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It 7BE MLT it iJlliF IaI F JJJUJIX I F3t tID L tp DAY JAAU JAlUAttT jttT 111908 11 1903 r rIt
1 e
3 i 1fr JIIto
n I 111 111I I II I i By Walt McDougH 1 < i
1 J J
1 j
The Boy Found a Wizards WizardsWishing WizardsYish WizardsWishing
Wishing Yish ng Purse and an by Ac Accident Accidenf Accident ¬
cident Discovered D Iscovel ed its Powers Powersto
to t Carry ci r Persons to to Any AnyPlace AnyPaceTh An Y YPlaceT
I Place PaceTh They hy e y Wished WishedNCE
J 1J 1
> NCE NCEtherowasawizardwbohadnmOng NCEtherowasawizardwbohadnmOngothor N OE there was a wizard who had among amongother
other wonderful things two magic magicj magicPurses
S j Purses purses for either of which anybody anybodywould anybodywould anybodywould
would have given a vast sum of money
One of these purses would restore restorehealth restorehealth restorehealth
health purify the blood
strengthen the nerves ¬
nervC31pro nervC31promoto pro promote promote
mote digestion and tone the whole system system as well wellas wellas
as any medicine and much quicker for it acted as assoon 11Ssoon assoon
soon as you ha it in your Jand besides which it itcould itcould itcould
could always be filled
ty wishing with money no nomatter nomatter nomatter
matter how much you spent The other o erpurse erpursewhich purse pursewhichalso pursewhich
whichalso which also well filled
was would carry you Y > U in air airinstant aIrinstant axrinstant
instant by its magic to any land you wished to tovisit tovisit tovisit
visit no no D matter ltte how far away it was wasThe wasThe wasThe
The wizard lived alone and when wh n he died diedstrangers diedI diedstrangerg
I strangers strang strangerg rs carried away all of his hisproperty property but the thetwo thetwo thetwo
two shabby sha by old purses were tossed out into the back backyard backI backyard
I yard There T ere they lay for a long time until one day
little John Green Gr en picked icked them up and boylike car carried ca1ried car carried ¬
ried them home When he entered the house his hismother hismother hismother
mother who had been bedridden for nineteen nineteenyears nineteenenrs nineteenyears
years enrs and andwho whom even Dr McGowan never expected expectedto exp cted ctedto
to see on her feet again asked him what he had h d in inhis inhis
his hands John placed the two old purses on the thebed thebed thebed
bed I found them the in Mr Skeezicks back backyard backyardsaid yard yardsaid yardsaid
said he I dont suppose theyre any use us use His Hismother Hismothor Hismother
mother took up the Healthpurse and of course as assoon asBoon assoon
soon as it waG in her hand she was cured The Theblood Theblood Theblood
blood began to tingle in her body her eyes grew grewbright grewbright
bright and she sat at up Then she put one foot outof outof out outof
of bed which caused John to gasp in amazement amazementbut amazement amazementbut amazementbut
but when she jumped to the floor like a girl he healmost healmost healmost
almost 1 feiroff fdr lF off ff of this his chair Mrs Green danced dancedabout danc dancedubout a aIbout
about the room room in great glee and nd her husband husbandrunning husbandrunning husbandrunning
running in to see what was making so much noise noisealmost noisealmost noisealmost
I almost fainted to see his wife out of bed bedI
I am cured c rcd1cricd cried Johns mother lfeel IJeellike IJeelliken like
n trnvearnld tenycar ld child child 1
It must have been McGowans Liniment > did
itt it s suid i Mi Grc Grce GrceI
1 I really re i bquevo betiovoit li it it was w s this i iS old lapu pur se secried el e she shecried he hecried
cried As soon as I touched it I felt like a new newwoman newwoman newwoman
womanImpossible woman womanImpossible 1 1Impossible
Impossible said Mr Green Green That would o d
be witchcraft and magic magicIt 1 1It
