jft 2 J THE SALT I JotUffi < AKE BffiRALD IJ 11 D itIDAY mAY JAN J 1 2T 2 1905 1 05 SECTION S SECTIONTHREE SECTIONTHREELs CTION THREE THREESucK 6 6 6 n u 1 1j u J j = Ls i 1 SucK S UC ttt1 h as Walk W a Ik in In Darkness D Darkn ar k ness uuu ess I IJ By SaruelH Samue I Hopkins uuuu kfrs uu Adams Adars l lu i I Nal N all the trade b da of o the the he city ciy you ou might mightnot mightn iiIghtI IN I not n o find 1 n4sueh such another quaint qualntbuSI qualntbuSInoa i busi business ¬ ness firm as as Solomon John and andBilly andBiy andB11y Billy Biy Wigg The Th senIorS senior partnerr parterra partherrvas was s ssen agentle I sen gente gentle tie old giant the junior a brisk briskartd briskand briskaftd and shaggy hagg Httle JtUe dog It 1 was v va Solo Solomon Soloron Solo1on ¬ mon ron Johns Business buflness usines to stand on pnrcarlng a arcarinji arcariu rcarinji rcarlng rcariu border borJle orre and sell sel papers paper it l1 was wasBilly wasBiy wasB1llyWtggs Billy Biy B1llyWtggs yiggs Vhgs business bu lnes to take care of ofIt ot ofhimwliflohe h1 himwliflohe wnI1c pe dld lId1t t for be was blnd blndItvns blind blindItisaS It Itvns was our quslnesDr lusinessDr Business Dr Harveys Harveysand Harveysnndm1neto Harvey8nnd and nndm1neto mne neto1 toj pay pny for our papers and andpass andpsson andpasson pass psson on but we seldom strictly strcty minded mindedic l ic Instead we would stop to talk tak to toSolomon toSolomon toSolomon Solomon John ohn to the detriment of oftrade oftrude oftrade trade and to be patronized by Billy BillyWigg Bly BlyIg BillyVIg Wigg VIg Ig who was much puffed pufed up with withsilfimportance wih wihStUlmprtunce withstlfimportanee silfimportance StUlmprtunce conceiving himself hlmseI to tobt tob tobt bt b the principal owner of the earth and andsole andsole andi i sole oie proprietor of Solomon John In Inthe Inlb Ini i the lb half of which wlleh he was correct correctI I was very ver fond of Billy Wigs de despite despite dospite ¬ spite his hi airs of superiority Harvey Harveypreferred Harvey 1 preferred old Solomon but this was a asemiprofessional a asemiproCesional asemiprofeslonaI semiprofessional semiproCesional interest for my med medical medIca mcdlea ¬ lea Ica friend had contracted the pamphlet pamphlethabit pamphlethabit pamphletF F habit which he indulged before scien scientific scientfe sciontific ¬ tific tfe bodies made up of gentlemen gentemen with withweak wih wihweak withweak weak eyes who ho knew more about oph ophthalmology ophthalmolog ophthalmology ¬ thalmology thalmolog than can be found In many manyfat manyfat manyi i fat tomes Solomon John was a a re remarkable remarkable reinarkable ¬ markable case of ot something smething quite quie un unpronounceable unpronounceable unpronounceable ¬ pronounceable and Harvey used to togaze togaze 4 gaze into his eyes ees with wih rapt Intensity Intensitywhile intensiy intensiyhlle Intensitywhile while hlle Billy Biy Wigg fidgeted fdgete and strug struggled strugled struggled ¬ gled led against agInst the temptation temptton to gnaw gnawsuch gnaws1ch gnawsuch such s1ch portions portons of him as were within withinreach wihin wihinreach withinreach reach for Billy iy Wigs didnt understand understandand undertand undertandand and what hat he didnt understand he dis disapproved dlsalproved disapproved ¬ approved of on principle In the light lightof lSht lShtof lightof of subsequent events I Ibeleve believe Billys Billysuneasiness Blys Blysuneualne5s Billysuneasiness uneasiness to have been ben an Instance of ofanimal ot ofanimal animal prevision previsionTo To see Billy Biy Wigg rlgg conduct onduct his master masteracross masteracross masteracross across that mill race of traffic trafic that thatswirled thatswirled thatswirled swirled between curb and curb as ashe ashedid he hedid hedid did every morning In time tme for business businesswas businesswas businesswas was an artistic arttc pleasure Some Something Somethmg Something ¬ thing more than a mere pilot was the thedog thedog thedog dog rather rther the rudder to whose accu accurate accurate aeonrate ¬ rate direction directon old Solomon responded respondedwith responled responledwit respondedwith with wit precise and prompt fidelity ftelty A Atug Atug Atug tug of ot the trouser leg from behind behindvould behindouldbdng behindwould would ouldbdng bring the ancient newsboy to a ahalt ahaI ahalt halt haI A gentle gente jerk forward would woulnstart woulc wouldstart start him again and in obedience to a asteady asteady steady pull pul to one side or the other he hewould heould L would ould trustingly trustngly suffer sufer himself hlmse1 to be beconducted beconducted beconducted conducted around a checked wagon or ora orn ora a halted haIed cable car All the time tme Billy BillyWigg Biy BiyWlgg BillyWig Wig would keep up a running conver conversation converBaton convernation ¬ nation Baton made up of admonition admoniton warn warning wan waning warning ¬ ing and ad encouragement encouragementCome encouragement encouragementCome Come on now nowIn In a series of sharp sharpyaps sharpJaps sharpyaps yaps Japs as they started from the curb curbPunh curbupu curbi i upu Push h right ahead Hold hard Thats Thatsall Thats Thatsal Thatsi i all al right Its is by Hurry now Hurry HurryI Hurl I said Will do I tell you Jou as tel you youThen youThen youThen Then to a toopressing cabby cabbJ in an anangry anang anangry angry ang bark Whats the matter mater with withyou wih wihou withl l you ou anyway Trying to run folks folksdown folksdown folksr r down Hey Well apologetically apologetcaly in inresponse inresponse inresponse response to a jerk on his string strlngUthee strlngUtheefol strlngthese strlngthesefool these thesefool fool drivers do stir str me up Wait a bit bitNow bitoV bitow Now oV for It I And here we are areHow areHow areHow How many man3 thousand thouslnd times tmes dog and andman andman andman man had made the trip in safety before beforethe beforethe beforethe the dire day of the accident accdent not even evenSolomon eenSolomon evenSolomon Solomon John can reckon Harvey and andI I had started down town early earl3 while whileour whie whieour whileour our pair of papervending friends friendschanced friendschanced friendschanced chanced to be a little ltte late As we wereached wercachod wereached reached the corner they were ere already half wav across the street street and Billy BillyWigg BJTy BJTyVigg BillyWigg Wigg with wih all al allot of his strength of terror terrorwas t terrorsas rror rrora was a striving to haul Solomon John Johnbackward Johnbackwad Johnbackward backward backwardWhats backwad backwadWhats backwardWhats Whats the matter mater with wIh Billysaid BillysaidHarvey BUlysaIdHarey BIlly said saidHarvey < Harvey Harey for from the sidewalk wecould we wecould wecould could not then see se the t e cause of his ex excitement excitement cxcitement ¬ citement citementA A second later the question queto questiovaS was an answered answered ansurered ¬ swered as there plunged into ylev y1e from frombehind frombehind frombehind behind a car the galloping galoping horse of a aderelict aderelct aderelict derelict derelct delivery delvery wagon wagonGood wagonGood wagonGood Good heavens Look Lok at at the old oldman oldman oldman man I cried and in the same breath breathLook breathuLook breathLook Look at the dog gasped Harvey HarveyWith Harv HarvVih HarveyWith With Vih one one mighty jerk Billy Bly Wig had hadtorn hadtorn hadtorn torn the leash from his masters hand handBereft handfreft handDereft Bereft freft of his sole guidance in the thun thunder ttm ttmder thunOcr ¬ der and rush of traffic trfic the blind blnd man manstretched manstretched manstretched stretched out piteous pieous hands Warding Wardingthe the death he could not see seeBUb seeBilly v vBilly Billy he quavered where are areyou areyou areyou you Billy Biy le Come back to me Billy Billydog Bfl Billydog dog do dogFor For once Billy Biy Wigg was deaf dea to t his hismasters hlsmaters lilamasters masters maters voice He was obeying a more moreimperious mOrehnp moreiuipdrious imperious hnp rlous call cl that unfathomed nobil nobilIty nobi nobilIty Ity ly of dog nature that responds so soswiftly soswlCty soswiftly swiftly swlCty to the summons He was cast castanothers castIng casting Ing his own le life summonsl in the balance to Sv Svanothers save saveanothers anothers Straight at the bose bosethroat horse horsethroat horses horsesthroat throat he launched himself a forlorn forlornhope forlornhope forlornhope hope hope It I was a a very ver big horse and andBilly andB andBilly Billy B ly was wa as a very er little ltte dog The up upstroke upstroke upstroke ¬ stroke of the knee caught cught him hlm1ul full he hevas heas hewas vas as flung fung whirling whirlng fell almost under underthe undertoe underthe the wheels of a cab rolled ro1ed Into the thegutter theguter thegutter gutter guter and lay there tere quiet quiet The horse horsehad hore horehad horsebad had swerved a little ltte not quite quie enough enoughThere There was a scream sceam and the blind blnd man mandown manucat went down from the glancing glancng impact impactof of the shoulder Harvey and I were werebeside werebeside werebcslde beside him almost as soon as the cross crosswalk cro crosswalk s swalk ¬ walk policeman polceman The three of us car carried earned carned ¬ ned him to the sidewalk sidewalkNo No need to call Cl an ambulance offi officer orncr olTicer ¬ cer said Harvey urm Im a physician physicianand physicianand physicianand and the man is a friend of mine mineBedad mineBedad mineBedad Bedad thin the dawg dawJis is a frind of ofmine ofmme ofmine mine said the big fellow felow Couldnt Couldntye ye take him along too sir sirWell sirVelrHthersid sirWelirathersaid Well Welirathersaid VelrHthersid rathersaid Harvey heartily heartilyWhere heartH heartHVbere heartilyWhere Where is he he turned to look lok for forthe forthe forthe the dog dogBilly dogBiy dogBilly