44 + + + + 4 + + + + 4 + + + + + + t + t t r 4 + + + + t t 4 t + t t t t + H + t + + + + H + + + +
TAatt Gfu II IPii
Sb J r T rI 11fIIo t 7 700 r UHtlroott3
t Lud 4
+ fltSbv J4 LMe4v 4
IWSbw N 1 ab hSss MI Luk4 4
n 4 CI4u IISr at t Ldw +
r II GlqPra4 JS iii ttkoftt +
u 1 aiiIty 1 CSf14H lOt I I 4
ra 4re7 c WIt h M II LiM
t + + + + + + I t 4 + 44 4 II + i + I 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + H + H + + tWIT + + 4 + 44
1T Ih rturfl r rrfr J li 3oIrrl1
from neonr where he rep
WIT t h IIIrIt r Ith at tit Rn4ky Mountain AthlIi ian
fn r mpttng It linn 1ah hdlll ror nXI aon I
nI At th ronln u Uuc th rur lIm wth the rtntptnp
I wr gttnLtplv pettlpd tlpn 11 thp rmalrdnlr dt in nw h
1 In f oeh IJeonnktn stated last nht thl lie hedule hwn abof i
1 turwI
ti fftnlrn mtlnt Prt Ir
k for same wIh Iner nl
I Itr In Ih eason hut ss h
ral hI ha Ildtd rthr
rlant Qtnl In lahlle mttr wa
rItIIfft Uiider lb fftnlract l tak
uppn 4 tf > play flnJtia In eni
In Ill Thl howr wOllld
ut thtef trIpe tn oIora and
I 1 nIdfl 1 trftilItr tO 111ev the
itin by emnE 0 1mb a Inter
LIII 1111na Denver Ii I waa net foht
Irqf lIrrlll rppdrt that u the mat
r 1111111 ttl Cnnllfttfl n1
rhn4e In Ih ral p 4icI4ed 10
he mattr frI In tw hsada nl
Indtln That la If p man la
r 1Ibl unr tI cnprqace
r q Iy tlf II4IR of a dpsflment th I
Itr I Ihn ttlfd aI there will
I r nn appaI 1 or irelect on the report
w rp qtctkn of nrprtaIIa Itf
11Ilhtll rulc lit III lltelt how
r r th qnfrp bcir of cuaIrl
w 1 thn tp In
Irrlll t i4v4 In bvI th
iwrinIttin IhltqM Ui Ct ot
erIafl n41ulrnt If hr I
r nl It rqannnble Cfulp ctrlkep
aklll all thp rll nw man
f r
r draft of thOI hdn1 ac It ww
t nj 1 aur cnme crlIrnt pnrt fey
fh1I an tt fall irIi
nn tttd that IIh w1 un
lhtl1V he hr rr Thnkhln
1 th 3oIow Itllutl mtc all
r I norlhwlrn II Un nn
I i from nlrsdn I tflf C at tn
w ortr Te sou ItNtthan
1 1Ifl have be4fl hr hll th
triI1iat AheIf sccncistln wac
11 In hY had tmerou reefer
r flp rrieIt of whlrh It nS said
10 w 11M pruapetis 01 a ftban
Am Pwien nSr lId hlton
fl t mu I had brn arrh improv4
viPir 4 at Princeton III the uu
c < 1 dat and pIae for the n1ll If
n tI finally amnd
Thr i said howw4r t h hltl
1 hbnlt of a arllrn melng k
twPn Hrel ani PmnlynloL
erOtI3Ult county clerk w tile ruSs
U lye sIeT tUf fSUtbW I atueaUss
bal dvsIua in and for kit Lake
Cout Utah
4 1a the mattu f th eutate s Eo L
1y uItettee
The petition of Aena LJsvI eee1ltrls
oC the te 01 L Davi dcssSd
rayiag for tbo ttlemsat of final a
count of caM atrax end for 1b dl
rtbutloa nl the rW1I4t 01 he eetate
t U the percon entitled haa bane Nt
fur hrln on Friday UIII Sth day eC
January A 0 nil at orlMk p m
at tlte county court heals In tlM coelt
rClOm of said court ID 11I Lake City
emit Lake County Utah
wile lbs slerk c aId 01 wIth
the M cI thereof affixed thIa Dth day
01 Recember A Do II I
SF L P Palmer Dtt7 Clerk
v enIr sad s V HIg At i
iry fel Veti laser
M dtvlI s aM for 8 It LaM
eunty Blots et eta
I th matter c the actate and aar
dianshlp of emma ay Merit 1III10r
o oHc
Th petition Itl Alma A MeTTle pray
