z i C I THE SALT LAKE HERALD FRIDAY lRIDAY APRIL 14 1905 INVITATION HASBEENACCEPTED HASBEEN HAS HASBEEN BEENACCEPTED BEENACCEPTEDGreat BEEN ACCEPTED ACCEPTEDGreat Great Britain Will Send Delegates to toPeace toPeace I Peace Conference ConferenceSOME ConferenceSOME I IRES SOME RES RESERVATION RV TI N MADE MADE6THER MADEl MADElPOWERS MADEITHER i 6THER POWERS HAVE DONELIKEWISE DONE DONELIKEWISE DONELi LIKEWISE LIKEWISEJxition Li IEWISELtion I IOI1 I II Jxition OI1 April 1 nPit I i the hotiee b U C of oftoday Ofr I Ir r > today Lord Bafcjf J3s 1 CLibefA Ltbet asked askedf fisk fiskf f President Roonevelts Roo eveiLs invitation to torowers tor tor1wpr rowers r r1wpr lwfr to send representatives to a aond a an 2Th1 ond n r1 peaoe ene confWdnee ccmtm h e would ould be ac aci acd i d q and hther the question of oftrrbaiul oft ofrta1 trrbaiul t ba1l of war would be brought broughtirfirt broughtrf irfirt rf rp r the th conferwic eon rs4lc Foreign Secre Secrev SecrelansdowQe ecr ecrt t v V l aiisdowoe replied that the invi inviii Invihad ii + i ii had bf tti f8i1 n ace K eeflt1 pt t J < l The govern groverni i lit t ha hat < l planed it Itllleit lf in Prealient Prealientrrveils PreBhtentr Prw14enthands < rrveils r ellR hands with a reservation reservationifrrly reservation1fnI reeervatlofl1cr ifrrly 1fnI 1cr to th th8 subjects which might be besubmitted beJlbJllltted beunjJttpd submitted to the conference All th thTt the thenr theJIwr Tt nr i jowsrs low r3 had accepted a epte the Invlta Invltau nv1t nv1tt t u I v ith equal coffliaaily c and with the theEM ther theE4 EM I reservations reservationsConditions r rvervMIonsConditions enatlonBC Conditions C Unsatisfactory UnsatisfactoryTjrd Tjrd T Ii rd Tjanadowne said that the thet poei posit t F < > f the t hE n powers wa aH meet unaatlH unaatlHfa nnithO13 fa f OI O13 ry In n regard to many m8u questions o oit of oftnafjnJIRl ofit it tnafjnJIRl i national lawv lilw The only method a af f 4 tral ra1 power could adopt when at atn atvith n MI i with ith one or two belligerents belligerentsiirt Ort VH > r of resorting t tn means which he hetj h hd hLaiisdowne tj d i i ansdowne would rath rather r not nottemplate nott notlOrripIatp < t > template mllat was to follow the example exampleireal exampleIrpat exampleIre ireal Ire Britain and press its claims claimst t f cIgl ugly > and make few protests He Hen HeIP1 n Mtf fPrl d out that Great Britains recent recentrp recenttPj1 recentiitation rp tPj1 ic nitations < and protests to Russia Russiar r 11 not been without effect Lord LordTa Lordr LordTcUsdWne Ta r TcUsdWne 11 srlowne however regretted r that the thelijssian theHJIsian the1jsian lijssian government had not departed departedr departedspite r > spite of all arguments from the at atHide attude attude tude It first assumed in regard to coal coalnotwithstanding coalJtwithstanding coalntw1thstand1ng notwithstanding the fact that at the theHflin thetriln Hflin 1 conference of 1S84 Russia aflopt afloptrI rI f an attitude diametrically opposite to totiiat totlRt toiat tiiat iat which she be had now assumed assumedHold assumedHold assumedHold Hold Same Views ViewsTlif Viewsn ViewsT1i Tlif n p foreign secretary said that the theAmerican theAmprkan theAmerhan American and British governments governmentsdurJre governmentsdrYnp oernmentsdr1n durJre dr1n these discussions held identical identicaljpas identicalfl jpas jf fl 5 Ho believed that In regard to toal toii al 1 I thcsp > points the two governments governmentsT T Td d ben eye to eye and that their di dijioinacy diI jioinacy I ioJIIac tJllao had been directed toward the ther theIfornp1J thennir1lshment Ifornp1J r < omplishment bmEnt of the same ends endsTx endsTorrl endsI I Tx Torrl > r < i Lansdowne outline 1 the subjects subjectsdiscussion subjectsdllrlJsslon subjectsf f I discussion which Secretary Hays Hayst Ha Hatp t tp < of invitation proposed and pointed pointedMt Mt that it would be impossible now to toumTate toTanf to12trirrate umTate Tanf > rat > all the subjects which at the thetoppr thenppr theoptr toppr moment might be selected but butien buthfn buthe hfn he ien the time came probably all the theattars theattpr8 theatters attars which recently were under dis dission dislon dlsIon sion lon would go before the conference conferencewhich conferencewhich conferencehieh > which hieh the American government in ini Inthe i < 1 l the Dowers Dowersu u conclusion nnlu lon Lord Lansdowne said that thatarning1 thatamnJ thatam arning1 am rg other subjects flubj ts which it was most mostifulrable mOAtrta mostesftabli ifulrable rta to discuss was tho danger dRn r from fromfiiMnj fromfl1fjlJ fromqI fiiMnj qI tng mines the new and terrible de development deoIrmpnt deTrmertt ¬ velopment of modern warfare In fact factit factit it wa vas nr fry t ry desirable Q irable that a general agree agreeTirnt agreeTIrnf agreeni Tirnt ni n shnnld be b reached anionK the > powers powersf f n Mil 11 the oolnts oInt raised Feeling that thateer thatr thatetr eer < r thing should be b done to restrict the theore the1tpa thezta ore 1tpa a of belligerent bJI crent operations and min min1rir mm mm1ri 1rir 1 1ri ri > th tie suffering and Inconvenience or ort t > i > se p directly and Indirectly affected the thegovernment thognptmfnt thegc government gc errment oordlally welcomed w < lcomed the In lnave InHiltf In1fatve Hiltf 1fatve ave of the th > United States mid at the theproprr tharJr therprr proprr rJr time would gladly gla l associate Itself Itselftfrrli Uselh Itselfl h l nIP gOernmf > nt of the United States Statlitcl1g Statesrng tfrrli itcl1g ig with these e important questions questionsTo To i 1 qf f retary shared the hose that the thetime thetltnP theIte time Ite was not far distant when they might mightrrs ml mightrr ht htrr rrs rr themselves to this most humane humaneI 1 mst tn at honorable task taskfSxdney taskSdey 0 0Rdney fSxdney Smith said a goodnatured goodnaturedlf lf ifp v Is hard to beat Thats the way waywith Wa Waw waywith w with th the Independent telephone Copyright 1905 190 byHart byHart by byHart Hart SchafFncr Marx MarxWe Marxe MarxWe We e have your size in ina a Topcoat I like this thisan thisan thisan an H S M I Top Topcoat rIopcoat Topcoat ¬ coat Its I tsthe the best bestweve bestvevc bestweve weve got gotits its the thebest thebest thebest best make ever made madeSi madeI Si I 15 5 s to toRICHARDSON to30 to30RICHARDS to3ORICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHARDSONADAMS RICHARDSONADAMS N NADAMS ADAMS ADAMSA 1A A CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN MENAt MENt At t The Sign Signbf Signf bf f the Tour Eourjitis f frtiis rtiis S 172 2 MAIN STREET r r rt rOJ t OJ t SAI SAILING UN G INTO INTOJAWS INTOJAWS > 1 JAWS OF DEATH DEATHRojcstvenskys DEATHitojestvcnskys I IRojcstvcnskys Rojcstvenskys Fleet on Its Way W y to toStraits toStraits toStrait5 Straits of Formosa FormosaWHOLE FormosaVHOhE ForniosaWHOLE WHOLE WORLD WATCHING WATCHINGEVIDENT WATCHINGEVIDENT WATCHINGEVIDENT EVIDENT INTENTION TO GIVE GIVEBATTLE GIVEBATTLE GIVEBATTLE BATTLE BATTLESL SL P Ptol1Qur toisburg April 13 6W p m mThe 111The niThe The n news ws of the th northward lt nOrthw rthW td movement movementof nt ement ementof of Admiral Rojestvenskys squadron squadronand squadronamid quadronan and an hit evident intention to accept bat battle battle battie ¬ tle whenever Admiral Togo chooses to tooffer tvoffer tooffer offer it has for to l the present pre ent stilled stiU d all allactivities allRctvIUes altactivities activities in the direction of peace and andtho jndtho nd ndthe tho foreign dispatches disp ttches < relating to the thevoyage th thYoyage thevoyage voyage of the squadron are followedwith followed followedwith followedwith with the most J OItt intense int nFe interest interestTho lutenstTh interestTh Tho Th admiralty adm iralty volunteers no informa information informaHon lnfornation ¬ tion regarding Tlojestvenskys TIojMlt vensks plans planswhether plauawhelher plammwhether whether hi Imiitedlatfe Immedl t destination is isor isor 15or or in s not iapc aPc Pedarn on the east eastcoast eastcoast eastcoast coast of CochinChina but in naval navalcircles navalircles navalcircles circles the impression Impres iou prevails pnwa its that thatthe thatthe thatthe the squndron will continue northward northwardto to the Straits of Formosa where if ifAdmiral ifdnlJral ifaidntral Admiral Togo doet not elect lo o give givebattle giveha1le ive ivebat battle bat f or Is defeated Admiral Hojest Hojestvensky Hojeftullky Hojeatvemsky vensky ullky may ma seize a temporary base in inJapan inTapRItENI iflTapanese Japan TapRItENI em territory wnd ncI If it is con considered COIklred comtskiered ¬ sidered advisable he could there thereawait th thereawait > re reHwait await the arrival of Admiral Nebogat Nebogatoffs Nebogatorrs Nebogatoff offs off division It is ruhiored that there thereIs Is a force OIce of riflemen on bourd the theRussian then1l theRussian Russian n1l tIlan transports which could be belanded beandrd belanded landed for the purpose of cooperating cooperntingwith