a U i IJ 0 0i i j oI III h PJ1HC j SALT LtJ LAKE tL HEn ILERALD nLJ ITD SU SU1TDIUUEDcTI1J + ± DEBT4 4 r1 = t Q il v 2 tDYO7 = c w = = n < 1 1I u 7JcitOOR JCffOOZJOR lIO ftQ45J4 > I wve r rJCffOOZJOR I ITM s O o a e 8 Merl n jj jantX f 0 TM u HOUSEWfFES HOUSEWfFESE HQ U S Ewi IFE 71 71IFE S SEXCHANGE E EXCHANGE EXCHANGEE X XC C H A AN N G E EESI EE ESI E lIL B asks la there any good left Insoup in soup our meat that thathas thatllasnlnamcred thate e has llasnlnamcred simmered for four or five hoursT By good I Ipresume Ipresume 1presume presume nutriment is meant Your answer answer None if ifthe 1fthe ifthe the ooklns < ookh1ll1as has been properlydone property done Doctorssay Docto Doctors say that soups soupsarc 50UPSl soupsnre arc l e stimulating but have very little nutritive value Where WhereI ll I tho nutriment of the meat Will youkindly youkindlyexplaln youkindlyexplaln1L you klndiy explain explainM M R R RThere RThera IL ILThcro There may mil be a IJ little nutritive value auo In n soup that has as been beensrtrainca beenrJ1ca beenrashes srtrainca rashes rJ1ca and cleared There Is much in broth properly pre1arc pre preliarcfi pretarc liarcfi tarc Tito neat should bo minced to begin with The cold coldwater coldwater coldwater water acting upon tho broken fibres softens and inclines them to yield lJd up their nourishing qualities As the water heats heatsfciowly heats1WJy heatstmely fciowly there are gradually drawn out Beef tea and other bouillons when lett to settle after they are cooked show a heavy deposit depo lt below tho clear liquid This Thlsis = Is strained out and s thrown away when a clear soup is requlred In fact it reprel repre repreu aI splits u ts the extracted strength of the meat Combined with vege > tables barley tapioca rico and other cereals It I is made into broth Tho broken fibres after they are boiled and squeezed are hardly more nourishing than so much cotton soaked in weak Wca stock Of course it is s impossible to take tai e all al the elements that represent rcpres nl nutriment out of them This Is the season why physicians give the opinion you quote Bouillon consomme meat teas teasall all that come com under the head of cleared soups soupsstimulate stimulate the stomach and prepare It to assimilate food We must look to unstrained broths for real nourishment nourlshmentHAVE nourishmentI HAVE read so many man and varied directions how to get rid of ofthose otthose ofthose 4 I 1 those terrible pests pestsbed bed bugs I at Jast thought it my myturn myturn turn especially as 1 know how to get rid of them themBugs themDugs themBugs Bugs is not a pleasant theme but butb butburgs bugs are are cot not pleasant pleasantcompanions pleaSantcompanions pleasantcoinpaufons companions either The trouble troublelnnearly in nearly every case where wherepeople wherepeople here herePC people PC lplc are so troubled with them Is they are hot thorough thoroughenough thor thoroughenough ugh ughenough enough and they do not stick tolt to jt closely enough When Whenone Whenonesets onesets one onesets sets out to exterminate bugs she must keep at It t till the last lastbug lastbug lastbug bug is gone and a while afterward to be sure Common kero kerosene keTos keoseno ¬ sene s nc or some call it coal oil is the stuff to use lIselots lots of It ItWberever itthere I Iwherever wherever there is a chance of there being any anythings bugs Other Otherthings 1 1things things that kill bugs are usually high priced and sometimeshard sometimes sometimeshard sometimeshard hard to get Coal oil we have always with us It is cheap and andhandy andhandyand andhandy handy handyand and leaves no n stain behind It will evaporate and leave leaveno leaveno leaveno no smell by night jf used in the morning I have used it several severaltimes severaltimes severaltimes times and cleaned out many a house that that was fairly alive with withthe withtho withthb the things and three months will do It every time I often oftenused ottenused I used a quart on one ne bed and springs but it went every everywhere everywhereback VUywl1ereback where whereback back front