In fur the Imnance to himself 1 t
In of gnardinchlp on the pen and
t eI gmma May Morris r h
been at fOI hearing oa Friday the CUI
dai of Janr A D 11L at i OeiMIt
P IlL at tlat eovaty court huose in the
eovrt rasm of eald Mlt In isit LaIe
City Salt Lak eonat7 Utah
Witness the elr of said seurt with
tho cod thereof affixed this Iet day
ef Diaber A D IPII
MAEOT LUll rraua
asH Clerk
lIy L r Patr Deputy Clerk
HSOderS Ilerv ttelaleW
nit Attorseyt for hUtiGMr I
te dirieloL In I an4 for It Lake
cenaty attft of Utah
I a Lb IlllAUn 01 the estate aad gnat
d18I of Albert Miller IrIts
The petition of Franc II Mfllr
the guardian of lbs person and the
tI sCMWrt Milk iatRf praying fr
an ord 01 cain of rasi property ef
said mIor sd that all pars In
tercted appear before the asid court
to boW oeuas why an ordoT should not
he rantd to pelt eo mUCh aa shall M
nacounary of the 100lowaC drejbd
1 estate r said minor t wit AU
of lot fortythree block two onth
Main Mr4t addition plat A being
a vbdvIoe 01 Iota eight nine and
titiana and part of lot tan and hlr
terms bIO eleven fhe arfl plat A
big field UVVS7 SAlt take ounl
lab hae bees sat for hearing n Fri
day the 13th day of January A O
111 at t o1erIt p m a 1 the rounty
court house la tho court room ot said
COUrt In Solt Lab City tIIIlt Lake
tet UtAh
WItnoec the clerk ftf i4 tOurt with
tlH 1 atfiz4 this Zth day
to r I TT1h r A I l1O
M 1 I JJT tt WInUn
j WITUrIerk
I I r Deputy Clerk
I A wlr Attorney fOr
1 O
TrI JudiciAl dlri1 nf the Sato of
t 4h I UIt if sIt Lake
n I Pnn4y plaintiff y c An
I ubel auarollan tor John Hul
flv i I p n Anl1l UIltf1
T t fnsn M H I J vaty n
I I i n r g fl mn
rg ht1T a M
1 t 111 Iorn
The Stat of UtaJa to the said
fndanti You are hrfb summoned
I iS wIttn I WfltY t Iays rtr tha
rvt k f this urrrrE 1110 OU If
r1 Ithln 1 In 1 hlh hI
n Pr i s
L rl 1 r nI
bits ben n filed C with th rlrk 01 aid 1 I
ourt Thl ait nn s hrJIIhl t r
v r jUIgTflflt
J In
I l
0 1
ovar r BIe Grando T1me Ta1tJe
BUecUe raae 17 UIO
Prove IeaU and MaryvaIe 7SO am
Baghm and Bwlla JaR I
yr Cblcgo and Zst 111 am
O t latennetlNlte pOlnta 1821 81
oda and k n rraaeleco 145 La
ItJgn 50 FraIL aM wt ZJI HI
OKd eII 8 aa Fra Portland 141
t4tn1 and BIDltha z 55 pm
IeaYer CIUO1CO and Xaat 4 = 51 PoRI
ProYO TlnUC aa 4 Inter pili IH Pol
Osclen Inedlate points 611 Jt81
CbiO and Baat 7lQ
Denyer prn
QraJad JUDe aDd inter pta 711 Porn
Ogden OA Fran Portland 1110 Porn
ArTlreD a liT
otrdn sn oran Portland 310 am
odn tntermelte euieeo am
and Inter
PrOY TIBtle Ptl am
Blntthft and Mdyale1151 m
Der a and Ban Z3O Pom
den and inter points 145 p m
I ner ealego aad Eat 211 pm
QraR4 Jane and tater It 23e pm
Ogden aM IaR Francis 215 prn
Park CIty t50 pa
Btneham d Midvale 1i45 181
PTOI Mail aCval
Ubr 605 prn
O03ro ar Frai rllal 70 pm
DenTer ChIaJi and EASt 1115 prn
Qgdcn SaD tnn IorUand 110 pm
A guaranteed cur for the LIQUOr and
Tobacco Habit
Price 1250
Schrnmm rnhDOn Dru Thl
fever Subtltltutors FIe stores
WheT the Care Stop
A > >
These tIIJ CAPSULES m I LjIerior
fa E2um of Cop2iJ
cue b CCIflJectic3aRd urnv
Ua S2ii1a diseasas with
