OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, December 31, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1910-12-31/ed-1/seq-2/

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CSIUflMell IfIMm 1 Ullf nwr 4 h airman i or he banlUPI co m
te 1r sw ntis fMo l knft or I I
t IM
s Wsti Ui Ih I 4 sn4 w
hao aIv rp4 t 0 tnYtrt owr
za t wnrk Pf u f3t hat
Ihy will all
evIao th m nlr > wt
14 tllat vvy m 1 abl to t11 I
T iIt he lI1er1f W haY tn I
maR bURIThUI W 10 Would k
What hsa Vtab t It d U Whv
irho14 we hrt a Jot of ope hr I
WhAC w 4 wl them
am 1n dl4l 01 kityw h1 w hy
nor tPm 11 iyi n r In whch i
II 0 PSlk to eottvs tha hy hlCh1 I
I t td Thr a n of I
IwlIIWfltI Whiopt I h kwow very I
ntis IN tkrp esiItte nn d
1 ltO ad Ita w i II t I I
iirvb srtav 11 vIshttnn In thl
itote bo thsy cnsnnbi tnan1 er I
f rIeatinaI fo flitIII ju koowlodge
II rr htort We ro o trying to do
P0 bS flit civic pvM htt r I tIer
I a I 0 StO et oIdbc4 t biatci i
p 1 r n i W ho1 t hot w WJtJ b pM for
IA lPyry kr 4votg t itw work aDd
I tint ry 411 ltnrt1 wt h I
trite1 tll Hbra snt The tte
i nr ftCOD raI d I2Is a st Hr for I
ynhflcIty worll lN9ahrn altto1a
I 14 4 ef ltlelt I eoRrta
nftt 7I11 lllan Vptwlio lii I
I oI PM i Ij I th azt two rR 1It
bUrlty work aad s4wrttn 1 hat
IIT SW D effort so nt h Iaam x
Nl01ts for 11 0 yon a
htr It sys SV ato not I
I S I t that we only od iii
I III I yer tar kno tti I ypr oth
f IocsUty ho ha4 fn throuah
aI dbteoura11l1f r rtn4 bat
5 p a It o nf hul I bolt W h4 I
S williTig to h Piun IWtcl w P aFf
t I fI tO dcmnnlral tist It post u
Jvflt Ih m tuiiteil stat In
t 4 country from a rImojis tiiTt4 I
Int and nn t hnuhl I attre I
p to I h nd hm
t I cs 1
I h
ar e a rman v e anqu
rnittc ho In ht fIrst fcw llenteace
eulvlllrd In alllln trmll Ih ef
lorl ancl achY mnt of th man who
1M the wy Itto the iow bulldlflCAIMI I
pro OMtl A tout to he pl4eat
Tltr hllftdr ntI twntyfour baa
qtr < < 1O o to tlll fet aDd aa many
gIssei clicked In rpcnlle
ITO4IVtE Mr Howard rnM
It now boonfii my duty tCt Intro
dtsc to you onp of th o noble cUt 1
n 1 a man who thd for od for
urbulldill for commercl1 prog1fa a
man whom you all know aa a IIn
friend It I with rt 1M8are that
I preeoat to you tnntlrta he flar
dl 0 W hwcn who lit to act a
ProIeaIIM ehetrtI aiorte4 tM laM
word c th ep4aker am JDdCP Pow
or at ap and nuwe more the man
ED et traj4 thlr vocal eraae as
fitoy POI lire a Jolly GoOC Pet
Th toastmaster pok as follows
Sflr tfl tier Own
nata ETCSt Iherlnc rprata
tift the Indu1 COtIItDOrcl1 and
prst = sJ life of 1th thl lllallfftifi
et bVidIIIg dedicated to rood WIll
and to prores the rOst itnietures
wIthout rosrrd fIh She their tl I
low and holdISK I ° U rllr with
tho ruwlag pslacS of business far
thr nrth are th outward visible
fYI400CO ht at It Nalt Lake ba
rn to heT own TJt spirit of rood
tIIohlp that animaps our merchants
and manufacturers In Ur IItmlrlrl1
for aln4lOll cuprirnacy each trlln
for selfadvancement nd yot all join
mE In lifting hIhr anti till hther
th standard If the city I th arrat
tIfrlln frp ht III fuhln lfAh
Ahd wk 1n week mkIn nioro
rrtl Ih ttllr rPatnss of till
nwl erownrj mtrpnlI of r ti WllIt
Th Inrrtlnn ot th momnt tht
is grown with Inrrlna for with
lIrh rrnrrv sr n h trcl4 with
rriJr 0 r t I oiPIon
rt tra
Salt Lko City uhfd by A 1lcm or
the OlIslbllltie thAt thft future hAd In
store It but proper effort IIhould be
used gathered and amid the prophe
rice of failure beard 011 every hand
omlnJf from those or little faith who
could not see biyod the horizon or
lIlap JIn launched the eommNlal
club and guLdiu It through the storms
