SAVE + THIS PAPER AND CARRY IT WITH WI H Y YOU U THE aE DOLLAR MAN MAY W WANT f IT ITTHE IT2Q000buyeisseeThe 20 20000 2Q000buyeisseeThe OOO buyers seeThe see The TheHerald THE hrl SALT LA LAEstablished LAJiE HERALD The success of f tf the thewant I Herald every morning morningWhy want ads in The H Hfcrald rald is isa Why not talk to them a better evidence of its itsworth worth than anything we wecan i Established June 6 1870 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAH TU TUESDAY SDAY can I APRIL 3 1906 1 qo 10 i n PAGES Price FrieeFive Kve ve Cents say sayI nOWIE WANTED WANTEDPlURAl WANTEDPLURAL PlURAl WIVESI WIVESII 1VES 1VESGeneral I I General Overseer of the Chicago ChicagoZion ChicagoZion I Zion Deposed for Teaching Doc Doctrine Doetrifle trine of Polygamy PolygamyPHOPERTY PolygamyPROPERTY PROPERTY DEEDED AWAY AWAYELIJAH AWAYELIJAH ELIJAH III LEFT NAKED TO TOTHE TOTHE THE WORLD 1 Chicago April J The open revolt revoltagainst revoltagalnst revolta against a gal nst John Alexander Alexand cr Dowle which whichtook whichtook whichtook took place yesterday was followed to today tolay tolay lay by the transfer of all the public publicproperty publicproperty publicproperty property of the Church of Zion to Alexander Alexand r Granger whose dismissal had been directed dlr dlrect < > ct d by Dowle in a tele telegram teleram telegram ¬ gram ram from from Mexico MexicoA A warranty deed d ed and a bill of sale salewere salewere salewore were filed today in the th Lake county court at Waukegan 111 by TV Y T G Voliva the present head of Zion who whowas whowas whowas I was appointed by Dowie some months monthsago monthsago monthsago I ago by h which all the lands standing standin in the th < > name of Dowie and his wife I are made over to Granger for the ben benont b n I ont tit of Zion City ity and the followers of ofd d Howie generally Voliva holds hol s from 4 Dowie a t power pow r of attorney and by virtue of it he has turned over to toraxiger Granger raxiger everything ever JhinH portable in Zion City Clt even to the bed of Dowie DowieShilohhoiise DowieShilohho DowieShilohhoUse Shilohhoiise Shilohho se Taken Away AwayAll AwayJl AwayMI All Jl the officials of Shiloh House Rou the Dowio residence the horses and andcarriages andarriages indcarriages carriages the machinery in the mills millsand millsnnd millsand and everything In n the name ml1n of Dowje Dowjeoutside Dowieoutslie Dowleoutside outside of personal perso tal belongings of the therpsidents therpsldents thersjdenth rpsidents of the town has been taken pway > wav from the control of the denosed first first apostle apostleDowie apostleDOll apostleDowie Dowie who is known ns fI Elijah III IIInnd HIHld TIInod nod First Apostle of the Church of Zion City is h i in temporary exile in Mexico ithither ho h went partlv to re recain recain reraIn cain his shattered health and partly to carry forward one of his plantation plantationschemes plantationseltemes schemes homs His wife and son it is is1almed Isilalnied laimed bv the residents of Zion City bave allied tboniselvos with Voliva Volivawho Vollvawho Volivawho who w was s called by Dowie from Aus A lS finlia f r 1in to conduct the affairs of Zion < Mtv It v when Dowies > owi s health became becameshattered becametlh shattered tlh ttred The Fh 10 action deposing Dowie fuom rc rccontrol > c t tin hp control cont tl of Zion Olt Cftr v and Its lt re lisrJous lf Jou and nc1 busineoc affairs was tak takn takntf n nft tf t ft f meeting hold yesterday in the theDowle Z Zlotz lotI c cDowie JHtY tibinaeJ tibinaeJDowie Pnacl Dowie Taught TaughtPolygamy TaughtPolygamyLJIJ Polygamy PolygamyI I LJIJ jU < in I the < day H rJl1l Hlilprr rrtl1tl m me1it us Wl fflJ1t wnjt e1it to Dowlp In Mexico irxl < 1 imouncin sitnouneing vtHjrt t t he had h < < cl bean suspended from the church < thflt he founded > He is I He Herlnred d p rlnred to have advised some ome of bi hie followers foHou < > rH to practice pra < t ie polygamy poly am and hares hRr es of extravagance pxtrava aJce and ant jnismnn n1i mtn nirpmeht nrpmettare n vpme t are ar < > also made aeninst him The message sent to Dowle from Zion City is ns follows followsDowie followsDowl follows41Dowk Dowie Ocotlah Jalisco Jiti isen Mexico Telejrran received leCI > lvd hero hE > r and an Chicaeo Practically all including rineinnatireports rincinnatirpportq Cincinnati reports indorse Volivas administra ¬ I tion t Ion Rneirhers reinstatement relf1stpt retnst tement JTtent Oransr Oransrors Gran c rang rangors I ors Js retention r < > tention emohatically nrotesi nroteHfin nroteHfinn nroteslirg ing njrainst n JJ siint nst your oxfraajrance Ixf ra ravagance vnJZ U1Ce hypocrisy h vnocri y misrepresentations mlsremespn trition exsrrcreratlons exp geontlons ty f frannv ¬ ranny and iniusti injustffOA o You Yo are hereby suspemlwl USPlnt1 from office and nd membership m for polygamous pobr mo11s t aohinsr tnahin and > nd rth r thr r grave eViRrees See I > e letter l ttE > r Quietly Ouietlvretire QuietlvPt retire Pt Irp Further interference intprfer ncc will nre nreeipltate ipitato complete exposure DoBurp rebellion rebpl1lon1pJaJ legal proceeding pror pdin1r Your statement of ofstupendously orthltpndCl1sly ofstupendously stupendously matrnlfie mumifiant < nt financial financialoutlook financia1futJook financialoutlook outlook Is I extremely extrptt1 < > I foolich in view of thousands I suffering Rufferln su fforing through thron h your yourshameful yourFhampful yourshameful shameful i lismltuaJmpnt niIsmamg isnmi asrement en t Zion and anderedilors an anrredlfors hindcreditors creditors will be protected protect d at all allcosts aIcosts allcosth costs Signed by Voliva VolivaThe VolivaT VolivaThe a The T e measacre was signed sl ed by W W f r Voliva general enera I overseer oorsppr William William J J1 J1PIper JTPiper Piper overseer for Chicago micago H TZ E8nte 1E 1Ente ranre 8nte nte overseer nvers < > er for United Kingdom H D Bransfield vice Ice president Zion Zionuniversity ZIonunhersity Zionuniversity university Overseer John ExceU Excellreneral ExceUppn Exceueener9 reneral ppn rsl 1 ecclesiastical pcc1e iastleal secretary secretar and nd Tolm G Speicher overseer for Zion ritv Cl th t ritvThis This is