrand
Grand Grnd Rapids Wits ViI Is a native natve of ofPlttsfield ofPitsfeld ofPittsfield
Plttsfield Pitsfeld WIs and his hl true tre name is isSeverens isSeverens isSeverens
Severens His grand nd parents prnts it is said saidlive saidlve saidlive
live lve at Grand Grnd Rapids Wis and are areprosperous areprosperus areprosperous
prosperous prosperus After Afer his conviction convicton and andimprisonment andhnprlsonment andimprisonment
imprisonment in the Oregon peniten penitentiary penitentir penitentiary ¬
tiary tir he is said aid to have written write to his hisgrandfather hisandtather hisgrandfather
grandfather andtather asking the latter later to un undertake usdertako ¬
dertake to get a pardon for him but
the old gentleman enteman declined declied to aid ad him himThe hlQlThe bi biThe
The grandfather rndather has ha since Sincebcore become an anInvalid anInvaUd aninyalid
Invalid and all al reports report of the despe desperados despe desperedos ¬
rados ros crimes have been ben kept from tom him himITALIAN himITALAN himITALIAN
London Lndon July 21 2The 21The The Venice VenIc corre correspondent core corespondent correspondent ¬
spondent of the Daily Daly Mall Mal says the theItalian theItalian I IIalan
Italian Ialan minister of fine arts art considers considersit consider
it desirable that the te campanile cmpanie should shouldbe hould houldb
be b rebuilt rebui solely by the aid of Italic Italicsubscriptions Ia11 Ita1i Ita1isubscriptions
subscriptions subscrptons and it I has ha been sug suggested su sugested suffgrated ¬
gested in view of the worldwide man manifestations manIfesttons manltestations ¬
ifestations Ifesttons of sympathy to use the for foreign forelrn forelgn ¬
eign donations donatons to build buid a temple in inhonor inhonor inhonor
honor of human fraternity fraternityASPHALT frternIt fraternityASPHALT
Plan of Underkg Undertaking Outlined Outed in inPhiladelphia i inPhiladelphia I
Philadelphia PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia hdeph I
Philadelphia Phiadelphia July Jul 20 2The 20The The plan of ofreorganization ofrerganizton ofreorganization
reorganization of the Asphalt
rerganizton Aphalt company companyof compa
of America Americ and the National Natonal Asphalt Asphaltcompany Asphaltcompany
company compay which companies compnies are in the thehands thehands thehands I
hands of receivers receherl made public today todayprovides to todayprovides
provides proYdes that the property of the com companies companles cornpanies ¬
panies shall shl be acquired by a new cor corporation corporation ¬
poration porton to have havea a a capital cpitl of 31000 100 II
000 The new company company Is to be organ
ized under the laws of New Jersey Jerey or orof oror orof
of such other state stte as a may my be b decided decidedupon decidedupon
upon by counsel The company company may ma is issue issue issue ¬
sue capital capial stock as a follows followsFive followsFive followsFive
Five per cent preferred stock stok cumu cumulative cumulatve cumulative ¬
lative latve after the expiration expiraton of two years yearsfrom yearsfrom ears earsfrom
from the purchase of the property and andthe andthe aridthe
the commencement of business by b the thenew thenew thenew
new company comp ny entitled enttleq to no dividends dividendsin
in excess cess o of 5 per cent but to be b pre preferred proerred ¬
erred ferd in liquidation lquidaton to the amount of ofits orIs ofIts
its Is par value together with Ith all al accu accumulated accumulated acesmulated ¬
mulated and unpaid dividends to the theamount theamount theamount
amount not to exceed eceed 14000000 1000 com common cm cmmon cornmon ¬
mon stock not exceeding exeeding 17000000 17000000The liOOOOo 17000000The
The right rght is to be secured seured to holders holdersof
