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The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, January 30, 1904, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-01-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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I i THE SALT LAKE HERALII Generally a FOR SRLT SRLTGenerally fair fairFttE
ESTABLISHED ED cKME 6 1870 FR3EFtVEGENT FttE GENTS GENTSJANUARY Blvr Copper pri dfec I2c per Xew eorK eorKp ounr ounrCopper York Yorksr
sr srCttO
p 1 4dtJp1c CttO JS36 iU New York Yrkww
iS A FREE M MFouNerm MN MNFoprterm
FouNerm Foprterm Executive of ofaTpolis Winner WinnerpoHs
poHs Escapes Pifnlshment PifnlshmentWON PtcnishmntWON
kT T PAUL Mimi Jan 29 9EzIayor 9EzIayorAmes ExMayor ExMayork
k Ames of Minneapolis i a free man manThe manThe
The supreme court today quashed quashedthe aua5bedthe
the indictment against him himThe birnThe
The court held that ihe 1h Indictment Indictmentvi InthetmentfauIt
vi faulty fauIt Judges Start Coliins an4 an4J afliLwI
J LwI ivis concurred in the majority opin opinj opinifl
j ifl n that th < offense was not proven provenvhll provenvht1
vhll Judgts Lovely and Brovn Brovntgrte dte dteiree
tgrte iree with that part of the opinion of ofthe o og
g the majority Dr Am Ams was chargel chargelnnd ehargelI
nnd nd convicted in the diftriit court of ofH ofNflflfpfl
H Nflflfpfl nnepin county of rfee recilving jvlng noney noryI l ll <
l rally as a mayor of f Minneapolis from fromN froiiirnen
N > > mcn mcnH
H > was wa indicted for that offense Feii Feii
i 4 15 13 > CS and after a trial of several severalv severtduring
v ekF during whi whfrh < h much sensational sensationaltstlniony senikationatImny
tstlniony tImny was wa introdu tntrodw1 < l was foun1 foun1Kuilty oun1juflty
Kuilty Maj 7 and aenunced to a tern teruJn ternI
Jn n prisoi of six 5t yearn An appeal wif wift wi wifl
t k < n to to the supreme fi > iirt in Decetiv Decetivi D ii iiir
i ir r on the ground that the he indictment indictmentas
> as a not properly Jravu In that it wi wiomnibus w wtninIbu
omnibus ia t character charging in fac facinfrt faeure
infrt ure thafi th one oriro This contention contentionva
va 4 sustained by tho supreme court courttoday courttoday
today Dr Ames was mayor of Min Minapoiis MI MIao1ia
apoiis four term termThe termsThe
The majority opinion of the cour courwritten eouri
i written by b Judge Lewis and concurr concurred concurredU l lin
in U by Chief Justice Start tart and Justin Justinoiiins JustI JustIIIIus
oiiins was a surprise to the defen defenas
as well as to the state stateWhere statei
Where Justice Got Mixed MixedThe MixedTie
The court says the indictment W Wvalid Wa11i >
valid a11i and charged but one offew but butd butde1ars
d de1ars Iares that the state did not prov provthe prOvth
i the th offense charged After reciting the theharge the4harge
harge in the indictment namely th thi <
i fcevlng of money rnone1 JWKI from certain certainporsons
1 porsons rons In order that they might be beVrotected b bT
Vrotected T from criminal prosacution prosacutionthe pros eutIon eutIonthe
the syllabus says Held The indict indictjnent ir4ietnent
jnent stated one offense It being ir inlerred <
1 lerred > rred that the money was a fund con contributed contributed ¬
tributed by the persons named pursuant pursuantto
I to 14 a Joint or common urderstandirc urderstandircthat
that such contributors should be pr < >
Ino unci unttpnted > puted evidence if I hat battlvs do doKctivos
Kctivos tlvs aim police officers ocers accepted acceptednioiwy aceeptelnIoney
nioiwy from the wonen speeifted In th thJdietmeut r rnaicunent
naicunent and others in amounts rang ranging rangA ¬
A ing ug from 1 to 2 25 in consideration H Hvhich
V vhich hjch each was promfwd police protec protect
t ion that the detect ant police who whoreceived whnreeivcd
received the money w were e agents of de defendant dllendant ¬
fendant and rot of those making pay payir payl
l ir Itents nts that tha t there was ro joint o4nt agree agreement ¬
1 ment or understanding between thone thonelaying thoeaying
laying the moraey that the OO 0 paq paqover pAver
over ver to defendant ty > y fti IfI agent In one onerum omeum
rum um after it was pad to t him by b womer womerindividually womerindividual
individually was not a general ftfnd ftfndut
< ut ZtftbUt jributed M i t h t he wRderMtndiag that thatihob
ihob 1 h narlicloatinsf gbould be protect protectd
d H H4d W There wa was failure 61 ofti nraof nraofto
to sustain the offense charged chargedDtodMslbg chargedDIscuaiItg
DtodMslbg the evidence the court courtpays oourtsays
pays Th Tbere re was wa no evidence that thatany thatany
any of the women act acted d Jointly or that thathe thatI
I he fund was made up by them themI or in intheir
their I behalf that there was no evidence evidenceto
to Justify the inference that Gardner GardnerMayor
< Mayor AJnes clerk was constitute constituteihe I II
ihe I he agent < f the women to take their theirmoney theirmoney
money and deliver it to Ames with withthe withthp
the understanding that in consequence consequencetheir consequencetheir
their houses would be protected protectedThe
The court further fays There wag wagi
U i separate and distinct agreement en enTered enered
Tered into vith ith each person p rson paying any anymoney anymoney
money moneyl
l In > i their dissenting opinion Justics JusticsUrown ustLeceTtrwfl
Urown and Lovely charged the defend defendant defendanL ¬
ant with soliciting a number of bribes bribesor
or grafts from several distinct women womenTo womenJ
J To our minds the th vital question is isnot Isri
ri not ot the swWeiency of the evidence but butwhether butwhether
whether one of 0 the plainest principles principlesof
I of nthafndsaeta1IawuPoRwbkhthe nthafndsaeta1IawuPoRwbkhtheI the fundAMMHtal law upon which the therights
I rights of all citiaena depends has been beenvMoted beesvated
vatedNOTGULTVTHIS vMoted vMotedNOT
Seopnd Trial TrlalofMrs of Mrs Prince PrinceKennedyKramer Princei PrinceiIennedyKramer
KennedyKramer IennedyKramerin Results Resultsin
in Acquittal AcquittalJEunsas AcquittalXans
JEunsas City CIt Jan 2f 29Mrs Mrs Lulu LuluPriii LUIU1 LUIU1PiIneeKetme
PiIneeKetme Priii < eKennedyKramer yKramer on trial a aeron aeeoni
eron eeoni < i time for the tb murder on Jan l lIt 11t
It 1t of her 4rst haaband PnHHp H Hnnedy IL ILnnedy
nnedy va as found n nt t gvilty b hy a ajury ajury
jury here today At her first trhU ie ieIi e ewas
Ii was convriiod and sentenced to ten tenyenr teet
t yenr eir i in the penitentiary The convio conviotion eoovkf
f tion was refined on a technicality technicalityDuring technicalityTuring
During her releaee oa bond last Feb Pebuary Febuary
uary she iiiarrled John Kramer aa at attorney atb attorney ¬
torney who had defended her brother brotherWill brotherwill
b Will Prince who later wa was convicted convictedon
on K charge of conspiring with the de defendant deendant ¬
fendant to kill Kenftedy KenftedyMrs 1enhedMrs
Mrs Kennedy killed Kennedy who whowas whowas
was local agent for th Merchants DIs DIsT Dbiatch
T iatch tch Tramrportation company a amonth amonth
month affr they had be bean n married He Hehad Hehad
had refnaed to live with her bringing bringingsuit bringingtiult
suit to have the marriage annulled on onthe onthe
the ground he had been forced Into i iMrs it itMrs <
Mrs Kennedys defense was cnn emotional cnntInal ¬
tional insanity and evidence was pre presented peetented ¬
tented to show thai her grandfather grandfathornd
nd greatgrandfather had died in in insane n ncane ¬
sane asylums asylunteThE asylumsThe
The verdi verdlt t of acquittal was found foundpolely foundLcfrly
polely on Ui = ground that Mrs Kenne Kennedy Keunetly ¬
dy was Insane when ah 1e shot her hus husband husband ¬
band The jury however hGW or found that thatthe thatthe