our ultimatum to Dowle DowleB DowieF1id Dowlesaid B said id Voliva speaking for the signers signersof si111 1S 1Sof of the cablegram We have not tak taken tlkIn taken ¬ en this step without serious considera consideration consideration consideration ¬ tion and wo now await Dowles fur further further furthor ¬ ther action Our legal positions in In t under rue Jpneral power or at at10rney atvice toraey which I hold and upon the ad advice adie adits ¬ vice ie of our legal advisers I have trans transferred transfprred transferred ¬ ferred the entire estate to Alexander AlexanderGranger A1exanrlerGranger AlexanderGranger Granger general enera financial manager I Ihave rhae Ihave have taken this action believing it to 0 01IP 1 1IP e best for the protection of Zion and andHs amlftfl andlorney Hs creditors redltor It is a defensive move movement m mvemeat ve vemp11t ¬ meat and it now remains for Dowie to toact toart toat act We now no intend going right ri ht ahead aheadand aheadand aheadand and the whole institution will be put putin iJutin putin in good order orderAsked orclerAsked orderAsked Asked about the charge of polygamy polygamyteaching polgamytpaching polygamyteaching teaching mentioned In the cablegram cablegramOverseer cablegramOprseer cablegramOverseer Overseer Voliva said saidThe saIdThe saidThe The teaching of polygamy was not notmade notmade notmade made In public but was done private privately ¬ ly I shall not go into details 4n this thismatter thismatter thismatter matter until Dowle has had an oppor opportunity opportunity opportunity ¬ tunity to reply to the charge chargeI t ite today Alexander Granger to towhom toWhom towhom whom under his power of attorney attorneyoverseer attorneyOversMr attorneyOverser overseer Voliva turned over all of the theZion theZion theZion Zion City property standing In ihe ihename Lhename he hename name of Dowle made a reconveyance reconveyanceto to Voliva thus giving givln to him all the theauthority theauthority he heauthority authority in power formerly held by byDowie byDowie byDowle Dowie Mexico Project Abandoned Abandoned Dowles project t > for the establishment establishmentof of a colony c lon in Mexico will be b abandoned abandonedby by h the new administration of Zion City r Donle > owie will Ill be given an allowance > ac according acordlng according ¬ cording to advices from Zion City Clt to tonight tonight toiigbt ¬ night sufficient to maintain a residence residencein in Mexico if he > so desires or he will willchurch willbp willbe bp received b bY the new officers of the thehurch thechUrCll church as a common citizen should shouldplect be beelect beelect elect to return and take up his resi residence rpsldenc residenc ¬ denc in Zion City No action under the thecriminal thecriminal thecriminal > criminal laws will be taken against him himon himnn himAn on account of the funds he is alleged to tohave tohRVC tohave have wasted nor will anv civil action actionbe actionbp actionbe be brought to recover reco r If the deposed deposedleader deposedpader deposedleader leader becomes obstreperous however it itwas Itwas itwas was said that his son Gladstone > was pro propared pnTlared prcpared pared to make revelations that would wouldstartle wouldRtarUe wouldstartle startle the world No leplv lep1 to the ca ¬ blegram sent today toda from Zion City to Howie Do fe is expected tonight inasmuch as a Dowle In I an eight hours Journey from the telegraph station RESULT T OF THE THEGRANDPOWOW GRAND GRANDPOWOW GRANDPOWOWWhite powwnw White House Court Review Amend Amendment Amendnient Amendment ¬ ment to the Rate Bill Offered Offeredin in the Senate SenateSOME SenateSOME SenateSOME SOME SET SPEECHES MADE MADEHOUSE MADEHOUSE MADEHOUSE HOUSE PASSES PERSONAL LIA LIABILITY LIABILITY LIABILITY ¬ BILITY BILL Washington April 2 2lhe The amendment amendmentto to the house railroad rate bill agreed up upon upon upon ¬ on at the White House Saturday by friends of the bill providing for a lim limited lImftcd limuIted ¬ ited review r iew of orders of the interstate interstatecommerce interstatecommerce Interstatecommerce commerce commission was offered in inthe Inthe the senate today by b Mr Long of Kan Kansas Kansas Kansas ¬ sas but he was not able to get the floor to make his hisspeech speech on the bill The principal speech today was made by Mr Fulton of Oregon who spoke for the bill It was a legal argument bear ¬ ing upon the constitutional questions in involved involved ¬ volved in the legislation and interrup ¬ tions were so frequent that the speech speechamounted speechamounted speechamounted amounted to a L debate on law points pointswhere pointswhere pointswhere where the speaker divided time with a amajority amajority majority of the lawyers of the senate Mr Ir Nelson of Minnesota and Mr Ir Hey Be burn of Idaho made brief speeches on the bill Almost Unanimous UnanimousWashington UnanimousR3hillJton UnanimousWashington Washington April 2 2Thief Chief among the themeasures th thmeasures themeasures measures passed by b the house today was j the socalled personal liability Ifabilit bill billwhich billwhich I Iwhich which has betn favored by the army arm of ofrailway ofrailway ofrailway railway employes throughout the coun try tr and which practically had an unani unanimous unanimuons j mous report from the committee Mem bers of the house showed great interest in the measure and had a division been beencalled beencalled beencalled called for the bill would have had an analmost analmost analmost almost unanimous vote voteAnother voteAnother VoteAnother Another measure changing existing law lawwhich lawnhi lawwhich which nhi h excited a filibustering opposition oppositionwas was the bill permitting the fortification of ofsweet ofsweet ofsweet sweet wines and levying a tax tn of 3 cents centsa a gallon on all wines thus fortified A Anumber Anumber Anumber number ofbills olbiUs of biIls were passed under sus suspension suspension suspension ¬ pension or of the rules rulesIS IS T FIRST WIFE FORCED FORCEDTO FORCEDTO TO SEEK A DIVORCE DIVORCEKansas DIVORCEKansas DIVORCEKansas Kansas City Preacher Charges a aMiddle aMiddle aMiddle Middle State Senator With Be ¬ ing a Polygamist PolygamistKansas PolygamistKansas i