i ENERALLY ENE RALLY speaking s eakn comets ap appear appear appear ¬
pear to be bodies whose ho e texture textureIs
Is s very unsubstantial The small smaller ¬
er onea oio appear merely as round oval ovalshanwl ovalshaped ovalshaptl
shaped masses ma lle of vapor or hazy light lightthat 1ightthat lightthat
that is l either uniformly bright t or with witha
a brighter af spot ot mar the center The Thela Thea Thelager
la lager a er and brighter comets in which whichthere whichther whichtitere
there appears appea a nucleus or head are arefound arefound arefound
found when viewed through a telescope telescopesubstantial tele telescopeto cope copeto
to beo be of a sub Umce uice that it hi far less lessubstantial lessFubstantial
substantial than that of a star Those Thosethat Tboeethat Thosethat
that leave a long fiery train behind behindthem behindthem behindthem
them sometime show a minute stellar stellarpoint stellarpoit stellarpoint
point of light at a the center It fe it from fromthis fromthis fromthis
this inner kernel that there seems to toemanate totm8nate toemanate
emanate a fiery stream of luminous luminousmatter luminousmatt81 luminousnatter
matter that gradually broadens broad ns and be becomes becomes becomes ¬
comes so diffused as to form one long Ionstram longtra longtrain
tra tram that grows g1 B less and less l distinct distinctuntil distinctuntil distinctuntil
until it has entirely faded from view viewComets viewComets viewomets
Comets omets a a8 they are distributed distributedthrough distributedthrough distributedthrough
through space are found to be very veryTiumeroiM verynumerml verynflnerous
TiumeroiM Many hundreds of them themhave themhave themhave
have been observed and astronomical astronomically ¬
ly recorded IQ Jrled Usually as many as a six sixtelescopic sixtfIefCGpk sitteiewpic
telescopic comets Con ta ar discovered with within wUhIn withIn ¬
in the period of a year Many of these theserapidly the theserapidly e erapidly
rapidly flying visitants to our system systemare sy sytemare em I Iart
are also supposed to traverse trat only that thatpart thatpart thatpart
part of the heavens that is above the thehorizon thehorjzon thehorizon
horizon in the daytime Hence Htt1 the therather therath therather
rather rath r remarkable statement of Kepler Keplerwould Keplerwould Keplerwould
would seem justifiable ju tiftable when hen be says saysCelestial miYshreJestial saysreIestlsl
Celestial space is il as full of comets as asthe a3the asthe
the seais of fish As a rule but one oneor oneor
or two nakedeye comets are seen in a alifetime alifetime alifetime
lifetime There is upon the astronomi astronomical tu stronomlaI tronomiOal ¬
cal aI reeords of the ancients ancit > nts the account accountof
of some Ille most remarkable comets That Thatwhich Thatwhlch Thatwhich
which appeared appe red at the birth of Mith MithrldateB Mithvidates lItl1 lItl1tldates
rldateB is Ii said s id to have had a disk diskequal diskfqual diskequal
equal in magnitude to that of the sun
Justin Ju Un refers to one that lasted ten tendays tenda tendays
days da s that it occupied > d a fourth part partof partof partof
of Ui the sky ky required uired four our hours to rise riseand riseand risend
and nd four fouphou hours to xet t and that its its1Ight
light was superior to that of the sun 1I1J
Freret j rer > t also infers to one OJ th Uiit that t appeared
in the year f8r 419 41 A D that was of such suchmagnitude suchmagititude suehmagnltUf1e
magnitude as tocause oau the remarkable remarkableeclipse tf rernarkhIeeclipse > mark ble ble4Cjpl
eclipse 4Cjpl e of the th sun that occurred occurr about
that time Those that api appeared eared in
1066 and ladS l are said Id to have ex ¬
hibited disks di8k < s that were larger arger than
those of the moon Other instances instancesare jnsta eB eBare
are mentioned in history of comets
that appeared so bright as to he plain ¬
ly 1 seen in the daytime Those Tho e of as asrecent asrecent asrecent
recent uerledn as 1 1343 14 43 and 186S were ere
distinctly se seen < n amid the open glare Iare of
the sun
Famous Braze Stars StarsThe StarsThe StarsThe
The socalled new stars differ ma ¬
terially from what hat are termed by
astronomers as variable stars in that
they blaze out unexpectedly at points pointsand pointswhere pointswhere
where they bad never been seen bt before beforend >
and nd within a 8 few ie days or months fade fadeentirely fadeenUrel fadeentirely
entirely enUrel from view A Among mongr the most
famougof these tbe e is one that appeared In
the nebulae of o Andromeda of which bieh Ij
the outburst was first noticed on the thenight
night l1i ht of Aug iug 19 1 1S85 It continued to togrow 1
grow in j brightness until the following I
September when it withdrew with withan withan I
an unsteady wavering light On Aug
6 1572 a 8 MAr of the first magnitude magnitudesuddenly m magnitudesuddenly gnitude gnitudeud
suddenly ud enly appeared in Cassiopeia at a apoint apoint apoint
point where here no star had been seen up
to within ithin half an hour before fore It con ¬
tinued to inerease in brightness until
it exceeded any other star tar in the
heavens and could be seen at mid ¬
day dayThe The The new ne star that is said to have ap i ipeared
peared ared in the year 124 and the
one oneseen onepn on onePn
seen pn at harvest time in England En and in
575 7 together togetb r with the unusual mani ¬
festations f tatlons that appeared in the days
of Pop Honorus I and at the time tm of o oConsthntifl5 I IConstantineg
Constantineg convention to Christian Christianity Ch nstJan nstJanity ¬
ity have led astronomers to establish establishcycle v acycle j jcycle
cycle of about 314 t4 years which seems seemsto seemsto seemsto
to identify all subsequent periods ol olstar otstarburats I Istarbul8ts
star starbul8ts burst s with that of the famous Star Starof Starof Starof
