OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, April 23, 1903, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1903-04-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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j ikw It York Newspaper tita a Isuim IsuimV Im Impressed ImI ¬
I V pressed With WfthPssibilities WfthPssibilitiesEASTERN Possibilities PossibilitiesEASTERN Pessibilitits1r
I Borons z Dr nornr D1ma D1maj TOO V
1 W McMorran s New York YorkIN MWtv MWtvPJper w wpI
IN PJper pet man i stopped opp d over ov r in Salt Lake Lakey V Vy4VtlNS7
y y4VtlNS7 < t i ay having Md been attracted attraeMclptrual fey bypIriiJ a aP
P ptrual nisal of a copy eop of The Tb Sunday Her Herat s sai HaIt ¬
at aIt which he got on the limited en enr n nflte Drte
r rte < ne home bQ from flan sn Francisco rnc1Vaco Mr MrMurran frojj r rI
I jj < Murran 1IrrD Is returning from an elgh elght eIg eIgt
t < > ii months IIIODt trip to Australia and andN D4N M Mr
r N w Zealand and made a tour of the theci thecl thic
ci c i tf y yesterday He bore letters of in intr 1ntrV
tr trtJucUon auction from a number of prominent prominentpeople prouInntIpIo a1MntPtple
people and said he had bad the tlMur jrfeas jrfeasur
ur of f the acquaintance of Senator W WA WA I IA
A i lark for a number of years yea On Onhit OnhIa
hit westward tward trip hehad bad gone stralKthrough Straight Straightth stralK uatcbttbnup t
through th Ugh and was pleasantly astonls astonlsto altotahed altotahedto I edto
to find Salt Lake so attractive and andbeautiful aa4buUfu andbssutlful
beautiful beautifulI
I am a strong Itro believer said Mr MrMo IkIt MrV
V Mo MeMurran Murran In the indisputable ID ten tendency t tdenry tadetwy ¬
dency of M i national development west westward w wward westward ¬ i
ward New York has become ome the themoney themoney themoney
money center ot the world and the theinfluence tileInu theV
V influence Inu nce of that capital and the gi gigantic 11HUe I IgaiitIc ¬
gantic HUe undertakings UDdert 1np emanating nn tllI ng from fromNew fromNew fromNew
New York are giving IIvl a great Impetus Impetusto
to commerce as a it progresses west westThanks WHtTIInIal westThanks
Thanks to Senator Clarks Ck matchless matchlessenterprise matcbleaenterprtae matchlessenterprise
enterprise and activity acthL as shown in inMontana InMontan i ionta
Montana onta Arisona southern California Californiaand Californiaand a aand
and other oth r places where be is inter interested Interted interested ¬
ested ted Salt Lake Is beginning to realise realisethis reaUMtbla realisethis
this trend t nd of affairs With your our match matchleas matcbleu matchV
V leas 1 is climate and central western lo location Jo Jocation 10V ¬
V cation you are bound to go ahead The Theactivity TheacUvlty TheacUvity
activity at present displayed here is isattracting IsattracUIlf Isattracting
attracting attention in such a atht manner mannerthnt manlierI
I thnt I think Salt Laic City eu will sonn sonndouble onntl aonndUUb1
double tl ut le > its l t population It offers ofte great greatinducements eLIducemenb greatirducementa
inducements for travelers from the theeaatcrn therutcm theeattern
eaatcrn states and it eems to me thai thaiif tu1It thatif
if I your resources anSi an commercial ai aivantages aiallt sivantages
1It vantages allt are made known in indUfI eastern easterniiUfH easternit
iiUfH it s this tb activity started will sb sOn sOnV n nut nut
V ut > Salt Lake away in the front ranks ranksof rash rashp
p of t progressive I Ye American cities citiesPraise cltlHIV citiesPraI
Praise PraI TOT Vew Zealand ZealandAs ea1pdAs
As progressive p ve u the United States StatesIN tt tthi
IN however Mr MrMurran said laidthere saulthere saidthere
there is much lBU b to be learned from mar marvrloua IftJVflou ma mavcious
vrloua Australia and New Zealand Zealandthough ZealandthoUCb Zealandthough
though they air a 14000 140 miles further furtherwest furtberW
I west W At New Zealand Is making makl Its te fame fameand faJIIeand fameand
and Begetting BeptU to Itself a worldwide worldwidereputation world worldwidereputation I Ir
reputation r by the enactment of laws lawsin lwsIn I IIn
in the interests of the masses One Oneof Dej 5e 5eof
of the moat remarkable laws in New NewZealand l NwZealand w I
Zealand one which wbl < b would do honor to toany toany I Iany
any American Am n state Is 1 that no child childcan thltdean childean
ean be employed who baa not reached reachedthe reacb reachedthe d dthe
the age of 14 years eVIl and passed at least leastthe lustthe leastthe
the fourth grade standard at school schoolThere scboo1There schoolThere
There can be no labor strikes in that thatcountry thatIouatry thateountry
country because differences arc r aU alladjusted aUadjuted aUadjusted
adjusted by compulsory com ulaory arbitration arbitrationPr
t Pr Prsnr tn4 r 9dd 4den 4 n wfc wo so K ia4 a this th enact enactment ltment Aetment ¬
ment made a statute told me that he heconsidered beonl4ered e
4 V considered a body bod of laborers labo in a mine minefactory miMfactolJ minefactory
factory or railroad employ were weremePUe a amenace aV amenace
V menace to the public safety and dill disturbers dillturben dieturbers ¬
turbers of the peace pea as soon as they theywent tbe tbeWllt theyV
V went on strike and tied up business businessInterests bua1DeAtnt busineminterests
Interests tnt and that employers who give giveoccasion giveoccasion ve veoccuIOII
occasion to their emplOy to go on onstrike ontrta Onstrike
strike were also Ieo at variance with the thepublic tbepubUo thepublic
public good and welfare welfa Therefore Thereforewhen ntorewben Thereforewhen
when occasion arose to settle a dispute disputeIt
It was w proper to have them both ap appear apDeAr appear ¬
pear in a court of arbitration which whichis
is I presided over by one of the chief chiefjustices eblefJURICH chiefJustices
justices of the supreme court one rep representative Jepr representative ¬
resentative r of the merchants and one onerepresentative onerereeentative onereDresentative
representative of labor laborSir laborSir laborSir
Sir Joseph Ward postmaster gen general pnrat sonV soneral ¬
eral rat and minister of railways insti instituted InsUtuted inetituted ¬
V tuted the penny postage tace In New Zea Zealand Zealand Zealand ¬
land and VIk last year I secured IIIMIN4tlon the adap adaption adeption ¬
tion of his h system and cooperation cooperationwith ooperatlonwltb OOeratioflV
V with Great Britain rttain whereby a totter tottercan Jettern
V can 5fl n be mailed from New Zealand to toGreat toOreat toireat
Great Britain It 15100 WO miles mil for S cents centswhereas eentewbe centsI
I whereas wbe the rich United Unlt States 8tat SOY government aovrnment SOYurnment ¬
ernment < charges rban S cents for a letter totterfrom letterfro letterfrom
from fro bare to New Zealand or evento eventoLondon even to toLondon toLondon
London which is I only SOOO mites The Theold TIleold Tb Tbold
