K i iS j tJ c cj Wt S 2 THE THEHERALDR HERALDREPUBLICAN HERALD REPUBLICAN PUBLl N SALTLAKE SALT L LAKE KE CITY UTAH SUNDAY OCTQBER2419091 OCTOBER 24 19O9 TRICKERY fUND fUNDBY FOUND FOUNDBY BY REPUBLICANS REPUBUCANSAmerican American Party Has Nefarious NefariousScheme NefariousScheme NefariousScheme Scheme It Is Trying Tryingto to Work WorkORDERS WorkORDERS WorkORDERS ORDERS ARE SENT OUT OUTATTEMPT OUTATEMPT OUTATTEMPT ATTEMPT ATEMPT MADE TO INFLUENCE INFLUENCETHE THE TH E CITY RECORDER RECORDERPolitical RECORDERPoltc RECORDERPolitical Political Poltc trickery trce on the te part prt of J E EDarmer EDarer EDarmer Darer Darmer city chairman tor the te Amen American Amer Amencart ¬ can c party paty was ws discovered discovere yesterday yesterdayafternoon yateray yaterayaftroon yesterdayafthrnoon afternoon aftroon which reveals revels a plot to keep keeptie keepte keepthe tie te names naes of the fULlon furIon candidates cndidates for fortha forte forthG tha te city council counci off or the Republican Republc tick ticket tc ticket ¬ et In the Third Tir and Fourth Four precincts precinctsand precinct and off ai the te Denocratic Deocmtc ticket tcket in every everyprecinct ever everyireeinct precinct prenct In Salt Sal Lake LakeH Le H J DInlnny city ciy attorney atore and J JB JB JB B B Moreton Moretn city ciy recorder rcorder are the te tools toolsthrough toolsthrugh toolsthrough through thrugh whom the Kearns Kcrs party ary organ organization orgn orgnIzaton organIzatlon ¬ ization Izaton hopes hope to steal stel the te election electionthrough electon electonthrugh electionthrough through thrugh raising rising technical tcchnlcl points and andevery a ae an anevery every e point is being big brought to bear ber on onthe onthe onthe the two city ciy officials cfclals to compel them to toprostitute toprstiute toprostitute prostitute prstiute their offices ofce for the purpose purposeof of stealing stelng from the people of the city citythe cityt citythe the t right to express expr their will wi on elec election electon election ¬ tion ton day dayIt dy dyI dayIt It I was discovered discvere yesterday yet rday that thatthe thatte thatthe the te certificates certiIcates of nomination nominaton for John JohnHolley JohnHole JohnHolley Holley Hole fusion candidate on the Repub Republican Republcn Ropublican ¬ lican lcn ticket for councilman counciman from the theThird theTird theThird Third Tird precinct showed showe some me technical technicalIrregularity technicl techniclIreglariy technicalIrregularity Irregularity Ireglariy in the substitution substtuton of Mr MrHolley MrHoley Mrfoley foley Holey for Charles M l Lees Lee who was wasoriginally wasorgnaly wasoriginally originally orgnaly nominated nominate for the council counci for forthe torte forthe the te long term by the te Republicans Republcans A Alike Alike Alke like lke excuse was wa found for declaring the thefiling theflng thefiling filing flng of tho Republican Republcan councllmanlc councllmanlcticket counclmanlc counclmanlctcet counoilmanicticket ticket tcet for the Fourth Fourh precinct precinct For like likereasons lke lkerons likereasons reasons rons the filing nlng of the councllmanlc councllmanlctickets councimanic councimanictickets councllmanlctickets tickets by the Democrats Democat was wa declared declaredIllegal declare declared4ilIegal Illegal 1egal through trough technicalities technicalitiesIf technicalte If I the te city cty chairman Is successful In Incompelling1 Incompelng incompelling compelling compelng the te city ciy attorney atorey and the thecity theciy thecity city ciy recorder rcrer to carry ear out his plans plansthere planstere plansthere there tere will w1 be a series of delays In Instraightening Instightening instraightening straightening stightening the difficulties difcule which will willprobably wl willprobably probably prbablY result reul In keeping the names namesof naes naesof namesof of these candidates cndidates off of the tickets tckets alto altogether alo alogthe altogether ¬ gether gthe unless unl6 on the very ver day before beforeelection beforeelecton beforeelection election electon the candidates cndidates are ar able able through througha throughn a n mandamus appeal appel to compel compl the te re recorder recrer rocorder ¬ corder crer to place the names on the te ticket ticketHeretofore tcket ticketHeretofore Heretofore Hertofore City Ciy Recorder J B More Moreton Mlr Moreton ton t has acted 3cte honorably honorblY In receiving the thenames thenames thenames names of candidates cnldate calling clng attention attentionto atenton atentonto to any irregularities Irreglartes and assisting asistng the thecommittees te tecommitees thecommittees committees commitees of each ech political poltcal party in inmaking Inmaking Inmaking making corrections corcton but yesterday he hereceived herceIved hereceived received rceIved his orders orers from the Inner circle circleto cIrle cIrleto to the effect efect that he and the te city at attorney attrey attorney ¬ torney trey were depended upon to serve servetheir sere sereteIr servetheir their teIr party paty by keeping koplng the te names of the theother theother theother other candidates cndidates off of the ticket ticketLaw ticket ticketLaw Law Is Plain PlainAs PlaInAs PlainAs As the matter mater now stands stnds City At Attorney Attorey Attorney ¬ torney torey Dininny Dlnnny has informed Infored the city cityrecorder ciy ciyrcorder cityrecorder recorder rcorder that the te filings of the council councilmanic counci councilmanic manic maic tickets tcleet by the Democrats Democat In ev every ever cvcry ¬ cry er precinct prcnc and the Republican Republcn ticket ticketfor tcket tcketfor ticketfor for two precincts precinct are Illegal The law lawregarding lawrgarding lawregarding regarding rgarding the te filing fUng of tickets tckets Is plain plainIn In that it shall Iha1 be liberally lberly construed construedIt cnstred It I provides prvides that the city ciy recorder rcorer shall shallbe shanbe shallbe be the final fnal Judge as to whether he can canplace cn cnplae canplace place plae the names nmes on the tickets tckets The Thecity Thect Thecity city ct recorder recorer at 6 oclock yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesteray yesterayaferoon yesterdayafternoon afternoon aferoon sent set the filings fings to the city clyat clyattorey at attorney attorney ¬ torney torey for an a opinion as to their legal legality legl leglIy legalIty ¬ ity Iy with wit the understanding undertnding through throughthe thrugh thrughtho the orders of J E Darmer that they theywere theywere theywere were to be pronounced pronounce Illegal Iegl The city cityrecorder ciy ciyrcorder cityrecorder recorder rcorder has ha fortyeight foryeight working hours hoursIn In which to send to the te city attorney attorneyfor atorey atoreytor for an a opinion opinionThis opinionThIs opinionThis This would take tke until unt Wednesday for forthe torthe forthe the recorder to get his answer Then Thenthe Thenthe Thenthe the law will wi allow alow until unt Friday for the therecorder te terecore therecorder recorder recore to mall mal notices notces to the candi candidates cndi cndidates candidates ¬ dates These Thee notices notce could not possibly possiblyreach posiblyrach possiblyreach reach rach the candidates cndidates until uot Saturday Saturdayand Saturdayad and ad on that day the district distrct court cour will willbe w1 willbe be closed This scheme leaves leaveM Monday MondayNov MondayNov < nday ndayNov Nov 1 03 a the last day on which the themandamus themadamus themandamus mandamus madamus proceedings proceeings can be brought broughtand brught broughtand and ad the te success succes of Banners Darers scheme sheme lies liessolely le liessolely solely slely on his ability abUt to bring about a ahitch ahich ahitch hitch hich In the prcedigs proceedings on the day be before b btor before ¬ fore tor election electionIt electon electonI It I was wa learned leared last lat night that there therewas tere terewas therewas was a a stormy story Interview between the thecity thecty thecity city cty chairman cairan and the te city recorder rcorder and andRecorder andRecorer andRecorder Recorder Recorer Moreton Morton flatly faty refused to be beused beued beused used ued as a tool In the class cas of politics politicswhereby poltc politicswhereby whereby werby Darmer Darer hopes to change chan cer certain certn certam ¬ tain tn tam defeat detet Into Ito victory victor Moreton oreon Is a acandidate acdidate acandidate candidate cdidate for the city ciy council cunci from frm the theFirst te teFt theFirst First Ft precinct prcinct and Inasmuch as a Dar Darmer Darmer Datiner ¬ mer is czar In the political pltcl organiza organization oraniza oranizaton organization ¬ tion ton he holds the club cub over Moreton MoretonWhich Moretonch Morotonwhich Which ch he believes beleves will w1 be effective eteUvc In Incompelling incompelng Incompelling compelling compelng his aid In the plot plotCity plotCity plotCity City Attorney Atorey Dininny Is not cred credited credIt credIted ¬ ited It with wIt sense sese enough to know or care careabout careabout about aout the order from frm the city ciy chairman chairmanand chairan chairanad and ad he can c be trusted truste to do his share shar of oftho ofthe the work without asking any questions SCHE BE WOMENS WOINS RELIEF RELIF CORPS CORP of the theQ theG thea Q A A R n entertained the members of ofthe ofthe ofthe the J B McKean ltcKean post last night at atthe atthe atthe the quarters quares In the Odd Fellows Felas hall hallIt hal hallIt It I was a a social evening with wih re refreshments refeshment refreshmonts ¬ freshments feshment card playing and a gen senoral general oral era good god time tme as the features featurs There Therewere Therewere Therewere gn gnera were over three hundred hirndr d present Daily Repair RepairIs Is necessary necessaryTo necessar To keep ke body and ad brain brainIn br In perfect perect t condition conditionProper condton condtonProper conditionProper Proper food deep breath breathing brath brathig breathing ¬ ing ig and exercise eerise are required requiredand requied requiedad and ad must mut be b taken tae with wih regu regularity re regulanity ¬ larity larityThe larit laritThe lanityThe The scientific scietifc food foodGrapeNuts IoodGrapeNuts foodCrapeNuts GrapeNuts GrapeNutsmakes makes make this tis rebuilding ruidig process processsimple processsiple processsimple simple siple and easy easyIt eas easIt easyIt It contains contins the te vital vtal phot photphates liho lihopha phophate3 phates pha and ad other food essen essentials esen esentiaI essentia1s tials tiaI for certainly ceraiI renewing renewingwornout reng rengworout renewin renewinwornout Brain wornout worout rain tissues tssue inKerres inNere and andBrain andrain andl3rain Theres Teres a Reason ReasonHead Reaon ReaonRd ReasonRead Head Rd the famous famouslt little book bookTho bopkTe bookThe The Te Road Rad to t Wellville W olvJe in ineverythird ineer inevery eer every everythird tird third pkg pkgFoatmn pk pkJ pkgI I J Foatmn Podu Cereal Cue Co > Ltd LtdBattle Lt4 Ltdt t Battle Batle Creek Ceek Mich leh i I SPECIAL SPECIALFOR L FOR FORONEWEEK FORONEWEEKLaxative ONE WEEK WEEKLaxative WEEKLtve 1 Laxative Ltve Bromo Bro o Quinine Ulnlle regular regular26o reglar 26o v 4 t b10 b10La l 1L c cLa La L Blache Face Tee Powder poder regular regularEOc reglar reglar50c EOc f350 f350Malvinia 83c 83cMalvinlaCreamregular o oralvlnl MalvinlaCreamregular ralvlnl Ceam Cneazn r glar gthar COo 500Rubltoam 50o38o 50o38oRublfoam Z8o Z8oRubifoazn Rublfoam Rubltoam regular re 1r o 15c 15cPeroxide i5cPeroxide Peroxide Peroxde of o Hydrogen Hydrogn regular regular2So ieglot 2So 2 lOa lOaWilliams 100W1lams lOeWilliams Williams Talcum Powder P wdar regu regular regular regnjar ¬ W1lams lar 25o 5c IBc IBcWATCH lCc lCcVTCn 1eWATCh WATCH bu JUR WINDOWS