OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, December 13, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1909-12-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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T ±
F Whats All What the Time in Sports BIG L ES GATHER FOR FRAY TheS of rtinfAuth Salt Lake rity
New York Dec 12Magnates of both the major baseball leagues
will meet here this week Their gathering will be preceded on Monday
by the meeting of the National Baseball commission The election of I
officers of the National league and a promised revival of the umpire
bribing scandal that followed the final New YorkChicago National
game a year ago are objects of the greatest interest in connection with
these events
The national commission will meet first
to > decide on the case of Pitcher Torey
flow > > on the Cincinnati reserve Hat but
luined ly l tin Springfield club of the
lne I loigiic I
< m Tuesday the National league will
iaH 1U4 iiinual meeting and on Wed
Jf < day tlif American league will have
JI i first v VMOII
Many lull owners managers players
riinl umiiiicA are here National league
magnates say their meeting will be har j
inoninus but their statements do not co
nn dp with opinions of others
All the club owners have reached this
city except Stanley Robison of St Louis
Horace Fogel of Philadelphia and John
Dovey of Boston The leaders of the
Heydler and Ward factions are both
anxious to see Robison aa it is thought
his vote will decide whether John lloyd
ler president of the National league
hall continue in office or be displaced
The election of John M Ward as presi
dent of the National league is considered
impossible by Barney Dreyfuss of Pitts
burg Dreyfuss says there will be no
war no matter on whom the two fac II
tion decide
Juraues Mex Dec 12The Montezuma
Mike of > 1 IIM at one mile the feature of
ili card tnita sulted in an easy victory
for the I 10 stiot Right Easy
Kght lay and Jeanette M the entry
ie held at prohibitive price over
Si lon r tiie only other starter Right
iisy bloke in front and was never after
ward hfuiii I d winning eased up by five
lengths with Spooner about the same dis
tance bffoie Jeanette M Rsults
First nee selling fly > furlongs Re
Mionaeful 101 Benescaton 11 to 5 won
Dlf 109 < Ri > 3 to U second Mike Mol
HI 103 Archibald ito 1 third Time
1 < ij i i5 i A Lehman Kyle Bruahilde
lay Gen ite Good Intent Ban Lady
Tommy MAte and Bob Lynch also > ran
St eond ran selling seven furlongs
FId Muttioiland 105 SmalU 5 to 2 won
I iilison 1 tHrong S to 1 second Buna
wc Archibald 17 > to 1 third Time 130
Ri < key Rcflaimer Airs Posing and Han
i MI k also riii
Third rut selling six furlongsBar
fly Oldfield no Archibald 12 to 1 won
E1 i E Fry 113 McCahy 5 to 2 sec
ond Force 1U6 Garnei 3 to 2 third
Tune 117 Hannah Louise Harvel Lit
tle I Osage Apologize and Ina Gray also
Fourth ru the Montezuma stakes one
Jine Right Ea = y 105 Garner 1 to 9
won Spooner fto Benescoten 7 to 1 sec
ond Jeanette M 95 Wilson 1 to 9
thiil Tim 144 3n Only three starters
liieht Easy and Jeanette M coupled
Fifth rae five and a half furlongs
Kinj Cobalt UP Oreerj > 3 to won
Mars Abe 98 Garner 5 to 2 second
Madman los McCahey > to 2 third
Time 10 35 Arch Oldham Colonel
Hob Pavtoriza and Virginia LJndse also
an Marse Ab and Madman ooupted
Sixth race selling mile and a sixteenth
Serville 104 Molesworth 6 to 5 won
The Wrestler 110 McCahey 11 to 10
s e < ond Pedro 102 J WIlson 5 to 2
t bird Time 151 Banbury and The
Ihoru also ran
ivm Won Lost Pet
IttuThlrteenth Ward 1 0 1000
i ft mtysev nth Wardl 0 1000
Thirtieth i Ward 0 0 000
1 I lgiJtff > nth Ward A 0 600
wentyfirst i WardU 1 000
ii > rnth Ward t 1 000
TwdithThirte > nth Ward 0 1000
Itsiitieth Ward fr 0 000
Eighteenth Ward 0 41 000
T > entyflr Ward 0 0 000
i fciuysfnth Ward 0 000
vt > enth Ward 0 1 flOO
Thursday the Twentieth and Eighteenth
r aid team clash also the Twentyfirst
liiti Eleventh ward teams