Billy Biy Wigg came crawling crawlng toward us usNever usever usNever Never ever tell me that dogs dog have no souls soulsThe soulsThe soulsThe The eyes in Billys Biys shaggy little ltte face faceyearned faceyearned faceyearned yearned with wih a more than human pas passion passIon passion ¬ sion of anxiety and love as gasping gaspingwith gaspl gaspiiwith g gwih with wih pain painfor for he had been cruelly cruellyshaken cruell cruellyshakenhe shaken shakenhe he dragged himself himsel to his hispartners hispartners hispartners partners face At the touch of at the thewarm thewarm thewarm warm eager tongue Solomon Johns Johnseyes Johnseyes Johnseyes eyes opened He stretched out his hishand hishand hishand hand and burled It in the heavy heav fur furHello furoHeIo furHello Hello HeIo Billy Biy he le said weakly I Ivas Iwas Ivms vas afraid you were hurt hurt Are you Jou all allright al allright right old boy And Billy Biy burrowing burrowinga a wet nose in Solomon Johns neck neckwept neckwept necksept wept for joy with loud whines whinesSome whinesSome whinesSome Some rapid and expert wirepulling wirepullingon wirepulng wirepulngon on the part of Harvey landed our two twofriends twofrIends twofriends friends In a private hospital where whereSolomon whereSolomon whereSolomon Solomon John proved a most grateful gratefuland gratefuland gratefuland and gentle gente patient patent and Billy Biy Wigg a amost awost aiPost most tumultuous tumuluous ona on until unti arrange arrangement arrangement arrangement ¬ ment was made for the firm frm to occupy occupyone occupone occupyone one and the same sme cot Then he be became became became ¬ came tractable even enduring the In Indignity Indigniy Indignity ¬ dignity digniy of a flannel fannel jacket and splints splintswith splnls splnlswih SIllntStitli with wih a sort of humorous tolerance toleranceI tolerancf tolerancfI I Every Eer day Harvey Barve came and gazed gazedsoulfully gaz gazedI d dsouIul I I soulfully souIul Into Solomon Johns glazed glazedeyes glazede I eyes e eyeswhich eswhlch which is a curious curlols sort of treat How Winter I Birds Protect the Orchards O rchards i T By yErnest Ernest Harold Baynes oes Intelligent Inlelgent agriculturist agrlculursl no long longer longer ¬ T THE er allows alows prejudice and superstition superstton supersttonto superstitionto j jto to interfere with wih lite I s Interests interets he hedesires hedtlre hedesires desires dtlre In all al cases to act from knowl knowledge knowledge ¬ I edge ege and reason based either eiher on his hispersonal hIsperonal hispersonal personal peronal observation observulon or on the expe experience expeIencc experience ¬ rience of some one whose authority he heknows hekows heknows knows kows to be reliable relable There was wastme jl jltime t ttime time tme and not eo very ery long ago either eitherwhen eitherwhen eitherwhen when many believed beleved that an inoffens inoffensive Inofens InofensIve Inoffenslye ¬ ive lady whom from some lack of rea reason reason rcason ¬ son they the had decided to term a uwlch uwlchcould witch witchcould wltchcould could cause their cattle catte to become dis diseased diseased dlseased ¬ eased and ane die by merely mcrel looking at atthem atthem atthorn them This 8ul superstition > erstUon passed passe away awayand awa awaand awayand and its It place was taken by others othersamong othersamong othersamong among them the idea that many of the thebirds thebird thebirds birds particularly partcularly the birds of prey preywere preyWEre preywere were WEre the enemies entmle of the agriculturist agriculturistThis agriculurist agriculuristThis This superstition superstton wna ws handed hundfd down downfrom downfrom downfrom from father to son qnd even today todaythere todayj todayjthere todaythere there are farmers farmer who believe beIeve they are areacting areactng areacting acting actng for their own Interest by shoot shootIng shootIng shooting Ing every ever hawk and owl they the see seeOthers seeOthers I Others still sti more behind the times timesshoot Ume timesshoot shoot robins and other song birds be because because ¬ cause they take a few berries or grapes grapesThe grapesThe grapesThe The Intelligent Intelgent farmer Can1er however no nolonger nolonger nolonger longer goes by guesswork guesork and refuses refusesto to act because they say that such suchand suchand suchand and such a thing Is so If I the birds birdswhich bIrdswhich birdswhIch which frequent his farm are a real r al me menace meiiace ¬ nace to his hisbusinees business buslnee he wants to know knowit Imowi Ue Uenace it i and he takes the trouble to find fnd out outIf out outIf If I they are ar doing doln his farm more good goodthan gooUthan goo5than than harm he e wants to know that that and andwhen andwhen i when he does doe know It I he is iI Just as asanxibus asanxIus asanxiOus anxiOus anxIus to protect protet them as his ls grand grandfather grandfather grandfather ¬ father may have been been to destroy d troy them themThe themThe I The easiest way for the farmer or orfor orfor orfor for any anyone one else for that matter male to tofind tofnd todud find fnd out in a a general geeral way which of the thebirds thebirds thebirds birds are beneficial beefeid and which are areharmful areharmful areharmful harmful to us Is to write wrie to the t e sec secretary se seeretary ¬ retary retar of agriculture ugrlcu1 re for free pam pamphlets PamI pamphiets ¬ phlets on this subject subje These t publica publications pubUcatons publications ¬ I tions tons contain the results of careful carefulox carefuloxperiments ex experiments experlments ¬ periments made by the government governmentat at great gret expense and without preju prejudice prejudloe ¬ dloe for or against the the birds directly I for the t th a bejiefit lxui cneftb fit of the farmer tmeraip and directy Iir Iirdlredtly hrdlre Indiredily dlredtly dlre U for or the benefit benofi of5 of the ntfre entirecountry ntfrecountr ntfrecountry country The best way wa for him to toset get merit for broken broken collarbone cOlar bone not sane sanctioned sanetioned ¬ tioned toned by any of the authorities authorite who whohave whohave whohave have written writen on the subject It I soon soonbecame soonbecme soonbecame became becme evident evdent that Harvey didnt didntcare didn didntcare care anything anthin about abut the bone he had hadether hadether hadether I ether designs On 01 a day he came to tothe tothe tothe the point pointSolomon pointSolomon 1 Solomon John would you like lke to tohave tohove I IhDve have your sight back backThe backThe I The blind blnd man sat up In his cot and andpressed andres5ed andpressed pressed res5ed his hands to his head headDo headDo I Do you mean it sir he gasped gaspedYou gaspedYouyou I You Youyou you wouldnt go to fool an old oldman oldman oldman man about such a thing thingWill thingVil thingWill Will Vil you let me operate on you ou to tomorrow tomorrov tomorrow ¬ morrow morrowAnything morrovAnything morrow4nything Anything you think best sir I dont dontquite dontquie dontqnite quite quie seem to take It all al In yet Jet sir sirnot sirnotthe sirnotthe not notthe the whole sense of it i But if it does doescome doescome doescome come out right added Solomon John Johnin Johnin JohnIn in the simplicity simplciy of his soul wont wontBilly wontBly wontBilly Billy Bly Wigg be surprised and tickled tickledBilly tckled tckledBly tickledBilly Billy Bly Wigg raged mightily mlghty and rent rentthe Tentthe rentthe the garments Earments of his best friends because becauseI I he was shut out during the operation operationWhen operaton operationWhen When he was admitted admited after it was wasover wasoer wasover over he howled tumultuously because becauseSolomon becauseSo becauseSoomon Solomon So omon John was racked with wih ether ethersickness etherelckness ethereiekness sickness which he mistook for the thethroes thethroes throes approaching dissolution dissolutionIt dissoluton dissolutonoIt II oIt It was a long nerve nere trying tring wait wai but butthe butthe butthe the day da finally fnaly came cme when the t1e white whitebandages whie whiebandages whitebandages bandages were removed After Afer the first firstgasp frst frstgasp firstgasp gasp of rapture Solomon John looked lookedabout lookedabout lookedabout about him eagerly eagerlyLet eagerlyLet eagerlyLet Let me see se my dog he said hBIl Billy BillyIs Is this you as the junior partner partnerlooked partnerlooked partnerlooked looked with wih anxious and puzzled 1uzzled eyes eyesinto eyesinto eyesinto into hfs hi face Well youre certainly a amighty amighty mighty handsome doggy dogg old boy Bil Billy Bi Billy ¬ ly Wigg was as homelier than a stack of downy or a hairy tvoodpeclter voodecer These Thesetwo Thesetno Thesetv9 two are much alike in general genera appear appearance apperI appearance ance n e except ex epl that tat the latter is cbnsld cbnsldcrably c conslderably nsld t tCrably crably larger than the former In Ineither Ineither either iher case cape caehe he will w1 be found very ve busy busysearching busysearching 1 searching e rchIng for f r and devouring insects insectsoggs Insectslarvae insectseggs eggs larvae and adult insects Inscts of one onehome onektnd ktnd or another which have the their theirhome II home on In or below belo the bark of the thetree thetree thetree i tree Some of these insects are pests pestsof VCts VCtsot pcts0f I I of the worst sort and If I they were not notgathered notgathered notgathered gathered up by b the birds In the winter winterthe winterthe winterthe the trees would be alive alvu with wih them In Inthe Inthe Inthe the spring and In many cases they theywould tbeywould theywoud would destroy not only the fruit but butin buti1 butlii in some cases even the trees trce them themselves themsehe themselvei ¬ selves sehe Of course these thee birds carry carryon carryontheir on onjheir ontheir their warfare all al through the rest of ofthe ofthe ofthe