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The Garland globe. [volume] (Garland, Utah) 1906-191?, June 30, 1906, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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H The Garland Globe
H Published Every Saturday at
H Term of Subscription:
M One yr (ta advance) $1.60
H Btx BOntha 76
M Three months 50
H Advertising ratea furnished on ap-
H stlioatlon.
H Entered aa aeoond-claas matter
H Wbruarr 17, 1900, at the postofflco at
M Garland, Utah, under the Aot of Con-
H treis at Mure t, 1879.
M tf. A. Wlxom .... Kdltor and Manager
8pringvillo pcuplo aro preparing for
a monster culebratlon ot tho Fourth of
H July.
H The prospects (or a bounteous hnr
H Tost In Cacho vnllcy havo never been
H brighter.
H Clara licit, a young lrl of Ogden,
M was seriously Injured, being thrown
B from a horao.
M Harvesting has begun tit St. Ocorge,
B and apricots, appleB and other fruits
M are ripening.
H Tho animal tncotlng of tho Utah
M Btnto Dental association was hold In
M Ofcdcn last week.
H Thcro Is n movomont on foot at
?rovo to hnvo tho city build and own
M an electric light plant.
M Doll Epperson, who roll fium n swing
H In one of the parks of Salt Lako City,
M Is dead from his Injuries.
H C. Hyldnhl has been appointed post-
H muster at KlBlnore, Bovicr county, Tlce
M May II. l'uHsmoro, resigned.
H The German Saints of tho Cache
H stake to the uumbor of 1,000 attended
M tho conference lu 1Ogan last week.
M Lorenzo Baudbcrg, aged 21, of tit.
H George, was killed lu tho Newhouae
H mlno last wool:, being crushod by the
M cage.
M Two tonB of sand caved In upon
H Elijah Powell, n laborer, aged 24 years,
H In a sand pit In Halt Lake City, smoth-
M erlng him to deuth.
H Roy Campbell, tho young man who
H bold up a number ot men and boys
H n In the Heed hotel at Ogden, has bcon
H beld to tho district court for trial.
B Lawrence Nelson, of Royi was serl-
H tusly Injured In a runaway accident
H In Ogden, falling uudomoalh tho
H wagon, tho whocls passing over hlB
H body.
H lrvln EdmunJs, ugod 15, was
H Jruwncd while bathing In n pond near
H Waios, Sanpete county. Tho boy
H could not swim, and got Into deep
H Tbu Fourth ot July committee at
H Logan announces that It expects to
H glvd' tho finest display of ttroworks
H ever seen In that city. Tho cost Ih
H estimated at 11.000.
H Alice Krodshnra, aged 12, of Wes-
H ton, Cacho county, foil from a fonco
H while at play, and slnco that time haB
H lost the power ot speech Othorwlse
K alio haB entirely rccovorcd.
H Daniel Drlscoll, nged 24, was killed
B by tho explosion of u soda water tank
H in the Metcair bottling works, Halt
H Lake City. Drlfcoll was Instantly
H killed, being horribly mangled.
H It Is announced that work will bo-
M v' -Bn w,ln11 Blxt' dnys "ion the now
Kit) Urando Western and Western I'a-
H ' ciflc pawacnger depot In tialt Lako
M CU. the building to cost $400,000.
fl Edwnrd Illggtns, who during Treat-
H doot Johnson's administration was
fl acting governor of Utah, died In Wash-
M Ington on tho 18th, nged 02 years.
Blnco 1686 ho had beon a government
H clerk.
M Tho little daughtor of Joseph llrad-
M field of Jcrlco, J nab county, was piny.
m (tag with matches when her clothing
H Ignited, the little one being so badly
H burned that doath ensued a fow hours
The Women's christian Tomperanco
M Union, at n meotlng hold In Ogden,
fl adopted a resolution calling for
H "united effort In lighting the lnwless-
B noss und lack of order prevailing In
9 s this city."