of Bethlehem TIlts seri s coincides coincideswith eoinddeswith roincideswith
with the years A D 4 314 622 6 9o 9o12f4 Si Siltt
12f4 1572 U 1i 7 and 1SS5 1SS5Stars lSSSStars ISS5Stars
Stars and Constellations Now Visible VisibleUrsa Vis VisibleIraa Jle JleUI88
Ursa Major with the pointers p iBtersof of the theGreat theGreat theGreat
Great Dipper are now no near nea th zenith zenithat
at 9 p pom m while just opposite under the thepole thepole thepole
pole and almost touching touchjn the tops oPS of ofthe ofthe f fthe
the northern hills swings Cassiopeias Cassiopeiasthrow Cassiopeiasthrone s
throw thro To the westward are Perseus Perseusand Perseusand
and Auriga t sinking below Iow the horizon horizonwhile horizonwhile
while to the eastward are Hercules and andLyra andI andLyra
I Lyra rising rj8in In the latter constella constellation onstehiation ¬ I
tion appears the famous ring Nebula Nt Nebulawhich > bula I
I which lies about midway between the thestars thestars thestars
stars Beta and Gamma It can readily readilybe re dily dilybe
be seen with a small tele tel telescope copc ope As it itis itis itis
is one of the few fe ring nebulae that thathave thathave thathave
have as yet been discovered it has hasbeen hasen hasbeeti
been en given much attention and proves provesto roves rovesto
to be an object of special sJ1 i81 study by byastronotmrs byastrODOmEn byastronesnirs
astronotmrs Sir John Herschel who whohas whoh8s whohat
has perhaps given it more of his time timethan limethan timethan
than anyone else says The central centralvacuity centralvacuity
vacuity is i not quite dark but appears appearsto ap Rrs Rrsto
to be filled in with Uh a faint nebula like likea i ia
a gauss uze stretched over a hoop A Amarked Amarktd Amarked
marked difference between this nebula nebulaand nt > bula I Iand
and 81 the one lying just across acr the bor border bortier j
der of Lyra in Vulpecula is seen en in iiithis
this that the latter assumes the well welldefined j j I
denned shape of a dumbell surrounded surroundedon
on all skies by b an Hldcnned nebulous nebulousatmosphere nebulOUSatl1wsphere nebulousatmosphere
atmosphere While observing the neb nebula nebuJa nebula ¬
ula points of this region re ion it will be b no noticed noticed noticed ¬
ticed th that t the Milky Way Wa at this hour houroccupies houroccupies
occupies tupies a most peculiar uliaT position J > Qsl ti on In Instead Inst Instead ¬
stead st Hcl of crossing the upper UP l dome of ofthe oft ofthe I
the t heavens as it did during February Februaryand Februaryand j jand
and March it simply stretches along alongnear alongnt alongnear
near nt > ar the northern horizon in the form formof I Iof Iof
of a semicircle from Alonoceros on the thewest thewest >
west pst round to Scorpio In the southeast southeastThe southeastThe outhf8tThe I
The moonless evenings of this month monthwill monthm mouthwill
will m doubtless < afford excellent upper opportunily uppertunity
tunily tunil for many to note the th position of ofthe j I
the Galaxy and the constellations that thatlie I IHe 1lie I
lie along it its path The principal stars starsthat j
that appear as it were behind its lace
like curtains are Beta ta and Zeta Z ta in
Taurus Omega Delta and Epsilon in
Perseus P r u8 Omega Beta and Delta in
Cassiopeia Omega O and Gamma in inCygnus iiiCygnus I
Cygnus Altair in Aquil qllil Eta in Oph j
luchus while Aittarea brings up th threar tho thorear threar II I
rear in Scorpio This long line of twin j
1 klers combined with that presented p nted by t
the Galaxy itself to anyone anoOt1 > having the I
knowledge and imagination io to1 to1appr appre appreciate appreelate ¬ II
elate it there
is here presented a scene scentthat >
that is especially eHpt > Cially interesting inter ting and at ¬
tractive At this hour In the evening
it will ill be noticed that the zodiacal zodiacali zodiacalarehway zodiacalarchway
archway stands with Virgo i fevr near item the themeridian Ill Illmeridian I
meridian while Libra followed by
Scorpio are rising ri ng Leo Cancer Cal1 < er and I
Gemini each in their order descend
down the celestial slopes toward the thewestern thewestern thewestern I
western horizon Low Lo in the southeast southeastare
are Comus and Centaurus with the theeastern theeastprn theeastern I
eastern end of Hydra lying between
In the southwest are Argo and Mono Monoceros Monoceros Iono Ionocel08 j
ceros In the upper part of the former formerand formerand j
and completely Immersed in the Milky i1ky I IWa
Way Wa is a conspicuous group of third thirdand thirdand I
and fourth magnitude > stars while hUe close I
to o the eastern edge of Canis
Major Uaj r and
in In close proximity with Uh this group is
the star Eta It lies about twelve de degrees ¬ I
grees north of Sirius and marks the
southeast corner of the constellation In I Iwhich
which i h it is found Directly north of I
Virgo 1110 are Coma Berenice and Canes Cant > s I
Venatici Y t naUci with Bootes
lying adjacent on 1
the east I II
In Spite sf
Dr r Guthrie Made Combination
Chicago Journal JournalThe JournalTM
The twentythreeton twtl1ttbr ton boulder which is
to srve ve as a memorial mem rial to Dr Samuel SamuelJuthrte S SamuelGiithrlo unuel unuelIulhrle
Juthrte tJIseoerer seoverer of chloroform is the theobject thee theobject
object e > of great interest as it rests tempo temporarily temporarily temporarity ¬
rarily at Michigan a avnue nue and Jackson Jacksonboulevard Jacksonhoulevarti
boulevard The boulder will m be placed pla in
its permanent position pe lUon in Grant park as asas ason assoon
soon on as arrangements ean be made for a
< it i1c There J is some difference of opinion opinioni
bNween the city authorities and th the park
hoard but it is i probable > > the monument 1ItOOt1 nt
will go to a spot near the art institute