the year eating ealns ants ant caterpillars oterplars and andcrawlers andcrawler andcrawlers crawlers crawler of many kinds by b thousands thousandsbut thousand but the farmer being busy with other othermatters othermutters othermatters matters will wil not be so likely lkely to see rseethorn seethorn thorn thor at it itPerhaps I ItPerhaps Perhaps the next bird to appepr appeprmaybc appejr appejrmaybe appeprmaybe maybe a nuthatch ntthatch a bird much 11ch small smaller smaUer ¬ er er even than the th downy woodpecker woodpeckerHeroic woodpeckerHeroic woodpeckerHeroic Heroic Schoolteacher Schoolteacherresume i irmmt resume rmmt our studies st1dJes There There was another I Idctoutlot I dctoutlot dctonrftlon from the th cannon and another anotherand anotherand anotherand and then a crash cah of musketry muslcetr A window light was knocked knoc < ldout out by b the concussion conbu 8lon 8lonand J I I and fell l noisily nolsly on the floor The pupils pupis pupisumpcd pupilst1mped jumped umpcd ti 1 t > in wild wid confusion confusionJIIss conmoni confusionsllss i I JIIss lUS McKittrick McKitrick arose from her chair chairI I 1 but not In confusion She was Just mad madThe madI The Th r he school will wl come away awa from the I door i atid > nd resume reume Its ls scats sent she said saidi i Tho school did I g gll glldihC dihC i She stood In the center alse with a I heavy ruler In her hand The pupils pupis were weremore weremore weremore 1 I more afraid to risk an encounter with wltnI that ruler than the thl possible chance of a astray astry astray stray stry cannon cnnon ball bal crashing crshing through thrugh the thebuilding theuldlng thebuilding I building uldlng A teacher techcr vrho ho could run a apchool achool aschool school while whie people O pIe wero ° being bayoneted bayonetedor or blown to pieces I ccca right next door as you youIoqr youImlght youmlght Imlght mlght sa say was too serious a thing thing for forr r Ioqr olr youthful spirits splrJt to defy even If I she sheI I t did dldwfar wear w ar spectacles spectaclesi 5petHctes 5petHctesDuring I I During the entire afternoon the TirIng i Ijetweon Lwon the two entrl commands continued continuedsometimes contnued contnuedm continuedonietlms sometimes onietlms m bruiktng breaking Into voleys volleys that thattrnd thatnd 1 ilpuiided nd lmQ Arcadcul drcadfullliuje Wc k V fWd lebclf tebels DC bctai i ieflt5 ieflt5and c t tt and t tve YO secretly 3cCty prayed pra pray dor d for the success of 0 tooth is no easy job hated worse bay leaving bayIng ¬ ing ng his partner parner to two such unaorupu unaorupuIgus uT0rUpl uneorupul Igus l us characters character as he well wel knew us to tobe tobe tobe be But he knew his business busines and set setabout setabout t about it with wit all al his energies energiesWhisper eneries enerieslsper energiesWhisper Whisper lsper now saId the senior part partner partner partner ¬ ner as Billy BI swore under his breath br aU at ata ata ata a slithery sUther and elusive dime Ive as asfine asfne asfine fine fne a pairof pair of eyes e es as youd oud want for forstar torslr forstar star slr gazing gzIng at noonday noondayThen noonda noondaThen noondayThen Then what on earth earthShhh earthShhh eart Shhh Soft Sof and easy eas The boasts boastscocking boasts boastscocking boastscocking cocking his little Utte ear this thLway way Sure Suretwas Suretwas Suretwas twas all al on his account sirs sirsOn sir sirsOn On Billys Bllys account we both ex exclaimed e oxclaimed ¬ claimed in a breath breathYou breathYou I You didnt think Id Id be faking it ithe i Ithe he asked reproachfully reproachfullyWe We Ve didnt and we said sid so s But we werequired werequired werequired required further enlightenment enlightenmentAll enlghtenment All Al on account of Billy Bi Wigg there thoresirs thoroSIr theresirs sirs SIr The eyesight e eslsht was a million milon bless blessings blessings blesstags ¬ ings to me but twas death to poor poorBilly poorrm poorrilly Billy rm Not a pleasure pleasur in life lfe would he hetake hetuke hetake take after afer we left ler the hospital When WhenId Whenra Yhcnrd Id walk Odlk free and easy cas along ulonc the thestreets thestreet thestreets streets street that looked so pretty pret to my m old oldeyes oJde oldeyes eyes e es the dogd be becraz crazy with tear that thatsome thatsome thatsome some harm would come to me le through throughhim through1lm throughhim him not leading me At the te last h hJust hE he hejust Just laid down and set out to t die dieJed dieJed10t Hed Hednot hednot not 10t sleep sleephed hed not eat and the eyes eyeso eyesohlm o ohlm him when hed look at me were fit fitta ft ftt fitt ta t make a man weep I sent for a dog dogdoctor dogdoctor dogdoctor doctor you being away sir put in inSolomon InSolomon inSolomon Solomon John in polite po1e parenthesis larenthel to tomy tomy my friend He says The dogs dying dyingof dyingof dingof of a a broken heart Ive 1e seen It I before beforehe herre herrehe beforehe he says Whatll I do says I Hell Hellnot Hennot Hellnot not be content till you are as you ou were of the other side of the stabbee you youthought youtlought ou outlought thought tlought you did anyhow anyhowWell anhowel anyhowWell I Well el Jou I I guess ueS5 youre Joure right there theresaid tberen tberenId theresaid said Id Redface The modern drama drma is isnot Isnot isnot not as much of a riot as the old drama dramaused dramau dramaused used u ed to be but I must say 5a I think the thenew then thenew new n w style st le Is more refined refinedTush refned refnedTush fined finedTush Tush said sd the t1e Knocker U More Morerefined Morerefined ore orerefned refined refned What refinement refnement Is there In Ina Ina Ina a modern comedy comed in which your our hero herorine heroke heroice ice pursues another womanshusband womanshusbandor wom usJhusband usJhusbandor or your hero spends his time tme for five fivej fve fveI fiveepigrainmatle j epigrammatic epigrammtc acts trying tling to induce an anI another another I I other mans wife to elope with him himand himII hintand II and dwell dwel in a corner < rner lot lo In ip ipArcady ipArcadyswept Arcady Arcadyswept Arcad Arcadwept swept by b ocean breezes oh on the th Install Installment Instal Installment ¬ ment plan I dont don see It Just Jut be because bee1 because ¬ cause e1 use jour ouI villain vlin goes about but looking lookinglike lokin lokinlke lookinglike like lke a howling howlng swell sweJ in the latest cut cutof cuto cutof of o evening othes and your heroine heroineis is the swaggerest swaggerest looking thing that thatever thateer thatever ever came out of Mrs Osbornes Osbrne s guwn gownfactory guwnfactor guwnfactory factory factor you ou call cal it i more refined rfued Vice Vicein Vlcohi ice iceiii in modern clothes cothes and full ful of etiquette etiquetteifc etquette etquetteIf ifc If Just as offensive oteusive sis s it is in top boots bootsvelvet bootnJet bootsvtlvet velvet nJet robes and knee nee breeches breehe and 3fd for formy formy formy my part I like lke the latter later far better betterThe beter beterThe betterThe The swashbuckling swashbleldlng braidp brax dp has hf at atleast at atleast least the te courage curge of his Vices Vice which whichour whichyour Yhichyour your our latter later day da nambypamby nambJpmb white whiteshirted whie whiesi1irted whiteimirted shirted sepulchre lacks with his hi sneak sneaking snok snok1ng sneaklug ¬ lug ways and 400 front frontWell front frontWell Well Yel anyhow said Redface RetCace uou uouant you youcant youmant cant stop these things by buying up all toe ready to sacrifice sacrifce reality for show showThis showThis This is i our American Americn weakness weaknes Be Because Beause Because ¬ I cause my neighbor nel hbor docs thus or so I Itoo rt Ito too t to Omutdo must do as she shccts sets the example exampleThe exampleThe exampleThe The pace is tremendous when we are aremarching arcmarcbi aremarching marching marcbi g to the music mu lc of drums that thatare th3t th3tare thatare are heralding hcriding an overweening ambition ambitionIf amQilon amQilonI If I the good French Fren h pastor who wl 0 has beei beeipreaching b beeipreaching eect preaching in our ears his gospel go pel of the thesimple theImple thesimple simple life lCe could prevail prevaI upon our wo women wom women ¬ men m n to try tr It in earnest some of cf them I had downwards among the twigs twigsVery tWIgs1 twigsVery Very V < n tame they theY are at this season 6ea50nnnd and andwith andwith I with wih but a little llte patience patence they will willfeed wll willfeed feed from ones hands or lips as they theydid theydid theydid did from frm mine more than tan a a hundred hundredtimes hundredtimes times thrls last winter They are engaged engagedin in the same same work as the woodpeckers woodpeckersand woodveeker and the nuthatches viz the extermina extermination extenlna exterminution ¬ tion ton of myriads of insects which 1C I al allowed allowe albowed ¬ lowed lowe to incresije incr1c unchecked would wouldmake wouldmake make the work rk of the fruitgrower fruitgrowerheartbreaking fruitgrowerheartbreaking rulgrowcr heartbreaking and unprofitable unprofitableLet unproftable unproftableet Let et the farmer now look over the thefields UtefEJds thefields fields fEJds beyond the orchard and an observe observethat obore observeI that clearcut figure Uglre of a hawk sailing sailingin slng I in i1 circles against agaln the sky If I he will willbut wi willbut but believe it that is a n feathered tCltherod ser servant sr sranl servant ¬ vant anl working conscientiously consientously from fromdawn fromdawn fromdawn dawn until untl dusk and without wtout r ony ay to torid torid 1 1rid rid his farm of the rats mice and antirodents other otherrodents other i irodent rodents rodent which play plaYaueh such havoc > with wlthhis wih wihhis withhis his property at all al times tmes of the year yearIt y iir iirIt It I has been ben estimated estmte that the te