OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, June 14, 1904, Last Edition, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-06-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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Uses ire 1eh1us Talk t to Cluk ClukftuJ lIukR1
ftuJ ftuJI ftuJV Piupe Piupet PiupeVIOLATES
I t
1 1PB3
Curbed jar and made de up in imitation lniltaUonitttrt < n nlKtur J Jit
lKtur it itttrt of Jesus Christ a man au n prcteni prcteniii pretellihI i ii
ii hI i g to cure loathsome disease d vkrtat vjolatt vjolattthe t tthe I Ithe
the city Ity ordinances with Impunity atSfoi atSfoiid a lam lamIt 3Ib11iiid
It iiid id Second South streets trcet yesterday yesterdayV4iice Tti Ttipolice Tjjvuiice >
police allowed aUow him in n the afternoon aim aimt alllinS h41 h41tIIfl
t vetting tIIfl linS to ply his hiaUUcit hi illicit trade despu desputh depth
th pro rJrovtJoJUJ visions of city ordinance 385 whi whiamong wbitl wbitlmong whiiz4Inong <
among other things forbids peddling wit wiiiii withI I Iin <
iii I a restricted district It Itrt coiui coiuiiirt COIi COIiIt
iirt rt be ascertained a last la evening even ng that ho hohad h hhad hJII
had any license at all Nevertheless he hes h htd hJ
s td i < J books to many who were Impressed Impressedby
by lts smooth talk talkThe talkThe talkTie
The individual wJiose hoae ON card bears bea the thePiimt thfSilnw theIt
Piimt It me of Dr Habn Brooke was dressed dressedi > f fjot
i jot iI i white blte flowing nOMO robe with lth loose sleeves sleevesfamiliar a1eev sleOveSfiiuiiiar > s sfamiitar
familiar In pictures of Christ He wore worelong worcJong wore1i
long 1i ng yellow yello hair and ocI tawny tawn beard care carefully eareflilly e eII ¬
fully II ly trained to resemble the beard of ofsus or1sus OfJ
1sus J sus He talked religion sold books and anddistributed andditMbuted andI
distributed I 4 t ributed cards ca II saying y1 he would cure curtJUH cureluat j jloathsome
loathsome JUH hBOme diseases diseasesAll dlaeaeIl
All 11 this thl did not visibly shock the re religious re11IloU8 reItgiou ¬
ligious senses IleIlMSof of the police officerswho officerswhoIn offtep offkeri wo whob
In 1 b rayed an equal indifference to toniciinanees t cItY cItYfit ety etye
niciinanees fit e dinane the individual was wasfoiisequently vfoJatl vfoJatlnequenU
foiisequently 4 nequenU he has already profited profitedlargely profttedln profitedlrgeIy
largely ln > I from tb tIe Oe e lambs In Salt Lake LakeTALKS LakeTALKS Lakei
Mrs Alice P Norton Lectures at atBarratt atJlarratt atBarratt
Barratt Kail Kailf IiaUMrs
Mrs f rt s Alice AU e P Norton of the Iniverslty Iniversltyor
or I Chicago hic aO delivered the first of a series serieslectures lienhtu merienf
< > f lectures htu in connection conn clton with the Uni Univ UNrit Unttrity
v trity rty rit y of Utah summer institute In tltute test testveniag hulttT1i Iatentug
veniag tT1i at Barratt alTatbU1 haii hJjbeuyaafa1r hJjbeuyaafa1rz befur n fair fauzl fairzl
zl z 1 audience Mrs I Norton orton had Chosen Chosent clausen1r
t 1r r her subject Housekeeping Huuk in the theJight tbeJ
Jight J ght of Modern Science Among other otherthings otheriIings
things 111 ins she said saidIt
It I t i Is wed for the young housewife housewifet
t learn arn that adulteration is more fre freMintly IreIIntly freet
Mintly et tItly a matter which concerns onc < rn the theiurc theIJ theiur
iurc IJ r than the stomach and that bac bacti bacti
tII ti ia 1 are of many man varieties teUes vome me of which whichTI bich bichj I
TI j r entirely harmless rurm A very > ery little littlelIf1wledse littleI
1 iHiwledge in the flue of discrimlnaUon discrimlnaUonuld
> < > uld be of great value 10 the house bousel
I eper per Many simple ple tests t sta can an b bI s ap apjiitd apJiioJ aptiJ
jiitd tiJ to the common articles of the house housei e eIi
Ii < i iolil and much mlk h material outlay may ma be beI betnJ beivet
a I rtvt4 in this way wa One practical use UMJr
r I a L knowledge of the working constitu constituent on tltu tltuflIt ¬
flIt flt parts arts of food f and their effect on ont I
t in human body bod is I that this tbI > knowledge knowledgerL kno Id < e
rL t > > household labor of its drudgery drud1 er eiy and andmakes ant1Jlales anU11uk
11uk makes Manse 5i me life more interesting I
Vhen hen householder adojt labor I r say saviiit sayig sayI
iiit I g devices which whlt h are really for the saw sawi y yL
i L of labor and an mistresses milltre ses are mist mistt mlrtresaes mlrtresaest
t the lh problems proble which hlen beet the house nouseK b houseper qae I
K hq < per r the servant rvant problem win be bejived foIdltd beilV4J
jived > When Tien more work is put t out and andiiore and11ore andIiure
iiore labor brought into the home there therevill thereI
vill 11 I be no servant ll rvanl claus The notion ot othaving 01levng
having in the household two classes of ofople ofI I
I ople I1e is too undemocratic undelDO < ratlc tor our coun counry couor
IF ry r and the tb servant problem like the theithrr theh
ithrr I h hrr labor problems will 11 solve itself itselfJii
Jii 11 this way wa waZtII
At 4 33ii oclock this afternoon att moon at the thell1i
1 ll1i n versify i > rslt Mrs Norton wlli speak on on1l1tributlon Ta Tai TItt TIttntrlbutlon
i 1l1tributlon lUrlbutlon of the Household d Arts to the theiriionium thelrliculum e errAeulum
< iriionium of the Elementary School SchoolJ
J > 1 this evening at Barrett hall h JI she will williir wftlI wfllThr
I 1 o iir jII ciiss UTh The Responsibility of the Home Homeiu
Clothes Waghftra W ran to Organize OrganizeMalta zJI Organineaks
Malta aks New liana
Following the failure of toe tn laundry laundryNvirkers laundryrkers laundryrkers
Nvirkers rkers of Salt Lake City to organise organiseserday o1Witniaetrday ornlzeS
> S serday eay afternoon a new ne proposition Jropo propositionvas ltion ltionbrought
vas is brought out The employee cmploo now no pru pruie prutQ proto
ie to establish a cooperative laundry laUDd
I his IIi I will 11J be conducted along the same
line Ii I If as ta the present union cooperativ cooperativlaundry cooper tht thtlInolTYO tiv tivlniery
laundry lInolTYO at Los Angrlcs AngrlcsAn AngrkII
An II effort will be made this week k to toitiale tohtialC totiae
htialC > < itiale u loan from the wntra tftt lauii lauiiir
ir r rv employee organization or to establish Ita a al aIol aif
l tut Iol if the loan can be obtained the thei tb tbI
i > dill d Mt will bt > pla placed ed in the handy of the thei theHpiyts theand
i miioyes and they they will 111 participate in the
l oIIWfo > imof and receive a share of the revc revcim reeI
1 im II irom t rem the laundry work done doneThis dOh4This doeThis
This plan has been successful tucct l ul in Los LosAiK LoaI LosAigeles
AiK Aigeles I d < les s and it is thought that the pros prosfor prosJTt prosI
JTt I t for such a laundry here are equally HtI 4Il 4IlFacl1
I Each employe will ill be prnetically prneticallystuekholder prietIeolIytuekholder etleaIlY etleaIlYsturkbold4r
= stuekholder The company wilt be beItnted berlted betrtetj
Itnted rlted by a directorate dl torate the same as a afiiKt aJII aill
fiiKt ill g commercial eomlftflt > lal concern concernAt
At I the t he meeting yesterday in Taylors Taylorslmndry Tay TaylorsLi
C lmndry 101 llndr undry the employes decided against againstnung
J nung rlilm a union by a vote of 31 to 2 2if J 2i
h if i overwhelming opposition is said to
I < due d lIE > to toone one of the employes < who bit bits bitIy ¬
s ly I opposes lletl the organization ollPlniliationt
At t a meeting of the laundry employes employess
s iiiday dda a statement ta nt was issue iasueJ J it is said saidHIiflg
taring that no employer tnplo r would hire
4 1 dlschar lisoharged employe of a union loon
cn Or Jr > The Taylor laundry laundr is i said to favor favorNO
r tl 1 inising ni lng provIding all Ii the employes eluploysaIlL
Elks Kangaroo Court Is Iato to Have HaveTW aTelWa KayoThis
This TW Limit IbaitTh LimitTh
Th judges of the Kangaroo Court Courtiviiioh Courtw
iviiioh w IIkh I I 11 will be held at Provo during th tM
Kiks 1 Jk k reunion have decided clded that a fine finen
n 1 t 10 I 0 exceed SI 1 Is to be imposed IIII ed upon uponiv uponone uponone
iv one culprit The announcement is ismale IsItdj isT
T Itdj male le because bec of f the rumor that fines f for fornuis
nuis j Ing alive aU might aggregate ate from 25 to toeverything toerythlnc toEverything
everything is practically in readiness readinessthe
i OJ r the reunion Wednesday which will willt willdtnue
< > dtnue it t > nue for two o days followed by the themmercial tltemmeretal themmeretal
< mmeretal dub entertainment of the
it itrs rs The midway is almost ready read readII
II < looptheloop is ready read likewise Uk the thei then thehu
i lioon hu n ii The railroads report that large largeiD laraeuis largewilt
iD uis ds wilt iIt go to Provo tomorrow and andi
i 1 uce IIeCeC4iIt uoceeding 4lq three day dasMEDOtOl dayss daysMETzcgoGwAL a aYtsterdaya
MEDOtOl METzcgoGwAL METzcgoGwALYesterdys GIO L LYster4a
Ytsterdaya Yster4a K aco Poeord eord at the Local Of Office Office Offlee ¬
fice of the Weather WeatherL Borwta Borwtal RurisoluImum
L luImum l IJO iximum mum temperature S2 degrees ruin mioiiiim D ruint4tlnpeathre n nI