And tress the trials and tribulations or
it Parir dHys made It the ralltng I
poInt of all hopefUl spirits And the
birthplace of the DW life DOW penn
sting our entire community The
chryonils has burst RDd from the hum
ble business homes end modest tt8
of A outaln vificigs there has come
Into homE P dty tlll In Its swaddling
clothes It III rue but ltlstY and strong
and nMdy to astonish by It vlnrous
youth those who MIce the raven have
froakd and who tlll croak although
new more tPeble And dcry the efforts
of hOlte progressive citisess who are
stadIly advancing our Interests
Thj Vcre freRhlcr
And now If I could I would mention
tM names or the mn who started the
tin ball rolling that has grown 0
lane end so powerfuL I would do so
If 1 could because thy wr public
benefctors y time is too short to
pMIIIt 11M to 5D7 what 1 olrhL to y
and to attempt less would be unjust
They we dreamers It III J true they
dreamed of lofty b1lIdllUfJ or paved
Ireet of All incoming flood oC people
to mko their home at this Savored
spot and they We the kind tar men
that make their dream come true anti
eo they moulded those dreams Into
brick and mortar and the kwellLlHn
earn and the palatial hotels crew
spars nnd the roar of city life began I
to r w In volume snd new homes
wrp wilt and lawns were beautified
ad the JWW day a day of prors be
gan 10 send its I shafts of light Into ev I
er nook sfld corner of the valley
Thee men betided hotter tMn they I
knew and they are deserving of the I
kindliest thoaghta and the moot n
ero word ll that can H uttered
ThfN was one among them one
whom fled had favored by dylnK him
the heart oC a atln the courage
or a cavalier and a mind from out
which sprang thought wreathed In I
pOllr that charmed those Who heard
hfI1 as It thy bad floated downward I I
In heavenmade music whose nm I
must mention on this occasion when
we gather wltblll the walls or the
bflltIfllI hot tr whIch be Inhered
but which he w destined to leave be
for It door swung pea mourning
hill b5CflCO more than we can tell et
hnkrlll I that It was our high prlTUtIr
I know hIm and to vail him friend
w I iiiII and we saints the DAme of
PII Urrl
lnnornnn of 1tfiii1 I
If 1 RIe1 unroll the greet panorama
r the rulur It I could draw the Cur
In and permit you to look along he
vINt 1 lr the oncoming eara that do
d upon each otItrs hl as they
Some tnwrd all from t h great un
known land If I I eoild 11 you re the
4mnk loisd lifted and the great white
allonll owt trade that will rear their
leads In the bUllY mart If I could ad
vanre you fo the time when the con
srging IIn s ot steel each reaching
n11 for the trade of this great COIII
tnrlc1 center making the railroad
nap to resemble the web oC a IlaJtlr I
pleSr If 1 could take you 10 the lIIOn
ltln In the days to come when the
wealth now unknown shall bto revealed
and pour Ir auhn stresil Into tJ
alI or great beisking hOuses with
In home In this valley where there I
j one hOIl1 oIIIJ you weald M t1I
blM to rad from the pre ot destiny
the future or this city WhOM contlnue1
Iirrh forward Is I as certain as th
Irofre or our great IIon
linia Vitti l5fu
ThIll ill I 10 fsirr pldr t1a I em
painting I am dealing with Ilard fats
TJHo whirligig or Um swung around I
until tM doorway nt opportunity stood
open before 1181t Ik City and she
walked In I without effort otD4r will
now stop her onward progres Fl
nncl strps ira at times set the
brakes ant the whCl maY turn more
shower but thee will continue to turn
und the fly will continue to move for
ward how ran ft he otherwise As
In the I curly days wn tM IlK swept
through the 1Oy Ihlw wan the
ron iIng point of the waters so to