Im bio Colo Dec 12A deal was
TI tioully made today for the transfer
f t 111 Pueblo Western league franchise
PlIItOrs i refused to give the name of
MI probable purchaser but It ie known
1 u iit if this deal is made the dub will
I t St Joseph Mo
Tonight at 830 oclock local boxing fans
will be offered a good card at the Man
hattan club rooms the third entertain
ment offered this fall The two past of
ferings have pleased a large crowd and
the membership of the club has steadily I
increased I
It will be lightweight night tonight
with some of the best youngsters in this
part of the country to meet The boys
have been putting in some good licks at
training and are said to be ready for fast
work There will be five fourround goes
offered I
Talk of 1 Salt Lake amateur team to
visit the athletic clubs of the northwest
Is again heard and the Manhattan elub
is on the lookout for a fiveman team
that will be able to hold even with the
northwestern cracks Advices from Port
land Seattle and Spokane say that a visit
of Salt Lake boxers would be received
with enthusiasm
The five going tonight will be
Young Krebs of St Louis and Kid Da
vis of Salt Lake Young Myers of Mur
ray and Young Erne of Los Angeles
Peanuts Sinclair of Salt Lake and Jim
my Lawless of England Pie Davis col
ored of Salt Lake and Kid Brown of
Seattle and Kid Frazzels of Salt Lake
and Kid Williams of Butte
New York Dec 12Frank Erne the I
former worlds lightweight champion
pugilis who baa been organizing boxing I
clubs in Paris and Milton Henry the I
American jockey have arrived in New I
York from abroad
I Erne has been in Paris two years and
will return there perhaps to remain
permanently next month He says
Paris will be the biggest boxing city in
the world in three years Fencing clubs
have given up the foils for the gloves
and the Parisians are paying as much I
money for fights as the Americans
Kicking contests and swordsmanship
hare taken a back seat The boxing
bouts were attended by the cream of
French society Erne said that whilL
his visit was merely one of pleasure
he would take back any good boxers
that he might be able to pick up here
San Francisco Dec 12Johnny I
Hayes Marathon hero at the Olympic
games at London was an easy victor in I
a Marathon race held today defeating
Jimmy Fitzgerald the Canadian run
ner by three laps on the Ocean Shore
track and Con Connoly of this city by
over a mile When Hays time was first
computed at 22654 35 it was believed
that he had set a new worlds record for
the classic race It was determined
later however that the circular course
run was more than a mile short of the
full distance
Havana Dec 12The American base
ball team today defeated the Almendarta
team 4 to 1
Gift choosing
made easy
Buy a mans gift at a mans storeour salespeople are men
they can suggestthey know what a man would like and our
stock embraces gifts for all the menno difference what their
walk or station in lifewe have just the appropriate thing
Ask our salesmen for adviceyoull certainly please him if
you select his gift at Siegels
Our neck Those nifty
wear dept i1I sets
will of course be tP I hose handkerchief
the main attrac I and tie to match
tion a man al just the thing
ways likes a nice
and the
latest out
tie especially a I
Siegel tie ji Ask to be shown c
From 50c to 300the entire gamut of neckwear is hereand i
in the newest weaves of imported and domestic silksall the
latest innovations in colorings and patternsall the new shapes t
and finishes its a typical Siegel exhibitbetter
Orpheum Tickets Given Away by tho
Somewhere in the classified columns
of every issue of The HeraldRepublican
will be found an order for two seats at
the Orpheum theatre good for eJther
matinee of evening performance on date
of issue The person whose name
in this order will please
pears present a
copy of the ad to The HeraldRepub
lican office before 6 oclock today to
gether with a positive Identification
your last subscription receipt will do
