8 THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH THURSDAY DEC 9 1909 I NEGRO BARTENDER OBJECT SEARCH Police TakeUpHunt After Dropping Case at Re quest of Woman KIDNAPING NOW CHARGED GUS < VEROS RELATES STORY OF BRUTAL DEPRAVITY Fearing that she has been abducted by a negro bartender who Tuesday inght threatened to kill her the police ytsterday begun a search for Mrs Leo na Murphy chambermaid at the Wash ington hoti 1 Mrs Hun ny Is a whit woman It Is claimed that K A Davi wine clerk at the BUuk Mans club 1 South Fifth Uett stmt has been suing her unso licited att ution during tlw last week fording to Gus Veros tin Greek own fr of tin building in wititll the negro dub is oeatld Davis dragged her into onp of tie rooms of the dub > late Tues day night awl fired twi shots at her vi on sh > itfuil to marry him Due I bulk I t 1 missed its mark whit < the other gi ttd tin left thigh of Mrs Mur lihy Shf iii > hil out of tie club and vflt bai k to tlit hotel 1 Vcios says that t1 Iu is afraid iht negro will kill her 4 Yllieii TtR t p Howell colored Inves tir red tit hooting he could learn jew ej i < tuls Hi j hmught Mrs Murphy to p < lu hi i 1 in liters where she stated that thfii h < M d been no shooting plead In j with tin ddtTLive not to stir up IlIv mon titiubic as the negro was of t > i murderous variety who would kill 1 10 F if h < vi i learned that she had been lit tie point tation Mrs Murphy was released and since tlm Jht lit > not been seen Patrolmen M I t he In l it in I the neighborhood of the > in re unit ted to arrest Davis it he ml not be found yesterday Veros Relate Story U polii headquarters yesterday Gus V iih toul the following story concern In he shooting 1 amowner of the property in which tL ogr i lub is situated I had been ttIing y iti Nuk Nicolowltm In the v Inngi n hotel when someone told in I < i was ipted at the lub i irante d u V wi it to see the bartender TIl1Y itonishnient he had the ap I tranCE of < a crazy man Take tu apron and wait on the cus twr lie said I have business to i > t < nil i tc Ill be back in a minute t u If not long before I noticed Mrs I iuyhy i i hambermaid at the Washing t i hotel in one of the side rooms of tl lub The bartender stood over her hil she knelt pleading She was very p l 1 1 w at an awful sight and I tried to 11 tMiere But just then the bartender fl he1 1 Ix ilnd the bar and tried to open t 1wker 1 When the door would not In he smashed his fiat against a y > I and drew a revolver from a shelf i I mg Jack i to where the woman sat II a < hair with face buried in her hands Grasping her by the arm he drew t r to ht r feet and cried Now kid ui i i better answer me and be quick b it it Im as good as any white 1l1al1 i Ii clkd the door Then two shots 11111 out and the woman ran to the Fit n t criming He followed her and f then T have wen neither Mrs Mur Ij u nor the negro u hen iron had learned that Mrs Murphy ad been at police headquar tr i and that she had informed the po i there had been no shooting and that had I disappeared he became sus r Mil I Sister Is 1 Informed Ilrir I sterday morning Veros called 11 A c Graham of Provo a sister I Ail s Jlurphy by telephone Inform ii I r of the disappearance Mrs Mur l V as separated from her husband tl i yea ts ago and since then Mrs t > i m j as had charge of her 4year < i ii > hUe l Mrs Murphy has tried to t H I a living in Salt Lake Mrs Gra 1t u i Iie > at 83 South Graham avenue iKn g Mrs Murphys little son in 1 arm Mrs Graham caught a train Salt Lak and went to the Wash It on hot1 hero she bad a conference h Gus Viio Then accompanied by y sh went to police Leadquarters r 1 manilt d i that a search be made for T r sister ani that the negro bartender 1 Ltd i unilt arrest 1aUSt tlt police had temporarily > 1 11 thro i < > ff the track by a denial of i > hiuitin in it by Mrs Murphy and htijt tiflZ sunns regarding the affair i 11 I at tIlt negro club It had been ii Ied Ii a hnix Mrs Graham says 1 > ter ha1 Ttqiiently spocn to her our a rnble negro who had made l nu es n hr threatening to kill her i d i < < she irritd him This threw new 1 t on tL > dse and S M Barlow i t f of i < ordered that a vigorous f ii be nHI le for the negro bartender r un alinot certain that my sister 1 been kidnaped by the negro said 1 1 i GralJ > in j et rday She was to U iid 1 of him tnt I think slio would do thing h a keii I am quite certain