iiiim I m temperature t il 1 degrees mean tem temlure temLture
1 Lture 1 < lure tt degrees which is 1 degree degreethe desreoi deeethe
i the normal accumulated deficiency deficiencyimperature 4efleleooyImperature deficiencytmperature
imperature since ai the Jet t of the month monthdegrees Gnthdgreea monthr
r degrees accumulated deficiency of ofni ofnherature
1 ni mpcrature urature since Jan n 1 28 degrees To Toprecipitation 10prec1pltatJoD Totiteelpitatlon
precipitation from i p p m to i p Po PoI paecussuisted m maccumulated
I accumulated deficiency d of predpi predpisince precipisince
01 iUII since the let of the month St StM 21I
M 1 accumulated excess of precipitation precipitationJan
> Jan 1 4M L inches inchesSISTERS lPchesSISTERS InchesSISTERS
But All OHM c ca Oat Xifbt XifbtHW Jat Jatn
HW n a sister stet played a trick that thatiMuuRht tbat1ou thatlr4ught
iMuuRht 1ou ht rosy roe health to a coffee ce ee fiend fiendi
i > an < interesting tale talel
l was a coffee < nend ftenda a trembling tretnIJUllgII
11 rvuuf physical ph8 wreck yet dinging to tothf tohI tot
thf t hI i Jk poison > > uii ifiOD on that stole away my strength strengthhause strengthl n naU
hause l e aU aUse e for a fleeting moment BlomeD it stimu stimuad Bt1muiltl stimuI
ad I d my weakened powers I mocked mockedi UCkOdiostuin
i Jostura and would ould have e none of it itOne ItOne ItOne
One day my sister t ter Mrs II IT 9 g 6Qaow 6QaowIr owr ow oweubstituted
Ir > r eubstituted tbotitut a cup of crisp hot hotIistum hotIlum hotI
Iistum I stum for my morning cup of coffee coffeebut ooaeelJU ooee ooeeijul
but lJU l did not tell me what wbat1t it was w I Itired IIlojced II
Ilojced I 10 tired the richness i < bne of it and re reivk reI reItIEk
I ItIEk ivk < d that the coffee < tasted fine but butinter batHi butIii
Hi Iii > inter I Iter did not tell me I was w drink drinkjll
jll 5 i1 1 utum tum for fear I might pt not take takea
a v nure nureSh OloJl8ht miroShe
Sh ht kept the th secret and kept giving givingnit vi viHH
nit l PiIt1Id P MNit < < instead IIO of oteq cofl e uaHt WI WIpW II I IKif
Kif I pW I S ronger I more 1110re tireless Iant got ot a ifet ifettfi htt flat flatt
tfi t tJ oior td e ir r in my aUew cheek cbeeUlJd and nd a atl adlitll a4lturi
tl dlitll < uri d to m 01 > eyes then she told sac sacof eof moof
of th < healthgiving uerveBtrengthen uerveBtrengthenx uerve trentllen trentllenUf
4 x Uf Ii ivor she > he had given me in place placeof placeof e eof
of m morning coffee From that lime aeI
1 u b < ii dn me a disciple d of Postum and no noword auJr not
t word Jr fan an do justice JU to the good this thisireji tbJacrtld thisrtr
ireji < rtr drink can do i will not try to toLit tot
Lit t 11 1 i i ir > r only after having hav DC used it can canone canw canflt
one flt w onvinced < of its merits r Name NameBive Jlamegin llgmeIy
gin by Postum um Co Battle Creek CreekMkl creekMid creekt1ici
Mid MklTe MidTf t1iciT
Te T dY < I y > > trial slows ato Posinots Po power powerT
T T i Liii3 1d vhat coffe eoerTht has UJ1re1 UJ1re1I 4cat1uye 4cat1uyeTit
Tit a rea reafl >
I 10 > K in fl ti flh h irrr Ik for fortbefvrnon the Pwioti lit it itle
1 le Duo b T I x I d
I Inspection on onlli of the Companies lli S of the TwentyNinth h Infantry
Twelfth and TwentySecond Batteries Beady for Inspection InspectionScenes InspectionSee InspectionScrrs
Scenes See During Du fnpctfoi by the Department rtment Gommmmtor Coinm C thmad
Out of a cloud of dust that tbathung bung hu like likea
a great brown canopy over freshly freshlycleaned freablyced freshlycISned
cleaned gun carriage panting sweat sweating sweatlug ¬
IDa horses and the new wellbrushed wellbrushedgarments wellbrulaedlDWbts wel1bruedWtrmrnts
garments lDWbts of the artillerymen dashed dashedthe dulledthe dashedthe
the Twelfth and Twentysecond Twenty c bat batteries batterIe8 battories ¬
tories on the lower parade grotiad grOti at atFort atPQJt atPyt
Fort Douglas DoqJ yesterday ye terda morning morningWhirling ID moyningWhiling J1IbI81irUrw
Whirling 1irUrw Into battle line the cannons cannonsthundered eaaaousthundered cannonsthundored
thundered a salute the jnut JIUbwtnr carriages carriageswere cirriageswere
were readjusted djuated and the soldiers stood stoodat IIt odat stoodat
at attention attentionHorses attentionHorse
Horses stood hard at their th ir bits and andat andat
at the sound of the bugle a score of ofgun ofsun ofgun
gun carriages and ammunition ammw t10n wagons wagonsclattered w weaattered waonsclattered
clattered across the field with a great greatmass areatmau greatmass
mass of dust folding about them The Thethrough IMe IMetbnMICb Theathrough
through a number of military maneu maneuvers maneuvena macanvera ¬
vena the batteries turned and wheeled wheeledSuch wlle8ledSuch wheedSuch
Such was the e scene witnessed by
Brigadier General Frank D Baldwin Baldwinof
of the Department of Colorado who ftopaid whopaid whopaid
paid an official visit to the fort yester yesterday yerdav yesterday ¬
day to inspect the troops troopsInfantry troopstaaUy troopsIffltry
Infantry View ViewInspection Viewed First FirstInspection PixetInspection
Inspection and review of the tl e troops troopscommenced troop8ooJDmencfd troopscommenced
commenced at 9 oclock < k yesterday yesterdaymorning Teeter4ayIIIOrJ yesterdaymorning
morning The members of f the Twenty Twentyninth Teptyninth eq eqninth
ninth regiment re of infantry that are arestationed areationed arestationed
stationed at the fort were called to totlae totlaeparade the theparade theparade
parade grounds rounds first Up and down the theline theline theline
line of uniforms the general passed In Inspecting Intlh Inspeeting ¬
specting tlh the guns noting the Wearing Wearingapparel estngapparel tn tnappuel
apparel and watching the position P of ofneraons otpttIIOns ofpermrns
neraons in the ranks
After the drill which followed the thefour tbefeur thefour
four companies of the the1 regiment meDt which whichhas wblebhaa whichhas
has Just returned from the Philippines Philippineswere
were sent back to their barracka barrac Every Everysoldier 21Yysoldier I
soldier was a fresh frea shaven wore well weUbrushed wellclothes I
brushed clothes and had cleaned eIeaae4W his hisshops hisWhiZ
shops shopsWhile
While W General Baldwin 8JtI U was jiiaiirg inspect inspecting Jo pecl pecling ¬
ing the infantry the artillery mery formed formedon
on the lower parade grounds and stood stoodat stoodat stoodgt
at attention for the coming 0018 of the 1 com commander eommander coinmainder ¬
mander After passing through the theranks theranD theranks
ranks the general watched the man maneuvers ma maeu mancovers ¬
covers eu > ers by b the batteries batteriesach bttert bttertach batterleeaeh
ach ach Man XaDrs an Is Inspected IupeeteclThe Inspect InspectThe InspectedThe
The inspection was after aft r the manner manner mannerPn8Cribed mannerprescribed
1 prescribed by the government When WhenGeneral WJIeaGeneral WbeuGeneral
General Baldwin passed through the theranks theranks theranks
ranks of infantry each man stood with withhis wttbh1a withhis
his gun ready re y for inspection His Hisclothing HI8clo IllsclothW
clothing clo was w also subject t to 0 observa observation ob8elTaUuL observatlou ¬
tion tionOn
On horseback the general nfral inspected inspectedthe
the butteries He passed through the thelong tileIoft thebug
long line of horses and carriages fatrta res and andLINEMEN dudLINEMEN nd ndLINEMEN
Udten Issues ssues Statement Re Regarding ReaNling Regarding ¬
garding Cause of ofStrtte ofStrtteof f Strike Strikeof StrfkeofPhone
of ofPhone Phone Men a
I I4nem UoeIAeo n employed at the Rocky Moun Mountain Mountaha Moonloin ¬
loin Bell 11 Telephone company yesterday ypsterdayreceived yesterdayreceived fte aJ aJed
received ed what money was due tess t tleft tc ancl anclleft nd ndleft
left The strike at the slant still con continues eoQtiB contunes ¬
tunes tiB although altho a number of the Ben Benhave meahave n nhve
have remained in the employ of o the thecompany theCQIIIJJ8nJ theeusuisny
company companyThe CQIIIJJ8nJThe eusuisnyThe
The company paay official still maintain n that thatthe ttlatthe thetthe
the striking employes have made de no of official offtcta o oficia ¬
ficial statement at em nt to t the Company of their theirdifference theirditlerecet theirdIfferences
difference The strikers take anothef anothefview a avJe a theV theVblew
view vJe of the matter Blatt and declare decla that the thecompany thecompany thecompany
company baa received etv sufOciefu notice noticeNearly not notNrl nutireNearly
Nearly Nrl o half ba of the w wocksseu < qrkm b employed employedthe CpIo CpIotlte
ny > the company received rect lodtl1eh their wages waaeae waaeaen1a yea yeaterday yester4ay
terday n1a They railed upon the manager managerf maoasetlae
f the concern and were ghr gFrurn n the amount amountdue aJPOUIItdue aountdue
due them themWe tb themWe m mWe
We nave cUll received no intMnation intMnationof
of the th actual tual cause cau e of the strike df dfclared dtclafd dedared
dared F U BUN local It manager yen yenterday y yteNa yesterday
teNa terday Thus far we are sl tn the thedark thedark thedark
dark for or the reason of toe In strike It Itto ItIII Ithi
