OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, April 28, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1903-04-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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1 1 I Ij I
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j A
f ftlf if j the t Rpo Keport 1 of General ener81Mile8 i Miles to the SecreI Secreice Secre Secrelirf
I f ice rf War Given to the Public PudicrrN PublicflUa PublicI
t t tI
I t rrN fl fN flUa J Mej flf aI3tGri8sThlt Stories That Hers y BM 8 iMftl From Fromflit FromTa FromTi
flit Ta I If to Time i
f ft
II ANON April SJThe wart wardepartment
department t today made public publictfcit pPUet publicthat
t that tfcit portion of the report of OeD Cteniral GenWa1
aI iral MUM which refer to th tbe mtacoa mtacoaet IeGDaDd miacon4tbf
et 4tbf > ef oOcers and soldiers 1IOI41e in the Phil PhllSecretary PhlIertat7 PhilBeeretary
Secretary Root ha bu has received receivedrequests receivednequeets Iyed Iyedrequests
requests for thl tb report some 110 110Mm somethem omehem
Mm hem from persona in Boston who whok whotJat whothat
k that it sofHained ned much muehlter muehlterhad matter jnatterwr matterhad
wr had been brought out in the theteWfAifjttion thes
teWfAifjttion 1 s UtJona The secretary ha bat held heldre
that toon report re were re reftee confidential in q qpinking
MflMH toJfl jfe = pinking tham thamgjgat
gjgat he free to to make such comment commentW commedtabe
W r be b desired red but a as it was learned learnedt learnedEt
t General Miles bad no objection to topvbttcation toJMlb topebfeatbn
It pvbttcation JMlb eation of the r report ort it ItJDade ha han baa baaa
n made public with a brief commentOeaeeal comment commentOeneral comment0e8eraI
> Oeneral Davis judge advocate an an1Ie < + en tenwho enI
I who 1Ie eta ha charge ebJ of all matter mattertatetngi mattersto u ut
tatetngi to t o th the subjects ubj ub ct eta referred to tothn totide tothis
tide portion of the report The Thetomcat TheU Thetements
tomcat U made by b General Mile II1Je8retIUlt are arerevolt areresult
revolt of hi his tour of Inspection in inlip InPbUlppl InPhilippines
lip Philippine last autumn and winter winterfVisapUhits wintert winterOs
t Os fVisapUhits plalab of th the Ptepl P4ioplaera Pteplaeral JIMp1eeral
aeral era Miles 101 Iles report on his Philip Philipobwrvatlon PbtllpaUon Philipobaerrations
obwrvatlon aUon i Ia dated Feb It 11103 11103Ii itOS itOSia JJOIIa
ia addressed to the secretary of ofr ofr ofr
r He says that In going from Ca Caft Cato Caeba
eba ft to Batangas Ba Batangas in November but lastnoticed butnoticed JutlIOUee
noticed thatFthe that j the country tOuntr appeared appearedMUteA appearedsisgrted
MUteA and that the people were weremuch weremucla weremuch
much depressed Stopping at Upa Upaay Llpaa Upasaga
saga ay a party of f cltiaeas beaded by byacting b bi byacting
i > acting act president met him and andtd
1 td that they desired to make corn corntot comOf cornOf
tot of harsh treatment of the people peopletfist peopletllat peoplet
tfist t commifaity ityy saying they baa baat hadponces
t ponces fDoocentrd 5t in town and had hadWad bad81M hadetMd
Wad great t IMligniUe plttea that fifteen fifteentheir fifteentheir een eendIef1
their people had been tortured by byA byImown bylet
let A i is known a as the water torture torturethat tortarethat torturekid
kid that one man a highly bI IY respected respectedwn
wn n aged 65 years named Vicente
SAM while Buffering U eriD from the effect effectsAir effectw
w 4f the torture and unconscious wa wadragged wu wuft was4wd
dragged tom f + om his house hou which had been beenH beenOft beenset
set H on flnt and Dd jMraed > aed to death They ThytlMa
tatted these ataisltle U were wreoma ware committed committedby committedby
by a company of wont under com comavuid comIIIaD4 command
avuid of Lieutenant Henney and andthat andtlat andthat
that their people had been crowded crowdedrato crowdedlllto crowdedinto
rato town to 400 being bel confined in one onehflriMtag oneA oneA
hflriMtag A debtor of the party said saidwa aidw midwas
wa w was ready to testify ttI that some of
Hi tile MB died from suffocation Oeneral OeneralMil Genaraltan GeeralINs
Mil INs cay he looked at t the building buildingi
beth i wa warn one tory in height eighteen eighteentwenty ebteelatwue eighteentwenty
twenty feet wide and possibly 1Q sixty sixtypr alxtyr y
pr r rRveaty renty 7 iWfl lleetJpng feet Ipng a He asked of a airritl airrIhleMateaaeat apRr1t11nstatement
irrIhleMateaaeat irritl tatement to be bet tonr forwarded him himt himJIaaQa himMandl
t Manila but nays ays he never received receivedand reaelvedP reoelvedaadsddE
P and aadsddE aadsddEI adds addsI
1 I have ao reason to disbelieve theirlIIata their theirwtaMMnta theirIlp
Ilp wtaMMnta ttnra lIIata nts in infact fact the instance of
bare in the case of the man Luna Lunavia Lunaving
I via ving been tortured and nd burned to tosthajB toCOIaftrtDed toass
sthajB ass conflrtaed by other report reportf re ta
f Ooflyvraiagtht Cogge ntagtbs tNi failure re to receive he hefieueMd th
tstqnsgt t General G Mile WI says a Wheth Whethr Whetbanee
Or r any say wflaence was WUroucht brought to toproeyea bear bearDo bearnib
Do prevenf their statement either by blNIIIoreeeftfo1a byrpsa
< fr NIIIoreeeftfo1a rpsa MMoB e or eoeveloB I am not pre preared prto
ared to 117 ay ai 4 fib the he present timeOeaerat time timeQenerali
Qenerali Mile then refers to other otbar4ae oth otherses r rrInl
4ae ses saying that on the island of ofrbu ofebu
rbu J ft wa was reported rean sz nd published dm dm0ft in inovember Inevanber1103
e ovember 0ft evanber1103 itdt that that two officers Cap CapLin
Win Lin Samuebx Salaue Fortyfourth Infantry
United State volunteer and Ueutenet Lieuten Lieutenant Lleuteneat ¬
ant et Feeter Eighteenth infantry tad adtted
do Committed iinIttd tted similar atrocities against t the thepeople theof
people of that island It is also report reported ¬
ed that at Laoag on the island nd of Lu LuBO Lutwo
BO two native were whipped to toth
4 death th At Tacloban T loban Leyte Le te it wa wu reed re reted re
Ortecl ted ed that Major Glenn ordered Lieuant Lieu Ldeuant Lieuat
ant Cantfield Philippine louts cout to totake toeJpt
take eight prisoner out into the coun country ¬
try and that If they the did not guide u1de him blmtile
t th tile camp of the insurgent urcent Quixen he hewas henot heas
was as not to br1n bring them back It wa wuteCJ wasMated
Mated tated teCJ that the men were taken out and andQtat andthat
Oat they either did not or could not notdo notdItedecI not4b
