OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, January 31, 1904, Last Edition, Section Three, Image 23

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-01-31/ed-1/seq-23/

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1 1I
fopyrlghtby kI doIL doILWOLFUJI
> WOLFISH Bead jristfuLeyed btfuIey d and andf andfrostTimed
f 14 frostTimed thrust aside ide the tent tentflaps tenttIpL
flaps flapsH tIpLh1T
h1T H Cheok Siwash Cbook ro rolimb you youlinib
limb uf f Satenr chorused the protest protesting protestL ¬
L lug inmates inmatesBettles Inmates3ettles
Bettles if aped the dogsharply with witha
a tin plate andit antI it withdrew hastily hastilyLouis haatflyIus
Louis Savoy refastened th the flaps flapskicked flapi
i kicked a frying pan over against the tbebottom thebottom
bottom and warmed his haMs It wap waplery Was Wascold
lery cold without Fortysight hours hoursbefore bourbeore
before the spirit thermometer had burst burstat burstat
at 8 belowand below and since that time it had hadcrown hadgrown
crown steadily and bitterly eoMer eoMerOh eoL4erOh
Oh Oh Oh A young fellow ly lying lyIng ¬
ing asleep in the furs bearded and wan wanan wanand
an and l weary rajed a moan of o pain and andwithout andflh1Jt
without waking increased the pitch and andIntensity
4 Intensity of his anguish Hi HIsbotly body half halfIlft bait1Iftd
Ilft 1Iftd d from the blankets and quivered quiveredami quiveredanil
ami shrank spasmodically as though thoughdrawing thoughdrawing
drawing away from a bed of nettles nettlesRollm nettlesRoIlm
Rollm over ordered Bettles Hes Hescrampin Hescrainpin
crampin crampinAnd crainpinAfiti
And thereat with pitiless good will willhe willhe
he was pitched upon and rolled and andtbvmped andUamped
tbvmped and pounded by half a dozen dozenwitling dozenwilling
willing comrades comradesDamTi comradesDam
Dam the trail he muttered softly softlyas
as he threw oft the robes and sat up upIve ui uiIve
Ive run across acro country played quar quarter qurter ¬
ter three seasons hand running and andhardened andhardeiied
hardened myself in all manner of ways waysand waysand
and then r pilgrim it into this Godfotv Godfotvsaken Godforskn
saken land and find myself an effem effeminate effemInatf ¬
inate Athenian without the simplest simplestrudiments Fmp1estruIments
rudiments of manhood He hunched hunchedup
up to the fire and rolled a cigarette cigaretteOh
Oh Im not whining but Im just justdecently justdeeently
decently ashamed of myself thats all allHere allHere
Here I am OR top of a dirty thirty thirtymiles thirtymiles
miles as knocked up and stiff and sore soreas sorea
as a pink tea degenerate after a live livemfl flvefte
mfl fte walk on a country turnpike turnpikeDont turnpikeDotft
Dont gitthe git the tantrums youngster youngsterSettle youngsterBettler
Settle waxed patriarchal Yeve got gotter gottt
ter low some for the breakinin breakininYoure bresklnlnToure
Youre all right for a cub an yeve yevethe yevethe
the true sperrlt An beat in inyour your fa favor faor ¬
vor or yea haint got that streak of fat fatin fatIn
in your makeup which has sent sm t many manya
a husky matf mtlJo o the bosom of Abraham Abrahamafore Abraiaafore
afore Ms right and proper time timeStreak timegtrcak
Streak of fat fatYep fatYep
Yep Comas along of bulk TaInt Taiatthf TaIntthe
the big men as is the beet when it itcomes ItS
comes Oth to the trail trailNever S S SNever
Never heard of it itNever itNever
Never heered of it eh Well its a adead adead
dead straight dpehanshut fact an anno sitgittin
no gittin round Bufl Bulks Ts allwell enough enoughfor enoughfor
for a mighty big effort but thout stay stayin stayin
in powers it atet worth a continentalwhoe continental continentalwhoof
whoe whoof an atayln powers an bulk bulkarat bulkaint
arat rannlri nwiek mat Takes the small smallwiry sumilwIry
wiry fellows when it comes to gittin gittinright gittinrtgkt
right down own atr W bangin on like a a less leaaJowleS lessjowl
jowl JowleS do f Jo a bone boneLook boeLook S
Look you brothers broke in Sitka SitkaChart Sitka5had
Chart from hi hie swat on the grub bos bosYe baiYe
Ye Have spoken of the streak of fa fathat fat fatthat
that rune in big mens men muscles and ye yehave yebt5
have spoken women and the love andye and andye
ye hate spoken fairabut I have in mind mindthins mindthings
thins wfclcfc bjappfcrnHi pped ttthan the land landwag 15314was
wag young and the ires Ir s of men far farapart
6 apart as the stars It was w then I had hadconcern hads
s concern with a big man and a streak of offat f ffat
fat and a woman Acd the woman w wsmall WdC WdCsmall
small but her heart was greater than thanthe thanthe
the beef heart of tIe fee natt and she had hadgrit btdt
t grit And we traveled a weary trail traileven traileven
even to the Salt Sa Water and the cold coldwae coldWs
wae Ws bitterthe bitter the snow deep the fctiager fctiagergreat ktngergreat
great And the woman > love was a amighty amighty
mighty love 1ovezo no more can man say thin thinthis thanthis
this S
Brothers my blood is red with Si Siwaaii S Swash
wash tout ut my heart is white A Atruth groat groattruth
truth came to me when I was yet a boy boyI
1 learned that to your Kind and you was wasgiver W58givet
giver the earth that the Siwash could couMnot couldnot
not withstand you and like the caribou caribouand caribouand
and the bear must perish in the coil ooMSo coilSo
So I came into Ube warm and sat among amongyou amougyou
you t > y your fires and behold I be became bseame ¬
came one of ywu eu I have seen much in inmy inmy
my time I have known strange things thingsand thingsF
F and bucked big on big trails with men menof menDf
of maw bread And 5 nd because of these thesethings tbe tbehktga
things I meaaare deeds after your man manner manfler ¬
ner and Judge men and think thoughts thoughtsftberefore thoughtsWberefore
ftberefore when I speak harshly of one oneof oneof
of your own kind I know you will not nottake nttake
take it amiss aml and whan I speak high highof highof
of one oa of my fathers people you will willnot willnot
not take it upon you to say Sitka SitkaCharley Sltkabarley
Charley to SI Siwash wash and there is a acrooked acrooked
crooked Mgfot m h his eyes and small hon honor honSr ¬
or to WR tongue Ii ngue la it not so soDoe so4awn
Doe Vowa in throat the circle vouch vouchsafed vouchisfed
safed Its > assent assentThe aseentThe
The woman was Passuk I got ot her herin herIn
in fet fae trade from her people who were wereof
5 of the coast and whose Chilcat totem
Delinquent Notice NoticeBjfcwTjBRTuscARORA 1ot1co13TXRIJSCARO1tA
dat dattd A GeM C id Mines company priMHtal priMHtalCtttee pdadislQtQe
Ctttee m McCornick building Bait Lake Lakedtjr Lakeally
ally Utah Notice NodesThere There are deha dehaquent daIIsqusut
quent upon the following described steck steckon atec atecon
on aceewnt of assessment No 2 levfefi levfefiOK
0 OK the Ifth day of TtoYeraber 1M the theseveral theeveraI
several amount set opposite the names namesof namtof
of th the respective shareholders shab klere as follows followsOrt followsCart
Ort Name ae Shares Amu AmuIs AmLii
ii w Tibbala i till tilliL4
Is M 2 2SS
iL4 ii
SS J A JtatTB JtatTBJ 10 10llO
J A Sirl SirlJ llO W W24JAVrIg
24JAVrIg J A Mfrte MfrteS j jfl3ArIh
S fl3ArIh J A Karl Karlas iS iSJASads5
as J JASads5 JASads5sZTJA5z15 A Jek
sZTJA5z15 3 J A AX 1 2W
X J A Bar vls 35W it
4 Lalbaekcmnld BarI I CocOW CocOWW 5 54i
4i lMct5Ma W Camoheli 3 5 5I
I JamW W cI1beI1 1w h hlv
W B W OrLcfltb5 OrLcfltb51W SirimthP SirimthPS 1W 21l 21lW
W S W Qriffifh QriffifhW 100 2i 2iq
q W W H dark 1l 2 II
7 W j 7 Sanonde munds r ad ada
3 W H datfc r rSI ito itoaice
SI aice C C HfgglM HfgglMC w wSatneinig
C Barnett Satneinig Lanffwsj y iOU 2 2S
95 S O QDay Day U ZiJ ZiJs
s F D EBg iflggiubotham jQlM > tham thamS 1kM Z 03 03fl