old age pension of New Zealand to one oneof ODeof oneV
of t the tb greatest boons boo to humanity en entirelv efttlrflv estirely
V tirelv eliminating ooor poor houses 110
Muck Goal Ocahin in Australia AustraliaRegarding AustritlinRegarding
Regarding Re rdlne Australia while the thedrouth t tdroutb tiledrouth
drouth for the past year or two has hastended battended hstended
tended to reduce iOdU the value of farms farmor farmsor
or stations taUo the situation now is be becoming beeomlllC becoming ¬
coming brighter financially The win winera mm mmI
I fOral era wealth of Australia la great greatenough creatfnoub 5reat4nough
enough to supply the U th entire world for forIM forItwi
IM years The great gold d fields of All KilKorie Allor KUgone I
Korie gone < or in New South Wales and andQueensland andQueoeMland andQueensland
Queensland are creating er atthg very active aeUvetlmn activetimes j jtimes
times In n that rich section of Austra Australia AwtnHa AUtrlie ¬
lie I was w shown 8ft9Mooo 110000 001 tons of coal coalnlxty eoalIizty omisixty
sixty miles ml from Sydney Australia Australiarould Australiacould
Quid supply the world today with coal coalThere coal coalTbere coalThere
There Is abundance of opportunity for forAmerican forAmerican forAmerican
American capital to be safely tely invested investedin
in Australia at the present time UIftftbe as asthe asthe
the country count is I growing KTOw faster than the I Iapital Iplta1 Ieapital
apital to meet its needs TM Tb street streetratiwa treetrallwa s srailways
railways rallwa of Sydney and Melbourne are areas t tas Ias
as complete as any in this III country and andyet j jyet Iet
yet et they accommodate OCIate the u masses ma by byhaving byV byhaving
having a Scent csat fare In the city limits limitsIf IbIdtLf
V If the ride Is I beyond a certain limit an anadditional anadditlona anadditional I
additional 2 cents is I all that Is re renuired reQuired reV
V Quired The old and th the weary are arethua arethus
thud enabled to ride at a cost e within withintheir withinthlr withintheir I
their means m after the days daY work workt
1 am glad I stopped atop over In Bait BaitLake SahIAk HaltIAkP I
Lake because beca I had not realised 14 Its Itscharm Itaharm itscharm
charm for the traveler trayel It Is one of ofthe ofthe I
the 1 he most beautiful autttul cities I ever asvw asvwand w wand
and I will take great pleasure in urg urging 1111In un uning ¬ I
ing In my m friends both at homo and andNew i iNew 1New
New Zealand and Australia to v VISIt ftdtJt VISIttalt t tBait
Bait Jt Lake when they cross the cent continent eenUnen centnnt ¬
nent nentEIGHT nen t tEIGHT V VS
Your of Thsm iMs Wax ieported to toODe the the05z4 tkeBeard
Beard 05z4 in One Famity FamityEight JD JD1Icbt Yamilyght
= Eight ght eases of o smallpox were yaater yaaterday y yday yeststday
day reported te the board of of1L health It Itwas Itwu Itwas
was the largest number for f more than thantwo tlaantwo thantwo
two weeks In four instance the thewere cases caseswere easeswere
were a us mild that the patieots patIe ta did not notknow BOtknew notknew
knew what was the nature of the die dtoram dielUll 510OJW
and the thehoivrd tbeooard thebnrd
ram lUll they had no physician
hoivrd did not learn earn of the cases until untilth utltth saUlth
th disease d had almost run its course courseThe eoafMbc coursehe
The bc patients reported yesterday areas areasfollows are arefollO U UfoUowi
follows follO Mrs ra A Bates Bat aged M II who whollvs whoIIvs whoIlva
llvs at W South tb Eighth East street and andthi qcIth16 stidthi
thi th16 childrenFloyd chIIdr F1oa aged eel S John R i iand I IanI
and anI Ruby Rub 9 years Jea of age Mejvia Melvin lIe1vinnel Pen Pennelon Penneli
nelon nel oa aged 1 S same address Ida Barton Bartonag
ag 41 < I 84 H IB J street sent to Isolation IsolationhonritaL isolationidtsL
honritaL OtlttaJ idtsL Lawrence Bert aged 1W 1WBon I 2 AC ACo t4 t4Sot I
1 o Bon th Third West street Myrtle Cowan Oowanage CowanM Cowanag
age ag H aa 3 South S th Third West w street streetfourth IItnetC strestC V
C C fourth h case m family familyI familyWORMS Iy IyWORMS
I wrIt rile to 108 let 70 know It bow I appr appreei appreeit eiM yaw
cU Cwmtt aNh 1 commenced taking th Um m IM lsmI Mo Wobr o op on m mbr
br nti n took o wo ten c co > ol boica nd 4 M pp4 > o4 stap t pti ptiwirm
t wirm p 14 ft ion c tThIII tThIIID Th rhn a 1 eno ennee4 > m ne < l UkiBf tbm tbmLD = tk m miB
1 iB D nd WednMdmy April Ufc I p = M 4 M sasb tbr tbrtape r rMpe
tape worm w 28 ft I lane 11 na orer UxMUAnd I im4il im4ilworms mtiiworms t tworm
worms Pnviaiu to mr Ill Ukloc IM uet wrctt are 1 heswGr didnt didntays did dido didii4
o ii4 a eswGr ora akIDf 1 1 iAwa ays > s had a aW NUll NUllWIS swell1
W WIS I V r 1 Srw 04 rrankUa 8 SI BrooUyv B X T TThe Yf L LV LCAYCATC
The Bowtte BowtteCAN
f PsIab1 bU Pnt Pntent ot Teat Tuttablet O Ood d Donod DonodVV
VV Vr Ii ken W5kn n r rfi 10 10Ld r rf
f id a tm 11 Irln giluu tablet blEot Htamixa CCC CCCluoticy ceetr
4 4V tr tu or yuur luoticy UJotl Y hack hackOt c cllHJ
V Ot Ua Kcmedy < llHJ Co Chie Chlc8 f o or NY 594 594UWULULE
I 4
= c < =
Postmaster Smut GulralPrOMisu Prottisas to toReopen t tReopen teReopen
Reopen th t Csst CsstKEARNS CISKEARNS
n +
+ I
If A runghmy 1IIIM 7 WIll ui not leave UM UMtafc UMt theSalt
Salt Lake postoflke without wt i a nght nghtA
A rehearing of the ease wm be b had at attil atUte atthe
til Ute modest t Of Senator Thomas Th mlt8 Kearn Kearnwho KearMno Kearnwho
who gays his removal as cashier is i the theremit theof theresult
remit of a conspiracy conaptratbe
The aviator tor yesterday morning bright brightand brl brightand ht htand
and early wired protests to Washing Washington ¬
ton against the removal of Mr Daugh Daughertjr Daugherty
ertjr on the charge of incompetency incompetencywith Incompetencywltla
with a demand tor a full and air hear hearIng bearot hearlag
lag of the case In 1 n the afternoon he hereoelTed h hreceSn4 hereceived
received the following reply from Poet Poetaufster P08tGentlaI Poetmtr
aufster General Payne PayneAction PayneV I
V Action OD In ease of Daugherty was waataIIeft W Wtaken i itaken
taken on the recommendation of two twoinspector twoInipsetors j jwho
inspector who made a thorough in investigaUon Invistigation i
vestigaUon of the cue Removal ac actually actuaUy actually ¬
tually made If upon fuller investiga investigation IniEattcaUoa Investigatou ¬
tion injustice I Uce has ba been done him he hecan hecan
can bt reinstated
Postmaster QeneraL QeneraLiayt QeneraLIaJil QeneraLlays
lays It IatIGft Is Conspiracy ConspiracyAn
An investigation tIGft of the case will be bemade bemade I
made by a fair inspector said Sea Senator Seaator Seaatm ¬
ator Kearas and I know that Mr MrDoughertys MrDaughertys
Doughertys competency will be shown shownThe aJaownThe shownThe
The prevent situation is the result of ofa ofa ofa
a conspiracy Postmaster Thomas rec recommended neo necommende4 ¬
ommended o d his hi son eon Arthur I L Thomas ThomasJr TboIaaaJr