tjt he hs threatened lni before be i he hi ifttn exprt sptl a wish f t SIIC could get away from Salt Lake T > rvit he i o ilti not find her Furnished Home for Rent rooni brik bungalow with batll en northeTt heneh Two far TiMiaoe iiit water cement basenet iic I laindr with stationary tubs gas I tuc light All modern Cheap rent t i right p 11 ties Address H 6 Herald TPliblicll Royal Stale Bread Depot C rn r to I p m dally Entrance on o r < nith n vxi bppnd verY ch < < > m Satisfactory Interest The person who has idle funds wishes to deposit the money where it will earn a satisfac tory rate of interest Our Se t cured Certiicates yield 6 per cent per annum payable semi 1 anrmilly The safety of these I I Certificates is doubly assured by reason of the Capital and surplus of the Salt lake Se cyrity Trust Company amounting to 40000000 and by First Mortgages on Salt l I Lake real estate Salt Lake t Security TrustS S Cempny 32 Up Main Strt a 5 Capital 30000000 I 510000000 Surplus u ji Lijj V SENSATIONAL SALE OF SUITS COATS FURS AT COHNSo Half price on all suits and sixty ooats together with onethird off on all furs means a tremendous business to ddY Friday and Saturday at Cohns The suits are all this seasons models and as there are over MO to choose from in all materials and colors every one can be suited Among the lot of sixty coats are some beautiful coverts in the correct shade Coats are silk and satin lined Every fur is true to name and many people will buy them at the onethird underprice for Xmas gifts The Ashley Bailey silks at halt price fend less is another drawing feature f And the many things for Christmas giving with which the store abounds makes Cohns an attractive trading place this week Unusual announcements are con tained in Cohns advertisement on page two S 0s SERENADE EXCURSION To Provo Dec 10 via D R G Excursion to Provo under the au spices of The Serenade opera compa ny Special train leaves Salt Lake at 5 o K p m and returning leaves Provo at 1145 p m Big time assured Every body invited Fare 11 23 St Marks Cathedral Xmas Bazar Will open Thursday evening Turkey dinner served from 530 to 8 accompa nied by music from Hawaiian Trouba d ours Bazar continued during Friday with merchants luncheon Friday noon I Fancy work table with dolls domestic table country store fortune telling de licious confectionery and calendars tO Royal Stale Bread Depot Opn 3 to a p m daily Entrance en Third South Good bread very cheap I 2250 Coats at 1500 Of good quality broadcloth M I inches ong satin ined throughout black and all colors At the Sample Cloak A Suit Store 38 South Main St Opp the Z C M I SERENADE EXCURSION To Provo Dec 10 via D R G Kxrurslon to Provo under the au spices of The Serenade opera compa nv Ppeolal train leaves Salt Lake at 05 p m and returning leaves Provo at 1145 p m Big time assured Every hocj invited Fare J1 l2 Clothing sale at Deaky j Removal Sale Big reductions in wall paper and framed pictures before moving to our elegant new store GEO W EBERT A CO 67 Main St p p Do you kodak We finish and also sell the supplies Salt Lake Photo Supply Co 177 Main street 2175 for 3500 and 3000 TaJlored sample suits no two alike at the Sample Cloak A Suit Store 38 South Main St Opp the Z C M L Theres a most complete assortment of mirrors to be found at any of our four stores A mirror is you know a most acceptable gift for either a man or woman The man always needs one when he shaves and our shaving mirrors are the kind that delight him most Some of them are the mag nifying kind f SchrammJohnson Drugs Fora STORES WHERE THE CAlLS STOP Picture Framing We are showing the largest line of picture frames and mouldings in the for less money MidgleyBodel Co 33 E First South SAVAGE IN HOSPITAL Attending Physician Says Ailment Is Not Due to Poisoning Dr M n Stewart attending James 3 Savage who is In a serIous condition at St Marks hospital denied yesterday that his patient is Buffering from a dose of poisonous headache tablets Dr Stew art said that Savage was suffering from right s ii eaee and that owing to his rapldlv failing condition he found it i nerpssm to move him from the Halls hotel to St Murk ho iiltil Clttbil g ur > at Deskys < There will be a special meeting of Lynds chaper No 1 Order of the East ern star held at the Masonic temple Friday evening December 10 at 730 oclock Initiation All members of the order cordially Invited 