WINDOWSSPECIALS WINDOWSSPECIALS VNOw8Fa VNOw8FaSPECAS SPECIALS SPECIALSThe SPECAS SPECASThe SPECIALSThe The Pore u Drug 3rngDispensary ig igDipen DrugDpcnsa Dispensary Dpcnsat Dipen I t I 112114 112114South 1 1121144l lf4 lf4SouthMa I 4l South SouthMa Main MainStreet I Street Steet I Excursion Excrion to 1 Ogden Sunday Oct Oct 24 24via 24via 24via via O S L Round ound trip > l any train trainChildrens t4ln t4lno triinChildrens o 0 0Cidrens Childrens Cidrens and Misses Coats one fourth off of at Z C M 1 I See Seepage page 6 6Greatest 6o ZCreatest o r rGreatest Greatest bargains ever offered ofered Two hundred hundre long lorg fur coats coat and fur sets set on onsale onsale 1n 1nsle sale sle one day only Monday Hamiltons HamiltonsS S c REPUBLICAN REPUBLICA CITY TICKET TICKETFirst TICKETc c jf jfd d jlrst First Ward WardMayor Wlrd Second Ward WardMayor War Ttlr Third Ward WardMayor ar Fourth Four Ward WardMayor Fifth Fifh Ward WardJAMES War WarMyor WardMayor < Mayor MayorJAMES M Mayor MayorJAMES Myor MyorAES Mayor MayorJAMES Mayor MayorJAMES i Mayor MayorJAMES Iar yor Mvor JAMES AES Myor D MURDOCH MURDOCHRecorder MUDO JAMES ES D DlURDO MURDOCH MURDOCHRecorder V JAMES SD D MURDOCH MURDOCHRecorder MDO JAMES AES D MRDOH MURDOCH MURDOCHRecorder JAMES AES D MURDOCH MURDOCHRecorder MUDO MURDOCITRecorder Recorder RecorderHOWELL Recorder RecorderHOWSLL Recorder RecorderHOWELI Recorder RecorderHOWELL Iecorder Recorder RecorderHOWELL RecorderHOWLL RecorderHOWELL HOWELL HOWLL P MYTON MYTONAuditor MTOnHOWL HOWELL P MYTOX MYTOXAuditor MrN HOWELL HOWL P MYTON MYTONAuditor HOWELL HOWL P MYTON MYTONAuditor lITON HOWELL HOW P MYTON MYTONAuditor MYON MYONAudUor IYTOltAudilor Auditor AuditorJ Auditor AuditorJ Auditor AuditorJ Auditor AuditorJ Audior Auditor AuditorJ J A A EDWARDS EDWARDSTreasurer EDWADS r h J A A Aud1or EDWARDS EDWARDSTreasurer EDWAS > J A A 4udlgr EDWARDS EDWARDSTreasurer EDWADS J A EDWARDS EDWARDSTreasurer EDWADS J A A AudltoAr EDWARDS EDWARDSTreasurer EDW EDWTreasurer EDWARDSTreasurer S Treasurer TreasurerA Treasurer TreasurerA Treasurer TreasurerA Tesurer Treasurer TreasurerA Tresuer Treasurer TreasurerA TreasurerA A A H H PEABODY PEABODYAttorney PAODY A H H Tresurer PEABODY PEABODYAttorney PEAODY A A H l PEABODY PEABODYAttorney PEAODY A A H H PEABODY PEABODYAttorney PEAODY A J H PEABODY PEABODYAttorney PEAODY PEAODYAtorney PEABODYAttorney Attorney AttorneyGEORGE Attorney Attorney AttorneyGEORGE Attrey Attorney AttorneyGEORGE Atorney Attorney AttorneyGEORGE Atorey AtoreyGEORGE AttorneyGEORGE GEORGE Atorney N LAWRENCE LAWRENCECouncil GEORGE Atornev N LAWRENCECouncil LAWRENCE GEORGE N LAWRENCE LAWRENCECouncil LNC GEORGE N LAWRENCE LAWRENCECouncil LAWRENC GEORGE N LAWRENCE LAWRENCECouncil LW LAWRECCouncilFourYear Cm LWENCE LWE Council CouncilFourYear FourYear Term TermJOHN Council CouncilFourYear FourYear Term TermJOSEPH Council CouncilFourYear FourYear Term TermJOHN Term TermFRANK Council CounclFourYar CouncilFourYear FourYear Term TermFRANK Term Council CouclFourYer CouncilFourYear FourYear Term TermJOHN Term CoucUFouYear Ter CouclFourYear Term CucUFourYer FRANK J HEWLETT HEWLETTCouncil JOHN A EKMAN EKMANCouncil JOHN JOHL M HOLLEY HOLLEYCouncil JOSEPH KIMBALL KIMBALLCouncil KIMBA JOHN JOH M MKNGIT MKNGITCounclTwoYear KNIGHT KNIGHTCouncil KNIGHTCouncilTwoYear Council CouncilTwoYear FRK TwoYear HEWET Term TermJOSEPH Term Council CounclTwo CouncilTwoYear JOH TwoYear A EK Year Term TermW Ttrm Council CouncUToYear CouncilTwoYear TwoYear Term TermCHARLES Ter Council CounclToYeor CounciiTwoYear TwoYear Term TermW Term Council CounclToYear CouncilTWOYear TwoYear Term TermGHOJERT Term TermJOSEPH CounclTwoYear JOSEPH S S HYDE W E VIGU VGUS CHARLES CHAES M M LEES LEES W T ATKIN ATK GILBERT GIET B B PFOUTZ PFOUZ CLEARS CLEA THE COMPLESJON COMPLESJONBY COMPLEXON COMPLEXONBY BY A SIMPLE SIMLE METHOD METHODNow Now Easy for Any Woman to t Be BeGood B BGod BGood Good God Looking LookingThe LookIngTe The Te large crowds cwd at the toilet toiet good department deprent of the F J Hill Hl Drug Dr Goa Goastore GO cOastore store stor in Salt St Lake L City Cty the te past pat patwer pastwere week weekwere were wer occasioned ocioned by the sale sle of that wim WOn n dorful doru beautifier beufer Madame Made Rapports WorldRenowned WordRenled F Tac4 Bleach RUPPrtl > it tHtia tHtiagreatly It Itgreatly greatly gety red re redzced iced ICe pries prc o of 25 2 cents nt par bet bottle bt btte bettie ta tagety ¬ p tie te At this low cost t anyone yone b ban > m afford aford Its remarkable rmkble benefits benefitsFace benefit benefitsFace Face Fa Bleach Beach is that tat marvelous marelu remedy remedywhich remedywhich which whc removes remveI effectually effetaly all freeklaB freeklaBpimples tek frekieepimples rme a pimples piples blflckhoada bIackh dr I oilln olnen oiliness a wrUUdes wrUUdesnot wrinkenot wOf not caused by facial expression ana brightens beautifies and eleara any 5417muddy muddy or sallow complexion It thor thoroughly thorougbly ¬ oughly cleanses the skin rendering It Itsoft Itsoft soft clear and smooth preventing tan tanana taaand ana sunburn sunburnTho sunburnThe The sale at Hills will be oonttatted oonttattednext 2 2next next week It is particularly timely f for r rat 4 4at at this season of the year the skIn wffl wfflquickly f fquickly quickly respond to a cleansing which wffi wffistimulate It Itstimulate stimulate it and revive Its amtwral amtwraltlOns e eflnq tlOns MU Face v u RlanoVi uiuuuA l la laatlon tha Th nrfM ft > t s atlon ui for forthispue this purpose BOOTHS I IGUARANTEED GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDFoil GUARANTEEDOYSTERS OYSTERS 1 1Fall Foil Measure MeasureSolid Solid Meats MeatsAlways MeatsAITVaTS Always In new onn enaiCrom from the thaahell theshell shell to your table Booths Guaran Guaranteed Guaranteed ¬ teed Oysters carry the tempting temptingaroma temptingaroma aroma of the sea the flavor of ofnewlycaught 4 4newlycaught newlycaught the purity of deep deepwaters deepwaters waters They are a delicate treat treatfor treatfor for lovers of good things to eat eatAt catAt At all firstclass dealers or orFISHERIES orBOOTH BOOTH BOOTHFISHERIES FISHERIES CO COSO SO West l lit t South BouthHieatista SouthTOMORROW Hieatista Century faffxds faffxdsTOMORROW TOMORROW TOMORROWWe We offer In the millinery section a aSample aSample Sample Line of ofValues ofTRIMMED TRIMMED HATS HATSValues Values up to 800 at 345 345Boils 345Boils Boils Pimples Pimplesand and Carbuncles CarbunclesCannot CarbunclCannot Cannot Exist When Stuarf s Calcium CalciumWafers CaloiumWafersAreUsed Wafers WafersAreUsed WafersAreUsedThe Are Used UsedThe The blood Is a natural antiseptic Had Hadgermdestroyer eadgermdestroyer germdestroyer That fact has hag bMM bMMrecognized isearecognized recognized by medical men Under Ordi Ordinary Ordnary ¬ nary conditions it contains within Itself Itselfsufficiently itsCsufficientiy sufficiently strong germicidal powers to todestroy todestroy destroy and eliminate all blood poteens poteensdisease polsensdisease disease germs microbes and bacteria bacteriaThe bacteriaThe The blood Is alkaline in chemical reac reaction reaction ¬ tion and its alkalinity alone wilt kill killmany kinmany many germs Then the blood also fernu fernuantitoxins frmsantitoxinS antitoxins which neutralize the poisons poisonsformed poisonsformed formed by the bacteria A considerable considerableamount considerableamount amount of the said bacteria IB burned up upby upby by the oxygen in the blood Next are the thealexins thealexins alexins which hinder the growth and de development development ¬ velopment of germs and finally it is ona onaof oaeof of the functions of th the white corpuscles to toattack toattack attack and kill the microbes which they theydo do by millions and carry them away to tothe tothe the filters filtersthe the lymph glands glandsBut glandsBut But in spite of all these powerful pre precautions p pcautions ¬ cautions taken by Nature to keep the tbeblood theblood blood pure and to enable it to destroy and andeliminate andruminate eliminate all blood poisons impurities and andgerms andgerms germs and thus protect the system from frominvasion rzrnInvasion invasion by disease it very often happens happensthat that the blood becomes so overloaded with withvarious withvarious various impurities and bacteria that It te teutterly iautterly utterly impossible for It to destroy and anddispoa saddispoa dispoa of them without outride aortflt aortfltance aastance ance ancein anceIn in each an emergency the only thing thingleft thiigleft left to the blood to do In order to pre prevent provent ¬ vent the selfpoisoning of the system IB IBO ist O t send out as many of the imparities aa aapoptlble asporeble poptlble through the pores of the pkl4 pkl4where ldL ldLwhere where th they v exhibit themselves in the finof Bern Bernof of bolls pimples carbuncles rasKos ana anavarious n nvarious various other localized Inflammations a ad adskin d dskin skin diseases diseasesIt It is I in such cases as this that BTTJ BTTJAUrS STUARTS ARTS CALCIUM WAFERS the CTfftt CTffttbloodpurifying grittbloodpurifying bloodpurifying and germdeetroying germdestreyIngrem54W rem remedy ¬ edy crts in its fine work when the theblood theblood blood overcome by weight of numbara Is Isstruggling Isstruggling struggling to rid itself of poisons tferat tferatand sm smand and impurities these wonderful little wafers wa wafers ¬ fers whose chief ingredient is calcium calclnranulphlde calciumsnlpliide nulphlde come to Us assistance ran rendering randering ¬ dering valuable help in the work of de destroying deatroying ¬ stroying the microbes removing the fa fapurities faipuritlea purities and eliminating the poisons frera frerathe fronathe the system and the akin diseases bartog bartogno no further poisons to feed upon dry up upand upand and disappear disappearPurchase disappearPurchase Purchase a box of Stuarts Calcium Wafore Wa Wafers ¬ fore from your pharmacist today for 10 10cents jocents cents and commence taking treatment treatmentSend treatnisatSend Send us your name and address aaeV a afree afree free sample package of this wonderful wonderfulremedy woa4srfulremedy remedy will be sent you free Address F FA 1A A Stuart Co 175 Stuart Bidg Marshall MarshallMich MarshMlIMich Mich ECZEMA ECZEMAAttorney CURABLEPREN CURABLEPRENAttorney Attorney a at MolinIlU MolinIlUby M linei 1Il by OH of WIntergreenComjjpnd WIntergreenComjjpndThere There Is nothing tat w4l ctm Inee a alawyer alawyer lawyer except evidence cvideneeNow fr frNow Now here Is some ratftar airtllner airtllnerevidence rtllng rtllngevidenee evidence of a simple hornet ewe Ie for foreczema foreczema eczema which convinced pat pn lawyer lawyerF lt er erF F C Entrlken attorny ttornPat af J > ln tt ttHe 1l1 1l1He He tells how oil of wmtergreeapound wmtergreea wlntergreenpound pound mixed with thymol ymol and glycer glycerine glycerInc ¬ Inc as in D D D Prescription eared earedhim sqdhim him In thirty days after thirtrtwo thirtrtwoyears thIrty4woyears years of sufferingFor suffering sufferingXFor XFor For 32 years writes Attorney Sa Satrlken n ntniken trlken I was troubled with o ona onascabs a a ascabs scabs all over my face body and head haodI I could run a hair brush over my m feedy feedyand dy dyand and the floor would be covered with withscales vithscales scales enough to fill a basket I tried triedeverything tiedoverythIngalveS everything overythIngalveS Calves internal medicine rnetUolneXRay medicineXRayall XRay XRayall all without result resultJust rosultJust Just a month ago I was Induced to totry totry try D D D Presorlntlon Thetfth Tiw IFeb was wasrelieved wasrlieved relieved Iffstantlyv so I continued It Itis Itii is Just a month now and I am am com completely cornpletely ¬ pletely cured I have not a pactiele of ofitch ofitch itch and the scales have dropped off offI I can only say again CURE DIS UOVEUED I am now starting oil ec eczema