Read the classified advertisements in
this issue Perhaps your name Is there
This i an interesting issue for
d I WUtC1l rs atal all gift buyers
Muiiilil it wlf J r f thi > ads
1cr > ton
RadW8yS I
IL Pills
Purely vegetable mild and reliable
Regulate the Liver and Digestive Organs
The safest and best medicine in the world
for the
of all disorders of the Stomach Liver
Bowels Kidneys Bladder Nervous Dis
eases Loss of Appetite Headache Con
stipation Costiveness Indigestion Bil
iousness Fever Inflammation of the
Bowels Piles and all derangements of the
internal viscera PFnpECT DIGESTION
will be accomplished by taking BAD
WAYS PILLS By so doing
Sick Headache Foul Stomach Biliousness
will be avoided as the food that is eaten
contributes its nourishing properties for
the support of the natural waste of the
The a box at Druggists or sent by mall I
Be sure to get RADWAYS
Newest styles for men and I
women Enjoy your clothes I
while paying for them I
100 I
a Week
Western Outfit Co
Opposite Knutsford K8 State Street
The Quality Store
Odd and End Sale I
is proving to be the greatest sacri
ficing cleanup ever attempted
We still have a great many bargains Come early and join the
crowds and be one of the wise who are still getting the cream of our
great stock of Suits Overcoats Hate Shoes and Furnishing
Remember all our goods must go and go quick M our new lo
cation is being completed very rapidly
Just think of itour great reduced prices and Christmas so
near at hand All our goods guaranteed and Union Made
Just a Few TA 28 aut
of Doors Main East F R ANKS Tint South
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will give
one hundred dollars 10000 for information resulting in
the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons
who held up and robbed car men on either of the occasions
mentioned below
1 November 10 1909 Wandamere car No 424 conduc
tor No 211 G E Richins motorman No 330 E Rich
ins 12 20 a m end of line below 13th South on 7th
East street
2 November 17 1909 Waterloo ear No 354 conductor
No 244 E W Parrish motorman No 482 C Finney
1125 p m end of line 12th South and 4th East streets
3 December 7 1909 Wandamere car No 432f conductor
No 128 E E Miller motorman No 417 AE Hen
dricksen 945 p m end of line below 13th South on
7th East street
Utah light Railway Co
Electricity for Everything
= I
p Thinking 17 Years
For 17 years many people have ben
thinking of turning their claims to us for
4 collection They have ben reading con
I tinuously of the Thousands of Dollars we
S have collected for their acquaintances and
friends but they have wondered and
r 7f thought and pondered with the question in
F their minds as to whether we could collect
I some money for them In the meantime
the people who have been owing them have
I forgotten all about the obligation and
MJr some have died leaving their bills unpaid
1 Many people continue to think instead
4 I r of getting busy and turning in their claims f
p It is time you turned in those claims You
iW cannot devoe a part of today to better ad
7 vantage Get them ready We will collect
over P6000000 during the year 191ft You
1 YaA can have some of this money if you turn in
When a claim is once recorded with this Assoiarion
u i stays en our Records
forever We purchased a new Index the other oa > wliijh cost 1106 oor and will
properly Index 500000 claims This is the third large Index we Lave purchase 1
for the purpose of keeping the Records pertaining to claims placed with us for
pour claims
Ssteatiflc Collectors of Honest Debts
ROoms TTnnVMMKMflMMlM Commercial Blcck
Salt Lake City Utah Francta a Lukt Onl Mm
Some People Doat Like Us
L f =
Bleriot Sais Collides With a1
House and Winds Up in
Constantinople Dec 111 Bleriot the
French aeroplanist whose flight across
the English channel was one of the most
remarkable achievements of the year and I
who has had more narrow escapes from
death than any one aviator met with
another serious accident here today
