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The Salt Lake herald. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, May 15, 1906, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1906-05-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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Herald porting SportingNews News evvsl J
All Goes Well Until the Sixth SixthWhen SixthAhen SixthWhen
When Balloon Is Sent SentSkyward SentSkyward SentSkyward
Skyward SkywardStanding SkywardStanding SkywardSthnding
Standing of the TeamsWon Teams TeamsWon TeamsWon
Won Lost L 3t PC
Ogden egcer a 0 1000 1000o1rlk 1000tzrek
jEureks < o1rlk I V WO WOBait 1JiI 1JiIalt Q Qa1t
Bait alt Lake 1 1 600 600Park iOOPark 500Park
Park City 1 I 260 260Special WJSpacial 250Spie1
Special to The Harold HaroldEureka H HreidEuteha ld ldEutelttl
Eureka May IjEtir U Euck < ka met with Un u udisastrous uiH aHsastrow
iH disastrous astrous defeat it t th UP hands of Park ParkCity P LakCity Tk TkCity
City hare today the Park boys gathering gatheringIn
In a a total t t l of fifteen runs ugainst three for forthe torthe forthe
the home team Poor pitching for or Eu Eureka Euroka Eureka ¬
reka was the cause Up to the fifth In Inning innns Indng ¬
ning the class of baseball was good goodenough goodnough goodenough
enough to suit utt the most fastidious fan fanboth fanboth fanboth
both aggregations playing baseball bn eball with withPark withPark withPark
Park City in the lead by x score of 4 to 3 3In 3In ZIn
In the beginning lJ imliug of the sixth the bal balloon balloon bat2oo ¬
loon 2oo ascension began e 3n the Parkltes swat swatting SWatting swatting ¬
ting Hanson to every H corner of the lot lotscoring lots lotoring
scoring s orlng in all seven tuns and giving tho thoureka the1ureka j
liureka ureka fielders f laers rrton t or to do than they the thehave
have had since the days ays they the played town townball townba11 townbOIl
ball ballZimmerman Zimmerman Park Citys Cit s new pitcher pitcherWHS pitcherWltS pitcherwits
wits in great o t form and also showed ability abilitywith abilityIlh abilityvtth
with Ilh the stick orthrop Moore and nd Wall Walleach WAlleach Wallcach
each had a sensational catch to their theircredit theircredit theircredit
credit and OConnell played good od steady steadyball 5teadYball steadyball
ball ballMgsnager ballM Mgsnager M age1 Thompson said this evening eveningthAt evenh1SthAt eveningtht
thAt he h had a J new pitcher on the way wayend wayand Wayfind
end that such a calamity that befell b ell Eu Eureka EureJu Euraks ¬
reka today will uevor occur again againThe agalurbe againThe
The seore
Park City CityAB CltyABe CityAB
AB R H PO A 3D 10 10real ETeaJc
Teal TeaJc c 6 S SHeuEser 4 4 I S0 S0ieusser 0 0Heusser
HeuEser 2 b 6 1 1Teal 1Zimmerman 4 1 0 0imm 0lmm
Zimmerman imm rman p f ft > 3 3Sage I 3 0 Jl 0 0Sage USagecf
Sage Sagecf c f A 4 2 2jDerry 2 1 1 0 0Dern 03erryrf
jDerry 3erryrf r 1 f 6 1 1Clark 3 1 1 0 0 0Clark 0Clarklb
Clark Clarklb 1 b 5 1 1 1Rpgan 1 G CJ CJnegan 0Xtegan
Rpgan 3 b ss z 4 1 1 1Spillman 0 4 1 0 1 1pilln1au 13pi1inzau
Spillman 1 f 4 t 11 11Buttferfleld 1 1 0 < Q 0 0Sutterfield 0utthrfIeId
Buttferfleld ss s 3 b 3 i 2 2Total 0 2 0 0 01ot18 0TotaI
Total J48 Aa 15 15 27 1 1Eureka 1 3 3Eureka 3Eureka
Eureka EurekaA EurekaAB EurekaAB
A AB B R t H Pl PlOConnWl PO < A E EOConn EOConnIl
OConnWl l1 2 b 4 Q rJ 1 1 1Wall 5 0 0Vall 0Waitcf
Wall Waitcf c f 4 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 1Northrop 1Northrop 1Northrop
Northrop p 1 f 4 1 S 1 1King 4 0 0I 0Iing1b
King I Iing1b ing 1 b 4 0 1 8 fLumley 0 0 0Lumley 0Lumley
Lumley c 8 0 0 V VMoore 2 0 01100r 0Moore
Moore 3 b 4 1 2 JTaylor 21 < 1 1 1Taylor 1Taylor
Taylor RB s 8 0 0 0Hanson Q QHanson 2 2Hansonp
Hanson Hansonp p 4 6 0 0Rush 4 0 7 7rtush 7flush
Rush 1 Lt f r f 4 0 2 1 1Totals 0 1 1Totals 0 0Totals
Totals S 11 3 10 27 7 SO O 6 6Score 6Score 6Score
Score by y innings inningsPark il1ui5park kinlsgsParkCity
Park ParkCity City 20020700 2 200207004IS 200207004ISEureka 0 0 2 0 j 0 0 4 41 41Eureka 1 1Eureka
Eureka 0 00800000 000200000Earned 0 0 gOO 0 0 0 0Earnd 3 3Earned
Earned runs runsEureka Eurel Eureka 2 Park City Cit 8 SThreebase 8Ihr 81hrebas
Threebase Ihr ebase hits hitsDerry Derry Twobase hits hitsTeal hlt hltrpa hitsTeal
Teal 3 Derry OConnell Sacrifice hits hitsLumley bitsLumle hit hitLumley
Lumley Lumle Struck out outBy By Northrop Northropby 3 3by 3by
by Hanson Hans < > n 6 by Zimmerman mmerman 8 Hit by bypitcher bypUcherZlmmerman bypitcherZimmerman
pitcher pUcherZlmmerman Zimmerman Bas on balls ballsOff ballsOfforthrop bHItsOuforthrop Off OffNorthrop
orthrop 1 off Hanson 6 off Zimmer Zimmerman Zimmelman 7immerman ¬
man 2 Passed balls bansTeal Teal Wild Ild pitch pitchHanson pitchJam pitchHanson
Hanson Jam on First on errors errorsEureka Eureka 1 1Park 1Park 1 1Park
Park CIl City 3 Left on bas bascsEureh sEUrEka 6 6Park 6Park
Park City 7 Tlm Tlmpl5 155 UmpireDoug UmpireDouglas
las Attendance Attendance800 Attendance800ONE Attendance800ONE 800 800OWE
Hoare Makes Phenomenal Ph nomenal Drive at atCountry atCountry atCountry
Country Club ClubIn ClubIn ClubIn
In a practice game of golf l at the Coun Country Country Country ¬
try club yesterday estf > rday W Y V Hoare the th new newInstructor new1nstructor newinstructor
Instructor made the th last Ia > t hole of the new newcourse newcourse newcourse
course in one stroke The distance is 185 185yards 18iyards 185yards
yards This is not only the first time timethis Um Umthis tImethis
this feat has been accomplished since the theopening theoptnlng theopening
opening of the new course but in all prob probability probability probability ¬
ability it will not be equalled in many a aday ada aday
day da
dayMr Mr Hoare was playing pla ing the best ball of ofH ofR ofB
H B Harkness and F E McGurrin two tfroof twoof tvoof
of the clubs bost players pla crs at the time timeJn timeIn time1i
Jn the game Hoare was beaten baat n by one oneup oneUp onetip
up the handicap being too great for him himTRYING 111mTRYING himTRYING
Oakland May 1 a 14 HThe The Pacific Coast CoastBaseball CoastJ3asebaU CoastBasebahl
Baseball league tonight t niht accepted the for forfeiture torfeiture rorfetture ¬
feiture of the Los Angeles team franchise franchisefrom franchisefrom franchisefrom
from James Morley The franchise was wastaken wastaken wastaken
taken up by Ewing of San Francisco FranciscoMcCreedie Franc1collcCre Francl500McCrehle
McCreedie llcCre die of Portland and Evans of ofFresnp ofFrEsno of1resno
FrEsno In case the Los Angeles grounds groundslease groundsIpa
lease Ipa eae e cannot be renewed ren wGl1 the franchise franchisevill franchisewf11 franchisewill
will b br transferred to Sacramento The TheIt TheIi Thehague
It hague ague will remain intact Ewing Evans Evansand Eansmd Evansand
and McCreedie will buy Seattles fran franhle frantohl Iranhise
tohl < hle in case It is forfeited James Ag AKnew AgI1EW Agiiess
new of Seattle wired tonight for a defi definite definite defi7lite ¬
nite decision The league lea ue will meet to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow to rearrange a game schedule scheduleTeam schedulerr
Team rr eam am salaries were fixed tonight at 2000 20003tforl t000Merley OOO OOO1l
3tforl 1l Merley rlers yB 1500 forfeit was returned to tofcim to111m to21m
Doolitties D olitties olittiesliood olittlesHood
Hood HoodGiCtord 15 165 1 121 4 411 411Gifford 41GtffGrd
Gifford GtffGrdStandish i iStandtsii H 164 i4 1S 4i6 6 6Standish
Standish StandtsiiDonkin 1 146 14 13 1t lO lODonkh 37 37Donida 7 7ITS
Donkin ITS 17 7 1 13 114I 114IEarle IM 42 421arI
Earle 10 10ToUls 1 1st 1 41D 41D1QU
ToUls ToUlsOamftndt 1QU 7 7585244 75852443f 7ie u uMirtrray5
< 4Mipays 4Mipaysoga Mirtrray5 Mirtrray5Not
Not oga 3f JA lo W7 ii ltt471 11 71 71Luflclc l lIundMcS
IundMcS 11 112 i521 i521Oamndt 3 l 1Oamentlt
