4 t J 1 TilE METALS 7 vtx1JI i a 14 snvc 7 1 c you Wmtadverti Jl p thnntI VfMn I o I PAGES CepplK Atkodca 124k II cial o manl 1 = I I Luti per 1 1 450 Fro1I lY rair the 11U H rall 1 Inlntl 1 Rpukllcn SALT LAKE CITY UTAH SATURDAY DEOEMBER 31 1910 Price 5 Cents I T i WOOL GROWERS GRILL THE FOREST SERVICE I CHARGE HARM i 1 TO INDUSTRY Utah Auocition in Annual Convention Flay Govern I ment Bureau for Fvoring Cattlemen Oil Forest Ranges i LOUDEST PROTEST IS OM MANTI RESERVE GIernor Spry Urges That Case Be LaidBefore Wash i 121On and Promises tate Support to Wool Industry PRESIDENT CALLISTER ILL PK b eh4 kII tIo M o b si k elf with s4i1aSS f h4ev 1 liii alfts iard iIh JttMI ti I rUr1 1 1v effklNbq tit I tli p 0 4H r dIrr94 Sb n 4 sit k I i oo w 4 4 q wln pn4 4 oo 1 I hr p 9lry 1sf I Is un 0 kii 1 Ia rw lssfl t l f ssss ru c fVrI rre sd lkrrrh 4s4Itu uirIg lb Ids tr ks hI 44 TIw Ieli wp il iutbd Ike rrwSewr Iii e b lb w4ek i MS4 w f rId hsedI4eI T w l tit rr4S f R pIeev loT 1wev t lrsn 4 abe fevI vt Sr hi kkh lot 1h1 lb 4fSI44 rr 44 eII IheW fIe hwr4 Ji 1 the WOo pumiIM w the WOoII II i1 tlI tn iffrr4 t n e rot I 1 r n flnn1 l I had 1wn I flft5Y I 1 Iwn tr nunhr f hD al 1 4 nn I 1 i reres heauae thp put lflt Pf aU etatan left hlnc to It rl I II ip hv TaITP aiwS that an a qiefle 44arna flwdn P nnI ItTd th fort tryIe wr ntt nfl lb rtll itttj tit end vf in C Nelsen nf 4ant n rtlna tbp tetnt i vrv 11t ftO maltrt how f nr 011 a tIb11tI1 tO t 11E t t II tot t 0 J w 7 j uesMu I i R IlP all q thm tP WIprnmt n Ue itid ey1a that It It Is I 110 u ev wiI h rrd to hndon the bus q EHSsIPsudOM IMIL Tt MiinIl tnrI rpneve 1 the tunt attThtlOfl This nnpiIen nni c h t ant In ttw Wsi d th lki ftl the nret srlee In 1 Iht nnI Iv 1S0 ho mat rX ther 4iiTnE tilt ha e 4I II rdontl toir In eti cIrIoL TJtn dqrlare that I a hi rooeIoOs t ht Ii ode4s f irrU Of otti mt D die and ht feed for thvasnds of sh will be td Vr n arn4 met It was 1 t limIt the UMbI 4 hei to tlI 0T t fIiTv In oIlier to roea h feventu fr 4easIatIoa Th f1w k nUtpT5 IS0 bae with the dcbira tIn hat h n I th moet tl p prevntlTe of ffFS n 1Inn ThW thaI thIie re nt Ian at I I mbevlsii4 Ut nuld be cnm iletely deptr 7f 1 If a man dye shoitt 0lnf beesu the dead irssu sad 1I ndrhvish wnuId raus the fameP to ti ead pn nanlIy ht It Would lw Im iMp to tOAlr1 them on the oth snd theY arid tltlll tflpC1flE T lkn 1 in i neI prTa1PIt where heev r slIWId t gr evraI 1 IUnaO a dSsnkfl of the wnnl r1f was hruht 00 but ibm wan Iulkl 1isnbed WheW JnhaRfi ffIstPh1 4 K an endI 1 deCISrO4 tt If the vtcv of tll Pynwttt In rrd tn fr at rre 0TII 10 aM ebasrod I nt aM tMhe tt > P rtab ahep nwn hemasho Mnt the rovtslos or th I avIft fM the nhcc laduatre Win 1w a 44 faetnv If the rsseat sititedi u COtItIflSd4 COtItIflSd4Take Take lPlonl ft ban eo4n to a tim When we mwd nake our flnal stan said Jamal V of Jlt Ptat la IlIttWlll tile following ieaoIut0I whlrk wan r itv wIth rnclonsd applailne and tln ntmatIy adoptaiI Thl frnt rentvq quasttou In not a trl1 an It In b far tIIP moat 11tt1Mt or ht II 1w rth wn Irowra ha to da1 with It nwtIn JtllI two thInEn If the Eov rnnt In CflnK In ICp un 1111 nrn 4C4awf9l eM Iaxe VlahI j V tt V V L1 I 4 4 i I Lg i Tt V p I 1t 1 j r j I II I11nn f I It Salt IU a 1rleInt or iiaI I ernr 1on I I rwI h p I riueilei n 1 prl of trce1 It IIIII to rrtlr frn cain s aHI 1 run rq rntlnn Against TariffTinkering I The