J 11 iLWci 1fGDILrJtlt 1fGDILrJtlt111IR00CIE t TJ J 111IR00CIE OR A r rJ j1IhK nnn 0 0 0 IDcdl LEmi C Jf Jf < Q IDIID IDIIDCoPrhht Q r Published by permission ot The Rel11 Reilly b Britton Co CoL CoCopyright Copyright 190 1906 t by L Frank Baum L IL 7 n h f1 Ila IP 0 > j 0 0I I c crJ rJ c < to HE oclock and soon after aterward afterward ward c a m e downstairsyawning downstairs downstairsy y yawning wning and rUbbing his hiserc hiseyes accustomed accustomedmanner med medmanner erc eyes in hIs accust manner For it is a realhardship real realhardship hardship to arise in themiddle the themI middle mI dle of the thenIghtard nightard go goto goto to work a and n d MonsieurJules Monsieur Monsieurrules rules sometimes rcsrett regretted regrettedhe d dhe he was w a s such a askilful askilfulbaker skilful skilfulbaker baker for any olh other > ° pro proJ profession pro prot proCession J t Cession would lla have allowed allowedhim 11owedhIm hIm to sleep until day dayV dayight dayIght V ight But tl1 the bread re t and androlls ihJ1 ihJ1o11s > rolls and gingerbread must muatJe Je fresh and warm ° bY bYrcaltfast byireakfast rcaltfast time tim or the pdo pdopIe peo1le pIe would be sadly disap disapiJointed disapfiointcd iJointed and the th onl only pos possib1e possible sib1e way to get g t them themready th m mreaJy ready was to start thework the thework work at three oclock S First 1 first he lighted the big sWinging lamps whichmade whIch whIchmade made the room bright as day and then he built the the11res thefires fires in the great furnaces Pres Presently en tly these last were wereroaring wereroaring roaring in a very businesslike manner and as soon soonLL LL as MOnsieur Jules eanto ean aeanx aeanto IC to whistle It was x s hIs hIscustom hisIC custom and kept him himfrom himfrom from getting ettin lonesome IonesomoJ lonesomewhile < < J 1 while h ho worked ork orkN N Next ext he kneaded the thebread thebread bread formed it into intoloavcs intoloaves loaves and placed them themII themin II in IonS ro rows s u upon n theI the s I a b sready for the theovcn 4 oven The rolls were werethen werethen then mIxed and andknoad andknoaded knead kneaded ed andIt and It took a longer longertime lon er ertime time to get them ready readyA readythan A than it had the bread breadfor breadfor for they were small and andquite andquite quite daintily shaped shapedBut shapedBut But at last the im important important portant task was com completed cornpleted pleted and while theywere they theywcre were rising a n d theovens the theovens ovens heating Monsieur H a 4 4fine fine gln gingorhrca orhreaa man suchas u has I used to make h in Panis Panisand and put it in thc shop hop window t to attract a1t attentlon nti ri ai hese heseAmericans e eAmericans Americans UkccIlcrpris like enterprise and they have never neverseen s enia eniaL a at > L gingerbread man for I have not made one since Icame Icameto c me meto to this country countryWith counttjWith I With Monsieur Jules to think t as s to a act t andscarcely and andscarcely scarcely had h hd spoken tho those ewords words whenbeb when bebegan ganto gantoItgather to togather Itgather gather his m material tcrialtOg togetherrfora the for a great greatb batcL tcLofin tcLofinrj of gin gingerbread rj I gerbrcad dOU dough O or h he resolved thatth that the In maiIie 1i te tewas was about to make should he big f enough > noug and fine fineI fineenough fineenough I enough to arouse the wo wonder der ot all beholders behQldersl v l A h 5 J r jl Under his skilful hands the ginJerb g b ulerbread l Id Idman man slowly but surely took forlm forlmI f0 f0q m I q 1 r then rubbed into intothe the flour some somebutter butter and lard lardThat lardThat That will make it short said Monsieur although Ualthoughit it is to be a tall man Then Then he h added somemolasses somemolassesHe some molasses molassesHe He will bc a sweet fellow thought the bal taker er smU smUr smUing r smil ing at his own pleasantries Then he sb ok in the theginger theginger ginger and and severl several fragrant rag rant sPiees s ice and began mixing mixingthe mixingthe the dough into one great mass massIt massIt < It is too stiff reflected the bal baker er a few mo mom moments m ments nts later My man must not be stiff for that thatwould thatmould would render him disagreeable He latighed laughed at the thewhimsical thewhimsical whimsical thought and glancing around saw the thebrown thebrawn brown bowl that Madame had left sitting upon a cor corriero corr 5 5table r 1 riero theliquid