OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, October 08, 1909, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1909-10-08/ed-1/seq-10/

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I 1
Spanish Fork to Get Electricity ElectricityFrom
From Strawberry Valley ValleyPlant ValleyPlant ValleyPlant
Plant PlantSpecial PlantSpl PlantSpia1
Special Spl dal to The HeraldRopubllcan HeraldRopubllcanWashington HeraldRopublcanWnshington HeraldRepublicanWashington
Washington D C Oct Oct 7 7The The sec secretary se sefltar secrtary ¬
retary fltar of the Interior r has ha approved approve a acontract acontract acontract
contract entered enter Into by the reclama reclamation relama relamaUm reclamatIfl ¬
tion service seric and the officials ofcials of Spanish SpanishFork Spani6hFork SpanishFork
Fork Utah whereby the former agrees agreesto agres agresto
to furnish to the city ciy of Spanish Spnish Fork Forkelectricity Forklectrli Forklectricity
electricity lectrli for lighting lghtng purposes purposs iri iriamount hiamount h hamount
amount not to exceed excd 65000 650 kilowatts kilowattsper kiowats kiowatsppr
per month The rate rte charged Is eight eighttenths eighttenths eighttenths
tenths of a cent per kilowatt kiowat hour hourThe hourThe hourThe
The reclamation relamaton service srvice Is develop developing teve devetopthg op opIng ¬
ing considerable considerble electric eletric power w rfrom from a adrop 1 adrop
drop in its is main canal cnal on the Straw Strawberry Strw StrwbprY Strawberry ¬
berry valley valey project p ojet a 3 portion porton of which whichIs
Is transmitted transmited to the mountains and andutilized andutized andUtilized
utilized utized in the excavation excvaton of a tunnel tunnelfour tunnelfour tunnelfour
four miles mies in length l gth This tunnel will willnring wi willbring
bring the waters water of Strawberry Strwberry river a atributary atrlbutt atributary
tributary trlbutt of the Colorado Colordo river rver through throughthe
the mountain divide into Salt Sl Lake Lke val valley valky valky ¬
ky to irrigate Irrigte 30000 300 acres acre The con contract contrad contract ¬
tract is exceedingly exceingly favorable favorble to the thegovernment thegoverment thegovernment
government goverment as it I utilizes utlze at a fair rate rateof rte rteof rateof
of compensation compenston the surplus powerde powerdecloped power de developed developed
veloped at the reclamation relamlton service servicepower srvice srvicepower servicepower
power plant which otherwise would be bewasted bewasted
I 1 1Te
The Te seismograph seismogph at the University of ofTtah ofrtah ofttah
Ttah was unsteady un ted during durln the greater greaterpart geater geaterpart greaterPart
part of Thursday Thursay The Te needle nef on the drum drumtracrd drumtrcfd drumtracrd
tracrd trcfd uneven lines lne from fom about abt 1136 11 un until until Until ¬
til 430 43 oclock oclok Dr Fred Frd J Pack said saidthat sid sidthat saidthat
that after afer a disturbance disturbnc of the earth erth the thewaves thewaves thewaves
waves continue conth > ue to travel backward and andforward andforward andforward
forward in a manner similar simiar to sound soundaves sund sundwaves soundwaves
waves wavesSenior wavesSeniors avesSeniors
Seniors Senior met It Thursday Thula noon non and fixed fixedclass fixedclass
class dues of the year yer at 100 10 The dues duesare duesare
are ar to obviate assessments 8fment A committee committeewas cmitee cmiteewas
was appointed appinted to collect cIet from all al stu students students students ¬
dents who had received reeive pennants pnnants for the theTaft theTaft theTaft
Taft celebration celebrationt clebrton clebrtonAt
At t the meeting metng of the athletic athletc man managers managers managera ¬
agers of the four classes cass Thursday Thursay after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬
noon partial parial arrangements arrngements were made mde for fortho fortil fortlu
tho til class cass series serie in football fotbl The schedule schedulewas shelle shellewas
was not completed COmlJfte and will wi not be b un until unt UnIii ¬
week weekt Iii t H weekAt eek eekAt a meeting metng of the th officers offcers the th coming comingH cming cmingweek comingweek
At t a meeting metng of the class cla chairmen chaIren of oftUe oftle ofthe
the tle committees ommltfs on campu campusrles eamjmsrules rules Thurs Thursday Thur Thursday ¬
day afternoon aferoon it I was deckled tel < e that a new newset newt newst
set t of rules should shukl be b drawn up and an pre presented pr prosented ¬
sented to the several sverl classes classs for ratifica ratification rtfc ratification ¬
tion When the rules are ar finally finaly adopted adoptedthe
the three thre upper uppr classes clae will wi enforce enfoce them themThe thm thmThe themThe
The rules nle framed frmd last year were not a acomplete aomplete acomplete
complete success SUCCe on account accunt of some someclauses sme smelau8s someclauses
clauses lau8s which they the contained cntaine which made madeit madei
it i impossible Imposible for them to be b enforced enforcedDuring enforc enforcDuring enforcedDuring
During the past pst week wek several sverl inspectors inspectorsfrom
from eastern universities univEriie and from the theCarnegie theallgie theCanegie
Carnegie allgie institute Insttute have inspected Inspted the uni university unlwrity univrsity ¬
versity writy with wih the idea of putting puttng the th school schoolin schol scholin
in its Is proper proJlr place plac with other universi universitps unlverl unlverltIS
tps tIS The Inspection Inspton is being bing made especi especialK espl esplIn especiitIv
alK In on account aeunt of the petitioning pttioning of the theuniversity theTivlrit theuniversity
university Tivlrit to be IH placed place on the th Carnegie Carnegielist
list of Institutions Insttutons whose whos superannuated superannuatedinstru superannuatediiistruttors
instru Instrudors tors draw pensions
t lnited iuited nited Realty Rtalty company compn to Edward EdwardJinmngs Edwar EdwardJnnings
Jinmngs lots 56 5 and 57 7 block 4 4I 4tnion 4Inlon
I tnion Inlon niun Heights Hel hs subdivision subivision 680 680United G O Otnitctl
United nied Realty Rea i company comlJny to Edward EdwardHarris Edwar EdwardIlaiiis
Harris Haris lots lotf 10 11 1 and 12 I block blok 4 4t 4tnion 4t
t tnion nion Heights subdivision subivision subdivisionC 525 525C 5 I II
C C H I Green Grfn to Joseph Joph R Green Greenpart Gren Greenpart I Ipart
part lot 12 I block blk 29 Macre 1acre plat A Aiiter 7 it 8 8dlter
dlter alr Cowling Cowln et al al 1 to Jacob Jacb W WJensen WJensen Yo YoJensn
Jensen part Jot kt 4 block lok 82 8 S plat D 1580 1580t 1 1tnitld 1OOinited
t nited tnitld Realty Relt company cmpn to Ira Ir H HHogan HHogan HHgan
Hogan lots lot 68 and an 69 Union Vnkn Heights HeightsjMidlvislor Hegt heightsibdIvisIor
jMidlvislor < r 340 340Samuel s 3OSarnwI
Samuel W Yo Stewart et al at a to John JohnS
S Brach part prt lot S block blok 21 21ilat 21ilat 1 1lat
ilat F 1580 1580James 15 1 1James
James P Petersen Petern to t Johanna Johann Peter Peters
st s n lots lot 24 4 to 27 7 block Nk 5 5 Thorn Thorndke Thr Thorndvke
dke addition additon 1 1Mary 1Mary IMury
Mary J Stringham Strngham to Katherine KatherineStringham Iatherne IatherneStrlnJham EatherineStringham
Stringham StrlnJham part prt section sto IS IS town township towns township ¬
ship s 3 south suth range 2 west wet 1 1t 1nitId Iiiilted
t iiilted nited nitId Realty company cmpn Hynnn Tool Toolson Tol Tolon Toolson
son on lots 5 and 6 block 2 Union UnionHeights UnionHeIghts UnIonHeights
Heights subdivision subdlvl8 n 340 340Paul 3 340Paul
Paul T Brockman Brokman to Esther Brock Brockman Brok Brokman Broekman
man part prt lot 8 S block blok 21 1 plat A 1 1George 1Georg IGeorge
George Georg N Sperry et al al to Byron ByronSperry Brn BrnSper ByronSperry
Sperry part lot 6 6 block blok 24 4 plat A 2375 2375Nils 2375Iiis 3
Nils Paulson Paulsn et al al to F E Burrows Burrowslots Burows Burowslots
lots 17 and IS Douglas place plac 3500 3500L sr
L L 1 Smith Smih et al al to H R R Tree Treunolm TreRlolm Treeiolm
nolm lolm part pt lot 9 block blok 20 2 14acre 14acreplat leacr 10acreplat
plat A AEli 6000 6000Eli 0
Eli El Gregson Gregsn et al at to IT it L I Smith Smithpart Smithpart Smithpart
part lot 9 block 30 Wacre plat A 2000
Hollister Holster Townsite Sale SaleInduced Salenduced Saleflfliced
Induced rates rt via Oregon Short Line Lineto Lineto Lineto
to Hollister HoIster Ida via Twin Falls Fals for forsale forsale forsale
sale of town lots on Oct 2 Tickets on onsale onsale onsale
sale sale Sept S pt 29 to Oct 1 limited Umled to Oct Oct 6 6City 6Ciy 6City
City Ciy Ticket Tiket Office Ofce p 201 l S SAttention Main street streetAttention strct strctAtenton streetp
Attention Atenton Photographers PhotographersAn
An established estaUshe photograph photogph business businessfor
for rent It I is now paying pa ing one hundred hundredand hundrd hundrdsmd hundredand
and fifty ffty dollars dolars 150 15 per pr month Busi Business BUII BUIInlss Biudness ¬
ness nlss of three years er8 standing located locatedon
on Main an street strt in American Am rlcn Fork ForkTTtah Forktth ForkUtah
Utah tth Complete outfit outft ready r rcad to do bus business busInes busthese ¬
these including incudlnJ furniture turlure ofstudio 0 studIo and andrent andrent andrent
rent of new brick brck building bulhing Business Businesse
e tan an be Increased Incresed Rent of all al complete completefifty completeffy completefifty
fifty ffy dollars dolars 50 per pEr month Call Cl on onor onor onor
or write wrie Tuttle Tutlf Brothers Brother company rmpny 153 153Main 15tMain
Main ain street Salt Sl Lake City Clt Utah UtahOnly Uth UthOnly UtahOnly
Only 250 to Logan and Return ReturnH ReturnOl
Ol Out H t 9 via O S L for football fotbl excur excursion excursIon excurslim ¬
sion Special Speial train trin will wi leave Salt Sal Lake LakeS Lke LkeS
S a m returning returing leave Logan 830 83 p in inSummons mSummons inSummons
Summons SummonsIN
Third judicial district of the State of ofUtah of1tah ofUtah
Utah 1tah County of Salt Sl Lake Lke Mildred MildredKa MildredEva
Eva Deason Desn plaintiff plaintff vg V Arthur ArthurRichard AJthur AJthurRichard AtthurRichard
Richard Summons SummonsThe Deason eason defendant defendantAUa defendantAUaSummons defendantAlIs defendantAlIsSummons Alias AliasSummons
The State of Utah to the said De Defondant Defndant Defondant
fondant You are hereby summoned summonedto
to appear apper within wihin twenty days after afterthe afer aferthe aftert