It came from the old wizards back yard re remarked re remarked remarked ¬
marked Jolm and perhaps it is a magic puree
a Ive read about them in fairy tales talesSOON talesSOON talesSooty
SOON CURED CUR D THE FATHER Too TooNonsense TooNonsense OO OONonsense
Nonsense I said said his father Those times timesare timesarepast are arepast arepast
past There Th re are ar no ria wizards now and magic is onlypracticed only onlypracticed oulypracticed
practiced practiced in l in va
vaudeville aeville shows Something else elseelectricity elseclectricity elseelectricity
electricity or the liniment has do3 do it Anyhowmother Anyhow Anyhowmother Anyhowmother
mother is cured thats certain Lets d
r see the old oldpurse1 oldpurse of
P purse1 purse1Now purse
Now Mr Green had asthma rheumatism
and andweak andWealfcyes an anweak d
weak Wealfcyes eyes and the moment m01Il t he touched the th magic magicpurse magicpurse magipurse c
purse he felt that his eyesight was like l ke a hawks
for keenness keen es3 HQ Hqstarted jtarted and then as as he realized d
how gobdtie go goodIiesuddenls d Ji suddenly su < dcrily felt a a funny expression cPfessi P Pupon n came cameupon camupon came
upon his face faceI
I really believe its got some some queer power I I
feel as if my myHetlrrsw asthma had gone goneHethrsw goneH
Hethrsw H tlnV ou 9ut uthisehestcan hischest i hcs I can a > bnathe br es atheeasilY easily
he shut JHu SiFFTiirrrrM Hurrnhl rr J tro ve l I lost fct t w y lU b heumatia cumatl + w wtoo
too H a 1J jumpca umpocuue pCQUR ug ancfdowirlike an and dovnhke down like aVoy a oYIt8 c Its It s smagic UJ a amagi
magi mng pulse ufse r reas < cas as f youre bonis bQ t Lfeel Lfeellike like a two twoyearold tw twearold twoyearold
yearold earoldI l lI v
I wonder if if the other one is magic too said
J Jahn ohn ItsM Its5ust t as J old ld arid shabby j
His parents pn onts examined it but of course there
was vas nothingvabouC no h ab uf thpurse the J purse to indicate icatefts rts its powers p wc
PenaPs Perhaps said his mother Cfit it is a a wishing
purse urse Ive heardof p heard < < mrdofthem mrdofthemSove of them themSoVe themSove
SoVe I replied John J hn I wish it were werefull full of i
money moneyOf nJone1Ofcbhrs neon
neonOf Of Ofcbhrs course the purse instantly filled fiIl fiIledwith dVi with 1l gold goi g
tendollar pieces 1 eces and then they wishedthe wishedjhe wished lie other
full arid a d to wlheirsurprise fceir lieirsurprise surprise ft1 itwas was rflsofoundtb also f foin tlnd dfobe fo he
in the same condition conditiontt3aFniagicpurse conditionItSifu conditionlts
lts tt3aFniagicpurse ItSifu a maicpursc gicpurse all right rightsaid said MrGreen 1J Mr G Green e I
I supppse it only has h s to be emptied in order to be
filled agjrm a ainy W ell ni11it ni11itThey try it itThey itTheyomptied
They Theyomptied emptied mp cd and filled the purse purse with gold coin coin
cgain and rgaintJI ftpy nd gain gain g in until n i1 they had a scuttleful qf jf it z t
were thoroughly satisfied
as to the powers of
both b tli Mr It Green
k put Health Heal purse in his
pocket k for forhowished or hewished he wished to cure several of his friends
and John tooktheother took tookthe the other the Traveling purse
6r L
He brought it t to jne and n told t01Q < mq mqv mgxwhgf wha t had dl hap lisperred happened p ppen
PTnalhmy pened pen P erred I examined xll ined the purse with great interest interestrTn il1tcr t tTn
rTn Tnalhmy allmy allmjrexperie experience 1ce I had never seen such a won WQnder ¬
der and yet even ven with my knowledge of magic magicwitchcrafkand magicwitchcraftand magicwitchcraftand
witchcraftand sorcery I was was t unable una l t oguess o gle teswhu what hht t
this particular kind xof of purse P Pcomplishing urse was w was senp capable Pcu aible bl of of I ac ac accomplishing c ccomplishing ¬
complishing It was made of green leather with h
