OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 21, 1905, Last Edition, Section Three, Image 23

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1905-05-21/ed-1/seq-23/

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THE T1 iE SALT LAKE L I L HLR HERALD ± ST SUNDAY L T D Y MAY llA Y 21 1 iy05 1 03 0 0G
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t C 0 jOUG f LJt j ro G OOD OODJTO 0 O
r JTO it i RlO f nu f I WfID C t t on t ti c 1 DD
4 J What Davy dV Brown Town Learned LearnedFrom Learnedfrom
From Uncle ncie Mose ose osePrehistoric About AboutPrehistoric AboutPrehistoric Oll
Prehistoric Relics and andthe andthe ande
the e Strange Adventure AdventureThat AdventureThat Adventurer AdventureOutcome
That d Was dS the e eDAVY Outcome OutcomeI outcomeDAVY
I AVY BROWN and Uncle Mose 050 were great grtatJ gn greatfrieixls t tfrie
DAVY J friends frie ls Uncle Hose was an old colored coloredlimn colordman coloredman
man who by profession was a kalsomiiio kalsominoartist kalsomiiioartist Utlsomiuoartist
artist as he called it but he was known to all his hisneighbors hisni hisneighbors
neighbors ni lthor8 as s a whitewasher w it ltSher He was old far farolder farolder farolder
older than anybody else in Watertown a aDd d very veryvery wrypry veryvery
very pry wise wise of course as was U quite natural in one of ofhis ofhis ofhis
his age That he was fond of f a little boy might be beconsidered L LJ beconsidered
considered J 5idcred odd but it often happens that an aged ngrdman 8hfrlman agedman
man becomes attached to a youngster and these thesetwo thl thesetwo < e etwo
two certainly were great eat friends friendsUneJe friendsU friendsUncle
Uncle U > > eJc MOoSe lived right by the riverside and ho heowned hoo hoowned
owned o ned a boat in which Davy spent many a happy happyhour happyhour happyhour
hour hour1he The 1he banks of the river were high and of a asandy asandF asandy
sandy gravelly soil in whieh men of science euiro euirovery eamovery 11O 11Oery
very ery often to dig for those objects of stone stonehatch stonehatchets hatch hatchets ¬
ets arrowheads and the like likewhich which are scattered scatteredall scattc > rc rcall
all over our land but nowhere so plentifully as on onthe onth onthe
the th banks of this river As far back as Davy could couldr couldroioUect
r rl roioUect oUeet be bad seen Uncle U nc1e lose assisting thce thcescientific thosjentific thecseientifie
scientific visitors with shovel and pick but he e never neverroalized neverpaJized nevcrealized
realized how tOW much Uncle Nose ose knew about theso thesothings tllfsOthings thcsothings
things until he was quite a big boy and had begun begunt
t tip find arrowheads and such things thin s for himself himselfOne himselff himselfOne
One day he picked up a long straight club clubshaped cIuhf clubllapetl
f shaped f haeI article very carefully polished in a spot spotwliere sputwhere spotwhere
where the river bank hud fallen recently and he hehastened hehastened hehastened
hastened to Uncle Mose to learn what hat it was for forho forhe
ho 11 had never s seen en n such an instrument instrun lent although althoughnow althot h hnow
now he was quite familiar with many of the cb cbjectl cbjfcta cbjects
jectl discovered tl in the gravel gravelDafrs gravelDafs gravelPats
Pats a pestle fo sure r exclaimed Uncle ITese ITesePats Hereflats
Pats what deiH Stone ARC A e men used ter grind deer dWr1n deereri dercorn
corn < 1n in a big hif hollow rock k Ill bet yow youc could uldgit git altalf ahalf a ahalf
half dollar for dat if one of dent professors purcssQrs was wasroun wasroun wasroue
roun heah heahBut hc ltealtBut 1t 1tBut
But why did they take so much trouble those
Stone Stt > ne Age men men to demanded the boy Why didnt didntthey didn9tt didntthey
they t heJ take their corn to the mill and have it itground itground
Y ground groundrr groundHow f fHow
How rr r yon talk + ui T Dont n you i know dey de j didnt ij x T Tno have hveno havea
a no mill nor Or nothin in dem dt > m times 1 replied Mose MoseDey MiscDer OS OSDey
Dey jist naturally had to dp do everything by hand handHow hnmlH hnmlHhHow handHow
How long ago was that time asked Davy
Long LOD before all del d at gravel and sand came to be bepiled hepiled bepiled
piled on to de earth said Uncle Nose Iosc Praps Prapsthirty Prap3thirt g 1 1thirty
thirty thirt mebbe a hundred thousand thou nd years ago agoHow agot agoILow
t How do you know that f asked the boy 00 00h boyt
t h Cause we find dent stone things down beneath beneaththe OenfathtIle beneaththe
the gravel and sand De professors say dat long longout
bout out de Caloric Age or some sich t time lne down came gainslam cameslam caI1Kslam
slam bang sping all dat gravel awhirlin and atvwirlin a atwirlhi atwirIill
twirlhi and buried hur l up everything in sight sighttrce sighttrceInen trees treesmen =
men anamiles and all Fust time I hear bout it ittwas ittwas ittwas
twas good while senor sen and dey says dat it all hap happen happen happen ¬
pen in what dey call de Ice Age and den dey s saT y
de d ice done bring bri g all dat sand clay and gravel here lierebut herehut borebut