iKansas Kansas City April 2 2Hev Rev Alexander AlexanderLewis AlexanderLewis I ILewis Lewis pastor p3 tor of the he First Congregational Congregationalj Congregationalchurch Congregationalchurch j church preaching prea llng yesterday on Divorce It Its Evijp VfJF and Remedies said in part fA A great cry cr r went up because the po lygnraist Roberts ob > rts was elected to con congress ¬ gress regsBut But ijrotpstlng JrotpstlngshOU11 should netend not end with Roberts for there are other polygamists in congress congressThe congressThe congressTho The senator from one on of oar middle middlestates middlestates middlestates states the chairman of one of the most j important committees > s 1s just as much a apolygamist apolygamist apolygamist polygamist as Roberts RobertsIt It is f publicly r known that simply be because because because ¬ cause he took a fancy to another wo womi wom womzm mi m mzm > n his first wife was forced to seek seeka a divorce divorceIt It seems to make a vast difference differencewhether differencewhether differencewhether whether the people who figure in these disgraceful episodes pit4odf < are members of the New X > w York Four Hundred > d or the follow followers followers followera ¬ ers of Brigham Young YoungPRIVATE YounSPRIVATE YoungPRIVATE PRIVATE BANK FAILS FAILSAssets FAILSAssets FAILSAssets I Assets Fall Far Short of the Known KnownLiabilities KnownLiabilities KnownLiabilities Liabilities Peoria Ills April 2 2rhebank 2The The bank of ofTois ofTois ofThis Tois Smith Co ab Pekin Tazwell Tazwellcounty Tazwellcounty Tazwellcounty county failed to open for business to ¬ day having assigned to U J Albert Albertson Albertson Albertson son as trustee trusteeTrustee trusteeTrustee trusteeTrustee Trustee Albertsen issued a state statement statement statement ¬ ment today In which he urged the thecreditors thecreditors thecreditors creditors of the bank to avoid use ¬ less litigation as it would only pro prolozmg ¬ i long a settlement of the banks affairs affairsNo I No official statement of assets and andliabilities liabilities has yet been made The lia liabilities liabilities hahllities ¬ bilities due to depositors and other otherbanks banks are said to be in excess of 400 000 against which there are assets of ofabout of2bout ofabout about 250000 2 O000 a portion of which is isworthless isworthless Isworthless worthless The failure is due to large largesums largesums largesums sums of money advanced to the Smith SmithWagon SmithWagon SmithWagon Wagon works and the Smith Plow Plowshops Plowshops Plowshops shops at Pekin two large industries industriesThese IndustriesThese industriesThese These had been carried to such an anextent anextent anextent extent that the bank could no longer longercontinue longercontinue longercontinue continue in business Neither has yet yetbeen yetbeen yetbeen been affected by the failure The bank bankwas bankwas bankwas was founded by Teis Smith in 1866 and andhad andhad andhad I had continued since as a private bank bankwith bankwith bankwith with D C Smith as president and andConrad andConrad andConrad Conrad Luppen as treasurer GETS SIX MONTHS SALARY SALARYWickersham SALARYWi SALARYWickersham Wickersham Wi kersham WinsHis Wins + Iis Case in Unit United Unitcd United ed States Supreme Court CourtWashington Courtashington CourtWashington Washington April 2 21n In the case of ofhe ofthe ofthe the + he United States vs Wickersham the theupreme theJpreme thejpreme Jpreme court today toda decided that a aperson aperson aperson person employed in the civil service servicemay servicemay servicemay may recover damages on account of ofsuspension ofsuspension ofsuspension suspension from office by a subordi subordinate subordinate subordinate ¬ nate official affirming the decision of ofthe ofthe ofthe the court of claims claimsWickersham claimsWicltcrsham claimsWickersham Wickersham was a clerk in the of office office offlee ¬ fice of the surveyor general of the thestate thestate thestate state of Idaho and in 1896 was dis discharged discharged dlscharged ¬ charged by the surveyor general with without without without ¬ out receiving notice in writing as was wasthen wasthen wasthen then required under the civil service serviceregulations serviceregulations serviceregulations regulations He was afterwards re restored restored yestored ¬ stored on the order of the commission commissioner ¬ er of the general land office but was wasagain wasagain wasagain again dismissed in 1898 He brought broughtsuit broughtsuit broughtsuit suit in the court of claims for his sal salary salary salary ¬ ary for the entire time that he was out outof outof outof of office and the court of claims claimsawarded claimsawarded claimsawarded awarded it for six months covering the theperiod theperiod theperiod period of suspension ALLEGED PLOT PL T TO KILL KILLSPANISH KILLSPANISHROYAL SPANISH SPANISHROYAL ROYAL FAMILY FAMILYMadrid FAMILYMadrid + Madrid April 2 2lIadrid Madrid via the thefrontier thefrontierThe + f 4 + frontier frontierThe = The Spanish authorities authorItieshave authoritieshave + f 4 + have discovered an anarchist plot plotat 1ot 1otat + f 4 + at Lebrija twentynine twent nlne miles from frolnSeville fromSeville + f 4 + Seville the notorious center of the theblack theblack + 4 + black hands to assassinate the thero theroyal 4 + 4 + royal ro al family during the visit of ofKing 4 4King f 4 + King Alfonso the dowager dow ger Queen QueenChristiana QueenChrisliana + 4 + Christiana and the sister of the theking theking + f 4 + king the infanta Marja Teresa to toSeville 4 + 4 4 Seville during holy jveek veek veekThe veekThe + 4 The censorship prevents the thesending thesending + + 4 sending of details regarding the theconspirac theconspiracy + 4 + conspiracy conspiract 4 + 4 + + + + t + + t t 4 4 + t t + + 4 + + + + MHMH 4 + + + + J + + t + + M + t + t n + 7 Th I And nd the Cat Came Back I NA NAVAL V At 1 OFFICERS JEALOUS OF THE NEW YORKS YORKSProposition FAME FAMEProposition FAMEProposition Proposition to Name the Proposed Monster Battleship Afterthe After Afterthe Afterthe the Chief City of the Country Arouses Friends Friendsof of the Famous Cruiser Washington Vashh1g l April A prll 2 2TIme The suggestion suggestionthat