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The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 20, 1905, Last Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1905-05-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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i THE k SALT L LAKE I HERALD 0 I WEATHER Generally FOR Fair SALT Warmer WarmerSilver WarmerSllYI LAKE LAKEGenerally
Silver t e Der er ounce ounceI ounceCopper ounce2d
2d = = I Copper casting 14 14V c per pound poundLead poundLead poundLead
> Lead in ore 356 360 New York 450 45OI 5Q 5QESTABLISnED
Anarchist Dropped it and Was Blown Blownto Blownj
to Atoms AtomsTWO AtomsliWO Atomspwo
A I i ARSAW ARSA W Russian Poland May ay 19 19A 1 1A 1V
W V V A workman who w was trying to toavoid toa toavoid
avoid a oid the l observation ob of o two de detr detrdin deltiVES
trdin tr < lives > s on Miodowa street at noon to today toda today ¬
day da stumbled on the t curb of the side sJdewalk sidewalk sidewaIk
walk and a bomb which he was carry carryJug carrylug carryliig
Jug in his pocket exploded killing the theworkman theorkman theorkrnan
workman both the detectives and sew several sewcr5 v vral ¬
eral cr5 ral I persons who were passing by It Itis Itis Itb
is IwlieveJ ht > lien1 the bomb was intended for forGovernor foriqrnor forCivernor
Governor General Maximovitch 1111 a who whov whoas 00 00as
v as expected to pass the spot on his hisv hisy
t v ay y to the cathedral to attend the theK thesrk
K srk rviceB in honor of the cars birth birthtitv birthfn birthti
titv fn ti The bodies bod of the victims were werelii wereIiI wereIii
IiI < rally blown to pieces A cafe near nearthf
thf 1 hf scene of the explosion was entire entirely ¬
ly 1 demolished df > l all the windows in the therighborbood thehborbood theighborhood
righborbood hborbood were smashed and a aLimp aI aLrnp
I Limp ml i lOst > ost was as torn out of the ground groundGreat gro groondGreat nd ndGreat
Great Excitement ExcitementThe
The Th first report was 1IS to the effect that thata
a L bomb had been thrown among amon local localfiirials localoial localviiriais
fiirials oial who ho were Wt on their way or re returning returning returning ¬
turning from the cathedral and caused causedintonse l lIlltnse caised1itn
intonse 1itn excitement excitementLater exettementLater exeltensenLLater
Later it is stated that only onl the work workma workmail worknld
ma mail 1 and two detectives were ere killed killedtlough Jdnetlthough killed114ugh
though two passersby were severely severelyJiijured seerelyIIjlTtd severelyljjurd
Jiijured and others slightly sll < htIy hurt by byfragments byfnlKmff1ts byIraguiits
fragments of the bomb bombWhen bombhen bombVhn
When hen a correspondent of the ASEOCi Associated ASEOCiafj Aseocia ¬
ated a m j Press reached the scene the mutl mutllatd mutllatd inutilat1
latd remains were ere still lying in the theroadway theroadway theroadway
roadway portions of them t being fIB on the theKl thefIwalk theira1k
Kl fIwalk walks twenty twent yards distant di tant The Theroadway Thero1 Theroa
roadway ro1 1 ay was as covered OVf > red with debris debrisGovernor debrisGovernor debrisA
A Governor General Escaped EscapedTUP
Tic authorities are convinced that thattlir thatfltp thatthi
tlir bomb was intended for the governor governorfifi governorfi governorWril
fifi fi Wril > < > ril It now develops that he was wasat wasHTTfnding wasfttTEnding
at HTTfnding T < nding the services at the cathedral cathedralT cathedraliiirh
T n hiih is situated sit 8ted a few yards from the thes theIt
s Mir It of the explosion All the high highofficials hi highoffi h hofli
officials ofli offi < ials a Is and members of Russian socie societv soelet
tv t S here also al were ere present The gov govenor goven v vfrTjIr
enor en rr general eneral had recently been threat threatnJ threatf threatTIJ
f nJ tl with a bomb attack particularly particularlysiuf partiularli
siuf i t e the May day disturbances The Thel The1li TheFell
l Fell > oii o accordingly exercise the greatest greatesti greatestigllalcoo greatestg1anee
i igilance whenever he leaves the castle castleAftfr castlefTfor castlethe
Aftfr the officiate had entered the ca catVdral ca1wdral Cateiral
tVdral detectives observed ob a poorly
dT dT = sod ed d man loitering nearby When the theman themall thefltH
man saw the t detectives he ran towards towardstin
tin I entrance eu t rance e of a confectionary conf tlonAry store storeYviin storhtT storeii
Yviin htT ii Tt he h either ell tripped or threw the thebmnuNhackwards thehTIb theisnbaekwards
bmnuNhackwards hTIb akward at the detectives The Theexplosion Thexllosion Thex
explosion x iOI1 occurred only a moment be berp bero
Y Srf rp > the people commenced commen t to pour out outf
< f th the cathedral Three minutes later laterttf laterttP later1t
ttf 1t governor gon > rnor general would have havetb passed passedthe passedt1i
the tb ST Snot tlot ot Cossacks who were pre hastily hastilysummoned ha hastilyurnmnoned iI iIllmmoned
summoned soon cleared the streets and andtiif and andtii
tiif tii governor general drove by It another anotherTHte anotbery I
THte y Ute to the t e castle castleInjured castleInjured a tle I
Injured NUMhcr TwentyThree TwentyThreeThe I Ihf
The hf > number injured iniurfd by the > explosion explosionJs I Ib
b Js 1 twentyOtree t including three thr women womenOP womeny
y OP student and two schoolboys IChoolbo s One Oneor Oneor Oneml
or ml the > latter is detained at the police policestation polleestation po4lcettion
station having been noticed warning warningpfople wamln wamlnTfopl warningrcople
pfople against going inp into Midowa Midowastreet MidoasreEt Mkiowastreet
street Many reports are incircuiation incircuiationof
or strangers having stopped poorly rb rbnssPc
drossed nssPc persons going infr in that direc direction direc1Ion dirertion ¬
tion Shopkeepers assert that the street streetwas streetas streettas
was as unusually empty at the time of ofthe oftho
the explosion explosionTodays exlosionTodays exDlosionTodays
Todays outrage outn e is the sixth of sim simihir Iim1lr similmr I
ihir character < hact in Warsaw since s the theJanuary thJalluary theJaimuary
January disturbances dlsturblu The editors of ofPolish ofPolish t
Polish papers here JMr have decided 1dM to topublish topubllsh topublish
publish tomorrow if the censor will willr willrirnit m mTmit
r Tmit ° f mit it strong articles denouncing denouncingsuch
such attacks attacksGovernor attakBnOErnor attacksovernor
Governor < overnor General Maximovitch lIa moltch sent sent1Th
h 1Th < s adjutant to the hospital Ito this aft aftrruoon aflI aftrimoon
rruoon 1IO < tl with a message n ge of sympathy for fortii fortIp fort1i
tii tIp wounded an dan offer to take care careof careIf careC
of C the injured injuredAnarchist injuredAnarcJJt injuredAnarchist
Anarchist Identified IdentifiedThe
The man who 00 was carrying 1u1in the bomb botwbt
Tits L t tS now no been identified as a Polish Polishshoemaker PoIlMshwnHfkr Po4Ihahevuaker
shoemaker named
Dobrowwlski a mem me
hr of the th violent section of the ssjaj ssjajs cfal cfalss I IS
ss S s Latest Lat t reports state that the oe de t I Itrtives
f trtives if t i ivos n > were re in the act of arresting a <
r hrowolski p > > when the bomb exploded explodedrnd explodedurl
url d all I Il three thr were killed A A revolver revolverSTII rfnlverrlTlii
STII i a bundle of papers pat > rs were elf found in
I D hrowolskrs zmcket zmcketMiny Oketlmy oekstMany
Many arrests have been made since
tii I xplewion and tile t be police are now
l ltls Fy > isy making domiciliary d searches searchesit rh rhH
it I is stated stat that Governor Governorxrnmivitch Heneral < renera
Jisximovltch T ximnviteh recently n received d an ani annymous anIytn4u
< < > vinous i letter threatening that as
lv h allowed 11fn n n wqmen w n and children childrent
t tof t4 o shot down on May II day da danulol o oiild he henild 1
nild be killed with itJI his wife iff and dtH cliiithe hR
rirfii In the writer rtter
adding that even re remniiing mertining
mniiing 1111 j II in within the castle a tlf > would not notsflvr notS1f notsIvr
sflvr them tht > m from that fate fatePLENTY fat fatlit fateP +
lit litPLENTY
i Huge Inverted Siphon in Use IJ IJr at atTwin
T r
Twin Falls Id IdahoSpecial Idaho IdahoSpecial M
Special to The Herald HeraldTwin HeraldTwin heraldTwin
Twin Falls Ida May 19 1Th The b hugeInrried huge hugein e I
in Im Inrried cried siphon which hi < h carries carr carrj the lbe he wa water watrS a atfl ¬
ter trS i if f tl the m mcompanys Twin Falls Land I Water WaterOh I Icon
companys con Oh I panys n low w line nre iaum canal across Rock Rockcreek Rockcreek
creek is completed and the canal is isn isnow g gniw
n now < A carrying < K lt normal flow six sI miles mitesvfst milestst
vfst t of Twin Falls The water was wasturned waturWd wasturied
turned into th the siphon on Saturday and andth andth
th > pressure prt > s mre < gradually increased until untilit I
it reached the maximum maximumt
At t the point where w the siphon siphonTInk crosses ejo ejoRn
Po TInk k creek the canyon of tbe stream streamIs
is HZ 1 feet in height The siphon which whichis hleb hlebi I
is i 1M 1 feet in diameter and reinforced reinforceduith nInforredth
uith t th stlflfeners every e y five feet f t sets in invi Ina hirok
a 1Otk cut on a concrete cradle 8 ft ftjif feetII
vi jif II and ± feet f et high bi < h The total length lengthof If Iff
of f f the th siphon ti is 462 feet of which whickfft 26 26f s sft
f fft ot rest on the creek bottom In Inth inthe places placesthe
the th out ut in the rock is almost as a deep deepas