cut coenlene
I lJt t
I a a
r a I
f d
Ci o
I v Cut this cou
pon out and
present it at
our office
for redemp
tion and re
lJ t ceive one of
sour bank
aLiFI 1 books with
I full particu
1 E lars free
= Ak our
dealer for
I Gold Bond
BldJ Ind 24
Bell Ct
AnI 1 otr ntytXG
10R TR1iIiS
Ir not orne And
S ur line fhe
nqt cumplt vcr
yn One thou
nni trunks In tock I
a lower prica for
wltsrade goode f
tIin any thr
tu pecIat prI s
ri n brE and drs4
Buy from the milker
Z4 fllilt Slrf =
of 1910 sdi
I w Ie III hid OLD h
Aod y Ob PT YEAlt
III a let of
IIIe 1001 1 > 1
n a T
Better P Ie IIIc laot I
fairer quality and
I bUilds business price alWayS
I 2JlaLs wh SWess
I 110 W j Iry WS0 hOdZ
I bde lto af freods lId p to ur Ie nl dllZing =
011r ad Wc
I SOflt2tf S4 Is a 1
I ha iuf
I so of lrooot
a sccos rOpre
I ad
I SteinBlocb
Clever Clothes
I at one fourth off
I Stlrt lb
eve Yr viti
stYl a
I azzj the flew hat
bigg Ve
220 Down Main
Vwb a DttIFfl1 iIet Choice
a Cerdtnt IVOIOF c 1
ot lHtfo
Jearra exlcct Dec 2101 I
the fIrst raft wa the only secamfuL
fIrst choice to win at Trrraw park to
day nlt Turkey showing suddei
imiwvment won the MftII tarag
tare at odds Itf U t I Bommary
FIt races fIT and a halt fnrlmgs
D1tMlM J lolwrth 7 to Z won
Meeklr tel lens i to 1 tIIICOIMI Fritz
Pmmctt Hlft S to 1 third Tlnu
1 355 4i leIwiwid nna 1 14 Wt1h
cr5 echt rccrlt Vftnpcrnli and C nm
plimeni muse ran
eiand race selling cia furloeg
noc IIn t 5 Uk to I well Kilr
toe Furhnd i to weond 1C1 iseii
lta snore i tl third Tm 111 Z
Yankee Xk Ohi NIck X ed Larynack
Fred MIr beliflower ihqswsrdlne
81 OIIe Ltf and Fuiiwr do rn
Third race iseiling seven rln
Clint Tucker It Murphy 11 to 1
won erltbox 11 ItCallh I to
I second EI aecute III T 1Ilth I to
third Tim lZ 14 Lucky lIot Del
ClUaador 4iIpontuc General March
mont and Otllfl alsO ma
Fourth race ceIIig 1ls furlongs
Tube Rose fl Allen 1 c to W01 Joe
h a L
Woods Ill Reid Ii t 1 ssvond Cth
i7n Pratt 1M Forehand U to I third
Time 112 miley etlAMr 11
Knows High Culture Sink SpriD aid
Ma ala ran
Fifth race selling en nIrrl
lIttor is RIcfo t to 1 wn lIuna l5
Murphy to 2 seesd Alma Boy It
Reid a tn third Time 140 4r
Clamor TlUlkM cAd Red lIuaar
alas 1 ran
lath raes selling 51 Is far10DJPa
dc efl 111 T mitIi 1 to I won Cat
12 Ktc i to I second line ill
Moleiworth S to i third Time
113 35 Flte hague Bert Grit and
PltPat alo rn
r BiIncss college basket
ball fIre how a flash of Its eIa
lat nirht in a l am with a plckrd team
fron Iort Doucicu al the Xatonal
UuarI armory The soiIiru were do
fcatd Ci to 12 ttamntnad thc former
V M C A star got going and fund
the basket with such rsvlarItv thai
the past me coos It bpe Wiicz
and UrundSer at were strong In the
game for the estiege while Mack and
Corma did the bat work for the aol
Hensra csIlee five III planning a
trip to rissa up the Utah county teams
and upon Its retarn will h ready to I
tab en all csmarii TIle five tod
looks Ilk one of the very best in the
state n lineup
IInageYa oldkrs
Hammondrf mack
Wtlco If trlfr
JloIfJaaa tbftw German
Gror Itr Alwood
carboruvgh I Rowan
