THE SALT T rATCR HERA T 1 S11NJ y UGUS 14t l00 l00I
C =
if ifAwe Awe e There TFleqe No More tfe D Egotw EgotwHere gEps gEpsHere IjS IjSHere
Here is the Story of a SmallBoy Small Srnt1ll
Boy B y WhO l o Did id Not Beltewe Beltewein ETel elte e ce cein e ein
in the a Awful A iul Beasts BeastsAX ea ° sis sisAX I
AX WALSH had garnod ga nod a prize pri fbr cfl camp campsitin per persifcien o oJ
M L VI J sifcien 5 n wbjoh at first t had not ptirn partaoula a tiultiny tiultinyplacsed 1 n y yplaesed yplaes9
plaesed l him I It was an elaotrie elQatl1 > ie u battery batterythat babterJthat batterythat
that shocked one ne tremendously tramond 119y when you took k held heldo bQldoftho holdoB
o oftho oB the handles hn dlas a iiad i afterha had shakenup shaken Ull oi Q Qb cwy cwyUQ ry rybogr
UQ bogr b whe be we wnM 3d take held of it ha had gxo gram < m tiredoz tired tiredof tiredof
oz of it it But when the hot summer Summer day dR 5 came and Ms Msf bisfadter hasfather
f father who was himself an olactrieian n had shown shownhim s shownhim QID QIDhim
him how V he could couldmake make little miHrwheals mill w1 Is ge a rewire rewirebeMa round roundbeHs rQundbcl1a
beMa ring sparks fly and toys mo mot e with tk tltif t small smallhut smallbut aU aUbut
but powerful machine he spent 91 OU his days d S de dawning dawningnew th thnw g
nW amusements amus is with it itThis itThis itThis
This day d y he had completed a oat scarer It was wasarranged W1l5nriinged wagarranged
arranged along the top of the fonca and was as cal calculated ealQ caleulate ¬
eulate culated Q Iat l to i make ake the unwary cat who stepped upon uponit upon uponit up n nit
it it soar s ar into the air with astonished yowls The Thefamily rh rhfm1i1y Thef
family f had been watching it work for some hours hoursand haUIlSand hoursand
and had voted votedzax Max a great inventor for at least leastten foasttc leasttIL
ten tc oats had toied it and hastened away perhapsfto perhapsftotoll perbapItotollothers w wtollothers
toll tollothers others about it i At any late they had immedi immediate bnmocffate imnildiate ¬
ate business elsewhere and a sa others soon arritrqd arritrqdit
it i is quite qui natural to suppose they had put them themin thomin themin
in possession GSSGSS on of the informationsIarwas information informationMaxwas informationMaxwas
Maxwas really tired of laughing at their anticsand antics 8I1t antiand Q3 Q3aud
and liter Walsh oat seemed aa mUQhamuECd much amused amuec d as tlierest t1ietest the therest
rest Of the family f mi1y although of course a cat cant cantshpw ctntslibw cantshow
show ftrdoBght iis dolight as a dog can can bybarking by rkiDg and a di cut cutting cutt cuttin ¬
ting t i up upBalding UpIf u P PS1ding
Balding If l ng hish hiS battery in his lap and d rubhias rubb rubbee rubhia Ma Maegos hiseyos
ee egos l1 now W and thoa to keep the sand from completo completoclosing comn19closing tr trclosing
closing them Mas lis IC Y < was w seoretly glad J8d that ha hadnft hadnftjswapuod haa hadntswapped i isWPRGd
swapped the electric c machine for a set of quoits quoitsas quoit quoitas
as he > had contemplated when he first received it itIt itIt itIt
It had been a dreadfully hot day and oven now nowat nowat nowat
at 12 I oclock clack at night the air was burning burningha Mkx Mexhad MkxhadUtever
hadUtever ha had n itver verSRt sat up s s late before but Mr Walsh his hisfathershad hisfathw hisfatherJtad
fathershad fathw d said that he might as woll si on the theing1 thQJ
J porch 8 f1i h about iii a not bed 50 wi V ili a feel feelin l
1 ins in of glee mixed mix d with wi h some awo aw at the gloomy gloomychaupjand sIOQUstnlncss r rstn
stnlncss stn mess fUl1bpnUng surrbprid ng b ltint n the boy ha rocked inqia inqiaC izt his hiscltairand
chaupjand C ah nd strode 16 1 fight off ff the sleepiness that tqQpt tqQptover qijapt qijaptover giooptover
over him himIt himIt himIt
It had been be n a wonderful day for or him him for besides besidesstaying besides6ta besido3staying
staying 6ta ing up until midnight he had come into posses possession pGSS65sion possession
sion sion of a remarkable treasure the gift of his Unoltj UnoltjIke UnolqIke UUnok UUnokIke
Ike who was always turning ttm up with souiathin something somethingrare 5t1I i thing thingrare n nrare
rare and strange ff this his treasure was a number of oftiny oftiny oftiny
tiny pearshaped glass drops each with w a little littlecurled 1 littlecurled ttlo ttloeurled
curled tail They are u are very scarce nowaday 11ownd l cud Tan4Tfnela 1 cud11B d deke
Tfnela 11B eke Jke Ike had found und thorn th rn In an old GftimjtttsTh6y Gftimjttts act act3Store
3Store 3StoreThdy 00re c cTh
Th6y Th v v are u axe es called iled fledTriube rPririCe < RupertSs Drops and thq thqfunny thefunny
funny Dnyv DnytlIing thing about thqm is that you can po poun3 qn qnone qIone qt qtone
one with witha a hammer without ith ut breaking it i but if you yousnap yousnap yousnap
snap off the tiny tail the drop iaskfotly instantlyeruzcibles instantlyeruzciblesinto crumbles crumblesinto crilR1b1esinto
into a fine white powder p w er Isnt that a wonder KUax KUaxhad Jfaxh Sfaxhail
had h il orumbled three three of these precious things things thingsday JIh JIhday tha thaday
day hut was resolved re to spoil no mores more b hutt but ttd W saVSe saVSedie sa sathe saOho
die rest re about fifteen in afi to astonish hfs hisbo hisbofriends boj bojfriends i ifti
friends fti nds when school opened dptncdHe openedHe ptmc l lHe
He wondered w ooeredhow how they had ever bean discovered discoveredand discovoroonnd discoveredand
and whether Prince Rupert was the one who wh bad badfound h1 liedfound d dfound
found out this marvel and was m about to make in inquiry inquirY inquivy ¬
quiry of his father when Mr Walsh began to spoak spoak0hi5 SJ 4akThis spokklis