the t he service of this summons upon you youservedwithin youI your
> r servedwithin fervewlthln the county in whichtIlls whichthis which whichtills
tills I action acton Is brought brou ht otherwise with within wih wihIn
In thirty days after afer service and de defend det defcnd ¬
fend t nd the above entitled entte action acton and andla and1L
la 1L ease of your failure faiure so to do judg judgment judgJpnt judgment ¬
ment Jpnt will w11 be rendered against aginst you ou ac according BCeording according ¬
cording to the demand of the com comjilaint complaint cornplaint
plaint which whih has been filed fled with the theilerk thederk thelerl
ilerk lerl of said sid oourt Qurt This Ths action acton Is Isbrought Isbrought isbrought
brought to dissolve the bonds bnd of mat matrimony matTimony matrimony ¬
rimony and contract of marriage ex exMing exItlng exjting
Ming between you ou and said sid plaintiff plaintiffGEO plaintf plaintiffGEO
Plaintiffs Plaintffs Attorney AttorneyP Atore Atorep
P O address 77 Commercial block blockSalt bek bekSal blockSalt
Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah UtahPROBATE rth rthPROBATE UtahPROBATE
Consult Consul county clerk cerk or the respective respectiveFhrners resctve resctveFhmer respectivesigners
signers Fhmer for further information informationIX Informaton InformatonIN
bate division In and for Salt Slt Lake Lakecounty Lakecounty
Lke Lkecounty
county State of Utah UtahIn
In the matter mater of the estate of Ste Stephen Stephen Stephen ¬
phen Tyne deceased deceasedNotice deceasedNotceThe deceasedNoticeThe
Notice NotceThe NoticeThe The petition petton of Emma Tyne Tynepraying Tnepraying Tynepraying
praying for the Issuance l sunce to Lewis Her Herrlck Herrick Herrick
rick of letters leters of administration admlnletraton In Intjie Int intile
tile t e estate of Stephen Tyne deceased deceasedlias decese
lias been set for hearing on Friday Fridaythe Fridaythe
the 22d day of October A t D 1909 at at
2 oclock p m at the county court courthouse courthouse courthouse
house in the court room of said sid court courtIn
In Salt Sl Lake Lke City Ct Salt Slt Lake Ll e county countyWitness county1tah countytYitnesg
1tah 1tahWiness tYitnesg Witness Winess the clerk of said court with withthe wih wihthe withthe
the seal thereof affixed afixed this 4th day dayof dayof dayof
of October A A D 1909 1909MARGARET 1909MARGAET 190gMARGARET
i Seal Clerk ClerkBy Clerk ClerkBY
By L 14 P Palmer Deputy Clerk ClerkDean ClerkDean ClerkDean
Dean F Brayton Attorney Atornev for Peti Petitioner Pet PetiUonr ¬
tioner toner
Delinquent Delnquent Notice Notice2ENOLI NoticeZENOLI NoticeZENOLI
Pany principal place of business Salt SaltLake Sl SaltLake
Lake Lke City Ciy Utah There are delin delinquent oeln oelnquent aelinquent ¬
quent upon the following folowing described describedstock descrbed descrbedstock describedstock
stock on account of assessment of one onecent
1 cent per share levied on the 28th 28thday 28t 28thday
day of July 1909 the several severl amounts amountsset amount
set opposite opposie the names of the respec respective respectve respective ¬
tve tive shareholders to wit o
Cert Cert No NoNo NoNo
No Name Shares Amt Amt Amt1ow I
IDW 1ow G Davis 1250 250 25039S 25O39S I
39S W Rier Rltor 1000 1000 100056S
665 56S W Ritar 600 600 50063SO
63 63SO W Rier Riter 4i5 4 5 475 47564S 47564S
64S W Biter 100 100 10075B 100 10075B
75B 75B Ramey 500 500 50077A 50077A
77A Y Paterson Patterson 2900 2900 290093Rlchard 290093Richard
93Rlchard Dreyfuss 963 963 96310S 963110S
10S 110S W Rier Biter 1250 1250 1250112S
128 112S V Biter 250 250 250H3Mrs 250113Mrs
H3Mrs 1 Walker 2f0 200 200 20017Lowls 200117Lewis
17Lowls 117Lewis G Gorton 150 150 150UOS 150 150120S
UOS W Y Riter 250 250 250121S 50
1218 W Rier Biter 100 1200 12001U 1200142J
1U 142J E ONeill 100 100 100IiRose 100151Rose
IiRose 151Rose Jenkins Jenkins ONel 50 50 50167Rose 50167Rose
167Rose Jenkins 25 25 25180eo
180eo HarrIngton 1000 I 1Q00 1Q00182e 1000182Gee
182e 182Gee Harrington 400 400 400184eo 4001S4Geo
184eo HarrIngton 100 100 100180H 100 100189H
180H Buln Bullon Jr 1000 120 1000 1000194S
194S W Rier Ritor 200 MOO MOO105S 200195S
105S 195S W Riter 1400 100 100203Nels 1400 1400203Nls
203Nels Carlson 500 500 500205H 500205H
205H 205H K K MerrI Merrill 260 250 250207H
2071 207H E Hatch 1000 1000 1000243S
248 243S W Rier Biter 500 500 500246S 500245S
246S W Rier Riter 2000 2000 2000262Herman 2000252Herman
262Herman Gross 1000 1000 100053eo 1000253eo
53eo Harrington 500 500 500255S
2558 255S W Rier Biter 500 500
2628 W V Rier Biter 4700 iOO 4700 4700278S
2i8S 278S W RI Biter tel 2225 2225 222593e 222593Geo
93e 93Geo larrlngton Harington 500 500 50096S 500295S
96S W R Riter ter 500 600 600296oo 50029617eo
296oo 29617eo Harrington 500 600 600319S 500319S
319S W Rter Riter 1000 1000 1000326Elzbeth 1000326Elirabetli
326Elzbeth 343Nels 326Elirabetli Carlson A A Horst 100 250 100 100343Nels 100 100343Nels 20
34Floren 344Florenee < e Drown 100 100 1003G8Ruth 100368Ruth
3G8Ruth Wantand Wantland 100 100 100373C 100
373C S Martn Martin 1000 1000 1000182Thomas 1000382Thomas
182Thomas Irvine 600 600
387Nels Carlson 250 250 250393T
39aI P Stewart 250 250 250404J
404 404J A Polock Pollock Co 500 500 500413J
41 413J A A Polock Pollock Co 500 50
46 416J A Polock Pollock Co 500 500
428J A Poloclt Pollock Co 400 400
432Sheet8 Neel Co 200 200
436Sheets Noel Co 500 600
439Sheets Neel Co 500 50
43 443J A A Polock Pollock Co 100 100 100
HI 4453 A Palock Fetlock Co 100 100 100
452Badger Bros 100 100
494Wm I H Tibbals 100 100 100
607W 11 M Haenor 100 100 100
531W 11 M Havenor 500 500 100
532 532B 11 31 Sherraden 10 0 30
537 11 Havenor 100 100
r67V 567W H Mavenor 1000 1000
568W 11 M Havenor 1000 1000
G9W M Havenor 1000 1000
570W M Havenor 1000 1000
57W 571W 11 M Haenor 1000 1000
672W 11 M Havenor 1000 1000
5i3r M Haenor 1000 1000
57W 574W 11 ir Havenor 1000 1000
57 575W V 1L 1t Havenor 1000 1000
576W 575W 1 Bateman lOO 500 500
SHW J Bteman Bateman 50 500 500
678W J Bateman 500 600
r7tW 5W J Bateman 500 500 500rSoW
rSoW 5s0w J Bateman 500 500
581W J Bateman 500 100 1005S2W ino ino582W
582 5S2W W J Bateman Bteman 427 4 427
583 583W W M 1 Wantland Wantand 1000 1000
584 584W W M Wantland Wantland58S Wantand 500 500
58S 5SiE 585E E M 11 Sherraden 500 500 00
636 6UIReuben Reuben Chipman 1000 1000 1000G39H
639 G39H H E Hatch 500 5 50 00
645 G45Geor George e Harrington 1000 10 1000 00
648 648Harry Harrv E Cook 150 llgO 150
650 G50W W W Rivers 1000 1000 150
652 66 652J J F Noyes Ilers oyes 5000 5000
659 G50os Jos Lippman 20116 2016 20116
And In accordance with law and the theorder theorder theorder
order of the board of directors made madeon
on the 28th day of July uly 1909 30 o many manyshares manyshares manyshares
shares of each parcel prcel of such stock stak as asmay asmay asmay
may be necessary neesry will wil be sold at the theoffice theoffice theoffice
office of the company compn 17 1 West Second SecondSouth SecondSouth SecondSouth
South street Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah on onthe onthe onthe
the 27th day of September 1909 at the theiour thelour thehour
lour of 12 oclock noon to pay the de delinquent delnquent dehinquent ¬
linquent lnquent assessment together with wih the thecosts theco thecosts
costs co ts of o advertising advertslnt and expense of ofsale ofsle ofsale
sale sle HENRY HENY I Secretary COBB COBBSecretary COBBSecretary COBBSecretary
Iaton Location of office offce 17 West Second SecondSouth SecondSouth
South street Salt Lake City Utah
By D order of the board of directors directorsthe
the sale sle of the stock of the Zenoll Zenol Sil SilverCopper 81 SilverOopper ¬
verCopper orOpper company capany on n account of ofdelinquency ofdeUnquenc ofdelinquency
delinquency on assessment ss sment number two twof2 twoIs
f2 2 is hereby continued contnued until untl Satur Saturday S Saturday tur turd ¬
day d the 30th day of October 1909 at
230 p m of said sid day at the office offce of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the company compn 17 1 West est Second Seond South Southstreet Suth Suthstret Southstreet
street stret Salt Sal Lake City Utah UtahHENRY UtahHE UtahHENRY
HENRY HE RY I COBB COBBSecretarv COBBSecretln COBBSecretary
Secretary SecretarvNotice Secretln SecretlnNotce SecretaryNotice
Notice Notce of Assessment AssessmentMOAPA AssessmentIOAPA AssessmentMOAPA
MOAPA GARDEN COMPANY Office Officeand Ofce Ofceand Officeand
and principal prncipl place plac of business busins Salt Lake LakeCity LakeCf LakeCity
City Cf Utah Notice Notc is hereby given that thatat tht thtt ttiatat
at t a regularly and duly dul called caled meeting meetingof metng metngof
of the directors director of the Moapa Iop oap Garden Gardencompany Gardencmpn Gardencompany
company cmpn held on the th 14th 14h day of Sep September Septembr Septeniber ¬
tember tembr 190 10 at the office offic of the man manager mana manager ¬
ager a er of the corporation crporton D H Livingston LivingstonBoston LivingstonDt LivingstonBoston
Boston Dt < n block blok Salt Sal Lake City Ciy Utah an anassessment anaBment anassessment
assessment aBment of 10 per er cent cnt per share was waslevied waslevi Waslevied
levied levi upon upn the th capital cpial stock stok of the cor corporation corprton corporatlon ¬
poration prton issued l d and outstanding outtaning payable payableon ble bleon
on or before he fore the 22d iij day p or orOctober ofOctobr orOctober
October Octobr A D 1JV9 If to the art arting acting
ing treasrer D H Livingston ac
1003 10 10 Boston Bton block blok Salt Sal Lake City Ciy Utah UtahAny UtahAny UtahAny
Any stocK stOK upon which this assessment assessmentor assement assementor
or any part pr of the same sme shall shal remain remainunpaid rmain rmainunpid remainunpaid
unpaid unpid on o the 22d day da of October OctoberWill loo loowill 19
will wl be b delinquent delnquent and will wi be b advertised advertisedfor advertse
for sale 11 at public publc auction aucton and unless unlesspayment unfss unfsspyent unlesspayment
is made before will
payment pyent bfore wi be sold on onWednesday onWene onVednesday
Wednesday Wene the 10th day of November NovemberA
A D 1908 19 at 10 oclock oclok a m at the theoffice th thoffic theoffice
office offic ot D H Livingston aforesaid to topay top topay
pay the delinquent delnquent assessment thereon thereontogether thereontother thereontogether
p together tother with wih costs cots of advertising advertsIng and andcoete andCts andcoets
coete Cts of sale sle J STOKES JR JRSecretary JRScetry JRSecretary
Secretary Scetry Moapa Iop Garden Garen Company CompanyOf Compny CompnyOf CompanyOffice