of preferred prefered stock by the charter of the thenew thenew thenew
new company companY supplemented 5upplemente by a aproper aproper aproper
proper deed of trust to exchange their theirpreferred theirprferred theirpreferred
preferred prferred stock stok for each 100 10 of pre preferred prefered preferred ¬
ferred fered stock surrendered surrendered Of the com common common cornmon ¬
mon stock an amount equal to onehalf onehalfthe onehaf onehafthe onebklfthe
the preferred stock to be issued and andnot andnot andnot
not exceeding exceeing 7000000 7000 will wi be set aside asidein asideIn asidein
in the hands hnds of ofa a a trustee truste or depository depositoryto
to be b used only for the he conversion conerion of ofpreferred ofpreferre ofpreferred
preferred preferre stock into int common stock stockThe stockThe
The common stock so held under its itsexchange itsexchange
exchange for preferred stock in the thecourse thecourse thecourse
course of such conversion is I to draw drawno drw drwno drawno
no dividends and exercise no voting votingrights votng votngrIght votingrights
rights rightsAccompanying rIght rightsAccompanying
Accompanying the the reorganization reorganizationplan reornizton reorniztonplan
plan were the separate sepate reports report of o the thetwo thetwo thetwo
two companies cmpanies to their respective repecthe se security s so socurity ¬
curity curiy holders holders The National Natonal commit committee committee committee ¬
tee quote from a letter of f Receivers ReceiversHenry ReceiversHenry
Henry Tatnall Tatnl and John M Mackin Mackin in inwhich inwhich inwhich
which they tey say gy the new company companyshould cmpany cmpanyshould companyshould
should have hve an annual income of ap approxlmaaly approxlma21y upproxima
proxlmaaly proxima ely 700000 iOOOO a year yearPANAMA yearI yearPANAMA
Modifications Mdcton Desired Desied to Facilitate Facilitatelegislative Facitte FacitteLgatve Facilitatelegislative
legislative Lgatve Action ActionWashington Atn ActionWashington
Washington July 20 20CertaIn Oertln Certain modI modlfications modIfictons modificatlons
fications fictons which the state stte department departmentj departmentdesire departmentdesires
j desires desire in the te protocol prtocl governing the theconstruction thecontucton theconstructIon
construction contucton of the proposed propsed Panama Panamacanal Panma Panmacanl Panamacanal
canal canl before be rare it I assumes asume the shape shpe of a ateraty ateraty ateraty
teraty have been ben transmitted trnsmIted by Secre Secretary Sere Seretr Seeretary ¬
tary tr Hay to Mr Ir Conchs Concha the Colombia Colombiaminister ColombiamIniter ColombiamInister
minister mIniter here These hee relate generally generallyto reneraUyto
to to questions question of control cntl and of sover sovereignty sovereIrt sorereignty ¬
eignty eIrt over the strip ttrp of land through throughwhich throughwhIch throughwhich
which the canal if the Panama route routebe routebe
be finally finaly determined deterined upon upn will wi be con constructed constrcte constructed ¬
structed strcte They The are are designed desige to t bring bringtheprotocol brnr brnrtheprtocl bringtheprotocol
theprotocol theprtocl more in harmony harony with the theprovisions te teprovIlons theprovisions
provisions of the Spooner Sponer amendment amendmentand
and to facilitate fitte ratification raUtcton by the sen senate senat seaate ¬
ate at when the the Instrument Intrument reaches raches that thatbody thatby thatbody
body by in the form for of a treaty trty The Te Co Colombian Colombin toiombian ¬
lombian lombin legation legtn officials ofcils do not feel feelthat teelthat feelthat
that the Instructions Intrctons they tey now have are arebroad arebroad arebroad
broad enough to authorize them tem to ta ac accept accept