S fl F D i Hlgstftbothfcin HlgstftbothfcinTi itt I W
Ti 1 F D flIgafubbiham F FMe L X w wIL
Me F D IX I Wlsbotham ag9naouwm u 1 IS ISJs
906 Jas Js Hamilton HamiltonW 1 55 55Wi
Wi W I W Xeserve 5ti IV IS ISIO2LWKerve
102 IO2LWKerve 1 W Mtftoerve MtftoerveMB 500 lOW lOWSW
MB I T W Mesarre HasarveMSwrve b 1031
4 I W Mwrve MSwrve MSwrveBsT ll 1040 1040I
I W Zvc W WI
I ie1ve 545 10 10I
BsT I W i iI nye
I W WL sve il il55PLWflv
55PLWflv L W WI t tw
w I W V JKsserve JKsservetfl 145 10W 10Ww
tfl w I W Xeserve Xeservet t 15 Oi
t 112 2 I W ilsserv ilsservA 030 10 IS IS5A5a
A 5A5a I IG Lako l 46 46G
G R R33M Bgthwi lv 03 03miiai
33M miiai E Q QS L LIt
S O HtiMs HtiMsMarts k4l 15 ii iiLar1a
> Marts BrofcerageCo BrofcerageCoS ItS 20 20S
S S F7R R Snow SnowMi a ai5Jaut
Mi Uante P Jtatt JtattU au 3 9 64 64Silo
Silo U L M Ratt Rattm Rutta
m G S AirM AirMH 1U
1 H O Mttier Mttiert er 2t 4 u
10 t 11 O Matter MatterM MerH
H 0 tlor i01 10 10IL
IL 0 MIlser 1O 41
M H o a Mflaer b rrlir rrlirSB 1505 1505w
SB w H O Mftier MftierKT i
KT 6 it L 1 Rutt RuttD 14 240 240Minnie
Minnie M Woodruul 5 OG OGia
ia D woodruff woodruffJohn 4 i ii
i John A Heughtoa HeughtoaTb 10
5 Tb Thee o BM 1s4ere n nI za o
4 I I L 3f t J Keogg t030 40 J
L 1 M i Kwogg Kwoggi 60 13N1
4 i w v K Jormam Jormamm jU tJ tJSW
m W B Jcrtnaia JcrtnaiaO 1 l 0i
O 1 w Owen OwenEarl 410 dt dtu
u > Earl poBehce poBehceI ol 10 tJ tJa
I Guy 3u Miiner MiinerI l
a I N ParkW ParkWH Parkcr LS W Wii
> H B Cole CofeH LISS LISS1l1LCoI
> H 1l1LCoI B CaK CaKJ 1050 20IS
4 J 1 W V Latgiey 1055 105531K
808 J W V La Lang1 sJey sJeyro y 1 W WlJ
ro J L Hamilton i itil i1 1000 1000Sn
til J J KamiUon 00 10tl
113 13 J L 1 MwmiUon MwmiUonSl
Sl W V t Corner Cornerl3 flnnr flnnrs
s l3 J L 1 Hamilton T TKl ll0 1ti 1tiai
Kl H HDoscber HDoscberPollock Do cher
12 Pollock i Co Cei44 L LW4
W4 J A i5 Pollock Sc Co CoS
S 5
stood at the head of a salt arm of the thesea thesea
sea My ty heart did not go o out t to the Hiewoman thewoman
woman nor did I take stock of her Jierlooks herlooke
looks For she he scarce took her eyes eyesfrom eyesfrom
from the ground and site was tknid and andafraid andafraId
afraid a as girls will be when cast into intostrangers intoa
a strangers angers arms whom they have n nv nver v ver
er seen before One blanket would coy cover coyor ¬
er the twain so I chose Passuk PassukHave PaseukIe
Have I not said I was a servant to tothe tothe
the government iversntent So I wa was taken on a awarship awrehLp
warship sleds and dogs and evaporated evaporatedfobda evaporatedfebde
fobda and with me came Passuk And Andw Andw
w voat it north to the winter Ice rim of ofBarlngr ofBtng
Barlngr sea whore we were landed landedmyself landedMyself
myself and Passuk and Use dogs I was wasalso wasalso
also given moneys of the government governmentfor
for I was its servant and charts of oflanda ofIan4j
landa which the eyes 6f man had never neverdwelt neverdwelt
dwelt upon and messages These rate ratenigrei moe0les
nigrei were seated and protected shrewd shrewdy
Vy y from the weather and I was to toliver de deliver ¬
liver them to the whale snipe of the theArctic theArctic
Arctic icebound by the great Macken Mackenzie Mackrzk ¬
zie zieAfterward Afterward in the spring ring when lh lhdays the thedy
days lengthened and there was a crust crustto crustto
to the snow we came south Passuk Passukand Passukand
and I to the country of the Yukon A Aweary Aweary
weary journey but the sun pointed oat oatthe outthe
the way of our feet It was a a nake1 nake1land nakSiIasd
land then as I hare said and we weworked weworked
worked up the current with pole and andpaddle anddie
paddle die till we came io Fortymile FortymileGood FortymileGood
Good it was to see white faces sees oace oaceagain oseeagain
again so we put into the bank And Andtfcat Andthat
that winter was a hard winter The Theiarkness TheSRcktie
iarkness and the cold drew dre dawn upon uponML upona
ML a and with them the famine To each eachman eehman
man the agW of the company gave gaveforty raveforty
forty pounds of flour and twenty of ofbacen ofbacon
bacon There ware no beans And the thedogs thedogs
dogs bowled always and there were weretat wereRat
tat settles and deeplined faces and andstrong andstrong
strong men became weak an ama weak men mendied mendied
died There was also much scurvy scurvyThen scivyThen
Then ofcme me we together In the store storeone storeone
one night and the empty shelves mafl maflMB iis41us
MB feel our own emptiness the more moreWe moreWe
We talked tow by the light of the lire flrefor lirefor
for the candles had been set aside anklethose far farthose
those who no might yet gasp in the spring springDtecttssioh spriui spriuiPleouselod
Dtecttssioh was held and it was said satthat saidtnat
that 9 a mAn must go forth to the Salt SaltWftter SaltWater
Water sad d tell to the world our misery miseryA miseryM
A M thin an eyes turned to we for it itw StWSs
w WSs tmdereteod that I was a grsat tmeler tm traeler
eler It is 7M miles said I to HalnesmiWlon Halnes Halnesmission
mission by the sea and every inch of it itnowstioe itsowMsoe
nowstioe work Qive me the pick ot otyojir
yojir 7941 t dogs andxth SM the best of o yo yor tr grub grubawl gruba
awl a I willgo Ad with me Sfcafl go goPassuk goPaseuk
Passuk PassukTo PaseukTo
To this they were agreed But there thereatese thereasseone
atese asseone ooe Long Jefft Jef a Yaakeojnan Yaakeojnanbigboned Yankeemanbigboned
bigboned and bigmuscled And his histaik histalk
talk was big He too was a mighty mightytraveler mightytrvolor
traveler be said born to the snow snowshee sno snoshoes
shoes and brefl up UI on buffalo milk He HeWogW Hewoi
WogW woi d go with me in case I fell by the thetrail thetrIl
trail thai he might carry the work on onto onto
to the mission How was I to know that thatbig thatbig
big talk betokened he streak of fat or ortBfct orthat
that Yankeemtfn wSo did great things thingskept thingskept
kept thalr teeth together So we took tookthe tookthe
the pick of 1t the dogs and the best of ofthf ofth
thf th grub and struck the trail we three threePasaok threePasuk
Pasaok Long Jeff Jefttnd and I II TI
I will talk little of the toll save that thatoft thaton
oft some ctayrf we made ts t milae and andon andol
on ol others thirty but more often ten tenA tenAitd
A Aitd 4 the beat of the grub nub was wasnt not good goodLikewise geodwhile
while we went on stint ropithe start startLlkewiee
Likewise the pick of Uiaratog was poor poorand poorand
and we were hard put to keep them on ontheir ontheir
their legs At the White river our eurt ourt1ree
t1ree t rae sied Me4 became hecaumlQ JUro sleds and we weimfl
imfl onlyvooraeawrimes But w we lost lostffipifeg lostiliig
iliig ffipifeg the dogs that left the traces tracesHte traeosthe4bel1tegef
Hte > the the4bel1tegef baUiaajoC those thatr thatrtm that ra raiot
tm tm2fot
2fot a greeting not purl of sntoke sntokeqil smolceqii
qil we made Kelty TSet Itefl counted countedOft
Oft 01 grub and ii iiilhre reT T hafl kaacounedL jjcoun ed on onifaving onIgvIng
ifaving Jjong Jefff who he 13as Was whining whiningand whiningmaid
and trail sore v But the factors lungs lungswere lungswere
were wheezing his eyes bright his hfeoache hiscache
cache nigh empty saId he showed us usthe usthe
the empty cache clte of the missionary also alsohie alsohis
his grave with the rocks piled high to tok tokeoff
k keoff enoff Ui thedogs dogs There was a bunch bunchot bunchof
ot IiHHang there but babies and old oldiM9n oldmon
mon there were noneaiM none and it was clear clearthmt Ier Ierthat
that few would ould see the spring springSo
So we pulled on lightstomached lightstomachedand
and heavyhearted with half a thou thousand thounead ¬
sand miles of snow and silence between betweenus