M Tho lilngham illners' union has
H Toted to demand an Increase of 60
H cents a day upon the minimum scale
Df wages paid In tho camp. Tho mini-
m mum scale In Ulngbam now Is fS.&O
H per day,
m Wlllam J. Larkln, aged 75 and a
M resident ot Ogden valley for fort;
M years, fell Trom a load of hny and
Struck one or tho horses, which
kicked him In tho right temple, killing
H him Instantly.
M Tho Y. M. C. A. boys' dopartmont
M of Suit Lake City will sond two rop'
M resontatlves to tho boys' contemned
H at I-ako Gonova, Wis,, August 1, whlctij
1 In to bo attended by 1100 boya from dlfJ
M ferent partfl at tho country.
H After holding nrmed possession of)
H his houso In Sallna for soveral days,,
H John Jones wau finally lnduoed bjl
1 Shorlff Abott to surrender and will bo-
M eent to the usylum. Jonoa was ro-i
M leased from tho asylum some time agoi
M m cured.
At Llesola, near Monastlr, a Uroek
band murdorcd eight Bulgarians, In
cluding two priests.
A building In courso of construction
at Hnmberg fell, six workmen being
token out dead and four Injured.
Tho bourse has passed n bill granting
to the stato of California five per cent
of the net proceeds of the sale of pub
lic lands,
Dr. E. M. Sutton, ono of tho leading
surgeons or Illinois, committed sul
cldo at Peoria, by shooting himself
through tho head.
M. D. Wilcox, a morchant and post
master at Dixon, 8. D., hns been con
victed In the circuit court nt Fair
fax of horae-stcallng.
As a result of an Inquiry by Gov
ernor Pardee, It Is ascertained thot 300
Grand Army men lost tholr homes In,
tho great Are In San Francisco.
Tho cotton manufacturers of Falls'
Hirer, Mnss., havo granted tho opora
Uvea a 14 per cent Incroaso In wages.
About 26,000 hands nro bonellted.
Information has reached Washing
ton that Jlmlnoz, one-tlmo president
of Santo Domingo, has takon com
mand of the rovolutlonsry forces
A captain of gendarmes named
Shoronatlcff was ktllod on tho streets
lit Kartell, Ilusfrla, by revolutionists.
His wire, who acoompanlod him, was
seriously wounded.
A primary oloctlon bill containing
a provision which Is lntondod to ro
kttrict tho voting of negroes at tho
primaries haB bcon passod by tho
Louisiana leglblaturo.
All records for largo trees In Brit
ish Columbia rorests have been brok
en by tho foiling of a gigantic Dc jglas
fir at Ilocky liny, B. C. Tho troo con
laliii 18,(00 feet of merchantable lum
ber. The Duko of Almodovar, minister of
torofgn affairs, who acted as presi
dent of tho conferenco on Moroccan
reforms hold at Algeclras early in the
present year, died at Madrid, Satur
day. Two meu lost their lives, anothor
was fatally lnji red nnd six moro wore
sovorely hurt ns tho result ot an ac
cident In tho Pennsylvania tunnel be
tween New York and Long Island
Adhcronta of tho Sultan of Morocco
unsuccessfully attempted to assassin
ate Buhanara, the pretendor, while ho
! was sleeping In his tent. Sovornl ot
. tho pretendor s guards woro killed and
others wounded.
Four men aro dead nnd one perhaps
fatally Injured, alt white- inon, as tho
result of an attompt by three life-term
cbnvlcts to cheapo from tho Angola,
La., state cfanvlet fnrm, Bovonty mllos
from Natchez, Mies,
William Bates, n clam tlsher at Bed
tying, 'Mlnn..has found a poarl In a
clam shell which Is said to be tho larg
est fresh water pearl in existence. Its
worth Is cstlmntod at anywhere from
10,000 to 1100,000.