cept the molfi modifications tons proposed propd by Sec Secretary Sc ScretI Secretary ¬
retary retI Hay withppt wJth9 t further tr r consults consultation consult consultstion ¬
tion ton with wit the home government germent Conse Consequently Consequenty Consequently ¬
quently quenty the matter mter has been ben submitted submtted
by them to their government for fur further furthelntctons4he further
ther thelntctons4he instructions The Theaim aim dlmuf o Minister MinisterConcha MlnlterConcha MinisterConcha
Concha is to t have the Instrument Instrment In Insuch Insuch insuch
such shape that tht when it comes cmes before beforethe Detor beforeth
the thet th twb twi houses ofcongress otongrssot of Colombia Colombiafor Colom Colomiafor
for fr action acton It will 1 receive rehe favorablecon favorableconsideration f yorblec n nsderaUon nsideration ¬
sderaUon sideration by b them themBETBACTS tem < t tI tfBETRACTZ
i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ 4 Manila anIa July 20 20The The sultan sultn of ofBclod ofBocolod + t j
+ Bocolod Bclod Mindanao lndanao who recently recentlysent rcenty rcentysent recentlysent +
+ sent an Insultingly Insultnly worded com communication communicton cornmunication +
+ munication municton to the commander cmmander of ofthe ofthe ofthe +
+ the American Amercn expedition expediton to Lake Lke LkeLnno LakeLanno +
4 + Lanao Lnno in which whch he threatened to t tobegin +
4 + begin bgin offensive otensle operations oprat ns in Au Augst August + f ff
+ f gust gst has ha now written writte a friendly frlendl frlendlletter friendlyletter +
+ letter to the American Americ commander tmmander tmmanderin commanderIn + f
+ in which hlch he disavows disvows all al desire deIre to tofght tofight 4 +
4 + fight fght and says he will t1 confer cnter with wih wihtbe +
4 the Americans Aericns In the the futiire futre futreThe futhreThe +
+ The general genEr Moro oro situation siuation Is re re regarded 4 +
4 + garded grde as as favorable favorble favorbleMINIG favotablMINING 4MINING +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Four Fou Men Assigned Asiged by Geological GeologicalSurvey Gologca GeologicalSurvey
Survey SurveyButte SureyButte SurveyButte
Butte Mont 1on1 July Jul 20 20Secretary Secretary cretar Ma Mahon Mahon a ahon
hon of the International Mining Unrnr con consress conges congress
sress ges has ha received reeive from Director DirectorCharles Diretor DiretorCharles DirectorCharles
Charles Waloott Valott of ot the United Unied States Statesgeological Stte Statesgeological
geological gelogc survey the names nmes of four fourmembers fourmember fourmembers
members member of that department deDarmet who ho will willbe willbe in inbe
be present prsnt at the coming session of the themining themining themining
mining congress conress as a follows followsF rolows rolowsF
F N Newell Newel chief hydrograpber hydrograpberWalter bydrorpher bydrorpherWaler hydrographerWalter
Walter Waler W r Weed Vee geologist gologist Waldemar WaldemarLIndgreit WaldemarLtndgr WaldemarLindgrn
LIndgreit Lindgrn Ltndgr it geologist geologst and R N Chap Chapman Chapman Chapman ¬
man topographer topographerWord topogpher topogpherWord topographerWord
Word has also al been ben received recehe from fromMayor fromIa fromMayor
Mayor Ia or Paul Pul Capdeville Capdevie of New Orleans Orleansof Orlens Orlensof
of the appointment of five fe delegates delegatesfrom delegtes delegtestrm delegatesfrom
from trm that state stateThe stateThe stateThe
The Central Centrl Passenger Pasenger association associationhas asocaton asocatonhas
has joined joine with the Western estern associa association asocia asociaton association ¬
tion ton in offering a rate rte of one fare plus plusfor
3 Butte 2 for the round trip trp to the congress at atButte atButte atButte