Oamftndt OamftndtBrown liT 147 14 124 24 IS8 IS8rown ZS8Brown SS SSCDS
Brown BrownGilbert rown 1 is IIG i 138 i 438 438Gilbert 439Gilbert
Gilbert GilbertTotals 104 1t 1 1Total 19S 0 0Totals
Totals Total TotalsTR1EO aG CDS 7 7tfI 207S 207STRIED jS jSTRIED
4 PurwcButawney Pa P May MR 14 HJ J M > vr vrI L 4 >
4 Shuster of Chicago while umpiring umplrlnba + f fH
H + a ball game gme me between Punx InxlUt pirnxsutnwney pirnxsutnwneyand Mitawney wne wnean + f
I + f and an Oil City of th the Interstate league Jenguehero +
4 4 hero tod today y was Wft knocked down with withIl 4
4 4 a bat and kicked into Insensibility iTtS n8ibiUt by b i iLeft f ff
4 f Left Fielder Clark of the home team teamf teamShuster +
f 4 Shuster is in the hospital In a cut orlUcal cutcal 4 +
+ 4 cal condition and Clark has been beenf been10cked beenlocked +
+ f locked up pending the result of Shus Shusters + f
4 tors injuries injuriesTen +
+ + 4 + 4H4 6 t 4 4 4 4 t 6 + + 6 4 4Ten + + + + t + + t tQ +
Q Ten Rounds to a Draw DrawIndianapolis DrawIn DrawIndianapolis
Indianapolis In innapolis Ind May J4 HDave Dave Barry Barryjfought Barryor Barryof
or CalltOrna md nd H H9ga I Kelly el1 ot ChlCltgo ChlCltgofught Ch1cftought
jfought ught t ten n rounds toa to n draw here tonight tonightI tonightBOSTON tonightI
V London May May14Ill 14 14lit In an exhibition game gameV gamefCJ gamer
V fCJ f court tennis Joshua Cram jr of ofon ofJl ofon
Jl on beat V Pennell 30 The scores scoreswere scoreswere scoreswere
were 62 6 64 63 63DR 63DR
< < 1 1DR
New N York May Ma 14 j4T T r merican Vmericantomorrow mericantomorrow merIcantomorrow
tomorrow will say sayJohn sayJohn sayJohn >
John D Rockefellers pastor Rev RevDr RevDr Revflr
Dr Rufus F Johnston JOlmat l whose resigna resignation resgnation rlKlgnation ¬
tion from the pastorate of the Fifth FifthAvsnuo FifthAvanuQ FifthLvGnue
Avsnuo Baptist church has cauesd cauesdmuch cauSQdmuch oauedmuch
much comment upon his roturn frojp frojphis frouphis rol11 rol11his
his contemplated European trip will be becomo iiecome to toorne
como president of the University of ofChicago otChlcaso ofChicago
Chicago which position beoame vacant vacantby vacantby vacantby
by the th death of Dr Harper Har tr I
Won V on Lost P C
New York Y rl 18 7 720 720Chicago i20Chicago
Chicago 80 o oPhiladelphia 0 690
Philadelphia 16 i 11 535
PIttsburg 12 12 J 500 oo
St SLLous Louis 11 j 14 440 440n 44
Boston B ston n 15 1 423
Cincinnati 10 IS s 357 3 357rook1yn 7
Brooklyn 7 ID 19St i 2 2St CQ CQSt
St Louis May 14 14Boston Boston proved easy easyeasy eas easeasy easyeasy
easy for St StLouis Louis today Brown held the thevisitors thevisltote thevisitors
visitors in check without any any trouble troublewhile tr trOublewhile ubl ublhlle
while hlle Witherup V therup got a bad start and was wasgiven wasgiven wasgiven
given but ordinary support upp rt Score ScoreR ScoreSt
St Louis 6 7 i 1 1Boston i iBoston
Boston 1 iBatteriesBrown J JBatterlesBrown
Batteries BatterlesBrown Brown and McCarthy Witheru With Vitheru 1th 1theru
eru pand ONeil Earned runs runsSt St Louis
2 Twobase hits hltsllcCarth McCarthy Throebase Throebasehits Throebasehltslenney ThreebasehithTenney
hits hltslenney Tenney Bane on balls ballsOff Off Brown Brownx
8 off Witherup 2 Struck out outBY By
Brokn 3 by b Witlierup 4 Umpires UmpiresCar UmpiresCarpnt Car Carpunter
punter punt r and Conway CoiiwayChicago ConwayChicaso ConwayChicago
Chicago May 14 HChicago Chicago hit McIntyre Mclntyrefreeely llclnt McIntyreIreeely re refreeely
freeely and stole bases bRl tS off Brooklyns bat battory battory battory
tory almost at will Score ScoreChIcago
Chicago 10 11 1 1Brooklyn 1 1Br 1BrOoklyn
Brooklyn Br oklyn 1 3 3Batt 3BatterIsReulbach
Batteries Batt BatterIsReulbach rl Reulbach and KUng Mcln IcIn ¬
tyre and Bergen Twobase hits hitsCh hitsChance Chance nce
2 Klfnsr K11n Steinfeldt Struck out outB outBy By Reul ReulOff Reulbach Reul1aclu
bach l by McIntyre 2 Bas Base on bailS bailSOrt baI1Off
Off Reulbach Reulb ch 4 1 off McIntyre 5 Um Umpire UmpireEmslie UrnplreErnslie ¬
pire pireEmslie pireEmsliePI plreErnsliePlttsburg Emslie EmsliePittsburg
Pittsburg PI ttsburg May 14 14The The PJttsburgs won wonout wonout wOrkout
out today by b good hitting in the tenth
inning Leach Wagner and Nealon made
hits in succession Leach scoring the win winning winping winnin ¬
ping nin run with nobody out Score ScoreR
Pittsburg 7 9 0 0PhHad 0Philadelphia
Philadelphia PhHad lphia G 9 2
Batteries BatteriesHlIlbrand Hillbrand Lover and Pelts P itz
Lush Ritchie Rlt hle and Dooln Base 6n balls
Off O Hillbrand 4 off Lever 1 off ot Lush L LushS sh shoU
5 off Ritchie 2 Struck out outBy By Hill
brand 5 by Leever L ever 1 by Lush 2 Two Twobase Twobase Twobase
base hits hltsWar Ward Umpire UmplreKlcm UmplreKlcmNew Klein KleinNew
New York May 14 140vcrall Overall weakened
In th the ninth Inning Inningall allowing wing four hits hitsand hitsand hitsad
and giving four bases on balls The Th local
t team am batted in every run it secured s cur d Mat Matson Matson orat oratson
son son was at his best with ith men m n on bases baseSoore
New Ne NewYork York 6 8 0
Ne wYork 68 6 8 0 0Batteries 0BatteriesOveral1 oBatteriesOverall
Batteries BatteriesOveral1 Overall and Livingston Mal Malcowson Matcowson lal lalcow50n
cowson and Branahan Twobase hits hitsKelly httsKell hitsKelly
Kelly Kell Mertz and Devlin Threebase hits hitsKel1 hitsKelly
Kelly Kel1 t Barry Barr Struck out outB outBy By Overall
3 by Mathewson Mathf fon C Base on balls ballsOff Off
Overall 4 Mathewson Iathe son 7 Umpires UmplresODay UmplresODayand ODay ODayand
and Johnstone
Denver Colo Cob May 14 HHits Hits when need needed needed needccl ¬
ed coupled with Omahas bad errors was wasresponsible wasresponsible wasresponsible
responsible for Denvers Denv rs success today
R H E EDenver ED EDenver
Denver D nver 10 14 14Omaha 2 2Omaha 2Omaha
Omaha D 11 11BatteriesCarries 8 8Batteries 8BatteriesCarrles
Batteries BatteriesCarrles Carries Morgan and Wei Weigardt Weigart Weigardt
gardt McNeeley McNeeleyCorns Corns and Gonding GondingDes GondlngDes Gondingtes
Des Moines la May 19 19Des Des Moines Molneswon lloineswon Moineswon
won from Sioux City Cit today toda by b effective effectivebatting effectivebatting effectivebatting
batting in the first two innings Score ScoreR S ore oreR
Des Moines 6 6 1 1Sl 1Sioux
Sioux Sl ux City 2 5 2 2Batteries 2Batt 2BatteriesManske
Batteries Batt BatteriesManske rieslItinske Manske and Towne Jackson Jacksonand Ja Jacksopand kson ksonand
and Hess
Dubei Secures Games a With Ogden Ogdenand Ogdenand Ogdenand
and Then Gimlin GimlinSays GimlinSay GinilinSay
Say No NoJohn NoJohn NoJohn
John Dubel guardian angel of Salt Lake Lakebaseball Lakebaseball Lakebaseball
baseball club thinks the way of the thebaseball th thbaseball thebaseball
baseball magnate is hard On breaking breakinginto brealcinginto breakinginto
into league ball this spring Dubei was wasenthusiastic wasenthusiastic wasenthusiastic
enthusiastic His idea of league l agUe baseball baseballwas basebaltwas baseballwas
was everybody ever body get together and have a agood agood agood
good time Then came the Wessler inci incident Incident mcident ¬
dent and Dubei was sad when he found foundthat foundthat foundthat
that baseball law took his player away awayfrom awayfrom awayfrom
from him himAfter himAfter himAfter
After being knocked knock d out of two t o days daysbaseball daysbaseball daysbaseball
baseball on account of the rain and andwhile andwhile andwhile
while his spirits were at a a low ebb John Johnsuddenly John8uddenh Johnsuddenly
suddenly hit upon the idea of having the thetwo thOtwo tITOtwo
two postponed games played here on onWednesday onWednesday onWednesday
Wednesday and Thursday A hurried hurri d in interview Interview Interview ¬
terview over the long distance telephone telephonewith t telephonewith lephonewith