the defendant has bs since regained her herf he heT
T f nlty which will save her from being beingpent betngEeflt
pent to an insane aeytupn aeytupnAMERICAN sYIlpflAMERICAN
Washington Jan 25 29tThite Inited Slat SlatMinister StatMiDter
Minister Thompson to Brazil called 4alIedthe < i ithe
the state d partment part ment today and had hadconference ha4conferc
conference with ti the officials of the thetA thetApartment de department ¬
partment touching a matter of impor importance importance ¬
tance to tlK milling intere Interests t5 of the thenorthwest thee4
e4 northwest Thv minister practically hss hsssucceeded
succeeded in opening the vast markets marketsof I
of Brazil w > American flrmr The mean meanby meanby
by which this has he b n accomplished accomplishedwHi a rcmpuihct
t wHi wl be disclosed later An incident in thr thrptaeecution th I Ipr5seeutlon
ptaeecution of his ask was wii the d dfett dfett1w f o ohy
hy Minister Thompson of an attempt to tobestow tobertow
bestow nrxo n German errnan wndlcate a arroiwpoly at
t rroiwpoly > the ri rlht ht to make flour flourhe ip
he state of f PTnambuco The proro proroeltion projoL
L sitic eltion bad almost r T4me fome a law lawSUSPICIOUS lawSUSPICIOUS
Detroit Mich Jan a Jeremiah D DFarwelL I If
f FarwelL one oi of the th most prominent prominentppitaltatp r rpItal1sts
ppitaltatp of t Detroit died today from frombullet frombullet
bullet through the stomach mtd it iti itupi
i tupposeu upi jeu with w RI suicidal Jnunt lntntv
President However Privileged Privilegedto
to Withhold Some Facts FactsARBITRATION FactsE FactsNATIONAL
I i a i 4SHINGTON SHINGTON Jan 2Tbe The senatfe senatfeyy senata senatavv
yy vv today a4opted the th resolution in introduced introduced
troduced by Mr ir Culberson for forthe forthe
the Democratic caucus which calls oa oathe ontbepres1dnt
the tbepres1dnt prewldfnt to state whether the suit aettI suitate
I ate has been supplied an the facts factsbearing factshearing
bearing on the controversy of Panama Panamaj
j The vote on the resolution was unani unanimous nnanlzuous ¬
mous hut there was a nrflcall on the theHIV theamendment
HIV amendment end roent suggested by b Mr CuilomI Cuilom Ct4tqnfor
I for the Republican aide of th the chain Chamher chainher
her calling for the information only ia iat intate
t tate ae the president should coneMet it itnot Itiot
not incorruptible with the public Inter Interest 1nterat ¬
est at to supply it This amendment was wasadopted wasadopttd
adopted by 39 3 to 20 nil the Republican RepublicanIenatorn Rep biku bikutanators
Ienatorn present oting for the amend amendi
I i rent and ali the Democrats exceptr exceptrMtEnery exeEtfrMEnery
MtEnery who voted with the Bepub BepubHcans enib enibIdanst
Hcans Idanst casting lhe4r neir votes against it iti ItThere
i There were during the 4Mbt fwntttepC fwntttepCassurances tPeiitatpuraneet
assurances that notwithstanding tile tilei themodifIcation
i modification ulj the papers hearing OB OBthe 05the
the question would be ant to il the sea seni
i ute
I uteMr Mr Mcanria spoke spokeresolutlek i support ot the theresolution
resolution and in opposition to the theamendment theaiuenlment
amendment Referring to the treaty treatywith treapwith
with PaWtrna Pa Hma Mr McLaurio said that thatthe thatthe
the very first article of the treaty treatyj
j is a d dsIaraion dara ion of war against Coloin ColowI ColoinUa
I Ua If Colombia sees proper to assert assertits seertIts
its authority in the face of the United UnitedStates tnUdStates
States and he rrged that this betas betasSHJ ha4 ha4so
SHJ the eertate should have full Informs information Informstion ¬
tion aa to whether the United States Stateshas Stateshas
has done anything in establishing the thegovernment thegovernment
government of Panama that would J Jtify Jest Jesttify
tify us ir taking the responsibility of ofprovoking olprovoking
provoking a potsib war warI warThe
I The rulhorsor inquiry inqui no soonar ba babeen had hadbeen
been disposed of than the Bacon reso resoI resolutton
I lution looking 1 ktng to the adjustment of our ourdifferences ourt1tffersnces
differences with Colombia by arbltra arbltration rb1traI
I lion was considered Mr Bacon made madej
j an extended speech in support of the theproposition thepropositIon
proposition Much of Mr 1r Bacon dis discourse discourse ¬
course wa was devoted to presenting the thequestion theQueCtton
question of arbitration for the settle aetUeI settlemeat
I meat of international disputes disputesArbitration disputesArbitration
Arbitration Urged
He s said aid we first should proceed by byconciliatory byeoncttlstory
conciliatory advances toward Colom Colombia CoIoinbin ¬
bin and in cast our proffer should net netbe notbe
be favorably received then the entire entirematter entirematter
matter should be submitted to arbi arbitration arbitratlon ¬
tration He said evea if we aaaumojjl aaaumojjlthat 5Ut1Ot 5Ut1Otthat
that all of the representations of the ffleITnited theIn1tol
ITnited States wore true and all those thoseof theeof
of Cotounbia COe tbta false ri stlfl there was an ansue Je Jesue
sue and the proper way to settle it was wasthe wasthe
the way of peace and conciliation He Hedid 11edid
did not contend that our right to recog recognise reeognie ¬
nise Panama should be arbitrated Jtttt Jttttha bathe
ha did hold that a autwtjoti for fori forition jj r rtton
tton was presented in the dt dtthat Uereuees Uereueesthatiige
that thatiige have arisen artaener oer t toftbetreatyofTh4 the COM COMof
of oftbetreatyofTh4 oftbetreatyofTh4Spe4kl the treaty of 1S4S 1S4SSpeaking
Spe4kl Speaking g of the propoei propOsitJOnto tJoit to tend tendthe tender tenderthe
the seed geedjUfiee athcea of f tie United ntwl SIA SIAin Sittes Sittesin
in order t6 settle the cOnttttver cdfltTrtween yV be between ¬
tween Colombia Cot mbla gad PaiMupa 3rftt Ba Bacon Ba0S5 ¬
con said that this mote of ptosteg ptostegwould ioeeedthgwould
would be inadequate because it lt4UId lt4UIdnot UW UWnot
not take into account CoMMtftas s differ differences ditterences ¬
ences with the United State In thte thteconnection thktconneetlon
connection he reiterated that the Pa Panama Panania ¬
nama revolution was an accomplished accomplishedfact
fact and nd said Id he further was convinced convincedthat convincedthat
that the canal would be built at Pans Panama Pansifla ¬
ma This being true he argued that thatthere thatthere
there is no more important duty than thanto thanto
to remove whatever source of friction frictionthere frictionthere
there may be beHe beHe
He said he heard it stated that Co Colombia CoIoebia ¬
lombia would be perfectly conciliated conciliatedif
if the United States would devote 14 11for 14fOOOW
fOOOW for the purpose of building a arailroad arailroad
railroad connecting Bogota with the thecaaal theegl
caaal If ascii were the case he did dfclnot didnot
not believe the United State could do dobetter dobtCr
better than to meet the suggestion suggestion fa favorably faverably ¬
vorably vorablyThe verablyThe
The senate at 433 went into execu executive executivO ¬
tive SMWteR and at 515 1i adjourned until untilMANILA untilMANILA
Utah Mining Men Interested in inProject inProject
Project to Modernize Urban UrbanTraffic UrbanTraffic
Traffic in Orient OrientSan
San Francisco Jan n 29 2Riohard Riohard T TLaffln TLaMp
LaMp who will he g neral manager of ofthe ofthe
the Ms big American street railroad sys system setern ¬
tem about to be Inaugurated in Manila Manilahas Manilahas
has arrived on hi his way tn the Orient OrientThe OrientThe
The company h be rays will invent some someMWOOW some4OOIOIO
MWOOW fn organizing a street car carivrviec earrvIce
ivrviec rvIce which will eventually be ex extended cxtended ¬
tended to th suburban districts One Onehundred Onehundred
