OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, February 19, 1904, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-02-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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I kr1Ebu4P 1 Jr < r
U C j A T Z w i < c t VffEiMHEX lJlSTEIJITJON r8Eff FOff Foij SAte SAtePair ti4 f
f C Sliver tC pcr oiw oiwI
I F ESTABLISHED ED JUNE dUN 6v 6 18 1870 70 PRICE FlUE GENTS GENTSSALT f CopPer 1 C Ne 1t 1 to
+ = Lead d t3gStw 3330 tw Y YORk J tJlw t i iSALT
j jJsQ
Dispatch JsQ t b From Seoul Says the Fssians ilpi ilpiied jsIMsHalle Have Dc DcG
p G cupied upi ied edWiju Wu WijuStoutoenial Stout Sto ut DeniaJcitftm DeniaJcitftmPort Deni aJt FU9 From V Tbkio TbkioPort kiO kiOPortArt >
Port PortArt Arthur ur Advioes Say the Three Damaged D llagea Warships Will WillSoon WillI VillSoon
I M Soon Be Ready R ady For Action ActionSfikiulj Aotl AcIionSi41l nJ nJPH
Sfikiulj P PH ih lrThe report that three tho thousand s saiidBusian d Russian Rus ian troops bad r d ar arrivod arrlvod arrivGd
rivod rlvod at tS1duT1OheBg Shia TiemOheng oppesite Wiju on the TalU Yalurlver river is confirmed confirmedas con rmed rmedis
as i is jie h e report th that t the E RuHltuls laixs haya av oooqpiod oocnwi iWlju itself They have haveOOOtroopa
2000 OOOtroopa troops at a atW1j Wlju a nd d the first rst 00111Ili colHaiea ie ejqpaeted somewiere s somewiere in that thatvirfaily thatvicmity thatI
I virfaily virfailyCDokie vicmity1J10ki8 viciiyTokie
CDokie 7eb 18 lSThe The reports which have ve b bez x sent out to the effect effectthat effectthat effectthat
that Russian troops have crowed cro ed the Yalu Y lur1vrit rfv i4vr and are movingsoutli movingsoutliwith mQvingSOUUlwtththe movinsouUiwith
wtththe with th ths hjact of seizing Hi ing Ping Yang az are dselaied dM1 J dto to be unfounded Late Latereliable Latreliable Latere1iab1
reliable reports from Wlju state that the Russians are ar assembling as embliug in inioroe inforoe inforoe
foroe OB e tfc 6aorth tb3 north side of the Yalu but tJt ioy have Bet attempted to cross crossthe crossthe crossI
I the riv rt rivr or r stove further south southParis 8OuthP
I P Paris i P Jb 0b 18 18Th 7he > St Petersburg aorrespondant Q pondent of th thlt Journal says saysin saysiJl saysi
in i a dtepaieh 45e kt1lat that War W JCiaistsr r Kurepatkin has bean appointed to the thechief thechit th tha
a chief oomaMUMl oins of f the troops in I an0hurlfc Ha eWill e will be e under Viceroy ViceroyAlo ViceroyAI ViceroyA1I
Alo AI A1I A1IThe id idDIte > fi i V VXhe
The eorroaponAent eerrupon t adds that nothing n8thin hius bzeea sea decided concerning th thd thdeptthura thdepeture
deptthura d jMaure ef the t1IelWs B lan su sq squdron adn a at Jlbut JibUtqi i 1t the t e gulf of Aden AdenI AdenPllri
I Pllri arfe Poh 18 ISAx Am omhiont htent ent military authority connected c l1 eote9 with one of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the ambftBBlfg m said today that Port Arthur was practically besiged and it itwas itwas itwas
was i a sarfous OlllSqe question t whether this would not oeaapel either ett ar the abandon abandonment 41iandon 41iandonmentor ibandonmentor ¬
ment mentor or the vrramlsr of the fortress with its it men en and material The Thegrounds Theglounda Thegroulds
grounds fer this belief ware werestattd stated to be as a follows followsAmial foIlowsAa foflowsAniraI
Amial Togos ships on watch at the entnQee ntra ee of the port prevent preventingraos preventjn prevent1ngrs
ingraos jn 1ngrs or ogress e srees ess thus establishing a avirtual blockade blo blu klide and nd cutting off the thechanges thech8JtQ thechanoe
changes S of f relief from soaward award The Japanese Jaq > an8l troops near New Ohuang Ghuangand Ohuangand Ohuangand
and ether points on the tit Liao Tung Peninsula are able te interrupt the therailroad therai1 theraflr4d
railroad rai1 forming th the lin lie of communication R aM d aupplias suppU between Port PortArthur FortArthur PortArthur
Arthur and Harbia The result is the gradual investiture of Port ort Ar Arthur Arthur Arthur ¬
thur withia the t e Japanese Jap > ese naval and military lines lin s It will fli l require a bold boldaction boldaetien boldI
I action on 8atU the part of the Rwosian foroos to prevent the final accomplish accomplishment socowapltshmt accopllhinet ¬
ment et tko th iavostiture ture and slew reduction red uotion fit f Port Arthur
rt QXg AI UtlIti THUR yob 18The re repaira re YeI
P I pan ir to t the Ruian Ruiandemed varahips warabiPIIcturtn varahipsdamaiped
damaiped during the bombardment bombardmentof
of FefeJtW Feb P ie rapidly nQ proceeding PlO < eedt The The4D riletcb rhe14ivltcb
14ivltcb 4D TiUn tcb Reivtsan Ret n and Pallada will willeuon willp Il Ilvon
euon von rejoin the fleet The work is lelug be being befng ¬
lug carried on with it11 the aid of cats ctesons catsSlnl eMsbone
sons The mishap was not so great as asat asat asat
at first believed believedASSu belleecta
7 ASSu la a hundred h d Russian families familiesn fw1illeaG
n ho G loft Japan intending to proceed p to tooet toe4J to4rt
e4J oet Arthur Mt iU and other pointsre re now nowliving WIhing iewliving
living at Shanghai under the profcec profcectiou pro protectin tec tectivD
tin of th t Russian consul consulA consuLmagnate i imapate
A magnate named Salahekaa s ar arrived arriffi artivctl ¬
rived at Port p Arthur Arth ur asking il ili tw twt t
i uys s p permGO rmn ioo to go lq j tho t 4 M1l IL ILKn
509 5118 Kurt 111 horoethen n He only asks ak the thegovernment t tgOeII thegwevnmnt
government gOeII nt to provide for the trans triielortatlonof
1 lortatlonof tTtatlon of the m mfn n their hones and andinnr andt andtrm1
innr t Admiral Alexteff AtEo tf declined and anditferrtd andHCernd andzterrd
itferrtd him to the csar csarThe caarThe enarThe
The railroad is undamaged and Port PortArthur Portrthllr Portrthur
Arthur is calm cal All the troops are areeagerly areeagerl areeaaerly
eagerly awaiting await an opportunity to tomeet tomeet tomeet
meet the Japanese e in an open fight aghtAN atatA1f fightAN
Japo JapeSaid SaW to Have Tried to t Land at atTalien IXTalieon atTalien
Talien WanPetelftbu WanSL Wan WanSt
St SL Petersburg Petelftbu Feb IX 1ISo No official an anTiounennent anou anTiouImnt
Tiounennent ou nt has as yet been made regard regarding rtgardI regard19g ¬
ing I ng tbr tb report from Toklo of a second secondJapanese secondJ1a1tee cond condJdJJate
Japanese torpedo to O attack at Port Arthur ArthurTliwe ArthurThl ArthurThere
There are reports htro < b baIt bU it th thy < y l lack lackIlfflcial lackfftcial elc elcofficial
official confirmation that an attack made madePort madeon
on < U Port Arthur Feb Iti 3t v was > s repuhKcl < after afterheavy afteorhta alterheavy
hta heavy firing on both shire According 10 10tl1e a aUie othe
the story tor tO > this attack at Ck was intended as a a afeint af aI
I feint f int to cover < a landing at Taltenwan Taltenwanbay Tali Talknwanb nan nanM
bay M b but It failed all bccaue e the > Russian Russiangum Russiangun Russianguns
gum were ere plac pled rt with 1th great pat foresight to tocommand tocummnd tocumnnd
command that hore A Russian expert expertMI
MI t is > 8 the Japan Japanese w evidently ttopntl hoped the theljarent tbelJatent theIIJaAent
ljarent < group ot Eliot inlands would wouldo would1ver wouldnver
o 1ver > ver this thl morrmeat IDOvtm Rt as a they did the thefame thoarr thesame
fame arr thing thln during the th ChinoJ ChinoJttoatlp8e ChinoJttoatlp8eif oanes oanesjtr
wgr jtr < landing simultaneously s1MutaneouI at Talien TalienWiui TalienwIu
Wiui 1 and Kincbow w thus thu cutting ou ot txrt txrtArthur trtArthug rt rtrtbur
