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Continued from Last L st Sunday SundaySomebody sunda sundaSomebody SurulaySomebody
Somebody in town will give us usitvny ustwoj u uLWUy
itvny sugg suggf1 su9gted ted Shorty Short the chore choreboy choreboy choreboy
boy boyI
f fNo r
I No O they xvtfnt 6t theyre all here hereissurad herelssured hereissured
issurad Kerlle KerlleIt
It was true Except for 10 the women womenin womentncf womentn4
in tncf Children who were not yet about abouttheentire aboutthe aboutthontlre
theentire the ntire village had assembled Even EvenoldVanderhoof EvenoldVanderhoof Eveno14
oldVanderhoof o14 Vanderhoof the firecatcher of the theyaflfl theva11 theyafq1
yaflfl hobbled along breathlessly on his hisrh hisrhl hisrhutIciega
rh mfertialegs rhl In a amoment moment the themasks tbelnB8ks thcrnaks
masks were fitted In a moment more moreIhc morethe morethe
the little band b nd had emerged from the theshelter theshtller theshelter
shelter of the swamp and so came cameInto cameInto cameinto
Into fcil uflview view of its lt objective point pointShlngiavllle volntSblnglfvl1le pointShIngl4vllle
Shlngiavllle consisted of a big mill millthe mmbe mllItle
the yarite y nk now no nearly empty Jrt ty of lumber lumbarthe lumberthe lumberthe
the largo 1 rge frame boarding house the theom theom theoJflOe
om oJflOe 9t tho atable a store two saloons saloonsand salobnsgnd saloOnsend
and a dozen dwellings The party at atortci atone atoflc
one fixed Its eyes on this collection of ofbuildings oflNUtUngl ofWhlInge
buildings and trudged on down the theright thet theright
right of t way with unhastening grim grimn grImThqir grimThqlr
n se seTheir
Their approach was not unobserved unobservedDaly unobservedDaly unobservedDaly
Daly saw them and Baker his fore foreman foremaR foremaa ¬
man saw them The two at once went wentorth wentJ
j forth to t organize opposition When theI the theattacking theattacking
J I attacking party reached the mill yard yardIt ard ardi
ti i It found the boss and the foreman foremanstanding foremanstanding
standing n alqne Qne on the sawdust revolv revolvers reolvDaly revolvUr ¬
ers Ur drawn drawnDaly drawni v
i Daly traced a line with his toe toeThe toef toeThe
f The first man that crosses that line lineC 1in 1inets
I C sets ets ts It said he heThey her heThey
11 r They Th y knew he meant what he said saidAn saidAn saidAn
An Instants pause ensued while the thebig thef
f I big man and the little faced fac d a mob mobDalys mobDalYs mobDalys
Dalys rivermen were still tlll ort a drive driveHe driveHe drivep
p He knew the nilllmen too well to de depend dei depend ¬
i pend on them Truth to tell the pos poaBibllity post
t i Bibllity of such a raid as this had not notoccurred notoccurred
I occurred to him for the simple reason reasonthat reaSonthat reasonI
I that he did not anticipate the discov discovery dlscovf ¬
f I ery of his complicity with the forces forceso forcesof
i o of nature Skilfully carried out the theplan theplan theplan
plan was a a good one No one need needknow needi
i I know of the weakened link and It was wasthe wasthe wasI
I the most natural thing In the world worldthat worldi
i p that Sadler Smiths drive should go goout goI goout
out with the increase of water waterThe waterI WaterThe
I I The men grouped swiftly and silently silentlyon
on the other side of the sawdust line UneTHe lineTHe lineThe
I THe pause did not mean that Dalys Dalysdefense Dalysdotense Dalysdefense
defense was gootf I have known of a acrew ar acrew
r crew of striking mlllmen being so sobluffed sobluffed sobluffed
bluffed down but not sUch men as asthese ast asthese
t I these thelleI
I I theseDo Do you know whats going to hap happen happen happen ¬
pen to you said a voice from the thegroup thegroup thegroup
group The speaker was Radway but butthe butthe butthe
the contractor kept himself well In the thebackground thebackground thebackground
background Were going to burn your yourmill yourm1U yOurmill
mill were going to burn your yards yardswere yardswere yardswere
were going to burn your whole shoot shooting shootIng ehootIng ¬
ing match you lowlived whelp whelpYes whelpYes whelproe
Yes and were going to string you youto youto youto
to yoUr own trestle growled another anothervoice anothervoice anothervoice
voice harshly harshlyDyer harshlyDyer harshlyDyer
Dyer said ald InJln Charley simply simplyshaking simplyshaking simplyshaking
shaking the wet et scalp arms length to toward toward toward ¬
ward the lumbermen lumbermenAt
At this grim interruption a silence silencefail silencefell
fail 611 The owner paled slightly his hisforeman hisCoremanchewed hisforeman
foreman Coremanchewed chewed a nonchalant straw strawDown strawDown strawDown
Down the still deserted street crossed crossedand crossednnd crossedand
and recrossed the subtle occult Influ Influences Influence InfluCflCO5 ¬
ences of a halfhundred concealed concealedwatchers concealedwatchers concealedwatchers
watchers Daly and his subordinate subordinatewere
were very much alone and very much muchIn muchIn muchin
In danger Their last hour had come comeand comeand comeand
and they the knew it itWith ItWith itWith
With the recognition of the fact they theyImmediately theyImmediately theyImmediately
Immediately raised their weapons in inthe Inthe inthe
the resolve to do as much damage as aspossiblebefore asposslblebefore aspossiblebafore
possiblebefore being overpowered overpoweredThen overpower overpoweredThen d dThen
Then suddenly full In the back a aheavy aheavy aheavy
heavy stream of water knocked them themcompletely themcompletelY themcompletely
completely off their feet rolled them themover themoer themover
over on the wet sawdust and finally finallyJammed finallYjammed finallyjammed
Jammed them both against a ainst the trestle trestlewhere trestlewhere trestlewhere
where It held them kicking and gasp gaspIng gaspIng gasplog
Ing for breath in a choking cataract of ofwater ofwater ofWater
water The pistols flew harmlessly In Into into ¬
to the air For an Instant the Fighting FightingForty FIghtingForty FightingForty
Forty stared In paralyzed astonish astonishment astonlshm astonishmont ¬
mont m nt Then a tremendous roar of oflaughter orlaughter oflaughter
laughter saluted their easy vanquish vanquishment vanquishment vanquishmont
ment of a formidable enemy enemyDaly enemyD enemyDaly
Daly D ly and Baker were pounced upon uponind uponmd uponmd
md captured There rh was no resistance resistancerhqy resistanceThIY resIstancerhy
rhqy were w r too nearly Strangled for forthat forLhat forI
I I that Little Sony and old Vanderhoof Vanderhoofturned Vanderhoofturned VanderhoofI
I turned off the water In the fire re hy hydrant hydrant hydrant ¬
drant and disconnected dlsconnecter the hose they theyhad theyhlld theyhad
had so effectively employed employedThere emploedThere employedThere
There damn you said Rollway RollwayCharley RollwayCharley RoliwayCharley
Charley jerking the mlllman to his hisfeet hisfeet hisfeet
feet How do you like too much muchsvater muchIater muchwater
water hey heyThe heyThe heyThe
The unexpected comedy changed the thepartys thepartys thertys
partys rtys mood It was no longer a ques question question questiop ¬
tion of killing A number broke into intothe Intothe intothe
the store and shortly emerged beating bearingpalls beatingpalls beatingpails
palls of kerosene with which they theydeluged theydeluged theydeluged
deluged the slabs on the windward side sideor side sideof sideof
of the mill The flames ames caught the thestructure thesruciurc thestructurc
structure instantly A thousand thousandsparks thousandsparksborne sparks sparksborne sparksborne
borne by the offshore breeze fastened fastenedlike fastened1Ik fastenedlike
like 1Ik so many stinging Insects on the thelumber thelumber thelumber
lumber In the yard yardIt
i It burned as dried balsam thrown on ona onI ona
a campfire The heat of It drove the theonlookers theonlookers theonlookors
I onlookers far back in the vlllag where whereIn
1 In silence they watched the destruction destructionFrom destructionFrom destriictionFrom
From behind locked doors the in inhabitants inhabitants inhabitants ¬
habitants watched with them themTho themThe
i I Tho billow of white smoke filled the thenorthern thenorthern theE
E northern sky A whirl of gray ashes asheslight ashesr
r light as air floated on and ever on onoyer oni onover
j i over o er Superior The site of the mill the thesquares thfsquares theaquares
squares where the pIles of lumber had hadstood hadI hadstood
stood glowed Incandescence over oV r which whichalready whichalready I II
I I already a white film was forming formingDaly tonnlngI formingDaly
Daly and his man were Were slapped sla ped and andcuffed andcuffed andcued
I cuffed hither and thither at the mens menswill mensw111 mensnikI
will Their faces bled their bodies bodiesnotied bodiest bodiesabbed
t notied as one bruise bruiseThat bruiseThat bruiseThat
That squares Us said the men If Ifwe Ifwe IfS
S we cant cut this year neither kin yoU yoUIts youIts
4 Its up to you now nowThen nowThen nowThen1
Then like a destroying horde of ofIddusts ofJQ ofi
JQ i Iddusts UStS they gutted the office and the thestore thestoreamt thestore
