OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 21, 1905, Last Edition, Section One, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1905-05-21/ed-1/seq-1/

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I II c I
I SHver 1Yer HTc c per ounce ounceCopper
a fqOIk > Copper easting Hc per pound poundLead poundE
E < ESTABLISHED JUNE 61870 6 1870 SALT S AL T LAKE CITY UTAH t r SUNDAY SI jA r MAY IA 1 or 21 1905 PRICE FIVE PIVDGBNTS GEKTS ENTS < e Lead In ere 311 New e fork Kw >
CITY IS 76817 76817Conservative 76817ConserVative 76817Consersafive
Conservative Estimate Made de From Promi
i 1905 Directory Figures PignresBIG Fi FiBIG FiguresBIG
C ALT LAKES cRy ttIIftt lrerlery y for fOl1t8i forIHi
SALT 1t8i 86 containing tain1DC L3M pages pas and and43V 4S
43V 43 names will be ready for de de1very tk tkH de1very
1very H H > ry not later than the coming comingWednesday rominJlWedntSday comingVednesday
Wednesday according te the pubJl pub1Isera publish publisher b brR ¬
era er rR R L Polk 1 Co The test sheets sheetsv IbeetsVtrt
v Vtrt re run oft the press yesterday After Afterriiucing AfterTllucln
Tllucln 1 riiucing ducIng the multiple heretofore used usedto usedI usedto
I to 24 4 the directory people figure figuretin ft figureth ure urefl
tin fl population of Salt Lake City in including inllfting iniluding ¬
cluding Murray Fort Douglas as and andffuhurbs andiluhurbs andiruhurba
ffuhurbs to be 9i97 9i97A MH1more L7more
A more conservative way of figuring figuringmakes figuringk11ak ftgunngnakea
makes k11ak the estimated t population of the thety they thety
< ty y 7 71817 817 This result is I arrived at by bygoing byIing bygoing
going Iing back to the government census of ofJiiu ofio
Jiiu 1 UlJ for a basis The official count at atthat att atthat
t that hat time gave Salt Lake a population populationof
of < 3531 1 The directory of that year yeariitained yeartainfd yearI
< tamed I 2R208 2S names There were wereconsequently wtlII
II consequently III uently U times as many per perK perIIs
K IIS in the t city as 8 there were > names in inthe In1hf Inthf
the directory Using Uslri this same molti moltiIle IIIIdUII multi1It
Ile II on the 40 I8A311 JW names this thi year the ther therpsult
r rpsult I suit is i 7SS17 This in itself is a aprowth aJlOwth atowth
prowth of nearly n y 50 O per cent in five fivear five3ara
3 3ara 3ararie fars farsThe arThe
The increase h1I in names in this years yearsili years1irtory year a aiireetory
ili 1irtory rectory over that of 1904 is M2 336 the thei tlteitreese
i itreese > < rease reu in pages 125 The count nt of ofa ofcHrual of1fiuaI
cHrual a < uial names listed under each letter letterof
of the t bf alphabet as furntabed by the the1UMisfoers theluhli theFubIiher
1UMisfoers luhli follows followsA
A 3te l34 B 3794 C 3ei 38G D LS21 1tilin E EM10
M10 F 139 J G L 1779 H 3418 I 14 14J HI HIJ
J J 1544 K 13W 1Y L 1 I 1928 Me 867 M MH
14 N S57 O S7 rnt P 2154 Q 53 3 R R2tTO R RIn
2tTO In S 4182 4 T 1M8 l3 U 82 V 29S 29Sv IIW 9 9v
W v 2771 7 I Y 2 51 4 Z Z S3 total totlt 49499 49499Booms Dt DtBooms
t Booms Salt Lake City CityThe CityThe CityThe
The introductory to the new ne directory directoryv dir t4Jry t4Jryill
v ill i I set t forth the t advantages of 0 Salt SaltT Saltdke
T ike < City as a business and residence retlide retlidetlae resideneelIae
1 tlae la e The complete COIft lete introductory fol follows follw foll ¬
lows lowsK lw l ns nsR
K L 1 Polk A Co 0 began an to make direr dinctTifs di difor dirert
t tTifs ri5 for Salt Lake City cn and vicinity iclnlt In InI
1 In 1W7 t 7 we secured 24M 14 names nam and rfndthis andthlll andthia
< this count was w confined to individual individualT
T imes m inn no firms w we estimated that a ariultiple anllltip arhilitiph
riultiple of If 2 would give g approximately approximatelytii > ly
1 tii I total population and nd consequently consequentlylied Q ntly ntly1OI
lied 1OI 1 Pd It at 74112 74112This 7411This 4 4Thi
This Thi year var we have 40430 names namesa a ar ain ainr tlt tltoT
r oT r last st year n r of 3962 3 names and rr rriiK nduc reauciig
iiK 11 > g the multiple to 2 it gives a total totalpopulation totalr totalritilation
population r lIlation of S9J87 which we think is isipprnxtmatelv IsIprnximatel IsI
proximately I correct It gives the city cityITper citylrptr city1r
ITper 1r per without the suburbs close upon uponN
N In tt people peopleT1i fODItTh peopleTli >
T1i new n citizens are the pick of sur surrMinding 8urrndl surndlng
rMinding rndl ndlng states stat and sterling men n and andmen andhim nd ndt
men him t from the east They gravitate gravitateI t
I r rs because = it i is the t best place ce ce1lius within = a ar ar
r 1lius HUM 1iu of UtW mite miles and because of the thematchless tbemdtchlPfiS thematchless
matchless climate the surierb schools schoolsI1 schoolslurches schoolshtirch
I1 htirch lurches ard iMMpHala kop tals and because of ofi
t 11 i manifold and a magnificent ftoent opporluni opporlunitps
1 tps ifs ps for businesff wMch the city and its itsb
b II I irr ITotindiRIIs < Hindtaa > offer offerThe offerThe offerThe
The San Pedro Los lo Angeles k t tIike SIlk SaRIike
Iike ke railroad ra is completed which make makeSIH lllakest
SIH 4t t tartfcr a depef > iw fcr r ptti < the t tJulerful themuM themuMnilerful most mostmierful
> mierful mining mnin region in th t Union UnionThe PniotLThfO tTnionih
The ih Moffat road is i strctchiner this way wa wayt 1 1t
tii t I new Western t8trn Pacific Padf < i assured aur and aridIf andit andr
r If is I believed beItt that 3 miles mjIf 5 of it out of ofthis oft
this 1 iw city to the west will tap Deep 1 1 Creek Creekif eftEkadja
if it adjacent adja fnt < mining camps before the theixt thext
ixt 1 xt t snows fly fIrTh
The Th mining developments dpf > lopmfOnts near this cRy cRyvnhln dt dtII cityt
vnhln II t hin the > past year yt > ar give R n promise promi of add adding addin adding ¬
ing in to the mining minin population of this vl vlinity viiflity I IlI1ity
inity many malt thousands within the t next nexttw xt xtf
tw f w months and to so increase Increa the mm min miniriis In InIflg
iriis products which center bern as to tomake tomake tomake
make Utah the > first of mining states statesit
it I t is expected that the area of soil soilwhich soilviiieh i
which can be cultivated will be doubled doubl doubledin i iin iin
in Utah within tbin three thr years because of oftiio ofI i it
tiio t if i Kr treat t reclamation and irrigation en i
trrprtaes es now no being bt in under un r development e
Tin city has voted vot flWMM 1OOI Looo inbonds in bonds to tot toIfrfpct tolined
Ifrfpct lined the water and sewage waie systems of oft
t city cityThe it itrh itrh4
The rh present Iresent city council < has in the > main i ir i
t r n alert and progrssiv At present presenti J I Ifr
i fr ry heavy heftV work in grading streets and andtndIng i icUfnding j
cUfnding the t paved district is is going on 1 1Salt
Salt Lake city y is the mining < center ceDtertor for
four states 8tat To supply the increasing de demand de demand deiriafld ¬ I
mand immense Immf > DSe reduction works are a build
in 1 Ing J e or under contemplation O tmlatlon for all this thisd
tvilt d it f Lake r te the clearins a house The Thelady i iutil
< util lady ore and bullion purchases ch in i this i iny i in It
ny n t y are the wonder of strangers and the theJidnds
dividends a great part of which < h are arev m
v trfd ied here are re steadily st dn increasing t
The bank statements show more mortt TMsi
11 t ss s than is done don in any any city of if this shw shwTil I
1 Til 11 1 still the deposits are steadily increat incau I
Inc fn
fnfit The fit wholesale and retail merchants re reI ier i
rrt r rt increased iDCN business busin businessyear II IIL I Il
l L it < t year was as a banner huiMins hujIdin year I Iin Iin
in Salt Lake but the promi t now on is that that1i
th n1 present year will otn eclipse in n n4 new w build i I I1Jg
IIJRS any year of the > past pastIn pa pastIn t tIII
In tw two years more Salt Lake ak will ill be 1 I Ith
the th hub from which will radiate six ix great I Iin
rtllroa riilroads east a st west north and south
in did Iiti < l this fact together with Ith the th marvel marvelus
C us u showing shon of surrounding mines S fix fix
tlw tll conviction that Salt Lake is gomg goi ohlc tS to
oihle 41 i lIhle in wealth and population before
the next naonal na onal census is taken
A great t feature of the th city ity is i the th fnm fnmni 011I
ni nlfrdal rcial club which is in fact Salt LakTs LakTsfiior Lakes
lard of trade and 00 which hkh i is alert to fur
fiior t hr IOr every movement JttOvt > lft nt looking to the > in ¬
creasing rf > < lng prosperity of this thi l city 1tV and tate
U v f are promised an improved lighting lightingM
i M Ifl streetcar street car service servl wtihin the wnUn coming naing
Mar tar ar V ith Its Jt climate its heuutiful Io 10
4ttioa ation 4t ion its transportation tran portatlon facilities farili fan lities and i
al a aIiVe > ove fO all else t I8e the th wealth of offxt r rroUnding u I
mints SI lAke is thf > most faond
fxt Ii t between t ett1 the ht seas as and holls out
more morertain mo >
r rtain T taut promises of
ofprogress prognss progr than an anJ any ny I
in J t y between bet W the Mississippi X mppi and the Pa PaTfiis
Cf1e Cf1eThis jfk jfkThis
This volume will m he found to he ac I
irate Iral In its showing < and with IT conerat coneratration < nRrt I IJlations
Jlations to the city which made its Itstration PftP I
