OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, December 30, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1910-12-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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I PAGES 12 I I I IOTer LeN awJtG I tOt 3 E = IIIJ RALTD IRLLPUIDLI Ni sell no WantadvGrtile logar thllt necd chattel 1GU and I I I PtS Friday Oolder atur or d Snow ay
rMuntlln tllIIhllca Salt Ik Hfla j
I j 1 r
LiquidatiOIl of a ational Bank
in Tau OUIHI Comptroller
or the OmTeacy Murray to i
Take Immediate Action
Intention Is to Make It Il11ros
ihle for the Banks to Hood
wink the Examiners Who
Iwestigate the Business
HISarn Dir i
W IlI e s i fm1 ti I
E else Iwph i I
bak f qws4 Tr t n I
s I fwo
PfOthOtO f t er
r edy S Is H wflkr I4IrrflinIC
r fwo 4Hftl ItHRk
11 I ld i f 1H4Jfl n Ijit
prIqIIrI NNH 0 i MHfHI
I oo I
nIaflN 4rIpiui thai fk hHL
b4 v N 44 b hiui fr I k
I oo lfbNI I4Wkf4Iy 1
II I4 aIII Iperle4 t rr
liiisr eIrr b iihss hiik
oo r lIbs M u kr
I rer k IINFN h hi S trMf
1 I r ud h p N ror rrri I
IU 41 r 4I II u nr4 Iki
I pi aI r aNa + q 4 pri I
h f h Vpftn n
paid 4i khi4iIir s 44sh4in4
I 116 ttflfl t Cnmplrlhr Ilr
1 liIi lInhirM wr 1101q1
S k1 ror I rpr 10 y Ii I Way tile
I Ie andld liii 0 to
th two iitw I mp
t r tl tq hNk rrl oRlIr
Y IItli pIt 19I ppr all he
J I iiIn Ih prn of twirl I
ItJ tshI nW TI nk I
I i 1 ji diEint tq fl4 ll II m t
arIn a inI wrp kt eN
4 P ftr a lit t milk It practi I
dI I iplWr t audit th
8y tblI mthni f aiountIu tbe
lank without dtttIs hy tM a
had HI dubtrNI AIHI WI1hISS
1 wt the Intrct sddid
1 p at tiw tltrMt OP fnsw1 T1tIe
j Frt on wnrth1q pper hsd not
r lIet4 adI W f rdt4 tOI
Jp oo nt j1f irnIn lIent ad
the dIiI4eid ri ttulrIT paw I
h i rMI1tcd In payi III th pItaI iit
I shrqhoZIri a IIvIends
Hpdrtp to Idqllartenr how that
I osnr usplcloi
ItIttl Ulo
InSo44M a ov tIM 1r 1
ptSI4 n t 10 fflfJt11J did ranclftr i
P the rpor ay but tiv
tM now ytm to retun
U t 0 4 on to Ia Iter alter th
Iner had 4PSTtd etizrning tn
tjvflh uscpscti41r the smlnir
rund ttt hioiire IInlt rporttd It tv
tierapti to Whl1tlon
Tn Inllnr a r hoktrHPftC I
1 hlilt U tts MtnIIlnn of a
t IILn1 bank can tM detirmlnd at isy
yjnpnt the or id tnClaT 4IIreetIt
rniImr 1 on rtndlft to b 11
at OO4tt1qfl I I ciflut 4stiiti
rp rt t hot fat hr tkThph tel
llMltE4WI and th asginfnt
r Ih haRk ItIr dR to lIIItal1 the
arT tWWbkI I
tI 11 tnt uf tiit TNtTk4 Pays I
V nnoflollr rJr tM ezatolu
V i T turn tv th bank at ItO I OZPPP
1 11 7 oIoe It Insirurtless hsv bii
hlpfld lIb atid If tM aecerv I
Ioks aO cot wen Inn MCIft
nl In tit bunk at It ezpee I
t I < l11t kll II ltist1I4 u4r ttte
rettni anlt iipervtikir of the x I
Nn ro4lln tA I fit rponl
1 hi r r Ih qiins NRIOnztI 5 cnn
fi I i ak
ENr4 W4d ti c i44r II Ke
P4v With Ca 4l + rtI
rh WlnIey
1 aphlE1ez I LJe If a CanadIfl
v + preety treaty I s t 11M 1
rltr tht pIOPPItt UrlIPIPO f rllJlltrftIOII
t reurdiu ID tll maSte at speed fit
I I hUon nII tore
1 IeIv tn boats flez la the
rllunon bV th amlnlntloll the
iffuIt It framIn any ort of a R
pblfrs ii rr1pirIi V try tat call
5frt b4 sipored threat IIX1 Con