store storeamt smashing hlng what they could not notcarry notcnrry notcarr3
carry to the flre The dwellings And Andsaloons ands andtt1oons
s saloons loons they did not disturb Finally Finallyabout FinallyaBout Finallyahout
about poon they kicked their two twoprisoners twoprisoners twoprisoners
prisoners into the river and took their theirWay theirW theirwE
Way W wE y stragglingly back along the right rightof rightotway rightof
of otway otwayI way wayI
I surmise we took that town apart apartsome aparts apartsome
some s me remarked Shorty with satis satisfaction satisfitallon satisfttution ¬
faction factionI
fer d I should rise to remark replied repliedKerlle repedIt
Kerlle It rlle Big Junkb said nothing but buthis buthis
his cavernous little aeimal eyes glowed glowedvitfth glowedwtth glowede1th
vitfth satisfaction He had been the thefirst thefItst thefltst
first to lay hands on Daly he had hadhelped hndh hadhalpqd
helped h lpEUJ to carry the petroleum he had hadstruck hadstruck hadstruck
struck the first match he had even ad administered administered administered ¬
ministered the final kick kickAt kIckAt kickt
At t the boarding house they found foundWallace foundV found1allacq
Wallace V lIace Carpenter and nd Hamilton seat seated seatct1 seated ¬
ed on the veranda verand It was wa now after afternoon aft afternoon r rn ¬
noon n on The wind wI d had abated somewhat somewhatarid somewhat somewhata1i somewhatand
arid a1i the th sUn was struggling with the thestill thestUl thestill
still flying scuds scudsHello scudsHello
f Hello H 1l6 boys said Wallace been for fora fora fora
a little walk in the woodsYes woodsYes woods woodsYes
Yes sir replied Hyland uwe uweI we weId wet
I t Id rather not hear interrupted interruptedWallace interruptedI interruptedWallace
Wallace Theres quite a fire over overeast overealft overeast
east I Is suppose upp OSe you havent t noticed it itHyland ItHlllnd ItF
I F Hyland looked gravely eastward eastwardSure eastwardure
r Sure ure nough said he heBetter beun heI
I un Better tter get some grub suggested suggestedaljace
Wallace WallaceAtter W U1ce aljaceAfter U1ceter
After ter the men had h dgone gone In he heturned heturned
turned to the Journalist JournalistHamilton journaltstHar journalisLHamilton
Hamilton Har llton he began write all you I
know about the drive and the th break breakatta breakalia
atta the th rescue l SCUe but as to the burning burning
of the mill millThe mI1lThe mliiThe
The other held out ut his hand handGood handGooa bandCooci
Good said Wallace Yalla offering his hisown hIso hisown
v vAnd
own o ownitn n
ownAnd And itn that was as faras tat as the famous famousShingic1iie
Shlrigleilie Shlriil lUern14 rulfevec raid ev eve got Daly difl di
his best to colleeteven coU coliedt t even vcn circumstantial circumstantialevidence circumslanthllvHence circumstantialevidence
evidence aRaJn flgainstthe tititte participants but
in II vain HeCQum He Qt ould not even get any anyone an anone anyone ¬
one to say that single member of
the village vl1l geQ < Jf Carpenter Carpenterbad had absented
himself front tow towjaf towi that morning This Thismight Thismight Thismight
might have heea beantfrotyl0aUv beeafrorn from loyalty or It Itmight Itmight Itmight
might have been from fear of the venge vengeance vengeSOCO engej ¬
j ance the Fighting Forty would wotlldsure wotlldsurely sure surely surely ¬
ly Visit visiton on a traitor Probably It was wasa
a combination c mbJn tion of both The fact re remains Tent reI ¬
I I mains nt alnhO however I e ettha that t Daly Da Iy never knew knewsurely knewsurely
surely of but b t one on one man m n implicated In
tli h 1 vdejtructlanof d djtrUctIon fl O + 11 the 1EJ plant > lan That Th t man manasrhjin manW1i manInjinibaricy
W1i asrhjin rnji Injinibaricy harley harlcybut but Injln Charley
4 nromotly nom t1 disappeared ilsatlpe red redI
After an interval Tim Shearer Rad Radway Radway HadWay ¬
way and Kerlie came out again againWheres againVheres againWheres
Wheres the boss asked Shearer ShearerI
I dont know Tim replied Wallace Wallaceseriously Wallaceerlousb Wallaceseriously
seriously Ive looked 100k < d everywhere everywhereHes eerywhereHes everywhereHes
Hes gone He must have been all cut cutUp eutup cutUp
Up I think he went out in the th woods woodsto ods odsto
to get over It I am not worrying worryingHarry worryIngHarry worryingHarry
Harry has lots of sense Hell come in inabout Inabout Inabout
about dark darkSure darkSure darkSure
Sure said Tim TimHow TimHow TimHow
How about the boys bo s stakes stakesqueried stakesqueried stakesqueried
queried Radway I hear this thjs is a bad bodsma badshiEh
1 afriash sma 1i Tor fiui r tfie Uie1iim Uie1iimVeIl tii firm firmWell nrrril nrrrilWell
Well see that the men gat their thairwages theirwages theIrwages
wages all right replied Carpenter Clirp nter a alittle alIttle alittle
little disappointed that such su aquestion haquestlonahouki aquestionshould aquestlonshould
should be asked ask at such sucha a timeAir UmeAlt time timeAir
Air right rejoined the contractor contractorWere aontractorWere eoptractorWere
Were all going to need our money moneythis m moneythis ney neythJs
this summer
Thorpe walked through the silent silentgroup SIlentgroup Silentgroup
group of men without seeing them He Hehad Hehad Hehad
had no thought t ought for what bJlt he had done donebut donebut donebut
but for the triumphant discovery he hehad hehad ne nehad
had made in spite of himself himselfIt
It was then about 6 oclock in the themorning themorning themorning
morning Thorpe Tho passed the boarding boardinghouse boardinghouse boardinghouse
house the store andthe and the office to take takehimself takehlmselt takehimself
himself as far as the little open shed shedthat shedthat shedthat
that served as a railway station There Therehe Therehe Therehe
he set the seniaphore to flag the east eastbound eastboUnd eastbound
bound train from Diiluth Dt luth At 632 the thetrain thetrain thetrain
train happening on time he climbed climbedaboard climbedaboard climbedaboard
aboard He dropped heavily into a seat seatand seatnnd seatand
and stared straight in front of him himuntil himuntil himuntil
until the conductor had spoken to him himtwice hImtwice himtwice
twice twiceWhere
Where to Mr Thorpe he ne asked askedThe askedThe askedThe
The latter gazed at him uncompre uncomprehendingly uncomprehendingly uncomprehendingly
hendingly hendinglyOh
uOh Oh Mackinaw City he replied at atlast atlast
last lastThe
The act of paying for his fare farebrought farebrought farebrought
brought to his consciousness that he hehad h hhad hehad
had but a little over 10 with hint He Hethrust Hethrust
thrust the change back b ck Into his hi pocket pocketand pocketand pocketand
and took up his contemplation of ofnothing ornothing ofnothing
nothing The river water dripped drippedslowly drl drippedslowly pea peaslowly
slowly from his cork boots to totonn form a apool apool apool
pool on the car floor The heavy wool woolof woolof
of his short driving trousers steamed steamedin
in the cars warmth His shoulders shouldersdried shouldersdried shoulderudried
dried in a little cloud of o vapor He no noticed noticed noticed ¬
ticed none of these things but stared staredahead sta staredahead ed edahead
ahead his gaze vacant the bronze ofhis of ofhis ofhis
his face set in the lines of f a brownstudy brown brownstudy brownstudy
study his stroiTft capable hands hands hang hanging hangIng hangIng ¬
ing purposeless between his knees kne The Theride Theride Theride
ride to Mackinaw City was six hours hourslong hourslong hoUrslong
long and the train lost some ninety ninetyminutes ninetymjnutes ninetyminutes
minutes but in all this distance Thorpe Thorpenever Thorpenever Thotpenever
never altered his pose poseThorpe poseThorpe poreThorpe
Thorpe descended at Mackinaw Iacklna City Cityto rUyto ity ityto
to find that the th noon train rainhad had sone soneHe floneHe one oneHe
He ate a lunch at thfe th notel borrowed
100 from the agent of Louis LoufsSands LoursSilnds LouisSands
Sands a lumberman of his hisacquaintance hisacqUaintance hisacquaintance
acquaintance and nd seated him himself 1IP1self Wmself ¬
self rigidly In the little 1It Ie waiting waitingroom wa1ti waitingroom g groom
room there to remain until the nine ninetwenty nInetwenty ninetssenty
twenty that night When the cars were werebacked were werebacked werebacked
backed down from the siding he board boarded boarded boarded ¬
ed the sleeper In the doorway stood stooda
a disapproving colored porter porterYoull porterYoull porterYoull
Youll fin the smokin cah up upfowud upfowud upfowud
fowud suh said the latter firmly firmlybarring tIrmlybarrIng firmlybarring
barring the way wayIts waJrIts wayIts
Its generally forward answered answeredThorpe answeredThorpe answeredThorpe
Thorpe ThorpeThis ThorpeuThls ThorpeThis
This yeahs eahs th sleepah protested protestedthe
the functionary You pays extry extryI
I am aware of it replied Thorpe Thorpecurtly ThorJecurtly Thorpecurtly
curtly Give me a lower lowerYossah lowerYessah lowerYossah
Yossah acquiesced the darky darkygiving durkygiving darkygiving
giving way but still In doubt He fol followed followed lotlowed ¬
lowed Thorpe curiously peering into intothe Intothe intothe
the smoking roomon room on him from time timeto timeto timeto