Mrs. Minerva Williams, tried ae ac
cessory before tho fact In tho murdoi
of James Leigh Inst January, at Evans
vllle, 'ind., has been found guilty of
murder In the first degree, and sen
tenced to life Imprisonment.
O. W. Martin, a farmer, his wife nnd
three children were drowned noar Sis
seton, S. D., whllo returning homo
from a circus. In tho darkness Martin
drove off tho brldgo Into the river,
which was baaiy swollen from rocent
Dr. W. T. Hnrrls, commissioner of
education, has tendered hie resignation
to tbo president and the latter has an
nounced tho appointment of Dr. Elmer
E. Brown, professor of education In
tho Unlvorslty of California, as hla
J. B. Baremore, a farmer residing
near Fort Smith, Ark., nnd two of his
children, are doad of ptomaine pois
oning. A daughtor, aged sovon ycara,
is at the point ot death. Thoy had
eaten sausage purchased from a street
lunch stand.
Qovornor Folk haa granted a re
spite until Soptomber 3 next In tho
cases of Mrs. Aggie Myers and Frank
Hot t man, undor sentenco ot denth for
tho murder of tho woman's husband,
Clarence Myers, at Kansas City two
years ago.
Clarenco M. York, private socretay
for many years to Chief Justine Fullor
of tho Supremo court of tho Unttctf
States, jumped or fell from a window
nt Oarfleld hospital, Washington, nnd
received Injuries from which ho short
ly afterwards died.
In tho ottlco ot Chief of Dotectlvog
Desmond ot 3t. Louis, Mrs. W. C. An
nold confessed that sho killed Frank
lu Phelps at her houso because she
thought he was going to mnko hot
carry out n compact botween thorn,
to oommlt suicide.
By a unanimous voto tho oxecutlvd
board .of tho Wostern Federation ol
Miners has turned down the nppllca
tlon of tho coal miners ot Ohio and
Illinois, affiliated with tho United
Mine Workers of America, ror adi
mission to tho feneration.
Official Directory.
Chairman of Board John T. Lan
(II. C. Vanausdeln
T. E. Secrlsti
Jos. Jensen
T. H. Edwards
Clerk R. L. Bush
Treasurer Jm Jensen
Marshal George Henrld
Justice of Peace II C Vanausdela
T. II. Edwards John Lanl
Dr. J.M. Frnncke
Governor John O. Cutlet
Secretary Charles 8 Tlngej
Atty. drncr.iI M A Breddcn
Auditor J A KdworcM
Treaiurer James Chrlstlanten
Bupt.of Public Instruction
A O Nelson
'State Senator 1st District Peter Clegg
Iteprentative F W Fhhburn
Judge Flmt Judicial District
W W Maugha
District Attorney Fred J Holton
Chairman County Commissioners
A W Valontlne
Commissioner, Iowa String
M B Hart
Commissioner, Kclton,
E II Jones
County Clerk N JiYalontine
Prosecuting Attorney O E Foxloy
Treasurer 8 N Colo
Sheriff Joseph Josephson
Itccordcr Christina Madsen
Assessor Ellas Jensen
County Superintendent of Schools
A E Jensen
Surveyor, Deweyvillo J N Holdaway
Fish & Game Warden Ellas Jensen Jr
County Physician Dr. It'A Pearso
Water Commissioner N P Andorscn
A W Valentine Chairman
Dr.1UjAPoarse Secretary
M U Hart and K HJoncs, members of
the board.
Praehietl JmUcm Coutebkt
DriKhua Andrw Funk Cbule Chul
SunMt C N Porter TE Secrlit
Junction It WalUr 3 E Montsomarf
Plymouth ltund HJ Nlh
Pronootorr Qao. Houm CbrtCard
Twrw O W Ptraona B J Diuat
Ckirflmk SBBakar
PrfVny UH Hlnekl WEWhlUkw
OawCmk PbUPMkttt J W Cook
Rtvtntif J A Capnr Ju HadlUU
Wltterd 8 N Cook OwJWilli
Tnm MIU T C Younr Alroon Wight
llantoa N O J.pp.M Ittna KdUr
Cfl Port W W LuUy It llunaakar
DaMrvtU O J Dmy D B Urbl.