eczema ¬ zema sufferers on the right tracks tracksCure traskCure Cure after cure has been brought to toour toour our attention and always that fnsftint fnsftintrelief istntrelief relief from the awful Itch ItchSchramrqJohnson itchSchramnJohnson SchramrqJohnson Drugs success successors uccesors ors to P C Schtamm chamm and F J Hill HillDrug HillDrug Drug Co Pour stores First South and andMain andMain Main Second South and West Temple TempleEifth TempleEifth Eifth South and Main First West and andSouth South Temple r REAR ADMIRAL DEAD DEADJTew DEADNew DEADec New ec York Oct Oct 23 2Rear 23Rear Rear Admiral d rl Hen Henry Henr en enry ¬ ry Erban Erba U S N retired rtred died ded here ner to today toda today ¬ r day da at the age a of 77 7 He entered enterd the te nary naryIn navyIn In 1S4S lS 1S4 S and served sered through trough the he civil clv1 war warwith wawith with a brilliant record rcrd NEGRO YOURS YOURSTO TO GH THEIRS THIRSColored Colored and White Speakers SpeakersHarangue SpeakersWi SpeakersWill Wi Will Harangue on Same SamePlatform SamePlaU SamePlatfOrm Platform PlatformThe PlaU m mThe The American Amerc party part has ha completed completedarrangements completedarangment completedarrangements arrangements arangment for the te biggest Kearnsrally Kearns Iearnsraly Kearnsrally rally raly of the campaign cmpaIg for next Thurs Thursday Thursday Thursday ¬ day evening at the African Arian Methodist MethodistEpiscopal MethodistEpIscopal MethodistEpiscopal Episcopal church The speakers spekers as asannounced asannounce asannounced announced announce by largo handbills landbll will wl be beMayor belIa beMayor Mayor lIa or J S Bransford Brnsford J E Darmer DarmerMartin Darer DarerMartn DarmerMartin Martin Martn E Mulvey Archie Arcie Brandt Brndtthe BrndttheRev the theRev theRev Rev John W H Morris of the A M E Echurch Echurch Echurch church and Attorney AtoreyLwrence Lawrence Marsh MarshThe MamhThe MarshThe The audience will wi be made up solely solelyof of negroes negroesWith negroesVlth negroesWith With this array ary of prominent Amer American AmerIcn Amerlean ¬ lean Icn party workers workrs Is Included the thename thename thename name of the Rev J A Magett Iaget pastor pastorof of Calvary Calva Baptist Baptst church but the te pas pastor pa paztor ¬ tor of that church churc has Informed J E EDarmer EDarer EDarmer Darmer Darer chairman chairan of the American Americanparty Aericn Aericnparty Americanparty party city ciy committee commitee that tat he will wi prob probably prb prbabl probably ¬ ably abl be unable to attend attendThe atend atendThe attendThe The African Methodist Metodist Episcopal Episcopalchurch Episcopalchurc Episcopalchurch church churc where tho to th rally raly will vU be held is isin IsIn IsIn in Sixth Sith South street steet between Second Secondand Secnd Secndand Secondand and Third East streets and tho con contract contrct contract ¬ tract trct for the use ue of the auditorium oudltru has hasbeen hasbeen been signed siged by J E Darmer Darer city citychairman ciy ciychairan citychairman chairman chairan of the American Aericn party pary who whohas Whohas whohas has alsQ engaged a refreshment and en entertainment entertainment entertainment ¬ tertainment committees commitees on which whichmany whichmany whichmany many of the prominent women of the thechurch thechurch thechurch church will wi serve sere Music will wi be fur furnished furnished furfished ¬ nished by a negro nego quartette quarete and selec selections slec slectons selections ¬ tions tons will wi be Interspersed interspere among the thespeeches thespeeches thespeeches speeches to bo delivered deliveredMayor delvered delveredMayor deliveredMayor Mayor Bransford Is advertised advertsed to de deliver delver dcliver ¬ liver lver the principal prlnclpladdrcss address of the te even evening evening evening ¬ ing and Darmer Damer comes next net Archie ArchieBrandt ArchieBrandt ArchieBrandt Brandt will w1 also alo speak speak and a few tc re remarks remarks remarks ¬ marks will wi be delivered delvered by Rev Mor Morris 1Ir 1Irrs Morri ¬ ris rs ri pastor of the church Lawrence LawrenceMarsh Lawnce LawrenceMarsh Marsh Marh a young negro attorney atorey who whoarrived whoarved whoarrived arrived arved In Salt Sal Lake recently rcenty from the theeast te teeast theeast east east has been ben Invited invie to supplement supplementtho tho remarks reark of Judge Darmer DarmerNeither D DarmerNeither rn er erNetherpalns Neither Netherpalns pains nor nor expense have been beenspared ben benspare beenspared spared spare to make the rally rly one of the themost te temost themoat most enjoyable ejoyable of recent rent years and nd ad admission aqmision admission ¬ mission mision Including refreshments rfrhment and the theopportunity theopportunity theopportunity opportunity of hearing Mayor Brans Bransford Brns Brnsford Bransford ford and ad M E Mulvey will wf be free to toall toal toall all al with wih a n special snelnl Invitation Inviaton to the col colored colored colored ¬ ored voters v ters of ofSalt Salt Slt Lake LakeThe Lke Lkelhe LakeTile The lhe committee commitee In charge c rge of arrange arrangements arrngoments ¬ ments ment for the rally rly has endeavored arpngc arpngcment d to toprocure toprcure toprocure procure prcure the services serices of Detective DetectiveGeorge Detectve DetectveGerge DetectiveGeorge George Gerge Sheets as one of the speakers speakersbut but In his efforts efort to maintain maintin order orderwhile orderwhile rderwhie while whie performing his duties dtes as collector collectorfor colector colectorfor for the party pary campaign campag Mr r Sheets Seets Is Isextremely i iextremel Isextremely extremely busy every ever evening It I is ispossible Isposible ispossible possible posible however that the te well wel known knownpolice knownpolice police polee offlcier ofcler will wi bo b able to deliver delver an anaddress anaddrss anaddress address addrss of a few words between the thespeeches thespeches thespeeches speeches speches of Mayor Bransford Brn ford and aId M E EMulvoy EMUlvey EMulvoy Mulvoy The handbills handbis prepared to ad advertise adverts advertise ¬ vertise verts the rally r1r bear handsome por ¬ traits tis of Mayor Bransford and Alder Alderman Alderma Alderman ¬ man ma Mulvey but owing to the uncer ¬ tainty tnty of getting gttng Detective Detectve Sheets to tospeak tospeak tospeak speak omitted his hi photograph photogph was necessarily necelmrly Ar AMERICAN fRICAN RALY RALYIS RALLY RALLYIS IS DRY AFAI AFFAIR AFFAIRSpeakers Speakers Read From Musty MustyManuscripts MustyM MustyManuscripts Manuscripts M Until Unt Audience AudienceStarts AudienceStarts AudienceStarts > Starts Home HomeA A few of the faithful rathful gathered gathere at atAmerican atAmerlrAn atAmerirnn American nartv headquarters in West WestSecond West WestSecond Second South street Saturday night for forone torone forone one of the regulation reglaton rallies rUles evi ¬ dently expecting expectng something someting worth worthwhile wortbwhie worthwhile while whie Many of them however were wereout werenut werenut nut to tl sleep by the two speakers speak rs each eacho eachoe achot o ot wQom wlom om clung cl closely ° sely to manuscript manuscriptand s Jpt Jptand and delved celvcd into history histor In an mau8c effort eu rto to togot togot got something sometIng which would enable them to put themselves theselves In a good ennle light lght The Themeeting T Tmeetng rameeting meeting meetng was wa the te dryest drest dryestwhiclj which has hasbeen been held yet by the aggregation aggegaton and little Utte interest was manifested manIested In the various varlols features of the program enthusiasm being noticeable noUfabje by progam its is absence absenceJoseph absenceJoseph absenceJoseph Joseph M M Cohen vice president of the American club presided In the Ab Absence b bsence bsenee ¬ sence of President A A J Weber and andafter andafer andafter after afer a solo by Mrs CorInne Harris Harrls Hammer introduced George M Sullivan Sullivanaa SuUvan SuUvana aa a tho first frst speaker He said saId he had hadnot hadnot hadnot not Intended intende to take an active actve part in inth inthA InthA th thA nrpsflnt campaign rampalg but he was per persuaded persuaded persuaded ¬ suaded by President Pesident Weber to say saysomfifhinsr saysomAhnR saysoniethnw somfifhinsr somAhnR after ater Mr Weber had hd pre prepared prepred prepared ¬ pared pred a speech for him hi which was wassimply wassimply wassimply simply a review of previous cam campaigns campaigns campaigne ¬ paigns the speaker speker supplementing supplementng this thisb by b another address delivered delverld over ov r a ayear ayear ayear year ago agoAfter agoAter agoAfter After Ater the speaker speker had waded through throughthese throughthese throughthose these documents in an effort efort to get getsomething getstmethlng getsomething something stmethlng to interest the audience audlf c the thedrum thedrum thedrum drum corps quartet tried tred to enliven enlivenmatters enlven enlvenmters enlivenmatters matters mters by singing sln ng a parody pa dy on the thesacred thesacred thesacred sacred melody melo y Theres a 0 Land Lnd That Is IsFairer IsFairer IsFairer Fairer Than Day which however fell fellentlrelv fel fellentirely entirely entrelv flat flatJ flat J W Wovinnnv lTlnnRV candidate candidate for coun council counci cooncli ¬ cil ci from the First ward was introduced introducedas as the second speaker speakerpf of the evening eveningand eveningand eveningand and after afer prefacing his bI remarks remlrl by bysaying byflng bysaying saying flng that the party pary was not wag waging wagIng wagin ¬ ing in a contest against agolrit religion relgl n or any anysoecial anyspecal anysoeclal soecial specal class of people he proceeded proceededto to wade through a lengthy lenghy manuscript manuscriptcontniriirttr monuscrlpt monuscrlptcontnl manuscriptcontninii contniriirttr contnl lnl several more extracts from fromsermons fromserons fromsermons sermons serons cutting cuttng it i short when the theaudience theaudience theaudience audience started to go o home The Thechairman Thechnlrman Thechairman chairman chnlrman then announced another anotherraootlntr anotherme anothermeUn raootlntr me Un2 for Monday T night night and the thegatheringbroke thegtherIngbroke thegathenlngIrokCUP anI gatheringbroke gtherIngbroke up 0 MURDOCH WINS BIG CROWD AT THEATRE Continued qQntlnued Contlnuedfrom from frm Page 1 1Star 1I 1Star Star tions tionsJames Str tons tonsJaes Spangled Banner BaDer and ad other selec selections selee eclecDcvIne ¬ James Jaes Devine Devine chairman charman of the te meeting meetingwas meetng meetngWa was Wa Introduced Introuced by Fred Fed red C Loofbourow Loofbourowchairman LofoUrow LofoUrowchalran Loofbotirowchairman chairman chalran of the city ciy Republican Republc com committee cornmlttee ¬ mittee mltee and Mr Devine Devne said saidIn In this the tIe closing days dya of the te munici municipal munic municipal ¬ pal pl campaign campalp It I is fit and proper that thatthe tat tattheren thatthe the theren men whom the Republican Rpublcn party pary have havenominated havenominated havenominated nominated to represent raplsent you should be beheard b beheard heard from on matters maters that pertain pertin to tothe tothe tothe the Interests Intert of the people of this city ciy AVe Ve have with wih us this tis evening Senator SenatorGeorge SenatorGeorge SenatorGeorge evening George Sutherland Sterand who has hI always had hadthe hadthe hadthe the happy faculty faculy of saying the right righttiling rght rghtthing rightthing thing at the right time timeor Im or r as I his oppo opponents oppo opponents ¬ nents right nent rght time timeWe tme tmeWe timeVe consider it It It the wrong won thing ting at 1t the theright te terght theright We have with wt us our candidate for formayor tormayor formayor mayor James D Murdoch Mu