to time At AtL a little after 12 l2his his patience patiencegave patiencegave jiatiencegave
gave out The stolid gloomy man of oflower oflower oflower
lower six seemed to intend int nd sitting up upall upall upall
all night nightYo nightYo nightYo
Yo berth is ready r ady sah he dell delicately dellcately dellcately ¬
cately suggested suggestedThorpe suggestedThorpe suggestedThorpe
Thorpe arose obediently walked to tolower tolower tolower
lower six arid Without Undressing Undressingthrew undressingthrew undressIngthrew
threw himselfon the bed Afterwards Afterwardsthe
the th porter in conscientious discharge dischargeof dIschar e eof
of his duty looked diUsently beneath beneaththe beneaththe beneaththe
the seat for boots to polish Happen Happening HappenIng HappenIng ¬
ing to glance up after fruitless search searchhe s arch earchhe archhe
he discovered the boots still adorning adorningthe
the feet of their owner ownerWell ownerVeIl ownerVell
Well for th lands sake ejacu ejaculated ejaculated ejaculated ¬
lated the scandalized negro beating a ahasty ahasty ahasty
hasty retreat retreatHe retreatHe retreatHe
He was still more scandalized when whenthe whenthe whenthe
the following noon his strange fare farebrushed farebrush farebrushed
brushed brush d by him without bestowing best lng the theexpected theexpected theexpected
expected tip tipThorpe tipThorpe tipThorpe
Thorpe descended at Twelfth street streetin
in Chicago without any a y clear notion notionof
of where he was going For a mo moment moment momeat ¬
ment he faced the long parklike p rklike ex expanse expanse expanse ¬
panse of the lake front then turned turnedsharp turnedsharp tur ed edsharp
sharp to his left and picked his way waysouth waysouth
south up the interminable reaches r ach s of ofMichigan orlIchlgan ofMichigan
Michigan avenue Block after block blockhe blockhe blockhe
he clicked along the caulks of his hisboots hisboots
boots striking fire from the pavement pavementSome pavementSome
Some people stared at him a t little cur curiously curIously curbushy ¬
iously Others Oth rs merely glanced i In his hisdirection hisdirecton hisdirection
direction directon attracted atracted more glancep by the ex exj exlesslon exession
j lesslon < ession of his face than the pe peculiarity peculariy peculiarity ¬
culiarity culariy of his dress At that Ime rimerivermen Imerivermen Imeriverinen
rivermen were not an uncommon sight sightalong sightalong sightalong
along the water front frontAfter CrontArer frontAfter
After Arer an interval heseemed he semed to have haveleft haelef haveleft
left lef the smoke and dirt behind The Thestreet Thestreet Thestreet
street became quieter Boarding houses housesand housesand housesand
and tailors taiors shops ceased Here H re and andthere andthere
there appeared appe rcd a bit bi of lawn shrub shrubbery shrubbery shrubbery ¬
bery flowers fio Er The residences estab established establshed estabhlshed ¬
lished lshed an uptown crescendo of mag magnificence magnifcence magnlflcence ¬
nificence nifcence Policemen PoIceP1cn seemed trimmer trimmerbettergloved trimmerbetergle trimmerbetterglDved
bettergloved betergle Occasionally Occasionaly he might mighthave mighthave mighthave
have noticed notced in front of one of the thesandstone thesandstoi thesandstodO
sandstone sandstoi piles pies a besilvered beslered pair pairchamping pairchaplng pairchaynplng
champing before beore a stylish stylsh vehicle By Byand Byand Byand
and by he came to himself to find that thathe thathe thathe
he was staring at the thE deepcarved let letterhig lettering lettering
tering In a stone horseblock before a alarge alarge alarge
large dwelling dwellingHis dweIng dweIngHis dwellingHis
His mind took the letters leter in one oneafter oneafor Oneaftot
after afor the other perceiving them plain plainly pl plainly ln lnly ¬
ly before I It accorded them themrecogniton themrecognitonFinaly recognition recognitionFinally recognitionFinally
Finally Finaly he had completed fmpleted the th word wordFarrand wordF wordFarrand
Farrand F rrand He whirled sharp on his hisheel hisheel hisheel
heel mounted the broad white whie stone stonesteps stonesteps stoneSteps
steps and rang the bell bellIt bel bellIt
It I was wa answered aswered almost amost immediately immediatelyby immedlatelby
by a cleanshaven cl aushaven portly porty and lnd dignified dignifiedman digified digifiedman dignifiedmaO
man with wih the most impassive coun countenance countenance countenance ¬
tenance in the world This man looked lookedupon lookedupOn lookedupOn
upon upOn Thorpe Torpe with lofty lotty disapproval disapprovalIs dUapproval dUapprovalI
Is I Misg Mis ng Hilda Farrand at home homehe homehe homehe
he asked askedI ask
I cannot catot say replied repled the man If Ifyou Ifyou
you will dl step to the back bak door I will willascertain w1 willascertain
ascertain ascertainThe ascertainThe ascertainThe
The flowers will wi do Now see se tat tatthe tat tatthe t2iatthe
the south room rom is ready Annie Anniefloated Anie Anniefloated
floated a voice from within withinWithout witin withinWithout
Without WIhout a word but Vith Ith deadly deadlyearnestness deadly deadlyearnestness deadlyearnestness
earnestness Thorpe Thor teaohed raohed forward forwardseized forwardseied forwardseized
seized seied the astonished servant serant by the thecollar thecol thecoliat
collar col r yanked ynked him bodily outside the thedoor thedoor thedoor
door stepped inside inside and aId strode across acrossthe acrss acrssthe acrossthe
the hall hal toward a closed portiere portierewhence Dortere Dorterewhence portierewhence
whence had come the voice The The riv rivermans rivermans nv nvernians
ermans long spikes cut ctitlittle little ltte triangular triangularpieces trIanglar trIanglarpieces triangularpieces
pieces from the hardwood floor Thorpe Thorpedid Thorpedid Thorpedid
did not notice notce that He thrust thrst aside asidethe aide aidethe asIdethe
the portiere portiereBefore poriere poriereBefore portiereBefore
Before him he saw a young and andbeautiful andbeautful andbeautiful
beautiful beautful girl gir She was w s seated and andher andher andher
her lap was filled with wih flowers At his hissudden hissudden hissudden
sudden apparition aparlon her hand flew to toher toher toher
her heart and her lips lps slightly slghty parted partedFor partedFor partedFor
For a second s cQnd th thf two stood looking lookingat
at each Other just as nearly n year yearbefore YearbeCore Yearbefore
before their eyes had crossed over the theold theold theold
old < pole trail trailTo tri trailTo
To Thorpe the girl seemed more morebeautiful morebeaUUul morebeautiful
beautiful beaUUul tb t4an an ever The he red of this thlsIol thisviolent thisviolent
violent Iol nt unexpected unex cted encounter rc unter rushed rushedto rushedto
to her face her bosom rose rse and fell fellIn U UIn liIn
In a b fluttering nut tlng catch ctch for breah brea but buther buthlH buthteyes
her hteyes eyes eyes were steady st ady and inquiring InQ lting
The butler buter pounced on Thorpe Thorpe from frombehind frombehin frombehind
behind behin with the intent to do great greatbodily grat gratbodny treatbodily
bodily harm harmMorris harmoris harmMorrls
Morris oris commanded Hilda Hlda sharply sharplywhat sharfilywhat
shnrPy shnrPywhat
what are you doing doingThe doingThe doingThe
The man cut short sh rt his heroism In Inconfusion InconfusIon inconfusion
confusion confusionYou confusIon confusionYou
You ou may go concluded conqJ ded Hilda Hildaby
Thore Thorpe stood strlg straIglitnd unwinking
by b the h e straight t n Igh t po portier rtI After 1 a rne rneS momenWhd
m menWhd spoke spokel1Tite J i tf r P
l1Tite S SU ave V VV conc me to w teI teIiyou Mfvyvurtuai YU il ilave thiat thiatwere h tyu tyue < JHJUf
were e Tight and I Was Wa wronggala wrong1 wrong said iaib ihe h
steadily ste ny You 101 toy told me there ter could couldpotinbthlnp coulde couldbepthtng
potinbthlnp e p hinl better tette et loan baq U lpW > ve v In the thepHEeof theptl theptmeif
pHEeof ptl f mysirengthvi my S ngtt I told ld you ou this thiswas thiswas I Iwa
was wa not so s I was w wrong wrongHe rong j I
He stood stO for another anther instant look l lookleg k king i iIng
Ing directly direct at her th then n turned instt turnd sharp Sb sharply < j
ly and head hd er er erVt et walked vlke from frmthe frmtherOm the theroom theroom
room roomBefore rOm rOmBefore roomBefore ij
Before he had reached rehed the te outer door doorte doorthe j
the te girl il was wa at his side sideWh sIdeWhy j
Why Wh are ar you going she asked askedI askedhI
hI I have nothing more morE to say s sayNothIng4 j
NoihlngJ NothIng4Nothing otblng otblngNothing v vNothing
Nothing at alL alLShe alLShe alLShe
She laughed Jau hed happily hppl to herself herselfBut h liseltBut rsel rselBut j
But I have havemueh havemuch much Come back backThey bd backThey
They retr returned returned tthe tothe little We morning morningr morni mornircm morningrtlOrS
r rtlOrS < R > m Thorpes caulked boots gouging gougingout
rcm Tor s culke bOot gougng gougngout
out the little triangular trlnblar4furrowg tilanglziarfurrow furrows In the thehardwood thehardwood
1rdwod hardwood floor foor Neither Neiher noticed ndUce that thatWhat thatbt thatWhat