do a as directed One of the men who whohad wbolOa whobad
had a lOa on among 0 the scouts was w pared sparedtat paredbut
tat theothcn the others tare a separated parat into two twopartios twon1Uftber1n twoparties
parties numbering three or four rettvely re reapectively roe roei
apectively ttvely tlye and while tied together were werea1 weremurdered
i JQ murdered by being hot or bayonet bayonetto
M to death tb same ome me being in a kneeling kneelingpocttJoa kneeUa
position at that tlm time The pretens pretensytj pretensra
tj 18 ra s madcNhat made t they tbe were killed while whileattempting wbtleattempt whileattempting
attempting attempt to escape but m o far as I Iaow II1Ow
ow aow no official report re ort wa wu ever made madethe madetile madeK
K the circumstance These facts have havehea havenp8l1ed haveteen
teen reported by b Major Watt Wtta who in Inf intr
tr VMtigated f tkr t dre e e Besides Uauten Uautenavt UeateDDt Lisutenart
art CaatfleM eaa civilian scouts acoa Ramos RamosPrsvton RamosPoston
Prsvton Corn and McKeen Kelt were par partidpani parYa partidDaats
tidpani tidpaniwater
Ya water Totals Victim VktUacAt V VAt VictimAt
At Caihayog Samar it wu w reported reportedthat reportedbat reportedthat
that wvenu men in that district had hadbeen badbMft hadbeen
been Mhl subjected td ed to the water torture I Ipaw ItVee IMw
paw three men Vho WIa who < nad been subjected subjectedto u uhleredto td tdto
to thi this tratmeptn treatmeajt O oe e wa w was the tfttI tfttII arealcoanld rei reiI
I Could not rise to my myfeet myfeetwithout m mfeet
feet feetwithout without faun faunnI fainting faintingWI
WI I had suffered suffet + ed for three threeI yean yeanor
I or more at monthly periods writes writesMm writesEUa writesxisi
Mm Ella Sapp of Jamestown JamestownGuilford JamestowuGuilford JamestownGafford
Guilford Co N C It seemed seemedthough seemedthoaIl1 seemeds
s > though thott ll I would die with pains painsin
in my back at qd d fem Ilot lot lotto I coqJd coqJdto
lot > to my lAYfeet feet at atfainting au auwitlp all allwitit
witlp fainting fa had hadgiven hadgiven hadgiven
given up all hope of ever everbeing everbeing everaxing
being cured when one of ofmy ofmy ofmy
my friends insisted upon uponmy uponmy uponmy
my trying Dr Pierces PiercesFavori PiercesFa Piercestr
tr Favori Fa Pavorite vori te Prescription PrescriptionWith Prescrip PrescriptionWith OD ODwith
With but little faith I Itried Itried Ib
b tried it and before I had hadtaken hadtaken hadtaken
taken half a bottle I felt feltbetter feltbetter feltbetter
better had better appetite appe appetite appetite ¬
i tite and slept sl pt better betterNow betterNow
Now I have taken two twobottles twobottles twobottles
bottles of Favorite Pre Prescription PreSlription Proscription ¬ I
scription scriptionand and one of ofGolden ofGolden ofGolden
Golden Medical Discov Discovery Discoery Discovery ¬
ery and am happy to tosay tosay tomy
say I am entirely cured curedand curedand curedand
and all done in two twomonths twomoatbs twomonths
months time when all allother allother allatber
other medicines medici nes had failed failedto
to do any good at all allDr allDr allDr
Dr Piers s Pleasant PleasantPellets PleasantPellets PleasantPellets
Pellets a pleasant and ef efL effective effective effective
fective laxative laxativev laxativefor
I L v for women womeaI
> r
1 1s
< > O ate
dente of the town t n Mr Rosales who whobowed whoOwed whoshowed
bowed me long rng deep scars on his arms armswbtch armswhich
I which be said PI id were caused by the cord cordwith cordawltla cordswith
with which he was wa bound cutting into intohi Intob1 intohis
hi b1 flesh The second man was named namedJose namedJose
Jose Borja and the third was Padre PadreJoae PadreJoae PadreJose
Joae Diaxneg who slated he was one of ofthree ofthree f fthree
three priests 5ts who had been subjected subjectedto
to tortureby the troop under command eommndof
of Lieutenant Uell Gaujot Tenth cavalry
that hi bin front teeth bad been knocked knockedout knockedout knockedout
out which wa w was apparent that he was wasotherwise wasotherwhle wasotherwise
otherwise maltreated and robbed of oftm otJtWatl ofaso
tm Itwa JtWatl atated ed that these priests priestshad prlfatbad priestsbad
bad been tieeftt taken out to be killed and andwere uidwere d dwere
were only onl saved av by b the prompt action actionof actionof actionof
of Major Carrington Carrt gton First Infantrywho infantry infantrywho InfantlYwho
who sent out for them Lieutenant LieutenantGaujot LieutenantOaujot LieutenantGaujot
Gaujot wa was u tried pleaded guilty and andwas aodwaa adwas
was given the trivial sentence of three threemonths tb threemonths e emoDtlul
months suspension 00 from command for forfeiting fortelUne forfeiting ¬
feiting HO per month tor the same aamerlod pe period period ¬
riod Hi His pleading pleadl guilty prevented all allthe aUthe allthe
the fact and circumstance cllCaIa being de developed ce ceveloped developed ¬
veloped velopedIt velopedHIt t
HIt It appear that Major Glenn Lieu Lieutenant LIeDtenant ¬
tenant Conger and a party of assist assistants amistants LIeDI Ist Istants ¬
ants and nd native scouts were moved movedfrom movedfrom
from place to place for the purpose of ofextorting ofextorting f I I
extorting statement by mean of top torture tOJture topture ¬
ture and nd it became so notorious that thatthis thatthis t I Ithis
this party wa wueaUed c catted aUUd Glenn brigade brigadeWhether
Whether it was poaUMe for officer cenfo cenfobe fo fobe tobe
be engaged in such act acts without the thepersonal CbepelllODl tl e epersonal
personal knowledge of the general eral upon uponwhose QpGawhose upG t twhose
whose staff they were nerving at the thetime tIaetime thetime
time namely Brigadier GeneralHughes General GeneralHughe GeDerIHUhM
Hughes I leave for other to conjec conjecture co coture conjectore ¬
ture tureAtrocities tureA Atrocities A Oondmad OondenmaThese OondmadThee 0Da 0DatTheee
Thee fseta fact came to my votice in ina inacasual a acaaual aeuual
casual way and many other ofsim ofsimilar of ofliar aim aimllar ¬
liar character havehaea have butt reported to todifferent bsdltrereDt Indifferent
different part of the archipelago rehl elap to tofact Jafact Infact
fact fact I wa wu informed that it wa wu wumon com common common ¬
mon talk at t the place where officer officercongregated ofttcencoqrepte oMceracongregated
congregated that such transactions had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been carried on either with the con connivance eoaDlvanee connivance ¬
nivance or approval of certain Nr n com commanding commDdJn commanding ¬