och In whom every everyman ever everyman man In this city whether he be going to tovote tovote tovote vote for him or not has absolute con confld confdnce con11dnce fld fdnce 11dnce ° nce as a to his qualifications for fo that thatexalted thatealed thatexalted quolfcatons exalted ealed office ofice He is sufficiently zmflcenty familiar familiarwith famiar famiarwth familiarwith with wth the gret work of this tis municipal municipalcorporation municipalcrortion mUniCipalcorporation corporation crortion and the public pUblc orks that it ithas has hI in hand at the present preset time tme that I Iam Ia Iam am a sure on election electon day the people will wi feel and Indicate by their voles Ot6 their theiropinion theiropinion theiropinion opinion of his eminent qualifications quallCUons for forthat forthat forthat that office I now take pleasure pleure ladies ladiesand tadlesand ladiesand and gentlemen gentemen in Introducing Introducig to you Mr Murdoch the next mayor of this city cityNext cItyNext cityNext Next Mayor Introduced IntroducedThe IntroducedTe The Te mention menton of thp thl name of James D Murdoch Mlroh drew drEw forth forh a round of applause applauaoand applausoond and ond when Mr Devine referred refEre to him as a the t e next mayor of Salt Sal Lake the approv approval ¬ al of the vast audience audence was again mani man 1 ¬ fested festedMr f6td festedMr Mr Murdoch Muroch went straight to the point pointof of his message to the people of Salt Sal Lake Lke launching Into his series of statistics statisticsevery statisticsevery every ever figure rlgr of which was eloquent sttstc with the story of robbery robber and betrayal betayal of trust trustIn tst wih on the part of the American party organi zaton zation Mr Murdoch said pary orgni In appearing appearng before befor you ou this evening I desire desir to call cal your our attention atenton to some things that have happened in Salt Lake Lakesince L Lakesince ke kesince since I became bcame a resident In Sat 1900 19 The Thefirst first first thing I desire desIr to take up however Is the now somewhat famous bill bi of P J JMoran Jrorn Jiorsn Moran rorn for repairing reparng the wooden stave staveoutlet staveoutet staveoutlet outlet outet pipe pip to the Intercentinir IntercDtnl sewer The Thacontract Thecontract Thecontract contract for this pipe was wasIet let to t the the theCampbell Campbell Campbel Building Buiding company at a a cost of oft ofsI sI t per linear lnear foot toot and the total length lengthof of this pipe pl was something Smething like lke 4473 44i feet feetmaking feet feetmaking making the total cost of this pipe plp about aboutJ18000 abut J18000 J18000After 18000After 80 After the pipe pip was placed In service servicethere srIce srIcether servicethere there ther were quite Quie a number numbr of leaks that thatdeveloped thatdevelopd thatdeveloped developed which In my opinion were werecaused Wre Wrecausd werecaused caused causd by b the fact that the plans plas and andspecifications andspelflcatons andspecificallons specifications spelflcatons did not provide provde for air airvalves airvalves airvalves valves to be placed on the top of this pipe pipeat at intervals Interals along its Is length Six air airvalves airvalves airvalves valves have since sinc been put In place by bythe bythe bYthe the board br of public publc works work which are ofgreat of otgeat ofgreat great geat advantage ad1mtge In intpop the operation rllon of the thepumps thepumps thepumps pumps In eliminating the shocks shock Incident Incidentto to the collection coleclon of air ar in all al pumping pumpingop pumpingoperatons op operations operations ¬ erations eratons whether In the he pumps them themselves themselves themselves ¬ selves or In the discharge pipes connected connectedtherewith connectd connectdthrewlth connectedtherewith therewith therewithAfter threwlthAter therewithAfter After Ater considerable considerable delay the te contract contractbetween contrct contrctbetmHm contractbetween between the city ciy and the Campbell Campbel Build Building Buid BuidIng Buildlag ¬ I ing company was annulled annuled and the the mat matter matter matter ¬ ter placed placd In the hands of the board of ofpublic orpublc ofpublic public publc works after reinforcing reinforCng with con concrete concrete concrete ¬ crete about ninety feet of the pipe under underand underJd underand and Jd adjacent adacnt to the O S L Ltack tracks which whichwas w Icl was necessary necessar and about the only quick quickremedy quickremey quickremedy remedy remey that tat could cotId be b applied apl ed The mat matter matter ¬ ter was taken t ken outof o out t or the theMnd hands h ndi of the theboard th thboard board oard of 01 public publo works and out of the thehands thehands thehands hands of the city ciy engineer r by a few coun counciimen counclmen councilmen ciimen and the mayor who went over overthe overthe overthe clmen the ground gound and gave P J Moran Morn verbal verbalorders verbalorders verbalorders orders to proceed proced to reinforce the leaky leakyportion leakyporiion portion oron of oc t t4 e pine p 1e with 1lth concrete concreteNot con rte rteNot 4 Not Authorized by Council CouncilThis Counci CounciThis This matter mattr so far as I am aware awarehas awarehas has not to this day been authorized by bythe bythe bythe the city ciy council counel and consequently consequenty is ab absolutely absolutely absolutely ¬ solutely illegal Iel The city has ha about 56000 56000balonglng 600 600belonging belonging to the Campbell Campbel Building Buiding com company compy cornpuny ¬ belongng puny and could culd have hove made the repairs repairsthat repairsthat repairsthat py that were r necessary ncessar by replacing replacng the de defective defecthe defective ¬ fective staves with wt new ones at small smallexpense smallexpense expense xpens and deducted deucted the cost from the thebalance thebalance thebalance balance due the th Campbell Campbel Building Buiding com company company cornpany ¬ pany By By Ignoring Igoring the plans and specifi specifications SPQcl spQcIflcations ¬ cations and making makng the repairs In the way waythey waythey waythey ctons they have done they reialrs have relieved releved the thaCampbell theCampbell Campbell Campbel Building Buiding company compay of all al re responsibility r responslbIllty ¬ sponsibility and are ar owing them th m the te bal balance balance ¬ sponsibity ance due without wihout any deduction deducton what whatever whateer whatever ¬ ever anc There were 1363 13 feet of pipe rein reinforced rin rinforced reinforced ¬ forced and the figures which I shall shl1 now nowgive nowgive nowgive give are obtained 1grs from the te board of pub public publie ¬ lie lc works w ar rls Inspector fnape tor and from Mr lIr Mo Morans Morns Mo1raTs raTs rns bill billThe bi billThe The board or puonc pUDla h worKS WOfK inspector inspectorreports IWlJWrports iiipureports reports rports for foremen formen J5D6S2 38 Mr Morans Moransbill Moransbi bill was 511O32 1105 Ir 52 making a cost for each eachlinear eah eahlinear eachlinear linear bi foot fot of pipe reinforced 81 cents centsLabor cent centsLabor Labor the public publc works work Inspector inspcctor J3 5 72525 Lbor labor from Mr Moran orn s bill bi 8 83G7 8276Th 37075 52 cost per foot toot 614 61 Yet the te original originalcontract originaleon originalcontract 3G7 contract eon was at It the rate of 4 4 per foot footThat footThat That trc Is for labor lalr alone alor the cost c st Is 214 214a a foot greater grter than tho original contract contractCement contractprice pric price priceCement Cement board of public publc works in inspector Inspetor Inspector spector Cment 2781 boar sacks sack cost Jl07460 1f746 while whileMorans whie whieMorans whileMorans Morans spetor bill 71 calls cals for 750 75 barrels barels at a acost acost acost cost of 188750 US7i1 bi < o ot at t tha th rate of 145 perfoot perfoot foot for frcurneat frcurneatTeems csynent csynentTeams Teams Tma cen o5 3323 by bthe the Inspector Inspotor Mrorls MrIorsfl5 ilorana Iorsfl5 b bfiT T J4S2EO J4S2EOCarpenter iS250Carpenter orls Carpenter carenter bi by tSr Inspector JGo 05 Mr ltr MO MOacs Moran Moran 4203 4203Machii1St ran Machinist acs 2 by Inspector Inspctor 59 9 machin machinist ist t Mr Morans MoransbU Tilll 147 147Plumber 11 11Plumbr 147Plumber Plumber Plumbr by bylnspector inspector 1313 plumber plumberMrMoran623 plumberlIr4Moran plumberMr MrMoran623 MrMoran623Xlason Mr Moran t62 625 625S lIr4Moran Xlason inspector 9 Mr Mpran 9 9Now 9Now 9Now S Now tsoni the thetotal total account accout Mr1pn of ofthe the board of ofpublic orpublll ofpublic public works w rks totl Inspector Is 847530 453 Mr MrMorans Mrtorans MrMorns inspctor publll net netdiffbrence netdlff netdlff 123752 making a Morns torans bill bi says U3175 diffbrence dlff rence of 383222 Pat Morans According to Mr Morans bill bi there therewas thereWIS therewas was 43000 feet of lumber at ot a cost of WIS 114640 There was 62000 62000pounds pounds of ofreinforced otreinforced ofreinforced reinforced 160 Tere steel at a cost of 2108 2108gravel 2108Arael 2108gravel gravel and Band sond 1420 cubic yards yardsJl Arael Jl 1420 420 labr at shops cutting cuttng and andhandling andhandlng andhandling handling steel rods and making wooden woodenboxes woodenboxes woodenhazes handlng boxes for air valves valves 300 0O days lays 600 600watchmen 600watchthen i iwntchnen watchmen 116 11 days J2307f 2307 The Theboardof Thebo Thehoardof boardof bo wntchnen d public publcworlcs publlcWbrks US works inspector IDstector Informs Informsus InforJs InforJsus inforzpsus us that there ther were men working workingpumpingwater worklngi worktngputhpthWater i pumpingwater nlghfand nlg ttand day dY conse consequently conseQueIty consequently ¬ quently QueIty there tlioreCoUldflPi couldrnpthav could 1t llaVcbeeo lavebeeTi been much muchuse muchue muchusP use for watchmen watchmenVfransferring watc watchmenTransferring men menTnsfering usP Transferring labor from and nd to towork towore townrk work Tnsfering as requires 185 186 days ays J370 37Dnak 37Dnakjngatotal 1Dpiak mak makins I wore ins i jngatotal a total a of 1779010 1uJ to which must mustbe mustbe mustbe be ftiotal added 15 f1190 per cent for icir supervision supervisionamounting supervisionumountng supervisionxnount1ng amounting to 5266852a 266852 2668 52a a total totl pre presented presented presented ¬ umountng sented to the city ciy council counci by Mr Moran Moranof of 20j458J57r or 15 5 per foot forre forrepairing tor forropairing ro ropalring ¬ pairing 205807o a aU 4 per foot pipe In pie e ab absence absence sbsenco ¬ sence palring of definite Instructions Instructons from fromany fromanysource any anysource anysource source 1f whatever defnite because as I have havesaid h1ve h1vesaid havesaid said the board boord of public publc works was wasleft wasleft left lef out of the reckoning reckoningSome reckoningSome reckoningSome Some Interesting Interestng InterestlngFigUres InterestlngFigUresThe Figures FiguresThe The he Inspector who was w looking after afterthe afer afterthe I the work on the gas producer plant plantwhere plantwhere plantwhCre where the mixture of concrete concr e was 61 61to 6 6to 1 1to to 1 gave instructions to Mr Morans Moranssuperintendent Moranssuperintendent Moranssuperintendent superintendent to put inthe same mix mixture mlxturp mixturp ¬ turp of o concrete concree Mr lf Morans lorans bill bi as asI asI 1 1I I have already lread sale calls cls for 750 bar barrels barrela ¬ I Irels sn rels of cement which is equivalent to I of cement multiplied multipliedby I Iby 111 cubic yards multpUed by 11 6 gives 731 cubic yards ards of f sand slnd and andgravel ard ardgavel andgravel gravel 721 plus 111 11 makes mkes 832 cubic cubicyards cubicyards cubicyards yards gavel of otdry 72 dry mixture mixtur It I takes 14 14cubic 14 14cubic 14cubic cubic yards of dry