top and bottom A cloth tied to toa a stick and a quart quartcan quart quartcan quartcan can of oil are my weapons weapons They never n ver faif alme me and I know of ofmany ofmany ofmany many others who have used it with success Of course you youcannot YOUcannot youcannot cannot print nil 1k this lingo for the benefit of people with bugs bugsbut buSSbut 4 but I will make this offer Iknow I know that I can explain e es lan so any anyone anyone anyone one can get rid of the pests if 1 she really cares car s to t So you may mayliny maysay i isay say in your yourcolumn column that if any one will send me me a a stamped stamped and andnddressea andnddresae andaddressea nddressea < 1 envelope I will write a IJ friendly letter and explain explainhow explainbow explainhow how toget rid of bugs and what to touse use One might think I Ihave 1have Ihave have something to sell so tell them I have not I IDIJl am only onlyInterested only1nl calyinterested Interested 1nl rested because blC use I know how to sympathize sympath z with one bothered botheredwith bothered bothered7W1t botheredwith with 7W1t the malodorous malodo ous pests pestsI 1 started this letter intending to tell ypii yp in a few words but butfound butfoUnd butfound found out I couldnt so I make this offer Now suit sultyourseU sultyourseUeither yourselfeither yourself yourselfeither either print my offer and let letpeople people write to me or throw throwthis throwthisInto this thisinto thisInto into the waste paper basket Any Anyway way will wl 1 suit me I have havedone havedone ave avedone done my duty dutyNow dutyNoW dutyZvow Now here hc e is another Idea Ide Last year I had ad more Jelly than thanI I had glasses for so used some other things and andsiniply simply tied a apiece ap1ece apiece piece piece 6f newspaper newspaper over them All that tha had newspaper over it itkept Itkept itkept kept nicely and no mold moldtho tho other didnt So about b ut Christmas Christmas 1 took each cachJally jelly glass and aftertakingoff att r taklng tr mold mol nut nU news newapaper newspaper t tpaper paper over it then the cover ov r It has kept nicely Others have havefound havefound havefound found the newspaper far nicer than the parafflhe What is s the thevirtue th thvirtue theVirtue virtue of printers ink in L M C CNearly CNearly CNearly Nearly all housekeepers know that there is something in inprinters Inprlnttra inprlnters printers ink that keeps moths at a distance For 1 or many years 1 have wrapped wooiens In newspapers when putting them themaway themaway em emawa away awa for the summer pinning the papers closely about the thearticles theartltlcs thearticles articles to be preserved and often using no other safeguard safeguardagainst saeguardagaInst safeguardagainst against moths The he same properties in the ink maybe may be ob noxious to more minute destroyers esuoyera c cf housewifely peace The Thegerms Thegermg Thegermsof germs germsof of mold belong to a lower organism than visible Insects Insectsund 1I1sectsw insectsand und w 1 may be more easily acted upon than moths mothsThe mothsThe The suggestion is worthy of consideration W1U some chem 1st give us an analysis of printers ink inkHOULD InkS inkMOULD MOULD HOULD the t e waitress or waiter nasa Dassplates plates to the right or orleft orleft orleft S left of each e h person erson at table And Andtrom from which side should shouldthey shoulathey shouldthey they be removed removedIn 4 2 In serving vegetables should the dish containing them thembe thembe thembe be presented at the right or left Furthermore Fur Furthermorefif ermore ftf f1 the meats meatsand meatsand eats eatsand and fish are sent to the table carved should the vegetables vegetablespeculiar veg vegetablespeculiar tables tablespfcuUar peculiar to each course bo placed on the plates with the meat meator meator meator or fish excepting such vegetables as are served with dressings dressingsof dr sslngs sslngsof of cream etc which are served on individual individual vegetable dishes 3 Is there any difference between the ti English etiquette etiquetteand eUquetteand etiquetteand