vs wltlt Ita DnncaIe MouSe AI
1 Iuh tntsly the aaPflt 01 t
typtr a ine Itt JPPIfP4 to the cn
cishn of a ITSty 70t tfl the caN
fI P rlpfflctty trade trt the House
Inmt P afftdtd sn opportitty 10
dnI I wtti Ihe sebPrt
1 h CissdIsii T cIprol t y foml
Ierq ar xpcteti In WahtntUR In
I ion 10 ttr4 plomaUf rcfp
nn In the Whit lIons OIl JJUS7
1 iI It III t prrisuni4 that tme4tat y
tr Iha eflt tbft notItIoRP will
ptiiml at th point whr thy
ntPfrUptd by I h joalIWftt
I ttwa as umr
Ludahys Not to
Forget Trouble
and ZiIake Peace
1 i
II 1
9 1I 1 I i
9t t I ji 11 I I
J if I
f H
UIt Jt1I rtnII
x fTTT In lk t rf
K enl report tlNlt J I Jk
tidab and 11111 dhurcpd I wIfe
Mrs Idiia ladah d nt in Pa
eIt and were about to effect a
rrupelllatton was knind t1 ens 1
phatlrally by line Cudaliay who Ie
It Is abolntejvtetwe ttelaMn
eurth i lateis4pd gulag t P
dpile for the hoIldy but was unable
to do It I h1I ga In to or three
week nrb of II rronelllzttlofl
either prnt or prusperttvr rc pain
fullr rldluloulI
i Surptus of Summer Storage
Supply May Mean Reduction
of Fifty Cent
Annottnmbt nf aaetbr reduction
or fifty centit JWr ton on umlDfr slot
age coal may he expected froia the to
tan dosin 1 within the next two or
thriti days arfordtng to reports that
I are In circulation
It Is keown that several I IOmnl
I have on haM a large auply of coal
lItoap eoalca pnrrhspd dartnx the
I amnter moittPs and naved rr sale dur
ta C1Ie teriM whoti pike would Ite
I high
Bat since the Pti ha been Fe
dued to ets pr ton the dealers are
1IsloUIi to diapose of the 8tOk per
eha during the oumeter It Ia p14
and for thlll raoaa they are willing to
make othr cut 1ft or to ot rill
of the serplsw supply
owing to wtothr cndItLni the
trd h net boal what the dalerp
pactd aM thIa N1IPlftI with the ex
Pease for storao and the loss from
hrtnllar hOn pet th sleip in a P t
5ti wher theY must doripe aunie
mpne to et from ndfT OportIn
at a loss hpaUp of 1145 rendItions
I they are trying to aa a much RI
possible and will sefl Immtr rush I at
I a materially rodnced price
Th amherger Coal company the
lthcons Coal eompny the Wtetorn
I Fuel COO the XarUn Coal 1 corn
I pany and other dlrll wr Inter
I viewed OIl th subject yssterday but
th < < mnajftnwont of seth dtiwiolaied all
knowIedr of nt protlve ru
I tlOtt Pac c1almlnlr they kndw nothnlr
aMt II but declaring tht If such to
I durtion wer made by others hv
i would lMUrtl W cosnpelp4 I to fall
I Ito line tn mt eonptitlon I bait thov
did not blow who wnnld take the inltl
I pttye
That there Jqu I a UUrn of opinion
mnK tit dealers not In pay p IIklr
I mini hat will t repuilt in a merry rum
pus Is I md Innlft 1ft the fart that I
seviral dealers threatened yesterday 10
mk a cut in prices twcauae one firm
athrIlsd jwizestIa I the coupoi ront
to boo Ivn to Its I ruatomr with th
41t a certain amount of coal
MexIcan Insurrectos Have
Avoided a Pitched Battle I
HIIICAmA Moxie Inc n ia
C FI iiv I Offtd1 report to I
day which pn I to ftnrmfd
1 kfioptIent indicate that the tlrflt
R of tI Inurretln In WeOtOlti
Ilhuab I Vt Rnd the second ha I
btin Th gnruvnPnt hlleve that