hundred tmUer trlu cars will be sent sPntotr sPntotrn1 over overa
a n1 a starter tel California 111 benefit benefitby Ienetby
by the phlpm shlfmnt < nt of MOW redwood ties tiesl tiesThe
l The he other matpjiil till come from fromPutshiirg frontPittsbirg
Putshiirg Cnal nal from Japan or Aurf Aurftralia ud udtialla
tralia will be th tht fu fnl > l used In all seine ratneforjy seinefrtyWiile
forjy frtyWiile nile of road willhe placed In loop looperatton op operation ¬
eration The comonny which has hasfiftyyear 3 3flftvytar
flftvytar fanchisp is backed entirely enttavlybj
bj American capital The prlnrtipai prlnrtipaiowners prindipalowners
owners art the 1 ht J White c riinany f fN fcw
N cw w York th h < Pittburg Security In Invfc Inestnent
vfc estnent t nent company Frank Buehl and andPeter andPeter
Peter L Kimberley at f Sh hnrnn ron Pa anl anlM anisome
M some > me large Detroit lUtreslt ttrestl represerded represerdedby
by iharlcf M Swift of that rity wh whis wha whais >
is nret reeldett ideit cf thf th npv ecn cnrr cnrrt < rn rnCOMPLAINT
Alentovn pa Jan 2f 2Counsel > Counsel on onb ontshlf
b tshlf < hjlf of thv fcrht I family today todaynm todayniaJe
nm niaJe < Jc for fo 1 cnjniiljurt against Dis District D1strlet ¬
trict Attorney Lieht Lichtjwtlier > nw ailT charging chargingxrof
xrof aivJ wilful iiojfii f nc in I his con conduct eonIiiot ¬
duct of tin prose t uti uta u oi the caPe caPetriwinu aseuirxvinif
uirxvinif out ut o the murder of Mabel MabelFeht Ma be beHfht
Hfht ° l and the suicide of Thomas Thomasluhf ThomasI4hti
luhf luhfMJP I4htiMI
MJP MI 5 Oatherlifp atherIi BecIiieS hT da daught daughtr ugh t tr
r and Mns 1r H I4nry sry Xewhard v neigh neighh
h of f ihe he Be Heehth < ht < s made affi affiv1ts affiv1tslt < ivits al alI
I lt gi irg g that the district afo afoin XtttOlfly Was Wasin
in a Plate of beastly ifitoxioatfcr dar dBring darIrg
ing two days ef the trial making a apoHtporiemeni apistponement
poHtporiemeni of the cas cese e necessary necessaryIt
It Is also alleged that he repeatedly repeatedlyfcissed repeatedlykissed
kissed Mrs Bechtel durii a visit itit to tothe tothe
the Behtel home on tfl Tuf Tue1ay lav the date datef datethe
f th the > finding of Mabel Bt Rethtl > ntel > body bodyMr oJv oJvMra
Mr Mra Pr 1rtst t F j fr B L3chtela chtcla daughter daughteral daughteralgd
al algd gd that tbe b district attorney made madeimproper madeimroer
improper proposals to her per anJ au Mar Martha Martha ¬
tha Bechtrl stieorf to similar charges chargesSar chargesP0WDEB
Sar ST Francioo Jan 9 The Dupont DupontIowdfr Dupontoadr
Iowdfr oadr cmpany tn tIay ay s ured prac practical paitital ¬
tical control of the manufacture of ofpowder ofpuder
powder on the IJacJfie aeitlr want through tho thoabgjbrption th thabrptlon
abgjbrption ofth California Vlgorle Vlgorlecompany VigoriTecompany
company The nnsiderafinn paid is isfalj utateil
falj ateil to have ben 2KtfW
+ T
Representatives in Congress Congressinterested Congressinterested
interested in Question inQuestionr inQuestionAIRING QuestionAIRING
LA i ASHINGTON J Jn n The bouse bousetoday beueV
V V today conMicicfed conci whether mem memb mmii mmiiof
b s of congress are entitled to be bepaid beptld
paid mHtpage a Aftcond time The con controversy contr ¬
troversy tr versy arose on an item in the urgent urgentueflcJency uigenttaeflcteney
ueflcJency bill providing for two pay payments P Y Ymeats ¬
meats of mileage for Beca seatprs crs and mem members memhers ¬
hers of the house OR account ot o the theextra theextra
extra session which merged Into the theregular th thrOgular
regular sesatotk A point of order was wasraised wasralae4
raised b > Mf M Maddox of tJeorgagsISM ctwrgw ctwrgwagain
agsISM again the payment ment rf mileage a sec second seeolid ¬
ond time and he wa wzissupported supported by Mr MrI4ktte MrIktieIield
I4ktte IktieIield eld R Jp p 34 who contended contendedUmt contendedthat
that then had been no interregnum interregnumand
and consequently but on one session of ofcongress sfccngress
congress and there Js no authority of ofhtw oflaw
law fry a second appropriation for mile mileage mileage ¬
age ageThe The iwerest aerest manifest d in the ques question qestilnu ¬
tilnu tion was Khewn br byttct the wet that flSer flSerWBr re
WBr lejr Ze gouty seats 0 Mther side sid of ofwe oftime
we time < 1cbjmherwh chamber f h the mileage Itteut Itteutwasisached teaa teaawte
wte wasisached wasisachedAn reached reachedAJI
AJI adjournment w as taken tae before a aCoawnderjUion acu5tltoa
cu5tltoa was reeebd reeebdaS1dfllUkn
CoawnderjUion of He ie amendments in increa Incregin
crea cregin > OR the approprtaijoti ft t he ex exof expeaIce
peaIce of th the iltJtrict l 4d d owe eees pre prectpftMted predpttated
ctpftMted a oisciwion o Gb UMkfabMt ib 2ubjvt Q Qsieged Qcged
sieged cged laud frsada hv which Itfr Mr Moai Moaidell Moni Monidoll
dell author of the aniendaient tool to a aprincipal aprinCipal
principal art tartOnmotion artj
j On Onmotion motion of Mr WmtIe3I > < mdelt of Wo Woming B yo yoraiMg
ming the apr pttrprjt10U priatioa for the expeiieo expeiieoof ezpe eef eef6f
of the district anJ oflice was increwsed increwsedfrom Increas Increasfront
from front MO0 to 5 MIOO < a account of the lhaincreasing theineieasbtg
increasing votame if < f > usi iwihe e p Beftji BeftjiIts
1 Its adoption Mr Robn Robffisofl on of if Indiana Ind1ulnquird Indianainquired
inquired if the iner lneated a rd hnsine53 was wasnot wasnot
not becaoge oT the hind fraadf fraadfMr fraudiMr
Mr Mo ModeII leii iepUe4 pM 4 that be did not notthink nottplnk
think tplnk so soAir soMr
Air Robinson asked it It id a fact facfi
i it not that many million of acres acreshave acres1have
1have have been fraudulently entered in the theflast tilelast
last year or two twoI twoQuostlens
I Questions 3eaud
Mr Jr Mondell replied < I do not be believe belieee ¬
lieve that is true I believe that nine ninetenth ninetenths
tenth ot the statement of fraud that thathave thathavf
have havf been made have been made h hpeople hpeople
people who had a purpose in making makingthat makingthat
that statement and did h to serve their theirown theirown
own personal poems gads and that they are arelargely arelargely
largely the paid agents of the tntna tntnae trausesettl
e Wteeistai r railways who would Mk Mkto itie itieIn
to have t all the pltbilc land laws re reI iepled
I pled a led hi 4rd rder r that the Ut 3t 3S1U10 > vM09 or 40 40MftflM 40rts
MftflM aci rts which they own will flnrl flnrla flnla
a batter market utarketMr marketMr
Mr bafroth of Cololaido said to cur curiAil
iAil the Appropriation anl as I reduce redu th thclerical the thederical
clerical foro of the land office would irouMla wouldbe
la to c curtail rt ll inquire Into the ctanec ctanectmef tw < ae aethe <
tmef tiatries S SMrr
Mrr sk if it was denoJ denoJthaf
thaf mIIont oQrsv bad aepe atdtt atdttlIg
lIg eson of fmdiEiit land dShe dSheI
I rp Mr it1en4I said eNow eNowthe
the gentleman does sot pretend to toknow tohints
know all ll about the land business of offtfe ofUme
ftfe government and I live In a state stateand statend
and nd have lived all my life In regions regionswhere regionswhere
where public land wa was being entered enteredI
I have lived w a state where 85 per percent percent
cent of o the land IS still public land landand landand
and I win say to the gentleman so far faras
as 5 my personal knowledge is concerned concernedand eoneerne eoneerneand
and I have tafcen some pains to inves investigate invegtIgatf ¬
tigate my opinion is that in this year yearot yeArof
ot grace there i Is lets fraud in con connection consection ¬
section with public lands in the United UnitedStates rnitedStates
States in proportion to the acres than thanthere thanthere
there ev ewi r was before beforeBut beforeBnt
But the gentleman Js not oblivious obliviousof