Of Office City Ciy fire tre Utah 514 lB Ttiupleton Bldg Bdg Salt 8lt Lake LakeCity LakeCiy LakeCity
Summons SummonsIN
Third Judicial District of the State of ofUtah ofUtah ofUtah
Utah in and for Salt Sl Lake Lke County CountyNettle CountyNette CountyNettle
Nettle Nette Hermann Plaintiff PlaIntff vs Harry HarryE
E Hermann lermann Defendant DefendantSummons DefendantSummonsThe DefendantSummons DefendantSummonsThe Summons SummonsThe
The state of Utah to the said sid defen defendant dofendant defendant ¬
dant You are hereby summoned to ap appear appear appear ¬
pear within wihin twenty days after afer the theservice theservice theservice
service of this summons upon you ou if ifserved I ifserved
served serve within wihin the county In which this thisaction thisacton thisaction
action acton Is brought otherwise within withinthirty wihin wihinthrty withinthirty
thirty thrty days after ater service and defend defendthe defendthe defendthe
the above entitled entted action acton and in case caseof cse cseof caseof
of your failure faiure so s to do judgment will willbe wll wllbe willbe
be rendered against aglmt you according according to tothe tothe tothe
the demand of the complaint which whichhas whichhs whichhas
has court courtThis hs courtThis courtThis been ben filed fled with the clerk cerk of said saidcourt saidcourt saidcourt
This action acton is brought to recover a ajudgment ajud ajudgment
judgment jud ment dissolving the bonds of ofmatrimony ofmatrlmon ofmatrimony
matrimony now existing eXistng between you youand youand youand
and the plaintiff vlalntc
A A DUNCAN DUNCANPlaintiffs DUNCANPlaintfs DUNCANPlaintiffs
Plaintiffs Plaintfs Attorney AttorneyP torn e eP
P O address 340 Constitution Consttuton build building buid buidIng buildlug ¬
ing Salt Sl Lake Lke City Ciy Salt Sal Lake Lke coun county county county ¬
ty state of Utah UtahAssessment UtahAssessment UtahAssessment
Assessment No 39 39WABASH 39WABASH 39WABASH
dual cpl place plac of business bUllnes Salt Lake City CityUtah Cl CityUtah
Utah UtahNotice UtahNotc UtahNotice
Notice Notc is hereby given that at a meet meeting meetIng meeting ¬
ing of the th board bord of directors diretors held on the theSth theSth the5th
Sth day of September Sptembr 1900 19 an assessment assessmentof asssment asssmentof
of five < 5 cents cnts per share shar was levied on onthe onthe onthe
the capital cpl al stock stok of the corporation corporton pay payable payable ¬
able on or before bfore the th llth 1th day of October Otober OtoberJ9 fa faable
1909 to W Mont Ferry
J9 Fer secretary sertar at atRoom atRom atRoom
Room Rom 520 5 Atlas Atas block blok West Wet Second Seond South SouthBtreet Southtret Southetreet
Btreet tret Salt Slt Lake Lke City CI Utah Any stock stockupon stockupn stockUpon
upon which this assessment aSsment may remain remainunpaid rmain rmainunpid remainunpaid
upn unpaid unpid on the tle llth 11h day of October Octobr 1909 1909will 19 iowill
will wl be delinquent delnquent and advertised adverisd for sale saleat saleat saleat
at public publc auction aucton and unless payment is ismade Ismade Ismade
made before bfor will wi be sold on the 30th 3th 0th day dayof da daof dayof
of October Octobr 1909 15 to pay the delinquent delinquentassessment delnquent delnquentassmnt delinquentassessment
assessment assmnt together with wih all al cost of ad advertising adertslng advertlaing ¬
vertising ertslng and expense expens of sale saleW saleW saleW
W MONT FERRY Secretary Secretar
Location Lotkm of offices ofCs 5202122Atlas 52 block blockSalt blockSnl blockSalt
Salt Snl Lake City Utah UtahAssessment UtahAssessment UtahAssessment ftas
Assessment No No4 No4GOLD 4 4GOLD 4GOLD
Ing Milling llng company compny Principal office officeand officeand
and an place plac of business busines 216 South Main Mainstreet 1aln 1alnstret Mainstreet
street stret Salt Salt Lake Lke City Ciy Utah UtahNotice UtahNotc UtahNotice
Notice Notc is hereby given that at a meet meeting meetIn meeting ¬
ing In of the board bord of directors dlr ctors held on the the15th the5h the15th
15th 5h day of September 1909 19 an assessment assessmentof
of 14 of 1 cent per pr share was levied and andassessed andasd andassessed
assessed asd on the capital cpial stock issued Isued and andoutstanding andoutstanding andoutstanding
outstanding of the corporation crporaton payable payableforthwith paableforthwih payableforthwith
forthwith forthwih to C R R Long the th secretary retary of ofsaid ofsaid ofsaid
said company at 216 South Main 1laln street streetSalt stret stretSlt streetSalt
Salt Lake City Utah Any stock
Slt Lke Ciy upon uponwhich upn upnwhich uponwhich
which this tis assessment assesment may remain un unpaid unpad unpaid ¬
paid pad on the 27th 2th day of October 1903 19 will willbe wi willbe
be b delinquent delnquent and advertised advertsed for sale sle at atpublic atpublc atpublic
public publc auction aucton and unless paymeht is ismade Ismade ismade
made before will wi be b sold on the lath lith day dayof da daof dayof
of November 1909 19 to pay the delinquent delinquentassessment delnquent delnquentasssment delinquentassessment
assessment asssment thereon together with wih costs costsot
ot advertising adverising and expenses of sale saleC salcR
C R R LONG Secretary SecretarySalt Scretar
Salt SaI Lake City Ciy Utah
Location Lcaton of principal place of business businessSalt businessSal businessSalt
Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah UtNotce UtahNotlce Notice There Thereare
are delinquent delnquent upon the following folowing de described described described ¬
scribed stock on account of assessment assessmentNo assesmentNo3
No No3 3 levied April AprI 23 231909 1909 the several severalamounts severalamounts severalamounts
amounts set opposite the names erf the therespective therep6ctve therespective
respective rep6ctve shareholders as follows followsCert tolows tolowsCert followsCert
Cert CertNo CertNo CertNo
No Name Shares Amt Amt
31 W A Lee Le 1000 2000
32 W A Lee 1000 2000
33 W A A Lee 1000 2000
1 A
53 V S Ayres 100 200
59 Gordon Grant part partof
of 100 10 20
63 Fred Dern 300 600
90 C L 1 Whitney Whiney 100 200
91 9 C L 1 Whitney Whiney 100 200 2 OC
92 C L 1 Whitney Whiney 100 200
93 C L 1 Whitney Whiney 100 200
94 C L L Whitney Whiney 100 200
138 E M MWest West Co Copart Copart Copart
part of 50 5 10
332 Jas A A Pollock PollockCo Polock PolockCo
Co part of 500 305 610
412 42 Owen Greenan Greenan 7000 14000 1000
461 H H Walker 50 100 100
462 J R Walker 50 100
539 5 Robert Peterson Petersonpart Petersonpart Petersonpart
part of 100 15 30
541 54 E C Hard lard part Of
20 55 110
610 a C S Hoag 100 200
615 Albert Fuge 500 1000
654 Sheets Neel 100 200 200673S1Knapp
673 673S1Knapp Seets S II Knapp 500 1000 1000i31
731 W V A Lee 5000 10000 10000i8
748 Geo T Badger 10000 20000
842 Lee Glockner 500 1000 1000s90 I
890 Margaret E Malone 200 400 400
896 E M West 500 1000
899 A A a C Cope 10000 20000
900 A D Smith Smih 10000 20000
910 Mrs 111 Anna Anna Polhe Polhemus Polhemus PolItemus
mus part of 500 325 650
913 Natalie Natale Townsend Townsendpart Townsendpart Townsendpart
part of 200 00 85 170
942 John T Hodson 1000 2000
945 C H Post part of
500 310 620
957 95 S H Knapp 500 1000 10009i
972 9i John T Hodson 1000 2000 OO OO9i5
975 Mrs Sarah Good Goodwin Goodvln Goodwin ¬
win Srah 100 200
987 Robert Pringle Pringlepart Prngle Prnglepart Pringlepart
part of 1000 605 1210 12109SS
988 Robert Pringle Pringlepart Prngle Prngleprt Pringlopart
part prt of 1000 10 0 610 1220
989 Robert Pringle Pringlepart Pringlepart Pringlepart
part of 1000 600 1200
990 Robert Pringle Pringlepart Pringlepart Pringlepart
part of 1000 600 1200
1003 Charles Charle Hawkins Hawkinspart Hawkinspart hawkinspart
part of 100 25 50
1005 E C THsk 100 200
1008 J Boursard Bour rd Jr Jrpart Jrpart Jrpart
part of 500 5 305 610
1009 A L 1 Inglesby 200 00 400
1011 101 John Koloturos 500 1000
1017 101 Binford Bnford Hulse 100 200
1018 Binford Bnford Hulse 100 200 20010i5
1075 G T Sharp part of
100 25 50
1125 125 G S Hong HoaJ 100 200
1194 194 E G Skliris Sklris 350 3 O 700
1283 Tony Tay Corak 100 200
1304 10 G S Hoav Hoal 25 50 501306T
1306 1306T J H Nichollg 500 1000
1321 132 S H L Knapp 10000 20000
1333 S H Knapp 5000 10000 10000And 10000nd 10000And
And nd in accordance with wih law and an anorder anorder anorder
order of the board bord of directors made madeon
on the 23d day of April Apri 1909 so many manyshares man manshares manyshares
shares of each parcel of such stock as asmay asmay asmay
may be necessary necessar will wil be sold at the theoffice theoffce theoffice
office of the company 207 D F Walk Walker Wale Waleer ¬
offce er building buiding Salt Sal Lake Lke City Clt Utah on onthe onthe onthe
the 1st day of July Jul 1909 at 230 230oclock 230oclock 230oclock
oclock p m of said sid day to pay de delinquent delnquent delinquent ¬
linquent lnquent assessments thereon together togetherwith to togetherwith ether etherwih
with the cost of advertising advertsing and ex expense expeDe expense ¬
pense wih peDe of sale R W V GNEKOW GNEKOWSecretary G G3EKOW Secretary Secretar EJOW EJOWSecretar
207 Oi D F Walker building buiding Salt Sal Lake LakeCity IkeCity ke keCit
City Utah UtahFirst UtahFirst UtahFirst
Cit First publication publcaton June une 15 1909 1909By 1909By 1909By
By order of the board of directors directorsthe
the sale day of the stock of the Fed Federal Federal Federal ¬
eral Ely Copper company on account of ofdelinquency ofdelnquency ofdelinquency
delinquency on assessment assesment No 3 is ishereby IsherebJ ishereby
hereby delnquency continued contnue until unti Thursday the the15th the15th the15th
herebJ 15th day of July 1909 at 230 oclock oclockp
p m of said day da at Room 207 D F FWalker FValcer FWalker
Walker Valcer R building huldlng W GNEKOW Salt Sal Lake Lke Secretary City Utah UtahR
Second Seond publication publcaton 15 09 09By 09By 09By
By order ader of the board of directors directorsthe
the sale of the stock of the Federal FederalEly FederalEI FederalEly
Ely EI Copper company on account of de delinquency delnquenc delinquency ¬
linquency on assessment No No3 3 is ishereby Ishereb ishereby
hereby lnquenc continued contnue until unti Thursday the the30th the30th the30th
30th day of September 1909 at
230 oclock p m of said day at Room
207 D ocock F Walker building buiding Salt Sal Lake LakeCity LakeCiy LakeCity
City Utah R P W GNEKOW GNEKOWSecretary GNEKOWSecretary GNEKOWSecretary
Ciy Secretary SecretaryBy
By order of the board bard of directors directorsthe
the ale of the stock of the Federal FederalEly FederalEly FederalEly