with Guardian Angel Davidson of Ogden Ogdensettled Ogd Ogdensettled n nsettled
settled matters satisfactorily Dubels Dubeisface Dubelstaco Dubelsface
face lit up with a smile again and he hestarted hef hestarted
started f preparing for the game Yester Yesterday Ytsterday YOsterday ¬
day Dad Gimlin called him up an4 said saidOgden saidOsden saidOgden
Ogden must have a guarantee If they theycame theycame theycame
came to Salt Lake on these dates datesAint dateRAint datesAint
Aint it a shame now the peepJe p epJe get getno getno getno
no baseball for two t o weeks said Dube DubeI DubeluI
uI I dont think Ogden is fair what you youS youJohn yousay ou ousa
S sa say
saJohn John was as told that the next time he did didbusiness didbusiness didbusiness
business with any magnate in the league leagueto le gue gueto
to do it through President Presl tmt Shopard and andbis and11i5 andhis
his troubles would cease ceaseFISHERMEN ceaseFISHERMEN
An Association to Be Formed omed for the theBetterment theBetterment theBetterment
Betterment of Fishing lishingInterests FishingInterests PisbingInterests
Interests InterestsThe
The meeting of the fishermen tfsh rmtn which whichhas wblchhas whichhas
has been called to form an association for forthe forthe or orthe
the betterment betterm nt of the fishing Interests InterestsI
1 is scheduled for this thi evening It will be beheld bebeld bcheld
held at the Rio Grande offices In the thoDooly theDoolybloc1 theDooly
Dooly Doolybloc1 block at S oclock and a a general generalinvitation generali11I generalInvitatIon
invitation i11I Uon Is extended to all Interested InterestedIn
In this sport EjaortThe sportThe ort ortThe
The object of the promoters promot rs of o the or organlzation organlzatlon organization
ganlzation has been set forth in these thesecolumns thesecolumns thesecolumns
columns before and considerable interest interestsaoms InterestS90ms Interestseoms
saoms to have been worked up As A the theopening theopening theopenIng
opening of the fishing season is only a amonth amonth amonth
month away awa an attempt will lie made to tohave tohave tohave
have the new organization in working orkln or order order order ¬
der as soon as possible A number of in invitations InvitatiOns Invitatlons ¬
vitations have been mailed to well known knownfishermen knownflsh knownfishermen
fishermen flsh > rmen of the city but the organizers organizerswish organizers16h organizerswish
wish 16h if understood that all are asked to toJoin tojolo tojoin
Join JoinI
I High School vs All Hallows HallowsThere HallowsThere HaliowsThere
There will be a game of f baseball be between b btw between ¬
tween tw en the teams of the High school and andAll andAll andAll
All Hallows collego this afternoon on the theHigh theHigh theHigh
High school campus Hammond will pitch pitchfor pitch1or pitchfor
for the High school and Quinn will be beIn bf bfIn bein
In the box for All Hallows The game gameis sameIs
is I called for 3 oclock and it Is the last lastcontest lastont lastcontest
contest ont st between those two t o teams on the theleague th thleague theleague
league schedule schedulePAINTERS schedulePAINTERS
Strictly uptodate and good oldfash oldfashioned oldfashioned oldlashlotted ¬
ioned materials furnished by F P PKeate PIeote PICeate
Keate 33 E 6th So Bell phone 1610T 1610TNOMINATIONS 1610 1610YNOMINATIONS Y YNOMINATIONS
Washington May li HThe The president presidenttoday presidenttoday presidenttoday
today sent the tollowlng nominations to tothe tothe tothe
the senate senateTo senateTo senateTo
To be United States marshal for the theeastern theeastern th theastern
eastern district of Texas TexasAndrew Andrew J JHouston j jHouston JHouston
Houston HoustonPostmasters HoustonPostmasters HoustonPostmasters
Postmasters Arizona ArIzonaEva Eva A Mar Marshall Marha11 Marshall ¬
shall Flagstaff FlagstaffColorado FJt3staftColoradoR F1rtzstaffColoradOR
Colorado ColoradoR R T Bunney Golden GoldenWashington GoJdsnVashingtonF GoldenWashingtonP
Washington VashingtonF F W WFrance France Buckley BuckleyL
L E Hardy Kent IcntI
Won Lost P C CWashington
Philadelphia PhiladelphiaCleveland PhU d Jhf 15 1 7 6S 6
Cleveland ClevelandDetroit 11 8 gDttrott 579
Detroit DetroitSt 12 12IS 9 int intSt
St Louis LouisWashington LoulaTashiugtou IS lQ utJ utJVa
Washington WashingtonNew Va hlngton 12 10 sis sisNew Ui UiN
New N w York YorkChicago u 10 l 11 li6 46Chicago li6Chicago
Chicago ChicagoBofcton 8 12 AOo AOoDoaton 0o 0oBoston
Boston 5 11 i OS iosWashington OSWashington
Washington May ray 14 Itln In a pitchers pitch rs
battle running ten innings today between
Wilson and Donovan Detroit won wo for the thethird thethird thethird
third time time3 3 to 1 iA A close decision at atfirst atfirst atfirst
first base against the home team which whichresulted whiohre whichresulted
resulted re ultd In two runs for Detroit D trolt nearly nearlyprecipitated n nearlyprocipitatecl arly
precipitated a riot after the tb game a adozon atIozonpollcemen adozenpolicemen
dozon tIozonpollcemen policemen being bein necessary n ceBesar to escort escortConnor escorttmpire
Umpire Connor to the dressing room
R RHE RHEWashington H E EWashington EVufibtngton
Washington 1 5 12 12Detroit 1 12Detroit
Detroit 3 6 1 1Batttrie5I 1 1BatterIesK1ts
Batteries BatterIesK1ts KJtson tson and Hey Meydan don ponovan Donovanand ponovanand ponovanand
and Warner WarnerBoston WarnerBoston VarnerBoston
Boston May 1a 14 HoTho The eleventh succes successive successive suceessive ¬
sive defeat was Inflicted InfUctedon on the hoe hoineteam hoeteam honieteam
team today by St Louis Score ScoreR
St Louis > 11 5 2 rBoston 2Boston 2Boston
Boston < 1 6 3 3B 3BatteriesHowell
Batteries B BatteriesHowell tteri sHowell Howell and Rickey Young Youngand Youngand Youngand
and Graham GrahamAt GrahamlAt
At Philadelphia P i1a4 1pl1ip PhiladelphiaChicago PhiladelphiaChicagono PhU4idelphlaChicago PhU4idelphlaChicagono
no game rain rainNew rctlnNow rainNew
New York May 14 14Cl CltelandNow JantINQw York Yorkgamo Yorkgamo Yorkgame
gamo postponed postponedCOlfEGE pOttponedCOLLEGE postponedCOLLEGESCQRES
An Andover Mass M ssPhtlfps Philips Andover 3
Harvard 2 2At 2At
At Chicago ChicagoChicago Chicago 9 Michigan MichiganAMERICAN MichiganAMERICANASSOCIATION 3 3AMERICAN
At Kansas City CltyKansas Kansas City C1t 1 Colum ¬
bus 2 2At 2At 2At
At Minneapolis MinneapohisInnapohI Minneapolis Unn apoU5 1 Louis Louisville LouIsville Louisyule ¬
ville L I Fourteen Fo rtfen Innings InningsAt
At St Paul PaulSt St Paul 2 Indianapolis 0 0JUVENILE OJUVENILE 0JUVENILE
The OQulrrhs defeated defeatedthe the t e Lincolns in ina inI ina
a grade school game yesterday by a score scoreof scoreot scoreot
ot 9 to 6 The winners winn rs Shaffer c Tre Treseder Trased Tresed
I seder sed r p J1 Malquist 1 b Sutherland Sutb rland 2 b bVincent bVmcent bVincent
Vincent 3 b Steifel SteJfels ss Bird 1 f fReiiy f fReU IRelly
Reiiy ReU c Co r Larson r f
he Little Jacksons defeated d feated the th George GeorgeSeals GeorgeS
Seals S als team yesterday esterda by a score of 11 to
10 The winners winn rs Alex Hokanson c El Elmer Elmer Elmer ¬
mer Hokanson p Roy Savage 1 b bGene bGene bGene
Gene Cordell 2b 2 b Frank Chowells 3 b bi bDan bDan
i Dan McIntosh ss Carl Perry 1 f fGlen fGlen IGlen
Glen Bishop c f Kenneth Yates Yat s r f fThe tThe IThe
The Websters defeated the Sumners Sumnersyesterday Sumnerscst Sumnersyesterday
yesterday cst rday by b a score of 10 to 5 The Thegame Thesame Thegame
game was played at Liberty LiQ rty park The Thewinners T Thewinners e ewinners
winners Case p Wallace c Tullldge
1 br b Don 2 b Hedger Hedg r 3 b Harris r rf rf rI
f Chlldf c Co f Peterson Pet rson 1 f fThe tThe IThe
The Stars defeated the Little Lincolns Lincolnsyesterday LincolnsstardBY Lincolnsyesterday
yesterday stardBY by b a score of 16 to 1 The win winners winners winners ¬
ners D Candland c R Davis p B BSmith BSmUh BSmith