to true tru thnt two of the men en were die discharged dieebatpd dincharged ¬
charged for fo msuberdination msuberdinationThu lnattJ MlaatiOlL MlaatiOlLTh
flu Th members of the striking union last lastevening lasteventnc lastevening
evening Issued a statement of their side sidein sidei aideIp
in i the matter The statement asserts that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the strike we w called on account of the thealleged thoUe thealleged
alleged Ue violation of the contract by the thetelephone thoteleph4 thetelephne
telephone teleph4 ne company The inkers were wereorklng were1JOIkIq wereWorkiug
orklng under t a yearly contract Its most mostHWS IDOtite mostesses
e HWS The Tb statement stat ment issued reads as asfollows di asfellows
follows followsThe f UoaTbe fellowsThe j jaOClly
The Usiemen l In the employ pluy pf the thestocky theRocky
stocky Mountain Bell Tclephcue Tlepb cMnpany cMnpanyare y I It
are out t en a strike in canaequence osiDqufbee of ofthe ofthe I
the viointlon of an agreement AJ t made de be betwefn be be1twesn I It
twefn t efn them t thessalid and the telephone romaany romaanyMay ImyYay eooipsnyMay
May L In this u agreemvat cree agreemeOt4lr ihe Ct CtpropoMd emny emnyproposed mpa y yproposed
proposed to pay all aubrpsvme itUbf ubforemeaI remeatt xH cents centsper efttper eontper
per hour and this is the specific 8 PII PIIof psa psaof 1
of tbe agreement that has Ita been vk vklated viQ viQlated lu lulated
lated J JA
A committee was n consultation con ultaUon with withMn wltbPnpr withMsnnger
Mn Pnpr sr Murray this morning during durlnswhich duJ1ac1WhJc duringwhich
which be admitted that we W e ned nadtTwo Diada grise griseaee
a aee bUt did n not t signify Ify hIS intention er er4fu ofaditinthig
aditinthig 4fu It ItTwo ItTwo
Two men en were discharged for to refus refusing rertnI refueIng ¬
ing to do subforemens work Saturday Saturdayf
f tnt r liwc 1 iee tfrpa t subforemans j ji7 sy y which whichi w b bt
i Is dfrccty t y contrary to our our8lJft agreement with withtb wlht wlbthe
tb t the telephone ho company companyft e
Preen Committee Local Union ntoft No 57 57I i1I 7 7L
1IIr 1IIrIlUSI e
I Ia
DeUaqueatg Wffl 1IelroHpa Be Proaeautad Prouit4 in in7tt InTn
r rThose
Tn 7tt a Daya ayu ayuThose I ITIIose
Those who have Called to pay pM their poll polltax polltea 1
tax must do so within t1alP ten t 1I days a8 or be beprosecuted beThe
prosecuted prosecutedThe I ITIle
The supevlaten supe11nteneat ten eat of streets stated statedyesterday atatedateflday statedyesterd
yesterd yesterday ateflday be would enter suits which whichwould whichtile whichwould
would = cost the detttHa delinquents nts E or more ia iaThe inIII jIeost2
eost2 J I
rmL rmLTb III JfOftOE f ft
The Tb funeral t services over er the th rowiins rowiinsof rzr i n nLa I IGf
of Uonai 1Ao La A son of M Mr and tid Mrs Mr srv SfI S Seged i ityed iJ
tyed 10 1 years ears will be t h hId d today todayy j Ia
a y y > at 4 p m n frum tk ho ho > Thiry Thin Tliiryfu > I t tflr
flr i W wr1 rnlil 1 tH 1 rl = are arec
c Ot = =
S 5
S 5
then took the direct command of the tbetroops Uaetroops thetroops
troops In giving a mlUta military driB drllLAs drillAs
As the thecaravan caravan ot wagons wtlflO ns and ho homoved hotuss hotussipoved lle8 lle8a I
moved about a ab llt the field the dust a aabout aahout arose aroseabeut
about themin theiR In clouds l so thick that thatat tbatat thatat
at times the tlierar far squads BqG dll were hidden in inits Initsdeptb inits
its itsdeptb itsdeptbAfter depths depthsAfter depthsAfter
After the inspection D of the artillery artillerymen artillerymen artillerymen
men the barracks were visited When WhenWANTS WhenWANTS WhenWANTS
Mrs Arthur Miiiken Reports ReportsAbsence ReportsAbsen II
Absence Absn e of Spouse and andSister andSister andSliter
Sister I
Mrs XArthur Arthur A Milfeen IIi of West Jordan JordaBhas I Ihas
has reported e t tM th polic iee authorities authoritiesthat au4 authoritiesthet hC dtldtllat
that her sP husband lIus left lee home b ll1el last t Wednes Wednesday Wed WeddaY Wednesday ¬
day ae ccopsflisd Msa enied Ied by byJIIIa Miss Mary Rauif Rauifthe Rauttile RautPthe
the 14y t 24yIPre4 aroW oW sister of f Mr s Mttfcen MttfcenThe KiltkenTIte MIlenThe
The couple vee drivtag tlrlvI in a light lIt buggy buggyMrs bllll5J buggyKra
Mrs Miiiken J a at firstthought nothing nothingof ooth oothOf
of the Hat but ah abs says ys S now tb tbcontinued the tlwURtled thecontinued
continued URtled absence of bar husband anal andyoung anilyoung
young 108 sister has led her to believe that thatthey tJaatlie thatthey
they lie planned nned and succssHfuHy carried carr1 out outan Outelopeet outan
an elopemeat elopemeatThe BU1JIIY S SThe
The girl had resided resl with bb her married marriedtster marriedr marriedsister
sister r for some time tlm Mr Miiiken is IsD Ismoo a atmaa
tmaa moo D in the thirties thirtiesTO S SS
5 5Odinice I
Ordhiaaco oce Th ThovIdIng ft ttvritog latro latrodticed Iaao IaaoI IntroS IntroSdced
I dticed in CotmciJ CotmciJAn councuAn
An ordinance providing for the paving pavingof
of BIB street Ijt was wa introduced lutFoducedlnthe lutFoducedlntheclt in the tliedty thedty
dty council couucillteventng last evening eftt1 but it Jtback was sent sentback sentback
back to the be city ci attorney because It ui tAlDOt Old Oldnot i inot
not specify the kind of pavement to be beused beuaed beused
used It is the intention to use asphalt asphaltthroughout asphaltthroughout pbatt pbatttluou
throughout tluou < bout There was some talk about aboutusing aboutqalnc aboutislng
using macadam c from < Fourth East to toTenth tttTenth toTenth
Tenth East ttreat atre to cut down 40 doWnbut expenses expensesbut expenaebut
but it Tas finally abandoned abandonedThe abandonedThe I IThe
The cdmnuncatlon from Sealer of ofWeights OfWelabts OfWeights
Weights and Measures F W Richards Richardsasking RichardsUkl Richardsasking
asking Ukl for an appropriation ppr oprlatioa of 1800 with withwhich wltJawldeh
which to buy a horse bo and buggy was w sent sentto sentto sentto
to the committee committeeThrough OlltlbltteeTilrou S SThrough
Through Tilrou < h his agent D F Walker asked askedermtsaion askedrmlnton askedpermission
permission ermtsaion to put a fifth story on the thei th thF theD
D i F Walker building < Building Bulldl Inspec Inspector llUIpEctor
tor Lewis entered aw objection o jection on the tneground t theground tie tieIOund
ground that the walls ar aN not sufficiently sufficientlyStrong lIuffieienUyTne
Strong Tne matter will come up on oni caWidneidsy
i Wednesday niht nihtAa ni bt S SAn I
An appropriation lttlon of ot15OI < tXSN was w voted to toexperiment
experiment on the underground d flow nowwater ef efwater ofwater
water frosi frrn Emigration canyon C The Themoney TheMoney Themoney
money ia tove It O used bjp City cn Engineer O OW 0w
W Snow SnowOver 8no 8noOVer S SOver 01
Over the veto o e < the Mayor ay r r the council couaeilallo1reel causeSallowed councilallowed
allowed tbe claim c of f 0 H Skjdmore f felectrical for forekctr1ca1 ferelectrical
electrical services pertermed in connection connection connec OIlJ1ecdon ¬
tion with the recent nt Investigation tave into intoh intottae intothe
the h MtV service Ue given the tb Oily tit l by the Utah UtahUfht UtalLat UtahI4vt
Lat e Railway conjoany conjoanyThe comnanyTfte
The council took 3 recess until untiloclock iJlt iJltoclock 7loclock
oclock Wednerdav etinqa night when it will willconsider wlUcoratder willconsider
consider th the i > ay aj rollp roll
11 i I IosTEt1EIk
If you neglect neglecti nelecttacla I IS
I osTEt1EIkif the i stomach stoaekrI i iand i
II S osTEt1EIk
rI and bowels you yijEtEBR 011 j jnre
JJ CUE EtEBR nt nre il re going to tosuffer toamCflr tosuffer
suffer from fromNausea frOlDSausea fromwilt
Nausea NauseaSick SauseaSik
Sick Htaclache HtaclacheSleeplessness HtadaeheSeapJessnEs
Sleeplessness SleeplessnessConst SeapJessnEsOUslipation
Const OUslipation OUslipationD ipation ipationDyspepsia
Dyspepsia D ptpsja an nl nlIndJgltlon < l lIndigestion
Indigestion IndJgltlonThe j jThe
The BittiF BittiFwiH Bi tt nf nfwilt
wilt strengthen strengthenthe
the t he ttomaih ttomaihkeep ttoma tomaehSTOMACH b bki
keep ki > fr the bowls bowIsITTERS bowlsopen
STOMACH open x and pre prevent Vr Vrnt ¬
ITTERS vent nt thtsc ail ailPlfri allFr
Plfri t
Tr a a ac
c > c
< t
the jeswal soaal entered a room in the quar quarters qgratern
tern ten the soldiers IdJen stood motto motionlesswaltiug motionless motiouieasawaiting I IaUID
awaiting aUID g commands The Tb work of ofspecUon ip tpspection ipspection
spection took the entl entire forenoon loyenoonWith forenoonWJth toJeDOODWJth
WJth the general p eral on hhv hl tOAT t of o1J bn IpectWD Ipespection bnspection
spection were Colonel Loekwood LQckw oomi oomimander COllI COllImander cosutmander
mander of the fort Major Smith and andvarious an4vrioua n4 n4various
various aids and members of the staff staffof IItftof staffof
of each officer officerYOUNG oftlcerYOUNG omcerYOUNG
Democratic Club ti Started Under UnderFavorable UnderFavorableAuspices UnderFavorableAuspices
Favorable FavorableAuspices Auspices at Meet Meeting leeting MeetingLast ¬
ing ingLast Last Evening EveningAn