us and Haines mission by the sea The Thedarkness Therkness
darkness rkness was at it ItO worst and at mid ntidd middy
d dy < y the sun could not clear the sky skylna
ihe lna to the south Buttae lee jams jamswer jamaere
wer ere smaller the going better so I Ipuened Ipushed
pushed the dogs hard and traveled late laten latend
n nd early earlyAs earlyTAB
As I said at Forty > rty Mile every inch inchof Inchof
of it was snott snooe Boe work And the tbeshoes thesho
sho shoes made great sores on our feet feetwhich feetwhich
which cracked and scabbed but would wouldnot wouldnot
not heal And bOX bferisfi day these sores
M5 45 J A Pollock Co 10 1005 20 2000 2000l W Wl
l A S Campbell 1055 le W lid
668 A S Campbell 106 2 20 W 00W3
853 A S Campbell 1000 2V 2000 2000T 00
67 T J H Hedges 191 25 tw twB 00D
B D Woodruff 140 W WW WWB 1003E
B D Woodruff M 1000 1000E W WB
B D Woodruff 000 9 39 W 4
0 B D Woodruff W 10 So SoD < NJ NJSB
SB K D Woodruff t ISO 4 4Miaide 400 400SW >
SW Miaide Woodruff CM W W WHinle
01 Hinle Woodruff M9 2 C CH CB >
H K W B Booth 35 1541 8 3 309 9 9H IS ISH
H K 1 W B Booth5 B6 rtb 1B4 SI SIC
171 C J Deveraux 1 iJOS R9 31 31i 2000
14 i C J Deveayy 1H8 IS W WIt tOt
t It C J Oeverluix 1350 2760 2760RS Z7 60 60sS
RS C J D Deverifhx verUx 2 2550 0 4100 4100fr 4G 00 00rr
fr rr C J Deveraux 3Hw 28 28A 220
0 A S Campbell IM9 IM9Jofcn IS tO tOJohn >
John Miiner V Sjm 5554 5554I 9i 9iL
L I L Archer 4JW P 5500 5500John 8 8John
John Milner 1MI 5000 5000E w wW
W K E Parling trustee S6 4 400 400MINe 09 09m
m MINe C Morris Morris 10 1000 1000M W WE
M E A Hartanstets HartMtsteiMM MCO L0 2000 2000A Wl WlB
B A Hairtenstcln l 1O 0 5000 5000flLZerbe W WI
I H flLZerbe K Zerbe fOO MOO MOOMate 1000Mate
Mate Bv B Cramer IS v vT 2 G GT40
T T40 W H Cramer rsmor 18 187U 100 5005 5005ill
7U I Q Myer IMS 2909 2909m LI
m I G Myer fi 140 1500
71 713 J G Myw 569 K W 00I14
714 P A McKenzie 5 5000 M 15520 15520ns
5 ns P A McKenzle S stO 0 4 4040 W WP
71 P A McKenzie 150 2 2tir 20 20tllPAMcKesule
tir tllPAMcKesule P A McKanale 49 e50Ill SMS SMSftt
ftt Ill > G K l Airis 4MO St > l W WTIT 10rti
TIT L F Hammcl WO 2 2fit 20
fit J J 1 T tlsyne > ayn s Jr l 1500 t 21 OT OTm 0
m 1 J 7 J 7 Dayaes jr Jr1400 UK9 50 e e7K Os Osra
7K J 1 J Daynes Jr X 1605 X X 20 W WB 110E
B O Pulver S 7W
7 4 Herman Hill 1WO 20 CO CO7fl
7fl A J Vorse ISO 6 1300 K KMf
Mf 7 W H Grant t 1 2 feu
745 7 K M West 5 41b < iO9 W 11040 110407W
746 E M West MOB 0S0 1 10500 10500Dexter W WDexUr
Dexter Gold Mining company certti40L05 certifi certificates ¬
cates for which owners are entitled to tocertificates o oeartificatel
certificates of equal amount of share in infee inSIte
fee DexterTuscarera Geld Mtafts eom eomiJT eomr
iJT l left
r eft Names i Shares Amt AmtMoroni
17 Merest Snow 2W o 4 ty tyIS < K KX
IS X O Lee 5uMr 1 10000 100000iOLet w
0iOLet 4 B Ot Lee 509 0o li liB 1000 1000EOLe
B E EOLe O Lee Md JOW JOWIt 105U
It E O Lee 3ftt 0 i Ow M MM
140 M S O Lee leeIIIEULee 4 SI SIft
IIIEULee ft E O Le q 10OJ
142 1 K O Lee 2fc > l 10 w
1 155 E O Lee JM 150 4 IN INE
E 2 O L Lee L777 3ft 54 54J
4 J A litreet reet 169 00 230 230J I 3 3J
J A Street Streetm StreetP
m P J 1 Coaway v IS ISt
t S I B S O Le 1SM S1P S1P7M 24 P1 >
7M s iOPI X Day DayU I0 3 W
502 U 8 H HDougim Doa e i31 i31SI
813 SI S H D Douglass S 8 8JL n
JL 3 L 1 hamilton UamUtoitE t IS ISs1OLoe
s1OLoe E O Le LeWi 100 100B
Wi H C SouOiworth 250 4 03
647 Mettle W Swing SwingK j5 15 O
K 163 J S Lakin S
1 W < X H O SouthWOFCl SouthWOFClMM 450
1520 L kJ Suuthwtmthi 2 20
MM 1 if t C Soatliw Southtcqrth rth rthJSU 155 200
JSU Andrew HonHtt HonHttieae 0
ieae H K Svatfetverth io s o
1088 E H Southworth Southworthl 140 200 200is
l is f H C Southwcrt 5 S ste
1040 8 O 1 Day DayO DaySL 100
54 a O 431
1 tcI1ddin SL 0 SW SWU
U 50uthw541U 44 5 5h40
h40 12 bbm41 fI6tee ltd hi 00 00t 00S
grot more grievoiafetill grIevoua tlIlrnt1ie fnthe ttfornUig ttfornUigwhen
when we girded onthetvsfobcB ostth Thoos J Lthig ang Jeftcried Jeft Jhftcried
cried like a child I put hlm hImat > at the thefore
5 fore of the light sled toTareak trail but buthe buthe
he flipped o nt LJifi 41e ght ho > i for cm cz11t5prt cz11t5prtBesiuse ppt pptBecftuse
Becftuse of this th the JtaIl JtaIlpacked rail wgjsT net netpacked
packed his moccasins made gnsat gnsatholes gmatholen
holes and Into these holes the dogswanowfid dogs dbgswallowad
wanowfid The bones of the dogs were wereready wereready
> ready t ta break fcbwughethsir hides and andthis andthis
this was wasRot not good forthem forthcrp So I spoke spokeI sPokehard
I hard words to the man ipan and lie prom promt promised
t ised and broke la jfKs ctf0rdh rv rvhim Thou Ibeat Ibeathim
him with the dog doguifpxtitd rp ana after that thatthe thatthe
the dog do walotr wallowud dn p L irifljfe rnqre He WM a achild achlli
child what of the pain und th tho streak streakof
of ftt t tBut S
But Passuk While the wan lay by bythe bythe
the fire ml wept she cookea and In Inthe 1uthe
the morning morning helped lash the sleds and andin andin
in the evening eveningto to unlash th them m And she sheSaved she2ved
Saved the doge Hyer Wfl3 nrasshe the to the thefore he hefore
fore lifting the webbed shdes and malt making maltlog ¬
log the way easy easyPs easyPassukhew
Ps Passukhew suk hew shallt shall I sayS saylI I took it itfor itfor
for granted that sjio should etouId do these thesethings thesethings
things a nod thought no more about it itFor itFor
For my mind was busy jusy with other jnat jnatters nat natters
ters and besides I was young in ysaitand years yearsan6
and knew little of woman woman It was only onlyon onlyon
on looking back that I 1 came to under underLstaSitL understand
LstaSitL LstaSitLAnfi stand standAn
Anfi An the mad became Sbrthiess The Thedogs Thedogs
dogs had little littl strength Ib them but buthesLojB buthe
hesLojB he stoja rides on 4le ic Sll d wien he heJagged helagged
Jagged beliind behind PasUJC 1assi s sldtdhe dah woufd woufdtake woud woudtake
take tj the e one slBdSOtne elel x the nSiahhad itin had notoinffto noto noibIngto
inffto do In tha thctmorig mar hff Ob 1gaye gaye him himhis himhis
his fair share of gjujj grultitil pttr started him himon himon
on the trail alone j hM Jjhe woman womanand womanand
and I broke cam camp > ndRl QKe th ei sledsand sledsandharnsseed tledsandbarnseed
harnsseed the des > 1 midday when whenthe whenthe
the sun mocked Us we frc would overtake overtakethe dcertakethe
the man with tears frozen on his hischeeks hischeeks
cheeks and pass him tV i the night we weBiade wematle
Biade camp set aside his fjilr fkir share of ofgrub oCgrub
grub and an spread bis h1i furs Also we wemade wemade
made a big fire that he height see Andhours And Andhours
hours afterward hje would come limping limptegin
in and eat his g gub ub with moans and andgroans mdgroans
groans and andinleep Bleep He was not sick sickthis sickthis
this man He was only trail sore and andtired andtired
tired and weak with hunger But Pas Passuk Pazsuk ¬
suk and I w were re trail sore s4ietnd 4n tired arid aridweak aiMweak
weak with w1t hunger and we did all J3ie J3iework 4iework
work and hedid he aid none Buthe had the theStreak thestreak
Streak of fat of which our brother Bet Betties BettIes
ties has spoken Purther Furtbero vo save the theman theSian
man always his ftiir shirS of grub grubThen t tThen
Then one day we met two ghosts ghostsourneying ghostsjourneying
journeying through the Silence They Theywere Theywere
were a man and a boy and they were werewhjite werewhite
white Tae ice hadopeed had opened1 on Lake Lc LcBarge LeBarge
Barge and throughIt through it Hud gone their
flSOEOL60 lisa E O Lea Lea1M oo 4
11430 1M E O Lee 0U S 03
11 157 7 JK E O Lee v v35s 100 z 00 00i
35s i E EOLee O Lee Lee1M0 100 zu zuI1LOL0
1M0 I1LOL0 B O Lee LeeIMS t 1t
IMS B O Lee i i1U Z 19 74