Ossian Oss ssiiu im Guthrie a grandson of D Dr r Sam ¬
uel c1 Guthrie h has th the matter in charge
I Chloroform was s discovered by b Dr
Guthrie in ISM 1 hut it wan wa not until Oct
16 184 that it its success 3ue as a general an anaetlthetic ¬
aesthetic was established e Dr John C
Warren Va n proved r Nl its worth orth in the > Mama
chtieetls general gtn ral hospital The expert
ment mt > nt was as made by Dr Warren arrtn and Dr
William F G Morton the latter a Bos ¬
ton dentist den lt Dr Morton extracted all the
tooth from the low lower r jaw of a patient
without causing the slightest pain Gen Gen11men ¬
tlemen sW Dr Warren Warrf > n addressing addreffl n
those preeent this is no humbug
It was a notable experiment in which whichvery whichPvry hkh hkhry
very ry on one who took part achieved achi Ytd glory 11or 11orexept
except th the man who had his hi teeth pulled
His name is not even ayp mentioned lDfntio in a foot footnote Cootnot ¬
note not to an actonnt of the th occurrence
There i is 1M n doubt dc > nbt whatever of the dis diseoery ¬
ovary of chloroform h form by b l Dr > r Gnthrte then th n
living at Sacketts Harbor X Y The idea Hlfaor
of making makin the experiments fx rifRent < that led to it itam itam itarns
< am arns as the result of reading an article
In II Sillimftns Journal wherein it
was wasstated Wasstated 38 38Htat
stated Htat that a new Imported drug known kooYonac
as Dutch liquid was a very very pry grateful atetul
diffusible stimulant when h n diluted dilut with a
little alcohol sugar and water
As there had never been n the slightest s ht St
doubt la I tile country count around Sacketts
Harbor that alcohol aJCO ol and water with a avery aVfry avery
very little sugar was a grateful dif I
fusable stimulant 8t1mu nt it is not to be won on ¬
dered at that a little Dutch liquid liquidshould liquidshould
should be tried as a blend hy h the > con < On ¬
noisseur and the judicious The addition additionof
of the Dutch liquid must have appealed
to t Dr CHithrfe at any nv rate he h began
to 14 experiment ex riment in ways s to make it cheap ¬
er r and therefore tMrff N more grateful to the themultitude themllltltutle tuemiititude
multitude of th the afflicted afflictedproper atnlcttdJust afflictedJust
Just 80 how Dr Gllthrt4 ame to select koct the theprop theproper
proper prop chemicals in making 1n8kt his h expert experlin expertznnts
in znnts > nts is not clearly known but it is sup < w p pprinclpal
x rosed d that hs flnot selected whisky as the thepnnclp theprincipal
principal l Ingredient bee betu because we there was wasnever wasnever as asnlv
never nlv r any 11ft scarcity KIit of that chemical chemicalRround chfmiealRround chemicalaround
Rround Sacketts Harbor and m nd l it was nat naturally tlatUrally flattrally ¬
urally the very ve first thing that every one oneONG oneI oneQONG
J W v K Foley t oley i ivott in New ew York Times TiIlKSwoh Timesaeti
vott dna d uhee h e ete thatt mukes hur fda Ci5so fdaso
so fare faretiich taftfohh fareiuch
tiich swete cotnplecKshun tUIIIJhck hnn ann such s ch luvly Juvl
hare hareWi harevi
Wi vi 1 when Io b laffe itt seemes 11Ift5 me 1 iff thee th
Woo Woouv tHoutn bioutiv
uv bewun wux nl aolit ann ansrlui n lua looken lookentfcreo ookenthose
those tfcreoTskreain UIrookist thosei I
i kist nur WUJhI ann 01 alYous theft tbottTskrM theftlskrssia
Tskreain TskrM woa wte butt now mo Rts soiL wottHe HOtLjlJf soiLi4e
He > rather bay v a hess It from bur than own ownAnn ftwnADD ownna
Ann na lefcream Jskr aoda fownten awl aloan aloanann aJoantlr akmnir
tlr ir be a ehtrk hi a bi Wgg anncly ate ateann tot totann
ann aMes i ktet 1 t her rur i have IINe aM W fear foarnear tOllrJft fearmawr
near nearwhen Jft mawrwheas tI r rW
when W hetta sae i e is s note ere a Kt ie slices apHngg apHnggI toJ
1 se herdi lIi lbs It aiiw u here ma slngg
1 JlnteI met swatc 518 fears ann au wish wtefeann os fA fAkIeee fats fatswn
wn kIeee kIeeeann ene eneann
ann 1C foaJ foaJInn JIOOd od a sad I ttere is mfcea JIIeIeJJ mess
Inn JJ II wr are h Ito hol hart one no lila roni too It ItIwanto Itur Ittir
ur lnalk u fats w whess gra1Uley 4a SOH
hi hirWilnto bitwanto
Iwanto gro np uppaess aae vie alwvs bee beea I ee eea
a noniwr too are t tew town JI nan faaiBeeAnn taadleeAnn faaiBee fasifteeAnn
Ann stmdaze wean a go O too church trao UDOrre
Ire gettea good ood ann ab abes e has R JM maid aM d a so soWenn fiOenn soWenn
Wenn enn I think sum somtimes times how i yoonto doo I I Iaim
ann wott Yo = grate te eoodness she be ha au butt brottme buttIwo t
me to tohow toe toehow
how I desist INc m moar r ana 90 to fcooi
Moast Ioaatt evry day Ily ann kepe thee tbeer goaMen goaMenr I
r roo rooI ol oli olj
i feal uprni ml ciie chOke te UK thee blush w wv sliaMi sliaMiiuar aisaiwibar
iuar wot tt W wu K and 1Id i doant t iiamu thr thrtMdm thee theeI theegw
tMdm I IIdmgiv
giv hiI1 ti r Me tIWIl 4 lit JttButt litButt
Butt ii I Itkfif nk ljf if I ahead f awl awlrum wl
fru rum m tIiBJ III g4 I w JF eBS us weed ho
An 4 n olne ffle of nffl Ol5nt nt fear lTH
thought t ff Ofincase in eaSt > of an emergency emergdnevThls This I
I was Wa a condition not peculiar to Sackett S8ckf > Us a aout
Harbor in part particular iu lar the same respect
for tilt
chemical bPln being general through
out northeas northeastern > tern Xew York
With Yith the whisky hisk to the amount of two twoI
S gallons which hich he IMrchased at the ta tav
I ern Mr Guthrie added three pounds of orj
I chlorinated lime which hlth he had been using
j i as a disinfectant around the henhous henhouslime
I Great f fortitude and slf4Jenjal on Dr Dr
Guthrif part Were ftfeoe 8Rry It Is gaid
I Ia I before h ho couki f1kl bring himself to the point
of eonssntn ttn to spoil S6 much ex excellent Ik > nt I
whisky h lk by adding all that abominable old
lime JiOl to it But resistance and