dr mixture to make one onecubic onecubic onecubio cubic yard of concrete They claim claimthero claimthere claimthero thero were 1100 cubic yards of con concrete concrete concrete ¬ crete used Now according to tothe the mix mixture mixture mixtune ¬ ture given glveny y the Inspector there were wereonly wereonly wereonly only 691 cubic yards ards Thus we save In Inone Inone Inone one Item alone 5000 55000The 5000The 5000The The other horn of the dilemma diemma now nowpreseJnta nowpresdts nowpresthits preseJnta itself ItacI If I they used 1420 cubic cubicyards cubicyards cubicyards presdts yards of sandand sand and graveland graVeFDDd150 750bar d750barrels 750barrels bar barrels rels of cement then lhen the mixtur mixture In Instead instead 1nstead ¬ stead of being 6J 6 i to 1 was wasi3to 13 3 to 1 and andwas andwas andwas was not worth orthQny anything hlng atJ t J all nl If Ifthey ifthey they used 62000 pounds of reinforcing1 reinforcing1steel re1nforclnst reInforc1ngsteelthO7Clim steel st steelthO7Clim el aa they U e claim c lm then thetheyut they he t put p t tV In Int V 7 five bands per lineal foot of pipe or orin orf orIn in other words lnea the reinforcing steel steelwas steeWI Steel Steelwas was less than than wors two tW te Incbes apart ap8rt Yet YetIn YetIn YetIn WI In the wooden wood n stave stve pipe itself itel they theyare theyare theyare are te placed from froi 71 7 i to 12 Inches apart apartand apa apartand t and amply strong because becuse of the to fact factthat factthat factthat that there are 3000 feet of the original originalstave originalstve originalstave stave pipe ddlng good service at the thepresent thepresent thepresent ierlc stve present lime If as they claim claim there therewere therewere therewere tme I a were 43000 feet of lumber used then thenthey thenthcy thenthey they used 31 feet of lumber pe per > r lineal linealfoot lneal lnealfoot linealfoot foot of pipe repaired repairedMr repaired Mr Gowans said before the thE investi investiEating lie iaraztigating t Eating committee that the city ciy engineer engineertold gatng told him commitee to put Iut the concrete around engneer engneertold the thewooden tle tlewooden thewooden wooden stave pipe pipe under the Oregon OregonShort OregonShort OregonShort Short Line tracks two feet thick and andat andat andat at other places eighteen inches on bot bottom bottom hottorn ¬ tom eighteen Inches on sides and andtwentyfour andtwentyfour andtwentyfour twentyfour inches on top Gentlemen Gentlementhey Gentemen Gentementhey Gentlementhey they might as well eU have put it 1 twenty twentyfour twentyfou twentyfour four fou feet on the top so the people could couldhare couldhave couldhave have seen it forever as a monumental monumentalpiece piece of folly toly Mr Kelsey said In the thecommittee thecommitee thecommittee committee room that he gave no In Instructions i instructions ¬ structions commitee whatever in regard to this thismatter thismtter thismatter matter stuctons When this bill bi first came cme be before betore before ¬ mtter fore the city council counci and nd was under underdiscussion underdiscussion underdiscussion discussion ciy Mr Kelsey was Ws asked askedwhether alte altewhether azlcewhether whether he approved of this method of ofremedying1 atremedying ofremedying remedying the defects that had de developed developed developed ¬ veloped in tho pipe and he answered answeredNo No o sir I did not notHomer notHomer Homer Read not cost clerk cf rk to Mr MrMoran MrMoran MrMoran Moran falling failng to appear on Saturday Saturdaylast Sturday Sturdaylat last lat before the te committee commitee as a promised promisedby by Mr Gowans the day before bel ore the com committee commitee cornmittee ¬ mittee adjourned till ti Monday and re requested requested requested ¬ mitee quested Mr Rives of the city cty recorders recordersoffice recorder recordersoffice office otfce to write wrie Mr Moran oran to kindly kindlyhave kIndlyhave kindlyhave have Mr Read appear appear before the com committee commitee cornmittee ¬ mittee at 9 a m on Monday Mr Read Readstill Rea Readstill still sti mitee failing taIng a to attend atend the committee committeeconsidered commitee commiteeconsidered committeeconsIdered considered the te matter mater under investiga investigation Investg ¬ tion and unanimously resolved to re report report report ¬ port ton to to the council counci that the bill bi be de denied denied deflied ¬ nied and all al the papers in the case caseMr cse cseted casefiled filed ted Mr Raybould Mr Hall and myself myselfsigned mysel myselfsigned signed sige the report reporMr reportMr Mr Black Bak and Mr MrMartin Mr1IA1ln MrTRrt1fl Martin 1IA1ln anoarently experienced a change changeof chang I of riea heart nnnaretv and iid disappeared dsappeared experence Mr Fernstrom Fernstromwas Ferstrom I Iwa was not present at the last lat two meetings meetingsof meetngs meetngsof of wa the committee commitee The chair ruled rled there therewas therewa therewas was nothing before the house the te report reportnot repr reportnot not wa being bing signed sige by a majority majorty of the thecommittee thecomitee thecommittee committee comitee Mr Fernstrom Ferstom who was wa pres present present preseat ¬ ent could have signed signe this report but did didnot didnot didnot not and thus the matter ma ter would have haveended haveended ave aveended not ended until Mr tr Moran took the matter matterInto mater materInto matterinto Into court court unt where wher his hi wltneaes wlte1swouldhave wlte1swouldhavetesti witneseswouldhave witneseswouldhavetestified would have havetestified testified testi d under oath oath and be bEn be4n n subjected subjectedto subjte to to crossexamination thsu t Mr Moran Moranand Morn Mornand Moranand and crossealnaton the city ciy as a well would u have had hadwhatthey hadwbattear hadwhatthey whatthey wbattear are both bot Justly justy entitled entitlethtoa entitlethtoasquare ntted to toa a asquare square sqtare deal no more mor no less lessSome 1 1Some 1es3Some Some seven or eight years yeas ago ao I was wasa a 0 member of the board of public publc works worksThere worksTere worksThere There Tere was a contractor controctor who had been beenawarded ben benawarde beenawarded awarded awarde a a contract cntrt and was very ver anxious anxiousto to proceed with wih his work work but the board boarddeclined boarddeclne bearddeclined declined declne to Issue the order for the reason reasonthere reasonther reasonthere there ther was a standing stnding orer resolution resolutln of the thecouncil thecouncl thecouncil council councl in the way This This resolution resoluton read readabout red redabout readabout of ofthe otte ofthe about as follows When en 75 per cent the te abutters abuttr portion porton of any improvement improvementhas has been ben paid Into the city treasury traui the thecity theciy thecity city ciy treasurer tresurer will wi notify notfy the board of ofpublic otublc ofnubile public ublc works wurks when the board boad of public publicworks pUblc pUblcwork publicworks works work will wi issue their order to the con contractor contractor contractor ¬ tractor to proceed with wih the work workAt work workAt At the next meeting meetng of the Cty city Ity council councilstanding cancl cciinoilstanding standing stnding resolution resoluton so and so was amend amended aend aende ¬ ed to read rea 25 2 per cent instead of 75 5 per percent percent percent cent cent e The board was wo then notified hoUfiedby hoUfiedbythe by bythe bythe the treasurer treaurer that 25 2 per cent had been beenpaid ben benpaid beenpaid paid In In and the order to the contractor contractorwas was given Some time tme later the th conditions condi condltons conditions ¬ tions tons gven changed chaed Winter WIntr was wa approaching approachingand and the board of public Iublc works was w s very verydesirous ver verydesirous desirous that tat tilts tll same contractor contracor should shouldproceed shouldproced shouldproceed proceed proced with another Job and Issued their theirorder theirorrer theirorder I order orrer accordingly But the contractor contractorwas I was neither ready rady nor willing wllng to proceed proceedand and did not proceed with wih the work work The Theboard Te Teboard Theboard board urged urfd the theontactor on tractor paid no at attention attenton attention ¬ tention tenton The council counci moved that standing standingresolution standlnl standingresolution resolution resoluton so and so be b amended to f read 76 per pr cent instead InstNd of 25 2 per cent c nt The Theboard Theboar Theboard board boar was snubbed snubb and sat upon as asusual asusual asusual usual by the council councilCottonwood counci councilCottonwood Cottonwood Cotonwood Conduit Case CaseMost CaseMost CaseMost Most of you no doubt remember rem mber the theclaim thecaim theclaim claim caim for 9000 90 recommended re by the city citycouncil citycounci citycouncil council counci for bonus to Mr lr Moran Morn for forcom forcompletn com completing cornpleting ¬ pleting pletn the Cottonwood Cotonwood conduit ahead of ofthe ofthe ofthe the time tme specified specied in the contract contrct Ezn EznThompson EznThompsn EzriThompson Thompson Thompsn who was mayor moyor at the time timesubmitted tme tmesubmitte timPsubmitted submitted submitte the proposition prpositon to the city ciy at attorney attorey attorney ¬ torney torey who rendered rndered a 1 decision d lslon that tbt Mr MrMoran MrMoran MrMoran Moran was entitled entted to J2700 270 Mr Moian Moianand Molan Molanand Moianand and his friends tends if the council counci said sold 9000 2000Or 9000or 0 or fight fght That subborn subbor stalwart stalwart hign hignmlnded hlghminded hignminded minded mayor Ezra Thompson TqorOson said 2700 2700or 270 or fight flht Mr 3torai llora Trent wet into court court had hada a trial tral and took 2700 20 and seemed to ba basatisfied b bsUsfipd besatisfied satisfied sUsfipd because the case was ws not tQt ap appealed appealt appeated ¬ pealed pealedSome pealt peatedSome Some four fouryears years or so agomyfriend agomyfriendand agmy agomy > fFend fFendand friend friendand 1 and business associate asociate was still stl mayor mayorserving mayorsering mayorservinghis serving sering servinghis his third term ter In that office ofCce Bids Bidswere Bds Bdswre Bldswere advertised for the of Statestr were wre advertse for paving Javing State Statestreet tatestreet street str t to Seventh South South Main street Itret ItretNinth StreetNinth to toNinth Ninth South and andFourth Fourth South S tl to Second SecondEast SecondEast SecondEast East There were two bids received r elved on onfrom onfrom onfrom from the Barber Barbr Asphalt Mph t Paving Pvng com company comvany cornpany ¬ pany the other from frt Mr Moran Mora The Theboard Theboar Theboard board boar of public publc works wor s recommended to the thecouncil thecouncil rlcommenaed tle tlecounci council counci that tmt the Ji red ot th the Barber Bltber BltberIhat A Aphalt As Asphalt phalt Ihat Paving company c pahybe be accepted ccept d and andthe andte andthe the te contract contrt awarded to tlierp t1el 11 iji ijiThe The council cunci awardf then discovered dlscn dtbere there ther was wassomething wassome wassomething something some thinS wrong wong Their Theil favorite had hadbeen hMbeen hadbeen been ben bte beatei ten because becaus his bid was wa 11000 511000or 11000or or so higher than th J his hi competitor comptt r This Thiscould Thiscould 1hlscoud could coud not be allowed alowed to topass pass pas eo the coun council counci coundl ¬ cil ci ordered orere the bids bds rejected rjecto and in instructed Instrcte instructed ¬ structed strcte the board of ofpublic public works work to re readvertise r readvertise advertise adv rls They did so and Mr Moran Moranwas Moranwas Moranwas was the only bidder The contract contact was wasapproved wasapproved wasapproved approved by the council