Ely Copper company on account of ofdelinquency ofdelnquen ofdelinquency
delinquency on compny assessment No No3 3 is ishereby Ishereby ishereby
hereby delnquen continued contnued until unti Saturday the the30th the30th the30th
30th day of October 1909 at 230 230oclock 230oclek 230oclock
oclock oclek p m of said sid day at Room Room20i
207 D F Walker alker building buidlnJ Salt Sal Lake LakeCity LaleeCity LakeCity
City Utah R W r GNEKOW GNEKOWSecretary GNEKOWSecretary GNEKOWSecretary
Secretary SecretaryWestern SecretaryWestern SecretaryWestern
Western Monitor Mining Co CoNotce CoNotceof CoNotice CoNoticeof Notice Noticeof
of a Special Meeting of the theStockholders theStockholders theStockholders
Stockholders StockholdersNOTICE StockholdersXOTICE StockholdersNOTICE
pursuant to a resolution resoluton duly and regu regularly regularly reguiarly ¬
larly passed at a regular meeting meetng of the theboard th thbard theboard
board ps of directors diretors of the Western Vester Moni Monitor Monitor Ionltor ¬
tor bard Mining 1lnlng company compn a corporation corporaton of ofUtah ofLtah ofUtah
Utah Ltah a a special spial meeting metng of stpckholders stpckholdersof
of said sid company is hereby hereb called caled to con convene convene convene ¬
vene at cmpny its office offce No 9 5 i East Fifth FifthSouth ruthSouth ith ithSouth
South street stret Salt Lake City CI Utah on onSaturday onSturay onSaturday
Saturday the Sth 6h day of November Novembr 1909 1909at 10 1000at
at at 2 oclock oclok p m The purpose and ob object objt object ¬
ject of said sid meeting metng is to consider and andvote andvote andvote
jt vote upon the questions questons of amending and andchanging andchanging andchanging
changing upn articles artces XVI and XVII XVI of the thearticles theartcles thearticles
articles artcles of incorporation Incrprton of said company companyas compn compna
as a follows followsFirst folows folowsFirtFor
First FirtFor FirstFor For the striking strlklnJ out of article articleXVI artcle artcleXVI articleXVI
XVI which reads rd as follows followsThe folows folowsThe followsThe
The directors of said sid corporation corporaton for forthe forthe forthe
the purpose purpo of paying expenses conduct conducting conductInJ conductIng ¬
ing InJ the business busnes or paying the debts of ofsaid ofsaid 01said
said corporation corraton may levy lev and collect collectassessments collectassessments
assessments ments in the manner andform form and andto andto andto
ass8 an
to the extent hereinafter hreinafer prSyided but butno butno butno
no one assessment assment shall shal exceed exced per percent pr prcent percent
cent of the amount of the th capital lpltal stock stockherein stok stokherin stockherein
herein herin provided prO1f for nor shall shal the whole wholeamount wholeamount wholeamount
amount of the th assessment asssment levied and to toba tobe tobe
be levied levie In the aggregate aggegate during the life lifeof lfe lfeof lifeof
of this Uts corporation cororaton as herein provided providedexceed providedexceed
exceed the amount of 7500 nor shall as ¬
sessments s ments be levied levie oftener ofener than once In Inninety inninety
ninety days And nd no assessment shall shallbe shal I
be b levied leO until unt the working capital here hereby hereb hereby ¬
by b provided provide shall shal have luie been ben exhausted exhaustedand exhauste
and for the substituting subttutng in lieu leu thereof thereofthe
the following article articleThe articleThe
folowing artce artceThe
The board bord of directors dirtors may levy lcv assess assessments assessments assessments ¬
ments In the manner provided by b law lawupon lawupn lawupon
upon the outstanding capital stock of this thiscompany thiscompany thiscompany
company upn for the purposes purpss of carrying on onthe onthe oi oithe
the avowed avowe pursuits pursuit and business without withoutfirst wihout wihoutfrst withoutfirst
first frst exhausting fxhaustng or resorting resrtn to the treas treasury treasury tressury ¬
ury stock provided prvide however that such suchassessments 8ulh 8ulhaNCBments suchassessments
assessments aNCBments shall shal not bo levied oftener oftenerthan ofener ofenerthan oftenerthan
than once onc in every three 3 months nor norshall norshal norshall
shall shal any assessment asssment exceed a levy of 2 2per 2per 2per
per cent on the par value of the out outstanding outstanding outstanding ¬
standing capital capitl stock stockSecond stockSeondFor stockSecondFor
Second SeondFor SecondFor For the striking out of article articleXVII artcle artcleXVI articlexvii
XVII XVI which whih reads as follows followsNo folows folowsNo
No assessment Iment as aforesaid shall shal be belevied belevied
levied levie except excpt by order of a majority majort of ofsaid ofsi ofsaid
said si board bord of directors diretors and not by them Ulemunlel themunless themunless
unless unlel they personally prnaly or by proxy at atthe atthe atthe
the time of such levy represent a ma majority majorty maJority ¬
jority jorty tme of the stock stek of said corporation corporationand cororaton cororatonand
and such levy shall shal be entered upon the therecords thereords therecords
records reords of the irrcorporatlon Ilororaton but no such suchassessments sUlh sUlhas8ment suchassessments
assessments as8ment shall shal be b levied while whie any por portion porton porCon ¬
ton of any previous assessment remains remainsunpaid remainsunpid remainsunpaid
unpaid unpid or uncollected uncolete except cept in cases caseswhere casel caseswhere
where all al the powers power of the corporation corporationhave corporton corportonhave
have heel b1 exercised exercse in accordance with withthe withthe withthe
the terms hereof heeof for the purpose of col collecting colletn colleetin ¬
lecting letn leetin such previous assessment or Is Isrestrained IsrestrR1ned isrestraIned
restrained by b injunction injuncton or other process processIr processIr
Ir Ir both which cases caSs a further assessment assessmentmay
may be b levied levie and collected colected according to tothese tothes tothese
these thes articles artcle and for the substituting substitutingin substtutng substtutngIn
in lieu leu thereof therf the following folowing article articleNo artclf articleNo
No assessment assesment as aforesaid shall be belevied belevie belevied
levied levie except excpt by order of a majority majoriy of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the said board of directors directorsJ
J A JOHNSON President PresidentAXEL President PresidentAXEL
AXEL H STEELE SecretaryDate Secretary SeretarDate
Date of first publication publcaton Oct 7 1909 1909Notice 10 10Notce iiojNotice
Notice of Assessment AssessmentNOTICE AssessmentNOTICE AssessmentNOTICE
loa Land Fruit company Principal Principalplace Principalplace Principalplace
place of business Salt Sal Lake City Ciy Utah UtahNotice UtahNotce UtahNotice
Notice is hereby given that at a meet meetIng meetIng meeting
Ing Notce of the directors of the Sinaloa Slnaoa Land LandFruit LandFruit LandFruit
Fruit company held on the 7th day da of ofSeptember ofSeptembr ofSeptember
September A D 1909 19 an assessment of
1000 per share was levied I ved on the capital capitalstock capitalstock capitalstock
stock 00 pr of said corporation cororaton payable on onthe onthe onthe
the Sth day of October A A D 1809 19 to N NV NV NV
V Jones manager maager of said company at atthe atthe atthe
the companys office offc No 500 5 50 Security SecurityTrust Securty SecurtyTrst SecurityTrust
Trust Trst building buiding Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah UtahThis Uth UthThis UtahThis
This assessment has been ben authorized by bya b bd
d majority > vote vtte of the stockholders stokholders or ofsold orsad orsaid
sold corporation cororton and may be paid at any anytime anytme anytime
time before due Any such assessment assessmentnot n8eSment n8eSmentnot
tme not paid on O1 or before the 9th day of Oc October Octobr Octobor ¬
tober A D 1909 19 will wl be delinquent delnqu nt and andadvertised andadvertsed andadvertised
advertised advertsed tobr for sale at public publc auction aucton and andunless andunless andunless
unless payment is made before will wi be besold besold besold
sold on the 23th 2th day of October Octobfr A A D
1909 at 10 oclock oclok a a m m to pay the de delinquent delnquent dellnquent ¬
19 linquent lnquent assessment aessment together with wih the thecosts theost thecosts
costs ost of advertising adverising and expense exptnse of sale saleLEWIS saleEWS saleLEWIS
Secretary Slrptary Sinaloa Land Fruit Fri company companyOffice companyOfce companyOffice
Office Ofce Suite Suie No 506 5 Security Trust TrustSalt Trst TrstBldg TrustBldg
Bldg Salt Sal Lake City Ciy Utah
Consult Consul county count clerk or the respective respectivesigners respectve respectvesigers respeellvasigners
signers sigers for further furter information informationNotice Inforaton informationNotice I
Notice Notce to Creditors CreditorsESTATE CreditorsESTATE CreditorsESTATE
los deceased decased Creditors Crediors will wil pre present present present ¬
sent claims with vouchers to the un undersigned undersigned Undersigned ¬
dersigned at the office ofce of McCrea McCreaRogers McCreaRogers McCreaRogers
Rogers Utah Uth Savings Trust bldg bldgSalt blg blgSalt bldgSalt
Salt Lake Lke City Ciy Utah on or before the the18th the18th the18th
18th day of January A D 1910 1910NICK 1910NICK 1910NICK
Administrator of Estate of John JohnGeorgakapoulos JohnGeorgakapoulos JohnGeorgakapoulos
Georgakapoulos Deceased DeceasedMcCrea DeceasedMcCrea DeceasedMeCrea
McCrea Rogers Attorneys AttorneysDate Atorneys AtorneysDate
Date of first fIrt publication puolcaton Sept Spt 16 i A D
1909 1909IN 1 1IN 1900IN
bate division in and for Salt Sal Lake coun county county county ¬
ty state of Utah Uth In the matter mater of the theestate theestate theestate
estate and guardianship of Harold Judd Juddminor JuddmlnorNoUce JuddminorNotice
minor mlnorNoUce mlnorNoUceThe Notice NoticeThe
The petition petton of Joseph G Ranck pray praying ¬
Ing ing for the issuance Isuance to himself himsel of letters lettersof leters letersof
of guardianship gardianship on the person and estate estateof etate etateof
of Harold Harld Judd minor has been ben set for or
hearing herlng on Friday Fday the 22d 2d day of October OctoberA
A D 1909 19 at 2 oclock ocock p m at the county countycourt co countycourt nty ntycourt
court house in the court room of said saidcourt saidcourt saidcourt
court In Salt Lake City Clt Salt SaI Lake coun county count colaty ¬