1IifTPtVII rough thlr lat C
IUI at Pdrnas tWit wee b ago
anti that tIPOY haY IIPlit Into SRISIt
Iod which It will talE ntb to
4teh aa4 uhdu
fll1h4II by
Ths rprtu 5r infIrlflOd
I t that Ma Pa Ih key t the
rOsd I fr r htfl Afll tat Gn
nlrol of the
etaj Navet ri nw
niitioa g I iill
t Tr d 1 Pr
r tratn
11 irlv th
i 0
gt awa
1 < 1111
II t j I 4
1 orrtj
rIr a l 1
ir tlC track and u l l41
j rI5
wJlch a r tri np or rflt by
u v rr t4 Whfti tEils wok Is
4 JI t 1 n Il 1 P al p
1 1 i k I Ih t I PU 111
01 d 1 7 1
r 1 1 t
p i
I f hl L
P c 1 IIJ
ljl 1 lto I
rnnOnt rrtr Its tAt
1 noJ
at I g W IItI i
d Q I ri I ql I 1 d alllr
to y his rhlloreemeou without see
In I th41 earmy There could beco ht
ter on1ltJoo of thia than the fat
that II trOrnll1t traii l IIOW It I
ull pa whh was formerly the 111
urto IItroDtrhoJd The latter ap
parnth xervIaed dlaerU aad re
tired hi Ih face ttf a grestjy lIuerior
foe With their eltre thblllty tt la
pTT50t0a are aUUeapbe or nakIng I
trouble Tlc fediral trooP must pio
ied ntutlotlT as the sWt nlolnr
horsemen 01 the ohltlonltll rn
riily two or three hUIIr4d men at I
1rt notl 10 aIak any frlor d J
r a iriIfl whlh Tony bcu holald
F I wnrI w o It re Ii at 11
fiti ia III I II IP
I 1 i HI I ii ti z i 1
l Ii wil Ink t1Zlf I v
1 A r I1 IIt f Ii t r
li < Lft uo aLrLuu < u I It
his tasttrn and northern arts
Information rrnWl fI ijiitgt fllt rlet I
I I l pffet tflt tir re olllonlI
in t I Iin IIr flIIjiTIfl 4fli 11 1
C I wooI t n
I r t f
i I t
U I 1 r 1 1
i fl I
for I htvr tar tlt thq dltft i 0
tJltprl l td v ot inurrctq J1
I ntJlIhr i I art LRJ kn n
I THE Halt Lake Tribune added to the gayety and jollity of the Chrirnas s non yester
1 day morning hr making one of its customary attHk8 upon th fothral hunch
i hat pUP < r denounced tile tactics of the federul bunch in the politicK of the state as loW
to th lowest degree disrepuluble beyond eXPIf8ion Aud < lIfllCterizel these htetics n1
II tlto < that men who have honest md fair tflndardB of lJUlUees Mud ethics have to repudi
I ate in order 10 retain their selfrespcct
hud of leency and honor can one imltgiue frOm KeuII5 owner of Uw Salt Lake
Tribune talking Mbout honest and fair stulldtlrds oC mltIJinCfm a JUan who I11t8 been ac
uPd or ever li111e in the calendar from nnder to robbery of mine R man whose mor
al arC said to be of th lowet n HUIll to whom the word virtue hns bsolutel no ineanilig
a man who has done more to eue turmoil and strife in Utah than any other pCffion a mall
who tPltltiflly kuos be has the respect of no one not veii himeln JmngiJu Tom
i Kfarn with his IntMtion witit a code oC biltCf t11ie nh x he himAClr explained i
th1I1 to be on the Hness stand recently rating of houCf4tand fair stMndards or ILlsill j
aud 1thic
hl1agille TOln Klnu ignontJlt uncouth 80 lacking in intelligence thAt be does not
know his l1ewpftlr its fO iucoluchably vile in policy and omatenr in output tbot anyhod
c1 would he atdutmed to t own it titlkiltg of the metbod8 ued b r any set or men Tom
Kpurns the JlUm who sets illn4clf at the hood of a pndy to purify the Amri1Ul 101111