lay the 11 sitting In th center or
Ih great basin is I the natural ron
eTging point of trade for hundred ot
mil bout That art empIre build
er HII1n with prophetic foresight
dlr that here would grow the
greatest cIi between Chicago and the
so he justified his faith by his WfIrk
and the great corporation which he
controlled hare here Invested million
nnfhlnt of great return thereon
when the olden harvest ot the future
ripen I Lot hoee of little faith mess
ure the futu by the truths of the pt I
ant then will they take heart snd be > >
lies In our rlty Fly years have
ruueht It change moot marvelous PO
pie have rome hr by the thousand
11fl4 her they pitched their lnU A
transformation has been wrought The I
raIlroads have expended minion to
mk ready for the thousands who win I
fOllOw t hoap already here The city
has trhpn to keep par with nCtfc1 I
munl1 improvements The business
men have demanded larger and better
IIIArr as they have recognised I the
1lntf nf the tide But Hilt or all
here there everywhere around and
bout nw homes have been built and
an aroused civic pride has caused the
old as wn as the nw rllldn tn
MaIIf and adorn and hp upbuikl
te city beautiful
Ufrrn serCnphtahistinn
Tn unhlIlon Judge Porr pntt
4 1 he first IIQklr tsrley T Wit
lIm who after confessing thit he
had not joined the club unJ he
hati been asked to Spcsk talked for
one long tiresome hu In ulgistn
of the Oregon Mhort lIne and with a
rambling defense nr TreapltnMtlonz
during whieh time fully IIntblrd n
th amemh4 gltest lCt I the banquet
h1I FIII In oro1r Iht a few
might btt left to hear ne rmalnlnlll
toast one of the prllmlnnt mmbe
of the nub WAil forced to qlllUy re
quest Mr Williams to cut It ont ant
even then the orehtlA had to start
We Wont Go Home Until ornlnlf
before Ih champion of the trustS be
came nare thAt there were others 10
be heard
The Sunny SIopes was the text oC
the toast to which C C GOCHIIn tho
next speaker answered Mr l 1o4Wifl
WM hailed with heartiest applause an
he roe upon being IRtroduCfd by the
toastmaster II an eloquent and aftee
UnnAte apeeeh Mr Uoodn Mid In
Plrt In the WcsE
We do nol enough APltrPOlate the
first UIment In the west by our
tOanlrymenth men oC Iron nerve
Ut loaded their hohold goods and
household gods upon ox wagons and
starting out In the face oC a ere oC
savar tribes upon an unmarked trail
for I mile before them the
1 s mile of which was over moun
tiM and deserts and never rested un
til they made their ep on the baRks
of th Wlnmtt why Zenophans re
treat was a pleasure exeuntlon by coin
Thy wr nI searching for gold
they simply wanted ZOOOm And land
fw neighbors and plenty of fresh air
They started the habit of sleeping out
tin the ioreh ohl the porch was not
there and they look the groend la
t I often woNder If they ever
IOP to think hOW indomitable must
bto the souls that the great Cod hAd
gien them
ilow glorified thAt company WAIf thAt
first In fore IIOtIJofht the crabs sted land
of the west I fl wilt nter be fully
They came a picked body fnnn every
stale and tress ninny foreign laud
The beautilul golden ClJNt greeted
them the valleys were all flower car
peted Is welcome the sunlight truss
the rampart or the blue sierras IIIIM
don upon them in I welcome
Thy looked round theta they
looked Into each olhr eyes and no
lIa1 thAt under sharp competition an
empire wits tu be rdem4 and that
they mont he the Instruments to cant
lines that rlemttllon
Thcy hogan their work Where there
were flu written I awL they established
order where there were 110 courts they
COIIIlIIAnd sd eaforeed justice with
In a few months they hd called a On