He was giving an exhibition in the
presence of an immense crowd when his
aeroplane collided with a house The
force of the impact turned the machine
completey over and Blerlot fell to the
ground He was injured on the left side
and It is feared internally hurt His
machine was wrecked
Blerlot who was using an aeroplane of
the crosschannel tpe did not wish to
disappoint the crowds that had gathered
I to watch his exhibition although
a strong wind was blowing No
sooier had he ascended than he was car
ried away by the wind a mile and a half
He endeavored to tack and return but
was unable to rise above the roofs of the
houses His machine was driven against
a wall and overturned falling 26 feet
Bleriot remained in his seat and was
caught in the wreckage After being
taken out he managed to raise himself
but complained of a severe Internal pain
Mme Bleriot hastened to his assist
ance and had him conveyed to the French
hospital where physicians found that he
had been severely bruised in the abdomen
His wife reassured the crowds that be
sieged the hospital She reported the con
dition of her husband to be fairly satis
factory but said that nothing definite
could be learned unti tomorrow I
Special to The HeraldRepublican
Logan Dec 12Tlle B Y C basket
ball team had its first game of the
season Saturday when it met the
team representing the Oneida StaKe
academy of Preston Idaho The game
was played in the college gymnasium
and was won by the home team 21 to
18 it was a very poor contest rough
and ragged and while the B Y C
got the game it was more through
luck than anything else as the Pres
ton team showed the better team work
t Nearly fifty fouls were called but
the men throwing from the foul line
were wild hence the small size of the
score In the first half the home team
gained three points on the visitors
the score being 13 to 10 and in the
last half each team scored eight points I
The B Y C team will have to show
a great improvement in form if it gets
anything in the State league this year
for it will be badly outclassed The
teams lined up as follows
Oneida B Y C i
Packer L F Anderson
C Packer R F Hill
Gooch C Petersen
Nuffer L G Van Orden
Neely R G Watkins
Halves Twenty minutes each Ref I
eree Anderson of Logan Umpire
Peterson of Preston Timekeeper
Harry Stoney I
Bleriot Machines Will Contest the
Great Meet in Los Angeles I
in January i
Paris Dc > 12 Louis Paulhan Frencn
aviator accompanied by his wife two
pilots Maso and Misearol who recently
distinguish J themselves at Pau and four
mechanicians will sail for the United
States on Decembei 18 with two Blerlot
crosschannel machines and two of the
latest type of Farman machines
Edward Cleary who is managing the
aerial combination announces that the
party will leave New York by special
train for Los Angeles on January 2aBd
will arrive the day before the opening
of the aviation meeting which will con
tinue from January 10 to 20
After participating in the meeting the
combination expects to give exhibitions
at San Antonio Galveston New Orleans
Birmingham Atlanta and a few northern
A tour of Japan China and India t
will be made
Los Angeles Dec Representa
tives from most all the schools and
colleges in southern California that
play the American game of football
held a meeting Saturday night at the
Los Angeles Athletic club The pur
pose of this meeting was to form an
organization that would concentrate iu
efforts in perpetuating the American
game in this section After consider
able discussion an organisation wa
effected and Professor Wilson of the
Pasadena High school was elected
president and Haines a graduate Of
the Chicaro university was made sec
retary and treasurer
Princeton N J Dec 12 Fiftysir mil
lion miles away from the earth IKQOOOOO
miles from the sun and more than three
tunes as large as the earth in diameter
these are facts that have been deter
mined by Zacchens Daniel IMS a gradu
ate student of Prir ceton university about