This 0hi5 ia a genuine uina dragons night I a said id d he I with witha
a yawn yawnWhat ytmWhat yawnWhat
What is that r asked Mrs s Walsh WalshWhy Walshw1 Va1s1IwJiy
Why w1 inJainn in Japan thoaf tI 7 say that a dragamis stealing stealingall sleali slealiall
all 1 iha ih oeol frsah fr It air when a night 11h1t Ilk likits flffe lJI 6lIa iap iappans ha hapanne
pans panne along alougiAre 11 > M MAre
r <
241 241re
iAre Are there any dragons 1 asked SEax tae Isaldng Isaldngtjarefully ItMtJdngCnrefuly g gcarefully
carefully into the gloom gloomTeople gleamPeople 1eom 1eomYPeGplc
People used to say so replied hi f fathoo atharfcOiilB atharfcOiilBQverybcy athetrOrielQverpbeds 0110 0110Qv
Qverybcy Qv rbed believed theme t was a fiery dragaa dragomin i iw ik tl tlvery th thory as asvery
very ory next forest ox at 2tt lea least t just beyond nd th tItmoun tItmountains thmounrains moun mountains
tains and d ail th tb old books b btoksare oks are full of take Af ofkxi
kxighis kxi and l horses er e bftttiUng bttt Dg with them Sir Ja9n Ja9nAVateh J Jaa a IV + li liWa
AVateh Wa V u on of my nr ancestor in Ireland hol nd is said saWhave 1 1have tq tqhave
have killed no lets than twelve of f th the very worst wtiistkind1 worstkind rst rstkind
kind kind1d kindt kindst >
st t d L gnas gHQ5iSthaia tha thats g 3 ty 7 fwro therere t o aTe nopsaoctti aIc9a qia Wit saidWalsh said saidlrs
lrs Walsh V aIsh bont o OD7ft t be filling the l lads ad d head wilh wjthif wilhgudi vi l lsuch
if such ntjnsOHse n < nsansc Sure the mosquitoes m06 l are far farthtRi w Wo Wothen rse rsethun
then dragons dragpaeSgmothing drngQJt6Sfnnothing dragonsSemotlting
Sgmothing in the disU d 5taaeese0m ee seamml teraeve dark darkevjen darkcven thrkeven
even evjen rn in the black shadows of the trees ad Max Maxwith Muwith Maxwith
with a bravery that w was quite new to him got up upand upandsw1e50tIy upand
andsw1e50tIy and stale softly toward it but as ha heneared neared theshape the theshape tbeshope
shape it itm itmwved m nwd slowly awsy aWIRJIt awsyR ayIt
It seemd to be a gigantic shape too bigger than thana tha thaa thana
a hippopotamus yet it t glided off 13ce ke a cloud cloudAcross cloudAeroos cloudAeros
Across the t e front garden rden out of oftbe the gate ato to and antIalong along alongthe
the rood r od shrouded in deepest darkness he fol followod followod ol ol10woo
lowod it on tiptoe until ho found himself in the thalene tholone thelane
lone narrow and crooked thatled to the barn buthero but huthere butheO
here where every step wa was perfectly per etb ffill familiar JiQr he hebcg hePI hebegaa
bcg begaa PI H to stumble tulU l and become becomeconfuSodioli confused JOT = laaead laaeadof 1ii ad adof d dof
of a low fence oa either side sidethero there warq w rq or rocky walls wallsovergrown wallsOlorrawn wallsovergrown
overgrown with withvines Vines iDes and twisted trees treesKnslly treoaFmally treesFinally
Finally he grew a IitUe Iit c afraid afra 4i and turned turn to go gotried tohenu a alwnbur
henu lwnbur but he weaned completely lost as see seoa as1te as1tetrial aB aBtried
tried to find nd his 3 ia way beekwXbera b bek ek 1 bcrA cr worehdns W8re wer house e oneach on OILeada oneseh
each side tall stone bvi builduig dings towering toer us to the Iieand t e skyantiaeer sky skyan
an and antiaeer a 09r ar the high walls wu reached r ched gnajled od branches brancheswhile s sWhile s snhile
while here h 8 a acid d there IK saw away u up j > > talofty jklof t narrow narrowwindovs D8frowindows uarrowwindows
windows faintly ffiint1rJighted lighted This T is in J1 h his s fathers lane lanewas laDewas lanewas
was a marvel and he hastened tened 1i IMS steps teto te pepojtit pepojtitto jt jtto
to his parents parentsBut parentsBut
ah lwaf lwafBut
But now It9 seemed Iwp heeJ ieselk si last There c was wasnothing wn5nothing wasnothing
nothing that reminded him of home home at all Thus Thush Thuslia
h lia wwndacoU until at last ost the eastern east rn sky grew grewlighter grewlilJhtor grewlighter
lighter sad dawn came c when ho found himself in a anlnae an1Aoe anlxae
nlnae which wLi h he had never before seen s en He laid his bisbattery
battery dawn oa 0 a moseybaztk mosey baBkbcnesth bank beneath a eruanbljn eruanbljnwall crumbling crumblingw erUIDbliDgwu fi fiFar
w wu H and pondered ponderedFar ORderedFaraw
Far Faraw arrapondered arraponderedy aAvay TK1allDuildiIig y x tall Bvikiing bnildin wss wqs s per perclied 11ed o on oaApP VP p ° 01 alull a 3hill ahill
hill that must mu 1t at have I Ilve grown rown in in the uiglit ni tt l jeaffli jeafflithere and andthere soakthere
there he saw tiny tth cottages CG clustered clus cluster ne near poaro Rio jo tell
building which he soon saw ws was w s a enstle such su h hhe as
he had h d seen pictured im story books booksTho16 Thoreawas Thor raa no noabout noglass noglass
glass iJl the windows I Yet he saw people pooplabout peopleabout
about withia wi wihia so it i couldnt oo dnt t be boa a ruined castle as Th ThtPe ThtPeVas ewas e exvas
Vas no sign SIgn of o his o own 1rn home hom or anything famfliaiv ran hal
f He e had sot into another country counrysomehw somebawAt somehow f
At last la t he rose took up fi phis p his hisbattcr1an battery and wttlKO wttlKOL waltoiI waltoiIslowly alKej
L slowly s owly along toward the castle but soon he had 11 ddostL ddostLsight lost lostsight osti ostisight +
sight of it because high honksaJlCOIiled bouks oenoaaled it front frpmlview frontview fromyww
view yww and anc thus h he < was npr irprisedunon trprised upon oomln a oe niin m n to tot toanother
f another building buil roofed rnofedwith Swith straw stli < rlghfribeside rlghfribesidei rightibe rjght fbesiele fbesielethe id idthe
i the road He had never seen a thatoked house ex