as the siphon Is high Dirst and loose looseroik looserOlk looserock
rock is i used u ed to cover the piping and anda an ana
a waste wasteway way is provided for use in case caseof easeor ca caof
of accident accidentThe acddentThl aetidentThe
The completion of the siphon furn furnishes fUrnishffi turnIshes ¬
ishes water for a large tract of land landTvcst landfost landeat
Tvcst eat of Twin Falls most of which te tenow itnow IsTI4v
now being cultivated As the season seasonh 8eIUIOnJlas seasonilas
h Jlas < is been unusually wet et there is i an anexceptionally anxoptionally anxceptIonaliy
exceptionally good stand of grajn and andKress andrf1 andress
Kress rf1 ress and very little water will be beused bfou b bused
used u d for a time It is expected that thatthe thattl1f thattlw
the > state will immediately apply for a apatent ap ap4tent
patent p tent to the lands on which water ater ater110W te tenow ishow
now available availableJAPANESE availableo availableJAPANESE availableJAPANESE o
St t Petersburg May 18 IA A dispatch dispatchfrom dispatehfrom d sptchfrom
from General Linevitch dated May IS ISeays 18 183S 18says
says 3S
eaysA A small detachment of the t enemy enemyMay enemy1Iay
f May 16 occupied Yandf pass ps in front rout of ofthe ofI ottime
I 0 the armies rIn1 The Japanese also attempt attempted ¬
ed to occupy Shabotze but were re repulsed re repulRed repulsed ¬
pulsed and retired southward The Thesame fiesame Thesame
same day the Japanese e approached approachedHonukJiu aPPIOIlehed1Ionu approachedflonuidmu
HonukJiu 1Ionu u about six milesN milelt mlIeasouh south of ofTauJ orraul ofauI
TauJ auI but were forced to retire
Further Discussion of the Treat Treatment Treatmcnt Treatmcnt
mcnt of Tuberculosis TuberculosisLAX TuberculosisLAX TuberculosisLAX
ilASHlNGTON I ASHI GTO May ay 10 l 19The The Na Natfofial Xational NaV
W V V tfofial Association for the Studyand Study Studyand Studyand
and Prevention of Tuberculosis Tuberculosisin
in two sections today discussed discussedmany discussedmany discussedmany
many phases of treatment and so sociological 50dol soekilogical ¬
ciological dol icAl problems entering into the thegeneral thegenen thegeneral
general question constituting con ituting the theobject theobject theobject
object of the association The Thepathological ThetholoSie1 Thepathological
pathological and bacteriological Sec Section declion ec eclion ¬
lion confined e Its work to the strict ¬
ly technical features embraced under underthese undertbese underthese
these heads The sociological section sectionconsidered sectionconstdered sectionconsidered
considered a symposium of argument argumentrelating ar argumentrelating ument umentrefltllng
relating to sanitarium treatment treatmentFailure treatmentFailure treatmentFailure
Failure of One Plan PlanOne PlanOne PlanOne
One of the points of interest brought broughtout
out in this discussion < m was 88 that every everyeffort everyeKort everyekort
eKort so far made to establish self selfsupporting selfsupporting selfHUPPOititmg
supporting communities s or settlements settlementsof
of tuberculosis patients has proved a
failure Nevertheless a partial sup support support support ¬
port had been accomplished under care carefully carefully carefully ¬
fully directed industries in the open openair openaIr openair
air It was the general eneral opinion that thatall thatall thatall
all cases of tuberculosis should be al ¬
lowed to remain at large where proper propercare propercare propercare
care of the patient was maintained and andproper andproper andproper
proper sanitary requirements observed observedto opsenedto
to protect members of the family in inwhich inwhich inwhich
which the patient resided Nowhere Nowhereexcept Nohereexcept Nowhereexcept
except in New Xe York is there legal au authority authoritr authority ¬
thority to compel the retention of a apatient aJmtifnt aPatient
patient against his will Such author authority authoril authority ¬
ity il it was as argued was most desir desirable desirable desirable ¬
able ableLax
Lax Enforcement of Law LawSpeaking LawSpeaking LawSpeaking
Speaking of the lax enforcement of ofsanitary oCMnitary ofsanitary
sanitary regulations by b municipalities municipalitiesDr munielpaIi ties tiesDr
Dr J P c < i Foster of New Xe Haven said saidhe SKidhe id idhe
he arrived at the Boston station one onenight onenipht onenight
night at 12 1 oclock On all the sta station station station ¬
tion walls he observed large signs stat stating stating statlng ¬
ing that 100 was as the fine for expec expectorating expectorating expectorating ¬
torating on the floor On the floor was wasenough wasenough as asonough
enough evidence of the violation of ofthis ofthi ofthIs
this thi law to support with the t collected collectedpenalty eollectedenaJt collectedpenalty
penalty a state institution His con conclusion conclusion conelusion ¬
clusion was that either such laws lawsshould lawsshould lawsshould
should not be enacted or that they theyshould the theshould theyshould
should be enforced enforcedThe en enforcedThe fOleed I
The afternoon session of the socio sociological socio10g soclological ¬
logical 10g < al association was as devoted to two twopapers twopapers twopapers
papers one entitled Progress Pr of the theSanitarium UteSanitarium theSanitarium
Sanitarium Movement in America by b bill
William ill lam H Baldwin of Washington D DC DC DC
C C and the other oth r Infection in Trans Transportation Transportation Transportation ¬
portation by Dr H H Bracken of ofSt ofSt ofSt
St Paul PaulFAR PaulFAR
aa aaFAR
St Petersburg May Iay IS ItThe The Russian Russiannewspapers Ru Russiannewapapere ian iannew5ppefS
newspapers call attention to the indif indifference indiffern indifferenee ¬
ference fern with which the powers p Aers contem contemplate eontemplate contemplate ¬
plate the danger dan er involved in navigating
far eastern east n waters ters owing to the th Jap Japanese Japanese Japanese ¬
anese floating mines contrasting this thiswith thisIUI thiswith
with IUI the harsh criticism earlier e rllf > r in the thewar thear thewar
war ar when the Russians planted mines minesoutside minpsoutside minesoutside
outside Port Arthur The Novoe NovoeVrem NovoeVremya Vrem Vremya
ya says saysAlthough saysAlthou saysAlthough
Although Althou h seven ships were blown blownup blownUI blownup
up during the last fortnight the British Britishprese Britishpre Britishpress
press pre so vigilant wherever the seas are areconcerned areconcerned areconcerned
concerned docs not utter a word of ofreproach ofreprOKch ofreproach
reproach against its ally allyREPLY aJl aJlREPLY allyREPLY
Washington Va hington May Iay 19 19Secretary Secretary Taft TafXhas Tafthas
has examined the witness witlf > fs in the theBowenLoomis theBowenLoomjs I IBowenIoomis
BowenLoomis case ea summoned by b him himfrom himfrotn himfrom
from New York He was Henry ViI Willard ViIlard Villard ¬
lard Bean now a resident of New Xew York Yorkwho Yorkwho Yorkwho
who was the local agent a ent in Caracas of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the New Ne York York1 BermudeK Asphalt Asphaltcompany AsphaltCOInpIlny Asphaltcompany
company when ben Loomis was American Amerteanminister A1J1rk Americanminister an an11dnister
minister there He > was 3S called by Sec Secretary Setretary Secrotary ¬
retary Taft to testify concerning the thttlt thelHs >
tlt 19909 check h issued i uecl for Mr Loomis by bythe bythe bythe
the asphalt hat company which Mr Loomis Loomisstates Loomisstates 1 1tates
states was as merely a matter of ex exchange exchange cxchange ¬
change Secretary et ar Taft is now await awaiting aaiting awaiting ¬
ing the > submi sublniMon on by Mr Loomis of ofhis oCbis ofhis
his reply to Mr Bowens Qwt > ns statement statementMINING statementMINING statementMINING
Special S ial to The Herald HeraldBoston HldldBoJton HeraldButon
Boston May 19 19A A syndicate includ including imniuding ¬ i iing
ing tbe t time VanhorneMiller > r interests and andNew aDdNe awlNew
New Ne York parties part has just organized organizedthe
the Aeme Consolidated Gold Co Copper COltpelMtntftp CopperMining per perMining
Mining company with Ith a capital ta pita I of 1 1JMU 1sc
69668 sc par value hlt 1 per share > A J new newconcern IMWtOfKent newconcern
concern will take over control tr1 of the theAcme theArne theArias
Acme Gold A Copper opPfr Mining tItnln company companyof <
of Wyoming It will iII also connect the theparties Utfparties theparties
parties with ith the > Laramie Hahns Peak PeakA PeakPacilic k kPacUic
A Pacific railroad and will m buM i a cus custom eustom enstorn ¬
tom smelter smftt and acquire control of ofother ofotber ofother
other properties propeort fs in the > vicinity iinit of Its Itsmines itsmi Itsmines
mines mi DfS
150 150TRAGEDY
Natchez Miss May I a 19 1Peter Peter Math Mathewswn MathCwison IathfwtlOn
ewswn a nook agent today shot and andkilled anJkOled andkflled
killed A Z Btdwell and Stephen Jones Jonesfishermen Jonesftshermen Jonesfishermen
fishermen and fatally wounded Mrs MrsSue MrsSue MrsSue
Sue Pruett his motherinlaw motherinlaw The Thetrouble Thetrouble Thetrouble
trouble occurred about Mathewsons Mathewsonschild Mathewsonschild athewson8hUd
child whom he claimed had been ab abducted abducted abducted ¬
ducted by its grandparents grandparentsTEXAS grandparentsa grandparentsTEXAS
a c cTEXAS
Dallas Texas May ay 19 1Six Six indict indictments indictnts indictmenia ¬
ments nts against prominent rominent western Tex Texas Texas ¬
as 5 bankers were returned by a special specialfederal 8poecialfederal specialfederal
federal grand jury jur today When the thejury thejury thejury
jury convened Tuesday Judge Meek Meekcharged Meekcharged Ieekharged