Smith 1 1 b T Dahlauist 2 b G Hal Halverson Halverson Halverson
verson 3 b W Peck Pe = k ss R Gaboon 1 1f 1f II
f C Alley r f T Ste Steel < l c f fThe fThe IThe
The Lucky Luck Stars defeated the Joe Car Cardies Cardt Cardles ¬
dies dt s team yesterday steday by a score of 15 l to 10
Marksmen Now Preparing for Trip Tripto Tripto Tripto
to Anaconda This ThisWeek ThisWeek ThisWeek
Week WeekWallace WeekWaUace WeekWallace
Wallace Bransford Br nsford V H Pease and andCal andCal andCal
Cal Calllcon three of the Salt Lake shoot shootera shootrs shootera
era rs who attended atUmd d the two tournaments in inIdaho inIdaho InIdaho
Idaho last week have returned The lo local 10cal hoCal ¬
cal shooters speak in high terms of their theirtreatment theirtreatment theIrtreatment
treatment at both Idaho Fall and Poca Pocatello Pocatello Pocatello
tello Shooting as a rule WiS much bet better better better ¬
ter at the former form r town all of the con ¬
testants making better scores sc res One tea ¬
son for this was the weather conditions
The neet shoot of importance in the
intermountain country countr takes tak s place at Ana Anaconda Anaconda Anaconda ¬
conda the latter part of this week Judg ¬
ing from the talk among local trap shoot ¬
ers a larger number will attend this meet me t
than visited the shoots in Idaho The Th
Anaconda shoot carries with it the state
championship contests and a number of
local shooters are thinking strongly of
Joining the Montana Sportmans associa ¬
tion to be eligible to enter for these thesevents
events eventsMOUNTS eventsMOUNTS ventsMOUNTS
MOUNTS Pork and Beans with To Tomato Tomato Tomato ¬
mato Sauce make a tasty dish for
luncheon or dinner Serve S rve hot or cold coldINDULGED coldINDUlGEO coldINDUOll
Gist of Remarks Made at Annual AnnualDinner AnnualDinner AnnuaiDinner
Dinner of Union Theological TheologicalSeminary TheologicalSeminary TheOlogicalSeniinkry
Seminary SeminaryNexv
New York May Ma 14 HThe The annual dinner dinnerof
of the Union Theological Seminary was washeld washeld washeld
held tonight at the Hotel St Denis about
200 of the th alumni attending Rev Anson AnsonP
P Atterbury of the th Park Presbyterian Presbyterianchurch Presb Presbyterianchurch terian terianchurch
church presided pre ided and the subject subj ct discussed discussedwas
was the college and the seminary The Thefirst Thefirst Thefirst
first speaker was Rev R v William Dewitt DewlttHyde DewittHdc DewittHyde
Hyde president of Bowdtiln Bowd ll1 college collegeThe collegeThe I
The majority of theological semina seminaries seminarles seminaries ¬
ries said Dr Hyde are still so wedded weddedto
to indescribable traditions that no intel intelligent int Intelhigent 1 1Ugent ¬
ligent graduate of the college of truth truthcan trutlJcan truthcan
can enter them and long remain Over Overtheir Overtheir Overtheir
their portals is the inscription Let none noneenter noneenter noneenter
enter here but the hypocrite who is ready r ady
to believe in the absence of sufficient sufficientevidence sufficientevldenc sufficientevidence
evidence evidenceRev evldencRe evidenceRev
Rev Re Dr George William Knox I 1ox acting actingpresident actingpresident actingpresident
president of Union Theological Seminary Seminarysaid Seminarysaid Seminarysaid
said that the Union Theological Seminary
breathed the spirit of the age Its posi position position position ¬
tion Was to teach the truth as revealed revealedby revealedby revealedby
by the great source of all truth It had hadbeen hadb hadbeen
been b en stated he added that the seminary seminaryof semina seminaot
ot tradition did not want a Yale grad graduate graduate gradnate ¬
uate for a student because he had been
taught to think t lnk for himself himselfWe himselfWe himselfWe
We welcome him because he does doesthink docsthink doesthink
think for himself said Dr Knox and andwe andwe andwe
we continue to teach him to think for
himself himselfHYDE hlmseltHYDE himselfUYDE
Meeting of Thousands of Un Unemploy Unemployed mploy mployed ¬
ed People of f London LondonLondon LondonLondon LondonLondon
London May 14 14Thotsands Thousands of un unemployed unemployed Unemployed ¬
employed persons p r ons of both sexes s Ces marched marchedtoday marchedtoday rched rchedtoday
today to Hyde park where wh re James Keir Xcivarde KeirHardie KelrHardie
Hardie arde and George Nicoll Barnes labor laborparty laborpart laborparty
party members of parliamnt presided at atmeetings atmeetings atmeetings
meetings Tht object of the demonstra demonstration demonstration demorustration ¬
tion was toimpress to 111Jpres upon the uthori authorities uthorities uthorities ¬
ties the fact that there are thousands thousandsof tho sands sandsot
of genuine unemployed people in the themetropolis themetropoHs themetropolis
metropolis metropolisThe
The Th meeting adopted resolutions call callins calling calling
ing upon the authorities s iO > recognize recognizethe recognizet11C
the right of All allto tlI o work ME Hardie Hardiepromised nardtepromised Hardlepromised
promised that the labor members of ofparliament ofparltatnent ofparliament
parliament would Lmld do every cven everyth1ngintlielr everyth1ngintlielrpower thingIn th1nginJt11elr th1nginJt11elrpower their theirpower
power to force the Question of the un unemployed unemployed unemployed ¬
employed upon the attention of the thegovernment thegovernment hE hEgov
government gov rnmcnt
Compulsory Service Servi e at Hone Advo Advocated Advocated Advocated ¬
cated by Earl of March in inthe inthe inthe
the House of Lords LordsLondon LordsLondon LordsLondon
London May 14 HIn lu the house of oflords oflords oflords
lords today the earl of Wemyss and andMarch andlfarch andMarch
March conservativc called attention attentionto attent1oto
to the question of the home defense defenseHe defenseHe defenseHe
He assented assted that the country was prac practically practlcally practically ¬
tically without an n army and that there therewere th therewere re rewere
were not sixty uptodate guns in the thecountry thecount13 th thcountry
country The question he said would wouldbe wouldbe wouldbe
be solved if the government had the thecourage thQcourage thecOurage
courage to adopt the system of com compulsory compuI80r cornpulsory ¬
pulsory r service eniceat at home and voluntary voluntaryservice voluntarysClvlcc voluntaryservice
service abroad abroadThe abroadThe abroadThe
The earl of Portsmouth parliamen parliamentary parUamentary paktinentary ¬
tary secretary for the war office reply replyIng replying replying
Ing said the government 8overnm nt had a mobiilzatlQn mob mobllizatlon mobiiizatiQn
llizatlon scheme sch me under xvhich blch it was washoped washored washoped
hoped it t could mobilize Its forces for fordefense tordefense fordefense
defense as a quickly Qui kly as any an continental continentalpower contlnentalpower continentalpower
power Further FUrth r schemes s hemei had been pre prepared pr prpnr prepartd ¬
pared pnr d for the th defense deen of British ports portswhich portswhich portswhich
which thespeaker the speaker confidently antici anticipate anttcipater anticipate ¬
pate wluld be placed in a L position to toresist toresist torOsist
resist any sjjdden dden attack In these theseschemes thesescl1et thesesa1eites
schemes scl1et cs the admiralty the earl of
Portsmouth said saldful1 fully concurred He Hereaffirmed Hereaflirmeci I Ireaffirmed
reaffirmed the principle that the cotjn cotjntry C coUntry Qn 1
try must look to the navy and not to tothe tothe I Ithe
the army for Its defense against in invasion invasion invasion ¬
vasion vasionMING vasionTRYING vasionTRYING
U f
Grand Jury to Investigate the For Former Former Iormer ¬
mer Attorney General Generalof
of Ohio OhioBucyrus ohioBucyrus OhioBucyrus
Bucyrus 0 May 14 14J1Qge Judge Tobias Tobiastoday Toiastoday Totiaatoday
today charged the grand jury to In Investigate Investigato Investigato ¬