Tntlon anti though tall half of them
were from slave aisles I IIImn or
dnnr ttr consecrated the new land
10 freedom forever
Orolaon ot Iemrri
llere under the shadows or th IIellOl
cn mountains different conditions
prevailed II different CITI1IUUO wu
Hut hr perhaps the greatest mlr I
ache of 11 ian 1Iflformd I
Sn vision of golden mountains I at I
toast not of thIsbPrId lighted Ue ey II
ef the first CeIII Hard work and
small returns nf le fh thy contract
ed tor
t their coining oi1y the desolate
arms of the deefl were stretched eat
to them oily the desert gave them cold
shelter OIl Its forbidding breast
But undismayed without a murmur
they began their work snd pursued It 1
regardless IIf th hnlllhipa and suffer
tugs Ut were their portion
Glory and success were he slogan
of the mcii lr the fr wt here the
call of duty was at the voice of God tJ o
at thlr COIIIlnc they built rude altars
and began and cloned their days du
ties lay a prias service before those
1101 a under the blows of an I Iron
fortune their hands became gnarled
theIr tase smed and sunken their
eyes diM And the flush vr youth left I
their cheek the desert roaM them
Lvery grace that toil and age filched
from thime sturdy mn IIhd those de
voted women every joy that they put
aside every longing that they sup
pressed was transplanted in I this soil
and when those plonHr shrunken and
wan fell Into their final Ip the
hopes the dream and the graces they
hd lost reappeared In blooms I n gold
en Itraln and fruits and flowers w re
before the desert through all the ages I
hd reMIM only its I rlHlIant face
o looking back along these thfOe
score yearS In which the history of the I
west has thus fr been written we find
tfalon mOle than half the area of
urope redeemed the frown oC the
wilderneSS hAil changed to smile the
the frutti tel
savage has been tamed
tale haTe
has fled eight sovereign
rounded IntO form
Cmmllontr IIrlln Irnk
Jllmr E Drewn totted States com
missioner of education responded In A
brier way to the tosit
I PPrfCIte the hOlier that ha been
bestowed upon III a total stranger 10
Salt LAke mid Mr Jtrown to peak I
ut this banquet and I also appreciate
the lata of the hour 1 wish how
ever to take time tn mt that my
a rnttt hOpe Is I thAt llalt tte and Utah
hall attain the commercial and Industrial
trial prosperity expressed by others
before me slid that In educational Jlllea
il will keep pace with the progress
which 4estifll 1ItI I outlined for its com
mr1tI1 And industrial prosperity
tierrettry JOIIIoph K Cain of the
rommerel1 Cltlb poke only briefly
saying 1ft part
Where I the Commercial Clnbr
I must answer the question Vhore
III the Commercial club The Com
merelal club is I situated on the we t
Ide or Cactua strcot and III the moat
Important building on that great
thoroughfare It towers fully six IIter
ie I above the hltbprleed and vacant
lot thAI surround It and lifts its proud
head far above the billboards across the
To appreciate the Importance or our
location you must know more about
Cactus stet This Avenue Is I fully a
hundred ft will And nearly half a
block long and would hare boon 10nlfr
If the ining Exchange were net In the
way however Cact street III new
st and when you consider Its youth
and inexperience T think YOII will an
agree that It hs done quit well
Complaint haa been made thAt our
home III 1 too fr from the ulnl1I con
ter but this la answered b the fact
hat It 18 flCKTCF the center than thvt
i ilta club the University club or avon
the Country club
I some criticisms have been made upon
I the new club buihhtngthe first and
most Ilerlouf1 of these was the claim