charged the jury on violation of the thenational thenational thenaUonal
national banking laws lawsDEWEY lawsc lawsDEWEY lawsDEWEY c
Washington May lay 19 ltAdmtral Admiral Dew Dewey De Dey Dewey
ey y who was taken sick last Saturday Saturdaynight Saturdarnight Saturdaynight
night was as reported reJ Orted to be much bet better better bettsr ¬
ter today toda but is not yet able to leave leavelite leoehis leavehis
his residence residenceCOMPLAINT residenceCOMPLAINT
81a1 81a1COMPLAINT
+ f The complaint tiled some time timeago + f fago
4 ago against President Pr ident Joseph J05t > ph F FSmith FSmith + f ff
+ f Smith by Don Carlos W Musser Musserand + 4 4and f
4 + and Charles Charl A Smurthwaite was wasf WBSamended wasamended +
+ f amended yesterday y tt > rd8Y The com comf complaint cootplaint +
+ f plaint was made to include besides besidesf besides1oeeph + 4Joseph
+ f Joseph F Smith President > nt John JohnR +
+ f R Winder President Anthon H HLund HLuAd HLund +
+ Lund and Presiding Presidl Bishop Wil William William WII11am +
+ liam B Preston As the com comf complaint earnplaint +
+ f plaint now no stands they the are all allmade allmade allmade +
+ made defendants In the action actionThe actionThe + f ff
+ f The suit te for an accounting of ofthe ofUte + 4 4the
+ the tithing and to secure an in inf injunetlon +
4 f junction against a ainst the use u of the theruM thefund + f
4 + fund for speculative purposes purpo purpot 4
4 4 4t
t + t + t + + + t + + + + + + t + + + + + t + 4 t t p t t + + + +
Jury Was Out less Than Half an anHour anHour anaour
pHICAGO Cl HICAGO May 8J 19 19JoM Joha H Hoch Hochj Hochho HochI
I j who ho by Ms own confession COt es is sew several 5e 5eend sewera ¬
end era times a bigamist and who ho is ischarged Ischarged Ischarged
charged by b the police with itA having mar married married martied ¬
ried at least forty women In the past pastfifteen Pflstfifteen pastfifteen
fifteen years was found guilty of mur murder murder nmurder ¬
der today and the death penalty recom recommended recommended recommended ¬
mended by a jury in Judge Jud Kerstens Kerstenscourt Kerstenscourt Kerstemiscourt
court The crime for which Hoch will willbe wiltbe iII iIIbe
be led to the gallows was wasthe the e murder of ofhis orhis ofhis
his last known wife Mrs Marie WIck WelckerHoch WIckerHerb TeJekerHoch
erHoch Hoch had been married to tothis tothis tothis
this woman but afew a few days da s when she shebecame shebecame shebecame
became suddenly suddenl ill and died He then thenformed thenformed thenformed
formed an alliance < e with the t sister of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the dead woman and securing the hit hitters lattersmoney 1stters ¬
ters tersmoney money fled from Chicago This Thiswoman Thiswoman ThisWoman
woman in quest of revenge notified the thepolice thepoJico thepolice
police that Hoch had poisoned her sis sister sister sister ¬
ter and a search for Hoch was begun begunCaptured be begunCaptured un unCaptured
Captured jn New York YorkHe YorkHe Yorklie
He was as found two weeks later in New
York and brought back to Chicago Chiea o and andconfronted ROOeonfronted andconfronted
confronted by b several of his supposed supposedwives sup supposedwives d dwhes
wives During the trial expert testi testimony l testimony i imon ¬
mony mon was wa a offered by b the state that
Herb had poisoned the woman by b ad administering administering administering ¬
ministering arsenic arsenicTodays arsenicTodaJrs arsenicTodays
Todays verdict was one of the thequickest thequiekestoTi thequickestoim
quickest quiekestoTi on record in Cook county the
jury having hain reached a decision in leas leasthan leesthan
than half an hour Three ballots bllts were weretatfen weretaifen ere eretlen
tatfen tlen The Th first frst ballot balk was unanimous unanimousas 1Iil
as a to Hochs HOhs guilt gm and then th a ballot bkt
followed foloe as a to the punishment punishnt to be
inflicted inlcte This ballot bllt showed swe ten te in i
favor of the death penalty and
dth penlt and two twofot for forlife forlife
life lfe imprisonment imJri omet A third thid ballot bllt re resulted r resuited ¬
suited sule in the twelve jurymen jUTmn voting v for forthe foethe
the death deth penalty penaltyHoch pnal penaltyHoch
Hoch foch Unnerved UnnervedWell UnnervedVei UnnervedWell
Well Vei I guess gue its is all al off ol with John Johngroaned Johngron Johngroaned
groaned gron Hoch Hqh as the verdict veric was read re
in court and a it i was plain pin he was wasgreatly wasgreatly as asgrety
greatly grety affected afece He had hd sat st in a astooping astooing itstooping
stooping stooing position piin but when the th dreaded dreadedword dredt1 dredt1word dreadedword
word death deth was 3S reached rehe he turned turnedpale ture turnedpale
pale le stared starE hopelessly hpley at the jurors jurorsand jurorsand Jurorsand
and then sank Snk limp lmp in his hi chair chairHochs chir chirHohs chairHochs
Hochs Hohs attorneys atoeys will m ask for fo a new newtrial n newtrial
trial tril although althgh the condemned demne man manafter mn mnafer manafter
after afer reaching his cell cel declared he was wasready wasready
ready to die and an would ould be b better btter satis si satislied ¬
lied fed if they did not no make mke the effort effortI efo1
1 wish they would hang me m tonight tonightdeclared toni tonightnow h1
no now that I have ben been fond found guilty uity
declared delre Herb Hoh I am a not n afraid afrai to die dieand diean dieand
and an ter the te sooner sner it I is i over with wih the th bet better better better ¬
Hoch expressed expree great surprise srpi at the thefinding thefning thelinding
finding fning of o the th jury and an declared dere that thatthe tht thtthe thatthe
the jurors jur did di not take time ti to consider considerthe consder consderthe considerthe
the evidence evidenceReady evidencc evidenccReady evidenceReady
Ready to Hang at Once OnceThe OnceThe OnceThe
The evidence evldeKe was all al circutntan cirummanI circumnatsaHal j
Hal tal he h said sid and an my m life lie lieee was wasnot wasguessed
guessed ee 3a3 away by the jury whkh which did didnot I
not give sufficient sfcient consideration cnsidertin to the thetestimony j
testimony teson offered ofered Hay they done do so 0 I Imight Imight I
might have hve stood sto a better btte chance chC But Butthere Butthere Butthere
there is no use in finding fnding fault faul now it itis itis itis I
is all al over with ith me and I hope hp that no notime n notime
time will i be b lost l in taking me m to the thegallows thoglo thegallows
gallows glo I do not nt want my attorney atorney to toattempt toatempt toattempt
attempt atempt anything more for fo me as I Iknow Jkno Iknow
know kno it i will i be of no use The end can cannot cn cnnot cannot ¬
not come core too to soon sn to suit ml me I com committed CQ cornmnitted ¬
mitted mited no crime crme If I my wife had hd been beenshot bn bnshot beenshot
shot by men mn instead of poisoned as was wasalleged wasaleged wasalleged
alleged aleged it would have ps taken the th jury juryat jUr
at least leat a day to have returned rtume a ver verdict verdiet verdiet ¬
diet but this was tS a case Cse of o poisoning pisning
in which at least twice as much time timeshould timeshould
tme tmeshould
eration should have been tak takpn n for its is consid consideration coid consideration ¬
Bitterness Biterness Displayed DisplayedHoch DisplayedHoh DisplayedHerb
Herb Hoh denied deni positively psthfy that he > had hadmurdered hadmurdf hadmurdered
murdered murdf > red a number of wives lvE as ha habeen haben has hasbeen
been ben alleged aJege and displayed dislayed some ft bit bitterness bittern bitterness ¬
terness tern in speaking spking of the matter matterSuch mler matterSuch
Such Sm > h talk is foolish foli he b said id Th Threprts The Thereports Thereports
reports reprts have been ben spread spred that tht I am a amodem amer amodern
modem mer Bluebeard Bluebr This is untrue untrueAll untrueAl untrueAU
All Al that lht can en be b said Mk against agins me is that thatI
I i committed comite bigamy As to the th talk talkthat hllktht talkthat
that tht I had hd nearly nerlv a dozen wives wiv it is isnonsense isnnsD isnonsense
nonsense nnsD as are the the stories stori that lht t I made madeaway madeaY imiadeaway
away with them thm There was s no n evi evidefice pidel cvideuce
deuce del that I had hd another anoth sweetheart sweetheartand Sethdrt Sethdrtan sweethrtand
and an wanted to getTid get rid id of the woman woan I Iam 1am Iam
am accused aus of poisoning p5nlng I spent money moneyto moy moyto
to get her he but bt this part pr of the evidence evidencewas videJe videJeWiS
was WiS ignored Ignred by the jurors jurorsHoch juro jurorsHoeh
Hoch said i he b preferred referr the th death deathpenalty deU deUpenalty deathpenalty
to life
penalty lfe imprisonment imprisonmentRefused ImpriSonmnt ImpriSonmntRefused ImprisonmentRefused
Refused to be Comforted ComfortedAprison ComfortedA
Aprison AI A prison 1 guard grd who wh had hd heard hfr Hochs Hochstalk Hhstalk Hoehstalk
talk said gid in an attempt atept to cheer fhtr him himup hm himUI I
UI Where themes thrs life Jfe theres ths hope hopeI hp hopeyou
I you know kno Hock Ho smtfed SU and replied repliedNot rple repliedNot
Not ot for fo me m If Jt all al over ove and John Jon is isgoing isob isgoing
going ob to die dieH di dieIlech
H Huch ch then the commenced cmed to whistle a alively alvely alively
lively lvely tune tun as a lie 1 wa returning to his hiscell hi hiscell
cellHoch cel
Herb Hoh is i said il to be D penniless pni and andfor Andfor andfor