What bt are you going to do now she shecatechised shectechlse shecatechised
catechised ctechlse facing him in the middle of ofthe 1 1the Ithe
the room rm A long tendril tendri of her beau beautiful aU j jher
tful tiful cornsik cornsilk hair fell across her eye eyes eyesher I
her rid Hi ll iis s parted rted in a faint wistful wistul wistfuismile i ismile
smile smie beneath beneth the draperies of f her herloose herloose
loose IDse gown gvn the pure pre slender lines lnes 04 04her 14 u uher
her figure fgure leaned lene toward him himI
I am golng back > he replied repled pa patiently patentJ patlently ¬
tiently tientlyI tentJ
hI I knew kne you would woul come ore said she sheI she
I have ha been expecting you youOh youOh youOh
Oh Harry H ry she breathed with fh a asuddeh asudd asuddeh
suddeh sudd h Pah flash lash of insight insl ht you OU are a man manborn manborn manborn
born to be b much misunderstood misunderstoodHe
He held himself rigid but in his hisveins hIsv hl hlvOins I
veins v In was creeping a molten fire and andthe andthe andthe
the fire was beginning to glow dully duly in inhis inhis
his eye Her whole being called caled him himHis himHis himHis
His heart leaped leapd his breath came fast fasthis fasthis fasthis
his eyes eye swam He tried to steady steadyhimself steadyhimself steadyhimself
himself and by an effort efort that left l n him himweak hImwak himwqak
weak wqak he succeeded For a moment loment it itseemed i itseemed
seemed to him that he was going to tofaint tofant tofatnt
faint faintAnd fantAnd fatntAnd
And still sUl she stood sttod there before him himsaying him8aIng himsaying
saying nothing leaning slightly Slghtly toward towardhim towrd towrd11m towardhim
him 11m her h r red lips lps half parted her eyes eyesfixed eyesfixed eyesfixed
fixed almost wistfully wistfuly on his face faceGo faceGo ace aceGo
Go away he whispered whlsp re hoarsely h hoarselyat hoarselyatlasL areht arehtlast t tlast
last last The vofce was not his own Go Goaway Goaway Goaway
away Go Gc Goaway GoawaySuddenly away awaySuddenly awaySuddenly
Suddenly she swayed swayed1to Ho to him himOh hl hlOh himOh
Oh Harry Harr1 Harry Harry0se she whispered whisperedmust whisperedmust whisperedmustI
must mustI I tel tell you D Dont ht yoU 3Q see seeThe seeThe seeThe
The flood flod broke through thrugh hlmj him himseize He Heseized ie ieseized
seize seized her hungrily hungrl IHe e crusbfdlier crusbfdlierto crusttd rusWdhet rusWdhettc her herto
to him 11P1 until unt she sh aba gasped He le presaetihis presaetihislips lrosseI his his1ps j5 j5lips
lips 1ps against hers until unt sheajl she he al a1 pre jit f4t9rled f4t9rledout lut tprled tprledout cried criedout
out with ih pain of oCl it be ran raA his hisgiet hisgietbrown great greatbrown greatbrown
brown hands blindly blndiy through rough Her hafr hafruntil hafrunti hairuntil
until unti it came down dowJ about boul them theI both laothIn oot bothIn
In a cloud coud of spun spun light lightTell UghtTelme lightTell
Tell Telme me he whispered whspered Tell Tel me meOh meOh meOh
Oh oh she cried cried Please Pleae What WhatIs WhatIs YhatIs
Is It ItI I
I do not believe it i he murmured murmuredsavagely m murmuredsavagely rmured rmuredsa
savagely savagelyShe sa ag ly lyShe
She drew herself from him with wih gen gentle gentie gentie ¬
tie dignity dignityIamnot dignityI dignityIamnot
Iamnot I am not worthy worth to say it i she said saidsoberly s saidsoberly Id Idsoberly
soberly but I love you with lh all my myheart m mheat myheart
heart heat and nd soul soulThen souUTeufer souLThen
Then Teufer for the first frst and only time m mhis in inhis Iiihis
his life lfe Thorpe fell to weepingwhile weepingwhileshe weeplngwhn weeplngwhnshe weepin while whileshe
she understanding Jd rstandlng stood by and com comforted comforted cornforted ¬
forted him himThe himThe r rThe
The few moments of Thorpes tears tearseased tearS tearseased
eased the emotional emotonal strain strin under which whichperhaps whichperhaps hich hichperhaps
perhaps uheonsciusly uhcnscibusly he had been ber la laboring laborIng Iaboring ¬
boring for nearly a year past The Thetenseness Thetenseness Thetenseness
tenseness of his nerves relaxed relaed He Hesavored Hesavored
savored deliberately delberately the t e joy of a lux luxurlous luxur luxuriOus I
urlous ur us couch rich rch hangings polished POlshed polishedfloor j
ifloor floor oor subdued light liht warmed atmos atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere ¬ 1
phere He watched with souldeep souldeepgratitude souldeepgrattude souldeepgratitude
gratitude grattude the soft girlish girlsh curves cureHid ofrl ofrlHildas
Hildas Hid s body bod > the poise pfise of her flower flowerhead fower liowOrhead I Ihead
head the piquant halfwistful halwlstful half halfchildish halfchildish
childish chidish set of her red lips lps the clear clearstarlike clearstrlke clearstarlike
starlike strlke glimmer glmmeror of her h r dusky eyes It Itwas 1 Itwas
was all near to him his hisKiss j
Kiss me dear she said saidShe saidShe I IShe
She leaned her h r cheeks against her herhand herhand herhand
hand and her hand against his shoul shouldcr shouldor I Ider
dcr i iI II
I have been reading a story lately latelysaid latelysaid latelysaid
said she that has interested lnte ested me very verymuch verymuch verymuch
much It was about a man who re renounced renounced renounced
nounced all al he held most dear de daro to shield shielda shle1
a friend fren frenYes S 4 j jYes
Yes said sid Thorpe ThorpeThen ThorpeIThen ThorpeThen
IThen Then he renounced all his most val vajuable valuable r ruable
uable possessions possessonsbecause because A poor com common com common cornmon ¬
mon man needed ne ed the sacrifice sacrificeSounds sacriice sacriiceSoun sacrificeSOunds
Sounds Soun s like lke a medieval story satd saidhe satdhe satdlie
he with wih unconscious uncosious humor humorIt
hi It happened recently reenty rejoined Hil HUa Hilda liiida
da < a I rlad rEd it in the papers papersWel papersWell j jWell
Well Wel he blazed b1ae a good goo trail trailrwas rwas rwasThorpes was wasI vdsThorpes
Thorpes sighing comment comment Proba Probably Pr Probably bao baobly
I bly he had his chance We dontall dontallof dont all allof allof
of us get that Things go crooked crookedand crookEd crookEdand crookOdand
and get tangled up so we have to do dothe qothe dothe
the best bet we can I < dont dontbelieve ont beleve believe Id Idhave 1dhave I Ihave
have done It ItOh ItOh
Oh you are re delicious delcious she cried criedAfer criedAfter >
After Afer a time tme she said very ver humbly hum1ly humblyI I
I want to beg your pardon rdon for mis misunderstanding misunderstnding misunderstanding
j understanding understnding you and causing cusing you so somuch somuch somuch
much suffering sufering I was very stupid stupidand stupidand stupidarid
and didnt see why you could not do as asI asI asI
I wanted you ou to toThat toThat
That is nothing to forgive I acted actedlike actedI actedlIke
I like I e a fool foolI loolhI >
hI I have ha e known about you she went wenton welt welton wenton
on It has bs all al come out o t in the Tele Telegram Telegram Telegram ¬
gram It I has been very ver ver exciting exclng Poor Poorboy Poorboy Poorboy
boy you yo look tired tiredHe tred tredHe tiredHe
He straightened himself Imse1 suddenly surdaly surdalyhave I Ihave Ihave
have forgotten forgotenltualy forgottenattually actually forgotten he hecried heered hecried
cried ered a little ltle bitterly biterly Why I sin afnapauper a1na sinapauper
apauper a a bankrupt I IHarry IHarry IHarry
Harry she Interrupted gently genty but butvery butve butvery
very ve firmly frmly you yoU must not say what whatyou whatyou
w1t w1tou
you ou were coing Iolng to say sa I cannot al alloxv allow allow
low It I Money came cme between us be before b bfore beforO
fore It I must not do o so again agall Api ApiI
I not 10t right dear dearShe dearShe dearShe p
She smiled smIed at him with vlh the lbs ls bf bfa br bra bfa
a child chid and the eyes of f a woman womanYes womanYes oman omanYes
Yes he agreed a efd afera after a strugglg strugglgyou struggIqyou
you are right rIght But B t now no I must struggt begin beginall Qe beglim beglimall Jl
all al over again agin It I will wl ba b a a long time timebefore tI Umebefore
before I shall sal be able to claim yQJi yQJiI yo I
I have my way to make makeYes InakeYe ipakeYes
Yes Ye she said sid diplomatically diplomatcalY diplomatcalYUBut diplomaticallyBut x xBut
But you he cried suddenly ThS ThSpapers T9 T9papers TIipapers
papers remind me How about that thatMorton thatMorton hat hatMorton
Morton MortonWhat MortonVhat MortonWhat >
What about him asked aked the girl girlastonished girlastonIshed girlastonished
astonished He Is very happily en engaged enga engaged ¬
gaged gagedThorpes ga gagedThorpes ed edThorpes
Thorpes face slowly filled tIed with wih blood bloodYoull bloog
Youll Youl break the engagement engag ment at oncef once oncehe once1
he commanded a little Itle harshly harhl harhlUWhy
Why should I break the engage engagement engagement engagement
ment ment demanded Hilda eying him himwith himwith j
with wih some somealarm somealarmYou alrm I IYU