the mnn who urrazlges for lhe defnmution oC Utah in hair a mre or great mugnzinps hp
lUSt f0104ooth hf is offiided nt IIItged imluolRlitr in this Hlatte Tom Kcnrm so nllxiou
that yirlu dIRI ome to Utah that the Olnal of Utah shall be Jroleted IIIU keitrIi the
man hOMe ltautdiou for dNencJ is such that it is It wondtr that be does not laugh liimc l
into OllvuIKions when be thinks of itconsider the idea or this man dtuouucing thtO 1It11
1 of nllybodr I
1H1 a8 to illiam NelllOn the cringing noidome lCCepl3Cle or Tribult venom the rc1
PYfd pidpl who itits in the editorial rooms of the ribnue aDd biMlle5 like t python breath
ill PO NOII aud pltdin slunder it is loasy euougb to understand why the ribull UUlO1mf
to nothing ai4 M newspMper and never can o bug as be luu anything to do with it Living 111
a dpnd 1Mat iJ Teeding his KlaU upon dhalioizItec1 ambition bating eerTthing he dos Hilt
nntrol he i IS an tthle exponent of the Kcmrus policy Despi8ing even himse1f without a
tictpiit thought from one yenr end to thu nexl destl1lctiye and without M construrtive
thR one ondellS that like tlle 01mdtd lUUkosWlke lie dOiS not ting himself to ltatil
hwompetent illiterate without fln hOlllSt 1I0YHplttKI instinct obvioualy fitted fat nothing
mort > > titan x seaviiger XtI1I is i It propel tool for Kearu8 Mild the latter is so inoraut i hilll
elf tllRl In loes wt recognize the fact that Sel80n output is 80 tbso1utely illoieal 1111
grtnnuatie and involved i 1 that it defeats its owu cncl
J1Je men who comprj the federal huudt aeoltling to the Tribuni the men whose
methods ale of a sort Unit DO clean man eiuj afford to be identified with tlJem are Sen
Itol Hetd Smoot Seudor George Sutherland Cougr mall loeeph Howell Governor Wit l
liam Spry Heelluc Collector E H CalJidter lnited States Attorney H 1L I Booth United iI i I
tRle8 blobRl Tames n Anleroll Po4trnantpr rthur h I Thomas And SurveyOr GenetI
l nlOlOa5 lulI t1hee are tIIClllun whom thc Tribune ililil8 Not t word 11118 iverbeen tljd
tgMiutit their hone tr their integrity their mrality thei words ale good in buFines ADd I
twcet I man And mM No thnreof 4Jl o or ininoraiity or euy Qr MY sort
IMtl4 ever bnusttht aib t tJnu tT6 man 4ue O IiO 1tccauH Ute an hontt men and
their hiva nro clean
Can as much 00 said for rom Kemusf Can any of these tatement8 be applied to Tom
Icearns None of thcee men hX uver been nused of IImrder Done of them bas ever been
Mcused oC robbing a mine none of them 11M ever been nccuecd of living uncleall ive Cnn
HIS much he 8nid for Tom Ken Ill 1 and dare he MY UfO moob for imeelfT
Plterc wa some hope that the Tribune might reform uuder its new management but
tberc celllS to be no ground fOJ the hope So long as 1 Tarn Kearns owns tint illler it will I
bc indecent it will vilify and s1ttldr any per on ill the community who cornE the ienrns
di8lik ond it will continue to dnmage Cblh by olltillunlly deCaming the state Although I
KCltrl1K is touted a5 a very riu Jlnm he iK the poor < 8t rich lUnn in the slate of Utah The I
triits 011 him bodY aud soul and through him the lribmw Thnt ntper CUll do nothing