for that reason T it I fe i believed blivf that tht he hewill b hewill
will wi be b able ab to carry y his hit case to the thesupreme theSUltr thesupreme
supreme SUltr court eort should sl be b change > his hismind hismin hismind
mind min and ask ak for to a I new nw trial tril and be berefused beref berefused
refused refusedSTILL ref refSTILL refusedSTILL
Irate Father Intercepts Journey of ofDaughter ofDaughter ofDaughter
Daughter on Way to Wedding WeddingSpecial WeddingSpl WeddingiSpecial
Special Spl to The Th Herald HeraldHelper Herld HerldHelVr IleraldHelper
Helper HelVr Utah rth May 8 19 1Some Some two or orthree orthre orthree
three thre months ao John on Rice RiE a young youngman youngman on
man mn employed emDye about abut the Rio Grande GrandeWestern Grne Grneestern GrandeWestern
Western estern hotel htel at Helper Helpr and ad who ho origin originally originshy ¬
ally ly came J to Price Prc from trm Kansas Kans with Wth a afamily afami afamily
family fami named naJ Millard Xtlr took tok up his home homeat hfme hfmeat
at Fresno Freo Cat raL where WMrt Milbml Xllr who ho was wasjustice wasJustice as asjuie
justice juie of the th peace Jce at Price Pr about abt the thesame i isame im
same m time tme made Jd4 his home together tther with withGuy wih withGuy
Guy Barrack Brrck of Sunniside Snnnie Rice 1 left a a8Wfthr asweetheart I Isweetheart I
sweetheart 8Wfthr behind blnd in the person of Miss MissNora ls I INora
Nora Nor Barton Hrton originally orinaly from fr pn Paragon PArgo Paragonuli i iiMh I Itii
iMh Utah but t whose w home hol at the time tme timewas j i
was at tii tiit Price PriceA PriceA
A few ftw days dls ago 0 Rice Ri gent lnt the voting votingwoman yount youngwoman
woman WOln a railroad nlrOd ticket from fro Price to toFresno toFr toFresru
Fresno Fr ro and forwarded orwn the tl same SM to the theyoung th theyoung
young yon lady ldy Iad with wih Instructions Intrll for her hr to toKO toso togo
KO OH O to California where whe they th were w re to to6e tob tobe
b 6e made man 1 and wife wie In some MIR man manner Jn Jnnr mannor ¬
nor the father ftler of Mis Miss Iss Barton Brto who wh is il a aMormon alono aMoriron
Mormon lono bishop Ih at Paragoonah ParS h got wind windof win windof
of f his daughters dd bterl matrimonial matmnil intentions intentionsand intenUonsand Intentionsand
and when whe she sh had boarded bre the th train trn and andwas andwa andwaS
was wa well WEl on tbe way he h intercepted inet the theyouns theon theyoun
youns youn on lady Jd JdSht
She Sht was s returned rtturn to the parental prMtl roof roofat rf rfat roofat
at Paragoonah Paragnh while young oun Rice Rle is I still stillwaiting sti stillwaiting
waiting waltnf in in California CalrOla for his hi bridetobe bridetobeLetters bretob bretobLeter bridetobeLetters
Letters Leter from fr Fr Pr Freso t po o to Carbon Crb county cunty
friends state that elaborate
friend tht ehtbr preparations preparationshad prertl preparationshad
had been bn made mdt for the wedding wedi Friends Friendswere Friend Friendswere
were r at the e train to meet the young lady ladyon I Ii
on several eirs occasions irs But not auth nnlTl f this thisi thisissue t
i issue sue uf c The Th Herald Herid appears 8Dg will 1 the theCalifornia theCa1Cornm theCatornia
California Ca1Cornm youth yoth know knw why wh his hit wouldbe wouldb
bride b was wa derelict derelictCRUISER dereli derelictCRUISER
Washington Wahlngon May 1ay 19 19T 19The The navy nvy de department depmnt department ¬
partment pmnt today tolY received Ieive a I cablegram cablegramfrom cbler cablegranifrom
from Rear Admiral Bradford
Re rlfor com commanding cm cmmnding cornmending ¬
mending mnding the Caribbean Cribbn squadron squ ro stat stating stt stting statbig ¬
ing that tbt the Detroit Detrot had gone aground agroundat Rgound Rgounda
at Puerto Plata yesterday And that
a Peo PJt yesteray thlt her herport berprt herport
port prt propeller prple was W totally totly disabled dlabed Ad Admiral AdI Admital ¬
miral mirl Bradford BndCor loft lot Santo St Domingo DomingoCity Doingo DoingoClt DomingoCity
I vestigute City Clt for o Puerto Plata Plat yesterday e nay to In Investigute Investigute
A Bad Emple Example
Roosevelt Roosevel and Taft Taf Will Vil Not Make Mak Abnormal Purchases of ofShips ofShips ofShips
Ships and Material Abroad for the Panama PanamaCanal PanamaCanal PanamaCanal
Canal At Present Present I
1 AI I ASHINGTON May lay 19 19S 19Secretary 19Secretaryvy Secretary
W vy J Taft Taf has m decided die not to t buy any anyforeign Knyfoin anyforeign
foreign foin built buit ships sip at present prent nor norto RT RTto norto
to purchase purcha abroad abd any material mteril for forthe forthe
the th Panama Panam construction Crut beyond byo needs needsfor nds ndsfor needsfor
for immediate use u This Thi decision deii does doesnot doesnot
not mean ma that the president peMent and an Secre Secretary Se Setry Secretair ¬
tary try Taft have in i any 1 degree de cttftnged cttftngedthe e
the th th policy plky recently rety announced auon t to gov govern OV OVermi v vern ¬
ern purchases purchas for fo the canal cnal work it itbeing Itbeing Itbeing
being explained explaine that tht they do d not n in intend intend intend ¬
tend to take advantage of the peesent peesentsituation p esent esentsituation nt ntsiuation
situation siuation by stocking s < kin up heavily hdvly in inmaterial inmateril inmaterial
material materil and ships ip in anticipation antito of ofrestrictive ofrestrictvf ofrestrictive
restrictive restrictvf > legislation leislati by congress cOge at atits atil atit
its il next session sessionTaftg sin sinTafs sessionTafts
Taftg Tafs Interpretation InterpretationIt
It I is said 3i on the authority authoity of the thepresident thepreient thepresident
president preient that Secretary Sertar Taft Tat would wouldgladly wouldgladly wouldgladly
gladly receive reive any instructions intrucin from fromcongress fromcngres fromcongress
congress cngres and execute them in the spirit spiritin spiri
in which whkh the th legislation Igl laUon is conceived conceivedBut conceve conceivedBut
But as s the law la stands saAs the material materialmus materal materalmut materialmust
mus must = t be b bought in the cheapest heapt market marketin
in the view of the president peident Secretary SecretaryTaft Stretary StretaryTaf SecretaryTaft
Taft Taf and Chairman Shouts They Tht > y have havediscovered havediscovered
discovered + that congress ngr s itself especial
ly I held h this lki view vie in the case ese of 0 the thePhilippine thePhilippine
Philippine Phippne transport trlslt service servi May ± 1
192 19 19 when Secretary Secretar Root Hot wrote rote a let letter letter letter ¬
ter to the house committee commitee on military militaryaffairs mittr mittrafair militaryaffairs
affairs afair warmly wanly approving awring a pending pendingmeasure pnd pnd1nSuro pendingmeasure
measure 1nSuro authorizing a preference preferene to toAmerican tomerican toAmerican
American shipping sipping in the Philippine Philippinetrade Philippinetrade
trade trde jHWided Ie Jbe the charges charJes made mf did didm di didnet
m 01 net l exceed excee pi ices I < paid pi to otfiers 0 tr of offoreign oCI offoreign
I foreign vessels Is more than ten per cent centThis cent centThis
This measure was as favorably reported reportedoy reprted reprtedIY
oy IY y the house housE committee comqlte on military militaryaffairs mitary mitaryafair militaryatfairit
affairs afair but was defeated on the floor floorof for forof floorof
of the house houseCongress houseCongress houseCongress
Congress Expected to Act ActSome ActSome
Some representations repre ntatiom have been made madeto madt I
to the executive execute that if the execution executon of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the new policy pliY is delayed dela ed until unt congress congressreassembles cogess congressreassembles I
reassembles re ombles direct legislation legislaton will wi be behad behad behad
had immediately Immeitei thereafter thereafer So the thedecision thedecsio thedecision
decision decsio was reached to make no ab abnormal abnormal ¬
normal 1 Ormal purchases of material while whie as asto asto asto
to the needed shipping the canal c nat com commission cm cmmi5510n cornmission ¬
mission will wi proceed immediately to tocharter tocharter tocharter
charter such foreign ships as may ma be benecessary benecessary
necessary neces ry to transport construction constructionmaterial construton construtonmaterial constructionmaterial
material to the tht Isthmus
Special Slat to The T Herald HeraldPrice Heral HeraldPrice
Price Prie Utah May ay IS ItThe The steamer pteamerCity pelDr pelDrClyoC steamerCity
City ClyoC of Mesh ob which left lef Green Gren River Rivera
a few days ays since sine on o th th the initial iiil trip tip to toMoab toloa toMoab
Moab loa b a distance distanc of a hundred lund and andeighty an andeighty
eighty iht3 miles ml is safe fe as ac is i also als the thecrew thecrew thecrew
crew notwithstanding notwithstaning reports reprts to the thecontrary thecontrary
contrary contrr Word Von from frm ruin Green River Riverstation RiverstaUn Riverstation I
station this evening evenln is the boat bt will wi ar arrive arlhe ariive ¬
rive lhe there tonight toight after afer going oig down downthe dwn downthe I
the th Green Gr > n River and up the Grand a adistance aditance adistance
distance ditance of 15 I Th4 miles mil After Afer going gong this thisfar thi thisfar
far and an within wihin thirty mites mil of Its It deaL destination det deaLnation ¬
naton nation si huge > landslide lanslde from the nat narrow natrow natrow ¬
row canyon side si < 1 impeded imlJe the progress progressof o