Ooninttoa C X Twltchtll i R BUndla
Malad E K RadUr Jimu Coil
Umr Him AL Holmvrcn H P Tbonun
PUUina Frank Walker Dwr Wood
f ortas P Parklnaon t W Hal ford
KawUu Tho. Iivra John II Watt
cnowvUU C W Robbina AL Patarean
Manila K H FrUal Charlra Krokaek
W. H. Evans,
Painter, Paper-Hanger and Cal
ciminer. Inquire at 8 user Restaurant.
Garland, ----- Utah
C. J. Campbell,
Notary Public
Garland - - - - - Utah.
G. S. Mowry,
Painting and Paper-Hanging.
Garland Utah.
Subscribe for the
and help your Home Paper
in Building up the Town
Sasjcr Restaurant
Next Door East of Boothe's
Mrs. Ava Sngser,
Itegular Meals nnd Lunches are Served,
The Ucst I'luco lu Tho City.
Centrally Located.
Rooms 60c
Garland Utah.
A wealthy company Is now driving a
test well for oil and caa above Lovell,
Representatives of labor anions are
trying to organize the miners In Rook
springs, Wyo.
Several frosts have occured In var
ious parts of Wyoming, nnd reports
received indlcato that much damage
has beon done to growing crops.
A number of Slavs engaged In a
fight with knives In n saloon In Rock
Springs with the result that ono man
may dlo, and threo are badly cut up.
Tho fourteenth annual teachers' in
stitute of tho teechcrs of Albany coun
ty, Wyoming, was hold In Laramie
last week, a four days' session being
Charles W. Knowles, for nlmoet halt
n contury a hotel keeper In Portland,
and probably known to evory travellnfi
man on the Pacific coast, Is dead at the
age of 71.
Tho railroad Is nearly completed to
Warland, Wyo., and It Is expected er
long to connect with the Union Pacific
noar Laramie, making a southern out
let to tho basin.
Mrs. Carl Bodo, wife of a railroad
cnglnoer, was shot and killed at Ball
.da, Colo., by Mrs. Harold Hutchinson,
,wlfo of a switchman. Jenlousy wa th
cause of the murder.
Tho business portion of tho town oi
Lovell, Wyo., It is expected, will b
moved down nearer the depot on ih
now railroad town In the near future.
Lovoll Is building up rapidly.
The shaft houso and hoisting plant
of tho Shormnn Copper Mining com
pany at Shorman, cast of Laramie,
Wyo., erected only a week or two ago
burned to tho ground, entailing a loe
'of $2 000.
Moses Goss, Frank Taplln, Jr., and
ono Cook wero killed, and Henry
Hormnhlen was fatally injured by
'tho premature explosion ot a charge
jof giant powder at Shoemaker grade,
noar Asotin, WaBh.
Thomas Cullen of Everett, Wash.,
jpne of tho best known timber crulsors
(In the section, is dead as tho rceult ot
a fall on tho sldownlk following a
blow in tho face delivered by Frank!
Jones, a machinist.
In wreck of an extra oastbound
freight train, near Flolsn, sixteen
miles west of Iteno, Novada, on the
Southern Pnclflc, two men wero so
rtously Injured and four killed, the
men killed being tramps.
Tho North Pnclllc states glvo prom
Ibo of raising this year tho largest
crop of prunes in their history. The
crop of Oregon, Washington and idn
ho la now estimated by doalors at
something over 1,000 cars.
Oscar Stephens, a prominent and
wealthy mlno owner nnd cattle roan
of Montana, died In a Salt Lako City
hospital last weok. He owned twenty
seven ranchos in Montana, threo ot
which embrace over 5,000 acros each.