the new comet discovered on December Go
SixHour Auto Race ats Los
Angeles Furnishes Usual
Los Angeles Dee 12ln the sixhour
automobile race at Ascot park today
which was marred by numerous accidents
to cars and serious injuries to two par
t pants i the Stearns driven by Smiles
won the distance made being 3M miles
This establishes a new coast record for
six hours the former record of 2X1 miles
having been made by a Kissel car at As
cot park last May The Pullman driven
liy George Kussman was second witii
171 miles and the Buick third with 2tt
miles The Buick led until the sixth
hour when It withdrew on account of a
In the fiftysecond mile the Apperson
Jack Rabbit with Harris Hanshue at the
wheel turned over three times on a sui >
turn smashing the motor but neither
Hanshue nor his mechanician were in
The Cadillac overturned at the same
spot a few minutes later The mechan
ician was slightly injured
The Sunset was the next to go over
and in this spill Driver Leonard McLarty
had his collarbone broken Mechanician
b din suffered Ii broken leg and was
iiternally injured His condition is crit
Big Guns Leave for New York
Cantillion to Insist Upon an
Chicago Dec lZBan B Johnson pres
ident of the American Baseball league
Charles Comiskey president of the Chi
cago Americans and Joe Cantillon for
mer manager of the Washington Ameri
cans left today to attend the baseball
meetings at New York
Before his departure Johnson said that
he was unalterably opposed to the elec
tion of John M Ward as president of the
National league that he would do every
thing he could to prevent it
Cantillon said he would make a fight
for vindication at the American league
meeting Cantillon declared that he was
not a traitor to the league and that he
would make a fight for his rights He
added that he would insist upon an in
vestigation of charges of signal tipping
made against the New York Americans
by the Washington team last summer
He announced that be will manage the
Minneapolis American association team
of which he was part owner last year
The first outside trip for the Univer
sity of rtah basketball five of 1909 will
be taken Friday when Coach Maddock
takes his men to American Fork to play
I the fast Apollo team Wangsguard the
former B Y C star is coach and plays
r with the American Fork five and has
one of the fastest teams in the state to
gether West a former L D S man
is i also in the lineup
After the victory Saturday night over
the crack Y M C A five the interest in
the game among the university students
generally has taken a climb so that indi
cations point to an end of basketball as
a secondary sport at the state school
Ithaca X Y Dec UThe Cornell
university faculty yesterday adopted a
resolution advocating reform in football
The resolution says
With a view of securing greater safety
of life and limb and higher standards of
honor and fair play it is the insistent
opinion of this faculty that the continu
ance Of football as a game for under
graduates depends upon an effective re
vision and reinforcement of the rules reg
ulating the game
A meeting of local bowlers will be held
tonight at the Bismarck alleys for the
purpose of forming a threeman league
With the advent of bowling weather the
oldtimers at the game are beginning to
show up in good numbers The play up
to this iiae has been In individual match
es As a forerunner to an organisation
similar to the City league of fivemen
teams the threemen teams will be put
on the boards
Three teams are already entered and it
is proposed to bring the number to six
teams before the play begins
San Diego Cal Dec 12The Salt Lake
team defeated San Diego in the Mid
winter league game today Score
Salt Lake 4 4 2
San Diego S 8 5
BatteriesReiger and Lebrand Cates
and Myers
4 When Jeffries met Tom +
+ Sharkey several years ago he was +
+ aggressive says Dr Roller the 4
+ famous athlete He was a great +
+ defensive fighter and he was con +
+ tent to rest on his laurels in that 4