of the te boat bt the river bd at this tbi point pointbeing pnt pntb pointbeing
being b completely eompltt > ly filled fled and obstructed obstructedby nbructed
by a mountain muntain of earth rth and stone stonewhich stonewhich stonewhich
which will wi have to be blasted out be before before before ¬ I
fore the boat bat can an reach Meal MoabAfter Mob MobAfer MealAfter
After Afer encountering fnountprin the > debris dfhris the theboat thebat timeboat
boat bat turned turnfl alwut for the thf return to toGreen toGreen I
Green River > r station statifn sta tien Twentylive miles mil s
down from Green River Rivfr station staton by byriver hyrver byriver
river rver at Wheelers ranch three thre of the thecrew thecre thecrew
crew cre went ashore ashre and rode roe horses hor into intoGreen intoQren intoGrAen
Green River station staton today toay bringing the thefirst thefrst thefirst
first frst news nws of the boat bt and nd its it crew since sincethe sincethe sincethe
the boat bt left lef Wheelers on the down downtrip dontrip downtrip
trip The voyage was a pleasant pessnt one oneall onean oneall
all the way ay except for the unlocked unlke for forobstruction forobtruction forobstruction
obstruction obtruction in the Grand river caused causedby causellby causedby
by the late lat + heavy hevy storms and an high highwater highwater highwater
water in that section ston The trip from fromWheelers fromVh fromWheelers
Wheelers Vh eel ers ranch to Green River Riverstation Rherstatin Itiverstation
station statin is i necessarily neesarly slower than in ingoing Ingoin Ingoing
going goin the other way when the down downtrip downtrip downtrip
trip of this twentyfive twentfve miles mie was made madeIn
In two hours By B cutting cutlng across the thecountry theuntr thecountry
country untr on horseback horebck the distance to toWheelers toWheelers toWheelers
Wheelers is only about abut fifteen fften miles milesFrom mie milesFrom
From Wheelers on to Moab the trip tripis tripis tripis
is through deep canyons canyonsThe canyon canyonsTIme
The channel where the > rock and land landslide landslde landslide ¬
slide slde occurred is to bf 1 be blasted bhtstP out soon soonwhen soonwhen n nwhen
when occurre the 11 second sOHI trip tri of o the City Ciy of ofMoab oCIoab ofMoab
Moab will be made ma e
On 01 the t desk d of o Deputy I ut Jailor aio Alvin AlvinStout AlvinStout I
Stout StOt at t the th county c nty Jail ji last Ifst evening eveing were werethe werethe
the th fragments frgenb of a human skull tkul which whichpieced whih whihpiecd whichpieced
pieced piecd together toethr would wol seem 8m to indicate indicatethat inite initethKt Indicatethat I
that the th person to whom whm they thy belonged belo e in inlife inlfe Inlife
life lfe must mu have been l a male well wel along alongin alt
in years yearsThe j
The yer pieces piece were brought to the th jail jai by byAlml byAlma I IAlma I
Alma Alml Th urn and Garnet Emery Emn brogt net neoh nehewR > bews w of 0 tins tinssheriff th thesherIff i ilh
sheriff lh riff Ifld n nl < l Oscar r and an William iim Evans Eans Evanstheir j jtheir ithir
their companions The Th boy boyt boys are all under underthe uder underseventeemi
thir mIHu1fL I
been In Inthe inthe
seventeemi years of age and have bn
the vtntetn habit of making mlkht n ag bicycle excursions excuronlnI excuronlnIto fin finto in j jto
to the country during cllrng the spring for the tnepurpose thepurpose he
purpose of gathering mushrooms mushroomsSunday mushrms mushroomsSunday I
rlte Jathrin
Sunday Sunay May Ma 7 they thfY w wcnt nt to Saltair Saltairami Slair Slairand Saitairand
and on their tht > ir way stopped at the Old OlaCohn OldCohn
Cohn o ranch where whrt stof they rummaged rummagedthrough rmmaged rmmagedthrough rummagedthrough i
through the granary t < nar One of the bOYS lKysHEBREWS b bHEBREWS bOYSHEBREWS
St 51 Petersburg PelErburg May Ia 19 19Lnder 19tnder Under the thegrant thegrant
grant gnt of religious relgious freedom freom the head bd of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the nonorthodox religions relgion are ae making makingpreparations mukln muklnprepartions makingpreparations
preparations prepartions for evangelical evngelcal work Last LastSunday Laat LaatSunda LastSunda4
Sunday an orthodox orhoox Russian RUSin took t com communion co cornniunion ¬ I Imunion
munion In the AngloAmerican AngloAmr church churchan churchan
an act which heretofore would wold have havesubjected bve bvesubjede havesubjected
subjected subjede not no only the communicant rmniant but butthe butthe butthe
the pastor of the tht church to severe pen penalties pI penait1e ¬
alties Thirty Hebrews of St S1 Peters Petersburg Pete Petebur Petersburg ¬
all Thrty
have haveformally havefon haveformally
who had become orthodox
burg b orthox
formally applied for permission to re return return ¬
fon ly appli to pr
turn tur to their ancient aint ICG ICGILL faith faithILL fith fithICG faithILL i
Chicago C hicgo May l8Y 18 IOArhlbld 19Archlbitlil Archibald McLel McLellan lcLl lcLl11m McLlInn
lan prominent prmint in Masonic circles clrd o o oJI oem oeminitted m mjnltted
jnltted ted suicide ulee by shooting sotn today y i hI an anoffice anotce anoffice
JI office on the nineteenth ntneweD floor for of the Ma Jli Jlisonic 1itbsonIc Masonic
otce sonic son son Temple TOvle Ill II health hlU was 1 the th ron r ronson i ison
saw what he thought thou ht were wert the th fragments fragmentsof frgtnts
of o aside asideLast asideLast H I sheeps sheps skull skul and they were ere kicked kickedaside kicke kickedaside I
Last Sunday the same sme boys by went on onanother onanother
another Lst mushroom mushrom hunt and went to the thesame th thsmt thesame
same place plac On this occasion Oston they thy tried triedto triedto
to smt piece pief the tht bones bne and discovered disovered that the thenew thesew
new formation torm meant meant that of a I human humanskull humanskul humanskull
skull skul IW They Thty lon bound bund the > parts part together togethr with withcord withcord withcord
cord and > showed showt1 the results rpuls of their thi work workto
to persons in the neighborhood neighborhoodYesterday neighbrhoo neighbOrhoodYesterday
Yesterday Yeterday prons they the were wtre advised to bring bringthe bn bnthe bringthe
the gruesome relics relc to the county jail ji and sndthis andthis
this fueomf they did lust evening enin Deputy Jailor JailorStout JailerStout ailr ailrStout
Stout detained det Jnfl them until unt he could coul learn learnsomething learnsomething
something someU1ng about abut the case He called calNl up upthe upUlt uptin
the Ult police polcE station staton and was told that about aboutseven ahoutseyen aboutseven
seven yearS year ago a man was WiS killed kied in that thatlocality thatloall thatlocality
locality but that no one was ever able to toascertain toasertin toascertain
ascertain asertin loall what had had become 1cme of the body bodyLITTLE bodyLITTLE bodyLITTLE
LITTLE BANK BROKE BROKEInstitution BROKEInsttuton BROKEInstitution
Institution Insttuton Closed by Comptroller Comptroler of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Currency CurrencyWashington CurrencyWashington CurrencyWashington
Washington D C May 1ay 19 19The The First FirstNational Firt FirtNatonal FirStNational
National Natonal bank of Cornwall Corwal N Y was wasclosed wasclosed
closed close today by direction directon of the comp comptroller cornptroller ¬
troller of the cuurrency CUUIency on the ground groundof
of insolvency Inslvency and National Nalonal Bank Ex Examiner Examiner Examlner ¬
aminer Charles Charle E Vanbrocklin Vanbrockln has hasbeen hASbeen hasbeen
been appointed receiver receiverAccording reher reherAcrding receiverAccording
According Acrding to a statement satef > nt given out
by b the comptroller comptroler of the currency the
bank bnk was organized orgnize in July 19wl It I4 Al ¬
bert brt C Wilcox VI cx of the firm frm of Wilcox WHcoxCo Tx TxCo
New York City was asts its presi ¬
dent dent The comptroller comptrler ascribes ascribe pre the
failure faiure of the bank as having been pre precipitated precfpitted precipitated ¬
cipitated cfpitted cox Co CoNew Cow by the recent reent failure faiure of WH WHcox VJ ¬
New w York Yorklay May MayI9Tho 19 The Tc First FIrt Nation National Nnton ¬
al n bank of Cornwall CorwXI wa was capitalized at at25iOO atOO
25iOO OO and according accordlg to a statement statementowed
owed depositors depositor 15000 180 sttemcft sttemcftowed
Mrs M Frances Fnces P Stimpson Stpson Sues Hiss HissGrace JIss JIssGrce MissGrace
Grace Grce Delle Dele Davis DavisASKS Davs DavisASKS
LVI suit sui begun bgnn in the district court courtyesterday courtyesterday
yesterday esterda asks aks that Miss ls Grace GraceDelle Grce GrceDele GraceDelle
Delle Dele Davis be required to pay her 40
000 0 as a compensation compnsaton for alienating alentns the theaffections theafectons theaffections
affections afectons the of Warren Varn E Stimpson Stmpson from fromthe frm frmthe from fromthe
complainant complainantIt cmplalnant
It I is averred avere that the complainant complainantand complainnt complainntan
and an Warren aren E Stmpson Stimpson were united unitedin
in marriage mrriage June 21 1894 I8 H and that they
lived lved together as husband and wife un until untl tintil ¬
til tl March 8 19 lO 1946 when he left her The Thecomplaint Thecoplaint Thecmanptaint
complaint coplaint further urthf > r says sYS that the th de defendant d dfendant defendant < ¬
fendant wel veIl knowing that said sid War Warron Varren
ron ren E Stimpson Stim on was the husband huSnd of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the plaintiff plaintf wrongfully wrDful wickedly wickely and andunjustly anJunjuslY auJunjustly