cepfe ia i pictures Djctu but b t here hm was one Dn right hoar aalhom home homedOn homeOn l lOn
On the e wallK wail w aa a agreat great placard D1 caId besclGa be dca d aw wide doer doorantupan doerand do r rand
and antupan upon it itW was piihtedr p1 gitjntedthis L t1i is amtouueemtiita amtouueemtiitaDTICI annoui wmoiife wmoiifeKOTICE mQptt mQptNOTICR
TJ J 11 lVl lVlFif ERit = t tFwescore
Fivescore Fif scotepistqles plstqles by b r yemojithe C mQllthe will be paid paidto paidto t i ito
to ye YCf yerght tight ght party iVIustlje lVJusf1 Iustbe > e an expert fireman firemanJas firemantp firemanAppljwithin
Appljwithin tp l within GERALDUt GERALDUt1t GERIILDUtMunag
Munag 1t nag r3tat f fread
3tat Jas read with with J astonishment 1 tn ntthis this neti > zotieu tiq o > that thatshowed Jlahowct thatshowcd
showed plainly that tha there were still dragons ia in the thftworld theworld tlioworld
world Then he moved alon along to see what hat olaej Q1s was wasvisible wasyis wasrisible
visible yis be and on the t11e5id side of the houseq house hs w espied another an another aJotllttr ¬
other larger placaroTSn placard an red and Wu blue Bettors ct IS It Itread Itread Itread
read readCO readCOMING
SEASON OF 1 12751 12751ank 275 27 27E 1 1t
t Hank ank Harrisons s Great Show Cataclysms CataclysmsAggregation Cataol atach y yAggregation sme m mAggregation
Aggregation of Incredible In edible Marvels The TheONLY TheONL TheONLY
GIGANTIC BASILISKS and Cockatrices Cockatricesto
to be seen only in this SHOW A live JiveUNICORN liveUNICORN liveUNICORN
Aa In l OSTRICHrmarvel OSTRICH marvel of the th c cTwelve ORIENT ORIENTTwelve II I ITwelve
Twelve Numidian DWARFS DV ARFS covered with withred withred withred
red hair hairA hairA
1 croup trQupQf of perfQrming HARPIES I Never Neverbefore Nfrerbefore severbefore
before seen in any a snow snowA I IA
1 1rHE
Adiftiission 1 A f1tlisiQn I fission TwelAfe TweI l pennies penniesThis Irenpie enpies enpiesChildr
Cliddli is Waif J tlCQ rtceThis
1 1T
This T t5 of o OOlrso courao dscited ilax immamMaly imm y Me had ltaaread hadread ltaclread
read of all these th things and with the t acsiseiiti acsiseiititlie mist 1t of oftbe ofthe
the ostrich which be had l ad seen lied ha been awet taught tB bt first tbftiall tIIas1l firstalI
all of those UiSO creatures cro tuICS weir purely fabwious fJ1 and had hadnever hadnever uidnevc
never existed at alL Yet et here they were adtisedjust aulntsaru advwrtiaed advwrtiaedjust d dlust
just as ordinary q tuus aua anitaalavve anwa1s iti ak JtreT JtreTVhile l lVhiIe I IWhile
While he was reading read ad DIC over vcr the t e anWi alluring list of ofHRffia if1f ofSiaaznea
HRffia 1f Siaaznea ii sCi a rii nlndtes I < l iiclic iltdstd st wl l In in the nest r outlandish f tfaDdish of ofclothes orclothes ofclothes
clothes suddenly appeared as if by nmgic ma ie and 1Id said saidftrt 5IlidFMBoshr saida1Itf1
a1Itf1 FMBoshr ftrt Beshrc w nIt bttt prithtth ptjt thki < JU itt aH rt t3tiply applying applyingfor pTting pTtingfor + ing ingtor
for tlisjobWhat tins tJtejobi tJtejobilfhtt job jobWhttjobr
What Whttjobr job 1 asked the boy boyccDtt f fDttat l
Dttat t not wish to cftgagu gagu with u us s as as s a a drag d3gl1 d3gl1tamer e u utamer utamer
tamer my brave ladt ladtMurk ladtlJUCn laiWMuch
Murk to his own surprise SU Miu uJt taa j r6i nanny mp > kpu i > aa aaswered a1tued airawered
swered sweredYes aweredYes ued uedYos
Yes thats whet wtol I came erai eoi fur f r Hei Hawasany UGflll + tmauy 8U drsoa dr ft yoB3 yoB3have 1I3 1I3aft s share
have yoti here hereSix he heSix hereSir
Six Six but wt one of tfeew is veryill ery 17 iU having i Isis Ui out outfn outfD outiR
fn the ratapt rain ajid gt 4t t g sO rqsty p t3 thai he rear i i ia < tliaOl n Vie Vieto Weto e eto
to move I iJ iia iuta ftn in he weat wat at be with t 1ii1wa ii vtir 1 Sup Sup1OU supoukiaow p ppose
pose you > oukiaow know aH aApi aApiI draga < 6r r rI f fI
I am Max Wa Wnish is Islt b Deiibtkia IJeubt the 6 i e is fawil fawilir fauriliar faweiljar
ir to your u s said M atliouctl1 tEaxatFavdlyOh a i udty udtyMQh c cHOS
MQh Oh I oscltumid aXc1ai thcf 1btJ1JUtU thonaat ii u at t df aqe Qaol concluding that slwuMax thatLt thatIIax
Max Lt was W seme me tMSn fambus aaaioua pfrsoiia 4Weil Well do I kaew kaewthat kwthat kaewhat
that nioiiol nioiiolYerI DmQrYOSr nensnto l lYes
< YOSr YerI Yes Ism I am tho clWrijifrcl t d dragon bttter bit bitbreaker 1 1br 4M 4Mbreaker
breaker br ker tit Walsh ahh Brge r1itg otJtYOU it your cninMtU cninMtUYou aninaail91You rttitnaisYou
You aieo co he 11 didnt di Dt 1U1 Iwjlevc 0VES the had a er r dragons dragonsfai dnioDSlns dragonsinside
fai lns inside ido and merely wished t 18 re rebuke nko tjis mans aII pr prteiw pre pre1enae pretense
tense But the horn repliedShrhe replied repHcdShrive repliedI repliedShrive
Shrive us Xeifor fJ for all ll the geld go tl in tblJgreat tl gre t chest oiicst4vill oocstnl
4vill I nl il I l WP fd d them tle forth If YOU swish ish you Du uM3ittor may 7 Jtt kr krnc < r
ind an nc > tlific 0 nc wHV them yours yourself f but I xrall 1l d Qimb n b n ntrerfF 1trc Alrcd
trerfF trc 1 Tam U ggritldus r Jldu > jtldus thp th i itans aafger er not tii the t e Iroimal Iroimaltrainer tro mimaltramcTr mal maltraincr
trainerTn tramcTrltJnjour trainer traincrIn
ltJnjour Tn your advertisomeDt adv rtiso rieq nit I see that t you u claim ct im to tohave toftavc tohave
have a herd of Qompoatallai said Max M ax fs that thatue ihathie iat iatlire
lire they I IOh r l k ki 1 1a
i Oh O h t thafs ars onl o alto to o catch catchwe the ig iIDtGrQ tiiJ Thtee Thanes
60 iio such iu h animal an m eaVaUJ eaVaUJl atalllter atalll11 atalll11r c
l ter r Har IiurpiEi r kil ro erthi either I suppose suppo sn suggesiod sesf ed the thes theOT
boy boyWei OT tJi s j