Jr for this place and because be failed failedto
to vet his appointment be is fighting fightingMr
Mr Daucherty DauchertyMr DaqbertlIr
Mr Daucherty has held positions positionsof
of trust in the past and the chart chartthat charpthat chargethat
that he la incompetent is ridiculous ridiculousHe
He II was receiver of the land office at atSidney at8ldney atSidney
Sidney Neb for several years y and he hewas hewas Bewas
was a candidate for congress in the thedistrict tbedletriet thedistrict
district where I was raised cutting cuttingdown euttlllCdown cuttingdown
down the majority there considerably considerablyThat eoI1I1t1erablyTbat considerablyThat
That doesnt look as if be was Incom Incompetent incompetent incompetent ¬
petent to hold a position like this Hes Hesa He Hea
a great deal more competent than Mr MrThomas MrThomas MrThomas
Thomas Is for the position he holds holdsand boldeaM holdsand
and is better fitted to fill that position positionHis positionHis
His brother is confidential man for forJohn forJobD forToui
John A A Crelghton of Omaha one of ofthe oftile ofthe
the wealthiest men in Nebraska and andhe id idhe d
he was highly recommended there He Hestands liestands e etanda
stands high and this th charge is un untrue 011tnae ustrue ¬
true and will be beproved proved to be untrue
1 List of Speakers Who Will Address AddressSchool AdinaIcJI AddressSdoo1
School Children April 94 94The 4 4Tb II IIThe
The Tb closing closl of the public schools on
Monday May 4 will necessitate the Me Memorial liemorlal Memortal ¬
mortal day exercises being held in the theschools tbeachooLI theschoolis
schools on Friday afternoon this week weeki
I i They will last about ut half an n hour in each eachschool tacbacbool eachschooL
school bertnnlnff at 3 oclock In each of ofth oftb
th U > hool I A mmbr m mb r of UM O A R Rand Rand Band
and the Spanish War Veterans associa association
1 tlon will deliver a short address to the thepupils thePV thepuIls
pupils The remarks will be in conjunc conjunction conjunctlon ¬
tion with sho IIhoIt exercises Frank H
Clark chairman of the committee an annoueees anft01Ueee annotrees
noueees the following speakers at the thedlffomtt thedifforont
dlffomtt schools hooll1 the first nt named being beinsth bel belthe
I th the O A R orator and nd the other otb er from fromthe frombe fromthe
the Spanish War society y
West Side High school bool H G Rollins Rollinsand RoIOnsAnd Rollinsand
and W D Riter Bryant High school schoolM lleboolII
M M Kaigfan and Bismarck Snyder Em Emerson EmelllOn Emorson ¬
erson W P Rowe and nd J 1 J Myers MyersFranklin MraJln MyersFrnk1in
Franklin Jln Un R O Starter and C M Evans EvansFremont EVaD8I EvansYromont
Fremont D H Twomey and E A AWedcewood A AWedpwood AWdgewood
I Wedcewood Grant J M Bowman and andand andI andII
I II lit Kahn Hamilton Dr A Ic SmIth SmIthaDd Smithand
and F 8 8 Martin Jackson F Fand M Bishop Billbopnd Bishopand
I and nd H E E Sleater IIIt Lincoln H Hand Burns Bumend Burnsand
and nd Fred Schmale Longfellow LoncfeuovLockney Thomas ThomasLockney 0 0Loellney
Lockney and R Alit and T Hollberc HollbercLowell HolibercLowelL HollbergLowell
Lowell F H Clark and nd W K Kneass Kn KnOquirrh KnesesOquirrb
1 Oquirrh Colonel H Logan aod a W O OGaby OobJ 0Gsby
Gaby and nd WiMiam W Edwards and EmU KntliJohnson EmUJoh EmilJobniod
Johnson Joh a Riverside J C Code and ad W I II IRowland IRowland
Rowland Sumner Thomas Harris and andE andE andE
I E H Shea and nd U I Decker Training N XD ND Nlx
D Corsar < orsar and C J 1 By Bywter water Union i iN 01Elliott JN
N Elliott and Murray lur King and C G GForslund GFonlund 0Fonsiund
Forslund Wasatoh w A Stanton tanton and andA anA andA <
A B Lawrence and H H Smith Wash Washington WashIndon Washiniton ¬
ington K Hoffman and A L j Williams WilliamsSquire WnUaJMVeater WilliamsWitmter
Veater G leorge orc B Squire Squl and R Bur BurAllen Burtoa flurtoe ¬
ton Whittler 8 E Allen and Elmer G GThomas OTho 0Thomas
Thomas Tho Twelfth Alfred Kent and D DArcher DA1Cber DArcher
Archer Utatab 8 H Tolles ToU and C E EDearlng Eor1q EDeems
Deems r1q V
Va a
Mayor 7V Thompson Appoints Chairmen Chairmenof
of Eight lit Different Committees OCmmIt OCmmItA i iA Iawetl
A meeting awetl will be held in the office officeof otftceof officeof
of Mayor lI yor Thompson this morning io 10ra ar arrange anrange ¬
range ra for a reception to President PrMIdentyelt Rouse Roosevelt Rousevolt ¬
volt Those who will be present besides besidesthe 1aeaI4 1aeaI4the insidesthe
the mayor will Ill be Senators Kearns XruSmoot and andSmoot andSmoot
Smoot Governor Wells and the chairmen chairmenof
of the eight committees which were ap appointed apepoIated appointed ¬
pointed at a meeting held yesterday with withtb withtbe withlb
tb tbe mayor They are re M follows followsW followW
W 8 McCornick reception committee committeeUnited COmmit COmmitUnited comm1tteUnited
United States Marshal Ben Heywood Heywoodparade Ileywoodparade d dparade
parade H G Whitney music Simon SimonBamberger IIftonBaaber SimonBaznbenger
Bamberger r finance J E s Dooly trans transportation t tportatIon tressportatlon ¬
portation Charles Cottrell Cot t lL Jr decora decoration deeOraUon decorathou ¬
thou George B Margetts seating at The ihetabernacle 1IaetaWnacle Thetabernacle
tabernacle Nephi W Clayton Clay toll enter entertainment entert41nment entertainment ¬
tainment At the meeting this t morning morningit morn mornIt
it to expected that the above chairmen chairmenwill chairmenwtU chairmenwill
will name the tbeother other members of then thenrespective tbreepeetlve theirrepectlv
respective committees eommltteIp eoaunJUIp committeesip
Ip compliance with a personal Nq Nqot request requestof
of the president there will be no for formal formal formal ¬
mal reception upon his arrival In the thecity tbedtynor thecity
city dtynor nor during his sojourn within the thegates tbecaw thegates
gates of Zion That precludes the tbebaIdJaa masses massesim aassA aassAshaking
shaking bands with him im He asked eel that thatSenator tbataator thatSenator
Senator aator Ktarns present p nt him to the audi audience audience audience ¬
ence In the tabernacle and that GoY Governor GoYMnor 0evsenor
senor Wells 11 eUa make the address of welcome welcomeThen weteo weteoThen welcomeThen
Then President Roosevelt says YIlt he will willdeliver Willdeliver willdeliver
deliver a speech of about half an hours hoursduration bourdtlltlon hoursduration
duration The TIt president has accepted the theinvitation theInvitation theinvitation
invitation to luncheon extended to him by byMrs byII byMrs
Mrs II Thomas nom Kearns KearnsAt KarnaAt
At the meeting yesterday terday reservations reservationswere reservationswere aUona aUonawere
were made in the tabernacle for the thestate Uteate thestate
state ate city and county eoUJlt officials offici Fort Fortotflcen FortDouglas j
Douglas officers members of the thela1ure legis legislature legtsIsture ¬