Centervii Tie 31Centsrville
bosats 1 a list I A basketball
ttM and kope by IftUa games with
the ether M I A fives In hit Lake
county t demasetrate that fact Thu
day Cight the eotIII boys defeated
the Y IL C A tleItr club by the
acer of 3 to I Tb PIaT wa ft
and the gama interastad I a big gather
KJCfl 1I
nleaao Dee 25Cornell tonight
won the ht of Ia threogmae lee
lteeke sonic with Yak 4 to 2
I At JacltSoJlYiHc I
JarllnIIIf Teo lsltmnt
wa caused on tho lInrf raM trk
Uaill afternoon just after the first rare
when fire of unknown origin brake out
In the racing amaclatlon fol and Im
P tsbIea along the turn out of
the bark < < stretch everal her whleh
woes staWed in the building were ted
out la oefety Tho fire wa allowed to
bunt hlpeif out The damage waa
L Tbe moon were dalaye4 owing
to the das asahi In aM back trcta
rict nr five and a half furlong
morning song 7 tn won Dance Away
t I 1IeCOIIIII Kwha l to I third
Time 151
race ai IJr furlangnHudaa
I1tr I 10 woc Eo T IShIP C to 1
pnnd Inferno Qa 25 to I third
Tim l1 > It
Third aee ala 1ItIIeIaot II
10 I won Rn 1nmesd I to 1 eeod
I llaaon IZ to I third TIm 114 25
Yourth re mile and svpntv yard
rtauin i to 2 won Henry Croa
caddin S to 1 second Madeline L 6 to
1 third Tim 1 = 47 at
Fifth race sI furlongsMay AmIJa
7 to 2 won star llnard J t 1 secund
Laahiimer to I third Tim J14 t
ttexh race mil end a tectl
I Arrt 11 to r 1 > won II GI II to 1
wecend tAl KKk It to I third Time
141 I tI
I i l r >
rr x
tt > i
< 1
< 4
l t j
> > i
4 I >
I a
S t k
i 4r r
T ± P
MII IrltIrI I lr f1TIII = Mtr j Onc I Ioisii S r Jolsi
Hy 111t I iui is ii 1 tI Iii alirOfllia t III IIIHdh in liit front mstil r IIH
IlcheItt Irmhor lisu fight toiL iiiI1 Itl Hlut anIUI HIHI logaN
hlel tisiiiibi nstsr IIr thc ring Ihaollch hmlllll H rnul ilryi4ou
llw ronl1 WHp It rast Disc Ills ciiough thrilling InchlU 10 hold the at
Itwtki of erryhiwly lwI It noesklrsi so cry une ktetl Iht the Irayne
admirel ucrnlsql eo J1oont A ntrh MM el lie firth nHI i hcn their nina
eItftte near Inking liii COIn
IIICAGO III It = Ji i flnkr nlny rtirt i rrnm til I it team after
C une more Near nr plning ani L0Pt a prn1ltlon In trO to Aulrall to
act a the advance agent of the great American game In the antipodes
The great shortstop haw been offered the position by aD Australian syndicate
of portn who 311e willing to poy hun 115055 for foal year Hl Is to ao
to the far continent at the clasp of next maPon and will take his family with
him If 1M gore If he choocec he may take along a picked few of his player
friend mad give 1 htloDe of the game during he winter months
There ha been a desire for years to
introduce thC nat1 sport of America
into Australia tot there never has born
any sue to bath the venture with he
proper mount ef money until the pms
mt time The naemn of the syndi
rat I now willing tn ft up the ne
tcary monet 10 gIbe the natives a real
glimpse 01 the pm are wecithy
noull1 to stand the tttntlD of a season
tr 1w of sJn before tM nm is
eli a palnj baIIl
They ItIIW thet tt will take some
time before the spurt will take hold 01