cooperatiniwith with marines in the same g He fashion that thatthe thatthe thatthe the United States established eHta 1ished a base baseat basat baseat at GuantnuHtno Cuba bit t in 180ft 1SD Other Othernaval Oth Otherliaval r r11aal naval men m n think that Vladivostok Va ivostok is isthe isthe 1 1the the only base the Russian admiral hutt huttin hWIn lituIn in view iOw Embargo onNews onNewsThere onNewsTh on News NewsTheme There Th le is an embargo on news from fromVladivostok fr frOntVladivostok nl nlYladlvostok Vladivostok concerning the Russian Russiancruiers Russiancruhrers Rusalnncruisers cruisers Rossla Gromoboi and Bogatyr Bogatyrand Bogatyrand Bogatyrand and it is supposed though the admir admiralty admlrRlty ndmiralty ¬ alty does d e8 not confirm the fiuppositlon fiuppositlonthat upposlUonthat that they have put to sea to effect a adiversion adherslon alierSIOn diversion and prevent mine laying layingConsiderable lulngConsiderable iu3lngConsiderable Considerable irritation is manifested manifestedin in naval na al circles i1Cle at the activity of ofBritish ofBritish ofBritish British s ships in Chinese waters which whichare whichare whichare are reported to he streaming from fromHong fromHong fromHong Hong Kong Kon to Singapore Singap re and their ac action action action ¬ tion Is attributed to u desire to Keep in intouch intouch Ifltouch touch with the Russian fleet and report reportits reportits reportIts its movements to the world at large and andto andto aridto to Great Britains ally in particular particularhappened uR uRhappenel zifheppened happened in the ease ca e of the th British Britisharmored Britishntmored BritIsharmored armored cruiser Sutlej wharved at atSingapore atSinl1pore atSingapore Singapore Straits Stra its Settlement yester yesterday yesterday ester esterdR ¬ day dR and reported having passed the theRussian theRussian theRussian Russian second Pacific squadron at atdaylight atda atlaylight daylight da Jight April 11 steaming north northMinteter northBnteter northMinter Minter of Railroads Hlloff has left leftSt leftSt leftSt St Petersburg for Siberia to superin superintend superintend superintend ¬ tend the improvements being made on onthe onthe onthe the TransSiberian railroad and the theinauguration theInauuratton theinauguration inauguration of the river service in inSiberia inSiberia InSiberia Siberia I ISteering Steering Northeast NortheastSingapore NortheastSingapoze NortheastSinga Singapore Singa pore April 13 l 13TIme The Russian Russianfleet Russianfleet Russianfleet fleet was in latitude 8 degrees north northlongitude northlonitude northlongitude longitude 108 degrees de rees 57 7 minutes east eastat castat eastat at noon April 11 The Peninsular PeninsularOriental reninsularOriental PeninsularOriental Oriental steamer Nubia which has ar arrived arrind arrived ¬ rived hero > reports having passed no noless no1ess noless less than fortytwo vessels there th > l > They Theywero Theyvere n1 Y YWere Were steering northnortheast at a aspeed aspeed aspeed speed of eight eisht of ten knots knotsTho knotThe knotsThe The position of r tho th fleet was then thenaboxit thenabout thenabout about 300 miles northeastward northen hard of the theNatuna theNatuna theNatuna Natuna Islands which lie between th thMalay thMalay thMalay Malay peninsula and the west coast of ofBorneo orBorneo oforneo Borneo orneo and more than 200 miles south southeast southeast southeast ¬ east of Cape S1 St Jacques This course courseindicates courseIndicates courseindicates indicates that the fleet eet was not going goingto to Saigon French Cochin China ChinaWill ChinaWill Chinawill Will Witness Battle BattleWashington BattleachingtolJ BattleWashington Washington April 13 13The The navy de department department dopartment ¬ partment was advised adls d of the parture departuretoday d parturetodttr parturetoday today of the cruiser Raleigh from La Laj LnBuan LaBuan j Buan on the north coast of British BritishBorneo Brltl BrltiahBorneo h hBorneo Borneo where she he was dispatched by byRear byRear byRear Rear Admiral Train to observe the themovements themovements themovements movements of the hostile fleets for Cuyo Cuyoi CuoIn uyo uyoin i in the Philippines PhUlpp l1f > s a point about 400 400miles 40Q 40Qmiles 400miles miles to the northeast between Pala Palawan palaKJ1 Palawan ¬ wan KJ1 and Panay islands i It is indicated indicatedthat Indicatedthat Indicatedthat that the Ralelghs commander obtained obtainedinformation obtainedInfonnation obtainedinformation information as to what lie beliexod to tobe tobe tob be b the contemplated course of the op opposing opplsln1 opposing ¬ posing war vessels and has shaped Sh ped his hiscourse hiscourle hiscourse course accordingly It is about a two twoi tod83s twodays i days sail t6 t Cuyo CuyoAnxious CUyoI CuyoAnxious I Anxious to Meet Togo TogoLiQndon TogoIJQndon TooLndott LiQndon April 13 13BrIUfh British naval men mencomment mencomment mencomment comment on the lack of secrecy fe < r3 regard regarding regardIng regardtag ¬ ing Admiral Rojestvenskys movements movementssince movementsince movementssince since his arrival in far eastern waters watersTho wnterllIhe watersThe The fact that he is keeping to the main maintrade maintrade mnaiiitrade trade route although knowing his hissquadron hl hlRfluadrnt1 hissquadron squadron would constantly ColttantlYhf he sighted sightedand fightNIaud sightedazid and reported by b passing vessels Y sfels they theyconsider t theyconsider he heconsider consider clearly shows that the Russian Russianadmlrnl Rmglanadmhfll Russianadmiral admiral is i keenly anxious to meet me < t Ad Admiral Admiral Admimi ¬ miral Togo and fight ght it out to a finish finishBurnetts flnishEturnetts finishurnctta Burnetts urnctta Vanilla Extract ExtractIn In I the b best t The grocers rOcpNI know it insist insiston Insl t ton on having Burnetts It Is for your food foodPure foodPure foodcPurO Pure and wholesome wholesomeMERE wholeljOllleCIa wboeonieMERE CIa CIaMERE MERE TRIFLE TO HIM HIMAbraham HIMAbraham HIMAbraham Abraham Erlanger Does D es Not Think ThinkTn ThinkTeJ1 ThinkTen Tn Thousand Dollars Is IsMuch IsMuoh IsMuch Much Money MoneyICew New I York April prlJ 13 13Yn In the suit of David DavidB DayideI David13e1Aeo B eI 13e1Aeo laro o to establish the th existence of a 3coiufitct aoollliatct arolittlict coiufitct rolittlict with Klaw KIa w Erlan Erlllupr er tho thotheatrical thoUU thetheatrical theatrical UU Ktrlcal manager n gfJIO through thrJu h the agency agencyOf eny enyr Of r a third party A 4brahom bra 1mm L Grlanger of oftbat n1UaAt otIbaL tbat firm WH was 811 chief chl r witness today Mr MrJrIanser lr lrJ3rlaj Irl J3rlaj l rIaJurr ffr was asked 8Ik what chntire H man manHgfrr ma mats1r 11 11ar Hgfrr ar lied n ad d to bok an attraction in ththtrt ththaatres th thth th thtrt treii controlled by th the > theatrical syn syndicate fyndkAle syndkate ¬ dicate to which he replied that th < chance chancewag chancetvag hanc hancwas wag good 004 for a K ItOodatt goodattrmetion odattraction tion For a poor poorlanger pooratlr poorettretion atlr ettretion < Uon hp could uo iof q what the thlchaneft theehHnce chaneft would ouk1 b Mr I5llanger langer langerwmllcate said that thatlbe thatthe the wmllcate controlled between sixty sixtyfive ISlxt ISlxtflye siXtyfive five and M 1M l theatre Mr r tSrlanger ranser sai saithe said suhtIh saidthe the Ih gyndkNteK sndltatt share hKr4 of the th profit Itrofltt fro frotTh from fromt fromtThe tTh t lh Auctioneer amounted amount d to aOOOO aOOOOMy Q000ity My 17 share was wa not nitieli lie added addedYou addNIuYoN addedYou uYoN You xot ot t ourthird of that sum did didyeu dideu didysu yeu eu not asked Rsk l counsel coun ttl < for IJelaseo IJelaseoYes lJ Belaseoes IAJMO IAJMOXee Yes es the witness witn s replied repliedDont relJeilDont replfe4lDont Dont you 0 call CA II 10000 much muchXo mucho Xo o not much muchMr lunchJlr muchMr Mr Brlanger DrJal1 r Hheir hpJl t tetltlnMJ tified that he hebooked hebooked hebooked booked three theatres outside the syndi syndicate syndleAt syndieate ¬ cate eAt free of chars Th1 rh ries were the Lyric LyricNew LyrltNw LyricNew New York the Garrick Chicago and the thehow thelaJMUc thei1sjetic laJMUc Bo Boatoli toJi He fttrlard ad1l1ittntl ad1l1ittntlhow adfl2lttndhowever how however ver r that Nixon mid aUt XSmmerman had hadMM hadItn hadan MM Interest In a play with S S and Lee UeoShwbert LfJShublrt LeeSitubert Shwbert who control tho Lyric and Gar GarricR GKrtX OarheX heX theatre mentioned mentionedair mentlo1lUr air 13rlnns 1 rl5r ° r VHS s crossexamined at atHome atfOQlf atettue Home length lon tk aud ama n < there tht were w re a number of ofilvHy orJlY oflIvJy ilvHy JlY I tiJfcs ttJ between oruoHlng counsel counselDid cun eoUflelrfld el eluOId uOId Did you ou not gt betjv etWff11 n 6000 and andS7M nd ndMe S7M 7 Me from trot James Jm K 1 Ilackett H Ita kptt for booking bookinghim bookinghim booking1dm 1dm him In 11 owe ne 0f r his hi playsTV pl plays yft was WR asked askedXo aSkedu askedNe u Xo not for the tht booktn booking Wt c