and that of the United States 4 0 At At what time are the th entrees brought br ugh inat in at a course coursedinner coursecl1nner coursedinner dinner 5 When is the celery served INQUISITIVE INQUISITIVEI 1 The waiter sets down a full plate from ttomthe the left leftof of the person to be served serv d and takes up an empty plate from the r right rig 2 From the left Individual dishes otherwise known knowne as assauce 1Ssauce sauce e plates platesolherwls otherwise and sarcastically sarcastically as bird bird baths bathsare bllthsnre bathare are no longer used by wellbred people for vegetables The Custom cst c stOm m was always absurd and brought down upon us much ridicule from foreigners Happily It is now so nearly obsolete that one rarely finds it in force except at backcountry hotels Vegetable dishes are passed to each eater whether themeats the meats be bl carved on the table or not and each transfers a portion to his own plate or refuses It as his tastes incline igcUgehtm Jilm lm to act actZ 3 Z The general rules are the same In both countries 4 Before tho heavier roast roastthe the piece do deteshstance resistance as the French name it t An entree following the th fish course is supposed to lead up to the main business of the meal 5 Celery is passed informally at any tinie Utrieatter after the fish fish gees off and the sweets come in The same may m y be said of olives salted nut nuts nu a and other hors doeuvres doeuvr decuvresllferally sUterally literally out of work ork They aro the playthings of the diners dinersVN dinersCN diners1N VN you Inform me how I can cure some so e wings Just justtaken taken CN from a partridge They are unusually un untisunllypretty l1ypretty pretty arid11 and I would wouldlike wouldIike louldlIke like to use us them without much expense i E EG G R RWill RW RWill Will W l1 some amateur taxidermist tax1dermlstsendin send in a a replySOME reply5 reply5SOME reply replyt replySOME t SOME NEW RECIPES RECIPESOur Our old and an much esteemed correspondent C P sends a atrio e etrio t ttrJ > trio trJ < of o economical economJcatrecJpcs economJcatrecJpcsSTEW economcaI recipes redpcsSTEW recipesSTEW STEW OF OFLAMB EAMB OR VEAIi VE4IBOIL V fL fLOIL OIL the meat meat In In the the usual su 1 manner manner and add one onion onioni onionThicken BOIL i Thicken T Jcken the tt1 gravy with t three rce parts par sfiQux flour and a d one part partcurry partcurry partcurry curry curry powderor powder or orto to your your taste Curry CUrtYpowdercan powder can be had hadIn hadin hadin ° In groceries 15 to 25 S cents a bottle bott1eacc according rdtns Ito o size Or Orwhen Orwhen Orwhen when the meat is done mix with the thickening thlcken g a al1ttle little spiced spicedvinegar spicedvlnegcr spicedvinegar vinegar if you have it if not plain vinegar Cut up in it itfew a afew afew few pickled sour our onions lctit let It boil up then stir in a asmall asmalllump small smalllump smalllumpo lump lumpo of butter Serve very hot with plain boiled potatoes potatoestBy p potatoestI3y tatoes tatoesBy tBy the way dont don t throw out the bones bon from fried tr d or orroasted orrouted orroasted roasted meats Put them into the scup or orstew stew kettle They Theyare The7ue Theyare are a great eat addition C P PBAKED pBAKED PBAKED BAKED PORK CHOPS C COPsB QPS QPSBUY j UT lean chops Have them cut an a n inch In thick Dip them themand th themInAno eM eMIn1ino < BUY B In1ino bread crumb seasoned wit wits salt A dlp1n dip win egg eggand eggand and milk first is all right but eggs cost a a good deal dealnow dealnowslid nowald now nowand and can bo dispensed dr8pcn with Press 1 > > ress the thecrumbs crumbs a cjtiirmly flrmlput flrmlputthe lrm1 put putthe putthe the chops into the frying pan In smoking hot ffttXet tt Let tther ttherLrown them themtrowh 4 brown on both sides then put JJu them em on n a tin plate asS bake for fifteen fteen minutes In a moderate oven Nowpourtl Now pour pourthe thO o grease grease greaSectrom from tho pan and the bread loft there jldd d milk and let It t boll a few minutes with a abay bay leaf lea thfcken tbJ ke11 