the Auatrallan as It has taken hold
of the American public but Inc
watched th game long enough In thIs
country I h v cr certain the inhabit
lint or the snuth hlllt water will
take to It a8 devotedly as those of the
North American continent
The proposition waa made to Tinker
jusit a fw day ago and he halll not
decided whether he really want to
e hi connections with hili friends
and reth In thl luntry to go aod
live for lour years In II strange land
The alary ppeals to him however and
If hi wife and his father agree that It
will hoo a good thing for him to aCpt
he will go net fn and take his wife
aDd children with him prepared to re
main until he lfaRl III tabllllhtd OD
a Innnmt basis I The PIaD nf the
syndIatp is I to form a league In Au
trail will the larger cities as mem
No Paris Date Says Johnson
but McIntosh Offer Looks Good
IiiA0 lec atJak Johnson champion havywcight aid It night
CIIIrO not siinrt any agriement to mt the winner of the am Lang
forJ Jennette fight as reported In a dispatch from Paris
My next tight will h In this eoun
try the champion asid In talking of
the report l am my own manager
and If anyone baa me tangled liP in a
hJlRt over there 1 am not to blame
en the time comes for me to sign
articles and talk over things pertiIn
Inc to a battle Jack Johnson will anke
all arrangements afd I will continue
to do this until I appoInt rome ODe to
act as my manager
Another VerInn
Milwaukee Dec 35sJack Johnson
heavywoight champion paar1lt Itr the
world Is I wIlling to flail any man In
he world under the auiqiees 01 Hugh
O IIrlnth provided be neelY tH
51 win loue 01 draw
Johnson signified his willingness to
engage In a battt under the condi
tions In an interview today with Hear
1les5ier who 111 the 1irolts tstts rep
nontath for Mr Ndnl1
Johnson further stated that the salute
conditions which governed ttat match
between himself and romm Hum In
Australia multi be included In any
fighting articles lie denies I having p
celved any offer from a Paris ytnate
with regard to a ont
Oldfields harmed Life Again
Get Better of Auto Smashup
AN nltro a1 1 Dec 10peling southward toward the Mexican line
SAX t a rat said to have been In excess or forty mil IIn hour the tI I
Knnk gasoline giant cr driven h Barney 0ldf1ld and containing b
ide himself James J Jffries shmplon heavyweight of the World
went into a ditch near Ntlonal City turned turtle and aa complet1
Both OI4ld and Jeffre were
thrown violently to the ground but es
coped with a fw minor injuries
A err containing Frank Chance
captainmanager pf the Chicago Xa
Uon1 Icue baseball team i Ir I h
was folloWt the XIICJII J k1Ieo1 up
Oldfteld slid rffrt and the trkl r
ceeded OB te llcodeo OD a hantlD I
A L IIln1 IIftltt That There h
hnn rr Clash With
Uroollr Solciy I
sw York Dec 5War between tile I
Amateur Atlilt3e union and th th
Idle l Research society is I unlikely cc
cording to A A 1 officials today The
alma of both ornnuUons are similar
It is aId and there is no causO for a
Ih The A A r Is I willing its of
finale side that athletic federation