but lately dem purfessors dev de say its impossible for forany forJn forany
any Jn ice to make all dat stuff and besides dat datwheres rlatwheres datwhere
wheres s tie le ice to git all lat stuff from anyway anWa anWaWell
Well then where did it come front f demanded demandedDavy demandedD demandedDavy
Davy D v
0 Dey says a comet just hauled off and slapped slappedit
it all on de face of de earth f > and audden den went spinning spinningaway spinninaWI spinningaway
away aWI again Reckon lots ats right cause all dat sand sandand sandnuc1 sandand
and clay dayalt1 am jist mussed up in spots like de d wind windswept windswept windswept
swept it i itroaa rows and roun like lik a snowdrift And Andd Andlownn
d lownn wii at the bottom underneath the hardest and de detoughest detlu detoughest
toughest tlu hest part lays dem stone knives and axes and andso an anSl andso
so Sl on ouh
h Hell onHell onWell Well eU anyhow a oow even V Jt if the ice brought hr ht it all allthese aUtlW5e allThese
these things 1lti > > must ust be mighty old ventured the th boy boyBeteher boyuBetelM boyISeteher
Beteher > r life exclaimed Uncle t ncle Mose Mo I reckoniftrl reckon reckondr r on onPm
dr iftrl Pm m was de times o witches itchf and hobgoblins hobsoblinsdty Why Whydny Whyder
dny had anamiles anamilesbout bout as big as railroad trains a awaiwlerin awltneJeriu auainlerin
waiwlerin round de earth seeking who ho dey might mightd mightdCQur mightdevour
devour d our ease SOMe of deir skeiiitgtons has been beenfound heenfUt1utl beenfound
found and in em sticking to deir < ribs ant arrows arrowsand arrowsand arrowsand
n nhGee
and pears spearsGee pearsGee
Gee whiz exclaimed Davy I wish ish Id been beenalive beenBl beenalive
alive Bl i e thenYou then thenYou theny
You y 00 wouldnt ouTdi t a a7 been Jen a mouthful to one of dem demtaxidenmisses clemtaxidermusses demtasiderniusses
taxidenmisses or dew alabasteroziums alabaseozi ms replied repliedthe repliedtIle repliedthe
the old man I seen de head of what dey call callsquinmisotheriuMj A AsquirutU50therim asqutrntiisotheri
squinmisotheriuMj Jd it was bigger erdan dan your pas paswagon pagwugon paswagon
wagon body ladyNow bodyXow 1 Ody OdySo
Now So Uncle Itf f tese se as jour father will tell you did didnot didnot didnot
not really name these ancient animals correctly but butit butit butit
i it made no difference to o Davy who listened in won wonder wonder ¬
der MIMI awe a after which he searched more eagerly eagerlyfor ca eagerlyfor erJ erJfor
for relies of the past and found many which he sold soldto soldin soldto
to collectors for lord ocd sums Along the sloping slopingbanks slopinghnnks slopingbarks
banks of the river and up the nary narrow Darrow creeks thatflowed that thatflowed thatflowed
flowed into it it he roamed daily da with keu k eyes that thatrarely tltat1rrely thatrarely
rarely missed the gleam g m of a white quartz arrow arrowhead arrowhpad arrowhead ¬
head the rou ro rough h end of a spearhead or some other otherancient otheraneie1lt otherancient
ancient implement implementEvery implementEvery
JI < r rEftIY
Every time he spied a freshlyfallen niaae of ofgravel ofgravel ofgravel
gravel he hastened to it and it was as not often ofteltthat ofteltthathe thathe that thathe
he failed to find a treasure hidden there In time timethe i timethe mc mc1hl
the profi professors l ro e6SQ15 wre from the tOI colleges who fairly haunt haunted haUllte hauuted ¬
e ed < 1 that locality came to k look ok for hill and depend dependon
on him for supplies and in the college museums museumswere Dm nntseutnswere llmS llmSwere
were many things marked with Davy DA Browns name names nameas lamens
ns s the t original discoverer which he had presented presentedto p nted ntedtft
to the museums museumsOne m1lel1l18Olle museumsOne
One summer afternoon he struck a new spot spotone spotone spotone
one that he had never explored f where immense immensetrees imn1CJI imn1CJItreps immensetrees
trees overhung o rhung a highbanked hi hbasaked creek and among ao the thegnarled thegnar1ed thegnarled
gnarled roots of a fallen flI n tree tr he spied something somethingthat fiOmethi fiOmethithat somethingthat
that reflected Je ted the sunshine with a strange greenish greenishgleam greem greenishgleam h hgJealt1
gleam It was half buried in the sand but his keen keenpracticed keenpracticed keenpracticed
practiced eye e e instantly detected that it was stonu stonuand stoneand stonuand
and one of the ancient relies reliesWhen reli relimen relicsWheti
When men he had lifted it from its gravelly avellJr bed he hewas hewas hegas
was delighted to find that he had discovered some something > < oinetlung me metlling ¬
thing entirely new and strange stru e a stone object the thelike 1he1ike thelike
like of which nobody had ever before seen for of ofiourse off ofcourse
course f urse Davy D now knew just about ab ut what had beenfound been beenfound beenfound
found previously because becAu the professors had given giverhim givenhim givenhim
him many books on the subject of Stone StoneAge Age imple implements imcm implements ¬