Arthur trum rum each side Ide ot the Lluo Tung Tungpninsula Tunsp
pninsula pninsulaIt p nin8UJa
Vs1edy 7 Attempt AttemptIt
It a seaes rprtaeti e this expert continues continuesthat COIUinUtth1t eodtheuestht >
that the Japanese J should have made teadcfu madet1b madeiueh
t1b fu < h a fooBuroy attempt to face the Rue Russians Rnlfians Rue4an ¬
sians 4an ni they tlae noinu know from their theirpi tbelrph theirpi
pi ph t t how strongly the peninsula Jtntn ula i is rained rainediiiii minedtui
iiiii tui defended < l feoded Tht jov go govtrnmnta < rnnient8 frank frankiat ftankHat frankIn
Hat lIII Bent t in Its communique of this thismorning thislnvrliRg thisinurilflg
morning of Uusisia > IJnprp unprparediss > jnpr paredii rectn 4 8 ow owi owit
11 i to 1 Japans sudden precipitation of ofhostilities oftlltit ofand
hostilities tlltit > and wanlng the th R RUlJlltan 0 tan pub pubJi nublu
lu Ji riit r t to exptnt Immediate victories cx On eoniiru n n1irmt I Ifr
1irmt fr the th ptnton which h hall cxte txwPd lsted ed here heretiiat beret herethat
that t hut Russia will a at t upon the tb defensive defensiveuntil defrmiteuntil tfnheuntil
until h r army is fully fulJ mobilized and the the4juia tbef
r f 4juia uilm > < nt u of the comml9Meriat 1 II in jning work working worktug ¬
ing fr orir or < J r There T an 11 already alad OV or T 3MOW9 3MOW9nnn M Mnltn 5Oo
o nnn in n the t he field bui bt tit this I number will 111 be beJflfl i
lirgfly aiiKTnt iluf Jflfl nted About botlt 6 111 b41UG X W nivn arc area anluif
a i ifiuirt luif < cj < i tu guard the th railroad railroadJTEW railroadwEw td tdfEW
fEW QROTTPIHG OF 1 low i iRussia WEBS WERSKussia WEBSRussia
Russia Pigruras licur on an Alliaace With WithBoth Withto
to Both rraac 1 and Germany GeruanyIarin
Iarin Feb t tb 19 ItThE The Figaro t TO this morning morningIybliheM morningJlJbljh morningivbIIshes
JlJbljh IybliheM a I telegntm Iald aid to be from a
high Russian otficial and sent from the thefmnrT thetrntr the1rnlr
fmnrT saying that Colon < ok okrnl > n l von un Srhenk Srhenkthe SehonkI hnk hnkI
the I h he commandtr of the Emperor r Alexander Alexanderneinvnt AIxanderVhnnt AbxanderrgIinnt
neinvnt of th the O trman < Tman guards of f which whichthe whichthe hkh hkhtht
the < zir if < honorary colonel in chief was wasj wasiectvl
j iectvl < eivol by b the liar on Monuay MO liay and andI andenld
liin I ncld ifl to hs hi maj majt ty an autogravn auto5rlt JJh letter
from Kmperor mppror William flliam on the wr in thf thff th
f flr r t31 ast and esptrially on tho th subject of ofreit
< iroi reit l Britains attiiude attiiudeonthitiijig at atiltudeentiItijg it u ujQnt <
jQnt onthitiijig lllin the Figaros informant says sajrsu sajrson sayst1fiesi
fldS I lrtI ir a tD Hu uaia Onun eontinon < u t ttn
on tn OerniHnyM 4 > crraanM rli1HO unrcsere UlUs > nfd < l support J PP1r and andliiseiins
liiseiins iiC IfsttJWnl openly th possible fIOI fblt > ehanijo < ha 1 of the thef thefd theulljbrjiim
fd f < iuilibr1um lIbr1um of Knrop MIl Wlk which might ml ht result rf > lIult
from the groupie loK lOffh tagvther lher r of Russia I IC
C Jermany nnany and id France taken in connection connectionwith eunneetlonwItI Qnue < tiOn j jwith
with the antiBritish h flIng f ellng i iTto
T Tto Th i > increasinflr III < jiviblHtv tbfIlty of war with withr ith
r jt I Kritain Is Ii tiiseiiFxed I 1JI > without reserve I
in Rniwian R ian military circles Ircl Rear Admiral AdmiraloJtvetiskt
HOjthlql loj wtvnski eW chief f of the general gt nral sniff of
lh t w < = avy y has > sal paul < i it was w impossible IIRJ OeIlbIC ac accorejlng acCording I
Cording to the Russian iwian official who tele telerai tekaralWt idet I
aralWt t rai > ax to th t h Fits Mgaro aro ro to send to Port Ar ¬
thur all the naval nay I officers orfl > f who want to togu tou togu
gu u there > b because cauee they thf may IDa bf r Ifqulrtf qulr J in
ihe th he Hattie In oonclusion thiM < official officialsa offlIalsayi
sa sayi in the th wherfabouts of Viceroy VIepro y Alexteff I
bus 11cn J n unknown for or three days day past pastund fiafilIld pastU
und U nj that t ha t the official telegTani tI arc a IC ICteIri re retcivtd
tcivtd l without fttmture fttmtureACTIVITY smtureetF lfnuturetl lfnuturetlI
JTary XaTyBeiDg Beiag fta Iesdfu ia B R Besdiaess diaess s Por PorAny PorA1t I
Any A1t Emeryenoy ZDMrgenqLonjon EmeryenoyLondon flgA1fl 7 7London
London Feb 19 ItLlttl6 UK1 far eastern easternnews easternnews teZ teZJMW5
news appeared 8 reared in the pr prt press s this morning morningwith morntrgwith irc ircVi1tla
with the t be exoepUoi of official dispatches dispatchesaad dJap tcbc tcbcaJ4
and the ccmmeot is made mue that the official officialreports officareports
reports 8 of Vteero Iceros > Axh Alexieff f tf f and otbere are arer atearkabl arergaarkable
r rgaarkable < aarkabi nor v for what hat tiicy tiltJ leave leaveunsaid 11lintnaid loavtnsald
unsaid Th Thee s jporth j port attract all attra Tar tir l kp kpatfndon kss ksssttrnttnn < ss ssttrntinn
ttrntinn than at c4J tu tlw pizniricantly pizniricantlyfiank siznlfteantlyhank
frank Russia RUI tar r proclamation asking a8IIt the thenefDle theJJeCirJlc theto
nefDle to h patient until the army MTI MTIKfJ ts tsretdy a i irc
rc KfJ retdy dy to t trik blows worthy worth of the tb fig fignit 4lgpii ci cii
nit i v < ul 1 miKh of Unsiia Tnc Tn Tnin tiirenjs tiirenjsin th
in this T i i < j um U tI st ire omniente mu JflIt1 ipn l1Jnntit fc fctb b bttwI
tb JiritiH ttwI j Jr r < in i 1 1Ic o 01 I con enlfllltltV iiialile iiialileir It4ti It4tifl
j i ij th in i 1L1 <
J Jj
j Ii i ij
j fuv = > = ii
= cs
on tile continent t that t Viceroy v vbas AJexJeChas AJexJeC 41eefhas
has ftecMtei to fallback fan back neon fkro BarBiM BarBiMpractically
p practically ctIc4U abandoning Port Arthur Arthurfoatofc Art ArthurVI liar
VJI VI dlvdMdk v foatofc M and d the whole of southern southernManchuria southernMaacburla
Manchuria 1 to the th Japanese Japu and that ut1t ut1tPertaApe h hfis
fis in perhaps hoping D tat the reduction n of ofJ flfPort efPort
J Port Arthur and Vladivostok will occupy occupythe OCCUpyYW occupythe
the uneasy YW white bile he is concentrating co1lC his hteforces ft1forces hisforces
forces at atllarbtD atllarbtDEagland IlarbiaBnland Harbin HarbinEngland
England Getting Ready ReadyThe ReadyTh4 ReadyThe
The payers PQ lids u morning MOrD comment upon uponthe t1 uponthe
the nJ aedrtty vfbtoto te seen at Woolwich Woolwichaiid Woolwfthad4 Woolwtehai4
aiid ftoenrhwo eshsr hi mfKttag tl the navy novin novinW in infor Inp
p for any emergeaov eIII It J JIi 2 2inl a athe
inl Ii t the a h wanufacturers of O ofav C1 C1ocn
av been ocn working w workingt rtdR fl fland t te
e and rut hat all allr IJ IJt
i it
t t to r Of Sixty hattie bstUeat bat batt
a t 4C1b
t Nes Pseri a at an expasKe ex expememm i1t i1tnMIM i iIStSWXiH
IStSWXiH mm ThSsse rn are SH NM to be Uiemoflt Uiemofltmodern theDIOtRI the mt mtmodern
modern aDd 4 ost powerful I guns in lu7aftd exist existence existenee ¬
ence b In a tfaaty D 7aftd and fld they are capable ealMlb or ortarewinx ortlarowincaa 01throwing
throwing tlarowincaa an atoned shit acouratei > a die distance dietance dietanca ¬
tance of M4M 1 yards yardsSpain yardsSpain rds rdsSpaiJl
Spain Also Busy BusySimilar DusyStml1ar BusySimilar
Similar rejiOrts of military activity are arer ar arr arereceived
r received c > ived from other countries < oun s For in inKtance Inlance instance
lance even Spain Is preparing for or POBBI POBBIbilities pomibuttes
buttes The Spanish minister mlni er of war in informed Inrormfd Informed
formed a newspaper per man yesterday yet that thathe tbathe thathe
