OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, December 25, 1909, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1909-12-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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v Y
The InterMountain Republics
Eat Fab 12 1906
The Salt Lake Herald
Eat June 6 1870
Only Republican Daily Newspaper In
gait Lake City Utah
1rm of Subscription
cents one year 800
SUNDAYOne year 200
SEMIWEEKLY In advance On
year ilBO abc months 75 cents
Subscribers wishing address of paper
chanted must give former as well at
Present address
All papers are continued until explicit
order Is received to discontinue AH ar
rearalclI must be paid In every ease
f1 R
The HeraldRepublican cannot put
into the stockings of all Its friends the
Christmas present it would liko them
to have for that would be health and
wealth and happiness And these things
are beyond the power of the best well
wisher to bestow But do you remem
ber that passage in Jean Ingelows
Songs of Seven
X wait for my story the birds cannot
sing it
Not one as he sits on the tree
The bells cannot ring it But long
years 0 bring it
All that I want it to be
Just that We wish for every friend
Of the paper just what he wants what
he most needs what will be of greatest
benefit to him They will not be just
the same presents In every case be
< lue there are things we ask for
v hich it were not well we should have
rat if you get all you want and all
jou ought to have surely you will be i
wIse enough to keep the things that are
tot st for you And so we make no disc
< rimlnatton We wish for eaeh friend
o the paper all that he would want
The year that is closing baa been a
good one for the owners of The Herald
Republican They have farmed the ac
quaintance of many new friends The
circle haa grown wider The friend
ships have grown stronger And so
Rith old and new we come Into the
holiday week with kindly wishes for all
It Is quite impossible to speak the
greetings we want to speak There has
In the past year been a good deal of
loyalty from friendsperfectly disin i
terested loyalty loyalty of the sort that
does not accept a recompense loyalty
of the kind that began four years ago
and has simply grown stronger and
more helpful ever since
In the year that has passed there
have been some difficulties and these
have been surmounted It te because
the friends of the paper the friends of
Its owners have proven their friend
ship their loyalty that Ute year draws
EO comfortably to its close
So that here in the hour of the Christ
mas chimes here in the hour of Christ
mas cheer here In the hour when all
are joyous because the year has been
woven with warp and woof of joy and
labor we wish you Merry Christmas
We wish there may be in the months
of the year so soon to begin all that
you want it to be
After scornfully rejecting all sues
tiis of arbitration the switchmen of
lie northwestern railroads are willing
to arbitrate After losing the excellent
position in which they found themselves
fct the beginning of the strike they go
tack to the place by compulsion which
they could have occupied by right It
SB not a pleasant commentary on the
r n who managed the strike of the
f > nachmen
There is the weak place in union la
bor In a superlative degree it finds ex
pression in the attitude and behavior
cf Skinny Madden of Chicago The
r i < a has been proven guilty of the in
dustrial crime of starting strikes for
rv > hey and stopping them when he re
t rived the price And he declares him
< 11 i r the expression of the highest and
I t In union labor
The weakness of the position is in the
lvaesa of the manager Strikes rare
get anything for the men ex
ct the privilege of paying for
Even when increased wages re
f < 1 t the employes find little or
t benefit The managers of the
industrial battle demand and receive
the spoils That is true where their
uJers are admittedly fair When they
cr unfair the battle is carried to the
urders of criminality
It would have been better for the
P itohmen of the northwest railroads
if they had accepted the proposition to
arbitrate their quarrel at the beginning
Thty lost the moral force of their posi
tion then They have not regained it by
their acquiescence here when the battle
La lost
More and more the fact becomes evi
dent There should not be strife be
tween the employer and the employed
In the absence of the professional strike
leader there would be few such exhibi I
tions as that of the switchman And
every man who has a family to support
every man with obligations which he
respects every man with ambitions to
be something more than a slaveIs
menaced by the selfappointed leaders
who make commerce of the Industrial
situation and call strikes only for the
purpose of personal profit in the calling
It Is pretty clear to the average citi