tj 0 nil Sor hifrp p rl jg xh obl = 1i KMfjust eu tr just stick yoUr nose noseinto noseintoctent into rotaie intofaletent
faletent ie ctent tent back here and say that Ha H hai ha It would wouldbe wouldbe vouIdbe
be snapped sn3 poo off o of f < so quitk that you would owes know knowl J10W J10WI
what hat did itt it t NQi JQ v ha5pi ha5pifour h l P B 1q 1J1 thwe w we have havel1 havefour y yfoUl
four tpQ tQ many 111an manyWhat P J JIlt >
What Ilt d dog s thatw thatwron th11 t tIIt ron d 1 r Dlfftl ni9ati l1 aw a attlhy asked askedThe sk9 sk9Ma
Ma e ey
ttlhy this y rear t casQM Q1l q rstandz rstandzRo f fNQ
NQ I do1ct for t t zs l XU XUC <
C The man man an look loo l at a j oddly but bu Merely DJ M said saidof s saidiotL d dq
q iotL = Ott tni 2n1llt ht qet t a as f 4g clyvD eIWY r fee thats bats funny f111U1yThaV funnyThats
ThaV six s h hundred ann 8J1Ut twelve gars 6tr f 1vo heard heardof Qcqrrlof
of people f orgeAting Q tng what t day xt it t was but never thcyear tlwyea thc thoyear
year yea M l lIi v > 1 1It
It suddc suddenly came tp W fax thatrbehqd til that v rho h had d gone one back baoksv ba backseveral Jk Jks <
sv several rai ra eentuute cefttui ceIlt t and wa w was in j ins u tim t tit yhoa hoa everybody eycrybodybelieved evc everybodybeligwed yboQy yboQyool
believed ool ed in these fa fabulous ujous mo ajamajb ui a ijuia k Of course he hecoujdjttt h hCQqdn liecouldnt
coujdjttt tell haw it h Jit heIP happQnedi haP llett el but ojerythiilg ojerythiilgjxayod OYQ ov rythitlg rythitlg3truvod fu llg llguvod
jxayod uvod it t HfcR wera the hauge ha > ses Qf f the i past t thee thaclothes tpoc1ot theeclothes
clothes c1ot and even the auiroaU nbnal themselT tho v andd nd he d dtermiued tJE tJEtenniueQ derterntiaecl
termiued to to see w them all at onceVherc once onceWherQ 1 1Vhc K
WherQ Vhc can I sea ee tih t the dragons diag 1w ha naked nakedOpen nakedOpen kod kodOnen
Open that doorP door > reaped Geiqldus Getnl moving rnqvingaway mQVingaway movingaway
away and nd there youll see o them but I advise dviseyou dviseyouto you youto youto
to beware of Q the redboadeq iedhoad d o OBe in the th first atall1 atall1Max ai dIt dItMax f fMa
Max gently ge tlY opened o > the door and st sar rted ied ed back 1mc back iu iusurpijiie ins x xsurprise
surprise s Pt t for fo + there stood a row of dragons d pons who all allturjaed aUtuJncd allturned
turned their great t scaly s Y heads hettg8andlren9hod and brea orea fe outflames outflames out Qutihnnes
flames qf a green hue 1 Then 1cB they 1wsr resoled l for him liimHe himHe i iIre
He slammed cd th the do dSQl r an and q < J std stead 4 treflawfe t 11bts jng oujigMe oujigMeGeraldus a ou ldi ldiGeraldus d dGe
Geraldus Ge dus laughed laughedThey 1su laughedTh h
r i ilt
lt They Th y most gotyou gQtYOlII1q sat you niefti ulotal fe fesinge tW B + a terput ub the thelearn iJIWha1d
learn upon the them quickly I t ViattttQutttr4 iiaratlY ur j they theysingq tltJ Y Yin
singe in thee ee Its It up to a u iuadred hunttr huu ed and forty fgi r degree degreosfn degre degrein degreein
fn in that shed Illwager IllwagerIt Ill wager wagerIt 1 1It
It is hot replied repli d Max Ma pUll Puff T have something somathingthatll somothingthatUQQol somethingthatll
thatll thatUQQol cool Qol them off offHQ f fHQ tliq
HQ then opened op < mcd the th > dear ever e r soslightly oili t1y and andshoved andshoved Il IlshoeQ
shoved the wires iioa vf hk bpttery through tbr threu h until uJt n thej thejtouehod t thStouuhod 4toJuhod
touehod the iron scales of the tirst drwgen d clm ern who hup hupponed hJlpponod ligpponod
ponod to be the rusty ope The eiectrve e a fluid it flashed flashedthrough flashedthr flashedthrough
through thr gh them all and gage v them the sueb oei a shoekKthat shoekKthattheir shocktiiattheir o < ktJi t tt4oi1
their uCS yos pupped out with fear and they all allshot allshotupin qlb shot shotap hot hotup
upin up in the air like balloons balloonsIt I IIt
It 1 cowed coeve ± d them l em Tit tt t e oncc gQ and when w u he heopanod opaaod the thed thetof theatior
atior d tof or wide thsy the l y all creueied e creue elted ed bare W hiai I ireuj W tr JbliP4L JbliP4LJUMLh n bliuf bliufIaintlhewantill Un Unta
Iaintlhewantill ta JUMLh ilheAveut t1l1 in Patting P ftin thc hc aiek d gen n eat en thdback thdbackh i baCk baCkhes
h hes 1 seethingly e l1ngly spoke to it and a tfceft t W mat 1 tl BTO n t the ia ial 0 0Uu
l Uu uttr H > petting thvm t m all and not w one o of teem t1 jtleJ jtleJtQ nred nredtq red redtq
tq nasjk l out a iiame larger r th than n ti aM go jet Cjealdu6 Cjealdu6vras J li ldlti alduwas ldltia5
was a5 highly pieasotlaiwl ple pleusccl ed and said saidHi saidUi
Hi by Meek Re k 5 Haak Harrison when ben he gets backfrom buck buckfrom bckirom
from hunting the Dingbat in Mesopotamia will be bedelighted b bmn bedeljghtod
delighted mn 11ted 1 1Oh IOli 1Oh
Oh Ive tamed much tkreer 1 dragons thairthesesaid thairthese tluurthescsaid thartliesesaid
said Has f x swelling with Ifida IfidaPorhjJ5 rridePerhaps > rUJc rUJcPerhaps
Perhaps you can manage < the harpies eagerly eagerlyJf eagerlyono gerly gerlySumJJett
< SumJJett ono Jf ea Ltr 1 cIt d m t t f fOfi jr jrOft pu puOft
Oft raa mnyoo ba r l eplied pHed Marx IM PUMf see eeout 1ft ijfe ijfeHe i iHe z zIie
He thought tho t he had srcn s < U pictures Ji tq ftf f harpies hAr pies and andhad andhad andhad
had a i confused idea what hat they were like like but he heibemght het hetheult
ibemght t fU tty they were cre aomc kind of ft Dan or orrti tiger tigerThen tigerThen er erT
Then T f1 be asl ed edToH d dTell
Tell f1ctU ctU ma Ji g wIt is i Weilbkr WeilbkrOh basilisk basiliskOh i r rhOh
hOh Oh thtvti thnt s o sort ort of f lizard with a Toe TowrS rQa iors urs hoad headurd hoadUi hoadaart
urd Ui fas sa aart t tifcpre e dreedhil th el tl poisontt P poisot iSo ltu aU fKst1 fKst1all mf thatsI Js JsaD