vestigato the records cords of Frank S Mon Monnett MopJIett Mouihett
nett and Charles CMr 3s Gallinger former formerprosecutor torm tormprosecutor Cormetprosecutor
prosecutor of o this county In thesuit thesuitbrought the suit suitbrOught suitbrought
brought by b them several years ago agoagainst alOagainst aoagainst
against the Hocking Valley Valle and Ohio OhioCentral OhioCentral OhioCentral
Central railways to oust them from the thestate the8tat thesiat
state 8tat as a trust tru t The Th case was finally finallysettled finaU finaUsettled flnallysettled
settled the court authorizing a pay payment payment payment
ment of 2000 by the railway com companies compani cornpanies ¬
panies paniesInvestigation pani paniesInvestigation s sInvesUSation
Investigation by b the grand jury is issought Issought s ssought
sought of the rumor that Gallinger Gallingeran4 Gallingerane Gallingeran4
an4 ane Monnett received 45000 5OOO more than thanwas thanwas thanwas
was authorized by the court and which whichit
it is i alleged ha has never been accounted accountedfor accountedfor
for Mr Monnett was formerly attor attorney attorney attorruby ¬
ney general f Ohio and is now 11 1 spe special special spccial ¬
cial counsel for the th Interstate com commerce commerce cornmerce ¬
merce commission in the Investiga Investigation investigation investigation ¬
tion of the Standard Oil OilCASEYS OilCASEYS OilCASEYS
There Th re were saddened hearts in Mudvllle Mudvlllefor
for a a week or even more moreThere more moreThere moreThere
There were ere muttered oaths and a d curses cursesevery cursesMery cursesevery
every fan in town was was sore
Just think said one how soft it itlooked itlooked itlooked
looked with ith Casey at the bat batAnd batAnd batAnd
And then th n to thf think k hed gO and spring a abush 3bush abush
bush league trick like that thatAll thatAU thatAll
All his past fame was forgotten forgottenhe he was wasnow wasnuw wasnvw
now a hopeless hop less shine ushineThe shineThey
They The called him StrikeOut Casey Case Casefrom
from the mayor down the line lineAnd lineAnd lineAnd
And as he came to bat each day his hisbosom hisbosom hisbosom
bosom heaved a sigh sighWhile 5i silhWhile h hVliiJ
While VliiJ a 8 look of hopeless fury u shone in inmighty inmight inmighty
mighty Caseys eye eyeHe e eyeHe e eHe
He pondered In the days gone by that thathe thathe thathe
he had been bec > n their th ir King
That when h he strolled upon to the plate platethey platethey platethey
they made the welkin ring rln rlnBut
But now n w his nerve had vanished vanishedfor vanishedforwhen vanishedforwhen for forwhen
when he h heard them th m hoot hootHe hootHe hootHe
He fanned or popped out daily like likeSOme likesome lilcesome
SOme minor league l a rue r recruit oriHt
He soon began b tan t6 sulk and loaf l afhls his bat batting batting battlng ¬
ting eye e e went lame lameNo lameNo lameNo
No home runs on the score card now nowwere nowwere nowwere
were chalked against his name nameThe nameThe nazeThe
The fans without exception gave the themanagers themanagers th thmanagers
managers no peace peaceFor peaceFor peaceFor
For one and all kept clamoring for forCaseys forCaseys forCaseys
Caseys Quick release releaseThe rel releaseThe ase aseThe
The Mudville squad began b gan to slump slumpthe slumpthet slumpthieteam the theteam
team t am was In the air airTheir airTheil airTheir
Their playing went from bad to worse worsenobody worsenobody norsenob
nobody nob d seemed to care careBack careuBack careBack
Back to the woods with Casey was wasthe wasthe wasthe
the cry from Rooters Row RowGet RClwGet RowGet
Get some one who wh can hit the ball and andlet andlet andlet
let the bl big dub go goThe goThe goThe
The lane is long some one had said that thatnever thatne thatnever
never ne r turns again againAnd againAnd againAnd
And Fate though fickle often gives glv s an another another n nother ¬
other dance to men menAnd menAnd menAnd
And Casey smiled smi1edI his I rugged face no nolonger nolonger nolonger
longer wore a frown frownThe frownTh frownThO
The Th pitcher who had started all the thetrouble
trouble came to town townAll townAll townAll
All Mudville had assembled ass assembledten mbledten ten thou thousand thousand thousand ¬
sand fans had come comeTo c comeTo me meTo
To see the th twirler who had put big Casey Caseyon
on the bum bumAnd bumAnd bumAnd
And when he stepped Into the box the themultitude themultltud themultitude II
multitude went wild wildHe wildHe wildHe
He doffed his cap in proud disdain disdainbut but
Casey only smiled smiledPlay smiledPlay smiledPlay
Play ball b l1 the umpires voice rang out outand outnd outnd
and nd then the game began beganBut beganBut beganBut
But in that crowd of thousand there was wasnot wasnot wasnot
not a l single fan fanWho tanWho fanWho
Who thought that Mudvllle had a chance chanceand thauCeand hal1Ceand
and with the setting sun sunTheir sunTheir sunTheir
Their hopes sank low lowthe the rival team was
leading four to t one oneThe oneThe oneThe
The last half Of the ninth came round roundwith roundwith roundwith
with no change in the score
But when the th first man Up hit safe the thecrowd thecrowd thecrowd
crowd began b g3n to roar roarThe roarThe roarThe
The din Increased increasedthe the echo of ten thou thousand thousand thousand ¬
sand shouts was heard
When the pitcher hit the second and gave
four balls to the third thirdThree thirdThree thirdThree
Three men on base basenobody nobody out outthree outthreeruns three threeruns
runs to tie the game gameA gameA gameA
A triple meant eant the highest niche in Mud Mudvilles Mudvilles Mudvilie
villes vilie hall h lI of fame fameBut fameBut fameBut
But here the rails rali ended and the gloom gloomwas gloomwas gloomwas
was deep as night nightWhen nightWhen nightWhen
When No 4 1 fouled to catcher and 5 flew flawout flewout flewout
out to right rightA
A dismal groan in chorus came cainea cainea a scowl scowlwas scowlas scowlwas
was as on each face faceWhen faceWhen faceWhen
When Casey Casc walked up bat In hand and andslowly andslowl andslowly
slowly slowl took his place placeHis placeHis placeHis
His bloodshot blo dshot eyes ey s In fury gleamed gleamedhis his
teeth were clenched in hate
He gave his hi cap a vicious hook and andpounded andpounded andpounded
pounded on the plate plateBut plateBut plateBut
But fame is fleeting as the wind and andglory andglory andglory
glory fades away
There were no wild and woolly cheers cheersno cheersnoglad cheersneglad no noglad
glad acclaim that day da daThe
They The hissed and groaned Oaned and hooted as
they the clamored Strike him out outl
But Casey gave no outward sign that he
had heard this shout shoutThe shoutThe shoutThe
The pitcher smiled and cut one loose looseacross looseacro looseacross
across acro s the plateIt plate it sped spedAnother spedA spedAnother
Another A otb r hiss hissanother another groan grOanSTRI STRIKE
ONE O Ethe the umpire said saidZip saidZip saidZip
Zip Like a shot the second curve broke
just below bolo his hi kne kneSTRIKE kneSTRIKE lcnel lcnelSTRIKW
STRIKE TWO r the umpire roared roaredaloud roaredaloudbut roaredaloudbut
aloud aloudbut but Casey made ma o po plea pleaNo ple pleNo pleaNo
No roasting for the umpire umpirenowhis now his was wasan wasln wasan
an ln easy eas lot lotthat lotBut lotBut
But here the pitcher wh1rled afanwtlS
that a a rifle shot shotA shotA shotA
A whackra crack crac crackand and out through space spacethe spac spacCthe
the th leather leat11 r pellet pel1 t flew flewA tlewA flewA
A blot blotngafnst against the distant dfs Qpt sky skya a speck speckagainst speckagainst speckagainst
against the blue blueAbove b1ueAbos blueAbove
Above the fence in center ccn er field In rapid rapidwhirling rapIdwhirling rapidwhirling
whirling flight flightThe fllghtThe flightThe
The sphere s here sailed on onthe the blot grew dim dimand dimnd