Steel rails are bolng distributed
along tho Union Pacific for tho now
double track on the Wyoming di
vision. Tho worn of laying tho rails
will .begin in about a week, sovorai
largo gangs of meu being put to work.
John Elckhoff, an employo of tho
flurlington railroad, hns confessod to
the murder of Walter Oelslngor, n 10-year-old
boy whoso body was recently
found near the water tank at Ran
cheater, Wyo. Kickhoff said that he
mistook tho boy In tho darkness for
another employo against whom ho
had a grudgo and shot him.
W. R. Hall, a single man about 43
yonrs of nge, was found dead in s
small strenm ten miles west of Wal
den, Colo. He had taken a fit of some
sort and fnllen faco downward In the,
nhnllow wator, bolng unable to help
A young woman known ns Cecil I,a
mont met n violent death In a gun
Btoro in Portland whllo examlng a ro
volvor, which sho said sho wished to
purchase, Various facts connected
with tho caso point conclusively to
A killing frost occurred nt Laramie,
Wyoming, on tbo 20th, biting potatoes,
fcas, beans and flower gardens. At
lowoll, eight miles west, a large flelo
ot potatoes wns about ruined. Ic6
nn eighth of an inch thick formed at
Mrs. Rmlly Watson, who was con
vlcted in connection with tbo land
fraud exposo In Oregon, nnd who 16 al
io under Indictment In connection wltb
tho frauds, wns brought to Portland
from Oakland, Cal last week and
placed In Jail,
J, It. DlnnB, formorly n lloutcnnnl
In tho United States army, stationed
at Fort Davis, committed suicide by
Jumping overlward from tho stoamei
Ohio on tho afternoon of Juno 14
whllo tho vessel was en route from
Nome' to Seattle.
The Socialist Btnto convention, the
first stnte convention to bo hold In
Wyoming this year, root In Laramie
on the 20th, with 12. 1). Hteadnian o)
Centennial as chairman and W. L.
O'Neill or Larnmto its secreti-ry A
fitato ticket wns unnied.
yr j rjjB A J TO
The Garland Livery
FIFE BROS., Proprietors.
Ltrtry, Feed land Sle Stable Up-to-Date Riggs at all Hour
gown aad Mules Bought and SoM . . . a.
Hk Meets allTrain at Deweyrul Gortand, Utah
Hear the Electric Piano in all the latest selections.
Garland Utah
"There's No Place Like Home."
i i . i ii ' 'i ' ... , ' i i
If yon want to feel ff HOME B t0 it
Clayton House I
Garland, Utah. W I
Nice Airy Rooms Clean Tables Electric Lighted
Dealer in
Fresh and Cured Meats and Green Groceries. I
Fish and Game in Season. H
Garland Utah, H
hE Bank of Garland I
smxcTomi H
WW lUter, president, J WW Rlter, Thomas R Out- I
Thomas R Cutler, vice-prest, '" 0e0,"a' Ge0 0"' M
John R Cutler, Horace O Whit H
0. J. Campbell, cashier. J ncy w D Lewis, Moslah Evans H
9 and Walter P Eaton.
Transacts general banking business. Exchange drawn on the H
principal cities of the United States and Europe. H
Open a savings account with us in your youth and provide for H
old age. H
Safety deposit boxes for rent, H
The (jarland flub, I
Eph Coombs, Manager. H
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars H
Billiard and Pool Room in Connection. H
Garland Utah. H
jw. Dewev, --- I
APBHHBfcgiaaak. will make the season of 1006 at the M
Garland Livestock I
and Horse Co. I
-W.J.FIFE Mnsr. . H
Job Printing I
Whave the best equipped JOB OFKOB in Western Box Elder and can do JOB
PKINTING that equali anything In the State of Utah
Globe Office 1

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