9 Clothing sale at Deskys Highest JlrlN paid for strictly fresh ro TfF POVAT f ARE I frflfcKAPK Ofr AGUARAtij I Yon Cant Pay More Than a Thing Is Worth In Our Store Cessletesey In one ef the meet valuable Jewel ia our eolleetien We cant bUT n poor article for we cant af ford te guarantee pear staff Our Chrlntinn thing are new fltaplnyctl ia our eaos and tho earl buyer ban many nd vantages J IYUPJ 1 n Holiday Specials Mens Suits For the next three days were of j fering some holiday specials l of unusual interest Heres a splendid opportunity to buy a 1 good Winter Suit at ivbif saving Our line of Suits includes the S I smartest New Torkyles and S tu nswest patterns For three days we sell 18 to 25 Suits r 1oo BJM1J1CQtfi Lw tJ Jttcd J4line < r = I 1 A Rouser in Winter Overcoats sli I Here a hundred fine coats fancy mixture blacks Oxfords etc in heavy and light weights in styles that reflect the seasons smartest fashions Were overstocked so we make a threeday sale like this 1750 to 25 Coats I 1250 6 1nUl jfrd = = This is The Gentlemens Xmas Store Beautiful displays of Xmas goods are ready II I I I u ltro l jL l J n OWEN Manager 245 Main Street I ORPHEUM TICKETS GIVEN AWAY BY THE HERALDREPUBLICAN I Somewhere in the classified columns of every issue of The HeraldRe publican will be found an order for two seats at the Orpbeura theatre good for either matinee or evening performance on date of issue The person whose name appears in this order will please present a copy of the ad to The Her akiReoubllcan office before 6 oclock today together with a positive Identi fication your last subscription rtceipt will do Read the classified advr > th1Ementl in this l IIt11f pphnix your name III there c cI I I Kodak Finishing Salt Lake Photo Supply Co 177 Main St TribuneReporter Printing Co a 6 West Second South Phones 713 c Plumes cleaned and curled Colejo Millinery Parlors lot Tribune bg The worth while thins th t I are for sale are advertised i c p No matter what you want it for there is an Acme Quality Paint for your purpo4k best for the purpose too C0LMKK pAIJfII A 0LA8 CO aT KMK Frat Smrth ASSAULT WARRANT ISSUED Victim of Garfield Shooting May Lose Arm as Result of Injury John Kivwotich now in the count vi Is charged with assault with a dtal weapon in a complaint issued from ih county attorneys office vesterda Kowotvlch is charged with having sin Tom Mascolme at Garfield Mony l nigh while Mascnlmc lay 111 In bed Th wound ed man is now at a local ti 1 > si itai aI i will likely lose an arm as a result M the shooting These are the days that try mens cf als If y ue todd of yours try ours Its Better CM and conies In Blue Wagons T 1 = u suu Western Fuel Co Critchlow Fischer Kittle Cable Address Wesfuco Phones 719 73 Main Street 0 V I 1 L TWO TRUE FRIENDS FIRM UNTIL DEATH Youth Far From Native Land Is Crushed Beneath Great Mill and Dies FAMILY IS IN ENGLAND THOS WILLIAMS PASSES AWAY WITH MESSAGES OF LOVE Murmuring a last message to his family in England Thomas Williams who was injured at about 1145 this morning at the plant of the Portland Cement company Eighth West and Rio r ° 1 I I I I THOMAS WILLIAMS English youth who met death by ac cident yesterday Grande tracks died at 406 yesterday afternoon at St Marks hospital William > accompanied b > Ms two sole friends in this country Richard Dinneford and J 1 E Beaidsley and two other emploj of the Poruana ce ment company was assisting in the removal of a large eightton rolling mill from one of the company sheds to the ward A large fortyton jack was under the mill at one end and some skids were being placed Williams crawled under the machine to place one of the skids when the jack slipped almost the eutire weight of the mill falling on him and catcblng him across tie hips Only a few minutes before four other men including the two friends of Williams had been under tla machine and no danger was ex pp ted Mr BeardMey says the wet arJ slippery condition of the ground c used the jack to skid slightly and thl weight of the mill forced it out altogether Williams wan born in England twen t > four years ago and three years ago emigrated to Canada with Richard Dinneford where they remained until 1907 The two friends then came to the United States and have been in Ttdh for about six months working at different places in Salt Lake Beards ley and Dinneford said last night that Williams was unmarried