counci and forwarded forwardedto torarded torardedto to the mayor for his approval But my friend fren the te mayor maordldnt didnt approve apprve so the thepoliticians thepolt thepolitl politicians polt politl lans got busy and were wer informed informedthat Infored Inforedthat info ned nedthat that Mr Moran Mor if i he wanted the work workwould workwould workwould would have to sign sIg up for the price the theBarber theBarbr theBarber Barber Barbr Asphalt Aphat people pople proposed to do do the thework thework thework work for or the contract would never be So after some sme further negotiations gotatons on ontha onte onthe the te subject subJIt Mr Moran came to to tilemay tilemayors themayors ¬ ors ors terms and signed siged up and from that thattime thattte thattime time tte to the presenj hour there has been beenno ben benno no competition comptton whatever wlatever for the paving pavingof pavingofthe of ofthe the streets of Salt Sal Lake with asphalt asphaltMr asphal Mr Moran is the only bidder on this thisclass thiscass thisclass class cass of work and rrd rd his prlc Is always alwaysvery alwaysver alwaysvery very ver tmate much t ch hlgHer than the engineerses engineersestmate ngneerscs ngineersesVmate Morans High Water Bill BillDurjng Bi BillDuring Durtn During the th high water season of the thapiisent th thptsent theptsent piisent ptsent year you remember that Sunday Sundayon Sunday on North NorthTemple Temple street steet Mr Hall Hal coun councilman cOUncima councliman ¬ cilman cima from the Fourth precinct saw sawthat sawthat sawthat that the te city 1y employes were wer having more moretrouble moretrouble moretrouble trouble than they tey could culd well wel attend Rtend to toand toaDd toand and went to Mr Morans superintendent superintendentand superintndent superintndentand and asked hIm to send four teams and andforty andforty andforty forty men to North NorhTemple Temple street to try tryand t tryand and confine confne the water in Its It natural naturl chan channel channel clianneL ¬ nel Later Lter the bill bi was presented to the thecouncil tie tiecounci thecouncil council counci for something over 3000 30 It I was wasreferred wasretered wasreferred referred retered to the street stret committee committe and has hasnot hMot hasnot not ot been b returned retured to the te council cunci nor will willIt wi It be b returned retur to t the council counci till ti after afterthe afer aferthe afterthe the election eleton is over and probably not notthen notthen notthen then because beUr I do not believe beleve the chair chairman chalrman chairman ¬ man of the street stret committee commlto can be forced forcedto tord tordto to report favorably upon this thi iniquitous iniquitousdastardly iniquious iniquiouslFtarly iniquitousMrtardiy dastardly lFtarly attempt atempt to rob the he city ciy of Salt SaltLake Sal SaltLake Lake LakerWe LakevVo i iTVe TVe now come to the intercepting Intereptng sew sewer sewe sewer ¬ er e Since I have been bfn a member of the thecity thect thecity city ct council counci a bill bi for 10000 100 was present presented precnt precnted ¬ ed by James Kennedy K nedy Co the con contractors contrators contractora tractors trators on this htswork ls > work for extrapump extrapumpirg extra extra pump pumpIrg pumpirg irg After ter IUsC discussing ssltg this1 bill bl It was wasreferred waS warefervcd referred refered to the city ciy attorney atorey The at attorney attorneyrpr attorney ¬ torney torneyrpr reported to the th Council counclthitho counclthithochlim that the thoclaim theclaim claim was one one which the city ct ought ousht not notto notto notto to pay The council counci approved the bill billThe bi billThe The mayor vetoed it It The council councI passed passedIt pasd pasdIt paid It over the mayors mayors veto and the bill bi was waspaid WI waspaid paidDuring During Durng the to past pat summer it was dis discovered dlsc discovered ¬ covered c erd that ten of otte the manholes had hadnever hadMver hadnever never had any conbrete placed in > the thebcttom thebUwm thebctthm bcttom jof Jf if them th m In addition addlton to o this tis they theydiscovered tneydlveredthat theydtecoered discovered dlveredthat that there was a part par Ott ofthe ofthesewer ofthseiver sewer swer some smB eight or ten feet in length lengththat lengththa lengththat that tha had no bottom btom In It 1t itKennedy itKennedyCO Kennedy KennedyCO Kenedy Kenedyco CO made the necessary nesar repairs repair put put con concrete concree concrete ¬ crete cree In I the te bottom blQm q of the te yf r rn manholes manble manb r r dez and andyf Ind thought tought everything everhing was w all al right rht About Aboutfive Abut AbutfIve Aboutfive < five weeks week ago a request ruest was sent snt to tothe tote tothe the te council councl from the city ciy engineer that thatthe thattl thatthe engner the tl water department epatent beordered beorere to con connect connec conned ¬ nect nec ned a 6lnch 6lnc water main with wIt the th in intercepting Interceptg Intercepting ¬ tercepting terceptg sewer swe as a there tere was WI not water waterenough wter wterenough waterenough enough In I the te sewer to force tore the te cleaning cleaningscraper cleanig cleanigseper cleaningscraper scraper seper through thrugh it 1learl itclearly clearly showing that thatif tat if 1 Kennedy KeJnedy Co had finished their thei con conuact cn cnuact conuact ami amispeclficians an1speclclas anIapecificians uact in accordance accrance with wit the plans speclficians speclclas there tere would have been ben no noextra noexta noextra extra exta water to pump and the te city ciy should shouldnot shouldnot shouldnot not under any circumstances circumstancs have paid paidone paidone paidone one cent centThere cent centThere There should not have have been paid one onecent onecenl onecent cent of the 10000 which tho city cityturned ciy ciytured cityturned turned tured over to James Kennedy and andcompany andcompany andcompany company as a a gift to the great great Injury Injuryof of Salt Sal Lake LakeMurdochs Lke LkeMurochs LakeMurdochs Murdochs Murochs Platform PlatformNow PlatformNow PlatformNow Now ladles ladle and andgentlemen gentlemen gentemen when I Ihave Ihave Ihave have the honor of being elected mayor mayorof of Salt Sal Lake Lke City Ciy I will wi to the th best bestof bestot beatof of my ability abiiy safeguard the Interests Interestsof of mr all al the people in so far as I am amable amable able with wih the assistance assl < tance of the coun council coonelI ¬ elI and the te heads of departments departments There Therewill Therewi Therewill will wi be equal rights right extended to all alland al alland and special speclal privileges prlvUegs to none I will willendeavor wi willendeavor endeavor endevor to brine brilg about competition competitionin competton compettonin in all al classes cln ses ot a public pUblc contracts contacts and andbeg andbeg andbeg beg to t assure asure all al bidders that they will willreceive wl willreceive receive fair and courteous couteous treatment treatmentat at my hands handsI I favor public publc Improvements of oil oilKinds nflkinds ltnds Kinds that will wi add to the comfort and andwbllbelng ond ondWflbclng andwellbeing wbllbelng Wflbclng of this community Every Everyfamily Everyfamily family bml in this city ciy is Justly justy entitled enUted to toa toa toa a liberal of water Cement sidewalks should and must be extend extended ¬ ed wherever the people desire them themand themand themand and are willing wilng to furnish the te money moneyto to defray the te cost of constructing constrctng the thesame thesame thosame same Sewers should and must be ex extended extnded extended ¬ tended tnded In all directions and connections connectionsto al drectons connectons connectonsto to same sae enforced in order that the pub public pubho ¬ lic 10 health heolh may not suffer suter and the ever everrecurring everrecurrng everrecurring recurring recurrng periods when contagious dis diseases diseases diseases ¬ eases prevail prevai In our fair city iy may be beol be1fYf ben bef ol 1fYf iTT ina toi n no d fav n nef nnealhlA nnealhlAI aro u oo v un unI I f favor street paving wherever the theabutters theAbuter theabutters abutters Abuter on the streets street to be paved pavedshall pavedshal pavedshall shall shal petition petton the city council councI to have havethe havethe havethe the Improvement made in at sC far as the thecity theciy thecity city ciy is able to pay for is Its share of ofthe ofthe ofthe the expense of the proposed Improve Improvement Improvement improvement ¬ ment ment I condemn tho methods here heretofore heretpfore herotoforo ¬ tofore in vogue of the party In power powertaking paer paertking powertaking taking tking the voge initiative initatve In Inaugurating inaugra ln lnImprvementS improvements ImprvementS Without itout the knowledge knowledgeor or consent of the property owners ownersalong ownersalong ownersalong along the line lne of the proposed improve improvement Imprve Imprvement improveinent ment and carried out with the te osten ostensible ostenslblepup ostensiblepurpOse ¬ sible slblepup siblepurpOse purpose seht Itf view of furnishing fa favored fn favorel ¬ vored vore contractors with wit c large largejobs < Jobs at atexorbitant atexorblt atexorbitant exorbitant exorblt nt prices to the great injury injuryof Injur injuryof of the taxpayers of Salt Sal Lake LakeI I favor and will wil constantly constanty endeavor endeavorto to limit lmi contracts in size and extent extentin in order that the man or men with withlimited withlmied withlimited limited lmied capital clpia may have an opportu opportunity opportuniy opportunity ¬ nity niy to get their theli share of all al public publicwork publc publcwok publicwork work wok and on all al large arge Jobs obs so to di divide divIde diride ¬ vide the work that parties partes equipped equippedwith equippedwih with wih tools and rtiachlnery IcInety to perform performpart performpart performpart part of the t e wprk nay come come in compe competition competaion compettlon ¬ tition with those Jay Who are are prepared to todo todo todo do all al ahIthe the te labor lar and furnish all al the ma material m matcrial ¬ terial teria to complete andJ1r1sh the same cameI same1WI sameIsih1 I 1WI Isih1 will expect the heads of all 1 de departments dopartmelJtso e epartmeut ¬ partments partmeut partmelJtso so to conduct cnduct them that thatthey thatthey1a thatthernayborIt they they1a thernayborIt inay jherit rIt1uhlc public approval and andIn andin andin In the th employment m w t ment of sub subordinates > dlnates they theyshould tey teyshouldib theyshouldabe should shouldib be selected because beause of thqlr t Elr fit fitness ft ftness fitness ¬ ness toperform to P iJorm efficient effcient service serl e and andnot andnot andnot not becauseof b bec c usoof their political ppltcl activity hctvly I cordially cordlhy cordfkfl recommend r the proposition propositionnow propositon propositonnow now under consideration caslderton by the school schoolbeard schoolbeard schoolboard beard of this city to build buid and equip a amagnificent a ama magnificent m ma ° nlfcent nificent High school building buiding that thatwill thatI thatwill will wll will be in harmony with wit the many manygrand manyI manygrand grand grnd school buildings hul lngs we now possess possessand posses possesond possessand and ond be a source Qf delight deUghtand and admira admiration admIraton admiration ¬ tion ton to all al the te friends of education educaton at athome athome athome home as well wel as the admiration dmiraton of all allour al allour our visitors visiors from abroad and will willgladly wi willgladly gladly vote for bonds to build buid the same sameIn sameIn sameS S In conclusion ladles and gentlemen gentlemenpermit gentemen gentemenperi gentlemenpermit permit peri me to say I will wIl extend the same samecourtesies