ration possible and perhaps pt rhaps with ith a little
lonest pride over its It appearance
we w
rom i ik
rnd the work to all all its myriad ftadErs red I IR
R k L L EPL POLK co 0 Publishers Publishersbctrrtary
R I L Polk President and Tnasurer T
F Smith Vke PrtSittnt W P eooite cooe j
bctrrtary S t rttary and andFORMER Xalla aIIaer aIIaerFORMERSALT er ersa
sa eo eoFORMER
+ f Great Gn < > at Falls Mont May Ma X XDarwin II IIDanin 4 + I
+ Darwin J hadwick < k special fand fandthis Ian Iana lani laniagent +
+ a agent lJt ht here > rt was found dead in bed bedthis +
+ this morning He is supposed to tohave + I
4 4 have died from paralysis paral having f 4had
+ f had a shock Home sou ten years t a ago agoHe + f I
+ f He was s in good health when he re re retired + f ftired
+ tired last night nhrhtf nlghtfr +
4 f Mr Chad Chadkk wick had been bt tnvesti tnvestif Im48Ugating 4
4 f gating land entries here for two twoarg +
4 years > arg and iwt was as formely a prom promIn 4 4meet +
+ 4 meet In > t Republican in Colorado Coloradoben 4 +
4 4 When ben Utah was admitted he was Waspre8ident 4
4 president of the th Republican league IagueIn 4 s sin
4 + In SaJt Lake For twentyfive twentftvevea twentyfiveyears + 4f
+ vea years he ba has been Onneeted < with withthe +
+ f the the general land office serving servl in Inajtornt inalifornia + 4f
+ f California < ajtornt Arizona Utah and andIontana 4 j
4 4 Montana MontanaWILL Montanat +
t + 4 4WILL
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Great Falls May ay 28 tA A special to the theTribune theTribune theTribune
Tribune from Kalispell announces that thatDavid thatDavid thatDavid
David Eccles a capitalist of Ogden OgdenTtah OgdenUtah en
J Utah who is interested in sugar su r beet beetfactories beetfactories
J factories at La L Grande Ore and Ray Raymond Rayl1v Raynwnd ¬
l1v mond > nd Alberta has announced his in intention Intntlon Intentiot ¬
tention of building a factory at Kalte Kaltepell KaJispt1I 1alipelt
pelt so 3S s to be ready for the next nextyears nextEars nextyears
years Ears crops Guarantees of o 4fH 4 4of 4f eres cresof eresof
of beets are required
They Elect Officers and Tell How to toBeaefit toeeJiefit toBeiefit
THE HE members wf u the Utah Aasocta Aasoctalion AaBOdation AociaI
THE I tion of Credit Me Mea heW their an annval annI annunt
nval meeting nteet last evening at the theCommercial t tCommerrial theCommercial
Commercial dub and elected the fol following following lotlowing ¬
lowing oflfcera 18 for the ensuing ensu year yearPresident yearPresident ear earPresident
President O H Hewlett vice v presi president president president ¬
dent Arthur ArtIa Parsons on secretary Leon LeonSweet LeonSweet LeouSweet
Sweet treasurer C J Crockwell di directors directors directors ¬
rectors George C Lambert Ed Rosen Rosenbaum Roeenbaum en enbaum
baum P L L Duran C W StreveH StreveHWillard StreetlWillard StrevellWilIar4
Willard ScoweroCt t general manager managerJohn managerJohn tNutagerJobn
John Q Crttchlow CrttchlowFollowing CritchlowFoIlowi CritchiowFollowing
Following FoIlowi the election of oflrs o there therewas tberews therewas
was a banqaet at a t which the members membershelped memberShelped memberShelped
helped boost t Salt S It Lake along the thelines thelinn thelines
lines now prevalent among amon business businessmen 1MIsinessmen hesineineti
men The principal address addr was made madeby madeby madeby
by President Hewlett and during dHri the thecourse tltecourse thecourse
course of his remarks he said saidConforming saidConformlnc sakiConforming
Conforming to our usual custom c III I Itake Itake Itake
take pleasure pIta U in reviewing briefly the thework t twork thework
work of the Utah Association As ftiotl of Credit CreditMen CreditXen CreditMen
Men during the th lat fiscal year and I Itrust Itruat Itrust
trust that the > substantial growth roth of the theassociation thea2i80iatkm theamoetatlun
association will iI be gratifying to all of ofour orour ofOur
our members membersDuring membershDu membersDurtug
hDu During the I he past year fortynine claims claimshave ciabnha claimshave
have ha vt > been assigned iJrnt d to the Association Associationof
of Credit Mew thirtytwo of which hich were werein werein werein
in Vtab fourteen in Maho I < and four In InWyoming InWyoming InWyoming
Wyoming the total liabilities amounting amountingto
to 24281033 4I8ro Dividends Divldt > nds amounting to to5SJ toiIO tolsi2iO
5SJ lsi2iO iIO i and averaging SI 1 per J er cent of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the claims have been paW and there thereare thtrea thereare
are a s still till fiftyfour claims pending a set settlement StttlemMtt settlement ¬
tlement The total cash ca h received from fromdifferent ftOlMdltrennt fromdifferent
different sources was w 9319770 S931ffi o A com comparison cornpartaon Ipari ¬
parison pari on of these figures f curtS with otth those of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the preceding prectdl year ear will oJll show the nice niceincrease llieeJncrw sireincrease
Jncrw increase UM of iHHf JXI3D44 i3e44 as s the total claims claimsassigned clltiHltasslgnd chumsassigned
assigned during durl the previous year yearamounted yearamounted yearamounted
amounted to onj J1414S7S9 J1414S7S9Mot 4i167 4i167Hot 1MSI 1MSIHet
Mot Easy Marks MarksIn
In comparing t parln these t totals I do d not notwish notwish
wish < 1 you nu to think that there > have bs been beenmore beenmmv epn epnmor
more assignments a hoJmtnt8 made and that the theredlt tllNdif thecredit
credit < men have been bt n easy taf marks in inextending Inextfodin Inextending
extending extfodin credit favors It imply icimply means meansthat Meanstbat meansthat
that instead of the bankruptcy courts courtsand lOUrtsand courtsand
and attorneys handling ban lin the different dtfff > lt cases casesand esseand S Sand
and receiving ritlvt the > dividends they the have havebeen mtveht havebeen
been ht n turned over ovt > r to our association lation and andthe andtlMo andthe
the proceeds have been paid to the credi creditor credit crediOur ereditort ¬
tort t
Our collection department dt > partHt 1t > bas been beenUit been1uttc n ntuite
tuite Uit < successful tul and our members lt have lIavebeen havebeen v vbeen
been enabled to collect fOl t accounts at t a asmall I ISMail
small coM on which bleh otherwise other the thecollection thecoIltctlea thecollectien
collection expenses e would have been beenquite Deenqult beesquite
quite < large largeThe Ia IaThe largrTbe
The property statement Itt ment have havea been beena
a source of valuable information to our ourmembers ourJlltmbfrs ourmembers
members Jlltmbfrs and the merchants have been beenwilling bet beenwilling > n not1lt
willing ot1lt in moat ca cases t to fill out the theports re reports reports ¬
ports for oar benefit This department departmentwe
we w hope to t still fwrtker Improve by keep keepIng
Ing in a traveling retorter continually with wKhthe withthe withthe
the trade tradeCommercial tradeCommercial tradeCommercial
Commercial Agencies Improve ImproveAnother ImproveAnother i iAnother
i ioVfllooked
Another benefit which should not be beoverlooked beoverlooked
overlooked is the improvement in the thecommercial thecommercial i iCOlli
commercial COlli 1Dtlria I arencie ncltt since n e our associa association ¬ I Itioo Ilion
lion became > active It has put them on onaad ontllelrWMOttl ontheir
tllelrWMOttl their mettle < tft tesendersid MJId 1Ie 1Iet sorvires aad aadthe iss4the
the t more aggressive ve w become Olll < natural naturally ¬ I
ly they tht > must mu give gh better reports etc etcso I Io Iso
so o that the wholesalers w ole8ai are re gaining in inthis inthis I Ithis
this way wayOur wayOur wayOur
Our daily credit report sheets sh < ts are aregiving areghlng aregiving
giving excellent x lInt satisfaction ati < faeUon ai a and rl < i thou thousands thousands ¬ I Isands
sands of these tb are distributed annually annuallyA
A delinquent list has been one of the thelatest theIattSt thelatest
latest additions and has been beenof a source sourceof sourceof
of protection to t our members from that thatclass thatcl thatclass
class cl s of people > who ho get all the cr credit crditIibl creditpossible dit ditpossible
possible Iibl from one house and then when whentheir whentheir hen hentheir
their credit is gone try to change to and andget andget nd ndget
get credit wherever whe vtr possible possibleWe pJ18iblee possibleWe
We e have our own attorneys at torneys in nearly nearlyevery nearlyevery
every ve city clt who are pleased to handle handlethe handlethe I I
the > business busil of the association as atlon at a rest reasonable rettsonable restsonabee ¬
sonable rate as they receive so much muchmore muchI1IUte niuchmore
more work orJt from a large association than thanfrom thanfrom I
from single S le concerns concernsOur concernsOur concernsSOur
Our adjustment bureau < u has been giv giving ¬ I Ilog IIng
ing excellent satisfaction and we have havereceived havereceived I Ireet
received reet htd letters from some me of the largest largestcities largestritle largesteitis
cities in the country asking for details detailsso detanso
so they can follow 0110 our example ra in ad adjusting adju adJestIng ¬
JestIng ju claims claimsPraises cJabaPraises claimsPraises
Praises the Lawmakers LawmakersOur
Our state lawmakers makers treated us very verykindly vt verykindly > ry ryklndl
kindly klndl at their Irfst l st session and two laws lawswhich lawswhich lawswhich