brass clasps and was worn very thin as a as welL avery a avery s svery
very much soiled I handed it backs back baJk7to to to John r hnf Cay i tray y
It is undoubtedly a magic wishing purse but bu t
I guess its only one of the kind that fills when w wh you youwish youwish yo u
wish it filled filledJ r rJohn
John J hnh had d1ii his fingers on the purse as he h hereplied replied 5 Plicd
If its itsgood good for anything else I wish3t wishxitcoul wishxitcoultake is to could couldtake ld ldtake d
take us to the place where all the fu flUJny funnya ny anigiajg a1 s
live thaty thatyou that you u tell us about aboutNow aboutNow < q qNow
Now as I still had hold of the purse as well as a s
John r hn of course it was just the same
same s me as if only onlyone onlyon onlyone
one on one held 7iVandimmediately ii itand and immediately his wishcame Irish ish cain came true trueWithout trueWIthout
Without knowing knowinf how we got there we suddenly
found io foundof nd ourselves standing standing o under a tree tr at the edge edgeof edgeof
of a forest and away off to the left c t stretched a avast axastsqI
xastsqI vast sqndydesert gaudy desert over which w iieb wg w could see s e many manyanimals mapyanimals man mananimals
animals running hopping or walking
Geetfried G e pried John Whatfs 1 hats happened h P1eI1 d to us u uWhythis
Why Whythis this is a Traveling purse purie 1 I said saidhave I Itakeycfu
have h heard d of f magi t trunks ks and rugs hat wq11P woul woulurse 1 1
take takeycfu tnk y ydu anywhereand1thats anywhere kind thats what Wh whattli t thepurselias t1nt P ursturs urse ha a
done dtl t e s are are probably proba Iy in theplacc th the place where vh fe the thequ queer queeranimals r
animals ls live Y Yt
at J v
t Well rice we wifenn can wish wishours ourselves our selves lves away awa away if they theygij go b
for us cant we asked John JohnISpppose Johnppose JohnI
ISpppose I u ppose ose so so but you must Ippstr remembQrthat W IE llth llthboth we w woth
TJoth both oth had ha < l hold h Ia of the purse said J I andnot go b bcvisluu
yourself awaynnleave away andleave andl a VQ jneherefqrl jneherefqrlthougn me eh bm tafgr qr al 1
thougn lli liou ik1like gh7 like to write write Vi t hbo about t these the e animals I hay hayno have haveno hileIJo
no desire to be at a t their mercy jnercyThen mercycuhen mercyThen
> Then you keep the purse p rse yourselfsaicl yourself said sa a he
for I might mi ht get excited and forget forgetSo forgett6I t tSo
So 6I I put the thepurs pursein purse in in my pocket P Cf and mdw we began beganto bcg
to walk along the edge of the wood woodthat woodO
t Loop O atthat at that funny tree > 4ppthp And that l > A An a
1hatl that cried John Theres a bush thats growing growingspools STowingpgols growing growins g g >
s spools Dols ofvcotton of cotton
tiyes f ° i i
Yes thats the cotton plant I recognize leco 1ize i its
leayes leaves I said J but > t Ive never neverseen3f seenjt sccn5t sroxrn growing it vi cot cotion
ion ion on spools Here Hp e we weseecotto see cottongrowing cotton lgroviI growing g in all allconditions rillc allconditionscotton
conditions c conditionscotton ri itjonscotton cotton batting on onthis this bush hl spool
threadthere tlir tliread nd there cloth yonder ondcr and even
even guncotton guncottonwhich iun guncottoxi guncottoxiwhich otto ottowhich
which is very explosive and dangerous d nge ous indeed
Lets get farther away F said saidJ John ohn HIt It might mightgOOff I ligh lighoff
gOOff go off t
gOOffTheres offTheres
Theres a rubber plant said saidI I for I Iknev knew the that thatf t
i Jolxxtsas llItwaWeIl ivellversed ersedin in bot botany y dt d T f am for1 was wasborn
born born at Botany Bay y Youmayecognize You
may recognize its s broadl broad broadleaves
leaves l aes Here it grows rubber in all shapes s apciLboots shapesbootsshoes apciLbootsshoes boots bootsshoes