for the people and against the trusts bccmse the latter could enlsh the life out of it by a
WAve of the baud Kgtrns dare not say his soul i his own rlustoontrolled trnsto8
and trustowned the Tribune ecll ulll to defend the coal combine in one of the mOiSt out
rageons md oppressive acts ever 1ttcmpted by a combine ill the lJnited StMtlS
Jt is snid that age improves morals but it is not noticenhle that age is improving the
morals of eithll KeArns OL the 11r11ulle fjltrnalIy engaged ill muckraking the Tribune is I
iJtCftdily going down 11il1 its prestige circulation nud business rnpidl deserting it The
Cern hope that A new management may accomp1ish Olllething is a vain Olle so long 88
Tom Kenrns owns the paper and his pet viper Willisita Nelson is i Jel1nittcd to have tuy
thing to do with it I
The Tribune will continue until the end or the chapter reactionary slanderous and I
worthless until Koarns releases his grip on ib And even then such is Ute influence of past
associations that years of good behavior will be neccssnry before the people will trust it I
The riibune policy is the K3rI1S policn it 15 all wrong and such is the Konn15 nature that I
it will never change until the air of Utah is purified it average or ducency raided and its 1
morAlity i U1ntednily strengthened by the Kenrn5 departure I
If the tory told tn a Chieao poliefomltn last nigM by Edward Huenn
1 who umted 1IJ UII nrreD4le 1IJ hicJC to tile ueftel a trite G00II8
Smith who is j now tervill < < an ptyt8r term in Ue Lta tale poisitru
t A17 for robbing the fdeR boa e near Twentlifth sCrm anti IitteoIu
a eune is paying the iwnaty for another mRns lnhlt
HoeVen declare that 4C heW up the
hotel who e tctnlth was employed aOJ
night clerk look the money that Smith
III accused oC having stolen and made
hi ncape
Conscience UMOYn dclar has
drhn him to snake a conelon ansI
endeavor to secure thO freedom of An i
Innocent man
ACtIOnll to dispatches from Ch
cage uneven accosted a policeman on
the street during the night and insist
td that he bad held tiP a clerk III an
d n hotel and stolen e from him
that the cleric fired hot at him hut
he made hsv cscape I
Later Itseren declared he read < that
Mmlth had been ooaleted or robbiug
the hotel and WR seatenced tf aerte
right yfari In the ttaJa pDIeHtIarY
llhogh the pollman wa not In
dlnrd t n bli ev tile IIlrann tory oC
lYnVets Ih 11I1tr In IId J1On Bur
nIiisig iilviiIf and Ir WI < takfn t In
5 tisto4v n < llut fllrl Itr r oj
11nl t In Ih s a
At he ton ot the alleged rollr
about se and a paid watch wr al
had to bar been tkn b Smith
who wag Ossis nit tnntyfl Ie
or si r Cund nn Ih IsJcwlk
5Iis5t < mlth
H 1 sjIfl =
n1 pi hs n lOr f 3nl1 1 5
i d I I I INt n tnsr
tlHJ II > n T f
I1 E r b ad JJ f 1
found tit be currpct he will be brought
her ItnI trltfJ and tIe jonoclnt maD I
nndrlIItIt SlIppotd to JInc hem I
JlurnttI at the Stnk In rUI
tlic nlf WII In tleIc
Guadalajara Ix lee Anttnllo
Rodrllruea supposed to have n
burned at tbe stake at Rk Spring
Texas I In auuJaIRjara ale and
hearty nlfltwttelte from Hk Sprlp
at the time ut the hnhhllt made tea