sug g es tiO n i ithat that the thnJroJecftmO500 TjrojScitBa OjSOO Ton battleshipr battleshiprwhieh b battlashtpwhich ttl shtIT shtITwhicli which congress is expected to author authorize authorize authorize ¬ ize at the present session should be benamed benamed benamed named New York involving the aban abandonment abandonment aba abadonment ¬ donment of that name for the armored armoredcruiser armoredcruiser armoredcruiser cruiser which was the flagship during the Spanish war of the Atlantic Ieet fleetthe Ieetthe Ieetthe the most formidable naval force ever evergathered evergathered evergathered gathered under the American flag has hascaused hascaused hascaused caused some commotion in naval cir circles circles cirdes ¬ cles des clesWhile While realizing the policy of secur securing secur securIng securIng ¬ ing support for forthe the navy by irentifying irentifyingthe the ships with great cities many naval navalofficers navalofficers officers hold that for sentimental rea reasons reasons reasons ¬ sons ships should not be christened christenedwith christenedwith christenedwith with names of vessels that have been beenfamous beenfamous beenfamous famous in their th < > ir own time that the thelatter thelatter thehatter latter should be permitted to retain retainfor ietainfor retainfor for themselves what reputation they the Des Moines la April 2 2Governor 2GovernorFolk 2GovernorFolk Governor GovernorFolk Folk who arrived here today to be bepresent bepresent bepresent present at theJefferson the Jefferson day banquet banquettonight banquettonight I Itonight tonight dictated an interview for pub publication pubIfcatIon publicatlon ¬ lication in which he declared that thatevery thatevery j jevery every state in too Union should enact enactantipass enactantipass i iantipass antipass and statewide promary promarylaws promaryla promarylaws laws la wa Governor Folk called on Gov Governor Governor Coyernor ¬ ernor Cummins at the state house and andlater andlater andlater later addressed the Iowa I va legislature legislatureConcerning legislatureConcerning legislatureConcerning Concerning the free pass evil Gov Governor Governor ¬ ernor Folk said saidThe saidThe saidThe The free pass is the most hideous hideousinsidious hideousInsidIous hideousinsidious insidious species of bribery and the thesooner thesooner thesooner sooner the practice is stopped the bet better better better ¬ ter it will be for the thevubIlc public welfare welfareThe welfareThe welfareThe The primary system is so manifestly manifestlythe the right proper and honest method methodof methodofmaking of ofmaking ofmaking making party nominations it is hard hardly hardly hardly ¬ ly necessaryto necessary to comment onit onitWill on It Itwili ItWill Will Visit Kansas City CiyKansas Ci CityKansas y yKan3as Kansas City Cit April 2 2Governor Governor Jos Joseph Joseph Joseph ¬ eph W Folk who passed through throughKansas throughKansas throughKansas Kansas City last night en route to toDes toDes toDes Des Moines is quoted as saying he hewould hewould hewould would return here on Tuesday Tuesd Ymorn Ymorning morn morning morntrig ¬ ing and in company with members of ofthe ofthe ofthe I the local police board and board of ofelection ofelection ofelection election commissioners make the therounds therounds therounds rounds of the voting preclncts preclnctsThere rcreclnctsThere s sThere I I There have been many arrests here may m y have earned earne The Thc N NYork j sw Y York rk is isSfet 1setdown 5 5etdown Sfet etdown down trgTreihapgtlrg nspe tjrththapsthremuable ihap t1r inustgbthvice inustgbthviceable v tIvilC tIvilCable able ship In the navy navynCcordfng according to the therecord theretord therecord record recordShe retordShe recordShe She has been Jeen always al WS ready read for the thehardest Utehard thehardest hardest hard st and most unexpected unex > ect d service serviceand senIceand serviCeand and It is said of her that seven years yearsafter yearsafter ears earsafter after she went first into commission commissionshe commissionshe she made the run from Boston to New NewYork NewYork ew ewYork York at an average speed of 20 O knots knotsrepeating knotsrepeating knotsrepeating repeating easily her initial trial trip triprecord trIprccor triprecord record rccor which is without precedent in inthe Inthe Inthe the navy After undergoing two years yearsrepairs yearsrepairs yearsrepairs repairs at the Boston navy yard ard the thevessel thevessel timevessel vessel will be commissioned practical practically ¬ ly a new ship and the majority of ofnaval ofnaval ofnaval naval officers believe that she should shouldnot shouldnot shouldnot not be deprived of her name and sad saddled saddled saddIed ¬ dled with that of another and lesser lessercity lessercity lessercity city as must be the case under the law if any change is made MOST HIDEOUS 5 INSIDIOUS SPECIES OF BRIBERY BRIBERYGovernor 8RIBERYGovernor BRIBERYGovernor Governor Folk Expresses ExpressesHis His Opinion of the Free Pass Evil EvilEndorses EvilEndorses EvilEndorses Endorses the Primary PI illlary System of Making MakingParty MakingFarty MakingParty Party Nominations Nomin tions since the primaries for illegal regis ¬ tration and in this respect Governor Folk said saidIn saIdIn ald aldIn In case there be any crimes against the ballot I shall aid as faras far as I am amable L Lable able in seeing that the offenders are arcpunished arepunishedk punished punishedEvery punishedEvery punishedkEvery Every police official in the city cU was wascalled wascalled wascalled called before the police board today and given personal Instructions re regarding regarding j garding the duties of the police on onelection onelection election day dayINSURANCE da daylNSURANCEGRANDJURy II IIINSURANCE INSURANCE lNSURANCEGRANDJURy lNSURANCEGRANDJURyThis GRAND JURY JURYThis JURYThis This Time Recorder RecorderGoff Goff Delivered Deliveredthe Deliveredthe I Ithe the Charge ChargeNew ChargeNew ChargeNew New York April 2 2Recorder Recorder Goff at the empanelling of the April grand jury jur in the court of general sessions today tOda instructed the jury to take up insurance matters These matters he said had I been called to his attention by b Judge O