all I rot Xva eve hJinde4 en ed ihem Ueapeiolic liege folks a Uj y tb they willsudion will wiltaie Vut Vutn
sudion aie k i n you M by byjt5t just looMi 1 nt t you 411 tenhl11 tenhl11And I sh h hA1ul l lAil
And the shr shlrl M waadraket w drak 1 t iwked l ilsi ilsiSame 1tacSame t tS
Same S uno son sor of beg h Its j just 4 a roe butUva butUvahave bu bnt ty tybare v viuet
iuet have t kenpt F u lfD j the humbug bw b g because Q pooplo aU nUtlaink nUtlaink1DfrablE nUtltinka think thinka
a matt joamjlrak 1DfrablE hake if pulled up by the r < HS6f Ois i64 wflldtrick wflldtrickmd wifshl pfil shriek shriekand iek iekand
and mitkfj e man Un 90 errors Its It It wonderful in tjtlJtlo tjtlJtloof wjiei bat a lot lotof lotof
of fol froltl1f tMita tfta wtok all believe fft But J 1 its itsIs itsguoclol itsguot
guoclol guot for the circus lmiIKBs lmiIKBsrstbe btasnnesIs
Is rstbe the cockatrice also a fraud i inquired im od if MIX MIXVCltf MacVtq ax axJill
Vtq VCltf Jill tp tQtol1 toll the trttth r t that anlwal niat l is the thftsgmf thftsgmfNitl same samettlaig same samelu
ttlaig lu g m Nitl iv hjiiUtk bui itk IB one country couu r its called csliddmt Cft io U U1mku nh
1mku h + hus Who1 Dl are c scarce r IYId very ID wld i of lso lsothat SO SOtiat
that mt few af o CJtjhcus > llmm hcta arc al c tured iturodei t turedt rod1J rod1Jlfl
0 0q
lfl q 31I1 iiiAPose u ppse 9se you O1 have ne n never vef r seen e11 an tn At Aijsfcralisn AijsfcralisnOrnithoinehu3 A ti traliam traliamOrnithoriuchus liln lilnO
Ornithoinehu3 O 1thQrnichw or of duokJ duokbiU 1JjU llT l sugggsyid su tae 6 boy boybecause bQYf boybocouse
f because Qc ue that th t country untry waant wnsntdiscoY cvaantdisceverod discovered rod in in your ySurtime yourtiin 1u 1utl1IJ
tl1IJ time but bt t its as funny fun aa any Animal tt mal you u have It here htrcAna hereAn xc xcAp
Ana Ap t theres greJ s a lot 10 mprg more prQ such as a tha ukanirand Ok Ina i = and J1d the theormadnip thenqnndiUo theearmadillo
armadillo that t t rolls himself into mtoa a ball an and hLtho hLthopoSum ctfie ctfiepossum the thepossum
possum possum that carries nine little ones ones strung str mg jSir on ij ijtail ° his histail histail
tail tailId Id d like to got got one of themlw them 1tJ cried cri g GeialiI eraljDlys eraldusWhere eraljDlysWlieye 1 1Where
Where do jthov como frojnP frojnPLlrom from fromIh 1 1WiomAmeriea
WiomAmeriea Llrom Ih om America replied Ma M MNEy Max MaxNe j jve
NEy Ne ve ver r heard o oj tha that peo placo 1 lggoJ > Rai4mc said aid he Snager Snagery ffl manager managerr naJr r rJ1Jhlnk
J1Jhlnk r thinkyou 1ou are ar nu1oIg gllrn gameY pf f u We Bu wish wishyound J h hyqyd
y yqyd ud get to work and tame tam he aragons t1ragoDJ r ra onsthoroughly onsthoroughlysQ thoroughly thoroughlyso
so sPt that ° g WQ cpn Cp fflQye rn Pepe iy < alQn alQjg lQ gO Cllr 5r tkeIor4 tp lqrj4jf < rsl4l of the tJw1 ca ila tla I
1 ° tY MAaEIt MAaEIt4filtiYk
4filtiYk t s sE sZnbCEST
hk H f fw
w urqA1 3r 3rPS
PS t ti j
eW Stt y
6 6Jlitl
Jlitl ate Na NaI4
I4 I44c
4c R1 t t
11 11L
c T l
co cot t
jQridar has informed i us that we can q no qg longer IQ remaiu re remain rein ¬
main in in his domain d m in Ile If says s the theitolsQ nQisJi I1Q q of o oun 0 Q 5 am ammai ajii ajiimals niJ1l1lkz
mals disturbs his slumbers and a d the th smell i s annoy annoying annoy annoying oy oyI ¬
ing I suspect he hemcr merely lywis wishes a pretest to to descend descendupongus descendupo1 ceIld ceIldUPQ
upongus UPQ upo1 S and andseal steal ea all our Ul stock stockrtaiy stockay w k kmy
my rtaiy dn you yO moan w u to say f1 Y that q nobly Ql l baroncould baron baronwould ron ronlouId
would do such a athingasked thing asked the surprised surprisedIas surprisedIase Max MaxIjndeed
e Indeed 1 dccd thats how all these noblemen live live They Theyare Theye Theyare
are e all Jl robbers who fly Y out like hawks upon po every everytraveler e yeryt ery erytraveler
traveler t avcler alon alonp < than th her roads t d and take t what wll they i Y want wantregardless wantJ wantregardless
regardless J of right or decency Only the fact that thatthese thatt thatthese
these t tse knights knightsrare knigh a are regular regtJI r cowards nowadays ys and andfear andfear andfear
fear dragons a very much prevented its 3 from being beingrobbed beingrobbed in inrobbed
robbed long ago o Onceupon Ones upon TIJJO A time a a knight h1 would wouldtravel wouldtravel u1d u1dtr
travel tr vcl a great distance to meet and battle with a afiery afiery afiery
fiery dragon but b t now oVi dear dealme me they shuddeivat s ud l the thethought theth thethou
thought th thou ught ht of seeing one Yet 1 of they wear a armor mor mQr at a half halfinch h1 U Uinahthiek lfwuh
inahthiek inch = thick nndso and ah so o heavy h Y that whag wl1 They tUe t j fall falfoff falfoffffieir oi oithc o ot
t ffieir thc oirJtorsos r jiorses orses they cant c J1 mdive m move Ve but l ut > have tOhavescnie tOhavescnieojjo to have ve some somea someone
one a citme cpme e ° and 4lit Kf lift t them themife t em emI >
ap apI s
I I 1ioul o l lifeto like ife to see 5 Q one onoof of those tbo kiu kiuI itsu htsJ said saidl saidnt 4 4i
I i 1I you y need needo neednt nt make s c wish w b for Qr here e e comes comesn4 o oc
o n4 nosure c down the he road ro d now said s id the manager IJ1lna eri > apd apdSUJTQ tJd tJdgY4on
sure gY4on endugh ond G gb h there t tc came IIe a figure 1re mounted ln cqI on otz a aSreaE n ntiwarhors awarhorse
SreaE o mat warhorse a l low1y 1QW < wly i nsoyin > oVW g Iowa t9w nI > < d them th h em fol foll tohlQ fob
oiii l lQ is4 d l by a train tr n of spearmen Jea 1 and tlt1 Archers prqh When Whentheknight WhenhC Whenf
theknight hC f k igbt halted beside besi s them he tI said St sai saia d aahs 1l5 1w lifted lifteda 1 ted tedn