1U 1120 Eltsa W Cieghorn W 12 0
11 1158 Nettle F Landt Lsnt4 kf kfU59 350 5 5tIs
U59 Nettle F Lanfllcl Lanfllcl1M 100
1M 1100 Nettle ettis F L La4Ik tOtak tOtakn 140
n 2161 3 Nettie F Lan Lai4ick Mck Mcklj i u
lj 1112 r Jf tOe F LaiiSck LaiiSck11B 100 sos sosI7Z
11B 5 O Fierce M lot 2 00 00UT4EGPierIS
1174 UT4EGPierIS B a Pi r 41 w
1176 E FL K Darfttir truace truacellSS l
llSS 118 P A A MsKenile MsKenileU85 2040 41 tIll
U85 3 T A Slreit SlreitUM Sttetliii
UM S B 3Um iUtser r l lGold 100 2 03 03TumSre
TumSre Gold Minfne Mlntcomfnz compKh certift certiftwkicn certiftcats
cats 21 wkicn owners are are entitled t tm to tooertWet
oertWet of eqjiaLuQUflt of shares n nthe
the Detet1U5C5 rout oSOUsd oSOUsdIflines
Iflines cem5t17 cem5t17Cert
Cert N5m45 Shores Aral Aral2COO Aintis
is A W urrws 2COO 40 o w wfSO
22 A W Bdrroa fSO j w 0
m Lahi Miiner MiinerW ISO 2fc 2 01
W A A VV Bwrrdip 13rr0550310 35 JU JUIVW 15 15EurroWs
145 A W Burroift IVW 3040 3040OrdOrs 9 9i
i Orders for stotA jto fP Zr whlelt ttsftiflcatpd ttsftiflcatpdhav emti ulcatpo ulcatpohave
have not been issued aiiflIbf and which boW boWers holdore
ers are entitled to eartlneatos for equal equali equalamount
i amount of shares hSXe Sa the DaxterTuscaro DaxterTuscarora
ra CoBsoHdateC IflmK Company CompanyKaBwe COtnIanytamm
KaBwe i S S S Sharr SharrE Stuires mt mtK
E K G Pierce IS ISAndrew zv zvAndrew
Andrew Hewatt 7i 7iH i
H 1 1 C SOtttBWOTtJi S 275 275S 7j 7jS
S H So otbworth Jbwq h S SM 22M
M c SouOiYDrtrti Southie tk tkB 28 28E
E H IL Sowthworth SouthWorthC S SC
C S OUtWen 25 25H 1
H K Soathworqh 9 9n be beH
H 1Is00unan n trustee 1JKH 20 10 fei feiE
E O Lee v 3ttg 914 914BUSH 6014ftia
BUSH ftia Cl Clagharn ghom 188 X XArthur 2Arthur
Arthur Sirrews airrew X i iS 2S M Mis
is S B anmtr LSSS ssss ssssand 2351and
and In aecordailce with law and an or order ordsi ¬
der of the board of directors made Nov Novli ov
li IMS 1I so o many J 5harejs Mires of each pejcel ol olsuch otsuch
such stock as may mr bo necessary will te tesold HS HSsoM
sold at the th companys office 4 It ilcCor ilcCorBlek McCornick
nick block Salt Lake Cilj Utah on th thernoon the the5th
5th dsy of January 1604 at Il Oclock at aternoon
ernoon to nay p delinquent aaemmfent aaemmfenttkereon aaeesnntthereon
thereon tog tosether U r with coat of adver fttng tftdngand fttngi
i and expense of sale saleI ate ateT
L I D T LBEf Secretary SecretaryOffice SecretaryOffice
Office 4W u McCorntelt block blockBy blockBy
By order of the board4j directors at a ameeting ameeting
meeting on January 71 i IOL14 H tb the sale of ofalrYe th thabrve
abrve listed stock Is postponed till Feb February ybrusty ¬
rusty 2 1CM at 10 oclock a i m of said saidday saIdda
day da L 1 D LEE SecretaryDel1nqueut Secretary SecretaryDelinquent
Delinquent Uptice UpticeGOMSTOCK iot1ee iot1eeCo3IsTocl
GOMSTOCK sitvlsk atiStofG I1tNG CUll OOMpan CUlleuy
pan euy Principal olaceof BCslneJs btsiners resins resinsI
faBd I ad 8 Walker JtenfeBSimra aiii llUIldIbz ajt a1t Lake LakeCity Lake4Itx
City Utah Nutlet NotlseJihere Therer are lelln leIIflf4IlSIIt leIIflf4IlSIIt0pi tte t tOHin
OHin the following d sarlba stock on sc scnt e ecottnt
cottnt nt at assessment o 6 levied upon uponthe uponthe
the 12th th day of D December cmber IfiiB the sev several seveil ¬
eral amount set onfinslte the th nam names oi oithe u uth
th the rMpaeiiva sas asehQIddrs hiaj s as foHows foHowsrJOt tollowSNot
rJOt Not Of OfCert = S
Cert Ittune Shares hres Amount AmountSW
SW O 1 Yvmm Y W5Sire eAV tI0 2 gW gWSU 55 t11 t11Ill
SU G T 1 NJlswsei tlO JftW JftWgf 00 00JelOt
gf Jolts M 31G1IUJ1W l lW 1tT 1000 1000Jihi
W John SfcK SfcKat McNMIr Ilh0i 111 3 3MI
at Y li NusIMa310 NusIMa310F3Nusin
F3Nusin F3NusinJ
J S Zid 00 00PLPs
5 5ms5bn
main outftkl outftklThey outlit zblsnket snob rid ridsbest
sbest h1 afIeier At nIihs thebuiIt thebuiIta
a tire and r1lti4teti otOr it till mopzlng mopzlngUhty
They hud aIfCtl a little flour This they theystirred theystirred
stirred in sfta wnziuwatjir warpfHl atid drink The Theman Thismn
man showed m elf ht cups ernour ernourall or ilopr iloprtall
all they the had add J PellY elly striokan with withfamine th thfamine
famine 200 miles say They said also alsothat airoI
I that there was an Indian behind that thatthey thatthey
they had whacked fair bttt that thatcould > ho hoI
I could not keep me I did Id not believe believethey believethey
they had whacked fair else vvoujd the theIndian theI
I Indian have kept tip But I eotiKl ud give givethem ve vethem
them no grab They strove to jsifeal a adofp adothe
dofp dothe the fattest which wasvon was ve y pah pahbut lfln lflnbut
but I shoved my pistol in tbefi Jces fgeesaM i iand
and tow them begone And tlje they r want wantaway wentaway <
away like drunken men through the theSilence theSilence
Silence totv toxttrd r Rcfly lljlyI v vI
I had three doss cow and ow o sled sledand sledand
and the the dogs were only bone hair hairWhen haltWhen
When there isjittle wood the flra Burns Burnslow burnsow
low ow arid the cibin bin grows cold S So with withus vlthns
ns With little grub the fro froc bites bitessharp bitesoltarp
sharp and our fgees > V e bl bIJi k and andfrozen nd ndfrozen
frozen till our own mdtliers would not nothave nothave
have known us And our feet waae wcii very vsrysore verysore
sore In the morning when I Tfclt it the thetrail thetrail
trail I sweated to keep doWo the th cry crywhen crywhen
when tbe pain ot the fenowao ovsho pnofe pnofeme moVe moVeme
me Faseuk hover opened her ll Uj > 5 Ti Tistepped iiut iiutstepped
stepped to the foe to break t the 8Trav 8TravThe nay nayThe
The man howled hewlettThe howledThe
The Thtrtyinile was swift and the thecurrent c ccurrent
current ate awathe awe the ice from bflji bfljiland heih heihand
land there weft w4any aany air holSs holSscracks hoi0 and andcracks
cracks and rauci snuchpen open wafer One Onewe Onewe
we came upon lbS m mas x resting f fdrh fdrhhad fr frhad
had goo aheadAS Was nslils Tils Wonrii Woilnlhe Woilnlhemorning > fie fieTRorninr
morning But between tis waf wa op opwater opan opanwater
water This ho h had pa5Sd htrtfll11I rorfM BJT BJTtakjng btI
I takjng to the rim ice where iCjUgis it i1s i1sI o onarrow
I narrow for a sled So we foui found f a aite > l lbridge h hbrtdge
bridge Passuk weighed little atfd went wentfir wentliret
fir liret with a long pole crosswise in her herbands herband
bands in cttaace chap e she broke through throughBut througitRut
But she was ligi iigit t and her sho thoes s laX lrryeand C Cand
and she passed over Then slie culled culledthe stUe4 stUe4the
the dogs Bat they had neither ipolel ipolelnor pole polenor
nor shoes anti they broIlS thftnjglf a and andwere a awere
were swept under by the water I held heldlUgbt heldtight
lUgbt tight to the sled from behind jbffl the theunder lie lietikce
tikce broke and he gs went on dot dotUnder
under the ice There was little meat to tothen tothebl
then but I had counted cmntedon on thamior a aweeks aweeks
weeks grub ttib and they were gone goneThe gone1he
The next morning I divided allthjft allthjftgrrub all thst thstgrub
grub which was whs yttle we into three per pertkn i itions
tions And I told Long Jeff that be becould hecould
could keep up with us or not as he hesaw hesaw
saw fit for we Were going to1 travel trayellight j jlight
light and nd ftpfc 1aM But he raised his voice voiceand voiceand
and cried vec his sore feet and his histroubles histroVbIes
troubles aad aW 3d harsh things s4na s4nacoinraSeship BsE
557 57 L S Hazelton MO MOfW 24 00
fW 520 S c t HazelUMt 6W b
5 520 C B MarktaiMl MaitlsiidI0 LOW 10000
167 W C B Markland tarkIsnd111k lfi 10000 10000g
S g C Htel Ilaheltoh oK 9 sty
673 S c HcLzelton Huzelton500 500 500Samuel
3 Samuel J Paul
500 6 Samuel J Paul sS sS5W 000 t U Uall
5W Robert flo K Wfcfdison WfcfdisonJr