which will benefit every wholesaler in inthe Inthe i ithe
the state are now in effect et > the th bulk law lawwhich Jawlalch lawwhich
which forbids the th selling lUng of goods in bulk bulkwithout bulkwithout bulkwithoUt
without first notifying notif n creditors and the thelaw theIa thelaw
law Ia which makes it an offense t to make makea makeafAISt
a afAISt false affidavit in regard to the worth of ofproperty ofproperty i
property in order ord < r to obtain credit Too Toomuch Toomuch I ImtJh
much r raise ra cannot lie given > n to our at attorneys attorneys ¬
torneys who personally explained txpiai td to most mostof MOStor mostof
of the th members > rs of the legislature l slature the thenecessity theneeessity thenecessity
necessity of these Yaws aws and the much muchneeded ftlhne muchneeded
needed protection which hich they would ould give giveto giveto e eto
to the business tHraI interests Int re ts of the state stateThe stateThu i iTht
The merchants M of the Mate are work working worktng ¬ I
ing < in harmony with our association tlon They Theyrealise The TheIizt Theyrealize
realize Iizt that our interests are mutual and andthat andthat I Itbat
that the Utah Association of Credit Men Menis MenIs en
is a benefit to all the business interests interestsof intEreStof
of the state stateUnion stateUnion I IUnion
Union Saves Legal Expenses ExpensesBy i iBy I
By bringing the > debtors d btors and creditors creditorstogether creditorstogether
together t lb r we have ha in many cashes betn betnable bt hem hemable > tn tnaU I
able aU to affect art satisfactory settlements settlementswithout SOttl settlementswithout > ts I Iwithout
without litigation or bankruptcy proceed proceedings proc proceedtogs I Iin
togs in and thus save 88 costly legal proceed proceedIngs prOCt proceedlags ed
lags I In other oth > r cases < it has been pos possible poscr poesibip ¬ 11
sible by getting all or a majority of ofthe ofthe
the creditors cr ittir together to t so extend extendthe extendthe e I Ithe
the time U of r pwvment to the doctor de tor that thathe tbathe thathe
he ha has beea able am to tide over the most mostdistressing mostdlstrt mostdistressing
distressing S8tn period PfrI and continue ntlnuf in heal busin healnrs i ineas
neas n while hilt the creditors have had their theirclaims theirdaims theIrclaims
claims fully satisfied satii by b being bt lenient leolentThfO lenientfle i iThe
The fle association is in excellent finan finnsmial i iial
4 mial ial al condition the directors and mesa IIWmberK mesahers i ihers
hers are working together in perfect har harmony barmony ¬ II
mony mon and too much praise cannot be beRiven 1Mihen begiven
given our ur manager JIUIna r Mr Critehlow rri t < h low for the theable theable theable
able manner in which h he has conducted conductedthe
the affairs of the association and if the themembers tbemembers themembers
members will work as energetically ettcAilY hi hithe 111thf Inthe
the futtre as in the past we will nave naveone have haveone f
one > of the th very best bt credit crit mens Js asso associations a amonations ¬
nations datons in the country countryOther cntr cntrOther countryOther
Other Speeches Made MadeToasts MadeTost MadeToasts
Toasts Tost were wer responded rpnded to in the th fol following fo followhig ¬
lowing lo ilg order r r New Ne Legislation lslatin by byMathonthan byMathnlhah byMathonlhah
Mathonthan Mathnlhah Thomas Thas Reflections Refltins of ofCredit j I ICrtlt
Credit Crtlt fXM Men by Arthur Parsons ParsonsReminiscences Paln PareonsReminiscences t
Reminiscences Rmim eJ of a I Salesman S tn by byWilliam hyVliatn byWilliam
William Vliatn Calder Idr The I Merchant Ierbnt us a a aivllizer I IClviltaw I Iivf2
Clviltaw ivf2 r by b Frank Frnk B Stephens Stpns A ADebtors j
Debtors Dbtorg View of the Credit Crei Man an by byJoseph byJoseph
Joseph J p S Hyde Our Ogden de Mem Members Alemb Mernhers ¬ I
hers b by Theodore Tor Schansenbach SchansenbachProHts Shansnbch ShansnbchPrll SchansenbachProNta
ProHts Prll and Loss L by b Joseph J0p E Caine CaineFollowing CaineFollowing I
Following the speeches he mentioned mentionedW metine
W H Preston Prton of Los L Angeles An ele was wasealted wasfalk wascalled I
called falk on o to make mke a a few remarks remrks Mr MrPreston MrPreston 11
Preston Prt was charged chrf with Itt southern southernCalifornia southernCalifornia tber
California Canforni ginger gnger and the th way wa he hehanded hehanded
handed hand some sme advice to the Utah Uth busi business bsi bsine business ¬
ness ne men Jn was g a caution cauto He told tol them themsome themse themsome
some se of the tbf little ltte tricks triks of the trade tradeand trde trdea tradeand
and a when hn he finished finisht he got the glad gladhand gladhand gladhand
hand from frm every everyone one in the banquet banquethall bnquet bnquethan banquethail
hall Among Amng other obe things Mr Preston Prestonsaid Preton PretonI Prestonsaid
said I that tht if I Salt Slt Lake Lke ever expected expte to tobecome tobe tobecome
become be a real rl factor in the development developmentof deveopment
of the western weem country eount the people of the thecity theciy thecity II
city ciy would oul have ha Vf to get e pe down dwn to a aharmonious aharmios aharmonious
harmonious harmios basis bsis and stop knocking knockingOtherwise knockingOtberwis kiiockingOtherwise
Otherwise Otberwis he h said sid the th city cl would re remain r remain ¬
main min in a dormant drmant condition conditionMURDER condii conditionMURDER I
Glasgow Glasgow Ky May 20 20News News New has hs just justreached justrech justreached
reached rech here of the murder murr and robbery robberynear rbr robberynear
near r Burksville of James Jame Skinner one oneof oneof oneof
of the th most prominent prominnt men in Cumber Cumberland Cubr Cubrlnd Curnberland ¬ i
land lnd county c nty His body by was found in a alane aIn aJane I
lane In There The was wa a bullet bulet hole in his histemple hi hitelf hltesnpl
temple telf and aie three thre in his breast bre His Hiswatck Hiswtck Hiswtch I
watck wtck a a bill bl case C containing ctJllng 3900 t 00 In Incurrency Incurreny incurreMty I
currency curreny and An a small mU sack S of silver slver he hehad hebd hehad I
had bd with wtR him when hn he left lef town tow and an a abundle abule abundle
bundle of legal
bule l papers Pper are gone gone
Chicago Chco Teamsters Temter Decide to Stick Stickby Stck Stckby Stickby
by Express E ess Drivers DriversGREAT Drver DrverGREAT DriversGREAT
pHICAGO HICAGO May 31 SThe T The strike at d the thej thei theteametertu
sre t
CHIAG G j teamsters instead i h of o fceteg de declared c dodared ¬
dared deu o w w win fee spread se to t greater greaterproportion grierI
I I proportion ptJ This Tl was decided d tonight tonightby tt ttby tenhtby
by the t members H of o the t TwMnsters TwMnstersJoint TUIuteTI
I Joint Jou council etol which Wbl h was w in J aeaBio un until uotl anlit ¬
lit tl mMnIhtThe mMnicfct mMnicfctThe
I mknWt
The T council eni met m at S oclock oek to t bear Ir IrI hrI bearthe
I I the th report ret of o the tW negotiations n oii that tt had hadbeen ld ldb hadI
been b in iHegreee 1 IWO 8 with w the t employers es esthroht emphs3ersthroughout employersthroughout
throughout throht the day dy They Th agre agretaU agretaUthe agreedtoail agreedtoailthe dtoai dtoaithe
the stipulations sipubti of the th employers epvyer with withthe withth withthe
the th exception excepti of that tlt which whih declared declaredthat declaredthat
that the drivers of the
tht driver express ep com companies co cornpanies ¬
panies pni should suld not be b taken tken back bk This Thiswas Thiswas Thiswas
was the rock rk upon which blh the th peace peaceprogramme pce pceJrmme peaceprogramme
programme Jrmme was wrecked reke and after afterseveral alterverl afterseveral
several verl hours hr of debate debte it was WS de decided 0 docided ¬
cided le that tht the Teamsters Tealte union unJ could couldnot eoul couldnot
not nt leave l e the th express expe drivers drve to iiu mke mkea riake riakea ke kea
a lone l fight fht but must stand snd by tbetn tbetnIt R RI
It I was wa decided deie to call cJ off all Al tfie t ne negotiations neoiUons tiegotiatlons ¬
gotiations oiUons and an prepare prepre for fO a further furtherj furthr
j light lightI fSbt fSbtI
I Statement Given Out OutI OutThe OutThe
I The sense sns of the th meeting mtiR was a ex expressed e oxpressed
pressed pe in the th following fulin statement statementwhich statementi lemet lemetj
j which hlh was as given gven out ot as defining dedni th th the IM IMsition positioti 0 >
I sition si ion of the th teamsters teamstersIt temser
It I is due du to the public and members membersj mem1t
j of the te teamsters temes organization oraniBton that tht a
I statement sttement be b issued isu relative to our or ori ourpositlosi
1 i position in to the
piton refusing accept th prop proposition
I osition oii submitted submited by the th Employers EmployersI Epiployersassociation
I association aitin The Employers Employes associa association asia asiaI associathat poyes poyesI ¬
I that lon offered oet a proposition prpton which wh h might mighthave mi tiuighthave ht hthve
have hve received reef favorable favoble consideration considerationfrom considerationfrom osdntin osdntinfrom
from the tJ strikers striker and their committee committeeproviding committeeprovIding omnIUe
providing prvldin that tht it i carried carrif with lh it no noproviso nolrois noproviso