of the fact said afr Robinson and andhe andhe
he haa la evidently read th current pub public publie ¬
lie views which state that the secre secretary sacretar3r ¬
tary of the interior has repeatedly repeatedlystated repeatedl3tstated
stated that there Is 1 a great amount of offraudulent offraudulemit
fraudulent land entries out in the thewestern theisterp
western country1 has be notr notrMr not notMr
Mr iCondall 4OndMt retorted The gentle gentleman gentlenian
man baa not carefully read the secre secretarys secretarys ¬
tarys report The gentleman has liasprobably hasprobably
probably read the transcontinental trjineeonttnental trjineeonttnentaledition
1 edition of the secretarys suggestions suggestionsI
I haye reall tho thO5CEetU75 secretarys newspaper newspaperInterviews flCWIi5Linteryiewa
Interviews rejehi rejehiOd g Mr RoWason RoWasonwhich Robla5oflwhich
which were accredited at the time of the thearrest theatTest
arrest of a s entleidsn ntl a an engaged largely In InIt InIt
It and of the scandal that wa w > voiced in inthe inthe
the newspaper newspaperMr newspapersMr
Mr Moartett concluded by b sajrfng theru theruto
to no question that there was some someml soniceeandai
eeandai ml id connection with the public publicact publicitads
itads paft1ulrlt the Umber and tonc toncactf
act actf in some pans of the country countryAuthority countryAuthority
Authority For Mileage MileageA
A discussion was precipitated by the tbemotion themotion
motion of Mr Hay of Virginia to restrict restrictthe restrictI
I the purchases of newspapers by the sec secretary seeI ¬
I retary of comwerce and labor to those thoseof thoseof
of a professional character the bill pro providing providing ¬
viding traply for mwsapew mwsapewThe aowspapemThe
The proposed aaietWNwnt failed When Whenth WhenI
th the paragraph rWaKtag to mileage of ofnrambevs ofmamnees
I nrambevs wa was reacted Jir Hemeaway Hemeawaycalled liemeawayIaId
called attention to the fact that provision provisionfor
for the ti nrtleage of senators had been beenomitted beesAltted
omitted fro the bill by an oversight oversightand overeighiarl
and it wf hiFertcd hiFertcdifr kwrtidI
I air r Ma4oov of O OMrgia raised a point pototof pointI
I of order against the ft ftMr Item
I Mr Grfaivenor propoiK eoptsd d an aniro1diitg amendment amendmentproviding
providing that any Baiter sn dcsirbi dcsirbivert dcstrhmight
might 4ert > vert any mousy iuo l ie him ufr ufrropriatlon us4stthis
this aroprtaiion ropriatlon Into the truattf truattfLaturhtor trcasinyLatightsr
Laturhtor followed its reading readihgMr readingMi
Mr UtOefleM ci f Maine tbok the theground theground
ground that thrtv ttii was we no interregnum interregnumetwee illterregnunibetwec
etwee the two ffmtos and that one onemerged onemrrgeJ
merged into the other He said no mo motion taot ¬
tion t ton was made to terminate the thewithout es ea eawithout
without date dtt and that there had been beenno beono
no adjournment by nMUoa of constitu constitutional conetftutIot2ai ¬
tional limit Therefore he argued this thishas thtshas
has boon a a continued semioc uessto and the tbehtHi theittwt
htHi for mileage was W unauthorised In Insupport insupport
support of ttxF tht point of order heheld heheldthat he F held heldI
I that in the tb tarly tin day when an extra extraordinary extraI ¬
I ordinary tnslni i sl n of f romgrwut extended estend be bey bevnd
y vnd > nd the day for the convening of If t tregular tregular
regular S8lon they regarded it as ascontinMOUs asCofltifltlUS
continMOUs session PSStOfl He H cited precedents precedentspurti precedentspartiilariv
purti partiilariv < ilariy thf th aetna of the Fortieth Fortiethcongress FortiethI
I congress and had the e careful attention atuntioaof
I of tKJth otb si aMes of the house houseMr honseMr
Mr THtlcfiek e 5hi W he h vi viesed wd the tti ques question ¬
F tion simply as u legal projH proposition > sition as ashe ashc
he ha < r r fpilfnjt in tlw matter U Vlan Vlanit h < n nlir
lir it > iiHl I I nnUidod in luLl I hi his ieirnl Irga I prcentatlon prcentatlonIn prc en atlon atlonia
In v VMJ plioj with fiU c1iiuJ ins > n ijjyol involving involvingtt njj njjth
th tt I ws ynd ltd tli ti > constitution flstit tttn To one onrot onen
ot n tlvm I ln ht It ri > IJe < i tht tlii t Sn his opinion opiniontho opInIOiiii
tho iii hut ttP > in IS urmHi uiHier the call callis callIssued
is Issued ued by the th president presidentliOVE prlIdefltS
+ + 44 + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
4 Chicago Jan 2f 2LDressed Dressed in a asuit 4 +
4 suit of her brothers clothes and andwith 4 +
4 with her loaf brawn hair cut cutslort + f
4 short and crajnin crammed into a mans manswig 4
4 + > wig May BondeJI 22 years oW ekEof 4
4 of Terre Haute J led d has applied 4 4to
4 to the recruiting relrultin sergeant at Fort 4 4Sheridan
4 Sheridan to he mustered into intoconipany 4
4 company I which IP ordnrrd to 4 4jcin >
4 jcin ta t1 Teati4to Tweatiothrlmest r Btmem to the 4 4
4 PhIlippines a as eooji a 5 it is in full fullstrength +
4 + strength The girt 1I brok down 4 +
4 4 when taform informed d tmt she must un 4 4I
I 4 dergo a regular physical exainin examinatiou 4 +
4 a atiou i Ion and confessed her sex 4 4i
i 4 Heartbroken at the thought of 4
4 poparation from frot her sn Wectheart Wectheartcirl etheart 4
4 cirl tri Pf jflatan lauia who i a private IB isthe 4 +
+ 4 the eornpany she said that she 4
4 tried to enlist a a mwi in order 4 +
4 10 accompany him and share his 4 4I
I 4 danpcr 4
3C 3CI I 4
I 4irJ7 4irJ7g
g S Jttt W WJ
J b C
2 S DtDQ DtDQja
> I
ja c cI
I 114 114I
I i t T TAfr
Afr S SS S
I h h4lHcads
4lHcads I Win Tails I Lose LoseIc
Americans and Britons Banquet Sir Heqry Mortimer Mortimeri MorimerCable
i f i r > i t tCable
Cable Messages Exchanged Between the theTwo
1 Two Felta Boards Boardsf
f 1
lONDON ONDOX Jan 2S 2Wh11e VThile the thei A ar arlean
i lean bmnch of the PHsriras lIp lIpety a aCSety
CSety ety vet was wasu jgivlng its Jnn tenlg i iiy
u DtinYonleo a In tew lork In ho hoLitrsad
iy Diprasd Britisli an ancllrz asnbsre asnbsred
d t tte Tjaited States th thlfinni4ibt
lfinni4ibt be 4ciety ro3heatd thiie thiietitiren
cllrz titiren ne wltB W1t a suffer MtLe MtLehotel GftI GftIhctel
hotel hctelThe j jThe
The unique feature of the ese1g ese1gconsisted e om omronsieted
consisted in the installation by jr ag agAtlantie s sAtlantic
Atlantic cable company of cable in instruments instruments ¬
struments in one end of the autwr autwrroom sr srroom
room By means of this arrangement arrangesielitfrequent arrangementfrequent
frequent mexiges were exchanged between be hetween ¬
tween DelmonJco8 in New Xorfc and andrhe apdhe
rhe he Carlton ht Itotel tel he so the that the theEnglish theEngiktii
English pilgrims felt almost as much
faj touch tohwith with the 2w ew York celebra celebration celebraUQt1 ¬
tion as K t they had been actually pres presi preslt
i J lt t tvTbe
vTbe old grandfathers clocks one oneSowtog oneand
Sowtog English and the other AJierl AJierlm A art artn
m n tn eshlefl lea Mr Choice the thaiI thaiIBllUry BaH BaHnaasury
naasury l find > 4 the ethers to t k kOep ep an andn antYO
tYO dn dflthe the iJroKyeas j3roges oAthe tne banquet at atlock atw
w York ihie ttitiI c b1tebmpnars b1tebmpnarsclOCk
lock < with red liaftd showing Amar Amarican 4merlean
lean tim t1nie i was placed between the two twoold twoold
old grandfathers clocks and notice noticeably ¬
ably masked the progress of the age ageStrands ageStrands
Strands of the Atlantic cabled laced lacedupon
upon the table enabled the guests to torealizo toresilso
realizo the means by which the in instantanoous Instantanuous
stantanoous end intimate interchange interchangewas
was possible In n spite of the difficulties difficultiesof
of distance a and d the dlfferenee in time