Jr 19 19f
93 JO C Iitrenes1600 rL
f 201 E C ParwHW m 41410L
W K C Pavsons 300 300Parsons 1 1OW
OW j4 Parsons SS
g 120 Jlos ObernAftter S0 3
5f 200 Henry Loanon SCO SCOAL
AL Dussetdorf tc000 1t 1tis
K A W QattBCtwr MS MSW 10 10w
W B ForrebSj 350 350Fred II IN INI00
I00 Fred Hasbaad I a t
87 5 Sam Hartman 100 35 0
2 78 Mike Brand W 60 60Saddle
Saddle Newman MO 20
MI B Bthsr tn r Eteemin BIeeIuii 109 109WO 10
WO David Javjd BfH Ehenikn nwin 25 P l il ilsit
Wl David Bl8 lmmaii man 25B 25BDavid lit liti2
i2 David Blseaian 259 259alS i t ti3
alS i3 David Bfeeraaa SO
84 Ellas iIaa Michaels 3H 3HW >
315 1Uas MJchehi
W 911 Bllas Mlaels 260 0 S tO
517 7 Bllas 1ia MKhael 2BO I
510 ERas Ilidheels 32 32Sn
93 William S Stix K SO
924 4 William SOx lie 26wS
2 S William Stix 220 220Stix
8 William Stix 3t 3tW7 liS
W7 William Stix 150 150lam B BS
S Clara lam F Stix Six200 Six200ml Sfif SfifS
S ml W 1i B KUwttmn 1S6 1S6Ml
Ml 3 Rena Cohen 8K > 500 500i
982 i Simon isenan 9 500 0
933 9 Kettle Lippman Upptuant 900
4 George W v Msllns 334 334MS
MS Jacob J Werthaimer 3 3Ml IIS
Ml 20 Chas L L Swans 31 31S 33
540 S Fred Kasband 100 100S67 10 10 4
S67 67 C C H HIgiss tlns MO LI 0 0lis
5 lis < MelborneTPotter 4eIborne Potter lfi IliOs >
880 Os Metborae Potter M Mlttl 160 10 10iOuI
lttl Ben en D Lure ICO ICOKW3
KW3 13 Ben D Leer 100 2005
1 1015 < H Joe Oberndorfer 10Q 10QN G 0
1022 N and L Bry J3 1110 0 01QM
1QM William Stix Bi5ixISO sO 00
166 J S Perrts PerrtsU 4
U 11211 a WillIam Stklu
1058 William SUx 1C 1C105S 10 10j41j3
105S William Stix ltd lt 10
1 1004 4 William Stli tJx If 10 0
J < W Herbert W Waistcoat l coat II II110ft 100 lu 0 0J100
110ft A P Kenransky SCO 0
1124 J Rice UN
1135 J RlcVs 1tIc L 150 d
1 1150 John Ryan 1 1ll 120
ll 1130 John Ry ltyn n 100 jOd
1181 John Ryan lS lS11SJ 00 >
11SJ Jin Ryaa Rya340 Jfl JfllU 1
lU 1132 WillIam StU WB I
V1W 1134 William SUx <
1135 1l WlHkun SUx I I11K 000 SbC SbCIIIO
11K Wilflaai Stix Stixiiai 0 0l13
iiai l13 William wmfamU Ifthc W It A
U 1122 William SUx SUxHi PlO r
Hi 1140 John Ryan 260 >
1171 H G Wood 200 200lm 20
lm Frank Romel W W11W a
11W Franx Riiroel umet 10 I I1l71 rj
117 Prank R Ruel I 1 1147C i iLI7S
147C p Frank fAft fAfti
117 itan RqmCl 10 101ili
1ili E A CrUew0d 20
1 S 1 5 3
i 14 g j 1sut >
14 L P Claris v Ajw AjwJ2K 00 00AtfidHamjJtIer100
J2K Alfred AtfidHamjJtIer100 Haatgrger 1J Q QKl8
Kl8 135 J 7 S ForrK ForrKlxn 1rrlghis IfC IfCSome
Some fb fbS
S lxn Aftwrt L MR aratcUp k > >
1373 J G M 4egeath eealh
1 Joe Qierndvrfr QierndvrfrS
S 1100 Joe Qsostlerfor 10
Psti feet were re and my feet feetWor310faye
w Wor310faye r W lFare sorer than his hisbad fOr we wehad
bad wotfked with the dogs also we welookedto welooked
lookedto looked te see Long Jeff swore h 1e would wouldOie4igf wouldd1e4Z4r4
Oie4igf d1e4Z4r4 tft 1 hit tV trafl axata s sPasguk SO SOPat1k
Pasguk tcv t4 a fur robe and la L a oook oookirtg oookI111ot
I111ot irtg pot and mn ax and we made ready readyto readytogo
to togo togoBut go goBut
But she looked on the oians ins per JKMTtttni pertieIi
tttni and te1d Md It is wrong to waste wastegood wtstgood
good food on a baby He is better betterdead betterdead
dead I shook my head and std no nothat no1h
that 1h a comrade once was a comradealways comrade comradealways
always alwaysThen alwaysThen
Then she spoke of the men 04 of Forty FortyMile FortyMile
Mile that they were many men and
8004 and nd that they looked to me fot fotarub fotub
arub ub in the spring But when I stIlld stilt stiltairfd
airfd d no she snatched the pl pisipi pl from frommy frothmy
my belt quick and sm our brother brotherBettics brotherThtties
Bettics has spoken Long Jeff went to tothie totlW
thie bosom of Abraham before his time tJmeI
I chided Passuk for thfe but she tibeshowed sheshowed
showed no sorrow nor was she Sot sorrowful Sotiowful ¬
rowful And in sty m heart I kitew she stoewas sheWas
was right rightSitka rightitka
Sitka itka Oharley paused and threwpieces threw theewpices
pieces of ice into the gold pan on the thestove thestOve
stove The men were silent and thou thairbacks thoubckz
backs chilled to the sobbing cries of ofthe oftl
the tl dogs as they gave tongue to their thslrmrenry theirmTay
mrenry to the outer ceM ceMAnd ceMAnd
And ia dtw by b day 4a3rwe ve paeeed in the thetoow theiaow
toow iaow the sleeping places of the two twogIi two1tetsPaeauk
gIi 1tetsPaeauk ets Passuk and I Iand ind we knew knewg knewoiiLtbe
g wottM oiiLtbe be glad for such ere we made madeSklV madeItlVte
SklV ItlVte Water Then we came to the In InHI IIilike
HI like Another ghs ghost with his fels fsfcc fsfcciifel
iifel ls toward Petty They had not notwitackediM not5wb5ackediip
witackediM fair the man and the boy beyh boysaid
h said 31n4 d he had bad no fl lishr r for forthree forttiree
three days Each ni night ht he boiledpMcee boiled boiledpieees
pieees of his moccasins in Ina s etp vp andate and andate
ate them He did not have much nuic nuiccasins mdccasins
casins left And he was a coast In Indh Intfln
dh and told us these thlMgs thinMir0ugh thinMir0ughP irough iroughPAesuk
PAesuk P ssuk who tntk tsleet his tongue He Hewa Hewas
wa was a stranger in the Yukon and he heIcew heknew
knew not the way but his face wan WRSset wanset
set to Pelly How far was it Two Twosleeps TWOsepa
sleeps Ten A hundred He did didnef didnet
net know but ne was going1 to Peljy PeljyIt PehlyIt
It was too Car ar to turn back he could couldonly could010W
only keep oa oaHe onHe
He did not ask for grub for he hecocld 1leci15
cocld see we too were bard put P Pta Ptasyk < is issuk
suk syk looked at the man and at me as asthjE astlgi
thjE tlgi gh she ih were of two minds like a amother amother
mother partridge whose young are in introuble Introuble
trouble So I turned to her and said saidThis saidThis
This man has been dealt unfair Shall ShallI
I pve him of our grub 0 pOrtion pOrtionsstw
I sftw her ejee eya light as a with quick quickpleasure quickplOazure
pleasure bu but abe ee looked tone at the
37 Jos Qberndorfer Qberndorfer4K LOIS 10000
Joe Oberndorfer Oberndorfer3g9 1001 1I 03
1540 3g9 Joe Oberadorfer OberadorferJos 1000 100 00
14041 Joe Cern ObernOorfer > rfer rferJ 1W 5O 00 0014I
14I J p MeSisath1 Meeeaih MeeeaihC iOGIS
14113 C H Scfceu ScfceuC 5 20
1444 C C H Scheu ScheuM 20
4414 M C n Sen Se4iei 5000
1445 C H Scbew 550 IS
1 1447 7 C H SSrea SSreaMil 0 20 00 00t44g
Mil t44g C M Dopont Dopont4K 5 50 55 55tOl3
tOl3 4K Ole Johnson Johnson4Sf 100 15 tI tIIjIf
IjIf 4Sf Ola Johnson Johnson4SS 100 10O
1412 4SS I R Sbjrfer1 155 10 20 2014i
14i 43 L I R Skater 300 1000 1000W
08 W W Armstrong Armstrongill 300 jO 00
1 ill Barney McNaraora McNaraoraJSK 40 00
JSK X Dusseldorf 1000 30400 30400IMS
1385 J P Spaniaihs Yb 11100 11100LOIS
LOIS J P Spsnwiiag SpsnwiiagLM 410 2500 2500Thcs
LM Thos G Love LoveJSCI Love1531 3000
JSCI Barney afcNantara afcNantarai5p 65 65j31
i5p j31 J Levlberg LevlberglM t0 SOd
1100 lM WIlTlsjn Villism Ru Rusiol el dA 0 0UI7TLOV0
1487 UI7TLOV0 T O Lov LovIffl4 10 bOO bOO1M4
Iffl4 M DuseeMort DuseeMortE ThisseOdort1500 10000 100001s
1s E J LuMgb LuMgbL 100 1400 14001I54
L 1I54 4 K J Ludv1 Ludv116S Ludrigh 00 1400
16S 10 13 J Ludvtih Ludvtih1BT TAdIhI 100 1000
1BT 1 7 Ceo R Hancock HaawsocktSL 060 ES 00
tSL 1 Win J Suck SuckOBS 100 iS 0
1 Gus Lollfewlte Lollfewlte1C40 IZI 5005 5005I
I r cion 100 2000 2000L202
L202 DanIel Drytq 110 1000
1C40 Thomas Corngan CornganL 100 10
1642 L Xax Aax Haaauer J JI 7 17
I 1115 Job John JIcNally 8BO 8BOA 25 rIO rIO1IS
1IS A Hanauer Jr 3 3Jos 100 20 00 001l
1l Jos Jo Obenidorfcr 330 330J 00 0014PAnson
14PAnson J P Anaoa ir irXax 110 ISOI ISOI1t
1t Xax tax Hammer 125 12 i
19 1004 A Hanauer Jr K K16K 25
16K 1 A Baaauer Jr 5W 5W1M 55 00
1M M J 1 Dowlin DowlinT Zt 2 30 30T
T R Jod Obomdorfer ia 1 < K KL ii PJ