I would never Jk > Vr risk it Sum said Fer Fernts
nando Jones who stood near him watch
Inp d develoments IoJ 4nt8 nts Youll rue rn this day
as ton long us VCMI live
That WK in the spring Sprtn of 1831 Mr Ir j i
Jones was comparatively comJMrativ I it young YOUU man in i ihi
I thom days And had accompanied Mr Ir
I Guthrie home from the tavern fearing
i that SORIethin something might I
happen to S Sam m as
he passed down th the th thronged ed 8t streets 14 of
Sae Sscketts ttts Harbor with all 1ha that I
I t whisky in II
hi h his jug juicI jugBut U UBatt
I But in spite pit of Fernando Jones T and his I
own scruples nJtes and mis misgivings fviHf the lime limewas Urn 11
Wa Was added to tM wh whisky The Then the stuff
was w boiled boI and the result was chloro f i
form formBut Ii
But it was not called so by Dr Guthrie j
who named it chloric eth ether r And nd even evengrateful I
after it YoIt wss ut
Dut upOn th the market as a
grateful tf1l1 and diffusible stimulant Fer
najHlo Jones still < liII insisted that tl > > ct be didnt I >
think much of the > stuff and that in fact factfor
the only Dutch Ifqntd he ever 7efLily cared I
for was Holland gin
Sixteen years Vatn > passed however before j I j
hlorofornn or ether came to be used 1I as a
general enll anaesthetic by b inhalation But I I
the original discovery difc4we of its manufacture manufacturehas >
by Samuel Guthrie 0 of 8R4kett Harbor 1
has h ha never been bf > en disputed It came into use I i
in surgery through the experiments txpertmt > nts of the
distinguished i f = surgeon Sir James Y Simp I i
son on of Edinburgh bt lie first tm published = s 3 a
pamphlet concerning rning its miraculous ef eftortav
f sets s and utility and It seems astonishing
today that this p pamphlet m mi was rf received fd in I
it spirit of an anger r rather than rejoicing m
the part of good and religious people
Pain n they said i was At the zrr will of God G2ro and d I
It was al blasphemous asptwm to do anything to
eliminate t > it quoting much Scripture rela rel ¬ It
tIe th to the th fact in order to substantiate
their arguments amnnentsBitt srgijutsituit
But in spite > of this thi hl the use u of chloro ¬ I
form sr PW g1e w and all as a result of that thatdown
happy fmNnation of whisky and Itm lime
l Dr Hnlhrle and Fernando Jones wa way
down in Sacketfs Harbor HarborA HarborIAN HarborN
ri I
MhioaRo II hkaKo KeronlHerahl KeronlHerahlGo
Go to slvei > my m HttU isis isisaddle ne neKidlc > Ii
t addle down cuddle down 00
Papas P pas grot your ticket for forShuteye forShuteye t
Shuteye 8hut Town Tn Shuteye Shutf > ye Town
Dont 1 > on you ou hear r the th whistle Mow istle
Wow bro istfc blow blo I
Now were wcr off m tO o > cuddk tudd low eddie low towBddk lowud lowuddie
Bddk ud l low 10 10Where
Where that nurse I wonder Oh i
Coddle tow addle tow addle ao
If she be Aeeant come blamed nted soon 590QUIRge 590QUIRgewlda sootusigeewhIz am fe fewMx
whIz whizzi whIz whhMfc whiz whisto
I would give a Jot to know knowSay
WJlel Where she tte Is lasts le hide lit I
Say confound you if you dont sto stosovalllns stop
sovalllns Ill mAl fWi
c yen OU down o Of
that bad where youll have a
clMIlIee c Mioe to so o it till you get et tired tiredand tlrtdand tiredand
and you can < an make up your uur mind mindMs mindriaht mindrtht
riaht here t that I metUI bla hture iiJ
Ms mxxie Ms MsJsowy hi
Navy now were re off acaia ala
Whoop ala whoop alay aI aIHear
Hear th the rumble of 0 the t tram
Down th the way lovely way wayWber
LIs Listen to t this birdies si sing rd iii sing
intla intlahere shag
Where here the HtUe litti tIe leaf leaflets leCs awir wh > r kwftlels Ie ttJelS ttJelS1a
swing 1a leaflets wtftlr wiae
Oh OkIwIehIhadastris I wteh 1 had a strmV 8tn
On that mine Ill bet Id arinr
H Her r upon th tile runny rllDD run nn
UiMiy y womiy womiyThat mlY
UD UDTbat enThat
That icwhat 1 1w what t Id do by Jtmr
So M ar NtUe ttJe one umii owe me iinnie iinniehr nnleeoe
eoe 50
hr G Qeoce MTgr Now r nil ll tM 1 your yours
W K s set et raw if JMHI IIH want to toami toanti toan
anti an tn tIM next time j pear M r mother mothertak 1tOllure motherao
ao me e to tak lake onrft mrS 1 u1 il P yaw yawa jwt jwtJ jloita
a J iate 2LwMte while whilethe htle tt f aBfefHlt aBfefHltin i
in Ue Uea
afternoon afternoona Dr Dra >
a MMH9 for Im Imvniue r iiMW
we vniue wn wndone iMisis as fIHI
done DOKE
I l
BuyhigOpportunities iJnprecedented iJnprecedentedme
me meA
A Letting Loose of Several Special Purchases at Way Below Manufacturers Manufacturersj Manufacturersoffers ManufacturersPricesand ManufacturersPricesand
Pricesand You Know What TI That at Means at the Busy j Auerbach Store These Theseoffers Theseoffers
offers for those that act quicklyrso quickly so be on hand Monday Outoftown custo custOmers f fmers
mers do d O the th e next best bestwrite write promptly and test our model mail order service l lUUuU t
UUuU 1 I
Superb Hats Hatsfor 1 1for
for 375 375This i iTrN
This will be the feature in our MIL MILLINARY Ml MlLINATtY
TrN iybD1 i IIk 1 1Iort
LINARY DEPARTMENT A this week weekMore weekMore
More Iort millinary beauty lWa1t and style tk for forJ375 rorthitn forthan
J375 than you ever before secured lfCurl in inyour Inour inyour
your our life lifeIts lifeIts hUeIts
Its th culmination oC value aUf giving givingA gjn gjnA
A host of diver conceptions and amistrikingly andtrikingly andstrikingly
strikingly handsome creations rt > Ktiom that thatdefy thatdffy thatdefy
defy our descriptive d rithe powers Th Thliat The The13t TIlist
list 13t you o want is here Come and get getit getit et et7
it this week for
375 7 5
E5TABLL5D 1864 1864ONE
for Monday and an the Rest of the th Week Also AlsoOffers AlSoThe AlsoThe
The TheSilk
S Silk lk Department
Offers the following bargain surprises sur surpriEes12 Jlises12 12 Special Lots offered us usso usso usso
so cheap that we couldnt resist the temptation to buj bu presented presentedfor