proviso lrois that tht would act at us a a detriment detrimentto detrment detrmentto
to any alY part prt of our 011 organIzation organizHtioitTheir o organIzationTheir aIIZton aIIZtonTlli
Their Tlli proposition popton however howee carried carriedwith eari rarriedwIth
with Jth it that tht the strike against arilst the therailway theI therailway
railway rUHY express fxpre companies cmpni be b declared declaredoff dlan > 1 1of
I off of without wiht those th companies compni agreeing agreeingto retinr
to tIle tf proposition priti made by b the tl employ employers ¬
empoy empoyers
ers or any an other othr preposition pro ti they the hay having ha haing haylog ¬
ing made the th statement ttemt that tht they Ute had hadheld 1usdheld d dhd
held a a meeting metng and decided deid that no nostrikers I no nostrikers
strikers srikfr would woul ever again K > ln be b reem reemployed rem rempe reempioyed ¬
ployed pe as workmen wkmn for Co or the th railway rla > ex express e cxprom ¬
press pe companies cornpaniesin npn m t fact fact to establish establishblacklist establisha U hl
It blacklist backlit against a ins all al of 6 their thr former formeremployes for forempoye formeremployee
employee empoye This the teamsters temsters organ organization or ornixation n ¬
ization lz tlt or o Os its i1 officials otlls could eoi not n ac sccer acce acceflt
cer ce ceflt
Refusal Not Justified JustifiedWe
We believe bie that The t railway rlwa ex express oxpress X ¬
press pr companies Ctluli are ar not n justified j JIItctIl iA d in intheir intheir
their refusal refusl to reinstate riNte any of o their Uteirforme Uer theirfornie
forme remptoyes and believe that the thebest
formerempye tht te tebst
best bst interests interet of all al would wold be b served servedhad e
had they agreed a to the same Mm proposi proposition JMi ¬
ten tion or o a somewhat sht similar simiar one on to tothat tothat
that which bih the Employers Emplyer association associationsuggested attin attins associationsuggested
suggested s ef TTnder T nde th these conditions eondUk it itis I itis
is I incumbent Incmbt upon upn the th members m of 0 the theteamsters tmtfmt theteamsters
teamsters tfmt organization or niUo to continue ednu the thestrike th thrike thestrike
strike rike until untl sock Mh time tm a i as the ta express expresscompanies e expresscompanies I Icmpni
will to the con conditions conditions ¬
companies cmpni wi agree a re th same
ditions dilns as ac those th offered ofere by b the Em Employers Empioyers ¬
ployers plye association associationThe aiUon aiUonT associationThe I
The T methods methos of the unions unis will i not notdiffer nt
differ difer from fro those tbo which wbih they have bv pur pursued pursued ¬
sued su < thus far in the th strike strke They Thy will willcontinue wi 1
continue ontn the th boycott bYlt against abin the ti hoes houses hos hoesOs ¬ i ie
es e where wher the th strikes have hve been b held heldduring he I
during durng the th last ls month mth and an if any r of oftheir oftheir
their menibers are discharged for re refusing refusing ¬
mebrs disharge II IItbeir
fusing to make makf deliveries delveri all al of the thedrivers
drivers drives employed emplye by that tht house b1 will wi be becalled
called cale on strike srke at once onceProbableEffect onceProbabe I
ProbableEffect ProbableEffectThe Probable Effect EffectThe I
The first frst effect efet of the tbf strike srke will wi be bein bein
in the th building biling trades trdes and trouble trbl is islooked I
looked lke for in this thi direction direto on o Monday MondayThe Xody XodyTh Mondayrho
The Th Lumbermens Lumbrmes association aiton has de declared d dodared ¬
dared dare that they the would make mke deliveries deliveriesto dlvei
to boycotted bvote firms frms and would wold insist insistupon
upon upn thir their drivers drvers taking tking goods go where wherethey wterethey wherethey
they were wt > re ordered oer to take them the This Thismeans I
means mns a strike strke of all al the union unin men menemployed mn mnepye menemployed
employed epye by the Lumbermens LumbrmDS associ association association ¬
ation ato numbering numbring about abut 2000 0 It I is i ex expected oxported ¬
ported pte that tht the members membr of the > Team TeamOwners Tem TeamOwners
Owners Ownrs association aSitin which hick does d the thegreater thegreater I Ireter
greater reter part prt of the th hauling haulng for fo the rail railroads ri ¬ I Irods Iroads
roads rods in the th city ciy and which has bs been beenfor be beenfor I
for several svtrl days threatening thretenig to take takesides takeskies I
sides sie with wih the Employers Employer association associationwill assofali
will I also al be b compelled cople to come c out for fordeliveries fo fordeliveries I
deliveries dlveri to the boycotted bycte houses hus and andthat andthat
that tht all of their tJir men me will wi be D oat ot with within wth wthin withIn ¬ I
in A few days after Rfer the commencement commencementof ctnlncemet t tor
of next week They employ empo about abut S00t S00tteamsters S seOieamsters I
teamsters msters
Militia Mitia Will Wi Be Used UsedSheriff UsedSherif UsedSheriff
Sheriff Sherif Barrett Batt said si tonight after afterbeing afer aferbing afterbeing
being bing informed infor of the action acto of the theTeamsters th theTeamsters
Teamsters Tem ters Joint council councilIt counci
It I simply simpy means mns that tbt the th troops trp will willhave wi willhave
have to be b called cle out ot We e have hv found foundit fon
it difficult dihul to maintain mintif the peace pce with withthe wih wihth withthe
the th force of police pice and deputy depty sheriffs sheriffswe seifs seifse
we e have he had hd out ot and ad now that there thereis the theis
is H prospect t of o a much mub greater gater body bodyof by byof bodyof
of men mn being bt on o strike ike with all al the thechance th thechance
chance of rioting rtn that tht it i entails ntis it itwill Itwi Itwill
will wi b be out ot of 0 the th question quetin for us to tohandle tohandle I
handle the th trouble tob without aid from fromthe fro fromthe
the military mmtar As A soon 81 as the t strike strikespreads srike strikespreads
spreads spreds I will n be b compelled cmpld to ask askthe ak akth askthe I
the th governor gOYt of o the th state > te for aid I Ihave Ihve Ihave
have hve done do alt al that tht I am able to do doand d doand
and the prospect prt now noW is that tht the thing thingwill thinget thingwill
flee will get et beyond bYo the powers pwer of my of office offlee ¬
Lawyer Levy Informed InformedAs
As s soon as a the teamsters tunser statement statementWHS sttemnt sttemntwas
was given el out ot and the tb council nunfl kd kdjourned kdjourned
jumed journed g President Preent Shea Sh of the Team Teamsters Te Teamstern ¬
stern er International InteraUonl union uni stepped step to tothe toth tothe
the th telephone telp and ad called call up Levy Lvy May Mayer Ma Maer ¬
er attorney atorney for the employers empofen at his hisrooms It hisrooms i
rooms in the Auditorium Audiorium Annex AnnexHello Anne AnnexHello
Hello HtII Mr r Mayerhe Mayer ayer lie said ai This Thisis ThisiH Thisis
is Shea I wanted ante to tell tel you that thatthe tht thtth thatthe
the th council has decided deied to reject rjt the theproiKtsitioii theprol theproposition
proposition prol iton that has been bn made md to us usby usby usby
by the employers epyer I thought thugt it right rightto
to let you yo know at ft once Thats Thts all allThe al allThe
The strike committee comite was then th in instructed instucte instructed ¬
structed stucte to demand dnd from fr Edward Ewar Mines Minesof lIn Minesof I
of the Lumbermens Ltnbrmns association aitn an anexplanation anexpanati anexplanation
explanation expanati of o a declaration dedarti on o his part partthat prt prtthat partthat
that the lumbermen lumbnnen would wold insist inst upon upondelivering up upondelivering
delivering d lverlng to boycotted boycte houser huS hou Monday MondayThe Mo MondayThe
The Th committee comitee was w told tod to inform Mr MrHines llr llrHine MrHInes
Hines Hine that tbt an attempt atempt on the pert pt of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the lumbermen lumbrn to do d so s would wol mean meana mn mna
a strike stke of their drivers driversThese drher driversThese
These Tee terms ten were ee this afternoon afen ver verbally verbl verbIy ¬
bally bl accepted aCepte by the leaders Jeder of the theteamsters th theteamsters
teamsters tester union ufwn and they promised promisedto pmise
to submit them the to the executive exeutve com committee commitee cornmittee ¬
mittee mitee of the teamsters tester which whih met mt to tonight toRight tonight ¬
night Right It I is understood understod in advance advancehowever avce avcebowever advancehowever
however that this body b will i ratify rUCy the theagreement te theagreement
agreement agmnt reached Tecbe tonight tonlgbt and an their theirdecision theirdeisi theirdecision
decision deisi will i be b submitted submite to t the th local localunions lol lolunions localunions
unions tomorrow There it is also
tOJlOw Tere I as un understood understood ¬
derstood derto will wlJ accept acept a the a aMURDERED terms ten made madeMURDERED me meMURDERED madea
Sacramento Sfcmmento Cal Ca May 2t 2SChrls 2SChrlsChristianson Chris ChrisChristiansen
Christiansen Christasn who ho a a few days d s ago agowas agotsas
was released rele on parole from a a as insane insaneasylum In5ne insaneasylum