he was mobUmng all the mltttary forces forcesat
at his disposal and said saidAlthough saidAJlhot saidAlthoti
Although AJlhot the t RussoJapanese R dispute disputeIces disputeIees disputeslees
Ices DOt concern us we must t18t be prepared pre preparedfor
for or an eventualities Patriotism P trkJ1tom hew hewever he heeYf however
ever eYf r demands that we keep silent re regardtng ren regardin
gardtng gardin n the points Spain Most fit fortify
According A Aeeordtn U tg tbe Tokio correspondent of ofth oCtile ofthe
th tile Dafly D MaIL aJJ the emperor of Japan hut hutdecteicd lito litod Desdecised
decteicd d IaNd Us tptentlon I ten OD of giving ing the t trea tre treurea
urea of the pateee piaJa to the Bank k of Japan Japani Japanfoi
i for the tb purpose of the war fund fondOther fundOtber fundOther
Other dispatches d from Tokte confirm the theRNat thegreat
great success seece of the internatIonal war warloan
loan Muted on Parole ParoleIn I
In a dispatch from NagasakI a reeve rorresponde tOIre1 tOIre1ttae reevespondent
sponde spondent tof of the Daily Da y Telegraph TeJ pb says all nflth aJltoo
too th Htfoctan pMsengers 1ftS who were on the thecantured tnecaMund theeantured I
cantured steaMsr 1Ite We Japan have been re released yeleased i
leased on parole perokThe 1
I The corovlioadent ent of the Times and andDally andDallr I
Dally Dall Telegraph T at ToWo unit ta an announcuuc anflouncing
flouncing noun th Ute rerumptkm of the thtoJapanese thtoJapaneselOa8t1nJP Japanese Japanesecoasting Japanesecoasting
coasting trade and a ad confirm tlrm previous re reports reoort rePorts ¬ I
ports that the RwMfaii cruiser Boyarin Boyarinwa
wa was sunk during vf ftng the attack att kcn en Port PortArthur PortArthur
Arthur oa Feb 14 Some correspondents correspondentsav eorlelllHJ dfnt dfnta I
sa av a toe waxahip p in question was thC tlwrcruiser thCcluifer thEcruiser
cruiser Bay Ba1tiHlnd n and apt the Boyarin B BoyarlnFull BoyarinFull yal1n
Full accounts of the firing by Russian Russianshit RU88Ianr Russianships I
shit ships > s on acrouar the British 1trft lab R steamer Psf Ping at atPort atPort
Port Arthur r = sfibw c that the rR Rustiians i or ordered o ordered I
dered the Pfl PIng together etber wtth tth the theBritish theBritish
British steamer Chfig hhlg Ping and the Ger German Gltman German ¬
man steadier sleat er Pronto to O extinguish extn their theirliKtits th theirlights r rlbmt I
lights and tires n flr Russian warshIps WIIl then tbpllai thenarpired i iarrived
arrived ai d and finding three vessels in tin tinroadsted t I
roadsted road without Wit bout lights ltShtthe they 1 began firing firingat tirln
at them The 1flt Pronto Pr received most or orthe
the shot ahotlfThe shots The forts then began firing firingand firingand I
and the utmost confusion prevailed prevailedWar lFeVaUWar peerafledWar
War of Exhaustion ExhaustionA ExhaustionAlPmt
A AlPmt military correspondent oorr of the Tim Ti1Dft Timakawhetber te teaskswbetlter 1
askswbetlter the Kttssten prodantotieo prodantotieooon JIIOCIatMtJooDOttndt proclanmflotionytende
oon DOttndt nds a repetition of Russias policy policyof polfrjof
of 1M2 and the waging wJ Wan of a war w of ex exhaustion exhautton enhaustlun ¬
haustion HA thinks thin this pr predamatlM1 predamatlM1can claniatkm claniatkmcan
can have Ita e no other meaning nwa uol unless 5i It was wasconcocted wa wasconcocted
concocted ollQCteddtlberatel deliberately for deception or orwritten orwrt orwritn j
written wrt tf8 with the t be knowledge that the thecburian Man Manchurian Manchurlan
churian railroad is wrecked aJreadr aJreadrYet alreadrhYet a1readYet
hYet Yet tnii tbI seems madacsa tate corre corresoondpnt eorretloondnt correepondent
soondpnt continuns because If the RUs RUsplan RtUFian flusSian
plan army stood still while Japan was wa re reducing redUdnJr reduring ¬
during the two great fortresses t at Port PortArthur PortArthur
Arthur and nd Vladivostok Russia R would wouMbecome wouldbecome
become be tbe t e laughing Ja htn stock oek of Europe and andthe aJMIth andthe
the th mock IftO k of Aiifa AiifaWAS AttfaWAS AplaWAS
London Times Story Denied by the theJapaaeea theJ theew
Japaaeea JapaaeeaNew J p8ne p8neNfIw
New ew York Feb 11 11G O Uchida the Jap Japanese Japeanee Japanese
anese ooneal aeneral herr received t tfroria to to tonight
nI tress the Japaarse J ue legation at atraaMaCUm aLWaaMaQn I
raaMaCUm Wadin1he the following oJIowifl J cablegram from fromtbe froMthe frontiniater
the tsimsuer of foreign affairs at Tokto ToktoIhP IoktoLoti
1 IhP he London Times Thof Peking correspond correspondent COtMpondeatr correspondentEorts
eatr ent reports that Viceroy Yi ror Alexieff on Feb
14 sent the following followingDisablfsS foJIoWbaDis followingDisabIed
DisablfsS Dis iblflld < wnrships WJrs p Osarerttch Palla Pallada Pallada Iallad ¬
da d da RftvUan AskoM Kovifc Sevastopol SevastopolP SerastopolPnropolovsk
P troi100lollk roi > olov k Japanese Jape driven from rein rail railway railway railway ¬
way near Cbea Clae CbeIItWUW < M w < JQ J ncbau ncbauRumans 1iflcbauiRussians cbauf cbaufRussians
Russians admit ahojpt botnventy seventy ven vent killed oa oaland ORland onland
land and claim 16ft P Japanese pre preners prenersRussians nrs nrsRussians r rRussians
Russians hav elemt SH IIdJNJ dpe B oot oat8C f action 8dIoGand actionand actionand
and declare fifteen fttteenJaptaaeee Japanese ship are am die dteanted dleab1 dieabled
anted antedBxrarin ab1 abledBoyarin
ab1hBfarin Bxrarin siigaUy hU danaged dnain The Th Jap Japanese Jaln1It Jspancee ¬
anese surveying 8Un n party reported report to have havelandtd hayslanded havelanded
landed at t Pigeon bay destroyed destroyedSo
So far f as the Japanese JI aOele are concern concernthe certhO concerned concernedthe
the above Information I ation is untrue No a atempt at attempt attfntpt ¬
tempt to land has been made hence ao aoprisoners 80JrifOOnrs Dolritoners
prisoners are possible poL ble Japanese ships shipsdisahle Ips i idisahlerj
disahlerj absolutely absolutelyfO none noneKO on onNO
Japs Did Not Attempt to Laud + Where WhereThare W11eroThaie WhoreThere
There Were Any Russians RussiansLondon Russians1on Russianstonion
London 1on 1on < Feb 18 ISTIIe The Japanese lega legation legathn lagetIfl ¬
tion here received r heci ao oAeial e1al dispatch dtopatchfrom dlapatchfrom dispatchfrom
from ToWo tonight > saying it was not nottrue nottrue nottrue
true that any Japanese vesoete had hadb hadban
b ban n destroyed dfStru 4 so o far in any of the thevarious th thvainul thevarIius
various naval ngagemenls nltb ement < und that thatMl thatII thatepaIr
Ml II aetfpsary n IfH vfpafrs epaIr had hl already been b loenvtr n nO
vtr 1d O j l2
c o <
1 I I7m
ziIu = 3po1 d9 d9lW
lW rr rrI
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iL 7m Jo1 r rv < + 1 1Jo1 E EI
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< 1
I 4 4HOW
j jAontana
Owner of OneFifteenth of One ne Per Cent ce n o of IBoston stonan and andMontana andMontana
Montana Copper Stock Brings Action Atiojin AtiojinNew GtioJ1 In InNew n 1 1New
New York Court o rt < I
Pit JSW W mItE Feb IS 18JOhIt John Mac MacGluulpD Macrt
N rt GluulpD a h bi q s applied applle pzlle for or sn injunc injunction hjunethat unc unctJoIt ¬
that reetmrning Ig the Boston BostonMontana BestonMontana 1
Montana M CHmeotkitUed Copper CepperX1nfng Spx S7r S7rNlnIflg r rMinting
Minting company com MIny and others from mak making mttkleg ¬
leg In any a disposition dl of any property of ofthe orthe oCthe
the corporation The sureties on the thebend thebent thebond
bend are Arthur Art1 r p Helnae and Otto OttoHeinise OttoiHelue OttoHot
Heinise HeiniseLater Hot sac sacLater I ILater