for this sale at prices that should and will give us us an extraordin extraordinary ¬
ary weeks business in this section
49e 49cPong Pongee e Silks Si1ks49c Si1ks49cj Silks49clONGEE 49c 49cPOXGKE
j POXGKE > OXGJof SILKS SILKSI SI LKS19 IS inches wide widelinen widf1iufIl WHItlinen
linen coor extra heavy quality qualitywill qualitywill 1II8Iit 1II8Iitwill
will wash beautifully auUfuUy suitable uttabl for forIndies forladifg forLadies
Indies and Childrens wear weardresses wpardrpsSs weardresses
dresses waists and coats regular regularprice rtJlllarprilt regularprice
price J0e e Monday and while it itlasts itasrlJ itlasts
lasts i ir irvard er
asrlJ 49c 49c59c
yard a > C C59c
59c Colored Pongee Silks 59c 59cCOLORED 59cOIREI
inehes inh wide itHo a rousing roubn bargain bargainand 1ar bargainaiat in inand
and new nE arrivals a fate delivery deliverywhich deltve deltvewhieh deliverywhich
which means our loss and your yourCain yourJain yourgain
Cain this is a beautiful I tiful soft softfabric softfabric ft ftfabriC
fabric every 4 fO threfcd pure silk silkand silkand tlk tlkand
and washable > suitable for Ladles Ladlesor Lad Lador
or Childrens wear a firmly firmlywoven firml firmlWOVfn firmlywoven
woven silk yet cool lirht and andairy Andairy aisLairy
airy in in colors light blue pink pinkgrey pinkgny pinkgrey
grey navy na brown tan cadet cadetwhite cadetwhite
white and others and never sells sellsat SOII SOIIat altsat
at less than lIe Monday they theyRO the thegi theygo
RO gi like hot cakes cakesat ESQf ESQfat
at per p < r yard yard69c yard69c JiJlLf JiJlLf69c
69c Pongee Silk 69c 69cPONGEE 69cGEE 69cJ
PONGEE J > GEE SILKS SILK87 27 inches wide widelinen wid widlimn widelinen
linen color extra heavy hca quality qualitysuitable quantyslitablf qualitysuital1e
suitable for or waists and entire entireoress IUe IUeorfSI etlreoress
oress an ani < 1 a a popular width for forcoats forar foroaT
coats oaT ar regular i lriro ric rire > 5k v the last lastof htf
of If f tic lJ big bi consignment slIClJmnt 34or Moedaysnul Monday MondayI lay layand
and while I it lasts I lastsat fit Sir
9c 9c59Co
at per yard yard59c C JO JO59c
59c Crepe De Chene 59c 59cCREPE 59cCRtPE 59cREPS
CREPE DE CHENE fHo CHENF4 E 24 inches incheswide Inh Inhwid Incheswide
wide wid a few more pieces J tts of those thoseOne thONOn thoseone
One On Dollar Qualities in color colorbrown colorSbrown IOIft IOIftbrown
brown navy nav Nile tlr green cham champagne chamaln ehamagn ¬
pagne aln grey and others and all allpure allImrf alLpure
pure silk Monday we will 11 close closethem do dor ekesthem
them out for per peryard ESiif ESiifyard
r 5Se 5Se37112c
yard yard3712c 3t 3t37V2c
37V2c White China Silks37y2WI1ITE Si1ks371zJJJTE Silks37y2
WI1ITE WI JJJTE I ITE CHINA CH I NA SILKS SiLKSsi 21 inches incheswide infhfSwid incheswide
wide wid beautiful soft quality qualitysuitable qualitysuitable
suitable sU ta l for or Ladies Lad and Childrens Childrenswaists hiJdrfnswaists hihirenswaist
waists and entire dresses nev n r rseH raiIs
seH aiIs for less > ss than 5Uc Ii Monday Mondayin Ionda Iondain
in the big sale they 371 r > y 1 1will g gwill
will go gO at per yard yard69c ard 72 7269c 2tr 2tr69e C
69c White China Silk 69e 69ey 6gewI
y > i inches wI > vide ide white h China hlna Silk Silkfirm Silkfinn Silkfirm
firm quality soft ami silky silk suit suitable 1IulttloT suittbi ¬
able tloT < for I lad ladies adie waists ial ts and anddresses anddresses
dresses drpIS > s Childrens < waists wal tg and andgraduatinK andatluatlnl andgraduating
graduating atluatlnl dresses Jrt n8 e A matchless matchlessbargain In3tchl4Sh4rgain matchlessairgain
bargain and trell f eL > H worth worthMondays fl flInnday 110 110Mundays < >
Mondays Innday sale price priceper 69c fZQr fZQrper
per yard a rd ffiflr
48c Black Taffeta Silk 48c 48cBLACK 48cBLACK 48cBLACK
BLACK TAPFBTA inches wid widffirm widfirm widfirm
firm soft and lustrous suitable suitablefor suitablfor suitablefor
for an entire dress a waist trim trimming trimming trimming ¬
ming or ruffling regular value valueMondays valuee alu alu8fk
8fk e < Mondays sale sal saleprice J < r
4Be o
price per yard yard59c aTL aTL59c srtJlr srtJlr59c
59c Black Taffeta Silk 59c 59cBLACK 59cBIACK 59cB1ACK
BLACK TAFFETA SILK SILKI SI LK19 1 1 in illCihS illCihSwide iiuii5iside tus tusivWe
wide heavy Quality Q 8lItr and criFp criFpsuitable cripsultaiJl4 risj risjsultaide
suitable for waists coats < and an en entire dlUrf ciitire ¬
tire dresses dr A bargain never neverselling TlfWJclling neversoiling
selling at J leem ss than 70c 70 0 Mon Mondays Mondy Ion IondRs ¬
days dy price trice p per peryard r 5 S9 S9yard Ie
yard yardG7ic 1trd 1trd671hc J C CGTV
GTV 671hc c Peau de Soie 67V2c 67V2cBLACK 671jzCBLACK 671acBLACK
BLACK PEAU DE SOIE SOIE19 13 inches incheswide inhlwhIe in he hewide
wide elegant quality soft softsmooth sftsmooth a ft ftsmooth
smooth and lustrous trOt suitable for forLadies forIXidles forLadles
Ladies and Childrens coats coatswaists coatswaita nat natwaists
waists and dresses dr ar regular value valueS5c Valuesc a lw lwIonday
S5c Monday at cvor etrIOfj etrIOfjJrk eVerhothpilie > l > ° dvv dvv79c
Jrk pilie e iwr < r 6 71 Ii Iiyard
yard yard79c 72 7279c
79c Black Taffeta Silk 79c 79cBLACK 79cBLACK 79cBLACK
BLACK TAFFKT TAFFItTA SILK Slf Slfinches SILEinches Ji Jiinches
inches wide RranSf value alu fine finequality CifcIIallt fiucqvahity
quality smooth firm crisp < atvl atvllustrous aTltu anllustrous
lustrous u trous suitable for any ny pur purpose purpo purpose ¬
pose po coats dresses r waists or orpetticoats orPCttleoatS orpetticoats
petticoats regular r > gUlar price 5110 5110Mondays 111079c 1IQ 1IQIondays
Mondays price per 7 79c < 8 < r ryard
yard c
119 Black Taffeta Silk119 Silk119BLACK Silk119BLACK Si1k119BLACK