+ respect He knew Sharkey could 4
+ riot hurt him and he did not go +
4 after the latter Had he cut loose +
+ and gone after Sharkey he could 4
4 have finished him in three rounds 4
+ instead of winning out on points 4
+ in twentyfive rounds He is a +
+ different kind of a fighter now 4
+ He is willing to carry the fight +
+ to any man he meets and I do +
4 not think the man lives who can 4
4 escape him when Jeff gets after 4
4 him good and strong From the +
f tap of the Kong Jeff will so after 4
f Johnson and the latter win have 4
+ to he mighty fast to keep out of 4
+ trouble The public will see a dif +
+ ferent Jeffries from the one it +
+ saw fight Sharkey Corbett and
+ Kitzsinimonc +
+ t t t t + t t + + + tt + + t
+ i will kk i Jack Johnson and I +
+ will lick him quick I dont in +
f ifiul 1 to tall when I meet him In
+ il j ring some time early next l
+ iinimer 1 dont say this Just
f ini the sake of saying something +
4 hut because its the Gospel truth +
4 lhnsoi J never sw the day be +
4 uld beat lie He may be a fairly +
4 iort fighter I admit that He +
+ o1fl IV liavi been able to beat some +
+ ml nun who were anywhere +
f n > m twenty to forty pounds +
4 ltthler 1 than lie but Just Wait +
4 bt K < ts into the ring with +
+ < t man ho 1 < i twenty pounds +
4 hp < iier thu lie is and a man wbo +
4 las beat n i > ttt ir men than John +
4 sim eve < mvim nf lieinft Thats
4 why 1 IN I j < ts to heat Jack
+ Johnson kind gig ti > hat him i
+ nviick
It H > M t f M < + 44f 4M H M t t t4 J
local Riders Who Ran Been There i
Say SixDay Goniettants
Barn Their Pay
They are welcome to ail they got they
certainly earned it is the way Hardy
Downing Ped Palmei and Steve Sen
house all veterans of the New York six
day race talk about their fellow nders
Who are now just beginning to live again
after the big sleep
The three riders named like all others
who have taken part In the big race
say that the purse money is all too small
With the guarantees added which on the
average will give each rider that takes
part in the race around iiOO the puce
Is still too small they say Training
and other expenses of the riders are very
heavy As a moneymaker for the pro
moters the sixday race is one of the
best sporting investments in the coun
try Salt Lake fans are smiling at the wise
old head Lanky MacFarland He en
tered the race in none the best of condi
tion and when an opportunity came for
his partner Clarke to hook up with a
good man like Rutt Mac simply fell off
his wheel Whether or not the broken
finger was figured on is a tittle uncer
tain The big surprise here and a disap
pointment too was the poor position won
by Demara and Lawson Wagers were
many that they would get third or bet
ter Reports have reached the city that De
mara soon in a weak condition failed
to do half the work of the team and
kept Lawson on much more than half
the time rom the showing made by
Hill Demaras partner last spring when
Demara male his reputation as a six
day rider it looks as If Hill is much the
better man of the two
The ride of Al Halstead who last rode
in Salt Lake as an amateur was one
of the surprises of the race He was
always known as a pluggtr and he held
his own in the sprints better than many
a veteran
Washington D C Dec 12Wes B
Wilson of Covington Ky father of Ca
det Earl Wilson quarterback of the navy
football team who was seriously injured
in a game with Villa Nova some weeks
Mr Wilson
ago was in the city yesterday
son has been at his sons bedside ever
since the accident and he brings the
very encouraging news that the young
athlete is rapidly improving
Young Wilson is now able to sit up
and has the use of his arms and the at
tending surgeons are of the opinion that
he will eventually be as good physically
as ever before
The improvement In my IOns condi
tion has been gradual but most encour
aging said Mr Wilson For a time
his lungs did not work voluntarily but
were kept in action by the muscles of hs