sonably certain the Identity of the mn
aa tn resicn or this city And as an
aftermath to the killing aatIAtfleIi
ran demonstration In Mexico wr
ldilgtee 1611 ntood hI e n
dyP age on sUSpicion that be wall an
agent of th revItltionMrv icr Ma
dr o Ills hieflI it 1 V wzis sti I huliesi to
slav and h las
Lrh p in Tr Is TIr n n
l < 1 is oil Nvrui f or t
of f s at n n tif
1OW11 es i 1 rod It
all L tiIflIC t tl Ll 119 < oJ
GUAhlar Mox
n cttort cihi I madf to establish J
the jlltotlty oC the man killed
Award of the James Gordon I
Bennett Cup to Hawley Cause I
of Discontent
Berlin Dec 2tThe Lower Rhine
Aeronautic association today 81t
nounoecl Its I doehiinn 10 ptotest the
award or the James Gordon Bett
cup to lan R hawley winner or the
IlUIt International balloon race
A statement itUng forth the
IJro1Mb or the contest oe the Amer
Ican right to the trophy allege first
that the ArtefuI Aero cRib dlcl not
enter its eontiftlltAtit two months In
advance oe the raft a provided by he
rules and again that lfaWltty tailed to
furnish document aUthq to his
landing plaCE as required b th In
tertlatlon1 0ronauUc federation his
logbook lntng Illegible
Hawl4l arvompsnid liv tugtustuM
Post p4ioti I the alln mrtr H
Irose St Li s lnhon1 river
ia Iitrhi turIsee II lit4fl
nr 1 I mil on 171
t Ill silt 1 IF stiiiy
I CIflan1 c ld te Tlw Fsi qt
ri 181 mpen nth isnioI t
gng II tI I rh1 1 s
feli to i is t p ti1ic ai gs
fi ts T fj > tuarl 11
1Z t 1 t at 0 c Jt or tliC
v I i g J f CT It I
IIItllaf gas 111nt of their dismissal
to take effect on Innuarv 1 t h More
I than 1080 mn are affected
Sheehan Making
Effort for the j
Place of Depewi
t t H
i i
I r 1
3 6
r I
1III 1
NrLv ssl 1 I Yiliaisi F
NJ 1 Ls H 0 r I l nniitict
11 I I T s tIih y ror tle
Litits1 < I 101iiR 1 ill g
ter uslir l JoUthlUll1 sf
Buffs I wr W i lh t list ladi ng Buf
rt Is I iiti 5 rs Ienl I nilorsed hltn I
for the sst I 10 hrom vnt ben tie
tenet of Sentur Lepitw eplre un
Mrrh f
In defIning hili attitude toward na
tional qiaestIon Mr Sheehan fkoClaA41
his bel In the letter and spIrIt of
the platform adopttdt the last Oem
oertle slate convention
HI letter opt > ll with aD expression
of aufactoa tI1atUae ppoytuaity of
CODUn to the saMIitbisci d hi
onine fOr 31 ssocaWIV oe tress
his = aelghblrc OtJti ftIeds a
He urges bat bOeer tbe Demo
crlt part choosea tOt senator his
usofuinows as a publll officer be not
aoakned by unjust rltlclm durlC
his can4ldll
lie declares hlnu4l1t In ror of a
bemafl durard rIon of thb
tariff atil con tuel
Tnt and ontWnatlonlll that COD
trot t Ije aeceiisajiez of life aDd Incresne
th cot of lIvtntr ate largely be to
suit of excosaive piotbetive dt1ou Pet
the immediate present that momentous
question lies been removed from the
omain vf pohlUcs
I shall 11 elected approlh the N
lutlon uf the question In the spirit of
the broadest patrlotlittn
Mr Sheehan says that though he re
Jokes In the worl4ife effort for uol
versa pear that ufltll this tIme cornea
he would heed the od saying PDt
your trust In GGd aDd keep Tour pow
dr dry
I have 110 psUics he continued
wIth the rItOrtl 54 represea lathe
who have repeatedly anJtttd to eJ