BLACK TAFFETA SILK56 SlJh6lmhcs SlJh6lmhcswide Hit lams lamswide nes neswide
wide this is a very veT fine Cin quality qualityand qualityand iuiaIitvand
and an economical econ mical rwidth width for all allpurposes 111 111pU 1 1purposes
purposes pU coats suits waists or orj r rlHttieoats rpatticoat
j lHttieoats > ttHXW < 5 is crisp firm and soft softwfll SQftwRl softwill
will m sat t easily break and tn tnregular t trebula tregular
regular price ie JI30 M MlJtja MlJtjaprice < > ndH Iia1272c > s sssM
ssM price per fijg 119 ffCS ffCSyard
yard Ykrd12714c v v127i2c
127i2c Black Peau De Soie SoieBLACK SoieBLACK SoieBLACK
BLACK PEAt DE SOIE36 SOlE inehes ineheswide iudwwhle tinlu tinluwide
wide with beautiful smooth soii soiiand SOliand sot sotand
and a lustrous quality a fine finewidth fmcwidth fjrwidth
width for coats an and < l a big hi seller sellerat slierat lr lrAt
at UJt M Mondays sale ak nrjre nric nricppr prred
yard ppr d 1 12 71 7c 72 C
Muslin Underwear
In which the most sensational values ever shown arc profuse andplentiful and andplentiful andplentiful
plentiful If youve a need n ed in this line now is your time
S10 S 1 0 r For an extra e eI quality qualityCambric
d V Cambric skirt with withLawn withLawn h
Lawn I wn ruffle trimmed trim ia 7inch 7inchIerj iinchlecj i h htiN1I
Ierj open up worked embroidery embroiderheaded
h headed < > ade < I by cluster of fine ff tucks tucksmiJr tucksmJ tucksmile
mile mJ with extra < dust ruffle all allsizes allsizes II IISizEs
sizes value 51 l S5 sale prke JlJtt lfJO lfJOS185 100S
S185 S < 1 1 85 ES For an extra fine finezTh
Of OC J275 zTh grade dt skirt made madeof n nor madeof
of finest long cloth with ith deep di dod dodLnwn > fI
Lawn ruffle trimmed trimm In SInchWi tlnch tInchai1 tlnchWfl
Wfl Wi fine Swiss SWi embroidery fmbr r1 and andtu anrltucks andtwks
tu tucks < ks all lengths sale s < < Je price 1l 1lS lS5 lS5skirt 185S
S 23 2 5 Buys an extra fine
5 skirt with 30inch 3i ineti h
Lawn l wn ruffle trimmed in 3 I rows rowsof rowsof rowsof
of Itjinch wIde thread lace JA inser ¬
tion and 3 31 t inch wide edging e K a askirt aokirt askirt
skirt worth W5 ait this weeks sue special gl suecml ¬
cial Ial sale offer at t 5235 5235skjrl S3c 35
54 c s q 95 9 5 skirt Fr i a ihriit very ticss nt
t with trait mac macor aside
or f vry r finest Persian P rstan Lawn I wn and andThread
T lig > II dlt 1th h trimmed hi rows or ofWiul
ilwh Wid Thread Th d Lao Inser In < tr
ton Ii ri iKtwctn 3 1 clusters chmtt > tS of fine
tucks t dnl n i JVi Jl2lhrh i JCf lai T Tlengths MI edging in1 jul II
lengths Ingt h exc excsale f excellent > Cfnt < 70 J valise alm nit
sale 8t I at a t WJKi 1N
2 3C 5c fi For r ladies tJifu corset rn rntrimmt rov or orcr5
1 crs of fine > Cambric Cambrictrimmed Cambrictrimmed I
trimmed > cl In two rows of fine Val ValLace Vallac VaLace
Lace lac Insertion Inll > r1l08 and one row of ofedging ofedging
edging d lng divided by ribbon drawn drawnbeading drawnbending IrawnIt
beading It > Qdtn all sizes sizc > g cood ood SOc value valueon vs 2 hH hHon lotout
on sale at atSOc 35c 35ctSfift c cS
SOc S tSfift Oc set For r fine covers Cambric tbri tbrinWc entire entirefront entirefront nWc nWcfront cor corset enrset
front made mad of rows of Rmbroidcry
Insertion neck and armholes o Itl clgd clgdwith < Ige l lWith Iwith
With embroidery mbroid ry all sizes Izfs S5c S5cvalue tcvalue 5c 5cyalue
value on sale xt 50c 50cRGf 5Oc69c
69c 6 RGf Oc For corset cover nf nfVery f
< a i1 tlo t fot fotwith
very y fine long cloth clothwith clothwith
with tucked tuckf > d b beck ck yoke yoJ < < o of rows of
liemstitehiiiK and Val Va Tact I 1a aco Inser In r ¬
tion and Lace edged neck and Hndarmholes Rn Rnarm andarmholes
armholes arm holtS all sizes best J 10 value valueon valuon valueon
on sale at We WeBf ibeI
< Bf 100 I fSfi Buys Corset e Cover over
37W 4 made of finest fst Long L
Cloth with tHckeS t ckt41 back an Hld < l
trimmed l in extra nfie 11fi Val Va Lace Laceand La Laand LaCeand
and Embroidery Insertion lns rtln all allsizes allsizes
sizes best 150 grade Ode one sale this thisweek thisw thisweek
week w > k at 51W 51WLADIES 100 100LADIES 100LADIES
SUC T ltf Buys eJioice tShn hnieestyluq lf of of8l TT
W styl 8l styluq a o ofiOJwns Gonvns made madeof malof mailof
of extra quality IURIt mrisltn mfl mush nn or cambrf cambrfalb eanitursIb
alb lit sizes grades gra4esoth radPti vwocth up to tojb 95kv e eeuh
euh jb
Th The Extraordinary Sale of off ofMes
Mens Underwear UnderwearSeveral
Several hundred dozen representing f AJJ the v tv dwu seasons uu o uicau clean up uy ui of a anumber a anumber anumber
number of large Eastern factories factoriesbongl1t bought undervalues under v tilues 1ues On sale
this week at prices correspondingly low Its ccasion
a saving occasion that thatactually thatactually
actually commands attention 1
Se t doz dozn n Gents Fine f ue Gauze Un ¬
derwear worth 35c e per garment garmentall
all sizes Z Sale Saleprice le >
price pricedozen 25c 25ct r tr tri
i t dozen on Gents plain J lajn Balbriggan
I nderwear all sizes sne worth SOc Wer SOcr
IH > r r garment Sale Saleprc Saleprice <
prc price priceII i 35c 35cjt J > K Kall
II jt dozen Gents FaIY tPllerwPiar tPllerwPiara1l
all sizes worth Scper 65c c per garment garmentq5c rm nt nti
i 45c
100 dozen Gents Pliney aileY y Underwear Underwearin rnderwf > ar ar1ft
in Blue Pink T 1104 r Cream Cream color olo olooil
oil dze wqrtJtt wortlIlIe c 50 50c
Sale V1Jce V1JcefjI jrrjcedozen c
50 fjI dozon Geat CestsBxtra Bxtra tra Fine Mer Meroarfzed Meraerized Itr Itrorfzed
oarfzed Uadarwear in Pink and andJ and41lsiwor4
41lsiwor4 J qr V SfOO
w 5 aa QT aa > II
Of Great Importance JinportaoccThe
1 1I 1The
p pThe
The seasons greatest bargain bargainchance bargainchance bargainchance
chance There never was a lot lotof lotof lotof
of Skirts in which so many ex extraordinary extraordinary cxtraordinary ¬