Hawk Hawkwill hn hawkwill or k kwi will wi destroy in one year Jear a thousand thousandmice thijusandmice mice or their equivalent In noxious noxiousinsects noxlougInsects noxiousInsects insects and the farmer flrJer need not be betold betold betold told what a thousand mice can cn do to tohis tohis tohis his fruit trees tree In the course 10Ure of one oneeevere onesevere severe winter He knows knoWs only too toowell toowel toowell well wel perhaps that they can kill ki more morethan morethal morethaq than thal as many trees by b girdling glrdlh1t them themwith thcm thcmwith themwith with their teeth as I saw many a hun hundred hundrd bundred ¬ dred drd Jrees Jre killed kUed last winter In the thesame thesame thesame same way wa Now No and then a hawk of ofsome oCsome ofsome some species will wi get a chicken from fromhis fromhis fromhis his poultry poultr3 yard but let him not be behasty behasty behasty hasty to revenge reenge the t c act What other otherworkman otherr f workman can he get to do so much muchhontt muchI I r honest work at so small smal a wage In Inthat Inthat Inthat that hollow ho1ow apple tree by the barn tarn he hemay I I may find fnd a screech owl dozing and at atdusk atdusk I dusk this softwinged sotwlngd bird bir will wl take takeup takeup takeup up the work worl of mousehultins mousehuItng whyere whyerethe why whyereI re rethe I the hawk left ler off offIf ot offI I If I the farmer farer will wI only study tudo the tl1e hab habits hab habIs habI ¬ I its Is of the te birds he sees see before under undertaking undertaln unthirI ¬ I taking taln to shoot any of them tb m and nd then thenshoot thenshoot thent t shoot only those which he proves prO S have havedone h haveI c cdone I done him more harm harm than gopd lila litecrops lilaIr9ps Ir9ps crops will be b larger Jar er and an his hl 1hibrpp fciHl l l fpr tprR fprI I t8dcr Twdcr vd r and i4h hot t will wI never Tvcep 1 hlni hlniawake l ni niThwake Thwake awake R at night J L After Afe some sme fumbling fumblng under unde his coat coathe cat catl1e coathe he produced a placard artfully nrtul de designed destged dosigned ¬ signed stged In large and flourishing nourihing letters lettersThis letter lettersThis This This was the order of It ItI i iI itI I Am NOT Blind B1mt but the theDog theDo theDog Dog Do Thinks I Am AmBilly AmS Am AmBly S S SBilly Billy Bly Wigg Vi g seemed pleased because becauseHarvey bocausoHare becauseHarvey Harvey Hare kicked me No doubt he would wouldhave wouldhaYe wouldhave have been equally equal pleased p1sed if I had hadkicked badk hadkekecl kicked k eked Harvey But it happened h ppened to be beI b beI I who laughed Jau oed Harvey covered covere It up upby upb upby by b soberly telling teln Solomon John Joh that thatthe thatthe thatthe the sign sig was sure to be a grand gnd suc success success sueceas ¬ cess cessIt cess ceasIt It was wa a a grand gnnd success suc quite qulte stupen stupendous supn supndous stupendous ¬ dous in i fact Old Sol Sl did a business businesson ouslnet have havemade ha hamade havemade on the strength of it i that would made his eyes e os pop out If ho hadnt hadntk hadntkept k kept pt them tight tght shut out of respect rct r spect to toBillys t tBllys toBillys Billys Bllys prejudices Reporters found his hissimplicity hisstmpUcl idasimplicity simplicity stmpUcl and naive honesty a mine mlll of ofgood ofgood ofgood good stuff stur and the picture of the thefirm thefrm thefirm firm frm was In all al the papers BlUy Wigg Wiggbegan Wlggbogan Wiggbegan began to suffer sufer from fm pper a swelled swele head headbecame headbcame headbecame became bcame haughty not to say Sf snobbish snobbishBut snobbishBut snobbishBut But the fierce flrce light lght of publicity publeQ wore woreur worpu woreunon ur u unon on the simple soul oul of Solomon John JohnHe JohnHe ohn ohnHe He discarded disarded the extraordinary etraordinar placard placardard placardand placardand and was glad when he faded away awayfrom awaOfom awayfrom from fame Billy Biy wasnt W8It He liked lke no notoriety notoriety notoriety ¬ toriety as well as authority authorityBilly authorl authorityBilly Billy Bm continued con lnued to exercise hte hi au authority aut authority ¬ thority t ori Perhaps Perhap tyranny would wo ld be benearer belarer benearer nearer larer the th mark Bot even so meek a asoul a asul asoul soul sul as that of Solomon John has ha limits limitst lmis lmisf t f endurance endurnce beyond which it I is not notwell notveI notwell well veI to press prss Only the other day da it itxvas itwas itwas was that the old man said to Harvey Harveyvhlle Han Hanhle Harveyhile vhlle hle hile Billy Biy Wigg was otherwise ot1erwise en engaged enga engaged ¬ gaged gagedIts ga gagedIts ed eduIs uIs Its as bad as being bing a henpecked henpeckedhusband henpckd henpckdlasband henpeckedhusband husband lasband sir Last night as r was wasquietly waquiel was wasquietly quietly quiel stepping out to t take a mug of ofale I ale with wih some friends frltnds Billy Biy wakes wako up upand upnd upand and nd the fuss he makes make arouses the theneighborhood I neighborhood neigborhood Sure he wouldwt wouldlt hark harkto harkt I to t my m going goln at all al You can cn see his histeeth histeeth teeth marks mark on my m shin this minute minutesir minutesir minutesir sir Could you Jou give me m Something Somethingharmless ometh1ngharmless harmless to put In his food thatd make makehim makehim makehim him sleep sIN > the sounder sounderHarvey sounderHaney sounderHarvey Harvey said hed think about abut It I He Hewasnt Hewasnt Hewasnt wasnt obliged oblged to Less Le than a week weeklater wek weklater weeklater later he got ot a note in the mail mailDear mal mailDear Dear Sir SIrI SirI I could not stand stn it I any anylonger anylnger anylcnger longer lnger I have Absconded Abscoded to Buffalo Buffalot Bufalo Bufalotn t tn Take a Rest Rest Pleasebe Ples Please be Good Go to toj tl tlIBm toI j IBm I Billy Wigg I enclose his Board and andLodging andLodging andLodging Lodging any place you Put him He He is isa isa isa a good Dog but too Bossy I am Go Going GoIng Going ¬ ing to See Things Thing till tl my rn Eyes Eye get getTired getTired getTired Tired I will wi come back In Future FutureYrs Future FutureYrs Yrs respectfully respectfullySOLOMON repectul3o repectul3oSOLOMON respectfullySOLOMON SOLOMON JO BOLES BOLESP BOLES Good GoodThe GoodThe CoodYThe P S S1 I know kow you u will wI Treat ot Billy BillyGood Bily BilyGood BillyCoodY The enclosure was a twentydollar twentydollarbill t tolal bill bl It I was the price of freedom reoAm and andcheap andcheap andcheap cheap at the price priceCopyright prce prceCopright priceCopyright Copyright by S S S McClure eCure Co CoHASTY CoHASTY 0 C I IH HASTY H STY CORRECTION CORRECTIONChicago CORRECTIONClleajo CORRECTIONiCkieago Chicago Clleajo Trlburte TrlburteMrs TrJbulc TrJbulcrs Tribuitetrs Mrs trs rs Gaswall Gaswel at t the concert eoncettWbat eoncettWbathorrible eonce What Whathorrible Whathorrible horrible discord discordMrs 4lscordI IecordMrs music musicMrs m Mrs I Mannerborn MannerbornWhy rBnnrborYh Why thats thats Wagner Wagnermusic Wager Wagerm Wagnermusic Mrs I GasBwoll GRswelCertninh GasawellCertainly Cerainly V As s I wn was say saving sa saInl saying ¬ ing Inl what hat horrible discord dlserd Vosner Olrer 1 1 g to tosome tosome tOsome some people pCplc The Th Stage 15he h Reflections P so of a Knocker K BY ByjohnKendrickBangs John KendrickAJangs J 6 6 H k O you know what I would do if I IIJ Ih Ihatl IJ 0 had h Carnegies money said the theKnocker theKnocker theKnocker Knocker with a a fierce ferce whack whackupon whackupn whackupon upon the table that made even the theNorth theorth theNorth upn mae North orth American Review jump up Into Intothe Intothe intothe the air airYes airYesJoud airYesyoud Yes YesJoud Yesyoud youd probably blow bl v somebody somebodyto somebody10a to 10a a box of matches mat hes or a a glass of ofvichy ofvieh3 ofvichy vichy vieh3 retorted the genial genl Redface RedfaceAs As I understand it your our seeming seemingtightness seeminglghtnes seemingtightness tightness lghtnes about the pocket IS due not to toparsimony loparlmon tonarsimony I parsimony parlmon but to the absent treat treatment treatmout treatmoat ¬ moat to which the treasury department departmentsubjects departmentsubjec departmentsubjects subjects subjec your pocket pocketNothing pocketuNothlng pocketNothing Nothing of the sort said the theKnocker theKnocker theKnocker Knocker I dont spend my m funds fundsblowing fundsblowln fundsblowing blowing blowln you OU fellows felows to cocktails cocktais and ci cigarettes c cigarettes ¬ garettes garetes because I dont see any an reason reasonwhy reasonwh reasonwhy why wh J 1 should You dont expect me to toliny topay toiay pay iay your our dues do you youNo youNo 7 7No No No I dont dontWell dontrel dontWell Well rel then there is no reason why whyI I should pay your our house charges chargeseither chargeseiher chargeseither either eiher said the Knocker Im Im not notgoing notging notgoing going ging to get myself mseI posted on the fit fifteenth fC fitteeflth ¬ 1 teenth just to gain a temporary temporarJ popu popularity popularity ¬ larity larit with you genials But If I had hadCarnegies hadCarneges hadI II I Carnegies Carneges money Id Id have some fun funwith funwih funa with wih certain people in this town that thatought thatought thatought a ought to be jacked up with wih a sudden suddenjerk suddenjerk suddenjerk jerk Id Id devote a couple of millions miions to tobuying tobuylns tobuying buying buylns up every eer seat in every theater theaterIn In the city for a week eek Gee you must mus have a high opinion opinionof i of the current plays la sn laughed Red Redface nedface fledface face faceOn On the contrary contrarythere theyre perfectly perfectlyrptien perCecUJ perfectlyrotten rptien roten rotten returned the Knocker Id Idbuy Id Idbu3 Idbuy buy bu3 those seats Sat just to show my m con