hnnhe established b the Athletic
Research wettr compete among them
Iyes ltllottt A A t registration
The ODI compulsory rgistratioe would
he for atblte desiring to compete In t
A A t Span events J1II3 E Stilli Ian I
an secretary f the A A f mis the
ffom of M socisty to prolDot Inter
east In athletics og young people all
over the country meat with thO apr
al or hi OIpa laa lion
It is a good thing for pot aDd the
nrrb society I now starting to do I
what M A A r has been doing for
the last twenty yr HId itT tunl I
Yn If the society succeeds In massing
all V hrltnhf schools settlelnents
and similar associations
undo nn great head It will be a 5rcat I
moy Th A A r will ih all pus
slbfr nt IDI it will be a IIInetld thins
I Columbus 0 Dec aOJam st 11 I
lit wrtetllntr Inltthf won In trlllt I
f11 rI Karl I lteker dd to hc
I inn = T = ls were et
St I i = t fi s 11 comingS
nude and
S = 1 n
n I ZI He
Oklahoma CItr Okl P 1 rr
Brewer of Kanma City II n
fast bout from ClarII Encl of
Omaha OD points the tllIl I gg II
scheduled flften rOllnl s HI = ewr
knocked EIIrIlh clown tbr I r 111
the first round ad handled tIi mal1I
maD at will throughout the fight
cnRI SIriS 11
New York Dec 3Caehfr oorit
8ch1ct1 signed with the New o York Na
tonal league club today for ll1
Pitcher Arthur Raymond will report
la Marlin Texas next spring
Formful RacingMolesey 3 i
to 1 Wins FeatureRyan I
String Reinstated i
I akond flec OFaorlt and
wd Y second d1ir were at
= Iul kt Fmeryvhllc today Molelt
I 1 An easy winner of the feature
whIch at a milt and a quaretr
T c twreI ordered today that the
s or T H ltyan bf lIowd t run
1 CII And reinstated Jockey Duston
I n a lIaIn was barred because of tilt
Improvement shown In Roman
Vln Daddy Olp alan wa restored 10
c oj tanding HeulI
I t race Pis furloftflf1l selling
a aar UIaS JI to i wen
= t = Hun W Meintyret r to I eec
YoueilaDftr lIenlry S to I thiN
UI 16 Be1 Arthur Hymns
I OA lit AldncuIch Qn Alamo
ck Templo Lucille Manley and
1 finished cc named
< c id rauc firs and a half fr10ne
I ollt f1fkna S to I Won Jt
If = Tlnmasl 7 to second listen
I n s eKlrrhum S to I third
1 o6 25 rank lerri > umDMr
fl5 POSCY Dolly Y B Oyptl
blln Minstrel flnihed as named
T me six turlongBsmhro
I kiis 11 tn 141 won Iledia I Glass
S I 1 second Dalra feiden C to 1
hrt Time 113 Del1nitkrOwl
R En Colonel Jack Eddie Mott
I pnd Titus finished a named
nrth race untie and onquartr
Miser 101am to 1 won Cabin
Ikkfn II to I second Miss Officious
I rncr I 7 to third Time ei
fltoops cawln T Fryer Tansy
Uii viow J c CIm aM IClr Angus
Iioh as named
Firth rare one mntIotta Creed
I KdrlI113 to I wet Sir John Pate
tn r second renrh Cook Taylnri
11 to 1 third Time 141 Frieze Nt
tins UAIQ Rogues Iipa Bishop I
Weher Itousi tone and Roy T fin
Isled I a named
retSI h rae one mlJerlln View
holdout I to won Samrlto
Klrpchhaumi 1 tn I second InI1
fly ff1arnr i t n L third Tim
141 1 Caallno L Akrh 0
len Gale Llhrto Prince of ait lie
RnA Silver qrln Brlllht and Da
vie Andrews ftDIhed AfI named
Chicago Tp 38ram 1 Callahan
former manager of he Chicago Amen