alth dltatlon Jf thopeeplee repro
senlatlves are true to pOtty prlnttpl
and coiiraguusly Perform their duty
and If the cuirts remdiwfaitbfid Co the
srtIIt tradition of the peat now na
Uon1I8m will rontlnu a futile and
Innocuous n
IIlu Jhnt theltlf of lrIoIIo IrQ lit I
lIrviccl UORWrri I
New York lr k tnrrne or
the steel I mhnufactmr of the Ubtteod I
States has been ealied 10 meet n
on Jntlt is for lb puipi et dIe
cuulq priCE and londltlvnlt Whether
concerted crOon In 1M lakeD hooking
toward a NdJument of prices 4ow
ward to the purpose of Nh1na this
slarhcening demand In thse steel trtt4
Is I not known tCIHI plant ate in 11 I
nlnlt between and CO Pfr cent or I
their capacity at present and some
manufacturers think that 10rP4
II the priceN market would bring the conr Into I
JJllueTS tftSIX I
Enid Okl Pee 9S 1amobol1
hsriff ur this count received a Ittr
tod ontalnlnlr threats to hnn snnntv
hrlicfI and the ePIdeOco of Judge Cuf
l180n 1f l1lam coy and lii lIOn enD
ktd of violating the liquor law I are
not rleasel I VIlIIam Coylo I Is I serving
a nttnCf of lxllln monlh in jail
I and wa fined 15O I 1
1 I = = = = = = = = = = =
Commercial Clubs Advertising
Wing Complete the First
Step in Seitin the State
Right Before the World
Sri I ctary Caines R fW 1 I
Shows That Adverisin 1
I East in Various Ways Fu F
I Alleady Begun to Bear L t
fry 11 firsi aNnual report of She nork
i nHUh I tki IHJi
hHrHn f 1k entnrrrInl Tgi
nn eiisuiiirl I Ik nsvruksa rn1
huller f 1 liHeesa eesnsht b rs
rnr 1 I nine lk report fells In
sinai r tlf trlfH i4vcriisl h >
sf1 lnht 4 thf atatO of I ak ha
rrcrrs4 frwit this iniiiiI4i sail if
lh nuInpr lsiuirIes rerrieI eon
rcrnisz he stet rrwreee throult
the tipieitatiwn of ie tHfIn is 1
rn ti
ThoIanl sf isaintluhts Ik l r
1 t UI been Ilr lt h
Hilnl lIt of C Inn wi
I Inhere < t4 In t tab ii
miod rtIeIes rrm the I 1 4
IiSve I PIKrd 1f nwspsper al
the country and arrangement
been made with a sndlruite for i
of stories of ttah that will a j I I T
I a number nf juurnals
I Tho rviort 1010
T Jblll Iurau was or Y I
In April ii If hy the borJ sr
mote tt the 1ovnmErri1 fOi ni o I
nan I trr with th flollo f I
h and directors Ioy I IOii
I President cIfS T tslclI viI I
I In
I I dent manager Inetb J al I nf eeet 1 a I I
Cemln eommittju ii I I I l I
I 1 or T tl Or sr V I
tl J r John S RrsnstorI
Dens o lv W Anr I G v
I 7 N anre hane I John l1 I s
I irrhII John
i ot f 1
IT t f uter l Y MtJ Ii 11
I f J A 1f F I rrh L
I Steward 0 co s A fiirLn
i n SS Walker C W JotI on M 1
T pn 1eur t uOrb v
Icy W I Shrlrmn
Immfhl after ural > I ili I
prldt aDtlntf on ex Hi
mUte ur whose direct p1 Iii
tail o the n ork hI I
out Tht cmntlt eon t le
toloI 55 W ntnl f r 1
non A SV Canton Url E I 1 f
E howard t e I 1 II 1
poll Joseph E
During th first sIX mOOtise f l
gaaIttou the attention f the s
I Utc committee was dire t t s
elusively tu the york sf s s Itne 1i
I and the tlrOroUM carni I cun1u
bY the exlt ormt stI Il I a
aiwdetanee or nforo R I IIh r
ataD lbrlll i Otfltsn
over 5130 Ir year s a In vn
iy I installment io uI l r
en were 5Ptfltv ot f t o ladtng