An n enthusiastic n hWlia5tic meeting of young Darn Democrats DeDioenats Darnocrats ¬
ocrats of Salt Lake was held 10 I Ii tb the office officeof ffc0of
of Ray Ra Van Cott last nightfar night far the pur purpose 1tPrpoee pjzrpose ¬
pose of taking steps preliminary to the theorganisation tbeQlKanlation theerganlatlon I
organisation of a young mens men Democrat Democratic lat latIe ¬
ic club ia Salt Lake county unty M H Lund dPreatded LundpresMed Lundpresided
presided at the meeting and C C M Jack Jacksen 1 1SOD Je Jerun
SOD was secretary A committee to ar arrange Itfrange r rranga ¬
range a plan of organisation was wupoint ap gppolnted appointed ¬
pointed point the membership being bath A S 8Fowler Stowler SFowler
Fowler Ray Ra Van Cott and If I W y gloan gloanA tSoanbip oan oanA
A membership bip committee consisting of ofGeorge otGeorge ofGeorge
George B Blair It II Lqadand Lund and C M MJackson
Jackson I was named Fifteen Flr n additional Jclditlonalwill additionalmembers ddIlonalJuMnbers
members will be added I J gF 5 Fowler FowlerPeriey YfwlerPerley FowlerParley
Parley Hill and James Jam Fulton were ap
pointed Inted to secure e ahall a h11 for thA t meetings meetingsWhitney meetingsB
Do B Whitney A L Loves R7 R W flloan flloanand JllojInand Skpnand
and C M Jackson were appoInted apPQt ts as the thapublicity tllapubUcltr
publicity committee Another An tber meeting meetingwill meftincwfU meetingwill
will be held Jit in two weeks Wf ekM > by which hfeb time timea tlm4eQtte timea
a definite scoeroe 8 Mme for or organization will willbe 11
be ready readyAbout
About A llt fifty young men were w rc present at atthe atthe atthe
the meeting and the indications indl tionare are that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the dub will start off wit with a big mom Melli ¬
bership blp Efforts will be made lo to have haveother hoveother ve veo
other o her counties of tbe state Join jo1uf1l in form
in frZ ii similar Iar clubs clubsJfer clu clubsPer
Per Anj flood DMnoerat DMnoeratSimon DuipocratSimon OQlat OQlatlmon
Simon Bamberger one of the delegates
to the Democratic natioaa naUo d8nveJit convention
l III reply to an ineuiry > from the New ork
World yesterday outlined his hi fteatttoB fteatttoBwith patlouwith
with rsjfereace rrence ace to the presidency as fol ¬
lows S SS
lowsI i
S 1 shall n favor any nn sound Democrat ir irATTACKS trct Icrespective
ct respective = i of tQ locality rWho who eujQYJl theecn the ecu
fidence of the party partyATTACKS i iATT
Prof Paul Says Tense T Is 1uUr Jf a aUseful t tUidrfal
Useful or BWcnal ticnI ticnI7ese 011I1 i iTease I
Tease T does not seem to lie aoyt aoytuseful loytuseful
useful or rational ta declared Prolt
Paul of the latterday Saint S2 S2in
UIIIV UIIIVn unvIn JDllt JDlltittetQI
in n an address before fore the Slat Slatthat State eo N Niistftute
ins iistftute tfWao at the CnJ University Venit > Gt tTtatt tab y 1
tenlay The peeker declarfdt deciar d that t b be beno paw
no particular use ua for tense and nd mode and 1
that grammar was simply logic CowtiBU
ing his statement nt regarding Uuse enao he hesaid besaid hesaid
said saiduio
saidNothing uio Nothing seems to depend upon it It
i II put Into ail the grammars Jut ju t ae if
it had some as but what that use is isnobody jltnobodyems Isnobody
nobody nobodyems seems able iibl to discover It could couldjust CQuldjUlit cotldjust
just II as a well be li left out Ut and red hit divisions divisionsof tJhIilonof
of time tim Instrt InsrtJ il Then th thf < timeforms timeformsof t I It
of th ti < very 4 and a nti the I h loffkiil I j ltTt I nxrecmein nxrecmeinbetween i I e TO I I I IbetWn
between t n thesn I h les timtform I rn f r tvotilitike r I i I k ti rllI rllIplac I I IJIIaIe i ipla
plac pla > t f ihi Iii h iiri 11I011 fnr JI1I i incliu incliuthe includthe II
the time m I8e8OW mnenu Miuig ui e vtilm t wn under iciiou iciiouother liD It5IUother liDother
other headings called tln tens in like man manner to toJtr rnzier ¬
ner cae docs d s not seem to t have sny ny n nimportant
important meaning anlllC in Knglish grammarand grammar grammarand ramrnaratid
and there Is so little inflection 01 of the theBN Eng lflj11th ¬
lish words that instruction under these thesehfadingB theliehfadinp theseheadings
headings could be greatly reduced in iniraount intlnount Ititlflouflt
iraount without lisiie anv an a I in I utility utilityThe ulllhytra utilI utilIe
e = 0 0tcas
tra tcas Sw SwThe
The way a man feels A heavy felt hat hatwill hatwiD hatwill
will make him irritable One On of our ourstraws ourstraws
straws will make him feel fresh freebt aad aadgenial ed edgenial I
genial genialBROWN t nial
i 1BflOWN = t
fl flwes
wes TC < < il
MUSIC TODAVA TODA YA recital will be held heldat heldIlt heldat
at the tabernacle at 52 i2D oclock thi tInnoun aft aftnoon iftnoon
noon noonDJJNCAV noonDLrliC nounDUNUY
Duncan n wto h as s arrested arre < tt a a few days daysthar daysehard < ays aysehargjed
ehargjed d with assault a saut has been liisrni liisrniby dismiby iml imlby
by Judge Diehl DiehlCAR DiehlCAR DiehiCAR
CAR JUMPS TRACKAs the result riulta f fa
a car bouud for the he Sal 11 Palace jum ju juthe juth
the th track > at a curve just this aide ide ot otgrounds or o otrounds
grounds four persons J rsons were ere thrown f ftheir ftilir fthctr
their seats and siigbUy allg tJy injured injuredBight injuftdsi ixijuredRIaIft
Bight BightHEAVY si ht htHEAVY S SJIKAVY
HEAVY SALE OF WATKKThe WATERThetlt WATERThetltaSse Wf Wfsseumeirts Wtr Wtrassessments
assessments aSse mtlIlB for the lh past year Yt > i r umouathd anrOut anrOutto ia
V to > H8W595 It4O 10595 which was Wit an increase i1 < rea reathe 9V 9Vthe ovthe
the previous rewus year ear of 1811 4l 7j The Th Thralt Therate5 S Srates
rates ralt for the same period pf > riod amounted is t t3IO34
Ji310a 31034 an Increase of ll43e97 ll43e97MINISTERS h I115OPMINISTERS Itr ItrMINISTERS
MINISTERS MEETLNGThe 1tiETI GTh GThof memb membof K beS beSof
of the Ministerial association aS8O lation heard nee neeamu Be e
Samuel amu > 1 K Wishard superintendent 8uprtntendeatPn8byterian ft ftPrtsbyterian E
Prtsbyterian Sunday Sunda schools yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdeya eate
afternoon 8 I ternoun at their regular r session sendonishard loD Df Jioihard
Wishard ihard made a report on the union nolantween be between bi bil
tween l weetl the Cumberland Cumb < rland and the socatted socattedNorth aoeal aoealorth socalindNorth
North orth Presbyterians PresbyteriansCOLONEL PresbtriansCOLONEL PresbyteriansCOLONEL
Under the auspices of i bv Fvergreon verBrea ludfrfr Iud
Fraternal Union of America Amcr Colon John
Handley vice k president pr ldent of the order de de ¬
livered an address on Fraternaliem PratelRlLlnight last lastnight lsitnight
night at Odd Fellows Jsellowt1baU hall There TMrelarge was7 was7large wasa
large attendance Colonel Hasdteys tor I Iture ¬
ture was as followed by a musical pro programme P programme
gramme grammeFIRE srammefIRE grammeFIRE
FIRE AT ST ELMO ELMOA A pile pilesmoldering of
smoldering rubbish ta the furnaceof furnace of f Die
St t Elmo Hotel H t l 277 South Mate street streetwas 1ItrMtWLIS treetwas
was responsible responsibJatlooIockHIer4 responsibJatlooIockHIer4morning at tIS oclock yesterday yesterdaymorning
morning for the tbehose calUnceut calling out of Vell
ho hose e companies The smoke pouring PGUdnuf out outof catof
of the registers alarmed the hotel hotelpant hotelpants oceto ocetopante
pant but there was no DOthe blase nsv >
the smoke do any damage damageMRS damaPIRS S SIRS
r n > Watt supreme oracle of tbe Royal RoyalXvigbbors RoyalNigbbors
Xvigbbors igbbors is j in the city from Omaha OmahaNeb O8IahaXeb Omahaeb
Neb eb and she willgiTe wilt tlve ive an address to tonight 0 0night tonight ¬
night at tho M W w A hall on First FirstSouth FkstSouth First0Utb
South and Main streets All the Modern ModernWoodmen ModernW Modernoodmen
Woodmen W 000 oodmen men and their friends together t with withthe wltbthe
the Royal Neighbors and their friends friendsare i iare
are invited invitedMLBIC InvitedMtSIC invitedMLIC
MLBIC HALL FOR LOGAN LOGNArUdes LOGNArUdesor Articles Articlesof
of incorporation ipco porat4on for the Thatcher Or Orchestra Orcheat1 OrScwe8t ¬
Scwe8t chestra were filed yesterday Jellt in the sec secretary eecret seeretayy ¬
retary ret of states office 9fflee tJte he purpose of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the J incorporation is to operate rate a dance danceand clanceand danceand
and JlutdC music hall and andPMvI1lton pavuHon in inT n LOsan LOsanThe n nThe
T The capital tal stock ia tioToQO 119 10000 The dl dld d direetors direetorsare rs rsare
are 4 s d Anderson AII Lee Thatcher tcber Marry Hanyht all allGeoi1re
Prn ht George w batcher tch F1I 6 0 That Thatcbe ThatIo8epb ThatS
S cbe Joseph A Smith jr and Benjamin BenjaminTKAM BePJamlncartJJe BenmlnT1M
cartJJe cartJJeTNK
TKAM RUNS AWAY AWAYA A team owned ownedby ywl1td ywl1tdby wflcdby
by W A Ray fc Sons merchandisebrok merchandisebrokers merchandise I rok rokelllran bokera ¬
ers elllran ran away yesterday afternoon for forthe fort forthe
the t e third time In two weeks After dash dashlag dashon dashlug
lag east st on First South street for several severalblocks several1I1Oe severalblocks