You actually actuall dont think thi nk hes en engaped engaged
gaped ga ed to me she burst out finally finallyIsnt finaly finalylsnt I iialiyisnt
Isnt he asked Thorpe ThorpeWhy Thore ThoreYhy ThorpeWhy
Why no stupid Hes engaged engged to toElizabeth toElzbeth toElizabeth
Elizabeth Elzbeth Carpenter Wallaces sister sisterNow j
Now where did you get get that tat silly siy Idea IdeaI I
I saw sw it in the paper paperAnd paperAnd I
And you believe beleve all you see Why
didnt you ask Wallace Wallacebut Valiacebut but of course courseyou coure coureyou courseyou
you wouldnt Harry Harr you are the themost Hiemost themost
most incoherent dumb old brute I ever eversaw eversaw
saw sawl I could shake shke you ou You need needa I
a wife wie to Interpret things for you You Youspeak j jspeak ispea
speak spea a different diferent language langage from most mostpeople j
people She said sld this between laugh laughIng laughing j I
ing and crying between a sense of the te terIdIculous j jridiculous mridiculous
ridiculous uselessness nselesness of withholding wihholding a asingle a a asingle
single timely tmely word and a tender pa pathetic ppthetic
thetic thetc intuition intuiton of the suffering Serng such sucha au aua
a nature must endure endureSuddenly endur endureSuddenly
Suddenly she jumped to her feet with withan Wih Wihan withan
an exclamation exclamationOh ex lamaton lamatonOh
Oh Harry Har Id Id forgotten t rgoten utterly utterlyshe utterlyshe
she cried in laughing laughngconsteraton iuughingconsternatlon iuughingconsternatlonhave consternation f
have a luncheon here at half past one oneIts one ondi ondiIts
Its almost that now no I must run arid
dress drss Just ust look at me Just looJU 100l lodkl1You rd t
You did that tha thatIll v 4 4Il 4 4Ill
Ill Il wait here her until mUlthe the confounded con d i ithing
thing is over said Thorpe ThorpeOh ouI
Oh no you wont replied repled Hilda
decidedly decded You are going downtown downtownon downt downtdunright Hidn n nright
right now ard and set something to put puton ut uton
on Then T1en you are corning cming back here tere tostay to tostay tostay
stay stayThorpe stayThorpe stayThorpe
Thorpe glanced in surprise at his
drivers clothes clothc and his spiked s lked boots Mot bootsHeavens
Heavens Heave1 and earth he exclaimed
I should think sol sl How am I to t get getout g getout t tout
out withbutfrulning wit itTulning the floor tIoor11ldn
Hilda 1ldn laughed la ghed and drew aside aide the theportieresi theporiere theportieres
portieres portieresiDont poriere portieresDont
Dont DQ t you u think tink you have done that thatpratty
pretty t aveJU ell already she asked
Thertf Ther don dont t look so soole solemn n Were We Werenot re
not going to be sorry for a einglethinc einglethincweVe <
aElngletlngi aElngletlngieve
weVe wese eve doneHoday done odaY are we irehlose SheatBoaii
close to him searching his histUlly faclFwGf5 S t
fully with wIt her fathomless dusky dus duslvry ey 5 s
2 J
i aSo owaetheat sweetheart waare we are netreplied netrepliedCHAPTER not replIed replIedThlrpe
Thlrpe r r F2 F2CT
Sure Surely It 1 is useless 1S I8 to follow folow the te se sequel sequel sequa ¬
quel qua in detail detl to tell tel how Hilda per persuaded perAade persjia4edFljorrito ¬
suaded sjia4edFljorrito Aade ITnerp l to take tk her money tRe To Toayttirian Toa o oa
ayttirian a a WW wnan n huiti uca u b as sha SlE sb this thl was > ras s not notvary no nove notvers
vary ve difficult U1 ul task sk In the long run A AVj Attw A1wreruples
ttw 1wreruples eruples of pride tht that vas aH allhate
Vj 1 hate to do It he said It doesnt doesntJoflJrrlght doent doentlo doesntJoektight
It sd
JoflJrrlght JoflJrrlghtYouvrniist lo krlght krlghtAY
AY < Youvrniist atijnuet UJJst slfaahsistefl slinISU I will wl1 ili i fiQI fiQIpOstioniftrieh Qt QttR
< tR mkte 6tfie iJOsltioirWrieh 1oslo rich wife ta to t a poor poorman por poorman
man mn it i Is humiliating humiatng to both bth I will willnot wi willnot
not marry you until unti you ou have made madejttur madeWur madepr
jttur Wur pr succ suc suece sueceThat sfc sfcThai
Thai Th W fe I rtshtjjsaid is ijgjtt said ThqrjH Thorphsartijy Thorphsartijyselfish h Jwiartiiy Jwiartiiysottish t
selfish sefsh as a to keep kep me waiting waitng ne while you youTDke younk
TDke mk nk an entirely ontry new start 5t nt when a alittle antt aIlttIe
little ntt help on my m part Pr will wi bring brng your yourplans yor yorplns yourplans
plans plns to t completion completionShe cmplton cmpltonShe completionr
She saw the shadow shadqw of passant et f in in big hisveyes bigeyes
eyes s sttlow SiHow c cow
ttlow ow much m ch doVyoune dO o ed d2 JSheasked JSheaskedswiftly Jheake heaskedswiftly
swiftly swiftlyI swfty
I I must take up the notes note he ex exptelned expined expialged
ptelned pined I rtStisffcJSy rSllt the th men neic I may mayneed my myn mayneed
need n c something amething on o the stock market marketIf market
If I I so in on this thing Im Im going in infor Infor infor
for keeps k ps Ill Il get after those fellows fellowswho felows felowswho fellowswho
who have been ben swindling swindlng Wallace VaIace Say
SmOOO SmOOOW siao000Why
W Why iJ iy its Is nothing she cried criedIm eled eledrmglad criedIm
Im rmglad glad you think so he replied repliedgrimly repled repledgrhnh repliedgrimly
grimly grimlyShe grhnhShe grimlyShe
She ran rn to her dainty escritoire escritoireWhere eitoire eitoirewhere escnitoireWhere
Where she scribbled eagerly for a few fewmoments fewm fewmrnients
moments momentsThere m mrnientsThere ments mentsThere
There she cried her eyes shining shiningthere shiningthare shiningthere
there Is my check book bo k all al signed in inblank inblank iablank
blank Ill Il see seethat that th2t the money mone is there thereSo thereSo thereSo
So it i was that Hilda Hida Farrand gave gaveher gve gveher gaveher
her lover confidence rfdence brought him out outfrom outfrom outfrom
from his fanaticism fnatcism launched him himafresh himafresh himafresh
afresh into the te current of events He Heremained HeTemalqe Heremained
remained Temalqe in Chicago lcgo all al that tat summer summergiving summetIngorers summergivingorders
giving givingorders Ingorers orders that all al work at the vii village vi viilage ¬
lage of Carpenter should cease Withhis With Withhis Vithhs
his hs affairs atair that summer we have hae little littleto ltte ltteto littleto
to do His commonsense treatment treatmentof
of the stock market markpt by which a policy policyof plcy plcyof
of quiescence quiecence following an outright outrightbuying outrightbuying outrightbuyingof
buying buyingof of the stock which he had pre previously preYlously preylously ¬
Ylously held on margin retrieved etreved the thelosses thelosses thelosses
losses Already lread sustained u taln d and finally finallyput finaly finalyput finallyput
put both partners on a firm frm financial financialfooting finmincialfooting n ncial ncialfootng
footing footng That is another arother story stOrytoo So Sotoo O Otoo
too is his Is reconciliation r tJOJWit with an under understanding understndlnKof undeistandingof <
standing stndlnKof of b 1 ssfetgr t r It = came about aboutthrough aboutirough aboutthrough
through irough Hilda Hida of course coure Perhaps P rhaps In lnthe Inthe inthe
the inscrutable way of Providence Povidence the thoestrangement thl theestrangement
estrangement was of benefit benefite evea nec necessary necessaryfor necessaryfor ¬
essary essaryfor for it had thrown him entirely entirelywithin entrly entrlywIthin entirelywithin
within himself himself T during dJrng his militant militantyears mltnt mltntyears militantyears
years yearsLet yearsLet
yearsLt Lt Let us rather rathr look to the end of the thesummer thesummetI thesummer
summer summetI It now became 1oame a question queston of ofreopenlnglhe ofreopenlngihe ofreopenlngihe
reopenlngihe camps Thorpe Thore wrote wrot to toShearer toShearer
Shearer and Radway ndwa whom hehadTe hehadTetalned heladTe heladTetalned hehadretalried1
talned that he h would arrive on Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
day day noon and suggested s geted that the two twobegin twobegin twobegin
begin to t look lok about for men Friday Fridayhjmself FidayhJmselt Fridayhimself
himself Wallace Va1 Curpenter alpent r Elizabeth ElizabethCarpenter EJizap liza th thCarpenter thCarpener
Carpenter Morton f rton Helen Thorpe ThorpE and andHilda andHida andHilda
Hilda Hida train tralp Farrand Farnd boarded boardthe the northbound northboundtrain nOJthbound nOJthboundtralp northboundtrain
The train x of > f the te South SouthSbore Shore railroad railroadshot riroad riroadshot railroadshot
shot its way wh across d thj the broad 1rQad reaches reachesof
of the te northern noriern peninsula penlnsula On either eitherside eith eitherside r rside
side of tlieright th th9ghtQf lgniQf of way w lay la mystery in inthe inthe inthe
the shape shape of thickets so dense denscand denscandovergown and andovergrown andovergrown
overgrown overgown that the the eye ey could penetrate penetratethem penetrte penetrtethem penetratethem
them but a few feet at most Beyond Beyondthem Beyondhem Beyondthem
them stood the forests fores Thus Nature Naturescreened Naturelcreened Naturescreened