and nd then th nwas was lost to sight
Ten thousand hats w vre re thrown in air
ten t n thousand threw a fit fitBut tltBut fitBut
But no one ever ver found fOU1 QUOd d tho ball that thatmighty thatmlght thatmighty
mighty Casey Cao hit hitOh WtOh hitQh
Oh somewhere Ip this favored favor d land dark darkclouds darkclouds darkclouds
clouds may hide the sun sunAnd sUnAnd sunAnd
And xpmewhere lIom where band no floIotlger longer 10ng r play and andchildren nd ndchildren ndchildreruhave
children childreruhave have sve no fun funAnd funAnd fun4nd
And somewhere som wh re over blighted blfihted lives there
hangs han a heavy pail pailBut PallBut tl1 tl1But
But Mudvljlft lUdI11 hearts J1 a ts Art re happy h j > y now nowFOR FOR FORI
I Cleveland Clev lana News
Admiral Dewey D wey Says TTnifad States StatesShould StatesShould StatesSboul
Should Efcye ve More ore Xen XenMore and andJCoxe andXare
More Ships ShipsNew ShipsNew ShipsNew
New York May lIa 1i UThe The Order rd r of ofPatriots otPatriots ofPatriots
Patriots and Founders of America Am rJca cele celebrated cdebrated celebrKted
brated tonight its tenth annual ban banquet banquet banquet ¬
quet at the Hotel Manhattan at which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the principal guest of honor was Ad Admlral Adzuiral d dmiral
mlral George Dewey P wey who has ba for two twoyears tw twyears twoyears
years past bean th the governor gQ rnOr general g neral of ofthe ofthe Ofthe
the order rd r At the annual election heid heldtoday heidtoda heidtoday
today toda the admiral having asked ask d that thatanother thatanother thatanother
another member of the order or < 1 r be b elected electedto
to the office Colonel Robert E Roose Roosevelt Roosevelt Etoosevelt
velt was chosen as the th admirals Suc Successor uc ucceSSor uccessor ¬
cessor cessorAdmiral ceSSorAdmiral cessordrniraI
Admiral drniraI pewey in tl response r to the thAtoast thetoastUTha th thtoast
toast toastUTha Tho Navy said saidWe aatdWe saIdWe
We want w nt a a bigger navy We W want wantmore wantmore wantmore
more men and more moreshlps ships We W are rich richand richand richand
and we can afford it We do not need needa
a larger army arm but w wo do need ed a larger largernavy larger11V
navy 118 11V v
navyWe vWe
We have the best bestdnv navy in the world worldOur worldOur worldOur
Our enlisted eJ1l1 t d menare m men n are all young men menyoung menoung menyofing
young Americans If all the th officers in inthe inthe inthe
the fleet l1 t were killed the enlisted man mancould mOQcould me mecould
could fight the chips 6 i s and 1n nd l do it success 8UCC aucctsfully S Stully i
fully fullyThe
The navy is pot always for war warcontinued warcontinued warcontinued
continued the aadmiral it is t6 t main mamrtain maintainpeace naIn naIntam
tain tainpeace tam peace We talk t 1k about the fight ght at atManila atManUa atManila
Manila now and laugh at It but b t it was wasnot wasnot wasnot
not a laughing matter that th t morning m rnlng we westeamed westeamed westeamed
steamed in
Admiral Dewey Dew y concluded by prais Pra s ¬
ing the work Otk of the naval ships at San
Francisco Fran lco during the recent earth earthquake earthqlake earthquake ¬
quake quakeHABEAS qlakeHABEAS quakeHABEAS
Supreme Court Will Not Interfere In InCase InCase InCase
Case of James James1lncoln James1lncolnWat1lnSton JamesIiicolnWaShington Uneoln UneolnWashington
Washington May N Y 14 HIn In an opinion opinionby piniollby
by Justice Brewer B wer the th supreme 8upre e court courtof c courtof utt uttot
of the United States today dented dentedt1te dentedt1tepetition the thepetition tlepetition
petition for a writ of habeas babe 8 corpus in
the case of James Lincoln who was con convicted convicted convicted ¬
victed in the United States district districtcourt dltrictcourt d1trietcourt
court of Nebraska on nan an Indictment Indictmentcharging Indctmentch Indctmerutcharting
charging ch rgfng the unlawful introduction inttod ctton of
liquor Jfqu r into the Winnebago Winneb go Jhdlan res reservation resorvatlon raeorvatlon ¬
orvatlon He was found guilty and andsentenced andselJtenced andsentenced
sentenced to Imprisonment Impris nment for sixty
days and nd to pay a fine t1neot of 100 His dis discharge disCharge discharge ¬
charge was asked for on the alleged allegedgrounff allegedground Jeged Jegedlroun
ground lroun that the United UnitedStst States s court
had no jurisdiction of the th offense dffensecharged offensecharged Offensecharged
charged In dismissing the case the thecourt thecourt thecourt
court said saidWhile saidWhile saidWhile
While this court has basauthorlty authority to toissue toissue toissue
issue writs of habeas corpus for the thedischarge thedlscbarge thedischarge
discharge of any person Imprisoned Imprisonedwithin Imprisonedwithin imprIsonedwithin
within the th limits of the United States Statesin
in violation of the constitution or laws laws6f lawsf lawsof
6f f the th United States St tes yet y t unless unle s there
is some special sP cial reason calling calUngfor for the theexercise theexercls theexercise
exercise of such authority a party con convicted convfcted convicted ¬
victed in a trial court of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States should pursue his remedy remedYby remedYbywrit by bywrit bywrit
writ of error and this court cannot be beexpected beetpected beexpected
expected In every case especially every everypetty everypetty everypetty
petty case of alleged wrongful convic conviction conViction Conviction ¬
tion to inquire by habeas corpus into intothe intoth intothe
the th legality of the detention In this thiscase thiscase thiscase
case it Is held that there are ar no spe special sp spcial spdclal ¬
cial reasons justifying justltyl g a a departure departurefrom departureflom departurefrom
from the ordinary and aQdor4erly orderly mode of ofprocedure ofprocedure ofprocedure
procedure procedureGREAT procedureGREAT procedureGREAT
There T11 r arc parts of ofthe the world where wherepunctuality wherepunctuality wherepunctuality
punctuality is held of no account aCC U1t In Inthe inthe Inthe
the making of successful transactions transactionsand transacUonsand
and among the Persians It Is absolutely
unknown says the Chicago Tribune TribuneAccording TribuneAccording
According to Henry Savage Landor Landorwho Landorwho Landerwho
who has spent much time studying
business methods among these people peoplethe peoplethe I
the Persian hates anything that savors savorsof savorsof
of promptness He is a dreamer and andalthough andalthouh andalthough
although he cannot be called absolutely ab olutely I
lazy as he is usually absorbed in deep
thought still he seldom has little leis leisure letsure ¬
ure for anything else The Th returns for forhis forhis forhis
his work however howev r beneficent benefic nt are too toosmall tu tuama teOsmall
small ama l for his expectations expectationsIn
In marked contrast is his abhorrence abhorrencefor I
for punctuality There T ere is no country countrywhere countrywhere countrywhere
where time Um counts for less He thinks thinksnothing thinksnothing thinksnOthing
nothing of making a a business busln sltappo1nt sltappo1ntment ss appoint appointment appaintment ¬
ment for 10 delaying It until 11 only onlyto onlyto onlyto
to explain that he wished llIhed he h might mighthave mighthave mighthave
have come soonr but It could not be behelped beh behelped
helped h lped he 1i had just finished his morn morning morning morning ¬
ing meal However Row ver Important the busi business business busihess ¬
ness transaction may be he will J11 not notgive notgive notgive
give it his attention until he is ready readyIt
It was only recently an Englishman Englishmancalled Englishmancaned Enghishuancalled
called on a a dealer deal r to buy Persian Per ian rugs rugsThe rugsThe rugsThe