blocks 1I1Oe the frightened frlahlf > ned horses hor ps collided with withtrolley Witbtrolley witha
a trolley pole wrecking the front part of ofthe ofwaaon ofS
S the wagon Both animals broke loose loosefrom looeefrO loosefrom
from frO the harness barn SII and were not caught caughtuntil eaqbtullUl canghtuntil
until they bad fled several blocks far farther farther tarther ¬
ther At the time of th the occurrence Iftnce the thedriver theelrivw thedriver
driver was unloading grain from the rear rearend rearend rearand
end of the vehicle vehicleDIES vehleleDO8 vehicleDiES
waiting wai Pg a month to find the relatives of ofJames ofJames
James 1 Hogarty who died at the Holy HolyCross HolyCraQ HolyCron
Cross Cron hospital May 1 his body was buried buriedyesterday burledyee buriedyestrday
yesterday yee y Hogarty H artr was a section fore foreman foreDIan foreman ¬
man on the San Pedro road He was wasbrought waat wasbreugitt
brought t to the hospital from Calientes Calienteswhere CAlienteeWb8le Callenteswhere
where he was taken sick After his death deathbis deatlahiJ deathbi
bis bi relatives could not be found and for forover fOlover foroVer
over a month the remains have been to toan JDodertakfng iiian
an undertaking establishment e tabll hment The re remains rema1na remains ¬
mains were finally given burial Father FatherMorrissey FatherlIom FatherMorrissey
Morrissey lIom se officiated When Bogart HogartFIRE Hrtydied Bogartdied
died he d coming from the rtdlroa rsUroacompany l
eo company Th This was used for the funeral funerale8 funeralzpmoeL
zpmoeL zpmoeLS e8
< Hr fye Visitia Visiting Miners Xia aDd aDdStudents Summer SummerStudents umnmr umnmrStudents
Students Exhibition ExhibitionFor
For the purpose of demonstrating to tothe tothe
the large influx of miners from the neigh neighboring netalaboJ1 neighborlug ¬
boring boJ1 towns just t what an uptodate uptodatefire u todte
equipment pment means and just j t bow bo quick quickly ¬
ly a brigade of fire fighters f can get t to tothe toth
cJo cJof tr ratB ratBwater
the th h acen scene cen of o action Chief William By Bywater Bywater
water of o the Salt Lake City department departmentordered departmentordered departmentordered
ordered a special drill of engine and hose hosecompanies honeCoinpnlea
companies No 1 last night nightr nightThedrill I
r Thedrill was held at 7 oclock in front frontof frontof frontof
of headquarters and nd was witnessed by bysome bysome bysome
some 2W visitors besides a large num number nuntbar ¬
of young women from tn the University Universitysummer rnlvelSitumnaer UnIversitysummer
summer school who had been especially especiallyinvited especiallyinvited peiay
invited for theoccasion thocc the oeeaslon Under direc direcU4n directhfli
U4n 0 of Chief By Bywa Bywateg wafer f and Captain W WG Wa j jG
G Workman of the engine arid hose honecompanion
companies several runs were made from from8tatE fromState
State street to the fire house a ladder ladderthrown laddelthrown ladderS
S thrown to the roof and scaled and hy hyorant hydrants byS I
S orant draMa connected with steamers The Therecord Th Threeord Therecord
record time of iff seconds s onds was made madeIn madeIn madeIn
In the rear of the fire house scaling seatingiadd scalingladders iinc iincIa
ladders iadd rs were run up to the extreme extremeh extremeheIght > xtremeand
h heIght igh and firemen were retIeu rescued by bytheir bytheir
their companions from the top of the thetorw tiletQL tntton
torw ton The latter drill was under the thenal thepenonal thepersonal
personal nal direction of Chief Bywater and andiln andCap
Cap Jn iln John Stab The department was washeartily w wheUIy washeartily
heartily commended for its work by those thosewho thosewho thosewho
who witnessed the performance performanceMAY performanceMAYTAKE performanceSo
Theatrical triCal Trust Negotiating Tux the thePiece thePiece thePIece
Piece PieceThe PieceThe PIeceThe
The theatrical trust of America which whichcontrols whichcontrols
controls MO theatres in this country may mayplace mayplae mayplace I
place Corianton on the boards this fall fallO failU
O U Bean who is in New York City Lttywrit I Iwrites 1 1writes
writes writ that he has interested the tb mans managers ¬ I IS Igets
gets S III of the trust in the Mormon piece piecethat Piecethat piecethat
that perhaps Frederick Warde and Kath Katherin Kathenn Kathertn
erin Kidder may be in the cast Charles CharlesKlrhman CharlesRlchman barle8RkluDan
Klrhman aad William Farnum are re also alsomentioned alsOmentioned
mentioned in connection < n with the princi principal princiI principal ¬ I
pal I role If the trust takes the piece it itis Itill
is 5 likely JU eI to be given a try out at But Buffalo Buttab ¬
falo tab for a period of four or five weeks weeksJ weeaSA ButI
0 0IIr
Th fte Wonderful Wonderful Kidney Llrer and andBladder aa41 andBladder
Bladder Jtsmedy ataed ataedBottl ZrmedyJait JtsmedySantpU
SantpU Bottle Sent Tree Pr By 1 1S JCalL JCalLSwamp Ka1LSWampRoot
S Swamp SWampRoot Root discovered dI by the t e emi eminent emir emiDent ¬
Dent kidney kldne and bladder apectallproqtpUy specIalIstpromptly specialist specialistpromptly
promptly cures C1aTM kidney liver bladder bladderand bladderS dder dderand
S and uric url < acid troubles troublesSome tronbleSoIne troublesSome
Some of the early symptoms of weak weakkidneys wkkidneys weakkidneys
kidneys are pain or dull ache acb in the theback theback theback
back rheumatism dissiness dlaJft 1 headache headachenervousness beadachenErousnes headachenervouanes
nervousness catarrh of the bladder bIdderI bladdegravel bladdergravel
gravel I or calculi bloating willow lIu com complexion cornplexion QJI QJIpk ¬
pk plexion > XioR puffy or dark circles under un the theeyes eeye theeyep
eyes eye suppression ea ion of urine or compeUel compeUelto
to pass PJ pe water a r often djay and it nd night nightTlgttMd nightS t tTS
S TlgttMd and extraordinary eztra rdlitary effect e e ct of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the TS wtof WTfbmuuw ffenMHiskidney fttmou Idney ney remedy reo reom m Dr DrKiipers DrKIlers
Kiipers KU SwampHoot is soon ponIt realiaej realiaejIt = 1
It stands ep nds the highest hiCb for it 1M wbnde wbndeful One i I IM IS
S ful cures re of the most distressing dt dtf adgg adggU cases casesf
U f wu au 0u need a medicine you youU1d youU1dlay should shouldhav sou1dbav
lay the best bestSwampRoot bestSwampRoot
SwampRoot 8 pRoot te not recommended re for foreverything foreveryUamg foreverything
everything but if you ou have bav kidney kidneyMver kick1eirIt hidneyliver
liver It bladder or uric acid trouble trQi b1e you youwill youwill youwill
will find it Just the remedy you eu euSold c cHold
Hold by jr druggist in f atrent cent centsizes and andgins andlUe andlUeise8
gins You may have a sampl aamplE mp bottle bottleof bOttleof bOttleof
of Dr Kilmers SwampRoot t and a apamphlet apamphlet i ipampblet
pamphlet that tells all about it incjud incjuding In inejudtug nd i itng
tug many jDany of the thousands of letters lettersreceived lette letteft lettersreceived
received ft elved from fr m sufferers cured both bothsent bothaent bothsent
sent sent free by mail maiL Write Dr Kilmer KilmerA Kilmerq
A Cq q Binghamton amtoD N Y and please pleasebe ple plebe piousbe
be sure to mention that you u read this thisgenerous Weoffer thingenerous
generous offer in the th Salt Luke Herald HeraldDoqft Hera Herat Heraldo
Doqft o t make any mistake n but remem remember reme remetMtr ¬
bar the he name SwampRoot Dr KJI KJImers UJiSwampRoot lfilmerg
mers Swamp SwampRoot Root and the address addressBinghamton ad4reuBiaPamton addressBinghamton
Binghamton N Y on o every bottle bottleWa bottlei bottleEXCIRSIOAM tUe
i j
YlOron0rtIth YlOron0rtIthSf Wa Oxcj Hi sfort JAM IJXMSt JAM8tt
St 8tt Louis u 4ouia and rettarn reflirnChIcago m mCh MM
ChIcago Ch aai return ftUItnChicago retutnChicago Ol5i Ol5iSt
Chicago aCt nd return via fit StSt Loul l lSt
St i Ltpuis ws and e4 ratvrn I tvn via Chicago ChicagoTransit SAM SAMTransit
Transit limit ten days in each eecbdon 4Btee 4Bteetfon
don final limit sixty days Tickets oft oftsale GO GOsale onsale
sale Tuesdays and Fridays each week weekTickets weekTickets weekTickets
Tickets good ood for stopover stopoverIt
It Is Just as Bad Form FormTo Formr
To r uuor tan giioer Q with a iir we dit o suita suitait nulL utt uttit g gIt
it is i to wear w ar a winter hat with summer summerattire til summerattire
attire Get one of our Panamas PanamasBROWN PanamasBROWN PanamaaBROWN j
ICC 1 Main Street StreetHARRUS4 StreetS StreetDtED
HARRUS4 iARttjEdIn In Sugar House ward Mary Mil MilEten
Elen Harries 44 years and 6 months monthsold monthsold I Iold
old oldNotice oldNoticc oldNotice
Notice of funeral later laterBEMNIE laterB laterBEWWIEGarlaud
BEMNIE B BEWWIEGarlaud IEGarlalld Garland Big Horn county countymln
Wyoming mln June 7 W04 l H Willard Davfd DavfdHonrif Dadd DaddHpn DavHinnt
Honrif Hpn h t JT veirn f crs old son SO of haL haLAu I ILlJ < <
MUE LlJ Aiitl itnic BeJiU
< c
5 n
5 5i 5Tis
The TJmUd Um States Stateswere s sJtInt8
JtInt8 All AllThe
were organized izd4e 4g r 1732 1732The t t tThe Jj
The coinage cf nickels was bRB a ia iaI8S6 inS