manding mDdJn officers It is however moat moatgratifying mOlltUtylnc mostgratifying
gratifying Utylnc to state tat that such atrocities atrocitieshav aMScideshave MCltI MCltIIaa
hav Iaa have been eOHetftMcJ ogflemned by such com commanders ommaDders tommanders ¬
manders as Generals Lawton Wade WadeSumner WadeSumner WadeSumner
Sumner Lee Baldwin and others othersI
I found that with certain offlcersr the theimpression thehapreulon theimpression
impression prevail that such acts were werejustifiable wereJUlKitla wereJustifiable
justifiable JUlKitla and I felt it my duty In order orderto
to correct such erroneous and dangerous dangerousImpressions anerouaImpreuIon dangerousimpresdons
Impressions and to prevent the possibil possibility I08IdbllIty bil bilIty ¬
ity of such acts being commit committed in tbe tbefuture tbefuture thefuture
future which must impair the good name nameof nameof nameof
of American arms rms and bring b discredit dlllelwditour to toour toour
our service for all U tlm tI timeto to address tothe to tothe tothe
the division commander tbe tb the following let letter letqr letter ¬
ter of instructions instructionsThen lastructbosTben
Tben follow an order addressed to the thecommanding tb tbcomandiac thecommanding
commanding general of the Phli Philippines Philippinesunder PhlUpplnuader pines pinesunder
under date of > Feb eb 7 18 18 193 in which Gen General General Genoral ¬
eral Miles calla < attention to the report reportof reporttlof reportstrocttla
of atrocities a and directsthat directs that any J orders ordersor
or circulars of personal per nalln instruction tructl D which whichwould whichwould
would inspire or encourage encou any act of ofcruelty ofcruelty
cruelty be annulled Tbe order say YII that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the excuse that the unusual conditions
Justify jq the measures herein condemned condemnedare
are without foundation foundatloQVlola foundationVioladaus foundationViolation
Violation Vlola of Law LawContinuing rwCoattnu1u lAwC
Continuing C Ms report to the a mcretar1a eretar ri
General Miles directs lattent attention n nct8 to bacts th thacts
acts ct8 of reconcentration by General Generaland Be Beand
and nd calms elal that they were in direct vi
iation of law Ia He says ISMY that the law wi wiquantities walso > s
also violated lated III handling and buying lard
quantities of rice which was a sold at ata a
profit The people who were in the re reconcentration wec
c concentration cO icentr cton camps were we says y General Generalconsidered
Miles considered prisoners of war but butwere butwere butwere
were compelled to buy bu food from those tbotleI thosewho thosewho
who held them at a large profit Gen General General Gettoral ¬
I eral Miles characterises this th as unpre unprecedented unprecedented ¬
cedented He speaks JMI of the magnitude magnitudeof
of the transaction which involved 9000
000 pounds of rice and other supplies at atCOIIt a acost acost
cost of 308130 He says that an extra extraordinary extraordinary ¬
ordinary feature of this tb transaction is
the action which was disapproved by ° a
division commander nder who assumed com ¬
stand and who turned the matter tter over to 1
the civil authorities and that It has been
carried on under aa act of of till th Philippine Philippinecommission Phibppmcommission
commission commissionXeply co commissionleply on
Xeply onepl7 of ofA ftaatsal Uaria UariaA
A reply reply to o the to foregoing portion of the thereport thereport thereport
report has been prepare P aref by b Judge Ad Advocate Advoete
vocate General Davis in a letter teUer tothe to the theaeeretary thesecretary
secretary secretary of war to which he says say
The Incidents which are set t forth In
the enclosed s special report have been beenmade beeflmade beenmade
made the subject of olapee1a1 special Investiga Inv ¬
tions in some instances Inata Ce8 these t e have hk ve beenconducted been beenconducted
conducted by courts mortial rnort and their
findings and sentences llen have been duly
promulgated in orders 0 In others th the Inqulrles In Inquiries IqQu1rlea ¬
quiries have ba ve been intrusted IDtru to inspectors inspectorsor
i or to officers otfice designated for that par porgeneral pary
by y the commanding general in the thepines t tplnN thepines
pines Where administrative adJllll 8trative ae aeuu ae astfon
tlon tias uu been called call d for as s a result of ofsuch ofucb ofsuch
such investigation it has h been taken by
i the proper military commander < If the thematter thepart theparties
part parties continued within b his l Jurisdiction Jurisdiction15ether
1Qtbv ca cases tb tha matter tter baa been submitted sub submitted ¬
mitted to the department with a view to
the resort to such punitive remedial or ¬
ders a as were deemed appropriate and
these representations have resulted in a anumber aDuabel anumber
number of courtmartials As to some somechases lIOIDeD somephases
chases D of these inquiries the investiga ¬
tions are not yet complete and a a refer reference referflSce reference ¬
ence of the papers pa to the Philippine Iii islands Iiiands ¬
ands of officers who bo are now serving in
the United States 8ta has been necessary
W Wtr hether the necessity for any ny further ad administrative admbdsttatlve ¬
ministrative action In addition tIoa to that thatalready thatalready
already taken will be 4iscto d disclosed sd as a re result wesuit ¬
nit of such ch invest Investigation 7 7ceived only be de de
termined when Inspection JtIOrta are re re
ceived at t the department departmentGeneral deparunentGeneral departmentGeneral
General Davis Da vi explains that the Inqulrl In Inquiries InQuiries ¬
qulrl quiries are especially difficult because the theeide
Incidents eide cejnplained lalned of were not made
ltt known at the time and officer awTsoi and sol
diers of the volunteer army have been bee
named Bled to be discharged dischargedBice dischargedBite 4 4atce
Bite lamia lamiaHe 1aaiJaLHe
He discusses dIaeu If1I at some length the distri ¬
bution of rice t > In the provinces of Batan Batangas Satanand Batangts ¬
gas and Cuvite which is I a matter that thathas
has been considered In the department
It ia I explained that in order tresin to restore re tor i icivil j vcivil
civil < hl1 order and to provision the th people 1f ItT
the concent concentration ration camps It wa was aa deter determined determined ¬
mined by General neral Bell with the approv approval ¬
al of the commanding general that pur purchases purchases ¬
chases of rice should be made by the thesubsistence thelu thesubsiatence
subsistence lu laten < e department the latter to be bereimbursed berelmbur bereimbursed