but that his father and mother and several younger brothers and sister were still living In England and that he had been sending money home to assist in the support of the family Two Operations Performed The oung man was conscious the last and underwent two operations one for internal injuries in the Intestinal region and another small one In the left foot Only a few sutures were necessary in the case of his foot and Dr John F Critchlow performed both j operations According to the hospital authorities Williams died from shock resulting from his injuries J J E Beardsley was with him until he died and said last night Tom c and I had been friends since boyhood in the old country and Dinneford and myself were the only friends he had in the United States He was game to the last although in terrible pain and when he came out of the operating room about 3 clock he told me that he knew he was going to die and for half an hour or more talkea of his folks at home asking me to write them and giving me several messages of a personal nature to deliver to them Dinneford and I intend to see the of ficials of the Portland company tomor row to make arrangements for the In surance as we have been paying 1 a we > k at the plant to an insurance com pan which takes the liability off the company We are almost heartbroken and I dont know how I am going to inform his family of his death r Williams and Ills two friends lived at i r 243 East First South street SO THE PEOPLE MAY KNOW Reproduced herewith is a facsimile of the LitriItmn Jnatl Q HeraldRepublicans postage expense on its outside 9 circulation for November submitted by the Salt Lake E postmaster The HeraldRepublican will donate 1OQO 4 7 k to charity if thq postage expense of this paper for r 3 November ia not groater than the Tribune and Tale oc gram postage expense for November combined The l llt HeraldRepublican hereby ehSHeriges tile management S lT lT of the Kearns papers to reproduce a facsimile of the statement or statements rendered by the Salt Lake I 19 postmaster of the postage expense for November of the Tribune and Telegram combined Print these fac similes Let the public know The bona fide net paid circulation of the Sunday HeraldRepublican is twice that of the Sunday Trib une and of course is greater than the combined net j paid circulations of the Saturday Telegram and the Z Sunday Tribune x The Herald llepub1ican will donate 1000 to any I local charity tho TohigramTribune management may select if this is not the case and the management of the two papers is hereby earnestly requested to chal lenge this statement The HeraldRepublican sug gests that a committee of local advertisers and expert accountants be selected to make a canvass of the cir culation records of the Tribune and HeraldRepub 1 lican each paper selecting one member of the com mittee these two to select a third the accountants be ing chosen by the committee each paper agreeing to publish the result of the canvass the expenses of the canvass to be borne equally by the two papers 7 i C W Post of Battle Creek Mich the head of f19 the Postum Cereal company and one of the most sue ressful advertisers of the day says of circulation knowledge I Publishers are slowly coming to realize that the moment they refuse to place before the man who pro poses to buy space for making announcements an ab solute unqualified and honest statement of the service rendered it forces the advertiser to the only conclu sion that he can reachthat is that the man seeking to sell the space is conscious of the fact that the space V he has to sell is not worth the price he asks for it Therefore he seeks to cover up and to prevent any ex amination of that which he proposes to give in ex change for the buyers money f I pfer to leave shell games to the kind of men f f that run shell games I believe I like friends and in response can be a good friend but I permit no man to l put a blanket head in order over my to prevent me me from seeing the details of what should be an honest and fair transaction I The Best Christmas I Have Spent I Gor Spry William I t f OVBRNOR Just which was the VJ best Christmas day you have spent This was the question put to William Spry governor of the state of Utah three times yesterday each time only to be answered with an increasing smile of joyous demlniscence and the final answer My boy every one that I can recall