Disease Dieae Decreasing Decreamg There TereMovement TereMovementAg ThereIovement ThereIovementAgainst Movement MovementAgainst
Against Ag ILadrones ILadronesManila Ldone LdoneMania LadronesManila
Manila Mania July 20 20Tht 20Tht Thu cholera is de decreasing deceing docreasing ¬
creasing ceing in Manila nUa and In the provinces provincesand prvinces prvincesand provincesand
and the th health heath board boad has decided decded to re relax r nolax ¬
lax lx quarantine quarntne regulations regulationsThe rrlatons rrlatonsThe
The movement mo ement In the Cavite province provinceagainst provinceaginst provinceagainst
against aginst the Ladrones Ldrone is not yet yet com completed cm cmpleted campieted ¬
pleted It I is I anticipated antcipated that may La Ladrones L Ladrones
drones will wi be b captured cptured but it I is pos possible possible possible ¬
sible that the leaders leader have have escaped esaped to tothe tothe tothe
the mountains mountis The withdrawal wihdrwal of the theconstabulary theconstbulat theconstabulary
constbulat constabulary from Bulacan Bulcn and Rlzal Rlzalto Rlz31 Rlz31to Rlzalto
to take tke part in the movement in Ca Cavite Co Cavite
vite vle has produced considerable enslderble activ activity actv actviy activity ¬
ity iy northeast northeat of Manila ManlI where the themunicipal te temuniolpal themunicipal
municipal drones drone police polc are watching the La Ladrones L Ladrones
I a
Berlin BrJn July 20 20The IThe The only securities securitiesshowing securtes securtesshowing securitiesshowing
showing any activity actviy on the te bourse last lastweek wtweek lastweek
week were domestic domestc 3 per pr cents cent and andsome ad adsome andSome
some foreign foreig rentes rntes The former were werebought werebought werebought
bought In considerable coniderable amounts amount for forLondon forLondon
London and Paris Parl account acunt but other otherdenominations otherdenominatons otherdenominations
denominations denominatons of domestic domestc securities securitieswere seurItes seurIteswere securitieswere
were quite quie neglected Among the for foreign forelr forelgn ¬
eign elr rentes rente Russians enjoyed the thegreatest thegreatest thegreatest
greatest favor advancing advancng under heavy heavytransactions heavytransactons heavytransactions
transactions transactons while whIe Spanish 4s also alsowere alsowere alsowere
were actively actvely traded tded in Iron shares sharesimproved sharesimproved
improved during durinj the first frst half of the theweek theweek theweekupon
week weekupon upon upn American Amercn and ad English Engiih iron ironmarket Ironmarket Ironmarket
market reports report Shares of the Ham HamburgAmerican HamburgAmerican HamburgAmerican ¬
burgAmerican Steam Packet company companyand compay compayand companyand
and the North German Gera Lloyd Loyd line were wereweak werewe weretvealc
weak weakGeneral tvealcGeneral
General Industrials were stagnant stagnantbut stagnantbut
but Money quotations quottons was firm were better beter maintained maintainedMoney maintne maintainedMoney
Denver July 20 20Patrlc Patrick J Enright Enrightwho Enright Enrightwho
who was a delegate delerte to t the Hibernian Hibernianconvention H1berlan H1berlancOnventon Hiberulanconvention
convention cOnventon last lat week wek and who became becamesuddenly becme becmesuddenly becamesuddenly i
suddenly insane and jumped jumpd from frm a asecond a a asecond
second 5end story stor window last lat Thursday Thursdaydied Thursa Thursadied Thursdaydied
died at St Josephs hospital hospial at 10 10oclock 10oclock 10oclock
oclock tonight His heart was weak weakand weakand wek wekand
and although a hough his only Injury Injur from the thefall thefal thefall
fall fal was a a broken brken leg he failed to re recover r rcover recover ¬