screened lcreened her Irtttmacres 1rtmacfi from the im impertinent i irapertinent ¬
pertinent pertnent eye of the he 2 hew ie new order of ofthings f fthings fthings
things thingsThore thingsThorpcwicomed jg
Thorpewelcomed Thore Jeomed the smell 5melf smelLof rof the thenorth thinorth h htth
north tth land He became almost alros eager Eas r
side sidev side explaining xPla n ng indicating i dic ngt to the girl gio giolat lat at his hisside h hisside I Iside
v ChereJs bere 1 ih the thecanada < Ganada Gaada balsam bal mh mhcried he hecried h hcried
cried cried Do you remember rmembr how hw I showed showedit showedI
it I to t you OU first frt And yonder the spruce spruceHow spruceHow spruceHow
How stuck up your ur teeth were wr when wheni whenyou
i you tried ti to chew the te gum before it ithad
had h been n heated hett Da l you gp remember rememberJkOok rememberI rememberJloO1 I
JkOok JloO1 I Look x > ok okthere there Its Is aJwhlte Whit pine pineIsnt pin
Isnt Itfa If W a grand gnd tree tee Its Is the finest finesttree fnet finestI
I tree tr in the forest by my way of think thinking thinking thinking ¬
ing so o tall tal so straight strtight so s feathery eather and andso ands andso I
so s dignified dilnIfed See Se Hilda Hida look quick quickTheres quickThrs quickrbares
Theres Thrs an old 01 logging loggng road all al filled filledwith fle filledwith
with wih raspberry rspbem vfnes Well Wel find fnd lots lotsof lot lotsof I
of partridges there and perhaps prhaps a bear bearWouldnt bearWouldnt r r1rouldnt
Wouldnt you v u just jut like lke to walk down it itabout i Itabout
about abut sunset sunsetYes sunsetrYes T TYes
Yes Harry Harry1I Harr
1 1I 1wnndeiwhet L1 wonVipr wbnfr italrsstopping r8opplng for forSeems forSeems forSeems
Seems to me tjljejvare tllE l r stopping at every everysquirrels tve tvesquIrels everysquirrels
squirrels squIrels trail tri Qj Qh this thl must be Seney SeneyYes Sney SneyYes SeneyYes
Yes Yes it i is k Queec Que QueclIttie < little lUe place pbu e Isnt it itbut I Itbut
but sort srt of attractive att Uve Good G deal del like likeour lke lkelour likeour
lour our town You YoU have never ever seen see Car Carpenter Cr Crptnter Carpenter ¬
penter ptnter have ba haveyou you our Locations Lctons fine any anyi l anyway
i I way and tomeTits to melts raajts sort 80r of picturesque O ofpIcturesqueYouii picturesqueYoull picttreque
Youll ilk Ukp < Mrs Hathaway Shes a aI abuxom
I buxom buom motherly woman womn who runs the theboarding theboarding 11
boarding barIng house for eighty men and still stillfinds sti stillfinds
finds fnds time tme to mend my m clothes for me meAnd meAnd meAnd
And youll ouU like lke Solly SI Sollys the tug tugcaptain tugcaptain
captain a mighty good fellow true as asa asa asa
a gunbarrel gnbarrel Well Wel have him take us usout usout usout
out some still day Well w n be b there in ina ina ina
a few minutes now See the cranberry cranberrymarshes crnbm crnbmmarhes cranberrymarshes
marshes marhes Sometimes Sometmts theres a good deal dealof del dealof I
of pine ori o o little ite islands scattered scatered over overit overIts I
it i Its but its Its very ver hard to log loS unless you youget youget I
get a good winter We Ve had just such sucha
a proposition prposion when I worked for Had Radway Rd Rdwa Hadway ¬
way wa Oh youll like lke Radway Rdway hes as asgood asgood asgood
good as gold Helen HelenYes HelenYes
Yes Ye replied lepUed his sister sisterI
I want you to know Radway Rdway Hes Hesthe
the te man who gave gve me my start startAll strt strtAl startAll
All Al right rght Harry Hai laughed Helen HelenIll Helenhrl HelenIll
hrl Ill meet anybody anybdy or anything from frombears frombears
bears bea to Indians IndiansI I
I know an Indian too tooGeelgt tooGeezlgut Geezlgut an anOjibwa anOjibwawe
Ojibwa Ojibwawe we call cal him Injin Charley Charle CharleH I
He H was wa my m first frt friend in the north northwoods northwoods I
woods He helped me get my timber timberThis tmber tmberThis timberThis
This spring sprng he killed ki d a man mana a good goodJob god godjob goodjob
Job too toad tooand and Is hiding now I wish I Iknew Iknew Iknew
knew where he is But well n see se SGaomg himV himVsbm
sbm s6mid aomg day y HellFcome Hell etcoi come back bck when hen the thething thething 1 1thfngblows
thing thfngblows blows tjver v r eer ee See
What h t 1 they tJe all asked aske e breathless breathlessthere br breathlessts athles
1ti ts g gri Over be3 beyon4 m te h lilIis lilIisthe
there th the re I 6a dugiita trgh rgh a a gHrtpseVf glips ot f Wpeffdr WpeffdrYou Sup 1fQr 1fQrYou Cfr CfrYou J
You are ridiculous rfdl tl10us Harry Harr 7 protest protestsaw protested rote
I edHelcn ed Helen Thorpe laughIngly laughingly I never neverSw neverSaw
saw Sw you so You are a a regulalr tegul t boy by
Do you oU like Ike boys he asked grave ¬
ly l of Hilda HildaAdore Hlda HildaAdore gve j jAdore
Adore themshe them she cried criedAll criedhAU criedAll >
hAU All right I dont care cr he answered answeredhis
his sister siste in triumph triumphThe trIQmph triumphThe
The air brakes brkes began to make them themselves themselves themselves ¬
selves felt fel and shortlythe shortl shortly the train trin came cameto cameto cameto
to a grinding gtI dlng stop stopWhat stopWha stopWhat
What Wha station ttton Is this thIs Thorpe Thorpeasked Thorpeaskedthe asked askedthe askedthe
the colored porter porterShingleviUe porterShlngleYle porterShingleviue
ShingleviUe ShlngleYle cab ah the the latter l ter replied repliedf rep1ed rep1edI
I thought so Wallade Walade when did didtheir didtheir didtheIr
their mill burn anyway I havent 1haventheard haventheard haventheard
heard about It ItLast It ItLast itLast >
Last spring about the time tme you youwent you youwent youWent
went down downIs
Is that so Ro How IO did It happen happenThey h happenThey ppen 7 7They
They claim caim incendiarism incendi uism parried parriedWallace parriedWalace parriedWallace
Wallace Walace cautiously cautiouslyThorpe eautoul eautoulThorpe caUtiouslyThorpe
Thorpe pondered a moment then thenlaughed thenlaughed thenlaughed
laughed I am in the mixed attitude attitudeof
atttude atttudeof
of the small smal boy he observed obsered who whoisnt whoIsnt whoisnt
isnt near enough enoulh to wish anybodys anybodysproperty
s property propertydestroyed destroyed but who wishes wishesthat wishesthat wishesthatif
that thatif if I there Is a fire to be where he hecn hecan
j can cn see 1 e it I I am sorry those fellows felows
I Ih I had d to lose their mill mi but It was a akood aod at
t good od thing thing for us The man who set setihat setl sethat
l hat fire flr did us a good gOd turn If I It Ithadnt I ithadnt
hadnt adnt been for the burning of their
made a StrlThgvi r rfght Ifight
mIfltheywOUldhaVe OUld have a
ml market markethIa
fight against us in the stok stock 1 1Uale
fght aginst exchanged exchangedglances
¼ hIa and nd IUk Hfidft
Uale waS long sin since awae awaeot aware awareof I
ganceTheg ganceThegof glances The girl a Jng
gr those tlwswhispered da days daysTou1l
of the inside history histor of I
Tou1l hay to tell tnem that she shewhispered
Yon the tel baek of her seat seatIt seL sOakIt
whispered whipr over
It will please them themOur
wi plese tem temOur mu I
Our station staton is next net cried le Thorpe Thorpeand ThOrpP ThOrpPand rn
Come get getrcadj getrdJ getready
little ways VY
and its Is only a ltte way
ready rcadjThey rdJ readyThey I IThty
They all crowded lnt Into th the Iwfff Iwfffpassageway narrOw narrOwpassageway rw rwpsgeway
Thty al crowe
for the train trainbarely trainbarely
passageway psgeway near ner the door dor tln tlnbarel
barely ytmeod ytmeodAH ptsesedAll
barel AH Al right right U sah sh said si the te porter porteri prter prterSWingng porterswinging
little step stepThorpe stepThorpe
i swinging down his ltt step
SWingng Thorpe ran down to help the ladies ladiesHe ladie ladieHe ladlesHe
He Thor was nearly rn taken from trm his hi feet f t by bya b ba bya
en and a otSflt later that thatrush thatult5 thatresult
a wildcat widct yell andajnwnMit Jet r
result ult5 was wasrush IIY ACouipm1 <
rush rsh of men that thlt tossed tOsE him bodily bodilyonto bodiy bodiyOnto bodIlyOnto I
mo moment mOment mement ¬
onto Its shoulders shoulder At th the same se
ment the mill mU and tug whistles whltes began beganto ben beganto
to screech screh miscellaneous mls ellneus firearms iarms ex exploded exploded cxpioded I
ploded Even EY n the he locomotive lcmotv engineer engineerm enginer enginerin
m in the thespirtof spirit spirtiof > of the occasion OCStO leaned leaneddown IO8ROddown
down his whistle rope The Thesawdust Thesawdut Thesawdust
heartily hert on hi whiste rpe I
sawdust sawdut street was wa filled fle with wit scream screaming sream sreaming screaming ¬
ing jostling men The homes of the thetown thetown thetown
ing town jotng were brilliantly briianty draped d1ped with withcheesecloth wih witheleeseeloth
cheesecloth flags and ad bunting buntingFor buntng buntngFor bUntin5For
cle eloth fag 1
For a moment mom nt Thorpe Thore could cld not make makeout makeout makeOut
This turmoil turmoilwas j jwas
out what had happened happene turoi
was so different diferent from the dead de quiet of ofdesertion otdeserton ofdesertion
desertion deserton he had expected expete that that he b was wasunable wasunabl wasunable