S 1866 The latest l tfSt report ftportfro from f tbc tbcMints F1 S SMints
1 S have Mints been shows coined 5 that tIIt445841054111CUFIS tIIt445841054111CUFISS 445 since SInce 841854 841 that 854 tine tinevalue nkfejk nkfejkhave The Th e Nickels NickelsEver N IC S Svalue e I S r rbave
1 55 5 5r value 2229205270 r 18 Io Ever Co Coined Coinedatild inc d dS dwould
S would atild not pay im for the theCremo theCremo thec
Cremo cigars smoked smokexiin
v in In one year yeart yearLarg yearrer
rer rerLargest
t ii iiLargest
Largest Larg st Seller in the World WorldTHE T Ta
Humorist Regrets His Inability Inabilityto
to t Attend 1e St Louis LouisWorlds LouisWcrlds LouisWorIds
Worlds Fafr FafrS F FafrLouis fr frSt
S St Louis June ia 13A l3AcharacterinUc A characteristic cbaracter lUc let letter letter leticr
ter from Samuel L 1 Clemens Mark MarkTwain MarkTwain IflirkTwIn
Twain written wrlttf n before his wifes death deathwas deathafi deathwas
was afi received by President Pre ident Francis at the theworlds tbeWorlds theWorlds
worlds fair today In p part rt It follows followsVllia followsviIla
Villa di Quarto Firens May 28 itt 19MDear JM ittDear
Dear Governor Francis It has been beena
a dear wish of mine to exhibit myself at atthe attbe atthe
the great fair and get a prize but but cir cirrumstancfs drcum dr drCUmstancts
rumstancfs cum tancs beyond my control have in interfered Interfered interfered ¬
terfered and I must lDu t remain in Florence FlorenceAlthough FIorEnceAlthou FlorenceAlthough
Although Althou h 1 have never taken prizes any anywherf anowhen anywhere
when else cIe I used to take them In school schoolIn
In Missouri half a century ago and I Iought Iougbt Iought
ought to be able to repeat them now if
I could have a chance I used to get the themedal tbem themedgl
medal m J for or good spelling apeUl g every week and I Icould Icould ICould
could have had the medal for good ood con conduct conduct conduct ¬
duct if there had not been bet > n so much cor corruption corruption ourruptjou ¬
ruption iu Missouri in those days still stillI tiul tiulI
I got < ot it several times by tradlng medals medalsand medalsand medalsand
and giving boot I am ani willing to give giveboot 1veboot giveboot
boot now no if IfhoeOer however those days are areforever areforever areforever
forever gone by b in Missouri and perhaps perhapsit
it is better so Nothing Nothi Jr ever stays the theway tbew theway
way w it was in this changeable fD world worldAlthough worldAlthough
llt Iy
Although a1 I cannot be eaa at the fair ir I Iam Igolneto Iam
am going golneto to be represented there any anyway anoway anyway ¬
way by a portrait by Professor Geld GeltiYou GeldYou OtillYou
You will find it excellent Good judges judgessay judgesgay
say 8 it is better than the original ori They Theysay TIleyNY
say it has all the merits of the original originaland ornaland originaland
and keeps still besides It sounds like likeflattery likettattel likeflattery
flattery but it is just true trueALL
4 4ALL 41 41ALL
Xember of Suicide dub iub Acts Ac Accordtaf Aocorc1bc Ancording
cording to Promise PromiseNew PNIMNew PromiseNew
New York June 13 13Geore George Wagner Wagnera
a wealthy German resident of Bridge Bridgeport BrIdgeport Bridgeport ¬
port Conn committed suicide by byshooting bysbootinK byshooting
shooting himself hlm elf with a revolver at the theMorton thMorton th thMorton
Morton house last night nightBridgeport ntBridseport nightBridgeport
Bridgeport Conn June IS lXr lXrWaaner iLMrWagner Mr MrWagner
Wagner win the moving moiD spirit of a aclub aclub aclub
club of we wep known German Genu residents residentsfirst re resideptafirst tdeptftrst
first organised as the Thirteen club clubLater clubLater clubLatet
Later on one after another of the con congenial oongenial eongenial ¬
genial spirits began to die by h suicide suicideThat suicideTbat suicideThat
That gave rise to the report that there therewas th therewas n nwas
was a suicide sulcl e club Iub in Bridgeport an anallegation anallegation anallegation
allegation which blcb was a6 stoutly denied by bythe bythe bythe
the Germans who made Wagners Wqnerplace Wqnerplacetheir place placetheir placetheir
their headquarters It is noteworthy noteworthythat
that practically all of the men who whowere wbowere whowere
were formerly identified with that or organisation orpotutlon organizatiort ¬
ganisation have died with their own ownact ownact ownact
act There is said to be one member memberleft memberleft memberleft
left who is a jeweler je eler here hereRANSOM ureRANSOM hereS
S RANSOM HAS BEEN SENT SENTPerdiearis SENTJilwclieris SENTPordicaris
Perdiearis Will Probably Be Be1ed K Kleased Ro Roloneed
leased Tomorrow TomorrowWashington ToIBorrowWashlngton TomorrowWashington
Washington June 13 l3It If all goes well wellPerdicaris wellPerdicariB wellPerdicarla
Perdicaris will be released next Wednes Wednesday WedDeda Wednesday > ¬
day da It is estimated that it will require requirethis requiretbfa requirethis
this length of time for the mission which whichhas whichhas whichhas
has gone to his relief with the > ransom ran olD de deJusserand demanded domanded
manded to reach the > brigands camp camp1uaaerand U UJunaerand
Jusserand the French F nb ambassador was wasat w wat wasat
at the state departmenttoday department today toda and had a atalk atalk atalk
talk wit with Secretary Scretar Hay Ha about the Mo Moroccan Moroccan Moroccan ¬
roccan situation The ambassador has hasheard hasb banheard
heard b ard from tile government that the sul sultan sultan acttan ¬
tan will grant gra t the brlvande terms and andindeed andIndMd andIndeed
indeed some of Ralsulis men who bo were werein wereIn werein
in prison have already been 11 released as asan 8San asan
an evidence of the good J od faith in which whichthe
the th > terms tC > r JS are rebElng being met It is possible possiblethat POIIblethat
that some oine qf f the released brigands may mayhave mayhave ay ayhave
have been n sent with the mission missionThe mIssionThe ion ionTM
The French F tICb government has been active activein
in conducting condu ting the negotiations n otlaUons for or Perdi Perdicaris Perdlcarta pedicarla ¬
carla release and this government will willexpress willexp willexpress
express exp e its appreciation of these efforts effortsas
as soon as a he is freed freedWashington trendLALTL dI dJru1DLAL
LALTL Jru1DLAL rODAY rODAYWasbington 7ODAYWashington
Washington June 13 134Tbebody 13The The body of the thelate tbelate thelate
late Levi Z Z Leiter with the members membersof
of the Immediate famtty fam arrived here herelate herelate herelate
late tonight from Bar Harbor Maine MaineThe KaneThe MaineThe
The funeral will m occur tomorrow The Thepallbearers hejallbearera Thea1lbearera
pallbearers will be Chief Justice Ja tite Ful PulItr P111kr Fuller ¬
ler Secretary Hay Rev R R Bitt HHtRobert BittRobert BittRobert
Robert T Lincoln Secretary Hitchcock HHchcockSecretary HitchcockSecretary HitchcockSecretary
Secretary 8 P Langi of the Smith Smithsonian Smithsonian Smithsonian ¬
sonian institute James D Smith of ofNew ofNNW ofNew
New York and John J Mitchell of the theIllinois thelJUnois theIllinois
Illinois Trust company companyBOOT f
oJ 1Th 1ThS
S BOOT COX KADS L1 DSCindnmlti LIADSCinlJnnati KADSCincinnati
Cincinnati Cindnmlti June 13 13tt It is announced announcedtonight announcedtonight i itonl
tonight tonl ht that at George B COx jC ox x one of the theOhio theOhio I
Ohio delegatesatlarge le the Republi Republican ¬ I
can national natiotJatconv natlonaIconvsDtiOflWill convention vill be selected selectedchairman selectedchairman I Ichairman
chairman of the he delegation clel at Chicago Chicagonext Cblcagon Chicagonozt
next n t week without opMaftton op a can canvass canvane ¬ I Iass
vane ass of the fortysix defecates teta having havingbeen a awlngbeen n nbeea
been made The delegation de 1on does not notmeen notmeen notunil
meen until next Monda MondaOttawa MOntJaJ MOntJaJtnmoAXD Mon MonDUOWLLD
DUOWLLD > tnmoAXD XUSr uwj GO 5
Ottawa Otta a Ont Ont June 13 13At At a meeting meetingof n nof
of the cabinet today it wa w decided that thatLord tJaatLord thatLord
Lord Dundoiald DUlldo11 ld mUtt be dismissed on onaccount 01aCCOU8t onalcount
account of his utterances at a banquet banquetin QQuet QQuetIn
in Montreal An order t dismissing 4i him himfrom Itl Itlfrom hImfrom
from the position of general 1 command commanding collUP contindlog n4 n4ing ¬
ing the Canadian militia is now before beforethe beforethe fore forethe
the governor general ato < wlUlie wilt It offi officially ofticlally 015daily ¬
daily announced an in a eWda few few dayS dayttI daySDugt at
S I Deot > t W Wear r Imitations ImitationsWhen nattatiQ88When yrnitatiunsWhen
When you can n get et a veal ft Panama at atjuajr atS atay
juajr ay price pri e from IS 5 to 25 25 Z Durable I arableabt cons cmofGable
Zable S fGable abt stylish 1ItJ1hdIPWN stylish0WN S SWN
S Id 1 1G Main Street StreetGIJLD Streeta StreetGJAD Streetli5AD
GIJLD idfisobro idfisobroLondon J 18 S a fIOlfG fIOlfGndoD GOMGS
S London ndoD June 14 ItIt It j is uncler understood understoodthat understOodthat t Od Odtlaat
that John JnAJezander Alexander Dewfe has decided decidedt decidedretuTn
t return to the Unlt United States 8tat by b th thI tht the thefirst