finliuwing was adop4ed sun endnrned b 1 ihe Utah Wool lnwrrs nation at the Aruinry in annual nenlion fItrday i Tn Nonftt 1Id Smeot and n eirgp Sutherland and nngrenssan Juncph Howell Washintusi U I C 8 fa a1Id boe huiJdtrt4 01 SanPfW anti Jut tfMUItiJ tale Itr Utb we pruleM aool Nl1KMly apiMt any revision of tw terferelMe with tie JftMftt tariff 011 wool Httin the allllfttW and unaatisfaeery eoadition of the wool and mutton marketn ill dw to thr propoaed rvisiou of tteW1Ile K b id rendition eapes1 with t 1w poor ranges the adense ruIius of the frvt rv 1Inan I 1w bhth ett ot prodt ion of Mar rumothtiea aft ont IIiPeUflTaitIg anti diCbPartnntr lhiret re he it Neiuhti1 that we Iilr yon 10 tIo an in your poWft to vUt rrtlwr linkfrin with tbt wool ItflItduw Ktrull uhmitlfd 11anti aliou1 Forrit Wool lmwevii a Utah Ileromber l 1flV14J jRlin in nlll fl rlltin at It Pleaaant I SiIeI I Jnus 1 tO siN lriq1eifl caORca 111H1sT1NSEX stary I NAVY DEPARTMENT REfUSES TO rr4ip UM1 SILVER SERVICE V r tII1 tOTb0fl0rII1IReTWbIiafla I 1 W TURI 30Hugh Oor i N 1 da Miller or Cn Broa4av 1 Tirettved the tlloI Iettcr to da h reply 0 S formnl prott flied by him Nav tprtmtit Waebintn I f LWefmbr a tallThe 4psrtwIIl III Is tereipt h rInIDC frets the pert of your letter I of tbe 2 18t Iflet protn ulaUhet Ute eeept8Jtee of the nr nrrYIC pretwiste4 to the ratted flateIi ntpamsblp rah by th tate of 1th which It In allewed In I agrd with a picture of Brt ItaM TotrnK and the 1011 temple sad In reply to thin laform yoo that It oen met II that It Mitt IlIOkO tb41 PNt TU or dealga at anr nerriet This It would nen It has 1w tetMfnt IS sad In the aset ejek detatla have s1wan beit rousaMaled as pertaIahI to Ue mdi videni tte 11 tt hI tm that the elIeT e rek wi the t talt has bee pattfriied an you rrt the department is IU1I4 to beltaTO list It a hl Dl aM I5ie to raJise av qotOt loll of that fa which It in in io W1e cull cerllod er ptthtlh u RlZKMAN NTIlROP I Aesihilsat ecretaTy s of the ay FORMER SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR ILL NCW Yk 1 30 rnl11111 N Bliss tormr nartsrs of the interior tt4 1ou treasurer of th natIonal Re I pubikan eommltt who at the JIe of p nearly sevntyeIht years tut bees eoofbst d to his hnqne he by I1sue for more than a week was asM today I his attendants to he rtItl roe p fortebl Ills Illness Ie not regarded alarming r 1OVt hlNii nftUmID lIps Molnrt Iowa Dee JeHobbflll I P 1 entered th bank Mt Dttw CIty near Inenleen lows during the Itcht sad 0 wIth 42101 TM explosion wan heard by people of the town MIl th I 1 robbery a not dIIOOIftI until this mu via in = = = = = = = = JOSEPH G ROBIN SWALLOWS HYOSCINE ON WAY TO COURT 11 TEW YORK Dee OWitk Had erect oWers aquared and eYM leveled 1 1 at tM battery 1 of camerM Uatd OR him JNOph G Robin the indicted ballkar ae from bli sIMer JteMc Uris 1BoI1lmr to face arraignment calm In tbe kaowede tJtat lie ilad awaUowcd a doc of Jaro cinc the deadly alkaloid with which Dr Orippea killed lsfs 1 wffc Belle Blmofe He coUap8iJd before be cM be taken bate court wtth U e xebMAUeR I am a dead maR rye takeioitbItg V the IIrt 1 e call wan pototnf41 In t Cltfmnt a tomah punp was I irrIdy brought Into pIa and the nick mea wa carrloI fIrst to tw ptlaoD oMpItai aad I staT to BeIIPUe where 10 h lies I tlcht In the prison ward So ulrld Ip I entered chargo < < of stemptd trait him nn1 t In I hulth he wIll ryoor Ithoch