shoes pencil erasers balls bicycle tires hose and andeven andven
even coats coatsIfs co t t k3 k3Its t
Its wonderful Ii cried crl d John JohnIt JohnIt
It js is indeed ind ed I
replied for I was as much muchAstonished much9sto1
Astonished 9sto1 s ied as ahe > pc he g little F l farther farth r on we saw t tall talltrees l1 l1trees
trees trees like chestnuts eh estnuts or oaks bearing canned canne goods goodspeaches go goodspeaches ds dspeaches
peaches cherries apples tomatoes tomatoesand and not only
fruit but plum pudding po po Apjes pies clams oysters oystersand oystersand
and soups in cans canswhich which 1 h was vas i truly uly bewildering p
We knocked off several severacof of th the cans hSrith withsticks sticks and andcut andcut nd ndcut
cut them open so that thatwe we were wer wereconvineed f convinced that the
labels on the cans told what waswithin waswithinNobody wiiiwithinNobodj
Nobody need starve here her 1 sfiiid 1id John with Hs hismouth Hsmouth 1 s smouth
mouth filled with canned chicken chickenWe chi k n nVe
We Ve made a lunch of i Terrapin errapin t pin pickles cream creamcheese creamcheese creamcheese
cheese rabbit and currant jelly and just as we
finished we got our first glimpse close at at1Iandof at1Iandofmc hand of ofqne ofone
one mc of the funny animals of this land It It came Jam ca ne
Hopping < and andskipping skipping out6f out of the forest and passed passedus pas ed
VS tis us without seeing us among ong the can trees treesW We Wecguld e ec2u14
could not not tell teIJ what sort sort ort of af abeast beast it was was for it itwent itCntto itwent
went went Cntto too fast fastbutitsecmedi but it seemedtb seemed jto be made up up of sev severaldifferent sevaldiffcrcnt ¬
eraldifferent eral different animals t in alg > It had k neck neckJike like that of o a agiraffe a
giraffe le legs like like akangaroo a kangaroo kang roo and and a cows c wsb body and andtpilV d dt
toil tpilV t iJ > JQhii dohlrdeclared ohi < < oeclared d cl ed thatit that it also al o had wings and a
lamp onitsbaekbut on its i 1 babk kbut but these I did not see seeFou3 see seeFOLr e ef
1 1Fou
fk Hwejneetany It we bJn moot t any nifubre > more like 1i that th t Ill Illlook look more morecnr more morecarefully
caref cnr carefully Y idly 1ly at at athim M MIt Bim nifu said 1d Jotai J Jol q j jcaref n What Vh tw would ldyQU ldyQUcuIlj > yqu yqucallif on
callif 0411 it r
It itIt It was vas a a Eolysnoodles iPplysnoodleVeryjlikely l snoodleVer very y t dikeIy likely t Iansw Ianer answered swed ed edt
At t least Jt t lookediike looked like one oneJolui one oneJalni ne neJ
Jolui J I i nas was vasi greatly g t1y imp i 3mpese f Sssed s d dwith with withmy my my wisdom wisdomsaying wisdomsayin sdom sdomsaying
saying sayin that t he h wonderedhow wondered Y de ed ho ow wmy iay til head ead cbuldihold could I4 h hold ld
i it all and fq I Sometimes oi 1 times marvelatit marvel at tit it myselfof myself mys lL lLVecxaminedmnni
We of Vecxaminedmnni a examined many many other other vegetable vege able wonders Vonder j in including including in ineluding ¬
cluding t9 tobacco fahacceplants acco plants lants that grew readymade cigarsstickingup cigars cigarssticking cig rs rss
sticking s cldngup up from the ground groundlike like asparagus ispartJgtls oyster oysterplants oysterpJm r
plants pJm ts1th Ayfth pickled pi kl d oysters eggplants bearing bearingboil boil boiled boiled ¬
ed and fried eggs eg s flute and trumpet trumpetbuhes bushes all allcovered allcovered al 1
covered with withthes these instruments plants lants that squirt squirted qu rt rted ¬
ed ink ink at us as cuttlefishes cpttlefishcs do others that whis whistled whistied ¬
tied like 1ikcbirdsor birds or orcroaked croaked like frogs and andtrecs trees that
bore nuts that exploded plod l like fire crackers every everysecond everysecond eve everysecond