lature pioneers Mormon battalion la la4IaP In Indian InSian ¬
dian war veterans and members of the theG uO
Workman Probably hobahl Tatallj aja Injured Injuredin la fat rea reain
in Warehouse Warehoa8LIII WarehouseWhfle
Whfle w1e engaged In tearing tfart down the tiltWNI old oldwarehouse lidwarehouse
warehouse WNI occupied by the Coors M MBcottStrevell I8eotttrevell hiSeotttrevell
BcottStrevell Hardware company John JohnAlexander JobAlexander JohnAlexander
Alexander a laborer fell from fro the reef
to the second floor a distance of thirty
feet H HfI was rendered unconscious and
had a rib broken by th the fall and 41 Dr
King the attending attendl physician thinks the theit thelllaa theman
lllaa ba a hemorrhage of the brain bralaAccordlrtlf brainAccording
According to the statement it of one of
the workmen employed with Alexander Asanderwblle Alizanderwhile
while the nun were tearing away part partof partof partof
of the root Alexander stepped upon a abourn
beam which had rotted and was already alreadycracked alreadJcracked alreadycracked
cracked The foreman warned him but buteither butelthttl buteither
either Alexander r did not hear hIm or paid paidno paidno paidno
no attention for h bt stepped farther out outAn outAn outAn
An Instant later the th beam broke and andAlexandtt andMezniit nd ndAJexandl1
Alexandtt craxhed through to the second Bvcondfloor RtODd08r secondfloor
floor 08r He H > was wa picked up by workmen workmenand workmenand workmenand
and Dr Kir JI Kig wan summoned who after aftergiving afterrcilnc afterewing
giving the mall attention sent him to his
home homeDr homeDr homeDr
Dr King Kin aute a te last night that Alex Alexanders Alezander Alexanders ¬
anders chances for jecovery recovery were alight alightABTICLE8 eUabtABlICLBI slightV slightABTICLES
The Beaver Land A Livestock company companyof companof
of Btuver n1lr City ity filed its articles of In Incorporutinn Incorpofiltinfl IncorpurItn
corporutinn yesterday with Secretary of ofState ofState ofStatc
State J 1 T Hammond It has b a capital capitalBlock ca ealtaljtoek ltal ltalItock
Block of 32SUOU 2 5UCJ UOO divided into 4560 500 shares sharesat
at a par v velue iIIU tlue of < f 10 I fach The dlre dl dlreetora dlreetoraare lora torsare loraare
are James H Yardley C J t Murdook MurdookJ Kurd 0 k kJ
J 1 S Gillies J M Murdock J A Hor Horton Horln Ronton
ton R R Tanner and 8 O White Jr Jrall Jrallot Jrall
all allot of Btaer flY OltyEnoch CityV CityEnoch flYEnoch
Enoch Arden ArdenThe ArdenThe AndesTht
The Pierpont Pi rpont SchooHof hoott or Oratory and andPhysicii anrtPhYl andPhyk
Physicii PhYl il Culture lIltur tstablished by Miss MissFiurkella MIllsRurkella Missrturkella
Fiurkella iiercc atid au Aliaa Grat Gr c Itelic ItelicDavis DelcDavis DehuDavis
Davis has ha Issued circulars announcing announcinga an ounctnc ounctnca
a free dramatic reading of Enoch EnochArdtn EnochArdn EnochArdcn
Ardtn by Miss f Davis Da Friday April Aprilat
4 at S p m LTO 0 Commercial Hub Bld BldTh Bldg BldgThf <
4 4Thi
Thf Th ladies of tho th Initarian church churchhui1 rhurvhV
V d hui1 ciko t ak tkt si lltle fe at Hendersons Hendersonsgrocery HIitr50nssrOCttji Heniirsonsgroccz II IId
grocery tore tiannrtfay April 26 ItJ b bL
tJ < c 0 L VV V
Sltl SItutIs w Lob Mere Fivortbte FivortbteNew FaCNIiWIIn FaonbIw
New w Tim m I Months MonthsHARRIMAN lonthaI lonthaHARRIMAN MonthsHARRIMAN
raw Tsoic Tzo wx wxI nrrare nrrareIt U tJA tJAIt
It begins Ina to look as if the hopes of ofthose oftboee ofthose
those who favor a union depot for this thiscity tblscity thiscity
city may be realized Not since the thecontroversy tbecuntroHtly thectJntrovery
controversy which ltlc divided the Rio RioGrande RIoGrande RioOrande
Grande and the Short Line have the theprospects t1aeprl thepropoct
prl prospects > of a union depot appeared so sopromising 110promlelllC sopremising
promising A rumor was circulated circulatedyesterday circulatedyeeterdaJ circulatedyesterday
yesterday to the effect that an agree agreement lfMlIIent agreemeat ¬
meat between thevtwo roads had been beenreached beenreached beenreached
reached and that the differences arts arising riaIn artsIng ¬
ing over the Fourth West street propo proposition proposlU4n proposltkin ¬
sition had been amicably adjusted adjustedWhile adjustedWhile
While negotiations negota tlone are known to be bepending bependinl bepending
pending for a satisfactory settlement of ofthe ofthe
the differences officials of the two lines linesdeny UI1eIIdeny 11mmdeny
deny that anything definite has yet yetbeen yetbeen yetbeen
been accomplished although they do donot donot donot
not discourage the hope of a settlement settlementof
of the differences which will have the theapproval theapproval theapprovaj
approval of all parties involved in the thecontroversy UtecontravenJ thecontravensy
controversy controversyA
A high official of one of the lines 111I said saidthat saidthat 4 4tbat
that negotiations leading to a settle settlement aetUmeat settlestoat ¬
meat of the dispute have been under underway aaderway underway
way for some months but up to this thistime thl thlU thistime
time U without definite results What the theprospects thePlOllpeeba theprospects
prospects are of a settlement of the dif differences differences ¬
ferences te DCe8 he did not care to detail ex excepting ezI cxcepting ¬
cepting to say that the outlook is fa favorable favorable Lavocable ¬
vorable vorableAttorney vorableAttorney V VV VAttorney V
I Attorney P L Williams the attorney
for the Short Line said Id yesterday that thatbe thatI thatbWBS
be bew bWBS was not aware of any agreement by bywhich bywblch bywhich
I which the Rio Grande bad surrendered surrenderedrealty lurreadre4I surrenderedrealty
realty in exchange for favors Bearing Bearingupon eadDcI
I upon the matter of the Fourth West Weatstreet Weststreet
I I street franchise He said negotiations negotiationsi
tare i are pending between the two roads re regabding reC noV
V girdIng C the use of tracks sidings and andswitches andwiteV
jawttebea switches between this city and Prove Provehut ProvoNt Provebut
hut that no positive p settlement of the thei thematter thematter
i matter has yet been reached reachedAKEX reacbedJGJLD reachedAGBU
General Passenger assenger Agents Will Ms Msam DIBUdas Diecons
am XUdts Law Today TodayPortland TodayPortland TodayPortland
Portland Ore April 22 nAt At the see seeaion es ession
sion of the Transcontinental Passenger Passengerassociation PaueacerauoetUon Passngerassociation
association today the committee ap appointed ap01ntd appainted ¬
pointed to take up the matter of east eastbound eutbound eastbound
bound rates rat to a number of annual con ¬
ventions made its report reportciation uao uaoctatton aesoclation
ciation voted a one tare firstclass rate ratefrom rat ratmm ratefrom
from the Pacific coast points except exceptthe 8Zeepttb6 exceptthe
the north Pacific points with a ninety ninetyday I1IIIetyday ninetyday
day limit from date of sale Ie and top stopover topover topover