asylum today toy murdered murere his hs aged agedmother age agedmother
mother mther by b Cutting cutUng her hr throat trt Later LaterChristiansen LaterChristiansen
Christiansen ChrfstRJSn shot himself hmtlf and a c ct eat t his hisown hi hisown
own throat thrOL His dead ded body b3 was w found foundin foundIn foundIn
in his barricaded balded home home
Russia RusihYouve RussiaYouve Youve Got Em m Too Have Hve You 1
New York Man Wants the President to Go After Afer Insurance InsuranceCompanies InsuranceCompanies InsuranceCompanies
Companies After Afer the Manner of the Beef BeefTrust BeefTrust BeefTrust
Trust Inquiry
MEW JEW YORK May Q 2Presldeiit Prent President 1 1j II
NEW I j Roosevelt n t has been b requested reuee to totke totake i itake
take tke cognizance Jlze ef D the situation stuti situationthat j jthat I I
that tht nas hbro brought ht about Abt the Equitable Equitb EquitableLife j jLife IUft
Life Assurance ASrn society 8it7 trouble trJ and An to t toinstitute j jinstitute Iinttute
institute inttute a national ntil investigation ilv48tgUOf of o othe ofthe j jthe
the insurance in5ur business Jiness as it is now nowconducted I IOndmte Ieondumted
conducted < The inquiry into the beef beettrust j
trust and the present pr nt Standard Oil otinvf Oilinvestigation j II IItrust
investigation invf > tigation are quoted a as prece prece precedents pVecedents I Idents
dents I IHas IHas
Has Made Madethe the Wequestvl Jgequ equeatt equeattThis sb sbhi < 1 1This
This hi request uet was w made by W Y F FKing PKing FKing
King former president of the Merch Merchants Merebants erCh erChants ¬
ants association a iatiot1 of this city cit who ho has haswritten hasrittt haswritten
written rittt > n the president Jr ident as a policy hold holder hoIdfr holder ¬
er in several companies rotnptn asking a king that thatsuch thftsurh thatsuch
such an investigation be made under underthe undtrthe underthe
the interstate commerce law that tltatshould thatshould j jshould
should this < course cour be deemed not prac pracUeable practicabic j jticable
ticable Mr King asks the president
One Man Shot and Fatally Wounded Many Others Hurt and andSix andSix andSix
Six Persons Arrested ArrestedAttack Attack on Negro NegroStrike NegroStrike NegroStrike
Strike Breakers
i r iHICAGO CAGO May 2 SSeekiuig Seeking to avenge ay avengeIj > nge ngetile
1 CHI Ij the munler of Bnoch Carleon the the8yearold the8yearold the8yearold
8yearold boy who was a3 shot and andkilled andkilled andkilled
killed last Tuesday night by a negro negroscores nfAgrtSiores negrOscores
scores of men armed with revolvers revolverswent reohNent revolverswent
went ent forth last night determined to todrive todrive todrive
drive the nonunion nOIJu lon teamsters from from the thedistrict thedistrict thedistrict
district Negroes eroes leaving th U the > branch branchyards brancbards branchyards
yards ards of the Peabody Coal company at atTwentysixth atTwentysixth atTwentysixth
Twentysixth street And Canal street streetwere streetere streetwere
were ere followed and assaulted and as a aresult aresult aresult
result two riots occurred in which hieh one oneman onenmn oneman
man was shot and probably fatally fatallywounded fatAllywounded fatallywounded
wounded many man others were hurt and andsix andsix andsix
six were arrested arrestedThe arrestedThe arrestedThe
The Injured InjuredEngstrand InjuredEngstrand InjuredEngstrand
Engstrand Bernard union R machInist maehmiatwill ma kibist kibistm
will m die dieWilliame dieVilliaJtlp dieWilliams
Williams John negro notiunkm notiunkmtewmster Jlottuttlonteamster floltUftiOftteamster
teamster from Kansas City CityWilliams CityWilliams CltyWilliams
Williams George negro n ro nonunion nonunkmteamster nOftunionteatnster nonunionteamster
teamster teamsterNolan teatnsterNolan teamsterNolan
Nolan Peter policeman policemanAllison policemanAm
Allison Am ison m Charles nonunion teamster teamsterAttacked tea teamsterAttacked t er erAttacked
Attacked by a Mob MobThe MobTbe MobThe
The first riot which resulted in the theshooting Utehooting theshooting
shooting of Engstrand Eng trand occurred at atTwentysixth atTwentysixth atTwentysixt
Twentysixth It street and Princeton Princetonavenue PrincetonI1venue Princetonavenue
avenue George GEOr e and John Williams Williamswho Williamswho Williamswho
who have been employed as teamsters teamstersat
at the Peabody yards were wt > rt > on their theirway theirway theIrway
way home when at Twentysixth street
to appoint a national cottimtesion on onthe ORtlte onthe
the lines of the cowl commission cOJRmi loft that tkntsettled t1tntsettled thatsettled
settled the anthracite strike to make maken makeen
en n inquiry jnquj and report reportWill repor reporWill reportWill
Will Try Congress CongressIn cOJ cOJIn
In case the t e presWsql pre decide t1ecidel thathe that thathe thathe
he has no jurisdiction said Id Mr King Kingtoday Kin Kintoda Kingtoday
today toda it is my purpose to form a acommittee aCIittee acessuulitee
committee prior to the convening of ofcongress ofcontress ofcongress
congress in the autumn to start An Anagitation Anattatlon kitagitation
agitation in every evt > ry state in the Union Unionby UnionIty UnIonby
by trending diRb out literature to every everymeitlMnit everyt everyuerehsut
meitlMnit t mid mamUEacturing concern concernto
to the number of 15MW 1 is s having a mer mercantile Inercawtlle mnereastile ¬
cantile rating rdtin of 5WW iI OO and above I Iwill Iill Iwill I
will ill ask these men not only to inter interest interest interest ¬
est themselves but their employes in inpetitioning inpetitioning inpetitioning
petitioning their members of congress congressand congressand congressand
and senators providing the president presidenthas
has not the power to make a thorough thoroughinvestigation thoroughhwestigation thoroughinvestigation
investigation and put these great in insurance insurane insuranee ¬
surance corporations under government governmentcontrol goernmentcontrol governmentcontrol
Salt Lakers will have a chance with within within within ¬
in a week to learn from Mrs Minnie MinnieMaddern MinnieMaddern rinnieMaddern
Maddern Fiske just what effect the thetheatrical thetheatrical thetheatrical
theatrical trust has l had d on the drama dramain
in this city cit Mrs Fiske is to make makean i ian
an address at one of the larger Jar er halls hallsthe hallsthe hallsthe
the proceeds of which are to be do donated donatfd donateti ¬
nated to charity charityThis ch8rit ch8ritThis charityThis
This announcement was made yes yesterday yesterda yesterday ¬
terday terda following follown a conference between betweenPhilip betweenPhilip betweenPhilip
Philip Jacques the stars advance advancethe ad8nceagent advanceagent
agent and Ru RumseII sell own president of ofthe ofthe
the Press Club of Salt Lake The ad adIDAHO adIDAHO adIDAHO
Chicago Capitalists Secured the En Entire Entire Entire ¬
tire Issue IssueBoise IssueBoise IssueBoise
Boise May Iay 20 tIdaho Idaho bonds bear bearing bearI bearing ¬
ing 4 per cent interest authorized by bythe bythe bythe
the Eighth legislature to the amount amountof
of f 460500 were sold today in the com competitive competitive cornpetitive ¬
petitive market for a premium of 329 329or 329or 329or
or 15199 The bonds were purchased purchasedby
by McDonald McCoy Co of Chicago Chicagowho Cbicagowho Chicagowho
who bid 475690 for the entire issue issueThe i 6ueThe IssueThe
The following is a list of the bonds bondsShite bondstute bondsState
State tute improvement 21900 land sur surveys sureYS surveps ¬
veys eYS 30000 30000 soldiers home I4WO re reform r rform reform ¬
form school 20010 capitol building building1OOOOO
100000 Academy of Idaho 46500
I and Princeton avenue they the were ere at atj attacked
j tacked by b a crowd crowdThe crowdI crowdThe
I The negroes defended themselves but butthe butI butthe
the crowd surrounded them knocking knockingthe
I the negroes down and kicked them themabout themabout themabout
about the body bod George Williams drew drewI
I a knife > and threatened to kill any per person perI person ¬
son who ho came near him His brother brotherJohn brotherJohn brotherJohn
John drew drf > w a revolver and was holding holdingback holdlu holdluback holdingback
back a crowd of pursuers pursuersi pursuersFour pursuersFour
i Four Shots Fired FiredAgain FiredII FiredAgain
II Again the crowd closed in on the thenegroes thenegroes thenegroes
negroes and the fight became general generalwhen generalI generalshen
I when Officer Nolan appeared With Withdrawn W1Utrawn Witht1rawu
drawn rawn club he ordered the crowd to tothe todisperse todisperse
disperse but was knocked don At Attbe Atthe
the same time four shots were fired firedand firedand firedand
and Engstrand fell to the ground groundIn
In the meantime a riot call had been beensent beensent beensent
sent in and a patrol wagon loaded loadedwith loadedwith loadedwith
with officers was pent nt to the scene Be Before Before Before ¬
fore the wagon arrived Officer Nolan Nolanhad Nolanhad Nolanhad
had regained his feet and with the as assistance assistance assistance ¬
sistance of others arrested the Wit Wiltiiams Wituliams ViI ViIlIiams
tiiams brothers Engstrand was re removed removed removed ¬
moved to the hospital where the physi physicians Ihysielaus physiclans ¬
clans said his wound would probably probablyprove probablyTOe probablyprove
prove TOe fatal fatalThe fatalThe fatalThe
The other riot occurred l urred a short time timeI timeat