has been the best except that each one has been just a little bit better than the one before and I expect that the coming Christmas Is going to be the beat yet If you tell me just what period you want to refer to maybe I can answer you betted When I was a little chap the Christmas that Santa Claus brought me a red bobsled seemed to have i capped the climax of Christmas joy Then there were the years of youth when I thought I was reaching I manhood Every year at Christmastide was the best and better than the days I of the red cap and the red bobsled i I Then the best came when I was mar ried and since then with my children I each Christmas has been better than all the former ones put together Sim ply judging from the past thats why I say the best yet is coming this next Christmas After all Christmas with its holly and cheer its pleasure of gifts and re membrances with the peacefulness of which the day is symbolic ia bound to be a sort of a successive best day One might my nat handCbrtst I I mas was his best tat that W all from his viewpoint The boyhood Christmas with its Santa CUus and 41I foft h ppy illusions lovingly prepared to be car ried out by the fond father and mother is replaced by the Christmas of the young man or woman They know that Santa Claus and his reindeer coming downfrom the Arctic and riding over roof tops is al a myth but in his place they rear another Santa Claus Then comes the day when the boy grown older plays the same game that was played on him years before and It Is still the best Christmas for him HORT WEIGHT BUTTER I i tate Food Commissioner Discovers Evidence of More Petty Larceny War against the violators of the pare ood statutes is being waged with In creasing vigor by State Food Commis sioner Willard Hansen and his deputies While keeping up the surveillance of the rrilk supply attention has also been di rected towards other dairy products espe cially with OL an eye uu to u short weight Yes teruay in mr ruuuuui ui some 01 ine residential district stores shortweight I butter was found The outside wrapper promised in its Imprint lifteenBlxtecn ounces but the actual butter within the several wrappings was only fourteen and onehalf ounces an ounce and a half tesa than the legal pound Then better with out any label whatever was discovered in i one place Pure cider pure only in the wording of the label and found un der test to be an adulterated compound came into the confiscated ckuw Complaints are being prepared against the violators of the pure food law ani a s fast as the evidence Is obtained pros ecutions will follow in each case BURGlARS SCARED AWAY Attempt to Rob Canyon Road Gro cery II Frustrated by Discovery What was evidently an attempt at bur glary was frustrated about 3 oclock Wed nesday morning by J J Thomas Mr Thomas who fives at No 10 Emery apartments First avenue and State street was awakened at 3 oclock yester day morning by a loud crash in the rear of the apartments His window over looks Canyon road and when he opened the window and looked out he saw two men in front of the Canyon Road gro cery 15 Canyon road acting suspiciously The noise made by Mr Thomas when opening the window seemed to attract the attention of the two men who stood etill for a few minutes when another man appeared walking up the opposite tide of the street As he passed the other two he whistled and the three immedi ately disappeared In the darkness Mr Thomas watched for about fifteen min utes and not seeing anything further to arouse his suspicions retired INJUNCTION IS ARGUED I AND PLUMBERS LISTEN The injunction suit of the Will Rees Plumbing company and others against lo cal union No 19 Journeymen Plumbers was heard by Judge M L Ritchie of the Third district court yesterday and taken under advisement A large crowd of union plumbers and master plumbers were in the court room during the argu ments which lasted most of the morn ing FLYNN LANDS GOOD BERTH Former Salt Lake Railroad Man Now Traffic Manager In the East P J Flynn who came to Salt Lake in 1883 to open an agency for the Santa Fe road and later went to Denver to take charge of the local freight bureau and from there to Chicago bas been ap pointed general traffic manager of the Delaware Lackawanna Western sys tern at a salary of AlOOOO a year Mr Flynn mad his start on the coal break ers of Pennsylvania as a coal sorter from whicn pogiton he went