contempt con contempt contempt ¬ tempt for em emBosh emBosh emBosh Bosh Knocker said Redface The Thedays Thedas Thedays days have gone by when a man could couldpack couldpack couldpack pack a theater teater with wih a lot of thugs to tojeer tojeer tojeer jeer the stuff stut he doesnt like lke off of the thestage thestage stage If I youve really real got ot a grievance grievanceagainst grievanceagainst grievanceagainst against the theater dont go Register Registerthe the protest that goes with wih thatsilent thatsilentvote that thatsilentvote sient sientvote vote we hear so much about In cam campaign campaign campaign ¬ paign times tme timesthe the vote vote thats going to do dosuch dosuch dosuch such terrible things and then goes fish fishIng fishIng sh shIn Ing In on election electon day dayYou do doYou dayYou You have no imagination imaginaton Redface Redfacesneered Redfacesneered Redfacesneered sneered the Knocker What good goodwould goodwould goodwould would a band of hissing thugs do me meMy mel meMy My l scorn would be be shown in a very verymuch ver vermuch verymuch much simpler way wa for the moment the thetickets thetckets thetickets tickets tckets were delivered delvered at my house Id Idturn Id Idturn Idturn turn em over to my furnace man and andhave andhave andhave have him run my fires fres with em for a acouple acouple acouple couple of days Then every blooming bloomingshow blooIlng blooIlngshow blooningshow show In town would play to empty emptyhouses empthouses emptyhouses houses for a week That would w uld give givethe givethe givethe the managers manager a jolt jolel jolteli jolteliI eh ehI 7 01 I dont think so said sid Redface For Fordont Fordont Fordont dont you see Knocker the manager managerdoesnt managerdoesnt managerdoesnt doesnt bother about the house as long longas as S the box office is sold out V Well rel the actors would feel it It by byJingo byJingo Jingo said the Knocker and so sowould sowould sowould would the fellows felows that write the plays playsand p1a playsapd s sapd apd theyre theJrq tho tefone theonea ones Im 111 after afer Actorshtiinp Actors Actorshump ctors ctorsump hump ump I djmtbdligTc tKercfare lerd twp twpreal t tieal p pr real r al actors acorlUve actorsltllve < jfilive tbl today tod toda Tine e whole hole tet felt feltand kltand kitand and kaboodle of em are a lot of show showcase showcase showcase case men and women pleasant plea ant enough enoughto to t look at but as for acting actngGreat actngGreatScot actingGreat actingGreatScott Great GreatScott Scott Scot why the stage Ihsteajlof IhstqIof being a aschool aschool asbhool school of acting actng has become an acade academy academ academy ¬ my m of behavior Take any anyohe one of your yourmatinee yourmatinee our ourmatnee matinee matnee idols for instance Perfectly Perfectlycharming Perfectbcharmin Perfectlycharming charming charmin gentlemen sentfmen from the top of oftheir oftbeir oftheir their heads to the tips tps of their patent patentleathers patentleathers patentleathers 1 leathers but they are not actors actorstheyre actor actorstheyre theyre behaviors You go to see them themin themIn themin in one of these modern moder snapshots of so social socIal social ¬ cial life that they call cal plays arid ard what whatHappens whatHappens whathappens Happens You see a gentlemanwalk genteman gentleman walk In Inapd innhd Inarid arid out or a a drawing room rooin You see see a ahighly ahighly ahighly highly polished polshed man of the world with withall wih wihal withall all al the vices vice and none of the virtues virtuesfor virtue virtuesfor for two acts and then in the third act actthe atthe actthe the situation sJtuaton is reversed reere < virtue tri triumphs triumphs tn tnurnphs ¬ umphs and the curtain falls fals upon the thehero thohero thehero hero and heroine sitting sitng down to a cup cupof cupof cupof of tea How many man lumps sweetheart sweetheartshe swethlartr swethlartrshe svecthartrshe she says s s One smile smie from those sweet sweetlips sweetlps sweetlips lips lps for mine says he down comes comesthe comcsthe comesthe the curtain and the audience audlene thrilled thrilledwith thried thriedwith thrilledwith with the power of the situation situaton gasps gaspsGreat gasps gaspsCtea gaspsGreat Great Ctea Charming Chntmlng The real thing at atlastl atlasU atlast last and then goes home and plays tiddledywinks tddledwinks until unti matinee matnee day da comes come comesaround j jaround iaround around again The men and women womenwho womenwho who do these stunts become beome the great greatactors greata greatactors actors a < tor of the time tme and the l drama dramathat drama dramathat I that was va once full iull ul of vltridli yltr vitriol l of sparkle sparkleoripirit sparldeor sparkleOtspirit oripirit or phit ana fiction p Uon becomes eCml ecoires ES as in inspiring inspiring ¬ spiring ns r s t glass glas of milk mik and as po potent pot iottflt ¬ tent t nt to stir str the tht lie sou SOUl as a pint Int of pink pinklemonade pik pikIrmonndc pinklranonadc lemonade The educational tdurtonal value of ofthje ufU ofthe the U drama ofthe hcjur is along the 11e lines lineslaid lnes lineslaid 1qr laid down by b o the books of etiquette etiquetteand etquete etqueteand etlluetteand j and the Ladies Ldles Kirrside Er side Companion CompanionIt CompanionJ J It teaches men men what buttons to but button ¬ I Iton Iton ton on their waistcoats waistcoat and how they the theyshake I I shake hands hand in polite poltl society societ It Itteaches I Itteaches teaches teache the women the latest wrinkles wrinklesin I in gowns how to sit si down in a drawing drawingroom drwing drwingroom drawingroom room and Ind how to evince deep emotion emotionover emoton emotionover 1 over the tragic compilations cmplcatons of a fi fioclock i i iocloek oclock tea without ihout showing It I But Butof lur lurf of 4 f the oldtime oldtme thing where passion passionxvas I IWas Was not chilled chiEd by b politeness where it itv i itV v us S the heart and not the dressmaker dressmakerthat dressmakertt dressmakerthat that wits ath the central c ntnl theme of the thestory thctor thestory story tor of the good old days da s when ac acUrrs actrs actcrs Urrs trs threw each other over the footj foot footIithtf tootlights lights Iithtf head h a < first fl5t into iVo the bass ba s drpm drpmhia drpmntd i ihrd hrd where here villains dl i1lins ilfs were pushed off offprecipices of offpecipices precipices or sent skating skatng down Niag Niagara Niagara Niagunit ¬ ara Falls as the penalty plnaly of their vii viilainy 1 j lany lany nothing remains remanst remainsthose those ose days are aregone arcgone aregone gone Sockand Sock and buskin havegiven have giyen giyenplace iyen iyenIace j jplace place Iace to silk sl1 openwprk hose ho c and peek peeka peekaboo ek eknboo a nboo boo shirtwaists shlrtwal Cayenne Ca enne pepper has departed that the sodamint drop may maycome ma macome mayconic come into its Is own Why h even the glo glories glortes gb gbrfes ¬ ries of the voice that once sounded the thedepths tbed thedpths depths d pths of of our souls have hayt departed from fromour frOu frOucur fromCur cur Thespians The plans In place of the reso resonrnt rcso1fnt resoiIrflt nrnt 1fnt thunder of a Forests voice we wehave wehave wehave have the tinkletinkle tnkletnkle of a I simpering simperingFavershack simperIngFavershack i iFavershack Favershack The The gurgle of a Barrett Barrettthat Barrettt Barretttiat that t at used uSfd to iako akn us wonder whether whetherhe he gargled his throat with witb a a mixture mixtureo of o gravel and carpet tacks has given givenpiace ghence givenpiace piace ce to the soft ladylike lad 1ke tenor squeak squeakf pC f a Hackersham and the vocal ocal notes notesof notesof of a Booth that used to reach from fromthe the subcellars subcel r of a playhouse to the therafters therafer therafters rafters rafer of heaven have yielded ieTded place to tothe tothe tothe the canarylike canarYlke pipings piping of the matinee matineeidol matnee matneeol matineeidol idol ol of 0 the hour I heard John McCuI McCuIIcugh McCulicugh cCul cCullugh < Icugh lugh once in a play called Virginius Virginiusc and I c give Jru you my word tat that when the old man got his dander daJder up u and began beganto be an to tell lel Mr 1lr George W Appius Claudius Claudiuswhat Claudiushat Claudiuswhat what hat he hl thought thou ht of him and his Sir flirtatious Sirways r ¬ tatious ways if it you ou hadnt known what whatwas whatus was as going on youd have thought a afirstclassdog aftstclass afirstclass j firstclassdog ftstclass firstclass dog fight fght had broken out outsomewhere outsumewhere outsomewhere somewhere Those fellows were vocal vocalavalanches vocalaalanches vocalavalanches avalanches and when they theJo stabbed stabbedeach stabbedeuch stabbedeach each other on the stage it didnt remind remindyou remindyou you ou of a cook putting puttng chicken liverson liversona lerson lersona a skewer or a xylophone player tap tapping tappIflg ¬ ping another fellows felows ribs with wih a flat flatstick fat flatstick stick s k but < itwas It was a real stab tab and if ifyou IfOU Ifyou you OU didnt dldn t see see the t daggr sticking out before says the dog doctor It It was a aminute j minute before I sensed what he meant meant meantThen I IThen Then my heart got thick and sick In Inside insi inide ¬ side si ide e me Blind Blnd I says SS Is that what whatyou whatu whatybu you u mean You old fool says the thedog thedog thedog dog doctor cant you OU do a bit of play playacting p1Q playacting acting aetng Youve had enough practice prctce in inthe inthe inthe 1 V the part he says saysOver sys sysOer saysOver Over I wont and got my m stick stck and andput andput andput put on the old shade that I hadnt hadt ever everthought everthought I thought to use us again thanks to you yousir yousir yousir sir and taptapped taptappec across the thl Hoar foQr to toBilly toBI toBilly Billy BI Wigg Come