withbrowricit with browned flour strain and season with salt and nll butter butt Pour over the thechops thechopa thecllopa chops G P PCHERkt pcm PCHERlt CHERkt cm i AND A TUT UT UTSAun UTSAunP SALADRTRVED SALAD SALADj P j RESERVED cherries che s that ththave have been been put up u without A1 h l pits pitsor pitsor pitsor or homecanned cherries c errlH are used usecitqf for this purpose Stilt Stiltprettier sunprettier Stillprettier prettier are maraschino cherries such as go o into 111 0 cocktails coektaUsraln 2 Drain > ran raln oft every drop o oi juice beforetucking before tucking Into Int the middle t of t f Inch cherry cher in the cavity left lcttbYtha by th the < stone tlwt tie kernel of a hazel nut previously blanched bl hed by lying lyin ta boiling water ter for a fw t w minutes and 1Jdthen rid then stripped Strlppedet of the tbe8k1n skin Th Tha ekemeIslihoiilu i kernels should s be perfectly cold and crisp cr p b before ro they go Into the cfeerriesr d e Ti Set the prepared cherries chcrrfcs1t11he inte In tho Ice until you ir are trereaay ready to to tospoonfuls t selvo the salad Line each plat with l lettuce ttuc leavGtliieap a fur spoonfuls of f the thenutted nutted caerrlw cl1e sherriem up upeathese < these eHI sl iad JIiP d paftra pour flr flrmnyonnR1zOVMthem gqc goW J jnnyonnalrover mnyonnR1zOVMthem them themstave rt < SJ J A stave Jl vel aafi aa T kl1deta 4el Ssiowa > r ic Nit lrii lltlMiiepRet l rntlttttsatat rntlttttsatatA t1 ar arQ 1 < T if ifI I > G Q 4mFPini I s 4iV17lCk < rrP > 7f > i P ca ilk V 1 > G t tr1t J < l 1 t V T 1ft IIl11 T f b CJ c diu 9 e f 7 lff < Nt l r r r4J 4J 1 C > > 1 f A3 + S 4 i f j t I j s < j j 1 PO 1 ° i MALCOIfM Ni Ii STRAl1 S RA RAi U 55 1 i i ir r hiSiS the hl = Se e Il1 th of the Malcolm Stra Straqsa Stra9s F seSeraeso 4 eneSiof j t5y tOf f T Ten ri1 A r er canG Gr iris irisach t tch Each ach ch Representing an America mfnciivCity m rjAAn1 City Oitya 1 a I I > U 1 INFORMATION INFORMATIONFOR I N FORMA TIGN TIGNFO aVORMATL N ND NoR D FOR FO oR R PARENTS PARENTST T WTTLB LITTLE girl is 6 years yea rs old She bites bit os her nalla nau down downto dO wn wnto My I I to the Quick and It 1 makes ml tes her fingers very sore 80r B Bfather Bet Betfathers Herfathers fathers mother does the same and her fingers are re like likecushions 1Ikecushions e ecusbIons cushions cushions I Jteatmyl1We fear my = little girlis girl is going to be as bad Can you youteUme youtell 1 tell teUme me of something to put on them that will stop her frombiting from frombiting trambiting biting them th and yet ye wjll not hurt her if she should putjt put it into intoher intoher intoher her mouth mo th A MOTHER MOTHERWet j Wet a little QuInine of or salfcin to a ajaste jjaste aste with water wa and andrub andrub andrub rub it well into her he nails J Let < et it dry bofore boltoreycu b fore you release her herfingers berfingers beefingers < fingers They will soon go to her mouth and come out sooner Repeat the application should she suck it off After a > few fewnibbles tewnibbles fewnibbles nibbles she will learn that nails are bitter and leave them < alone If as sometimes happens she persists in sucking the > fingertips until tho nails are free fr e of the bitter taste sew up her h r hands In bandages as if If they the were sore Make her comprc bend hen < 1 that t atshe she must Uit wear the bandages as long as she persists In gnawing her nails The trick is 1 probably hereditary All < the more reason why you should resolutely res lutely set about breaking it up Serious Intestinal disorders sometimes result from ram swallowing the fragments ra ents gnawed off offHEN oftWHEN offHEN HEN we read the letter signed G B my husband hasbanflyy h husbandsaid sbmld WHEN yy Iv fsald said d Answer that for perhaps you can help h 1p her I Iam 1 1am am not an old lady giving advice i am not n t yetont yet out ot otmy otmy ofuw my twenties am married and I believe the happiest wife in the thacircle thec1rcIe thecircle circle of t my acquaintances aC < I have a dear good mother motherGod motherGodbless motherGodbless God Godbless bless her I was