over privileges except e eept in California on ongoing ongoing
101 going trip The Urn time allowed on the theeastward theeaatward theeastward
eastward trip is ten days from date of ofsale ofaa1e ofsale
sale These rates rat apply p for the follow following f011owIIIc following ¬
ing conventions and meetings meetingsImperial Jaeetll1Imperial meetingsImperial
Imperial council counctlA A A O N M S Sat 5at Sat
at Saratoga N Y July 7 to 10 th ththirtysixth the thethlrtyllixtb thethirtysixth
thirtysixth annual meeting of the theCanadian theCanadian theCanadian
Canadian Medical association at Lon London London Losdon ¬
don Ont Aug A 25 Hotelmens Mutual Mutualassociation Kut Kutoelatton MutuaLassociation
association Toronto June 8 Interna International Intenaattonal Internatioflal ¬
tional Sunshine society New York City CityMay CityKay CityMay
May 21 Ancient Order of United UnitedWorkmen UaltedWorlanea UnitedWorkmen
Workmen St Paul June S to 20 Na National National NatiOSV1 ¬
tional Council of Women of Canada CanadaToronto CanadaToronto CanadaToronto
Toronto May to 27 International InternationalMining IntemaUonalKinin InternUOnIMining
Mining < congress Dead Deadwood wood 8 D ded dedication dedIcation dedicatlos ¬
ication of National Elks EI home Bed Bedford Bedford Bedford ¬
ford W Va Va May 21 Benevolent and andProtective andProt andProtetive
Protective Prot tlv Order of Elks 1ks annual meet meetAerie meetine meettug
tug atBalUmore Jul July 1 to 23 Grand GrandAerie GrndAcne
Aerie of Eagles Ea < les New York Sept 1 Jo o oJ
3 Modern Woodmen of America In Indianapolis 1ncnanpoUa Indlaniipolls ¬
dianapolis June 1C 1 centennial celebra celebration celebratton celebralion ¬
lion of the admission of Ohio Into the theUnion theUnion theUnion
Union ChllHcotbe 0 annual meeting meetingof
of the Travelers Protective association associationIndianapolis aaaoelaUonIlIdlal1pOlI associationIndianapblla
Indianapolis IndianapolisThe IlIdlal1pOlIThe
The rates from north Pacific points pointsis
is W M to the Missouri river I71M to toChicago toCblcaco toChicago
Chicago 6750 to St at Louis JfJLtt 025 25 to toPeoria toPeoria toPeoria
Peoria From Spokane S the rates given givenare givenare n nare
are S55 55 to the Missouri river ISLSS Mt MtChicago to toCblcao toChicago
Chicago and WM 51 to St Paul The Thedates Th Thda Thedates
dates da of sale for these tickets are June
4 and 5 and 24 to 30 July Tial IS and 11 and andAug udAu andAug
Aug < 25 and2 and2The anel anelTbe V
The Elkins law was taken up today todayand toda7and todayand
and discussed sufficiently to show showwhere showwhers bowthe
where the diversity dit of opinion In this thismatter tblamatter thismatter
matter begins beet beginsV V
Believed That TbatrSldelit President t Ekrriman EkrrimanWill 1rarrlmanWU1 sxnimanWill
Will Mat atop Here HereThe KenThe lireThe
The announcement from Kansas City Cityyesterday Clt Cltater4ay Cityyesterday
yesterday morning to the effect that thatEdward thatEdward thatEdward
Edward H Harriman with a party ty of ofrailroad ofratlro ofrailroad
railroad officials o Is beaded for the coast coastcreated oautcreated cositcreated
created some commotion In Short Line Linecircle LlDeelrelea Linecircles
circle It was w reported that one of the theplaces thePlaeea theplaces
places he will visit on his way wa to Call California CaUtornla Callfornla ¬
fornia is Salt Lake City CityIf CityIt CityIf
If he intends to visit this th city the fact factIs taetnot factis
Is not known and no word has been iff iffeeived ncelvect r rceived
eeived by b the Short Line officials so far faras tarcould faras
as could be learned In face of the therecent thet therecent
recent t satisfactory conclusions regard regarding reprctillC r1ardlug ¬
lug the San Pedro road the presumption presumptionwas
was w indulged Indul in that his trip to this thispart tblspart thispart
part of the country had something < to todo todo
do with that transaction but this th idea ideais IdealIot Ideais
is not entertained by those who are arefamiliar aretamnlar arefamiliar
familiar with the situation situationGrowers altuatiolLWOOL situationWOOL
Growers An Holding for Prices PricesSttjrtn Im ImWD1 Pridesmyers
Sttjrtn Will X Met t ry ryThe hrThe PayTb
The Tb wool situation in Wyoming does doesnot doesJaOt doesnot
not appear to be so satisfactory as it Hwas itw itwas
was w several weeks ago Only Oni a few fewclips fewcUI fewclips
clips > have been sold and the eastern easternrepresentatives easternrepresentatives
representatives atative are not buying at the thepresent ut thepresent
present prices The Tb growers are hold holding boldIne holdlug ¬
lug their wool for higher figures and andwill aDIWill antiwill
will not sell sellThey sellThey I ITbe7
They demand 15 cents but the tbebuy tbebuyers buy buyers buyera ¬
ers will not pay pa this sum wa as they theyclaim tterclaim theyclaim
claim the foreign fore markets will not war warrant warrant warrant ¬
rant this price For these reasons buy buyers buyen buyera ¬
ers are holding off and it to expected expectedthat eXJeCtedthat expectedtbst
that the sales I will be veryfew very few at this thistime thisUJDe thisUrns
Defense Del Attempts Attomj to Prove He e Shot Shotto Shotto Shotto
to 1av tswt WfJP WfJPWUua WIm rTlmsejf rTlmsejfWilliam ° slf slfWilliam
William Button who is charged with withassault wltbuJt withauk
assault auk uJt with intent to kill George Han Hancock H8Dcock lioncock ¬
cock in the Utah house April 14 was wasgiven wasinn wasgiven
given a preliminary hearing before Judge JudgeDlehl JudpDiehl JudgeDIeM
Diehl yesterday eeterd The entire day was wastaken wastaken all alltaken
taken up by the case ca and at 5 oclock last lastevening la lastevening t teveniq
evening the trial was continued until 10 10oclock 10oclock 10oclock
oclock today The principal witnesses witnessesintroduced wltneueaIntroduced witnessesIntroduced
introduced yesterday were Hancock and andMrs andhi andhire
Mrs hi Mary Hancock a relative of the theI thecol2lplalnant thecomplainant
I complainant Assistant County Attorney Attorneyi AttomeyDana AttorneyDana
i Dana T Smith represented resented the state statei statewbUe statewhile
i while Fred C Loofbourow Lo was attorney attorneyfor
for Button The defense attempted to toprove topreve topeeve
prove that Sutton shot bot Hancock Ha ock In self selfdefense selfdetmae elt eltdefmnse
defense while the prosecution cutfoa contends contendsthat contendsv contendsthat
that Jealousy over Mrs ir Button was aa the themotive theHancock themotive
motive v for Ueo the attempted murder murderHancock murderIjincock
Hancock testified that at he and Sutton Buttonhad Suttonhad Suttonbad
had trouble prior to the shooting and andthat andthat ttndVthat
that he h had decided to leave the place placeHe plactHe placeHe
He denied that he threatened Button or orflashed ort1h orflashed
flashed t1h a weapon of any kind Mr I Han Hancock Hancock Hsncock ¬
cock testified t that Hancock k told Button Buttonh