cans and now owner of the Logan I
Squares a City league tm may be
selected as manager or the St Louis I
American Iau club which < < recently i
changed hnel
callahan was In conference YfItOtr
dT lth Nat and Mark Ewing and v
3t Jloctan new owners of the fit
IMUIS Im who came here several days
ago from St Louis
I IIr lIodlIn speaking fr the par
t amid the question of a aner hd
not been settled and the meeting 10
complete the organization of the club
Would not hC lucid until after New
tot Louts flee tOecretar A I
Lanetr of the American Howling eon
areas who III In St Louis 10 assist In
the arrangements for the national
tournament next moth say he will
decline rlIfOtlon to the 01f140 If he I
required I to dvotl an lila time to he
position IUI will M necessary accord
tag 10 a proposed amendment
It is planned tn vote on an amend
mont calling for an increase of the see
rsisrys salary to 3 54l a year with
i too annually for expenses Langtry
says his personal interests In Mllwu
I kee would not permit him to accept the
position at hal figure
Chicago < < Lhr OIf nfrirlahl of thO
American Association and th Iastrn I
league appeal tv th National flsehsll
commission which mI In lnclnn11
next wk for 1Ihr rank th reIuIct
will be refused cCordlno I n Ioh
son president of the American lruc 1 i
Ion and mrlr or the natvnal ommi
1 dot think the American Aoda
lion or latern tongue will ask to he
promoted or tn be permitted to will
draw peacefully from the national s
wciat inn II Jll Qn Ipt nllhl I
h I rquIrt wnil l = e tcniri I
hnwvcr auii it cithr th aRI I
atmrf to = 111 n 11 1 = V I
will I = ig 0 < n 1 rank if
j i7rII 1 I
LlVlltI 11cc Srlll en rl pnpers hate printed a ter7 fn
C the effect lent C ouni UI in hr i1rsqe4 I the Irlad club Hl
InrrmH hueer u n lieu I the Irhuut IM1 Inlnl Srtre II
tnry ltlsckueo4 Mos4 sposeer Ir R uIenll nyInEi
ArrDlfltft have been made
whereby Cy will go to Hot Springs al I
usual toget into condition altI ad
ruI I Not a word ha been sil in
reference to disposing of the IIf
t would h hld a much better tu C I
ol last season I he had had a better
team Hhnd him
Mr 80mr and Mr Mtul are cx
pecting Cy to b bl winner iiet
cason and now that the hace so
I many Iitchers in line C may bf 1 I
Il tv w1 I until the weather Is I
I favorable I for his line or pitching I I
I Id I y despite his twaty0a
years or active service I la bassb5li
nalnlirl that he still pOPaelOS his
rffctlvcncusa and marvelous central fo
which I Is noted The VetertlA b
lioves hal hC alIt be aa good as e
xt season
Young has appropriately been termed
the dn of pltchers In his mI r
league career the Cleveland twirler a
credited with over nye hundred ile
crrdled U liftS lost iem than half tt
the twent 75515
number of games In
he ha Ilclwd
I AHVILLF Tnn Dee alaln hamilton Ih elCvCfl composed or
< lamlllon P
NA8HILIF school tudrnt played the ndrbltSan f Stars a
siwctaculnr scored the Vandvrbilt unl
Ictulr came In which neither itr on ftndrllt
VITally field thlll aftmun In spi4e of a muddy field the game was fa It
The feature was the run of hamilton Fish for 151 yards with a clear field