cover from the shock shock Mr Enright Enrightwas Enrght Enrghtwas
was born bor in Syracuse Srcse N Y in 186S 186SFor 186 1808For
For the past six years year he has been beengeneral beengener beengeneral
general gener organizer ornizer for fot the te Ancient Ancent Order Orderof
of Hibernians Hibernias for the state stte of New NewYork NewYork NewYork
York York The remains reais will w1 be b taken to toSyracuse toSycus toSyracuse
Syracuse Sycus for interment intermentKings interment intermentXgs IntermentKings
Kings Xgs Health eat Still Stil Improving ImprovingCowes Iprvig IprvigCowes ImprovingCowes
Cowes Isle of Wright July 20 20Klng 20KlngEdward 20KingEdward King KingEdward
Edward today toay attended atended divine services serviceswhich senlceswhich serviceswhich
which were wer conducted conduCted by Commodore CommodoreLambton Commore CommodoreLambton
Lambton Lmbton commander comander of the Victoria Victoriaand Victora Victoraand Victoriaand
Alexandra and the th
and Albert Albrt Queen Qu n Alexandr
other members mmbrs of the thewind tj tjaboard
abr aboard te the YJ yac u l f
wee nt
wind win necessitated neette the th e esides eoI1 t1
S SHis elin
sides t
and stern of <
an ser tk
o u dk Wnr
king king usuat usuat 8 stayi htrl tb
His Hi majesty mjy now nw rise r at 3 3progress r
the morins morning aD and tke te his Xk
blf half hur hour lter later afer after whkh Wbi h brkfi b
Ie ited b by hi his prkin thsician 1 c i
kng k
progress tore prgreS continues cntnu to su BurNls hs h
Missoula Missoul Mont Mont Mo July Jil i TR H T
Francis Frnci a laborer larr of the th Bn Bnar Rr k ar armi X Xmill
mill was struck
by byicon
mi wa
strl b a e etennon n
afternnoon tennon icon and killed kil Pranff F gt n tbs thlsthe tbsthe
the train tri approachlmc approachlmcaside
apblD a aaside
aside to let it ar araide
aide pass p but in dv dvstumbled i istumb4ed l
stumbled stumbe and an fell fel back bk backand uprn t 7 7and t tand
and was caught curht by the up a acrushed E Ecushd acrushed
crushed cushd to death dtb dtbI deathWILL I r u uWILL
Manila Mania July 20 OAttiyir Aitmjr Ading n
Wright Vrght Secretary Seretr Fergusn Fer Fergu Ferguerals n J Jerals a
erals Bell Bel and an Btsbee Bb will willUnited wii w I IGeneral c cGenerl
Generl General Chfe Chaffee o on hi his r r rUnited t
United Unie States tte The T party ill u
the United States pr si I IIan
tranNport tram
th Umte Stte trnlr i M MITTI u r
Ia Ian Sept Spt SptFlpios M 30Filipinos ITTI ITTIFilipinos
Filipinos Flpios ArraBt Aete Arrested d For ForManila Murder MurderanUa
Manila anUa July 11 2i 5STw 5STwwere Two Twowere Twowere
were implicated Impite hi i the theAmerican n nAmern
Amern American slie soldiers at Dinan Biuariprovince p R
province pln In Island or f LuMn Luzn on r x xtion I p
tion day have been an ancharge a
he bn l
nn nnOLDT 3 3g 3OLDTEffE
charge of f murder muederOLDTIME
= g
Boston BOton July 2 2Jarne 2Jarneoldtime James Jamf j K Mr 1 a aoldtime
oldtime ol tme minstrel mintrel died die a athis h vT0t vT0tthis 1a
this city today He 1 1this iV iVPersonal
cty toay was wa ft s v0 Y v vJudge s p personr
Personal ersonr RSenfion RSenfionJudge Menton MentonJude
Judge Morris oni Somnw S r ari an r I Icompanled ui uicompanied fdOlo fdOlocompnie >
companied compnie by Miss X Berg BrJl Berghave o i ihave J r rbave
have gone gon to Sticks Slek s resort r rt in I pro proyon 1r I Iyen
yon yo to spend spe a few days daysRussell daY daysRussell a
Russell RU5sel Hardfng general Jffra1 tnina tninathe m ag agthe j jthe
the Gould Goul system of o western Wte In I n nIn r > grr grrin m min
In town to last evening evenl on a a tour tourspecilon tu t u rt f fspecion
specilon sD n in his bi soecfaa S ear earMrs e carMrs I
Mrs Mr C C1leNtt J o MeNHt 1leNtt wife wf of Au AUti t tNltt < iii iiiNltt r X Xlt