Sullivan who presided over overthe the March L grand jury He said it appeared to him that the March grand jury jur had been properly Instructed Instru ted by b both Judge OSul livan and District Attorney Jerome that there was reasonable ground for the be ¬ Itethat lief that there Is available evidence show ¬ ing that crime had been committed in the th Insurance matter He instructed the grand jury that It had untrammeled pow powers powers ¬ ers to act in the matter as it saw fit I the Dollar Man ManWants ManI I Wants this thisPap Paper PaperHe r I II I IHe I He goes to people on the street cars today Motormen con conductors conductors ductors and passengers Have you a copy of this mornings morningsHerald morningsHerald Herald 1 I am the dollar man manKeeprflilspaper i iKeeprfms Keeprfms Keeprflilspaper paper fr forhim im imrrr s rrr rir TRAINS TIED UP UPON ON 0NTEHACHAP TEHACHAPI TEHACHAPIAn LI H I Another An ther Big ig Landslide Lan slid at t Tunnel unnel17 unnel17Which 17 17Which 1 7 Which Nearly Caught So Southern SouthernPacific iIt1 ii iiP Pacific P ific Passenger PassengerBakersfieia P sse ge geBakersfieltl Bakersfield Cal April 2 2rraffic 2rrafficove Traffic Trafficover IC ICover over the joint track of the Southern SouthernPacific Southeri1Pacific ii Pacific and a d Santa Fe is at t a complete completestandstill completes e estandstill standstill s mdstill over the Tehachapi moun mountain mountaIn 1 ¬ tain tam on account of ofthe the third of a suc succession succession ¬ cession of big landslides at tunnel 17 17three 17three 1 7 three miles west of Tehachapi and it itis itIs is not expected that the track will be beopen beopen 1 e open and trains moving before tomor tomorThe tomorrow r row rowThe The latest landslide occurred early earlythis earlythis earl y ythis this morningshortlyafter morning shortly after the one at attunnel attunnel it ittunnel tunnel No 8 had been cleared The Thej Thetrains Thi ie j trains had received orders to leave leaveTehachapi leaveTehachapi 1ea 0 Tehachapi on the Southern Pacific PacificNo Pliclfico No o 7 had just emerged from tunnel tunnelwhen 17 17when 17when when without warning tons and tons tonsof tonsof tonsof of earth ahd rock precipitated from fromabove fromabove fromabove above to the track barely missing the therear therear rear end of the train The train ar arrived arrhed ¬ rived at Bakersfield at 1230 this morn morning moming ¬ ing over seventeen hours late and andaboard andaboard andaboard aboard It was y s the Pollard Oper com company company cornpany ¬ pany which had ail an engagement to toshow toshow show in this city cft last night nightIn nightIn nightIn In the local yards Santa Fe and andSouthern andSouthern 1 1Southern Southern Pacific passenger passe ger trains were werestalled werestalled 1 1st stalled st Ued all day and at Tehachapi west westbound westbound westbound ¬ bound trains met the same fate W WS SVS V VS S Tevis the local millionaire and andparty a1dparty aidparty party were stalled The Norris NorrisRowe KorrisRowe NorrisRowe Rowe circus in a special train which whichwas whIchwas was billed to show here today has hasbeen hasbeen been stalled at Tehachapi for two days daysnow dasnow now and is unable to move causing causingcancellation causIngcancellation causingcancellatIon cancellation of two dates The Lit Little Little Littie ¬ tle Johnny Jones Opera company is isalso isalso isalso also a victim ofthe of the disaster and will willbe wIllbe willbe be unable to open its date tonight in inLos inLos inLos Los Angeles The troupe has been beenlaying be beenlaying n nlaying laying over in Bakersfield all day and andlate andlato andlate late this afternoon left for the moun mountains mountains mounthins ¬ tains on No No8 8 over seventeen hours hourslate hourslate hourslate late The passengers will be trans transferred transferred transferred ¬ ferred if possible possibleLarge possibleLarge possibleLarge Large crews of men have been at atwork atwork atwork work and it cannot be ascertained ascertainedwhen ascertainedwhen ascertainedwhen when the road will be cleared C eaTcd Trouble Troublehas Troublehas Troublehas has been experienced by the company companyat a at this point for several years but butnever butnever butnever never have the slides been so close be before before before ¬ fore foreLOS foreLOS foreLOS LOS ANGELES ANGELLA1iS CLAIMS HIM HIMRumor HIMRumor HIMRumor Rumor Rumor That Rockefeller Will Move Moveto Moveto Moveto to Southern California CaliforniaLos Los Angeles Cal April 2 2Thme The Ex Express Express Express ¬ press today says John D Rockefel Rockefeller Rockefeller ¬ ler expects to make his home in south southern southern southem ¬ ern em California He has bought the theCarmellta theCarmel1t theCarmelita Carmellta property pr perty in Pasadena for forwhich forwhich forwhich which it is said he paid 250000 and andhas andhas andhas has arranged to expend 200000 more morebefore morebefore morebefore before he enters upon Its occupancy occupancyThe occuvancyThe occupancyThe The property which formerly belonged belongedto beloIg d dto to Mrs Jeanne Sarr was offered for forsale forsale forsale sale ten years ears ago for 25000 Simeon SimeonReed SimeonReed SimeonReed Reed bought it for 26000 and sold it itto itto Itto to L V Harkness of the Standard Oil Oilcompany oncompany Oilcompany company for 160000 Mr Harkness HarknessIt It Is said today let Mr Rockefeller Rockefellerhave Rockefellerhave Rockefellerhave have it for 250000 250000SLAUGHTER 250000SLAUGHTER 250000SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER ATTEMPTED ATTEMPTEDoskabad ATTEMPTEDAskabad j jf + f Askabad Turkestan April 2 2An 2An + f i An infernal machine was ex expi exploded + f ploded pi oded today In I the vestibule of ofthe ofthe 4 + 4 the governor gQvern r generals residence residenceshattering residenceshatterIng + 4 + shattering part of the wall and andblowIng andblowing 4 + blowing a gun which was mount mounted mounted 4 ed on the side of the entrance entranceacross entranceacross + f across the street but injuring no noone noone 4 + one 4 + 4 + onet + t t t t t t t t t t t t + t t t IIIUWA icwA CITIZENS CITIZENSLISTEN CITIZENSLISTENTO LISTEN LISTENTO TO FOLK FOLKMissouri