h he would pay a fine to lick him mid midthat Mildthlt d dth4t
that Hancock shook his bl fiat at in the de defendants de1ttndant detsndnts ¬
fendants face faceThe faceThe faceThe
The afternoon was taken up In the in introduction Introduction introduction ¬
troduction of more witnesses and the theweapon thew theweapon
weapon w apon used in the ansault a81 ault was w Intro Introduced introduced introduced ¬
duced as evidence evidenceEXCURSION evldeneEXCURSION evldetueV evldetueEXCURSION
April April25 85 and 26 26VIA 26VIA 26VIA
Fare from Salt Lake to St Louis and andreturn aadretum andreturn
return 3950 Tickets good until May
10 Ticket Tkk t office No 7 71 West Second SecondSouth SecejudSouth d dSout
South Sout trett R R F 1 Xeel Ne6Jn Ne6Jnepnt n nagent gessosi gessosiagent
agent agentV
V L VV W V V =
Sergeant S r lnt Hwael H Demand His HisS
Salary Far March MarchARGUE V
V VstxOxII
racowni WONT IUD xAjum xAjumnasoLTjfioir 1UJnfJlUft01f A5IiY A5IiYZBSOLUTXOM
As the result of mandamus proceed1 proceed1ings proceed proceedIn proceedlug
lug In commenced C01IUDt d yesterday yeate by Sergeant SergeantJohn SeqeantJoba SergeantJohn
John Hempel of the police force a aof writ writof wrltof
of mandate IflSild Vti was issued ued by Judge Morse Morseof
of the district t court ordering City Au Auditor AucUtor Auditor ¬
ditor A 8 8 Reiser to either give the theofficer theoftIo theomoer
officer a warrant for his pay pa or appear appearin
in court to show cause why wb he should shouldnot shouldnot hould1IOt
not This method baa been selected to tosettle tosettle
settle the wrangle in the department departmentthat I Itbat
that has resulted in the tieup of the thepay thepay
pay of all policemen since the installa installation iutaUatIoD installalion ¬
lion of George A Sheets as chief chiefMr cblefr chiefMr
Mr r Hempel in his hi petition to the thecourt thecourt thecourt
court drafted by Attorney Attorne Frank C I IOastin IGustin
Oastin sets 18 forth that he b is employed employedas j i
a as first 1st duty dut sergeant t and that the city cityauditor cityauditor
auditor has refused to issue a warrant warrantfor warranttor warrantfor
for Ms salary of 5 85 for the month of ofMarch ofMarcb ofMinch
March last He prays the court to toorder toorder
order Mr Reiser R ieer I to pay the said salary salaryand aaIar7Del salaryand I
and bear the expense expe of the suit suitThe auttTIle suitThe
The writ of mandate sets forth that thataccording thatacconI thataccording
according acconI to law Mr r Hempel is entitled entitledto
to his salary and orders Mr Raiser to toissue towalTl1t toissuee
issue issuee warrant for the amount or ap appear appeal appear ¬
pear in court on OG the 25th th of this month monthto
to show cause why he should not obey obeythe o obeythe e etile
the order The affair will 111 be taken up upfor upfor upfor
for settlement in the court on the above abovesate aboveute abovedate
sate Oas in Supreme praaa Court CourtJust CourtJuat CourtJust I
Just about the time the petition petitionbeta was wasbeing wasbeing
being beta filed the attorney general eaerat was wasfiling wuftlt wasflung
filing ftlt his quo warranto proceedings proceedingsagainst procee4tapt proceedingsagainst
against t Chief of Police Sheets in the thesupreme theaupretae thesupreme
supreme court The complaint is sworn swornto sointo tn tnto
to > y Charles Cottrell Jr president of ofthe oftb ofthe
the council The allegations set forth forthare torthare forthare
are practically the same m as those tb eel specified eelJlee spiellied ¬
lied in the similar proceedings be begun in inthe Inthe inthe
the district court before Judge Ir MorseThe Morse MorseThe rae raeThe
The case c aewDl will be argued Monday MondayCouncilman Monda MondaCouncllmaa MondayCouncilman
Councilman Eardley will have ba ve to play playmessenger playmeeaener playmessenger
messenger boy if he ever expects Cap Captain Captain lptate ¬
tain Burbidge to receive the set of ofresolutions orreaotattona ofresolutions
resolutions which the council passed passedsome pa pajiedsome ed edlIOe
some weeks ago demanding deniandln of the Jat latter Jatter Jatten ¬
ter that he assume ume the head of the thepolice tbepol1e6 thepolice
police department and certify to the thepayrolls th thpayroll thepayrolls
payrolls When the resolutions re were werefirst werefirst wereArat
first passed upon the advice of the thecity theefty thecity
city attorney they were sent to the themayor thtmayor themayor
mayor He returned them with his bl
veto Last Monday night a i iwas
was we pad directing the city clt recorder recorderto
to send them direct to the captain captainThis captanThis captainThis
This Acting < City Recorder Simondl re refuses letueeI refuses ¬
fuses to do acting upon the secon4 ad advice advtee advice ¬
vice of the city attorney attorneyPowers attorneyPowers attorneyPowers
Powers in the BUison Ones OsaJudge auJud OnesJudge >
Judge Morse oo did not reach the city cityin eltyIn cityin
in time yesterday to begin the Ellison Ellisonmurder JCJl Zilsontuturder lon lonMUt
murder MUt tr case so Judge JU Stewart sat for forhim forblm forhim
him during the examination of the there theWQIre thevenire
venire re When that use concluded a ajs aI8CHII arecess
recess js was taken until this morning at atM atH atii
M oclock when Judge Morse will be bepresent bepre bepresent
present nt and ancltbe the examination of the thetalesmen tbetaleUnon thetalesnsen
talesmen as to their fitness to sit lt upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the case will begin Upon the request requestof
of Undertaker Watson expressed esprellMdtore b bfore be before
fore he died Judge O W Powers w wassist wm wmt willassist
assist t District Attorney Dennis C Etch HSehnor Dehtor Etchnor
nor in flV the prosecution of the tbeMinnie th case caseMinnie easerMinnie
Minnie S Wells Granted Divoecj DivoecjJudge Df DIvor DIvorJudge i iJudee
Judge W C Hall yesterday gr grMinnie IJUt IJUtKlllnJe gntte4Minnie
Minnie S Wells a divorce from fromOftver i iT OlIver OlIverT j jT
T Wells on the ground cro ad of faiturl to toprovide toprovide toprovide
provide V They 1sy were married at Mfchi Mfchigan IUISan j jpit
pit City Ind April 2 t e 1881 The wife wifewas witewall wifewas
was awarded the custody of the tJJe1wo tJJe1wochildren tiewO tiewOchlidren wo wochildren
children I
INTEREST IN REALTY REALTYi REALTYOpportunities REAt REALfYOpportunities Y Yt YOpportunities
i t
Opportunities For Iav6stratf IIYftstm Investm1n Investm1nSalt An AnSalt > in inSalt
Salt Lake Are Eagerly B Bing 81 81inf Bslug
lug Sought SoufhtOutside SoulntO Sought1utside
Outside O capital is beginning 4 o come comeInto cometato comeinto
Into the Salt Lake e real estate market marketThe IlULrketTtae marketTheV
The result Is I aft n increase e of activity activityFor activit activityFor
For some time previous to o the an announcement anJMMIDcement announcement ¬
nouncement that Senator W A Clark Clarkhad ClarkhcI Clarkhad