Later a temporary porar injuction was wasantMi W wasgranted S 1
g antMi by Justice Tu tlN ettdereteeve of ot ofThe ofThesupreme the thetmpreme e i isupreme
supreme court Counsel for Mr r JTac JTact Ma rae raemgide I
mgide Wde tit the 1hig 1 ac atejt atejt4t tgj 18 int j jIt
It t to spparont itpar Jlt t that 3r aowyanjas aowyanjasnot t 1gs 1gss
s not riot Sttttsftad ed UMt i the decision d cJ n of the thesupreme the81I theaHpreu1e
supreme 81I court of M MeMaBa < mtos had Virtual Virtually v1rtnally 1 1I ¬
ly I ended ehd d all negation a M tar as the thedividend thedfvH thetWyldeisi
dividend nd question of the Booton BootonMontana toDMontaual BoetonMontu
Montana is concerned The Injuctlon Injuctlonsigned fnjuctlonsigned injuetlonsigned
signed by Justice Gildersleeve restrains restrainsthe
the payment of several moneys in con controversy controveltlY controvoiw ¬
troversy The order is returnable to tomorrow toJ1I8rro tomerrow ¬
morrow morrowThe merrowThe
The action involves very serious and andimportant andimportant andImportant
important questions not affected by b the thedecision thedeciSIon thedecision
decision of the Montana MOR court COUTtJn in that thatthe thattbe thatthe
the action et n is of an nuentirely entirely different differentSHE differentSHE
Brooklyn Womans Successful Successfulj SuccessfulSearch SuccessfulSearch
j Search For the Murderer Murdererof
of Her Husband Husbandi
i New York Feb IS 18tt After r an unre unremktfer unre unreItU unreiMttiag
mktfer ItU search of o nearly n arY seven weeks weeksduring Wftkadllrmr weekaduring
during which time she has walked waJk d day dayaad dRYa tinyaKl
aad a night t on the Bowery spent hours hoursin
in unsavory unsa OIJ resorts and exhausted exhaustedevery e exhaustedevery bu8tedevery
every resource of a skilled detective detectiveMrs detective1111S detectiveMrs
Mrs Katie Duffy of Brooklyn today todaycaused to todaycaud la lacaWlfd <
caused the tb arrest of a man who is ac accused accwed accused ¬
cused of being her husband murderer murdererRichard murdererJUcltard murdererflichard
Richard Dully Dut her husband Au b8D4 was as fa fatally fatally a atally ¬
tally stabbed on the night of Jan 1 in infront infront infront
front of a Bowery resort and before beforehis beforedeath beforehis
his death said that the t e Wounds had hadbeen hadbe hadbeen
been be n inflicted by Charles Devuao The Thepolice Thepolice
police used every effort to capture De Devuno DeURO tIevuno
vuno URO but in spite of a fun description descriptiongiven d descriptiongiven iptiou
given by Daffy were unable u to do dO50 dO50Hie dosolife so soHis
His wife however undiecouraged undI kept keptup ke keptup t tup
up the search without remission 1NIo She Shepatrolled Shepatrolled
patr patrolled lled the Bowery visited haunts hauntsDevuno hauntsDhvuno
Devuno wa wu wont to frequent shad shadowed UldOed ehdowed ¬ I
owed his b l friends and even watched watchedrailroad watchedrallrogd at atran
railroad ran d stations and steamship 8t amship pier Phhf Phhfin pIiIn pierin
in her attempt to find him Last night nightshe nightshe nightshe
she saw the man enter a hotel bo on the theBowery theBowery theBowery
Bowery and notified the police who whoarrested whoanesttd whoarrested
arrested Deuno after a struggle lItru tf He Hehad Hebad Hehad
had been in Pittsourg Pltta1tu since the murder murderit mU1d ° r rit rIt
it was said Devuno De uno who with Duffy Duffyis Duffysaid
is said to have been prominent in the thegang th thgan thpgang
gang gan life on the th < lower side was ar arraigned arraigned arraigned ¬
raigned today on a charge of homicide homicideCOMMANDER homicideCOMMANDER homicideCOMMANDER
Honolulu Feb IS lSCommandE Commander Williapi Wil Willatw vnElbrldga
liapi latw Elbrldga El bridge Seveli U S N Ngovernor Ngovernorof governor governorot
of i the JM island of o Guam has arrived here hereog h hereon re reo
og o f a naval supply ship Ho is I return returning retuMihr reteritlug ¬
lug to lily home in the United states Slateson stateson
on account of illness oaused by till tilltropical tltitrePca1 thetropical
tropical climate His Hl condition te t fnro fnrosorious so soserious O Oserioua
serious that he may be obliged to delay delaythe de1a de1athe deIajthe
the continuance of his trip to San Fran FranOASIS Fratidsco Franclaco
dsco clacoOASIS
SpecIal to The lse Herald HereWOaste HeraldOa HorkLOasis
Oasis Oa UtahPob ttah Feb IS JSThe The Outs drut drq drqstore n nstore
store owned by H L Jackson T < JuIon burned burnedto
to the ground today toda The fire ft is stfp stfppoced SIIppoJIed sdpposed
posed to have been caused by an over oveivheated overheated overheated
heated stovepipe to > epipe The buDding and andstock andstock andstock
stock was valued va1udat at about J1K8 lC iqiid iqiidth intlthe 4 4t11i
th the insurance In ranc will cover Vl about UVrothirds tWo tWotbinIt tnroLthirds
thirds of the lo lo The fire was very
fierce and nothing could be done doneto donetoMve to tosave toeave
save anything anythingMUNCIE anythingMUNCIE anythingMUNCIE
Muncie Ind Feb l b IS lSAel1 Keller r BrJce BrJceCoa BrJ BrJCo Br3ceCos
Coa Co clothing dOUatD store was as damaged damagedtoday damagedto4 damagedtoday
today to4 bY y nr ftrto Several SenoraltetllODfJ person were werehurt wenburt werehurt
hurt When n the fire started tftcr tftere were weremany Veramany weremany
many people in the upper stories Many Manywere Manywert a I
were saved lilt ved through the hvruiam h rui > m of Otto OttoPierce OttaPlene OttoFierce
Pierce the elevator e tr boy who made nine ninetrip nin nliitrips I
trip tipjIIwhlk whil htI the th building wny w burnfnj burnfrua
t a rryirJ flown d I jJl ll If f r te terasngr n ri Jeot Jeotrai
rai rasngr nT < a h lm4 n dievO lfri i ii
< J te
nature re8 and nd the relief 1iet jpousbt htaHo aWo a1ot121eIy e ea eachargafl
thl t121eIy dUIerell Amsap other otherbar 4isct 4isctebargI
chargafl bar is one mat that th t tue > Aharonftrhad Aharonftrhadp An 4 aoedttIid aoedttIidiJillil
p IJq1d ld to the Amalganwc Ama t11IIU1I d or two ttf 01d1tttirsthe hadJI lie itedlrjetorsthe lie4t
4t d1tttirsthe dlrjetorsthe rs < ue aunt 6 of o7We4P + in two twohad tW8Jf twOihts
Jf l1mtts that llI1pJIGper at areemende areemendeJisti t
had 18 rbet been > n made by the A AUith AU4Uted AU4Utedtitit I
with its ts subsidiary c ctIil 1shPtO pMMte xto to fur furnish furnish furnish ¬
nish material at a cost frllH lWxcess ces8 of ofwhat ofwhJt ofwhat
what the same could couldbe coul d tf lie unrfiaaed for forelsewhere t forehtewhere w4 w4el
el elsewhere ewher an4 an > wh1ch hich was as for the beoe beoetrinient benes4
JUt9 Ama ai8d s4 to tbede tbedetrlment the tie tietriment
trinient of thfestockholdere th thti of the Boa Bostcrtt Boatqv
tcrtt tqv Srontam Monte r htaSIt1Mr altuateq tet 1UM ke Mr lr r Mar Marny MarG1 MailnI
G1 lnI > tb n nwTh i JB4t
wTfnffbefif1 wTfnffbefif1n wTh the Wlfl Wlflfly
ny n for the t e sale ot1 out1ttlt outiatta ut ttt t a eo eOIt e0tln t tTn
Tn 1 1 excess PXC SIi of what it meld > 01d be b wHg for fqrand I Iand I
and that such action w wan to the detri detriment dtrlmentor detri2nent
ment mentor of MacGinniss and et ether er stock ptockholders
holders The T action prays for or an ftc ftccounting ac Sccounting
counting and an investigation of the theacts tb tb1iets thenets
acts of the directors of the Amalga Amalgamated AmalciLmated Amaigsmated ¬
mated company and tc set aside the theimproper theImproper theimproper
improper agreements agreement8The rf rfThe
The rumors as to a settlement are areunfounded arenfouuded
unfounded Df o Dded and Mr MaeGtiuilae M Glllft f8111 f8111not will willtnot willnot