zci that an improvement in the manner
of attending to the city business would
be In the nature of a needed blessing
That claim of P J Moran is an evi
dence in point
Mr Moran was directed to repair a
brand new wooden stave conduit and
he did it Then he presented his bill
The charge for repairs was bigger than
the charge for the sewer And appar
ently on that fact alone the board of
works refused to Indorse Ills bill
It now Is proven that the board of
works didnt know how much work Mr
Moran did how much he didnt do nor
What was rf card
Three arc about tho facts in the case I
The board knew less about morethings
connected with that sewer than anyone
ripe In town
Some of the councilman made a better
Inquiry Their labor disclosed a condi
tion that is not creditable and that will
not be forgotten But the people who I
admit they are far higherclass than
members of the council didnt know
anything about the case except that
they didnt propose to pay the bill
And after all the bill will be paid
There is a good deal of unfounded
boasting about the superior ability of
certain gentlemen now in office But
without meaning to say an unkind thing
here In the Christmas season we desire
to record the belief that they arc In
more need of repairs than the wooden
pipe ever was
Two Salt Lake Housewives sat down
with the catalogue of a Chicago mall
order house between them and each
made a list of staple groceries which
they needed in the house and which
they had been led to believe they could
buy by mall at a great having of
When they had their lists made one
of the women declared she didnt be
lieve aha could save mueh and she pro
posed to submit the list to her grocer
and get his figures on the lot In any
case it would bo a cash trade The
other woman bought a postal note for
th s amount of the bill and forwarded
cash and order to Chicago
The woman who gave a Salt Lake
dealer a chance received his bid in half
an hour after she submitted the list
It was a trifle higher taken entire than
the Chicago list but the woman be
lieved she would prefer to trade with
the home dealer She did so and told
him when it all was over that she could
have bought the same goods In Chicago
for a saving of two dollars and ten
cents on the fortydollar bill And he
told her If her friend was perfectly sat
lafled with the goods when they came
from the mall order house he would re
fund the twodollaraten and call the
incident closed
The woman who sent cash and order
to Chicago received her groceries at the
end of four weeks and a day Three of
the articles were In every way as she
had expected them As to that much
she had no cause of complaint On all
the rest she was not satisfied On some
things she was bitterly disappointed
But she couldnt send them back She
couldnt have them exchanged That
was one of the conditions of the mail
order hone
When the two women compared notes
the one who patronized home dealers
went to the local grocer and reported
the result of the Chicago trade He gave
her the two dollars and ten cents as he
had promised And there are two wom
en hi this city who couldnt be tempted
to go outside of town for anything they
may happen to want
There is a short story and the moral
is as sound as the story
One of the dismal publications of the
year is the report of the national immi
gration commission in response to a
senate resolution asking for the prog
raw of work in the control or preven
tion of what has come to be known as
the white slave traffic And it Is dis
mal because there doesnt seem to be
much of progress
The senate resolution came from the
aroused sentiment of the nation largely
because of the revelations made by
United States District Attorney Ed
ward Simms of Chicago The condi
tions revealed are appalling Govern
ment is making every effort possi
ble to prevent the bringing of women
to the United States when it is shown
either that they came willingly to fol
low an immoral life or when they are
victims of procurers who deceive them
and propose to devote them to that sort
of life And the devices by which the
agents of the government are combat
ted by the agents of this Infamy are
simply amazing in their persistency
and their Ingenuity
Average men cannot believe how ex
tensive is the trade in women That
they can be bought and sold when the
whole world is open to them when they
could claim the protection of any busi
ness man or professional man or any
church or clubor almost any Individ
ual or organization in any city of the
United States is Incredible And yet
it happens in thousands of cases every
The ranks of the army of immorality
are recruited every year AH manner
of representations are employed to se
cure new material The life of these
women after they resign themselves
to it averages five years They make
the barest living No matter what their