I later at Thirtytlrst and La Salle Sallei
I i I streets William Green and Charles CharlesAllison CharlesI CharlesAllison
Allison negroes were knocked down downkicked donkicked downkicked
I kicked and beaten bt > aten A riot call brought broughtthe brou ht htthe
the police and the crowd was dispersed dispersedafter disperedafter dispersedafter
after the negroes had been terribly terriblybeaten terriblyhea terriblybeaten
beaten hea ten
dress s will he made under the auspices auspicesof
of the Press > s dub Excepting for the theactual theadual theactual
actual expenses of rental etc the en entire entire entiro ¬
tire receipts will go to worthy worth chari charities charities ¬
ties as yet not designated designatedMrs
Mrs Fiske is debarred from appear appearing appearhug ¬
ing at either of the local theatres or orat orat orat
at the Ogden playhouse because of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the theatrical trust Her address will willbe willbe
be fraught with interest to those who whoregret whoregret whoregret
regret that a combination thousands thousandsof thouMndsof
of miles away awa can prevent at its will willthe willthe willthe
the production of any play by actors actorsunder actorsunder actorsunder
under its ban banstate banslate banstate
state university 40600 state wagon wagonroad wagonroad wagonroad
road 50000 50000 Albion normal 30009 30009penitentiary 30008penllenUf OOOOpenitentiary
penitentiary 50099 50099CHANGE OotIto OotItCHANGE OOOCHANGE
Butte Mont May Iay 20 20Jerry Jerry Slattery Slatterycharged Slattencharted Slatterycharged
charged with the murder of Patrick PatrickMaloney Patrickllalone PatrickMaloney
Maloney llalone secured a change of venue to today toda today ¬
day da to Lewis and Clark county The Thejuries Thejuries TheJuries
juries disagreed in two trials of his hiscase hiscase hiscase
case In this county countyCUBAS countyI countyCUBAS countyCUBAS
Havana May 20 20The The third anni anniversary anniversuTJ anniversary ¬
versary of the inauguration of the Cu Cuban Cuban Cuban ¬
ban republic was celebrated today toda The Theholiday ThehOliday TheholIday
holiday which was W 5 universally ob observed observEd observed ¬
served was similar to a Fourth of July Julycelebration Julycelebration Julycelebration
celebration in the United States
Sleepy Philadelphia Awakened by byGas byGas byGas
Gas Robbers RobbersGRABBERS RobbersGRABBERS RobbersGRABBERS
D flHILADIfLPHIA HILADELPHIA LPHIA May 2t ITile The Ant flrstact AntP firstI
P I act action Km taken by Mayor yor Weaver e Yer in inhis inhis inhis
his opposition te t the consumma consummation coesmumatIes ¬
lion of the g gas 8 lease Je coe was the suspen suspension suspension suspensioq ¬
sion today of Oscar Noll an assistant assistantcommissioner a assistantcommissioner istant istantcommiS5ioner
commissioner of highways pending an aninvestigation aninvestlbtion aninvestigation
investigation into the part taken by byXoll byoll byN0IL
Xoll oll in the passage pa e of the gas lease or ordinance ordinance ordinance ¬
dinance by b councils last Thursday ThursdayNoll ThursdayNoll ThurndayNell
Noll who 00 is the Republican leader of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the Thirtyseventh ward was as appoint appointed ¬
ed assistant commissioner by the may mayor mayor mayor ¬
or It is alleged that Noll influenced influencedWalter induencedVaiter induencetiWalter
Walter Sykes a select councilman from fromthat fromthat fromthat
that ward to vote for the gas lease leaseagainst lea leaagainst leaseagainst
against the wishes of the mayor mayorMayor mayorIaOI mayorMayor
Mayor Weaver had a conference < e with wfthleaders wtthleaders withleaders
leaders of several veral other wards anls but butwhat butwhat butwhat
what the nature of the conference was wascould wascould as ascould
could not be learned The leaders It > of oftfee ofUte ofthe
Ute party say a that the ranks of the ad advocates adOCtes advocates ¬
vocates for the lease stand solid and andthat andthat andthat
that the ordinance will 11 be passed over overthe overUte overte
the mayors veto In the event of the thechief thfhle thechief >
chief hle executives nonapproval nonapprovalThe
The work of arranging for mass massmeetings masmeetin massmeetings
meetings meetin next week to protest against againstthe againstthe againstthe
the lease was continued today with withmuch witbmuch withmuch
much energy t ne y There will be many manymeetings manymeetin manymeetings
meetings meetin 8 held h d next xt week eek and a great greatmeeting greatmeeting greatmeeting
meeting is i > being planned for next Sat Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
urday night at which Mayor Weaver Weaverwill Weaverwilt Veaverwill
will be invited to make the principal principaladdress principaladdress principaladdress
address An appeal for funds was sent sentout sentout sentout
out today by b the committee of arrange arrangements arrangements arrangemonte ¬
ments mentsSPENDS mentsSPENDS monteSPENDS
a a
Complete Collapse of Wife Murderer MurdererHoch MurdererHochSobs MurdererHochSobs
Hoch HochSobs Sobs Are Audible AudibleThroughout AudibleThroughout AudibleThroughout
Throughout Jail JailChicago JailCbicago JailChicago
Chicago May fay a 2 20Johann Johann Hoch has hascoilapeetl hascoIla hascollapeetl
coilapeetl coIla The convicted wife poisoner poisonerwho poisonerwho poisonerwho
who all through his trial seemed to toregard toregard toregard
regard the charge against him as a ajoke ajoke ajoke
joke and its possible outcome a mat matter matter matter ¬
ter of no consequence cn tece seemed emed today todayto
to realize for the first time the situa situation situation sitnatknt ¬
tion in which he js placed placedHe phu placedlie ed
He spent the greater part of today
in his hi cell weeping and at times his hissobs bissobs hissobs
sobs were audible throughout the great greater ¬
er part of the jail His lamentations lamentationsbrought JAmentationibroughtscallt lamentationsbrought
brought broughtscallt scant sympathy from his fel fellow fellow fellow ¬
low prisoners who jeered at him and andconstantly andconstantly
constantly urged uTgf > d him to brace up and anddie anddie anddie
die like a man manSeveral manSeveral
Several persons called during the theday theday theday
day but Hoch would not talk to them themfor themfor
for more than a minute at a time He Hewalked Hewalked Hewalked
walked constantly constantl up and down his hiscell biscell hiscell
cell heaping maledictions upon courts courtsjuries courtsjuries courtsjuries
juries and the police > When he ceased ceasedthis eeaedthis eLedthis
this he would sit down bury hIs face facein fuein facein
in his hands and weep weepHe wef weepHe > p pHe
He still asserts that he was not prop properly properly properly ¬
erly convicted because the three car carbarn carbarn carbarn
barn murderers were found guilty in infortylive infortyfive infortyfive
fortyfive minutes and he was con convicted convicted ¬
victed in less than tha n thirty thirt minutes minutesATTACKED minutesATTACKED minuteso minutesATTACKED
Paris May Iu 20 20The The Temps today todaypublished todaypublished todaypublished
published a dispatch from Tangier TangierMorocco TangierMorocco TangierMorocco
Morocco announcing that a small Brit British British British ¬
ish vessel cruising off the Moorish Moorishcoast Moorishcoast oorishcoast
coast was as attacked recently by pi pirates pirates pirates ¬
rates who fired on the crew and rid riddled riddled riddIed ¬
dled the British flag with bullets Rep Representations Representations RepreentatiOns ¬
resentations it is It added have been beenmade beenmade beenmade
made by the British minister at Tan Tangier Tangier Tangier ¬
gier with the view of obtaining re redress redress redress ¬
a 181 181CHURCH
Special to The Herald HeraldCheyenne HeraldCheenne HeraldCheyenne
Cheyenne Wyo May Iay 20 20Unknown 20Unknowntramps 20Unknowntramps Unknown Unknowntramps
tramps recently converted the audi auditorium auditorIum auditorium ¬
torium of the First Baptist church into intoa
a lodging house and spent several severalnights severalnights severalnights
nights there They made a bed of ofcushions ofcushions ofcushions
cushions back of the pulpit and burned burnedfurniture burnedfurniture burnedfurniture
furniture and other movable objects to tokeep tokeep tokeep
keep warm warmKILLED wannKILLED warmKILLED
Berlin May 20 20Eight Eight persons were wenkilled werekilled werekIlled
killed by lightning and ten were ere in injured injured injured
jured In yariojtft Sri < I places in Silesia Sileshduringa Silesiaduringa Siicsimtduring
duringa during a sttjjrm Stn tjtmeIA enVThursduy T ursany and Fri Frid3 Fridat
Linevitch Prepared totAocept Deois Decisive Deoisiv Deoisive ¬
ive iv BattleX BattleXNEWS Battle BattleNEVS BattleNEWS
IUXSHU I PASS P 9S May 0 OW HS Miles mitesi MilesAOrtk milesnorth
G i north of Tie pse Manchuria ManclrartaMay 1tDC1I11nay ManchuriaMay
May y SI A general engagement e t s sImminent isinlinineut s simminent
imminent Field Marshal Opama to de deploying de depl depinying ¬
ploying pl yjng heavy heav forces against nata General GeneralUnevitchs GeoeralLlneitchs GeneralLlnetItchs
Unevitchs left and is concentrating his histroops histroops
troops along the center but his base is isopposite isopposite
opposite the Russian right It is not notyet notyet notyet I
yet clear which wing wkt is making makln a dem demonstration demonstl8tion dentonstration ¬