unjustly unjuslY besought besught persuaded peruaded and al allured allured allured ¬
lured the said sid Warren arren E Stimpson StmPn to towithdraw towithdr1 towithdraw
withdraw withdr1 his affection afecton from said sid plain plaintiff pmlntf plaintiff ¬
tiff tf and an to cease cese living lving with wih and an sup supporting supping supporting ¬
porting her to insult traduce and
ping insult trduce ma malign 13 13lg malign ¬
lign lg her and an to compel omel her to support supportherself supprt supprther supportherself
herself her elf and the three children chidren of plain plaintiff Jain Jaintit plaintiff ¬
her tiff tit and a to wholly wholy desert d ert and abandon abandonher abandonher
Mrs Stimpnon Stipon refused rerUg to say Sy any anything anything anything ¬
thing thing about abut the t I case a when seen en at her herhome h herhome < r rhome
home at 14 1 Willard Vlard court courtMy court courtMy
My v attorney aUornev has instructed instrUted me m to tosaj tos tosay
say s nothing othin about aiout the matter mater at all allshe al allshe
she said sid but the facts fact will m be present presented Iet Iete ¬
ed in court courtWhen eourtVhen courtWhen
When asked aske about abul her husband hush nd she shereplied s shereplIed
replied r pi I dont dot know where here he is isand isand isand
and havent haet seen him himMiss himMiss
Miss 15 Grace Grc < Delis Dle Davis is at present presentin prC nt ntin
in Boston Boo She Se left Salt Sal Lake Lk with wih the theremains theremins theremains
remains of oCher her father about week
remins abut a ago agobut agobut o obut
but is expected eXte to arrive here htre some sometime sometime
time tm during durln the coming coin week weekDRAPER weekDRAPER weekDRAPER
Fill Fi Up on Tanglefoot and Start to toShoot toShoot toShoot
Shoot Up Town TownSpecial TownSpedal TownSpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldLehi HerdldLehi IIertldIehi
Lehi May ray 18 18Yilam lWilllamn William Herbert Hrbrl and an
John Jon Knnlts Enni of Draper Drptr were wtre in il Lehi Lcb yes ye ¬
terday tery awl andldNI foaded up ui IJ on tanglefoot tn Ieiot Re Returning R Rturlnr Returning ¬
turning turlnr home they took tok a a shot at Judge 1dle
Beck Bk Marshall larhan Butt But brought brou ht them thm back backand bck bcka beckand
and a Judge Kendall Kfnal fined fn them 15 S each
While WhUworking working OH the pile pie driver at the thesugar theBUtr theSugar
sugar BUtr factory factor yesterday eterd Abe Ab Goates Gote had Id
hi his right riht foot fot crushed crushe necessitating the theamnutation theamputation
amputation of one tm toe
Teams have hve commenced hauling MUlne the therock therok therock
rock rok for Lents new nw 10 1SOt4I 1SO 0 school S01 house housewhich h housewhich
which Center will wi street streetTonight street streetTonight be b built bit on the Gurney Gury lot lt on
Tonight the merchants mrcnnt of Lehi Ameri American Amri Amrican American ¬
can Fork and Pleasant Plesnt Grove Grve will wi hold hld a ameeting ametn ameeting
meeting metn and form an organization organizto Among m
the objects objts it is hoped to bring bin about aboutwill abt aboutwill
will in be b A 0 halfholiday halhoHdy hop for the merchants merchantsand merchant merchantsand
and an their clerks clerksThe derk clerksThe
The commencement exercises oxepcise of the I
Lehi Congregational Congregatonl academy academ will wi be I o held lld i
Tuesday TutlY evening when the Rev P X 1
Simpkin of Salt Lake I ke City Cit will deliver deliveran
delver delveran
an address addr S to o the graduates graduatesThe huduatesThe graduatesThe
The Independent Inependent Telephone TtIt > phone line lne of ofpoles ofpole ofpoles
poles pole has reached reced Lehi I4 < hi and an in a few
days dys the wire will wil have been stretched stretchedto stretch
to this city c11 where an exchange will be
installed installedSWARM instale installedSWARM
Saigon French CochinChina CohinChin May Iay 19 19Fortythree 19FortJthree 19Fortythree
Fortythree FortJthree colliers coUers mostly mst Rusian Rusianan Russian Russianand Russianand
and an German arrived and anchored anchr off offNha of offNba
Nha Be under the supervision superision of the theFrench theFrech theFrench
French Frech gunboat gnboat Caronade Twenty Twentysimilar Twentsimiar Twentysimilar
similar simiar ships sips are off of Cape St James Jamesnear Jamenear
I near here under the th supervision supervison of the theFrench theFrenh theFrench
French Frenh cruiser DAssas DAssasTheRussian DAss DAssasTheRussian i iTheRusiatrnport
TheRussian TheRusiatrnport transport KiefUs Kiefls still stl in inthe inlhe Inthe
the commercial comerll port Of f SaigonP SaigonPNo SaigOi SaigoitWNo
No o more direct diret l1ews news of the Russian Russianfleet Rusian Rusianfteet Russianfleet
fleet is expected expte here beyond beyod what whatmight whatml3h whatmight
might ml3h be b received reCeie from frm refugees refuge should shouldfighting sould souldfgtng shouldlighting
fighting fgtng occur ur in the neighborhood neghbrho of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th Peecadore peore islands islandsMRS ilads iladsMRS islandsMRS
Melrose lIelrose Mass ass May Ia 19 19rs Mrs Mary MaryA ar arA
A Livermore Livcrore the well known reformer reformerIs reformerI
Is I critically ill at h her > home here hee with withheart wih wihhet withheart
heart het crUcly trouble atjtfflc Qffg to Mrs Mr Liver Livermartfs Livermor Livermayas
mayas mor ifse te 94 J ydbfSgi y it ills is feared lere she shemay siiemay
may not recover reover
Heady Ieady to Capitulate Capitlate If I They Can Get GetPlaces GetPlaoes GetPlaces
r iHICAGO May aiiUpov 3U the tb t shoulders shouldersof uWr uWrof sIoul4erIhJ
CHICAGO IhJ of the th managers o 0 of fte f Ch express expt rump coippanies rumppanics
York fk City Cityrests GUYrests
panics panl resfcfant lt In NnYt Cty CtyrE
rests rE the th possible b settlem tkuseRt of the theteamsters t ttemster theteamsters
teamsters temster strike strke in tM nl this city cttyAfter e cityAfter
After a a night nipt spent snt In conference te Ow Owmembers t tmlmbr themembers
members mlmbr of the th Employers Kenf associatioa associatioaand to toan
and an the th executive exeUv of o the th International InternationalBrotherhood Inte InteBrthrh InterTmatlOfl2lBrotherhood
Brotherhood of Teamsters reached an anagreement n nagreement
Brthrh o Tent rb a aagrcmtnt
agreement agrcmtnt upon all points except exept the re reinstatement r meinstatement ¬
instatement instatemnt uln of toe th pnt driver drver of the th seven sevenexpress sevenexpress ven venexpre
When these t men menwent uiCflwent
express companies bn mn mnwent
expre rmpHt
warned by the local localmanagers localumanagers
went out they were we war lol lolnumag
rs of the express companies that thatif thatif
managers numag th expr cmpia tt
if they went on strike strke without grievances grievancesof gea geaof <
of their own not no one onf of themwould them wouk ever everagain everagain everagain
again be b employed emplye by the express eXp com companies comapanics m mJmnie ¬
panics Jmnie Tonight Toniht after afer extended extene confer conferences cnfer cnference conferslices ¬
slices ence between btwen the tl two sides sde to the strike strikeafter srke srkeafer strikeafter
after extended conference between the thetwo thetwo timetwo
afer < nfenne btwen
two side to the th strike strke the tle following followingterms fol folioalflffterms
terms term se were announced annouA by the Employers Employersassociation EnpJer EnpJerasSiato Employersassociation
association asSiato and with wth the exception txcpto of o that thatrelating tbatrlIUng thatrelating
the drivers accepted acceptedby
relating rlIUng to express exp dr ac
by the teamsters teamstersPledged t teamstersPledged mter mterPledged
Pledged to Open Shop ShopThat Sh ShopThat
That Tht the th teamsters tt > amstec should hul recognize i the theintegrity tbeintegrt theintegrity
integrity integrt and permanency rrmn y of the Em Employers EI EIploers Employsra ¬
ployers Teaming Temln company Cny which whlb ia 11 to toemploy toemploy toemploy
employ nonunion men and remain remainpledged remainpledged
nnunion Mn an rman I
pledged eged to the policy ple of the th open n shop shopThat so shopThat
That the drivers drve for the thl express e com companies tm tmpnie cornpanics ¬
panics pnie abide by the th declaration delt0 of o the thecompanies th thecompanies
companies mptmi for the th forfeiture forplur of o their posi positions pi pitons p051tions ¬
tions tons when h they struck struckThat strck strckThnl struckThat
That all al desirable dtrbl nonunion men mn shall shallbe 8al 8albt shallretaIned
be bt retained ntalne and that tht no discrimination discriminationhall dbrminati
< hall bal be b practiced pretc against ainst union unto men mn in infilling Infln infilling
filling fln the vacancies yacnei save gvt that tht men en who whohnve wh whohave
have hve been lfn guilty gity of lawlessness t1ene during duringthe durn duringthe
the strike srike shall shl not nt be reemployed reemployedVigorous reeplye reeplyeVigorous reemployedVigorous
Vigorous Protest I
These terms ters were conveyed cveye to the mem members m memhers m mlrs ¬
hers of the th teamsters tetunster executive eetve commit committee cmml committee ¬
tee at an early erl hour hr this thi morning nmin A Avigorous Avgorous Avigorous
vigorous vgorous protest tft was made md against aiot the theattitude t theattitude hf hfatttue
attitude atttue of the express expr companies cmpni and andthe andthe n t tthe