were w re prac practically practlC1t1ly practically ¬ tically his managers replied 1J1ed Mr Er ISrIHIMCCT Erl Erlsnaer IHIMCCT l lsnaerWeII IHIMCCTWeil trrtr trrtrWII Weil WII who ho really r ny was 1t1S his manager managerHe managerJ1o He was liS his hiI own manager managerYet mRnagerYet managerYet Yet you you ou managed Jnanlu od Him HimYa UUhY 111ThY 111ThMr Ya YaSir Y T TIr Sir Ir Dirtnser Srlais r said the syndicate sot Qt 36 36Hoiwymvon Jper 25per per c cOilt Jtt from the rotJt of Tao Chln ChtnOee ChtnOeefloneymvOn eo eoHonemuon Hoiwymvon but nothing nothi X from ITloro uFlorodora ITlorodora Florodora dora doraThe doralhe doraThe The witness denied that he had ever everbeen cerbeen everbeen been cruet or harsh to topIr > lr Belasco BclascoFIEND BelascoII BelascoFIEND II IIFIEND FIEND STILL AT LARGE LARGECoffeyvllle LARGEoCfeyvlllr LARGEoffeyviiIe Coffeyvllle Kan April IS 1rTho The negro nofrowho nc negrowho ro rowho who assaulted a ault d Mrs John Griffith is stilt stiltat 8tmat stiltat at larpe I rEt though tho police are closely closelyfollowing closelroUowlng closelyfoUowintf following a new clue lue that they believe believewill b behlOvewill lI vC vCm will m soon result In his capture There Thereworo Thetewere rhrewero were no further signs Of trouble today todaythe toda todathe todaythe the ringleaders among aJ1otJ the unruly ne nehundred negro negroos gro groos living l beii iIptacen placed In jail Fivc Fivc1Iul1d Fhelitifldnhi hundred 1Iul1d d deputies are still tUJon on 9t dut duty with With4u with4jftCtlOdM 4 4u 4jftCtlOdM struetiortir tUctlon8 b S snOot Upon Up h the least leastpropcutlon leastprovbcaUon propcutlon J Jfj ITw Tw fj F Cu r L PITIFUL PLEA P A O OFPQOR OF POOR PACKERS PACKERSChicago Chicago April 13 13Prices Prices of beef have advanced in every important importantmarket importantmarket importantmarket market of the United States The consumer onsumer is paying pa ii1g the advahce advahceprice adv advprice dv n nprice price which to him represents r res nta several cents per pouui over what he hepaid hep hepaM paid p UI Up to t tail days d8 ago agoSwift agoSwift go goSwift Swift Co 0 Armour and Nelson Morris state that no beef has been beensupplied beenauppUe beentmpphied supplied to the retail markets mark ts of Chicago Or or to any other market of the thecountry thecounlodprJnl theeountry country counlodprJnl during the last month and a half except at a loss lo s This jt it is declared has been Rartially due to the fact that the breeders of ofstock ofstockand ofStoekand stock stockand and the handlers of range cattle have been holding back on supply supplyuntil supplyuntil supplyuntil until the grass of the range becomes nourishing nourishingsued Swift Co sJeaktng for tb the packing interests this afternoon i isued Isued sued the following statement statementDuring statementuDuring statementDuring During the last six weeks the producers of beef cattle have baeij baeijreceiving bgehrC beelireceiving receiving rC iving about SI 1 advance arlvan e over ov > r past prices for dhoicc oattle This sim simply 8impi simply ¬ ply pi meant m > ans that the advance adyan to the consumer in prices rlCet would be about 2 on the onehalf of choice < cattle that can be used for food foofThe purposes rhe range cattle producer Is the master of the situation sihl itutIonS Uon S O OKLAHOMA WOLF WOLFHUNT WOLFHUNT WOLFHUNT HUNT HAS ENDED ENDEDPresident ENDEDPresident ENDEDPresident i i President Now En Route to Colorado Coloradoto Color do doto to Chase Boars BoarsPRIVATE BoarsPRIVATE BearsPRIVATE I PRIVATE TRIP AFTER THIS THISTHERE THISTHERE THISTHERE THERE WILL BE NO MORE STOPS STOPSAND STOPSAND STOPSAND AND SPEECHES SPEECHESFrederick SPEECHESFrederick SPEECHESFrederick Frederick Okla April IS lSPr 1BIrOsiden Prosident ProsidentRoosevelt sident sidentRooseveltended t tItoosevelteiitled Roosevelt Rooseveltended ended his hunt and broke brokecamp brOkecamp brOkecamp camp this afternoon but did didimt not leave leavethe leavethe leavethe the hunting grouhfl gro nn in the Big Pasture Pastureuntil paturountil Pastureuntil until nearly nearl s Oilock Q ttiot4 lo tonight staying stayinginside staying stayingInside stayinginside inside to eat Cupper with ilh the wolf wolfchasers wolfchasers wolfchasers chasers The specialtrainwas special peeialtralnwas train was wafting waftinghere wamn wamnH waitingleI here H leI re e and the president vr sldent and his party partyentered partentered partyentered entered the cars and started start d south to toTexas toTexas toTexas Texas over the St Louis San Fran Francisco Francisco Francisco ¬ cisco railroad According to schedule schedulethe shedulethe schedulethe the train was transferred to the Fort FortWorth Fortorth FortWorth Worth orth Denvet railroad at Vernon VernonTex Vernonrex Vernonrex rex at 910 p m and the journey to toColorado toColorado toColorado Colorado begun No provision is made madefor madfor madefor for stops or speeches the public por portion portion portion ¬ tion of the presidents tour having havingended ha havingended vinb vinbended ended EIGHTEEN PELTS PELTSSlight PELTSSlight PELTSSlight Slight Diminution in Number N mber of Ok Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma ¬ lahoma Wolves WolvesFrederick WolvesFrederick f fFrederick Frederick Okla April 13 13The The pres presidents presidents presidents ¬ idents great wolf olf hunt In Oklahoma is isnow isnow isnow now at an end eighteen of these ani animals animals animain ¬ mals being the total number captured capturedThe capturedrho apturedrhe The cooks porters and most of the theother theother theother other help arrived in Frederick shortly short1 short1before before 6 i oclock and reported that the thepresident thepresident thepresident president would arrive here about 8 8oclock 8oclo Soclock oclock oclo < k after taking suj supper > per near the thepasture theposture thepasture pasture gate from the wagon containing containingsupplies containin containinsupplies containingsupplies supplies sxd d that he and his party partywould partwould partywould would then itillop to town townExDelegate townExDelegate townFixDelegate ExDelegate Dennis T Flynn Gov Governor GovernOl Governor ¬ ernor rhomas B Ferguson Fergm on and Con Congressman e011grf Congrossman ¬ grossman grf > Ssman John H Stevens of rexas Texaswho rexaswho rexaswho who arrived last la t night will be present presentto to show their respects to the president presidentMade presidentMade presidentMade Made Good His Word WordAbout WordAbout WordAbout About 11 oclock this morning John JohnAbernathy TohnAbernath TohiiAbernathy Abernathy the th noted wolfhunter told L New ew York April 13 13Xan Kan Patterson Pattersonwas Patt > rson rsonI I was s brought mto the tit court of general generalcessions gt generalseaeina > n > ral ralI cessions by b her owu consent to plead to a aoharce ahurg acharge charge hurg of 0 conspiracy nflDlra < to get g t money mone from fromCnetr fromCn fromCae4hr I Cnetr Cn ar Young the bookmaker She Is Isaccused Isa Isaeu5od accused a u5ed of having conspired with J T Mor Morgan Morgall 101 101J3n ¬ gall Smith and Ills wife Miss Patterson PattersonsBllttCr PattersonsI8ttr Pnttersonsslthr BllttCr to extbrt e oJt money m nl from the dead deadbookmaker deRdbookmRkr leadbookmaker bookmaker She WJ Wale K not allowed to toplead toIJIEad toJiERd plead to tf the t a charge however as 8 Assist Assistant 4S515tIlnt AssIstant ¬ ant DJ District trlct Attorney ttOrney Rand asked Ask d Judge JudgeFoster Ju Judgel5oeter ge geIl00tr Foster that she ht be dot l1 t arraigned uralgn t1 holding holdingthat holdln holdlnthat holdingthat that now unnecessary mne Jtn Miss Pattersons Pattersonscouncil PattersonstunfiI Pattersonscouncil council ri rlqu requested > nupst t > d that the minutes of the theStrand I Strand jury jn which indicted her b bA Investi Investigated InIt1t1gated intestigated ¬ gated This fhl was opposed by b Mr Rand Randwho Randwho Randwho who asked for a delay In company fomp9n with withJ J Morgan Smith and Mrs Smith until to tomorrow tomlJrr01 tomorrow ¬ morrow Although Miss lf5S Pattersons coon counsel coonset 01lnpl ¬ set pl vigorously vigort JsJ > objected o jet d to the delay Ute tnecourt thecourt court ordered thather t hat her plea t to 0 the charge chargebe be put over until Friday FridayShe Frida FridaSh FridayShe She Sh will be placed on trial airain next the president that oh this 111j the last day dayho d Y Yho I Iblmsflf ho was going to bring in two wolves wolveshimself wolv wolveshimself s himself The president laughed J but butMr butMr I Mr lr Abernathy left the president and andwhen aiJdwhen andwhen when seen by bya a newspaper nespa er man m11h1 Sir the thopasture I IpaSture pasture at 1 oclock this afternoon he helind I had two wolves wohesa volve a live one on his hi pOrn pommel pOrnme ¬ mel me and a dead one tied U dbehlnd behind the thesuJidle thestnd1e I IsUdl suJidle This afternoon two tw 0 0other other oilierwolves otherWolvon wolves were caught making a total of ofeighteen ateighteen ofeIghteen eighteen for Or the week Those