ments mentsThe m mentsThe < nts ntsThe
The thing which he had found was made atf f a dull dullpreen dunecll dullgreen
preen ecll ° flinty stone shaped like a heart with a sur surfacedull surf surfacecluIl ¬
f facedull f8ce c I11 hut ltu smooth smoo h and when w e Davy had tad removed removedtha rUlove removedtho < l lthOc
tha cli cling gi ewtii 1J 4lt jront from it he saw that a small smallround smA smalllround l lround
round hole IIO ll nad ad d been b e t Tx fored borai1 r d ilirough t ougll 1a ii sjp that it itmight Jtmight itmight
might be suspended 8us d like a looket J ket about a out iiha seek seekof neckof reekof
of its wearer wearerp
He fastened aecI home with hia hi pviae IH ac Doctor Do tor Pollard Pollardtint PoUardg PoUardgthemniHeHt d dtheeminent
themniHeHt tint eminent oculist who was always a famous fa s judge judgeof ju juof
of diamonds and other precious precu5 stones instantlyprotbt instantly instantlypronounced iDSt J ly ly1KOItiOUlCt1
pronounced protbt iced the find to be Q an aneuierald emerald and one of ofimmense ufimJDeftse ofimmense
immense value Mr Goldgr Gol Goldgrobber gMlmr bber the town jeweler jeweleroffered jeCleroffered jeweleroffered
offered Davy 18 for it as soon as he saw it Judge Judgeof
of Davys surprise surlri when wlen Professor Rankin of ofPrinceton ofPrinceton ofPrinceton
Princeton declared that Ute emerald heart was wasworth waswort wasworth
worth wort fully 50000 50000Parting 50000Parting 50000Parting
Parting with it was far from rr m his tis iHiila tint1 iiu3 hut as asGoWgrabber asGoIdgrabber asGoklgrabber
GoWgrabber GoIdgrabber said it ought to t be polished Davy be began hegan began ¬
gan to accomplish the task in a Japanese manner mannerwhich Jltlpmerwhie mmnuerwhich
which consists simply > I in rubbing a stone between betweenthe betweenthe between betweenthe
the hands This is the way they used to give such a xperfect aperfect IIperfect
perfect polish to the beautiful cloisonne ware warebefore warebefore warebefore
before they learned how to polish with machinery machineryDay macltineryDay machineryDay
Day after day da Davy rubbed his prize noting with withdelight withdelight itlt itltlight
delight light that it grew smoother and more shining shini g as asthe asthe asthe
the time passed although it certainly taxed the theboys thebo theboys
boys bo g patience Finally it glittered like a green sun sunand sunand sunand
and not a scratch remained to show what hard usage usageit usageitIaad usageit
it itIaad had passed through during the thousands of years yearsit yearsit yearsit
it had lain in the gravel amid pounding rooks and andswirling andswirling andswirling
swirling floods iloodsNow iIoodsXow floodsNow
Now boylike he had often held the stone heart he rt to tothe todIe tothe
the light and looked through thr mgh its green splendor at atthe atthe atthe
the sun for it was as clear as crystal c stal throughout throughoutand
and flawless but one day he saw with astonishment astonishmentas
as he peered through it that he was looking lear eloarthrough clearthrough learthromdt
through the walls of If the house and across the fields fieldsl fieldsbeyond Ids Idslte
beyond l lte Qnd This was his first intimation that the stone stoneh stoneJMd stonehad
h had d magic qualities He tested it again to find that thatwith thatwith thatwith
with its aid it was possible to see through tbrou h all sorts sortsof sortsf sortsof
of f substances lb6ta Ccs and then he discovered discoveredaItlton discoveredalthoughthis although althoughthis h hthis
this happened later latertJutt that with it one could see any anything anytJJi1 anything ¬
thing tJJi1 he wished the world over overAt oyerAt overc overAt
At first he experimented only with simple things thingssuch thiJJSsuck thingssuch
such as looking looki down the well or through the thicl thickness thiclness thiclness ¬
ness of an oak tree or into a rock Then lie went wentfarther wentfarther wentfarther
farther and saw by its magic where things were werelost werelost werelost
lost and what people were doing afar off Thus Thuswithout Thuswithout Thuswithout
without leaving his own room lie could see a playin play playin playin
in the theatre or witness the performance in a cir circus circus cir circus ¬
cus although althou h of course he could hear nothing at atall atan atall
all of what was said As to fires it was possible to tosee tosee tosoe
see a half dozen at once if he wished and prize prizefights prizefigllts prizefights ¬
fights football games boat races and baseball were werecontinual werecontinual werecontinual
continual sources of fun funHe funHe femIle
He used to spy into all sorts of things at first de detecting dctecting c ceCtiD ¬
tecting eCtiD all manner of wonderful happenings he heknew heknew heknew
knew just what everybody carried in his pockets pocketsand pocketgoo pocketsand
and oo he could read anybodys letters in the post office of office offlee ¬
fice if lie wished Thus he knew where Uncle Amos Amosspent Amosspent Amosspent
spent his evenings how much money Mr Ir Barritt Barritthad Barritttad Barritthad