the table It was nearlyfull nearly full of the precious J JliquId liquId and Monsieur Jules with his mind intent upon uponhis uponhis his work never sto stopped ped to wonder how Hcanie it came there therePerhaps 4 J JPerhaps Perhaps he tho thought Snt ho had himself h ll1s J unconsciously unconsciouslyfilled tmcons 9uslY 9uslYf1l1 f1l1 filled d the howl OWI with water Anyway he dumped all allot allEssence ot the thecould Essence of Vitalitythe Great Elixir which whlchcould could never be du duplicated Ucated in all tho world worldinto into the tho1a themass mass 1a s Cf dou dough h he1Y he was S prepar preparing ngf for his gingerbread gingerbreadan A Am Y m an Monsieur mere merely notced not ced that the dough ha had nows nowbecome now nowbecomc s become the proper consistency and mixed easily easilyWhistling 4 4Yhistling Whistling merrily he presently spread the huge hugebatch hugebatch batch of dough upon pon the high table and be began began gan rolling it a n d dworking dworking working it into nto the theshapc t h e eshape shape he desired desiredAh Ah 11 but Donsieur DonsieurJtl ionsieur ionsieurJ Jtl J C es G Grogrande ogran e wa wat watrue vasa vasatrue t true artist although although a abaker abaker baker Under his skU skUful skilful ful hands the ginger gingerbread gingerbread bread man slowly but butsurcI butsurely surcI surely > took form a and andthe d dthe the form was fully as aslarge aslarge large as that of a well wellg g row r o w n nfourteenYear nfourteenYearold fourteenyearold old boy But it was wasby wasby by no means a bo boy that thatnsfeur thatMonsieur Monsieur nsfeur has a forming formingwith foragingwith with such care it was wasrather r rra ra rather ther the figure of a atypical atypical typical French gentle gentleman gentleman man such as rnay may sel seldom sd sdelse dom be met with els else 1 I and cakes cc c He e will be a sweet fellow thought the ba baler er boulevards of Paris It ItSomchow ItSomehow Somehow the work was w a s Interesting to toprogessed toprogressed progressed very swi swiftly t1y this tht mornfng and after a time watch thE figure grow interesting of e course < ur e to Monthe Mon Monthe the baker found oun he e hada hat1 aigoodhou to spare b before beforeovens fore th the sieur Jules as there the e was wa no no one else In the bakeroom bakeroomovens ovens would would beready be ready to sce sceThen see seeThen Then an n idea struck struck hIm i Th The man u < aPP aPPtoday pp eared e d bcdressed tO in excellent rash rashVh Vh today is tJhe > fQUrth ourth of fwJulY July heII he t110 thotight gh ghv v v THB TH QUAT QUATSEVERAL URATSEVERAL mil millions ions of children childrenbetween childrenbetween SEVERAL between the ages of 6 and 60 have come to expect expect a ahew aanew hew story from L Frank Baum Baumeach Baumeach each year Six years ago he gave gavet11em gavethem them the WIZrRDO WIZARD OF F OZ OZvhich OZwhich which has since been published publishedin in five different languages and andbtsides andbesides besides was dramatized drama ized and playedupon played playedupon upon upon the stage in n every prominent prominentcity prominentcity city in tIle United States running runninIr r 1 A MO BEItl 5 1 I wvv wvvI 0 I 1 Q i ir r i M 0 t J Jf L Lc r f t t tt i t c 1 Y lilo Monsieur sieur Jul Jules s gave a scream scream of t terr nf orAL orALThen ri riP P Then he turned turnedand and fled fle1iion fledion ion Monsieur made hima him a collar and shirt front of ofwhIte ofwhite white whIte bread breaddough doughwhich which looked looked very beautiful In incontrast 4 4contrast contrast to to the brown giI1gerb gingerbread ad dough of his hisMerciful his hisr r t o r rMerciful Merciful heavens 1 did you speakJ9 speak John JohnDough n 4 DougH DougHclothes Doughclothes clothes Then with a lump of dough carefully knead kneaded ed he formed formed the mans necktie making a very very art artisUe artistic isUe bow inde indeed d A waistcoat of fas fashionable ionable cpt c it was wasr wasnext wasnext r next added The buttons on the mans coat were Yere white whitelozenges hite hitelozenges lozenges and t too represent shoe th the b baker kermixed mixed his hisdough hisdough dough with licorIce untIl th the shoes sEemed as black blackand blackand and shIny atJ if freshly polished polishedYou polishedYou You would have loyedt loved to sec coul1 you have hayc be been beenpresent n npresent present present the delicate skill w Ith whie the clever bakercarved bilker bilkercarved carved the hands and fingers of hi his man