who will willarrive vIilarrive arrive in town with the president and andwho andwho who have been in the hunt with hint hintare hintar hintare are ar Dr A Lamber General S B Mv M MYoung Young Cecil A Lyon Sloan Simpson SimpsonLieutenant SimpsonLieutenant SimpsonLieutenant Lieutenant G R Fortescue S B Bur Burnett Burnett Burnett ¬ nett 11 V B Waggoner Tom Burnett BurnettC C B MeHugh Captain Bill McDonald McDonaldJ J J R Abernathy anT H T I Horton HortonAll HortonAll HortonAll All of thisparty this party excepting e C B Mc McHugh McHugh rc rcHugh Hugh and John Abernathy Ab rnath will leave leavewith leavewith leavewith with the president at 825 oclock for forVernon forYcrnon forVernon Vernon at this point The rh presidents presidentscar pr idents identsHr car Hr will be 11 > transferred to the Fort FortWorth FortYorth FortWorth Worth Denver D ner road and he will ar arrive arrive arnyc ¬ rive nyc at his Colorado destination d Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬ day evening eveningAFTER eveningAFTER AFTER CENTRAL FARM FARMUtah FARMUtah FARMUtah Utah County Wants Expenjnental ExpenjnentalParm Ex ExpethnentaiFarm erbnental erbnentalFarm Farm Provided by Legislature LegislatureHas Has Purchased Land LandUtah LandttaJl Landsttaht Utah county is makins a determined determinedeffort determinedeCort determinedeffort effort to secure se uro the experimental farm farmprovided farmprovided farmprovided provided for at the last session of the thelegislature tQclegislature thelegislature legislature The Commercial club of ofProvo otProo ofProvo Provo has taken the lead In the th cam campaign campRlgn camlaigfl ¬ paign for the th farm and a committee of ofthat orthnt ofthat that body bod went before the county count com commissioners commissioners cornmissioners ¬ missioners a couple of days auo and in induced induced induced ¬ duced the board to make an appropriation appropriationof apllroprJaton apllroprJatonof of 5000 50 000 to buy bu the sixty acres of land landthat landthat landthat that will wi be required for the farm A Anumber Anumber Atiumber number oC sites sioq have hac be beqn < m offered and andshould an anHhould andshould should Utah county count win the location locaton no nodoubt nodoubt nodoubt doubt is felt that a asultablefarm suitable suiable tarmcan farm can be beprovided beprovided beprovided provided providedPostmaster providedPostmaster providedPostmaster Postmaster James aes Clove Cloo of Provo whohas whohas who whohas has taken the lead in the campaign campaign for forthe forI forthe the farm was In the city oit yesterday and andexpressed andexpressed andexpressed expressed great hopefulness hopefulnes that the thefarm thefarm thefarm I farm would be located In Utah county countyIt count countI It I cant well wel go to any other county countysaid count countsaid countysaid said he The legislature limited the se selection 5CIEction selection ¬ lection IEction to Weber rebel Davis Salt Sal Lake and andUtah andtab andUtah Utah tab counties There is valid countes a vald objec objection objecton objeetion ¬ tion ton to all al of them except Utah Weber Weberis Veber VeberIs is so far north norh that thot the cold col would woul freeze freezeout freezeout freezeout out the plants being experimentally experimentallygrown experl experimentallgrown entl grown gown Davis is so sandy sand that it i would woulddry woulddry woulddry dry them out Salt Lake l is so smoky smokythat smokythat smokythat that they would be killed kled whIle vhle Utah Utahcounty Utahcounty Utahcounty county DOBsesses the soil soi water and cli climatic cl climatic ¬ matic mate conditions conditons Besides it IL Is so near nearthe ner nerthe nearthe the center of the state that exprlment experiments experimentsmade xpcrirnentsmade < made there would be of o advantage and andtend andtend andtend tend to the th benefit beneft of the whole state stateJOE statJOE stateJOE JOE JEFFERSON ILL ILLAtlanta ILLAtanta ILLAtlanta Atlanta Atanta Ga April Apri IS 13A A special specal from fromSt fromSt fromSt St Augustine Augmtne Fin say SR that Joseph Jef Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson ¬ ferson the famous actor 4s s ill II at his hi home homein homin in Miami 1aml and that physicians ph slcang have been beensummoned bensummone beellsummoned summoned summone him from St Augustine to attend attendhim atend atendhim attendhim EIGHT AMERICANS PUT TODEATH TODEATHUnhappy TG TOJIUEATHUnhappy tDEAIH tDEAIHUnhappy Unhappy Fate of Ships Crew Wrecked in Formosan Waters WatersJapan WatersJapan WatersJapan Japan at First Proposed to Censure Censurethe the Savages I A I I ASHINGTON April Apri 13 13Botel Hotel To Tobago Tobago ToV W V V bago savages sfages in Formosa 1 ormosa caused causedthe causedth causedthe the th death of eight members of ofthe ofthe ofthe the crew of the American Am rlcan ship Benja Benjamin Benjamin Benjarain ¬ min Seawall SeRwal and zmd treated other mem members member mciiihers ¬ hers ber of the crew in a a cruel manner mannerwhen mannerwhen mannerwhen when that ship was wrecked in Formo Formosan Formosan Formosan ¬ < san water some time tme ago agoThe agoThe agoThe The story is told in official stor ofial correspon correspondence corresponcence correspondeuce ¬ deuce cence published publshed at the state department departmenttoday departmenttoca departmenttoday today todaytention toca todayWhen When 1 th the Japanese apanpe governments overlments 3t 3tttnton attention tention ttnton was called aied to the incident it re replied repIed yeplied ¬ plied pIed that the government of Formosa Formosawould Formosawoul Formosawoul4 would woul efficiently emeent and strictly strity censure censurethe censurthe censurethe the savages s lagf and will wil warn them not to torepeat torel torepeat repeat rel t such Sich misconduct Ini conduct again againMr aainlr againMr Mr lr Loomis the acting secretary of state promptly directed the American Americanminister Amercan Amercanminister Americanminister minister at Toklo to say sa to the Japan Japanese Japanese apnn apnnese ¬ ese government that something more mqrej moreImpressive j Impressive than censure Cfnsure may suggest suggestitself suggestitself uggestI mQre I itself iFelf to the mind of that th t government governmentThe govermeht The Japanese Japnese government according ¬ ly adopted > d punitive punlte measures but butfound outfound bu bufound found great grea t difficulty ditcult in executing Cxecutng them themintelligently themInte1gnty themIntelligently intelligently Inte1gnty because they gould not notmake notmake notmake make the natives natves understandfor understand for what whatthey whatthlY whatthey they were being punished punishedThis punishedThl8 punishedThis This government then suggested that thatseveral thattverll thatseveral several tverll of the native chiefs known to tohave tohRxe tohave have been bEen implicated ilpJcnterl in the incident hicient be beimprisoned behlprisonfd beliimprisoned imprisoned hlprisonfd until unti some of the Formosah Formosahofficials FormmhI FormosahofficIals officials ofkials could master their dialect dialec and andmake amImake andmake I make them understand why they the were werebeing terebeing re rebeing being punished NEW REGULATIONS REGULA1IONSAFFECFING REGULA1IONSAFFECFINGALL AFFECTING AFFECTINGALL ALL CLAIMS TO PUBLIC LANDS Special Specil to Tho Herald HeraldWashington Heral HeraldWaahtngten Washington Wahington Aaril Ari 13 i2Land Land Lnd Commte Commteslener Commll Commiaiionir slener 8Dn r AV V A RlehRrdl Richard who returned returnedyesterday rOturnedyesterday yesterday trda from fr m a western etern trip tOday t day Is Issued 11 issited ¬ sued uf a I circular drlir l leler lettOr tlcr of Instructions IUstruton to toUnited tornite toUnited United rnite States Slte commissioners court com commissioners Cm Cmmisioners Cnminisatoners ¬ missioners misioners and judges ju le tanfl nd clerks cerks of ofcourts ofconrts ofcourts courts of record relative r laUv to oath they theymaybe thpyI theymaRy maybe maYh maRy be called cald upon upn to administer r in sup support supPOlt supPOll ¬ port POlt of applications 81tplkaton entry lntr proof or claim claimto I to public plbl lands landsHeretofore I landsheretofore nds ndsHeretofore Heretofore in many Instances Instate5 oaths oathsliave OD oathshave ths ths111e have 111e been ben administered carelessly crelssh and andthis andthis andthis this carelessness carel JI8S has seryefl to aid In Inmany inmany I many violations Iolatons of the public pl f land laws lawsOfficers lawsOfCcprs lawsOfficers Officers OfCcprs are ar admonished not to t adminis administer admlnlstEr ¬ ter tEr oaths oaths to any an stranger 8lnClr until lntl he has hasfirst hissfirst I first frst been htn reliably rrlahl > maflt ma known and Men Idl 14dmtlfied I tified tned to the offieen ofnrel Jurats should shou d not noti nQthe i I he attached al8 h to oaths or affidavits affect affer afferI affectlag j I lag I public pubJe lands until untl all al blank spaces in hithe inthe J the form or paper subscribed to shall shallused