second The TlienoisSu noise e was es terrific andit made m de my poor poorhead poorIlead
head achel acb acheThen Then T we came came to an nopcn opening ng Tin Jin in th the e
fort where 1 c we wesav saw millions of buttercups b ttercup each eachwith eac eacith eacK h
with K ith th a pat p pat lt of butter in its centre and there thcrcwe we saw sawseveral sawsccl sa w
several sccl l animals busy devouring the yellow stu stuff wff ff
with delight Their appearancewas apnearan aPPearancews e wJs d startling st startlui rilirig G in indeed fu
di deed d > > i fi L rv rvOne r v vOne
One lopkedlike looked like an elephant fe > hl1it > buthehad but but he ha had < 1 i imensely im immensely immcnsely ¬
mensely long legs likea like a storks yet withreal with jeal ole eletphants olephanis e ephants le
phants feet His eyes eyeshowever however were oil the end endhis of ofhis
his trunk and this is gave him a most amazing amazin amazingpearance ap appearance appearance ¬
pearance pearance These little eyes blinked and squinted squintedlike squintedlike squint squintlike aped ed
like a rats and he seemed to watch us with a keen keensuspicion keensuspicion ke kesuspicion en
suspicion suspicionYoud suspicionYoud suspicionYoud
Youd better not go too near him I cautioned cautionedHe cautionedHe cautionlie ed
He looks as if he were crossI cross crossI crossI
I had no idea of approaching him replied repliedJohn repliedJohn rep e eJohn
John Is he an elephant elephantHes elephantHes elephantHes
Hes an elephantower
or Elephantallus as asthe asthe
the scientists call it because hes so o tall tallThen tallThen tallThen
Then thats a horsolowus said saidJ John ohn pointing pointi pointito ng
to another creature near us which with a hors horshead horses horseshead e s
head and body had legs like a seal sealor or some other otheraquatic otheraquati of ofaquatic her
aquatic creature real flippers that hardly enabled enabledhim enabledbim enab enabhim l ed
him to crawl along alongNo alongNo alongNo
No that a hipposprawl or seahorse I Ire Ireplied Iplied re replied ¬
plied I never saw one alive before Hes Hesbeauty a abeauty abeauty
beauty beautyId beautyId beautyId
Id not like Iiketo to ride on him if I werein were in a hurry hurrysaid hurrysaid hurr hurrsaid y
said John A snaiL could couldbeathim couldbeathimNot beat himNot him P PNot
Not in the water said I L There he can sh shalong shoot shootalong shootalong got
along like a steamboat See that thing yonder yonder1What yonderiWhat yonderWhat
What is it i 2 asked John
3 he
as gazed at atcreature a acreature t a acreature
creature shapedlike an immense immense turtle whose back backseemed backseemed b bseemed task ask
seemed composed of layers of round flat lI t discs discsThats discsThats discsThats
Thats the Griddolus or the Living Pancake PancakeAnimal Pancakenimal Panca PancaAnimal Ike
Animal nimal Those are hot pancakes on n his hack 1 > ack hun hundreds h hdreds Imndreds un unIus ¬
dreds of them and a man who owns a griddolus griddolusnever gridoQIWnever gridd griddnever Ius
never need starveTd starve starveId starveId
Id like lik one right now now cried John J ohn who whothough al al although a1though ¬
though he was full of canned can ed goods g ods was w s still able ableto ableto a ato like
to eat eatagain eatagainTh again againThen againThen
Then Th ntake take some The Griddolus will not harm harmyou l1armyou ha hayou rm
you Said id I and John immediately i Iimediat ly helped himself himselfto hinis hinisto self selfea
to some delicious cakes At this moment moment the sea seahorse seahorse s ea ¬
horse commenced to snort
tremendously and upon uponthe uponthesceneppeared u uthe pen
thesceneppeared the scene Appeared a number ofgreat o of great birds bir s resem rev ¬
bung o ostriches but with the heads of monkeys monkeysThey mon CJg CJgThey o vs