not stop his suit until he ReUs hue ka kaiproLected b b4te en fully tulbro
1 protected ro ed and obtained his just rights rightsFJGURES rightsFIGURES lbt lbtEIGURES
insurance Loss by the Balfn Balfnmore Baltimore BaItimore
more Fire Will Not Ex Exceed Exceed Exceed ¬
ceed 4O 40000000 40000000Baltimore 40000000Baltimore OOOOOO OOOOOODaJtimort
Baltimore Feb is 1IJaurance Insurance experts expertswere fXPenwere eafteriswere
were in an optimistic frame of mind to today t tday today ¬
day over the prospect that the thetate aggre aggregate ggsegate ¬
gate insurance loss I will be much smaller smallerthan Smal SmaltlJan smallerthen
than was at first anticipated Thy are arenow arenow arenow
now confident the Ions lol caused by MW c an con conflagration coliflagration ¬
flagration n ratton will 111 not exceed exee JItII WaM > s sad aadthat sadthat d dthat
that it will not n t be under unde = 3r OOOI tt The Thefirst TIlefirat Thefirst
first definite estimate they tbe were able to tomake 10make tomake
make on totals was through h an anPres Arcpeiatod ArcpeiatodPress ted
Press Pres dispatch from Albany printed to toflay to toM toilay
flay M giving the losses Jo ws of ofbu companies doing doingbusiness doingbusiness
business bu tftefAJ in New Yorkri Y York fnk reported ed officially officiallyby offlcta offlctab offIcItby
by b them to the insurance commissioner JI IIIIiODeNew tyJl of ofNew 9 9ew
New ew York This list included sixtyeigttt sixtyeigtttOf f
Of the largest lar t American and foreign oO oOpunies COI a apunles iiipunies
punies and the total of lessee reported feport by bythem b bthem
them ofnclslly Is a little ov or over overTakiur r H It ItTaklnJ SOsjjBM SOsjjBMTaking
Taking these official figuresas figures aa a basis basisand baSisand
and adding addi the approximated figures fl8 r8 of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the com companies n nl s authorised to do doIn uttsiaeM buOUlesSIn uttsiaeMarice
In Maryland ary d but not in oeW yOlk 1 vran isautanee
arice an e men say fb they y cannot se see bOw we wetotal the tltetotal thetotal
total Insurance loss will exceed JIMtWw JIMtWwThe 1IflOG 1IflOGThe
The T aathortttes here report that UO UOemployed unemployed Onemployed
employed persons particularly UUcuar meebaniCK meebaniCKare JR JRare metlhMP metlhMPare
are flocking from other pointsto points nt8 to thta thtacity th1tityby ti1scity
city tityby by hundreds buftfl II and indieattods tt4rfaJare tt4rfaJarethe are arethe arethe
the volume will 111 steadily increase t tto troid troidday J d ddattocllO
dattocllO day to > i da Those who have arstved aotvecIt pr prth v vthey
they t th y came because boRU they were Ot inform informthat tnformOthat ft d dWitt
that there is a demand dt rnand for forworkmEo workmen here MEetnnd hereanti hereand
and finding nothing to do and being with without withoat withoat ¬
oat money many of them have ha alraatfer alraatferapplied alrHVapplied alrt5d3applied
applied for transportation tra Dfpert a 11011 tack a 1c xw their theirhomes tlieJ tlieJhomes tiirhomes
homes Th The city cit charities de deand deJML1t deJML1tand depa4taIet depa4taIetand
and the bureau of industrial industrialI indlJ industrIalhave trlat TatMl J Jhave
I have requested the Assocfated PMsB PMsBsOfad N ii iistLd
sOfad out a warning that there Pl I Ienough lenough
i enough work to give employment t to tofq tofqmore BOUt BOUtmore Balumore
more workman < and that the horn home work workers wGlrkor wkore ¬
ers or will be awarded tbe preference ptet nee in Inev InevOIj ev every cier ¬
ery er Distance DistanceWINE stanC stanCWINE
sa saWINE
Conner Porni Salt Laker Lakerin in Trouble at atWJtlla atWana atWalla
WJtlla Wails WabL WabLS WailsSpecl WallaSperm
Sperm S to The Tb Herald HeraldSpokane HenlfJSpokane RcraI RcraISpokane
Spokane Wash Feb H Arthur ArUJurl1auerb ArthurJTauerbsrh A AHauerbarh
Hauerbarh tb < formerly a resident of otlS SalJI alJ
Luke wh where rc his father is a well knows knowsJeweler k kp0Wt OWJI
Jeweler t wr has resigned n a as rminty clerk dorkWalla clerkn of ofWfla
Walla n Walla county count Washington under undercloudy u Ufiddioltndy
cloudy conditions conditionsThe conclltiOUfilbo conditionsThe
The ootfnty ool q tO IItat rosnnilssiwMTs wr ha c faKtntl faKtntla eUf eUfshortage
a shortage liort l s 9 said id to be H 1tStt m In H Hinter aucOfiel1 HinterIfficlis cr crMcH
McH Ifficlis books and the th clerk said ic1 aftr flr ttor re rest reslg6111g reslgfdiig
st slg6111g ftittg tonteht that h be would ouH make the theamount teSIJnount theiirnount
amount good In the rooming mornm A lengthy lengthywrst l lenthyEeerat thy thyrt
wrst rt session let ion was held h 1d today tJda Win WintEOinen mnOlTen WU1S WU1SiiieIi
tEOinen iiieIi and card are MId tob tobfp the cease oeueaof OIUieell ceaseef
of Yonan > OHBR ll Hauerbachn downfall He Heft ht htSeen hasJeon
Seen ft tcloK I a rapid psoev ps iff gmduvted gtiduatedat
it at WlI Whitman 1an college U e Walla Walla tw twwu twJiears twO twOhears
hears wu Rgoand ago and has been nwtpromttieht nwtpromttiehtthe Jnlt l1otrthtft l1otrthtftIi
Ii > the town He ran ahead of his tick tickin ticket UcWIn ticketIn
in tbe election electionAN ele electionAN < tfon
0 0AN
Ei E B Critchlow Expected to Arrive iu iuWashington 1Washington LuWashington
Washington Today TodaySpecial Tod TodaySpecIal y ySpeaJa1
Special to The Herakl HeraklWashington HC1 ReraWWashington >
Washington Feb IS ISSenatr Sqiof BontWs BontWschairman 3urrnlchairman
chairman chatrm n of the eommttee comma on privileE privileEand prtvfleef prtvfleefand e
and eeodona expects eXP < < t8 E B Crit Crttcbw < il < iw w fB fBarrlv foarrIve
arrlv arrIve ITII here tomorrow Mr r Cntcniow Cntcniowwill cijieltiowwill
will be an important w4tao wltgse ft br > r the theprcsecuUon tbeCutfOI thercsecuUOn
prcsecuUon CutfOI in the Smoot ootopt ease as and andit andIt antit
it is prcrbable b he wfll suggest e a liae liaeftrocaare ti tirOCKtlre of ofUrocedure
Urocedure > ftrocaare and the names na mnl of vdtnrasep 1th frc frcbe tt1Ii tcbe
be stUTrinjoned in addition to those alrsd alrsddhterinlxted U a4 a4dStermlhed cJ >
dStermlhed upon Thc Th commhtee decline declineto dedlnqt4
to t > make publio ubl1e th tha names > of o i4 wim Wltfle5Si Wltfle5Sibe 9s u tcbe i ibe
be summoned I d prior to servire yyj of r wife wifepoeims HtlbpoonW su supoenar
poeims It ii i l h r irt rd il tnt thl attfi aen4isinO aen4isinOof u 8 8of t tq
of q all wUn witnn Hi > t h KKturel KKturelnot H 11 Hd d J1t9 J Jnot
not I b ic Hfmpiill o7n > Fh > ii Oir OircoramffU lY t < PYllbtlO PYllbtlOcommltt pauItn i t tcOmiTittt
coramffU f fi t iiuirf nu J r inuic iibUc iJlli iJllii
i c J
Albanians Albanians Routed With a Loss Lossof Lossof
of 800 Men MenTURKS rr1eni MenTURKS
r + t tURKS
i t tOTE
CtALONICA AL ALONICA o ncA Macedonia Feb lIThe The Thej I
S 0 j Al1MJlans banians who were besieging besiegingShentshi besiegingheishI
Shentshi Sbe heishI msbi Pasha P ah b vho Wh wl with tUk 25 252tWO 500 500Turkl
Turkl ulkf tr trueps i t 4 wa wal I
l tft by bytOO byeok
2tWO tOO eok Albanian Albani at 9 iMMhff9l I ave jkavebtefl wve wvebeen
been routed losing lo 809 men kMed 1 ed and andwounded aadwounded andwounded I
wounded The T TujRkieh T h lospei Iospe are said saidto saidtobe
to tobe be heovy heovyFive hevyFive r rj I
j Five additional I battalions s < f troops troopshave troopshave
have ha e been ordered to Vertshovich VertshovichBTJIiGABIA VerlsboicIli I
Text ext of a Note Sent by Turkey to the 1AeU thePowis
U Powers PowersWashington POW PowisWashington IS ISy I
Washington y I1tJgtou Feb IS libJ lJjpoii OIIcUOI1 oimectionwIththe octlon octlonwith
with 1 ltJtethe the threatened uprising in the theBalkans the13a1kns I