reimbursed ed l h by y the military government covemm t I
Lpon this point General Davis says saysThe saysThe i
The measures mfa ure resorted r to were die dietated dlctl1t dietatetl
tated tl1t t by military necessity they were wereundertaken wereundfttaken wereundertaken
undertaken with the approval of U ue e lo local 10Iii local ¬
cal military commander and were calcu calculated calculated < akulated ¬
lated to meet an emergency fm rcen < of Impending
famine in such a way as to relieve actual
distress without pauperizing the th native nativepopulation natl nativepopulation
population and without casting the bur ¬ I
den of their support upon the insular insulartreasury InRulartreaaury insulartreasury
treasury when h11 public order had been restored re restored ¬
stored and the he h provinces V relegated t tcivil > I
f ii Inii top
corr relern lern I In Ie
civil control 1 As the distress re increased increasedafter increaaedafter I
after the military n occupation t had a terminated termin terminated ¬
ated and the demand e d for relief continued continuedwithout continuedwithout I Iwithout
without substantial abatement the bal balance balanc halance ¬
ance of profits accruing aC < from the sales salesof al salesof s sof
of rice by the military mUltar government was wastransferred wastransferred wastransferred
transferred to the insular treasury and andapplied andapplied andapplied
applied by the civil government to the therelief therpUff therelief
relief of the widespread distress datr s occa occasioned oecIioned occtsinned ¬
sinned by the prey prevalence lenee of cholera < ant attdfamine antmIn endfamine
famine mIn in the provinces of southern and andsouthesetar amisoutheastern Ifill8Outbeal <
8Outbeal southeastern rA Luzon LuzonSEIGFUB L LinnSEIGIEUS n nt nDIG1U8
The mandamus proceedings instituted institutedin
in the district dlftri t court t against Auditor AudJt tn it Al Albert Albert Albert ¬
bert S Reiser by Patrolman Benjamin
1 l > SitKfus St UB to compel him to pay hl his < salary sal salary < tl tlary ¬ I
ary for fa < r the mom momb Ik of March Marc h vil III rninf rninfup t l1 l1up nnup <
up before Judge J B W atewm tewart tine Unamorning Hal Halmornln tinemorning
morning mornln At that t hour the city nudl neditor nudltor flldltor
tor will show cause if be has any fur furnot tor1I0t furnot
not paying the money which th the police policeman polleeman tJ < e eman ¬
man is s due him for services performed performedCOLONEL performedCOLONEL performedCOLONEL
Syracuse Syrat J V 1 rl rtbeen 1 i7Nw i7Nwbeen 7 L Len >
been rfdeived rtCei here of tae Math aeathColonel It ItColonel ofColonel < >
Colonel Andrew J Smith at Cuchara Cucharaolo Cucharaiolo
< iolo olo He was at one time a federal offtre of offive otrin
five holder in Montana and served UK UKi UISgo usgovernor
go governor i > vrnor 1DOP of th the Soldiers home at l Iawn Iawnwltrth Leuvenwnrth eaven eavenith
wltrth ith Kan and Lo L ioa Angel Angrlra > < tI < al il IYT IYTin Frt
t in p peg fmir f ar ycifh h he hud h > < li r inMcit In d1 r fp
1 p t t1 i un
r I ILldiu
Ladies Y Gbt t Takes Takesl TakesPARENTS Uflji lip lipPARENTS
ji t tj
t tI
I +
1 HUT w VOffOL BaZri1 VAXTCmt a iim s STTOCSSS STTOCSSSIV Itf Itfnr Too u uIN
Asa Aa ante ateifHna teJf b1 ent t e ae proceeds af afwhich t twldda fwhich
which are ft to be wife for or the parp purpose purposeof ee eeof
of keeping open o tfe tbepubtie ptiMie e schools until untflthe unrff unrffi untilthe
j i the end of the theterm term will be given ven in inthe Ini inthe
i the th Theatre in a few t day q This de decis tiecisaon
cision cis Ion was rescind redchsdirt at a alII am meeting stlng y yea yeaterda yesterday >
terday terda afternoon att ooafJl of IMl tram and edit edueatlott ectu0 editcat
eatlott cat lon section ot1i oC a Ladies Uterary Uterarytainment Lite Litedub Uteraryclub
dub It I Is pJaanfd plann tltt0 to Jlva the eJitM eJitMtainment eathrtalnment
tainment as SQML as josalhK pnthlthe calling callingon llW llWwt
on the best musical and literary talent talentin I Iin
I in the th city to aid aidThe aldThe aidThe
I Ito
The different committees om appointed appointedto
to raise funds to Kea keep the schools open openare oPenare openare
are meeting with varying success The Themoney Ttemoney Themoney
money is assured uaurecltM for the Wasatclt Waatcltschool Waatcbschool
school but the Lowell situated sI Bated In the thelargest thelargest thelargest
largest aryl wealth wealthiest district in the thecity thecity thecity
city is la still I f8II Mtaart short ScaaVdoubt doubt is 181 181telt isfelt
felt that the money will b be raised as assoon assoon asoon
soon as the parent aremuII are coosed to the thesituation thesituation thesituation
situation situationThe situationThe situationThe
The money is in sight for the River Riverside Riverside Riverside ¬
side school The Fremont school se secured Rured orcured ¬
cured the th necessary amount some time timeago timeago timeago
ago The patron of the Grant Whit Whittier WJttier Wplttier
tier Wasatch Washington Wuh1n Emerson Bmersonand BmeJWOnand Emersonand
and Sumner schools have committee committeeat
at work and good ood sweess m is reported reportedNo
No fear is felt that the th money will be beavailable beavailable beavailable
available for the Twelfth The work workof workof workof
of raising the money for the Ninth is isnow IanoW isnow
now in progress progressCan progressCIm progressCan
Can Raise the theThe Monty MontyThe XoIaqThe
The Jordan school ha hu only one oneteacher onet oneteeher
teacher t er In Inaddition I addition to the principal principaland prtnel al alnd
and nd it is believed that if necessary necessarythe aeeeuarJthe necessarythe
the principal can handle the entire entirework entirework entirewort
work Only 150 is necessary net for the theUintah tbeUiDtah theUlntah
Uintah school and it is believed that thatthe thattbe thatthe
the amount can be raisedThe raised raisedThe N eLl eLlThe
The amount necessary n for the senior seniorand aeqiorand seniorand
and junior trade and commercial commercialcourse commerciaCOUI8 commercialcourse
course of the West W t Sid High school schoolis
is I assured red and work to in progress to tosecure toaecure tosecure
secure the balance to keep open th thentire tM tMentire theentire
entire school The money for the Bryant Bry Bryant Br7ant ¬
ant High HI b school i Is being bet raised ralliedThe raisedThe raisedThe
The Longfellow school still ha bu asr asrto UT UTto 13 13to
to raise ral raiseabout about onethird of the total totalThe totaLTbe totalThe
The committees are at work OIk and hope nopeto hopeto