unable unabl to gather his faculties facultes All Allabout Al Allabout
about him were ere familiar famUar faces up upturned upturned upturned ¬
turned to t his hI own He distinguished distinguishedthe distngished distngishedthe
the broad square shoulders of Scotty ScottyParsons ScottyParons ScottYParsofls
Parsons Parons Jack Hyland Kerlle Kerle Bryan BryanMoloney I IMoloney
Moloney Ellis EIsglnne grinned at him frem fremthe fromthe i ithe
the press Billy iy Camp the th fat and andshiny I Ishin
shiny shin drive cook cok Mason lastm the foreman foremanof Iof
of the mill mi Over Ov r beyond howled Solly Sollythe Sol Sollythe
the tug captain captalI Roll Rolay Rollwai way Charley CharleyShorty Ckare CkareShort ChanyShorty
Shorty Short the xmore ohor boy by everywhere everywherewere everherewere
were features feature that he knew As A his hisdimming hisdimming hisdimming
dimming eyes traveled trveled here and there thereone thereone thereone
one by b one th the Fighting FIghtng Forty the thebest thebest thebest
best crew of men ever gathered gthered in the thenorthland thenorthlad thenorthland
northland impressed me themselves themselve in his hisconsciousness hisconsciousneSs
consciousness northlad conscloune impresse s Saginaw blrlers blrer Flat Flatrher Fiatriver I j jriver
river drivers woodsmen from the for forests j
ests est of lower Canada C Cn odmen nda da bulb boys out outbt outAt I Ifit I
fit the t th Musk Muskon Mgs1tgofivaters gon iyaters peavey men menfrom ien I
Au Sable white whiewater whitewater water dare daredevils daredevis daredevils ¬
devils devis from the te rapids rpids of the Menom Menominee MenommOeall tenomin
inee in mOeall eal all wexerthsre we there to do him honor honorhim honorh honorh1gi
him h in whonVrltne hOt homniii E had learned l arned to see seethe seethe seethe
the supreme supr m qualities U Ifties es of their calling callingOn clng clngOn callingOn
On the outskirts outskirt sauntered sauntere the tall tallforiri tU tUCon tallforta
foriri Con of oC Tim Shearer Shrr a straw strw peeping peepingfrom peepingtrm peepingfrom
from trm beneath b Jath his histnxwhlte flaxwhite mustache mustachehis
his eyes glimmering gIJmmerrg under his flax flaxwhite fia fia fiawhite
white whie eyebrows fyebrwsHe He Ie did not evidence evidenceas vIdenceas
as much excitement exctemeJt as the others but butthe butthe butthe
the very ver bearing or the man expressed expressedthe
the deepest satisfaction satsfacton Perhaps Perhp he heremembered herememberd heremembered
remembered rememberd that tha zero morning moring so somany somany i imany
many years yea before when he had hadwatqhed
watched watched the thinly clad cad shivering shrverlngchore shiveringchore
chore boy set his face for the first frst time timetowards tme tmetowards timetowards
towards the dark ark forest forestBig forestBig forestBig
Big Junko and Anderson Andern deposited depositedtheir depsited depsitedtheir depositedtheir
their burden buren on the raised risd platform platfor of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the office ofce steps steJ Thorpe Thore turned and andfronted andfronted j
fronted the crowd crowdThe crwd crwdThe crowdThe
The meiv menlook memloOkM looked d upon their leader leaderand lead leaderand r rand
and gave gve voice to tothe the enthusiasm enthusiam that thatwas thntwas thatwas
was In them < He H stood aJone ne there therestraight therestrIght therestraight
straight strIght and tall tal the muscles musle of his hisbrown blsbrown hisbrown
brown face set to hide his emotions emotionshis
emotons emotonshis
his head thrust back proudly prudly the lines linesof Hne linesof
of his strong strng figure fgure tense tene with wih power powerthe powerthe
the glorification glorifcton in finer fner matter mater of the thehardy thehardy thehardy
I hardy reliant r lant men who did him honor honorOh honorOh honorOh
Oh arent you proud of him himgasped himI himgasped
gasped Hilda Hida squeezing Helens arm armwith armwih I Iwith
with wih a little ltte sob sobIn sobIn sobIn
I In a moment Wallace Walace Carpenter Carenter his hiscountenance hi hiscountenance
countenance glowing with wih pride prde and andpleasure andI andpleasure
I pleasure plesure mounted the platform pltfor and andstood ad andstOod i istod
stood stod beside his friend while whie Morton
and the thi two young lathes st pp3 PPEd PPdway i iway
way up the steps stepsAt stpc stpcAtoncth8weket stepsAtonesthe 1
At Atonesthe onco tha raaket ceased
Atoncth8weket aefElrl aefElrlsto Every Everystood Eve Evestood
stood sto at attention attentionMr atentin atentinMr
Mr Thorpe Thorp Wallace Yalace began begantha ban banthooU begantboOeTUOst
tha thooU tboOeTUOst yoquest st of o your friends frins Here Mr i 1 j ja bat bata
a a a most nst pleasant pleEant duty to t fulfill fulfillhave fulfl h i ihave h
have asked me to tell t I h
hv ake Je you YO hw > w g
they the are to s see e you yu OfcU tt i is surely supel supelneeisnry Ur ga i inecessary n
necessary The hav h haol Faleo
nec s ask askd askdcongratulate < i J iJ P Pcongratulate
congratulate con tulate you on 01 ott MTing y won wo f ffight t tfght tfight
fight fght with wih our or rlvaJfe rlvaJfeYou rh rhYu rlvalYou
You Yu done em 4111 g gtoa < M > ti Cant d T3 T3tha
tha Old Fellow Fellw muttered mut f joyn joynvoices jo jooiC yrI yrIvoicCfi
voices voicesBut voicCfiBut oiC
oiCBut But said Wallace Yallc I think that thatfirst j
tat tatfrst
have a story to tell
first frst sto el on my ow owaccount o oacount osaccount
account accountAt
acount acountAt 1 1At
At tb th the tlm tm time the jam jm broke hs hsspring hssprIng
spring rngwe we owed oWe the men me hn mn henyears f fyears fers
work At that time I
years ers tm conpi3fr conpi3frtheir eonstiertheir n
their thir demand deman for fo wages ag Illtiroa UUm ilitimp d i igrasping a agrasping agspng r
grasping gspng I wish wih to apologize apgize After Ate Atethemone Aftethe
the themone money V5 w PW P them t m instpa2 instpa2scattering inst instajscattering l lscttering
scattering scttering they set to work wok und un under < r < r ja jaRadway JaRdw I
and Tim T Shearer Sbr r to
Radway Rdw y sai sac sacycur aS aSycur
ycur logs log They Th have worked workedhours ork < oce i
hours all al summer They The have bn > invr iny inyeeo in inevery r 5 5every
every cent nt of their years yers earnings earningssupplies ern earningssupplies n nSUppl
supplies SUppl 5 and tools and now a the they theprepared s apreprd i iprepared
prepared preprd to show you U in the toiuparv toiuparvbooms lom rOa1psrbooms a abms >
booms bms three million miion feet tt of logs logscued Igscued o T
cued cue by their grit git and hard labor Jabr labortotal fr frtotal 1
total totl loss lossAt ls lsAt lessAt
At this point pint th th the speaker sker was wasrupted as Jnrr Jnrrrupted iTfn iTfnrupted
Saw off rShut Shut
rupted oc up Giv GivUR G1 p pus
UR a a rest growled gowle the th audn audnThree audit audrThree
Three million miion feet fet aint worth Ukir Ukirabout tTk tTkabut takiabOut
about abut You make me tired trd SaV SaVyour Sa Sayour a ayour
your little lite say sy the way v you yo oughtcr oughtcrFound ouhtpr ouhtprFound OUghterFound
Found purty nigh two millions miions porii poriieted pl pe peeted
eted on Mares island ilan or he RouIJt RouIJta uIht uIhta
a had hd that much Damn fool fol fo under undertaking und ureetaking ¬
taking anyhow anyhowMen anyhowMen anyhowMen
Men cried crie Thorpe Thorp I havf h5 bee beevery b te tevery
very fortunate From Frm failure faiur suim suimhas SUo SUoha suhas
has ha come But never have I been el w wfortunate rnnfortunate t =
fortunate fortunte than IH I my m friends frins Th Thfirm Thfirm 1
firm n is now on its feet It I could CO af a anr for fn i ito 1to ito
to lose three times tme the logs J it lot l t tfos tfosyear t1S t1Syear t tyear
year yearHe yearHe yearHe
He paused and a scanned sanne their thir fa al1 a aBut s sBut
But he continued cntnue suddenv suddenvcannot sUddE sudderivcannot
cannot cnnt now no nor ever can of oCCord ford to t twhat l > se sewhat 1
what those three million milon feet feetthe rpprese rppresethe rps rpsthe
the friends it I has made mde I can a ayou < n Pay Payyou av avyou
you back the money mcme yo yo you hav ha have spert spertand SrE sprrand
and the time tme you ou have nut ut in inAgain I inAgain
Again he looked them over and t an anfor lnlfor a afor
for the first fIrt time tme v vsince since they thE have haveknown hall ave aveknown
known him hii his face lighted lhte up Uirh u h a arare a arare
rare and tender smile smie of 9 aft anL anLBut aftBut Uv UvBut
But comrades comrdes I shall sha1 not off offer r to toit t i ii 1 1it
it i the gift git is accepted aceted in the spirt spirtwith spit spitwih Sprtwith
with wih which it was wasoered wasoeredHe offered offeredHe
He got no further The Th air was rct rctwith rtwith t twih
with wih sound Even the members mmbrs of o his hisown h hisown
own 0 party pary cheered cheere From Frm every ever dire diretton Iftetion
tton tln the crowd crwd surged inward Ti Tixvomen T Twomen Twomen
women and Morton lIoron were forced focd up te ftsplatform teplatform teplatform
platform to Thorpe The Th latter tter rno rnotkmed mc rn rntioned