on Billy Bi says I II Ir II I I want you ou to take me out for a walk walkBilly walkBiy walkBilly Billy Biy jumped up with wih a kind of choky chokybark chokylark chokybark bark lark and I hugged Billy Biy and Billy Billyhugrged Bibo Bibohuged Billyhugged hugged huged me and weve been doing busi business busine business ¬ I ness ne on the corner ever since sinceThere sinceThere sinceThere There Was was as a long pause Harveys Harveysexpression Harveysexpression Harveysexpression expression was a queer I felt fel a little littlequeer Itte Itteqe littlequeer queer qe r myself my lt It I was a queer que r story you youknow youl you1now I know l now Finally FInaly I asked the old man if ifbusiness i Ifbusiness business busines was good Not that I partic particularly paric pariculary artie artieularly ¬ ularly ulary yearned to know but it seemed seemedto semed semedto I to be time tme to say somethingNIcely something somethingNicely omethin omethinNICl Nicely NICl sir thank you said sid Solo SoloI I I mon John But I want to ask you Is IsIt It i a dishonesty disonesty think thik you for me to be bewearing i wearing my shade like lke a blind blnd man manand manI manand I I I and me able to see a a flea fea on the end of ofBilly ofI Billy Bi Wiggs tail tl the length of a block blockaway blockaway blockaway I I away The Lords Lordsbeen been mighty good goodto goodto 1 to me sir siryou you and the Lord Lordgivtng LordgivIngI giving givingme I I me back my sight said Solomon John Johnsimply Johnsimply Johnsimply 11 simply turning to Harvey and I Iwouldnt Iwouldnt Iwouldnt wouldnt want to do anything an thlng that thatwasnt thatwasnt thatwasnt i wasnt just ust square squarei t tI I II I wouldnt let it i weigh on my mind mindsaid minds mindsid said s id Harvey HarveyId Hlrve HlrveId HarveyId Id Id been thinking of a bit of a sign signproceeded slnproceeced signproceeded proceeded proceeced Solomon John ohn UA A friend of ofmine ofmine ofmine mine printed It I out for me me but the theideas thelas theideas ideas las my own the seats seat in the theatres thetre and leaving leavingthem levln levlnt them t em empty If I things are a 8 as bad as asyou IS ou say they the o are a let the people go o lo loset 1 1Ced set t them and get disgusted < lsg5ted with wih them themThats thenThats Thats Tat the the way Buy the tle seats st and andgive andgive give em away to the th people pople who w e will willevince wi willevilice evince e11ce their displeasure dlsples In a a material materialway materlaathnts materiaLw way w athnts thats the proper propr method methodHm mpthoduHmweU methodHrnwell uHmweU Hm well maybe Ina be said sid the tle Knock Knocker ¬ er ere Either Eiter that or devete the money moneyto mon < y to providing the audience with wih disin disinfectants disinfeetants ¬ fectants Ccctats ch to be passed pasd by b the te water ater boy boych b boych Thats a bully bu1y idea laughed h Ubhe old oldRedface oldRedface oldRedface Redface Why dont you youBecause youBecause youBecuse Because Becuse said the Knocker 01 01havent I Ihavent Ihavent havent got Carnegies Carnegs money mon y yet and andI I m not likely lkel to get It I On the con contrary contrary ¬ trary he Is i more likely lkely to get mine be before b brr beftre ¬ fore rr I get his the way wa the financial financialcurrent fnancial fnancialC1rrent financialcurrent current C1rrent Is setting seting You couldnt lend lendme lendme Iedme me seven dollars could you Redface RedfaceWhat RedCaceI RedfaeeWhat What would you ou do with wih It i asked askedthe askedthe askedthe I the other otherId otherId otherId Id Id begin on my r plan lan first frt said sid the theKnocker theKnocker theKnocker Knocker Id Id buy four seats seat for Let Letty Lett Letty ty t of the Garbage Patch tonight and andthen andthen andthen then stayhome sta hom all al evening We could couldget coutdidea couldget get an idea of f how the scheme would wouldwork wouldNo wouldwork work workNo No said Redface Retce I cant Jet you youhave youLave OU have 1 2e seven dollars dolar Ive Ie only got four fournd fournd fourznd znd nd I owe twentyfive twentyfve of that already alreadyCopyright aleady aleadyCopyright alreadyCopyright Copyright 1995 by b K H Holmes Mistress L The he Household HouseholdDrudge Drudge o By B y Margaret M argaretE E Sangster 1 6 6 A 6 RIOT nOT the maid of all al work In the thekitchen thework I NOT I kitchen kichen but the mistress mistres of all allwork al alork I work ork in the drawing room Is the thefamily thefamiy thefamily family famiy drudge drud drudgln in these thee United Unite States StatesShe StatesShe StatesShe She who presides reldes over the home Is not notmerely ntmerely notmerely merely Its officer ofcer in chief but also its itsservant Is Issevant itsservant sevant servant in chief In our family famiy life lifeA lfe lfeA lifeA A woman who had made a first frst visit visitto visitto visitto to England Engla remarked wonderingly that thather thather thather her friends In London lndon and the prov provinces provine provlaces ¬ laces ine alike alke seemed never to be In a ahurry ahurry ahurry hurry An air of leisure Jeisre pervaded pervaded their theirhousehold theirhQusehold theirhousehold household economy eonomy There seemed to tobo tobo tob bo b time enough for everything evething The Thedays Thedays Thedays days tme were not mortgaged mortggd In advance advanceThe advanceThe The children chidren were In a place of happy happysubordination happysubordinaton happysubordination subordination subordinaton to their t olr elders and while whiletheir whie whiletheir I ItheIr their true Interests Inteests wore carefully carefuly con consulted consuIed consuited ¬ suited suIed they tey did not crowd Into the theforeground theQroground theQroground Qroground and an usurp u urp all al the privileges privilegesAn prilege prilegeA An A English Englsh visitor visior here for the first firsttime frst frsttime firsttlrne time exclaimed exclaime on the contrary lu luamazement luamzement inamazement amazement at the number of things thingsher thingsher her amzement hostess hostes had to do every ever day not at atthe atthe atthe she had to man manage maiage ¬ the number of things thing mal malpe age but that actually atualy in whole or in inpart Inpat inpart part pat devolved upon upn her brain and andliands ad adbands andbands bands It I confuses confuse me said the lady ladyto ladYt ladyto to t be in the lhe whirl whir of business which I Ifind Ifnd Ifind find fnd wherever I go In this country countryCThG countryho countryirho CThG ho American Americn wife wie and mother keeps keepshouee keepsh4le keepshotise houee pays the t1e bills bis gets on with wih very veryincompetent ver verIncompetnt veryincompetent h4le incompetent Incompetnt assistance from her do domestics domolc domestics ¬ mestics and assumes aSumes that she Is doing doingonly dl dlonl delagonly only molc onl her ler duty In many places she has hasmuch basmuch hasmuch much trouble truble to secure hired hire help ana anathe and andthe andthe in California or 35 3i and the offer ofer as a Calfornia B 40 0 a month to a a housemaid docs d es notroUevo not notroUevo notrelieve roUevo the th situation situaton efficient efcient house housemaids housenuUds houseninids ¬ maids In quantities quanttle being beinJ nonexistent nonexistentA A woman In nrnny wanYlJhg nianyIllagds villages s of o the mid middle middle middIe ¬ dle west west Isthe envy other of her neighbors neighborsand t lghbr lghbrand and Justly ju bY f fgh she can be sure either of ofa ora ofa a tolerably tloably wellftrained 1 1taincd maid or o of of oflat a alai abat lat nflrcsB nres who 10 Knows knO1g how ow to l w woti rti andIroi andirer and andirorM Iroi irorM who ho will wil not ruin her li r woolens nor nortoarher 1 norr < toarher toar toa her linennor lnen linen rQrdesl nof destroy o the color of ofhop ofhor ofher r hop > shirtwaists slilr sIiirt wist Waists and nqt her children childrenfrojcits c cjijldrenifrqets Jdren Jdrenrr frojcits rr ks Tine fh working w rkllg contingent cntn nl of ofh ofhnahood w < i imatthood 1 matthood nahood Te demand daandhigh high wages andex andexpa and ex expet 4 pa pet t inordinate in rJinato gratitude tall Ge for thelr t1eIx well wellpaid tenpaid ell ellpaid paid jrervices crlcec eitiCQS and in return returnxender returnxenderwhal1 render renderwhatever renderwhaber whatever whal1 whaber paid they tQ please pl a Exceptions Ex < eptons there therearetUt tlerc tlercare thereare aretUt are but I am a1 speaking po klng pf Q the tW rule ruleAmerican ruleAmor ruleAmerican are American Amor an hoUaaftiives hou1fWiv c lese their t elt bloom bloomand bloomand bloomand and wear put iut ut their tb l youth oJth and strength strengthin in the we dally dft dryflgery driagery that robs them themtop themtoe top oarly of hotfe bope bo cheer ceer and vitality vitalityThat vlaUt vlaUtThat vItalityThat to That the house mistress Is often oren In Inthese Inthese intuiese these days a D a college colege graduate Juduate who can canread cn cnread canread read Greek and advanced advance German GermanMakes Ger Gersakes Germanniakes Makes no manner of difference diference She Shedoos ShedO Shed0013 doos sakes dO Bridgets work with wlt more than thanBridgets thal1Brdgets thaiBridgets Bridgets > brains and in addition ndditon she sheoversee sheoero sheoversow Brdgets and andtucks andtuck aridtiickii oversee Laddies Latin Latn exercises exerciss tucks oero Lassies dancing danelnl school shool frocks frocksplays frocksplays plays tuck duots with wih her young lady lad daugh daughter daughhrr daughter ¬ plas ter In the to halfhour after supper lPer and andreads anJrads andreads reads abtruse reviews r Jcs in ii foreign Corel n quai quaitarlies QunrteJ quarP4 tarlies before b oac she he goes ges to bed If she shebelong shebelong shebelong teJ P4 belong TO t a club plus every eer other en enu ¬ u V gagement g3gem mt that crushes her tc the earth earthshe earlhfh earthshe she