that the entrance was too narrow but
tho first trial proVel this to be a fal
I lacy On the night oC the oponlnl It
wall demonstrated that three tunslzed
mn could enter the building abreast
and that at least one full sized man
could manage to make his exit through
the same place Just now some or the
restaurant men of thlll city Are com
pllnln that our entrance Is entirely
10 whlothJ claim that We nla tak
ing In eerthlng In right
The Commercial club III entering tIn
second era of Its existence under the
mot faVOrable cllcumslanctlll The
lat rtsee1 year has shown an Increase
or about fifty pr cent In membership
and an increase In assets ot over rev
entyour per cent
I The new building was n delightful
IJulIrlo Lo the mCClbcra In Its con
ventence or arrangement and In the
tHoltty of its furnishing While tie
operation of the club In the nw illar I
era Involves many serious prohlenii I
the patronage has far exceeded our an
ti Uon and there I every evidence
that the financial maccomes recordeit In
the ohl quarters will be repeated 111
the new Seventy applicants for met
ership have been accepted inre our
move It month ago These all rain
without solicitation and give till hilt >
fAint hInt oC what Wilt happen when
lr QUIIICIys membership corumitti
gets Into the harness early next month
All the Commercial club grows neW
Ideas are born and those sometimes
result In factional fecllne hut tho club
III bl enough to shelter the hopes aDd
the ambition ot aU Its members It
you finti thAt your ideas are not recelv
lug sufficient attention dent conelu
that you IIIfII out of place And that It i
your turn to resign but bring In all
ot your friends and make the particular
kind or noise that IIIUltll your ears arni I
some day YOU will find your noise I lit
being heard above all the vst
The commrctAl club is I big ftnolllh
for all the members It now ha and for
all the mmbtolll It ever will liar It in I
big enough for the traffic bureau and
the railroad too It is I big enough for
thl publicity bureau and for thoe who
would hidp their light under a bUllh
It III big enough for the regulars snt
hp InllllrKn will make room lot
themselves It ii I big nllllh for till It
people or this ICrfllt state 1M long R
they are decent 1freflPCtlnlC rltllUn
And It will always stand all the hoe nf
freedom of polllkl nollllou rnmtr II
dat and social thought
DMlhAm H noberts presented no f
Ih most afrlOIiIl discussions f t1
evening when he responded to tie IHt
Saint Alld Inne In part hI said
SnIt and Mlnrrs
The terms Painta and lnner msv
be applied to parties In eommuniU
all well lUll to IndltduIII Awl It I I
well known or course that In our city
and state the terms In A lJondnAIr1
sense and somewhat unequally an yet
Ivld our population They are trnis
bAlthumorouI employed lit d irnatP i
our Mormon and nonlormnn iioIle 1
between whom It is supposed thrc
Ists some differences inure or less ds
agreeable irreconcilable and IIIIhl i
OUC Irventlnr free social Inreuuu I
and the homonlt oC the community
that should hrMcerl an American
state I think all art agreed that Ihelt Ii
local 1 differentes and onfllct lend to
render alien In ec 1 other thlt who
ought Iu be bound together lit Iat
In mutual cmmunlt Interests Ir n1
iv tieS of mutual trienclhll Mt ar
agreed that these local differences hI I
t We h ints snd tllnnrsonJr lit
at any rat fur the purposes or this
discasalon the party nell for Ior
IIIS aM noarmonnahI are agreed
I say tlllt these local differences titil
our manner of treating them are In
Jurious 10 the material progress and
prueperity of the state
r Tuastmsstr ber are the sub I