L 130 0 Mi M J Dowfia tlosvUl 25 5 5IjCS 2 50
IjCS Bank of Commerce eensmerceH 50 00 00Rb2
H Rb2 73 Jos Oberndorfer OberndorferUR4 S S16r4
UR4 Metta Boettcher 1 1J 1 1 1LW
J LW K C A ScHen P P1W7 roe roeL12
1W7 L12 T Rifle Browne Browne1CIS 551 551l13R
1CIS l13R R J Decker Dcck52005 if 35 35L7
L7 L JOB Obemaorfer 1009 ioo 00
1781 JOB Jo Oberniorfw 1M 1MVStt 100 100L72
VStt Joe Oberntlorfer iSO IMftLOS 100 100ia
LOS Jos Oberndorfer t t1M tn 101 0 0Ll4
1M Jos Oberndorfer Oberndorfer17Jos lfa io 00
17Jos 1725 3m nberndorfe > lflg 1005 300 os
179B Joe Oborndorfer 10 10Jos 1000 huJ CO
1717 Joe Obemdorfer l 1155 l lJ 10003 10003L7
L7 J Joe Obernrtorfer lWO lWO11KI itisjI
11KI I 720 Jo Joe Obernclorfer 198 15011ijt
1731 Jos Oberadortar OberadortarIw3 10110 i00
Iw3 Jos Obemrtorfer 1404 < ISo to toii
ii 1 Joe Oberndorfer 7W >
1734 Roic Lane L500 220e 220ei
i C bL pont 1000 100 Co
1716 J P 5C peath1705 370 370And 37l jo jond
And nd In accordaao with th the law and ni an anerder anerler
erder of the he board of 4trecter < 4Ir cter made de on onthe onthe
the 12th tt5Y y ftf December ises so nay nvtnyslwrea nayeires
slwrea of each iwurc1 ee of > f said clock eto k as asnuetfaa asmay
may be ecettsarv wlfl bc sold sit pii piiuei5tlen
nuetfaa at t the affte W 7 of f 4h the trpijrnr trpijrnrrOISflB Kff1 Kff1roams
roams and S WaUcer a Bank b iuIIdin5 iuIIdin5eefl5e1 dfoit dfoitcdriier
cdriier ofMate and 5J Second South streets streetsSuit strectiSil
Suit Lake Lk Ctt Itv It ttab i on Thursday the tbe4tk8ay the4th
4tk8ay 4th day of February 19M at a 2 ocleck p pat pni
at to e pav p delinquent ast asIteemrts Mm rte to tosethar togetlier
sethar with the cost of advertising and andAGLfi tn tnoxpssee
Treasurer TreasurerAGLE
ttoti Lieu of f prlBcipal place of business Salt SaltI SaltIke
I Ike ke City tJttb Wottc is hereby given givontfat giventhat
that the board ef rti diieort ctore oC the ab above aboveiid ve veWxneci
Wxneci iid corporation t a m meetlsg etias of said saidHfcnJ said1lSiariJ
HfcnJ luy ratted ard regularly held at ato at6iolf1oe
6iolf1oe o offlo i of the conpaay c nny m Salt Lake LakeBMv
411 BMv lltb on Jai 1 lW levied an
man and at roc and her mouth dfew dfewcjose dfcsCQ1ile
cjose CQ1ile and hard and she salilXo aal io The TheSalt TkcSalt
Salt Wat Wattr r is afar off and Death Hf Hfin licein
in wait J3etter it is that h btnke tfike Thi Thistranger this thisStranger
Stranger man and let my roan rnah Charley Charleyjwss tbarleypa5s
jwss So the man went away in the thesilence thesilence
silence toward Pclly PeI1 That night she shetxept shewept
wept Never had I seen her weep be before before ¬
fore Nor w was ittbc smoke of the fire firefor flr flrfor
for the wood wa was dry wood woodLifd woodLild
Lifd is a strpngo thin thing Why this thislonging thislonging
longing fors forhlfe life It Is a game which whichno
no man wins To live is to toll hard hardana hardand
ana to suffer sore till old ge e creeps creepsheavily creepsheavily
heavily iion up on us and wo throw down downour downour
our hands on the cold ashes of dead deadflres dondflres
flres It is hard to live In pain th thbabe the thebabe
babe sucks his first breath in p paIn in tfeKojd the theold
old man sucks BH last and all his bisdays hisdays
days are full of trouble and sorrow sorrowyat sorrowyet
yet ho goes down to the open arms of ofdeath ofdeath
death Mumbling faning 1 liIii vi 1tJt i head headturned headturned
turned backward lighting1 to tlie tlt last lastAnd lastAtid
And daath is kind It is only lite and andthe andthe
the things of life that hurt Yet we welove welove
love life and we hate death It is very verystrange verystrange
strange strangeWe strangeWe
We spoke little Passulr and I in the thedays thedays
days which came In the night we w lay layin layin
in the snow like dead people and in the themorning themorning
morning we ve went on our way walking walkinglike waInglike
like dead people And all things were weredead weretload
dead There were no ptarmigan no nosquirrels nosquizrels
squirrels no saowshow rabbits rabbitsitoth rabbitsitothIng noth nothing ¬
ing The river made no sound beneath beneathits
its whito whitorobes robes The sap was froaen in inthe inthe
the forest And it became cold as now nowand nowI
I and in thenight te night the stars drew near nearand nearand
and largo and leaped and danced and andin andIn
in the day the sun dogs mookfed us till tillvz tillue
vz ue saw many BURS and all the air airGashed hfrOnshed
Gashed and sparkled and the snow snowifas snowwas
was diamond dust And there was s no noheat noheat
heat no sound only the bitter cold coldand coldzjil
and zjil the silence silenceSks sliettceI
Sks I say we walked like dead pee people pee1tl0f1 ¬
ple 1tl0f1 as In a dream and xe kept nocount no nocount
count of time Only our faces were set setto setto
to salt water our souls strained for forsalt forsalt
salt water and our feat feeterr1ed osfrried us to toward toward ¬
ward salt water waterOur wdterOpr
Our lastgrub test srub went and Wf had hadglared halar
glared ar dfttlr feir Passuk auk anX an4 but ut sg sub foil foilmove ett ettrffore
move ouch an and at Cipbon CiIbon CFJ CFJJier erQet0g erQet0gIter
Jier streirsth left aert Arifi 4n41 in the thejH thejH1ng iom iomfng
fng ite we my beneath the one rett a adid and anddid
did not take the trail It was in mymIid my mymind
mind to stay there and meet death deathhandinhaad deathhaildInhtd
handinhaad with Pass Passuk k forI for I bad badgrown badrondl
grown rondl old oldnd and bad htdIrddt3ie latrneji the Icnm OV o owoman of ofltomfm
woman Avteo it wai Wa eighth e1g1i adieu to toHanies tqHanles
Hanies mission and the great Chilcoot Chilcootfar Chilcootfar
far above the til timber line reared his hiestbnnswept histIt
stbnnswept tIt rInittpt5 bean betWeen B BWt t Passuk Pas Peuk ¬
suk uk spoke to me low with my ear earagainst earagainst
against her hip lips that I might hear And Andnow Andii
now ii becauSe she need not tear my myanger myanger
anger sb she spoke her bert and told me meof meof
of her tatfe and of many things which whichI
I did not understand understandAnd undtrstdAnd
And ah 8Ii > said You are my man manCharley mancl2arlelr
Charley and I have baen a good woman womanto
to you And in all the ffltya I have havemade havemade
made your fire and cookedoronr food foodand foodanti
and fed your doge and lifted ptiddle or orbroken orbroken
broken flrail I have not complained complateedNor
Nor did didI I say that tIters was more morewarmth moresrnith
warmth in the lodge of my father or orthat ortht
that there was more grub rub oh on the Chit CbttcaL Chiteat
caL When you ou Save sjiok sp n I have havelistened havelistened
listened When you have ordered I Ii Ihave
i have obeyed Is it not so tkarieyAxiq Qbarley QbarleyAnd
And I said Aye A it is IsAna s sl
l Ana she said When first you came cameto camsto
to the Chilcat nor looked Ioked uponme byt bytbought bptbought
bought niie as a manbuys mn 4rna a dog and andtook aMtooknie
took tooknie me away my heart was hard hardagainst hardagainst
against you and filled lilled with bitterness bltterneesand bitternessand
and fear But that was long ago For For3pii Foryou
3pii you werd klaft to me Charley tiutr1e a a good goodman goodnian
man is iskind kind to his dog Your heart wa wacold was wascold
cold and thiwe was no room for mo meyet moyet
yet you dealt me fair mind your ways wayswere wayswere
were just And I was with you when whenyou whenyou
you did bolddeeds bold deeds and led great yen ventures yentures ¬
tures and I measured you against the themen themen
men of other breeds and I saw you youstood ytmustooa
stood among them full fublof pf liosol noaor and andyour andour
your our word ordwaSWhe wasiw e ydur tongue tree treeAiid tree4p5d
Aiid 1 grew prowl of yoti you till it came cameaat camethatyou