had bought the Oregon < Short Line Linesouth UneIIOUth Linesouth
south of Salt Lake and would build at atonce atoace atonce
once to Los Angeles there had been beenlittle beenlittle beenlittle
little outside interest in Salt Lake real realestate realeatte realestate
estate Now the speculators in the theeast theea theeast
east are beginning 1t1t1C again to make makequlrtet In Inquiries isquinles ¬
quiries as to opportunities of local real realestate realfJIItate realestste
estate men and some purchases pure pureaIrMd h he healready v valready
already aIrMd been made More buying buyinglooked w wlooked Sa Salooked
looked for r in the near future futureIn futurela futureIn
In addition to this tM the speculative speculativespirit apeeulaUfteplrtt speculativespirit
spirit has been aroused locally locallyteadlly sad aneTsteadily k ksteadily
steadily increasing business bu to repartee reparteeby repartMbJ
by the various dealers In fact retail retailmercantile retailmereI1t1le retailmercantile
mercantile business has been affected affectedPeople affectedPeople affectedPeople
People appear to be investing Investtn in real realestate IMItate re1estate
estate tate or hoarding boardJ their money with withthat wftItbt withthat
that hi view with the result that they theyare theFare theyare
are spending less Ie at the tb stores storesAttention ltortaAttention stor storAttention
Attention appears to be directed prin principally prl prle1pally prinblpally ¬
cipally toward vacant property The 3fcebargains TtaebarwallUI Thebargains
bargains are being taken up an ant aniaber a anumber anumber
number of people are preparl preparlbuild P PlPSt PlPStbuild to tobaU4
build The demand for moderate moderatehouses mOdeNtetor pebed pebedhoimea
houses tor Homes is so great tb ftate thafrthe thafrthereal thdithcV thdithcrel
V real estate tate men en n are advising invest investments 111 111meat investmints ¬
meat in tbi this line as practically IaN nreto IaNto sureto
to bring brJ good returns A demand for formodern tormcHlem fOrmodern
modern houses hoo of HMO 16l to SUM 1500 valu valuation valuation vainztlon ¬
ation is said to be in excess of the thepi sup supply supply ¬
ply pi and with Itb the growth of th the city cityas cityas cityas
as expected this demand will greatly greatlyincrease greatlyIncrease tI tIIncreue
increase Investments are also recom recommended reeemmended recemmended ¬
mended in down town business basin proper property pPoperty ¬
ty and in tracts near flee the thewblcb railroads railroadswhich rp4lroadswhich
which are likely to be wanted for forwholesale forwboleaaJe forwholesale
wholesale houses and warehouses warehousesSeveral wanbo wanboSeveral warehousesSeveral
Several deals of considerable considerabletance c cta bupse bupsetajuc
tance are under way w to say not notnumerous BOtJtIIIC dt dtIIUJlMroua ofnumerous
numerous small transactions transactionsWhat tlalUlctloWhat transactionsWhat
What would you do dothe doth dothe
the th next time timeyo timeyohave you youhave OU OUhave
have a hard cold if ifyou ifyou ifyou
you couldnt get getAyers getAyers gefAyers
Ayers Cherry Pec Pectoral Pec3toral Pectoral ¬
toral Better think thinkthis thitlkI tlilnltthis
I this over overWI aEil aEilI aEilWEAK
gsreus eI Nataral Cttl 1atabUaba4 1atabUaba4R 55
isbud CeeipIese spI4 ivrIpwest st stasMiea
asMiea cud Cue r An uutOLng sewetiSo sewetiSoNrae54 g gb
Nrae54 b expeisnee e endo Md ed by hllIIIt htghsftUacouQnt
R ftUacouQnt 1oOII o 01 the IJrtU was rd rdtM1ed reLV reLVpists =
pists tM1ed letter 011 on requcit t slit trl trlYllnpecla1ly > VV VVtt I IMID
Yllnpecla1ly tt S specta11y tl olte t tnQulry ROIU rom sees who whoS bo
M S MID bwedsseiyed MetiTed and Tiotmittd Yol1l1 by th the qu quiets quietsAddress W WAddrwa
Johnsons Photos PhotosonCorrect II
kond nNJSR UNd bJ u the t bed Md d dr4ehri I Iud
IJ ud oh Ioaal DiNMJh r4ehri r4ehriV 1aeS I
T flrr > r I
f < y V
Veteran FironMn and Many JlaDJlrienda JlaDJlrienda1J Friends TriendsPay FriendsPay
Pay Their Last KospoetsThe apeetLTbe Kospoets KspetsThe
The remains maine of James Shore who whodied whodIecI whodied
died on Sunday evening < were interred interredyesterday intrr interredyesterday d de
yesterday e rday afternoon at rnoon in the city ceme cemetery cemete ¬
te The funeral services we were held heldin hf1I1In hellin
in the Twentyfirst ward chapel and
were ere largely lara tI attended Among Amo the thenumber tb thenumber
number in attendance were the mem members mmbr membore ¬ I
bore of the Veteran Firemens Flremnlion associa association association ¬
tion in full uniform The flowers were werevery I IEr Ivery
very Er beautiful and expressed them theaympathy thempathy the syn synpathy
pathy and sorrow of Mr Shores 8ho Shorep many manyfriends manyfriends ny nyfrlfnd
friends friendsAddr frlfndAddrMllfell friendsAddressee
Addr Addressee sea were we delivered deU nt1 by Thomas ThomasAsh TbomlUlAah ThomasAsh
Ash H J 1 Fouiger William Tudden Tuddenham Tuddenham Tuddenham
ham Bishop M S Woolley Joseph JosephEvans JosephElme JosephEvans
Evans and Edwin Entxvisel The mu ¬
= i
sic was under the direction dirf < ton of Chor ChorLeader jjOrLeader
Leader J 1 D Owen The pallbearers pallbearersT pal1 pallbearerswere arers arersw I
w were T F Thomas John r Gunn Gunnam nunnWIlliam GunnWillIam
WIlliam am Bywater Mark Bench Bt > nb John JohnKeener JobtKeener I
Keener A and Robert Snedden SneddenInterestbeam Snedden1IIttbetu1ng SneddeuV Sneddeutystbser1rg
Interestbeam securities yipilir yipilirper Yf Vc4l Vc4lper > t1lno
per cent per annum compounded twjoe twi twia j jj i ia
a year r can be had from McOurrin McOurrinCo itlcGurrtCo I
Co Salt Lake City Each investor investorholds iDVtstOMIda investoholds
holds his own security
A Thorough C1ean Qeansng C o of the t1 Sntem SyteinNow = I
Now w is the Surest irest Protcctiofl AgainstSpring Against AgainstSpring a i I i
Spring and Summer Surnii i Sfcfcaess SfcfcaessT S V I Il1o
l1o No T good house keeper ever neglects neglectlSpringcleauing Spring cleaning I j 1 1With I
With plenty plentyof of soap and water hard scrubbing scrubb ig and scour scouring scouriug J i
lug sunlight and air she soon gets rid ci all rubbish rubbismusty j 1 1musty V Vmusty
musty odors germs s and microbes and the dust and anddirt andl1irt I V Vtlirt
dirt that have accumulated during the long lon winter wintermonths wiut wintermonths r rmonths
months But when the house has been put in order orderand V Vnd I Ind
and nd the premises cleared of all old plunder and trash trashthe trashthe V VV
the great a majority of house keepers k feel that Spring V Vcleaning > ar V sy sycleaning
cleaning is IS over and forget that their systems may be in Ul a worse WOT e condition than the th house houseand houseand houseand I
and that the bad feelings debility loss of of appetite nervousness and sleeplessness from which
they are suffering st are due to neglect of the more important and necessary work of Physical Physicaliouse