the at1nn of hnJNln I I SlOW RflI nieh will 100Jfn1 un hln y Its 1 I ty ok ft he Th I if Y eu I Hhin drug fi T tP II lno r ror i 1 for R t I J T I i I hlr f I I d itr lUd ho LVV with him rolll hi nintarl tiouPs to the crimInal muTt hlJlnlt f i VlIti t toll t Ii I vurt t l at a nr I a i1 I < tI lc I atifl nl 1 V V fl Iu I Pr lalfln ii V h t 11 ot tAlttI IU pi I 1 dosen to enunteract the eftect or mor phlne which he used to 4es4ett the a1IIr paine Ity whlh a1toae max tbflwIYfOtl known JIM kept th ru III hr house and she thOUllfht her brother twa I bowed twelve taWete At HellerOn tOlllcht abe eXIUIIIn atIrkeolia estiTnated that RobIn het taken about onetnth ot a ran Hhln rned In XIwit hCIIIth thin minInKb4ttPr hn at any Un Ir t1l troulllo IpeKeti n1 h < 1 n tn nVrPfT1 lain fsce frrn lb Ii am rl II ilill1 ti TlI firut lIitcfl of i I U Ii tagerr4 t 11 r iitrnaath 10 I V IIIIfll II f 111 In tile wr 4 1II h a rap Idly tat t 110 teCtItP hd to life h in to e oiih There h I nank jfltfl flflflV eiounen P114 wnn nut yvIveI ni a t O lIn 1 id I > n ok 1 T 1 re fronll II d 1 1 1 r u r V ng i l I I V V 1 a unlInued oa lAc Sb CUSTOMS FRAUDS AT SAN FRANCISCO Government Has Been Paying Drawbacks on Philippine Sugar Which Came in Free Wshuitten lIt MWhn thl grand Jun now InfStIIlUnlt the namthinz nf Iugr at 4ew 4rInua finishes It work It wIll be fand that t he fraad agalnnt t h I government there hT been going IIn for at least fifteen yeari Thin statement wan md by an of fkIaI of I 1ft customs service who naid that all the suspected frauds would he found In the ssatpllng of sugar ana In the pnlao teat which 4entaln th melinrfne tttnta upon which tile importer pays duty An IYftItlpU4Jn ol alleged r bi k frauds at sn Francisco In I 10 imminent A preliminary Investiga tion 11 I furniahe4 evIdence hlth ItI treasury offlcta to beIIre the frauds there will eclIpse those t New Tork whlh the Amrln uar Re fIning ompn rtcntly offered 10 settle for IIeIS Jvldenrc collected 1w th utomll nervfre in aId to show ht the gov rnmnt ha for year htn JMlylnlt ilravbsekn o 11tYne sugar whir Cm Jnt t Ii United Htaau dII free wan unet In the preservation or tIIIIrnl fruit and IatCr xportfd an Iulrr imported from Jv on whefrh dtity had hen pahalS UTAH FOURTH AS A COPPER PRODUCER Total Output for 1909 Greater Than in Any Previous Year Whingto5 Dec JTbf Itdllt In tI h product of conr IllId ad slur from prmary OUIT In the tlIltfOd S tte wan greator In IN than III any I prcilns yr Complete tillute1l have just been Inpited by the tnlted States gealogical Iturnp The total output or copar from mltr wan 1I1124 POuMa The total quantity ot retInsJ eepper In dU41lnf doillestlo aM foren ores was 12t1IIUI potIDIitt All isesea of ht tII4I pounds over tIM provloua YeAr The total quantity 01 I saeltcd or refined ID the tnl1ed St tes I 1f9 Wit 4l45 tons Thea apparent cea lImrlIlln or Id by tn4rlran IndJUl trie a C OOI3 tonll Th 10tRI lrdctlu ot cin was 550 II whit the onflumptlon Was i I III I fI jrIp4lI rilln oe oPIr 1raTlIt fII 1 ih rIna 1 I n I d InI I tI Ii rqr I l vNftJIICOd tflrTyC1ht pr efl n the lend or the world and thirty pr cqVflt of th Inc u I UUOIU UI U j1 r A 1 III h Ma I I kloo n tl II trI < r i 7 I 1 > V 1 V I l V > C t Joy hcrt Ileeane REtiAL BANQUET OF 11 COMMERCIAL CLUB I Brilliant GatherIng at First Annual Feast in New Home of Power I erfnl Organization A jig j B nuuu D4i ty4lve