using a asmall asmall small but sharp knife and patting am rounding eachdough each eachdough dough linger into proper shape He even cUpped from troma a sheet ot transparent celluloid the finger 1gcr nallsand nallsandpressed nails and andpressed pressed pressed them them careuIlyinto carefully into the dough at the e ends ds or ort ofthe t the e fingers Who but Monsieur would ever have havethought havethought thought of such a thing thingBut thingBut But after all Jt it was upo upon the face that the baker bakers bakerexercised s akerexercised exercised exercised his best skIll As sculptor t forms rms his his mod models mo moels els out ot clap 50 Monsieur pressed and squeezed a amolded and andmolded molded his pliant t dough un until tl1 eveh every feature of the thegingerbread thegingerbread gingerbread man became wonderfully lifelike Ot Otcourse Ofcourse course the face was made of the whIte dough with withjust withjust just a trifle ot the pink coloring mixed into it to make It resemble real flesh But the wavy hair that sur surrounded surrounded rounded the race ace was ot gin gingerbread erbre d dough as itsbrown its itsbrown brown color after it had been baked would be quite qJJitcnatural quitenatural natural and lifelike lifelikeAmong lifelikeAmong Among the things brought fror Paris by the theGrograndes theGrograndes Grograndes was a pair ot excellent glass eye O 5and 5andMonsieur and andO andlronsieur Monsieur Jules rummaged in a drawer untIl hc f found foundthem und undthem them and then pressed them into the dough face And Andno1V Andnow no1V now it positively seemed that the gingerbread man mantW manwas tW was 5 looking at you and the eyes lent its facoa face a gentleS gentleandkindly gentle gentledkindlY S dkindlY expressionTheres expression expressionuTheres uTheres something lacking however murmured murmuredt 7 7ntie ntie t eb baker kcr looking at his work work criticall critically Ah h T know knowthe 1 i t s the teeth teethTeeth teethTeeth Teeth for a ginger gingerbread read man But nothing not ing was waseasier waseasier easier to present r once tl eir absence was noted Be Between Bey Between y tween the lips of the man man o our r baker Dressed to rows rowsof rowsI rowsof I of small white candies and it was wonderful to rc rcrk remark mark rk the pleasant smile that now lent Its charm to tothe tothe the the face faceWith faceWith With a a sigh of osfttl safisfaction l ct on in the res result lt of his hisc a c work the baker at last declared his gingerbread mafn m Ii ze ready y forche o < he oven ovenOlAnd ovenAnd And it is my masterpiece cried Monsieur Jules Julepr Julesproudly pr proudly P udlY iYever Nev r even even in P Paris ris have 1 1 seen so per perfe fe feet t a man of dough He H is well worthy to have a aname aname name name and I win call him John Dough which will ba beappropriate baappropriate appropriate indeed indeedBut indeedBut But the great ovens were now glowing brightly brightlysa ti tiso sa Monsieur filled them with bread and rolls and andwatch andwatched watch d them carefully untllthe until the bi big and li little t1e loav loaves loavesaaJldongto s si aaJldongto i to a J1tt a J1 ak akes S and cookies camenext came camenext next and by the time th that t d dawn wn arrived the front frontshop frontshop shop w y as s stock stocked d with heaps of the warm fresh res 1 11 11smelling smelling loaves loaV es and roIls and trays ot delicIous delicIouscakes deliciouscakes cakes and buns hot from the oven ovenThen ovenThen Then the baker bakercame came back to his hisgingerbread gin crbread man manwhich an anwhich which he first placed gently upon a great iron slab slaband slaband and then s slid d it all in Into to the open door of a perfectly perfectlyhea perfectlyheated hea heated ted ovenWith oven ovenV1h With great anxiety Monsieur watched the t1 oven T The Thedour e edou dour dou t 1 was perfeC perfectly IY mixed rnixe the theworkmnnsbfp workmanship was most mustexcellent mostexcellent excellent Would the baking turn out to be as perfect perfectas as the rest Muchtgoo lluch n lf dough fi ugh a abaking may be spoiled in the thebaking baking None knew that better than Jules Grogrande GrograndeSo So o he tended the oven wIth i nervous care andfinally and and11nall finally 11nall at exact1 exactly r the right moment the baker bakerthrew bakerthrew threw open the oven door and drew out the sh sheet sheetof et etof of ir iron ri upon which thegrams the gra gingerbread man manrested manrested rested restedHe restedHe He vas baked