l sect that underlie thlll haIChumorou
Leasttitle 5inner n4 Pains s Ahd
whqi viewed tress this standpoint I
confess that for lite all tIM humor fade
out of the title and I am facing a
bard IMrloulI question or questions for
the subjects 10ITe4 may not be re
solved Into one simple question If 1
misapprehend In thip view the 111 ur
POI of oar committee In assigning
this subject then J say again I hAil i
beg your Jrdn as anon as that ii I
made clear 10 Ine
1unlIln Xt Vnsle i
it hare In Utah an area or iit fl i
square miles of territory mucht Itf It I
mountalnoull thAnk led for I dlt nol
oat the mountains wt Thouh
the render co mIh of te state 1m
possible 10 the pur IIf < MCII I
tur the more than recompense for
that In the grandeur they Impart to
the commonwealth and the Inspiration
they shall b to our people to poets
mulctn painters sculptors or tor
n IIttmn yet unborn who hal
stir thc emotions sway tile latched I
guide the pssion and inspire the ac
ton of our people and uplift aU to
higher pianos oC thinking and or IT
tag God blIII our mountain Ind
Resides but for them e huge upheavals
these crumplna In the vieS earths nut
face there never would haT been
st0rd away perhaps In our state
those vt treasures or yellow white
red and other valuable metal destined
to enrlh oar people even more thln I
our fertile valleys and the industry or
the hbnctman I
According to the annual report nr
State StatIstician H T Ha pub
lhel only yesterdny here are 1f the
state 21iWi acres of lan suscep
tlbl of cultivation And oC this less I
than oetnth Is I actually unr tul
IIYUn and our people are Import
tag annual millions of doll wrtlt
Of agricultural products thAt should be
home grown
We have te ame advantages I
Utah nr the generous homestead las
tat IT the general government I
obtain In orr states Our sa °
shares equally with other state 1
pending In part on irrigatIon for
reclamation of some or hl arrlllh d
lands In tM munificence ot the H
ral government In the construtiis i t
immense reservoirs for irrigation p
pose T general average dry hrt
lug ylold Ier acrE according to T r
lIR0 report is 1 65 bushels an1
cost of producing I Is I hut f et
acre The unapproprl public a
In Utah surveyed and unfureYNl t
talM ° the first of July 11 aI
Inllr to Mr Ualnu report 336 P 4
erNTI total production of metal
IN according t this report Iii t
3GPI1 And since the year lS 10
January 1 U19 Utah mine have prf
duced 46714511 and yet It I Faf
to MT that Utah mineral wealth 3
not yet fairly begun to be develojed
Utah II ljustrpssed
r think I shall b sustained by th I
fat though I may nt here Iped r I
ri rent y them when I Ny that
Utah Is Rot surpassed In natural rr I
Ilr I the great variety and wealth
ut them In clImate In point ot t an I
te from continental position In his
torlcl ant rtlltlo interest by anv
ut the western mountaIn slates Nay I
1 belie that In alt the thing she
Is I luprlc tu anY of them and also
Utah II oldest In permanent settlement
which ought to H to her a material
In hhi9tt of these facts the re
cently reported national statistics for
the decade 19Gl1910 are both Interest
lug andbumlatmC for Utah with
1 Ina tier superior resources advantage
or poItlofl and ant or permanent set
tlement II outlll1lp1cl by al the Other
western mountain stte and tOrrtories I
In the increase ot population and per
lumabh In an oilier rospctll hl lh
mark at 1f31 material progress An
other mnnlaln stats save oniy Cob
rRco And Utah show Rn fnrreao if
rent In the lat decade
over 50 per ht decadl
Montana almas an InIe of Z4 pr
cont Jlhu an increase of 13 er I
eeflt Wyoming 77 per cent XTad
914 Ifr cent Arizna II per rent