thatyou aat you filled all ll m heaft and all allmy allmy
my thought was of you You were as asthe a j jthe
the midsummer sue when its golden goldentraIl j jtrail
trail runs rpns in a circle and never leaves leavesthe leavesthe
the sky Aid w wmatever tever tvny I cast my myer rn rn0esI
er 0esI I beheld the sun But y your ur heart heartwas heartwas
was ever cojd Charley and there was wasno 1 1no
no room roonAnd j jAnd
And I said It is so It was cold coldand baldand
and there was no room But that is ispast Ispast
past Now my heart is like the th snow snowfall znoWfall ¬
fall in the spring when the sun has hasceraevbaek hascomebaek
ceraevbaek There is a great thaw and anda d da
a heading a soundof sound of running waters watersand watersand
and budding a and sprouting of green greenthings greenthings
things And there is drumming of part partridge partIidgeff ¬
ridge and songs of robins and great greatmusic rreatmusic
music for the wiitfar is broken Pas
assessment of oaenalf of one cent per perstaro pc pcstare
stare oa all the issued and zid ontstandtng ofltstandingshares ontstandtngshares
shares of the oapiral stock qf the cur corporation curioratlon ¬
poration parable or Feb K KKH 04 to toWilliam toWilliam
William Placfcel secretary of the com company coinfny ¬
pany ct aU office rooms 20 and 21 Com Commercial coinnereiaI ¬
mercial National Bank block corner Sec Second Seeond ¬
ond South and Commercial streets Salt SaltLake SstLake
Lake City Utah Any mock upon which whichauction whichsa44
sa44 a5ethest nmay t03uaIH npaid on
2 1001 will Ire dadnqt 20i Feb 24 24ltq1
ltq1 anti advertised for rale at public publicuetiou
auction a and d unlese payment 4s made madeoro mado6oor
6oor oro wi8 be srfld w March 17 19W to topay toMy
pay the delinvuest ssseesmeat together togretberwith togetherwith
with the cost of advertising and expanses expansesof
Secretary eagle agle Mlnio Company Booms
20 and a C Cimmnierelat mraer al National BeaS BeaSBloek Bail BailBloek
Bloek Salt I Lake ake Cltj Ctt Utah Utahpelinquent ttahDelinquent
Delinquent Notice NoticeLITTLE N fr frLITTLE
company Principal place iftCC wf busmcss busmcssSalt businoisSalt
Salt L4KO City Lean There are dads cleilaquent dadsquent
quent upon the following deacribeastock described describedstock
stock Ofc account of asaeeemeMt Nv Itf Itfje 1 1of
of 1 je eit t per charts levied on the 3sa 3saDecember 20ddajaf
dajaf December 1108 poysbid payflti on or be beoppestte befare
fare 30 i3Vi tke ievsl tnouats set setOpposite
Opposite the names ot the respective respectiveanarebolders respectivesnareholders
anarebolders as follows foilewsNe followsN
Ne N Ko Ami AmiCert mmtisrt
Cert Shares Dtfe 1100I
3 C B Turner bel tO < e
37 8amii l li NeiaOfl LIOe M S9 W Wffl win
ffl paLes Lombard iUW 5J 300
63 SpLos DoLes Lombard W WW 1w > CO
W 7 3eLoa eLofi Lombard tjm 2JW 2i1 00
117 15 DoLes Lombard 3S25 aS S 35 35US 3
US Sainual H Netefn Lffi 11 U USOS l 24
SOS Mrs T D Sullivan 14 13 M 1940
206 Samaei H Nelson ti409 IM 189 DO DOSSS US
SSS Mrs JCIla S Sullivan lMvan ad admlntstratrlx adminisuatrix
mlntstratrlx Jm Id 000 W
230 ilrs lre Ella Ua Sullivan aft aftniintptratrlx adnilnItratrix
niintptratrlx lC < ia 1 W
272 Sheets Thomfisoa 369 9 aw 2 40
293 21 M E Pendergaet 1000 W 1 Oi 03lll1iBCote
321 lll1iBCote H B Cole T 1 30 it
33 Lahella Morltz IjSOO 303 1 18 00
338 L H Duaotn Ce m 5 5W2 505
W2 J A Plsra LCOJ 100 M 1060 CO COi
i 361 Joseph WJrthUn LOW 1900 1900SS4 10 00
SS4 31 M M iiater 10 MOO 1000I6
886 I6 JKOberndorfer 1SW J5 1353
420 W v W Armstrong 200 6 5 00 <
481 J A PHtrce i l 1032 JOa 100
422 W H Clark > X008 H 1000 > < X
426 Isabel McKlbbon 200 20 2tt 2tt4W 2 410 >
4W John BBlaolc 13 Black KS LI 5 0 00 00h9
479 O B Green Ji0 1000 K 3 tO 0
513 Shoots Thompson rhompsoi500 5 5W 5 00
520 5 Sheets Thompson m 5 W WHI
HI 101 Barntt Langlert 1 1a 14 146K 0 0I <
I 6K 25 Barnstt Ltt Langley ey ITO J W OSI WSK
I SK M M MUlar R 0 30 I 0
566 Sheets Thompson S PlO 5 W 00SrI
53 SrI c A t Layidga 400 4M 4 o oI
I 673 P F 3tf f ainim Smith SO iS S 00
588 F SfcSihmr > 0i 1W 1Wm
m F iL r Smith 2 rtO 2W 2Wm I IOts
m E M t West S 100 5 W 03SIT
1 SIT 7 R M West > 00 W S SlS4 5 5ill >
lS4 ill B M 3 West W 10041I S Si
i 666 41I Sidney BamBergar SW If IfG78
G78 J H HoHrdf J r 5W OO 1 1b7t
875 J W Smbleton W9 9I f fn 50 50rio >
rio n Nellie Ttll TS T Keogh Jfc rtU T T76iW 1005 1 LI LItIWLGrnoma
76iW tIWLGrnoma L Grooms 00 S
756 M M Miller > t 640 0 0Th1
755 Barrifett Langl Langley vy vy77G 030 o oTa
77G Ta Banieit Jjangjey i W8 5 5I
I 758 Bnrnett t Eangley GSB GSB7K 5 10 10mi
7K mi Barfttt Imngjey 5fl 0 5 35
7 1nmet MLA0111t3 15 5 50 50S 50si
S si 1IDatiLaI IS
313 C I tanti
rKatd < I hae loarned the love lovewoman > t twoman
woman55ie woman womanShe
She smiled ami III nioved for ra radra inS inSdrs41
dra drs41 her closer And pd sh said I lgktcr am amKlndT
KlndT After that sho ih lay quiet for a aIons along
Ions time tfmnebreattinc vbreat hifK softly 90th her h haJ haJupon ad adUpon
Upon my breast Th Phn n sims h whispered whisperedThe whisperedTb
The Tb trail erJs hor and I am ird irdBut reti retiBut
But ftrst I would pJLk of other thii g gIn gin
In the long ago tiu I was a girl oi oithe cithe >
the Chilcat I play played fd alone among tb tbakin h hakin
akin bales of my OtJiers lodge for h hmen he hemen <
men were away on Mi bunt ard h hwomen tiwomen
women and nd boys were dragging in rho rhomeat hc hcmeat
meat It was in liic be rnrin to5ng and t fa faalone a4 a4Ioe
alone A great brown hear 553 Jut auafc auafcfrom aw tk tkfrom < >
from hs winters sleep hungry hIs fur furhaaylnt furhanglngto
haaylnt hanglngto to the bones Jn flap of lean leanness iearflees ¬
ness shoved his heart Tithin tho lodge lodgfand lodgeand
and said sal Oo Jy brother < HIT HITrunning nnrunning
running back vlth > he first Fl eii d of ofnoet ofmeat
meat And h fought th thc bear v Ith Ithburning ithhutning
burning sticks from the fin ur > 1 h hdogs < 1 1do
do dogs s in tbeir theirbarn karn < MOb the S oled oledhind < MI MIbind >
bind them fell upt upoit n the bear Tr Trvas TIrewas
vas a great r at battle and much nihThey i er erThey
They rolled in th the > fir th he < nkin bales baleswere bIswere
were st scattered tt r d the he k 145e lse ov ovrthrtvii ovrthrtviiBut rthr < n nBut
But in the end th the bir h y d deati ad vitii vitiiihr v It Itibc
ihr ftnpers of my brother in his rrjth irthand rrjthand
and the marks of 1 hi claw up u r nv nvbrothers n nbrothers
brothers face fae nt ild i you mark ihr c Ir IrU Icdian
dian < U n by tIle Pelly trill his mitreit mitreitwhich 1lIIeIwhich
which had no thumb his hand > vhic vhiche v he hehe
he warned byour hr our lir tirC Ho H v wa a rn rnbrother v vbrother
brother And T said he shouM Uav Uavno
no grub And he went away in iiisilence ti tisilence <
silence without grub grubThte grubThis
This my brother vas th thPassuk i > f fPassuk
Passuk who third i ii the snow l by > y h hCaribou S SCaribou
Caribou crowing Jr I was a iitii hits jylove jy iuylove
love for she denied hT ti r brother bruti er fr f ii iiman h hman
man who led her away on weary trail trailto raiito <
to a bitter end ni And urthr urli < < ea eathis SR SRtbis
this womants iovc vc se e denied hisrif hisrifEre h iseif iseifEre
Ere her eyes closed for the last lime im she shetook shetook
took my hand and slipped it under he hesquirrel hesquirrel
squirrel akin parka her east I fe fethere 1 1 1there
there a well filled THJICO anJ ieane ieanetile tesI rie rietiseseeret
tile tiseseeret secret of her ios ici Mrenftb nh T fla flab3 > a aby
by day sise Il ± 1c had shtre lfilir ir to the las lasrleast lasleast
least hit and day Il by ay balf alf her ha hahad lat lathad
had she eaten The other 43ej half lia 1ial 1ialgone l lgone
gone Intp tnt the weli filUd pouch pouchAnd > ouch ouchAnd