one of the th girls that always had mother near nearher nearhet nearher her I Iwas was always protected and shielded by my parents ts and I Iam Iam Iam am very ery thankful for that protection prot ctlon I never n ver cent wentwlthyqUg wentwlthyqUgmen With young yqunsmen youngmen men tillI till I left school Mother said First education after afterward afiersWard afterward ¬ ward pleasure piei1su When I firstwent first went away 3Way to t school some of tie tiegirls thegirls e egirls girls offered to tell me how to act when I was w s with boys I Inever Inever Inever never went out driving with men without a third person It Itwas Itwas Itwas was not because I could not be trusted It I was the everpres everpresent everpreent ¬ ent tender protection of the only daughter daughterty ily 1y first Ids kiss was WMthe wasthe wasthe the one of betrothal placed on my lips by my lover ct tthB the time timeI I promised to be his wife Even after that the dear ar mother motherguarded motherguarded motherguarded guarded very carefully caretnllYher her daughter anu an anu when the betrothed betrothedcame betrothedcame betrothedCaine came to visit me he lived in another fitate ho would firstgreet first firstgreet 1lr3tgreet greet the mother then the sweetheart He says he hevlU will never neverforget neverforget neverforget forget the daughter in her home homeI homewas I was married six years ago six happy years earsI And for forsome torsome forsome some reason the husband is still a lover l ver He Is never Jealous Jealousand je31ousand jealousand and has perfect trust in his wife Very often he says BringOUl Bringour Bring Bringour our girlie g1rl1etor < for we have a daughter up Just as you youwere youwerebrought were werebrought werebrought brought up to be some good mans treasure treasureI I do not mean mean to be severe but young men have high highIdeals highideals highideals Ideals and when it comes to choosing a a wife they select sel selectthe selectthemost ct the themost themost most particular girl they know Keep your standard high You Youdont Youdont Yout t dont need to be a prig but be loyaL A girl who Is loyal to tothe tothe tothe the dear mother who who has had twentyfour years of care over overher ove oveher overher her child deserves desen s all the love and loyalty lo alty that can can be given givenher givenher ven venher her Then en should a husband husband come anytime he can rely always alwayson ways wayson on the faithful faithtul daughter daughterBe Be very careful of your friends A girl cant be too careful carefulfor caretuJorno carefulfor for orno no doubt cumbers of friends and acquaintances are watch watchIng watching watch watchIng Ing you oa to see if his past will wID D4 mske ke e your standard less high highThe highThe highThe The mother always has your interest at heart Trust Trust her h r I Iam Iam Iam am speaking from experience for I am the daughter of ottho otthoareSt thedearest the thedearest dearest areSt father f ther and mother the wife of the most m st loving hus busband husband husband ¬ band and the mother of the sweetest little daughter Surely I Iam Iam Iam am thrice blessed blessedr bless blessA1ways19VO r Ts Always A1ways19VO love God and trust your our mother Is the counsel counselotone counsclton counselof otone of ton one whoknows who knows 1ows A loving lov ng daughter wife and andmotber andmotberC mother motherMOTHERS mother motherMOTHERS C MOTHERS CHUM CHu M G G B BThis BThisIetter BTli This ThisIetter Tli s s Ietter letter hasrthe hasthe 1as tho ring of of sincerity and every ever w Rcrd word id in is it itis is is tfitly tly spoken po ke3 Happy H ppy the mother who has such a a daughter dau ghter the husband who has such a a wife and the baby who hassuch has su such h a mother American girls need just such wise and tender monition m nitlon from those who ho have gone over the perilous road so Jately that every turn is fresh trcshin In their memorleeOR memories memoriesOB memoriesP OR the benefit of the many mothers who have havewrltten havewrlttento written writtento P 1 to you askIng you to take up the