Balkans n1kns diplomats here have received receivedthe receivedthe
the full text of a note recently sent by byTurkeyto hiTwke1
TYIkey Turkeyto 10 the powers signatory to tile tfcetreaty tiletreat thetreaty
treaty of Berlin The note charges chargesBulgaria CbarpsBultaria eheresBulgaria
Bulgaria with fomenting all the trou trouble trouble treable ¬
ble in Macedonia saying sayingThe S83ingThe sayingThe
The principality of Bulgaria does doesnot doesn doesriot
not n t change its attitude of active activethough aet1 aet1tbough activethough
though concealed con led hostility h tillt in spite of ofvUt oftJM ofthe
vUt the efforts of tbe porte In carrytag carrytagthrough cuniagthrough carrjisgthrough
through the stipulated reforms ttrtWortb Trust Triaotworthy Trustworthy
worthy Investigations s reveal the fal fallowing tVilowIn ihilowing ¬
lowing lowIn facts
1 1 In order to be able to arm all allthe allthe allthe
the villagers gnus gu as well as ammuni ammunition am ammuniflea Mlli Mlli1tJon ¬
flea are constantly transported tIallSp rted to toeight toeight
eight Bulgarian frontier places
2 2 The depots of three frontier di divisions di1s1on dilsloiis ¬
visions are provisioned provi ioned and armed as asXor asfor
for o an imminent war
3 The powder factories and artil artillery artillery ¬
lery workshops vorksho in Softa work double doubletime doubletime
time and with double forces
4 Alt the military roads leading into intoTurkey intoTurkey I
Turkey along the be entire Bulgarian Bulgarianfrontier Bulgarianfrontier i
frontier are improved and widened widenedand widenedhnd
and made passable e pedatiy for ar artillery artiller ¬
tillery tiller The Th e frontier froD tier telegraph ttolgnlPhIIst system systemis m mis
is being established especially e along tQlongt eilongthe alongtb
the t e principal roads roadsi roadsIn
5 i In all aUtbe the districts preparations prep raUOns on ona ona ona
a a large scale are road lua4 for forsupplh aioaaeinff aioaaeinffsupplies i assti asstisupplies
supplies > s a vast commtiwariat and the theTarnishing theurnis1tng he herUlDisqing
Tarnishing urnis1tng or thousands of wagon by bytb byUt4t bythe
tb the population as the first appeal appealtt appeala appealT1Ie
tt The cOB comlalariat mls lariat for all the iu iu1antry infaA utftuttry
1antry faA r regiments is bemg M beh Dg established establishedii eelabU established1n811 hf4 hf4bt
ii bt 1n811 nll n the th garrisons garti ons and the artillery tirtilleryDtGylslofletI rttnfIYv1siolJ
DtGylslofletI < v1siolJ tlnd manned as on a war warfd warfOoting
fd fOoting 1 1i
7 i Special regulation r for requisi requisitions requlflitiOns requteltidns ¬
tions for the sustenance of the army annyS army1me armybarS
barS beep i981OO i981OOS 1iiedAn
S An ctrfcordinary t rdnao credit was ap appropriated appropriated appropriated ¬
propriated fr the eventuairtjr of the theww theWIW thewsr
ww wwJPAH
JPAH 0 1 AU the mitts and bakeries were wereInvestigated wereC wereestit1kd
Investigated C vestiga estit1kd in order to ascertain their theirhighest theirlg1test theiriiIgliest
highest expacfty t and their proprietors proprietorsvwe prooprletoraInstrurted proprietorswre
vwe wre Instructed to be ready for great greatasttfty greattitmy reat reat1ItY
asttfty 1ItY orders besides a military bake bakery baket1 bakery ¬
ry t1 was established
10 Numerous fortifications were wprerected Wf wereerected > rf rfrectet1 <
erected et a t ail strategic points and andalong andalOng andalong
along the military roads roads1L rondslL
1L All the bridges especially on the theritxa ther4rita the1grttza
r4rita ritxa rrver me were rebuilt repaired repairedIftjd repaired1Id
Iftjd 1Id 1 armed armedJi alUMdTheann armedi
i Ji The Theann arms ef artillspy arillJ y and cavalry cavalryand cavalryand cavalryand
and the bayonets of infantry were wererpened werenel werenJiirpened
nJiirpened rpened nel as for immediate action actionBulgaria aictionJg actionBulgaria
Bulgaria Jg riaIs Is charged with Ith counts countetwncfngr countsnencing ount ount1JalKfngpubllc
1JalKfngpubllc twncfngr public sale of dynamite drnami to the theJSJacedonlaJis theQnlans theJCJOdQnIRflS
JSJacedonlaJis Qnlans and the tRere reform orm scheme schemeof
of the powders in Macedonia Ma edouia is declared declaredru dfCtar > d
ru 0 > be absolutely worthless and Tur Turkey Tury Turkey ¬
key y is paid to be convinced that peace peaceand peaceand peaceand
and order cannot be restored by paper paperrerorma paperrerorms paperretorms
rerorma conducted by persons ignor ignorant IgnorAnt Ignorant ¬
ant of the complicated racial condi conditions condlt condittns ¬
tions t ns of those regions regionsCONSIDEEED resIonsCONSIDERBD regionsCONSThBBBD
Ax AustriR Auetria fcria Has S 30000 3 3OOOOen OO SCeaBeady Men Ready to toInvade toThvade
Invade Albania AlbaniaRome AlbaniaRonie
Rome Feb IS lBTbe The situation in the theBalkans theBalkans
Balkans especially since uCf > the revolt of ofthe oftile ofthe
the Albanians in the district of Dia DiaiKiva Diaheva
iKiva province of Iptife ts considered consideredhere couicierecarere
here ere tobe tq be serious seriousIt serl9UsIt
It is Declared Ueclaredth that t Austria has 30000 30000m 000 000man
m men n ready to invade Albania 0 but if ifsuh iftuah
suh a move mo were efP made Italy woulfl woultitO4SIdeI
1 Jio4sldl 4s er > I it t as diHtiirbin d di i llllthllr th tilt < baJaiift ha Deta hHWt i i5ioer < f fH
5ioer H j or r on the Adriatic as ihl < l ITHF InIFt ii Uri UritnSilal lttritnJilt1 tr trtmittl
tnSilal to o t er 1 inttrvsts int r t tiior tfH
Colonel Theodore The oreBruback oreBrubackMeets Bruback BrubackMeets BrubackMeets
Meets With WithFataIAccidant WithFataIAccidantI Fatal Accidant AccidantTRAGEDY Actid ant antI
+ 1 1Ii
Ii < SpeflaI to The Heralk HeralkARK II IIPARK flerai fleraiflARK
flARK ARK CJTVV CIT Feb b M 141 At S oclock this thteafternoon tbWatternOGlJ thisr
PARK r afternoon atternOGlJ Colonel Theodora Theodore Thestlorabeck Bru Bruback Brubek ¬
back of otS Salt Lake Clfiy Cl C1tyfell fell eU from froma
a ladder in a raise r4s e to the DalyJudge DalyJudgemine Dalyudgemine 1y1udsemine
mine and re recefrd5Jfuries t dJbjurfe tfufrom from which whichhe w whelihe tell tellhe
he died ueac11dmJtesJeter ttefr tnetttyntimites nthntteslnt nthntteslntColonel hUer hUerColonel 1 1Colonel
Colonel Bruhaek BJi cnme up upfrom from Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake
Lake City t9 t1 tsm ineVnihg i etni n G and ad went at atonte atOD atonce
once OD to th the E aJyJudge DtlYT > re mine ise where whereafter whereafter whereafter
after baringdjaneT Iun1J1 havinnr ateirt dbb 1 oclock he hea heBnd heand
a and nd Superiatiai SUperfutid4 ndojt ent t Joiiff jolt fon JlcSorley JlcSorleystaned MeSorleystarted Sorley Sorleylitarted
started OB a gthe toncof rinr < jHetitkrouh jHetitkrouhthe f ti through throughthe
the mine Colonel Brubnpjrrfwho at t onetime one onetime
time was one ofthe of e heaviest t stock ¬
holders in the tfrq Propej e ert2y hi h not been beenin beenin beanin
in Park City It for t 1 eeeI entl l months and andwaa andwaa andwas
waa at this Ut IJ time tilDent making kt a very ery cloee e
inspeotknj In of the theprgre4nnde j ry rogrei tm m de in the themine themine theidine
mine since We j laty 1asltiiftttre 1asltiiftttreInspCctiuig laif visit Wre WreInspecting fre freln
Inspecting ln p oting thje t1Je Mine 2IineThe MineTh NineThe
The Th two tten On h had d t4u pOe ethrowtfh throeaii tfie tfieworkings tfieworking tileWorkingu
workings on oft o thetuan the e tIKMl tttund11vl l level el and abdAse abdAseit abo aboit ab ne neit