eRIIuIaeC Salt Like U4i Utah repre TKUB ig the foreaisd at the csaareial iatlta rial nti prsfoasionai i activity of Uie iDterm01l1ltatlJ CInDIIIonftaW pUaefttl m pod teHewship around tile festive board at tJae most elaborate banquet ever held in tti g city in the magnificent new hoiAr of the Salt Lake Commercial club last Bight AltboUfA time occation was celebrated AS Ute ninth annual bIID41uet of the Commercial club the Cact1Nt this waa z yearly iTity for convivial par time and pleasant reetin4 between tH ieinbere and Uaeirfrieudl was not UppefJIIMt in the minds of those who caDle to enjoy the iM annual feast in the triumph of masonry alarc1aitect1tre of Wltiolt aU an 10 juatly proud I To the distinguished aN eloquent apeaker who auwend the toasts and to the appreciative asemi of merry baaquefen tM cieliciOM Htenu and excellent music were out tIN nalts of roie effort pat forth hy patriotic men who throuK years at onotnt JIIid rs1aM efforta have mac tM Salt Lake Commercial club st for what it rnes today V ThnUlothl1l r til iHd d oI phliltn I I i roir Ii it V g thrhr r mn wha nt In a taiflill t t Pf I n aihsferi lioteVi 1 I atOCai IIjI a nt I a IlIld I he a r t hi V rer5 n t alnh Into 11 vrid a cvmrnercl1 organhzatin tlat ow hont of lie Inet hume nt r I hr Mlenlasipi of a loyal membership If U91 hrlfty buninees men and of a rrohll eTflC that Ie tat becomIng na I uwile fIlled thO milid of the In luflrlU I fI not reprfIutath tfttOtlrw 101 fiill I ver chair In the spoarlusas snquet hail tc It wan that the hap 11ftos hirta4 their voices to the benuti ny decorated IIIJrIl When the lain of Iahr 1181 and his early ptR114t2 Ia I the dub were mentioned t i11 tIrIn 811t Vlt all the IIIltllotn that Is torn In the connlct of earnest thought hn QfOrn five ItinellS against the r1r5efLI lid t of early begInning that the lattn of those who were t the ninth annul banquet a I nn a sertous affair Jollity and fellowship prrsted wide br sIde twelr gblden thrura nf ptogress l4laWng In titeir right hand the ruby lptrt Of oteesn ubI th MllIlt If the state jolnrd with II II CpatC rdlMra of twenty rhc pi In singing Yor Hen a lolty 0001 Fhlow WhD Vrettttnt 10 H Jhno reps tO hits feet to de Ihr the yretdntn addreivt and In trdut K U howard chairman ot the I hotul mmttt Men who reprenent the mighty power that moves the tin nlttlJ whipt tot Ttahs onwarl mrch nf progrens burst forth in I the Ilvuty th of tTItfy < a y Ca Mormon a Mat Oet o atyle and lit th or citizenship that Jumped 10 Its fee t at the first notes of the tr IM Bannir ap ed tP ItmUinIf to suIt tllll fifto ifs When the time eamo fee tPie tst tM president of the club In rerogni tlon of precedent ofMI the remarks He thanked the members of the du froM tbe Jiottom of hale heart foe the part they hltVt takea 1ft the DIIJIt III the tpballdiag of tile Conimercial club and urged that the rood work tf con Untied lit Mid tt1 nh fM UM o that we are fairly ensconced In these delightful eumfurtablia quarter Jet Uti Sot forget that wt have much to do let I UP not bteomc no absorbed In our nn comfort that we neglect the man duties that confront u conin ully Thf Commercial club conatint Int nt onto than 1211 member rep resenting practically every buIness or professional pursuIt In I this state in I cc fIOnlbl to Its citIzens for ttahn ad vancement The gentlemen who nine years age met at the Knutfotd ho1 and arranged for the