tkmed for silence silenceNow sience sienceNow silenceNow
Now boys we have hve done it sa2 sa2he 5a 5ahe a ahe
he and so s will i go g back bck to work work From Fromnow Fro Fronow Fromnow
now on you are my r comrades corde in the thefisrht t tefight t
fight fisrhtHis fbhtHis fightHis
His eyes were dim dIJ dim hi hl his breast brest heav h a ahis = + > 3 3his ihis
his voice shook shook Hilda Hida was weepxrj weepxrjfrom weeirbfrom weei g gfrom
from excitement exciement Through Trough thp thf th tea tes teas teasshe a aleader
she sw saw them a11klng all looking at th thleder tir tirleader
leader leder and in the worn wor harI har fa faglow facs facsglowed t ta
glow glowed d the affeton affection and admiatn admiratn r ra if ifa
a dog for its Is master mater Something thee theewas thp thpwas
was especially especaly touching in this fir firstrong f fstrong r rstrong
strong men rarely rrly show sho it it Sh frit frita
a great wave of excitement exciement swpfp SWfPher vr vrher 1 1her
her Instantly 1nstant1 she was standing stnding t tThorpe 17 17Thorpe tThorpe
Thorpe her eyes eye streaming sreming her breast breastthrobbing brat bratthrobbin breastthrobbing
throbbing throbbin with wih emotion emotionOh emoton emotonOh emotionOh
Oh she cried stretching stretcln her hor arcs arcsout ars arsout arrsout
out to them passionately pssontely Oh I love loveyou ve veyou
you I love you all allThe aU1he allThe
The 1he End En
+ + + + + + j + + + + IJ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + 44 + + + + + + + + + T + + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + +
+ +
I + M Men R ead d I It ItI + + f Dr Dear McLauchlinr McLauchlinrf IcLuJhln Sir StrI I have havE worn wor ywir frBelt Belt for three thr e months mots and a n thirteen thir een da daf + +
+ e n ea t + f and I willsay wms r that Its It name nme Is I clearly cerl enough eough to demonstrate em9srote ite It merits merts + ara araL a ais fnr fnrf r rnd +
+ L otnhllcK oomnlat IIlt has
+ is i use to etblsh a o complete < v and H f1f peran > rman < t PJ ure i Cete +
+ ast ast4who to for any m
+ f my m case Cs And nd I join Jon the 500frhappy 5 Japp praises prise 5 It mert +
+ I I + 4who who 1s is In needofyour neclorour need of your advice and an remedy remt should shoy Id ImmeOI I lmmedfJ mmc dlAt1v UJSly Pffcur prt li liheeUed
+ t I A furtererot heumaUs L of Vi lty o ot r rr s s Wild a Id ha hae e + +
+ + It a It is a neertaUn remedy when nghty apple and YO a aheede I
+ 4 heeded heede Your firm n is a 8 firm fr of Ofstlt strict honesty honety and an integrity inlegrt lntegr t and a its m mDr bas basf b lS lSIA
D + f ness should increase tenfold teflfOYO1m5rOfrtOfl teflfOYO1m5rOfrtOflp You Ye may ma refer to m m anyone anyon you yo wish wih as d I If +
Dr iicLugWins IA IC l h Isn I ectrlC Beft I t nes shold increse
J Ug s ue f consider Cfnt the tem nuwey ey I expended ex ded In I your ur Belt well wel invested Invete I remair remairf remd +
+ f yours ur most respectfully respectfullyE reptuUy reptuUyE U
+ E a R ELDRtDGE 563 TwentyfiCth Twenty St Qgdea Utah UtahWliattwould ttah t a ac h
+ c WIIDo WiI Do This for Y You ou t E ELDRlGE itStgd +
tr t
+ 4 r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + f + + + + + t + + + 4 +
+ d
4 1 K Wt What Wliattwould would tld you rive ive to have your our old vim back bek again aJain What Tkt ha wcuil wcuilyou o oO c
+ you O not sacrifice sacrfice to feel fee as you did dd a few years r ago to have va the t e same samesnap sme sancsnapand
+ 55 snap snapand and energy cfnet the same se gladsome joyous jos lighthearted lghtheared spjrlt 5p t and the thephysicl 5 4 4physical +
+ A physical physicl strength you ou used use to have h ve You know knw you u are re not the th same sme smeman sameA 4 4man +
+ 4 Itr man and you know kow you would oul like lke to be You might migh as a well el be e Its I t s seasy f 4 feasy
f easy I am making men out outof of wrecks wreck every eer day dy and aD I can make a e you u as 4 4good +
+ + good god a man rb miu as a you you ever eveiwere everwere were wih wiht with withMy ith 4 4j +
t j Dr Mcl Mciiiughins ughl ns Electri Electric Belt BeltMy B ft ftM5 +
+ 1 My arguments argment are good god my m sy syslem lem is good but I know kow you havent time tme to study these T3 T3Kant Yn Truwant
+ Kant la t proof prof and I give le you that and lots lot of It It IL When your ur own neighbor neighbr tells tell you I cured eur Wm Jlm jcJ jcJwill Cl Clwi c i iwill
wi know I did it It ItTell 4 4Tell
Tell me where you are re and Il ill give you th thetnaniet thetnanietof name name t tof
+ 10
+ of a man in In your own town IVe cured curedt curedWill t tFor
t I Will Pay lOOO lOOOfor +
+ For a case of fNervous f Nervous Debility DebityVariocele Varicocele Early Decay Decayand Decayand 1 1r
r and Waste of Power Rheumatism Lame Backlum Backlumbago Back lumbago Lum Lumbago ¬
+ + bago Sciatica any case of Kidney Disease that has not notf notgone notgone notgone
+ gone as far as Brights Dsease Disease indigestion Constipa Constipation ¬ 1
I I tion or any weakness catsed caused by ignoring the laws of ofnature ofV 1 1nature
V i 1 nature whih which I cannot cure with my y new improved improvedElectric i iI
1 1 1 Electric I B Belt lt the marvel of
ctrc marve electricians electricans the most won wond wooeFful won11i
11i 1 d eFful rful curative device that has ever been introduced introducede
4 + i I I I dri i varicoreic My Electric etc Suspensor Suspensory it develops carrIes all the current direct to the e weak narUrand parsand cures cur all weakness of m mv mr
weak al weless +
organs and an checks
I I4 v rCOeC > Dpbflltv I al Orts ehek unnaturl unnatutsi drains No case or FaIlI VI Ig
4 C Dpbft ran ranwith c ttt n resist the powerful Electric drnt C Faln
+ + I wih wlthBeltsfor with Beltsfor Beltfor weak men menMost menN rsst te powetful Eletric Suspen501 Suspensory l it never fall falls to cr sre It is is fr i
4 N No man should be w weak no man should suffer the +
+ worth orh lving living No man nould k aUow allow himself slCfer to become los lots less Of that vftl vital element cment which hlel rns rendems his hr 1
himsel beme a
should au suffer er when there 15 at hand a certain cure tar his man thn Uare natsre Intf int4ed him J an r31 msn
+ < a certin hi w6akness woaknos a check hek to his waste of power +
+ i < Most tQ t of the t c pains ns most of Q thfi tIjaknesa u takness k of Qsto stomach ma heart brain andn and nerves re from whlch hich wat pwe
ijfthrous4nlst4kfe6 nOlrJstJ thuugtt1mnistake ofyouth of youth TMu b jm niimi6t ti fj > l t tsurer Buffer suffer for this Ier You ou c can De renLOred The lrof elment menuCff menSuffor whIch ar are fte dte to an carly rly loss or eaiures es reserve poW powfOBA
iery ntures rSHe pwr
f tjUJPPS rY as any nym man that a lives ll s My M Bejtihas LidlthasFree itl as fortJIs r rl er you OU kayo OBA a e lost you can cn get back back and an you ou may be b as asFree a a o
< > Free ree Electri Electric Suspensory SuspensoryforW for Weak eak Men Menf
+ >
= 4 f I know that no man remains a a w weakling a kUng because because ho wants to I am amsure sure you you1learned ou want to +
+ T I dont ohit thlnk thinkthe he nan a lves lives who wuld would not lke like to feel as 10 big and lt strong ongasS asa Sandpw ndpw want and I overcome know hat every er if Indieton Indication of r early decay thth that shon showp itself O o u +
Tmakevou mnkeyoua a bfgger man than you tv ever r hoped tobe to be J want yoU to know that you ou who can cant t believe e it I you have I a reasl rcasinabie > abl foundation to build upon J D +
+ 1learned 1 ared that thatstr strength gth was only onl electricity el ctrlclt and how I learned leared to restore rtore kow that It also I want to tell bele yo you the i and 1 want you au to hae n me foundton book In which bid I describe upn hW hO
4to + tome to me they were w re physical wrecks weck and are now among the finest fnest specimens of alo physical wat manhood tCl nta names of som some mon who win tell yom 1nwhleh that sihes 4 they rb csmfl me +
4 1 wantybu wntyou rant you toread to read this book and learn lear the aoJ truth about my m specmen arguments O It you U are not ai as iigorous yo Jum t +
Jweak wea1 weakkIdneysossofvitalityprestatlctroublesnervous kidneys kdr fs Joss Jossot of vitality vitly prdstatlc prsttc troubles perous nervous trth spells Il ll varicocele vrcocele agment or oranya1lment I any ailment alment of 0fthntkIndthattmprp to that Igoru thatunman I a you wOUlq lke like to be iL3ou have rhcUmaOe rheumatIc pains
Tlf you ou would ould look into this ths method of mine Dont Don t delayIt ela U your You best bt days d s aro rc supping 8Hp in by If I y u kn I book you it it would vouassurp aUr YU youot otfuture ruturehappln ruturehapplnDR ppl pin
if + aJ Iser1 send it closely C g I settled s l freci tr If you sertd ed this tiS ad adB ad adM +
DR + M B McLAUGHLJN931 McL McLAUGHLIN UGHLI z Sjxtlenth Stenth t enth Stceet et eti
J st
l VUj t < 1 t f i r t J e i D Denver enver C oo I < il t 1 1ii i 3 Y 1
+ ii + 4 + + 44 + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 + + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + H + + + + +
+ + + + + J + + + + + + + + A + + + + + H + + H + + +