ty t Utah UtahWitness UtahWitness
Uth UthYlne
Witness Ylne the clerk of said sid court cour with wih
the s sl al thereof therf affixed afie this 7th jh day of
October Octobe A D 1909 1909MARGARET 10 1900MARGARET
Seal clerk
By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk
Evans Evans attorneys for petitioner petitionerIN pettoner pettonerIN
court court in and for Salt Lake City Cl Salt Lake Lakecounty Lakecounty LakeCounty
county Utah Department Deprtment No No1 1
In the matter mater of the estate of E C
Merrihew deceased
Notice NotceThe NoticeThe The petition ptton of H B Merrihew Merrihewexecutor lIerlhev lIerlheveXlutor Merrihewexoeuto
executor eXlutor praying for the admission to toprobate toprobte toprobate
probate probte of a certain c raln document purporting purportng
to be b the last will wI and testament of E
C Merrlhew Merihew deceased deasd and for the grant gant ¬
ing of letters testamentary testamentar to H B Mer Merrihew Merrhew Merrihew ¬
rihew rhew has been ben set st for hearing on Fri ¬
day the 22d 2d day of October A D 1900 1900at 19 1900at
at 2 o oclock p m at the county court curt
hous house in the court room of said court
in Salt Sal Lake City Ciy Salt Sal Lake county Utah
Witness Vlnes itnese the clerk of said court with wih
the seal sal thereof therof affixed this 4th day of
October A D 1808 1808MARGARET 19 1900MARGARET
Seal clerk clerkY
B By Y L P Palmer Deputy Clerk Clerki
i E E Corfman Attorney torey for or Petitioner PetitionerIN Pettoner PettonerIN
bate division in and for or Salt Lake
County State of Utah
In the matter mater of the estate of Gus Gustave
tave Nielsen deceased who is some sometimes sometme sometimes ¬
times tme known as Gustave Nellsen Neisen and andas andas andas
as Gustave Nielson
Notice NotceThe NoticeTIte The petition petton of George Al Albert ¬
bert Nielsen administrator of the es estate estate estate ¬
tate of Gustave Nielsen deceased who whois
is sometimes sometmes known as a Gustave Neil Neilsen Nei Nellsen
sen and as Gustave Nielson praying
for an order of sale sle of real and per personal personal personal ¬
sonal property of said decedent and andthat andthat andthat
that all al persons Interested appear be before before before ¬
fore the said court to show cause cuse why whyan
an order should sould not bo granted to sell sellso sel
so much as shall shal be necessary of the thefollowing thefolowing thefollowing
following folowing described real and personal personalestate pcrsopalestate personalestate
estate of said sid deceased to wit witPersonal witPersonal witPersonal
Personal property 36 shares of ofstock ofstock ofstock
stock certificate certficte No 120 of Big Cot Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood
tonwood Tanner Ditch Dich company
Real property Commencing at a apoint apoint apoint
point 69E 59r rods north and 915 rods west westof wet wetof westof
of the southeast corner of the south southeast southeast southeast ¬
east quarter of section secton 16 township 2 2south 2south 2south
south range 1 east in Salt Sal Lake Lke coun county county county ¬
ty state of Utah Uth and running thence thencewest thencewest thencewest
west 45 rods thence south 22 2 rods rodsthence rodsthence rodsthence
ros tence
thence east 45 rods thence north 22 22rods 22rods 22rods
rods to the place of beginning has been beenset beenset beenset
set for hearing on Friday the 22d 22dday 2dda 22dday
day da of October A A D 1909 at 2 oclock oclockp
p m at the county court house in the thecourt thecourt thecourt
court room of said court in Salt Sal Lake LakeCity Lke LkeClt LakeCity
City Clt Salt Lake Lke county Utah UtahWitness UtahWlne8 UtahWitness
Witness Wlne8 the clerk of said court with withthe withthe withthe
the seal thereof theref affixed affxed this 4th day dayof dayof dayof
of October A D 1909 1909MARGARET 1909IARGARET 1909MARGARET
Seal Clerk ClerkBy ClerkBy ClerkB
By B Seal L 1 P Palmer Deputy Clerk ClerkBenjamin Clerk ClerkBenjamin
titioner Benjamin Benjmin L 1 Rich Attorney Atorne for Pe Petitioner Pctitioner ¬
court in and for Salt Lake county state stateof stateof1tah stateof
of Utah Department No No1 1 In the mat matter matter matter ¬
of1tah ter of the Deprtment estate of Harry Harr D Niles Nies de deceased dectas deceased ¬
ceased Notice NoticeThe NoticeThe
ctas The petition Notc of Anna M Niles Nies praying prayingfor prlngfor
for the th ptton admission admSloR to probate prbte of a certain certaindocument certaindocument certaindocument
document purporting purprtng to be b the last will willand wi wIlland
and testament testamnt of Harry Hary D Niles Nies de deceased deceasd deceased ¬
ceased ceasd and for or the granting of letters leters tes testamentary testamentary testamentary ¬
tamentary to Anna grntnf M 1 Niles ies iies has been beenset been8t beenset
set 8t for hearing h arng on n Friday Jrlday the 22d d day dayof dayof dayof
of October Otobr A D J900 9 at 2 oclock oclok p m mat mat mat
at the county count court house in the court courtroom courtrom courtroom
room rom of said sid court in I Salt Sal Lake Lke City CitySalt Ciy CiySal CitySalt
Salt Lake county ount Utah UtahWitness 1tah 1tahWines UtahWitness
Sal Lke
Witness Wines the clerk of said court cort with withthe withth withthe
the th seal sal thereof therof afifxed this 7th day da of ofOctober ofOtober ofOctober
October Otober A D 1609 1609MARGARET 1 1MARGARET 1900MARGARET
Seal Seal Clerk ClerkBy CIerIBy ClerkBy
By L P Palmer Deputy Clerk ClerkCharles ClerkCharle ClerkCharles
Charles Charle W Boyd attorney atorne for petitioner petitionerN pttoner pttoneruu uu uuIN
division In and for Salt Sl Lake county countyUtah countyrth countyUtah
Utah UtahIn rth
In the th matter mater of the estate of Henrietta HenriettaR
R Ostler Oster deceased deceasedNotice deeas deceasedNoticeThe
Notice NotceTh NoticeThe The petition ptton of Oliver Olver R Ostler Ostlerexecutor Oster Osterexecutor Ostlerexecutor
executor of the estate of Henrietta Henrieta R ROstler ROster ROstler
Ostler Oster dee deas deceased < ased praying for the settle settlement sette settemnt settlemont ¬
mont mnt of final fnal account of said Oliver Olver R ROstler ROster ROstler
Ostler Oster executor exeutor and for or the distribution distributionof distributon distributonof
of the th residue ridue of said sid estate elate to the persons personsentitled personsentte personsentitled
entitled entte has been 1en set for hearing on Fri Friday Friday Friday ¬
day the 22d 2d day da of October A D 1900 1900at 1 1200at
at 2 oclock oclok p m at the th county court courthouse courthouse courthouse
house in the court room rom of said court in inSalt InI inSalt
I Salt Lake Lke City Clt Salt Sal Lake county Utah UtahWitness Utahine UtahWitness
Witness ine the clerk of said sai court with withthe withthe It
the s sal p < > al thereof therot affixed affxe this 4th day of ofOctober ofOtobr ofOctober
October Otobr A D 198 198MARGARET I9 1900MARGARET
Seal Sal Clerk ClerkBy Clerk ClerkBy
By L 1 P Palmer PalmEr Deputy Clerk ClerkYoung ClerkYoung
Young Snow Attorneys Attorn for Petitioner
Notice to Creditors CreditorsESTATE CreditorsESTATE CreditorsESTATE
deceased deceasd Creditors Creiors will wi present claims claimswith claimswih claimswith
with wih vouchers to the undersigned at of office otfce office ¬
fice fce of Goodwin Godwin Van Pelt Pel Room 12 12Commercial 1 1Commerial 12Commercial
Commercial Commerial block blok Salt Sal Lake City Clt Utah Utahon
on or before beor the th 10th day da of February FebruaryA FebnlarA
Executrix Exeutrix of Truman Schenck Deceased DeceasedDate DeceasedDate DeceasedDate
Date of first frst publication publcaton Oct 7 A D
1909Goodwin 19
Goodwin Gowin Van Pelt Pel Attorneys AttorneysSpecial Atoreys AtoreysSpecial AttorneysSpecial
Special Stockholders Meeting MeetingNOTICE Meetng MeetngNOTICE MeetingNOTICE
the stockholders of the Ploche Nevada NevadaConsolidated NevadaConsldated NevadaConsolidated
Consolidated Consldated Mining company a corpora corporation cor corporatron ora oraton ¬
tion of Utah that a meeting metng of the stock stockholders stockholder stockholders ¬
holders holder of said company will wi be b held at atthe atthe atthe
the office ofice of the company 510 McCornick McCornickbuilding McCorlck McCorlckbuiding McCornlckbuilding
building buiding Salt Sal Lake City Cit Utah on the the2Sth the28th the28th
28th day of October Octobr 3S09 19 at 200 20 oclock oclockp
p m for or the purpose purpoe of acting actng upon and andif andU andif
if thought advisable to ratify ratfy approve approveand approeand approveand
and confirm confrm the preambles and resolu resolutions rsolu rsolutons resolulions ¬
lions passed by the board of directors au authorizing authorzing authorizing ¬
thorizing tons thorzing an extension for the period of ofone ofone ofone
one year of the term of the lease and andan andan andan
an extension for the period of one year yearrespectively yearrespctvely yearrespectively
respectively of the time tme to pay each of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the respctvely installments Instlments respectively respectvel of the pur purchase purchase purchase ¬
chase price for the mining property proprty of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the company prce under tho option opton to purchase purchasegiven purchlt purchasegiven
given by the corporation corporaton to F B Cook Cookdated Cookdate Cookdated
dated gven date November Novembr 24th 24h 190S 193 and assigned assignedby assiged assigedby
by him to Pioche Metals Mining company companya
a corporation corpraton of Utah as said preambles preamblesand preambleand
and resolutions rslutons appear aPller spread sprad upon the therecords therecords therecords
records of the corporation crpraton In the custody custodyof
of the secretary scrtr where wher same may be ex examined examine exumined ¬
amined amine by any stockholder stockholderBy
By order of the board of directors directorsC
C A COOK Secretary SecretarySILVER Secretar3 Secretar3SILVER SecretarySILVER
ing company of Utah Principal place of ofbusiness atbusiness ofbusiDess
business Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah Uth Notice NoticeIs Notce NotceIs
Is hereby herby given that at a meeting meetng of the thedirectors thediretor thedirectors
directors diretor held on Sept 1 1909 19 an assess assessment asses assesment assessment ¬
ment of ten 10 0 cents cnts per share shar was waslevied waslevied waslevied
levied on all al the issued and outstanding outstandingshares outstandingshares oUtstandingshares
shares of the capital stock of said cor corporation corporaton corporatlon ¬