The servant brought the word and the themerchant themerchant themerchant
merchant commanded him to tell the thestranger thestranger
stranger to return In a few tewhoursand tewhoursandhe hours and andhe andhe
he would see him The Th word was wasbrought w wbrought wasbrought
brought back that the Englishman had hadto hadto hadto
to make m ke a train within an hour Then Thenlet Thenlet Thenlet
let him go said the dealer My meal mealis mealis mealIs
is as Important as his train trainThe trainThe trainThe
The manana of the Spaniard sinks sinksinto sinksInto sinksinto
into perfect insignificance when com compared compared cornpared ¬
pared with the habits of the Persian PersianPunctuality PersianPunctualtty Persianunctual1ty
Punctuality Is especially spe laUy unknown unknownwhen unknownwhen unknownwhen
when It comes to paying debts He Hemust Hemust Hemust
must take time to reflect about every everything everything everything ¬
thing and will not be hurried Three Threemonths Threemonths Threemonths
months to a a creditor or even six sixmonths sIxmonthS sixmonths
months seem terribly short sh ort In his eyes eyesA e eyesA
A period of twelve eighteen or twenty twentymonths twentymonths twentymonths
months suits him better b tter but he never neveris nevoris neverIs
is ready to pay unless placed under undergreat undergreat undergreat
great pressure press pressureA re reA i iA
A Frenchman called on a a Persian one oneday oneday oneday
day and asked him to pay a 8 debt but butthe butthe butthe
the indifferent debtor made answer answerwill I Iwill IwUl
will pay you sometime When is issometime issometime issometime
sometime queried qu rled the Impatient ImpatientFrenchman impatientFrenchmau Impatientrenciuman
Frenchman Is I It twelve months monthseighteen monthseighteen niontheeighteen
eighteen 6r r two t o years It I dont know knowanswered knowansered knowanswered
answered the bland son of Iran Iranguess I Igu Iguess
guess gu ss we had better say when hen I am amready nmr amready
ready readyIt r adY adYIt
It mut mu t be said to the Persians Persianscredit Perslanscredit Persianscredit
credit that they theyusua11y usually pay In the end endbut endbut endbut
but they wonder why people should shouldworry shouldworry shouldworry
worry when they have so much time timeIt timeIt timeIt
It is quito qu ta beyond d them to realize what whatdifference whatdifferende lta t tdUferen
difference It makes whether payments paymentsare pa ments mentsare
are made today tomorrow or a a year yearfrom yeartrom yearfrom
from today They look upon American Americanhaste Americanhafte Americanhaste
haste a an acute ute form of lunacy and andbelieve andbeUeve andbelieve
believe that our strenuous life is so sofoolish sotooUsh sofoolish
foolish it is not n t worth consideration considerationAs
As Asa a cultured Persian recently told an anambitious anambitious anambitious
ambitious young American hI I work a alittle alItUe alittle
little enjoy much and live long while whileyou whllyou whileyou
you you work much and will die before you youattain youattain ou ouattain
attain the fruits of your labor We Wemust Wemust Wemust
must take time to sleep and enjoy our ourfood ourfood ourfood
food foodBusiness
Business conducted In European and andAmerican andAmerican andAmerican
American fashion cannot prosper In InPersia inP inPersia
Persia P rsia It Is hard to say whether this thisdesire thisdesire thisdesire
desire simply to act on impulse m ulse is due dueto dueto dueto
to t temperament conceltpr climatic con conditions condiU eonditlons ¬
ditions diU ns With conditions such as they theynre the then theyrte
rte n the economic development of pro production production rO rOduction ¬
duction distribution and andclrcuJatlon circulation is isbound isbound isbound
bound to be Hampered HamperedThe hnmperedThe hmperedThe
The currency is another difficulty that thatlimits thatUmits thatlimits
limits the making of business success successGold successGold successGold
Gold coin Is a mere mer commodity and Is laso Isso isso
so scarce it is used chiefly for presents presentsand presentsand r senti sentiand
and hoarding hoardingIn h ardlng ardlngIlJ
In spite of these obstacles obst des most Per Persians Perslans Perclans ¬
clans ftarn arn a a livelihood andof end d < oftep aft ten Jl sue aucceed succeed sueced
ceed They are skilled skmedcrertsm craftsmen n show showing sho shoing showing ¬
ing a wonderful ability for ± ot weaving and andthe andthe andthe
the working of metals but they are areseen areseen areseen
seen at their best when making loans loansof 108nso loansof
of o money at it high Interest Jrtter st on ample se security security security ¬
curity They often o n get from 50 0 per percent percent percent
cent to SO per cent centsom sometimes tlmes 100 per percent percnt percent
cent while 15 pe per pet cent is deemed a amodest amodest amodest
modest amount for small private loans 10 ns
Every one has a hereditary right to a a pure blood supply which insures insuresa
a strong healthy body but how many do we ve see who have inherited that thatgreatest thatgreatest thatgreatest
greatest of all misfortunes Scrofula and are struggling under a legacy of ofdisease Ofdisease f fdisease
disease and suffering Scrofula S rofula is a constitutional trouble handed down downfrom downfrom dQwnfroni
from parent to child a curse from generation to generation as long as the thescrofulous thescrofulous thescrofulcrns
scrofulous matter is allowed to remain in n the family blood As the very veryfoundation verYfoundation verrIouudation
foundation of the blood is diseased we ve e see ee this awful affliction manifested manifestedin
in in many ways such as a enlarged glands or tumors about the neck whichofte whichoftezbnrstandbecoinedischnrgiug which whichof
of ofte oftezbnrstandbecoinedischnrgiug ten burst and become ecome discharging ulcers ysak weak eyes chronic Catarrh of the thehead thehead thehead
head skin diseases etc This blighting disease being so firmly intrenched intrenchedin
in the blood often attacks the bones resulting in White Swelling or hip hipdisease hipdisease hipdisease
disease while a pallid > > wasey appearance of the skin loss of strength and andoften andoften1ung andoften
often often1ung lung affections show that the disease is entirely destroying the rich richnutritive richnutritive richuutritive
nutritive qualities of the blood There is but one way to cure Scrofula rofula and andthat andthat andthat
that is to purify the blood and rid rd it of o the germs ges of disease dise and ad for this thispurpose tis tispuose thispurpose
purpose puose nothing noting iiothiu equals equas S S S Its It purifying puriying and buildingup buidingup properties propertiesmake proper propertiesmakeittheidealremedyforScrofula s smae
make mae makeittheidealremedyforScrofula it the te ideal remedy redy for Scrofula Scofua S S S Ssearches Ssearches
searches out and destroys all and andgerms andgerms
seche destoys al poisons ad adgs
S S S germs gs gives strength stegth richness ricne and vigor vgor to tothe tote tothe
the te weak we polluted poJuted blood and ad cures Scrofula Scrfula Scrofulapermanently
0 1 permanently peanety S S S is a purely vegetable vegetablePIIRP veetble veetblePUREL vegetablePURELY
PIIRP PURELY V V VFRPTARI VEGETABLE P medicine medcine made from roots ot herbs hebs and ad barks barksyoung bak barksand
ad and may be taen taken with th a absolute olute set salety by byvoting
young voug or old od It so thoroughly thorughy removes remove tie te poison from froI the te blood biod that tat no nosigns nosig nosigss
sig signs s of it are ever ev seen see again a and ad posterity potept is blessed ble d with wth a pure blood bloodsupply bloo bloodsupply
supply Book on 01 the tne blood blod and ad any medical medicl advice advce desired deire without wtout charge cge cge7HE chargeTHE
in inIntemperance
Intemperance nce nceI I