to work for a railroad company and learned tele graphy From that time Flynus advance has been rapid SHADOW OF THE CROSS Remarkable Painting to Be Shown for Charity in Salt lake In the Shadow of the Cross the mar velous painting of Christ the work of a young American artists Henry Ham mond Ahl that attracted so much mtten telon at the AlaskaYukonPacific expo I sition where it was on exhibition for the benefit of the Swedish hospital is I to be exhibited in Salt Lake for the benefit of a worthy charity commencing the week of January 9 In the Shadow of the Cross was painted in Springfield Mass in 186 when Mr Ahl was 26 years old The strange phenomenon which gave the painting its name was discovered by the artist entering his studio September 9 1896 Opening the door of his studio Mr Ahl was amazed at a wonderful light that emanated from the painting and a large shadow of a cross appeared in the background which the artist maintains to this day he had not intended for his canvas Through fear of spoiling this wonderful effect the artist refused to finish the painting and a short time later sold it unfinished to Dr W L Wright of Washington D C a millionaire art collector for MOO The first public exhibition of the curi osity was given in the Capital City where it created a sensation chiefly among the clergy and scientific men It remained in Washington D C five years and was viewed by thousands people STATE PAYS BACK LOAN OBTAINED LAST SUMMER At the meeting of the state board of loan commissioners yesterday two loans from the state board of land commission ers of 50000 each were taken up One loan of 50000 was made on July 14 and I the other for an equal amount was made on August 4 last The state ran short of funds during the summer and bor rowed from the land board MRS BATTEN WILLING Files Waiver Allowing Husband to Get Divorce and Keep Children An answer and crosscomplaint were filed yesterday by James M Batten in the divorce suit against him by Delia Batten In which the husband says his wife deserted him in January 1907 since Which time she has refused to return to him and has taken no interest in their four children They were married at Omaha September 1 1897 The waiver of Mrs Batten is filed indicating that she will not fight the nit she started but will allow her husband to get the divorce and have custody of the chil dren THE SUB ILL OPEN Initial Performances at Twentyfirst I Ward Amusement Hall on Fri day and Saturday Margaret Whitneys tuneful and snip py comic opera The Sub which made i I such a hit at the Bungalow last sum mer will be presented as the initial pro duction at the new amusement hall of the Twentyfirst ward Friday and Satur day nights I While the hall is not absolutely com i i pleted tile heating and other details are I installed so that a big crowd can be I comfortably accommodated to witness the efforts of the 32 young people who make up the cast The amusement hall is part of a number of improvements in stalled by Bishop Lewis A Merrill and his counsellors to afford quarters com mensurate with the rapid growth of his ward which ia now in point of numbers ptssibly the biggest in Salt Lake The meeting house has been enlarged and modern seating arrangements instituted at a cost of 12000 While tomorrow nights initial entertain Dent is I I not the formal opening of the new amusmient hall there are Indca tions that the S R O sign will be up early The opening of the hall will oo cur at an early date when all members of the ward will be the guests of the bishopric at an Informal so lable and dance In the meantime each Friday evening throughout the winter months will see various entertainments under way WELSH SOCIETY NAMES I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE William C Price of Tooele was elected an honorary member of the Sons and Daughters of Wales at a special meeting held last night at 68 West First South street An executive committee of the society was elected consisting of Evan I Arthur chairman and John James W H Folland John Evans Rees Davies Kate D Shlll Sarah Sallaway J j c ules I and John Jones I I The next meeting of the society will be held Tuesday evening of next week at Federation of Labor hall Postmaster Arthur L Thomas will deliver an address OB Lloyd George Chancellor of the Ex chequer and His Budget A > p ial mu sical and literary program has been ar ranged for the evening