onstration and which will deliver the themain themain themain
main blow It is evident evld nt from Line LlDeltchs Linevitchs Linevitchs
vitchs preparations that be b intends late to toaccept toaccept toaccept
accept a decisive battle battleReport battleReport battleReport
Report Confirmed ConfirmedSt i iSt
St Petersburg May iSThe The war of office ofee offlee ¬
flee confirm the report from Gtmentt Gtmenttpas GUnMaUpa Gunehupast
pas pa that Field Marshal Oyama Oy is on onthe onthe Oflthe
the eve of taking the general neral offensive offensiveand otfenstveand offensiveand
and no doubt is entertained here that thatGeneral thatGenei8l thatGeneral
General Linevitch < h will accept battle battlein
in his present positions The general generalstair 8eneralstair generalstaff
stair believes beli es Oyamas advance was wasprecipitated wunclpitated wasprecipitated
precipitated by the doubt regarding ing the theissue thei theissue
issue i sue of the coming naval battle be between between between ¬
tween Admirals Rojestvensky Roje and andTogo andTogo studTogs
Togo With an unbeaten anny In front frontof flODtof frontof
of him him Oyamas position might be crit critical critIcal critlest ¬
ical If his communications with Japan Japanwere Japanwere Japanwere
were interrupted even temporarily temporarilyRussians temporarilyRussians temporarilyRussians
Russians Driven Back BackTokio BackTokio BackTokio
Tokio May Ia 2 to 20 7 p m mIt It was an announced announctd annotineed ¬
nounced this evening evenin from the head headquarters hetldIuartens headbarters ¬
quarters < of the th Japanese armies ann in the theliekl thefield thefield
field that three thr e Russian Ru lan > columns of ofmixed ormixed ofmimixed
mixed forces advanced southward May MayIS Mayis
IS to the vicinity vicinit of the railroad The TheJapanese lb lbJaHJ1ese TheJapanese
Japanese engaged them and drove the theRtiRctans theHtI theRuaeians
RtiRctans HtI ialJs northward Simultaneously SimultaneouslyaOi ShnUltaDeOURlyRussian
aOi oo Russian cavalry attacked a Jap Japanese Japane5e Japanese ¬
anese field hospital at Kangpin Ka n on the theright thurright
right ri nt bank of the Liao river Japanese Japaneseartillery Iapaneeeartillery
artillery and infantry dispersed the at attacking attacking attacking ¬
tacking cavalry cavalr inflicting infetin heavy loss lossupon Jossupon ionsupon
upon them
I IOfficial
I ITukio
Official Denial DenialTokio DenialTokie
Tokio May Ia 28 eThe The report that the theRussians t tHUJ8IAnS theIZusslans
Russians have complained of the l man manner manmet ¬
ner met in which their wounded men left leftat leftat leftat
at Port Arthur were ert treated by y the theJapanese theJapanese theJapanese
Japanese is it officially denied It is said saidthat saidthltt saidthat
that the Russian medical officers on onleaving onleavin onleaving
leaving leavin Port Arthur addressed a letter letterto
to the tb chief of the Japanese medical medicalstaff medicalstaff
staff Jf thanking him for the care of the theRussian tbeRu theRussian
Russian Ru ittn wounded and enthusiastically enthusiasticallyexpressing enthU81a8Ucallyxpressin enthusiasticallyexpressing
expressing xpressin fraternity with the Japanese Japanesesurgeons Japanesesurgeonto Japanesesurgeons
Laden With Supplies SuppliesHongkong SuppliesHonkon SuppliesHougkong
Hongkong Honkon May IAY 26 eAlCOrdlng According to in information information information ¬
formation received here today the 159 159deeply IdecleepIy 1t0deeply
deeply laden Junks presumably loaded loadedwith loadedWith loadedwithprovisions
with withprovisions provisions for the Russian fleet fleetwhich fteetwhich fleetwhich
which was sighted ted May IS twenty miles milesoff BInesoff milesoff
off Cape St John by a correspondent correspondentwho pondentwbo
who proceeded from here to Kwang KwangChau KwangChau KwangChats
Chau bay ba north of the island of Hal Hainan Rainan Halnan ¬
nan have Ita ve left l the vicinity of Cape aIM St StJohn StJohn
John and it is added are probably probablyseeking probablyseeking probablyseeking
seeking to effect a junction with Ad Admiral Admiral Admiral ¬
miral Rojestvenskys fleet
Keeping a Lookout LookoutSaigon LookoutSaigon LookoutSaigon
Saigon Cochin China May 2 28Ad Ad Admiral AdmiraL ¬
miral de Jonquieres the French naval navalcommander nalcomJmlnder navalcommander
commander sailed from here today on onthe ODthe onthe
the cruiser Guichen His destination destinationwas d lnation lnationas
was as not announced but it is under understood understood understood ¬
stood that he is going to make another anotherinspection anotherinspection anotherinspection
inspection of the coast to see if French Frenchneutrality Frenchneutrality
neutrality is being ing infringed infringedOFFICIAL infringedo infringedOFFICIAL
o a
I I Denver D ntr Colo 010 May 20 20The t The olorado ColoradoFuel u oloradoFuel oloradoFuel
Fuel Iron company today gave out outI outan
I an official statement stat < ment regarding the al alSanta ali alI
i I lOgeti td rebates given the company by the theSanta theSanta
Santa Fe railway raihva when Paul Morton Mortonj Mortonsecretary
j I secretary of the navy was first vice vicepresident ke kepresident
I president of the road in which it is ad admitted adI admitted ¬
mitted that the Santa Fe did give low lowrates lowrates lowrates
rates ratesThe ratesI
I The fuel companys officials deny denyi denythat denythat
i that any rebates were ere given en and assert assertj assertthat
j that a low rate was made on coal to tomeet toI
I I meet mt > et the demands of consumers in New NewMexico NewI NewMexico
Mexico and Arizona and nd keep Califor California California Califormula ¬
nia fuel oil out of the market marketIf
I If any an mistake was made at all allthe allthe allthe
the statement goes on it may have havebeen bavebeen havebeen
been in the failure of the Santa Fe to topublish topublish topublish
publish the rate which bih was W in fact facthowever factboWeyer facthowever
however an open one to every ever shipper shipperfrom shipperfrom shipperfrom
from Colorado and was used by other othercoal otbercoal othercoal
coal shippers at the same me time timeGENERAL timeGENERAL timeGENERAL
Warsaw Ya w May Iay HThe The explosion of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the bomb in Miaodowa street Friday Fridaywhich Fridel Fridelwhkh Fridaywhich
which resulted rt ultffi in the th death of the thePolish thePolish
Polish shoemaktr Dobrowolski who whowas whoas whowas I
was as carrying it in Ii his pocket and of oftwo oftwo oftwo
two detectives detect f and the injury of many manypersons manylersons manyiereons
persons has excited general indignation indignationthe I
the evident intent being bt i against nst the life lifeof lifeof lifeof
of Governor General Maximovitch who whoit whoit
it is conceded I has evinced every desire desireto
to aid Poles to secure all reasonable reasonableconcessions reasonableco reasonableconcessions I
concessions co Sion The police are conducting conductinga
a rigorous rI orO8 investigation into the affair affairand affairand
and there have ha ye been many arrests arrestsSUSPICION arrestsSUSPICION arrestsSUSPICION I
Special SlKei 11 if The Th Herald HeraldRock lIeuaIdRock I IRodt
Rock Spring Wyo May 20 2tThe 2tThemangled 2gThemangled The Themangled
mangled body of Charles Ptehbaugh Ptehbaughhas
has been found on the Union Pacific Pacifictracks PacificI Pacifictracks
tracks t18 cks near here and the authorities authoritiesbelieve authoritiesbelieve authoritiesbelieve
I believe Fishbaugh was murdered by byhis bybi byhis
his bi tramp companions and his body bodyplaced bodyplaced bodyplaced
placed on the rails to cover yp p the thecrime thecrime
I crime The dead man was seen at atPoint atPoint atPoint
Point of Rocks a few days ago in com company compan cornpany ¬
pany pan with some tramps and It is isknown isknown Isknown
known that he had considerable money moneyat JIJODeyat moneyat
at the time timePLEADED timePLEADED
a 181 181PLEADED
Special to The Herald HeraldCheyenne HeraldChe HeraldCheyenne
Cheyenne Che enne Wyo May 39 2OY W S UI UIrich Ulrich UIrich
rich expostmaster at RanchesterVyo RanchesterWyo Ranchester RanchesterWyo
Wyo and who has been employed on onthe onthe onthe
the street cars of Pueblo Coin for forsome forsome forsome
some time this evening eVenin pleaded guilty guiltyin
in the United States court to raising raisinga
a receipt for 10157 10L to 17137 and was wassentenced wassentenced wassentenced
sentenced by Judge Riner to serve one oneyear oneyeur oneyear
year and one day in intbe the state s peni penitentiary penitentiary pealtentinry ¬
Honolulu May 2 2tOV8t Ovar liflf 1 Jap Japanese Japanese Japaimese ¬
anese laborers on the PkJheer Pl hueer planta plantation plantation plantatimi ¬
tion on theisland the tisland of Maul have gone goneon goneon < one oneon
on strike for increased wages ages There Ttiereare Thereare Thereare
are indications that the StriHg r1h will willspread aIllsprees ill ill51rood
spread sprees The Maul militia osujdeUns osujdeUnsof ettUId
of one company has been called out
Seemres Release Just One Day Before BeforeExpiration BeforeExpiration BeforeExpinition
Expiration of His Term TermHAWORTH TennHAWORTH TermHAWORTH
T HE state board e l pawtona at f 3 3regular OJuJar 3I
THE I regular uJar monthly meeting yest yestday yestday t tday
day acted favorably on the e apr aprcations apTit apTitcations aprications
cations of four convicts for pardon and andon andon andon