poration poraton payable immediately to the sec secretary secretar seeretary ¬
retary retar of the company at room 402 4J Atlas Atlasblock Atas Atasblock Atlasblock
block Salt Sal Lake Lke City Utah or to Sprtlz SprtlzVoll Sprtz SprtzVol SprtizVolt
Volt Vol Co 312 Traction Tcton Bldg Cincin Cincinnati Cincn Cincnnat Cinclnnati ¬
nati nat 0 and that any stock upon which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the assessment assssment shall shal remain rmain unpaid at the theclose thecose theclose
close of business hours Oct 4 1909 19 will willbe wi willbe
be cose delinquent delnquent and advertised adverised for sale at atpublic atpublc atpublic
public publc auction aucton and unless payment is ismade Ismade ismade
made made before will wi be le sold on Saturday Saturdaythe
the 23d 2 day of October Octobr 1909 19 to pay the thedelinquent te tedelnquent thedelinquent
delinquent delnquent assessment together with the thecosts thecots thecosts
costs cots of advertising advertsing and expense expnse of sale saleG
G W BROWNING Secretary SecretaryOffice Scretary ScretaryOffice SecretaryOffice
Office 402 0 Atlas Atas Blk Salt S I Lake City CityUtah CI CityUtah
Utah UtahBy Uah UahDy UtahBy
By order of the board of directors dirctors the thedate thedate thedate
date of delinquency delnquency fixed in the above abovenotice abve abvenotce abovenotice
notice has been ben extended to and includ including IncludIng inriludlng ¬
notce ing Oft ct 12 1 1909 19 and the date of sale salehas salehas salehas
has been extended extnded to Oct 30 1909 1909G 19 1900G
G W BROWNING Secretary Seretaf
X V X rf M X > M w X V N SXX > XV l
No 11 East 3d South St StA 5t StA
A nice lot lot 1 with a 4room 4rom house and andoutbuildings andoutbuidings andoutbuildings
outbuildings outbuidings fruit and shade close tQ tocar tQcar tQcar
car line lne soutneast fuit 11200 41Uxl65 411xlG feet feetwith feetwih feetwith
with wih a good 7room modern house hous and andbarn andbar andbarn
barn bar Sth 8t goo South near moer 7th East 2600 6 A Astrictly Astricty Astrictly
strictly stricty modern moder 8room 8rom house and barn on on3d on3d on3d
3d South Sout close clos In 56500 65 Nice lots lot on onMain onMain OnMain
Main St 8t at 350 each ech Ten acres nice niceclear nicecer niceclear
clear cer land with wih water right rght near city cty him limits lm lmis himits ¬
its is J5QO t5 9 94 acres ares with old building buldlng on on2d on2d onZd
2d West near 14th 1th South 1250 2 40 4 acres acresclear acresclear acresclear
clear land and water right 2500 5 We Wehave Wehave Wehave
have some good goO property here to exchange exchangefor
for something In California CaliforniaCROMER Cloria CloriaCROIER CaliforniaCROMER
No 11 1 East 3d South St StFOR 5t 5tFR StFOR
FOR FR SALE SALEState SALEState State street snap 45xl4S 45xl4Son 4IxHS 4IxHSon 45x148k 45x148kon
on State Stte between btween 4th and 5th South All Alltaxes Al Alltaxes
taxes paid J450 tr per foot footLITTLE footLITTLE footLITTLE
No 1 W V 2d So SoIT SoIT SoiT
FOR SALE SAEBefore SALEBefore Before you ou buy sen senthose senthose seethose
those fine fne 5 and 6room modern houses housesIn
In Green street street between Sixth and andSeventh andSeventh andSeventh
Seventh East East north of park parkFOR parkFOR parkFOR
FOR SALEIf SALEI you have a a lot or a
home for sale and want It sold sld list lst It Itwith i itwith
with wih AndersonCummlngs AndersonCumming Co We e have
buyers buyersFOR buyer buyerFOR buyersFOR
FOR SALE SALES0 SALE3000 3000 modern moder 5room roorn bun bunglow bungalow oungalow
galow glow one block blek from city and ad CUDty county
building buiding terms terms One for S37 3750 on Sth E
George Gorge Klenke 640 60 5th E E led 3366 3366FOR 36 36FOR 3366FOR
FOR SALE SALETe SALEThe The only lot left opposite opposie
Liberty park with an east front on 5th
E just below blow 9th So 1600 16 Your own
terms Ind Inl phone phon C366 C366FOR 36 36FOR 3366FOR
FOR SALE SALEI SALEIf If you are ar looking for fern a
farm far see se AndersonCummlngs Co 317
Main MainNorth MainNorth MainNorth AndersonCummlngs 31
North Jordan Irrigation Irrigaton Co Taylors Taylorsvine TaylorsvieNotce Taylorsvi
vine vieNotce vieNotceTHERE vi I IcNotice IcNoticeTHERE Notice NoticeTHERE
following fOlowing described stock on account accountof
of assessment No 30 levied on Aug
21 1309 the several amounts set op ¬
shareholders posite posie the names of the respective respectiveshareholders respectve respectveshareholders respectiveshareholders
Number Number
Name Cert Cert Shares Share Amt
Anderson James H759 II 759 30 4500
Anderson James H72S 5 750
Anderson Wm N20 Ni N 20 O 5 750
Anderson Fannie A AH AH AH
H 65 14 2100
Anderson Fannie A A
H IL 71 11 900
Bennion Edwin712 Edwlnl Edwin 712 16 H 2250
Bennion Heber Heb Heber738 r 738 i8 28 2 4350 4350Bennion 4350Bennion 4350flennion
Bennion Arcnlel51 ArclUc 151 35 5250 5250Bateman 5250Bateman 5250Batenian
Bateman Samuel Samuel171 171 6 900 900Bateman 900Bateman 900l3ateman
Bateman Maria L 146 16 2 300 300Bateman 30f 300Bateman
Bateman William 1llnm 190 4 600 600Bringhurst G 600Bringhurst 00 00Bringhurst
Bringhurst R P606 P 606 11 1 1650 1650Blythe 1650Blythe 1650Blythe
Blythe John ohl L L490 490 8 1200 1200Brown l00 l00Brown 1200Brown
Brown Homer 57 10 ii 1800 1800Brown lOO lOODrown 1300Drown
Drown James A167 A 167 10 1500 1500Brown 1500Brown 1500Brown
Brown James A 1CS 5 750 750Butterfleld 750Buterfeld 750ButterfIeld
Butterfleld Buterfeld David E706 6 900 900Butterfleld 900Buterfeld 900Butterfield
Butterfleld Buterfeld David E680 E610 IS 1 2250 2250Butterfleld 2 2250Butterfield 50 50Buterfeld
Butterfleld Buterfeld David E175 El 5 5 750 750Butterfleld i 750Butterfield 50 50Butterfeld
Butterfleld Butterfeld Andrew AndrewD
D 707 4 600 600Butterfleld 600Butterfeld 600ButterfIeld
Butterfleld Butterfeld Andrew AndrewD
D 704 5 5Butterfield 750 750Butterfleld i50Butterfeld
Butterfleld Butterfeld Andrew AndrewD
D 122 10 1500 1500Butterfield 1500Buterfeld 1500Butterfield
Butterfield Buterfeld Andrew AndrewD AndrewButterfield
D 177 5 750 750Butterfleld 50 50Buterfeld
Butterfleld Buterfeld Andrew AndrewD AndrewDo
D 180 4 600 600Bess 600Bess 600Bess
Bess James L 2 S 1200 1200Bess 1200Bess 1200Bess
Bess James L 36 3 450 4SOBess 450Bess 450Bess
Bess Bess James L L121 1S1 1 1 150 150Bess 150 150Bess 150Bess
Bess John H I 38 12 1 1800 1800Botton 1800Boton 1300Botton
Botton Boton Lloyd 102 10 1 150 150Burt 150 150Burt 150Burt
Burt Junius 108 11 10 1 160 160Cannon 150 150Cannon 150Cannon
Cannon John M192 M 192 10 1500 1500Cannon 1i00Cannon 1500Cannon
Cannon Ada C C111 ill 11 S 750 750Carter 780Carter 750Carter
Carter Mrs R B B606 605 3 450 460Calder 450Calder 450Calder
Calder Mary Mar B B761 7S1 78 3 450 450Coop 4 450CoOp O OCoop
Coop Investment InvestmentAs
As 195 16 33 3 4950 4950Davis 4950Dals 4950Davis
Davis D L 1 7 3 450 450Davis 450Davis iO iODavis
Davis Sarah R R164 164 S 1200 1200Decker 1 1200Decker 00 00Decler
Decker James Jame 25 5 1 160 160Decker IfO IfODecker 150Decker
Decker James 73 5 750 750Dutton 750Dutton iO iODutton
Dutton A J 549 9 14 2100
Ewing Samuel Smuel C676 C 6i6
Edmonds Hyruml44 Hyrum 1H a 5 750 750Ehrenhelm 7iOEhrenheJm 750Ehrenhetm
Ehrenhelm Peo 187 75 5 11250 11250Fanboum 1250 1250Fanboum 11250Fanboum
Fanboum Jos W306 W 506 19 2850 2850Field 2850Field 2850Field
Field M 1 T 609 4 600 600Field 600Field 600Field
Field M 11 T GiG 8 1200 1200Fullmer 1200Fulmer 1200Fuilmer
Fullmer Fulmer Jamos M680 1 M 680 18 lOO lOOGerber liOOGerber 100OGerber
Gerber John T jrUS jrli jr lfl 5 750 750Gerrard 7 750Gerrard O OGerrard
Gerrard Thos Thee657 6S7 19 2850 2850Gerrard 2350Gerrard SIO SIOGerrrd
Gerrard Gerrrd Joseph 740 7 1050 1050Gerrard 1050Gerrard 1050Gerrard
Gerrard Joseph 134 13 7 1050 1050Gerrard 10iO 10iOGerrard 1050Gerrard
Gerrard Joseph 143 13 11 1 850 850Grant 850GrantGeoE S50Grant
Grant GrantGeoE Gee E 6 16 2460 2460Harker 2480 2480Harker 24001larker
Harker Henry Henf 20 55 15 8250 8250Harker 82iOHarker S250Harker
Harker Henry 675 6it 2 20 e 2400 2400Holmberg 200I 2400Holmberg
I Holmberg John jr194 3S 5400 5400Hemenway 5400Hemenwa 5400Hemenway
Hemenway L 3 29 3000 3000Husler 30001Husler 3000Husler
Husler Geo estate311 estate31 12 1 1800 1800Husler 1800Husler 1800hlusler
Husler Gee Go estateSI2 40 6000 6000Husler 6000Husler 6000Busier
Husler Geo estate314 etate3U 16 1 2400 2400Husler 2400Husler 2400Husler
Husler Geo estate416 estte46 11 1 1650 1650Irvin 1650Inln 1650Irvin
Irvin John W 62 6 1 150 150Jones 150 150Jones 150Jones
Jones Thomas W18 W 18 10 1500 1500Jones l 1500Jones OO OOones
Jones ones Thomas WG79 W Gi9 14 1 2190 2190Johnson 2180 2180Johnson 2100Johnson
Johnson Maguire 748 5 750 750Jefferson i 750Jefferson 50 50Jefferson
Jefferson Wm J171 J 17 171 5 750 750Lavagnlno i 750LavagninoG639 SO SOLvaglno
Lavagnlno Lvaglno LavagninoG639 G 639 17 2550 2550Lavagnino 2ifO 2ifOLavagnlnoGG60 2550Lavagnino
Lavagnino LavagnlnoGG60 G 660 4 690 690McRae 61 600McRae
McRae Daniel 88 4 600 600McRae 600McRae 600McRae
McRae Daniel 666 24 4 3600 3600McRae 3600McRae 6 00 00IcRae
McRae Daniel trus trustee trustee truetee ¬
tee 677 2 2MartleL 300 300MantleLJ 00 00lanteL
MantleLJ lanteL J 413 43 7 1050 1050MantleL 1050Iante 1050Mantle
Mantle 1 L J 756 i 5 IS 2500 2500Moses 2500Ioses 2500Moses
Moses Iante M 1 M 1 76 i6 760 2 300 300Magill 300laglBrown1Z 300Magill
Magill laglBrown1Z Brown 112 12 1800 1800Nielson 1800Nielson 1800Nielson
Nielson Albert E 116 16 3 450 450Park 450Park 450Park
Park David F 48 5 1000 1000Park 1000Park 1000Park
Park Wm H 107 7 250 250Pixton 290Plxton 250Pixton
Pixton Robt Itobt160 160 15 750 750Parker 750Parker 50 50ParkerWllam20
Parker ParkerWllam20 William 210 3 450 450Parker 4lO 4lOPrcer 450Parker
Parker William Wiiam S94 1 15 2100 2100Peterson 2100Peterson n 60 60Peterson
Peterson Prcer C J 166 16 5 300 300Paras 300Para 300Paras
Paras Peter and andJames andJames andJames
James 183 10 1500 1500Rieser 1500Rieser 1500Eleser
Rieser Albert S 6S2 10 1600 1600RIeser 1100 1100Rescr 1500Rieser
RIeser Fullmer723 Iulmer Fulimer a 723 5 750 750Ray 750Ra 750Ray
Ray Rescr Ra Edward 127 l lno
Shafer John 26C 66 13 1 1950 1950Shafer 1910 1910Shafer 1950Shafer
Shafer John 382 8 1200 1200Sudbury 1200Sudbur 1200Sudbury
Sudbury S SJ J 213 13 4 48 6000 6000Sudbury 6000Sudbur 6000Sudbury
Sudbury Sudbur S J 474 7 1050 1050Smith 1050Smih 1050Smith
Smith Smih Ann S H 70 14 1 2100 2100Smith 2100Smih 2100Smith
Smith Ann H 64 11 1 1650 1650Turpln 1650Turpin 1650Turpin
Turpin Smih Emily Emiy 577 2 300 300Turpln 200Turpin 00 00Turpin
Turpin Emily Emiy 686 63 8 450 450Tanner 4rO 4rOTanner 450Tanner