1 and only Brawn the celebrated 8wrf playct In pursuit Browns caught
ap with Fish and downed him I yards runs the VanderbiltPewacea WOO
Harvard used forward passes to ad
vantage and played a magutficeAl do I
CDIe game The tiqwaaee and Van
thUt for were sstaed by Pinith
and Pehultac the ceiebrated Mtehlsa
lsldtug I YOllt of Michigan coached
Ihln I
The lineup
th Tennessee players T Iup
Vanderbilt Harvard
nerlt AIstr
tlageroiftgtOflm anth I
Stewart Y Blake l
I iflaketo Williams
liassisT n Fish eaptb
1uln It enmp k1 I
milh W Boar Jianiun
MeOugisPweUlE Parks
11 e I
Srhultz C IAt
Itrowne qb Gneu
Scaily rhb Pfeiffer I
loulla fltl bib Mourn j
Fcrtmram I White I
Tim of uartr tn minutes
+ 4 + + + + + + = + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4
1 + TIlv ul un 4 4
4 New York f tee 3flApproral 4
4 of National league ontrt and ±
4 releases It announced tn an an tl 4
4 naT I bultn 111 today hy re 4
1 I + hint J T f Il Among 0111 4
I 4 WI 1 e cntrir r Vrrci I fnn 4 I
i 4 a mnar nr the HQn lam 4
4 + I
11 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t
AI oDIIhalf hour after sunset to
day the dk shooting season II over
for It and all shooters are asked to
take notice by F W Chambers state
game commissioner Reports how
that the shooting Is now helter than
at any time durIng < < the pt soaon
and that the birds are In excellent con
ditto A lively tomrmlt Is I e
eted 10 eloise the season which on
account of he duck malady has been I
a bi dIsappointment
The 1t fish and same licenses will
be placed on sale lpdav and maT be
found by prtmn at the same places I
as laat year Prom now on jack rab
fllar Jck
bit will furnlh th fly sport to the
I hunters the jacks Nn license Is I needed to shout I
A letter rsc4ivd yesterday frnn
I TOlnl Peter Jackson stated that 1
elIInon colored middleweight botrr
h arrived at Winnipeg In trI
shape and hd started work tor
e which will be held In January
Peter write that his oronl is I 10 I
Jon Willie the heavyweight 1 I
known la thsh ansi throughout H
country as a former thnntfr for u
championship honors Willie Is In
slouch DOW at the boxing game bit
Peter says that h does not care about
that part of I as he has met bltnrr
men all his life The boxing game
good at Winnipegsys Jter
1IIr r 1Ci9S
Cyclone Irt jA nrcerse4 he dat
Inlp itetipi I to him l thp Monn f
Kll and sa th at s lie tn
kid once h n i I Iin Jr
falls to c u h ro hD rnt Ar =
sar 111 will ser I n II fon
hiiys trm
rinhusrst N r Dec 3tlftr J I
Travis of Garden ity Robert l Hun I
tr of MIIlhln riker W hllf I
mr of th nrookln Country club and
Paul U Hunter of Ildlothian wilt II j
morn here tomorrow In the semifinal
round for hue Presidents cup 1f the i
I seventh annual holiday wk golf tour
namnt Today thv were victor In I
I the first anl second match play round i
4 tMIs IUK MJn I
Cincinnati I te 3Th flineraly of i
the Irlnl training trip of the Inln I
nU National league haha1 this waa
completed toda rtr t tam fin
11 I preliminary work Kt Ht I
Springs Ark II will on i cut
March I
scaifl rm A I lllvlt