on two others for parole Those Thosepardon1 Thosepardon1were pardon 1 1were 1were
were Harry Pool William Brown Rich Riohrd Richard Hithard
ard rd McLaughlin and Harry T Duk DukZi DukZia Dukezia
Zi Zia Graham and Joseph Earl Wilkinson Wilkinsonwere Wilkinsonere Wilkinsoawere
were ere paroled paroledHarry paIOIedHalTY paroledHarry
Harry Duke former assistant afI cashier cashierof oash cashiof r T Tof
of the WellsFargo bank in Salt Lik Likfor LkWU LSkwas <
WU soot up for four yean July D IL 11 11for 1P 1Pfor
for embezzlement His sentence fe teoce will willhave wiThave willhave
have expired tomorrow but he wantrl wantrlto wantrlto
to leave the pen with a pardon arid aridthe anoithe aitxthe
the board decided d ided to gratify him himPool himPool himPool
Pool was convteted in the Third dis district riigtriet district ¬
trict court of robbery and was s stoured tI tIteoced t ttenced
toured Dec 15 192 to serve eight eightyears e eightyears ght ghtyears
years in the penitentiary penitentiaryBrown penitentiaryBron penitentiaryBrown
Brown received a sentence in th thsame thsame Uisame >
same court Dec 16 1 1504 to ten month monthin monthsin
in the penitentiary for housebreaking housebreakingvMcLaughlin housebreakingXcLaugblin housebrea1tinMcLaughlin
McLaughlin got a year in the pen penitentiary ptInteDtlaryin pententlary ¬
tentiary teDtlaryin in the Fifth district d out eourFeb routFeb outFeb
Feb 10 1905 1 for assault with intent intentdo Intentdo t tdo
do bodily harm He it was who whothe I Ithe 1the
the sheriff and gave himself up at ti tiprison til tilprbtoQ t tGraham
prison prisonGraham prbtoQGraham
Graham is serving a two years s stence ftence struce
tence for grand larceny imposed hnpoteihim vi vihim 1 1him
him in the Third district court July 14 14IMS 11l
IMS 1 and Wilkinson is under a t tyears tyears v vyears >
years sentence from the Sixth SL k dist distrcourt T Tcourt rcourt
court Imposed Sept 28 1 1104 W for Im Improper 1mproper In Inpropel ¬
proper relations with a girl under underage und r 1 1qe iage
age of consent consentThe consentTbi consentThe
The > applications of John T I Tand Fd Fdand d dand >
and Elmer B Woodward serving servingyear in n nyear r ryear >
year and nine months respectively respectivelycrimes respectivelycrimes f fcrimes
crimes with women were denied deniedHaworth deniedHaworth denlemLHaworth
Haworth Case Taken Up UpTlie UpThe UpThe
The application of Xick Haw Hao Haowho or orwho o owho
who was convicted of murder murd r in infirst i infirst r1 r1ftnJt
first degree and sentenced sent ncfd to death deathwhoee deathwhose < t twhose
whose sentence was subsequently subsequentlyJftUted subsequentlytented < on onmuted
muted to life I t imprisonment tnt for pard pardiwas pardwaspartIy pardwas
was waspartIy partly heard he rd It will be taken ur uragain q1n r ragain
again n at the next xt meeting of the boar boarHaworths boarHaorths boarHawortWs
Haworths attorney A J 1 Weber eber ta1k talked talkedfor talkedfor i ifor
for three hours in his behalf District DistrictAttorney DlstriitAttorney flistrictAttorney
Attorney John Halvorsen of Ogd Ogdwanted < n nwanted nwanted
wanted to make an argument opposing opposingthe oppo ° sing singthe ingthe
the application but it was as so late whru whruMr Whl Whllr wh whMr <
Mr Weber er concluded ed his hi speech th tha thahe thahe u uhe
he did not have an opportunity to Ii IiBO < Io Ioso toso
so and at his request t the hearing wen wenover wfnover wPflover
over for a month monthThe JDODthThe monthThe
The application ap licatl n of John Harmo Harmoserving Ham Hamrving o oserving
serving rving three years y dating datI from I1 I1St Iti5
St 1903 1 for commutation of sentes senteswas aent aentwas aetitewas
was denied deniedGus deniedI deniedGus
Gus Smiths application for par parwas la r r rwas 1 1Watl
I was continued He is serving a ayears ayears ayears
years sentence rec recehoecl ed Oct 24 4 4In 1 1in 1In
in the Second district court The Tb a acations M Mcations i ications
cations of D H Carr and Merrill MerrillKaighn Merrl1Kalghn 11 11Kaigbn
Kaighn were also al o continued Carr Carrceived Ca a r rcehd r rceived
ceived a sentence aente of four months mon tenthsSalt M MSalt i 1 1Salt
Salt Lake county jail Feb Fe 8 IS1 194petit I Ipetit f fpetit
petit larceny y His term WIll expire expirelotc r rfore r rfore
fore the next xt meeting of the 11i 11iKaigbn h hKaiglhn n nKaighn
Kaighn went to the penitentiary penitentiarylive penitentiarfive
five years Nov 10 1902 190 for volum volummanslaughter voI11l1manslaughter vollitiTmanslaughter
manslaughter He was paroled i
15 1 1903 1903WOULD l03WOULD
Injunction Asked Against the Mon Montana Montana Montana ¬
tana Smelters SmeltersButte SmeltersButt SmeltersButte
Butte Mont ont May tN N J 1 Bi Rjp Rjpberg B Bberg Tp Tpbers
berg and William T Elliott Deer ls I Ivalley iid iidvalley ii iivalley >
valley ranchmen have brought broughtin v < = t tin
in the district courtof court of Powell o COIj COIjfor eIfor > i ifor
for an injunction restraining re the Al Aiconda Alconda Alconda
conda Copper Mining company and andLne r rWaehoe TTashoe >
Waehoe Mining company from opr opring opring oprTing
ing the big reduction works of rn rncompanies I II IIcompanies J Jcompanies >
companies at Anaconda These wor worare w o oare or orare
are the largest in the world and u 1 e eclaim eclaim eclaim
claim is made by b the plaintiffs that tha thasmoke tt ttesmoke e esnoke
smoke and gases from from the big s 51 = iad3 iad3are a ics icsare icsare
are destroying the livestock < k in wvj wvjthey w wthey t tthey
they designate as the smoke zoi zoiand ZIand I IAnd
and that their lands in conseqnenop ronItQUf > Dr r rthe rthe rthe
the chemicals and other deposits fmrr fmrrthe frnrrthe frerthe
the smelter are deteriorating in alu aluMr a aMr 1 1Mr
Mr Bielenberg claims to have ben brendamaged hfendamaged bendamaged
damaged to the amount of 259600 ar art axlXr artMr i iMr
Mr Elliott claims to have been da daaged lars larsaged Ia Iaaged
aged to the amount of 1818ollO 1 1e 6 OOO Neither Neitherask XelthCask Nistheask
ask the court for damages but they theydemand the thedemand theydemand <
demand that the company be tempo temporarily temporarlly temporacily ¬
rarily enjoined joined while the action for r rlief ri rije rc rclief
lief is pending The defendants ha hubeen habeen r rbeen >
been given twenty days in which whi to fii fiian filan fi fian >
an answer > r A closing d ing of the smeltpra smeltprawould 8m srnltcrswould itMS itMSwould
would affect many thousand miners in inButte inButte inButte
Butte as well wellBENSON wellBENSON 11 11BENSON
New York May eAfter After a a hearir hearirIn beariTIn beaujrin
In the United States court today Judge JudgHolt Jud JudHolt JudgeHalt
Holt announced that on Tuesday nex nexhe nExhe nexhe
he would sign a warrant calling ca1lin for the theappearance theappearanee theappearance
appearance of John A Benson Bensonwealthy Bensonweoalthy Bensonwealthy
wealthy California land owner Ixfoia Ixfoiathe bffolthe befithe
the court in Washington The stgnrg stgnrgof
of the warrant was deferred UJT UJTTuesday 16 16Tuesday e eTuesday
Tuesday so that Benson might not t tobliged 1obliged tobliged >
obliged to remain in custody over STT STTday t ti tiday T Tday
day He is now at liberty under Jliv Jlivbail 1 L j jbail Iball
bail bailBenson
Benson Is charged with having baingco baingcoSlrired havingspired cor corspired
spired with ith others to defraud defraudUnited defraudUnited defraudUnited
United States through the reoeiviiig reoeiviiigtitle recrYiLgtitle reortvii i ititle <
title to government lands in the theof theof theof
of California and Washington lIe lIealTested liearrested v varrested
arrested here several years age ageGOULD apCI agoa
Special to The Herald HeraldBoise Heral4Xay HeraldBoise
Boise May 20 2OThe The Statesman Statesm3jsay v vsay
say tomorrow that it bas respon responauthority respoIiaut resporauthority
aut authority orlty for the statement that t it itth 1 t tthe tthe
th the Intention of the Gould lntere lnterebuild 1ntubuild interebuild >
build to Portland and perhaps to I Iget I3ef Iget
get sound as well as to San Fran FranThe i iThe 1 1The
The line of the Western Pacific v vcross tcross vcross
cross the Southern Pacific in the theelnlty thecinlty v vcinlty
cinlty of Wlnnemucca According Accordinsthe Accordinthe
the Statesmans Stat ns informant the i iis Iis iIs >
is to start the Portland line near th thpoint bpoint ti tipoint
point The road will reach the II IIney IIney Iiney >
ney country and run on northwester northwesterthrough northwestthrough northwestethrough
through the state of Oregon One r1 r1is 1 1is Iis
is to build down the John Day and a aother iW iWotber iiiiotherto
other otherto to keep farther south southLOOMIS BOU southa tb
4 + Washington May Iay 2 28Presidll 28PresidllRoosevelt Presidei 4
4 + Roosevelt and Secretary Taft had hada +
4 4 a conference today regarding the theLoomisBowen 4
4 4 LoomisBowen case At Its con concluslon 4 4
4 + 4 elusion Secretary Taft said that T Jdecision > H 4 4decision
4 + decision yet had been reached His Hi Hiintention 4
4 4 intention id i to call other witnesses wi t S Swho 4
4 4 who have been indicated to him bimand 4 4
4 + and hear r their testimony before Dei < e he hemakes 4
4 makes a formal statement con coneernl conceriming +
4 + cerning eernl the cose cns to the president presidentc +
+ 4 i 4
44 t + + It + 4 + + t + + + t + t 4 t + t 4 + 4 t + + tI + 4444t H t tt

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