a sortof sort of grating ilkethe front of a cookingrange cookingrangefrom cooking r range rangefront gge ggefroni
from off his f face faceWhat faccWhat ace
What ho varietal Var1 1J t Wl U trespassing t Il S g oa my myWhat l land ndl ndlWhat ldlVhnt
What means mea this bi temerity 1em temerity1The d lu luThe y yThe
The manager mnna r foIl on his face hutHat b1tM hatMacstgad tQQIIIQok tQQIIIQokiug < u > d look 1Qoking looking ¬
ing at the knighLwith kniht wit4 groat oat buriosityi ur o ity w whereupon ere11Wl he hesaid heuid hesaid
said saidMHa uid uidURa
saidUa MHa Ua churl BQW B V Before Q6fQ Xae tneintho in the b dugtl dugtlOh du duatlOh t tOh
Oh I Ido don doalt think you are so muchu v saucily a1ci1 re replied r rplied Toplied ¬
plied the boy Ill bet you cant write your own ownname ownUtme ownn
n name or add two and a d four ur together togeth r t r I have havesomething hdveomething havesomething
something in this little box that wouldrmake would make you youtumble yontumBI youtumble
tumble off your r horse o e as if yqu were struck strm tru lj by l light llghtHoi lighttti K t tui1lg
ui1lg tti
Tir Hoi o a sotoerer sotce sornerer er a magiQiant shouted ha e men rognwhile menwhile n nwhtlo1h
while whtlo1h the knjht ken ht turned bIJI t ppe pole DU e and al ald i iSCen d trembledJjBut trenlbl trembled ut 11t heAdan he hIi4 hesaid
said i4 i4AC
Adan AC you u mj rqj yxSuflg tlm si sire i writ ypur lQ qur iigpae iigpaeOf iiatneV iiatneVof mg1U mg1UOf
Of eoursal CAU can and nt 1 write w it anythjngrele aI1YU a IJge np elan e I wish wishropHcffl wishropllatl ii iiroplfml
ropHcffl Max scornfully scorafullyA scornfullysebolarl
A scholar I A elerV and ao p o yQung ygungjzcried l81 1 crigd ig l he thekn heknight helmigh
kn knight ht t Vhy there js is is none in in all my land Ikfidcan can Ii argil stgnhw argilhis i ih
hw h name except Father Albertus 5is s3if a rareand rareandwondrous rart r and andwondrous andwondrous
wondrous art art I shall not disturb thee therefore thereforebut thereforebut thereforebut
but this oirous must mu t leavemy load eanJthav IGantthave I alot alot a alot
lot of dangerous dnnger us and t nd smelly 5meU dragons so near my mycastla my8stlo mycnstlau
cnstlau cnstlauWe castla 8stloIYe <
castlaWe We are having trouble with them them ourseltes ourselvesnoble ourseltesnoble ourseltesnoble
noble lord said Geraldus but this great magician magicianis
is a dragon tamer and he undertakes un eit es tQ handle hamdlethjun handlethtuti
thjun 1 in so that we can all move IDQ C along on par p r roadp roadpBut TO road roadBut qv qvUnqt
Unqt But you y cant move ove unless you youWi pay nie Q aa a hun huncjrcd ltqn ltqnqrQc1 hundred
cjrcd cudi rent for OJ the land and buildings butldmpsthat that t ou ouhtvc onhvc ouhave
have been using us 11l1t said the D knight knt htt for h lick didnft ° in intend tntoJ1d tn tntend ¬
tend to par part t with WJt the bf ne animalst nim t bu u te ta mk take ij t6 pr pr1lm1 m man4 I11tud
an4 Gerajdus to care re forthotn for them into his castle ftl ftlde rr rrdeJIA l ldezhand
dezhand de deJIA nmid payment ayajtCft at once on tH tHqrM 1 1We lc
c We d e havei Ctt t t ton Ol rnarravedi m ved let sc la laoTud tt ttcried rn rne
cried the tlOJ1J1ua w iniusger ager agerwhy t H Alael l y ypq u will r rYou rudmeia rudmeiah rudmeiawhy 1m t h hWhlo
why did t come hare n
P J r rYou <
II I < 4
j jY
Y You o mustnt 1 a 4k sk ma any a y oonundiunisj oon11 dilPi s i stgiinly stgiinlyqwlg3 ply plySq Y Yowl
Sq owl qwlg3 the warrior You Y Ot should ha h hayathousht hayathoushttt 1ttiitJ veLt ousht oushtt u ht httl
u uJJ4twin
tl it t allQut before ore you caxge caiimBut caxgeBut c
But JJ4twin will ill you ° not ta take ke some some P 1c other otllorfktm form of pay payment P pay payment y ymcnt ¬
ment i ashed Max lax < fl I have h vo a great gro t wolufor w d r here hereli ereI ereIand
a and one that li t will U make 111tke you vnn famous fa110U3 t the wQrIdgYIn wQrIdgYInwID9h wg worlri ld ocer ocerwhich nvnr nvnrwhfch
which I will give giv you if f you will aUav < u y u3 ° io l totnuie totnuieon move moveon movQon
on undisturbed This is a drop of gl glass s great sir sirbut sjr sjrbut sirbut
but you yo ou cn ein not n t smash sm sh it with your great grca steeloxe steel teen axe axePooh T TPpoh l lcPooh
< Pooh 1 snorted npr gc the knight J I could q azufi c Wjli isfi it itwith itwi itwith
with wi tb my m fingers fingersTry fingersfTry fingersT
Try T it itu suggested m estcd Max handing bu lim < him cite of his hisprecious 1JisprClciou hasprecious
precious Prince Rupert up rt Drops The Tb kmghj knightsmoto knightsmotoit tghf LIIQt6 LIIQt6it mpte mpteit
it with his axe fi again and again but it ItJ reslstealjvory reslstealjvoryblow resisted tea every everyblow y yblow
blow as if made m de of steel and nd then t en Max JJa took tPQ it anti iindwith Ilntlwith antiwith
with a slight twist tw of his fingers fut eJS broke ofahe offline tiny tinytail tinytaUl tinytail
tail taUl and un d lo at i lay a little littJ heap ltctpof of white whitgpQ power d in intho intho inthe
tho palm of b4 liis hand hand Th The knights kt b s eyeslsluckfiTit eyeslsluckfiTitTis eyes y s stue lu k out Autinamazcment outinamazement
inamazcment inamazcmentn
n Tis Ti Jl18 magic CYJ p he e qried i d while all n Ma men nMinvws nMinvwsp whis whispered whispcrcd ¬
pered p rQd among olg fhemselvo themselvosr tJ fhemselvoAgamhe Q1vpi c i itllp
r Agamhe gain tllp Fa he smote another a F little 1flI9yt lassdrop lqis F drop r p 11fJ with jUi the theiaifie thesame thename
same result re t andtheni and then Max explained l lnet tn theniarvel np mar r elt6 cl cljmJ1V > to tolair
lair jmJ1V whir J 11l1m t nid 4 tji 1lm f Ot r PAA ttbfiqJI ti al alf age
l oW He e Encountered a aena Wl K KWtenagejie ale le leEn