it in a verytiiorOnsrh yt 7 tiIor tl h wfcji wh and front frontthJa flOnttbi8 frontthis
this point we 1UtbJ west t by the cage caJ to the1400 the1400foot tI thel400foot 14oa 14oafoot
foot shaft level I They The had been in the thew8t thewfllt thewest
west drift on the back ledge I dge of the thel4Wfoot theloMJOfoot the1400foot
l4Wfoot drift and from there went wentthrough wentthrOUgh wentthrough
through a rise l se known as the May Mayratee lIayfa18e Mayraise
raise which te about 12W feet t from rom the thestation thetatiOD thestation
station stationColonel stationColonel tatiODColonel
Colonel Bruback expressed the desire desireto
to go up this raise and see how things thingswere thingswer j jwere
were looking looJd lGokftt SuperiDt Superintendent r4 nt McSor McSorley l1cSorley McSorley
ley advised agalatt his going up say j
ing that tb t there wa ivap ra nothing DoUdngw new there theresince thereFlnce thereSiflee
since Mr BrUDatfks ntoub k last vMt IIt1t as the theraise theraise theraise
raise had not been working workingand w and stated statedfurther statedfurther statedfurther
further that tfe tie h ilcSorley lIcSorJ would ould not notbe notbe i ibe
be able to go up along with Bruback Brubackas
as he wa was a sufTering from a very lame lamearm lamearm lamearm
arm the remit re of aa accident cc ent through throughstriking t1rouGhfIItrUung throughstriking
striking that tliatmembel member against the tim timbera timbern
bern in the tunnel whfte riding out On Ona Ona j ja
a truck yesterday e morning Bruback Brubackinsisted Brubaeklneieted Brubackinsisted
insisted saying that he weald go up
but a abort distance and without fur further furtber further ¬
ther conversation nvena ionr started r d up the raise raiseFaU miscPall j jFall
Fall Broke roke His Neck NeckMr NeckMr
Mr lr McSorley watched watchedhi him start and andleaning andIea andleaning
leaning Iea Dg against the timbers in the thetunnel thetUIIJleI thetunnel
tunnel to await the return heard him himgoing himcolJt himgoing
colJt going up the htdaaf J 1ddotu1ttll < tuftUI until he had gone goneso
so 0 4 Mr McSorley states as near as ashe a ahe ashe
he could judge about fifteen feet For Foran F Foran r
an instant there was a apeuSt pause and the themxt thenExt thenext
nExt thing Mr McSorley knew Mr MrUurback MrBurback Mrflurback
Uurback came plunging head foremost foremostdown foremostdown foremostdown
down the raise his head finikin ndnl with withgreat withpeat withgreat
great force upon the thestMt steel rails of ofthe orthe ofthe
the car track breaking his neck and andinftlctlng andInflicting
1 Inflicting several sevel l severe sov re cuts on a the theface th thfac theface
face and head headMr hea4Mr headMr
Mr McSorley hastened back to the thet thewt
t vest wt 4rttt a dfettfioe lsQe C 3b about > tJ ut 30frfe JOtfeetwIIere 30feetwhere t tI
I where Joe o Holla HollaJnl HollOttzi l Kricfrlmeg ritf Jaiaea JSh4ehis JSh4ehiswere s swere Sh4edswerent
were werent ai wot w an ad i o L Lwith JJ1 tein IJ toM to r rwith
with him a 84 onSe on e UTO p r nmr sgwaSf sgwaSfwas fttW fttWWa
was Wa hurt The WhetM1lo tuflOnwent w0 tanwent fn wentifth wentifthtbe n1tIi n1tIithe ren renthe 11 11witIt
the MBperiatepdent p erIatidentandfptlsti and sn c 9H d MrlBru MrlBruI 11r MzBrflback Bru Bruback
I back leaning le8ni r against the thetJMberSl th timbers in a adying adying
dying condition conditionBefore condU conditionBefore n nBetore
Before Mr MrcSorIey XcSorley got back with withhis withhis withhis
his men the 1 3 oclock oel k relief men go going got golog ¬
log to work to the drift driftS S S Taylor Taylorand Taylorand Taylorand
and Charles Hollandcamp Iiollandcampl1ad had come comeupon comeupon comeupon
upon the scene and on the return of
MrMcSoriey kr 4r McSorley they the with Holland were weredispatched weredlllpRteJled weredispatched
dispatched as messengers IDe sengers to go on top toptelephone toptelepbone toptelephone
telephone for doctors notify relatives relativesand relativesand relativesand
and make ready to convey the injured injuredman Injuredman Injuredman
man from the mouth of the Daly DalyJudge DnbJ1MIge DalyJudge
Judge tunnel while one mail James JamesShields JamesSbleld JamesShietd
Shields was left leftbehjmL behind About A Aboutty out twen twenty twenty ¬
ty minutes mfnu after itis fait Colonel Bru Bruback Brubak Braback ¬
back die dieThe died dletlThe diedThe
The body bo4rWa8 was put nt upen un a truck and andtaken andtaken andtaken
taken on on th the + e dge ioe ge up U1r u 200 OO feet to the thetunnel tbetnnnel thetunnel
tunnel level where whefl hef he was put upon uponR uponRcar a acar aear
car anC taken t out outI to jt pt mouth t uth of the thetunnel thetunnel thetunnel
tunnel from Wthlcli 1Ih1d1plaee place he was wasbrought wasbrought
brought by team to tle undertakinparlors undertaking undertakingcoroners uudertakingparlors I
parlors of J H plcltargs9n where the thecoroners I
coroners jury cdntpose cdntposepenter c CtiIflPO O mPo M Louis Car Carienler
penter Jameg McDouald IeDoiisi and E J JBeggs TBegt8 3Begga
Beggs viewed the remains re Jns An in inquest InQuest InOnest ¬
quest will bft b hOld on SfLturday at 3 3oclock 3oclock Zoclock
oclock AU evening nlng th thun the undertaking undertakingparlors undertakingparlors ertaklng I
parlors wee besieged by crowds of ofpeople ot otpeople ofpeople
people awclpus 19U5 to view thef thefremains the remains as asColonel flsi flsiColonel asColonel
Colonel BrutoCH Bru1m kwos was very verell well known knownhere knownhere I Ihere
here hereCttvsC Cfawse of the Acciqent AcciqentThe A AeI4entThe cld nt ntThe
The real rcaJJaYso pato e a of the accident will willnever nIlltiever vtnnever
never be kn known wn yet two theories th ortes8re ortes8readvanced are areadvanced areadvanced
advanced as ist to be ie prob proti11b1o > blq cause The Thefirst Thefirst The51st
first is that Mr tr r Brubftsk Hvas was subject subjoctto
to periodical dizzy d spells and while hUe on onhis onhis onhis
his way wa up th the laddr lnddmhad had become becomefaint becomefaint becomefaint
faint and had lot ld 410 his hold and fallen fallenThe fallenThe fallenThe
The other i i jthat that the thedeceased deceased was wasknocked nsknocked s sbacked
knocked off4lie ladder cld dderby by striking his hishead hishedatCaimt hisbend
head hedatCaimt against a bulkhead d in the raise raiseTo raiseTo raIseTo
To some the th latter theory seems se rns to be bethe bth hethe
the th more reasonable l as the raise is i a awot nWd at4
wot t4 t one > an any and the ladder Is sllppery and andevery anden andIn
every ten en is jJUt t tiJhit in to toPag
iJhit pL Pa Pag 3 3
1 1Thousands
Thousands of People PeopleTakeLast PeopleTakeLastLook Take I ke I st stLook t tLook
Look at Ohio OhioSenator OhioSenatort OhioSenatorCLEVELAND Senator SenatorCLEVELAND SenatorCLEVELAND
+ t
+ I <
f rt A EBV L1IVBLAND LAKD CX 0 Ffcbcil l iThe The mor mortal moro morI
o I tal remains 1 tns of Senator sDa Seti Marcus A AHanna ABanna ARazina
Hanna now lie lleIn ft lu state gte f upon H Hshrouded SoaluOuded asltmuded
shrouded catafat catafalque itt tk the auditorium auditoriumof idAtoriumof
of the chamber of coitfinrce co where wherethey wherethey wherethey
they were were y taken tak n immeiftately Imm ll ttely upon upontheir upontheir upontheir
their arrival here from tro T ash1ngtontoday aahington aahingtontoday hlngtont
today t The catafalque cat faque te surrounded surroundedby
by a veritable erltal le garden n o atjpWHS flpwers wers and andguarded l tr1 tr1guaide1 d db
guarded by b a detail of aoHlers k JlJ from fromthe Tom Tomthe rornthe
the state 6 militia From 1 thl this after afternoon afternoon r rnoon ¬