fhal shallI I I I hay hn fully filled out ut or tIA8ed erased used Final FinalI proofs should be made at the time tme and andplace andpI8 gdplace place pI8 advertiMd erUtd and at 1 the regularly regulary es established esta estabitabed ¬ bUshed ta of oHico office flee of the officer oficer The tea te ¬ timony timon of claimants for f r land shall shal be tBHen apart aprt and not within the hearing of his witnesses winesIHs Officers OCcr permitted permltpd to tako final fnRI proofs proot shall hal not be permitted to ap appear apIHar apnear ¬ pear ss 2J asent a ent or attorney atorne for others otheJs in inany InIln inany any Iln matter affecting affectng In any an way title Ut to topublic topublh topublic public lands Officers Offcers violating iolatng these theserules thlseI theserules rules rUIf3 suggested In relation rl ton to oaths and andaffidavits I I affidavits afidavits may ma be deprived epr Cd of oJ the th right rightof rightof of further rurth r taking tRking final proofs and when whena I a commissioner shall Fhul so offend his action actionwill actioqwill will wi bo called caled to the attention Uenton of the thecourt thecourt thecourt court by which he was wa appointed with withrecommendations wih withrecommendations recommendations T ommpndatons for his removal All Allregisters Allregisters registers re isters and receivers rehfs of land offices officesare oCflcearc officesare I are charged to use the utmost diligence diligencein digence digencein in seeing sllngtha that t the th4 rules ru1ts for taking oaths oathsand oath oathI oathsand and an d affidavits are ar complied fompJlc with wih and an to toreport torport toreport I report an any > Iolations which may ma come to totheir tothIr totheir their notice notce NAN 4Ai PATTERSON IN COURT BUT BUTARRAIGNMENT BUTI BUTARRAIGNMENT I ARRAIGNMENT WAS POSTPONED Monday Johda on the charge chan of having havin mur murdered murdtrd rnurdered ¬ dered dtrd Young Counsel for J Morgan lor BJ Smith and his hiswife hiswife hiswife wife asked the court to order orderth th9 th district districtattorney districtatorny districtattorney attorney atorny to return return the letters leters confiscat confiscated confscat confscatfd ¬ ed fd 4 from rein tho Smiths at Cincinnati Cincnnat Tho Tholawyer Thola Thelawyer lawyer la er declared decl8r d that Mr tr Rand had no noright noright noright right to them thor Before B forO or deciding de illng the qiica qiication q qdestion tion the court decided decldet that formal notice noticebe noticehe he iivcrt zive to the district attorney atorney nolee noleehe After Afterthe Arer Arerthe Afterthe the court proceedings Mr r Rand asked askedthe Rskedthe askedthe the Smiths Smihs counsel to allow them to tocome tocome tocome come to the district distrct attorneys atorneys office ofl and be Questioned The Tho lawyer law er reserved restred his hisanswer hisanS1or hisanswer answer answerLater anS1orlater answerlater Later he announced a10unc he hnd refused to togrant togrant o ogrant grant the request reqUEft It I Is said old Mr 1r Rand RandIs is endeavoring entleaorlng to learn who if any nn one oneassisted onea8ist oneassisted assisted a8ist d the Smiths in their flight from fromNew fromI fromNew New York after ater tho death of Caesar CaesarYoung Car CaesarYoung ar arYoung Young last June JUJi and was desirous de lrouf of dis discusMina disrVQ discussing I deteotlvcg cussing rVQ rVQIS this IS phase of the caso with the thedeteotlvcg thedetectlvs FICKLE SPRING PLAYS A PRANK BY SENDING SENDINGWINDSTORM SENDINGWINDSTORM WINDSTORM WINDSI RM WITH RAIN THUNDER AND HAIL Salt Sal T Lake ake had h d daIaste a n l taste sU of flcklo t klo spring springlast sprlnblast springhist last night By those tOSe who were abroad abroadat abroad1tt at 1tt 11 1 p m it Is hoped hoied that such tastes tastesmay tRstesmo tastesmn may mo be few and far f8r between An hour be before betore before ¬ fore it began beg n raining The drops dro were ere of orgenerous ofgenerous ofgenerous generous size and were accompanied by b a achilly achilly chilly chiy wind that t1at brought back memories memoriesof of February Febr ao About 1030 103 the windstorm wlndstbrmcornmnecd windstormo windstOrmcomsneed cornmnecd cornmnecdJf o mence Jf J there was W S any In ny dust that the wind windfailed windfaied windfailed failed faied to pick off or tho ho streets in the th next nextfifteen nextfifeen nextfifteen fifteen fifeen mih minutes tC ami n swirl wirl about ab ut corners cornersfn ornersfn j fn dlstrcsslftir d Iltrcsslg strejUcs tr8 trefi1 It was af ut 1t mt jiotlged jiotlgedIndeed totge Potied1pdeeI d dldjcd Indeed ldjcd little Jlte could co ld Ife heOeimr seenr en whether ItWas ItWasnoticeable i it Wa Wanotc Wanoticeable noticeable notc bl or not oto so full tul of fine ti e sand sind and ald gutter guter refuse was the air Then h > n came cammore camemore camemore more rain a few crashes of thunder and stndsharp nd a asharp asharp sharp downoour of hail hailThe hai ballThe The street corners corner at First South an anSecond and andS andSecond Second S ond South and Main lJain got the tE worst wort parldistricts part partor partof or the storm Al All dru drug stores in those those5trl thosedistricts districts 5trl t were besieged by b unlucky unluck pedes pedestrians pedesI pedestrians I trians trlln The wind was no zephyr although altnougit alhough t It i by no means approached aplr ached that of Tues Tuesj Tuesday j day night nightUnfortunately night nightUnfortunately I Unfortunately 1nortunatel the storm slon the wind 1lrd par parof part I of It I came just at a time tme when dirt oi oithe on onth the th street trfot la 11 thickest thickest as the te regular regular3iihtly Ijilgjitly tthty icJaanlnedQ3anptbcgin Jfnlng gleaning dQ dQeSflotbOgl QQt ginulU 4jntll after afiethe afer aferthe afterthe the cars Tiave bavestoppe stopped < running r nnlng t t DISEASE DSIASE D1EASEJS IS LESSTHROUGH LESS LESSTHROUGH I ITHROUGH THROUGH STATE STATEMonthly STATEo STATEonthlz Monthly o t Report ReJor of Board oard of o Health HealthShows Healh HealthShows Shows Marked Mrked Decrease DecreaseCHECK DecreaseCIJC DecreaseCICK I I CHECK CIJC GIVEN TO SMALLPOX SMALLPOXUTAHDEATH SMALLPOXUTAHEATH I IUTAH 1 1r UTAHDEATH UTAH ATHR RATE tE is 1361 1361PE PER PERTHOUSAND PERTHOUSAND r THOUSAND THOUSANDThe THOUSAND THOUSANDTh I The Th report reportQC of the state board board of health healtnfor helh healthfor I for the month of March March shows a marked markedreduction markedreducton markedreddctln reduction reducton throughout the state in con contsffflous C0flta1jou on ont tsffflous t ous gnd nd infectious In ct us diseases dI5eae One Onehundred On Onhundred OnOhundred hundred and eighteen local lo al health heath ofr ofrfleers oftioer 1 1fl fleers fl tl in twentyfive counties countes filed fed com com4plete comp1etc cornplete plete returns r turns turns and out of this number numberfiftyeight numberfCteight numberfiftyeight fiftyeight fCteight reported report d their communities communitiesfree communites communitesfre free fre from all al contagious cortagious diseases dlseseos The Thesnreadinsr TheIpreadlnR TheSpreading Spreading IpreadlnR of meases measlEs meastes still tl tlhl continues continuesamons contnues contnuesamon continue5among amon among the school children chidren and an 1 In twen twentytwo twenttwo twentytwo ¬ tytwo localities 10calteR nineteen nlneteet deaths dt ths were re reooTted repQTted renorted ooTted due to the complications compUcatons of mess measles mea messlea ¬ lea I and pneumonia pneumonli An Incomplete re report report yepert ¬ port shows that there were 447 17 cases caseswhich caseSwhich caseShlch which hlch is not much lower than last IaCt month monthPneumonia monthPneumonia monthPneumonia Pneumonia has ha decreased considerably considerablyand con ldtrbl ldtrbland and out of ninetyseven cases thirtytwo thirtytwodeaths thirtytwodtaths thirtytwodeaths deaths dtaths were cre reported reporte Smallpox Smalpox has been beencheckedand beenchcqked beenchcqked checkedand chcqked chcqked and the tJ report shows that U Uis ltIs is confined cinflned to fifteen localities localtes In each eachlocality eachlocallyit eachlocaity locality locallyit jt la i found that the exposure exposurehas exposurehas exposurehas has been at some public plhlc gathering Jtherin where wherea a number of cases have resulted resuled Tho Thoreport Thoreport Thereport report shows 158 16 cases and one death deathwhich deathwhich which hlch is a considerable decrease from fromlast fromlast fromlast last months report A i Report In Detail DetailLocalities Detai DetailI I Localities LocalitiesVVhoro LocalitiesWhore Localte Whore WhorePrelent VVhoroPresent hcre hcrePr Present Pr enl Cases Ca5es CaseaScarlet Deaths DeathsScarlet Dca thf Scarlet caret fever fei r 12 12Smallpox 2 32 I 0 0Smallpox Smallpox Smalpox 15 1S5 1 1 iDiphtheria 1Dlphthorl 1DlphthorlX Diphtheria 11 1 SB S STyphofa STyphoff sTyphoid Typhoid Typhoff fever f ier er 11 2fi 2fiWhooping 26Shooplflg 6 6Whoopin Whoopin Whooping cough 16 156 156Measles 2 2Measles