I first t 8teasn stearey r In strrnlgly worded df dfnuhciatory d dnnciatoryP dtnujiciatory
nuhciatory nnciatoryP Pdftunal ltnri th I London ndon PI PIpefs pttbls p ppqs
pefs this morning xpross xprf unboundoil unboundoilsatisfaction unblundll11t11 unbiundedcafacUofl
satisfaction witli Dowic speedy de departure departure ¬
parture partureS
parturePBB8Olt o
er P S Bascom returned la lat t evening eveningtfi eveningfront
fr hi tfi t ip it in the east e J > t alter an absence absenceSplitting absenecof
of tll W v 1 1s 1sS
S esso essoSplitting
Splitting a aair aairWith Hair HairWith EafrWith
With your neighbor on o the subject of ofhot ofhjt ofliet
hot weather is useless u lep Try one of our oursplit ourpUt oursplit
split braid straw hate and keep your yourhead yourhead OU1 OU1h
head h ati cool coolBUDWN oo ooBHOW ool S Snitivy
tl i JH atrv Lr
< =
c = <
7 cc 0
Oar V Hunter Euuteou Cheaen to Succeed SucceedElijah 8ucceedElijah SucceedElijah
Elijah ElijahOIIcar 7 Unsets UnsetsOscar be beOscar
Oscar F Hunter wan U ele elGted ted Sunday Sundaynight SundaYntabt Sundaynight
night to succeed Elijah R Sheets as asbisnoa a abIiIto uslMho
bisnoa of the Eighth ward Janjis J 8 G Mc McDoaaM McDo McS
S Donald Do end Q4GeorllJe George V Rfehardvjr Rkha Richards Jr were werechoeen wereclaoea WerOchosen
chosen as s counselors to the Msvop MsvopTh btsopTb op optlectioin
Th election was wa held bt > ld In the waird W ld meet meeting meeti meetin ¬
ing i in house Mr Sheets baa preiaded PI ded as asbishop 8lljhop asbishop
bishop in the ward for fortyeight forty lg t years yearsHew ye yearnNew lS lSfew
Hew Shapes ShapesIn
In straw hats tome e in various widths widthsof
of brim and heights ht > ilrht of crown ranging rangingin
in price from 150 to S a let ft one now nowBROWN nowBROWN nowBROWN
1 ice C Main Street StreetNotice 8trfetK StreetNotice
Notice K oUc to the Public TtffelicNOTICE PublkNOTICE PublicNOTICE
W F Snyder who is the sole owner of ofthe orthe ofthe
the jewelry firm heretofore doing busi business business business ¬
ness at No 143 South Main street Salt SaltLake SaltJake SaltLake
Lake City Utah under the name of Lyon LyoiiCompany LyonC
A Company C pany will pay pa all aHobiisatl0l18 obligations ex existing e cxistlog ¬
isting 18Un against said firm at this date but butwill butt bittwill
will not t be responsible forany for any obliga obligations ebllgations fd fdany ¬ I
tions or J Indebtedness hereafter re contracted contractedby n
by any person in the name of Lyon LyonCOmpany fc fcCompany Afompany
Company All persons indebted d to said saidLyon saidLyon saidLyon
Lyon A Company are requested to make makepayment makepaynt makepayment
payment to the undersigned unders at No 214 214Atlas 14Atlas 214Atlas
Atlas block Salt Lake City where all allpresent aUpreMDt allpresent
present outstanding < obligations will be besettled besettled besettled
settled at any time after June lim limW 1 111I 111IW UNW
Dated May 19 MM MMCounty 104County
County Teachers T c en Examination ExaminationAN Itio
of primary and grammar grades will be beheld beheld beheld
held in the L D S buildings on Monday MondayTuesday MondaTuesday
Tuesday Tuesdayand and Wednesday June 30 21 and nJ j
22 beginning at S a m mAll mAll mAll
All teachers and candidates not holding holdingvalid I Ivalid Ivalid
valid certificates are expected to take the theexamination th thexIIIlDtton thexamInatIon
examination Credits from rom State Normal Normalinstitute Normalinstitute I IInstitute
institute or summer school will be given givenconsideration ghencontdderatJon givenconsideratIon
consideration by the board of examiners examinersB
County Supt ef Schools SchoolsAa leboolsAJl SchoolsAn
Aa Ordinance OrdinanceAN O tp tpAN
district No M MBe 1BBe IL ILBe
Be It ordained o by the city council of ofSalt ofSa ofSalt
Salt Sa Lake City Utah Utahdistrict UtahSection
Section l 1That aa aatr tr the followl following paving pavingdistrfet pavingdistrict
district is hereby created and established establishedin
in kit Lake City tlt towit Paving Pavl district districtNo dlatrlClKo districtNo
No 18 shall be and consist of all that thatportion tbatportioo thatportion
portion of South Temple street tr t lying be between btct between ¬
tween t een the east line of State street and andthe andthe andthe
the west line of Tenth East street streetSection streetSection atreetSection
Section i IThIll This ordinance 01l shall take ef effect effeet etfeet ¬
feet upon u approvalPau approvalPassed approval approvalpassed
passed by b the city council of Salt Lake LakeCity LakpCity LakeCIty
City Utah May tt IL IBM and referred to tothe tothe tothe
the mayor for his aJltlOYaI aJltlOYaIJ
S City Recorder Recorderof aorderApprovecl RecorderApproved
Approved t this 15th day of May W WState 104RICHARD
RICHARD I Adb P MORI MORIMayor it itlIaor
Mayor lIaorState MayorState
State of Utah City and County of Salt SaltLakese j jLake I ILake
LakeI Lakese Lake ss ssI S SI
I J Jg S Critchlow city recorder of Salt SaltLake sattLake SaltLake
Lake City Utah do hereby certify that thatthe thatth thattho
the th above and an foregoing is a full true and andcorrect andcorrect andcorrect
correct copy of an ordinance entitled An Anordinance Anordinance Anordinance
ordinance creating paving district No NoIL
18 18 passed by the city council of Salt SaltLake sanLake SaiLLake
Lake City Utah May 18 1 1904 and ap apy approved spproved
proved bj the mayOr isay May y 83 i 19M as ap appears iiPpealll tippears ¬
pears of record in my m office officeIB officeIn officeIn
In witness whereof I have haveS here hereunto l1ErelIOto ¬
S unto set my hand and affixed the theSeal tbcSeal theSeal
Seal corporate te seal of said city clt this thist tbisIIIf thislst
IIIf lst day Qf May JIIi JIIiJ
S City t Recorder RecorderAn RecorderBill
Bill No NoS Ii
S An Ojrdraaaea OjrdraaaeaAX ontn vc vcAX
district No It ItBe 11Be IiHe
Be it ordained by b the city council of ofSalt ofBait ofSalt
Salt Lake City Cli Utah UtahSection UtahIectJon UtahSection
Section 1 IThat That the following paving pavingdistrict pavingdistrict <
district di is i hereby created and a lid established establishedha ea bed bedo
ha Salt Lake City towit PavingfDtetHct PavingfDtetHctNo Paving District DistrictNo
No o 19 shall ti be and d consist 1aJt 1aJtPOJ brail of all that thatportion thatportio
portion oll of Second South street lying Jyi nc be between between between ¬
tween the west line of Third East street streetand streetaD4 Streetand
and the west line of Ninth Mast street streetSection streetSection beetSection
Section 2 ITIde This ordinance shall take ef effect eff effact ¬
fact f upon approval approvalPassed approvalPassed
Passed nbTCv = by the city y council of Salt Lake LakeCity LakeCity LakeCity
City Utah May 1Ia M 1 1904 and referred to tothe tothe tothe
the mayor fer his approval approvalJ
City Recorder RecorderApproved RecorderApprovc4 RecorderApproved
Approved this tla l 2Mb day ot May MaY1 MaY1RKHARD MM MMRICHARD 1104RICHARD
Mayor MayorState MayorState MayorState
State of Utah City and County ot Salt SaltLake SaltI SaltIakees
Lake Iakees IakeesI 4K 4KI
I JTt7crttcblow J S Crtt Critchiow blow city recorder reoo H of Salt SaltLake SaltLab SaltLake
Lake City Utah l tah do hereby he rehy certify that thatthe tbatt thatthe
the t aheye e ned foregoing is a full true and andcorrect andcorrect
correct 0 copy of an ordinance entitled An Anordinance AnontlilMace Attordlusace
ordinance creating paving pav district No NoIV No1l Noit
IV 1l passed by the t city council of Salt SaltLake SailLake 8aItLake
Lake City Utah May 18 18 1 MM and ap approved approved approved ¬
proved by b the mayor May 30 1904 as a ap appears appea tippears ¬
pears pea of record in h my office off toe toeIn ce ceI
1 In I witness whereof I have rave here hereunto bereunto hereunto ¬
unto set my hand and affixed the theSeal theSeal
1 Seal corporate seal of said city this this21st this1st thisflat
flat day of May 1904 1904J 1IOtJ
City Recorder RecorderBill ReeorderBlU RecorderBill
Bill Xo 14 4 4NOTe
111 111JrOhCE odce odceNOTiig
city council of Bait Lake City of the in intention int inteutJon ¬
tention t 1 tIon of such h council to 0 make the fol following tollowtna followng ¬
lowing described Improvement 1mproe nt towit towitConstructing towltConatruedllJr towitCimetruethig
Constructing a cement Ct mPnt sidewalk si sifeet six sixIfOet sixfeet
feet wide lde on IIi the cast ride iJe of Second West Weststreet VentstreOt Oe t ttreet
street from Third North street tft t to Fifth Fifthi FlnhNorth FifthNorth
i North street In sidewalk sld ncdl5trlct district No NoI t tand 51and
I and defray the cost < OEt and expense eX I n o thereof thereofestimated t thereofestimated ereofMUted
estimated at one thousand five h hundred hundredfour huntlret1four hundrelfour
four and 801W t1je4bih J1504 1 e4 > dollars or one oneand oneand oneand
and 14Hft < fun tlii > dollars per front or orlinear orlInear I Ilinear
linear foot by a local assessment 1Wnt upon uponthe uponthe I Itbe
the tots lot or pieces JI of ground eroun QII1 Within 1thIia the thefollowing tbefoUowjq thefollowing
following described district being the thedistrict thed thedistrict