Missouri Governor Addresses Hawk Hawkeye Hawkoo Hawkeye o eye Democrats Upon the Subject Subjectof of Good Government GovernmentPUBLIC GovernmentPUBLIC GovernmentPUBLIC PUBLIC CONSCIENCE C AWAKE AWAKEDEMOCRACY AWAKEDEMOCRACY AWAKEDEMOCRACY DEMOCRACY THE PARTY OF OFEQUAL OFEQuAL OFEQUAL EQUAL RIGHTS RIGHTSDes RIGHTSDes RIGHTSDes Des Moines la April 2 Governor Folk Folkof liolkot leoThof of Missouri was the chief speaker at the theI Jefferson banquet tonight under the aus auspices 8USpices ¬ I pices of the Iowa Democratic club Dem Democrats Democrats Doraocrats ¬ ocrats of prominence from all parts of ofthe ofthe olthe the state attended and the gathering gathertnsvs was one of the most notable ever held in inthe inth t tthe the th state under the auspices of this party part The banquet was presided by b an in ¬ formal meeting of the members of the Democratic state central committee but it was decided to take no action until af tw the Republican state convention GOTernor Folk responding to the sub ¬ ject Good Government spbke in part as follows Future Is Bright BrightWe We are in the midst of one of the most democratic periods of American history the period in which the peoples rights C are ttr to t be defined and observed as they the j never been before There are ar some who whoI I aee danger dan r to our institutions in the agi agii i tations resulting from the exposures in f t nffloinl official and inI V business cn < A lr life 1 T do j not i iJ share shareI J I this view few To my mind the hope for the C perpetuity pt rpetult of this government by the people was never brighter than now The I fact that this awakening has come at a r L time of unusual prosperity shows that it JtI i I I does not proceed from a spirit of discos dl con ¬ I tent but springs from the moral sense of ol I the people It is simply a determination m to stamp out the things that dishonor in ir I publiclife public life and the things that oppress In ii I private life litea a firm resolve that the guy go ¬ ernment shall be representative of the thegood thegood thegood good not of the bad badConscience badConsci badConscience Conscience Consci = nce Awakened AwakenedThe The energies en ries of this public conscience have l1a h ave ve been extended from the domain of ofI oi r I the th t he public wrongdoer to that of the pri private prirte ¬ vate v rte te wrongdoer and probing into the thecarryingson thec8rr thesrryingsoim carryingson c8rr c jngson of grafters of every eer kind kin It i ic t is not insurance companies the j eopl leopleomplaill peopli peopliomplain > < > i complain c of but abuses of trust on the thepart thepart tlm tlmpart part of some of those running the insur insurance insurance lasernce ¬ ance a nce companies the people understand I these t things anti know that while some somn I Insurance I insurance i11 I urance people and some bankers are arecrooked ar C Crooked crooked cr c ce ooked just as some officials are crook crooked crooked ¬ ed e d it does not follow that all insurance insurancemen insuranceflCfl I men or all bankers and officials are arewithout areWiUlOU WiUlOU without honor The people are discrim discrimTlus dicrimating inating m ating between th good and the bad Tlus movement against againstgraft i tgratt graft is JsJlOt o mt ot a acrusade acrusade a t crusade c against wealth but against the theabuses theatuses the I abuses a tuSe8 whereb whereby sonv obtain great wealth wealthHonesty wealthHonesty I IHonesty Honesty Demanded DemandedIt I IIt It is a demand for common honesty in inpublic inJ ii iipublic public J blic life and private business businessN Xo man manthat manthat ma 1 1hat that t is doing an honest business need fear fearfrom fearfrom fea from the arousings of the conscience of ofthe orthe o ohe Cl tg the t he people against wrongs The distin distinguishing distmnulshhig ¬ guishing g characteristic of this crusade for forhigher forhigher to tohigher higher ideals is the conservatism of the thepeople thepeople the themeople people r They do not oppose riches hon honestlv hontlv hontlv re estlv e tlv acquired but they do object to tospecial te special spe s lal privileges prlil < ges out of which tainted taintedriches taintedriches taintsiches teI I I riches r grow gro The agitation against agai t ill illgotten iUgotten illotten gotten otten gains does not mean mf an a rabid so socialism ¬ I Icia1ism cialism c or the destruction of the vested vestedrights vests vestsights i rights r of anyone The cry is not for so socialism s0cialism soiahisra ¬ I rc cialism c or anarchy anarch but that the corpora corporation corporation corporaion ¬ tion t magnate respect the law that gus go i icms Ients cms e ras the conduct of the corporation as a j t the he asks others to respect the law that thatprotects t I Iprotects protects the property of the corporation corporationThis corporationThis I I This government governm > nt does not rest either up upon upn ¬ I on o n the idle rich or the Idle poor but upon uponthe uponthe the t he energy ener and patriotism of the middle middleclasses upoia a i I Iclasses classes c This is the class that suffers suffersunder suffernder S under u the reign of the special privilege I Room for Two Parties Only OnlyThe OnlyThe The elimination of special s 1 cial privileges prlviJe privilegess es esis is I s the great question before the people of ofthis ofhis this t country countrthe the railroad rebate special specialprivilege specIallirhilege specialprivilege privilege the tariff so arranged as to giv givspecial givspecial givpecial special s privilege and create monopoly and andevery undoerv andevery every oerv special privilege founded on graft graftThere grllftThere graftThere There is room in this country for only onlytwo onlytwo onlywo two t wo great political parties Our form of ofgovernment ofgoernment ofgovernment government makes one the party of spe special special special ¬ cial privilege and to the other party Prt of ofequal ofequal ofequal equal rights No grander mission can canbe canbe canbe be in store for the Democratic party than thanto thanto thanto to continue the fight for the rule of the thepeople thep thepeople people p < ople against graft Clothed In the ar armor armor armor ¬ mor of