Measles 1ealcs 22 2 2 4t 4t > 19 19Chickenpox 19Chjck i9hicknpox Chickenpox Chjck npox 3 i 13 1 1PI < i iPneunionla IPmmeurponia Pneunionla PI uJonla sa io S71 S71Tuberculosis 9jTuborculosis i7 i7Tuborculols Tuberculosis 8 12 12Totals 12Totals 8 8Totals Totals Totals 9 T1 > i iReport 7 75 75a < a Report R PQrt of cases case incomplete incompleteThe The returns returs of mortality mortalty from fourteen fourteencounties fourteencounUes fourteencounties counties with ih nlnetee cities ctes two Incor Incorporated Incorporated incornorated ¬ porated towns and thirtytwo villages villageshaving viages viageshaing villageshaving having a population popu1aton of 141900 lm shows a atotal atotal atotal total of 14 19 deaths This represents rcprefents a adeath adeath adeath death rate rte of 1361 36 per thousand thousandCauses thou thousandCauses and andCauses Causes of Death DeathTh6 DeathTh Deathrlto Th6 Th following to1 01 Is l a a a clagstflM clastIM list 15t ot btdiseases otdiseases r rHseascs diseases < and nd 11 tie th number of deaths dfath oc occurring o ocurring ¬ curring from each eachGeneral e eachGeneral h hGenerql General diseases dJscaFesNervous diseasesNervous 63 63Nervous Nervous diseases dlsea diseasesCirculatory 8S 13 13Circulatory 13Clrculatoo Circulatory diseases dJeass 19 13Respiratory 19Respiratory Respiratory diseases diseaes 40 40i 41Digestive 0 0DigestvE i Digestive DigestvE diseases 14 14Genltourinary 1 14Genitourinary Genitourinary diseases dl5 e 8 8The 8The The puerperal nUellOral state 6 6Malformations 6Ialformalons SMalformations I Malformations 3 3Diseases 3Diseases Ialformalons IalformalonsDiseaes Diseases Diseaes of infancy infnnc 6 6Old Ctmla I Old age i i iExternal 10 10External 10Egternal External causes cuses t tlllMeflned J JIlIdetined > lllMeflned IUderned disease dlse diseaseTotal e ecm 3 3Total I Total 194 194Premature lBC C cm Premature t birthff bi th included includedPostal i iacluded1ostal i d I Postal cards were sent to every ever health healthofficer healh healhof healthofftceeIn officer of offtceeIn cer In in the state cautioning cautonln them them in inregard j jregard II regard to disinfecting dislnfectn in all al cases and andreporting andreporting reporting reportng any an violation Iolaton of the quaran quarantine quarantno quarantine j I tine tno regulations regulatOJS Letters Leters were also sent sentto sentto sentto to health healh officers ofCeers who did not make a acomplete j jcomplete Itomplete complete tomplete report and an explanation has hasbeen I Ibeen II been asked d for forMONQPOLY i iMONOPOLY I I MONOPOLY Y GRABS GRABSA I v I A LITTLE LITTLEMORE LITTLEMOREContinued MORE MOREContinued MOREI MOREI MOREonunued I I Continued from trJ Page 1 3ejratled 1Itled I Iled ejratled Itled led or O if I he he thought tilQUg1ttl tin pe6ple pebple pe ple pleo I Iof I Iof of of o the city were about b ut to get the worst worstof worstof worstof of It he would not vote to give the thecompany i icompany icompaJ company compaJ what it i demanded But the thecompany theoipan thecoriipany I company oipan was wa in view of the fact that thatIts thatIts i iis Its is franchises anch es have fortytwo Years to torun torun I run treating treatng the city eiy munificently munificentlyThis munifcentl munifcentlThi I This Thi statement put Councilman Counciman Hob Hob1tlay Hobe Hobedown HobtIy I tlay down for the count but he got on onhis onhis I Ihis his feet again and insisted Insist that the thecity theci thecity city ci should get something Con Continuinpr Contqulng on ontinuing tinuinpr tqulng he said So far as I can see seethe seethe i the company is getting gettng it all al and the theCity thecity thecity i City isnt getting gettnJ a 8 damned thing thingCouncilman thingCouncilman I Councilman Counciman Wells motion nloton was wasWould waStU wasitdpted itdpted itdptedWould tU pted ptedWould Would Head Off Use of Poles PolesAfter PolesAfter i iAfer After Afer threshing thre hing over various matters mattersthat mater materthat mattersthat that have been ben considered at every everyrneeting everymeetIng vcr I Imcetng < meetIng mcetng of o the joint committee commitee Judge JudgeYoung i i Young asked as ed that a section secton be in incorporated Iiicorporated ¬ I Iorporated corporated In the ordinance providing providingthat providingthat providingthat that the city shall shal not use the com companys coinpanys ¬ I Ipanys panys poles or cross arms for string stringing strlnghig stringIrig ing wires for lighting lghtng purpose nor normake normake normake make rules or regulations regulatOl for lighting lightingother lghtng lghtngother lightingother other than those contained in the theordinance theordinance theordinance ordinance nor nul grant to any except a asuburban asuburban asuburban suburban railway company the right rightto to run cars over the tracks of the Utah UtahLight UtahLight UtahLight Light Railway Raiway company companyThis companThis companyThis This provision was opposed by Presi President President President ¬ dent Hewlett and Councilmen Councimen Preece Preeceand Preeceand Preeceand and Hobday and was insisted insised on by byJudge b bJudge byJudge Judge Young Youn and Councilman Counciman Wells Wellswhile Wels Welswh Wellswhile while wh the other members of the com committee commite coinniittee ¬ mittee mite remained noncommittal noncommittalJudge noncommital noncommitalJudge noncommittalJudge Judge YoUng Yo ng said lie didnt want wantpeople wantupeople wantpeople people who come to the city to get a afranchise afranchie afranchise franchise franchie and build buid a short piece of ofroad ofroad ofroad road running their cars over the com companys companys cornpanys ¬ panys tracks tracksPresident tracksPresident tracksPresIdent President Hewlett said he didnt be believe beUeYe believe ¬ lieve the owners of short pieces of oftracks oftracks tracks should have the right to use usethe usethe usethe I the entire entre system t stem of the Utah Light LightRailway LghtRaiway LightRailway Railway Raiway company ompan and suggested suggestedthat BuggestelI I that a length of road that would en eni enI entitle i title tte an opposition 0111ositol company to make makeuse malteuse makeuse I use of o the tte companys eompan s tracks tra t be put in intho inI I tho ordinance But Judge Toung Toungwould 1ounb 1ounbwould oung oungwould would not agree to this thisCouncilman thisCounciman thisCouncilmati Councilman Counciman Wells VeIs again waxed elo eloquent eloquent eloOuent ¬ quent in extolling extolng the Utah Light LightRailway LightRaiway LightRailway Railway Raiway company He said the com company lompany company ¬ pany was before the committee c ltitec because becausethe becausethe becausethe the committee had offered offered to give it t a afifty afifty fifty ff years ears franchise fran his and it should be betreated b btreated betreated treated fairly fairy The Te company had water waterpower waterpower waterpower power and nd other property that the city cityneeded cty ctyneeded cityneeded needed and must have and the com company compan conspany ¬ pany pan was willing wiing to give the city cty these thesethings the thethingB thesethings things in return for practically practcalb noth nothing nothIng nothlug ¬ ing The city cty was being teing munificently munificentlypaid munl munificentlypaid centy centypaId paid for what it was proposing propoing to give givethe givethe givethe the company ompan The company had hadvoluntarily hadYOluntarlY hadvoluntarily voluntarily YOluntarlY reduced reduc d the prices of lights lightsHP lghts lghtsr lightsIYOUR r G I HP IYOUR YOUR NERVES NERVESWONT NERVESWONT t I WONT SUFFER SUFFE SUFFEI SUFFERII lfi lfiJTou II I rf You DrinkI Drink DrinkYoung Drinkroung I I t Young and andFragrant tI Fragrant FragrantIts 3 ti tiI C Its It purity purt is such that thathcry thathcrymembe tv tvcry y p pmember I member membe of the te Family famiy may m mayI y r i iafely I 8 gJ afely enjoy it at all times tmes tmest timesAsk J JAsk Ask Ak for the te package with vit the t thetea G Ln tij tijtea t pacage 8 tea t tree tee on it I ItImported jjj jjjImported I t Imported Impred and puked only by byM byM M 1 J BRANDEN BRDENiEIN BRANDENEIN TEIN CO COSAN COstt SAN S stt N FRANCISCO FRANCISCOimm FRANCICO FRANCICOt FaAtczscoA t imm t J8 A and ard vtes as s offferlns o rln the city oit property property of ofincalculable dfincalculable r rincalculable incalculable value valueJudge value valueJudge I Judge Young You1r gazed admiringly admiringl at atCouncilman atCounciman atCouncilman Councilman Counciman Well Wells and smiled smie approv approvIngly approylfgl approvIngly Ingly lfgl But the th efforts efofs of the judge and andthe td tdthe andthe that thattime thatU thattithe the councilman counciman were unavailing unavaUng at time U for Or the th Committee eommitee adjourned adjournedwithout adjoured adjouredwthout adjouraedwithout without wthout adopting adoptng the judges proposed proposedsection provosedsecton proposedsection section secton sectionThe j The proposition propositon to impose