New tIrxIco 1 575 lo1 cent an1 01 1
rdo which with Itsi tw an In
eCeas of hcn than i1 1 Icr rent yet
tnw IIn Ihra of 41 cent which
is 131 per cent more than time IncrA
In Utah Which la but 3t per cent
Now considering All th uperlur ad
vantages of Utah ever the other west
rn IMeulilln states why thin failure
to I keeji pace with our iwtr nounlln
tste5 In the increase nf 11Aton
I shall riot Y laA II rjpcs solely
from Ih iIII 1 onfltr to
cSn Sz4Ifltg i nI I r I l1
unllel thei I it I j il i part
n I ii I lei t i i t t o t II lTii titS
n 1alt hve li 1 I I i r h < n
swarm after swat i of our prl he
Ion to Ik I Ihlr lht In 1111
routiiittg itti ntaSn at t I th vt In
I 1Cxir iitiI 1 n 1 it 1 14 I
i Il 1 all gat i t < 1
fr ary I
f tr u un i I
M < oJ r rT n
rT t C r 3s
ttah superior anti Ild 110
and advantages nitd Hf lun r
umphP over I I tIat anl J 1
In have le the western nf
stales 1 Incrau of populaIl 11
last dcsv I Ilnk there I nmaD
who dcmll J
Ijrr tle AmnleiuWv
Ir any clss Or party ot our r II
expects to enter into a consihrt
of our local dlrtrlt In the hop I
of settling them and assumes t tt 5
the virtues are with then and all V
I with their oppoacats thAt ill I
mistakes have bn made by Ibr 0
POlentL and non by thiennelte ts
all concessions must be made I th I
opponents and none by them thst h
are entitled 10 take 1 and iintr I
Uptlonl to give nothing tei that
Continued onrsge Three
T n
original and gnuine II I I
Syrup o Fig and Elxir cf
S know throughout the
wcrl a the best of family latve3 I
kr f m women and children always i
I ha the full name of thc California Fig
Syrup Co printed o the front cf
pe c r
0 everypackage Is for sie by ali
leading dr everywhere on2 I
size only regular price 5 crt t I
pr bottle T its omc
times offered are of Inferior quality
and do not fie satsfacton
therr Id be
= cin I
= I
These are the Days to Save Money 11
On Boys and Chdrens Cloting j I
In dtlition to sving liloney you may choose from R
C most intetestiug siortment of style and fxbtcs And <
a vrt or pattern CbinL u8 1 exteve tbat
it satifaetiun il rin
Chidrens Overcoats Boys Overcoats
Je 40 iPrn s to 1 eee If fr n7 Vram f to It Yeni
C ly eesie in regular ad mill ontO in full Ix effect with
ar eohlare ceater n Id but regular and military ohlars
toned single a ablbret wllM mised tbrl of
c d he1011 cassimeres worsted
c tbt t i 3 M Overcoats 0 and i4her choir waves 1
ttt 1 r t R regular 3 e fl ° ra4
1 I 2 SO durtag this
I 2 SO
tca SlIrels 1 S OvOrcoats nor B Hr 4 io 00
300 t I
Es I 1 350
I ir U Overcoats it H regular SeQ iefcnats
r i5 4 00 Irlna this
< r sale 5 00
1 sirens I T Ofh our H regular 1100 Croal
c 600 durInX 1 1
I V I stJ mle I
1 Overcesta our Rys regular U CI Overcoats
5900 durlnJf thi 1
S Ie iioo I
1 Boys and Childrens 11
Regular z att xastaa and
I l3Jj Xncberbocker styles new 250
1 F lsr SS uits Kaln iil1r
Jnkrbkpr styles f
4 00
1 now
b Regular i Suits 11n Miir ant
lZnickrboekcr styles
now 5600
IaalAr flSR B vits Ronlen IIr In1 5
c Kelekerboskor styks
a now s j
Regular 1I PqIts Itussian IIIr an1
° n Ika tyhi 900
rhiild s oz enit 3Ineher all solid and
t a substaaliol lb In every particular sizes
1 ilto3 Or
I pr 11 O S 175
5 Buys st iih t ru Jueher Goodyear
I f welt Ial staj odsn high heel Jlu
il rrlre 1 t H Our 250
c The HouJe of QuFi1y i
> 138140142 MAIN ST S
Real Leather
Hand Bags
Tr no CXt nowadAYs for
lady t l ear a shoddy looking hand
bag The real leAtMr neatly trim
med i reasonable in re And for
wear And appre nthi else
equals il Several lbde Ihown
Union Dental Co
I Painless extraction or teeth or 00
pay AU work aaraDt
I We Treat You Right