Nltt lt of the tht 0 S L L and f fam famE fyrB m mE
E W 1 McXHt cSlt A B R McXiit Xc McN McNBelle it il ilBelle
Belle Lawson Lwsn left at H I1M Satur Slr Sii i ifor lg lgfor 5 5for s
for a a three tbre we wek weeks ks stay sy in Portla Portlanorthwest IOdf 1 1northwest i inorhwest
northwest norhwest points pointsSADEBTJP pointsSADER1T in1 in1SAERu
Chris Chri P Saderup SdrP one o of the th vjiims v u uthe > i ithe r rthe
the DalyW DalyWe DalyWest st disaster d er was hun brterday d dterday f5
terday under une the th auspices auoe of f the thl A A AW n r rW 1
W V The services seni wer Wee held fEld at a aEast MS 6 Vrti VrtiEast rt rtEst
East Est street at M oclock oelk and lode locs s Xoi c os
19 I 12 and 16 I and aA tb th the Degree D of Hunnr Hnnrr Hnnrrtlelpte hr hrtielpted ur urtieipated
tieipated tlelpte About bt 1 If 155 0 members Jbr of 1 U to l lattended r rattended ratnde >
attended atnde The Te following folo1D were pi J p pcr5 i t ar arers arer
ers L L V Pet P Petersen PetersenGeorge rs M > Al 1 M < < jirr jirrGeorge I rP rPGere >
George Gere er Lucas Luca Jeeeph J8 S Dark Dak larkGrow < i L K KGrow 1
Grow Fred Fre GtbR Gibson G H H McLean cL attttl attttlas adt ar aras
as marshal marshalThe m marshalThe bl blThe
a The floral offerings oCerlns were werf in abundant abundantthe aburdn aburdntbe
the Salt Sal Lake Lke Jodg Je lodges emblem king beirganchor kinganhr hi g ganchor
anchor anhr with the letters lter of the theformed th thformed f ffore
formed fore in flowers flowersOntario flowersOntario oer
Ontario Ontaro ledge lege No 1 of Park Pak iitj iitjrepresented tit r rrepresented WI WIreprente
represented reprente by b James am P Swwney Sw n Ju JuParadise JLPardie T TParadise
Paradise Pardie James Jame P Johnson Jobrn A H I Iroy ue ueroy e eroy
roy William W11a Rich Rih 9 9IcCoys and ad Frank Fnk Sh Sr nla nlaMcCoys a arncCoys
McCoys stable stbl will wi be b clospi elns 1 t t1 t1from iar iarfrom v vfrom
from 1 to 4 p m m excepting excting exceptingclass to t T Thr Thrcn hi hicians
class cn account accunt funeral funerl of Mrs r A AEvoy t tEvoy M MEvoy >
Evoy EvoyChess EvoyChess
Chess Ces Tournament Tourament Starts St Today TodayHanover Toay ToayHanover TodayHanover
Hanover July 3 2The The following followingchess folowiq folowiqc fUalgchess
chess c OfS masters maters will wi start strt in the tht thenational inter international lntr lntrnaUonal ¬
national chess ch masters mater tournament touramlrt tournanicrbegin f fbegin to tobegin >
begin tomorrow tomorow under une the auspices apies aupi s of ofthe o othe othe
the German Gern Chess Ches association aiaton la i ih ihcity thi thiciy thcity
city cityHarry ciy ciyHar Harry Har Harr N Pillsbury Pilur W Yo E E Eand Ndpi api < = r rand rand
and Frank Frnk J Marshall Maral of Axnerit mlrk H HF HF HP
F Atkins Atkns James Mason Macn and J OUM OUMberg Gu u uberg
berg London Lndon M I Tschlgorin T higorin St Sf 5 P Ptersburg pI F Ftersburg
tersburg terburg and A A Levin Lvin Russia Rusia Janow Janowski Jao1 Jao1sk Jcwsf1
I ski sk Paris Pari Dr A A G Oltender Holland HollandIgnatz Ho1iano H HIgnatz
Ignatz von Popiel Bocznia OaUezia aiazs
and Wolf T0f Vienna Vinn Austria Aut Curt l url urlBrdeleben v vBardelleben < > r rBardelleben
Bardelleben Brdeleben Berlin Berln Rudolph Swider Swiderski S1ld S1ldski Swid Swidski
ski J Mieses both b of Leipsig I Dr DrHermani r rHerman
Herman Hemanl von on GotUchalk Gtbalk Gofrliiz GOr1z H HSuechting I ILSuechting
Suechting Sueehtng Brackeade Brckede principality principalityLubeck prlndphty prlndphtyLUHC prIncipalitYLubeck
Lubeck and William Cohn Berlin Berlineighteen Berl Berlineighteen
eighteen ightecn in all all2Jb al
allNo F FNo
No Distinction DistinctionPack Distncton DistinctionPsek
Pack PackA PIk PsekA
A burrslar brrlar no n less l An A ye w wer WCT5T WCT5Ta Wt Wta nt nta