imp fines fnes on onthe onthe onthe the company instead Insted of forfeiture forfeiure of ofcharter ofcharter ofcharter charter rights rfht for violations violatons of the theordinance theordinance theordinance ordinance the proposition propositon to insert Inser the thevvord theword theword word uwiful wilful before b tore 4m misdemeanor misdemeanorAvhere mI demeanor demeanorwhere demeanorwhere where fines fnes are ae provided for Judge JudgeYoungs JudgeYoungs JudgeYoungs Youngs proposed new section secton and a anumber anumber anumber number of other matters on which an anagreement anageement anagreement agreement ageement has not been reached reache are to tobe tobe tobe be considered by Judge Young and andJudge andJudge i Judge Dey ± > ey this morning morIng and they will willcome wi willcome come < up again at the meeting metnb to be beReid befleld I Reid this afternoon afternoonIts aferoon Jel I Its Is like lke this thisal thIsall all the operators opertor on the theIndependent te teIndependent theladependent Independent are schooled shooled in politeness politenessThat polteness poltenessThat politenessThat That makes maes It pleasant pleasantSENTENCE pleasant pleasantSENTENC1I1iISSAL SENTENCE SENTENC1I1iISSAL SENTENC1I1iISSALCourtMartial IS is DISMISSAL DISMISSALCourtMartial DISMISSAL DISMISSALourtMartal I CourtMartial of Captain Kirkman of oftrie ofthe ourtMartal I the Regular Army ArmyWashington Army1Yashingtonprl ArmyWashington 1Yashingtonprl Washington April 13 13udge Judge Advocate AdvocateGeneral Adocte AdocteGeneral AdvocateGeneral General Davis of the army arm has received receivedthe receiytd receiytdthe receivedthe the record of the courtmartial courmartal proceed proceedings proeed proeedIns proceediflgs ¬ Ins in the case cse of Captain G W V Kirk Kirkman KIrkman Kirkman ¬ man of the Twentyfifth Infantry sUm stationed st sUmtioned ¬ tioned at Fort Niobrara Nebraska That Thatofficer Thatofncer Thatofficer officer was as charsed with wih conduct unbe unbecoming unbecoming nabecoming ¬ coming an officer offcer and a gentleman genteman grow growins gow gowIng growIng Ing out of a a series of alleged aleged scandalous scandalousactions scandalousactons scandalOuS2ctlons actions actons It is charged that he compro compromised compromised ¬ mised the wife of a brother officer offcer and andas andas anda as a a a a result the woman committed sal suicide saldde ¬ cide cideCaptain cJdcCaptaIn ddeCaptain commtted Captain Kirkman was found guilty guity and andSentenced andentenced andentenced entenced to be dismissed After the therecord therecord therecord record has been b n received at the war war de department departent departinent ¬ partment partent the casa ca will wi be submitted submited to tothe tothe tothe the president for final nal action acton Captain CaptainKirkman CaptainKirkman CaptainKirkman Kirkman was appointed to the military militaryacademy mltary mltaryacadem militaryacademy academy academ from Texas Texal in June 1SS4 18 and andreached andreached andreached reached the th grade of captain In the In Infantry infantr infantry ¬ fantry fantr in July 1889 189 During the Insur Insurrection InsurreU insurrection ¬ rection reU n in the Philippines Phlpplnf Durlnl he le served as asmajor asmajor major of the Fortyninth United States Statesvolunteer Sttes Stteslunteer Statesvolunteer volunteer lunteer infantry Infant CORDIAL INVITATION INVITATIONADDRESSED INVITATIONADDRESSED ADDRESSED TO WORKING GIRLS GIRLSMiss GIRLSMs GIRLSMiss Miss Ms Barrows Baows Tells Telt How Mrs Ms Pink Plnkfcarae PIn Pinkhams hams hm Advice AdvIc Helps Workng Working Girls GirlsGirls Gil GilGil GirlaGirls Girls Gil who work Wor1 workare rorkare are particularly particularlysusceptible particularlysusceptible particularlyi i susceptible to fe feJ fem female J m male a 1 e disorders disordersto disordersespecialy disordersespecially especialy especially those thosewho thoser r who are oblged oblgedt obliged obligedA A to t stand stnd on ontheir ontheirp their theirfeet thci p feet from mom moming mor mornjj jj ing until unti night in instores instore inw w stores store or f facto factories actofaMy res resmAMyF ries riesAUy1JJarrow faMy mAMyF AUy1JJarrow AUy1JJarrowand 5amw w Day Dayinandday Dayinanddayout in and day = yout out the girl gir toils toilsand til and she is often oftn the breadwinner of ofthe ofte ofthe the te family famiy Whether she is sick or orwell orwel orwell wel well whether it rains rin or shines she shemust sbemnst shemust must get getto to t her place plae of employment employmentperform employmentperorm employmentperform perform perorm the te duties exacted exacd of hersmile her hersmile er ersmie smile smie and be agreeable agreeableAmong ageeable ageeableAmong agreeableAmong Among this class clas the symptoms symptm of offemale offemale offemale female diseases diseaes are early manifest by byweak byweak byweak weak and aching backs pain in the thelower thelower thelower lower limbs lmbs and ad lower part of the thestomach thestmah thestomach stomach stmah In consequence conequenc of frequent frequentwetting frequentwettng frequentwetting wetting wettng of the feet feet monthly periods periodsbecome periodsbecome become painful and irregular ireglar and fre frequently fr re requently ¬ quently there tere are faint and dizzy diy spells spellswith spll spellswith with loss of appetite appetit until unti life lfe is i a aburden aburden burden All Al of these symptoms sjmptms point pointto pint pintta pointtoa to ta toa a derangement t of the female organ organcured organim organisin im isin which can be eaiy easily and prmpty prmptycured promptly promptlycured cured by Lydia E Pinkhams Lyda Pi ms Vegeta Vegetable Veget ¬ ble Compound CompoundMiss Cmpound Cmpoundis CompoundMiss Miss is Abby F Barrows Darws Nelsonvjlle NelsonvjlleAthens Nelonve NelonveAthens NelsonvjhieAthens Athens Co Ohio tells t what this great greatmedicine great greatmedicine greatmedicine medicine did for her She wts wtsDear writesDear writes writesDear Dear Mrs Mr Pinkbam PinkbamI Pham PhamI I feel fel it itmy my duty dut to t tell tl you the good Lydia Lydia E Pinkhnms Pinkhas Vegetable Vegetble Compound Contpoundand Cmpund Cmpundad Compoundand and ad Blood Blo Purifier Pufer have hve done for forme me Before BeforeI I took tok them I was wn very ve nervous nerous had dull dullheadaches dullheadaches headaches hcacbepan pains hi i back bck and monthlies montble were wereirregular wereirregular irregular ir1r I Iliad had hd been to t several sever doctors dotr and andthev ad andthey they tev did dd me no good jjoodYour go goodYour Your ou medicine mecie has h made me me well and andstrong andsrng andstrong strong srng I can C do most mot any kind knd of work workwithout workwthout workwithout without wthout right rightI complaint complat and td my periods po are a all allright allright I am om In better btter health than I ever was wasand was wasand wa waand and I know it is all due to your remedies I Irecommend Irecommend recommend your advice and medicine to all allwho aUwho allwho who suffer sufferIt sufferIt sufferIt It is to such girls that Mrs Pink Pinkham Pinkham Pinkham ham holds out a helping hand and ex extends extends cxtends ¬ tends a cordial invitation to correspond correspondI correspondwith correspondwith I with her Her long record of success successin successin successin in treating womans ills makes her let letters letters ¬ ters of advice of untold value to every everyailing everyailing everyailing ailing working workinggirl girl and from her wide wideI wideexperience I 1 experience and skill she quickly points pointsthe pointsthe pointsthe the way to health Her advice is free freeand freeand freeand and all 11 letters are held by her in inthe inthe inthe the strictest strictst confidence Address Mrs MrsPinkham MrsPinkham MrsPinkliam Pinkham Lynn Mass MassI MassDOUBT I DOUBT CANNOT EXIST I Investigation Will Only Strength Strengthen ¬ en the Proof We Give In InSalt InSalt InSalt Salt lake City CityHow CityHow CityHow How can doubt exist in the th face of ofsuch ofsuch ofsuch such evidence eid nce Read here h re the endorse endorsement endorseI endorsemont ¬ ment of a representative rep resentathe citizen of Salt SaltLake SaIlLake SaltLake Lake City CityMrs < it ittrs ity ityMrs I Mrs trs Sarah Pearson rear of 542 Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth Eilzabeth ¬ beth street stre t says sa s I honestly honest think I Iinherit Iinherit IInherit inherit liver and kidney complaint at attacks attalks attacks ¬ tacks of which I have had for years ears I Ii Ihad Ihad i had a sister who died of kidney trou trouble trouble trouble ¬ ble and many a time I have been over overanxious oyeranxious overanxious ¬ anxious about my own condition for forthe torthe forthe the persistent aching just across the thelolnp th th10im theloin loin which radiated toward the shoul shoulders shoulderF shoulders ¬ ders which hurt when I stooped or lift lifted lifted lifted ¬ ed anything often kept me in misery miseryWhen miseryVhen miseryWhen When there