flees and IDnial 1 ur il il
sad th lubrhllon 11 In
from e 10 a
Aei 0 0 isifis 1 f10 r
cured to jldlf II ttlT1 I
or adveritng tlf eopniijtoe 10
distribution nf 1Inr Uri I I
the Ir Ir yttinulr or hok
ttuuuliaticI as lajtr 1 ht
U HHrrlr < rieluration at Illhre
Ill IRt h ri tl ° K S h
Olt Iki krlkR
Lincoln Nh p I s I 5 1 f i af
h I Inform 1 t 1 mone f I
tmor Md IIIAI ii 11 attesl i
Jackson day Ist n nuu i
Mr Blft psyr
1 11 b I I11 i fo nil I
present an < I I i i I t 1 a
ter to 1 rtt1 i I I Tllon
I might pisiv 8 1 Isnt not r I
1 I would Infr r i ji 1nln r
arrnmtnt tisple I srlginati t
at dluitisflecl w 1 t I Ii list I s
rt net isiial i0nn I I That I I
form was sat lsfsst i t 11 art v 1 p i I
years RIO And I I5I ri s try tn t
rank and fIle n Ti t5 y 5
mont was In my IRr
due to th rt that sercial 1 iAI r
the Iatrr hAd already bn
ced I eVents sti vnts haY
af f
the 41fton vndIcatd l Li k I
Arch Hoxsey Makes Flight
Over Mountain in Biplane
AlATI0S Ar b HOXIII of Paaa
tides I holder nfthe ptont
world altitude eceord of 1144 ft
today nw or Mount Wilson the
highest peAk of the mountain rllntt
which rm the TltUfoy In which Los
Angel Iea Pasadena and the towns of
the raoll belt lie Under Ideal
weather conditIons M soared I feet
Into the sky and cleared the crest of
i Mount Wilson with 4IO feet to spare
LiittensiU Vernon Holler ant Overal
i oIlier arm fflrll who are her 10
pee the IIhlll were quick to obserVe In 1
14nXes performance new Wnv sf
I transporting armies acrsss n1lIIntln
ranges 1 fll rlict e1 th a rh rIIt
I tints s tlt ann 1111110 5 5 An etnt In I
ill Malint height
il w 11 10 sets
t fri Fn I i i i1 t L I I
a tIUmland hlpltt V05th1 rlunn n
srmv St 1100 mn asrose n10llntaln
31 bib ac th Alps In R 4sy
I sosesi I ti Iiei ststk trilt
Isi pie flP iltI I i p fI p snnger sort
s 1 01 i Iii I sumsv frsti th
fild n l ont I 01 ti flttisIifl I
r os I Ii i I 5 01 I ich I ss In sit s
1 1 I 0 1 t 1 t I 5 I lit fn I t I
1 I 1 p I 5 to ar i s Jistssfls
I rnnn In hi1 U the mountain b less
i I hAn Ih t t Iso II I drt nsr the
t fjP1 until f 1 ralh1 lis nHld
mIR hllftt hfr he Iutd tlii ti C
ur bill machln twsui h range It
was ettt Of Ilfl s tio rtOWsl hff p
he mJ tb t t opt s I topping I
Tile news r I u 11 flpi
to Aviation rteij lv tlepsone ii
the Carnegie brvatorv
Mount Wilson end slircctiv ssbove wlli
th svlstsr soared
U was ffRrrulh Id nd wi J
JrOI I a poiflt Jut s but the suns I I
ronoJ I t II lt horizon whkh s
sclsrei I I t nlount ins frit the In t
tisn rit I cci ji iep I IHlII 1 of apr
fi cu nit Ii fit to e Inrtlcl that stunE
m fs I am rtain t t If t had i f
rsesrI i i t urmollltr with me it
I uhl la aIist bc tnPerturf f I
I tit I to f1 r below ze
II e r irdling muuntlull Is
f i1 cimhlnK 1101 feet s
S tile st TI earth does
seem so far sway
Lnlhsniiyt IJrnfO t f
ptflTflI3p 5 t I thi
Ilttn fet I t shed t
lsitt il I f I t ti o f
I th 1a
vnl 1 I wi I sz l I i ti hv
aetilnt wi lnl i
I I In
sips t I I I I t t I La IT li Frf
il 5
fl I I ad a
attempt t6 55e Ukn ttlf Ih i lliat
rrnht nn i p ln Ih InUt 10 < 1 0
Conthltd on lI Tw

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