district d t to be affected or benefited behefit d by bysaid bysaJd bysaid
said Improvement t namely All of tots lotsI
2 I S I 4 and S 50 block 121 and andn all of lots Ioua 4 4and 4and
and S i block 132 plat A A Salt Lake City Cityeurveyi Cltyeurve CItysurvey
survey eurveyiAll eurve eurveAll surveyAll
All protests and objections t te Ute carry carrying ¬
ing out of such intention fn ntiomust must be pre presented preiD prosented ¬
sented in writing wrltln to the city y recorder on ons onbetore
s 1 before til the 5th day of July Ju4yUOt 1901 being IMdngthe beingthe beingthe
the time > set by raid council when n it Will Willhear WI1lhcar willhear
hear aDd consider such SUt h protests eata and 9b 9bas 9bjsetttis j
jerthais as may heg tK tKBy a4 4e thereto theretoBy thetoI1
By order of it thecity I he II city council of Salt SaltLake kitLakt Saltlakc
Lake City Ih Utah ttahlJatM Tialihated j jDated
Dated May lsv inl l KM KMJ I t tJ I IJ
J S S CRlTCHiuW C CR1iHi UTC1Uu ii CtyBccel1el lily y Recorder RecorderSidewalk RecorderSidewalk
Sidewalk extension No M MJfotifl 118XotiGe OsS
S Jfotifl to Contractors ContractorsSEALED Coatiactor CoatiactorSELLED ContractorsSELED
until Id a i m Tuesday June 14 1904 at the theoffice
office of the De DfIPrLt er t Agricultural Man ManI MantIfltt
I ufacturing IIf tIfltt < tiring society socit ocIt > y V Room 1 Hoopr HooprUiock lJooprIlJivcJ lTuprILl
IlJivcJ Uiock > for th fxi fXjHillg 5 ivHing 1S flt d niiisoniy mil ti s sfor
forithes for the new fair building bulldla It t Agf i uluiil uluiilpark u1u l jd jdjo 4 4park
park Salt It I Lake ake City C Flairs al and speci specifications sped spedfkatione ¬
joIt = kk ar I IViare
fications jo may be seen n at th the office officeWare f of ofWare t
Ware ft Treganza architects ar bte < t Hooper Hooperblock Ilooperblock
block Certified check for r > per cent centmust centntIISi ent entf I
must accompany each t aki bid The society societyreserve SOfiNYrterv socie socierorv
f reserve tht th I i1 right ri hi to r rojert rlI p1 Ct I any i flV and a nl alhid al allNlinN
hid NKKSON fr o A S lMFTv t ff t i Y Tresldeni TresldeniI Pn den denJ I
I W ii J 1 liAlfcMAN 1 hAl At hti MA t OX a > v >
j jCE
> CE > < V
A Pew Kinutev IT V of Hjemei 781Rei Tour TourTtmea hutn PourTInt
Ttmea TInt tk Day Cnmi Catarrh CatarrhThe CatarrhThe CatarrkThe S
The pleaaant t 8t most convenient arui aruithe 1 nd ndtb8 nt I Ithe
the only scientific method stbed for tn the trea lrf treameat > iI i iraent tment
meat and cure of catarrh is Hyom HyomSimply HomsapIy HyemsSimply
Simply put twenty drops of Hyomei Hyomeithe HomeitIM Hyomelthe
the inhaler that comes with Wit every pw pwage lI pe id idand < L Lage
age and then breathe b atIM it for a few fe min minutes nil r rutes riUtes ¬
utes four times a aIt dav davIt dagIt S
It seems remarkabM that so simple simplway Simpleway A Away
way of treating catarrh will effect etfeCtcurt effectcure a acure
cure but tb the most important portant disco discovriea discoen diientries
tries en of science have ba always al bean bevnsimplest b beansimplest n I IadmPle
simplest t By breathing Hyomei iu thin thinway lid lidWay I Ii I IWay
way every particle of air that ent entthe e nt ntthe n t tthe
the air JaI of the tll throat and h hand ii iiand a aand
and goes into the Itirfgs In is cb etaar charged led w n i 1 h ha hIA na
a healing balsam that kills the nerm nermand Kfr1nand gercand
and bacilli ellll of catarrh and soothes j jaJUys JIas aalloys
alloys Ias all irritation irritationThe IrritatiOllThe irritatIonThe
The first days use of Hyomei w wshow Yo L Labow
show a decided improvement anil in inshort i n nh01t i > s sabort
short time there therel will be no further furthertrouble rurth fu r t he r rtrouble rtrouble
trouble from catarrh Its action ss i is r rllp1 rllp1and rapiand pvi pviand
and lasting lastingTou Jasti F FYou
You take no risk in buying b Hyom HyomA Hy HyonA m mA
A complete outfit costs eo t LIO 110 and if aftr aftrusiag sit sityou
WIllIe you can say y that it has not h b61J helpet lp t tyou
you F C flehramm bram will return Nt yattr yattrmoney YOIIPmoney yottrmoney
money What other treatment for ca catarrh 1 1 1is ¬
tarrh is sold under a guarantee iik iikthU HIFor liithis
this thisP5o1
For sale by F C Schramm corner cornerMain corn cornerMain C CMain
Main and First st t South streets streetsL str strBLOOD streetsede
Is the wont d dtIl l le
e ede on earth e L Lt
BLOOD B t tIl 1 easiest Ieat to c cne cneVHEN 1 1WHEN
L Du > J Many hav havP hay hayS haySt
P sf s s Pimples Ples spots Jotsh JotshII on onI
IVillsl II t St < akin sores sOr in insf J ii n
P sf 0 OISO II I SO ISSil S the mouth uicerV ulcers ulcerFfallin ulcersfalling
I 11 I I I falling fallin hair bon bone bonftpainti bonepains
I WIW WII pains catarrh and anddont and1ont anddont
dont know it is iaBLOOD isBLOoD isBLOOD
Send to DR BROWN t3S Arch St Stadeph1s Phi Phiadelpbla Phiadel
CURB IBM t9 per bottle lasts one month monthSold monthSOld monthSold
Sold in gait Lake only by F O OSCHRAMM l lSCHBAJOI CCHRAMM
SCHRAMM 1st South and Main Sts Stsrestore Stsrestore Stsrestore
restore manhood manhoodfrem
Jlsiuisua DeWUty frees say canst IIIami fe feOtedu Iacured
cured IIv th oW old rcwk rcwktJe m ist isthis
his walt walt1M ii nirvana ibs ibsthe
1M Ii wpndtM I dill t tCMca h aid happy happychechsdmbs
Otedu chechsdmbs sVsiw and seethe seshudmems seshudmemsitce the ther items itemsfLM
fLM pet p box la I with facrutae to tocare tocure
care or refuni r money j SojOiX 500 Book BookFFM BookPros
Pros FFMF 11 11F ProsF
Oer Seeead South and West r set Tamp T TspisIAUE Tamp8s4tts
Preach u Now York to t Paris fib fibTlaanda Deja DejaSeSlags
SeSlags 8s4tts s a Xsery > WT Thursday Tlaanda at M MLa a m mLA ntLa
LA Savole Savoieiune June 23La La Gascogue GucocneJuly July 14 14La 14La 4 4La
La Champagne C La ToununeJuly Toural July Zl ZlJune ztlUBe L LJune
June 3 3OjLO iLa iLa BretagneJuy 9 9La IfLa S SLa
La Lorraine Jaly ly 7 7New 7New 7New
New modern gigantic twinscrew and andexpress audpres andexpress
express pres steaaaers naval officers off manof manofwar manofwar manofwar
war discipline Companys vestibuled vestibuledtrains vestibUledtra Vestibuledtrains
trains tra HavreParis 4 hours hoursAOEKTBL hoursAOEN1SL hoursAOENTSL
AOEKTBL A Benton MS W 3d So SoBt SfSt SoSt
St Denver DeIIv Jk Rio Grande Ry L J JKeyes JKeyes JKeyes
Keyes 201 MaIn St Oregon Short Line LineRy Lin LinRy LAneRy
4 + + 4 + 44 + + t 44 + 444 444ightful
JL 6 Delightful ightful htful Place to Visit VisitAJProfitable mitArofttable i iA1retttable
AJProfitable Place to I Un UnSEE Te TeSEE X XS
S SEE SEECalifornia SEECeililornia t tr
r J Z
California CaliforniaGreatest alll rnla rnlaGreat
S Greatest Great Play lay Ground on ODFamoua Earth EarthFamous EarthS
S Famous Places Which Everyone EveryoneWants EveryoneWantstoSee
Wants WantstoSee WantstoSeeIcvest to See SeeInvest Seekveat
S NIA and Secure Rich Dividends in inHEALTH inS inHEALTH t tHEALTH
S Mountain Valley Rivers Lakes Lakesand Lakeaand LakesS
S and Ocean Reached by the theFor tlIeSoItbtri tbeS i
S SoItbtri P Pacific PacificflI adfk adfkpa
pa flI yt S DIts DitsFor I IFor
For descriptive and an d Illustrative Illustrativeliterature illustrativelIterature
literature call at No 2KI Main MainStreet AlainStreet MainStreet
Street Salt I Lake ke City CityD ClbD i S SD
D R GRAY General Agent AgentNOTICE AgentotIcs nt ntttttttttOtttOtttttttt
ttttttttOtttOtttttttt ttttttttOtttOtttttttto
city council ofdaft at t a Lake City of th till in intention inteatiOD intettoit ¬
tention of such ch counell to make the t fol following f1Sowl ftlowing ¬
lowing Sowl S described improvements iproV ta to > wiC wiCConstructing wi wiConatruotlna wtcConstructing
Constructing a cement sidewalk si eec eecI eHwide ectwide
I wide on the east side of Sixth East t < t tfrom tfrom ttrain
from Second South street to Third r KM KMstreet nhIftreet Liistreet
street in Sidewalk District No t ul uldefray 11defray uidefray
defray the cost and expense ther thertimated thertunated thortintated <
timated at four hundred fiftyr ii iiS 11tAJIt
S 0100 1M < tAJIt 4S6SB 4J > dollars or one an and antL32 i itL I
tL 13 L32 dollars per front or linear f flocal f10C < a alocal
local assessment upon the t lots ar < > r a aof Iotround aof4rouud
of otround ground within the following tol1o o > r It ItdiStrict < l ldistrict tdistrIct
district being the district to be a l lor 1or ior
or benefited by y said an I urnrovement urnrovemently n 1 rOYtmnt rOYtmntI t 5 5 5ly
ly I All of lot 2 the > 015 IJ I fe fl < n t
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plat oR B Salt Lake Ct CtAll C S S1l
All 11 protests anl au obi l 1 r i iryins U Uryili 1 1ryIIi
ryins ryIIi out of < mh rt t tntHl tflt4i r rsfTitfd
sfTitfd ntHl iu writing ritiflg f 1 ecor ecorthe ecnrr
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the titiic 1U < u 0 oJ council when whenjections wbeJhear whethear
hear and eonslder such protests protestsjecHons a ajeetious
jections as may be made thereto theretoBy tber theretoBy tll tllBy
By order of the city council of Si SiCitj t3 t3Cits a aCit
Citj Cit Utah UtahDated l tab tabDa
Dated Da led May 23 1904 1904J
J f S5 rKlTCHlOW CIUTCI LfH r I Ity < y 1 Jc
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