had in the bank and whose dogs were killing sheep sheepnobody sJeeP sJeePnobody sheepnobody
nobody in the town could keep a secret from him himso himso himso
so far as it related to actions for lie C could see seeeverything seeoverythiug seeeverything
everything everythingLater overythiugJ everythingLater
Later J ter he found that he could detect diseases diseaseswhich disC81eSwhich diseaseswitich
which had baffled even Dr Reynolds skill His HisAunt HisAunt IlisAunt
Aunt Amanda Brewer was a lady who imagined imaginedshe
she had every disease in the known world and andwas andas andwas
was as continually on the lookout for symptoms of1 of1new ofnew o 1 1new
new ones Wl When hen en she read the advertisement of any anypatent anyptellt anypatent
patent medicine she instantly instantl imagined that t1a she shefelt shofE slimfelt
felt fE > > lt every pain and ache there described and in inthe inthe inthe
the course < of one day she would have every symp symptom s syunptom lI1p lI1ptom ¬
tom of a dozen doa n awful illnesses very plain and dis distinct distinct distinct ¬
tinct tinctAt tinctAt tinctAt
At one moment she would have all the signs of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the disease cured by Fortners Fiery Fever Pills Pillsthen Pillsthen Pillsthen
then the Baldinc advertisement would cause a aqueer aqueer aqueer
queer feeling in her scalp next Carmonys Celery CeleryCompound CeleryCompound CeleryCompound
Compound had her all twisted with agony unspeak unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable ¬
able after which for a short period she would la lament lautent Iainent ¬
ment that th t she felt as if she needed Potters Peru PerVvian Per Pervign Peruvian
vian Lung Balsam Griggs German Capsules Irish IrishMoss Irishloss
Moss loss 096 TaWets Tabl ts Codds Cod s Emulsion Liquid Air Inhaler InhalerRadium InhaerRadium InhalerRadium
Radium Plasters P sters and Mixems Talcum Powders Powdarsgave PowdBlSgave Powdersgave
gave her one after another spasms of mysterious mysteriousaches m mysteriousaches sterious steriousaches
aches as s she read about them and anybody who whowished whowished whowished
wished to afflict the good woman W mAn had but to sendliar send sendIwir sendt
liar t r by bYnIiI mail the ho circular of ofs some mo now n9w medicine ip eiue to toAll toiqther tor
iqther r with lib Woo vet vetAll 0 CL CLAll
All her time timewas was sperit spieritih4mkikgeTtcmperature in 1 tektits t l tcmpertJre temperature
watching her symptoms pouring out doses d e5 count counting counting counting ¬
ing her r putee and reading rc di the testimonials of the thelatest tholatest thelatest
latest inventions in in 1l the parent nt lt medicine ntedi iDC liDo Upon 1JonJterJIl UponherjavyLconccutrated
JterJIl herjavyLconccutrated 1 1v conc utrated t t1 tit nagic he heart rt and 1 after aftercarduI1 aftercarefully i icarefully
carefully carduI1 examining her interior lie told his trou troubled troub1ed troubled ¬
bled relations r who were constantly expecting Aunt AuntAmanda AuntAmanda AmitAmanda
Amanda to die suddenly that she he was th healthiest health healthiest heaIthict ¬
iest woman omal1 in Watertown But Aunt Amanda Amandawas
was AS very Yer indignant at his taking such a liberty libertywith libertywith ibcrt ibcrtwit
with wit her Department of dIe Interior and said ssidthat sftitl1tat saidthat
that when she did die she would leave nothing to toDavy toDllvy toDavy
Davy DavyEverybody Davy DavyIvverybody
Everybody crybOOy in town at last l t knew that he was able ableto ableto ableto
to detect tect IU n 11 hidden things thin and for a tine ti 1e Davy Davywas Daoywas Davywas
was well liked and actually actuall made quite a good ood in income income inconic ¬
come by h finding lost articles Thus TlmsC lie discovered discovereda di ered ereda
a lost deed that had been hidden in a wall 8Il forllearl for fornearly fornearly
nearly llearl a century and which hich gave Squire Gelwicks Gelwickswhen Gelwickswilen Gelwickswhen
when it was taken to court complete possession possessionof sses5ioJ1 sses5ioJ1of
of n large tract of land all built up with handsome handsomehouses houdsomeIOU handsomehouses
houses IOU and stores for all this property had once oncebelonged oncebelonged oncebelonged
belonged to his greatgrandfather who had lost lostthe lostthe lostthe
the deed deedThen deedThlntgain deedThen
Then Thlntgain again again Davy Dav gained a great reputation repu tion for formiles formiles formiles
miles around by seeking for and finding a very valu valuable valuable ralvtable ¬
able coal oftl mine on a farm belonging to a p poor or man manwho Illatwho nnaiwho
who at once became a millionaire miHion irc and who gave gaveDavy gaveDa gaveDavy
Davy Da 5000 for the discovery discoyer but as time passed passedpeople pAssedlfople passedlieople
people began to worry over his power of detecting detectingsecrets detecti detectisecret5 detectingsecrets
secrets for all knew that nothing was hidden from fromhim fromim fromhim
him im The Common Council at last held a meeting meetingand JUeetiIgand meetingand