organization Df thIs club were big enough tet lay A very bread foutlon realizing that If thl cit Was to prosper It must be Itttau of the irogr of Utah and of aU of the Matcn arroundln8 Uit And ato gentlemen we are warkthg along bat line knowing well that It idaho Wyn ming and Nevada become Udclll popa Iatvd and prosperous we mat rp some of the benefits fUne the fIt of the Iatt ear we have launched Il publicIty bureau that In bending every effort to Inform the world of the possibilities of Utah and Salt Lake ity We came to rllze shortly after the organization ot chin bureau that our first and mot Impor ant duty wan R campaign nr education of our nn enpl w were atDnhhed ontlnaet na lgc Tio V MADE A NAME FOR HIMSELF 1 Death of Clarence LexOvf Chairman of a New Yorkf 1 Senate Committt that Unli 1 i covered Mass JJorrUPtiQ 1 I I vv Ultli ne JtfIII 5 1 NI Lent formerlykirsnsn e aennie runmiItee1e invrn41jIf i the rit I 5crstnent fjjqw ark bP nl 101 home In k4S iesJi4 tr Inn tu kltonn eunir or I rrttln the nltt in Whh his wiue t ssa Iohn Ills Irstk ttss me 1e poritnnln lit I siIrvedh it three hlhlrn nd thrro Itr1or Ilaree Jfl5V ra tihern In i rsnk 1 tvn in U fli 1 grsd ted 1nNt bath I lIamhh IInlrity 5 W the IYWter I hly of in fIoo up the ties i t or Isu 1 entered pailtI 6 elcvtcd t f IbFtt I f4touiig h0 Oss eft Ie tue enmolltt t II to the y f tll w 11 V 4 The rseuit ItVtIf vI jbe j Clrtft teaIie btIe JI8 I t h a pnll system wee II met at III ance bt welu officers high tn the 41ft i51tmflt and gamblers proprietors oC dior4eT houes hDtll and saloons hat sIoiat41 the exCise I laws and other Ibrk 1 cr5 wan uneoteced 1 The Rev Ir Chrl rkhurt pe tentimony that shocked the nation Inspector RytItee at that time per htpn the best non puller officer In the sorld renlgued The whole de inrtmrnt wan shaken front tp to bot tom TIH pielne lawn wIre revined and RohWC law hol began to be known In fset the methods and Much or he material or the leiow commit tt bare been fruitfully available ever since for many cities In the throes 1ft reform In addition to his nerelcen an chaIrman CC the IAsnw committee Senator lAIsow wes chaIrman of the Jlnt igIelattve committee that draft i ed the bill chartering the elty of Great er York nl Interest I reform tt ndfd to party primaries and IL kill regulating them bears his nm He was chairman or he committee on resolutIons In the attate convention In the presidential eatr UM which Introduced the first Kohl plank and in ltOI he wan a preldentlnl 1 elector IM recent year lie lyoted himself to lw prnetlec end pria halnesat his II prRr In At the Um or lain 1ata ho wan a dl rcnr ht nn V mlanl iCEBERGS SWEPT ASHORE BY FLOOD Forest Ranger Brings News From the Bering Glacier Region Cordova AlaSka Dec 31FOrest Ranger George Johnson returned today Rn arj otn from an inspection oC th Hosing gla Ier region n confirmed the reports tf the great damage done by tl J which burst frets he giaeier last month JtM ot the hoary fall of snow he was usable to react the chin 0 lakesabeve the re Itttne that tI or the MIIeRa flood but he verified stories or enormous damn a done to the large sweep of country between the glacier and the sea Johnson 11 Invs igated the where Hut o U R W1 d Xysk linmith for kUe lteh fears were enter talnd Wine Ind Smith escaped In JU but underwent thrilling AI prt cures And endured ItardhlpI In making their escape from icehound passes