samecourtesies samecourtesies courtesies If i I am called caled upon to fill fillthis fI fillthis this office offce to the theworklug working man mn in his hisoveralls hisoverals hisoveralls overalls overals as I will wi to those of our citi citizens cit citizens ¬ zens who may be better supplied suppled with withthe wih wihthe withthe the necessaries and the luxuries of ofeveryday tt tteveryday ofeveryday everyday life lfe remembering always aways that thatI I too have been a working man and am amrroua amproud amproud proud to acknowledge it it it I firmly be believe belevo believe ¬ lieve levo that public publc office offce is a public publictrust publc publctrust publictrust trust trust and the te acts act of publio pUblo men are arefit arefljsubje areLit fit fljsubje subjects < s for public criticism crtUcism Public Publicofficers Publc Publcot Publicofficers officers ot c rs are the servants s rvant of the t people peopleand peoplend peopleand and nd as a such are responsible only to the thepeople thepeople thepeople people peopleSenator peopleSnator peopleSenator Senator Snator Sutherland was wa Introduced ntrduc d by b bChaIra Chairman ChaIra Devine who said Ladles Lades and andGentlemen andGntemeI andGentlemenIt Gentlemen GntemeI It is now my mY pleasure to in introduce Introduce introduce ¬ troduce to you a speaker spaker to whom a Salt SaltLake Sal SaltLake Lake audience audienc is always glad to t listen listenSenator lsten lstenSenator listenSenator Senator George Sutherland SutherlandSenator Suterlanc SutherlandSenator Senator Senltor Sutherland said saidMr saidMr saidMr Mr Chairman Chairan Ladies Ldles and Gentlemen GentlemenI Gntemen GntemenI I have hav been ben away from Salt Sal Lake so somuch somuch somuch much of the time tme during the past year or ortwo ortwo ortwo two that I am not particularly patcula familiar familiarwith famiar famiarwlth familiarwith with the various local questions quetons which whichhave whichhave whichhave have disturbed dturbd the people from time tme to totlmo totme totime time tme to discuss them in any ay sort srt of de detail dotail ¬ tail ti In I what I shall shal have to say s to you youtherefore youtherefor youtherefore therefore therefor I shall shal bo more or less general generalHowever genrl genrlHowever generalHowever However I am saved sved the necessity necesity of any anydetailed anydetied anydetailed detailed detied discussion dicussion of these thes questions quetons by bythe bythe bythe the very ver admirable admirble and concise and en enlightened enlghtened enlightened ¬ lightened lghtened speech which has ha Just been de delivered delvere delivered ¬ livered lvere to you by tho next mayor of Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake Lake I think if anybody anyboy in this audi audience Mdlence audience ¬ ence lad had any doubt about the te wisdom of ofhis ofhis ofhis his nomination nominaton by the party party that doubt doubthas doubtbas doubthas has been be n dissipated d by the speech sPech which whichhe he has Just delivered delverd No o mistake mistke was wasmade wasmade made mae in his nomination nomInaton and no mistake mistakewill mistke mistkewi will wi be b made by his election electionIt eleton eletonI It I is a I serious misfortune for any com community communlty cornmunity munity when its It elections elctons are contested contestednot contsted contstednot not upon any question gueston of political pltcal or gov governmental govermentl goverumental ¬ ernmental ermentl issue but upon social or re religious relgious noligious ¬ ligious lgious differences dlfereIces of opinion merely merelySuch merlr merlrSuch merelySuch Such a state of affairs is neither normal normalnor norol norolnor nor healthful There are for example as connected conneotd with wih the th undue concentration concentrationof of vast vst wealth wealh in the hands of fatew a aeiv Xew and andyet andyet andyet yet everybody everbody who possesses posss common commonsense commonsnse commonsense sense snse recognizes rcgizes that it I would be b an ex exceedingly exceedingly exceodingly ¬ ceedingly unfortunate thing if all al those thosewho thosewho thosewho who have not were wer to be b arrayed aryed in elec election eleetion dcction ¬ tion against allthose altho all thoe who have Such a adivision adivilon adIvi1on division of all fl the poor against agan lt all al the therich therrch therieh divilon rich such a contest contet between betwe n citizens citizensupon citizensupon upon the sole ground gound of the difference diference of ofsocial o osocial social position would bring about abut inevit inevitably Inevltaby inovitably ¬ socal ably a positon condition condItn of intense Intese and bitter bitterclass biter bitercloss bitterclass class aby hatred where prejudice pejudic would w uld tako takothe takote tak takthe closs the place of reason and ad which w1lch in the theend th thend end te would result resul injuriously Inuiously if I not dis disastrously dlsRstrously dicastrously ¬ astrously to both classes classesAn class classAn classesAn An Unfortunate Situation SituationTo SItuaton SItuatonro To my zny1mind mind it I is no less unfortunate unfortunatewhen unfortunatcwhen when the division is along religious rather ratherthan rther rthertan ratherthan than along political pltcl or economical eonomcl lines linesMen lnes lnesMen linesMen Men tan do not r t reason rason with wit one another un under under onder ¬ der such circumstances crumstance They hurl epi epithets epithet epitheta ¬ theta and abuse and denunciation denunclatpn If I we weexercise we weexnrcls weexercise exercise thet exnrcls our good sense we must know knowthat knowtat knowthat that such a condition conditon can result rsult in no nogood n ngood nogood good tat it is bad for those tose who are imme immediately Immediately immcdiately ¬ diately I engaged In it it It and it I is bad for forthe forthe the people among whom such a contro controersy conto contocr controeray ersy poplo exists exist If I good fellowship felowship exists existsin in cr such a community if prosperity prosperty at attends attends attends ¬ tends the efforts of such a peoplfe if i a acity acty acity city where te efort it I occurs grows gows and thrives thrivesand thrivessnd thrivesand and cty becomes more beautiful bautful I am sure surethat surethat surethat that bcomes It Is I not because of that thot unhapp unhappystate unhappstate unhappstate state of affairs affairsThat afairs afairsTbat affairsThat That such s ch a condition dpes dpe exist eist In InSaltS btSaltLa1etoday SaltS SaltLa1etoday Lake today that Ult It ithas has ha existed exsted for forthe fotthe the SaltILtAo the past pas four < years ars Is no fault faul of the theRepublican theRepublean theRepublican Republican party but It does d exist and andwe andwe andwe I es exst we Republean must mus meet pay I it and Jut deal With wih it Itabs Itabswe itabest itabestwe as best bestwe we may mayAnd my myAnd mayAnd And so we find ourselves our8hs once o ca more morein morein s W flr in the anomalous position positon of being called calledupon calledupon upon not to explain or defend the prin principles prn prnclples principles ¬ ciples of our party but to Justify justfy Its Itsright itsright right to exist exst at all al for if i the te American Americanparty Americanpatty party pary Is right rght Jnall In allts all its claims cl ms the thIUtepub thIUtepublcnn Repub Republlcan Republican llcan party pal y and andtM thfi Democratic Deocrtc Rarty Pry are arewrong arewrong arewrong wrong lcnn and lnd so wrong that tat they ought to todisband t tdisband tOdisband disband wrong their thir organizations organztons and go g out of ofbuslnessinthestate ofbhsinesifl buslnessinthestate bhsinesifl testte thestate of Utah Uth altogether altogetherBut alogther alogtherBut bls11eSsln But the American party is not right rght and andthe andndct1yitYpf the existence Aercan c co and ndct1yitYpf activity of the t national nationalt a > > h dCYytYot > t 1 parties paries In Utah Uth are a Just as necessary necsa and andjust andjust andjust just as beneficial bnefcial as a they are ar In Other Otherstates otherstat otherstates states of the Union UnionThe UnionTe UnionThe stat The difficulty te with the American Amerc party partyIs par dfculy wit te Is I that it has become beome so narrow naow by Its Itsprejudices 11 itsprejudices prejudices prejudice that It I Is able to see se but a asingle asingle I Isingle single phase phae of one question queston and that tha one oneonly onenlY oneonly only In a a very partial partal and ad andbiased biased biasd fashion fashionAn fahion fahionAn An Unhappy Citizen CitizenThere CitizenITere CitizenThere ITere There are ore two ways of looking at atthings atthinKS atthings things in this world One I may describe describeas describ as a the fencehole fenchole way and ad the other oter as asthe a asthe te the hilltop hltop way wy If I an a Individual Id1dua will willfasten wi willfasten fasten his eyes to t the hole in a a board boardfenco bar boardfence fence fenc and limit lmit his te observance obsrac by that thatmethod tat tatI thatmethod I method metod he will wi of necessity obtain obtn a avery aver avery very restricted and a very misleading misledig no notion noton notion ¬ rstctd ver ver tion of things thing In general general If I he remains remainsthere remainstere remainsthere ton there tere long enough so that tat he finally final con concludes cn cncludes coneludes ¬ cludes that tat nothing noting which whic Is not revealed revealedby reveaed reveaedby by that tat limited lmited aperture aperur Is of any partic particular partc partcular particular ¬ ular consequence he finally fnaly becomes bcomes a avery 8 avery very ver narrow narw and in all al probability prbabity a very veryunhappy ver veryunhappy unhappy citizen citizenSuch citizenSuch 1 Such a citzen citzenSuch man needs to be taken to t the thehilltop te tehi thehilltop I hilltop top and bidden to look lok over the varied variedlandscape vaed vaedlandcpe variedlandscape landscape hi with its pleasant fields its itslimpid It itslimpid It landcpe wih limpid streams steams its It radlent valleys valeys Its Itsverdant It itsverdant verdant lmpid meadows its It villages vUags and towns townsIts tows towsIt townsits Its It wide expanse epanse of hill hi and ad valley valey and andInto andInto andinto Into the illimitable IUlmltble sky which whic stretches stretchesabove stetces stetcesabove stretchesabove above te up to the very ver seat leat of God G him himself hm hmselt himself ¬ self who in giving him all al these tes beauti beautiful beout beautiful ¬ ful selt and beneficial Dnefclal things thing to see se and at atthe atthe atthe the same time tme blessing blesing him with the theability te teabity theability ability to see them all al never Intended Intendedthat Intnded Intndedthat intendedthat that abity ho should confine confie his horizon by the thelimitations thelmlttoI thelimitations limitations fence lmlttoI of a knot hole In a a board boardfence boardfence The en through the hole por In the te fence It I baa baateen ha haen hasseen teen en only onl the pile pie of rubbish rbbish and cobble cobblestone cobble cobblestone cobblestone ¬ stone which has ha been raked from the gar garden garden garden ¬ den from time to time during durng the last lasttwenty lasttwenty lasttwenty tme tme twenty years It I has not even seen sen the thogarden thegaren thegarden garden Itself mufcn tmh less the broad fields fieldsand fieldsand fieldsand and garen the Itel open country which lay beyond beyondHaving byond byondHavng beyondHaving Having Havng this opn narrow narow count and sectional sectonal view it ithas I ithas has of necessity necsslt become a narrow naro narosctonal narrowsectional and andsectional sectional sctonal party pary Beasons nave come ana anagone au augone anngone gone bringing with their teir eternal eteral