4 4NaVigatiOn
Navigation on the Inland Sea Attended With Conditions ConditionsLike ConditionsLike
Like in the Arctic Arctic CircIerLaKex is is Frozen FrozenOver FrozenOveratLast
Over OveratLast at Last
Chicago Jan 29 23Lake Lake navigation navigationthis UaTIt4Oflthis
this winter bait fitted tmd the crews of tie tiesteamers theitenmers
steamers in service for a dashfor de hfqr th thpole the thepole
pole for it combines fclLthe expert experiences expertncea ¬
ences of arctic navigation Lake MichIgan Mich MichIsa
Isa Igan has t last frozen over the th cold coldspll coldspI
spll of the last few days filling up b bwidely a awidely
widely scattered spots of open water waterbetween waterbetween
between the fee floes In most winters wintersthere wintersthere
there is a wide stretch of open water waterin
in midlahe midlaheAt inIdI inIdIAtinany
At Atinany many points along the west shore shorethe shorethe
the ice is plied up until it reaches reachiesrtm reachesfrom
from rtm the bottom forty feet deeft d eii4O o am amequal enequal
equal distance above the water Itae ItaeAt htneAt
At the cribs the Ice is piled ttp until untilK untilIt
K is I higher than the structures structuresThe structuresThC
The icebergs are of great size and andPUSHING andPUS
f MJI If IfGovernment
Government G ernrnent Officials Favocafae Favocafaeto
to t General Plan of ofUtah Utah and andBear an anBear
Bear Lake Projects ProjectsSpecial ProjectsSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldWashington I IWashington
Washington Jan 29 2MesL Mea rs Dore Doremug Doremiis
mug and Richards of the Utah arid land landcommission landcOmmIssIon
commission held an informal conference conferencevftth conferercoilth
vftth Chief Engineer Newell of > he herechunation I Iree1ttiatiofl
rechunation service today and disc diseitmed diseitmedthe eeed eeedthe
the plan of the proposed irrigation eli eliI vn vntArprlsefor
I tArprlsefor rprIae for Utah which had been beenagreed beengreed
agreed upon by the commission and the theUtah theUtah
Utah congressional delegation deiegatfcmi
i Mr Newell express expressed his approval of ofthe ofthe
the plan In a general way anti will Ole Olecuss < Hs Hscuss
cuss them further tomorrow at a n nPOt nPOtg t tins
ins g to W attended by Senators Reams Reamsand Kerrand
and Smdot Repree RepresotatiVe niaUve Howell and andMeasrs andMesses
Messes Doremus and Klchards KlchardsBIG Itiehrdet ItiehrdeBIGDEAL
Spokane Wash Jan 2 I + rTmber rTmberiaod TIU1berland
land and mill property estimated to be beworth beworth
worth about n lUo4OOQ M > Wi has t been par parchR83 purchased
chased by the e Co Cocur ur dAlene Lumber Lumbercompany Lumbereompany
in which whichit
company a new corporation
1 it S IaQjcli J T tarroU and Robert RobertaieBride RobetMcBride
McBride pf Butte Moat w M Da Dogb Dogberty li lierty
erty of Omaha Neb and J W W WVakefleld C CWakefield
Wakefield of Spokane ttp kane are directors directorsTIw dire r5 r5The
The new company has bought th thlands the thelands
lands and plants of the old Coear CoeardAlene CoeurdAlene
dAlene Lumber company ItiMlted ItiMltedaround inuitedaround
around foeur dAl n lake in northern northernIdaho northernldsliO
Idaho and about 40000 acres of f S 4qibei 4qibeion fer feron
on Iriiktitary stream The new ew Gwfl Gwflttre < iw iwj
j ttre > rs proi propose > ow > to rebuild the planing mill itililbqrned millburned
burned last year at Toeer dAlatdoubling < SAeive SAeivedoubling
doubling its capacity and enlarging enlaryiBSthe
the Bawmttl to a < apa ity of 400W900 400W900feet 4O00OOfeet
feet a roar roarRJSBD juar juarHEFUSBD
Frankfort Ky Jan 23 5TIe The Thedorsing eenttt eenttttoday
today 23 to tf defetted re4ointtefreqi re4ointtefreqidoming
doming President Ro RoseveitS vflt vfltthe action In Inthe
the matter of thy Panama treaty
now they came to foeformed be formed i Isregard Isregarded regard regarded ¬
ed as a mystery by winter navigators navigatorsas
as thethickefit chunks of ofice fee theyHwve theyHwveseen
seen are not orer eighteen or twenty twentyinches twentyInehes
inches through throughIt
It Is considered by steamboat men menthat menthat
that there is not half the danger in inwinter IniInter
winter navigation when the lake Isfronmi is isfroxen
froxen over as when there are vast vastMviagfields vastmovlngIialds
Mviagfields of ice to catch the steam steamers oleaniere ¬
ers and crush them In the pant a anumber anumber
number of valuable steamer have been beencrushed beencrushed
crushed by the floes and lost lostTHe lostThe
THe average tempecattire for Decem December Decemher ¬
her was 8 degrees below normal and andthus andtlius
thus far in January it has been 4 de degrees degrees ¬
grees This average ha has sees excelled excelledbut excelledbutonce
but butonce once and that thatwas was during the thewIn thewInei win winter ¬
ter ei of 1S78 1S78THOMAS ls7 ls7THOMAS
Confirmation of Statement That ThatSalt Th t tSalt
Salt Lake Postmaster PostmasterWill
0 Will Hold On OnSpecial OnSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldWashington HeraldWSbiUgtufl
Washington Jan 9Unofltctai UnoRlclai con conItrniatlon con1rmtIon
Itrniatlon was given at the postoffice postofficedetrtnent de department ¬
partment today of the correctness of ofthe ofthe
the report published in The Herald that thattile thatthe
tile charges againrt Po Poatmaeter tnaaKer Thorn Thorn4s
4s have beast dismissed and that be will willnot williiptbe
not iiptbe be removed nor he c compelled OOmnp IIOd to re resign retgit
sign Pe Psoeuasce lma ter General Payne de dein dedined
dined in d to make any comment upon the thefwe thete
fwe excepting to say sa that The Herald Heraldstaument Heraldet4tesent
staument of the case was correct correctmttvf correctMtes
mttvf Mtes Keame was one of the guest j jof
of honor at a banquet banquetgiven given at atBalti atBalti10cc Bait i irtore
rtore last evening by the Manufactur Manufacturers ¬
ers and Merchants club of that city cityOther
Other members of congress present presentswere prescntwere
were Senator Patterson of Colorado ColoradoittPoetor ColoradoonatOr
ittPoetor Nelson of Minnesota Repiv RepivTt RepeeMtbcuves
Mtbcuves Tt tlves Lew Field of Maine and Da Daf Baisor
isor MIr4leeota MIr4leeotator
f ttittor tor and Mrs tr Reams were guests guesisof
of President and Mrs Roosevelt at the themusicale theipuslosle
musicale and dinner given at the Whit Whituee Whitqnre
qnre < uee this evening eveningROOTAND eveningROOTAND
ROOTAND TAFT TAFTWashington TAFTWashington
Washington Jan 29 9 President PresidentReopevelt Presidentlteoeevet
Reopevelt Secretary Boot and Govern Governor GovertUt ¬
or Taft Were the principal prln lpal figures at to today todfty3 ¬
day dfty3 cabinet meeting The Th meeting meetingafter meetingafter
after the transaction of the usual de desp depMrtmentai
sp pMrtmentai irtmental b buslnss Blnes devefcppd into a afarewellTor afnrewIi
farewellTor fnrewIi for Secretary Root and a re reception receptiuti ¬
ception for Governor Taft TaftWashingjlOJt TaftI
+ + + + + + I + 4 + + + + + + 44
4 4 4f
4 4 4Wasbtngtoii
+ WashingjlOJt Jan 28 25The The sac 4
4 at ate today in executive session 4 +
4 confirmed the following Jiomina 4 4iL 4
4 elle paetutt ar ariYtaltdwin +
+ iYtaltdwin iL lt Booth Hephi 4 4
4 JjOhK Jo Peters American AmericanFork Fork Lar 4 4 4MIwreuee
4 + MIwreuee LA rence Spanish Fork Jo Joph + f
4 seph ph ODelU Logan 4
W T 1 Coolidge Took Peculiar PeculiarCourse PcuIiarCourse
Course io Get Away From FromUnhappy FromUnhappy
Unhappy Home Homet HomeDeiwer
t Denver CoIn Jan 29 20W W T Cool Coolidge CoolI
I idge who i as reported to have been beenand
idrowned hmiSan Francisco bay last fall falland
and who whwa waf mourned as dead by some somef someof
of f Isle rala r4at3ves vea has been found alive at ati atSheridan