was added to it backache backachetrouble backachetrouble backachetrouble trouble with the kidney secretions se retlons and anddimness anddimness anddimness dimness Of f vision I knew my kidneys kidneysrequired lddnesrequired kidmieysrequired required attention I had used a a great greatmany greatmany greatmany many remedies for kidney complaint complaintand and liver trouble some of which may mayhave mayhave mayhave have had a slight effect but from none nonedid nonedid nonedid did I obtain half the satisfactory re results resulls resuIte ¬ suIte as from Doans Kidney Pills pro procured procured procured ¬ cured at the F J Hill Drug Cos store storeThis storef storeThis This remedy acts directly upon the kid kidneys kldneys kidneys ¬ f neys You can tell that from the be behavior behavior bebaylOr ¬ havior of the kidney secretions They Theyare TheyI Theyare are first affected and when they be become become beconic ¬ I come come normal the aching across the theloins theloins thelolna loins ceases In hopes that my testi testimonial testimonial testimonial ¬ monial may mm induce to use Doans oans Kid Kidney Kldney Kidney ¬ ney Pills all n who have kidney kidne trouble troubleI I unhesitatingly allow it to be pub published publ1shed published ¬ lished lishedbor l1sheditor lishedbor bor sale sal by all dealers Price 50 50cents 50cents 50cents cents Fosterililburn Fosrer rilburn Co Buffalo N NY NY Nsole Y sole agents a aentafor ntstor for theUnited the United States StatesRemember StatesRemember StatesRemember Remember the name nameDonnsond nameDonnsondtake Doans and andtake take no other otherNEW otherNEV otherNEW NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS PROCESSA A Prenaratton Pr Jaratton Discovered That Will De Destroy Destroy DestrOy stroy the th Dandruff Germ GormFor GermFor GermFor For some time It has been known that thatdandruff thntd thatdandruff dandruff d ndrut IS caused by a cerm rm that digs digsup digsup digstip up the scalp Into little white flakes 1 lles and andby andby andby by sapping the vitality of the hair at the theroot theroot theroot root causes falling hair and of course coursefinally coursetinally coursefinally finally baldnfess baldn se For years carsthere there have havebeen havebeen havebeen been all kinds of hair stimulants stimulants and andscalp andscalp andscalp scalp tonics tonl s on the market but there has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been no permanent cure for dandruff dandruffuntil dandrurruntil dandruffuntil until the discovery of a preparation called calledNewbros calledNewbros calledNewbros Newbros Hcrpiclde which destroys the thedandruff thedandruff thedandruff dandruff serm erm Destroy the th cause the theeffect theI theeffect effect ett ct will ceaso to exist Kill the dan dandruff dandruCt dandruff ¬ I druff cerm and youll ouJ1 have nb no dandruff dandruffno no Itching scalp no falling f Ulng hair Sold S 1t1 by byleading byjadlng byleading leading druggists dru ists Scull lOc in stamps st oRS for CorI forsampi sampi hPtli t to The 1Q l HrpLCfd r lc 5jJetr91t 5jJetr91tuc CO Detroit DetroitMich uc Mich I Mission 1 M MWhen furniture furnitureP P = 71 = r Means M e n s Go 6 o od o d Taste TasteWhen T s t e eWhen When Used In the Din DinIn Dining Dining In ing Room and ndLibrary ndLibraryj Library LibraryFkti Fkti FktiWe j 0 0i i 0ta ta t We ha h hve > ve a a be bea beiitifu1 vitiful and anduptodete anduptod anduptode uptodete uptod te line of Mission MissionFurniture MissionFurniture MissionFurnithre Furniture co com complete mplete pIe t e in inevery inevery inevery every respect for the dining diningroom diningroom diningroom room and library Investi Investigate Investigate Investigte ¬ gate gateYour gateYour gteYour I I Your Credit Is Good Goodr UoodHiFFF HiFFF fm D fURNITUR AND ANDK ANDILUJ r K ILUJ l CARPT CO 18 to 40 EAST THIRD SOUTH ST STA STtO STA = I II II II tO = r I I I A Word to the Wise In Dress DressIs Is like a seed that falls in fertile soilIt gives results Do you oU wteta to be toewise bewise bewise wise in the selection of your Spring Suit and Top Coat or will you lt l th thwords Ute Uteords tbewords words ords Garson Meyer Mey Superior Tailored Clothes Clothespass unheeded Perhaps you dont realize what they mean TH Then fl i corn eent sad a alet sadlet pass let us make their ImHJlt doubly clear with Ulu8traU IllustratiOns ns fro rota Il superb ok okof Mkof of the m most sf fashionable garments modern tailoring art emu emuSMART 1 ndst ndstSMART t tSART 1 1YOUNG SMART SACK SUITS FROM W teOO < to toSPRINO 3G 3GSPRING 31H 31HSPRI SPRING SPRI G TOP COATS AND A D RAIN COATS U I2 1Lf1G OO 0 t tYOUNG 3600 5IYOUNG YOUNG MEN WILlIN WILl FIND EV EVRYTIING RYTJlI G A YO YOUNG G IAN DIES DESIJtESIN DIESIN IN SUITS HATS AND HABERDASHERY HABERDASHERYFotilton HABERDASHERYPoulton HABERDASHERYPoultonMadsen9 Fotilton PoultonMadsen9 Madsen Owen Co 111113 Main St Where the Clothes Fit FitA FitThis I 1 1i 1i i i L R Lj j 9 2 = rh This Wk W u uA Will WillA A COIL OIL OF HOSE We have ha Hinch inch and ineh in cotton and andrubber andI andrubbtr I rubber Also some that is wirewound cant Tel or veat al x xRemember JR j jRinember Remember R mmber all new this year and fully guaranteed A Lavii LaviiMower LawlMowerthe LariiMouerthe Mower Mowerthe the Lennox Columbia and Imperial Impt > riaJ As good as they theymak theyCuts 1 mak them Cuts easier and cleaner and closer than you ou can canImagine canimagine Imagine imaginei i I i KiNG N f1lDW RE E STOVE ° GO GOFONE I FONE 748 163 MAIN ST 1 I 1I E ISERT n n CUBE CUBECATARRH i ha CATARRH and alt curable Chronic Chronicdltsea 4 m 7 dltsea dheaes or the ayes yes E Ears rs Nose Throat Thr03tLlIDJ i l litLei itLei 5mii LlIDJ < 5 stomach Kldne KWueys Liver Bladder Bladderand Bladderand and 1Wets lJ IJtaTt r1 lJilleaao Fits 18 Chorea ChoreaRh ChoresRhintctsm Rh Rhintctsm umat1sm 11lcu Rupture Lost 1111 1111hood 31stI I hood arCocele GOBocrbea IonorrbeaSypClIIs pttllls Pros Prost Proststic t tstic tlc lrot1I and aU Chronic to rvouli orousJir rvouliand Jir and Privata l Diseases or Men en Women omen a sad sadCtlldrea i1 i1Children Children ChildrenDome Childreni i I V97tL Dome iie Tratnumt Cure Write WrltoI I for fret eymtom U t It yon D Dj I j not call Conllultatlon Jtreeo Jtreeoi i I aim A i ssOmzs DR G w SHORn Weak Men MenIt en enif I IIt It yon suffer from any an or the weaknesses or ordlscuto or11caao ordiCaOs dlscuto caused cau d by Ignorance IIi orul1CV CXOVRB cx exoe or COB OOBtanlcin COBalon eontina I II tina alon YOU UtE Alt THE VKltV VKlt PKUSOX WK WKWANT W WWANT I WANT TO TALK TO TOWe I Idlscartu 1 We Ve have prorec jroyeeourskillin our UrsklUin skill In curing OBRONIC OBRONICdisease O OHItONICdiseames RO JC disease by pabllsbiuff naB nany voluntary voluntarytestimonials vol8oaryI voluuarytettmnon testimonials tettmnon ± als from from borne people ctylne names namespictures namesptctureb namespictures I pictures aa aDd < l addresses addressesWE addr6SE06I sOdresmosWE WE CA C CANT > T IUBLISU lU LlSU OUR CUKKS CUKKSIN C RRS RRSl1 IN PKIVATIS IUSKASKS IUSKASKSBecause DlSJL1JHSBecau80 DISEAS1tSBecause I I Because It would ould betray confidence Hence Hencewe we have to prove 1OT5 onr skill Bki I in this data or iron troubles ironbios oUbl06 ¬ bios In anolber anothorway way ay This Is onr plan not Uihd SHO cunoic iLiUlilQ t5j 2 SHORES Qi3flOit UTJiiLQ1 Expert LXJ3 SpeciaHsts I 249 LMLJ AO Seetit SaltLalieCItUtah ta Male Mh Street e b iY > See McConahays McConahaysshow McConahaysshow McConahaysshow show window The ThecJoqk Thesmallest The5tcCovsa 5tcCovsa 5tcCovsaJEwaEn I IoIo smallest a I arm a r as asoaodk JEwaEn cJoqk oIo k in iathe the world worldSi50 world1s Si50 1s Accurate Accurateloud A Adcurttteloud cunito cunitoloud loud Ions Pay When Cured CuredVCe VCe e euro yon first and then ask a RKASON RKA axasogAISLE RKASONABLE Ol OlABLE ABLE FIfE when you are re cured red Yea 911 can de depend deI lieieud ¬ pend upon our U word W thousands of pattest pattestHave ettem ettem5yg Have I ind 1 indorsed = rted e u i NOW W tW WK WANT n1 T TO cr CUUK CUUKYOU CcltYOU fR fRyOU YOU with Wi111be tue distinct tnd tP iflderstHdRg rstB4iBjr tbt th we wewill wewilt e ewill will not no demand a FElt F K ant 8ntH II we e sole f yea yeaTbiK 7euThf youTbta TbiK Thf applies a He to lx Lo Lost > t Man5nud tauboo anoo < i Seminal Weak Weakes WkPI4 Wouksees sees es PI4 Sitermatorrhoe Goiiorrhooa SrtriMiV SrtriMiVVartcoc 5 5Yarieocele Syei SyeiVaricocele Vartcoc Yarieocele le Diseal Oiieascsof Cpr of he Protate GiatHl G aIHt Un Unnatural VBaturalLol UsnaturaL ¬ natural aturalLol Losses Contract Disorders fetrlc fetrlcure StrIcnrc Irie Irierd ure rd etc < on onouiono Kfoua aa Blood lo Iotsos P06I101 ane ail ailWKAKNKSSES 111IAKSFSS anWnAKNESSI5 WKAKNKSSES IAKSFSS s r men menOFFICE o menoryica n nOJtFIC1 OFFICE Horns Sa S a m TO i p mi DIol1lTeslas DIol1lTeslasT us m mI ETBHIBSS ETBHIBSST T toS Sundays and holidays 19 1 a m 0 M > 1 If GODB PITTS PITTSPrescription Prescription PrescriptionDruggist PrescriptionDruggists Druggist 101 10 SOUTH MAIN STREET STREETJ J 1110 4t