They solemnly stalked across theclearing the clearing the mon monkey m mkey mon monkey oon on
key faces grinning at us in strange contrast to todignity the
dignity of their strides Behind them came amonkey a real realmonkey realmonkey
monkey who held eld in his arms a a curious ob obwhich object objectwhich obiCQtwhich Cow
which I thought was a cuttlefish but
when I L ap approached approached ii iiPreached ¬
proached him closer and he dropped his burden burd I Isaw Isaw
saw that it was another sort pf creature It was flS
brown and white flatsquarish inshape inshapewith with feelers fcclersIn feel feelerson ors
on n all sides Itmoved It moved slowly and painfully P
What on earth is it iti asked askedJohn John
He and an the Artist Took aTrip a aTrip a1ip
Trip to the Land an Where the theQueer th thQueer theQueer
Queer rw rwSav Animals Live and andSaw andSaw
Saw Some Curious as Well Wellas Welas V U Uas
as Terrifying Sights SightsIts
Its the Pocketbook animal I answered Evan Bvanas
as I spoke it opened itself as if its body wore a
huge hu e mouth and looking
ipside we could see so its dif ¬
ferent compartments for storing food and one of
them full of pebbles to keep it on tho bottom of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the water from whence the monkey had taken it itThafs itThats
Thats another kind of a purse isnt it itiu cried cri d
John but I dont think hed hodgrant grant us a wish wishNo wishNo wishNo
No indeed but perhapson perhaps on the contrary hedsnap he hesnap heed
snap off one of your fingers fingersHere fingersHere fingersHere >
Here comes comes another curious c rious one on one said snidt1 the e Doand Do lioand 005 005and
and I sawa saw a gigantic ball rolling along alongth6cgrasS the > grassv It ItJlooked Itooked
looked exactly 8ctIy like a chestnut burr b r but butw was asaslarge asaslargeas aslarge gaslargas aslargeas
as a hogsheadThafs hogshoodsThats hogshead hobgsheadThats
Thafs a Spiny Eolypoly I criedIt cried criedIt criedIt
It looks like a porcupine 1 > thaVs th ts had a hair haircut hnircut haircut
cut said Join J oln The little red eyes of tho Kolypoly Kolypolygleamed Rolypolygleamed RoI RoIgleamed
gleamed wickedly but it itrolled rolled by without stopping stoppingand stoppingand
and relieved mo very much for it is a dangerous dangerousanimal d8Dgorousanimal dangerousanimal
animal as its spines
you nervous me megrims m mgrims megrims ¬
grims if they stick into you So far none of those thesecurious thosecurious thosecurious
curious creatures creatures seemed at all anxious to inter interfere interfere ¬
fere with us as we sauntered along but when we wereached
reached the end of the theiorest forest andcame and came out upon a awhite awhite awhite
white sea sea beach we saw others of a more ferocious ferociousaspect ierocioU3aspect
aspect aspectThere aspectThere aspectThere
There was thehorned the horned Syllabub thatlookt that IookL like likea
a cross between a bear and a moose which pawed pawedthe pa pathe pawedthe
the ground and snorted furiously and beyond it itunder itunder itunder
under the shade of a tree that grew red worsted worstedslippers worstedslippers worstedslippers
slippers stood a 3Iatriculatus This animal has the thestrange thestrange thestrange
strange power of shooting its head all covered coveredwith coveredwi coveredwith
with wi h spikes pik at any object he aims Jit t and he shoots shootslike shootslike
like a champion rifle shot too When he nails any anything ¬
thing to a tree with these spikes he runs up and andseizes andseizes andseizes
seizes it with his enormous enormous paws paWs and after replace
ing his head on his neck proceeds to t devour his hisprey
prey prey I instantly recognized the Matriculates tricul tuSas as as
I Ihad had seen pictures of him before be orecWed Wed Wed better bettergesfraway betteri
i gesfraway get setawayLesclaimed way Lexclaime 1 exclflin < P Tha Tbata sadangerous ann dangerous Q beast beastand beastand beastand