i Sheridan Wyo This discovery saves savesbenevolent savebenevolent
benevolent orders and Insurance com compacles coinpstieg
pacles 4neee HMO the amount for which e ettftte ewas
was hrtZ
1 ttftte fletus es of Coolidge ate aecuned of ofryhtg oftryipg51e
tryipg51e ryhtg w oallect the thesprance Insurance know kiiowproseeuted knowIflltW5t
IflltW5t heir 1MInnaGfoniizty be beproesoilted
proseeuted Coolidge i3 believed not to toihave toLhace
ihave beaU impllolefl In any men at attempt attempt ¬
tempt He was s arrested but is be told tolda
a fltraightforward story stol was r released releasedHe cased casedHe
He said he became etrange < i from his hiswife islewife
wife who was Irving in Denver and andw andwent
w went nt to the cofurt where he caused th thieptort the thee
ieptort e ort to be circulated that he had hadbeen hadbeen
been drowned From ron1 Sm Prandisco he hetraveled hetraveled
traveled over the greater part cf the therodhtry Thecountry
country but always under an assumed assumedname asumednath
name nath He had he 1 sad no intention of ofI
I defrauding any one but had intended intendedHo intendeiI
I Ho to stazt tart In life anew For years Ccol Ccoljidge CcclIdge
jidge Idge taught in the country schools about aboutI
I Denvw and was prominent in the or order It Itder ¬
der of lodern Woodmen At tie time timehis timehis
his death was reportefi his wife l Lad d in instituted institut ¬
stituted stitut d divorce proceedings and the thef thesuspicions
f suspicions of the insurance companies companieswere companieswere
were aroused aroueedPORTLAND arousedPORTLAND
Portland Ore Jan 28 20The The theory theorythm theorytheA
thm the destruction of the Park street streetpublic streetpublic
public school at midnight last night nightwae nightwas
was the act of an incendiary Is given givengreat givengreat
great credence Ijy the police and fire flredepartments firedeprti4eitts
departments today A trustworthy cit citizen ci ciliar ¬
liar has come forttard with a state statement etatement ¬
ment to the effect that shortly before beforethe beforethe
the flames broke wt he ne saw a tall wo woman weman ¬
man attired in blttek blLU ± descending the thesteps thesteps
steps of the school hpase house to the street streetThe streetThe
The woman appeared rather nervous nervousand nervousand
and she he turned several times white whitewalking whitewalking
walking away from the building as ff fflooking iflooitlng
looking for something Her strange ac actions actuna ¬
tuna attracted the attention of the cit citiaen citmen
men and he watched Iier ir for some time tiroThe timeThe
The flames did pot burst forth for rev several revera ¬
eral era minutes after the woman disap disappeared disappeared ¬
peared and it was the then too late to par pursue parsue ¬
sue her herGERMS v vGERMS
Berlin Jan 2 2LThe TheBerlin Berlin municipal municipalauthorities municipalauthorities
authorities have deeded to make an at attempt attempt ¬
tempt tOv incxtertfllnate exterminate the microbes in inthe iathe
the iMiblto libraries Professor Kochr KochrU Koc
hiin5g U vine mailed attention to the danger dangerof
of Mpreadlag infectious diseases through throughbooke throughbooks
books loaned JftdJs Igillserlmhiately airalu tely from li libraries IIbrarles ¬
braries The 1se professors representative representativeduring representativeI
I during the fonrg f absence in South SouthAfrica SouthS
S Africa Afrtc wheie he is studying the rind rimll rindpest
l pest > et for the British rItISb government has hasdrawn liarlrawfl
drawn up a plkn f r attacking the mi microbe ¬
crobe which will be > e submitted to the thelibrary thelibrary
library committee of the municipal municipalcouncil municipalcouncil
council next Tuesday It is intended intendedto
to adopt some method of disinfecting disinfectingbooks disinfectingI
I books after their ase 1The The municipal municipaldisinfection musicipaldisinfedildn
disinfection etatioi w0t it take charge of ofthe ofthe
the matter matterSHOOTING
eon eonTwo
Two Loggers Engage in Dispute and andOne andOn
One On Pulls Gun GunSpecial GunI
I Special to The Herald Heraldta >
ta tlramte Ore Jan 3m 28 25Bep Ben lions a alagging
lagging contractor nva imt shot at an early earlyhour sirlyhur
hour this morning at Xlgin near thin thinity thiSItt
Itt br Albert HasOT soc a sawmill tnf 11 owner ownerover ownerover
over a difficulty ia a settlement Rosa Rosaattacked
attacked Hasps wmi a peavy pea Raeoa Raeoafired RahesI
I fired several shot shqitL inflicting tnfflct1n a wo wound wadin wadinthe ii iithe
the wrist and one to the shoulder of ofRvse ii iiftets
Rvse who kt ina daag dangerotle roUa condition conditionRasor conditionRastr
Rasor immediately g GIve ve himself up upvtatiag UPstating
stating that he wt in self defense defenseANOTHER defenseI
I Chicago Jan SlL General Henry Henrymeg
Srorg meg of this city IB racing across the theContinent theontinent
Continent from rom California in the hope hopethat hopeiIat
that h he can teach Chjcago in time li lisee t tI
I see his wife atlee Mrs Strong waa waaMiokn ae aetickn
Miokn with pwraljNffc and her phys pltystcianci physI
I cianci regard he Wee daatij prohafale withfn withfna wtthnIn
In a few day Qeaeral eeerzitron trong1 left iettSanta iettSanta8arbora Santa SantaHarfcfira
Harfcfira yeal yeateny ay af afternoon rnooa en H a aI spe special ¬
I cial train vhich he chartered as soon soonas saino
as o h be received the telegram tellies him himor himor
or Mrs < 1rnngr rones illness
Second Explosion of Gas GasWorse GasWose
Worse Than the theFiDt theFiDtf theFiDtWORK First FirstWORK
A SBCQJSD explosion of gas caused causediralt causedH
H a e5iItki of drilling at the oil oilwtof
iralt wtof of Guffey Oaley near Farm Farminsten Farmlegion
legion Robert K C Wilson who in induced liiduc ¬
duced duc ti M SW tIue3 Qu ey 4k Oaley to take takeholil takehold
hold of 3is i proposition returned ye yetertfay yen yentertlay
tertfay afteraoon ftjm a visit to the thewell thewell
well brlwgtag this IH pow W The secon1 secon1exrlosion se onl onlextlonten
exrlosion while more forcible ttan the thefirst thefirst
first was not setloan except that work workwag worku
wag u delayed about twentyfour hour hourWhan hoursWhen
When Jir Wilson left Sunerlntendert SunerlntendertW
W > R rtllcibaugh expected tn resume resumedrilling resumedrilling
drilling brfore the close of the day dayThe dayThe
The latent outburst of gas fame about
4 oclock Thursday afternoon n nearly nearlyfortyeight nearlyfortyeight
fortyeight hours rfter the first Tfc Tfcmen Thmen
men wet wets working worktn at the drill when whensuddenly whetsUddenI
suddenly there was a loud roar Wa Water Watar ¬
tar mud and sand shot up through the theflooring thenoorti
flooring noorti of Pf the derrick and ascends aseendiclear 1 1clear
clear to the e top of thatstructure The ThoHreflenre ThepressUre
pressUre 4M 14 n not t subside immediately immediatelyeitheiv ImmediatelyeItherbut
eitheiv eItherbut hut the well continued to spout spoutliKea spoutlikea
liKea Syner ijpeer for some time Ev Even n after afterthe afterthe
the flrat force had been expanded the thegas thec
gas coUtmed c to pour out keeping up upa upH
a murianriug and i VubWing as it itforced itforted
forced itvelf through the water which whichVft whichstreek
Vft struck the other day dayIdke dayLike
Like a BoiHng1 Spring SpringAround Springthe
Around the derrick it resembled a aniuifcling aniinbllng
niuifcling boiling spring The earth earthwastorn
wastorn out some distance around for fora fora
a depth of perhaps six feet and this thisplHce thiswai
plHce wa wai filled with the seething liquid liquidThis liquidThis
This is the seine reaervoir of gas th Ihat Ihatsas t twas
was penetrated Tv Tuday fday The drilling drillingwill drillingwiU
will he pushed ahead and the casing casingshoved caslnishoved