the teamsters tearst6 proposed that tbt Y per pr cent centof Cnt Cntof centof
of the th express expre prop drivers 1rver should shol be b taken takenback taen taenbk takenback
back bk the th managers mnqer of the th companies cpnls to tojrick toJ toPiCk
PiCk J the men menTh men menThe
Th T The express expe companies rmpnle absolutely abutely re refused r mefused ¬
fused f d to accept AC the th modified mif proposition propositiondeclaring ppt propositiondeclaring
declaring deIarlnl that tht they the would wold not recede recedefrom re recedefrom
from their tllr position I lin that not nt one on of their theirdrivers tbIrdriver theirdrivers
drivers driver who 0 struck sruk without wthout grievance D of ofbis Ifbi ofhis
his bi own shall shn ever be b reemployed reemployedAwaiting rempoye rempoyeAwaiting reemployedAwaiting
Awaiting a Reply ReplyThe ReplyTit ReplyTime
The Tit > teamsters tamster executive exeutive committee comasitteeafter committeeafter ee eeafer
after afer receiving and deliberating dmwt over this thisreply tl thisreply
reply repl at 2 oclock ocOk in th th the morning mo de declared d dedared ¬
dared clrf that tht th th the strike ttrk4 would wol not nt be b called calledoff cl calledoff
off unless unle something snthlng was w done don for fo the theexpress theexpr theexpress
express expr s drivers The Te managers m en of the ex express expr axpress ¬
press pr companies cmpni said si they th would wuld do d utah nothing ntb ntbin utahlag ¬
lag in beyond byo referring reerrn the th matter Mt to the thegeneral timegeneral
general genal managers mner of their Ibttr respective respectivecompanies rhe rhecmpni respectivecompanies
companies cmpni for a a final fnal reply It was as de decided d decided ¬
cided ci by the th teamsters tersel to await aai this re reply meply ¬
ply before bore taking tking any aD action and an the set settlement settimiment t tt ¬
tlement t mnt of the strike strke or its it continuance continuancewas
today todayPUT toy toyPUT was held hei < in abeyance a nmce until unti some sme time timetoday lme lmetoy timetoday
4 4PUT
Two Hundred University Univerit Students StudentsBusy StudentsBusy
Busy Themselves in Carrying CarryingLime Carng CarngLme CarryingLime
Lime Lme Instead of Study StudyNot StudyNot StudyNot
Not content entent with wih placing Jlcing their class classnumerals classnumerals
numerals numerls on the hillside hiside the college collegeand cle cleanl collegeand
and prep students hlents of the University Universityyesterday UniverEiJr UniverEiJre5t Universityyesterday
yesterday e5t rday combined combine and spent st the thewhole thewhole timewhole
whole day in making mking a a large lar e U on onthe ontime
the slope of the th hill hi just jus north noth and east eastof est eastof I Iof
of the school schoolThe shol sholThe schoolThe
The large lane U is of the th block bl design designand deg designand
and is IfO It feet fet bv S f in dimensions dimss It Ittook I Ittook
took tok a force of over two t0 hundred men mento mento mento
to complete the th job jobThe j jobThe
The idea ide of placing a large lar1 U on onthe onthe ontIme
the hillside hiside originated oignated with wih Coach Coh Jo Joseph Joeph Joseph ¬
seph Maddock ladd k and it was wa at first firstplanned I firstplatmned nt ntp
planned p nne to i Jc lthmee ce the word ord Utah rlh on onthe onthe
the four peaks ltks back of the school sh But Butit Bt Btit Rutit
it was KS found later that the e task Usk would wouldbe wold woldbe wouldbe
be too to great gret However K I MI intended intendedthat intendedthat
that tht another anothe T IT tr snail sl be b placed pce in the thenear thenear
near ner future futur so 5 as to make mke the tb sign signrend signread
rend re U L of U UThe I tvThe
The sophomore last night painted paintedthe paintedthe
the word Utah in large lre letters leters on onthe onthe
the west et roof rof of the grand grnd stajtd at atthe atthe atthe
the university universityCLARK unive ummiversityCLARK it itCLARK
Provo Man al Cast From Church Churcf For ForUnchristianlike ForUnchrstianIke PorUnchristianlike
Unchristianlike UnchrstianIke Conduct GOJduct in inAttacking iJ iiiAttacking
Attacking Leaders LeadersSpecial LeadersSt LeaderstStmecial
Special St ial t to > The Herald HeraldProvo HeraldP1AO heraldProve
Provo March 1 15 About two months monthsago monthsago
ago 0 a letter was as published in The Her Herald Herald Heraid ¬
ald supposed at tw time to be writ written written rit ritten ¬
ten by John T Clark lark If > f Provtn Pro in which whichhe whichhe hih hihhe
he makes predictions redietions based on a num number numbet numbetS ¬
bet of scriptural quotations on impor important important intportaut ¬
tant events en lIts thAt would ouid transpire in the thechurch lhechulch thechurch
church this year Among them was wasthe wasthe as asthe
the removal of a high church authority authorityby
by a shaft of lightning lightnl The letter also alsoreferred alsoreferred alsoreferred
referred to the manifesto respecting respectingpolygamy regpecUngpolytamy respectIngpolygamy
polygamy as a covenant with death deathI deathand
I and an agreement agret > lItfnt with hell This let I t ¬
ter was mailed to many prominent prominentchurchmen prominentchurchmen
churchmen and the matter was finally finallytaken flnall flnalltaken finallytaken
taken up in the bishops court in the theFifth theFifth theFifth
Fifth ward of which Mr Clark was a amember amember amember
member After an investigation the thebishops thebishops thebishops
bishops court < dtofellowshiped him and andhe andhe andhe
he appealed to the high h h council Last Lastevening LaMevening Lastevening
evening the high council passed upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the case and following is a statement statementi
of their findings findin as given out by E H HHolt HRoll
Holt president of the council At a aspecial aspecial aspecial
special meeting of f the high council of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Utah Stake of Zion held at Provo ProvoThursday ProvoThundtly ProvoThtirstlay
Thursday May Iay IS 1995 charges bar es against againstJohn againstJohn againstJohn
John T Clark as presented in the pa papers paJtn papers ¬
pers and findings of the bishops bl hops court courtof courtof courtof
of the Fifth ward of Provo were con considered considered ¬
sidered also al o his answer an er and appeal appealThe aplHlThe appealThe
The charge against the accused was wasunchristianlike wasunchristianlik wasutmehristianIike
unchristianlike conduct in that he has hasby hasby hasby
by circular letter and by conversation ycoJtverHtlonsanctionEd conversationsanctioned conversationsaimetioned
sanctioned and promulgated charges chargesagainst chargesRgainst chatgagagainst
against the Church of Jesus Christ of ofLatterday ofLatlerdll ofLatterday
Latterday Saints and the leading au authorities authoritfeg authorities ¬
thorities thereof In that he declared declaredthe deelaredthe
the manifesto respecting re ting polygamy is iscovenant a acovenant acovenant
covenant with death or an agreement agreementwith a agreenmentwith RRnt RRntwith
with hell hf > lI thereby sowing the seeds of ofdisunion ofdisunfon ofdisunion
disunion in the church and distrust in inthe inthe inthe
the lending authorities thereof A num number number ninaher ¬
ber of points in said letter and answer answerwere 8JMJWerwere answerwere
were discussed discu at length in the council counciland counciland < Ounciland
and the accused still maintained heret heretical heretiMlI beretieal ¬
ical ideas and the stand he h had at first firsttaken flrsttaken litsttaken
taken The president of the stake ren rendered rendere rontiered ¬
tiered < l his decision which confirmed the theaction theaction i iaction
action of or the bishops court and ex excommunicated excommunicated excommunieated
communicated John T Clark The Thecouncil Thecouncil Thecouncil
council sustained su ained the decision dee ion unani unanimously unanimously nasalinously ¬
mously E H Holt president presidentMr
Mr Ir Clark now claims that a gold goldplate goldplate oId oIdplate
plate and instruments in are hidden some someplace someplace I Iplace
place In Utah county and that lie tf knows knowswhere knowswhere knowswhere
where they the are He fully believes that thatthe thatthepredictfOtl thatthe
the thepredictfOtl predictions he hasmad hmutinadewt will 11 mane eometrue oometrue manetrite
true thte th year Mr r CMfk ik k wilt 111 appeal appealfrom appealfront l lfrom
from the decision deoci ion of the high council
Remarka Remarkable le Report Read in French FrenchChamber FrenchChamber PrenchChamber
Chamber ChamberURGENT ChamberURGENT ChamberURGENT
42000000 42OOOOOOPARIS 42000000PARIS 42000000n
n ARIS May Ma 1a3 1 1tW M Francois Fianeota De Dekmcle DpIonele Dcr
PARIS r kmcle repuWfc repu repubii05ti deputy for forIndoChina forIndoChina forIndoChins
IndoChina hue submitted lMnIttECl t ttlie tUte to tothe >
Ute special parliamentary tary commit committee committee COiTuflittee ¬
tee on mural affairs a remark remarkable remarkable remarkable ¬
able report tMl i the urgent neces necessity Uecefiofor imeeeaMty ¬
sity for strengthening the defenses of ofIndoChina orIndoChina ofIndoChina
IndoChina against KI n the peril of a Jap Japanese Japanese Japanese ¬
anese invasion IndoChina he says sayshas sayshas sayshas
has only two enemies to fear namely namelyJapan namelyJapan namelyJpan
Japan alone or China encouraged eneoura < ed and andsupported andsuPporttd andsupported
supported by Japan The former con constitutes constitutes on onUtutes ¬
stitutes a real danger for Japan has hasmuch hasmuch hasmuch