and decided that the magic heart must be taken takenfrom takenfrom takenfrom
from him and placed in the City Hall safety vault vaultwhere vaultwhere aultwhere
where the city charter < the Civic Pride Pridand and the theFreedom theFreedom theFreedom
Freedom of the th City were stored along with the old oklbattleflags oldbattlefitgs oldbattleflags
battleflags and last years ballot boxes boxesThis boxesThis boxesThis
This was not to Davys s liking you ou may maybe be sure sureand sureamI sureand
and as he now had plenty of money he resolved to tofoil tofoil tofoil
foil the plotters by b running away So late at night nightlie nightlie nighthe
lie slipped away awa and taking a train he was far from fromhis frombis fromhis
his home by morning and at the shores of another anotherbut anotharbut anotherbut
but greater river where ships s1 ps lay at the wharves wharvesimmense whn1Vesimlnense wharvesimmense
immense vessels that sailed to foreign lands with withcargoes withcargoes withcargoes
cargoes of all sorts sortsOn sortsOn sortsOn
On one of them The Sleeping Cow commanded commandedby
by Captain Spellweather Davy took passage to toOquimba toOquimba toOquimba
Oquimba which is a country not far from Alibazar Alibazarand AJibazarand Alibazarand
and near to Belooehistan Belood1 stan Its not on any map so soyou soyou soyou
you neednt look in your our geography for its too toosmall toosmaH toosmall
small to be put there It was ruled by King Oram Oramthe OramtheNinetieth ram ramthe
the theNinetieth Ninetieth who had a daughter so surpassingly surpassinglylovely surpassinglyloyely surpassinglylovely
lovely that all his income was derived from charg charging charg1tg charging ¬
ing 1tg visitors one dollar each just to look at her for fora
a few minutes Some wealthy young mn Ill n had be become become become ¬
come poor oor gazing gazing at her beautiful face others had hadsquandered hadsquandered hadsquandered
squandered such vast st sums that the King was really reallya
a millionaire Still 8ti11C he was as eager e ser as ever to togather togather togather
gather in the money and he had issued a proclama proclamation proclamfttion proclamation ¬
tion that for five dollars one might look at attier her and andmake andmake andmake
make a guess for twentyfive twent five dollars he might mightstare mightstare mightstare
stare at the lovely princess whose name vas as Cin Cinnabel Cinnabel Cinnabel ¬
nabel for a half hour and have two guesses There Therewere Therewere Therewere
were however so few visitors in Oquimba of late latethat latetJUt latethat
that scarcely ten a day came to the palace to see seetlie seotlIe seethe
tlie lovely Cinnabel and have a try at the th Kings Kingsgueseingmatch Iringsgtessing Kingsguessingmatch
gueseingmatch gtessing match and strange to say some someof of them themwere thClnwere themwere
were never seen to come out of the palace after afterentering afterentering afterentering
entering it itXow itl itlX itlow
low X ow as soon as the ship was tied up at herwharf herwharfthe h r whaT whaTdIe
the captain crew and passengers heard all about aboutthis aboutthis aboutthis
this guessing business and they marveled much muchfor muchforit muchfor1it
forit for for1it it had all come about since the ship had been beenthere beenthere beenthere
there before but as Davys curiosity was vastly ex excited c ccited excited ¬
cited he got out his magic glass and took a long longcareful longeareful longcareful
careful look at the Princess He was immensely immenselypleased iI immenselypleased menselv menselvplensl4
pleased with her and with gazing on her beautiful beautifulface beautifulface l lface
face lIe soon fell in love with her also Horesolved Horesolvedto He resolved resolvedto
to visit isit the greedy King but before he did so he ex examined cCamincd examined ¬
amined the whole royalpalace jto to o discover what it itwas itwas itwas
was that the King made his visitors guess guessThere guessThere guessThere
There happened d to be a rich young y ung man from fromPittsbtirgPa fromPittsburgfa fromPittsburg
PittsbtirgPa Pittsburg Pa there at tin the time trying to make a aproposition aproposition aproposition
proposition to the King to lot hini marry his daSigh daSightorand dmtghternwl daS gh ghter
ter torand while Dory could coul not of cour fLhet ier kt hat hatwas hatwas hatwas
was sat saw saW he had a pretty good idea oL oL what was
happening ha i chi The Kiln ii had kt toW the young yu v wan that thatif 1hatif thatif
if l he e gave g n him two hundred thousand dollars and andguessed andguessed m mguessed
guessed first what Itat was in a certain ebony box 1 > 0 and andtlten an anthen andthen
then what wl gt was behind a certain brass door he might mightask mishtask mightask
ask the Princess to wed cd him im but that was all allTlie allThe allThe
The young man was quite confident that the Prin Princess PrinCC5S Princess ¬
cess would have hint because all Pittsburg lads are arcvery arevery arevery
very pleasing to princesses but lie didnt didn t want to totake totike totake
take the risk of guessing as lie was a poor J < > or guesser guesserBut guesserBut guesserBut