shoved down until this reservoir of wa water watsr ¬
ter and gnajs passed through The iron ironpipe ironpipe
pipe will rill then shut nut the flow and andeliminate andeliminate
eliminate further danger from thi thisource thiThe
source sourceTbe
The present reservoir was tapped at ata ata
a depth of a little over 2 fact It w
expected that another gas reservoir will willbe willbe
be penetrated in another flfty to 100 100I 0 0feet
I feet The drillers are prepared for forthese forthese
these explosion however They Tht have havethe hairethe
the expedience of previous wells to co coby coby
by one os ot them having lost tools and andderrick andderrick
derrick a decade sad more ago because becausioof becauseof
of a gae ga explosion when a dePth d 0th of 1600 1600feet 1000feet
feet had been reaeiMdu reaeiMduThe reaeh reaehThe
The now of water t tIIa ba the well has hasbeen hasbeen
been led into a pit which wa dug and anda
a supply has been stored there to last lastthe 1asthe
the drillers for some time TOe greater greaterpart greaterpart
part of yesterday was spnt spentia in clean cleaning cleanlug ¬
lug the mud off the machinery and the thederrick thederrick
derrick sa that work of drilling could couldbe courtbe
be resumed This will DOW be pushed pushedahead pushedahead
ahead as fast as ciicuostancee will willpermit willpenbit
Otiiaha Neb Jan it tTha Th Omaha OmahaMcftinley OmahaMciUnley
Mcftinley club tonight celebrated the thobirth thebirth
birth of William McKinley with a ban banquet banaluet ¬
quet at which Governor Van Sant of ofMinnesota ofMinnesota
Minnesota Governor Mftrhey of Nebras Nebraska ¬
ka Sdivard Rosewatr editor of the theOmaha theOmaha
Omaha Bee Murat Halted of Cincin Cincinnati Cincinnati ¬
nati and pd John T Webster were the theprincipal theprincipal
principal guests guestsJohn guestsJohn
John T Webster Nebraskas candi candidate candidate ¬
date for the vice presidential nomina nomination nomiriation ¬
tion spoke to the toast The Republi Republican ¬
can Party PartyMurat PartyMurat
Murat Halsted of Cincinnati was the thenext thenext
next speaker his theme being The ThePresident ThePresidetit
President of the United States Aft After Aftera r ra
a brief eulogy to President McKinlev McKinlevMr McKinieMr
Mr Halsted confined his remarks to topolitical topolitical
political conditions in Ohio He ex expressed expressed ¬
pressed the belief that Senator Kanra Kanrawould Hanrawould
would refuse absolutely to become a apresidential aI
I presidential candidate and that Ohio Ohiowould OhioI
I would send a Roosevelt delegation to toChicago toChlcgo
Chicago which would give all Its pres prestige prestige ¬
tige for his renofliinaUon f do not notthink notthink
think it would be b fair or true in a high highsense highsense
sense of the good word he said If IfOhio ifOhio
Ohio did not support Roosevelt at Chi Chicago hi hicago ¬
cago nest June with her solid vote and andexceptionally andexceptlonJiy
exceptionally important pwetlge
Topeka Ken Jan 20Senator 28 Senator J R RBurton RThxrton
Burton is in Topeka He arrived from fromSu frotoSt
Su Louts today Asked todiscui tojilseuss the theindictment theIndictment
indictment against him Senator Burton Burtonsaid Burtonsald
said saidIt
It would be manifestly improper for forme forate
me to dlBciMB du my case at this time fur further furthee ¬
thee than to say y that 7 feel perfectly perfectlytranqulL perfectlytranquiL
tranquiL I will only say y that I wl wlmeet willmedt
meet the charge in the forum where it itte Itta
te mud ltlidOi and atidttJ tv l I h4V no fear of th thretmlt threlIlt
retmlt I came ante on f ti > Kansas becau becausniy 1 1my
my greangemenir mingemenir wtie we e made to com comhere comehere
here some time ago agoSenator
Senator ° Burton will take no part In Inpolitics Inpolitics
politics until the case against him H Hsettle Ftsettled
settled settle and it is improbable that hi hiwill hewill
will again appear > n the floor of the thesenate thesenatg
senate until a declaim de4jisin is handed down downDAKISH downeae
eae eaeDANISH
Copenhager Copenhager4Jan Jan 29 29The The Danish At Atlantic Atinzitle ¬
lantic Islands association has been beenformed beenformed
formed here uith ii ith the object of arous arousing aious aiouslag ¬
lag the nations interests in its out outlying outlying ¬
lying possessions and preventing the thedlmunllion thediniunitlon
dlmunllion IVy sale or otherwise of ter territory icrritori ¬
ritory under Danish sovereigtity The Themovement Themovemost
movement originated at the time of the theproposed t he heproposed
proposed sale of f ths Danish Vest In Indjes IndJet
djes tothe to the ITnited States and has been beenstrengthened beenstrengened
strengthened by the ieport that Canada Canadadesired Canadadesired
desired to purchase iJreeniand Many Manymembers Manymembers
members of the Danish nobility are areamong areamong
among the leaders of this agitation for forthe forthe
the retention of the Daateh West Ir Irdte6 Ii IidieeGeeh1and
dte6 dieeGeeh1and Greenland the Paine islands and andIceland antiIeelaittt
Iceland Ieelaittts4
+ + + s4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4
4 I 4
4 Z Louisville Ky Jan 29 2Oliy By bis hi hiwIllmadc 4 4win
+ win wIllmadc made yubttc today Oaptain Oaptain4r 4
4r Daniel U i Parr vh who died here n rtready > f ff
+ f ready ai aged cd 79 9 y years ara leaves im iiimedlateir + f ff
+ f mafltetely in personalty and after tftfrthe > 4 4thIth
+ the thIth leath of hh last grand grandhitI < hiM hiM4lOSliW 4 4lQ0
4lOSliW + lQ0 i In realt > or his < ntir 4
4 efte toward tb ti4IJlFhlIIt 4
4 ash tuantbnnce of jhrr ia 4 44a
4 4a a reffljre for old and innnn st u 4 4litei f ftte
+ tte litei Capta aptain i Pa Iar > refrained frm 4
4 4 making a will iintll a f short = hort time 4 44r 4
4r ago wl when cn aft after r seeing an ag ego d vo iv 4
4 4 > man poorly clad and s sitk i k h r rt 4
1 4 marked A ntuge whili v u < ould liii 4 4ffiake
+ 4 reak < e uaiMitessary unitete r mich t ccl ufTmjr u ft I ii g 4 4as
4 as that womans would be woes i 4 4half
4 half a hundred Carnt Caneg1e e librarie 4 4
4 4 Captain ParrS lOgni h belts drc will 4 4probably
4 probably contest the will wilt > 4
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 4c
Reasons Assigned FJT Delay Delaying DelayingVery ¬
ing ingVery Very Irap lmjtftPvte lmjtftPvteALL tacilNfte tacilNfteALL
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + 4 4Indon +
+ Londun Jan 30 30The The Cb b Foo ° if
4 correspondent t th flaPy
4 says a foreigner who has hnJt i ithere < l
> there reports that the fioJjvi fioJjvisteamer It iI 4 4steamer
+ steamer Argun upon whi > in nr
4 4 was a passenger from Nayas i iPort t >
4 Port tIny was fired J by a t hip in inanesO
4 anese warship outside of t rh hal 4
4 po 0 harbor Thve < t hort wn firvl
4 acrovs acr the Arguna b0ws bO5 ut t n t >
4 further attempt to stip h > r > w vi t 4 4made
4 made madefASHINGTOX 4
+ + + 4 411ASHINGTO + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
11ASHINGTO fASHINGTOX Jam 29Tli A r rr n nelated
r 1V elated Prei has the th auih a a athe 4 y ythe
the British a atphIaur atphIaurtershusg > p a < ador adortershuiiffor >
tershuiiffor tershusg for the announcement arourenin at a t ti tiRussian t tRussian
Russian reply whicrh it is exp expbe extl
be l delivered tonv tomsrow i row ia sat sattithiigh > > v vAlthough
Although no furth further r details detailstailiable CtIIII < > > 1talus
tailiable talus lie it is assumed if thf t ii iiIi i r rtiun <
tiun Ii t > t t the amhA aiiaado idor i ii iorr oi i iItu IItuintii
Itu Ituintii siii has made certain < > i < r rand 5and
and tl that t Great reu5 Britain will t iI r rupon r rupun
upon J Japan pan to ai i pt fh ju a isfy isfytory II IItor
tory toryIt tor
It is said that ih delay in fi fihe f fthe