much to gain and lit Utf1e ± le to risk and her herisolated hpriaolated herisolated
isolated position makes her almost in invulnerable invulnerable liivulnerable ¬
vulnerable to us She could In a few fewweeks fe feweeks fewweeks
weeks throw thro 1M0W 111 men into Indo IndoChina I1doChina IndoChIna
China and easily reinforce this first firstlanding firstJaltding firstlanding
landing party part The first phase of such suciia
a struggle would consist of Japans 5 ef efforts pCforts efforts ¬
forts to secure mastery of the sea in inorder inocder inorder
order to reinforce her troops troopsSuperior troopsSuperior troopsSuperior
Superior Fleet FleetOwing FleetOwing FleetOwing
Owing to Japans great t superiority superiorityin yo yoin s sIn
in naval forces in far eastern waters watersour aitersour iltfrt iltfrtour
our feeble division would lI not risk ri riskdecisive k kdecl t tdecisive
decisive decl battle but would fall H k kon kOft komi
on our only naval base Saigon Tlier Tlierit Tim e rp rpIt roIt
it would be blockaded as the Rusiar Rus Rusiatswere ia1 ia1were < j jwere
were blockaded within ithln Port Arthur ArthurWith ArthurIth ArthurWith
With Ith our division thus bottled up JH JHpan Japan lapan
pan could oppose the junction of Jh Jhblockaded lbs tnfObloekadffi lbsblockaded
blockaded warships with Ith the th relief reliefsquadron rplieraquadron reilersquadron
squadron and having bRvln secured the ntts nttstery 111 111tery n ntery
tery of the sea Japanese transport transportwould tran pnf pnfwould S Swould
would be free to land invading for forShe forShoe c cShe
She has two admirable anchor anhftrd1eady anchoragt anchoragtready K t tready
ready for her transports at KamranT KamranTbay Kamr Kamrtnlbay InJ InJhay <
bay and Port Dayet She probably probablywould proba hi hiwould b v vwould
would take the first t as nearer to togon sn sngon 4 4PI
gon Japan wound thus thu be establishrl establishrlon e
on the sea route connecting < Ton Tonqnh Tonqnhand TonIiiand < i iand >
and CochinChina and who < < > nd ndprevent odprevent idprevent
prevent it itS In the > present condition conditionof ronrl it jon jonof
of our defenses could we resist PU sudt sudtan u < h han itan
an attack Evidently Evidentl not and wirhm wirhma u ua ithln ithlna
a brief time IndoChina would ould be the theprey theprey he hePiey
prey of the invader invaderMeans invaderMeans InvaderMeans
Means of Defense DefenseThe DefenseThe DefenseThe
The report then examines the means meanswhich mfRnswbich meanswhich
which it is necessary neces ary to adopt for the thedefense tllPdefeflHo thedefense >
defense of the colony and says sa the best bestsolution bestlIOIution bestsolution
solution of the problem is to strongly stronglyreinforce 2rtTOnghreinforce stronglYreinforce
reinforce IndoChina so that the col colony < 01 01OIly i italy ¬
OIly may be able to defend itself f fSeveral fo Imveral
Several end months against in t tbe Japanese Japaneseuntil iaiwncsuntil
until French naval divisions dh riOll8 rea 1edchi 1edchithe reahithe < h < < i ithe
the theatre of operations The Thegramme pro programme PI PIlramlDe ¬
gramme to accomplish this th consist consista op opa lora
a large augmentation of the iaval f fll fllI r rin rin > >
I in the far east an increase of the mil miltary III iiifltar i 1
tar tar force of occupation toa to a minnuin minnuinof mtnmuiof mmmiiof
of 550W men the eataMtafcrnetit Mabltshmflltstrong t tstrong f fstrong
strong naval bases at Saigon K KHI < m mranh T Tranh
ranh bay Along bay and Pulorondfr Pulorondfrand PulOllIfl or orI
and the establishment of torpedo o bM bMI h Iiand 1 1and
I I and submarine boat stations at atSt t c1 >
St Jam James Kamranh bay and Tur TuriThe i iThe IThe
The report concludes with assert a in inthat i r rthat rthat
that it would ould be puerile to disrc disregm g a > r l lthe 1Utt Ithe
the gravity of the situation Th Thfore Thfr Thfrfore Therfore
fore it is necessary nee to make large la > M Mriffces l lriftces urifices
riffces to place IndroChma in readi readiness ra1ness retdfleas ¬
ness to meet the shock shockCost shoekCost shockCost
Cost of the Work WorkDetailed WorkDetailed WorkDetailed
Detailed estimates are given of mf th thcost the flHC08t thecost
cost of the work namely the fortifi fortifktion fortifithin < a ation
tion of Tonquin guns and armam < niT niT22M60M
82 22M60M ii coast defenses s inHudiJ indudllstrengthening z
strengthening the naval base at Sai Saigon ai aigon ¬
gon S14 14 1410000 W and the t establish establishnof ni < > t tof
of torpedo and other stations JSOO1 JSOO1a 5O 5Oa QMIt
a total of 5420WOOO 5420WOOOM 4oetOOOM 4Oe ooo oooM
M Debacle Df > loncl is a member > r of thp t hI sp spcial fW fWial pecial
cial ial parliamentary parlian ntary committee on nitaffairs > n nivi niviaffairs
affairs which appointed him to pubnvt pubnvta ubmtI
I a report with Ith a programme of th the de defenses nc ncfenses ¬
fenses necessary to place Indoinin IntiI Irmd hint hinLin hintin i iI
I in a condition to resist an attack attackTHREE attaekI attaekTHREE attackTHREE
Forthcoming Election in Bingham BinghamJunction BinghamI
I Junction Promises to be Lively LivelySpecial LivelyI LivelySpecial
Special to The Herald HeraldBingham HfI3ldBingham HeraldBingharn
I Bingham Junction May 18Th Th i izia iziadon ita itation Itation
tion toward the incorporation of Binjhait BinjhaitJunction Binll BinghaYtJunction 1dm 1dmJuntion
Junction is taking on very interest interflin interesliflform in inform
I form A hitter opposition to mcorp ra ration rttton rndon ¬
don and ud factional fighting for oft offiamong oftI of fie fieamong <
I among those favorable to the prp pr p < r < i imovement LIItOvement Imovement
movement are keeping the t swelter i iin 1I a ain
in a state of unusual excitement II IIelection T Telection Telection
I election to decide de ide in favor of or again againmunicipal agi agaimunicipal 1 1munidpal >
municipal government is set for in rn rnC JIIL JIILI I Ic
I C C and at the same time the first s seitv sP scity >
I city officiate must be elected ted T Ttickets Tw
1 tickets are now in the field th the < r first firsting h hiDK
ing in designated ted as the CiU Citizens ens ens ticket ana anathe annI aiethe
the second as the th Independent rnizers rnizersticket l iliZpr iliZprUcket itizcrticket
I ticket On Friday evening eveni the > Socialists Socialistswill Sdalitswin scialitawill
will meet and name their caiwiK ea eaiidi5 eaiidi5With Hrla Hrlat > u uWith
With the exception of the Socialist SodaI st part partpolitics p partpolitics r I IpoIlUcs >
t politics has not entered into the is i u uVigorous i iVigorous
Vigorous campaigning will be carri earnH earnHaad cartitdand ri riand
and developments are eagerly rly await aaitJ aaitJVork awaitdWork d dWork
Work on the new bank bu dln building is i be being bing belag ¬
ing rushed and an early completion is isexpected liexPected isexpected
expected Th The directors hope to com commence commenoo corninence ¬
mence business by June 1 1The 1The 1The
The home of Mr and Mrs Joseph E EJenkins EJenkins EJenkins
Jenkins was gladdened by the arrive > f fa ta t ta
a baby bab boy 00 on Saturday SaturdayThe Satt SattrdayThe rday rdayTh
The Th Bingham Junction bowline tim timwas 1101was I i Ifl Iflwas
was defeated by the Murray train aTn on onTuesday 011Tuesday onTuesdaY
Tuesday night The match was heM on onthe onthe onthe
the Murray alleys
John Lewis Disappears From View Viewand Viewand Viewand
and Officers Cannot Locate Him HimSpecial HimSpecial HimSpeclalto
Special Speclalto to The Herald HeraldEureka HeraJdEureka HeraldEureka
Eureka May Xa 19 1John John Lewis a miner minerof minerof minerof
of Mammoth who has been employed at atthe atthe atthe
the CentennlalEureka Cente > nnIaJEpreka mine disappear d dfrom Iifrom 1 1front
from his home about eight days ago 11 11was llas I ie
was as last seen in Eureka on the everlijC everlijCOf even eHl1Iof t tof
Of May 11 His relatives reported hi hiabsence h ha a aabsence
a absence nce to Sheriff J C C Whiteheart bur burup b bup bitup
up to the present time that official ai a i ihis Ihis
his deouties have been unable to fin finl finlhim finihim i ihim
him It ie feared that Lewis Le has meL meiwith meLwith meLwith
with some accident and his relative relativeare relati relatiare reiatiare
are becoming greatly alarmed over his hisabsence hIsabseJlce hisabsence
absence absenceDell abseJlceDen absenceDell
Dell Roberts while at work in t tEagVe tJo tJoEagle tb tbEagle > <
Eagle Blue Bell mine this morning morningfell morl morningfell n nfeU
fell down a chute and was severely cut cutabout intabout > t tabout
about the face and head Serious S cono conoquences con conqUenCts conqtlences
quences are not looked for though th thman thman thc thcman
man is understood to be quite badly badl hurt hurtROTHSCHILD hurtG hurtROTHSCHILD
+ f One of the guests at the Knuts Knutford 4 4ford
4 + ford yesterday was Baron AI AIphonse 4 4
4 4 phonse de Rothschild Roth child of Vienna a arepr 4 4 4representative
4 + representative repr ntatlv of the banking bankinhouse 4 4house
4 + house of the Rothschilds He left lefthere 4 4
4 4 here during the day after express exprE5fing 4 4ing
4 + ing himself hlmseUas as being much impress ImprESsed 4
4 4 ed with ith Salt Lake City He thinks thinkstbat 4 4that
4 + that Zion has a great future from froma 4 4a
4 + a financial point and is even more moreimpreped moreimprepaed 4
+ impressed by b the possibilities po for forInvel 4 4 4lnvestneut
4 + invesOnent Invel Klnent in the mining inter intere 4 4 4eats
4 + eats e of Utah +
+ 4
+ + + ± + + + + + + + 94 + + t + + + ft + + + t + t + t + t + f + t + + + t

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