and icecold cviter that swept down to the Bering sea valley Johnson pisid thAt the force It the flood when It burst rrnm the glacier must have been tremendous Jtbrp larger tl an ocean liner were tern from the glacier And swept doa tm iany Icebergs carried from the channel by the eddying current were left stranded high and dry when the flood ubdfd These giant Ice bergs standing alone miles gnt from brg the mother glacier present an unulu1 sight For years to com they will stand hug monuments 01 lee to the great furors of nature PAPER TOWELS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN I Topeka Cnn D 391 T Fair child taM superintendent of public If I troctl said today tht he would pro pr at eii s te bate a Mt m 01 rester towels for uate I Kaiws shawt I 1r 1e tee fat I pal petnl all 111 he flrflihpi I a 1W n 1111 TI 10 V 111 la 0 I Tt 1 i 1 r I l i V V d V 01 < tr c V V V V Lati gpV t i Ielaria C also ha forbidden II MEXICAN TROOPS I j I I LE SLAUGHTER I t Luques Relief Column Said to II I Have Sustained Heavy I Losses in B tc + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ttt + 4 + EI Paso Texan Pee JA spe + + cial to the Tim front Its correspondent + + spondent In Chihuahua Y + paft + Ique relief column ha en + + countered four days fletce fight 4 4 lag I near Cans ColoradO and Its + + I II 601 men killed The IDur 4 t rft loss is I slight The column 4 4 is I tutlY demoralised RvlrrII 4 4 command is un battled up nr 4 + 4 > PlO + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Chihuahua esl D 30 vIa J1 Paso D 21An official report wan rte here today stating that Colonel KMtr Clnh a scouting for of the r4erl nunt a band or IDrt In 341 Paso on Wednesday and that after seine fight mi th IlIlurtO IJ No de tails or wounded were given wit regard to killed The report eras fnt by General Luque to General Hrnndez com mndlht the rhlhuahlA military zone General LII t1ard that the pans wan 1 < ar1 and It W be who ak1 for f TIalr Iraln wIt hit left I 1ern ye ad lt morn In Thi train U n1 ettr II h III 111 al tl railroad office today il a as hltd that I the tf1IPh line would probably be restored by flight I Yeterday htd Intunnan r TCrt < < t II 00 bral a 1 Mc laai mul the trill thrUIEh It I 1 t fl1le1t5tIlfl I gilt f t r 111 VV or I ti rr t i r d 1 1 p h r r rd II 1 i i I V n I lo c frt t blat I a J was unoccupied iiiii MERRill ELECTED I HEAD OF TEACHERS I t I I + r tIP i r 1 t i 1 i IJIJSSttn J I I nnHI lhU lrofcur t hn I 1 VriU Went fir IIeVlVCnflieT tolntlffl COLLEGE MAN l IS PRESIDENT r l Election o Officers Wiov t Contest lt Closing BuaiJt Session of St AsociaioU t at Assembly Hall r EDUCATOR RIDICULES FOOTBALL IN SCHOOLS 7 i I Dr Tyler Score Athletics as Final Fling to Pedagogues V Comnssioner Brown oni Commsion Governmental Duty FOR INDUSTRIAL DUCATION 8 lESTl 1 Tfnr 1 s Ai D narin Professor ioepi J Ur rift or the nhH of rah nn cleated prcsItlrnt tr the I tab Stsio onhr otIIn at the elisasi ft JI must nnecsatui canscation yoa1er4s y afteruupu at fh elll hU 1 e4ccIi fJlvap4 upas the lrlat or th mo Rahnfd discuatnion iSnt lanai nrnIrrd fle cenyen4jon and fn at n Jolt nbra matriolIM ff4 lanai rrschrl ti highest HI r ah iely lr IU ft UkfT en lhnn a limacntlsg voice ra the Jrnatn ut the report nr the oeM mlr a nmlnatfon V Th other offleere lerteat Sr Vhs president ieneph ietersam rrov rl ipeq for ien Your iierntenit Al 11 A h4olaeijx er