to raise raI the balance before the end of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the week weekThe weekTbe weekThe
The patrons of the Jackson school schoolhave eboolbave schoolhave
have abandoned the attempt This is a alarge alarp alarge
large district containing very few who whoare whore whoare
are re well to do Over S1IM 81 1191 was needed neededand need neededand d daad
and less than a third of this thl amount amountwas amountwas amountwas
was raised It had been intended to tohold tobold tohold
hold a mass meeting raise a as much muchpouIble a apossible as aspossible
possible there and appoint t committees committeesto
to solicit the balance but the outlook outlookwas outlookwas outlookwas
was so discouraging aa that the following followingletter tollowllllletter followfggletter
letter was w seat at yesterday al to Principal PrincipalWilliam PrincIPalWilliam PrincipalWilliam
William Bradford BradfordAbandon BradfordJbaBcIoa BradfordAbandon
Abandon Jackson J eDo eDoIt School SchoolIt ohoolIt
It i Ia with mgr regre re that I have ve to say saythat NYthat saythat
that I am thoroughly convinced after afterdoing afterdol afterdoing
doing dol some careful canvasafng canv that we wecould wecould wecould
could not succeed in obtaining obtalDlD enough enoughfunds enoughfunds uP uPfund
funds in our district to keep the Jack Jackson 1aekeoa Jackson ¬
son school open so we have decided decidednot decidednot decidednot
not to call a mass meeting I believe believethat believetbat believethat
that all who are Interested and able ablehave ablehave bIe bIehave
have given their word by signing the thecirculars theclreuJan thecirculars
circulars sent out Beyond Be ond that it Itwould itwould j jwould
would be hard to go as some are op oppoeed i iposed
posed to the principle of the tklng and andso I Iso i
so many 1IUtfl caanot afford to pay payTours payYour payTours
Tours reS respectfully tfull
Prftfd t Pir te te7tlle JWb JWbIe
Tfee members of the home lJcIIDeand hops and edu education edatloD education ¬
cation tloD section of the Lftdis Ladies Literary UteraryMob IJterarytJab LiteraryClub
Mob have made a canvas of the alt aituatkrn altuatlon situation
uatkrn and they find that if the con conditional conditloal conditional ¬
ditional pledge for tuition were keptenough kept keptenough keptenouch
enough money mone would 1d be available to tokeep tokeep I
keep several school open A largenumber large largenumber Iaqenumber
number of parents sent word I will willpay willpal willpay
pay if the others otbe do Other have haftponded re responded j jponded
ponded and now if all who have havepromised haveproml havepromised
promised proml ed will keep their word great greataid ereat1d greataid
aid will be given the cause causeActive causeAett causeActive
Active Aett in Oquirra District DistrictAt
At a meeting meetln held yesterday afternoon fternoonIn i
in the Oquirrh school a committee was waskeep wasappointed wasappointed
appointed te raise tile 509 neeepvyto neeepvytoke neeepttry to tokeep
keep p the school apes There aretwenty aretwentysix IN t1Jenty t1Jenty8Ix
six blocks in th the district and volunteers volunteeragreed volunteersagreed YOIuateersaareed
agreed to canvass canv each of these blocks blocksJoseph blocksJ blocksJoseph
Joseph J < pb M Cohen wa was appointed chair chairman I Iman Iman
man of the committee committeeBefore committeeBefore
Before adjournment IK7 had been con contributed contributed ¬ I
tributed the teachers giving 16 ft or theegdlvalent the theequivalent theeq1valent
equivalent of one days pay and Mia MiaL 1118 1118L MimL
L 1C Qualtrougb th u principal giving givingSID rlvlnno
SID A permanent ptnnan organization tlon of theparents th thparents the theparen
parents paren was effected effed with Mr 1 Cohen Cohenpresident Cobenpn8Idcnt Cohenpresident
president MIT Catherine Ca MriIM 3 Kimball secre i itary ttary r rtar
tary tar and C H McCoy treasurerThe treasurer treasurerThe I
The committee will put in today and andtomorrow i itomorrow t ttomorrow
tomorrow soliciting IIOlielth fund funds and will re report report ¬
port at a general meeting at the school schoolat ICIaQo1at reI
at 33ft oclock tomorrow afternoon afternoonA
A wejl w 1I Mtended attend att a4td meeting was held ht > ld at atthe atthe atthe
the Franklin school cboollut test evening ani Mrs MrsThompson I IThompson I
Thompson Mrs M Price Mrs Fisher MrsFolger Mrs IIrsFolJrer I IFolger
Folger and Mr Worrall were appointed appointeda I Ia I
a committee to raise funds The teaches teach teachers tea < b beN
ers in this building bulkU have ft agreed eed to work workthe workthe I Itbe
the full five weeks b for 01 four weeks pay i iif IIf iIf
if that amount can be raised raisedThe I IThe
The Tb patrons of th U Waaatch school c Ol will wOlgive wtUgive willgive I
give an entertainment entertal in the First Con Congregational i igregational t tgrecaUonal
gregational ctrarch to help raise raI the theamount theamount I
amount needed < for that institution institutionHamilton institutionHamilton tutlon tutlonKaaUtoJL
Hamilton eJtow X Xavttttf XavttttfA etirtg etirtgA I
A well attended meeting u was held last lastevening lastevening I Ieveniac
evening at t the Hamilton school wil willard Willard Wlllard
lard Done presided pr and Principal W W WBarton WBarton WBarton
Barton was secretary RWJ It was brought broughtout
out by Mr r Barton that MM would be beweeks beneeded
needed to kleR tIae school mien four fourweeb foraweeks I
weeks from fromopen May 4 4 aDd 000 to keepitopen k kopen
open five weeks w u Of thto amount amounthas PID PIDwi ylo0has
has been raised by the tuition ft plan and andsies i I
sies 108 more was secured at the meeting meetingThis meet1nTbbI meetingThis
This leaven MOO 900 to be raised to main maintaiii naalntala maintaut
taiii the school hoo1 t the the fntt trm A solicit Mlieittag 8OUeltIDe solicittug
tag committee wa E1f1111 appointed ted consisting consistingof eol eolof tte tteof
of John Robinson Wlttard Done boneGeorge Mrs Mrsfeorg I IIe
George < feorg Ie Olds Orr IOM Mr TW T W Partridge Partrld PartridgeMrs i iMrs
Mrs M J T Oodbe and Walter Scholes 8choleTbl Sch es esThis I IThis I
This Tbl committee win report to another anothergeneral KnotherKtneral anothergeneral
general meeting of the patrons PtI ona of she sheschool he heschool
school next Thursday evening evenlnlKalf eveningHalf
Half Jtafcmd For or Webster WaatrA Iaier IaierA
A meeting m ln of the patrons trop of the Webster Web Webthat WebBter
Bter school last night t disclosed the fact tactthat I
that only about half the necessary necessaryamount necessaryhas I Iamount