question of o home study studyby studyby by children childrent ch11crr n nr t r want to tell you that at the last meeting meetfn of our our Parents ParentsAssociation ParentsAssocfatlonof ParentsAssociation Association of the e Normal School of Philadelphia a paper paper was wasread wasread wasbread bread read by Mrs Paschal Coggins the president on the question questionof of home study and the carrying of many books by childrenShe children childrenShe ch11dienShe She supplemented the paper by extracts from rom an article In the theAtlantic theAtlantic theAtlantic Atlantic Monthly written by a physician to the effect ettecithat ettecithathOtoe that thathome thathome home study stud meaning meanln the present system of compulsory horns hornsstudy bomBstudy homestudy study was injurious to most if not all children and pointing pointingout polnt1Dout pointingout out its serious effects upon the eyes The bookcarrying was wasalso wasalSo wasalso also condemned At the close of the reading and discussion discussionof d1sc n nthe of of the points brought forward a committee of three was ap appointed ap appointed appoJnted ¬ pointed to appeal to the Board of Education to have com compulsory com compUlsory cornpuisory ¬ pulsory home study abolished aboUsh and also to have the curriculum curriculummodified curriculummodlfiecLTo curriculummodified modified modlfiecLTo To make our protest effective we want the support supportof of every parent and physician who agrees with us in this thinmatter tM tMmatter thismatter matter matterAs matterAs matterAs As a member of that committee I J would be very glad to tohave tonave tohlave have the name and address of every parent who has this cause causeat causeat causeat at heart It is a work for parents not for teachers The slip slipport sup support s p pport = port of physicians in the thel movement would be especially ap appredated predated K T Do > a aWhen B When a general alarm Is sounded it proves proves rov that danger dang r Is great and ani1mm1nente imminent At such a a time every good citizen should do his best to lessen and if 1 possible to overcome that danger I shall esteem it a high privilege to be the humble instrument of helping forward the reform that has engaged so much m chofthe of ofthe tho time and the thoughts of the readers of otthls this department within the Iastfew last few few weeks To simplify the thecollectlon collection of signatures to the protest I1ro st mentioned above I give here the address of the writer who presents pres ents us with a definite plan for to abating a a great eviL eviLMothers Mothers teachers and all whose interest in this matter is strong are requested to send In names and addresses without delay to Mrs > Irs Kate IX D Barr 225 a Queen lane Germantown 1hi1adelpbIa PhladelphiaPaERE Pa PaH H ERE Is something each of us can do for the protection of ofour otoUr ofour our children and our neighbors children and for the thegood thegood good of the country the work of which is tohe to he e carried carriedAn carriedon on bY men and women we are now educating educathgAn An Ohio h1Q teacher one whose heart has not been hardened hardenedby ha dened by routine and contracteducation contr ctedncatlon shall now have her wprdi word Seeing See rii in this thisiipersuch paper paper iipersuch such a strong protest by mothers mothers mothersagainst mothersagainst against home study I feel fec11t It it my duty as a teacher In the public publicschoolkto pu1 l1a l1aschoolS schoolkto schoolS to say a a few words at least Je st if you will allow me meI meI meI I agree with the mothers whose letters I have read readtliat that It itabominable Is abominable nable for a child of six seven or even eight to carry books home for study Not one book leaves my room at night nightUnless nightUti1ess Unless the children chllc1renask ask permission to take them home and that isrvery isv is ° ver ryse1iomfor seldom for they know that I prefer the school study I tmpbastze emphasize their playing at t home and during intermission In Inschool Inschoo1Jjpurs inschool school schoo1Jjpurs vours If the t