But after a time tim he tried to hazard what was in the thebox thebox thebox
box and said 3id it contained diamonds and then he hedeclared heItdared liedeclared
declared that the Princess Princ s herself stood behindthe behindthebritzcn behind the thobrnzcn thebrazen
brazen door doorWhen doorVlten doorWhen
When lie had uttered the words the door flew flewopen flewOiU flewopen
open and into thc room flew an awful Thing It Itwas ItW Ituas
was W 5 as big as an elephant eleph < < nt all hairy and spiky like likea
a big chestnut burr with long claws and horns and andeyes amleyes andeyes
eyes like fire It rushed at the young man and as it itdid itdid itdid
did so the King slipped out through a tiny little littledoor littledoor littledoor
door concealed in the wall and escaped The Thing Thingswallowed ThingswaUowed Thingswallowed
swallowed the poor pour young man so suddenly that thatDavy thatDay thatDavy
Davy scarcely scarcel saw w how it was done and then after aftersniffing aftersniffing aftersniffing
sniffing at the tiny tin door it went back b ck into the place placefrom placefrom placefrom
from whence it came Then the door closed and andtlvc andthe andthe
the King appeared grinning and lie took the bags bagsof bagsof bagsof
of gold which the illfated young man had h d laid on onfive ontlK onthe
five table and went away laughing laug1ti Davys s blood bloodboiled bloodllOiJed bloodboiled
boiled in hi h his veins and ha resolved to punish this thisbad thisbad thisbad
bad cruel monarch monarchNext monarchKcd monarchlest
Next day he walked alked about the public gardens rdens of oftlie oftile ofthe
tile palace and yet et made no attempt to enter but butleering butpeering butpeering
peering into his magic emerald he saw that tHe Princns Prin Princess PrillCf ¬
cess Cf S was watching watchin him from behind the window windowcurtains windowcurhins windowcurtains
curtains with ith much interest t On the following followingmorning fo1Jowin fo1Jowinmorning followingmorning
morning he again appeared in the garden and this thistime thistinH thistime
time the King came forth and said saidGood saidGood saidGood
Good morning my young friend I suppose you youhave youhave youhave
have come like all the others to steal a glimpse of ofIhe ofthe ofthe
the Princess without paying the usual fee Ha ha haIt haIt haIt
It cant be done I keep her too well concealed concealedOh F FOh
Oh I am not so fond of looking at girls wheth whether ¬
er princesses pr ncesses or cooks especially when it costs costsmoney costsmone costsmoney
money mone 1 replied Davy Da laughing Girls are plenty plentyenough plcntyenough plentyenough
enough in our town I assure youHe you youHe youHe
He caught the th < gleam of CinnabeFs eyes at the thewindow thewindow thewindow
window as he spoke and he was quite sure that she sheheard sheIteard sheheard
heard him himAh himAu
Ah 11 but no such beauties as the Princess Cinna Cinnabel Cinnabel Cinnabel ¬
bel exist anywhere else declared the tIt monarch of ofOquimba ofOeJuimbft ofOquimba
Oquimba She is is said to be fairer thanthe than the day dayI ny nyI
I am sure that you ou will feel sorry to have missed missedseeing missedseeing missedseeing
seeing her he added addedI ad ed edI
I guess shes no prettier pretti r than my sister Mollysaid Molly Mollysaid 01I 01Isaid
said Davy DavyIf
If you are such a good guesser gu 55er Ill let you ou do dosome dosome dosome
some guessing 1 said the King his lti cruel oyes glit glittering glittering glittering ¬
tering with spite Come inside and if you can canguess canJlI5S canguess
guess whats s in my ebony chest Ill lIllllt lat you you see iny llJ llJdaughter
daughter for nothing nothingIf 1 1If
If you ou will promise to give hero me Ill try it itdeclared itr itrdeclared itdeclared
declared Davy DavyTell DaY DaYTeU DavyTell
Tell you what Ill do I said the King grinning
If you can guess whats in tire box and whats in inthe inthe inthe
the next room Ill let you ou marry her and be my
heir Now thats fair isnt it itDavy itDavy itDavy
Davy said it certainly seemed so and he followed followedthe followedthe followedthe
the King into the palace but as lIe started to do so sohe sohe sohe
he saw the beautiful Princess sl sI1O shout nv her 11 r face at the thewindow thewindow thewindow
window and motion him to run runnwl away Then he was wasquite wasquite wasquite
quite sure that she f e pitied himand wished to save savehim savehim savehim
him from the jaws of the Kings pet animal but butin butin butin
in fact she knew nothing at all about the awful awfulThing awfulThing awfulThing
Thing and nd was merely signaling him to go to the therear therear therear
rear garden where she sh meant to slip out and speak speakto
to him perhaps tell him what was in m the ebony ebonychest ebonychest ebonychest
chest However he went inside and the Ring Kingpointing Ringpointing ringpointing
pointing to the black box asked askedNow sskedNow askedNow
Now tell me whats inside of that thatDavy thatJ thatJDan thatDavy
Davy who had often looked into the box during duringtho durin durintUt duringthe