amount to keep the school ool open openraised has been bt en j jraised Iraised
raised through subscriptions au ft8 Th T The com committees i imittees I Imltt
mittees mltt appointed to solicit t funds report reported I Itd
ed that they had raised MM of a feces necessary necfaary fecessexy
sexy 15l 1W7 Of the amount raised theteachers the theteachers thetfR
teachers tfR < heMi had donated In the form of sal salaries aaIarle salaries ¬
aries S31750 leaving only 48250 raised raisedhv
hv the patrons The committees were wereinstructed wenI wereinstructed
instructed I to continue their work of ofsee ofsee ofsee
see if the remainder can possibly be beraised beraised
raised raisedA I
A resolution was adopted asking thatthe that thatthe thatthf
the school board at the opening of the thenext thenext
next school 8C ool year set apart a teachers teachersand teacbersand teachersand I
and maintenance fund that cannot be bepi beused beused
used for any other JMIIPOf6f > TIt The pi j Beer Beertary Scoretary cre creraised
tary wu I 1nstru n8tnleted to draft a res0 res0lution rear rearlution
lution notifying the board of the amount amountraised I IralsM
raised and the desire of the patrons that thatsome thatRome thatsome
some means be adopted to keep the theschools th th8hoola theSchools
schools open for the remainder of the theterm theterm j jt
term t rm Judge Jud C C Goodwin acted as I Ichairman i ichairman Ichairman
chairman end A T Moon was mere sftcretary meretary I Itary
tary taryPatrons taryPatrons I IPatrons
Patrons of the WhIttier school hool also cIllOmft imet i imet
met last evening It was announced that thatilt thatSiB
11 SiB ilt would be needed n to keen this school schoolp II schoolopen hllQlo hllQloAn
open < > p An n A committee consisting coDld8tI of Mrs MrsSopher I Igopher ISopher
Sopher Mrs Woodruff Mrs Chase Mrs MrsGaby II MrsGaby I IGaby
Gaby Mr Cain Mr Peck and Mr Kelly Kellywas Kellywag I
was appointed to rats the amount A Astatement AItatfment Astatement
statement from the teacher tac was lead to tothe tothe I
the effect trr t that they favored keeping all allthe allth allthe
the th grades open or none at all The Thestatement TheIItatement Thestatement
statement met with Ith approval approvalSCHOOLS approv1SCHOOLS approvalSCHOOLS
Term Ending in Southern Iftth trD Counties CountiesBecana CountiesBecaue CountiesBcapas
Becana of otlJaortqe otlJaortqeAlmoat Shortage ShortageAlmost ShortageAlmost
Almost half the schools throughout the theMalt th thestate > I IIitlt
Malt will III close on or before May 1 oQ oQaloUIII unO0 n naccDunt
accDunt O0 1111 < > f lack of funds f ndll uocordlng to toa ta toa
a utuxuetu lrnu given putt Yesterday eMerday y by State StateSuperintendent State8uper1nt StateSuperintendent
Superintendent 8uper1nt ndeat of > Public Instruction lu uctlne A AC AC
C Nelson NelsonFur NelaonFor NelsonFor
For several 8ev ral week past be has been beenreceiving toenrceivlng beenreceiving >
receiving letters to that effect go the thefinal thefinal thefinal
final declaration d of boards and t tutees tuteesthat iate iatethat a
that they cnn 10 no longer k kNIt w p th the < Krhlols schxlsF ch < > ols olsrt I
F rt < ifK wey wi < iii surprise to him himtv himIoh
1 Ioh wwaty tv aU u UK schools ch 8 will close clOlJflc
c =
Thou ismed salt Hi < i9 j in n l Peril fter erll t8 om U1 Blood BloodDieases Bi BiDI BIOOdDlseaQSaA4
DI Dieases DlseaQSaA4 n4 iferrt roubles roublesI roablesUevPlo
I UevPlo > errfoedrj6nrin fnring r1e the tlwPAINtS theW4n I
WiriMf4oM s sPAINS
cqliIl 9 ° 4P 4PTh P Ii Ii1h I
1h Ore J Blood BloodPurifier oo ooPuriffe
Purifier Porif iert ta cstcer cstcerandJLaith er II
andl1ahh Builder BuilderRaines
Raines Celery Compound is the won wonder wond wonder ¬
der d r of the age Its marvelousyirtues marvelousyirtuesare marvelous virtues virtuesare vlrtuellare
are discussed amongst interested medISatmen med medI
I meA and its it cures are talked of at atever
every ever fireside firesideAs firealdeAs I
As a spring health giver ver PaIne Cel Celery
ery ery Compound stands far ar ahead of all allother allother allother
other known remedies it has no worthy worthycompetitor worthycompetitor worthycompetitor
competitor in the vast field of medicine medicinet
To a large extent the present popu popularity popularity ¬ I
larity of Paines pain e < Celery elery Compound om pound is isdue Isdue isdue
due to the fact that it has accom accompitched aceonipushed
pitched some me of Its It most astonishing astonishingcures utoalahl utoalahlcur
cures cur in the sjsrlng n season lIea seasona ona a time when whenmen wbenmen whenmen
men and women wom 011 usually 1ly complain of 111 111health UIhealth Ulhealth
health loss of vvftmttty Nftaltt tired feelings feelingsa
a time when people feel dull listless listlesdespondent nlUeSlde listlessdespondent
despondent de and ambltionless ambitlonleosToday ambltionlessToday ambltlonleuTodal
Today there are thousands of busi business blblneM business ¬
ness men mec mechanics ics farmers and dear dearwive dearwives
wive and mothers m ers too who though thoughable thoughable I
able to walk around are nevertheless neverthelelllladl neverthelesssadly neverthelesssadly
sadly adl out < of health healthI healthAt I
I At this thl season on Paine Celery C5m C5mstrength Ipound I Ipound
pound Ie the great laeallb keal k restorer and andtrentrUt andstrength
strength giver ver for the out of health healthpeople healthpeop1efor healthpeoplefor
people peop1efor for thosewho those who are perilously perilouslynearing perilouslynearla perilouslynearing
nearing nearla some organic ordnICAlIue disease Paines PainsCelery PainesCelery PaInesL
Celery L Compound used at once will willquickly willqulek1J willquickly
quickly remove every trace of poiaon poiaonfrom poiaOntrqm poisonfrom
from the blood brace up the weak weaknerves weaknerves weaknerves
nerves build up the t tissues and tone tonethe tonethe tonethe
the digestive d e tlve organism organismIf
If you dear reader feel that your yourhealth yourbealth yourhealth
health is not as robust and vigorous vigorousas vlpirouaIt
as aIt it hould be let t us honestly suggest suggestthe uqeltthe suggestthe
the use of Painas Celery Compound Compoundthat
that has ao wonderfully blessed your yourneighbor yournelahbo yourneighbors
neighbor and an friend Be assured ured it itmake itmskes
make rick people wdlon weiL weiLon < ton
on My 1 and b Uof U of thoR in Wasatch Wasatchcounty WasatchOut Wasatchcounty
county on the same medate date At 8t George Georgethey Georgethey i ithey
they have all suspended ndtd likewise likewisethroughout lIkewl likewisethroughout e