income they are slaves and reap none
of the benefits of their horrible service
Government Is spending thousands of
dollars every year to prevent the bring
ing of women for immoral purposes to
America and also to punish wherever
procurers in this country have secured
control over a victim and have con
signed her to the slavery which never
ends Immigration regulations and
treaties with foreign nations are strict
ly drawn but there Is little hope that
the slavery of girls and women may be
Of course Admiral Schley Is wrong
in continuing to pin his faith to Dr
Cook But he IB eminently correct In
demanding that the Peary proofs be
submitted to the Danes just as the
Cook proofs were submitted
The Danes know the value of that
sort of evidence They are strictly fair
They will not Indorse the record of any
man no matter who he may be unless
he makes proof That Is proved In their I
verdict In the Cook case after their na
tion had accepted the Cook statement
of victory at the pole
If Commander Peary has reached the
pole It Is believed he can prove It If
he cannot prove It the world has a
right to know that he is in pretty much
the same position with Cook
In any event the Cook data having
been submitted to the Danes and they I
having rendered a verdict which is ac
cepted by the worldAdmiral Schley
excepted there Is no better way to
make an end of the pole controversy
than to give the Peary data Into the
same competent hands I
Most people have seen the beautiful
Utah copper medals prepared for dis
tribution at the Seattle exposition Mr
C F McWilliams saw themand wants
a hundred
Mr McWilliams Is general agent of
the Great Northern Steamship com i j
pany with offices at Yokohama Japan
He visited Seattle In the summer and
attended the exposition While there
he saw some of Utahs copper medals
and ho writes Mr Rowe director gen
era of the Utah exhibit
Is It possible for you to obtain for me
one hundred of these medals And
what would they cost me They are
stamped Utah Exhibit and on the re
verse side Is the great seal of the state
And In case of getting them he
wants them delivered to the agent of his
steamship company at Seattle
The medals were the personal contri
bution of Colonel D C Jackllng of this
city He provided many thousands of
them and they were distributed In
part on Governors day Their beauty
their real value and the associations of
time and place made them especially
desirable and the demand for the med
als Increased at once It Is not certain
that Mr McWilliams request can be
granted But it Is very sure that the
compliment of his request is appreci
ated For the medals are in demand
A good many great men express fear
that the illimitably good J C Burrows
of Michigan is In danger
The L g J C B is a United States
senator and his term of office will ex
pire In March of nineteeneleven The
legislature which is to choose his suc
cessor will itself be chosen next fall
And if J C B shall not get more
strength than he now is credited with
there are those who declare ho will be
And there are people in the United
States even outside of Titan who will
try and survive the shock of losing the
1 g J C B from the ranks of the na
tion savers
Here In Utah there is a very general
Impression that Burrows of Michigan
has probably outlived his usefulness
Michigan baa just what It de
serves for Its supercilious condemna
tion of professionalism at Notro Dame
It has proved that Miller One of Tests
star men has never been enrolled In
any class at Ann Arbor and every
match in which he has taken part Is il
All the infantry cavalry artillery hos =
pital corps aad staff of officers known
as Zelayas army was roaming dlscony
solately through the Jungle when Estra
das army of similar proportion and
strength crawled through a knothole and
captured him
Sweet are the uses of adversity
But sweeter still
Is the man who has
No Christmas bill
We are tingling with anxiety to read of
the railroad that will add the aqua pure
express to Its schedule beginning mid
night December 8L
Too many cooks may spoil the broth
was once observed but a more recent ob
servation ia that it required only one
Cook to spoil a peach of a newspaper
It is to be hoped that there is nothing
ominous in the selection of a man named
Lynch to take charge of tho National
league umps
Kermit Roosevelt has bought a fine
male specimen of the sltatunga My
gracious The sltatunga has long been
extinct from Utah and the discovery of
a specimen In Africa will reopen an old
controversy as to the exact difference
between a sltatunga and a pluperlno
Well Dixie may be given first rank
among American songs but you can bet
it wont be as popular in a few days as
rm on the Water Wagon Now
Utah made somewhat of a splash in the
In the light of recent disclosures it is
suggested that Johnson and Jeffries be
allowed to settle their differences in the