And she eaid This is th tle ol 01 of ofthe ofthe
the trail for P Ptik s rk bat your tiail tiailharlev irstilharie
lharie harlev leaifi in n nnd osi wver th thgreat t1igeat
great Chilcout dvn to Maine8 flitS mission flitSlion ¬
lion and the r a And it itleads leads t > n an ani anien < i ion
on by the Hht bt of niafly suns ovrr un unknown UPknown ¬
known lands rnd rJ strange waters aid i iis iis
is full of years and honors ard a jzreaglories gross grossglories
glories It leads you lq the lodK o oirany 5 5man
irany man wom women n and troidwomen II women but i iviil lwill
will ncver lead ha yi > U t 115 a gnater ovr ovrtban OS OSthan >
than tne love of i Pas Pa4sUk Pa4sUkArd > uk ukAnd
And I kccu kne the woniac epoke uu uuBut ni niBut
But a madness < am < upon in < nJ I Ithrew Ithrew
threw the vtil iill lilli < l pouch frt ip ipand TP TPand
and swore that my trail had rvaeher a aend ii 5 5end
end till her tired eyeS grew rsw soft vitii vitiitentf itli itliteare
tentf and she said Among iren tut tutSitka line lineSitka
Sitka halley walked in honor an i ihas ve vehas
has his word been tnt JDoes jlioesget hv or orget
get his hono4 honof now a hl il talk vain v rds rdsby rd rdbl1
by the Cariboo crowing Dots cns lp 1 re remember remember ¬
member no more tiie 11101 ei of f > rty rty2t4e rtyU4e
2t4e U4e who gave ive iiim of vL Leir r gn grlb > b th thbeat thbest
beat of their dogn do5 ihe he pick Fver ver ha haPfftjsttk has hasPmosflk
Pfftjsttk ben proud of he man L Lhim Le Lehim
him lift himself ui gird ird OT hit ssiow ssiowshoae swshoes
shoes and begone tlat she may stiJ stiJkeep ti2 ti2keep
keep her pride pridelAn pridtAnd
lAn And < f when she grew cold in my in inI ms msI
I arose and sought oat the well filled filledpoach tilledpoucn
poach and girt on ry iy snowshoea and andstaggered awlMaggered
staggered along h icail for th there re wai waia waea >
a weakness in my knees And my mywas leaL leaLwas > <
was dixsy arid in my ar aw there > v is isroaring 55 55rerng
roaring and a flashing of fire upon rev reveyes n neyes
eyes eyesThe
The forgotten trail of boyhood anihack ani anhiback
hack to me I sat by the full pots of ofthe ofthe
the potlaeh feast and raised my voice voicefn voiceIn
fn song and danced to the chanting of oftbe o otbe
tbe men and maidens and the i ticoning > oonin ooninof 0 0of
of the walrus cbrama And Passuk hek hekmy himy
my haa hand and walked by ny sideWhet sideWhetI side Whet WhetI
I laid down to steep sh she waked m mWhen mWhen <
When I stumbled and fell she raisef raisefme
me 10 When I vamtered in the deepenow deep deepsnow
snow she led me back to the trail And Andin Andin
in this wise > ike a matt bereft of rea reason reaion ¬
son who sees Erange visions and wiles waoethoogbts < S Sthoughts
thoughts are light with wine I came cameto cameto
to Haines mission by the caSllk ca caSltk
Sltk Chailey threw back the tOut snt sntilaps 5 5lIsps
lIsps It wa was midday To the i s > uth uthjust 5 5just
just clearing the blakHenderson di divide ¬ 5 5ride
vide poised th the col coi1 disked suo eu On Oneither Iii 5 5either
either hand the sun un dugs biased Th Thalr ¬ 5 5air
air was a gossamer of glittering fr foe foeIn oe oeIn
In the foreground betide the trail a awolf awolf
wolf bristling with frost froaftthrust thrust a Jorl Jorlscoot t 5 5scout
scoot heavenward and nl monmec monmecCopyrigbt S Seopyzgbt
Copyrigbt 1901 by Jack Lonuoii
S14 Hugh Ohonnel h050 300 oo s o J JM
M 15 Darld Barnctt Jow 11 J o >
838 Thomas Training m mi mi2il i iAJ
2il AJ A J Underwood Underwood82t 7
82t 22 Arthur Ai1Inur LWry Lka 21 21And j jAnd
And in accoruarc with law nrvi nrviorder a aorder
order of the bo borj ru of o directors mar rna o otoo nthe
too 96 8ay < of Iierember Dff irsber 186 i00r i00rshares so soshares <
shares oCeaoh r rceel < > ctl of snck as asbe a abe <
be a noomeary aeas r will I > > sold at iht it o oOf ji jiof
Of the company NOF e 4T1 to 41 Suti SutiTauth uth uthTenth
Tenth JCa s4it st strict S Salt H Lake ake City rian rianon
on the t2th cny 91i of Ft Petmriznry snaJrr J 14 at atocil1041 1Z 1Zo
o ocil1041 2ock neon to pay < ne c Unqa ipqca ni a ant9saie as asinutO9e
nt9saie inutO9e t toreti tGrtr r wtb th coors ff ffadvertising ofadvertisIng
advertising and extse X5 > u of aa aaK te te5p
5p K MKTXNBT eataroIl etrUrv etrUrvNo
No oIl 47i to 41 South T Teath ath East Street StreetIt tiirectaIt
aIt It Lak Lake City rtaVy rtaVyed ltat ltat1ar10
ed this 27th 7th cay of o Janjary A D D1WL 11Notice
1ar10 1WL
Notice NoticeXOTICE NoticeXOTtCh
by the city oouuci sounc er St SaIl SaIli us usCity
City i of the irttriiicK it soch nch oiiniH t tmake to tomake
make the followiig oastTibe1 Tmpneve TmpneveJttnt rnpovcmoot
moot towit ExtenflB iiTl iIl rylt ryltaewer yint yintsewer
sewer lateral cm tao wst w ° sl side < i Sepntti SepnttiBast SeenthEast
East street between First South and e eend
end South streets in sewer district No 1 1and
and iefray th cost nod oxpanee tcreoT tcreoTstiinat5d
stiinat5d a eVll t i4red ntntythre ntntythreand
and no100 t00 dollars or o and
3010 itS L dollars per iren ieot ieotfoot t I men menfoot
foot by a local oei ssf IPC00cfl4 inchi f fpieces o dept deptof
of twentyfive i tea upom tte 1tn r rpieces
pieces of ground wStlmi the foDowing foDowing8cHbd de desc <
8cHbd sc bed distriPt b eng ng the dUnrici 10 t 1e 1eaffected > c caffected
affected or benefited by b SSki ai < jmprov jmprovment imsov imsovnient
ment namely The north 91X > fset of lot totI
1 the south 005 foct uf lot bio cioplat k kplit S
plat 3 3 Rait Lake City survey surveyVH surreyAl
Al VH protests and am objections to the car carTying carTytng
Tying out of such irtentfen nnrt be pre presented prosented ¬
sented in writing to the city recorder on onfcr onlr
fcr before the tth day ot o February > Wi Wiboa 120k 120kbnln4
boa bnln4 the time set et by said council trb trbit
it 1 will b bear J and consider such pr pr40Wt pr40Wtand > t 8t 8tand
and objections as may be made thereto theretoBy thiretoBy
By order of tbe tO city cooacil oi o oLake JaK JaKLake
Lake City TJtah JtahDated
Dated Dec 18th 1 1J WZ WZJ t a
J S CRITCHLOV City Recorder RecorderSewer S SSewer
Sewer Extension No o 12t i20BIll
BIll 111 of Sale SaleI Sad SadINOW
I KNOW ALL MKK BY THESE PltS6 PltS6ent P1t5Cflti
ent < That Roy Cahoon ot Salt H Lafce Lafcetv LKIit
Iit tv Utah the partye the first par partor parfor
for and in considEration of the sum or orat Ofslsht
slsht at hBnre hunOred dollar to Mm in in band bandd hudpaid
paid d bf M M Condon Cf Park Ci Cirtcelpt C1t3 C1t3Utah
Utah the pasty of the second part Uii Uiiglreipt
narebf acknowledteu acknowledteuhas > 1 1hs
rtcelpt whereof is gu wie
hs granted Bargainee sold oi eind n coi coivored JJV JJVTerecf
Terecf vored and by these prw psnts nt Uo grant grantbsrgshi
unto the wi aai aaiptrfy i iof
bsrgshi sIl 1 and convey
ptrfy of the second iWPfc his executors executorsadJrtWSttatora ezecutorsadsilaletrsiors S
adJrtWSttatora adsilaletrsiors nd aastsns his i biteteet biteteettt wt t tstreet
tt the eStoon at Xe 42 ast Second SecondIduth
Iduth street consisting of pool tank taolfstock tankg4swtre
g4swtre stock naSh register chairs chairsir cba rg rgloe
ir inliles loe linoleum n4 n bar r toote and sjsatoning andeli
eli other fialures and furniture not notIonIng
Wagoner Brewing Brewingcllfiny rowflg rowflgcourpeny
toning to the Henry
cllfiny courpeny All indebtedness is to be paid paidfry pale paleby
fry sid Roy Cabdon M M Condon topfty topftyday to y ysaid
said Boy Cahoon oUr iiundsd 74OilS0 oe oeda
day da o of sal an SIi < l balvr hllLrie oa tee 15th tr day dayat da daof
at Fitaniary 19CK 19CKmj 1004Iii
Iii wlthees whroo I ye heretnt net netmi
mj hand tk n I Ui day of Jahu Jahua

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