a righteous cause the attack of ofDemocracy ofDemocracy ofDemocracy Democracy upon the citadel of graft an anmonopoly and andmcnopoly antmonopOlY monopoly If aggressive enough must musttriumph musttrIumph mustriumph triumph t in the end for the principles of oftrue oftrue offtme true t Democracy are enduring because becausJthe becausiahey they the t are just and invincible because they thcyare the theare theyare are right rightTME rightTYREE rightTYREE c TYREE SSnUJff STill STIIIATIFIE AT THE HELM HELMCalifornia HELMCalifornia California Directors Unable to toOust toOust toOust Oust the Salt Lake Man ManFrom ManFron1 ManFrom From His Position PositionSpecial PositionSpecial Position1Special Special to The Herald HeraldSan HeraldSan HeraldSan San Francisco April 2 2The The Califor California C California lifor lifornIa ¬ nia directors of the Continental Life LifeInsurance LifeInsurance LifeInsurance Insurance Investment company were wereunable w wereunable re reunable unable to make any progress today Jn their movement to oust Hiram Tyree from the office of president No quo quorum quorum < luorum ¬ rum could be gathered Seven mem ¬ bers of the company are ar necessary for fora fora a quorum There are but five resid ¬ ing in California Some expectation expectationwas was entertained that at least two di directors directors dlrectors ¬ rectors from other states who are arewintering arewintering arewintering wintering in California resorts would wouldbe be present to confer with the Califor Californians Calforniansbut Californians nians niansbut but they did not appear ppear Vice VicePresident I President McGHHcuddy says that an anattempt anattempt anattempt attempt will be made to have a iuo iuorum luorum uo uorum rum on the date set for the next meet meetIng meetlng meeting Ing of the directors directorsIt dir ctors ctorsIt It leaked out today toda that the Call Callfornja CalifornJa a1i a1ifornja fornja directors or some of them nave navein ua imavoin 0 0In 1 in view a plan to try to get Tyree oct octby ottby otby by having impeachment proceedings proceedingsprepared proceedingsprepared proceedingsprepared prepared to be presented pres en ted to a special specialmeeting specialmeeting specialmeeting meeting of the stockholders stocl 101ders of the thecompany thecom thecompany company com pan A special meeting cart be becalled b bcalled becalled called in two weeks Unless some such suchplan suchplan suchplan plan is adopted so Vice President 2McGillicuddy lIcGil1icuddy 2Mc 3IcGilhicuddy Gillicuddy says sa s no change in the offi official officIal oflicial ¬ i cial board of o the company can be bemade bemade bemade made until the next annual meeting meetingof mdctJn mdctJnof of the stockholders stockholdersA j A state of chaos prevails at the thecompanys thecompanys thecompanys companys offices in the Flood building buildingin I in this thi city Tyrees representative representativectnd ctnd the vice president are withhold withholding withholding withholdjag ¬ i ing mail and telegrams from each eachother paehothor eachother other At the same time Tyree who whoIs whoIs whois Is now nosy in the eastkeeps east keeps the wires wir s hot hotwith hotwith hotwith with instructions which go unheeded GREAT INTEREST INTERESTINTHEELECTION 1 I Ii i IN INTHEELECTION INTHEELECTIONQuestion NTHE THE ELECTION ELECTIONi I 1 Question of Municipal Owership Willl WilllBe wiiiiBe Be Submitted to People of ofChicago ofChicago ofChicago Chicago Today TodayCONTEST TodayI TodayCONTEST TodayCONTEST I CONTEST HAS BEEN BITTER B1TTERJMAYOR BITTERMA BITTERMAYOR MAYOR MA YOR DUNNE DU NN E CONFIDENT Of OfVICTORY 0121 0121VICTORY oEViCTORY VICTORY VICTORYChicago VICTORYCbJcago ViCTORYChicago Chicago April i tThe The question of muni ¬ cipal ownership of Chicago street rail 1 ¬ ways wa ays s win be submitted s to the popular vote ote tomorrow and the result is wIth awaited awaitedwaged > di great Interest The contest hast been oue of the most bitter that has beEn waged W ged in this Members city In many man years yearsive Y ars of the Municipal league have been Detailed Ownership ive to fA e esery to e pIlllJsr poJUng place Iace in th the clty remain tomorrow at atl watch the interests of the little be bal I JOl Jot as the + At ticket l A Anamed bearing the three prop propi osjtlOIlS relative whIch to munIcipal owner ownerehipe hlJ > are to be voted for have been named Representatives of factions whlca are opposed to municipal ownership willi aisK also > have watchers in every ever precinct precinctaldermanic The usual party lines which exist at anc aldermanic election In this city ell have beeni beenitheir beag largely obliterated and the elegibillty nf candidates Is construed in the light oft their attitude toward municipal ownership ownershi f and a high license for saloons saloonsMayor saJoonsMayor saloonsMayor Mayor Dunne Confident ConfidentTha Tha The advocates of municipal tonight it expressed the utmost confidence ownershIp in the result declaring that the voters o cC ChlcRfO wIll favor It b by an overwhelm fag majority Mayor Dunne predicted to night that municipal ownership wouldj carry Chicago by five to one Thomas 1 Carey chairman > alrman of the Demo < cratic county count central political committee and andthat a a enemy > of Mayor Dunne said I feel satisfied turn that the voters willl willlJames down the prop propnsitjoas sltlons In a wa way that will HI surpri surprise e the ad advocates ates of mu munkipaL lclpHll onersbJD onersbJDJames ownershinJames James Reddfclc chairman c of the Repuh Repuhed l Lean can county central committee cont content nt ed himself with predicting an Increase S the iumRer number of the Republican In members membersestimate of the city council He would offer n ny < estimate et shin > of the result on municipal owner ownerThree Three Propositions PropositionsThe The propositions to be voted ole for to ¬ morrow are as follows First FirstShall Shall the dty of Chicago proceed to t operate street railways Second SecondShall Shall an ordinance passed br h ¬ the city council of Chicago providing for the Issue of street railway certificates in ir an amount not to exceed J75W S7 ThO e th the money to be used for thepurchase the purchase e of