earl onl v t ufrintndnt j I 1 nt hI twoyear triisteeja t H Idwin I 0 and F W nnII 1 1sl threeyear trutee Ti It I Raeri f nt and Jafhnhihh lhmstas It t iske 5 ircaildent Merrill wi iCePI Mr Thm wilt name hIs own eretsrv The ottc Ar IImIh different It tN thoee oC tIle f the new aarir belg Iim to an mfJl 1 the con sttntIo and hylw At the moment 8uprntt fl I Drll of the fJ Normal 1 tepl 1 U vi tn aimtmueeTh 1t non not else member of the at t spdallou ouloide the fOmlatDJ e gilt t ate kite w who thf I choice fo res WDaitw4 1e Th li a t 1st J tl a claim of every officer who had pre velll been appiachfi4 nn the fU 1 Jt and one thing in I ertaifltherU < had been no electIoneering for anyone lt any time durInI the tmn1on mnUonf Th name ot no indatIat had on h wan a nohl r lr or the con t vention that Ii b very member f the association lasi hn reused to thrill of ptrothn 1 nn speech anit a moment later filleal b mo1 ni another whtt Indignation for the only notr the convention Or a sertioft t rlnt prod new rhr1r tf Incorporation whes the nm of Inoprllnni and the oilier tndidteat I were faCTS On tiotted trlt4 ccsd in aTS instant n th ticket carraeal Innhnouly After reading the relorl of the nm Inat eolntntttv hlrman t < rire moved its adoption HI mtnn seconded and without th slIalItt le of dinatifattti r dmonr tlon 0 an kind I t aereterc ma s r dr to cast a UIIllim bII fnr the candidate 1ernrhr tlrelIe f online 8uorlntndnt G hid reel te report oC the eomliltt I pllnl1 f draft new bylaws n4 Rrll ides or n frton lpon I p n f t II designs ted a < VV id 12 of articles of Intnrtr I io rq lia firt content of the convntn Arlie V prpr4 that dpartna1l mic k done RTSr lh hll ntan h tnl Joe tion wpr mal h I vrilla t4Rr1 tR especially II1OSC In IIIC ine i tut nadv drrl 0 I speeches rer rrl fl F I agalnt thi iasac nt nl I ecci i 1 t fanr or it An I Inhlnt WI 1 Ir1 nodr whld h Il lartVr VII mecting < II nlnl a 1n I I t Inll after long o1 lnl0 1 bt I 10n na t VI ilh Ii lull tlH tte menIin rrhoi 1 I small mrai The mmlt 1i r hltnn ported rlnlnj i t hank eonvntn to I k V mi nild npr Ih to mi t V oloa a grat t an 1 Mormon church rn I r e 1 f Assembly ball hal n v4 adopted on the death t John 1 I 1 L Conhinecd on J a Tlglat 1 = 1 SAVES HIS LIFE BY KILLING PARTNER Mntana Man Walks Twenty Miles Over the Snow to Surrender After Tragedy Anaca tier A special to th Sta Pllpbur Mont nays ACtr a cold nights walk of twenty miles wnl A i4Mkat a ioite5cou traitor t the big Irran dlchb tug bl ar Hn reahld itere esriy thin iraitg and gave ilmllt UI tt herltbKeItnedy ainttiag tM be hd 1 ney kiilea1I prtDr Ot A Miller eiatr4ay alcrno CnrdtK In the story told by ty he two mn h4 agreed I f 41 c Iarurrl and Miller Iftr receiving 1 In rash h lr the cmp anal Ik the trlin 1 f for nrlnmond There ha ii I believed to hVe become considerably under the Inft of liaupr I Acting on neslmptUme he rMiarned to Hail n the afern 1 r and salked 1t to the earns Iekby claIms that nr Miller arrival at the tent ocruptd by the partners be start ed t preiT I meal tot Miller alad thi hl lea weTS fn wood tO re pIcislali tIle fire le foilOrd lt outtddc M d packing tip ii s made am tae in hiw Ikahy tuma I to j t 110 ad ran seek into I 1 JI alIS tUI t V WWpicbedcig ht voteer ft turning fired a iuhotwhlvh struck IC wstch pocket ahatteitfl the wtcb but neither In Juring no tipping the cain A see and shot tok effect In