Tame 1 s w I
Addres s s
Notice Coupons must be of consecutive
numbers Only one coupon of each number will
he accepted
For 3 ronecztively Dumhrcl cnflpOfl toitetber ll R small cb 17 I
meat you may have your choice of 00 r plndhl household premiums Se
smpti i nthlerrtdltepuhhicsn rie
Por J9cAi
The KInd You Have Always Bought I
I SIiature ea the of c l 1
0 P
L ¼ 1
pRYcoaDJ j I
Saturday iEi Great Day in the
fur Department i
Several nuiber mentioned to show yon the go MTte or I
bung furs at O ns for quality reliability and Iowsss or prc l
all unltod for tic beMeffl of U prchr
CHIDS SQUIREL SET dainty ltt sett white a gray
squlrol trme wU two H worth 650 298
Saturday the t 4 a
I SETTh i a Ipllid lit I
t Lie Slt i white cney I
y irimmad 1t ea4 pun I
I aDd cord worth 15 Sat i
I M 119
I 1r4
s ill throw and collar slet
1le41 DCludmg boat selected i
I ci
coney fox Rarot brook i
I mink and Op1 knl I
Worh t 166 eah Sahtr I
Iby yor pic
MFFS i pw Ile
iii ttl1 heavy HUX alr some
b ho d a tal trMalle
plaiw r t 550 fch
I 295
I Womens Sweater Coats
Finest quality Iabs wool 1U iR fancy I f
knitted patterns come ix odor cardinal atul
white 37inch length double u single brease
styles splendid value 3 59
Saturday 4
BROADCLOTH COATS haudaomc models
of finest chiffon reatcttig t fitting t i
stYI0 ful lenghheav fine quality sat f I
in 1iningplan4ailorcd style 17 95 1I i
worth 226 ci Saturday 4 i
FANCY M JBI OOATSThese ia ninity ft I I I i
fancy tailored slepakh pcket cc of I
fecIarge collar and wide lapel ideasvrou j 1 t
mixed patter and too oautf11 new fancy I I I
plaid cheks2 lot marked a half prices J iI I i
9 Values 450 1200 Values 61I I
A r
hart ColllPfpl whose J1ont K
pure are nlt tiearl I likely 1 tl
hard rid its al ° tr
Sarsaprfl flll tC ni
SaAfrn la ld r
An t gef e r c
t I r Th r 1
C e c Tak Hg E
r c
1 U
Ixuji I JiiJ
SeedIesFbreleuJnicy and
SweetA Perect FruIt I
Five thousand Caloria orange fren
ring 6 per cent of the states entire crop 11
select each season their perfect O ra e and
pack them under the name uSunkist Thi I
11 you to recognize and buy Calorial j
choicet trerpened oranges j t
frtil you have tas4ed a luciouS uSunkist orange
Sunkst u cannot begin to apprate the eclence of
Lemons anei that are prperly grw rightly inspected
I you want cefulr lanlC packed and swift y transported Serve Sun
the 6aestem kitti on your table tomorrow morning and lear the
caRFrowa51 superiority of f treeripened fibrdcs I icedlcta solid and
forSankst U
br a ad aud sound oratigrs over the commonplace kind SUR kit
note how b sit food that are muth the
are so nearly they
much raY oranges kind ye l fo the ae mu I
ler cheapest to buy
and bow aro cepest oran cs are tlindinnJ and are hand
macbar The Sunkist orange ii i a firm solid fruit
thel olnpre they Aided I dealer for the orDl kmd and mate
Eolnpre sure that each orng leu et is packed in a tissue
iances labeled Sunkut Forthescrrrappers
cakes paper wr7pcr labeed 1oqhecrapper
Dies rc valuabl
driaka a 1 n idi I FR Ti HadsoMe Roger Orange Spoon I
Ss2SukstornnFeor1ernonuaPP rq mad
them 10 UI with lie to pay charges pDk e
aDd WI will prlDt wi you with ca genuine R0 Or
deain and I
ace Spoon of beautiful new 11 aD
quatit Iien Yln rrper te4s Fee bbhej
ttoDjppooit desired send 1 8kl rappersand
I remhtitz pheaw pad neeett taup ben tl
imOflnt 1f ii I IUJal I 24 Oi souts b 2M ptefr
money order czpmrnt crIer or bask draft lDat1 S cakj i I
We will oru 1d to eni vOO Complete hit of nlatl pr
l4i3iw V for uiiizma plo n bDor bUl I Ik and 1f BU rP Y
I w I I Cio Frt GrWUl EcDe 34 ak St Chicago W

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