the last two days and knew exactly what it con contained contained con containod ¬
tained pretended to be thinking think g deeply xand and after aftera
a long pause e he said hesitatingly4 hesitatin Mi t > i iconceal
1 tcLt sr it 5eern seemssuch such an odd thJIg Jtt11tW i y glihnul rh ulH ulHconceal f fconceal r
conceal such unroyal articles artic1 s in in such s sac a a costlybox costly osty box I Ie
o 1 1Hov
Hov Ow w He Accomplished the theDownfall thejownfall
Downfall of o a Cruel rue King Kingand Kingand In Inof
an and the e Release e ease of a aBeautiful aBeautiful
Beautiful eaillll Princess PrincessHis PrincessHisMagic r1nGeS r1nGeSS r1nGeSMagic S His HisMagic IS
Magic Emerald EmeraldThe
J I IThe =
The King turned pale and then laughing he hesaid hI hIsaid hosaid
Come I Speak up andsay and say what you think thinkIn I IIn
In that costly box are three pieces of stale broad breadtwo broadtwo broadtwo
two frankfurter sausages an old woolon sock and anda
a bit of leather that is part of a harness llarn < t5s replied ropliodDavy ropliedDnvy repliedDavy
Davy with decision looking tho King in the eye eyeThe eye eyeTheIGng eyeThe
The TheIGng King jumped jump cd about aboutiour four our f feet cot into the air and andcried andcried andcried
cried criedfSomebodJ
Somebody must have told you Or else you youare youaren are area
a wisardl wisardlThe wiaardThe F FTho
The question now no is am amDavy I right t demanded demandedDaw l lDa
Davy Da Are those things in the box or are they theynot thsynot theynot
not i ir P
notYou PYou r whats in the thanext theJextroom
X01nest You i have guessed rightly lowwhats Now
next Jextroom room beyond that brazen door asked thenuoiaerch the themonarch themouerob
monarch trying as he spoke to edge toward his hislittle higlittle hislittle
little door to escape but Davy had placed himself himselfbefore himselfltcfore himselfbefore
before that door as soon as he entered tho room roomand roomamI roomand
and lie got closer to it now The King spoke in a anervous anerous anervous
nervous manner and said saidIll saidIll saidIll
Ill allow you to examine that brazen door ifryon ifryonlike ifyouIike if you youlike
like so that perhaps you may guess easier easierNow easierN easierNow
Now N ow Davy knew well that the electric button buttonwhich buttonwhich buttonwhich
which opened the big brass door was in tho wall wallnear wallnear wallnear
near the small exit and he laid his hand on it as ashe ashe aslie
he he replied repliedNo repliedlIo repliedNo
No I can guess without leaving this spot I dont dontknow dontknowtlte dontknow
know knowtlte the name of your our pet beast but Ill show him himto
to you youThen JOllThen youThen
Then ho pressed the button and as the brazen brazendoor b13zendoor brazendoor
door flew open he slipped through the tiny door doorwhich doorwhich doorwhich
which opened at the same moment momentThe momentThe momentThe
The King seeing that he never could escape escapethrough Qsoapethrough escapeethrough
through his own little exit had started to run to toward toward toward ¬
ward the he door of the room which he had carefully carefullyclosed carefulJjocloscd carefullyclosed
closed and locked but the frightful Thing lhin darted dartedupon dartedupon dartedupon
upon him and swallowed him as quickly as it had hadever hadevcr hadever
ever swallowed any of his victims He uttered an anawful anawful anawful
awful yell as he vanished down that terrible red redthroat redtllroat redthroat
throat a yell that rang through the whole palace palaceand palacemd palaceand
and that was the last of King Oram the Ninetieth NinetiethWhen NinetiethWhen NinetiethWhen
When Davy Day darted through throu h the little door he hefound hefound hefound
found himself in the main hall ha I where was gathered gathereda
a host of the palace inmates shivering shierin in terror for forthat forthat forthat
that yell en was merely the last one of many others othersthat otnersthat othersthat
that had always 3Iwa s followed the entrance into that thatfatal thatfatal thatfatal
fatal room of one of the suitors of the beautiful beautifulPrincess beautifulPrincess beautifulPrincess
Princess PrincessWhen Princesshon PrincessWhen
When hon Davy told them them that the King had been beenswallowed beenswallowed beenswallowed
swallowed by his pet they all shouted with joy and andinstantly andinstantly andinstantly
instantly called for Cinnabel When she appeared appearedthey appearedtIH appearedthey
they tIH said that the good 1 1loved King g Oram her dearlybe dearlybeloved deaulybeloyed ¬
loved father had left without any parting message messageand messa messageand e eand
back bllckfor for they theydidnt theydidn theydidnt
and very ve likely likel would never come
didnt t want to hurt her feelings feelingsand and that now she shewas shewas shewas
was Queen of Oquimba OquimbaBut
But > ut is this legal le al she demanded Who can canprove cllnprovo canprove
prove that my father has but gone on a short jour journey journc journey ¬
ney nc and that tlJ t he may m not return at any moment momentI moment1I