the loft side pepetratiflg the lungs while a third shot entered the body on the right dde Immediately after th shooting Lockaby ran oUI h I li I men work lug Lkal neveral hundred lr away told them what h hail done and started for hail where ho told hiat Dr to the hrlft here over the telephone And atarted oil toot for phllipsburg 011 bile arrival n1nl AI1rn Moore htl oran hd a irhY and went It h camp where 1fY ont Miller body In tt tent htith hands ere clutched light 1anail l or the b 1 over tlia n < I INSANE MAN KILLS WIFE I lraaccl leKcrs the Relwee I nr Chin I iinn hk a n 1nn lnrmr tnn Jlroh lsie sliin Kltuk Ioua Dec 30After hot big and killing his I 1f a fn of In le cane range t New Boo near hp thin arnilla and keeping a IIHrfI posse at ly for hours Christian chock a far aged forty was cap lured late tonight a hr Utht to the taN jail here hk had recently i been released Tom the hospital for the insane at Mount lleht He prob ably will bf returned to the hospital 1 rur Following the killing 0 his wife Sehock barricaded hlMt h his I and dfied the officers for several Olr dff b wan finally induced to nor render TIUII1 ILUHUH Eltllr thee 3Wiltiam Rtll Ir shot and killed his wife and nine teesyearOld stepdaughter Henish KI I their home tuy Rrklr then fired R hut t Ito hisown body D1 trouble wan given al the = = = = = = ATTORNEY GENERAL IS NOT j V INCLNED TO BE MERCIFUL WAHIGTON Dec 30AttorneYI for the individuals indicted members of th scled bath tub t for alLeged violation al Qr 4 aleged the Shenan act came to the department of juKe today ii th interest of o sentence thoir clients Thoe in tho event of conviction arc threatened intrest jai 4 The trio of lawyora was headed by Ruh Tag of New York and in cluded William L Oarponter and Leo BUbol x Wiia Le of Datroft fter V Dtolt an hour conference With W S KcnyO Mr Wickorsams ai stnt Ate r the at 3 tomey goneral has delegated the whole mater the lwrs reuims to word as to the purse or result of the conference l say a I wan Mid It the department that they had been given nD reason to belIeve lIeve that the attorney general ould consent to the CPtnc Dr a plea tt guilty and the imposition or fines nth Pr than Imprisonment They ware given to understand It aJ Mid that Jai sentences will l be ininted upon and wet lnfrnuad lat their cilne oul1 ha eteeted In 11 a I I tuItei i Stal eert I at rnlt on a I r 1 t i4ftAIi 1 5 h la1 lnrn rr t I i i dlct th Would nut ibsakc i lea I nary for the government to start fifty rfmoRI suits to Itt tM fifty dcfend ln together On that ds I The offr of eomirOnulne said 1 have 11 1 I rfliarai 1 S T hat II It Stat iaIrd i tnir 11llrctrln Ih r let t1Ilrnt in I hll I < I i I ar IpV1r ti dTuit a Ill a 1 I 1 S and T t ti 1 It I luactt i1 b4IMSoSQ O ah 1 Ue1 Y o SOnt WiothI I fd fine and no Jllil tItaPe tl th n1 action I Wa lelifltei f I lla b t an ifft elo uli of t he ru I P ton I eovernment ehlrK WQuld i t pfte el ir the injunction launCton were Sgr < I I I Tt iIrtnu nt of JIU lr I evr Ik U coSn bintitia eonbhlatn in I at a < 1 l 1 1 Thl wek I lOkrfleh 1 1 t I I nl II Ih etmIine t T Il 1 lhcy er 1 hong Thfll I < I l 111 < Ii ing TH Innl declprat n 4 General Wlekerpham Il a 1 I WoUl T nhrit on prison nn In n r 111 VI convictions in Ir a tl1e fW 10 th t l ition i ruk II I nI Stll I i nlrn at I V Prrl It I tiIflat 1 11 i I ITI Ii I tp i I If I ant r l W 1 I I t U llilj t t Ui d1U4WL j a