traordinary values were to be befound befound befound
found or in which such extra extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary ¬
ordinary variety of good new newstyles newstyles newstyles
styles abounded aboundedLOT alioundedLOT
LOT 10 1 Special Spe < ial purchase of ofladies ofladies ofladies
ladies pure linen walking skirts skirtsvery skinsvtis kjrtsyry
very stylishly trimmed with ith one oneinch 011 011lIII1 uiuiiii
inch iii insertion itl ertio come in tan n only onlySoM OihSold onlySoll
Sold as bought bo tht at a asacrifice S2 Of 5 Kft Kftsacrifice
sacrifice special sJfcla1I specialLOT iJ > Jtf JtfLOT
LOT I OT 2 B f walking lkinJ skirts made madeof madof madeof
of finest Sicilian cloth in three threedifferent thrE thrEdifferent threedifferent
different styles in is brown navy souL amiblack an1biKck souLblock
black all Mass sold as af > bought boughtat boughtiaf
at a sacrifice sacrificeSpecial r e C 333 333LOTt < J Q4 Q4Special
Special SpecialLOT iaf > 3 3LOT >
LOT LOTt 3 K 10 strictly tailor made madewalking maoipwalkin maimwalking
walking walkin skirts materials 1t1ftt rlals of the th fin finest 110Nit flncat ¬
est monaira In Hrowp brew rew new blue and andMock anjlHRek antib4ak
Mock six handsome styles all alllengths alll alllengths
lengths l ngtltt sold as bought at a sw swrifice as asrifler Ia Iarlfiee
rifice riflerSluecNd K KSi
54 CS 95
Si SluecNd SluecNd10l eci t tLOT l 9fe 9feLOT
LOT 4 I liinest quality 1IIaUl import imporh1 imporh1Sicili8n importSIcilian l lSicilian
Sicilian walking walkin skirts in blue bluebrown bh bhbrown bbsbrown
brown JUK and black newest allover alloverplaited all alltnerplaited t > r rpllt
plaited pllt l style tyk new plaite l flwince flwinceeffect fiOilllceff flounceeffect
effect ff t soW as bought boughtat CjJ 6 00 fifTd fifTdat
at a sacrifice criCice Special SpecialLOT SpecialLOT POWtP POWtPLOT
LOT 5 L Plaited walking skirts skirtsan skirtfan
an exquisite exqtt ite line made of choicest choicestPanama choicestPanama hoiSlPanama
Panama and fine toe mohair oil colors colorsand colorsand colorsand
and black sold okl Id as bought at a sac sacrifice 8aCr sacriflee ¬
rifice r Special SpecialLOT I I < 795 795LOT 7 95 95LOT
LOT 6 An endless variety arkh or orl 1 f fbeautIful
l beautIful > tlf1 skirts to select lect from in inthis intl1m inthis
this lot values that we w assure you youhave youhave Oll Ollhave
have never t > ver l been een equaled In this thiscity thissokl thiscity
city s sokl W as Iwught houg lt at ata Sff 930 > fn fnsi
a sacrifice Special SpecIRIIOT SpecialLOT OJ W WLOT
LOT 7 Elegant assortment of otnew ofntw Ofnew
new taffeta silk ilk skirts newest newestwalking n newestwalking wst wstwalkinl
walking length neatly n tly plaited Iaitt > tl and amiboxplaited andhoxplaitcd andboxplaIted
boxplaited style tailor ta ilor stitched stitchedsold stitchEdsotd stitchedsold
sold as bought at a asacrifce S12 12 50
sacrifce lal lalLOT
Special SpecialLOT SIte SpecialLOT <
LOT S Great variety in fine fineskirts fineskirts fineskirts
skirts plaited effect t > in taffeta taffetasilk tarfetasilk taffetasilk
silk fine fancy fanc voiles and Panamas Panamasall
all colors all styles sold as asbought ashouJht assacrifIce
bought at sacrifice < 2Z ft
Special SlecllilLOT a 14 1450 1450LOT BlJCf BlJCfLOT 50
LOT 9 25 chiffon taffeta silk silkskirts siikskirts iik iikskirts
skirts made in the very Vf latest latestboxplaited latestbo latestboxplaited
boxplaited bo = plalted effect in f01den golden olden brown brownpretty brownJTeu browngreen
green 1W blue ant and blac black k very verypretty Ir Irpretty
pretty garments sold as bought boughtat
Special SpecialIOT at a sacrifice 3 S1 Olf j jLOT > 750 7 f 7 i3U i3ULOT 50 tZfB tZfBSpecial
LOT IB It About 25 fine imp imprttd imprttdlrcncll iiipuirtcdFrench > rled rledFrench
French voile dress skirts made madeover m msdcover de deo
over o er heavy rustling nll tUlIg taffeta tKfrt > ta Silk Silkpetticoat SilkpettJcOflt Silkpttkoat
petticoat handsomely bKndsmn ty trimmed trJmm 1 In Int Inhut Intha
hut t n blue HIM ald black sold as t IxiuRht IxiuRhtat bn ht htR
at R t a Sacrifice s SacrificeSitecisi crtuce QO 2 2 fSfi fSfiSpecial Hti HtiEXTRA 0 J
100 Dressing Sacques Sacqu s
47 cents centsA
A great opportunity to buy a areadymade atMlymade areadymade
readymade dressing sacque sa que for forless Corless to toleas
less than cost of material made oC oCvery orv OfvC11
very v ry best quality French percale percalelargo POreRlelargo percalelarge
largo sailor collar come In blue bluegray bluegray bluegray
gray red and black bl ck ground with withfancy wilh1B withfancy
fancy figures r sizes es 32 to 44 RB RBMBMBER R RMEMBER
1e NR
47c 47cI
I a
= =
An UnprecedentedSale Unprecedented Sale of ofiOOO ofCouch otCouch
Couch C COvers vers
1000 Coach Covers In One Sale SaleThe
The greatest single purchase ever made by any house in the thewest thewest thewest
west Just think of securing 1000 Couch Covers bought at conces concessions concessions concessions ¬
sions of a third and a half off and offered at the start of the see seeson se seson setson
son at like reductions This is the clean up of the entire stock of
3 3 of the largest and best Tapestry Mills in this country combined combinedwith combinedwith combinedwith
with the total sample holdings of their agents agentsiody agentsNObOdY agentsNobody
NObOdY iody Every ycry Sold Couch Covers at Such SuchReductions SuchReductions SuchReHctiollS
lj l i4i eunuch ouh Covers Co ers value SljO lW in inthis inthi5 iiithis
this sale Ie each eachliO each79c
ead79c 79c 79cDl
liO Couch Covers value 1 1Th < in inthis inthis inthis
this sale each each88c tadt88c eaehu83c
100 Couch Covers value 52ti 1i1 W l lthis lthis I Ithis =
this sale each oacnSZ20 > athS120
SZ20 120
100 Couch Covers Co e rs value T5 i fjn fjnthis 1fn 1fnthis in inthis