Wtenagejie f En ena Km geYie a e of o CyriQUs C ° 6 6u riQqs ri us CreaLtr CreaLtrf Cfe CfetJZ
u tJZ es s and andWa Was Having An rilA A Aiut Awfl AwflTime t tf
iut f ul Time When Wh WhenHe n He ij Awoke Aw0kaSuxelyaucK A Awokeutesheo e eui
ui utesheo 1t wo would re1 release them from the tbe1gely tax taxi
i Surel SuxelyaucK 1gely aucb fUC a wonder will bring inany traveler taavelaricb Q V Vto s sfa
icb olirtland ttuF 1a 1 ha q cried ctict aAnd beshrew beshrei es ma if J dpa dpajnaker dobtl dobtli dq t tmake
make 1U hem < pay pay Yor for or seeing s it I Give it t to me at qncg qncgan once onceandIjh < Iq6i1tL
i an andIjh T w i1tL lj let ie1 yo Y o goP goPijag go l ltlst
ijag tlst theu en there re wag a terrible uproar within withinthatcht the thethatched thethatched
thatched hbjufie house Awful wM howls yells and anarlinga anarlingaspjKtflia Bllarlingasp snarlingssphtaiie
spjKtflia sp t1Ia airs air Instantly lant1y all tie spearmen and archers archerafleii archersjJ archers11eih
fleii jJ 11eih and the knights horse reared up so suddenly suddenlyiat suddenlythat 5uddenbthat
that iat he fell with a clanging ng rattle to the stony stonyground WnyJlll tongground
ground Jlll 1J wherhetlay Where be lay l like e a pile of old o ol iron on unable unableto unableto Ql
to 0 mpre move Around thE comer crn came running xmmmg a man manwho 1l 1lwho mapwho
who shoUted shpTitedg shoUtedfi shouted1y
g fi 1y for rjQW your lives Fly t Theimicorn 6 Qorn has broken brokenloose brokenloose rQ1ieoQ
loose oQ E and and is coming CQ g this way w wSl11n I IQerau
Ceraldus Qerau < shinngctup Sl11n q U a tall tree 1 instantly Uly bufrMks bufrMkssljfiped butiifaaxslipped
slipped 5HP ig i > 3 among > uong QI1g the still till shrilling dragons aragODSior aragODSiorIj for forfieknew f of ofliolkaew
fieknew Ij w how tQ conto on 1 l tbp them p but didnt know any anything anythjng anything
thing about a out managing managing imicprns m1 unicorns CQrDS Then thera ap appeared sp sp1e appeared ¬
peared 1e red howling with fear a number of little littledwaifs littledwarfs
dwarfs 1 9 covered with reddish hair who whor ran pasj pasjlike pasjl pastlike
like l like rabbitsfollowed r rabbits bbit followed ollowe By the lone lonely y yFI ostrichwho ostrichwhoquickly os ostrich i wh whquickly mha mhaquickly
quickly vanished vaniahedrej vanishedH1
H1 FI eil1 1 break e np the whole L circus r s l s shot QJtf d ° Go Goaldu
aldu tQ the other man why ho f climbed V besi him himHero
Hero rej comea o IM ea ith the fcnffin 5ho ho has aa sha shaThejQrjuBatrtfas a 1 1J ehid ehidclixinl its its1JifC
clixinl 1JifC
J t tC tq 4 4T +
T ThejQrjuBatrtfas q Qrif i vas marvel n1nrve1 indeed m4e mdeel j 1it I but ut jjSj tpp tpp1tij new newIH3sfesp e esee
IH3sfesp 1tij est so quickly q that that Max could scarcely see s what whathe whatlooked whatIre
he Ire looked like e1 leaving in the th boys o E mind mi11 a sort ofa of ofmature 1
mature mi tura of bird Q 4 lizard and Hon io1 ever 8V averTTica aftegc5rari aftegc5rariTEenhasaw a t a a1Ja
TTica TEenhasaw 1Ja he saw y several s v ral of tha sea horses neighingvand neighingvandsnorting n neighing ighjngaDd1Qrtiij and andsnortfgra
snorting snortfgra lean 1 w over the e wall and flee fleeAll f1e f1eA1t seeAll
A1t All the Ql show s seemed to bar breaking ng up as thee thomanager t1oWlg theemanager
manager Wlg had h d feared The knight on the ground i be begantp begnnf beanto
gantp gnnf anto bellow for Qr help he1 as his senses s nses returned re but butn Q QDQbOJ1y butnbbo
nbbo n DQbOJ1y < Sbp4y noticed Qttc d hfoj and d Max M had no a eyes ies for i a athingei anr anrthing t tgJQ
thing thingei gJQ ap = tame as a man in armor for now n came an another aU aUother another ¬
other marvel Round the corner dashed tha iia troujpe troujpeof trou trouof OUM OUMo
of o Harpies Jl r es Max ax now remembered l having ha seen s stwes seen pic pictures ie ietuness ¬
tures tuness of tlfcsa tlancient ancient nIcie t creatures onca OA 3P common opmmoialong qqIDIlQo commonalong
along o the he Greek Gre seashore SE oe that no tale ttj Y wasever vEfseyar 8Y 8YwitlQ1 t twithout tftH tftHwithout
without having ai aJ least le t one of them in m it it but they theysurpassed theysU1P theysurpassed
surpassed sU1P d all his ideas ideasThey itleas itleasT1t ideasThey
They T1t ynre are women thought tho boy as as his eyep eyepfell eyepfel eyefell
fell on on them thcmt and then ha saw that they th had tie tiebodies t thebodies u ubodie5L
bodies legs and tails of birds 1 Only OnI tKairhoa tn their r hwere h hwcre B Bwere
were human and such su heads he as WO Worselppjking 1 9Jp lg thjaiu thjaiuany t tany an an1e
any teacher 1e 1ier I have h ve ever seem S C1lr thought thoughtAlthough Max MaxAlthough Max MaxAlthough
Although all the other oth things gs had appeared aP1Jea to tofrisbt bj bjfrightened lafrightened
frightened frisbt ed these uncanny un nny creatures creat QS seamap s seemed seemedangry d o oangry q qlngry
angry angry When Vh they h saw w the man in n armor a aruoz oja ml anground tE tEground jt1Q jt1Qgr91Yd
ground they stopped tPJJp d and Q all ll gathered g bEp about b kim hiuicrcamin kime 1m 1ma1A
crcamin e an a1A inirrg ng him with great gre t curiosity Finally Ylll one onecried qno qnocried onecried
cried in a shrill voice voiceEVs voicehls voiceIts
Its a man many 1 I Lets ts tear tCilr him to pieces piecesThe 1 1The 1 1The
The knight Im ght shook like a jelly Max could see seae that thathe thathe
he e was w an awful coward c 3rdand and his respect r peot ferwar ferwarripra for J Jrio r rriora
ripra rio riora sank ai1 a great gr t jaeal de eal l The Harpies Harn eS h hauled iule4 him Idmqo1t himbut m mabout
about qo1t this s Y nay and dtt3t1Iltit that tintil he yelle e1l I t f tor hal he hebtt I Ibqt