Among AmongWomen AmongWomen
Women WomenL8dies
Ladies L8dies treated as privately privatel as at their theirown theirown theirown
own homes homesIt
It Is said by b those in a position positon to toknow toknow toknow
know that tat it Is no use to disguise the ter terrible terrible terrible ¬
rible fact that intemperance is more fre frequent frequent Irequent ¬
quent amon among women than it i has ever everbeen everbeen everbeen
been before More re general and more ru ruinous ruinous ruinous ¬
inous to the point of physical ph lcal and mental mentalmortality mentalmortality
Your actions actons ploughed plou ed deep furrows furows in your mothers cheek Time Timehas Timehas Timehas
has scattered sctered the snowy snow flakes fa os on her brow bow her lips Up are thin and shrunken shrunkenbut shrunkenbut shrunkenbut
but those are the same lips lps which have kissed kssed many a hot tear ter from your yourchildish yourchidish yourchildish
childish chidish cheek The sands sads of her life lfe have nearly ner1Y run out but feeble feble as asshe asshe asshe
she Is she will wf go farther and reach down lower Io r for you ou than any other otherperson otherperson otherperson
person on earth earthWhy earthWh earthWhy
Wh Why not brace up now and make her declining delnh years happy hply7 Let Lt us help helpcomforts helpyou helpyou
you we wi will protect you from al all publci pubh1ci Ablute Absoiute tMor freorn atd apd aU the thecom thecomforts
comforts com torts of a pleasant home while whl with fh us u uThe usThe
The Keeley Institute InstituteC
for the C Cure ure of D Droken run ken l Keeley KeeleylnstituteforUtah KeeleylnstituteforUtahness The Institute Isttte only ony authorized authorizedl authored for Utah UtahIdaho Ut
ness nessWeak and Opium Diseases Diseas Idaho Id ho Nevada Neva Wyo Wyoming Wyomg WyoI ¬
I ming mg and Arizona Azon All AllCorrespondence A ACorrespondence AllCorrespondence
Correspondence confidential confdental others oter claiming claimng to use US6S34 ue uet
S34 t west South Temple st Keeley Remedies Remedes are areSALT a aSLT arefrauds
SALT SLT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAH tTAHL frauds fruds and ad imitators imitatorsness ittor ittorXCI
Weak Nervous Nerous Restless Res e38 at atKlgfct Face Pimples Pmple and ad Dark Dak Circles Circlesinder Cire CirclesM
Night We and Weak JLcblntr Back BackDiseased inder Hy sBaahfulMelaixchoUa yeBahuMelachoUa sBaahfulMelaixchoUaYouthful I IDiseased
Nht ad Wea Acnl Inflamed InflamedProstate ack Youthful Youtt Folly Foly Weak Wea Tram Trembles Tre Trambles ¬
Diseased ed Kidneys
M Dtsea Kdey Inlaed E bles Varicocele Excessive BxcessivoDrinking Excesive ExcesiveProstte ExcessiveProstate N
Prostate Prostte Despondent Depondent Lack Lecot of ofEnergy jf Drinking DrJnkng Loss LI in 1 Urine Ure Ex Exposure ¬ I
Energy Eerg Ambition AbiIon and Strength StrengthPoor Steng posure nosure Overwork Oe rk and Worry WorryExhausting WM WOr11Poor
Poor Memory Memor Hollowed Holoed Eyes Ees Exhausting Exhaustnz Dreams DrearosAn Dra Draeles8 Dreamsdtn
An endless eles8 number of men hare one or more moe of the te above abov symptoms and ad endcram dnuB dnuBMy a
t cram day day to day In desp despair ot a a prosperous hppy happy ftue future ad aid spom well te they maT t fat fatif
i if n neglected glected ter their heath health 1 sure o t to b be wrece wrecked by a oople1 complete 10a loss of p pmet pbaiiol pbaiiolmental
met mental ad and Ieal sexual poe poeMy power powerMy
My method completely cmpleoly and permanently revives rlve manhood manho ate eSltseureal a atereaIi
ureal reaIi remedies and qulckcure specialists fall to even benefit
My scientific scenttc systematic sYsteatc course ose of treatment t tat tea fc Wa3c Wa3cnervous w e3 e3nervous
nervous nerou brokendowa brokenc0wn youths yout and ad men who have taroujb taroujbfolly tr throt2Whfolly
folly dissipation dsipaton and ad excesses ecs unfitted untte themselves thems6ve for to worm wortsand wormarid
and ad tba t1 enjoyment enoyent of lifo Is 1 a a system that tat has ha bees beestested b bosatested
tested test many ma times tme over and ad proven entirely entrely satisfactory ast8at0 ta taevery S Iaevery
every eve case ce It I la lz totally different dteent from foc the many may sickening sickeningpills 8ct zlckeninplUs
pills piU and ad tablets tab1ot and ad the te sUmulaUng utomadirulntng Domacrn1nc dross drossgiven d dra dragiven
given gve by wouldbo specialists BPecat My specific specfc treatment teatent la 07 all fcUthe a allthe
the t symptoms syptm Indctn indicating Failing Fain Manhood Maood Is harmless harmlessthouerh Jalea JaleathouGh harmlessthough
though thouGh so effective efectve as a to remove them Immediately It Itonottutona Is Isonotitutional 1 1onaUtuUonal
onotitutional onottutona therefore tereor by purifying purfyn and ad enriching enrlchlnc th thues t thlood
lood strengthening te the nerous nervous system nourshing nourishing the te tie tieues
> ues the te strnSenlng patient patet becomes strong stng and end healthy hea1h wth with all el sJsn sJsnif afu sigttv
v if f trouble touble forever gone gone The treatment teatcnt Is to the te human huma sy sytem ays ayster aye
tem ter what the te sap is 1 i to the te tree teeIt treeIt it buds energy energ ambition ambitionand ambito ambitionand
and ad feeling confidence of new life that tat leaf lea Into Int e a prime prie healthy heaty vigorous vigorousfeelinir VOr vigorousfeeling
I tat treat ad and cure al all sch such pelvic elvc dl8e diseases os a a PIES PILES FST FISTIJLA RUPJ RUPTURB u
PROSTATE OSTATE My method meto of treating tatng these tese diseases has h ul proven prven so successful successfultnat succea succeat succesafalihat
tnat t I guarantee garatee a a a permanent cure In every ever case accepted and ad contract cntact by bywritten a awritten
written tten instrument Intment to o produce prouce permanent peraet and ad satisfactory 8atsfactor results rlt or refund refud money moneyIMPORTANT ma maIMPORTANTI moneyMPORTANT4
IMPORTANT IMPORTANTI I will wi euro you for less le money than you can b btreated b btvsated
treated tata for by any other spcialst specialist In Salt Lake You may have to come cometo coe coetme cometome
to tme tome me sooner or later In order to be properly cured why not before befor befortav you youhave yeuive
have tav lost lst your money In doctoring with cheap unskilled unskied specialists specialistsCURE specials specIalistsCURE
SATISFACTION IS GIVEN Every Ever patient Is v given a written guarantee guaranteeto
to refund rfund every ever dollar dolar paid for services serices If they do not receive rceive a corn cornjplet oo CornmIt3
jplet I Flet mIt3 lifelong Ifelong cure and entire entir satisfaction and I have made a deposit depositj dept deptI depositist
j I ist f 5OOOO In the bank to secure scur any contract that Is not fulfilled fulfilledi fulfied fulfiedCNSTATION
fkorough orough and searching searchlnr examination eainaton is required required though if Inconvenient incnvenient to call ca callfwrItene
jwrite fwrItene te JG jne a full tl description descipton of your trouble tu b1e Office Ottce hours h ur i 9 a ro m to 8 p p r m m mOeit = u car C
joept jt Oeit Sundays fndaB from fom 9 to 1230 1 Address A les or call calliCOOK cn cnlCOOK callCOOK
COOK MEDICAL CO 116 S la laCressedI Iain IainGresseda a1n a1nCresseda
Gresseda CressedI Cigars Cigs in 25cent and and 3 for forSOreent forf for10ccnt
v SOreent f ceht Sizes Ses just received receivedRIEGER receivedIiiEGER
v The h Whiskey M Mercnant C1 c >
E EF F Amussen Jewelry Co CoWatches CoWatche CoWatches
Watches Watche Diamonds DIaond and d Jewelry JewelryFINE Jewel JewelfLE JewelprFINE
ID i o Main Sa n Street Stet Salt act Lake ae Cit City Utah
MN ST STCalforla
Calforla and Eate Rce Di Direct
rect wIres on al Sport Sporting
ing eent

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