throughout Kane and Washington counties coun counties < ¬
ties At Cedar City the schools IICb ols l willclose will willclose
close on Friday FridayTOUXD
1 I Iromm 1aoUlrD
Butte Mont ont April 27 J7A A Livingston Livingstondispatch Livingstondispatch
to the Intelmountain I IDwteht
dispatch says saysDwight saysDwight
Dwight I L Wing banker and broker of ofChlC4ro ofChicago j jChicago
Chicago was wa found dead in bed here herethl herethla herethis
thl this morning at t the Albemarle hotel hotelHe hotelHe hotelHe
He had jut purchased some placer pUcermine pcermlne8 placermines
mine in Emigrant Emlgrantgulch rant gulch and wa wu here hereto hereto
to superintend starting the work He Heha Hebae liehas
ha has relative relatJyan fen Peoria III I Ill and Chi Chicago Chieago ¬
cago o who have been notified The d dceased df dfqeuecI deceased
ceased wa w was a member me ber of the firm of 8 8WINr 8B
15 Wing A Co of Chicago Philadelphia Philadelphiaand
and New York YorkBIG i iM
Helena Mont April pril aFire Z1 Pare tonight tonightalmost tonkhtalmost tonhhtalmNt
almost totally destroyed the Montana MontanaClub MontanaClub ontana ontanaClub
Club buildln entailing ntaUt a lowof 10 loss of 100400 100601with 100400with 100000with
with insurance et f X5000 45000 OOO It started in inthe intbe inthe
the seventh story and is supposed to have havebeen h havebeen e ebeen
been of incendlar ineen4fUVorlain origin Two attempts attemptswere attemptsW1re attemptswere
were made to bur buJ1It the buUdinl buUdin last weekThe week weekTbe weekTbe
Tbe fire te now Vpder under control controlEAT controlii controlbc1it
bc1it EAT I
Wholesome and Nu Nutritious Nutritloue
BR B RAp tdtiowAsk tritious tritiousAsk tritloueA8it
Ask your groctr groctrfsr KfOCerfer groctter
fsr itELI It It5HOE ItEqu
Thcb Thest Thestl b st stShoe
l Shoe ShoeThit Sh ShTh oe oeThest
Thit ThitEv Th ts
wO RTH Ev r rHap
50 Hap HapELL g
5HOE 5HOEEquafcs S l3penCd l3penCdEquals >
Equals Equ EquAny E
0 OttTH OttTHELL > aTH aTH4o
400 400Shoe 400Shoe 50 505N0
Shoe ShoePie 5N0
Pie ST Good GoodAs 0 00 00u d
u As Asflost A
Most flost5oo
v39 v39V5HOE 35 5oo 5ooSorts o otfHs
E to toYQU
V5HOE V5HOEYou Sorts SortsELL s
tfHs tfHsTHE
YQUte You YouQet
Qet QetYour te t
Your YourMoneys OBtH oRiHt
t 3 350 350VSHOE 50
Moneys MoneysWorth 8
ONE 5a 5aELL
ELL StylesoafiA Styles StylesM
oafiA Miens Mienss
s 5a and
< M P Women1 Women1V fl flWere
° =
V y Sorts SortsWere
Were WereExclu E
Exclu ExcluSellers rT1OH ELL ELLOBTH
s 50 50Sellers
Sellers SHOE
THE BEST BESTMerchandise BESTMerchandise BESTMerchandise
Merchandise MerchandiseRay MerchandiseStorage
Storage StorageRay
Ray Sons SonsStorage Wtelesalirs easair0
0 IT 1 13 South 3rd Wt wtSl1 Westlrfioae
lrfioae Sl1 Sl1Jl v
Jl y JPJm = 12
4 4Rioting I
Rioting Caused by Dispersal of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Congregations CongregationsSEVERAL CO Congregationst CongregationsSEYERAL lfllatiou lfllatiouSEVER
t +
Paris April TCrowd 27 Crowds made demon demonstrations demonlitratlona demonstrailons ¬
strations at different points today over overthe overthe overthe
the dispersal of the congregations Th Thlatest The Thelatest Thelatest
latest dispatches dl IIlllhts from the th provinces indicate In Indicate indicate ¬
dicate that the th trouble is bt becoming < Omlq more moreserious moresfrlous moreserious
serious seriousThis sfrlousThis seriousThis
This afternoon the disturbance at Marseilles Mar Marseilles llarseilles ¬
seilles around the Capuchin convent conventbroke conftntbroke conventbroke
broke out again with much violence ow owine owtn owin
ine tn to the attempt of a p party ny of Oblate Oblatsfathers Oblatefathers Oblatefathers
fathers to visit 181t the convent in which the theCapuchins tbeCapucbina theCapuchin
Capuchins had barricaded themselves re refusing re refu refusing ¬
fusing fu tng admittance to the officials The Thesight Thetght Thesight
sight of the visitors aroused 11 rou the anger of ofthe ofa ofthe
the enemies of the congregations t and an anattack anattack
attack a ke was made aJe Clericals fi = hastened te tethe to toth tothe
th the assistance a sl tanee of the father and a spitched apitcbed apitched
pitched battle between the two perils partisfollowed partlfollowed perilsfollowed
followed Sticks and stones were used usedfreely usedfreely usedfreely
freely and injuries wtre inflicted in upon uponmany uponmany uponmany
many persons among whom were two twowomen twowomen twowomen
women while onlookers from windows windowsjoined wlndo wlndojotnfd windowsJoined
joined in the fray by b throwing all kinds kindsof
of missiles ml lleB The police finally rescued rescuedthe reaeuecJtbe rescuedthe
the Oblate fathers and the fighting fightingceased fightingceased tIq tIqceased
ceased A crowd of 3000 3000ever persons how however bowver ¬
ever ver remained in the neighborhood neirhbn of the theconvent Jhetonvent he heconvent
convent expressing itself tor and again againthe against qalbatthe againstthe
the monks until dark when hen the police u ulast ulallt atlast
last succeeded in dispersing them themThe thelDTbe themThe
The monks at La Roche cur Fern Fe were werearrested werearreated werearrested
arrested today A strong Itron force of In Infantry Intantry Intantry ¬
tantry and cavalry surrounded the mon monastery
and held the crowd of angry peas peasants peasanb peasants ¬
ants in check while the door of the buidIng build buildIng bulldInl
Ing was battered in The monks offered offeredno
no further resistance and were placed in inprison 1DprillOn Inprison
prison at Bonneville BonnevilleAt
At Nantes today seven Capuchins were weresentenced weresentenced weresentenced
sentenced by the court to pay small fines finesfor lIneafor Inesfor
for refusing to close and leave their con convent convent convent ¬
vent A crowd of 2000 000 persons escorted
the Capuchins from the court cheering cheer cheertbem
them and shouting Long live the broth brothers brothers brother ¬
er ers sod Long Lo live U liberty U l
The Benedictines at Landenieau who whocaused whocaU8el whocaused
caused trouble yesterday t y w were re dispersed dispersedtoday dispersedtdar
today t and the th officials ott1c ls locked up u their theirI thirconvent theirconvent
I convent A company of infantry pre preserved
1 served order orderAt ol orderAt er
I At Annecey nnece a Capuchin establishment establishmentwas
was closed and the members of that or
der were arrested for resisting Iula q the authorities au authorities ¬
thorities A squadron of dragoons pre preserved preserved ¬
served rveel order orderThe 01 01The orderThe
The VessJUes rapvchin monastery 11IO wet watclosed wa wadOKJI wetclosed