I can swear that he went on a short journey journey all allright allrigltt allright
right declared Davy The trip was perhaps rhaps only onlya
a few fe > yards ard in length but its a cinch that he will willstay willstft willllstay
stay stft there for he simply cant come back backThen backrnlcn backThen
Then to mak sure he took out his maeic manic glassatnd glass glassand g1assahd
and looked Sure enough the King was packed packedaway ptlekedW3Y packedaway
away inside of the great Thing which was lying lyingdown lyingdow11 lyingdown
down in its room with a horrid grin on its face So Sohe Sohe Sohe
he added addedYes addcdY addedYes
Yes Y 5 the King your our dear father is is gone for forgood forgood forgod
good god and lie wouldnt be a l nice sight if he did come comeback oomeback comeback
back now nowThen nowTlicn f fTh
Then Th l1 the Princess said saidThen saidThen saidTheit
Then I am free to tell a great secret I am not nothi notli notltis
ltis hi daughter at all but lie stole me when a little littlebaby 1ittlabnby littlebaby
baby from my mother the Queen of North Polaria Polariaa
a land far away and unknown to any but certain certaintravelers certaintraler5 certaintravelers
travelers who like the King venture far into intostrange intostrmge intostrange
strange n nF regions He has often told me that my nayparents myTl8rents
F parents rents still mourn for me and hope pe to recover me meand meand meand
and before I take the crown I wish to find them and andtell andtell andtell
tell them hat I am alive aliveDavy aliveDay aliveDavy
Davy Day cried eagerlyPermit eagerly eagerlyPermit csgerbPErmit
Permit me to conduct you to them I I know ex exactly exactly ex exactly ¬
actly where they are and we can get there in less lessthan JessthAn lossthan
than two weeks weeksI weekI F FI
I am afraid it wouldnt be proper for me io iotravel tGtravel totravel
travel with a young man unless he were my hus husind husbsncV husband
band ind replied the Princess blushing blushingOh
Oh thats easy I said Davy Lets get married marriedat
at once and then t1lenpeople people cant talk talkThat talkThat talkhat
That hat certainly would be quite the correct c rrect thing thingand thingand thingand
and beside we would then have lae an uptodateking uptodate uptodateking uptoddeking
king as well as a queen said the Court Chamber Chamberlain Chamberlain Chamberlain ¬
lain and as everybody Cer bod followed every suggestion of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Court Chamberlain a great shout of joy went wentup wentup wentup
up from the multitude of people who had gathered gatheredon
on hearing that the mean me m cruel old King had been beenswallowed beenswallowed beenswallowed
swallowed by the Thing and then Davy said saidBefore saidB
B Before fore we W celebrate the wedding lets have a akilling akiJIin akilling i
killing kiJIin i want to get rid of that nasty beast in inthat inthat inthat
that back hack roomSo room roomSo F FSo
whole barrel of chloroform and andforced andforccfl
So they t 1e y yforced got a
forced it into the room where the Thing was con concealed oonealc concex1e ¬
cealed ealc but butls as it succumbed 5 very slowly to the drug drugit rug
it was decided to take him and confine him in 1n a agreat agreatstlel agreat
great greatstlel steel cage so that he could be exhibited c to the themultitude themuhitude themultitude
multitude This was done and whpn when Davy and his liiabeautiful hisbeautiful hisbeautiful
beautiful bride returned r turnd from from their wedding jour journey journer journey ¬
ney with her rejoicing parents the King and andQueen andQueen andQueen
Queen of North Polaria there was the horrid thing thingin
in its cage ca and whole trainloads of people still pour pouring pouring pourjag ¬
ing into town from the country count districts and each eachpaying eachuin eacheying
paying p uin a quarter to see it roll its dreadful oyes but butI butassure
I assure SSl le you it wasnt getting any more rich young youngmen youngniell youngnien
men niell as fodder by any means meansf meansIf
If f it should be your good fortune to ever eer visit visitOquimba visitOquimba visitOquimba
Oquimba you may see for yourself this strange strangemonster strangemonster strangenionster
monster and perhaps you OU may have tbo luck uckas as I Ihad IItnd Iland
had to see him yawn and it will not surprise you youthen youthen on onthen
then to hear how easily elsil he swallowed the cruel old oldTou oldKing oldKing
King KingYou KingYou
You may see Davy Da y almost any day riding around aroundin
in a diamondstudded automobile with Cinnabel Cinnabeland Cinnabeland innabeland
and if you have a letter of nntroductionfrom introduction from the theAssemblyman theAssemblyman theAssemblyman
Assemblyman of your district he may mg r perhaps show showyou showyou showyou <
you the wonderful emerald heart and 11 < 1 allow you toiook to tolook
iook look through it 35 lIe does vei e7o roftonllo on0 i eehow eehowyourtp h9W h9Wt11Jfo1ks
the t11Jfo1ks folks at nome are getting pr n 1UY in inWALT yourtp 1Vibs ili iliWALT

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