fh has to prepare tapers rap rs on every et sub subject subjec subject ¬ ject jec und undr r the sun and having pre prepared pr prpared ¬ pared them she has to read them them be before before before ¬ fore her peers peer This caps the climax climaxof clmax clmaxof of drudgery drud l For a woman womn ten fifteen fifteenor hteen hteenor lit teen teenor or twenty twent years out out ofschool orshol of school to study studywth studywilh studywth wth groping diligence dlg nce or with wih keen kpen enthuslasn enthusiasrn en enthusiasm ¬ thusiasm thuslasn according a < to her hcr tempera temperament temperament teiup ra ramont ¬ ment the Italian Ialan renaissance or the theearly theearly theearly early Victorian poets or the women omen of the thres tn es of Cromwell Cromwel Is no 1 slight slght task taskMother taskuloth taskMothi uloth Mother r is writing her paper say the thechildren thechildren children < hldren creeping past her hE door < oor wit wi wihushed wii wiihushed a ahushed I hushed voicesand voices and muffled mUfedst steps Tha Thamost Tliamost he most amiable of women is Irritable In Insuch insch insuch such circumstances crcumstances and It is i as well wellnot wei wUnot not to stir her up meedlessly upineedlesslyi meellessly meellesslyj meedlesslyJt < Jt j t V VIs Is i there a cure ctr curefor for thijs tht tlit tlitstate 0cknovljidggA 0cknovljidggAstate kJ state of things Nobody Noboy with eyes tyes wigg de denSes den2es deriles riles that American Americanwomen women of the great t the th same sa Information Inforaton Is to so 0 out ut ori orihis 01 01his i ihis his farm and into 11t the country COl ltr stir stjrrrounding sttrrounding stirrounding rounding it i and watch igtchlhe the birde blrdent blrdenttheir at attheir nttheir i their daily daly work not just jUlt when they happen to be in the cherry cher tree or orth orthpCultry the thepoultry ibidpoultry i poultry pCultry yard ard but all al thrQugh the year yearHe yearHe I He may not have time tme to do this dur during durIng during ¬ j ing warm weather but even in winter winterhe winterl winterhe he can Cln get some slight slght Idea of the thevalue thevalue value of the wild wid birds by carefully carefullywatching carefullywatching aTouly aToulywatching I I watching those which are on his hlsprein hlspreinises prem premises premi50s ¬ ises at this tils season Let him go o into intohis Intohis intohis his orchard and see se forhimself for hlr hhrielf 5clf what whatsome whatsome whatsopie some of the th birds are doing doln for hl hlfruit hlfrui hifruit fruit frui trees trecsProbabJy treesProbably treesProbably Probably one of the first frt he wilt wl see seewill seewUI seewill will be a woodpecker of some some kind kindI ltnd ltnd2nd kindand I and in that case he is sure sure to see seevery a avery avery very useful bird Of the forty odd oddspecies oddspecies dd ddspecies species and fnd subspecies subspccs of woodpeckers woodpeckersin woodpeckers in this country only anI one is somotimRS somotimRSdestructive SOIQUmps SOIQUmpsd sometmnsdestructivd destructive d slclve to the trees This is the thejellow theelow theeUow jellow elow eUow bellied beled sapsucker but as he hefloes hedoes floes not usually usuaI winter north of Vir Virginia Virgi Virginia ¬ ginia gi la It Is not likely lkely that he h will wi be beeeen beecn eeen e ecn n here her Ten to one i It will wi be beI a aI aI I noticed notctd in a recent mail mal story stor about aboutthe ahoutthe aboutthe the war In the Orient Orlcutthat that the te writer says saysthat saysthat that General Kurokl planned the battle batte sa3 at atTaltse LitTaIts 1 1Tals Taltse Tals river rver and then the calmly clml proceeded Jroceeed to tofish tofsh tofish fish fsh For minnows minnow while whie tho sheila were wereflying werefylnS wereflying flying fylnS aijd a1d mon men were bayonetinr bayoletn one an another anothr another ¬ other remarked exState xStat Senator Wil William Wil11am VI ¬ liam lam H Sears uVlle While one cannot CelnnO help helpapplauding hl helpapplauding > applauding the he superb nerve of the little littlefighters Jtte JtteClghters littlefighters fighters across the sea I want to say lay that thatI I knew a tall tal woman teacher of Missouri Missouriwho Missouriwho who beat the gallant glant Japanese general to toIt toIt It I as regards nerve by two or three de degrees dogrees ¬ grees greesMiss Miss Lizzie McKHtrick cl was the h hero heroine herome ¬ ine I remember r well tJi the c W31y W31yh day because becauseIt iIt It marked marke my nv 14th 1th birthday W31yC and it C was wasthe WIS wasthe Ithe the end en of fh the t c summer term ter of school schoolAug schoolAug Aug 8 8 1861 1861The 181 ISBLThe The little ltte log lo house was about seven sevenmiles sevenmies sevenmiles miles south of Callao and not fnr nr from fromthe fromthe fromthe mies the Chorlton Charlon river A few days earlier earlierthe ealer ealerthe earlIerthe the Confederate forces oree tinder ndo General Por Porter Porter Porter ¬ ter and the Federals Federls commanded by Gen Genoral GenQral Genqral Qral Wolfolk Vololk met in battle batte at Klrksvillo Klrksvilloarid Klrksvl Kirksvillcadti arid ard afterward aCerard the Confederate COredcrut Coiifederntcp retreated retreatedtfuthwanl retreatedluthwurd retreatedsputliward tfuthwanl luthwurd along the th Chnrlton river riverShe rver rverW riverV V W We 0 were Ct drowsily row Uo tot tlunitirlg m lJU 0 our ur bQks bQksQui boqks boqkswjjii wjjii Qui we lui llcsrd tlii h Bulen sullen 9 of jt jtIii 1 1u Iii fle distance Wt Qfd i lIH lIHhe upitt upittthe the he u window tl had ld t10 ticn at j t the l teacher teacherShe earlierShe She frowned and motioned motoned for or ua uutiJ u hay In January anuat but the eyes that thatlooked thatIOoked thatlooked looked on him were as those th se of a moth mothe mothe1 IOoked e e1 en when she first frt sees her babe babeUnhapplness babeUnhappiness Unhappiness was the portion porton of Billy Billyin Biy Biyli in li the days that followed folowed A partner partnerwho partnerwho partnerwho who wandered about unchaperoned and andeluded eluded obstacles ob1acles without wihout relying on his hissense sense 5fnSe of ot of touch was quite quie beyond his hiscomprehension hiscomprehension hiscomprehension comprehension So he sulked consist consistently consistenty consistently ¬ ently enty until Ultl the time tme came for leaving leavingthe leavingthe the hospital Then he chinked up a bit bitthinking bit bitthinking thinking presumably that Solomon SolomonJohn SolomonJohn SolomonJohn John would resume his old habit of ofblind ofblnd ofblind blind blnd reliance relance upon him when once the thedoors thedoors thedoors doors had closed behind them Poor PoorBilly PoorBiy PoorBilly Billy BillyIt Biy BillyIt BiyI It I was three weeks week after the opera operat operatpn operation t tiqn tpn that they left lef Solomon John being beingdischarged beingdischarged II discharged as cured cure Harvey H arvey exulted exultedHe exultedHe He said it I was a a great geat operation and andproved andprved andproved proved prved things I 1 thought thopght myself It Iti Itws Itwas i was a mean trick on Billy ly Wigg My Myunprofessional MyunprofessIonal unprofessional diagnosis diagosis was that he hewas hewas hewas was on the road to becoming a chronic chronicmclanchollac chronicmelancholiac becomlng mclanchollac mclanchollacThe melancholiacThe Iancholac I The he partners called caled on Harvey soon soonafter soonatter soonafter I after the departure depat re from the hospital hospitalThey hospitl hospitlThey hospitalThey They were a study stud Y in psychological pSJchoJogical an antithesis antitimesis ¬ tithesis Ut esls Solomon Sol mo John ohn bubbling bubblng over overt overwith I with boyish happiness happtne Billy Bi EiblyWigg Wigg aged agedI t I wlth th the weight eight of f woe oc he h was carry carryIng crry crrylrg carrylnig I Ing lrg The old man man was was touchingly touchinglygateCul touchinglygrateful 1 grateful gateCul but his alljTsurreptltfously al ally surrepttouslr surreptIouslr es essayed esayed ¬ i sayed tJed to bite a piece out of Harveys Harveysleg 1arvQs i leg when his back was turned He Henursed HenUned Henursed nursed nUned an unavenged wrong wrongMonths wrongontha wrongMonths Months ontha naesedbpfore pssedbeforc we saw the pair pairagain pairngain pairagain again We returned from frm our European Europeanvacation Europeanvacaton Europeanvacation vacation vacaton confident Nnfdent of fnding finding them on onthe ontht onthe the sameold same ld corner cortr and sure sur enough enoughthere enoughthere < nQughthere there they were But Bta as we approached middle mhdlc class cass the host Irst of women whose whoselVU5bandsareQnj5alarJes whoseIuapds lVU5bandsareQnj5alarJes JiuJ Iuapds m < rcQn iidlLlriCS lujc ur Q engaged in inbusiness inuslnes9 inbusiness business which hlch brings in small smal or flue nuctuUn fluetuatIng ¬ tuUn incomesJiavoJar JncomesJlL ej r too much to toto toh tocL to cL < h Perhaps Pezliapsthis this isc Is why the first frst wife wifeor wifeof ivifeot or many a good map mat1 drops by the way wayliiher wayUJnor wayllihor liiher 19 ta and leaves lea a vacant chair for forher forhtH forher ea vacint her successor stc esor chosen after an interval intervalofiSrief Intenalorrie Intervalofjief ofiSrief and loneliness 10n lJnest to fill fl The sefc sefcond se seend C Cond ond wife Is said to reap the harvest harvestwhich harve5tyhlcp harvestwhich which yhlcp the he first wife sowed Oed in painful lnC l Harvey seized me 1e by the arm armGood armGood J Good heavens he ens Bob Bop Look L ok at the old oldman oldman oldman man I i iWhats manVhats IWhats Whats wrong with 1h him said I ISe Ino Iftc Se looks Just the same sanfe as he e used to toJust toust toJust Just ust the isame rm as he used to echoed echoedHarvey echoedHalve echoedHarvey Harvey Halve bitterly biterl Eyeshade and all allAll al allAll All Al my m work gone gne for nothing Poor Poorold