closed after a scrimmage serin serinifesting between bet a an anI manifesting
ifesting Itesun crowd and the i c omtta vm vmwere WM WMere
I were ere escorted by a brigade brip e of gendarmes gendarmesi ndlmel ndarmeeand ndlmelInd
i and a squadron of dragoons Many arrata ar arrests arrqta
rests were made by the civil and nd mitt military mittI mlbtory ¬
I tory authorities The hitter strongly stronglygos 8UOOClu stronglyguard
gos guard > dthe the streets surrounding the e et eColasoIWated stab tab
t t tBOY
Consolidated d RtHwty RaHwlyl i Power PowerCompee PvwtrCwnpiiiy PilrComIY
Cwnpiiiy Makes a St StI Settli Sattieillut
tli tieillut tieillutThe Cll CllThe
I The Buckwalter damage suit against againsttbe pitthe againstthe
the Consolidated Railway Ie Power Iow r rpany vim vimpany et mP mPpuny
pany came to an unexpectd xepected feral termination ter terUoa feraltics ¬
tics yesterday in bal Jadf J l lby rt courtby COUrt
by the tbeattome1l attorneys for the theaouncing oseporstien Uon an annooncing anDOunclq anpouncing
pouncing that they were werea Willing to make maka makta
a settlement with the p pand phUntttf plain for WMB s11sand WMBand 1 1and
and costs The proposition propositonately plOPQlll on was immodi immodiately Im immudia di diatt17
ately a Before accepted and the th case dismissed dismissedUon dismissedBefore dleclBefore
Before die he attorney attome for the plaintiff plaintiffbad plaintiffbad plaintiffhad
bad an opportunity to state Gate their case caseWar caseafter
War the jury had ba warn IWIIft the d dfence dt dtteMe defese >
fence made e it Its proposition t to atttl tie which whichwa wblebWaI whichwan
wan wa accepted acceptedThe now nowThe
The plaintiff tiff was P E Buckwalter Buckwalterschoolboy BuckwaltercbooIbol Bu eh wpa lter a aaeko
schoolboy who wMJP was tajwtd whUegonf
to school aeko i but February e etitr TOdto WId ltlte ltltecrowded ndiag ndiagon
on a crowded car be wa knocked knoek off offby
b bo1
by a Third telephone pole poleands near the intersection InteraecUo2of IntersectionMain
of f Third South and ands andsM Mala M n streets He Hereceived BeYen e eved
received ved severe Yen Injuries 1aJurI and sued for forTwo W WTwo 16Two
Two TwoTwo Mvorea GbraxtM GbraxtMTwo GanrntedTwo
Two Two divorce div were apgranted granted yesterday
by Judge of W C Hall Hwere Hwereap ap In the y probate e di divioion dIvI dlvision
Ion isio of the district court Mamie Man Manca Iaca Manen
ca asked separation from Louis NanaIon Nana Mancaon
Ion on the thhe grounds of nreJ failure reJ to supply IY IYco her herand
and the three children n with the cornmon com common co ¬
IlIIon mon necessities of f life They were mar married Rlrried murTied ¬
ried at St Louis Lo on Feb 11 ISM Both Bothare
I are now residents of this th city cityI
I Desertion were the grounds upon which whichMangus wblchKaDC whichMangu
Mangus L I Lovendahl was divorced from
Rebecca Lovendahl whom he married Aar aded led oa oaJune onJune
June 84 189 189T 111M 1696TOure f
T Te TOure Cur a Cold la Oa ODe Da DaTake Dq ff
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets TabletsAll f
All drun druggists refund the money if it itfails Itfalls itfails
fails to cure E W Grove signaturela signature nue If IfII
la on each box ttc ttcPafa 5cQ
I t I
I Pale Q a People Peoplewhoa o owhose
whoa tiaaa ar an pteias for forth fortM forthe
th tM aiua Jrmy = tbening + lrrHi and aa4twrt Tt balding baldingeantfsrt ildinf ildinfeomfart
eomfart of rich rich thick blood bloodahould blood bloodakoild
ahould bear ia mind that thatwffl thatOzomnlsion thatOzoffillisioll I
Ozomnlsion OzomnlsionwI11
wffl give than Jut what thtj theTneed thtjSkat therftat
need needghat
Skat traaparat blue U skin aUaar ba batJae skinr
ar r She th yellowish dirty pallor palloras ra1ao4
as aftaa eltat Hunt atu toroaa varr daagar daagaroa
oaa oa oSLBlood alspaa alspaaBlood
Blood is ULeSalts life lifeXate UteJfa1I
Salts It whit Oaaaalaioa Oaaaalaioath Oltq eIIatost eIIatostthe m mtIae
th the only rttaltoai vIt ed sets oMdatea eu of ofpar ofpan ofpare
par cod Uvar d oil l with faaiaool jttaiaooland faaiaooland paIaeollid
and th tile hyynphoaphUM f a 8If < Urn Urnaadaada Ibuand limeand
aadaada aadaadaB and ndrt ndrtBegin
B epttDclay Begin fai today Oat it at your yourIn 78Vdn yourIn
In order that you awy test the themerits themerits
merits of Otomulslsa o send your yourname yoursame
name and full address sd ress to toTHE toTtJ toTHE
740 mmPmymtiH t lf fc New V VwIt VwItl vmentioning rfc rfcmentioning
mentioning l The Salt Lake Herald Heraldand Heraldlid Heraldand
and a large sample ple free battle will willat winM willat
at o ones ea be sent t you OU by mall pre prepaW re repaid ¬
i = n flew W Fork ork THEDentists Dentists DentistsHave D ntists i iHave
Have Secured a Location and andWill andWill S
S Will Open Permanently PermanentlyM e X e X C CMONDAY i
May 4th at 258 S Main Street StreetIN
1 H > Next Door Doort to KeithOBriens KeitKOBriensRemember KeithOBriensRemember KeithOBriensRemember
Remember the Place PlaceThi PlaceI PIACaThis
I This Thiis is tlie first time the JJcw ew York Benticts DeatJstakae k lunre lunreever e r reTer 1 1aver
ever hud an office in Salt Sa t Lake but lure bore > sow ow to tj mI mITeeth shyTeeth tjTeeth
Teeth extracted and an filled abcoluiely painleci by byour b1our byr
r our late scientific s methods without the me of cocaine orS or oxother orother
S other sleepproducing agents agentsThis agentsThis
This office offt e will be in charge of EASTERN I GRADU GRADUATED GRADUATED ¬ i iS
S ATED TED SPECIALISTS of from fro 12 to 20 years experi experience ezper ¬ S STHE jd jdeee J
Don5t DO t Forget THE NEW YORK DENTISTS Open On Mon Monday Monday Manday
day Next at 258 South Main Street Next NextDoor NextDoor NextDoor
Door to KeithOBriens Keith O rie s Wa Watch ch thisSpace this thisSpace thisSpace
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We Are HEADQUARTERS For ForUnion ForUnion ForUnIon
Union Made Clothing ClothingMens
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ters made by union tailors in all the thenew thenew thenew
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Mens UnionMade Union Made Pants PantlCh PantsCheviots < heviot8 viot8 War Warsteds Worsteds W r rsteds ¬
steds and Cassi Cassimerehr JL 50 lTI lTImeres
merehr meres pair j9 pCarhart tiJJ tiJJCarharts
Carharts UnionMade T Clothing for formechanics formechanies formechanics
mechanics and workmen We are RO ROagents Kolt Koltagents Kol Kolagents <
agents for this thi renowned brand of goods OOd8 OOd8lhe
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