Tipuse house iouse cleaning A clean house does not insure against disease but a clean system does doesThe
The poisons and humors engendered within the body the waste matter that is clogging
the syst system n and contaminating and vitiating the blood blood are far more dangerous to health healththan healththaii
than the dirt irt and dust of our homes ho In the winter time we giveiree give t free rein to our appetites appetitesand
and eat more and oftener than is for our good We inhale the polluted air of badly ventilated ventilatedoffices ventilatedoffices
and rooms take little or no eartrcise and our bodies become a veritable hotbed of
diseasebearing germs and our blood is loaded with impurities and poisons of every conceiv conceivable conceivable I Iable
able kind and no wonder that Spring time is so often Sick time and a finds us in such s ch poor poorphysical poorphysical I
physical condition with vitality slowly wasting away our digestion impaired the liver torpid torpidand torpidand I Iand
and all the bodily organs overworked and out of repair Unless our systems are given a athorough
thorough cleaning and the blood purged pur and purified the simplest malady may develop into intome intosome intosome II
some me serious disorder or end in chronic invalidism invalidism and often the pentup impurities poisons poisonsand poisonsand I
and humors break out through the skin and all through the Spring and Summer you are aretormented aretormente
tormented tormente with boils itchy i hy rashes sores bumps and pimples anj and all manner man er of ugly uglYj 1
pustular pus 1ar and scaly eruptions eruptionsPhysical V VV VPhysical V
Physical house cleaning should begin with the blood It must be purified and strength
eiied and andwhen when a stream of ofpure pure rich richblood Wood is turned turnedVintoall into all the nooks and corners cornersof of the thesystem tbesystem thesystem
system the rubbish and diseaseproducing poisons are washed out and the congested congestedchannels congestedchannels congestedchannels
channels and avenues of the body are opened and Physical house cleaning is made thorough thoroughand
and complete S S S cleanses the blood of taints and poisons and expels the waste and rub ¬
bish from from the system It is to the system what soap and water are to the house Nothing Nothingelse
else lse so quickly removes rem Ye8 the stubborn deeplyrooted deeplyrootedpoisons dttply deeplyrootedpoisons ted tedI
I poisons and humors that are destroying the purity of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the blood and blocking the avenues of health and life lifeA lifeAcourseofSSSnowwillputyonrsystemin
A AcourseofSSSnowwillputyonrsystemin AcourseofSSSnowwillputyonrsysteminperfect course of S S S now will put Put your system in indiseases ineffect
effect order and fortify you against the debilitat debilitating ng
diseases and aggravating skin troubles that are sure to I Icome Icome Icome
come if your physical welfare has been neglected neglectedS neg ected I
S S S is not only the best of all blood purifiers but an unequalled tonic and appetizer appetizerIt
It builds you up improves the appetite and aids the digestion and assimilation of ofand food foodand foodand I
and keeps the system in a healthy vigorous condition S S S is guaranteed purely purelyeetable
Vegetable eetable and can be taken by the oldmiddfeaged and young ° without danger ° of any harm harmrf harmuleffects harmfuf I
fuf rf uleffects effects TI S c S rv S r is a vnjr l00d pu ptuifier r and j toni < com combined ned a perfect < Sprint medicine J Jfor and andindispensable I
indispensable in in Physieal house cleaning Write us fully about your case No charge chargeor
ntglttt I T TYour c cYour
Your watch and it itcause W WV I Icauae Icause
cause you trouble troubleOur troubleOur V VOur
Our watch makers makersset r cset 1 1nt
set you light lighttdfeted lightFill zightgill
Fill FillWi gill gillI
I IRU tdfeted tdfetedPrim
Wi Win WiPrlcls Vstdm
n Ruue RuuePrIg
Prim PrimL Prlclsr PrIgF
H5 MHi SL StPrIInss rngress mqres Mtff MtffOsskptoU IIQor IftCsseiete
OsskptoU Stack of ofACTS orCLOTH ofmrcLoTnIe
We n ab e i atact0ry taetor taetord V Viemdekbed
iemdekbed d esis ad lasting lutlnaoes lastingV lastingLjjco V
Ljjco LjjcobM
bM Gcfc Cocr Cocrgoes Cod Codgoes
aft aftBay aftday V Vday
goes your clock day
day but cant go on ontnc Ii IiIq ding
tnc so It It U not clean cleanand leanand V V Vand
and regulated Like t thuman Ii Iib1UllaD ta <
a human system it ne netoning netonIDa > VV V VftfyuPJeSt
toning up We naveevi naveevifacility bave VI VItadUt7
facility ftfyuPJeSt ftfyuPJeStwork for doing 401 t twork h hwork
work well and prompt crompand i iand c clid
and guarantee uarant to Ri Rieot gtperfett gtv gtvperfect
perfect eot BatlBfactio BatlBfactiomoderate lJatillta tl tlPrte I
Fume moderate moderateWe moderateWe It ItWe
We can ell you an ankind allktnd V Vkind
kind of a clock you ou wan wanJetwlry we n nlewfly V
Jetwlry V
143 43 Main St StSit StSet StjAM0D
jAM0D jAM0DinfTnthr
Sit infTnthr infTnthrUI If UI Tut T Ui 8111I IUU IUUEr S SDr SDr
Dr West Dentist DentistBBX
AIU iu until April 15 do all cia classes 01 01dental nidental
dental work at natty r reduced uced price priceacr pricesI
BBX I OF TJBJ5TU S50O poaJl S50OJlnp LO LOe2
e2 Jl lid Crews CrtWII V Vlll
lll Mug MugJ1gi I
A II upwwt 5
c rlltl
DK W2S1 Manager West W i Dttal DV Co CoSB CoIIaIn Co101k
SB Soots Main Telephone 1579 lmK lmKIC l57KAlt K KMAMtasrf
IC MAMtasrf Alt and Hiss HissWe p
We Weaf ssB sis mmwtm
af i I
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m fE y V VV i
HE u1 first 1h t showing ahOW lug qf the new meta well en worth worthwill woithswillbemadetomorrow OrtJIa OrtJIawill
T will willbemadetomorrow be made tomorrow The Thegoodzreatrlfr Thegoodzreatrlfrlate goods are a trifle triflelate tritelab V
late ih coining e niiug through but we fed c eeddeltt BJde t p pitp
itp 011 l1 arc well welllepaid repaid for the tltewit wait waitThe waitTbe V VV VV VfrjjA V V
frjjA The style IStyl < i is equal in every respect to the sweiieot en en1aoH sweIestshoes
15 hoes elsewhere the material matel ale such a u are used only onlyin oaIJiD nalyI
I > i in the highest grade sorts sortsLow sortsLor V Vt V V
t V Low shoes are very much i in evidence eTJ e ee and pa pateJlt pateJltJl pateItkid teat teatkid
kid Jl tf torts will rill be very yprr much mnchin in j favor favorA favorA V V V VV
V t4s V A new line with us will be the Legit a 41 t sfcoe for forgentlemen forgetilemenmade f fV
V gentlemen getilemenmade made in various sorts of shiny leather leatltengo M Mgood V VV
V 7c6eV good das as any 5 5 patent shoe sold hereabouts hereaboutsThe hereaboutThe V VV VThe V
The Legit is made only in patent leather sorts apd apdi a V VIii
i Iii a fitting brother companion to our famous well wellworths 1fel1wOlths ILJ V Vworths
worths You are invited to the first showing showingffi jj1 jj1V
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