Tanner Stewart 4 28 3 3450 3450Tanner 3450Tanner 3450Tanner
Tanner Stewart 734 34 16 2050 2050Tanner 2050Tanner 050Tanner
Tanner Stewart 741 7 1050 1050The 1050The 1050The
The Home Trust TrustSavings TrustSavings TrustSavings
Savings Co 40 19 2850 2850The 2850The 2850The
The Ecllnbrough EdlnhroughInmbard EdinbroughLambard
Inmbard Co CoLtd
Ltd HS 31 3 4650 4650k 4650Vrlght 4650Wright
Wright Joe os A jr jret jret
et al 178 5 750 750Wilkin i50Wikin 750Wilkin
Wilkin k R C 05 i 10 1500 1500Wilkin 1500Wikin 1500Wilkin
Wikin Wilkin R C 60 1 150 150Wilkin 10Wikin 150Wilkin
Wilkin Wikin R R C 75 3 400 400Wilkin 40Wikin 450Wilkin
Wikin Wilkin H a 523 10 1500 Is00Williams 1500Wiiams 1500Williams
Williams Wikin Jos C 33 18 2700 2700Williams 2700Wllams 2700Williams
Williams Wiiams Jos 746 4 400 400Walter 400Waler 400Walter
Wllams Walter Bertha P 153 1 34 4 2525 2o25Zwlckey 2525Zwlcke 2525Zwickey
Zwlckey Waler Ralph 511 51 16 2400 2400And 2400And 2400And
And in accordance with wih the law and andorder andorder andorder
order of the board of directors made madeAug madeAug madeAug
Aug 21 1909 so many shares of each eachparcel eachparcel eachparcel
parcel of stock as may my be necessary necessarywill necessaf necessarywill
will be sold at the office offce of the secre secretary secretr secretary ¬
tary 1 1916 South Main street Salt Lake LakeCity Lke LkeClh LakeCity
tr City Utah on the 20th day d of Octo October October Octoher ¬
ber 1909 at 11 oclock a m on such suchday suchda suchday
day da to pay delinquent delnquent assessment assessmentthereon assessmentthereon assessmentthereon
thereon together with cost of adver advertising advertsing advertising ¬
tising and expense of sale saleW sle sleW saleW
tsing W J HORNE tORNE Secretary SecretaryDelinquent SecretarDelnquent SecretaryDelinquent
Delinquent Delnquent Notice NoticeWESTERN NoticeWESTERN NoticeWESTERN
Live Stock company location of
locton prin principal prIncipal principal ¬
cipal place of business Salt Lake Lke City Ci
Utah Notice NotceThere NoticeThere There are delinquent delinquentupon delnquent delnquentupon delinquentupon
upon the following folowing described stock on onaccount onaccount onaccount
account of assessment No No2 2 levied leviedAugust leviedAugust leviedAugust
August 28 1909 the several amounts amountsset
set opposite the names of the respect respective ¬
ive shareholders as follows followsNo folows folowsNo followsNoof
No Noof of No Noof NoofCert of ofCert ofCert
Cert Name Shares Amt Amt Amt3Walter
3 Walter Waler S S Mackay 1 12 120D0 120D04Seth 2000 20004eth > 000
4 4eth Seth T Rlgby 5 000000 000000g 6000008Wa 000008Vm
g 8Vm Wm H Haigh Halgh 3 360000 36000010i110S 36000010fhos
10 10i110S ilios W Jones 2 40uO 24luO1Z4x 4iO 4iOl
13 l 1Z4x Axt x Blonqulst 2 07000 f70GO f70GO1hn 0706014JOhifl
14 1hn 14JOhifl John and Chas Stahley Sthle 1 120000 12000015Hemy 10001GHemy l200ooiSHeiny
15Hemy Stahlov l i l2 1200 1200l 12ooo12iYors > 000
16 l 12iYors M lI crs Murray lurra 1 120000 120000And 1000nd 12OOOAnd
And nd in accordance with law and Q and l the theorder theorder theorder
order of the board of directors made madeon
on 01 the 28th day da of August 1909 eo eomany fOmnl 50mauy
many mnl > shares fhares of each parcel of sjh sjhstork PJihStOl suhstock
stork StOl at a may m be necessary necessaf will wJI be sole solet soldIt old oldt
It t the otfice otlce of the Uf company compny 33 Iost Iostoffico Iostoffc Fostoffico
offico offc place Salt Sal Lake Lke City Clt Utah Utahon Utahonthe on onthe onthe
the 18th day of October 1909 at at the thehour thehour thehour
hour of 2 p m to pay the delinquent delinquentassessment delnquent delnquenta85essment delinquentassessment
assessment together with wih the costs cost ot otadvertising1 otadvertsing ofadvertising
advertising advertsing and expense of sale saleE
Secretary SecretaryLocation SelretaryI SecretaryLocation
Location Lcaton of office offce 33 Postofflce Postoflce place placeSalt placeSal placeSalt
I Salt Lake Lke City Ity Utah UtahFirst UtahFIrst UtahFirst
Sal First publication publJcaton October 3 1909 1909J
Now 10room 1Groom modern frame house houS 2 2arge 2lage 2large
lage large arge baths 2 lavatoriesiJot lavatoneot 4ixMK 4x feet fet feet1i4
1 1i4 blocks bloks from Temple beautiful bUtful view viewwhich viewwhich viewwhich
which can never be hidden Rental Retal value aluefr
fr 50 per month
4500 4i half hal oath oathThis Oh OhThis oojhThis
This is a snap and ad wont last If I you youwant yu yuwantlt youwant
want wantlt wantltGBT It ItGET itGET
30 3 zoW W 3d 3 So Both phOHoe phORa phORaFOR 4435 4435FOR 44 44FOR
Why Wy not own a piece of Salt Lake
400 Down
100 0 Monthly per p r lot lotFor lotFor lotFor
For the homeseeker homeseker Glomvood Geuood Is an andeal anIdeal anideal
Ideal place placconvenient placeconvenient convenient to schools schols and andthurcbes andchurches andchurches
churches protected by building buiding restric restricions retrlc retrlctons restrictions
ions tons modern moder improvements that are up upo upto upto
to o the standard of the Land Mer Merchants Merchants Merchants ¬
chants substantial substantal quality qualty and locate locatebetween loate1 loate1btween locatebetween
between btween two car lines lneswih lineswith with superb sUPrb front frontage frontage frontage ¬
age on the Twelfth Twelfh South boulevard and andthe andthc andthe
the Fifth Fifh East drive drieLots drc drcLoU driveLots
Lots LoU 160 16 to 290 2 each eachKIMBALL eachKIlBALL eachKIMBALL
Land Merchants MerchantsPhones MerchantsPhones MerchantsPhones
Phones 3392 32 Office Ofc 30 3 Main St StON St StO StON
ON O MONDAY OCT OC 4TH 4Tl THE PA PAclfic PAcific PAcific
cific Express Co will wi commence the thesale thesle thesale
sale sle of unclaimed goods at No 45 41 W WFirst WFirst
First South street and continue contnue day dayand dayand dayand
and evening until unti sold Over SOOO SOOOpieces Ioaapieces 3000pieces
pieces trunks suit cases valises valses bun bundles bundles bundies ¬
dles guns bicycles large and small smalljoxes smal smallboxes
boxes packages pactages of all al kinds saddles saddlesharness sddles sddlesharness saddlesharness
harness gocarts etc etcJ etcA
J A Sanborn agent J W Rogers Rogerssuperintendent Rogerssuperintendent Rogerssuperintendent
superintendent superintendentK
K A Andrews auctioneer auctioneerSALE auctoneer auctoneerFOR auctIoneerFOR
Are rapidly approaching and qno no one onewill oe onewill
will 11 deny the real comfort and an enjoy enjoyment enjy enjyment enjoyment ¬
ment the satisfaction 8tsCaton of owning your yourown yourown our ourown
own fireside firside We 0 can cn furnish furish you one oneChoice oneChoice oneChoice
Choice ChoiceYOUR ChoiceYOUR ChoiceYOUR
YOUR OWN Price PriceTerms PriceTerm PriceTerms
Terms TermsRENT TermRENT TermsRENT
30 3 West est 3d 3 South Both phones phone 443FOR 443 44 44FOR 4430FOR
FOR SALE SALEne SALEOne One acre lot lot near ner 16th 16thSouth Ith IthSouth 15thSouth
South on State 80000 One 58foot 58footlot
lot on Second East East near Eleventh EleventhSouth EleventhSouth EleventhSouth
South 50000 One 43foot lot on onSnow onSnow onSnow
Snow avenue near Seventh S enth South and andMain andlaln andMain
Main 90 100foot front on River Riverside Riverside Riverside ¬
side avenue near Eighth South Suth and andNinth andNinth andNinth
Ninth West est 50000 One share in infirstclass Infirstclass Infirstclass
firstclass hunting grounds 25000 25000Inquire 25000Inquire 5000Inquire
Inquire II I huntnJ J Smith Murray Both Bothphones Bothphones Bothphones
phonesBel phonesBell phones phonesBell
Bell 2277 HOMER HOIR Ind 827 S7 S7SFlne 827S
Bel 2i
S 900 900Fine Fine lot east bench benchS2100 benchUlOroom bench3210114room
UlOroom 3210114room S2100 SFlne lroom modern moder brick brik S E E131506room ESl9room B311506room
131506room modern moder home
Sl9room 11 15 1500 3W to 3200016 2OuO 016 16 4room 4rom brick brck cottages cottagesmodern cotages cotagesmoer cottagesmodern
modern connected conneted with s sewer wer wercash 300 300cash 200cash
moer cash balance like lke rent rentHOMER rnt rentHOMER
Under Deseret Bank
By B owner 5room modern moern p b house housetwo hous housetwo
two halls hils two closets pantry pntr bathroom bathroomcemented bthrom bthromcmented bathroomcemented
cemented cellar clar fine nickelplated nickelplate plumb plumbIng plumbIng plumbing
Ing electric fixtures screens scres and an blinds blindsBuilt bUns bUnsBui blindsBuilt
Built Bui for ffr a txture home Close Clo in southeast southeastMust suthest southeastMust
Must sell sel quick 2900 2 easy terms Ind Ind32S4
32S4 719 Windsor St StFOR 8t 8tOR StFOR
FOR OR SALE SALEA A brand new 5room 5roommodern iroommodern 5roommodern
modern frame bungalow bun 8loWa a nice nlct cozy cozyhome cozyhome cozyhome
home You will wi like lke It It Only 2450 24502GO 450
350 cash balance blance 20 0 per month monthWe monthWe monthWe
We have good buys in building buiding lots lotsin lotsIn lotsin
in most all al parts prt of the city cityHUBBARD cityHUBBARD cityHUBBARD
66 West Third South SouthBell S9uthBel S uth uthBell
Bell Bel 277 j FARMS FARISSIy IIER OMER S Ind 827 827FARMS f 8 8FARMS
355002514 5500 26y acres on 15th South SouthSZOfiO Suth SuthSZOoS South34y459
SIy SZOfiO SZOoS 34y459 SO acres good speculation speulatin speulatinS speculationS
S 259 2505 5 acres your our own terms Buy this thisfor thisfor thisfor
for sr 50 cash 10 per pr month monthHOMER monthHOIER monthHOMER
Under Deseret Bank BankFOR Bnk BnkFOR BankFOR
FOR SALE SALEBeautful SALEBeautiful Beautiful building buiding lots lotscan lotscal lotscan
can cal be had for 50c per week no in interest Interest interest ¬
terest or taxes these lots are posi positively DII DIItvel positively ¬
tively tvel the biggest blJgest snap at twice the theprice theprice theprice
price asked for them and are grow jrrowinj growing row rowing
ing In value constantly constanty high and drV drVwith dry drywih d dwith
with wih magnificent magnifcent view of city It and ex excellent excelent excehlent ¬
cellent celent car service 316 Herald bldg bldgFOR bldgFOR bldgFOR
FOR SALE SALEA SALEA A nap 7room newly newlypainted newlypeinted
painted p lntpd wellbuilt welbuUt house 54 5 No 7th W Wwith Wwith Wwith I
with 2UxlO dO rods of ground ound all al for S711 t7M t7MThis 2751This
This Is positively posltvply the b best st snap on the themarket thl themarket I
market marIcEt Inquire nulck before it is gon gnt gonoz < x xZ
Z C H B R E E Co 440 4 Constitution ConstitutionBlk ConsttutOD
Blk Phones 2 250 6
308 38 Herald Building BuildingSixroom Bullln BulllnSixroom BuildingSixroom