this sale each ea h
139 139liK
liK ioueh Covers value valuethis 276 7GT iit iitthis inthis
this sale each
100 Coueh Covers value 1100 506 in inthis inthis in inthis
this sale each < al1 al1S168
S168 168 168o
00 0 Couch uch < overs 01 value 3a6 i ithis jthis in inthis >
this sale each eachCoiih
198 198f
f ii > Coiih OUdl < overs on rs value 375 3i ill iptthis illthis itthis
this sale each
50 5 Couch Cover < value 40 in inthis Inthis Inthis
this sale each
30 Couch Covers Con r value 42r l t in inthfe inthis ii iithis
this sale each eachS26G
S26G S26G3ft 260 2603ft
3ft Go Coach M h Covers value aIm ZiOO > 00 in inthfe intltis intliis
thfe sale each
330 3303O
30 10 Co Coh sh h Covers value 600 in intihfe inlinK intli3
linK tli3 a sale Je each eachS420 f
S420 54203e
28 conch Co Mfeh oh Covers Con rs value 600 6 in inthte illtb inthis
this tb sale Ie each eachS44O Hh
S44O 440 440tt
26 6 Couch Covers Coe value alu 5700 00 in inthis illUds ii iithis
this sale Ie IeO each
430 480o J
20 O Couch Covers Con value 7jO jt in inthis illthis inthis
this sale each eachS515
S515 515
Wonderful Wash fioods fioodsAnd 6oodsAnd
And White fioods Offers OffersCold
Cold weath weather r back east has demoralized the manufacturers Irs a agolden agolden
golden opportunity for us and for you Now for Wash Goods and andWhite andWhite
White Goods Bargains Galore GaloreHERE GaloreHERE
a II nieces White hite India I Linen inen value valueI2C valuelzc
per I2C 1 yard this week 71 7I 7Iper 72 2 C Clr < n nper
10 piec pit pieces > tes es white merceriisod H1er ritwd Persian PersianMulls PIgianlull PersianMulls
Mulls lull value HU 39e this week weekPT wf weekper > t > k kPN
PT 13c 13cyard 13 fv 3 < > f fyard C CDouble
yard yardDoub1 yardDouble
Double fold White hite French Lawns I Lawns4r wns
45 4 inches iJleht wide value J5c lsc 5 < tICs tlfisweek tliisi tICsweek
week i i uuer r 22c 22cd 2 2yard OO OOyard
yard yardG yardpieces n
G pieces piN White hitf Mercerized Ifttrl Persian PersianMulls IersianMuhls n nItt1ls
Mulls value 1k c this OuC OuCK 3 30 30per OO OOper I 1Jc 1JcIr
per Ir yard ard
K 1 J pieces Champagne CharHp gnc Colored In India India India ¬
dia Linen LinensValue LinenIhl LInenalue
Value alue per Ihl yard 12ic 2C this week BI BIper ° OI OIper 72C 1 1per 2C
w =
Embroidered White WhiteSkirt WhiteSkirt WhiteSkirt
Skirt Flouncings at atl2 atPrice
l2 2 Price Pricet
54 t inch or 1 1k yards ards wide wid embroidered embroideredskirt
skirt flouncings scalloped edges edgcFAnplale edgttAJI edgesAuglaiss
i Anplale AJI al broMerie Knel ml open work workfteU ef effects Cffeels ¬
feels embroidered emhroidt > nl fully 2 19 inches inchesdeep iuhesdet inchesdeep
deep det > p Four different designs df > igns also alsosuitable alsosuUabie aLS aLSsuitable
suitable for waist patterns and andbaby Rm Rmbaby aiiibaby
baby drese dreseResulur dr drR dreseaRegular
Regular R uHtr price l > rice 2fl 2 this thisweek S1 2 f 25 25wet OfT OfTRecnlar
wet week > k per yard yardUtJnlar yardRegular
Regular price K > this thisweek thisweek S1 38 38wt
week wt > k per yard yardRcs yardRegular oanln
Rcs n Regular ular lar price rIc st 3 L01 < l t t this thisweek 1 50 50wek 59week
week per yard yardRegular yardR yardRegular
Regular R < uJar price line rhf 3jO this thisweek S1 75 75wltk 75week
week per yard
SO pieces pi eha champagne mfHigitc colored In ¬
dia Linen LinenValue LinenY LinenValue
Value Y ISc this week weekper ffir >
Dc DcV
per yard yardValue yardValue ci
Value V e ISc c this we week weekper k 0 0per
per ey y yard rd dt a aValue 2c 2cf C CValue
Value aSc this wek f f e el
5c 5cM
1 l er yard yard0pleces J t
50 0pleces i pieces M Merc Ierc rc rizwi Cotton Fbul Fbulard 1 Fiulland lJl lJlaNi
and in regular r lat SIlk Foulard pat patterns patteTDIS patlenDs ¬
terns 3Sc C grades rades Special f fr frthis > r rthj
this thj week per peryard er 14c 14c1ar 33 33yard
yard yardyi 1
yi yarifcr 1ar Bteck Bht k Glace Silk In t
JnjMwr4 effects value Iue 25c this thisweek this39c thisweek
week a ayard
yard 3lr >
50 1o pieces pifl < Chiffon Rtamines > S Embroideries Batistes and St Gall Organdie Organdiethe OrgandIesthe
the sheerest e s and daintiest i of fabrics I and choicest c designs designsvalties 13 13Another < j jvalues
values tt 25c e at tn a yard d O OAnother C CAnother
Another Week of ofThe ofSHOE ofSHOE
The Success of QUI great Shoe Sale last week prompts us to tomake tomake tomake
make offerings of a similar nature for this week Youll be sur surprised surprised surprised ¬
prised at the buyings your money will do here the next six days
Ladies Oxfords OxfordsCommencing Oxfordsommpneing OxfordsCommencing
Commencing Monday ntomlws ntomlwsMay morftinIay moralsigNay
May Iay 22 we will sell for one week weekonly weekonl30 weekonly
only any ladies Oxford in the theentire theenUre theentire
entire stock All the newest neweststyles neweststI uieweststyles
styles stI and best makes Worth Worthi1 Worthuptol00 orth orthr
i1 uptol00 r I0 250 250We
We p will continue our great sale on onother onothtl onother
other grades of Oxfords at spe special special apeclal ¬
cial cut prices for one more moreweek morewtCk moreweek
Ladies Shoes SKoesLadies ShoesLadies
Ladies fine quality patent vici vicior vicior vicior
or kid with turn soles and andFreneh andF andFrench
F French heels eeIt come In lace or orbutton orbutton orbutton
button A perfect dress shoe shoeLadles shoewth shoeworth
worth priEe priEeLadies wth Uib Ot Ale 5375 5375street G0 G0priEe
1 1dresa
Ladles finest grade street or ordress ordress
dress shoes sho all styles of heels heelssoies beelssoies heelssoles
soies and leathers worth up to toS2S5
i 4SOg S2S5 285
Boys Misses and andCI1i1drens Childrens Shoes Ox Oxsords Oxsords Oxsonls
sords and Slippers will go at the same sameGreat samercat same6reat
Great rcat Reductions all this week