but tl hey y didjit 4 nt < understand Dq rst d how to get get1 him gut cuthis of ofno j ji
his i armor armorI rIiQX rIiQXq
q I g no o man n 1 finaIIy nay Iy declared qcare one ne o ctf fu g bird qqgWQP birdwomen r rwomen <
women WQP women Its J some someIqiid som kind of o a shellfish shellfiahYes shclUWtY a aYes
Y Yes cs hes a lobster P t thought MaX as he listened listenedto
to the knights gbt wails for OP helpLeavo help helpOLeavo l1 p pLeave
Leave him and seek see further thCD1lor F cried ed another anotherHarpy a anotherHarpy otqQ otqQlIa1py
Harpy fI I smell cll men and there must be some ome about abouthere about abouthere 9 9here
here 1 1Tlt
hereThey They Tlt y a Ml l has hastened tgne nedlw away Yta and d Max M ran r n put 1t Be Besaid geai Hesaid
said ai tQ the t a knight knightLet knightLet jgJ jgJiLet
Let mo haveypuj have Y your 1JI armor and I will tackle those thosecr thosecreatL hpsacreatures
creatures cr creatL tqI resl < I I have h a t plan pljjnTTqu pli planYou i iYQ1
You may have V it t end nd q welcqme if f youll feejp q hgl lpc i ma maotut meoq pi piot
ot otut oq 9 ij it All 11 I was w want n1 is to get a awaa Y as 3 home 015 ast q qwas qu qW qWn 0p 0pas
as n ppsajble p posatbleUnbuckle iQleV Unbuckle Pt q me at t ijiabajjk i and lorma lormaAg laniqpt let nie
nut qpt
i iy ig
Ag 4 gflgn g pen 1 gs 3 he h he was W released rc1Q S6a the tjie nobleman bl flatfcTjp fiadupthe flatfcTjpthe 1P 1Pt1w
the the road ro d and then Ma 3tax set the suit of armor armor up upng upagainst up upagainst
against ng irtst a a tree it and attached hi battery wires Wi 3 to UJIf UJIflten f it itTheni i iThenj
Thenj lten turning on the current curr current t he hid among ng the thedragons thedragons 6 6drtgon
dragons again ag i for or he had ag heard dtlie the Harpies return returning return returnjug e ej ¬
jug j gt maddened U1 g l 1 q at finding n g no men me1 about aboutwii 8J aboutAs 0 t tAs
As soon oQl ng n t they ey sate W t4 the armor ti they sla dashed 1 It 1t 1tw itwith
with w flapping taDpi wings wi gs and a d clawed l wcd it angrily Jl1 1i but theinstant the tJei thefell
instant i instant t1Jn a a Hftrpy J I3rirpyground y tpuclied 1Q ed the JQ o iron iron on she fell to tQ the theground t e eground
ground and l flppped qbcjutlika q optt1tQ a g men lien en wit Its Its hesui ueladoff hesuioft a aoff
off In less 1cfi ti than i a minute u e they W y were w r elf prgste prg prostrate prostrateaitd q q3Id e eand
and then Max 31a ran nlI gut gt1 and Ild tied their legs tPgO together togQt1How togetherhow erT erTHow
How they scolded lded and squawked threatening t1reat him himwith himwith n nwith
with all sorts of evils but when he came ta look 1oo at atthum attJum atthum
thum closely oelyhe he saw that t at after all they were able to todo todo todo
do vgty vary Y little itt damage provided one on was careful to toavoid toyoit toavoid
avoid t1e their J sharp claws He called call d the rnanager paY1i manager 1 and andspid a aspid ariasaid
spid spidHere Here I have your harpies all disposed of i what whatshall Whatshall hat hatshall
shall we do with them themf th therm thermThe i iI
f The dragons havent had anything to oat itt in i twowcclC5t two twovecks twoweeks
weeks wcclC5t replied Geraldus Ger ldus Why not fQediheso fftot theso th o crit arittors crittgrg critt
tgrg t r ti 11 them IIQW theyre the h rc all M tied and am A isnx isnxc isnxAH h hlcss g gless
less c II IIXU
lessAll XU AH the harpies rpies bflgau tQ wqep Wttgrly ai thedrejadfulprospect the tbelrq thedreadful
drejadfulprospect dreadful lrq d l prospe prospect t but b t the manager opened open d thed tJe thedgor thedgormien 9Qr 9Qrfind or orand
and whistled to the dragons Hot one af them themmovecl th theminnvecl n nlovCt1
movecl however and then Max said saidIbeli saidti i iI
ti I Ibeli believe ve they are all SP s shocked that thatt they the EN areqtlife are 1eQt1itel1elplessln aequite
quite Qt1itel1elplessln Qt1itel1elplesslnAn helpless helplessAno helplessAnd
And Ano An I se sep SC that th t their fires hf e gornt ova out 9 e euarentl ap apparently atJpar ¬
parently par 1tlyU said B 4 the tlj manager 1ffPWHQ Hpw do yptraccouns yptraccounsfor yauaccoeuisfor = ntn CUtUti CUtUtifor
for that thatrVhy thallI thallIVhy thatYh <
< rVhy Vhy Yh tbfey ore deaq cxelqtmed the boy lAll lAllore All Allare A11are
are quite cold coldGeraldus coldGeraldus 1 1Gernldusbcrn
Geraldus Gernldusbcrn began to gr cry IY shedding 1 ddi1g such h floods of oftpars oft oftpurs
tpars t urs that M May was was w amazed amazedAlas amazedAlas UIi d dAln
Alas and wpelsiaol we 15 is Ino roe Hank Harrison mil dis disdrdrgQ discharge lS lScltllrge
charge me merfor sic f for pr I have lla ve ruined his 4 s sfipw sow t But its tl i tto ttof no nomy o oW
my faujt f t11 n itli t tNever for fQ 1 I never n never Y T agreed tc fc feed dragogsP1 dragogsP1fly dragogs dr oW 1 1tfeycf t tv
Never v r minHj1 1lH mind t said Max M Max wiping wmmg awqva aW away fn n tear r cl clmflke Iwill I Iwill
will giy give yo you 1D my JlupcrtJ Drops DropgJ and they W mU mUmnkeup wilmake
° F
make mnkeup up for theJust the loss lossJust l Ice c only te ten far lq 11Jr17 11Jr17Jmt bu
Just then a liana was laid on his arm and lo J he heheard heheard heheard
heard his fathers voice suyincCome saying sayingConic av I1K I1KC
< Conic C mc il its a time to go 9 to bed bed mySflni 1t apn tn Youll Youllsleop Youllsleopin sloop sloopin sleepin
in bed b g if f you QycqIH9 ean can do do Inhere it tt er hero i 111 111r I IJ It
J r t Jtid alT a 1 been oe a qQl drum fax l1bb rubbed d his 1S ey v vI fond fondrose
I rose jj1h to 1115 l uttc little battery 1p arid t as stumbled ltynblcauJibn up uptnia
Jibn tnia rlalahhearIt r Va ear 11 eny enyce 1 t
iJfl ce f r tU nay neyrsaw1Jle r W 1l ancoinln ancoinlnWALT om h 1 1r