Sixroom brick and adobe adob cellar cellarsummer cllr cllrsmmer cellarsummer
summer smmer kitchen kichen lot 3x10 3xl rods ros nine ninebearing nIn ninebearthg
bearing trees Sixth West and So SoTemple SoTemple SoTemple
bearng an
Temple 8400 Sl SlFOR 38400FOR 8400FOR
Containing Contaning 23 2 acres acrs situated siuate 10 miles milessouth mies miessouth milessouth
south of S L City Ciy on the corner crner of State StateSt Stte StteSt
St and Union road E M 1 Holman lolman R D DNo DNo DNo
No 3 3 Sandy Utah UtahFOR UtahFOR UtahFOR
FOR SALE SAEroom SALE4room 4room house pantry pntr large larpecloset largecloset largecloset
closet 2 porches back porch screened screenedand sreene screenedand
and good cellar elar lot 26x145 26x16 1631 161 South llth llthEast 1th 1thEast 11thEast
East Apply D P Anderson 1155 10 East Eastmil EastlUll Eastiltlt
mil South Price Prlcf 1600 16 1000 0 down bal balance balance balance ¬
ance on time timeFOR tImeFOR timeFOR
FOR SALE SALFFlnest Finest bungalow in Salt SaltLake Sal SaltLake
Lake for fo the money close In 5 large largerooms lar largerooms e eroms
rooms roms and upstairs upstnlr 6 6x19 6x19 x19 rods of ground groundchicken goun groundchicken
chicken runs fruit trees etc ete 4800 48 Easy Easyterms Easyterms Easyterms
terms Ind 3366 36 Geo Klenke 640 6 6th 5h E EFOR EFOR EFOR
FOR SALE SALEHere SALEHere Here Is II your chance a anice anice anice
nice 4room brick brck close In 40 fe tet feet t front fronton
on 5th East terms 2400 l240 Ind Ind C3 2366 G Geo CeoKlenke Geo1lenke GeoiClenke
Klenke KlenkeFOR 1lenkeOR iClenkeFOR
FOR OR SALE SALEI SALEIf If you have a lot or a ahome ahomo ahome
home for sale and want it sold sld list lst it itwith I itwith
with wih AndersonCummings AnderonCummlng Co We have havebuyers havebuyers havebuyers
buyers buyersWE buyersWE buyersWE
WE HAVE a good tenant for a fur furnished furnished furnished ¬
nished house Cromer romer Co No 11 11East iiEast
East 3d 3 South St 5t Phone 949 949FOR 9 9FOR 94 94FOR
FOR SALE SALE SALENew New ew 4room house hous E Sth SthSo 6h 6hSo 6thSo
So 1500 1 250 bal 15 5 month George GeorgeKlenke Gere GereKlenke GeorgeKlenke
Klenke 640 60 5th East Ind 3366 3366FOR 3 3FOR 3366FOil
FOR SALE SALEWe We sell sel real estate estatethats estatethatsal estatethatsall that i iell
ell al Tuttle Tutte Bros 163 16 Main St St Red Ball BallFOR Bal BalIsigns
sl signs signsFOR ns nsFOR
FOR SALE SALExl 2 x12 rods with nice nic 7rm 7rm2story 7na2story r r2etor
2story 2etor So 1st house W will wi sell sel cheap for cash cashSo SH6 SH6So ooSo
FOR SALE SALEroom SALESroom 6room modern moder bungalow bungalowby
by owner make an offer 840 80 Lincoln Lincolnavenue Lincolnavenue LIncolnavenue
avenue avenueFOR avenueFOR avenueFOR
FOR SALE SALEBy SALEBy By owner new 5room 5roombrick Iroom Iroombrck 5roombrick
brick brck cottage cotage modern moder Apply 1224 l 1224Ave t 3d 3dAve 3
Ave lad 11093 11093FOR 11003FOR
FOR SALE SALEFine Fine flat site northeast northeastclose northeatclose
close in 3x10 roJs 3650 Weir 36 3 West WestSecond WeetSecond
Second South SouthFOR SouthSALEIf
FOR SALE SALEIf If you are looking for a afarm afarm
farm see AnctersonCummlnss Co 317 317Main 317Main
Main MainFOR MainFOR
FOR SALE S lots In Burton Place Placewest Placewest
west side Address E 3 HeraldRepub HeraldRepublican ¬
lican licanFOR licanFOR
FOR SALE SALELISt List your property for salb salbsHh Caibwith
with us HalloranJudge Co 309 Main St StFOR StFOR
FOR SALE SALESroom 8room modern Inquire 33 33Commercial 33Commercial
Commercial Bldg Bell 64094277
214 E 2d South Phon e 37 Specialist on or orfuneral
funeral designs and everything floral floralE SoraLB
No 8 South Main with WHlosHorne
Drug Co Leading Florists on funeral
designs Phones 374 374RICHARD 374RICHARD
Pt t Both phones S61 Residence 1472 In InHann Indtna
Hann avenue avenueEBSR avpnueFUNERAL
www wwwEBR
EBSR TV HALL Undertaker Kmbalm Kmbalmr
er r 164 So W Temple Both phones 01J 1013PERSONAL 01JSOMETHING
SOMETHING new and up to date Send Sendc
c for complete Paragraphical Pictorial PictorialBook PictorialBook
Book of Utah E L Slmpeon Touraine Tourainehotel Tourajiiehotel
hotel Salt Lake City Utah UtahMRS UtahMRS
MRS ELLKRY has removed hr dress dressmaking dressmaking
making parlors to Nauvoo block West West1st West1st
1st South st rooms S and 9 9TYPEWRITERS 9RENTED
r r rf + r r rRENTED +
RENTED repaired exchanged sold soldcash ou oucash
cash or payments all makes In stock vi viand 1 1and
and tip everything pertaining to type typewriters typewrltCrs
writers Utah Typewriter Exchange Co CoPhones CoPhones
Phones 4W 4WACME 43 43ACME
ACME TYPEWRITER repair shop 5 5So 2So <
So W Temple Bell 3344 led I ml 1397 1397SOCIETY 17SOCIETY
H > V V < S H p XS XB i i iWASATCH
WASATCH lodge No 1 F A M Mwill Mwill
will hold a regular meeting this Fri Frlday Friday
day evening Oct 8 at 730 oclock oclockThere oclelThere
There will also be work on the M M Mdegree Mdegree
degree Qualified Masons cordially In Invited invited ¬
vited By order of the W M MA 4
A J LOWE Secretary SecretarARCKTECTS SecretaryARCHITECTS
A J HAMILTON TLSO r Architect rchlte rchlteConstitution 5th flooe flooeConstitution
Constitution block Send 26c for my book bookof
of plane showing elevation and floor plan planof
of 73 modern home and bungalows Beil Beilphone Beilphone
phone 5339 Ind 966 966EXPERT 66 66LADIES
EXPERT lady attendants Face mat matsage massage
sage manicuring hair dressing San Sanitarium Santarluni ¬
tarium parlors 52 West 3d South Bell BellSS9 Bellled
SS9 led 1818 1818DR 1818PHYSICIANS
DR WILL L ELLERBECK Donts DontsDr DentisDr
Dr Charles H Carter Physician Stilts Stilts70S
70S Boston building buildingJ buildingPIANOTUNING
J W r MORRISON Headquarters HaadfluartersClaytonDaynes HeadquartersCiaytonDaynea
ClaytonDaynes Music Co residence residenceGordon i iGordon
Gordon avenue
w fcrf fcrfFOR
FOR 26 head of horses good feed an anspring and andspring
spring water 28 W 6th So Bell 4908K 4908KInd 4900Kmd
Ind 1587 15
MISS OLLIE ROGERS trained ma masense masouse
sense elves massage to ladies and andmen gentl gentlmen
men also scalp treatment M8 E 2d 2dCHIROPODIST S SCIUROPODISTDR
415416 Security Trust Bldg 34 Main St StCOAL StCOALADWOOD
E P DEAL coal block wood and andkindllnc antkindl1n
kindllnc 142 E 3d So Both phones phonesIflII
IflII 1llIIll
Bardwell manager assay and chemical chemicallaboratory chemicallaboratory
laboratory 153 So W Temple Both Bothphones Bothphone8
phones phonesJ
i J W CTJRRIE 70 West 3d South St StSalt stSalt
Salt Lake City Samples by mail or ex express axpress
press receive prompt attention attentionCHRISMON attentionCHRISMON
CHRISMON NICHOLS assayers assayerschemists and andchemists
chemists 29 3 South West Temple etreet etreetSalt ateetSalt
Salt Lake City CityW CityW
W H TREMAYNE assayer over 143 143Main 140Main
Main street Salt Lake City Utah Mall Mallsamples Mailsamples
samples receive prompt attention attentionR
R H OFFICER CO assayers 169 169South i iSouth
South West Temple St Salt Lake City CityUNION CityUNION
West Temple street streetBIRDCOWAN
180 So SoWestTempleSt West Temple St Bell 4114 4114CONTRACTORS 4114CONTRACTORS
HAMLIN PAINTS Incorporated F P PKeate PICeate
Keate manager Painting from A to Z ZPhones ZPhones
Phones 8981 8981CHINFIRY 3021MflING
www wwwTRENT
CHINFIRY CO Phones Ind 517 Bell 2834 2834STOCK 2834STOCK
W B A ANDREV CO 301 D F Walk Walker alc alcer
er Block Stocks and bonds bought and andcold andsold
cold on commission Phones Bell US USIndependent 1l 1lIndependent
Independent 1339R 1339RE
E M WEST CO stocks 3M D F FWalker FWalker
Walker Blk Both phones office and re reNAOMI rca rcaSOCIETIES
me meets te every second and fourth Saturdi Saturdievening Saturdaevening
evening of each month in Odd Fellow Fellowtemple Fellotemple
temple Market St StUTAH StUTAH
UTAH CHAPTER No 1 R X M MStated MStated
Stated convocations held at Masonic tem temple Is n npie ¬
pie corner Second East and First Sout Soutthe Soutthe
the first Wednesday of each month So Sojourning Sojourning ¬
journing companions cordially invited t tattend tattend >
M C PHILLIPS Secretary SecretaryARGENTA SecretaryARGENT
ARGENT LODGE No 3 F A A M MRegular MRegular
Regular meetings held at Masonic tem temple teimpie ¬
pie corner Second East and First Soul1 Soul1the Soutthe
the first Tuesday of each month Mem Members Menibars ¬
bars of sister odges and sojourning brethren breth brethren ¬
ren cordially nvited to attend attendE
M C PHILLIPS Secretary SecretaryWASATCH SecretaryWASATCH
WASATCH LODGE No 1 F A M MRegular MRegular
Regular meetings held at the Maeon Maeontemple Masotemple
temple corner 2d Beat and l let t South t tsecond t1 t1second
second Friliy FrEt W of each month Memhf a aof sof
of sister ledges and sojourning brethr brethrcordially brethrcordially
cordially invited H C GAW W M MA i iA
A J LOWE Secretary SecretaryMOUNT SecretaryMOUNT
A M 31Regular Regular meetings held at Ma Matemple Mar Martemple
temple corner let South and 2d East Eastsecond Eastsecond <
second Monday of each month Mem Memof Me m mof
of sister lodges and brethren in f fstanding gstanding
standing are cordially invited to aft aftCHARLES j jCHARLES
YEOMEN Homestead No J1K me mes mesevery ta taevery
every Thursday evening at 8 oclock oclockFederation oclokFederation
Federation of Labor hall corner 4th So Sot Sotand it i iand
and State streets Dr David Cassad Cassadforeman Cassatforeman
foreman J Everett S Seely ely cor 722 72 Soutu SoutuId
Id d East street Bell phone BttK 15K
UTAH COMMANDERY No 1 Knits KnitsTemplars Kniv s sTemplars
Templars Stated conclaves held at M Msonic i isonic
sonic temple cor 3d East and 1st Sout Soutthe 3 t tthe
the first Thursday Thursday of each month monthjourning monthjourning
journing Sir Knights cordially Invited i iattend jattend
attend WM M RASH E EB C CE
E O LEATHERWOOD Recorder RecorderA
A A S RITE RITEThe The four coordinal coordinalbodtes coordirbodies >
bodies of the A A S Rite of Freemasor Freemasorhokl Faemasuhuh
huh stated meetings the third Thursd ThursdIn
In each month at Masonic temple corn cornFlrnt c cFirst
First South and Second East Sojourmn Sojourmnbrethren Sojourribrethren
brethren invited invitedC
C H FISHER 33d D Degree DegreeV gre greV
V M Jordan Lodge of Perfection N NF i iF
F H CARR S2d Degree DegreeW
W M James Lowe Chapter Rosa RoseNo1 Cinix CinixNo
JAMBS H BROWN K C C H HCommander HComnaiidet
Commander Salt Lake Council Kadca KadcaNo Kalc KalcNo
JOS M MARRIOTT SZd d Degree DegreeM
M and K Utah Consistory Nc I ICHRISTOPHER 1I
I CHRISTOPHER DIEHL 38d Deg DegRegistrar f 1 1Registrar
Registrar for all the Bodes BodeSI

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