to perfection perfectionFilled perfectionFilled Filled with pride and satisraction1ronSieurb satisfaction Monsieur bent bentadmiringly nt ntadmirIngly admirIngly over his great creation and as at s he did i so sothe sothe the gingerbread man moved bent hIs back sat up upand upand and 10 looked ke d ab about out him with his glass glasscyes e es W while hUe a aI awondermg ar awondering I r wondering expressIon crept over his face faceDear faceDear Dear tle icr said he isnt it very warm nclose n nclose close in this room < JOHN IQOUQH MvtSTSRY MYTRYsuccessfully I Isuccessfully successfully for a period of five by th the children themselves viz vizyears vi viyears years Is the Cherub a girl or a boy boyThe boyThe The story for this year is Chic Chic the Cherub is one of ofJOHN f fJOHN JOHN DOUGH AND THE the two most important perso persoCHERUB person personCHERUB CHERUB which began in this agesinthebook ages in the book but uttheauthoThas uttheauthoThaspaper the authorhas authorhaspaper paper last Sunday and will run failed to state whether or not the theeach theeach each Sunday for twelve weeks youngster is a girl or iboy a boy Th ThJOHN The TheJOHN JOHN DOU DOUGH H AND THE J E children are left to decide for torCHERUB forCHERUB CHERUB abounds in in unique themselves Begz wftlt tlae le first firstBaum firstBaum Baum charactersalldalso characters and also con clsczj5teys cha ters and 40 snot miss a wordof wordoftains word df dftains tains a deeD mystery to be solved this great story The Great Elixir has dccomDlish d its purpose purposeThe purposeThe The wondjrf wond rftil l Essence or Vitality prized for centu centuries centuries ries and closely guarded bad had lent its marvelous powers powersof powersof of energy strength and life to a a gingerbread man manAnd manZ manZAnd And all through the stupidity of a bakers wife whci whdwas whciwas I was color blind and could not distinguish a golden goldetCflask goldenflask flask from a silver one oneMonsieur oneMonsieur Monsieur Jules who knew nothing of the Arabs Arabsflasks Arabsflasks flasks or of the Great Elixir glared ivi1d wildly Y into the thetglass theglass glass eyes of the gingerbread man He was at first firstsure firstsure sure that his own eyes and also his ears had played playedhim < f fhim him a trick trickuJohn trickJohn John DOUhJohn Dough hf he cried dId YO YOspealt yots yotsspeak speak Merciful heavens ensc Did you speak Joh JohDough John JohnDough Dough Doughr r did said the gingerbread gingerbreadmln man struggling ttJ ttJrise tdrise rise from the th e slab and I declare that it is warm andclose and andclose close in this room roomMonsieur roomMonsieur Monsieur Jules gao ascream of terror Then h hturned hturned turned and fled F 5 Then a sudden idea struck him himA him7F him7FA A A m momenj m n later he staggered into the shop tossed tossedhis tossedhis his hand above his head and tell inn i 1 heap upon the thefioorbeing thefloorbeing fioorbeing overcome by a fainting sp spetL spetLMadatne L LMadame Madame Madatne who had just come downs d wnsral ixsand ant1 opened openedthe openedthe the shop gazed upon her htsb husbands < ntrs ttrrfied t actions actionsWH actionswith WH with a an amazement th that i prevented r v nte b her r from om movIng movInga a n limb nb or or uttering a sound sound1hat soundWhat What 1hat in the world could have happ happened ned to toJules toJulesThen Jules JulesTh Th Then she received the greatest shC k of her life lileFrom lifeFrom From out the door of the bakeroom came a gin gingerbread gingerbread gerbread man so fresh from the OV ovei h that the odor odorof odorof of h hot gingerbread surroun surrounded ed him Hk like a do cloud ad He Helooked Helooked looked neither to ri right ht or left but but picked Monsieurs Monsieurstall tall silk hat from off a peg and placed it carelessl carelesslupon carelessly carelesslyupon upon his own head Next he caught u uF a large arge cand candcane candy candycane cane from a snowc snowcase se stepped over th prostratc boc1 boc1o bode bodeof o of the baker and so let th the s shop i p clr fginE the front frontdoor rgn rgndoor door behind him He looked neither to right or r left leftMadame leftMadame Madame saw him passIng the windows stepping steppingulbntt steppingsignh ulbntt s brisklY and swinging the cane il his left handThcn hand handThen Then the good lady In1tat imitated dher her busbands ex examPle example amPle She gave Shrill scream threw thr w up her hande handeand h n nand and tl1Jnhlad OYeJjuncnnscioU3 aver umconactous I