and hes badtempered bad tempered nowWe now nowVewere r rWe
We Vewere were afraid to pass along the tliesaijd sand in n front frontof frontof
of the animal so we waded out outint into thewater thewaterandi thewaterandievaded he water ands andfevaded
evaded him as he dreads getting his feet wet wetWhile j
While wading John suddenly exclaimed exclaimedTook e < cl med medLook
Look Theres a sea jackass jackassGCHNG I IGOING
Sure enough there car ca along underthe undert1letrans undert1letransparent under the trans transparent traitsparent
parent water a creature that was waslike like the hippo hipposprawl hipposp
sprawl sp awI only it had a donkeys ears earshut but on closer closerinspection closerection closern
inspection ection n we saw that it was a sea sea rabbit Larger Largerthan Largerthan
than ordinary hares and with fur like asealsdte asealsdtelegs a seaPsitslegs seals it its s
legs were finished off with broad flippers but there therewas therewas
was the cotton tail that proved it to be a rabbit xabbitLike rabbitLike rabbitLike
Like that animal it was timid and when it saw us usit usitdarted
itdarted it darted away aw y into the green depths While W1 Whilewe Je we wewere we wewere =
were wondering w ndering at this curious thing there emerged emergedfrom emergedfrom
from the sea an enormous object something larger largerthan largerthan largerthan
than allthe rest put together towering over the thewater tJi tJiwatera thewaters
water waters a hundred feet in the air extending a a pair pairof pairoi
of wings or broad fins finsI I cannot tell which far ar over overthe aerthe
the Water Its body was like an immense sponge spongeso sponges1 spongeso
so s1 so I judge it came from a great gr at depth below the thesurface thesurface thesurface
surface and its head he d seemed part fish part alligator alligatorand alligatora
and a d part p rt rhinoceros if one can imagine such s ch a amixture axtur amixture
mixture xtur Although so much of it was waS out of the thewater thewater thewater
water much more more remained rem ined below as the sea was wasboiling wasboiling
boiling and surging for a a mile from shore as i idashed it itdhshed
dashed toward usRun us usRun usRun
Run for for shore I cried seizing seizingJohns Johns band fiandarid J and andaUd
arid aixdive jye e turned but there waiting for us onihe sand sandstood sandstood
stood the terrible redeyed Matriculatus M tric 1atus waiting
We Ve are l lost t sobbed the boy and truly it did didseem didem
seem em that ice we e could not escape but drawing out outthepurse outthe outthe
thepurse the pnrse iurs I extended It to John who quickly seized seizedit seizeditT1
it itT1 The great great monsters monst rs open jaws were just above aboveus abovePS aboveus
PS us atsIcried atsIcriedI as 1cried 1criedI
I wish we were at athome home quickThe quick quickThe P PThe
The next I X1 moment moment we e were w re at Johns house but butit butit
it was vas a new house a areal real palace and andth andthen ihen n when we wehad wehad wehad
had recovered recqvered from our scare we found i onnd that we wehad wehad
had been boon away for seven months instead of a aiew aiewhours few fewhours
hours and Mr Green had been taking t i riggold gold out outof outaf
of his purse p rse every day besides bcsid getting gottingJiigfecs Big fees for forcuring forcuring forcuring
curing people and that he was now now called Dr DrGreen DrGreen
Green by everybodySome everybody everybodySome everybodySome
Some day John ands and1 I are going tc fctakc take tak a aJot lot of ofchildren o ochildren
children on on a wishing excursion excursion < cursi n and nd see ae e more of ofthese 0 0th ofthese
these th se queer qucernniml queer animals 5 Do you want to got galWALT gotWALT gci1V
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