succes succession suce sucesion successlon ¬ sion vast brDgng changes not only in the physic physical physic ¬ al world word but In the political pltcal and indus industrial idus thdustrial ¬ trial and nd social soial and religious relglouR world as aswell a awel aswell well tral but these changes the American Americanparty Americn Americnparty Americanparty party wel has hI seen not rind heeded heded not notAU not notAll sen AU about it are the wonderful activ activities actv actvItes activities ¬ ities l of a great i state the movements movement of ofninety ofninety ofninety Ites ninety millions a geat of people in I fortysix tre tremendous t tremendous ¬ mendous miions commonwealths commomvealhs but In these theseas thes thesas as well as In the vast Qst problems of gov government goverment government ¬ ernment wel which concern all al the people and andthe andthe andthe erment concer the whole country count and ad with 1t which the thedestinies thedestnies thedestinies destinies of our own ow state stte and our own ownpeople ownpeople people destnies are Indissolubly Interwoven Interoven this thisparty thisparty thisparty party has played no part and occupied occupiedno no party place With Its It eyes glued lued to the hole holein in the fence it has beheld 1held only the move movements movement movements ¬ ments ment of a a few men who happen hoPP9n to be b at atthe atthe atthe the head hea of a religious relgous organization organizationwhose orgnlzaton orgnlzatonwhose whose entire membership comprises compriss per perhaps pr prhaps perhaps ¬ haps onetenth entr part par of o the population populaton of ofthe ofthe ofthe the country countryGood count countryGood Good Men and Women WomenNow Womenow WomenNow Now ow with wih the rank and file t10 of the theAmerican te teAeric theAmerican American Aeric < n party porty I haye no quarrel quarrelThey Quarrel QuarrelThey quarrelThey They are In the main good men and andgood andgood andgood good women Just as the members of ofthe ofthe ofthe good the other parties are In the main good goodmen goodmen goodmen men and good partes women honestly honesty and sin sincerely sincerely sincerely cerely desiring to see the truth and do dothe dothe dothe the right But the te point pInt I make mae is that thatthey thatthey thatthey they can never see seel it and they th can cannever on onnever cannever never cn do It in the thefencehole fencehole way way They Theymust Theymust Theymust must first of all climb clmb to the hilltop hilltopand hitop hitopand hilltopand and In the larger view realize realze how howsmall howsmal howsmall small a thing how insignificant Inslgifcant a athing a athing thing thl smal comparatively comparatvely speaking has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been monopolizing monopolzing the field of their theirvision theirvision theirvision vision all these years yearsI I sometimes al wonder whether the theleaders theleaders theleaders leaders sometmes of ot the American party have haveever haveever haveever ever paused pauoed te long enough to ask ak them themselves themselves themselves ¬ selves what good has been accom accomplished accomplshed accomplished ¬ plished by the flood of bitterness biterness which whichthey whichthey whichthey food they plshed have poured into our local poll polltics pol polltics tics tcs during the last four years They Theytell Theytel Theytell tell us that their whole effort efort has ha been beento tel to upbuild upbuld the city ciy and yet they tey have havespread haespread havespread spread broadcast all al over this country countrytheir countrytheir countrytheir their advertisements adverUsem nts of the te entire entre un unfitness unfiness Unfitness fitness finess of the city and of o the state stte as asan asan asan an abiding place for any selfrespect selfrespectIng selrepect selrepectIng Ing man man Just how they may reason reasonably reson resonably reasonably ¬ ably expect eJpect to to increase Incr ase the population populationand populaton populatonand and the wealth wealh by the wholesale publi publication publ publication ¬ cation of statements statement which If i true trueconstitute te teconsttute trueconstitute constitute consttute every reason why nobody nobodyshould nobodyshould nobodyshould should come here at all al and why no nobody no nobody nobody ¬ body should Invest a dollar do1ar at all all is isbeyond Isberond isbeyond beyond my comprehension comprehensionAnd And so they may boast of the thegrowth thegrowth thegrowth growth of the city ciy and claim the credit creditfor crei creditfor for it until untl their tongues are are weary wear but butanyone butonone butanyone anyone with sufficient suffcient Intelligence Intelgence to toeat toeat toeat eat when he Is hungry or drink when he heIs heIs heI Is I thirsty knows that the campaign cmpaig of ofvilification ofvifcaton ofvilification vilification vifcaton which this party has car carried carrled carned ¬ ned on for the last lat four years yeas must must in inthe inthe Intne the very nature of things have have pre prevented preen provented ¬ vented en ed the coming coing of thousands of peo people peoIe peopie ¬ pie Ie and the investment of millions miions of ofdollars ordolars ofdollars dollars dolars In both bot the city ciy and the state stateInsult stateInsult stateInsult Insult to Salt Lake LakeIt LakeI It I Is not so very ver long ago that cer certain certain certam ¬ tain tam members of this party caused to tobe tobe tobe be published publshed far and wide that when whenthey whenthey whenthey they were visiting visitng In any astern city citythey ciy ciythey citythey they were ashamed to register at any anyhotel anyhotel anyhotel hotel as coming from Salt Slt Lake Lke I Ipresume Ipresume Ipresume presume that they tey thought that that thatkind that thatkind thatkind kind of statement was calculated to to en encourage encourage encourage ¬ courage immigration Thank God Go there thereare thereare thereare are not Imrlgraton many people in the te state stte of ofUtah ofUth ofUtah Utah Uth who are in that humiliating humlatng frame frameof trae traeo of o mind I am am proud of the city ciy of ofSalt otSoI ofSalt Salt SoI Lake and I am always glad to toclaim toclaim toclaim claim it I as my home I am proud of ofthe ofthe ofthe the state of my Utah Uth and I am always alwaysglad alwaysglad alwaysglad glad to claim clam It i as the state stte which I Iin IIn Iin in part represent in the senate of the theUnited theUnied theUnited United Unied States StatesI I am proud of the people erf a Utah Utahand Uth Uthand Utahand and I am always glad to claim them themas as my constituents constituentwih constituentswith with one excep exception exceptonI exceptionI ¬ tion tonI tionI I am ashamed of any an man who whois is ashamed of Salt Slt Lake Lke I am amashamed amashamed amashamed ashamed of any man who is ashamed ashamedof ashaed ashaedof of any city ciy or any state which he calls callshis cals calshis callshis his home and which he is still sUl willing willingto wUlng wUlngto to remain In If 1 he feels that th2t way wayabout wayabout wayabout about it I in common decency decenc he ought oughtto ughtto to move elsewhere so that his opinion opinionmay opInionmay opinionmay may be expressed as the opinion of ofstranger a astranger astranger stranger and not as the apparently opparenty re reluctant reluctant reluctant ¬ luctant confession of a 8 member of the thecommunity therommunltv thecornmnn community communityThere rommunltv cornmnn Itv ItvThere Ui There ere are ie certain certin well wel authenticated authenticatedcases authentcated authentcatedce cases ce in history where entire entre commu communities com communities u uIIte ¬ nities IIte perfectly perfectl sane about the ordi ordinary ordinar ordinary ¬ nary nar affairs falrs of life have become wild wildmoromanlacs wJd wJdmoromanlacs wfldrnoromaniacs moromanlacs over some one particular particularsubject parUc particularsubject l r rsubJect subject subJect One of o the most notorious notoriousexamples notorous notorousexmples notoriousexamples examples that we have any record of ofwas otwas ofwas was the craze of witchcraft witchcrft which whichswept whichswept whichswept swept over New England like lke a a pesti pestilence Jest postilenco ¬ lence some two or three hundred years yearsago yers yersago yearsago ago During that period of nightmare nightmareand and horror whenever anybody in the theneighborhood thenelghborhood theneighborhood neighborhood nelghborhood was wa stricken with wih what whatIn In this modern and prosaic prosic age we wewould wewould wewould would recognize recogize as a I plain ordinary ordinaryeveryday odInary odInaryevelday ordinaryeveryday everyday evelday case of fits tis the entire entre popu population populaton populatlon ¬ lation laton proceeded to become delirious deliriouswith delrious delriouswith deliriouswith with the belief belet that that the stricken indi individual Individual mdividual ¬ vidual had ha been bewitched bewiched and to go goup goup goup up and down the te neighborhood In Insearch In Insearch insearch search of the Individual who was wa re responsible reosponslble responsib1 ¬ sponsible for the affliction They atfcton usu usually usualy usually ¬ ally aly found fQnd her because It I was usually usuallya usualy usualya a woman in the person of the poorest poorestmost poorestmost most harmless harless forlornest forlorn est old woman womanin omanIn in the village vUage If I in addition additon to being beingpoor beingpOOl beingpoor poor pOOl and harmless and forlorn she was wasalso wasalso wasalso also ugly the proof of her guilt guit was wasmade was wasmade wasmade made perfecty perfectly manifest maniest Having Hvlng lo located 10catld Jocated ¬ cated catld her and established estblshed her guilt git by her h r looks they tey proceeded to dispose disposeof of her In a summary way woy by drowning drowningor or burning b burningA rlng A Set of Fanatics FanaticsThey FanaticsThey FanaticCThey They were a conscientious conscientous set of offanatics oftanatcs offanatics fanatics tanatcs however not no entirely entrly devoid devoidof of logical processes and moreover sax anxious ax axIous saxions ¬ ious that nothing nohing might be omitted omittedwhich omited omitedwhich omittedwhich which might migh be calculated to elucidate elucidatethe the truth and so they applied appled a per perfectly perfecty perfectly ¬ fectly fecty fair and reasonable test to de determine determine determine ¬ termine finally tlnaly and with wih certainty certlnt the thequestion theQuestonf thequestion question Questonf ot her h r guilt glt or innocence They The Thethrqw thrQw her Into the nearest river rver with witha wih wiha wita a heavy heavy weight weigh attached o tachd to t her body If under those rather adverse circum circumstances eircujstances ¬ stances she did not drown that provdd provddshe prOvtlshe she was a witch and they lotmadlRtiy lotmadlRtiytook 1mme4Iytook took her out and burned her If 1 1did sfte sftedid did drown that conclusively established establishedher her innocence and everybody regretted regrettedthe regretfedthe the mistake You see it was a perfect perfectly ¬ ly simple plan a comfortable and ef effective effective ¬ fective arrangement arrangementVoice Voice from the house Did she sheburnr sheburn burnr burnrMr burn burnMr Mr Sutherland Oh yea they thygot thygotrid got gotrid rid of her in a way that was eminently eminentlysatisfactory 4 satisfactory to everybody Iji the ti enter enterprise enterprise ¬ prise with the possible exception of ofthe ofthe the accused person to whom Ufadis Ufadistinction tl tltinction ¬ tinction must have seemed wOtyatinconsequential somewhat somewhatInconsequential Inconsequential InconsequentialThat That oarticular style of lunaay lunaein ha haIn In a sense passed Into the lingo tflgof tflgofContinued of ofContinued Continued on Page 3 1 ±