the < he ifsply AVUS i ait n < c enoateI enoateIquiae s ii3Je < l n nquence
quence of th ths xirem1 xfroli rare I Idrafting t tdrafting
drafting the document Vi < < > Av Avieffs i ileffs
ieffs views are also awaited anoil 1 i n ntran r rtransr1ion
tran transr1ion rnhwion t > > tiie t t < ar 1 Irealised i in inrealized
realized here thai it the forvrMnp forvrMnpth forn ing ingthe
th the > attfwer will mark ark a atoth atothstage oih < v riii riiistage
stage in the rejtiatioti f ytvn ytvnlei s sdepending >
depending < lei > nding on J Ji > an ane nttitu 1 1feared Ifeared =
feared that desii > parific na tile inflj irni irnihards n nhands
hands of the eutln autirltsts > rities may fn fnon r rOtt
on tuwtount it f the t i exoitemt eXittflpress i IN INprt
prt press s and people peopleTBOX peopleit
Belief That Japan JapauDoes Does Not Nc Beaiiy BeaiiyWant Real RealWant
Want to right rightSt
St Petersburg Jiui aII r Ar I inij inijwho I Iwho
who Is influirtiii in th ii < > inun inunempire un c cempire
empire was nt a < rviewocl tiKla t ii iiAssociated by byAss
Ass Associated xlated Prots Pr r and andThe sa < l lThe
The enormous loss whirh whirhnierce n hi Is Isnierce
nierce of ofJapan Japan IK sustairing a i r rof r rof
of the mobilization of if steams cleats cleatstransport is istransport
transport servic probably M < < nts ntsthe sNthe
the fanpatienc the Japan Japanplaying Jt243ipiayIn >
playing over th the < lelay in th cusi cusireply i ireply
reply but thi reply wiU forcs > aii aiithan t tthan
than a peaceful settlement th > uu uuit i iit
it is difficult to f hel < el certain in his l lspect r rspect
spect because of the rrati < isv t I Ithe f fthe
the Japanese government Hi s slatter i ilatter
latter stages of the negotiation negotiationJapan negutlat negutlatJapan
Japan has increased her < > ina ii iiwhile < l lwhfle
while the negotiation were tili til tilprugr i iprogreas
prugr progreas by insisting upon ape tr ity itycognition liveogbltton
cognition of f Cliiie Cisiasee e sover ij uy 15 15MaChurIa n nMaachnria
Maachnria Russia has cieri iCrllntegtlon > > d h hfntefUhm
fntefUhm not t to < annes nnex Ma M luvi luvitherefore
therefore why wl comply taply with i lorn lornthat tn tnthat
that i is tantamount ttItitfll1ii it to huiuiii int intiteiflatfon tin tinIteitktfl
iteiflatfon of u former v ViOrtz < lonfir i iration 1ration
ration rationIt
It is ii undeniaile unti Ic thst tha t h tiit tiitof t tof
of Japan is ii c < using Ing irritair inittPetersburg ii s sPetersburg
Petersburg ini that c feeliri roI roIpatleDec > is ispatience
patience is Kr grong ing throus trU > K KSUJU h hsun
sun It is has bziI < l i > account In Inpereistent <
pereistent > er ictent agsrSPivcnesg age seivtfl Si SimUst t r rmust
must he attribut i I to ti the iin i ifluence i aty atytiuence
tiuence of the laianese l aness pr i sv vhih vhihacting
acting under foreign r ign inspirat i Ti TiJapanese I IJapanese
Japanese govern gti r I ment nuiPt Kno to tostands > v vstands
stands no chan ill in of f defeating hal Ku tttiC tttiCthlie u uvhiie
vhiie Japan ho h much to h l t < n Ku I hue hueIs it itis
is forced back against the lb wai waiShould I IShould
Should Japan J it j i U proc iI d 1 to t i i tiiir tiiirher tti ttiher
her first object obj t probably wouM n be h hcutting
cutting of the th Siberian rail a awhich aI aIwhich
which purpose sh I would land i iKorea
Korea She could uid not how howmore howmore
more than 1600 160 < > o men and Hissia Jh i i ian IIH IIHan
an equal numb of m men n in Mirsch Mirschto l i ito
to meet this attack whi whih < b t thit thitwould tii tiiitould
would be quickly repulsed do I Ibeliev r rbelieve
believe in a naval tii al war th ti < Ru Itlire Itlireiiarshlpe si siwarBhips
warBhips would make ir I imp ins p dbl ibithe
the Japanese to I endanger Po I > Anh AnhBut tr h hBut
But let me repeat war is imp iiii abe obabiA abeA
A high official said
Of course v ye e cannot pi < nt titRussia v vRussia
Russia will do 14 her utmost to toJapan < > f fJapan
Japan a basis for a durable peace ia iathere > n nthere
there are limits beyond which WH WHnot t tnot
not go In Korea we grant pririira1 pririira1everything ji Li I I Ieverything
everything and in Majnchuri Manchurready we weready
ready realize aH the treaty rights rightsJapan r gh ghJapan
Japan and all the other power Shou ShouJapan SlonJapan
Japan reject our conciliatory propo propotion rjp rjption
tion the world must place the th lesnor lesnorbillty espn espnbully
bully on Japan JapanAn JapanAn
An important fact in conne C ° fl ion 01 vr vrthe
1 the situation has been learned by byAssociated h hAssociated
Associated Pr j5l5iJ < s Within With I I i a > irS rtnip rtnipboth g gboth
both Russia and Japan have official officialApmtminicuteci fi i ipnimwiicated
Apmtminicuteci pnimwiicated to the Inited tites tea u uto t tto
to the European chancellors iheir iheiri ne nesitione
i sitions regarding some of th xjinis xjinisiseue jot jotIsene
JUisria Does ITot Want to Prtcipitate PrtcipitateHostiUtiea s sHeatilidea
HostiUtieaParis HostiUtiea HeatilideaPal
Paris Pal Jan 29 h9It It is understood underitoodthe that thatthe
the conferences between Foreign Min Minister i n nIster ¬
ister Lamsdurff and M Kurfnom th thJapanese t h hJapaneSe
Japanese miniFter at St P F teeing tersburghave teeinghave
have permitted the latter to u Ivist 1vI hi higovernment h hgovernment
government concerning the th pos lsIti lsItiRussia itkM itkMRussia
Russia is likely to take in rh forth forthcoming fn1Ofliifl ¬
coming Ofliifl answer but the oftii of i Jg li het hetsay he hesay
say this was merely an intermediary intermediarystep hit ieliar ieliarstep
step towards adjusting the ih remaining remainingdifferences i idifferences
differences as the answer is i sii J Ht tu tuchange t tchafle
change until officially conunuirated conunuiratedIt ntis ieuad ieuadIt
It is Isfurther further sviiri ti1 that Kussia itins 1 II IIanswer not notanswer
answer until sh feels r a i icured S Ss
s cured that her answer vil hnvs hnvsthe 1 1the
the effect of pr ipiutting li I ities itiesThe j iCC iCCTue
The officials > l jtt c art a srm r rapparently i 4 4apparently
apparently authoritati a 5 Iinrjtit i > nen nenthat t tthat
that Japan does di not inttud AItih I foiiify foiiifythe r i r rthe
the straits of Kuea Th Ii y iy ii I IrenIOe Vij Vijremove
remove one of 0 the 1 itt main IsiS ill 0 i ithe s i ithe
the most recent negotiations huwetf huwetfthat hwethat
that Russia was unalterably ipn ipnto ti tito
to the creation of 1 any conditi in it itrca K Krea
rca which would lead to t i > u j g tha thaoutlet i ioutlet
outlet from the sea = of Japan JapanA JatinA
A strong intiuialton has bf i nwd nwdthat r rthat
that the maritiin nations < Kufii Kufiiand ik1 ik1and
and the United St 41tes > te would h hen > v < a aen
en up the question unless this eciara eciaration ciaratioli
tion had been made madeBAILKOAD TilaIeRAILROAD
Proposition Advanced For Interna International Imterntiossal ¬
tional Syndicate to Take It ItIiJon ItLsJnn
IiJon Jan 2 The Stati ttat tod nj njI = iv ivii
ii I Iiagaitule Iiiig attil ou the Kus soi ipan ipansituation l lnituatlon
situation mak < s 1 striking etrikirigfor s 4csMn 4csMnfor
for the solution of o the he oMtncup itflcui vi viseems I Iseems
seems to in C1 i th thtions t h mints an a > l li jtt jtttiofle
tions of If both Kuss KussAftr Pu i and Japi Japia Jat Jatftr >
Aftr ftr omm < n nof I < a JtJ fl the aO aOn t tif
of if tin TI chinMAT chinMATU 355 n treai treaii > hs hsit
U st y it arv arvi ar Ut 4tfli re rei
M lttit i it
i I i i I
t v vfollows
i follow followWhen followstShett
When Russia I v r < at 1 t th thi I IContahtiflOple
i Constantinople and i1 piaetiail piaetiailj piati piatitated
j tated peace to Turkey TIl h Crc

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