bullpen of the city jaila most admirable
Sing a IIIODg of Christmas a pocket thats
wrung dry
Four and twenty presents to please the
childrens eye
When the eyes were opened the kId
began to sing
Isnt that a horrid shame we didnt get
dad a thing
A telegraph dispatch says that Dr
Cooks brother fears the fake explorer
has met with violence Repeat He fears
he has
If all of the worlds wealth was equal
ly distributed each man woman and
child would have 36 Somebody would
have to come through with 81lt tb > > i
make the average right according to our
own personal observations
Since Busapla Paladlas prowess as a
furniture mover has been proven why not i
give her a Job with a local van company
Charity is still on the free list and the
only things that have gone down are the
nuts in Willies stocking
What a blessing It would have been had
Cook and Peary waited till next Fourth
of July Diagram to explain The pa
pers would have been too busy with fight
dope to give either of them much space
A beggar with one leg would regard it
as a calamity If someone gave him a fine
artificial limb Kansas City Star
Back up Theres a man In Salt Lake
who has no feet and all ho asks is a
chance to swing a pick and shovel
Them was a young man all forlorn
Who dallied with essence de corn
He met the toe of a boot
In the course of his toot
And woke up with a head Christmas
Removal Sale
Big reductions in wall paper and
framed pictures before moving to our
olegant new store
If its a small matter a small
ad will attend to It
fil Jwa
1 tfr2
Z C M I i
Wishes You
l A Happy I I
iml For over
Christmas ffi11 128 years
322 I this whiskey has
i1I been the standard by
Watch for Big i which al others were
Announcement judged Once you try
Tomorrow II i Old
m2I 1ri71I bUK DRUG STORB IS Ai lIi11 nm James E Pepper
t 1112114 SOUTH MAIN ST t iDHD i Svtun xerict
Whiskey 1 i 1
Bottled in Bond Established 1780
w if you will never be satisfied with an r
T bl other brand It is full seven years
a e ueen
old and bears the government green
stamp which guarantees its purity
Trade Supplied by
SmithBailey Drug Co tttu e 6e rtr
Salt Lake City Utah
TABLE nilson Cafe
T 0 DAY e 372 South Main Street
Cream of Oyster Seas
Young Utah Turkey Oyster Pleasing
aeut Tame Pock B xd Ohindprt
Cranberry JsMWS
Masked Potatoes Sweet 11 lee
Utah OWr Olives
Pempkin or Mince Pie plum Peddta > b 1Ns4 l ipr
Then this IS a Coffee Tea UBk
Merry Christmas
Baked in The Mueller Patent Bread Pan
LABEL Consolidated Wagon Machete Co
pY OY Salt Lake din
till A A
NOTICE Thinking 17 Years
THE For 17 years maD y people have seen
thinking of turning their claims to as for
GROOVE collection They have been readies con
tinuously of the Thousands of Dottsn we
have collected for their nnnelntanoas and
Shipped Everywhere in These Mountain States friends but they have wondered and
f thought and pondered with the question in
their minds as to whether we could collect
i some money for them In the maentlsnn
the people who have been owing them haw
forgotten all about the obligation and
some have died leaving their bills unpaid
Many people continue to think Insteiiil
of getting busy and turning In theiretatus
1 It Is time yon turned In those claiMS You
cannot demote a part of today to better ad
vantage Jet them ready We will eellect
I A Merry Xmas I j over USBOMOO during the year 1M Tea
can have some of this money if you torn in
s claims
When a claim ia once recorded With this Association it stays on our ssMstds
forever We purchased a new Index the other day which coat 10600 and will
properly index 500000 I claims This to the third large Index we have purchased
for the purpose of keeping the Records pertaining to claims placed wtth as for
your claims
You Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts
Rooms 777SKWWW95IM78M8100 Commercial Block
All Salt Lake City Utah Francis G Luke Oeal Mgr
Some People Dont Like Us
Dayton Drug Co <
Cor 2d Se and State 1beaee MM
IA H Crafofoe Co I Forget Someone t
Your Well dont worry we all de that ease IB n whit
Order cant always remember everrfc 4r Vt It te att
too late yon can easily remedy iw tfem by I ylitm
Ins either of ear two steres fIr a sire Okz9etanwre
box of candy
We hive nil Le iIIt
Parlors varietief tfc my
Boston Dental = c
i okoioest 191tf4 tt A71g
NEW LOCATION 120 MAiN STREET from fttuttra axi > koal
manila eTac i
11660 set of teeth arBO f Gold crowns 360
No better made at any price I Bridgework per tooth 8300 Phone 1I811we11 deliver eaywinre
PoreelaJn gold and silver filling at reasonable prices far heneat work aad at any tine
No students employed Painless extracting a specialty Offio open
evenings and Sundayi All work guaranteed
hid Tel 1219 DR BOYD Mgr GodbePitts Drug C
l Cp dial aat at S 9 PkMics 410
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