noon to 930 3U tonight futifltfoM fullf peopk peopkpassed peoplpPttssed poopispassed
passed the flowercoversifl t l casket and andtook antinok andtook
took a last look upon the features vt vtthe v vthe f fthe
the dead statesman statesmanWith statesmanWith I IWItJlanow
With WItJlanow snow blowing blow inja h their faces facesfiercely fac facftercel facealIeseely
fiercely ftercel and a cold wind winddilUIng ind ehJUlng thm thmthrough ti1 tnrnthrough m mthrough
through thousands upori uporftJotLauds upon thoa thousands w > ds of ofI IfpecwJe oipeople
I people stood for hours hoursin in a JwuM 4 4eubie line linestretching1 JiMstretchJngor lineatrtehlng
stretching1 for more thaixflve square squarewatting sguarewa1t1 qua quawantng
watting wa1t1 for an opjKirtuWfcyto op op to paea into intotheBuildingwhere Intott16JIuIJdlng Intotliobutkilngwb
theBuildingwhere tt16JIuIJdlng wher r litfyf J liyrnains liyrnainsAjthougk y remains remainsAJthough ains ainsathough
AJthough the crowed 1 a jawing ing Into Intothoauditorium fnt fntthiui4Jtorhun Intritbtsiudltorlum
thoauditorium at the hei raipytf foere than thanb thansixty th3 th3sl tbat1xty
b sixty sl a minute the ti Une flnerje linep G1ew ewrapidly ewrapidlyand rapidly rapidlyand rapidlyand
and when at 110 90 oclock the Uledoor Uledoorve door doorweft decriweib
weft ve closed for the night ni 11t there wer werstill were wetftstill werestill
still several thousand pecsofte perae e who had hadwaited hadwaited ht1waited
waited patiently but w utr c compelled compelledto
to return home 11 disappoint disappointArrived dtlpofArrived dlJtOtflted dlJtOtfltedArrived
Arrived in a Storm Sto1DlThe StorimThe StormThe
The funeral train bearing 1tea the body bodyof Oed bodyof
of the dead senator and the h wombera womberaof JReWbenlof
of his family arrived in Cleveland Cey Cevenndtiutr Cevenndtiutrtag Jand Cur Curing dar daring ¬
ing a driving drivin storm A Ja pae ge ero cod codhad d dhad cI1lad
had assembled aboutthe about the Peongyhra Peongyhranlas Pe Peeflayivanms I InIas
nlas Euclid avenue station statl n n notwU notwUstaiidlng notwfths notwithstanding
standing s the fact that the train ar arrived ar arrived arrived ¬
rived more than a half hour earlier earlierthan earilorthan lUer lUertban
than had been generally expected e ea For Fora Fora
a square in all directions l s from th tile ear earner eorner coyncr ¬
ner of Euclid avenue and WU0on W ave avenue annue ai2nun ¬
nue where the station is located there therewas Ulerwal ierewas
was a mass Jn8 s of humanity The people jopfestood JItOPiestood peoplestood
stood patiently not com complahdlQ plaining of the thecold tIaecold thecold
cold and gave th the police Itttte eThe troufet troajilsThe
The station grounds were wereby aurrottXiod aurrottXiodby MW MWb
by b a triple cordon of police eee eeeoove and andm andmsave Mne Mnesave
save those entitled to be titers wa warn al allowed aIlowed silowed ¬
lowed to enter either the thethQ gnmmte or orthe orthe
the station stationAt stationAtSftJem stationAt
At AtSftJem Salem members of Governor 1 rriCks 3Jor 3Jorrieks illsrrisks
risks staff joined the funeral jHtiror of of3ihieh Cbich SCdhIch
3ihieh bich the governor goverusrhed had been beenLisfl a a niam
Br from Waaitif Wsklgotz a oa oab WhMr wI tbftnMMi tbftnMMibers thb thbbrs
bers b rs of his staff tftbM hjul joined 1tii l hfcfret at at1epi Sa 1SitleJ Salem ¬
lem near fiheatsUf MItJtfHrieG Mne e G Gorflor Hor or Bijr Bijrrlck mtrrick Brrich
rick in the name uazi of the cotnmonwaalrh cotnmonwaalrhextended cokMnonwoalfliextended li1a li1aextended
extended to the bereaved bereav d family the thecondolences uecondolences t1 t1condolences
condolences of all Ohio OhioWhen OhoWJJen OhioWhen
When the train came cameto to a stop th thfirst the tt1Ifirst theiirst
first person to leave it t ta Governor
Herrick who was Hollew ton foUetby hy his 115ltatr iis staff
The chamber ch ber of cominttift committee committeesaon comm1Uets t tscron
saon s < alighted followed fty y the mem membe membeaol memboss
be beaol boss of the funeral JVMT The fam1 famiaad fam1i fam1tLlinmeiate
aad immediate i e friend frle who w occupied occupiedcar
JS11 car ar were th t3e last la to t lea leaCovered leatr
t tf
< Covered With With Mo lowe18 PloweraThe lowe18The wet wetThe
The casket completely covered vered WiUl WiUlflowers wtitflowers itii itiiflowers
flowers was takenfrom the ear through throughthe
the station aUon and deposited in the funeral funeralcar funeralcar funeralcar
car Troop A which will a t ta t ttomorrow t ort orttomorrow 1iIttomolTOw
tomorrow was at the mattes aU who whetlse whetlsetrain t1Ie t1Ietrain he hetrain
train arrived Yhen the thebeen caatet hud hudbeen hdbeen
been placed in the funeral car ClrtIIe esrOn4 OA the
members mt > m hen of the Committee and fri trlhad frvnis frvnishad nrts nrtshad
had been n assigned carriage cart1 the > cur tvrtege curtege IT ITtege
tege headed by a platoon of police an anfollowed anolioed anfollowed
followed by troop A oa black horscf horscfmoved hot borsemoved f fmoved
moved to the Chamber of COttnuM COttnuMbuilding CommrbUildIng Commerbuilding
building where the th tibdy bdywas y was 4o 0 Ik u uste I I Istte
ste 5 te until Friday noon All along th thllae 10Jlne ibJI
llae JI e of march the revereae reverereapect respect an anlove anciv anlove
love civ ftlt for th the < s dead senator senatorshown WI WIshown w wuhotu >
shown Men stood with wtttN bared H heads b ban 11an I Ian
an almost blinding snowstorm wh whthe whi whithe l lthe
the cortege cort > ge passed and mftay eyes e g wpv wpvfilled wer werfilled fr frfilled
filled with tears A bujfesanounr bu buznnounri buznnounrithe announCff announCffUte d dthe
the arrival of the ortfjje < ort at the en prtmnce ent entthnce
tmnce t of the chamber cbam r and the baUd battdlion battolIda 1 1f
ion f n of engineers which Qaed 1J the en entginees PllUJinces
tginees and exits exi to the chamber Ikr wn wnd tV 1 1d a adrawn
d d drawn awn up jj > at aUenUonV The oa cask caskup a k kw kWB3
WB3 up w o borne through the be ranks of ofdiers sc scdfers scdiers
diers aDd placed upon the bier r In th thentrance the t1 t1edtraiice
entrance e trll ee to the hall the the pallbearer pallbearernflth palIbearereWith r rW1th
With their burden were fisUowed tIUow by b tb thmembers tbmembers
members of Governor derricks stafl stafland stafland
and taking up the rear rcar the cltiser cltiserjB citizetpmmILtde c
pmmILtde jB mmittc e of the chamber < hamlman4 and the cx cxchange < x xcbangc
change The top of the th casket sket was OS r rTn rmb1ed rnted
Tn mb1ed nted cd and the face of th thdQd dead sena senaexposed m mexposed t
exposed exn to the thegazti gaze of those t 05C friend friendwho tri frier1who < nd ndh
who h knew him beet beetv b bestBody t tBody
v Body Lies ip i Stafce StafceThe Siiitelbe Stat4eThe
The chamber auditorium where th thJbbdy thO thObody thbody
body now lies 1i s in state is appropriate appropriateset
set t for the th occasion 1a1Slon From the fou fouJarge fourge four fourlarge
large rge chandelier1 therete ther 1S a huge can canopy canop caniy
opy op iy of black From a black and whit whifrosette whitxsette whitr05ett
rosette in the center four white strearr strearras 8tr an
as ox extend to the cbrnow c eornae rn of i the canopy canopyand caneranti
and around the entire ball Near ear th thceiling 1 h hc hceiling
ceiling c HUngls is hung hun a wide black bora boraProm bordtFrom bordFrom
From this at frequent interval Ftar Ftarins ttaring
ins with a black and illl1Ji white C rosett iu iuhung t thunghlack
hung hunghlack black and abut strSaaifrif tN r raw < aM

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