th the theexisting existing street railway companies be ¬ pro proJd proJdThirdSball pryedThirdShaft ytd ytdThird ap Third ThirdSball Shall the city council undU proceed without delay to acquire acqu re municipal ownet ship > an lhIdoJer and operation tlon of aH street THitwayx TI mttwa twCi ys K In Chicago instead in tead of granting franchises to private companies COIIQNUIleslobe conpanIeThe The first propoMtion must receive BO BOper tjl tjlper 0per per cent of all votes otCll cast In order to be become become become ¬ come binding A majority carries the theother theother theother other two High License Contest ContestIn In a at u ion to tht contest on municipal municipalownership municipalownership municipaLownership ownership the question que tIon of whether saloon licenses shall be 309 or 1000 per annum annumwill nnunvwill will ill be up for final settlement The nu numerous numerous numnerous ¬ merous crimes against women committed eommlttfdin in this city e ty of late caused cauoeda a widespread widespreadbelief widespreadbelief WIdespreadbEUei belief that they were indirectly indJrectJ the result resultof resultof of many saloons which existed under underhow a aLow Low 01 license but which would be wlpedj wIped vlpEut wIpedout out ut if the amount was placed at atThe 1000 The city council after a sharp flghq figh fighI9SSCd Iassed au or ordlnammce < < Unallce making the l1cens6i lIcenst 1000 The liquor Ji or interests have made madea a 8 strong fight against every 4Ver alderman upj ujJ ujJfor u ufor for reelection who vot voted d for the ordi ordinance ordtnance ordie ordienance < nance If a majority of these men are ar5 ar arreturned returned to the tb council the 1000 license licenseis 1fcensI is I expected expeet d to remain otherwise it is beJ beJlicved be beIimred beilieved licved the ordinance will be repealed and andthe andi andithe an antime the old figure of 500 restored tored j j llPROA IN THE COMMONSExecution Execution of ofthe the Natal Natives NativesBitterly NativesBitterly NativesBitterly II Bitterly Denounced in the theBritish theI theBritish I British Parliament ParliamentPietermaritzburg ParliamentPieterrnarltzburg ParliamentPleternmarltzburg Pietermaritzburg Natal April 2 2Th 2Thtwelve 2Thetwelve Th Thtwelve twelve natives condemned to death foil foilthe toIlthe Id Idthe the murder of a policeman during thei theiuprising tht1uprising th thuprising uprising in February against the collec collection colleatlon colleotion ¬ tion of poll tax ta the postponement po tponement ofl oflwhich o owhich owhich which execution led to the th dispute be between between bee beetsseen < tween the th imperial and colonial govern governments goernments governmeats ments were shot today todayLondon todayLondon todayLondon London April 2 ZThe The announcement olj oljthe o othe the execution of Natal tatal natives was re received received rei reiceived ceived with angry cries of Shame Shamefrom Shampfrom Shamefrom from the Irish Nationalist and Labod Labodbenches j benches and from some Liberals In thq th thbuse tht ththouse 1 house of commons this afternoon One Oneministerialist On Onministeriallst Onminister1alist I ministerialist amid chers and some pro protests protests I tests described the executions as bloody bloodythirsty bloodithirsty thirsty thirst murder and James Ramsey Mar MarDonald 31acDonald ar Donald secretary to the labor represen representtatives representatives representatives tatives committee promptly moved anj anjadjournment a aadjournment ar aradjomXrnment adjournment of the house bou to discuss di uss thq thqmanner thamanner th thmanner manner in which martial law was bf bfing bpo bpoing heing < ing applied in Natal and an to the immi4 immi4n Immi4nent immineat n neat nt and great danger dan er to which hleh the na4 na4tive na nattve native tive subjects of f the crown are involved in its administration administrationThe The debate on Mr MacDonakTg motion motionoccupied motfo motfooccupii notIotoccupied occupied the evening nlng session of the house housaof hom houseof J Jof of commons but no n nN N features were weradeveloped wpredeelopd weredeveloped developed developedDAILY deelopdDAILY developedDAILY DAILY AUTO ACCIDENT ACCIDENTPhiladelphia ACCIDENTPhiladelphia ACCIDENTPhiladelphia Philadelphia Man Killed and Hig HigWife Hi HiIife HilWife Wife Iife Fatally Injured InjuredPhiladelphia InjuredPhUgtielpbia InjuredPhIldelphia Philadelphia April ± While riding rk1in in inan inan inan an automobile trough Haverford a sub suburb suburb suburb ¬ urb today tfJda E O Cowing C wiul was killed and andhis his wife tfe was so seriously injured that tba t her death is expected Mr Cowing failed to toobserve toobeerve toobeerve obeerve a ron rOe that had been stretched stretchedacross stretchPdacross stretchedacross across the road near a building operation operationTae operationT operationThe Tae T e machine ran into it then swerved swervedand swerve swerve1and > l land and crashed into a telegraph pole and andupset andupset andupset upset crushing its occupants occu nts Mr Cow Cowing Cowing Conlag ¬ ing was formerly Philadelphia manager managerfor managerfor for Swift < Co CoPOLYGAMY CoPOLYGAMY CoPOLYGAMY POLYGAMY RESOLUTION RESOLUTIONWashington RESOLUTIONWashington RESOLUTIOIWashington Washington April 2 2Senator Senator Platt Piatttoday PJatttoday Platttoday today presented to the senate a joint jointresolution jointresolution jointresolution resolution adopted by b the NeW York Yorklegislature Yorklegislature Yorklegislature legislature inviting other states to co cooperate enoperate operate in endeavoring ende vrll1 to amend the theconstitution theconstitution theconstitution constitution of the United States to tomore tomore tomore more effectually punish and prohibit prohibitpolygamy t tpolgamy polygamy CI CIDISCREET DISCREET SILENCE SILENCEWashington SILENCEoWashington SILENCEWashington Washington April 2 2Tbe The state de d dpartment dopartment partment has no disposition to makq makqan make makan makean an issue with the Austrian govern government government governmeat ment over the status of Mr Storer Storerair StorerMr StorerMr Mr Francis the new ambassador will willsail wll1sail w112sail sail on the 22d inst