e weather is at all desirable I insist 1ns insist st that thatevery thatery thatevery every ery one on leave leav the room leaving all their care car of study be ¬ hind if Ironly only for a few minutes minutesOh minutesOlrt Olrt Ob that every teacher teacher might feel as asI I do c o that Js is these theselittle l little Uc bodies b fesand and minds are too weak for all wgrk work aiuUnqplayf andnqIJl Yf My My M heaft l1 liet n rt aches for the fond mother Jn tberwhos whose little darling ling was wasurged Wa3urged wasurged urged on to its death by unthinking teachers Mothers MotheragQ ego rgo to the t e teachers t 1chersplead plead with them fcr tc your y ur childrens cl ldrens sake satre and andmany andtnsnyqt many tnsnyqt bt < f thenvwill them wlli see the follyof this wretched home study for for mere merebabes merebabesAbout babies babiesAbout babiesAbout About About a child leaving leavlithe the room i roomf mt f have have not taught school s school o l lyear a ayear year yet ye4 but nine times tlmesout out of o ten t n I Iean can tell by the expression expressjonon expr lon lonOn on a childs ch Ids face whether whet her or hot 10 it itls is necessary for him tdleava f01e vlS the room It is cruel for fora teacher teacher a who knows that it Is nieces niecesnary 1ecesc 1ecescS3ry nary and then heeds not My My heart heait is so full of sympathy 8YIDP sympathy thy for these tbcsetond fond mothers mothers for J have one of my own that I cannot cannotEajrenough nnot nnots1y Eajrenough s1y say e1oughbut enough but pray dont urge your child to study andlearn andlearnat andJearnatJ at atJ tne tie eage age of three Ever Everysenslb sensible teacher would rather have havethem havet havetheir them t in not know so much It is easier e easierto ier to teach teach them themandthey and they dpvvelop d develop vfiIOp more quickly qulcklyln in their school sc o 1 life when not taught too tooyoung tO tOyoun tooyoung young youn 1 am living lhn In the hope that some s me of the teachers teach of of o thesa thesamothers thesanoth thesemothers mothers noth S little 1fttleones ones may see this letter and abandoa abandonthat thatfooi ttool fool ish idea of of1iome home study B s HT mWEL3VE it itW TT TE 14 Tlived H HAVE VE lived Hvedfn8o In a new house for the past pastfour four months monthI W WEL3VE Vy I have never had a decent clip c p of coffee We liava have a iJ tried tried d ddltterent different kinds to no avail It has a black greasyfcoibr bte greasyceloreven cOl r rvenWb even venWb when when n iln ess ecgfs is s used Could C011ldyou you or some Bot = of your readers readerstH r readers 8d 8dt tH t lt me the cause o otUfis of this It has caused me a lot of f worry wOrrY + ° I Iayei save ayei tried tt ed everything aid and bought a new coffee pot wheal whealmake WtSaVr t tmtLkethe make mtLkethe the the coffee 1 always use boiling water and never never neverletthe neverletthec let = t the thecotfeeboll a iconee1toll c ttee olljustfImt jtsstImraer just Hlmmer l r ONE O E pp OP OFFOUP YQUE O B RE LAJDER LAJDERWhy D D111Y Why 111Y hy boilfira boll craven evdn simmer simmerIt It at all auhi1ave all2 titave 3iive used the samo samopatent same samepatent o opatenl patent of coffeepot for over ten years Y and andhave have uniformly uhlformlyclear 1Uitforrillyclear clear black coffee co cottee tree after dinner Given a goodbrand good brand of coffee coffeeboilins coiteebuiUnb coffeebolting bolting water just proportions pro rtion of each eaJhan and the result ult should shouldbe shoUldbe be Invariable 1 Imak make coffee co1 upon the breakfast b aktast table as as a I Tmake Imake Imake make tea t for or snip my family measuring m suringw3t watec and coffee every everytimfe evcY evcYtin everytime time tin and never l1 er ithink hlnk or p falluce aUu Boiled coffee coffeeis proverbially proverbiallyu proverbially proverbiallyuncertaisf 1mverb1sllyun un u uncertaisf n certtajsrrtaless ertabit uniese rpne n fs wiiiicjgr wllUJK10 to JSV give 1t 1tundfVlq t undivided stsZnGortti stsZnGorttiM ti t ntios tnt1oli1troSll1in ntiosfrom troSll1in from M r rs t to I last > i54