diaphragm Now he is breathing with
his lungs The use of his arms and neck
are gradually coming back In fact the
improvement is on a downward course
and we have hopes that in time he will
be able to use his legs
The operation which was performed
was successful In every way It seems
that the fifth vertebra was fractured
and the crushed portion was removed
Since then my sons improvement has
been marked and we are assured that
he will in due time be as good as ever
But pone of my boys will ever be al
lowed to play football again
Ear Wilson was the star athlete at
Annapolis leading in baseball basket
ball and boxing and but for the accident
In football would have been the star of
his team
New York Dec 12 Champion
wrestler Frank Gotch is confident
that when he meets Zbyszco again he
will defeat the ponderous Pole In
fact he is sure he is the better man
of the two He tackled Zbyszco in Buf
falo and tried to thrown the Pole twice
in an hour He admits that he was
mistaken in his idea that the Pole was
just like a good many other foreign
wrestlers who have come to this coun
try with the reputation of being won
ders and then exploded
He weighs sixty pounds more than
I do says Gotch and Is very strong
At that I was on top of him for fifty I
minutes of the hour and when he did I
try to throw me he did not show that
he knew many of the tricks of the
game I dont think he knows much
about the finer points of wrestling
To tell the truth I do not think he is
as good as Hackenschmidt I
Chicago Dee 12 George Mullin of the Detroit champions was the ieadm
pitcher in the American league last season according to the official pithing anI
llelJtng averages issued by President B B Johnson here today Mullin record
was 29 games won and 8 lost for a percentage of 784 He was 412 points aluad pI
Ciootte of Boston who had a record of 13 games won and a lost for j 2 Another
Detroit pitcher Wittett finished third with 22 won and < lost for 7141
Krause the early season sensation of Philadelphia was tied for fourth wim
his teammate Bender at M with 18 won and s ost
Chicago which finished fourth in the pennant race led the team ftelilmi ann
a percentage of M4 Philadelphia finished second with the Detroit < hiunpi
third New York made the greatest number of errors aving 1 331 chargi against
SO games P n aslsts lCIrer > Pd
Chicago 159 42 i LIlT ZM HJ 4
Philadelphia 11 1121 US lti t1
Detroit 1 4 tJU fi
Cleveland 1 40k 271
St Louis 1M 4100 1 rr 7
Wuhlncton 111 4t 200 18 y
Boston 111 47 ti 20a i
New York IM 4 t 31 4
Name and club WGIL LaM TIIII T O YIn Pr
KulUn Detroit S I t
CIcotte Boston 3 i I t 4
Wldett DetroIt fl i 8 1j
Deader Philadelphia I S l I 1
Krause Philadelphia I s e u 1i1
StuluBers DetroIt t 3 j 1
Plank Pbtiadelphla ii 11 1
Quinn New York a i 1 11 i
Daeft Philadelphia II i 0 s p
WoOd sotoD U 1 i tilt
Ran Boeton I 4 I 0 t 01
Smith Chlcaga 15 17 J II
Wala Edcsgo IS U 0 3 t 77
4teI1aeell Boston 11 11 0 Ii IIi I
Doyle New York I I S 1 1
Lake New York H U 3 St
Youag Cleveland 10 y S 1 0 51
JIrOeMU New York 11 S 3 I i
Killian DetroIt n 0 2 1
Cheek JkMItpn i 4 II
DoIIovlUl DetraCt I 7 Z 1 1
White Chicago s 1 1 a
hJkenberc Cleveland It I 0 1 j
Coomba PblladelphIa r 2 II 0 7 I
JOIIII Cleveland Sf 1 1 I
Xorpn Bo8tonPbl1adelpbl II 7 6 i j i
Scott Chicago 1 1 S Ii S
Pelty 51 Louis 11 Ii J 2 1
Berger Cleveland 11 14 0 3 4 4t 1 i
Hughes New York 7 0 0 2 1 j7
Warlaop New York 11 16 1 1 44
Dineen It Louis C 7 0 a 43
Wilson New York ii C 0 l 4 1
Bailey St Louis I 11 1 1 11 1 I
Waddell St Louis 11 lot 1 I 111
Powell St Louis U 16 0 1 3 i 4t
Burns WashinJrtonChlcqo 9 13 J 1 t I
Manning New York U 1 4 I I
Graham St Louis 0 14 I f
Rhoades Cleveland 5 0 0 t 4 17
Johnson Washington IS 25 0 4 1 1 I
Smith hlngtonBoston II 12 0 Z S t
Hughes Washington of jj 1 4 5
Schllber Phllade1phlaBosto 4 II Z 4 i
Gray Washington HI I II 4 7
Groome Washington 6 Ij I 3 3 1 J

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