a bit afeerd aterd av v him himAfeerd RimAeeTd jm jmAfeard
Afeard AeeTd av him Sure Sre I run rn him h in inloike i ilolke inbike
bike I wud 10 a a refornaer refornaerPack renr renrm retornIfterPuck m
Puck Willy Yly approvinsiyG HN That Thata s sa
a dandy toy teyauteml automobile automoMteBddy automobile4d apvn
Bddy 4d proudly pnoudliI I should suld say saymade sa saimade r rmade
made Jd It run plrI ever OW Sister Si Sadie Sies Sa4ee diii d f ii anu anuit anJ ant antit
it broke brke hr hr head hed the th vary ery first firt UEC UECCleveland Ut UtC UtCleveland
Cleveland Plain Dealer J s sp < > it itported is isported T Tpr
loeland Daler
ported that Mr Bryan Bran has a a Unt1 Unt1of 11 I Iof t tof
of pr stock stOk tat in a new air ai brake lmpl lmplr trsri trsriI rn1I
I suppose he thinks think its girs gi grir g t tback a aback ma e ebark
back supps platforms vlatfors safer tter
are ar not nt th t the man mn you OU shoult shoultyour soul t tour
1 your our age Do D you lini linistrength Ii Iitrngh Xitrength
strength failing fallng you YfU expfsrij expfsrijv eXWI eXWIret
v great trngh ret dralnthat drin that ban hl bwn n f 5the p pc E Eth
I > the life and ambition ambitionyou Jr Jrou r ryou <
c very lfe ambitn
th yeo an
> you ou oDes oD this knowel kowelg knoweige r mar roarlife marlIfe
life Then Thn it i Is I lime ltf for > i ilook Jlok
look seriously to your h hne at i V VS
lok snously
1 remedy s if ifLaughlinK jrLu 1 1I
S need swch 80h a <
I ne LaughlinK Lu hln Klectrk Elr reny B BI Blt Bltf > It y r rwhih r rwhich
absorb new newand newa 1 1a 1YJ
f which whih yo yo you can ln abb nfW
> n nlor n nS
a and vitality It Is a grand a
lor iorauyonewho anyone a YJ YJI who IB jeweak weak m mfrom rnDu
I S from whatever whteve cause causeDR cU cUI
Toning and invigorating IfyJgoratng in its is action acto it has bs mde made hundreds ht lr r Imen igr igrmen i r rm
men m n Tonlpo out of oras an as many weak we despondent deSpOQd nt fellows felws It I will wi ewe ce y ye you if i jU JU i2 i2MV t tM i iMY
Is a very Vlry valuable treatise tretse en manhood maRbo It I will wi point out a means mans by byyou byyou o oyou
c ccn
you can cn become btcme strong strng and an manly mno It is sent tnt sealed sale pint free fre to any air aircan alir alircan
can be had on application ppleaton at the office officeonly oftce oftceDont officeDont
cn Dont put i It of off Ac Act toay today In a mttr matter whih which cr concerns the hapllMS hapllMSI haPP1I5 haPP1I5only
only of or yourself you I but of your ou1 family famiy and friends ends or your your future Yu Yunot Y i < a Unot f fnot >
I not delay dela Address AddressDR AddressD dd s sDD
M R M I A I I1J 931 93lSixteenthSt 93lSixteenthStI s Sienth St Sti
i I A I ii iaCiz C LIl5 Denver rcc rccElectric Cole ColeElectri
4 t Electric lights are strung over the theprincipal theprincipal theprincipal
principal walk walks at Lagoon It gives givesa
a pretty prety effect efect to the grounds and andmakes andtf andkf
tf kf makes them at night almost as a light lightas lght lighto tf tfas
o as asd day dayWill dayi y yti
Wi Will WiIlyoube you be out outon on the 24thI 24th 24thTrains
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4 Trains Trn leave leaveregarly regularly at 7 9 11 1 a a xa m
7 1l 130 330 530 3O 630 and ad 730 p no m On Sun Sundays Sunt ¬
t 1 days dy extra et trains tr leave leve Salt Sat Lake Lke at 230 and andL i t
10 L 430 p m The Te 230 train t arrives ave in i time te for forthe forthe 1 1I
the baeball baseball game gameThe
t gam j J 0
i iThe 4 I H HCurefor
The safe st cure cre the quick quickCure quIc
Cure Cue Curefor for fr Headaches HeadachesCures Headches HeadchesCu e eCures
Cures Cu summer sumer colds cold too to 4
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