Poorold Poorold old boy boyBilly boyuBIY boyBIlly uBIY Billy Wiggs all right right anyway said saidI I as that superior superor animal greeted geeted us uswith uswith uswith with every cver Indication Indicaton of excitement excitementThink cxciement cxciementThlnk excitementThink Think so said Harvey It I strikes strikesme me that it isnt exactly qxa xacty tiy welcome that thathestrying thathes thathes hestrying hes trIng trying to express expre Then in a alouder alouder alouder louder voice oice to Solomon John How did didit didi didIt it i happen old Sol SolAt SolAt At the sound of his voice voIc Solomon SolomonJohn SolomonJohn SolomonJohn John whirled about and started strted to tothrust totrst tothrust thrust trst up up his shade as if Involuntarily InvoluntarilyThen Involuntariy Then he held out tremulous temulous hands cry crying cryIng cryIng ¬ ing ingWhat What What Is that you ou Dr Harvey HarveyGod HarOe HarveyGod God bless you sir And is Mr Roberts Robertswith Robrt Robertawith with wih you ou Well well wel but this does me megood megood megood good Youre sight for I a sore eyes eyesNot eyesUNot eyesNot Not for yours our Solomon John JohnAnd JohnAnd I IAnd And why not then Whilst Whisto I for forgot forJ forJgot I Igot got he broke off of scaredly scaredl jerking his hishead hishead Ihead head toward Billy Bm y Wigg Wi g who held us usall usall all under jealous scrutiny crutny Walt a abreath abreath abreath breath breathThrusting breathThrusting IThrstnJ Thrusting ThrstnJ his hand Into his pocket pockethe he whipped it out suddenly suddenl3 A flight fght of ofcoins ofcoins ofcoins coins scattered scatterd and tinkled tnkled and rolled rolleddiversely roled rolleddiversely idiversely diversely on the sidewalk Dear me mecried m mcried mecried cried the old man mln cunningly Thcjold Thcjoldfool The jold joldfool ld ldfool fool that I am Ill Il never be rich this thisway thisway hisway way Pick them thtm up Billy Bib boy boyBilly boyBmy boyBilly Billy hated it i for picking piking small smal coins coinsfrom coinstrom coinsfrom from a smooth pavement with lip lp and selfdenial and continual c drudgery Is Isthere Isthere isthere there a cure for the bother the strain strainthe striu striuthe strainthe the weary wear dreary drear round of of o toil toi thai thaiblots thablot thatblotsout < blots blot blotsout out the romance rmanee and takesawiy takesawiythe takes takesaatvthe a wy wythe the joy and nd kills l < ls the sentiment Eenlment that thatshould thatshould thatshould should sweeten Yeeten every evcr cup Why must mustwomen mustwom mustwomCn women wom n die dietqe retQsG retQsGA too s sor sorAaur on j Assuredly A Aaur 5ur dly JY thereJsa there s a remedy reted for every everyill eer eeri everyill ill i Jff if people ppt arebraye arebrY frank frnk and inde independent Indcpendent mdcpendent ¬ pendent We are ala all a bit too anxious anxiousto anxiousootforvard to put LE the best t foot ootforvard forward rvard a little n and quite different fent In appearance appearnce ana anamanners an anImanners Cflt manners mannersi mannersIt i It I may l a bea be a whitebreasted whitebreastedor whitebrealel 1 or a ared redbreastednuthatch redIceasted astednuthat nuthatch h but bulla in either eithercase eIher I I Iease case hewill he > will be seen to be very ver im important lmportunt importaimtItti ¬ portant portaimtItti Jittle lUr pejeopage not a harder harderworker harderworker worker than the woodpecker perhaps perhapsbut perhapsbut perhapsbut I but with wih a greater geater appearance appearnce of bus bustle buste bustIe ¬ tIe te The Th woodpecker usually usualy moves movesfrom movesfrom from a lower point poit to a higher hlghcr or side sidevise sideilse vise if i necessary ne necesaryseldom ce ary seldom down a tree treefor treefor for any distance and never head first firstI firstIn I in this direction The nuthatch seems seemsto seemsto to have no particular rule about this thiswhen thiswhen when he wants to go up he goes up upand upand and when he wants to go down down downhe downhe he goes and head first every time timesometimes timesometimes sometimes pausing in the most absurd absurdattitudes I Iattitudes attitudes with his neck stuck out at atright atright right angles angl from the trunk to eye an anobserver anobserver observer who may be rude cnoush to tostund tostand stand and watch him himOr himOr Or our farmer may see a band of ofchickadees ofchickadees chickadees ofwhose of whose Identity no one onecan one onecan can ever be in doubt since they re repeat repeat ¬ peat their own name over and over overwherever overwherever wherever they go as they swing often oftenPorter oftenPorter Porter and his men Tho fighting was wasjust wa waJust just across the hills and looking lookingthrough lookingthrough through the windows wo could see the thesmoke thesmoke smoke rising from the valley It vas sn a hard task to kcc koch > ouf oufj oirthoughts j thoughts on our books with such a thrill thrilling thrillIng ¬ ing event jso near us In our Imagination Imaginationevery every tlrr tIo Q th the canons sooko ve saw sawwhole sawwhole whole platoons of Tfnen torn to pieces and andtheir andtheir their dismembered limbs sailing skyward skywardOnce skywardOnce Once in awhile a cheer would come float floating floating ¬ ing across the hjlJs and wo hoped it was wasour wasour our side and that we could holler with withthem withthem them themBut But that teacher of ours grim alert alertand alertand and determined seemed to be unusually unusuallysuccessful successful in finding something for us to todo todo do to keep our minds from the battle battleThe battleThe The ions afternoon session ended nt ntlast atlast last and ns we bade our teacher a hur hurried hurned ¬ ned farewell she admonished us not to togo togo go too near where the fighting was She Sheneednt Sheneednt neednt have done that but I suppose she shethought Sh Shthought thought It would make her conscience conscienceeasier coascienceeasier easier if any of us were Inclined to get in inthe iiithe the way of the bullets bulletswhich which we were werenot werenot not notAs As for herself I believe if her way wayhjtnic ay aylumic hjtnic red l aoroca JIj the battlgfleld shQ shQwould liii liiiatould atould would hiv hthti < y cammaliJcd the lli soldiarsjoto soldiarsjotoLfiRusc soldie soldieaSc LfiRusc aSc firms till she got up upnerve She htt httnerve nerve at least might cease to be drudges an1 an1become anibecome become V VI personages personagesI I remember a a woman whose life in inher iiiher her Kentuckyhome went softly as an anidyl anidyl idyl or a dream In tranquil sorority sarenitvbetween sororitybetween between 8 and 9 her family breakfasted breakfastedand and then the little cedar tub was wasbrought wasbrought brought In with hot water and towels towelsand towelsand and with her own hands she washed washedand washedand and wiped the fragile china and the theheavy theheavy heavy silver precious as having asso associations associations ¬ ciations with her mother and her hergrandmother he hegrandmother grandmother With her to wash the thobreakfast thebreakfast breakfast things was to perform a rite riteof riteof of some importance and solemnity Tbs Thssacred Tbssacred sacred duty over madam proceeded to her room and spent an hour In her de devotional ¬ votional reading this too never inter interrupted interrupted ¬ rupted Her gardening her friend friendher friendher her husband her church her children childrenoccupied childrenoccupied occupied her long leisurely day She Shewas Si Siwas was deeply read in standard literature literaturequoted literaturequoted quoted Milton and Shakespeare was wasfamiliar wa wafamiliar familiar with Diekens and Thackeray Thackerayand and Browning and was to her finger fingertips fingertips ¬ tips cultivated elegant and distin distinguishcd distiiiguished guishcd Hers wa was the crowning dLs dLsnity dL dLnity nity of repose reposeThe C C CThe The American woman being a adrudge adrudge drudge Decause life exacts too much of ofher her and she has lost the old secret of ofsimplicity ofsimplicIty simplicity is at the mercy of her hrrnerves heriierVes nerves Her tones sharpen her bry brypuckers brs brspuckers puckers lines of anxiety are drawn drawnabout drawnabout about her mouth and she ages fast fastShe fastShe She tries to do too much In too short a atime atime time She attempts so many things thingsthat thingsthat that none are well d dne no God help her herfor herV V for the conditions and the atmosphere atmosphereand and the accepted standards are at pre protont preont ont in combination to drag her down downShe downV She breaks after awhile and goes to a asanitarium asanitarium V sanitarium or she breaks altogether altogetherand and folds her hands In the grave Y Yt Ytthere t tthere there Is a cure within reach She necd neecltto < j jto to see life as a whole to be saner ti tistart to tostart > start anew Shabby carpets and fade 1 1i II i I draperies should no longer seem to her herI I I a disgrace or a burden A to > arduous arduousi i I scheme of living should be exchanged exchangedI I for something easier The woman who whoI whodoes I does her own work should have herself herselff f stops by every device in her power powerI I The woman who finds her club papers papersappalling pap papappalling appalling should resign from her club clubTo clubTo To get out of a rut may require exer exertion exertion ¬ tion yet If the end means nervous ex exhaustion cxhaustion ¬ haustion and an early death get out of ofit ofit it even though it take a derrick to tolift t tift lift you youAs youAs As Thomas Carlyle used to say m mthose inthose those incomparable letters of his to his hislittle hislittle little nervous excitable Jane Cour Courage Courage ¬ age Goodykln < courage courageAll V VAll All will come out right if one but hag hagcourage hasotnrage courage to break the bonds of drudg drudgCopyright drudgL drudgCopyright L Copyright 1805 by Josoph B Bowies